Tender Details

Hankintarengas syksy 2024: jalkineet ja renkaat Hankinta koostuu kahdesta tuoteryhmästä - Liukkaan kelin jalkineet - Liukkaan kelin renkaat polkupyörään Hankintamallina on myyjäpooli, johon halukkaat ja tietyt vaatimukset täyttävät myyjät voivat ilmoittautua etukäteen tekemällä osallistumishakemuksen. Poolin ostopaikat julkaistaan tuotteiden loppukäyttäjille syksyn 2024 aikana ja kukin loppukäyttäjä voi ostaa yhden tuotteen valitsemastaan paikasta vuoden 2024 aikana. Tuotteiden maksimihinta on määrätty verottajan ohjeiden mukaiseksi, sillä kyseessä on lahja työntekijöille, se on enintään 100 eur (sis. alv). Tuotteen ostaja saa, mikäli teknisesti mahdollista, maksaa itse erotuksen kalliimpaan tuotteeseen. Enintään maksimihintaisia tuotteita tulee kuitenkin olla saatavilla. Jalkineet (nasta- tai kitkapohjaiset) Hankinta koostuu kahdesta tuoteryhmästä, joista tämä osa on: - Liukkaan kelin jalkineet Hankintamallina on hankintarengas, johon halukkaat ja tietyt vaatimukset täyttävät myyjät voivat ilmoittautua etukäteen tekemällä osallistumishakemuksen tähän hankintailmoitukseen. Hankintarenkaan ostopaikat julkaistaan tuotteiden loppukäyttäjille (Xamkin henkilöstöä) syksyn 2024 aikana ja kukin loppukäyttäjä voi ostaa yhden, tuoteryhmään kuuluvan, tuotteen valitsemastaan paikasta vuoden 2024 aikana. Myyjä tarkistaa tuotteen ostavan henkilön henkilöllisyyden ja vertaa sitä Xamkin toimittamaan henkilölistaan, ottaa tältä kuittauksen ja nimenselvennyksen myyntitilaukseen, kuittiin tai vastaavaan asiakirjaan ja laskuttaa Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy:ltä (myöhemmin Xamk) tuotteista listan mukaisesti vuoden 2024 lopussa tai sopimuksen mukaan esim. kuukausittain. Tuotevalikoiman jalkineiden tulee olla nasta- tai kitkapohjaiset jalkineet. Maksimihinta tuotteille on 100 € sis. alv 25,5 % (per jalkinepari). Tuotteen ostaja saa maksaa erotuksen kalliimpaan tuotteeseen itse, mikäli tämä on teknisesti mahdollista. Tuotteiden ostomäärien ennakkoarvio on yhteensä 200-300 paria jalkineita koko Xamkin toiminta-alueella. Osallistua voi vain myyjä, jolla on nasta- tai kitkapohjaisia jalkineita saatavilla myymälöissä, joista ne voi ostaa sovitettuaan tai tuotteet voi hakea myymälästä myöhemmin, kuitenkin ennen joulua. Myös postitus kotiin on sallittua, postituskulujen tulee aina kuitenkin sisältyä kokonaishintaan 100€ sis. alv 25,5 % Ostopaikan valitsee siis tuotteen loppukäyttäjä sen mukaan, minkä myyjän valikoima sopii hänen tarpeeseensa parhaiten. Xamk ei sitoudu tiettyihin ostomääriin, sillä ostot jakautuvat usean myyjän kesken. Renkaaseen otetaan mukaan useita myyjiä kumpaankin tuotekategoriaan, yksi myyjä voi tarjota kumpaakin tuotekategoriaa. Tavoitteena on saada mukaan kattavasti Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy:n toimintapaikkakuntien (Kotka, Kouvola, Mikkeli, Savonlinna) myymäläverkosto, jotta jokaisella näillä paikkakunnalla olisi useita ostopaikkoja mukana poolissa. Mukaan voi hakea myös muilta paikkakunnilta, sillä loppukäyttäjiä on koko Suomessa. Tarkista myyjälle asetetut vaatimukset kohdassa Soveltuvuusvaatimukset. Pyörän nastarenkaat Hankinta koostuu kahdesta tuotekategoriasta, tämä osa on: - Liukkaan kelin renkaat polkupyörään Hankintamallina on hankintarengas, johon halukkaat ja tietyt vaatimukset täyttävät myyjät voivat ilmoittautua etukäteen tekemällä osallistumishakemuksen tähän hankintailmoitukseen. Hankintarenkaan ostopaikat julkaistaan tuotteiden loppukäyttäjille (Xamkin henkilöstöä) syksyn 2024 aikana ja kukin loppukäyttäjä voi ostaa yhden, tuoteryhmään kuuluvan, tuotteen valitsemastaan paikasta vuoden 2024 aikana. Myyjä tarkistaa tuotteen ostavan henkilön henkilöllisyyden ja vertaa sitä Xamkin toimittamaan henkilölistaan, ottaa tältä kuittauksen ja nimenselvennyksen myyntitilaukseen, kuittiin tai vastaavaan asiakirjaan ja laskuttaa Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy:ltä (myöhemmin Xamk) tuotteista listan mukaisesti vuoden 2024 lopussa tai sopimuksen mukaan esim. kuukausittain. Tuotevalikoiman renkaiden tulee olla nasta- tai kitkarenkaat polkupyörään. Maksimihinta tuotteille on 100 € sis. alv 25,5 % (per jalkine- tai rengaspari). Tuotteen ostaja saa maksaa erotuksen kalliimpaan tuotteeseen itse, mikäli tämä on teknisesti mahdollista. Tuotteiden ostomäärien ennakkoarvio on 100-200 settiä renkaita koko Xamkin toiminta-alueella. Osallistua voi vain myyjä, jolla on pyöränrenkaita saatavilla joko myymälöistä tai niitä voi toimittaa postitse kotiin ostajille. Postituskulujen tulee aina kuitenkin sisältyä kokonaishintaan 100€ sis. alv 25,5 % Ostopaikan valitsee siis tuotteen loppukäyttäjä sen mukaan, minkä myyjän valikoima sopii hänen tarpeeseensa parhaiten. Xamk ei sitoudu tiettyihin ostomääriin, sillä ostot jakautuvat usean myyjän kesken. Pooliin otetaan mukaan useita myyjiä kumpaankin tuotekategoriaan, yksi myyjä voi tarjota kumpaakin tuotekategoriaa. Tavoitteena on saada mukaan kattavasti Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy:n toimintapaikkakuntien (Kotka, Kouvola, Mikkeli, Savonlinna) myymäläverkosto, jotta jokaisella näillä paikkakunnalla olisi useita ostopaikkoja mukana poolissa. Mukaan voi hakea myös muilta paikkakunnilta, sillä loppukäyttäjiä on koko Suomessa. Tarkista myyjälle asetetut vaatimukset kohdassa Soveltuvuusvaatimukset 2024-150150 Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy Patteristonkatu 3 D 50100 Mikkeli FI +358 408686439 Satu.Sirkia@xamk.fi Satu Sirkiä http://www.xamk.fi Hankinta koostuu kahdesta tuoteryhmästä, joista tämä osa on: https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/xamk?id=523071&tpk=5251aa0d-80fb-410e-a90c-1dc62ecaccd7 Satu.Sirkia@xamk.fi Hankinta koostuu