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AVIS D’ATTRIBUTION DE MARCHE N°020/2024 Crédit IDA N°70480-CM Pays : CAMEROUN  Maître d’Ouvrage : MINEPAT Unité d’exécution ou Projet/Maître d’Ouvrage Délégué : Projet Filets Sociaux Adaptatifs et d’Inclusion Economique BP : 5838 Yaoundé, Courriel : projetfiletssociaux.aie@gmail.com, sis au quartier Tsinga, derrière le Palais des Congrès, face Polyclinique du Palais     PFS-AIE NOTICE OF AWARD OF CONTRACT N°020/2024 IDA Credit N°70480-CM Country: CAMEROON Contracting Authority: MINEPAT Execution Unit or Project/Delegated Contracting Authority: Adaptive Social Safety Nets and Economic Inclusion Project PO Box: 5838 Yaoundé, Email: projetfiletssociaux.aie@gmail.com, located in the Tsinga district, behind the Palais des Congrès, opposite the Polyclinique du Palais PFS-AIE

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AVIS D’ATTRIBUTION DE MARCHE N°020/2024 Crédit IDA N°70480-CM Pays : CAMEROUN  Maître d’Ouvrage : MINEPAT Unité d’exécution ou Projet/Maître d’Ouvrage Délégué : Projet Filets Sociaux Adaptatifs et d’Inclusion Economique BP : 5838 Yaoundé, Courriel : projetfiletssociaux.aie@gmail.com, sis au quartier Tsinga, derrière le Palais des Congrès, face Polyclinique du Palais     PFS-AIE Region : CENTRAL SERVICES Amount : Plateforme : PROJET FILETS SOCIAUX ADAPTATIFS ET D'INCLUSION ECONOMIQUE AVIS D’ATTRIBUTION DE MARCHE N°020/2024 Crédit IDA N°70480-CM Pays : CAMEROUN  Maître d’Ouvrage : MINEPAT Unité d’exécution ou Projet/Maître d’Ouvrage Délégué : Projet Filets Sociaux Adaptatifs et d’Inclusion Economique BP : 5838 Yaoundé, Courriel : projetfiletssociaux.aie@gmail.com, sis au quartier Tsinga, derrière le Palais des Congrès, face Polyclinique du Palais     Source de financement Télécharger le DAO Le Coordonnateur National du Projet Filets Sociaux Adaptatifs et d’Inclusion Economique communique : Conformément aux dispositions du Règlement de Passation des Marchés pour les emprunteurs sollicitant le Financement de Projets d’Investissement (FPI), Passation des Marchés dans le cadre de Financement de Projets d’Investissement, Fournitures, Travaux, Services Autres que des Services de Consultants et Services de Consultants, 5ème édition, septembre 2023, les résultats des Lots 1, 2, 4 & 5 de l’Appel d’Offres National Ouvert N°003/AONO/MINEPAT/CTS/PFS-AIE/UGP/CCCM-SPI/CSPM/2024 du 08 juillet 2024 pour le recrutement des Agences de Paiement cash des bénéficiaires et Relais Communautaires du Cycle 7 des Transferts Monétaires Ordinaires et des bénéficiaires de la Phase 6 des Transferts Monétaires d’Urgence du Projet Filets Sociaux Adaptatifs et d’Inclusion Economique en 05 lots suivant le regroupement des zones d'intervention en procédure d’urgence se présentent de la manière suivante : MARCHE N°005/M/MINEPAT/CTS/PFS-AIE/UGP/CCCM-SPI/CSPM/2024 PASSE POUR LE RECRUTEMENT D’UNE AGENCE DE PAIEMENT CASH DES BENEFICIAIRES ET RELAIS COMMUNAUTAIRES DU CYCLE 7 DES TRANSFERTS MONETAIRES ORDINAIRES (TMO) DANS