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IZRADA GLAVNOG PROJEKTA REKONSTRUKCIJE I DOGRADNJE DISTRIBUTIVNE MREŽE SA PRIKLJUČCIMA NA CENTRALNI VODOVOD U MZ BANOVIĆI SELO - OPĆINA BANOVIĆI 1220-7-2-98-3-115/24 Obavještenje o nabavci OPĆINA BANOVIĆI Adresa: Maršala Tita 9a/I   Telefon: (033) 251-590   Faks: (033) 251-595   E-mail: ejn@javnenabavke.gov.ba   Web: https://www.ejn.gov.ba   Datum i vrijeme slanja obavještenja na objavu: 17.10.2024. u 14:54   OBAVJEŠTENJE O NABAVCI   1220-7-2-98-3-115/24   ODJELJAK I: UGOVORNI ORGAN   I 1. Podaci o ugovornom organu   Naziv   OPĆINA BANOVIĆI   4209362820007   Zerina Husić   IDB/JIB   Kontakt osoba/Služba za kontakt   Adresa   Alije Dostovića 1   75290 Banovići (bhp sa)   Banovići   Poštanski broj   Općina/Grad   Telefon   (035) 743-400   Faks   (035) 743-433   Elektronska pošta   Internet adresa   opcina@banovici.gov.ba   www.banovici.gov.ba   I 3. Adresa za prijem ponuda/zahtjeva za učešće   Kao pod I 1.   I 4. Adresa za dodatne informacije   Kao pod I 1.   I 5. Vrsta ugovornog organa, nivo i glavna djelatnost   I 5.a. Vrsta   Institucija vlasti iz člana 4. stav (1) tačka a) ZJN   I 5.b. Nivo   Općinski nivo (FBIH),Banovići   I 5.c. Djelatnost   1 / 4   Izvršna vlast   I 6. Zajednička nabavka   Ne   I 7. Nabavka u ime drugih ugovornog organa?   Ne   ODJELJAK II: PREDMET UGOVORA   II 1. Vrsta ugovora   Usluge, Ostale usluge   II 2. Podjela na lotove   Ne   II 2.d. Obrazloženje nedjeljenja postupka na lotove   Zbog prirode javne nabavke predmet nije moguće podijeliti na lotove.   II 3. Da li se namjerava zaključiti okvirni sporazum?   Ne   II 4. Opis   II 4.a. Naziv predmeta ugovora   IZRADA GLAVNOG PROJEKTA REKONSTRUKCIJE I DOGRADNJE DISTRIBUTIVNE MREŽE SA PRIKLJUČCIMA NA CENTRALNI   VODOVOD U MZ BANOVIĆI SELO - OPĆINA BANOVIĆI   II 4.b. Kratak opis predmeta ugovora   IZRADA GLAVNOG PROJEKTA REKONSTRUKCIJE I DOGRADNJE DISTRIBUTIVNE MREŽE SA PRIKLJUČCIMA NA CENTRALNI   VODOVOD   U MZ BANOVIĆI SELO - OPĆINA BANOVIĆI   II 4.c. Jedinstveni rječnik javne nabavke (JRJN)   Glavni rječnik   Kod   Opis   Glavni predmet   71242000-6   Izrada projekta i nacrta, procjena troškova   II 5. Podaci o Sporazumu o javnoj nabavci   II 5.a. Da li je ugovor obuhvaćen Sporazumom o javnoj nabavci (GPA)?   Ne   II 6. Ukupna količina ili obim ugovora   2 / 4   Detaljno opisano u tenderskoj dokumetnaciji.   II 6.a. Procijenjena ukupna vrijednost ugovora bez PDV-a u KM   11300,00   II 7. Mjesto isporuke roba ili izvršenja usluga ili izvođenja radova   Mjesto pružanja usluga je općina Banovići mjesna zajednica Banović Selo.   II 9. Trajanje ugovora ili rok izvršenja   4 mjeseca   ODJELJAK III: PRAVNE, EKONOMSKE I TEHNIČKE INFORMACIJE   III 1. Da li sе zahtijeva garancija za ponudu?   Ne   III 2. Da li se zahtijeva garancija za izvršenje ugovora?   Ne   III 3. Bitni uslovi finansiranja i plaćanja ili upućivanje na odgovarajuće propise   Plaćanje izabranom ponuđaču, odnosno podugovaraču će se vršiti u roku ne dužem od 30 dana od dana prijema fakture na   žiro račun ponuđača, odnosno podugovarača, koji je dostavljen u ponudi, odnosno u ugovoru o podugovaranju.   Plaćanje za svaki projekat vršit će se pojedinačno nakon izvršene revizije projekta (reviziju projektne dokumentacije   obezbijedit će ugovorni organ).   Uslov za plaćanje je zapisnik o primopredaji projektne dokumentacije između naručioca i odabranog ponuđača.   Nema avansnog plaćanja tokom trajanja ugovora.   III 7. Tehnička ili profesionalna sposobnost   Što se tiče tehničke i profesionalne sposobnosti, u skladu sa članom 48. i 50. Zakona, ponuđači trebaju ispuniti slijedeće   minimalne uslove:   Uspješno iskustvo u realizaciji najmanje 1 (jednog) ugovora čiji su karakter i kompleksnost isti ili slični onima koji se   odnose na predmetnu javnu nabavku u prethodne tri godine;   Da se nalazi na listi „A“ ili listi „B“ Federalnog ministarstva poljoprivrede, vodoprivrede i šumarstva, što dokazuje   izdatim ovlaštenjem (rješenjem) nadležnog ministarstva.   