Tender Details

286351 - Viiratsi Biometaanijaama topelt-membraankatuste ost - Viiratsi Biomethane Plant Double Membrane Roofs purchase Toetuse saaja ost 286351 - Viiratsi Biomethane Plant Double Membrane Roofs purchase - Viiratsi Biomethane Plant Double Membrane Roofs purchase Grant recipient purchase

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286351 - Viiratsi Biometaanijaama topelt-membraankatuste ost - Viiratsi Biomethane Plant Double Membrane Roofs purchase Toetuse saaja ost Asjad; Toetuse saaja ost; Biometaani gaasitöötlusüksus hakkab tootma biometaani Viiratsi tehases kohapeal toodetud biogaasist. Biometaan suunatakse gaasitöötlusüksuse kõrval asuvasse CNG kompressorjaama ja seejärel tankitakse CNG transpordikonteineritesse. Osa biometaanist kasutatakse kohalikus gaasikatlamajas. CO2 eraldub välisõhku ja tulevikus CO2 veeldamistehasesse. Gaasitöötluseks on vaja kasutada väga tõhusat membraanitehnoloogiat, garanteeritud metaani sisaldus ei tohiks olla väiksem kui 99,5%. Kompressori heitsoojus tuleks taaskasutada ja teha kättesaadavaks vee ja glükooli seguna. Biometaani põletamisküünal, CNG kompressorjaam ja CNG tanklad paigaldatakse pakkuja poolt.; Tähtaeg: 12.11.2024 13:00 Bioforce Viiratsi OÜ (10590505) Hanke nimetus: ⁠Viiratsi Biometaanijaama topelt-membraankatuste ost - Viiratsi Biomethane Plant Double Membrane Roofs purchaseHanke nimetus (mitteametlik tõlge EN): ⁠Viiratsi Biomethane Plant Double Membrane Roofs purchaseSeisund: ⁠alustatudHanke lühikirjeldus: ⁠Biometaani gaasitöötlusüksus hakkab tootma biometaani Viiratsi tehases kohapeal toodetud biogaasist. Biometaan suunatakse gaasitöötlusüksuse kõrval asuvasse CNG kompressorjaama ja seejärel tankitakse CNG transpordikonteineritesse. Osa biometaanist kasutatakse kohalikus gaasikatlamajas. CO2 eraldub välisõhku ja tulevikus CO2 veeldamistehasesse. Gaasitöötluseks on vaja kasutada väga tõhusat membraanitehnoloogiat, garanteeritud metaani sisaldus ei tohiks olla väiksem kui 99,5%. Kompressori heitsoojus tuleks taaskasutada ja teha kättesaadavaks vee ja glükooli seguna. Biometaani põletamisküünal, CNG kompressorjaam ja CNG tanklad paigaldatakse pakkuja poolt.Hanke lühikirjeldus (mitteametlik tõlge EN): ⁠The Biomethane upgrading plant is to produce Biomethane from the biogas produced at the AD plant at site. Biomethane is directed to the CNG compressor station next to the upgrading plant and then tanked to the CNG transportation containers. Some of the Biomethane is used at the local gas boilerhouse. CO2 is released to the ambient air and in the future to the CO2 liquification plant. It is required to use highly efficient membrane technology for upgrading, the guaranteed methane yield should not be less than 99,5%. Compressor waste heat should be recovered and made available in the form of water and glycol mixture. Biomethane flare, CNG compressor station and CNG tanking posts are installed by the Employer.Hankega kaasneb: ⁠Hankelepingu sõlmimineHanke sektor: ⁠KlassikalineHanke liik: ⁠AsjadHankemenetluse liik: ⁠Toetuse saaja ostAvalda hanget alustav teade: ⁠JahCPV kood: ⁠PõhikoodTäiendkoodid42514000-2 Gaaside filtreerimis- või puhastamisseadmed ja -aparaadidKas hange on jaotatud osadeks: ⁠Ei (põhjendus lisatakse väljale "Hanke lisateave" ja alusdokumentidesse)Taotlused/pakkumised esitatakse elektrooniliselt: ⁠JahTaotlused/pakkumused esitatakse eRHRis: ⁠JahPakkumuse esitamise tähtpäev: ⁠12.11.2024 14:00Pakkumuse avamise aeg: ⁠12.11.2024 15:00Hankelepingu eeldatav kestus: ⁠Kuupäevade vahemikPeriood: ⁠16.11.2024 - 31.05.2026Viide eelnevale turu-uuringule:Keeled, milles hankedokumendid on ametlikult kättesaadavad: ⁠eestiKeeled, milles hankedokumendid (või nende osad) on mitteametlikult kättesaadavad: ⁠ingliseVastutav isik: ⁠MARKO PIKANITagasi https://riigihanked.riik.ee/rhr-web/\ /procurement/7997484/general-info Register avaldab teateid automaatprotsessiga tööpäeviti: kuni kl 9:00 esitatud teated avalduvad kl 10:00 (lisaavaldumine alates juunist 2023 kell 10:30) ja kuni kl 14:00 esitatud teated avalduvad kl 15:00. ELT-le saadetavate teadete puhul kehtib erikord - teadet ei tohi riigisiseselt avaldada enne ELT-lt teate kättesaamise kinnituse saamist ja teate ELT-s avaldamist (teate tohib avaldada ELT-lt kättesaamise kinnituse saamisest 48 tunni möödumisel). Register saadab esitatud teateid ELT-le iga tööpäeva õhtul. Hanke alusdokumentide muutmisel võib olla kohustus pikendada tähtaega! Hankija vastutab registrile esitatavate andmete õigsuse eest. NB! ELT-le saadetavad teated tohivad olla vaid eesti keeles (muud andmed, mis teatel ei kajastu võivad olla lisatud eesti ja muus keeles). NB! Ülevaate TEDi saadetavate teadete valideerimisvigadest leiate registri KKK-st vastus nr 14 https://fin.ee/riigihanked-riigiabi-osalused-kinnisvara/riigihangete-register/kasutusjuhendid\ kkk-registri-kohta. 