kahdesta tuoteryhmästä 2024-10-17T08:36:32.3651111 Procurement ring autumn 2024: footwear and tires The procurement consists of two product groups - Slippery weather footwear - Slippery weather bicycle tires The procurement model is a seller pool, to which sellers who are willing and meet certain requirements can register in advance by submitting a participation application. Pool's Purchase Places will be published to the end users of the products during the fall of 2024, and each end user can purchase one product from the location of their choice during 2024. The maximum price of the products is set according to the instructions of the taxman, because it is a gift for employees, it is a maximum of 100 euros (incl. VAT). The buyer of the product may, if technically possible, pay the difference for a more expensive product himself. However, no more than the maximum priced products should be available. Footwear (studded or friction-based) The procurement consists of two product groups, of which this part is: - Slippery weather footwear The procurement model is a procurement ring, to which sellers who are willing and meet certain requirements can register in advance by submitting a participation application to this procurement notice. Hankintarenka's Purchase locations will be published to the end users of the products (Xamk's personnel) during the fall of 2024, and each end user can purchase one product belonging to the product group at the location of their choice during the year 2024. The seller checks the identity of the person buying the product and compares it to the personal list provided by Xamk, takes the acknowledgment and name clarification from this person in the sales order, receipt or similar document and invoices Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy (later Xamk) for the products according to the list at the end of 2024 or according to the agreement, e.g. monthly. The footwear in the product range must be studded or friction sole footwear. The maximum price for the products is €100 including VAT 25.5% (per pair of shoes). The buyer of the product may pay the difference to the more expensive product himself, if this is technically possible. The preliminary estimate of the purchase quantities of the products is a total of 200-300 pairs of footwear in the entire Xamk operating area. Only sellers who have studded or friction sole footwear available in stores can participate, where you can buy them after fitting, or you can pick up the products from the store later, but before Christmas. Mailing to home is also allowed, however, the shipping costs must always be included in the total price of €100 incl. VAT 25.5% The place of purchase is therefore chosen by the end user of the product according to which seller's selection best suits his needs. Xamk does not commit to specific purchase quantities, as the purchases are distributed among several sellers. Several sellers are included in the ring for both product categories, one seller can offer both product categories. The goal is to comprehensively involve the store network of the operating locations of Southeast Finland University of Applied Sciences Oy (Kotka, Kouvola, Mikkeli, Savonlinna) so that each of these locations has several shopping locations in the pool. You can also apply from other locations,because there are end users all over Finland. Check the requirements set for the seller in the section Suitability requirements. Bicycle studded tires Procurement consists of two product categories, this part is: - Slippery weather tires for bicycles The procurement model is a procurement tire, for which sellers who are willing and meet certain requirements can register in advance by submitting a participation application to this procurement announcement. Hankintarenka's Purchase locations will be published to the end users of the products (Xamk's personnel) during the fall of 2024, and each end user can purchase one product belonging to the product group at the location of their choice during the year 2024. The seller checks the identity of the person buying the product and compares it to the personal list provided by Xamk, takes the acknowledgment and name clarification from this person in the sales order, receipt or similar document and invoices Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy (later Xamk) for the products according to the list at the end of 2024 or according to the agreement, e.g. monthly. The tires in the product range must be studded or friction tires for bicycles. The maximum price for the products is €100 including VAT 25.5% (per pair of shoes or tires). The buyer of the product may pay the difference to the more expensive product himself, if this is technically possible. The preliminary estimate of the purchase quantities of the products is 100-200 sets of tires in the entire area of ​​operation of Xamk. Only a seller who has bicycle tires available either in stores or can deliver them by mail to buyers' homes can participate. However, the postage costs must always be included in the total price of €100 incl. VAT 25.5% The end user of the product chooses the place of purchase according to which seller's selection best suits his needs. Xamk does not commit to specific purchase quantities, as the purchases are distributed among several sellers. Several sellers are included in the pool for each product category, one seller can offer both product categories. The goal is to comprehensively involve the store network of the operating locations of Southeast Finland University of Applied Sciences Oy (Kotka, Kouvola, Mikkeli, Savonlinna) so that each of these locations has several shopping locations in the pool. You