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South Sudan COVID-19 Emergency Response and Health Systems Preparedness Project Second Additional Financing World Health Organization, UNICEF, International Committee of the Red Cross World Health Organization, UNICEF, International Committee of the Red Cross To prevent, detect, and respond to the threat posed by COVID-19, increase access to an essential package of health and nutrition services for the target population, develop health sector stewardship and preparedness capacity, and provide an immediate and effective response to an eligible crisis or emergency. P180277 Eastern and Southern Africa Investment Project Financing 70,000,000 South Sudan Health Public Administration - Financial Sector 70,000,000 Republic of South Sudan
South Sudan COVID-19 Emergency Response and Health Systems Preparedness Project Second Additional Financing World Health Organization, UNICEF, International Committee of the Red Cross World Health Organization, UNICEF, International Committee of the Red Cross To prevent, detect, and respond to the threat posed by COVID-19, increase access to an essential package of health and nutrition services for the target population, develop health sector stewardship and preparedness capacity, and provide an immediate and effective response to an eligible crisis or emergency. P180277 Eastern and Southern Africa Investment Project Financing 70,000,000 South Sudan Health Public Administration - Financial Sector 70,000,000 Republic of South Sudan
South Sudan
Africa MENA Countries Sub-Saharan Africa
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