286351 - Viiratsi Biomethane Plant Double Membrane Roofs purchase - Viiratsi Biomethane Plant Double Membrane Roofs purchase Beneficiary's purchase Things; Beneficiary's purchase; The biomethane gas processing unit will produce biomethane from the biogas produced on site at the Viirats plant. The biomethane is sent to the CNG compressor station next to the gas processing unit and then refueled in CNG transport containers. Part of the biomethane is used in the local gas boiler house. CO2 is released into the outside air and in the future into a CO2 liquefaction plant. For gas treatment, it is necessary to use highly efficient membrane technology, the guaranteed methane content should not be less than 99.5%. Compressor waste heat should be recovered and made available as a mixture of water and glycol. Biomethane burning candle, CNG compressor station and CNG filling stations will be installed by the bidder.; Deadline: 12.11.2024 13:00 Bioforce Viiratsi OÜ (10590505) Procurement name: ⁠Viiratsi Biomethane Plant Double Membrane Roofs purchase - Viiratsi Biomethane Plant Double Membrane Roofs purchase Procurement name (unofficial EN translation): ⁠Viiratsi Biomethane Plant Double Membrane Roofs purchase Status: ⁠started Procurement brief description: ⁠The biomethane gas processing unit will produce biomethane from the biogas produced on site at the Viirats plant. The biomethane is sent to the CNG compressor station next to the gas processing unit and then refueled in CNG transport containers. Part of the biomethane is used in the local gas boiler house. CO2 is released into the outside air and in the future into a CO2 liquefaction plant. For gas treatment, it is necessary to use highly efficient membrane technology, the guaranteed methane content should not be less than 99.5%. Compressor waste heat should be recovered and made available as a mixture of water and glycol. The biomethane burning candle, the CNG compressor station and the CNG filling stations will be installed by the bidder. Brief description of the procurement (unofficial EN translation): ⁠The Biomethane upgrading plant is to produce Biomethane from the biogas produced at the AD plant at site. Biomethane is directed to the CNG compressor station next to the upgrading plant and then tanked to the CNG transportation containers. Some of the Biomethane is used at the local gas boilerhouse. CO2 is released to the ambient air and in the future to the CO2 liquefaction plant. It is required to use highly efficient membrane technology for upgrading, the guaranteed methane yield should not be less than 99.5%. Compressor waste heat should be recovered and made available in the form of water and glycol mixture. Biomethane flare, CNG compressor station and CNG tanking posts are installed by the Employer. The procurement is accompanied by: ⁠Conclusion of a procurement contract Procurement sector: ⁠Classical Procurement type: ⁠AzadType of procurement procedure: ⁠Beneficiary purchase Publish notice starting the procurement: ⁠YesCPV code: ⁠Main code Additional codes 42514000-2 Gas filtration - or cleaning equipment and apparatus Is the procurement divided into parts: ⁠No (justification is added to the field "Additional information on the procurement" and to the basic documents) Requests/tenders are submitted electronically:⁠Yes Applications/tenders are submitted in eRHR: ⁠Yes Tender submission deadline: ⁠12.11.2024 14:00 Tender opening time: ⁠12.11.2024 15:00 Estimated duration of the procurement contract: ⁠Date rangePeriod: ⁠16.11.2024 - 31.05.2026Reference to previous market research: Languages , in which procurement documents are officially available: ⁠Eesti Languages ​​in which procurement documents (or their parts) are unofficially available: ⁠English Responsible person: ⁠MARKO PIKANITagasi https://riigihanked.riik.ee/rhr-web/\ /procurement/7997484/general- info The register publishes notifications with an automatic process on weekdays: notifications submitted until 9:00 a.m. will be published at 10:00 a.m. (additional publication from June 2023 at 10:30 a.m.) and notifications submitted until 2:00 p.m. will be published at 3:00 p.m. A special rule applies to notices sent to the ELT - the notice may not be published domestically before receiving confirmation of receipt of the notice from the ELT and publishing the notice in the ELT (the notice may be published 48 hours after receiving the confirmation of receipt from the ELT). The register sends submitted notifications to the ELT every weekday evening. If the basic documents of the procurement are changed, there may be an obligation to extend the deadline! The procurer is responsible for the correctness of the data submitted to the register. NB! Notifications sent to ELT may only be in Estonian (other information that is not reflected in the notification may be added in Estonian or another language). NB! You can find an overview of the validation errors of the messages sent by TED in the registry's FAQ, answer no. 14 https://fin.ee/riigihanked-riigiabi-osalused-kinnisvara/riigihangete-register/kasustusjuhendid\ kkk-registri-kohta.ee/public procurements-public assistance-holdings-property/public procurements-register/use manuals\ about the kk-register.ee/public procurements-public assistance-holdings-property/public procurements-register/use manuals\ about the kk-register.
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