Tender Details

Finland – Battery chargers – Latauskaappeja akuille Change notice Place of performance: Anywhere in the European Economic Area Main nature of the contract: Supplies Official name: Rajavartiolaitos Type of procedure: Open Finland – Battery Chargers – Latauskaappeja akuille Change notice Place of performance: Anywhere in the European Economic Area Main nature of the contract: Supplies Official name: Border Patrol Agency Type of procedure: Open

Published Date
Deadline Date
627124-2024 - Competition Competition Finland: Battery chargers Latauskaappeja akuille Type of procedure: Open Buyer Buyer: Rajavartiolaitos Email: kilpailutukset@raja.fi Finland, Helsinki-Uusimaa (FI1B1), Helsinki LOT-0000: Latauskaappeja akuille Battery chargers Anywhere in the European Economic Area Start date: 01/12/2024 Duration end date: 31/12/2026 Deadline for receipt of tenders: 01/11/2024 - 12:00:00 (UTC+2) 627124-2024 - Competition Finland – Battery chargers – Latauskaappeja akuille OJ S 202/2024 16/10/2024 Contract or concession notice – standard regime - Change notice Supplies 1. Buyer 1.1. Buyer Official name: Rajavartiolaitos Email: kilpailutukset@raja.fi Legal type of the buyer: Central government authority Activity of the contracting authority: Public order and safety 2. Procedure 2.1. Procedure Title: Latauskaappeja akuille Description: Hankintakohde: Latauskaappeja akuille Hankintamäärä: 10 kpl, optiona 10 kpl (2024-2025) + 10 kpl (2024-2026) Koko (mm): Leveys 1200, Syvyys 600-650, Korkeus 1800-2000 Muut vaatimukset: -Palonkesto 90 min standardin EN 14470-1 mukaisesti -Latauspistorasiat 16A, kaikilla hyllyillä käytettävänä vähintään 6 kpl -Kaappi kytkentävalmis verkkovirtaan -Varastointitasoina ritilähyllyt 5 kpl -Valuvan nesteen keräyslaatikko alla -Kahdella avattavalla ovella, jotka ovat itselukittuvat -Säädettävät jalat / sokkeli asennusvaiheessa epätasaisuuksien tasaamiseen -Sisäänrakennettu palonhälytysjärjestelmä -Automaattinen palon sammutusjärjestelmä -Ilmanvaihtolaite lämmön tasaamiseen latauksen aikana -Potentiaalivapaa hälytysliitäntä -Sähköliitäntä 230V Procedure identifier: e3c5c246-0771-4a8e-879d-809af1db107b Internal identifier: RVLDno-2024-1491 Type of procedure: Open 2.1.1. Purpose Main nature of the contract: Supplies Main classification (cpv): 31158100 Battery chargers Additional classification (cpv): 31682100 Electricity boxes 2.1.4. General information Additional information: Toimitukset suoritetaan Rajavartiolaitoksen tilauksen mukaisesti kilpailutuksen jälkeen seuraaviin osoitteisiin: Rajavartiolaitos / Ivalon keskusvarasto Salmenrannantie 2, 99800 IVALO Rajavartiolaitos / Kajaanin keskusvarasto Rajakatu 9, 87101 KAJAANI Rajavartiolaitos / Onttolan Keskusvarasto Onttolantie 20, 80510 ONTTOLA RVLE Immolan keskusvarasto Rajajääkärintie 87, 55910 IMATRA Suomenlahden palveluryhmän varasto Tietotie 14, 01530 VANTAA Rajavartiolaitos / Turun keskusvarasto Kerosiinintie 21, 20360 TURKU Legal basis: Directive 2014/24/EU 2.1.6. Grounds for exclusion Participation in a criminal organisation: Tarjoajalle tai henkilölle, joka on sen hallinto-, johto- tai valvontaelimen jäsen tai jolla on siinä päätös-, edustus- tai valvontavaltaa, on annettu rikollisjärjestön toimintaan osallistumisesta lainvoimainen tuomio, joka on annettu enintään viisi vuotta sitten tai jolla suoraan vahvistettu poissulkeminen on edelleen voimassa. Corruption: Tarjoajalle tai mille tahansa henkilölle, joka on sen hallinto-, johto- tai valvontaelimen jäsen tai jolla on siinä päätös-, edustus- tai valvontavaltaa, annettu lahjonnasta lainvoimainen tuomio, joka on annettu enintään viisi vuotta sitten tai jolla suoraan vahvistettu poissulkeminen on edelleen voimassa Fraud: Tarjoajalle tai mille tahansa henkilölle, joka on sen hallinto-, johto- tai valvontaelimen jäsen, on annettu petoksesta lainvoimainen tuomio, joka on annettu enintään viisi vuotta sitten tai jolla suoraan vahvistettu poissulkeminen on edelleen voimassa Terrorist offences or offences linked to terrorist activities: Tarjoajalle itselleen tai mille tahansa henkilölle, joka on sen hallinto-, johto- tai valvontaelimen jäsen tai jolla on siinä päätös-, edustus- tai valvontavaltaa, annettu terrorismirikoksesta tai terroritoimintaan liittyvästä rikoksesta lainvoimainen tuomio, joka on annettu enintään viisi vuotta sitten tai jolla suoraan vahvistettu poissulkeminen on edelleen voimassa Money laundering or terrorist financing: Tarjoajalle itselleen tai mille tahansa henkilölle, joka on sen hallinto-, johto- tai valvontaelimen jäsen tai jolla on siinä päätös-, edustus- tai valvontavaltaa, on