LES REGIONS DE L’EXTREME-NORD ET DU NORD (LOT 1) N° Prestataires Montants des offres lus publiquement (FCFA) Montants évalués des offres (FCFA) Observations 01 PEOPLE FINANCE S.A 29 524 000 HT  35 207 370 TTC 29 524 000 HT   35 207 370 TTC Offre jugée conforme pour l’essentiel et évaluée la moins disante 02 EXPRESS UNION FINANCE S.A 40 644 000 TTC NA Offre non conforme  Attributaire du marché : PEOPLE FINANCE S.A BP : 3532 Yaoundé-Messa, Tél. : (237) 242 648 957 Montant évalué TTC :35 207 370 (trente-cinq millions deux cent sept mille trois cent soixante-dix) FCFA Délai d’exécution du marché :02 (deux) ans à compter de la date de notification de l’ordre de service de démarrage Lieux de paiements:Communes de Datcheka, Guéré, Wina et Soulédéroua dans la région de l’Extrême-Nord et Communes de Dembo et Beka dans la région du Nord MARCHE N°006/M/MINEPAT/CTS/PFS-AIE/UGP/CCCM-SPI/CSZPM/2024 PASSE POUR LE RECRUTEMENT D’UNE AGENCE DE PAIEMENT CASH DES BENEFICIAIRES ET RELAIS COMMUNAUTAIRES DU CYCLE 7 DES TRANSFERTS MONETAIRES ORDINAIRES (TMO) DANS LES REGIONS DE L’ADAMAOUA ET DE L’EST (LOT 2) N° Prestataires Montants des offres lus publiquement (FCFA) Montants évalués des offres (FCFA) Observations 01 CamCCUL MFI. COOP-BOD 29 619 520 HT 35 321 270 TTC 29 619 520 HT 35 321 270 TTC Offre jugée conforme pour l’essentiel et évaluée la moins disante 02 EXPRESS EXCHANGE S.A 46 956 000 HT   55 995 030 TTC NA Offre non conforme 03 EXPRESS UNION FINANCE S.A 99 806 000 TTC NA Offre non conforme  Attributaire du marché : CamCCUL MFI. COOP-BOD BP : 211 Bamenda, Tél. : (237) 233 36 13 77/233 36 17 63  Montant évalué TTC :35 321 270 (trente-cinq millions trois cent vingt-et-un mille deux cent soixante-dix) FCFA  Délai d’exécution du marché : 02 (deux) ans à compter de la date de notification de l’ordre de service de démarrage Lieux de paiements: Communes de Galim-Tignère, Kontcha et Mayo-Darlé dans la région de l’Adamaoua et Communes de Messamena, Nguelemedouka, Mbang et Nguelebok dans la région de l’Est   RECRUTEMENT D’UNE AGENCE DE PAIEMENT CASH DES BENEFICIAIRES ET RELAIS COMMUNAUTAIRES DE LA PHASE 6 DES TRANSFERTS MONETAIRES D’URGENCE (TMU) DANS LA REGION DE L’EXTREME-NORD (LOT 4) N° Prestataire Montants des offres lus publiquement (FCFA) Montants évalués des offres (FCFA) Observations 01 EXPRESS UNION FINANCE S.A 3 618 000 TTC NA Offre non conforme Lot 4 est déclaré INFRUCTUEUX   MARCHE N°007/M/MINEPAT/CTS/PFS-AIE/UGP/ CCCM-SPI/CSPM/2024 PASSE POUR LE RECRUTEMENT D’UNE AGENCE DE PAIEMENT CASH DES BENEFICIAIRES ET RELAIS COMMUNAUTAIRES DE LA PHASE 6 DES TRANSFERTS MONETAIRES D’URGENCE (TMU) DANS LA REGION DE L’EST (LOT 5) N° Prestataires Montants des offres lus publiquement (FCFA) Montants évalués des offres (FCFA) Observations 01 CamCCUL MFI. COOP-BOD 5 040 000 HT   6 010 200 TTC 5 040 000 HT   6 010 200 TTC Offre jugée conforme pour l’essentiel et évaluée la moins disante 02 EXPRESS UNION FINANCE S.A 7 218 000 TTC NA Offre non conforme Attributaire du marché : CamCCUL