III 9. Rezervisan ugovor   Ne   III 10. Posebni uslovi za ugovore o javnim uslugama   III 10.a. Izvršenje usluga ograničeno za određenu profesiju   Ne   III 10.b. Pravne osobe moraju naznačiti imena i stručnu kvalifikaciju osoba odgovornih za izvršenje usluga   Ne   3 / 4   ODJELJAK IV: POSTUPAK   IV 1. Vrsta postupka   Konkurentski zahtjev   IV 2. Kriterij za dodjelu ugovora   Najniža cijena   IV 3. Rok za preuzimanje tenderske dokumentacije   29.10.2024.   IV 4. Provođenje postupka elektronskim putem?   Ne   IV 5. Da li se namjerava koristiti e-aukcija?   Ne   IV 6. Da li je objavljeno prethodno informacijsko obavještenje?   Ne   IV 7. Rok za prijem ponuda/zahtjeva za učešće   Datum i vrijeme   29.10.2024. 12:30   IV 8. Rok za otvaranje ponuda   Adresa i mjesto   Datum i vrijeme   Kao pod I 1.   29.10.2024. 13:00   4 / 4   DEVELOPMENT OF THE MAIN PROJECT FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION AND EXTENSION OF THE DISTRIBUTION NETWORK WITH CONNECTIONS TO THE CENTRAL WATER SUPPLY IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF BANOVIĆI SELO - MUNICIPALITY OF BANOVIĆI 1220-7-2-98-3-115/24 Procurement notice MUNICIPALITY OF BANOVIĆI Address: Maršala Tita 9a/I Phone: (033) 251-590 Fax: (033) 251-595 E-mail: ejn@javnenabavke.gov.ba Web: https://www.ejn.gov.ba Date and time of sending notification for publication: 17.10.2024. at 14:54 PROCUREMENT NOTICE 1220-7-2-98-3-115/24 SECTION I: CONTRACTING AUTHORITY I 1. Data on the contracting authority Name OPĆINA BANOVIĆI 4209362820007 Zerina Husić IDB/JIB Contact person/Contact service Address Alije Dostovića 1 75290 Banovići (bhp sa) Banovići Postal code Municipality/City Telephone (035) 743-400 Fax (035) 743-433 E-mail Internet address opcina@banovici.gov.ba www.banovici.gov.ba I 3. Address for receipt of bids/requests for participation As under I 1. I 4. Address for additional information As under I 1. I 5. Type of contracting authority, level and main activity I 5.a. Type of government institution referred to in Article 4, paragraph (1), point a) of the PPL I 5.b. Level Municipal level (FBIH), Banovići I 5.c. Activity 1 / 4 Executive authority I 6. Joint procurement No I 7. Procurement on behalf of other contracting authorities? No SECTION II: SUBJECT OF CONTRACT II 1. Type of contract Services, Other services II 2. Division into lots No II 2.d. Reasoning for not dividing the procedure into lots Due to the nature of the public procurement, it is not possible to divide the case into lots. II 3. Is it intended to conclude a framework agreement? No II 4. Description II 4.a. Name of the subject of the contract DEVELOPMENT OF THE MAIN PROJECT OF RECONSTRUCTION AND EXTENSION OF THE DISTRIBUTION NETWORK WITH CONNECTIONS TO THE CENTRAL WATER SUPPLY IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF BANOVIĆI VILLAGE - MUNICIPALITY OF BANOVIĆI II 4.b. Brief description of the subject of the contract DEVELOPMENT OF THE MAIN PROJECT FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND EXTENSION OF THE DISTRIBUTION NETWORK WITH CONNECTIONS TO THE CENTRAL WATER SUPPLY IN MZ BANOVIĆI SELO - MUNICIPALITY OF BANOVIĆI II 4.c. Unified Dictionary of Public Procurement (JRJN) Main Dictionary Code Description Main Subject 71242000-6 Drafting and drafting, cost estimation II 5. Data on the Agreement on Public Procurement II 5.a. Is the contract covered by the Public Procurement Agreement (GPA)? No II 6. Total quantity or scope of the contract 2 / 4 Detailed description in the tender documentation. II 6.a. Estimated total value of the contract without VAT in KM 11300.00 II 7. Place of delivery of goods or performance of services or performance of works The place of provision of services is the municipality of Banovići, local community of Banović Selo. II 9. Contract duration or performance period 