annettu rahanpesusta tai terrorismin rahoituksesta lainvoimainen tuomio, joka on annettu enintään viisi vuotta sitten tai jolla suoraan vahvistettu poissulkeminen on edelleen voimassa. Child labour and other forms of trafficking in human beings: Tarjoajalle itselleen tai mille tahansa henkilölle, joka on sen hallinto-, johto- tai valvontaelimen jäsen tai jolla on siinä päätös-, edustus- tai valvontavaltaa, on annettu lapsityövoiman käytöstä tai muista ihmiskaupan muodoista lainvoimainen tuomio, joka on annettu enintään viisi vuotta sitten tai jolla suoraan vahvistettu poissulkeminen on edelleen voimassa Payment of taxes: Tarjoaja on rikkonut verojen maksamiseen liittyviä velvoitteitaan sijoittumismaassaan tai ostajan maassa. Payment of social security contributions: Tarjoaja on rikkonut sosiaaliturvamaksujen maksamiseen liittyviä velvoitteitaan sijoittumismaassaan tai ostajan maassa. Purely national exclusion grounds: Tarjoajan hallinto-, johto- tai valvontaelimen jäsen tai edustus-,päätös- tai valvontavaltaa käyttävä henkilö on rikosrekisteristä ilmenevällä lainvoimaisella tuomiolla tuomittu työturvallisuusrikoksesta, työaikasuojelurikoksesta, työsyrjinnästä, kiskonnantapaisesta työsyrjinnästä, työntekijöiden järjestäytymisvapauden loukkaamisesta tai luvattoman ulkomaisen työvoiman käytöstä. Breaching of obligations in the fields of environmental law: Tarjoaja on rikkonut ympäristölainsäädännön mukaisia velvoitteitaan. Breaching of obligations in the fields of social law: Tarjoaja on rikkonut sosiaalilainsäädännön mukaisia velvoitteitaan. Breaching of obligations in the fields of labour law: Tarjoaja on rikkonut työlainsäädännön mukaisia velvoitteitaan. Conflict of interest due to its participation in the procurement procedure: Tarjoajan osallistumisesta hankintamenettelyyn aiheutuu eturistiriitoja. Direct or indirect involvement in the preparation of this procurement procedure: Tarjoaja tai tarjoajaan liittyvä yritys on antanut ostajalle neuvoja tai muulla tavoin osallistunut hankintamenettelyn valmisteluun. Early termination, damages or other comparable sanctions: Tarjoajan aikaisempia hankintasopimuksia tai käyttöoikeussopimuksia on irtisanottu ennenaikaisesti tai kyseisen aikaisemman sopimuksen yhteydessä on vaadittu vahingonkorvauksia tai määrätty muita vastaavia seuraamuksia. Guilty of misrepresentation, withheld information, unable to provide required documents and obtained confidential information of this procedure: Tarjoajaa koskee jokin seuraavista tilanteista. a) on syyllistynyt väärän tiedon antamiseen poissulkemis- tai valintaperusteiden osalta, b) on jättänyt antamatta tällaisia tietoja, c) on toimittanut viiveellä tai ei lainkaan ostajan vaatimia tietoja, tai d) on yrittänyt vaikuttaa ostajan päätöksentekoprosessiin asiattomalla tavalla tai hankkinut luottamuksellista tietoa, joista voisi olla sille hankintamenettelyssä asiaankuulumatonta etua, taikka on toimittanut harhaanjohtavia tietoja, joilla voi olla merkittävä vaikutus poissulkemista, tarjoajan valintaa tai hankintaa koskeviin päätöksiin. Bankruptcy: Tarjoaja on konkurssissa. Insolvency: Tarjoajan osalta on käynnistetty maksukyvyttömyys- tai likvidaatiomenettely. Arrangement with creditors: Tarjoajalla on järjestelyjä velkojien kanssa. Analogous situation like bankruptcy under national law: Tarjoaja on kansalliseen lainsäädäntöön ja kansallisiin määräyksiin perustuen yllämainittuja tilanteita vastaavassa samankaltaisessa menettelyssä. Assets being administered by liquidator: Tarjoajan varat ovat selvitysmiehen tai tuomioistuimen hallinnassa. Business activities are suspended: Tarjoajan liiketoiminta on keskeytetty. Guilty of grave professional misconduct: Tarjoaja on syyllistynyt ammatin harjoittamiseen liittyvään vakavaan virheeseen. Agreements with other economic operators aimed at distorting competition: Tarjoaja on tehnyt muiden kanssa sopimuksia, joilla pyritään vääristämään kilpailua. 