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Održavanje studijske i mobilne audio/video opreme Obavještenje o nabavci Maintenance of studio and mobile audio/video equipment Procurement notice

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Održavanje studijske i mobilne audio/video opreme 1343-1-2-130-3-61/24 Obavještenje o nabavci RADIO-TELEVIZIJA FEDERACIJE BOSNE I HERCEGOVINE Adresa: Maršala Tita 9a/I   Telefon: (033) 251-590   Faks: (033) 251-595   E-mail: ejn@javnenabavke.gov.ba   Web: https://www.ejn.gov.ba   Datum i vrijeme slanja obavještenja na objavu: 15.10.2024. u 14:05   OBAVJEŠTENJE O NABAVCI   343-1-2-130-3-61/24   1 ODJELJAK I: UGOVORNI ORGAN   I 1. Podaci o ugovornom organu   Naziv   RADIO-TELEVIZIJA FEDERACIJE BOSNE I HERCEGOVINE   4200090470004   IDB/JIB   Kontakt osoba/Služba za kontakt   Adresa   Lejla Tupo   Bulevar Meše Selimovića 12   71000 Sarajevo (bhp)   Sarajevo Novi Grad (Sarajevo)   (033) 464-663   Poštanski broj   Općina/Grad   Telefon   Faks   (033) 464-663   Elektronska pošta   Internet adresa   adi.rahic@rtvfbih.ba   www.rtvfbih.ba   I 3. Adresa za prijem ponuda/zahtjeva za učešće   Kao pod I 1.   I 4. Adresa za dodatne informacije   Kao pod I 1.   I 5. Vrsta ugovornog organa, nivo i glavna djelatnost   I 5.a. Vrsta   Pravno lice iz člana 4. stav (1) tačka b) ZJN   I 5.b. Nivo   Entitetski nivo,Federacija Bosne i Hercegovine   I 5.c. Djelatnost   1 / 5   Ostalo   I 6. Zajednička nabavka   Ne   I 7. Nabavka u ime drugih ugovornog organa?   Ne   ODJELJAK II: PREDMET UGOVORA   II 1. Vrsta ugovora   Usluge, Usluge održavanja i popravki   II 2. Podjela na lotove   Ne   II 2.d. Obrazloženje nedjeljenja postupka na lotove   Ugovorni organ smatra da nije potrebna podjela na lotove.   II 3. Da li se namjerava zaključiti okvirni sporazum?   Da   II 3.a. Broj ponuđača sa kojima će se zaključiti okvirni sporazum   Jedan ponuđač   II 3.b. Trajanje okvirnog sporazuma   3 6 Mjesec(i)   II 3.c. Procijenjena ukupna vrijednost okvirnog sporazuma bez PDV-a u KM   5000,00   6 II 4. Opis   II 4.a. Naziv predmeta okvirnog sporazuma   Održavanje studijske i mobilne audio/video opreme   II 4.b. Kratak opis predmeta okvirnog sporazuma   Nabavka usluge održavanja studijske i mobilne audio/video opreme   II 4.c. Jedinstveni rječnik javne nabavke (JRJN)   2 / 5   Glavni rječnik   Kod   Opis   Usluge popravaka i održavanja televizijske opreme   Glavni predmet   50341000-7   II 5. Podaci o Sporazumu o javnoj nabavci   II 5.a. Da li je ugovor obuhvaćen Sporazumom o javnoj nabavci (GPA)?   Ne   II 6. Ukupna količina ili obim okvirnog sporazuma   Prema odredbama tenderske dokumentacije.   II 7. Mjesto isporuke roba ili izvršenja usluga ili izvođenja radova   Bulevar Meše Selimovića 12, 71000 Sarajevo   ODJELJAK III: PRAVNE, EKONOMSKE I TEHNIČKE INFORMACIJE   III 1. Da li sе zahtijeva garancija za ponudu?   Ne   III 2. Da li se zahtijeva garancija za izvršenje ugovora?   Ne   III 4. Ograničenja za učešće   Obavezni uslovi za učešće iz člana 45. Zakona o javnim nabavkama, a dokazi definisani detaljno u tenderskoj dokumentaciji.   III 5. Sposobnost za obavljanje profesionalne djelatnosti   8.2.   SPOSOBNOST OBAVLJANJA PROFESIONALNE DJELATNOSTI   8 .2.1. Što se tiče sposobnosti za obavljanje profesionalne djelatnosti ponuđači moraju biti registrovani za obavljanje   djelatnosti koja je predmet javne nabavke.   .2.2. U svrhu dokazivanja profesionalne sposobnosti ponuđači trebaju uz ponudu dostaviti dokaz o registraciji u   8 odgovarajućem profesionalnom ili drugom registru u zemlji u kojoj su registrovani ili da obezbjede posebnu izjavu ili potvrdu   nadležnog organa kojom se dokazuje njihovo pravo da obavljaju profesionalnu djelatnost, koja je u vezi sa predmetom   nabavke. Dostavljeni dokazi se priznaju, bez obzira na kojem nivou vlasti su izdati. Dokazi koji se dostavljaju moraju biti   original ili ovjerene kopije.   