4 months SECTION III: LEGAL, ECONOMIC AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION III 1. Is a guarantee required for the offer? No III 2. Is a guarantee required for the execution of the contract? No III 3. Essential terms of financing and payment or reference to appropriate regulations Payment to the selected bidder,i.e. to the subcontractor will be made within no longer than 30 days from the date of receipt of the invoice to the giro account of the bidder, i.e. the subcontractor, which was submitted in the offer, i.e. in the subcontracting agreement. Payment for each project will be made individually after the audit of the project (audit of the project documentation will be provided by the contracting authority). The condition for payment is the record of the handover of the project documentation between the client and the selected bidder. There is no advance payment during the duration of the contract. III 7. Technical or professional ability With regard to technical and professional ability, in accordance with Articles 48 and 50 of the Law, bidders should meet the following minimum requirements: Successful experience in the implementation of at least 1 (one) contract whose character and complexity are the same or similar to those related to the public procurement in question in the previous three years; That it is on list "A" or list "B" of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry, as evidenced by the authorization (decision) issued by the competent ministry. III 9. Reserved contract No III 10. Special conditions for public service contracts III 10.a. Performance of services limited for a specific profession No III 10.b. Legal entities must indicate the names and professional qualifications of the persons responsible for the execution of services No 3 / 4 SECTION IV: PROCEDURE IV 1. Type of procedure Competitive request IV 2. Criterion for awarding the contract Lowest price IV 3. Deadline for taking over the tender documentation 29.10.2024. IV 4. Carrying out the procedure electronically? No IV 5. Is it intended to use an e-auction? No IV 6. Has a previous information notice been published? No IV 7. Deadline for receiving offers/requests for participation Date and time 29.10.2024. 12:30 IV 8. Deadline for opening bids Address and place Date and time As under I 1. 29.10.2024. 13:00 4 / 4Performance of services limited for a specific profession No III 10.b. Legal entities must indicate the names and professional qualifications of the persons responsible for the execution of services No 3 / 4 SECTION IV: PROCEDURE IV 1. Type of procedure Competitive request IV 2. Criterion for awarding the contract Lowest price IV 3. Deadline for taking over the tender documentation 29.10.2024. IV 4. Carrying out the procedure electronically? No IV 5. Is it intended to use an e-auction? No IV 6. Has a previous information notice been published? No IV 7. Deadline for receiving offers/requests for participation Date and time 29.10.2024. 12:30 IV 8. Deadline for opening bids Address and place Date and time As under I 1. 29.10.2024. 13:00 4 / 4Performance of services limited for a specific profession No III 10.b. Legal entities must indicate the names and professional qualifications of the persons responsible for the execution of services No 3 / 4 SECTION IV: PROCEDURE IV 1. Type of procedure Competitive request IV 2. Criterion for awarding the contract Lowest price IV 3. Deadline for taking over the tender documentation 29.10.2024. IV 4. Carrying out the procedure electronically? No IV 5. Is it intended to use an e-auction? No IV 6. Has a previous information notice been published? No IV 7. Deadline for receiving offers/requests for participation Date and time 29.10.2024. 12:30 IV 8. Deadline for opening bids Address and place Date and time As under I 1. 29.10.2024. 13:00 4 / 4  
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