Tender Details

Suolahden uimahallin peruskorjaus, vedenkäsittelyurakka Äänekosken kaupunki pyytää tarjouksia Suolahden uimahallin peruskorjauksen vedenkäsittelyurakasta. Suolahden uimahalli sijaitsee Suolahden yhtenäiskoulun yhteydessä (Telakkakatu 15, 44200 Suolahti) olevassa neljäkerroksisessa rakennuksen osassa. Uimahallissa on 25 m kuntoallas, lasten allas sekä poreallas. Rakennus on osa kolmeosaista rakennuskompleksia, jotka ovat yhteydessä toisiinsa. Uimahalli sijaitsee maan tasolla kellarikerroksessa. Ensimmäisessä ja toisessa kerroksessa toimii liikuntasali, opetustiloja sekä iltapäiväkerho. Liikuntasali on suoraan uimahallin yläpuolella. Uimahallin peruskorjaushankkeen tarkoituksena on toteuttaa kustannustehokkaasti, laadukkaasti ja kestävästi suunniteltu peruskorjaus, joka ratkaisee havaittuja ongelmia, sekä parantaa yhdenvertaisuutta ja huomioi kestävän kehityksen. Peruskorjauksen tavoitteena on saada aikaan asiakkaille ja henkilökunnalle terveelliset ja turvalliset sekä käyttövarmat tilat seuraavaksi 30 vuodeksi. Peruskorjauksella parannetaan uimahallin asiakkaiden turvallisuutta ja käyttökokemusta sekä tuetaan kaupunkistrategian mukaista asukkaiden hyvinvointia ja monipuolista harrastustoimintaa. Keskeistä hankkeessa on uimahallin energiatehokkuuden parantaminen mm. valaistuksen, hukkalämmön talteenoton ja iv-järjestelmän osalta. Tarjouskilpailun perusteella valitaan urakoitsija Suolahden uimahallin peruskorjauksen vedenkäsittelyurakkaan. Tarjouksen tulee sisältää Suolahden uimahallin peruskorjauksen tarjouspyyntöasiakirjojen mukaiset vedenkäsittelytyöt kokonaisuudessaan. Tarjouspyyntö sisältää option. Suolahden uimahallissa on kolme eri vedenkäsittelyryhmää, joita ovat 25 m kuntoallas, opetusallas (lastenallas) ja poreallas. Suolahden uimahallin peruskorjauksessa uudistetaan nykyinen vedenkäsittelyjärjestelmä ja siihen lisätään tasausaltaat. Nykyisin maan alla olevat allaskemikaalien säilytystilat siirretään uuteen laajennusosaan, joka sijaitsee maanpinnan tasolla. Samaan laajennusosaan asennetaan uudet 25 m kuntoallasta palvelevat vedenkäsittelylaitteet. Uudistamisen lisäksi osa nykyisistä laitteista säilytetään, näistä merkittävimmät ovat vanhat suodattimet ja kemikaalisäätimet. Muu sisältö Vedenkäsittelyurakkaan kuuluu vedenkäsittelytyönjohtajan tehtävien lisäksi urakkarajaliitteeseen kirjatut velvoitteet sekä muut vedenkäsittelyurakan valmiiksi saattamiseen tarvittavat toimenpiteet. Vedenkäsittelyurakoitsija on velvollinen avustamaan tilaajaa koekäyttövaiheessa, joka alkaa 13.1.2026. Vedenkäsittelyurakoitsija on yhdessä automaatiourakoitsijan kanssa velvollinen järjestämään tilaajan huoltohenkilökunnalla yksityiskohtaisen käytön opastuksen, jossa käydään lävitse uimahallin toimintaan liittyvät toimenpiteet kuten esim. altaiden huuhtelu, mahdollinen tyhjentäminen sekä täyttö ja vedenkierron säätäminen. Urakkamuoto Urakkamuotona on projektinjohtorakennuttaminen, jossa tilaaja toimii päätoteuttajana nimeämänsä vastaavan työnjohtajan avulla. Rakennus-, laatoitus-, pukukaappi-, alakatto- ja seinäpintojen verhoilu-, IV-, sähkö-, vedenkäsittely-, putki-, sekä automaatiourakat suoritetaan osaurakoina suoraan tilaajalle. Urakka-aika Urakka-aika on 2/2025–1/2026. Uimahallin vedenkäsittelytöiden toteutus suoritetaan tarjouspyynnössä mukana olevan yleisaikataulun mukaisesti 5.12.2024 ja töiden tulee olla valmiit viimeistään 12.1.2026 mennessä. Tämän jälkeen käynnistyy 13.1.2026 alkaen koekäyttövaihe, jossa vedenkäsittelyjärjestelmien toimintaa testataan koeryhmien avulla. Koekäyttövaihe päättyy 28.2.2026. Päätoteuttaja laatii yleisaikataulun pohjalta työmaan tarkennetun toteutusaikataulun yhdessä tilaajan ja osaurakoitsijoiden kanssa. Aikataulun sovittaminen yhdessä osaurakoitsijoiden kanssa on päätoteuttajan velvollisuus. Tarjouspyyntöihin liittyvä kohteen esittely pidetään maanantaina 14.10.2024 klo 12.00-14.00. Esittelyyn ei tarvitse ennakkoilmoittautua. Tarjousten valintaperusteena on kokonaistaloudellinen edullisuus. Kokonaistaloudellisesti edullisin on vähimmäisvaatimukset täyttävä tarjous, joka on hinnaltaan halvin. Tarjoukset voidaan vertailla pelkän hinnan perusteella, sillä hankinnassa tarpeellinen laatu on huomioitu tarjouspyynnön vähimmäisehdoissa. Tällä tarjouspyynnöllä kilpailutettava urakka kuuluu