5. Lot 5.1. Lot: LOT-0000 Title: Latauskaappeja akuille Description: Hankintakohde: Latauskaappeja akuille Hankintamäärä: 10 kpl, optiona 10 kpl (2024-2025) + 10 kpl (2024-2026) Koko (mm): Leveys 1200, Syvyys 600-650, Korkeus 1800-2000 Muut vaatimukset: -Palonkesto 90 min standardin EN 14470-1 mukaisesti -Latauspistorasiat 16A, kaikilla hyllyillä käytettävänä vähintään 6 kpl -Kaappi kytkentävalmis verkkovirtaan -Varastointitasoina ritilähyllyt 5 kpl -Valuvan nesteen keräyslaatikko alla -Kahdella avattavalla ovella, jotka ovat itselukittuvat -Säädettävät jalat / sokkeli asennusvaiheessa epätasaisuuksien tasaamiseen -Sisäänrakennettu palonhälytysjärjestelmä -Automaattinen palon sammutusjärjestelmä -Ilmanvaihtolaite lämmön tasaamiseen latauksen aikana -Potentiaalivapaa hälytysliitäntä -Sähköliitäntä 230V Internal identifier: 2024-012576-LOT-0001 5.1.1. Purpose Main nature of the contract: Supplies Main classification (cpv): 31158100 Battery chargers Additional classification (cpv): 31682100 Electricity boxes Options: Description of the options: Hankintayksikkö sisällyttää hankintaan lisähankintavarauksena (optio) mahdollisuuden korkeintaan kahdenkymmenen (20) latauskaapin hankintaan, jotka suunnitellaan tilaavan kahdessa (2) kymmenen (10) kappaleen erässä, joista ensimmäinen 2024-2025 välisenä aikana ja toinen 2024-2026 välisenä aikana. Hankintayksikkö voi halutessaan myös suorittaa koko sopimuksen tilauksen 30 kpl yhtenä tilauksena. 5.1.2. Place of performance Anywhere in the European Economic Area 5.1.3. Estimated duration Start date: 01/12/2024 Duration end date: 31/12/2026 5.1.4. Renewal The buyer reserves the right for additional purchases from the contractor, as described here: Sopimukseen sisältyy optiotuotteita 10 kpl aikavälille 2024-2025 + 10 kpl aikavälille 2024-2026, ei optiokausia. 5.1.6. General information Reserved participation: Participation is not reserved. Procurement Project not financed with EU Funds. The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): no 5.1.9. Selection criteria Criterion: Type: Suitability to pursue the professional activity Use of this criterion: Not used Criterion: Type: Technical and professional ability Use of this criterion: Not used Criterion: Type: Economic and financial standing Use of this criterion: Not used Criterion: Type: Other Name: Rajavartiolaitoksen soveltuvuusvaatimukset Description: Todistuksia soveltuvuusvaatimuksien täyttymisestä ei tarvitse liittää tarjoukseen, mikäli niitä ei ole erikseen pyydetty. Tarjoajan vakuutus ehdottomien vaatimusten täyttymisestä riittää. Hankintayksikkö tarkastaa valitun Toimittajan tiedot Vastuu Group -palvelusta tai muualta, mikäli Toimittajan tiedot ovat saatavilla tai pyytää tarvittaessa toimittamaan todistukset erikseen. Hankintayksikkö voi kuitenkin missä tahansa hankinnan vaiheessa pyytää Tarjoajaa toimittamaan tarvittavia tietoja/selvityksiä. 1. Tarjoaja on rekisteröitynyt kaupparekisteriin, ennakkoperintälain mukaiseen ennakkoperintärekisteriin ja työnantajarekisteriin sekä arvonlisäverolain mukaiseen arvonlisäverovelvollisten rekisteriin, jos Tarjoaja on lainsäädännön mukaan velvollinen rekisteröitymään kyseisiin rekistereihin. 2. Tarjoaja on täyttänyt velvollisuutensa suorittaa sijoittautumismaansa tai Suomen lainsäädännön mukaiset verot, sosiaaliturvamaksut sekä Suomen lainsäädännön mukaiset verot ja sosiaaliturvamaksut, jos ehdokas on Suomessa verovelvollinen ja velvollinen maksamaan sosiaaliturvamaksuja. 3. Tarjoaja huolehtii lakien ja työehtosopimusten noudattamisesta. 4. Tarjoajalla on sijoittumismaansa tai Suomen lainsäädännön mukainen voimassa oleva työtapaturma- ja ammattitautilaissa (459/2015) tarkoitettu vakuutus työsuhteessa oleville työntekijöilleen ja se on järjestänyt työterveyshuollon lain (1383/2001) vaatimusten mukaisesti. 5. Tarjoajalla on voimassa oleva suhteessa hankinnan kohteeseen riittävä vastuuvakuutus tai se hankkii vakuutukseen ennen palvelun aloittamista. Use of this criterion: Used 5.1.10. Award criteria Criterion: Type: Price Name: Kokonaishinta Description: Toimittajaksi valitaan hinnalta halvin tarjous, joka täyttää hankintayksikön määrittelemät vähimmäisvaatimukset. 5.1.11. Procurement documents Languages in which the procurement documents are officially available: Finnish Deadline for requesting additional information: 17/10/2024 12:00:00 (UTC+3) Address of the procurement documents: https://www.hankintailmoitukset.fi/fi/public/procedure/9144/enotice/12576 5.1.12. Terms of procurement Terms of submission: Electronic submission: Required Address for submission: https://www.hankintailmoitukset.fi/fi/tendering/procedure/9144/call-for-tenders Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: Finnish Electronic catalogue: Not allowed Deadline for receipt of tenders: 01/11/2024 12:00:00 (UTC+2) Deadline until which the tender must remain valid: 3 Months Terms of contract: The execution of the contract must be performed within the framework of sheltered employment programmes: No Electronic invoicing: Required Electronic ordering will be used: no Electronic payment will be used: yes 5.1.15. Techniques Framework agreement: No framework agreement Information about the dynamic purchasing system: No dynamic purchase system 5.1.16. Further information, mediation