can also apply from other locations, as there are end users all over Finland. Check the requirements set for the seller under Suitability requirements 2024-150150 Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy Patteristonkatu 3 D 50100 Mikkeli FI +358 408686439 Satu.Sirkia@xamk.fi Satu Sirkiä http://www.xamk.fi The procurement consists of two product groups, of which this part is : https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/xamk?id=523071&tpk=5251aa0d-80fb-410e-a90c-1dc62ecaccd7 Satu.Sirkia@xamk.fi Procurement consists of two product groups 2024-10-17T08:36:32.3651111to which sellers who are willing and meet certain requirements can register in advance by submitting a participation application to this procurement notice. Hankintarenka's Purchase locations will be published to the end users of the products (Xamk's personnel) during the fall of 2024, and each end user can purchase one product belonging to the product group at the location of their choice during the year 2024. The seller checks the identity of the person buying the product and compares it to the personal list provided by Xamk, takes the acknowledgment and name clarification from this person in the sales order, receipt or similar document and invoices Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy (later Xamk) for the products according to the list at the end of 2024 or according to the agreement, e.g. monthly. The tires in the product range must be studded or friction tires for bicycles. The maximum price for the products is €100 including VAT 25.5% (per pair of shoes or tires). The buyer of the product may pay the difference to the more expensive product himself, if this is technically possible. The preliminary estimate of the purchase quantities of the products is 100-200 sets of tires in the entire area of ​​operation of Xamk. Only a seller who has bicycle tires available either in stores or can deliver them by mail to buyers' homes can participate. However, the postage costs must always be included in the total price of €100 incl. VAT 25.5% The end user of the product chooses the place of purchase according to which seller's selection best suits his needs. Xamk does not commit to specific purchase quantities, as the purchases are distributed among several sellers. Several sellers are included in the pool for each product category, one seller can offer both product categories. The goal is to comprehensively involve the store network of the operating locations of Southeast Finland University of Applied Sciences Oy (Kotka, Kouvola, Mikkeli, Savonlinna) so that each of these locations has several shopping locations in the pool. You can also apply from other locations, as there are end users all over Finland. Check the requirements set for the seller under Suitability requirements 2024-150150 Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy Patteristonkatu 3 D 50100 Mikkeli FI +358 408686439 Satu.Sirkia@xamk.fi Satu Sirkiä http://www.xamk.fi The procurement consists of two product groups, of which this part is : https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/xamk?id=523071&tpk=5251aa0d-80fb-410e-a90c-1dc62ecaccd7 Satu.Sirkia@xamk.fi Procurement consists of two product groups 2024-10-17T08:36:32.3651111to which sellers who are willing and meet certain requirements can register in advance by submitting a participation application to this procurement notice. Hankintarenka's Purchase locations will be published to the end users of the products (Xamk's personnel) during the fall of 2024, and each end user can purchase one product belonging to the product group at the location of their choice during the year 2024. The seller checks the identity of the person buying the product and compares it to the personal list provided by Xamk, takes the acknowledgment and name clarification from this person in the sales order, receipt or similar document and invoices Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy (later Xamk) for the products according to the list at the end of 2024 or according to the agreement, e.g. monthly. The tires in the product range must be studded or friction tires for bicycles. The maximum price for the products is €100 including VAT 25.5% (per pair of shoes or tires). The buyer of the product may pay the difference to the more expensive product himself, if this is technically possible. The preliminary estimate of the purchase quantities of the products is 100-200 sets of tires in the entire area of ​​operation of Xamk. Only a seller who has bicycle tires available either in stores or can deliver them by mail to buyers' homes can participate. However, the postage costs must always be included in the total price of €100 incl. VAT 25.5% The end user of the product chooses the place of purchase according to which seller's selection best suits his needs. Xamk does not commit to specific purchase quantities, as the purchases are distributed among several sellers. Several sellers are included in the pool for each product category, one seller can offer both product categories. The goal is to comprehensively involve the store network of the operating locations of Southeast Finland University of Applied Sciences Oy (Kotka, Kouvola, Mikkeli, Savonlinna) so that each of these locations has several shopping locations in the pool. You can also apply from other locations, as there are end users all over Finland. Check the requirements set for the seller under Suitability requirements 2024-150150 Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy Patteristonkatu 3 D 50100 Mikkeli FI +358 408686439 Satu.Sirkia@xamk.fi Satu Sirkiä http://www.xamk.fi The procurement consists of two product