urakkakokonaisuuteen, joka on jaettu osiin osaurakoiksi. Osaurakat kilpailutetaan erillisinä kilpailutuksina. Kaikkien osaurakoiden kilpailutuksessa huomioidaan kuitenkin urakkakokonaisuuden ennakoitu kokonaisarvo ja kaikki urakat euromääräisestä ennakoidusta arvosta riippumatta kilpailutetaan urakkakokonaisuuden ennakoidun kokonaisarvon edellyttämällä tavalla hankintalain mukaisesti ja hankintamenettelyjä koskevat menettelytavat huomioiden. Tämä tarjouspyyntö liittyy urakkakokonaisuuteen, jonka ennakoitu kokonaisarvo ylittää rakennusurakoiden kansallisen kynnysarvo (150 000 € alv. 0%), mutta alittaa EU-kynnysarvon (5 538 000 € alv. 0%). Hankintaa ei ole pilkottu osiin tai sen ennakoitua arvoa ei ole laskettu poikkeuksellisin menetelmin hankintalain 31§ tarkoittamalla tavalla. 2024-150090 Äänekosken kaupunki Hallintokatu 4 44100 ÄÄNEKOSKI FI +358 401564070 hankinta@aanekoski.fi Hankintatoimi http://www.aanekoski.fi Tarjousten valintaperusteena on kokonaistaloudellinen edullisuus. https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/aanekoski?id=529081&tpk=2f068d44-db5d-4195-92de-17690112d2d8 hankinta@aanekoski.fi Äänekosken kaupunki pyytää tarjouksia Suolahden uimahallin peruskorjauksen vedenkäsittelyurakasta. 2024-10-15T12:42:52.8755201 Hankinnassa noudatetaan lakia julkisista hankinnoista ja käyttöoikeussopimuksista (1397/2016). Tarjoukset avataan aikaisintaan ilmoitettuna ajankohtana, mutta ne voidaan avata myöhemminkin. Tarjousten avaus ei ole julkinen tilaisuus. Renovation of the Suolahti swimming hall, water treatment contract The city of Äänekoski is requesting bids for the water treatment contract for the renovation of the Suolahti swimming hall. The Suolahti swimming hall is located in the four-story part of the building connected to the Suolahti unified school (Telakkakatu 15, 44200 Suolahti). The swimming pool has a 25 m fitness pool, a children's pool and a jacuzzi. The building is part of a three-part building complex that are connected to each other. The swimming pool is located at ground level in the basement. On the first and second floors there is a gym, teaching facilities and an afternoon club. The gym is directly above the swimming hall. The purpose of the renovation project of the swimming pool is to carry out a cost-effective, high-quality and sustainably planned renovation that solves the identified problems, improves equality and takes into account sustainable development. The goal of the renovation is to create healthy, safe and reliable facilities for customers and staff for the next 30 years. The renovation will improve the safety and user experience of the swimming hall's customers and support residents' well-being and versatile recreational activities in accordance with the city strategy. Central to the project is improving the energy efficiency of the swimming hall, e.g. for lighting, waste heat recovery and iv system. Based on the tender, a contractor will be selected for the water treatment contract for the renovation of the Suolahti swimming pool. The tender must include all the water treatment works according to the tender documents for the renovation of the Suolahti swimming hall. The request for quotation contains an option. The Suolahti swimming hall has three different water treatment groups, which are a 25 m fitness pool, a teaching pool (children's pool) and a jacuzzi. In the renovation of the Suolahti swimming hall, the current water treatment system will be renewed and equalization basins will be added to it. The storage facilities for pool chemicals, which are currently underground, will be moved to the new expansion section, which is located at ground level. New water treatment equipment serving the 25 m fitness pool will be installed in the same extension. In addition to the renovation, some of the current equipment will be kept, the most significant of which are the old filters and chemical regulators. Other content The water treatment contract includes, in addition to the tasks of the water treatment foreman, the obligations recorded in the contract boundary appendix and other measures necessary to complete the water treatment contract. The water treatment contractor is obliged to assist the customer in the trial operation phase, which starts on January 13, 