and review Review organisation: Markkinaoikeus Organisation providing more information on the review procedures: Rajavartiolaitos TED eSender: Hansel Oy (Hilma) 8. Organisations 8.1. ORG-0001 Official name: Rajavartiolaitos Registration number: 0246003-5 Postal address: PL 3 Town: Helsinki Postcode: 00131 Country subdivision (NUTS): Helsinki-Uusimaa (FI1B1) Country: Finland Contact point: Teknillinen osasto / Kaupallinen yksikkö Email: kilpailutukset@raja.fi Telephone: +358295420000 Internet address: https://www.raja.fi Roles of this organisation: Buyer Organisation providing more information on the review procedures 8.1. ORG-0002 Official name: Hansel Oy (Hilma) Registration number: FI09880841 Postal address: Mannerheiminaukio 1 A Town: Helsinki Postcode: 00100 Country subdivision (NUTS): Helsinki-Uusimaa (FI1B1) Country: Finland Email: tekninen@hankintailmoitukset.fi Telephone: +358 295563630 Internet address: https://www.hankintailmoitukset.fi Roles of this organisation: TED eSender 8.1. ORG-0003 Official name: Markkinaoikeus Registration number: FI30061576 Postal address: Radanrakentajantie 5 Town: Helsinki Postcode: 00520 Country subdivision (NUTS): Helsinki-Uusimaa (FI1B1) Country: Finland Email: markkinaoikeus@oikeus.fi Telephone: +358 295643300 Internet address: http://www.oikeus.fi/markkinaoikeus Roles of this organisation: Review organisation 10. Change Version of the previous notice to be changed: b183c2b6-440e-4e79-951f-dee7004b94a8-01 Main reason for change: Publisher correction Description: Sopimusluonnos lisätty tarjouspyyntöaineistoon. 10.1. Change Section identifier: LOT-0000 Description of changes: Sopimusluonnos lisätty liitteisiin. 11. Notice information 11.1. Notice information Notice identifier/version: f69a9c3b-b81b-4b93-9b5c-6ff3683bb375 - 01 Form type: Competition Notice type: Contract or concession notice – standard regime Notice subtype: 16 Notice dispatch date: 15/10/2024 10:33:13 (UTC+3) Languages in which this notice is officially available: Finnish 11.2. Publication information Notice publication number: 627124-2024 OJ S issue number: 202/2024 Publication date: 16/10/2024 Czech document download: https://ted.europa.eu/cs/notice/627124-2024/pdf Danish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/da/notice/627124-2024/pdf German document download: https://ted.europa.eu/de/notice/627124-2024/pdf Greek document download: https://ted.europa.eu/el/notice/627124-2024/pdf Spanish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/es/notice/627124-2024/pdf English document download: https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/627124-2024/pdf Estonian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/et/notice/627124-2024/pdf Finnish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/fi/notice/627124-2024/pdf French document download: https://ted.europa.eu/fr/notice/627124-2024/pdf Irish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/ga/notice/627124-2024/pdf Croatian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/hr/notice/627124-2024/pdf Hungarian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/hu/notice/627124-2024/pdf Italian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/it/notice/627124-2024/pdf Lithuanian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/lt/notice/627124-2024/pdf Latvian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/lv/notice/627124-2024/pdf Maltese document download: https://ted.europa.eu/mt/notice/627124-2024/pdf Dutch document download: https://ted.europa.eu/nl/notice/627124-2024/pdf Polska document download: https://ted.europa.eu/pl/notice/627124-2024/pdf Portuguese document download: https://ted.europa.eu/pt/notice/627124-2024/pdf Romanian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/ro/notice/627124-2024/pdf Slovak document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sk/notice/627124-2024/pdf Slovenian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sl/notice/627124-2024/pdf Swedish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sv/notice/627124-2024/pdf Bulgarian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/bg/notice/627124-2024/pdf 627124-2024 - Competition Competition Finland: Battery Chargers Charging cabinets for batteries Type of procedure: Open Buyer Buyer: Border Guards Email: nartiletukset@raja.fi Finland, Helsinki-Uusimaa (FI1B1), Helsinki LOT-0000: Charging cabinets for batteries Battery Chargers Anywhere in the European Economic Area Start date: 01/12/2024 Duration end date: 31/12/2026 Deadline for receipt of tenders: 01/11/2024 - 12:00:00 (UTC+2) 627124-2024 - Competition