8 .2.3. Ponuđač je dužan dostaviti sljedeće dokaze:   a) Rješenje o registraciji ili Aktuelni izvod iz sudskog registra ili izjava/potvrda nadležnog organa iz koje se vidi da je ponuđač   registrovan za obavljanje djelatnosti koja je predmet ove nabavke (ne stariji od 3 mjeseca),   b) uvjerenja o poreznoj registraciji (ID broj),   c) uvjerenje o registraciji obveznika poreza na dodanu vrijednost (PDV broj), ukoliko je ponuđač u sistemu PDV-a, a ukoliko   ponuđač nije u sistemu PDV onda ovjerena izjava ponuđača da nije u sistemu PDV-a.   8 djelatnosti koja je predmet nabavke ili za dio predmeta nabavke.   .2.4. Ukoliko ponudu dostavlja grupa ponuđača, svi članovi grupe zajedno moraju biti registrovani za obavljanje   8 TD ili se ne dostave na način kako je naprijed traženo, ponuđač će biti isključen iz daljeg učešća zbog neispunjavanja   navedenih uslova za kvalifikaciju.   .2.5. U slučaju da se u ponudi ne dostave navedeni dokazi sposobnosti obavljanja profesionalne djelatnosti iz ove tačke   8 original ili ovjerene kopije.   .2.6. Dostavljeni dokazi se priznaju, bez obzira na kojem nivou vlasti su izdati. Dokazi koji se dostavljaju moraju biti   3 / 5   III 6. Ekonomska i finansijska sposobnost   8.3.   EKONOMSKA I FINANSIJSKA SPOSOBNOST   8 ponuđač ne ispuni slijedeće minimalne uslove:   a) Da je glavni transakcijski bankarski račun ponuđača aktivan.   .3.1. Što se tiče ekonomske i finansijske sposobnosti, u skladu sa članom 47. Zakona, ponuda će biti odbačena ako   8 ponuđača, koja se dostavlja u formi utvrđenoj Aneksom 6 tenderske dokumentacije i dostavljene obične kopije sljedećih   dokumenata:   .3.2. Ocjena ekonomskog i finansijskog stanja ponuđača će se izvršiti na osnovu dostavljene izjave ovjerene od strane   a)   Kao dokaz dostaviti odgovarajući dokument/ dokaz koji izdaje banka ponuđača u kojoj je otvoren glavni račun ili   druga finansijska institucija (npr.Centralna banka BiH), u skladu s pozitivnim propisima, a kojim se dokazuje ispunjenje   uslova da je transakcijski bankarski račun ponuđača aktivan. Izjava ne smije biti starija od 3 (tri) mjeseca računajući od dana   koji je naznačen kao rok za dostavu ponuda.   8 .3.3. Ponuđač čija ponuda bude izabrana kao najpovoljnija, dužan je nakon prijema odluke o izboru dostaviti, u roku ne   dužem od 5 dana, originale ili ovjerene kopije dokumenata kojim dokazuje ekonomsku i finansijsku sposobnost. Dokazi   moraju biti fizički dostavljeni na protokol ugovornog organa najkasnije peti dan po prijemu odluke o izboru, u radnom   vremenu ugovornog organa ( do 16:00 sati), te za ugovorni organ nije relevantno na koji su način poslati.   NAPOMENA:   Ponuđač može uz Izjavu, tj. uz svoju ponudu, odmah dostaviti i originale ili ovjerene kopije traženih dokaza koji su navedeni   u izjavi. Ovim se ponuđač oslobađa obaveze naknadnog dostavljanja originala ili ovjerenih kopija dokaza ako bude izabran.   III 7. Tehnička ili profesionalna sposobnost   8.4.   TEHNIČKA I PROFESIONALNA SPOSOBNOST   8 a)   .4.1. Što se tiče tehničke i profesionalne sposobnosti, ponuđači trebaju ispuniti slijedeće minimalne uslove:   Ponuđač je obavezan potvrditi da može obezbijediti kvalifikovano osoblje koje može izvršiti usluge servisiranja   uređaja na zahtjev RTV FBIH.   8 a) Izjava ovjerena od strane ponuđača kojom potvrđuje da može obezbijediti kvalifikovano osoblje koje može izvršiti   .4.2. Dokazi na osnovu kojih će se izvršiti tehnička i profesionalna sposobnost su:   usluge servisiranja uređaja na zahtjev RTV FBIH.   III 9. Rezervisan ugovor   Ne   III 10. Posebni uslovi za ugovore o javnim uslugama   III 10.a. Izvršenje usluga ograničeno za određenu profesiju   Ne   III 10.b. Pravne osobe moraju naznačiti imena i stručnu kvalifikaciju osoba odgovornih za izvršenje usluga   Ne   ODJELJAK IV: POSTUPAK   IV 1. Vrsta postupka   Otvoreni postupak   IV 2. Kriterij za dodjelu ugovora   Najniža cijena   4 / 5   IV 3. Rok za preuzimanje tenderske dokumentacije   4.11.2024.   