2026. The water treatment contractor, together with the automation contractor, is obliged to organize a detailed operation instruction for the customer's maintenance staff, which goes through the procedures related to the operation of the swimming hall, such as e.g. rinsing the pools, possible emptying and filling and adjusting the water circulation. Contract form The contract form is project management development, where the customer acts as the main implementer with the help of the responsible foreman they have named.Building, tiling, wardrobe, false ceiling and wall surface upholstery, IV, electrical, water treatment, plumbing, and automation works are carried out directly to the customer as subcontractors. Contract period The contract period is February 2025–January 2026. The implementation of the water treatment works in the swimming pool will be carried out according to the general schedule included in the request for tenders on December 5, 2024, and the works must be completed by January 12, 2026 at the latest. After this, from 13.1.2026, the test operation phase will start, where the operation of the water treatment systems will be tested with the help of test groups. The trial period ends on February 28, 2026. Based on the general schedule, the general contractor prepares a detailed implementation schedule for the site together with the client and contractors. It is the responsibility of the main contractor to agree the schedule together with the contractors. The presentation of the object related to the requests for offers will be held on Monday 14 October 2024 from 12:00 to 14:00. There is no need to pre-register for the presentation. The selection criteria for the offers is overall economic affordability. From an overall economic point of view, the cheapest offer is the offer that meets the minimum requirements and is the cheapest. The offers can be compared based on the price alone, because the quality required in the procurement is taken into account in the minimum terms of the request for tender. The contract to be tendered with this call for tenders belongs to a contract package, which is divided into parts. Subcontracts are tendered as separate tenders. However, in the tendering of all tenders, the anticipated total value of the contract package is taken into account, and all contracts, regardless of the anticipated total value in euros, are tendered in accordance with the anticipated total value of the contract package in accordance with the Procurement Act and taking into account the procedures for procurement procedures. This call for tenders is related to a set of contracts, the anticipated total value of which exceeds the national threshold value for construction contracts (€150,000 VAT 0%), but falls below the EU threshold value (€5,538,000 VAT 0%). The procurement has not been split into parts or its expected value has not been calculated using exceptional methods as intended by Section 31 of the Procurement Act. 2024-150090 Äänekoski kaupunki Hallintokatu 4 44100 ÄÄNEKOSKI FI +358 401564070 procurement@aanekoski.fi Procurement http://www.aanekoski.fi Tenders are selected on the basis of overall economic affordability. https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/aanekoski?id=529081&tpk=2f068d44-db5d-4195-92de-17690112d2d8 sakkurta@aanekoski.fi The city of Äänekoski is requesting bids for the water treatment contract for the renovation of the Suolahti swimming hall. 2024-10-15T12:42:52.8755201 Procurement complies with the Act on Public Procurement and License Agreements (1397/2016). The offers will be opened at the earliest announced time, but they can be opened later. The opening of bids is not a public event.The implementation of the water treatment works in the swimming pool will be carried out according to the general schedule included in the request for tenders on December 5, 2024, and the works must be completed by January 12, 2026 at the latest. After this, the test operation phase will start on January 13, 2026, where the operation of the water treatment systems will be tested with the help of test groups. The trial period ends on February 28, 2026. Based on the general schedule, the general contractor prepares a detailed implementation schedule for the site together with