MFI. COOP-BOD BP : 211 Bamenda, Tél. : (237) 233 36 13 77/233 36 17 63  Montant évalué TTC :6 010 200 (six millions dix mille deux cents) FCFA Délai d’exécution du marché : 01 (un) an à compter de la date de notification de l’ordre de service de démarrage Lieux de paiements: Communes de Doumaitang et Ndélélé dans la région de l’Est YAOUNDE Le 15-10-2024 Le COORDONNATEUR NATIONAL NJOH MICHELIN NOTICE OF AWARD OF CONTRACT N°020/2024 IDA Credit N°70480-CM Country: CAMEROON Contracting Authority: MINEPAT Executing Unit or Project/Delegated Contracting Authority: Adaptive Social Safety Nets and Economic Inclusion Project PO Box: 5838 Yaoundé, Email: projetfiletssociaux.aie@gmail.com, located in the Tsinga district, behind the Palais des Congrès, opposite the Polyclinique du Palais PFS-AIE Region: CENTRAL SERVICES Amount: Platform: ADAPTIVE SOCIAL SAFETY NETS AND ECONOMIC INCLUSION PROJECT NOTICE OF AWARD OF CONTRACT N°020/2024 IDA Credit N°70480-CM Country: CAMEROON Contracting Authority: MINEPAT Executing Unit or Project/Delegated Contracting Authority: Project Adaptive Social Safety Nets and Economic Inclusion PO Box: 5838 Yaoundé, Email: projetfiletssociaux.aie@gmail.com, located in the Tsinga district, behind the Palais des Congrès, opposite the Polyclinique du Palais Source of funding Download the DAO The National Coordinator of the Adaptive Social Safety Nets and Economic Inclusion Project communicates: In accordance with the provisions of the Procurement Regulations for borrowers requesting Financing of Investment Projects (FPI), Procurement in the context of Financing of Investment Projects, Supplies, Works, Services Other than Consulting Services and Consulting Services, 5th edition, September 2023, the results of Lots 1, 2, 4 & 5 of the National Open Call for Tenders No. 003/AONO/MINEPAT/CTS/PFS-AIE/UGP/CCCM-SPI/CSPM/2024 of July 8, 2024 for the recruitment of Cash Payment Agencies for beneficiaries and Community Relays of Cycle 7 of Ordinary Cash Transfers and beneficiaries of Phase 6 of Emergency Cash Transfers of the Adaptive Social Safety Nets and Economic Inclusion Project in 05 lots following the grouping of intervention zones in emergency procedure are presented as follows: MARKET N°005/M/MINEPAT/CTS/PFS-AIE/UGP/CCCM-SPI/CSPM/2024 PASSE FOR THE RECRUITMENT OF A CASH PAYMENT AGENCY FOR BENEFICIARIES AND COMMUNITY RELAYS OF CYCLE 7 OF ORDINARY CASH TRANSFERS (TMO) IN THE REGIONS OF THE FAR NORTH AND THE NORTH (LOT 1) No. Service providers Amounts of publicly read offers (FCFA) Evaluated amounts of offers (FCFA) Comments 01 PEOPLE FINANCE SA 29,524,000 excluding tax 35,207,370 including tax 29,524,000 excluding tax 35,207,370 including tax Offer deemed to be essentially compliant and evaluated as the lowest bidder 02 EXPRESS UNION FINANCE SA 40,644,000 including tax NA Non-compliant offer Contract winner: PEOPLE FINANCE SA PO Box: 3532 Yaoundé-Messa, Tel. : (237) 242 648 957 Amount assessed including tax: 35,207,370 (thirty-five million two