0 IV 4. Provođenje postupka elektronskim putem?   Ne   IV 5. Da li se namjerava koristiti e-aukcija?   Da   IV 6. Da li je objavljeno prethodno informacijsko obavještenje?   Ne   IV 7. Rok za prijem ponuda/zahtjeva za učešće   Datum i vrijeme   15.11.2024. 10:00   IV 8. Rok za otvaranje ponuda   Adresa i mjesto   Datum i vrijeme   Bulevar Meše Selimovića 12, 71 000 Sarajevo   15.11.2024. 10:10   5 / 5   Maintenance of studio and mobile audio/video equipment 1343-1-2-130-3-61/24 Procurement notice RADIO-TELEVISION FEDERATION OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Address: Maršala Tita 9a/I Phone: (033) 251-590 Fax: (033 ) 251-595 E-mail: ejn@javnenabavke.gov.ba Web: https://www.ejn.gov.ba Date and time of sending notification for publication: 15.10.2024. at 14:05 PROCUREMENT NOTICE 343-1-2-130-3-61/24 1 SECTION I: CONTRACTING AUTHORITY I 1. Information on the contracting authority Name RADIO-TELEVISIJA FEDERATION OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA 4200090470004 IDB/JIB Contact person/Service for contact Address Lejla Tupo Bulevar Meše Selimovića 12 71000 Sarajevo (bhp) Sarajevo Novi Grad (Sarajevo) (033) 464-663 Postal code Municipality/City Telephone Fax (033) 464-663 E-mail Internet address adi.rahic@rtvfbih.ba www .rtvfbih.ba I 3. Address for receiving offers/requests for participation As under I 1. I 4. Address for additional information As under I 1. I 5. Type of contracting authority, level and main activity I 5.a. Type Legal entity referred to in Article 4, paragraph (1), point b) of the PPL I 5.b. Level Entity level, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina I 5.c. Activity 1 / 5 Other I 6. Joint procurement No I 7. Procurement on behalf of other contracting authorities? No SECTION II: SUBJECT OF CONTRACT II 1. Type of contract Services, Maintenance and repair services II 2. Division into lots No II 2.d. Reasoning for not dividing the procedure into lots The contracting authority considers that there is no need to divide the procedure into lots. II 3. Is it intended to conclude a framework agreement? Yes II 3.a. Number of bidders with whom the framework agreement will be concluded One bidder II 3.b. Duration of the framework agreement 3 6 Month(s) II 3.c. Estimated total value of the framework agreement without VAT in KM 5000.00 6 II 4. Description II 4.a. Name of subject of framework agreement Maintenance of studio and mobile audio/video equipment II 4.b. Brief description of the subject of the framework agreement Procurement of maintenance services for studio and mobile audio/video equipment II 4.c. Unified Dictionary of Public Procurement (JRJN) 2 / 5 Main Dictionary Code Description Television equipment repair and maintenance services Main item 50341000-7 II 5. Information on the Agreement on Public Procurement II 5.a. Is the contract covered by the Public Procurement Agreement (GPA)? No II 6. Total quantity or scope of the framework agreement According to the provisions of the tender documentation. II 7. Place of delivery of goods or performance of services or performance of works Bulevar Meše Selimovića 12, 71000 Sarajevo SECTION III: LEGAL, ECONOMIC AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION III 1. Is a guarantee required for the offer? No III 2. Is a guarantee required for the execution of the contract? No III 4. Restrictions for participation Mandatory conditions for participation from Article 45 of the Law on Public Procurement, and the evidence defined in detail in the tender documentation. III 5. Ability to perform professional activities 8.2. ABILITY TO PERFORM PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES 8 .2.1.As for the ability to perform professional activities, bidders must be registered to perform activities that are the subject of public procurement. .2.2. For the purpose of proving professional ability, bidders should submit proof of registration in the appropriate professional or other register in the country in which they are registered, or provide a special statement or certificate from the competent authority proving their right to perform professional activity, which is related to subject of procurement. Submitted evidence is recognized, regardless of the level of authority at which it was issued. The submitted evidence must be original or certified copies. 