Finland – Battery Chargers – Charging cabinets for batteries OJ S 202/2024 16/10/2024 Contract or Concession notice – standard regime - Change notice Supplies 1. Buyer 1.1. Buyer Official name: Border Guarding Agency Email: narvaletukset@raja.fi Legal type of the buyer: Central government authority Activity of the contracting authority: Public order and safety 2. Procedure 2.1. Procedure Title: Charging cabinets for batteries Description: Procurement object: Charging cabinets for batteries Purchase quantity: 10 pcs, as an option 10 pcs (2024-2025) + 10 pcs (2024-2026) Size (mm): Width 1200, Depth 600-650, Height 1800-2000 Other requirements: -Fire resistance 90 min according to standard EN 14470-1 -Charging sockets 16A, at least 6 pcs to be used on all shelves -Cabinet ready for connection to the mains -Grid shelves 5 pcs as storage levels -Draining liquid collection box below -With two opening doors that are self-locking -Adjustable legs / plinth during installation to equalize unevenness -Built-in fire alarm system -Automatic fire extinguishing system -Ventilation device to equalize heat during charging -Potential-free alarm connection -Electrical connection 230V Procedure identifier: e3c5c246-0771-4a8e-879d-809af1db107b Internal identifier: RVLDno-2024-1491 Type of procedure: Open 2.1.1. Purpose Main nature of the contract: Supplies Main classification (cpv): 31158100 Battery Chargers Additional classification (cpv): 31682100 Electricity boxes 2.1.4. General information Additional information: Deliveries are made according to the order of the Border Guard to the following addresses: Border Guard / Ivalo Central Warehouse Salmenrannantie 2, 99800 IVALO Border Guard / Kajaani Central Warehouse Rajakatu 9, 87101 KAJAANI Border Guard / Onttolan Central Warehouse Onttolantie 20, 80510 ONTTOLA RVLE Immola Central Warehouse Rajajäkärintie 87, 559 10 IMATRA Suomenlahti service group warehouse Tietotie 14, 01530 VANTAA Border Guard / Turku central warehouse Kerosiintie 21, 20360 TURKU Legal basis: Directive 2014/24/EU 2.1.6. Grounds for exclusion Participation in a criminal organization: The tenderer or a person who is a member of its administrative, management or supervisory body or who has decision-making, representation or supervisory authority has been given a legally binding sentence for participation in the activities of a criminal organization, which has been given for a maximum of five years then or by which the directly confirmed exclusion is still valid. Corruption: To the Bidder or any person who is its administrative,a member of a management or supervisory body, or who has decision-making, representational or supervisory authority in it, a legally binding sentence for bribery, which was given no more than five years ago or for which a directly confirmed exclusion is still valid Fraud: For the Bidder or any person who is its administrative , a member of the management or supervisory body, has been given a legally binding conviction for fraud, which was given no more than five years ago or where the directly confirmed exclusion is still valid. a member of a management or supervisory body or who has decision-making, representation or supervisory authority in it, a final sentence for a terrorist offense or a crime related to terrorist activity, which was issued no more than five years ago or for which a directly confirmed exclusion is still valid Money laundering or terrorist financing: To the offeror himself or any person who is a member of its administrative, management or supervisory body or who has decision-making, representational or supervisory authority in it has been given a legally binding sentence for money laundering or terrorist financing that was given no more than five years ago or for which a directly confirmed exclusion is still in effect in effect. Child Labor and other forms of trafficking in human beings: The tenderer himself or any person who is a member of its administrative, management or supervisory body or who has decision-making, representational or supervisory authority has been given a legally binding notice on the use of child labor or other forms of human trafficking a judgment that was issued no more than five years ago or where the directly confirmed exclusion is still valid Payment of taxes: The bidder has violated his obligations related to the payment of taxes in his country of establishment or in the buyer's country. Payment of social security contributions: The bidder has breached his obligations related to the payment of social security contributions in his country of location or in