groups, of which this part is : https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/xamk?id=523071&tpk=5251aa0d-80fb-410e-a90c-1dc62ecaccd7 Satu.Sirkia@xamk.fi Procurement consists of two product groups 2024-10-17T08:36:32.3651111from (later Xamk) products according to the list at the end of 2024 or according to the agreement, e.g. monthly. The tires in the product range must be studded or friction tires for bicycles. The maximum price for the products is €100 including VAT 25.5% (per pair of shoes or tires). The buyer of the product may pay the difference to the more expensive product himself, if this is technically possible. The preliminary estimate of the purchase quantities of the products is 100-200 sets of tires in the entire area of ​​operation of Xamk. Only a seller who has bicycle tires available either in stores or can deliver them by mail to buyers' homes can participate. However, the postage costs must always be included in the total price of €100 incl. VAT 25.5% The end user of the product chooses the place of purchase according to which seller's selection best suits his needs. Xamk does not commit to specific purchase quantities, as the purchases are distributed among several sellers. Several sellers are included in the pool for each product category, one seller can offer both product categories. The goal is to comprehensively involve the store network of the operating locations of Southeast Finland University of Applied Sciences Oy (Kotka, Kouvola, Mikkeli, Savonlinna) so that each of these locations has several shopping locations in the pool. You can also apply from other locations, as there are end users all over Finland. Check the requirements set for the seller under Suitability requirements 2024-150150 Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy Patteristonkatu 3 D 50100 Mikkeli FI +358 408686439 Satu.Sirkia@xamk.fi Satu Sirkiä http://www.xamk.fi The procurement consists of two product groups, of which this part is : https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/xamk?id=523071&tpk=5251aa0d-80fb-410e-a90c-1dc62ecaccd7 Satu.Sirkia@xamk.fi Procurement consists of two product groups 2024-10-17T08:36:32.3651111from (later Xamk) products according to the list at the end of 2024 or according to the agreement, e.g. monthly. The tires in the product range must be studded or friction tires for bicycles. The maximum price for the products is €100 including VAT 25.5% (per pair of shoes or tires). The buyer of the product may pay the difference to the more expensive product himself, if this is technically possible. The preliminary estimate of the purchase quantities of the products is 100-200 sets of tires in the entire area of ​​operation of Xamk. Only a seller who has bicycle tires available either in stores or can deliver them by mail to buyers' homes can participate. However, the postage costs must always be included in the total price of €100 incl. VAT 25.5% The end user of the product chooses the place of purchase according to which seller's selection best suits his needs. Xamk does not commit to specific purchase quantities, as the purchases are distributed among several sellers. Several sellers are included in the pool for each product category, one seller can offer both product categories. The goal is to comprehensively involve the store network of the operating locations of Southeast Finland University of Applied Sciences Oy (Kotka, Kouvola, Mikkeli, Savonlinna) so that each of these locations has several shopping locations in the pool. You can also apply from other locations, as there are end users all over Finland. Check the requirements set for the seller under Suitability requirements 2024-150150 Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy Patteristonkatu 3 D 50100 Mikkeli FI +358 408686439 Satu.Sirkia@xamk.fi Satu Sirkiä http://www.xamk.fi The procurement consists of two product groups, of which this part is : https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/xamk?id=523071&tpk=5251aa0d-80fb-410e-a90c-1dc62ecaccd7 Satu.Sirkia@xamk.fi Procurement consists of two product groups 2024-10-17T08:36:32.3651111You can also apply from other locations, as there are end users all over Finland. Check the requirements set for the seller under Suitability requirements 2024-150150 Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy Patteristonkatu 3 D 50100 Mikkeli FI +358 408686439 Satu.Sirkia@xamk.fi Satu Sirkiä http://www.xamk.fi The procurement consists of two product groups, of which this part is : https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/xamk?id=523071&tpk=5251aa0d-80fb-410e-a90c-1dc62ecaccd7 Satu.Sirkia@xamk.fi Procurement consists of two product groups 2024-10-17T08:36:32.3651111You can also apply from other locations, as there are end users all over Finland. Check the requirements set for the seller in the section Suitability requirements 2024-150150 Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy Patteristonkatu 3 D 50100 Mikkeli FI +358 408686439 Satu.Sirkia@xamk.fi Satu Sirkiä http://www.xamk.fi The procurement consists of two product groups, of which this part is : https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/xamk?id=523071&tpk=5251aa0d-80fb-410e-a90c-1dc62ecaccd7 Satu.Sirkia@xamk.fi Procurement consists of two product groups 2024-10-17T08:36:32.3651111

Published Date
Deadline Date
Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy Hankintarengas syksy 2024: jalkineet ja renkaat Hankinta koostuu kahdesta tuoteryhmästä - Liukkaan kelin jalkineet - Liukkaan kelin renkaat polkupyörään Hankintamallina on myyjäpooli, johon halukkaat ja tietyt vaatimukset täyttävät myyjät voivat ilmoittautua etukäteen tekemällä osallistumishakemuksen. Poolin ostopaikat julkaistaan tuotteiden loppukäyttäjille syksyn 2024 aikana ja kukin loppukäyttäjä voi ostaa yhden tuotteen valitsemastaan paikasta vuoden 2024 aikana. Tuotteiden maksimihinta on määrätty verottajan ohjeiden mukaiseksi, sillä kyseessä on lahja työntekijöille, se on enintään 100 eur (sis. alv). Tuotteen ostaja saa, mikäli teknisesti mahdollista, maksaa itse erotuksen kalliimpaan tuotteeseen. Enintään maksimihintaisia tuotteita tulee kuitenkin olla saatavilla. Jalkineet (nasta- tai kitkapohjaiset) Hankinta koostuu kahdesta tuoteryhmästä, joista tämä osa on: - Liukkaan kelin jalkineet Hankintamallina on hankintarengas, johon halukkaat ja tietyt vaatimukset täyttävät myyjät voivat ilmoittautua etukäteen tekemällä osallistumishakemuksen tähän hankintailmoitukseen. Hankintarenkaan ostopaikat julkaistaan tuotteiden loppukäyttäjille (Xamkin henkilöstöä) syksyn 2024 aikana ja kukin loppukäyttäjä voi ostaa yhden, tuoteryhmään kuuluvan, tuotteen valitsemastaan paikasta vuoden 2024 aikana. Myyjä tarkistaa tuotteen ostavan henkilön henkilöllisyyden ja vertaa sitä Xamkin toimittamaan henkilölistaan, ottaa tältä kuittauksen ja nimenselvennyksen myyntitilaukseen, kuittiin tai vastaavaan asiakirjaan ja laskuttaa Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy:ltä (myöhemmin Xamk) tuotteista listan mukaisesti vuoden 2024 lopussa tai sopimuksen mukaan esim. kuukausittain. Tuotevalikoiman jalkineiden tulee olla nasta- tai kitkapohjaiset jalkineet. Maksimihinta tuotteille on 100 € sis. alv 25,5 % (per jalkinepari). Tuotteen ostaja saa maksaa erotuksen kalliimpaan tuotteeseen itse, mikäli tämä on teknisesti mahdollista. Tuotteiden ostomäärien ennakkoarvio on yhteensä 200-300 paria jalkineita koko Xamkin toiminta-alueella. Osallistua voi vain myyjä, jolla on nasta- tai kitkapohjaisia jalkineita saatavilla myymälöissä, joista ne voi ostaa sovitettuaan tai tuotteet voi hakea myymälästä myöhemmin, kuitenkin ennen joulua. Myös postitus kotiin on sallittua, postituskulujen tulee aina kuitenkin sisältyä kokonaishintaan 100€ sis. alv 25,5 % Ostopaikan valitsee siis tuotteen loppukäyttäjä sen mukaan, minkä myyjän valikoima sopii hänen tarpeeseensa parhaiten. Xamk ei sitoudu tiettyihin ostomääriin, sillä ostot jakautuvat usean myyjän kesken. Renkaaseen otetaan mukaan useita myyjiä kumpaankin tuotekategoriaan, yksi myyjä voi tarjota kumpaakin tuotekategoriaa. Tavoitteena on saada mukaan kattavasti Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy:n toimintapaikkakuntien (Kotka, Kouvola, Mikkeli, Savonlinna) myymäläverkosto, jotta jokaisella näillä paikkakunnalla olisi useita ostopaikkoja mukana poolissa. Mukaan voi hakea myös muilta paikkakunnilta, sillä loppukäyttäjiä on koko Suomessa. Tarkista myyjälle asetetut vaatimukset kohdassa Soveltuvuusvaatimukset. Pyörän nastarenkaat Hankinta koostuu kahdesta tuotekategoriasta, tämä osa on: - Liukkaan kelin renkaat polkupyörään Hankintamallina on hankintarengas, johon halukkaat ja tietyt vaatimukset täyttävät myyjät voivat ilmoittautua etukäteen tekemällä osallistumishakemuksen tähän hankintailmoitukseen. Hankintarenkaan ostopaikat julkaistaan tuotteiden loppukäyttäjille (Xamkin henkilöstöä) syksyn 2024 aikana ja kukin loppukäyttäjä voi ostaa yhden, tuoteryhmään kuuluvan, tuotteen valitsemastaan paikasta vuoden 2024 aikana. Myyjä tarkistaa tuotteen ostavan henkilön henkilöllisyyden ja vertaa sitä Xamkin toimittamaan henkilölistaan, ottaa tältä kuittauksen ja nimenselvennyksen myyntitilaukseen, kuittiin tai vastaavaan asiakirjaan ja laskuttaa Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy:ltä (myöhemmin Xamk) tuotteista listan mukaisesti vuoden 2024 lopussa tai sopimuksen mukaan esim. kuukausittain. Tuotevalikoiman renkaiden tulee olla nasta- tai kitkarenkaat polkupyörään. Maksimihinta tuotteille on 100 € sis. alv 25,5 % (per jalkine- tai rengaspari). Tuotteen ostaja saa maksaa erotuksen kalliimpaan tuotteeseen itse, mikäli tämä on teknisesti mahdollista. Tuotteiden ostomäärien ennakkoarvio on 100-200 settiä renkaita koko Xamkin toiminta-alueella. Osallistua voi vain myyjä, jolla on pyöränrenkaita saatavilla joko myymälöistä tai niitä voi toimittaa postitse kotiin ostajille. Postituskulujen tulee aina kuitenkin sisältyä kokonaishintaan 100€ sis. alv 25,5 % Ostopaikan valitsee siis tuotteen loppukäyttäjä sen mukaan, minkä myyjän valikoima sopii hänen tarpeeseensa parhaiten. Xamk ei sitoudu tiettyihin ostomääriin, sillä ostot jakautuvat usean myyjän kesken. Pooliin otetaan mukaan useita myyjiä kumpaankin tuotekategoriaan, yksi myyjä voi tarjota kumpaakin tuotekategoriaa. Tavoitteena on saada mukaan kattavasti Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy:n toimintapaikkakuntien (Kotka, Kouvola, Mikkeli, Savonlinna) myymäläverkosto, jotta jokaisella näillä paikkakunnalla olisi useita ostopaikkoja mukana poolissa. Mukaan voi hakea myös muilta paikkakunnilta, sillä loppukäyttäjiä on koko Suomessa. Tarkista myyjälle asetetut vaatimukset kohdassa Soveltuvuusvaatimukset 2024-150150 Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy Patteristonkatu 3 D 50100 Mikkeli FI +358 408686439 Satu.Sirkia@xamk.fi Satu Sirkiä http://www.xamk.fi Hankinta koostuu kahdesta tuoteryhmästä, joista tämä osa on: https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/xamk?id=523071&tpk=5251aa0d-80fb-410e-a90c-1dc62ecaccd7 Satu.Sirkia@xamk.fi Hankinta koostuu kahdesta tuoteryhmästä 2024-10-17T08:36:32.3651111 Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy Procurement tire autumn 2024: footwear and tires Procurement consists of two product groups - Slippery weather footwear - Slippery weather bicycle tires The procurement