8.2.3. The bidder is obliged to submit the following evidence: a) Decision on registration or a current extract from the court register or a statement/confirmation from the competent authority showing that the bidder is registered to perform the activity that is the subject of this procurement (not older than 3 months), b) certificate of tax registration (ID number), c) certificate of registration of value added tax payer (VAT number), if the bidder is in the VAT system, and if the bidder is not in the VAT system, then a certified declaration of the bidder that he is not in the VAT system - a. 8 activity that is the subject of procurement or for part of the subject of procurement. .2.4. If the offer is submitted by a group of bidders, all members of the group together must be registered to perform 8 TDs or if they do not submit as requested, the bidder will be excluded from further participation due to failure to meet the stated conditions for qualification. .2.5. In case the offer does not provide the specified evidence of ability to perform professional activities from this point 8, original or certified copies. .2.6. Submitted evidence is recognized, regardless of the level of authority at which it was issued. The submitted evidence must be 3 / 5 III 6. Economic and financial capacity 8.3. ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL ABILITY 8 the bidder does not meet the following minimum requirements: a) That the bidder's main transaction bank account is active. .3.1. Regarding the economic and financial capacity, in accordance with Article 47 of the Law, the offer will be rejected if 8 bidders, which is submitted in the form established by Annex 6 of the tender documentation and submitted plain copies of the following documents: .3.2. The assessment of the bidder's economic and financial condition will be carried out on the basis of the submitted statement certified by a) As proof, submit the appropriate document/evidence issued by the bidder's bank where the main account is opened or another financial institution (e.g. the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina), in accordance with positive regulations, and which proves the fulfillment of the condition that the transaction bank account of the bidder is active. The statement must not be older than 3 (three) months, counting from the day indicated as the deadline for the submission of bids. 8.3.3. The bidder whose offer is selected as the most favorable is obliged to submit, within 5 days after receiving the selection decision,originals or certified copies of documents proving economic and financial ability. The evidence must be physically submitted to the protocol of the contracting authority no later than the fifth day after receiving the selection decision, during the working hours of the contracting authority (until 4:00 p.m.), and it is not relevant for the contracting authority how they were sent. NOTE: The bidder can with the Statement, i.e. along with your offer, immediately submit the originals or certified copies of the requested evidence that are listed in the statement. The bidder is hereby released from the obligation to subsequently submit originals or certified copies of evidence if he is selected. III 7. Technical or professional ability 8.4. TECHNICAL AND PROFESSIONAL ABILITY 8 a) .4.1. Regarding technical and professional ability, bidders should meet the following