hundred and seven thousand three hundred and seventy) FCFA Contract execution period: 02 (two) years from the date of notification of the start-up service order Places of payment: Municipalities of Datcheka, Guéré,Wina and Soulédéroua in the Far North region and the municipalities of Dembo and Beka in the North region MARKET N°006/M/MINEPAT/CTS/PFS-AIE/UGP/CCCM-SPI/CSZPM/2024 PASSED FOR THE RECRUITMENT OF A CASH PAYMENT AGENCY FOR BENEFICIARIES AND COMMUNITY RELAYS OF CYCLE 7 OF ORDINARY MONEY TRANSFERS (TMO) IN THE ADAMAOUA AND EASTERN REGIONS (LOT 2) No. Service providers Amounts of publicly read offers (FCFA) Evaluated amounts of offers (FCFA) Observations 01 CamCCUL MFI. COOP-BOD 29,619,520 HT 35,321,270 TTC 29,619,520 HT 35,321,270 TTC Offer deemed to be essentially compliant and assessed as the lowest bidder 02 EXPRESS EXCHANGE SA 46,956,000 HT 55,995,030 TTC NA Non-compliant offer 03 EXPRESS UNION FINANCE SA 99,806,000 TTC NA Non-compliant offer Contract awardee: CamCCUL MFI. COOP-BOD PO Box: 211 Bamenda, Tel. : (237) 233 36 13 77/233 36 17 63 Amount assessed including tax: 35,321,270 (thirty-five million three hundred and twenty-one thousand two hundred and seventy) FCFA Contract execution period: 02 (two) years from the date of notification of the start-up service order Payment locations: Municipalities of Galim-Tignère, Kontcha and Mayo-Darlé in the Adamaoua region and Municipalities of Messamena, Nguelemedouka, Mbang and Nguelebok in the Eastern region RECRUITMENT OF A CASH PAYMENT AGENCY FOR BENEFICIARIES AND COMMUNITY RELAYS OF PHASE 6 OF EMERGENCY CASH TRANSFERS (TMU) IN THE FAR NORTH REGION (LOT 4) Service Provider No. Amounts of publicly read offers (FCFA) Evaluated amounts of offers (FCFA) Observations 01 EXPRESS UNION FINANCE SA 3,618,000 incl. VAT NA Non-compliant offer Lot 4 is declared UNSUCCESSFUL CONTRACT N°007/M/MINEPAT/CTS/PFS-AIE/UGP/ CCCM-SPI/CSPM/2024 PASSED FOR THE RECRUITMENT OF A CASH PAYMENT AGENCY FOR BENEFICIARIES AND COMMUNITY RELAYS OF PHASE 6 OF EMERGENCY MONEY TRANSFERS (TMU) IN THE EASTERN REGION (LOT 5) No. Service providers Amounts of publicly read offers (FCFA) Evaluated amounts of offers (FCFA) Observations 01 CamCCUL MFI. COOP-BOD 5,040,000 HT 6,010,200 TTC 5,040,000 HT 6,010,200 TTC Offer deemed to be essentially compliant and assessed as the lowest bidder 02 EXPRESS UNION FINANCE SA 7,218,000 TTC NA Non-compliant offer Contract awardee: CamCCUL MFI. COOP-BOD PO Box: 211 Bamenda, Tel. : (237) 233 36 13 77/233 36 17 63 Amount assessed including tax: 6,010,200 (six million ten thousand two hundred) FCFA Contract execution period: 01 (one) year from the date of notification of the start-up service order Places of payment: Municipalities of Doumaitang and Ndélélé in the Eastern region YAOUNDE 15-10-2024 The NATIONAL COORDINATOR NJOH MICHELINCommunes of Doumaitang and Ndélélé in the Eastern region YAOUNDE 10/15/2024 NATIONAL COORDINATOR NJOH MICHELINCommunes of Doumaitang and Ndélélé in the Eastern region YAOUNDE 