the buyer's country. Purely national exclusion grounds: A member of the tenderer's administrative, management or supervisory body or a person exercising representation, decision-making or supervisory authority has been convicted of an occupational safety crime, working time protection crime, employment discrimination, anti-racist employment discrimination, violation of employees' freedom of association or the use of unauthorized foreign labor by a legally binding sentence appearing in the criminal record. Breaching of obligations in the fields of environmental law: The tenderer has breached his obligations according to environmental law. Breaching of obligations in the fields of social law: The provider has breached its obligations according to social law. Breaching of obligations in the fields of Labor law: The tenderer has breached his obligations according to labor law. Conflict of interest due to its participation in the procurement procedure: Conflicts of interest arise from the tenderer's participation in the procurement procedure.Direct or indirect involvement in the preparation of this procurement procedure: The bidder or a company related to the bidder has given advice to the buyer or otherwise participated in the preparation of the procurement procedure. Early termination, damages or other comparable sanctions: The provider's previous procurement contracts or right-of-use agreements have been terminated prematurely, or damages have been demanded or other similar sanctions have been imposed in connection with the previous contract in question. Guilty of misrepresentation, withheld information, unable to provide required documents and obtained confidential information of this procedure: The tenderer is affected by one of the following situations. a) has been guilty of providing false information regarding the exclusion or selection criteria, b) has failed to provide such information, c) has delivered the information requested by the buyer late or not at all, or d) has tried to influence the buyer's decision-making process in an inappropriate way or has obtained confidential information that could to have an irrelevant advantage for it in the procurement procedure, or has provided misleading information that may have a significant impact on decisions regarding exclusion, selection of the tenderer or procurement. Bankruptcy: The offeror is bankrupt. Insolvency: Insolvency or liquidation proceedings have been initiated for the offeror. Arrangement with creditors: The tenderer has arrangements with creditors. Analogous situation like Bankruptcy under national law: Based on national legislation and national regulations, the offeror is in a similar procedure to the situations mentioned above. Assets being administered by liquidator: The bidder's assets are administered by a liquidator or a court. Business activities are suspended: The provider's business activities have been suspended. Guilty of grave professional misconduct: The tenderer is guilty of serious professional misconduct. Agreements with other economic operators aimed at distorting competition: The tenderer has made agreements with others aimed at distorting competition. 5. Lots 5.1. Lot: LOT-0000 Title: Charging cabinets for batteries Description: Purchase target: Charging cabinets for batteries Purchase quantity: 10 pcs, as an option 10 pcs (2024-2025) + 10 pcs (2024-2026) Size (mm): Width 1200, Depth 600-650, Height 1800-2000 Other requirements: -Fire resistance 90 min according to standard EN 14470-1 -Charging sockets 16A, at least 6 pcs to be used on all shelves -Cabinet ready for connection to the mains -Grid shelves 5 pcs as storage levels -Draining liquid collection box below -With two opening doors that are self-locking -Adjustable legs / plinth to compensate for unevenness during installation - Built-in fire alarm system - Automatic fire extinguishing system - Ventilation device for equalizing heat during charging - Potential-free alarm connection - Electrical connection 230V Internal identifier: 2024-012576-LOT-0001 5.1.1.Purpose Main nature of the contract: Supplies Main classification (cpv): 31158100 Battery Chargers Additional classification (cpv): 31682100 Electricity boxes Options: Description of the options: The procurement entity includes in the procurement as an additional procurement reservation (option) the possibility of purchasing a maximum of twenty (20) charging cabinets, which it is planned to order in two (2) lots of ten (10) pieces, the first between 2024-2025 and the second between 2024-2026. If desired, the procurement unit can also complete the entire contract order in one order of 30 units. 