the client and contractors. It is the responsibility of the main implementer to agree the schedule together with the contractors. The presentation of the object related to the requests for offers will be held on Monday 14 October 2024 from 12:00 to 14:00. There is no need to pre-register for the presentation. The selection criteria for the offers is overall economic affordability. From an overall economic point of view, the cheapest offer is the offer that meets the minimum requirements and is the cheapest. The offers can be compared based on the price alone, because the quality required in the procurement is taken into account in the minimum terms of the request for tender. The contract to be tendered with this call for tenders belongs to a contract package, which is divided into parts. Subcontracts are tendered as separate tenders. However, in the tendering of all tenders, the anticipated total value of the contract package is taken into account, and all contracts, regardless of the anticipated total value in euros, are tendered in accordance with the anticipated total value of the contract package in accordance with the Procurement Act and taking into account the procedures for procurement procedures. This call for tenders is related to a set of contracts, the anticipated total value of which exceeds the national threshold value for construction contracts (€150,000 VAT 0%), but falls below the EU threshold value (€5,538,000 VAT 0%). The procurement has not been split into parts or its expected value has not been calculated using exceptional methods as intended by Section 31 of the Procurement Act. 2024-150090 Äänekoski kaupunki Hallintokatu 4 44100 ÄÄNEKOSKI FI +358 401564070 procurement@aanekoski.fi Procurement http://www.aanekoski.fi Tenders are selected on the basis of overall economic affordability. https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/aanekoski?id=529081&tpk=2f068d44-db5d-4195-92de-17690112d2d8 sakkurta@aanekoski.fi The city of Äänekoski is requesting bids for the water treatment contract for the renovation of the Suolahti swimming hall. 2024-10-15T12:42:52.8755201 Procurement complies with the Act on Public Procurement and License Agreements (1397/2016). The offers will be opened at the earliest announced time, but they can be opened later. The opening of bids is not a public event.The implementation of the water treatment works in the swimming pool will be carried out according to the general schedule included in the request for tenders on December 5, 2024, and the works must be completed by January 12, 2026 at the latest. After this, the test operation phase will start on January 13, 2026, where the operation of the water treatment systems will be tested with the help of test groups. The trial period ends on February 28, 2026. Based on the general schedule, the general contractor prepares a detailed implementation schedule for the site together with the client and the contractors. It is the main contractor's responsibility to agree the schedule together with the contractors. The presentation of the object related to the requests for offers will be held on Monday 14 October 2024 from 12:00 to 14:00. There is no need to pre-register for the presentation. The selection criteria for the offers is overall economic affordability. From an overall economic point of view, the cheapest offer is the offer that meets the minimum requirements and is the cheapest. The offers can be compared based on the price alone, because the quality required in the procurement is taken into account in the minimum terms of the request for tender. The contract to be tendered with this call for tenders belongs to a contract package, which is divided into parts. Subcontracts are tendered as separate tenders. However, in the tendering of all tenders, the anticipated total value of the contract package is taken into account, and all contracts, regardless of the anticipated total value in euros, are tendered in accordance with the anticipated total value of the contract package in accordance with the Procurement Act and taking into account the procedures for procurement procedures. This call for tenders is related to a set of contracts, the anticipated total value of which exceeds the national threshold value for construction