minimum requirements: The bidder is obliged to confirm that it can provide qualified personnel who can perform device servicing services at the request of RTV FBIH. 8 a) Statement certified by the bidder confirming that he can provide qualified personnel who can perform .4.2. The evidence on the basis of which the technical and professional ability will be performed are: device servicing services at the request of RTV FBIH. III 9. Reserved contract No III 10. Special conditions for public service contracts III 10.a. Performance of services limited for a specific profession No III 10.b. Legal entities must indicate the names and professional qualifications of the persons responsible for the execution of services No SECTION IV: PROCEDURE IV 1. Type of procedure Open procedure IV 2. Criterion for awarding the contract Lowest price 4 / 5 IV 3. Deadline for downloading the tender documentation 4.11.2024. 0 IV 4. Carrying out the procedure electronically? No IV 5. Is it intended to use an e-auction? Yes IV 6. Has a previous information notice been published? No IV 7. Deadline for receiving bids/requests for participation Date and time 11/15/2024. 10:00 IV 8. Deadline for opening bids Address and place Date and time Bulevar Meše Selimovića 12, 71 000 Sarajevo 11/15/2024. 10:10 5 / 5The bidder is obliged to confirm that he can provide qualified personnel who can perform device servicing services at the request of RTV FBIH. 8 a) Statement certified by the bidder confirming that he can provide qualified personnel who can perform .4.2. The evidence on the basis of which the technical and professional ability will be performed are: device servicing services at the request of RTV FBIH. III 9. Reserved contract No III 10. Special conditions for public service contracts III 10.a. Performance of services limited for a specific profession No III 10.b. Legal entities must indicate the names and professional qualifications of the persons responsible for the execution of services No SECTION IV: PROCEDURE IV 1. Type of procedure Open procedure IV 2. Criterion for awarding the contract Lowest price 4 / 5 IV 3. Deadline for downloading the tender documentation 4.11.2024. 0 IV 4. Carrying out the procedure electronically? No IV 5. Is it intended to use an e-auction? Yes IV 6. Has a previous information notice been published? No IV 7. Deadline for receiving offers/requests for participation Date and time 15.11.2024. 10:00 IV 8. Deadline for opening bids Address and place Date and time Bulevar Meše Selimovića 12, 71 000 Sarajevo 11/15/2024. 10:10 5 / 5The bidder is obliged to confirm that he can provide qualified personnel who can perform device servicing services at the request of RTV FBIH. 8 a) Statement certified by the bidder confirming that he can provide qualified personnel who can perform .4.2. The evidence on the basis of which the technical and professional ability will be performed are: device servicing services at the request of RTV FBIH. III 9. Reserved contract No III 10. Special conditions for public service contracts III 10.a. Performance of services limited for a specific profession No III 10.b. Legal entities must indicate the names and professional qualifications of the persons responsible for the execution of the services No SECTION IV: PROCEDURE IV 1. Type of procedure Open procedure IV 2. Criterion for awarding the contract Lowest price 4 / 5 IV 3. Deadline for downloading the tender documentation 4.11.2024. 0 IV 4. Conducting the procedure electronically? No IV 5. Is it intended to use an e-auction? Yes IV 6. Has a previous information notice been published? No IV 7. Deadline for receiving offers/requests for participation Date and time 15.11.2024. 10:00 IV 8. Deadline for opening bids Address and place Date and time Bulevar Meše Selimovića 12, 71 000 Sarajevo 11/15/2024. 10:10 5 / 5  
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