5.1.2. Place of performance Anywhere in the European Economic Area 5.1.3. Estimated duration Start date: 01/12/2024 Duration end date: 31/12/2026 5.1.4. Renewal The Buyer reserves the right for additional purchases from the contractor, as described here: The contract includes 10 option products for the period 2024-2025 + 10 options for the period 2024-2026, no option periods. 5.1.6. General information Reserved participation: Participation is not reserved. Procurement Project not financed with EU Funds. The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): no 5.1.9. Selection criteria Criterion: Type: Suitability to pursue the professional activity Use of this criterion: Not used Criterion: Type: Technical and professional ability Use of this criterion: Not used Criterion: Type: Economic and financial standing Use of this criterion: Not used Criterion : Type: Other Name: Suitability requirements of the Border Guard Description: Certificates of meeting the suitability requirements do not need to be attached to the offer, if they have not been requested separately. The offerer's assurance that the unconditional requirements are met is sufficient. The procurement unit checks the selected Supplier's information from the Vastuu Group service or elsewhere, if the Supplier's information is available, or requests that the certificates be delivered separately if necessary. However, the procurement unit may, at any stage of the procurement, ask the Tenderer to provide the necessary information/explanations. 1. The Bidder is registered in the trade register, the advance collection register according to the Advance Collection Act and the employer register, as well as the register of VAT payers according to the Value Added Tax Act, if the Bidder is obliged by law to register in those registers. 2. The tenderer has fulfilled his obligation to pay taxes, social security contributions in accordance with the legislation of his country of establishment or Finnish legislation, and taxes and social security contributions in accordance with Finnish legislation, if the candidate is liable for taxes in Finland and is obliged to pay social security contributions. 3. The provider ensures compliance with laws and collective agreements. 4. The tenderer has valid insurance for its employees under the Occupational Accidents and Diseases Act (459/2015) in accordance with the legislation of its country of location or Finland and has organized occupational health care in accordance with the requirements of the Act (1383/2001). 5.The provider has sufficient liability insurance in relation to the object of the procurement, or obtains the insurance before starting the service. Use of this criterion: Used 5.1.10. Award criteria Criterion: Type: Price Name: Total price Description: The lowest price offer that meets the minimum requirements defined by the procurement unit is selected as the supplier. 5.1.11. Procurement documents Languages ​​in which the procurement documents are officially available: Finnish. fi/public/procedure/9144/enotice/12576 5.1.12. Terms of procurement Terms of submission: Electronic submission: Required Address for submission: https://www.hankintaylokkeet.fi/fi/tendering/procedure/9144/call-for-tenders Languages ​​in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: Finnish Electronic catalogue: Not allowed Deadline for receipt of tenders: 01/11/2024 12:00:00 (UTC+2) Deadline until which the tender must remain valid: 3 Months Terms of contract: The execution of the contract must be performed within the framework of sheltered employment programs: No Electronic invoicing: Required Electronic ordering will be used: no Electronic payment will be used: yes 5.1.15. Techniques Framework agreement: No framework agreement Information about the dynamic Purchasing system: No dynamic purchase system 5.1.16. Further information, Mediation and review Review organization: Market Court Organization providing more information on the review procedures: Border Patrol Agency TED eSender: Hansel Oy (Hilma) 8. Organizations 8.1. ORG-0001 Official name: Border Guard Registration number: 0246003-5 Postal address: PL 3 Town: Helsinki Postcode: 00131 Country subdivision (NUTS): Helsinki-Uusimaa (FI1B1) Country: Finland Contact point: Technical department / Commercial unit Email: tenders @raja.fi Telephone: +358295420000 Internet address: https://www.raja.fi Roles of this organization: Buyer Organization providing more information on the review procedures 8.1. ORG-0002 Official name: Hansel Oy (Hilma) Registration number: FI09880841 Postal address: Mannerheiminaukio 1 A Town: Helsinki Postcode: 00100 Country subdivision (NUTS): Helsinki-Uusimaa (FI1B1) Country: Finland Email: tekninen@hankintaylokkeet.fi Telephone : +358 295563630 Internet address: https://www.hankintaylokkeet.fi Roles of this organization: TED eSender 8.1. ORG-0003 Official name: Markkinaoikeus Registration number: FI30061576 Postal address: Radanrakentajantie 5 Town: Helsinki Postcode: 00520 Country subdivision (NUTS): Helsinki-Uusimaa (FI1B1) Country: Finland Email: markkinaoikeus@oikeus.fi Telephone: +358 295643300 Internet address: http://www.oikeus.fi/markkinaoikeus Roles of this organization: Review organization 10. Change Version of the previous notice to be changed: b183c2b6-440e-4e79-951f-dee7004b94a8-01 Main reason for change:Publisher correction Description: Draft contract added to the tender material. 10.1. Change Section identifier: LOT-0000 Description of changes: Draft contract added to attachments. 11. Notice information 11.1. Notice information Notice identifier/version: f69a9c3b-b81b-4b93-9b5c-6ff3683bb375 - 01 Form type: Competition Notice type: Contract or Concession notice – standard regime Notice subtype: 16 Notice dispatch date: 15/10/2024 10:33:13 (UTC+3) Languages ​​in which this notice is officially available: Finnish 11.2. Publication information Notice publication number: 627124-2024 OJ S issue number: 202/2024 Publication date: 16/10/2024 Czech document download: https://ted.europa.eu/cs/notice/627124-2024/pdf Danish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/da/notice/627124-2024/pdf German document download: https://ted.europa.eu/de/notice/627124-2024/pdf Greek document download: https: //ted.europa.eu/el/notice/627124-2024/pdf Spanish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/es/notice/627124-2024/pdf English document download: https://ted. europa.eu/en/notice/627124-2024/pdf Estonian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/et/notice/627124-2024/pdf Finnish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/ fi/notice/627124-2024/pdf French document download: https://ted.europa.eu/fr/notice/627124-2024/pdf Irish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/ga/notice/ 627124-2024/pdf Croatian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/hr/notice/627124-2024/pdf Hungarian document download: 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document download: https://ted.europa.eu/it/notice/627124-2024/pdf Lithuanian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/lt/notice/627124-2024/pdf Latvian document download : https://ted.europa.eu/lv/notice/627124-2024/pdf Maltese document download: https://ted.europa.eu/mt/notice/627124-2024/pdf Dutch document download: https:/ /ted.europa.eu/nl/notice/627124-2024/pdf Polska document download: https://ted.europa.eu/pl/notice/627124-2024/pdf Portuguese document download: https://ted.europa .eu/pt/notice/627124-2024/pdf Romanian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/ro/notice/627124-2024/pdf Slovak document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sk /notice/627124-2024/pdf Slovenian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sl/notice/627124-2024/pdf Swedish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sv/notice/627124 -2024/pdf Bulgarian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/bg/notice/627124-2024/pdfPublication information Notice publication number: 627124-2024 OJ S issue number: 202/2024 Publication date: 16/10/2024 Czech document download: https://ted.europa.eu/cs/notice/627124-2024/pdf Danish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/da/notice/627124-2024/pdf German document download: https://ted.europa.eu/de/notice/627124-2024/pdf Greek document download: https: //ted.europa.eu/el/notice/627124-2024/pdf Spanish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/es/notice/627124-2024/pdf English document download: https://ted. europa.eu/en/notice/627124-2024/pdf Estonian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/et/notice/627124-2024/pdf Finnish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/ fi/notice/627124-2024/pdf French document download: https://ted.europa.eu/fr/notice/627124-2024/pdf Irish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/ga/notice/ 627124-2024/pdf Croatian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/hr/notice/627124-2024/pdf Hungarian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/hu/notice/627124-2024/ pdf Italian document download: 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