10/15/2024 NATIONAL COORDINATOR NJOH MICHELINCamCCUL MFI. COOP-BOD BP: 211 Bamenda, Tel. : (237) 233 36 13 77/233 36 17 63 Estimated amount including tax: 35,321,270 (thirty-five million three hundred and twenty-one thousand two hundred and seventy) FCFA Deadline for execution of the contract: 02 (two ) years from the date of notification of the start-up service order Places of payment: Communes of Galim-Tignère, Kontcha and Mayo-Darlé in the Adamaoua region and Communes of Messamena, Nguelemedouka, Mbang and Nguelebok in the Eastern region RECRUITMENT OF A CASH PAYMENT AGENCY FOR BENEFICIARIES AND COMMUNITY RELAYS OF PHASE 6 OF EMERGENCY MONEY TRANSFERS (TMU) IN THE FAR NORTH REGION (LOT 4) Service Provider No. Amounts of publicly read offers (FCFA) Evaluated amounts of offers (FCFA) Observations 01 EXPRESS UNION FINANCE SA 3,618,000 incl. tax NA Non-compliant offer Lot 4 is declared UNSUCCESSFUL CONTRACT N°007/M/MINEPAT/CTS/PFS-AIE/UGP / CCCM-SPI/CSPM/2024 PASSE FOR THE RECRUITMENT OF A CASH PAYMENT AGENCY FOR BENEFICIARIES AND COMMUNITY RELAYS OF PHASE 6 OF EMERGENCY CASH TRANSFERS (TMU) IN THE EASTERN REGION (LOT 5) N° Providers Amounts of publicly read offers (FCFA) Evaluated amounts of offers (FCFA) Observations 01 CamCCUL MFI. COOP-BOD 5,040,000 excluding tax 6,010,200 including tax 5,040,000 excluding tax 6,010,200 including tax Offer deemed to be essentially compliant and assessed as the lowest bidder 02 EXPRESS UNION FINANCE SA 7,218,000 including tax NA Non-compliant offer Contract winner: CamCCUL MFI . COOP-BOD BP: 211 Bamenda, Tel. : (237) 233 36 13 77/233 36 17 63 Estimated amount including tax: 6,010,200 (six million ten thousand two hundred) FCFA Deadline for execution of the contract: 01 (one) year from the date of notification of the 'start-up service order Places of payment: Municipalities of Doumaitang and Ndélélé in the Eastern region YAOUNDE 15-10-2024 NATIONAL COORDINATOR NJOH MICHELINCamCCUL MFI. COOP-BOD BP: 211 Bamenda, Tel. : (237) 233 36 13 77/233 36 17 63 Estimated amount including tax: 35,321,270 (thirty-five million three hundred and twenty-one thousand two hundred and seventy) FCFA Deadline for execution of the contract: 02 (two ) years from the date of notification of the start-up service order Places of payment: Communes of Galim-Tignère, Kontcha and Mayo-Darlé in the Adamaoua region and Communes of Messamena, Nguelemedouka, Mbang and Nguelebok in the Eastern region RECRUITMENT OF A CASH PAYMENT AGENCY FOR BENEFICIARIES AND COMMUNITY RELAYS OF PHASE 6 OF EMERGENCY MONEY TRANSFERS (TMU) IN THE FAR NORTH REGION (LOT 4) Service Provider No. Amounts of publicly read offers (FCFA) Evaluated amounts of offers (FCFA) Observations 01 EXPRESS UNION FINANCE SA 3,618,000 incl. tax NA Non-compliant offer Lot 4 is declared UNSUCCESSFUL CONTRACT N°007/M/MINEPAT/CTS/PFS-AIE/UGP / CCCM-SPI/CSPM/2024 PASSE FOR THE RECRUITMENT OF A CASH PAYMENT AGENCY FOR BENEFICIARIES AND COMMUNITY RELAYS OF PHASE 6 OF EMERGENCY CASH TRANSFERS (TMU) IN