model is a vendor pool, to which willing vendors who meet certain requirements can register in advance by submitting a participation application. Pool's Purchase Places will be published to the end users of the products during the fall of 2024, and each end user can purchase one product from the location of their choice during 2024. The maximum price of the products is set according to the instructions of the taxman, because it is a gift for employees, it is a maximum of 100 euros (incl. VAT). The buyer of the product may, if technically possible, pay the difference for a more expensive product himself. However, no more than the maximum priced products should be available. Footwear (studded or friction-based) The procurement consists of two product groups, of which this part is: - Slippery weather footwear The procurement model is a procurement ring, to which sellers who are willing and meet certain requirements can register in advance by submitting a participation application to this procurement announcement. Hankintarenka's Purchase locations will be published to the end users of the products (Xamk's personnel) during the fall of 2024, and each end user can purchase one product belonging to the product group at the location of their choice during the year 2024. The seller checks the identity of the person buying the product and compares it to the personal list provided by Xamk, takes the acknowledgment and name clarification from this person in the sales order, receipt or similar document and invoices Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy (later Xamk) for the products according to the list at the end of 2024 or according to the agreement, e.g. monthly. The footwear in the product range must be studded or friction sole footwear. The maximum price for the products is €100 including VAT 25.5% (per pair of shoes). The buyer of the product may pay the difference to the more expensive product himself, if this is technically possible. The preliminary estimate of the purchase quantities of the products is a total of 200-300 pairs of footwear in the entire Xamk operating area. Only sellers who have studded or friction sole footwear available in stores can participate, where you can buy them after fitting, or you can pick up the products from the store later, but before Christmas. Mailing to home is also allowed, however, the shipping costs must always be included in the total price of €100 incl. VAT 25.5% The place of purchase is therefore chosen by the end user of the product according to which seller's selection best suits his needs. Xamk does not commit to specific purchase quantities, as the purchases are distributed among several sellers. Several sellers are included in the ring for both product categories, one seller can offer both product categories. The goal is to comprehensively involve the store network of the operating locations of Southeast Finland University of Applied Sciences Oy (Kotka, Kouvola, Mikkeli, Savonlinna) so that each of these locations has several shopping locations in the pool.You can also apply from other locations, as there are end users all over Finland. Check the requirements set for the seller in the section Suitability requirements. Bicycle studded tires Procurement consists of two product categories, this part is: - Slippery weather tires for bicycles The procurement model is a procurement tire, for which sellers who are willing and meet certain requirements can register in advance by submitting a participation application to this procurement notice. Hankintarenka's Purchase locations will be published to the end users of the products (Xamk's personnel) during the fall of 2024, and each end user can purchase one product belonging to the product group at the location of their choice during the year 2024. The seller checks the identity of the person buying the product and compares it with the list of people provided by Xamk, takes the acknowledgment and name clarification from this person in the sales order, receipt or similar document and invoices Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy (later Xamk) for the products according to the list at the end of 2024 or according to the agreement, e.g. monthly. The tires in the product range must be studded or friction tires for bicycles. The maximum price for the products is €100 including VAT 25.5% (per pair of shoes or tires). The buyer of the product may pay the difference to the more expensive product himself, if this is technically possible. The preliminary estimate of the purchase quantities of the products is 100-200 sets of tires in the entire area of ​​operation of Xamk. Only a seller who has bicycle tires available either in stores or can deliver them by mail to buyers' homes can participate. However, postage costs must always be included in the total price of €100 incl. VAT 25.5%. The end user of the product therefore chooses the place of purchase according to which seller's selection best suits his needs. Xamk does not commit to specific purchase quantities, as the purchases are distributed among several sellers. Several sellers are included in the pool for each product category, one seller can offer both product categories. The goal is to comprehensively involve the store network of the operating locations of Southeast Finland University of Applied Sciences Oy (Kotka, Kouvola, Mikkeli, Savonlinna) so that each of these locations has several shopping locations in the pool. You can also apply from other locations, as there are end users all over Finland. Check the requirements set for the seller under Suitability requirements 2024-150150 Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy Patteristonkatu 3 D 50100 Mikkeli FI +358 408686439 Satu.Sirkia@xamk.fi Satu Sirkiä http://www.xamk.fi The procurement consists of two product groups, of which this part is : https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/xamk?id=523071&tpk=5251aa0d-80fb-410e-a90c-1dc62ecaccd7 Satu.Sirkia@xamk.fi Procurement consists of two product groups 2024-10-17T08:36:32.3651111to which sellers who are willing and meet certain requirements can register in advance by submitting a participation application to this procurement notice. Hankintarenka's Purchase locations will be published to the end users of the products (Xamk's personnel) during the fall of 2024, and each end user can purchase one product belonging to the product group at the location of their choice during the year 2024. The seller checks the identity of the person buying the product and compares it to the personal list provided by Xamk, takes the acknowledgment and name clarification from this person in the sales order, receipt or similar document and invoices Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy (later Xamk) for the products according to the list at the end of 2024 or according to the agreement, e.g. monthly. The tires in the product range must be studded or friction tires for bicycles. The maximum price for the products is €100 including VAT 25.5% (per pair of shoes or tires). The buyer of the product may pay the difference to the more expensive product himself, if this is technically possible. The preliminary estimate of the purchase quantities of the products is 100-200 sets of tires throughout Xamk's operating area. Only a seller who has bicycle tires available either in stores or can deliver them by mail to buyers' homes can participate. However, the postage costs must always be included in the total price of €100 incl. VAT 25.5% The end user of the product chooses the place of purchase according to which seller's selection best suits his needs. Xamk does not commit to specific purchase quantities, as the purchases are distributed among several sellers. Several sellers are included in the pool for each product category, one seller can offer both product categories. The goal is to comprehensively involve the store network of the operating locations of Southeast Finland University of Applied Sciences Oy (Kotka, Kouvola, Mikkeli, Savonlinna) so that each of these locations has several shopping locations in the pool. You can also apply from other locations, as there are end users all over Finland. Check the requirements set for the seller under Suitability requirements 2024-150150 Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy Patteristonkatu 3 D 50100 Mikkeli FI +358 408686439 Satu.Sirkia@xamk.fi Satu Sirkiä http://www.xamk.fi The procurement consists of two product groups, of which this part is : https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/xamk?id=523071&tpk=5251aa0d-80fb-410e-a90c-1dc62ecaccd7 Satu.Sirkia@xamk.fi Procurement consists of two product groups 2024-10-17T08:36:32.3651111to which sellers who are willing and meet certain requirements can register in advance by submitting a participation application to this procurement announcement. Hankintarenka's Purchase locations will be published to the end users of the products (Xamk's personnel) during the fall of 2024, and each end user can purchase one product belonging to the product group at the location of their choice during the year 2024. The seller checks the identity of the person buying the product and compares it with the list of people provided by Xamk, takes the acknowledgment and name clarification from this person in the sales order, receipt or similar document and invoices Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy (later Xamk) for the products according to the list at the end of 2024 or according to the agreement, e.g. monthly. The tires in the product range must be studded or friction tires for bicycles. The maximum price for the products is €100 including VAT 25.5% (per pair of shoes or tires). The buyer of the product may pay the difference to the more expensive product himself, if this is technically possible. The preliminary estimate of the purchase quantities of the products is 100-200 sets of tires in the entire area of ​​operation of Xamk. Only a seller who has bicycle tires available either in stores or can deliver them by mail to buyers' homes can participate. However, the postage costs must always be included in the total price of €100 incl. VAT 25.5% The end user of the product chooses the place of purchase according to which seller's selection best suits his needs. Xamk does not commit to specific purchase quantities, as the purchases are distributed among several sellers. Several sellers are included in the pool for each product category, one seller can offer both product categories. The goal is to comprehensively involve the store network of the operating locations of Southeast Finland University of Applied Sciences Oy (Kotka, Kouvola, Mikkeli, Savonlinna) so that each of these locations has several shopping locations in the pool. You can also apply from other locations, as there are end users all over Finland. Check the requirements set for the seller under Suitability requirements 2024-150150 Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy Patteristonkatu 3 D 50100 Mikkeli FI +358 408686439 Satu.Sirkia@xamk.fi Satu Sirkiä http://www.xamk.fi The procurement consists of two product groups, of which this part is : https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/xamk?id=523071&tpk=5251aa0d-80fb-410e-a90c-1dc62ecaccd7 Satu.Sirkia@xamk.fi Procurement consists of two product groups 