THE EASTERN REGION (LOT 5) N° Providers Amounts of publicly read offers (FCFA) Evaluated amounts of offers (FCFA) Observations 01 CamCCUL MFI. COOP-BOD 5,040,000 excluding tax 6,010,200 including tax 5,040,000 excluding tax 6,010,200 including tax Offer deemed to be essentially compliant and assessed as the lowest bidder 02 EXPRESS UNION FINANCE SA 7,218,000 including tax NA Non-compliant offer Contract awardee: CamCCUL MFI . COOP-BOD BP: 211 Bamenda, Tel. : (237) 233 36 13 77/233 36 17 63 Estimated amount including tax: 6,010,200 (six million ten thousand two hundred) FCFA Deadline for execution of the contract: 01 (one) year from the date of notification of the 'start-up service order Places of payment: Municipalities of Doumaitang and Ndélélé in the Eastern region YAOUNDE 15-10-2024 NATIONAL COORDINATOR NJOH MICHELINA 3,618,000 including VAT NA Non-compliant offer Lot 4 is declared UNSUCCESSFUL CONTRACT N°007/M/MINEPAT/CTS/PFS-AIE/UGP/ CCCM-SPI/CSPM/2024 PASSED FOR THE RECRUITMENT OF A CASH PAYMENT AGENCY FOR BENEFICIARIES AND COMMUNITY RELAYS OF PHASE 6 OF EMERGENCY MONEY TRANSFERS (TMU) IN THE EASTERN REGION (LOT 5) No. Service providers Amounts of publicly read offers (FCFA) Evaluated amounts of offers (FCFA) Observations 01 CamCCUL MFI. COOP-BOD 5,040,000 HT 6,010,200 TTC 5,040,000 HT 6,010,200 TTC Offer deemed to be essentially compliant and assessed as the lowest bidder 02 EXPRESS UNION FINANCE SA 7,218,000 TTC NA Non-compliant offer Contract awardee: CamCCUL MFI. COOP-BOD PO Box: 211 Bamenda, Tel. : (237) 233 36 13 77/233 36 17 63 Amount assessed including tax: 6,010,200 (six million ten thousand two hundred) FCFA Contract execution period: 01 (one) year from the date of notification of the start-up service order Places of payment: Municipalities of Doumaitang and Ndélélé in the Eastern region YAOUNDE 15-10-2024 The NATIONAL COORDINATOR NJOH MICHELINA 3,618,000 including VAT NA Non-compliant offer Lot 4 is declared UNSUCCESSFUL CONTRACT N°007/M/MINEPAT/CTS/PFS-AIE/UGP/ CCCM-SPI/CSPM/2024 PASSED FOR THE RECRUITMENT OF A CASH PAYMENT AGENCY FOR BENEFICIARIES AND COMMUNITY RELAYS OF PHASE 6 OF EMERGENCY MONEY TRANSFERS (TMU) IN THE EASTERN REGION (LOT 5) No. Service providers Amounts of publicly read offers (FCFA) Evaluated amounts of offers (FCFA) Observations 01 CamCCUL MFI. COOP-BOD 5,040,000 HT 6,010,200 TTC 5,040,000 HT 6,010,200 TTC Offer deemed to be essentially compliant and assessed as the lowest bidder 02 EXPRESS UNION FINANCE SA 7,218,000 TTC NA Non-compliant offer Contract awardee: CamCCUL MFI. COOP-BOD PO Box: 211 Bamenda, Tel. : (237) 233 36 13 77/233 36 17 63 Amount assessed including tax: 6,010,200 (six million ten thousand two hundred) FCFA Contract execution period: 01 (one) year from the date of notification of the start-up service order Places of payment: Municipalities of Doumaitang and Ndélélé in the Eastern region YAOUNDE 15-10-2024 The NATIONAL COORDINATOR NJOH MICHELIN
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