2024-10-17T08:36:32.3651111in a receipt or a similar document and invoices Southeast Finland University of Applied Sciences Oy (later Xamk) for the products according to the list at the end of 2024 or according to the agreement e.g. monthly. The tires in the product range must be studded or friction tires for bicycles. The maximum price for the products is €100 including VAT 25.5% (per pair of shoes or tires). The buyer of the product may pay the difference to the more expensive product himself, if this is technically possible. The preliminary estimate of the purchase quantities of the products is 100-200 sets of tires in the entire area of ​​operation of Xamk. Only a seller who has bicycle tires available either in stores or can deliver them by mail to buyers' homes can participate. However, the postage costs must always be included in the total price of €100 incl. VAT 25.5% The end user of the product chooses the place of purchase according to which seller's selection best suits his needs. Xamk does not commit to specific purchase quantities, as the purchases are distributed among several sellers. Several sellers are included in the pool for each product category, one seller can offer both product categories. The goal is to comprehensively involve the store network of the operating locations of Southeast Finland University of Applied Sciences Oy (Kotka, Kouvola, Mikkeli, Savonlinna) so that each of these locations has several shopping locations in the pool. You can also apply from other locations, as there are end users all over Finland. Check the requirements set for the seller under Suitability requirements 2024-150150 Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy Patteristonkatu 3 D 50100 Mikkeli FI +358 408686439 Satu.Sirkia@xamk.fi Satu Sirkiä http://www.xamk.fi The procurement consists of two product groups, of which this part is : https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/xamk?id=523071&tpk=5251aa0d-80fb-410e-a90c-1dc62ecaccd7 Satu.Sirkia@xamk.fi Procurement consists of two product groups 2024-10-17T08:36:32.3651111in a receipt or a similar document and invoices Southeast Finland University of Applied Sciences Oy (later Xamk) for the products according to the list at the end of 2024 or according to the agreement e.g. monthly. The tires in the product range must be studded or friction tires for bicycles. The maximum price for the products is €100 including VAT 25.5% (per pair of shoes or tires). The buyer of the product may pay the difference to the more expensive product himself, if this is technically possible. The preliminary estimate of the purchase quantities of the products is 100-200 sets of tires in the entire area of ​​operation of Xamk. Only a seller who has bicycle tires available either in stores or can deliver them by mail to buyers' homes can participate. However, the postage costs must always be included in the total price of €100 incl. VAT 25.5% The end user of the product chooses the place of purchase according to which seller's selection best suits his needs. Xamk does not commit to specific purchase quantities, as the purchases are distributed among several sellers. Several sellers are included in the pool for each product category, one seller can offer both product categories. The goal is to comprehensively involve the store network of the operating locations of Southeast Finland University of Applied Sciences Oy (Kotka, Kouvola, Mikkeli, Savonlinna) so that each of these locations has several shopping locations in the pool. You can also apply from other locations, as there are end users all over Finland. Check the requirements set for the seller under Suitability requirements 2024-150150 Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy Patteristonkatu 3 D 50100 Mikkeli FI +358 408686439 Satu.Sirkia@xamk.fi Satu Sirkiä http://www.xamk.fi The procurement consists of two product groups, of which this part is : https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/xamk?id=523071&tpk=5251aa0d-80fb-410e-a90c-1dc62ecaccd7 Satu.Sirkia@xamk.fi Procurement consists of two product groups 2024-10-17T08:36:32.3651111store network of n operating locations (Kotka, Kouvola, Mikkeli, Savonlinna), so that each of these locations would have several shopping locations in the pool. You can also apply from other locations, as there are end users all over Finland. Check the requirements set for the seller under Suitability requirements 2024-150150 Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy Patteristonkatu 3 D 50100 Mikkeli FI +358 408686439 Satu.Sirkia@xamk.fi Satu Sirkiä http://www.xamk.fi The procurement consists of two product groups, of which this part is : https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/xamk?id=523071&tpk=5251aa0d-80fb-410e-a90c-1dc62ecaccd7 Satu.Sirkia@xamk.fi Procurement consists of two product groups 2024-10-17T08:36:32.3651111store network of n operating locations (Kotka, Kouvola, Mikkeli, Savonlinna), so that each of these locations would have several shopping locations in the pool. You can also apply from other locations, as there are end users all over Finland. Check the requirements set for the seller under Suitability requirements 2024-150150 Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy Patteristonkatu 3 D 50100 Mikkeli FI +358 408686439 Satu.Sirkia@xamk.fi Satu Sirkiä http://www.xamk.fi The procurement consists of two product groups, of which this part is : https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/xamk?id=523071&tpk=5251aa0d-80fb-410e-a90c-1dc62ecaccd7 Satu.Sirkia@xamk.fi Procurement consists of two product groups 2024-10-17T08:36:32.3651111
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