contracts (€150,000 VAT 0%), but falls below the EU threshold value (€5,538,000 VAT 0%). The procurement has not been split into parts or its expected value has not been calculated using exceptional methods as intended by Section 31 of the Procurement Act. 2024-150090 Äänekoski kaupunki Hallintokatu 4 44100 ÄÄNEKOSKI FI +358 401564070 procurement@aanekoski.fi Procurement http://www.aanekoski.fi Tenders are selected on the basis of overall economic affordability. https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/aanekoski?id=529081&tpk=2f068d44-db5d-4195-92de-17690112d2d8 sakkurta@aanekoski.fi The city of Äänekoski is requesting bids for the water treatment contract for the renovation of the Suolahti swimming hall. 2024-10-15T12:42:52.8755201 Procurement complies with the Act on Public Procurement and License Agreements (1397/2016). The offers will be opened at the earliest announced time, but they can be opened later. The opening of bids is not a public event.It is the responsibility of the main contractor to agree the schedule together with the contractors. The presentation of the object related to the requests for offers will be held on Monday 14 October 2024 from 12:00 to 14:00. There is no need to pre-register for the presentation. The selection criteria for the offers is overall economic affordability. From an overall economic point of view, the cheapest offer is the offer that meets the minimum requirements and is the cheapest. The offers can be compared based on the price alone, because the quality required in the procurement is taken into account in the minimum terms of the request for tender. The contract to be tendered with this call for tenders belongs to a contract package, which is divided into parts. Subcontracts are tendered as separate tenders. However, in the tendering of all tenders, the anticipated total value of the contract package is taken into account, and all contracts, regardless of the anticipated total value in euros, are tendered in accordance with the anticipated total value of the contract package in accordance with the Procurement Act and taking into account the procedures for procurement procedures. This call for tenders is related to a set of contracts, the anticipated total value of which exceeds the national threshold value for construction contracts (€150,000 VAT 0%), but falls below the EU threshold value (€5,538,000 VAT 0%). The procurement has not been split into parts or its expected value has not been calculated using exceptional methods as intended by Section 31 of the Procurement Act. 2024-150090 Äänekoski kaupunki Hallintokatu 4 44100 ÄÄNEKOSKI FI +358 401564070 procurement@aanekoski.fi Procurement http://www.aanekoski.fi Tenders are selected on the basis of overall economic affordability. https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/aanekoski?id=529081&tpk=2f068d44-db5d-4195-92de-17690112d2d8 sakkurta@aanekoski.fi The city of Äänekoski is requesting bids for the water treatment contract for the renovation of the Suolahti swimming hall. 2024-10-15T12:42:52.8755201 Procurement complies with the Act on Public Procurement and License Agreements (1397/2016). The offers will be opened at the earliest announced time, but they can be opened later. The opening of bids is not a public event.It is the responsibility of the main contractor to agree the schedule together with the contractors. The presentation of the object related to the requests for offers will be held on Monday 14 October 2024 from 12:00 to 14:00. There is no need to pre-register for the presentation. The selection criteria for the offers is overall economic affordability. From an overall economic point of view, the cheapest offer is the offer that meets the minimum requirements and is the cheapest. The offers can be compared based on the price alone, because the quality required in the procurement is taken into account in the minimum terms of the request for tender. The contract to be tendered with this call for tenders belongs to a contract package, which is divided into parts. Subcontracts are tendered as separate tenders. However, in the tendering of all tenders, the anticipated total value of the contract package is taken into account, and all contracts, regardless of the anticipated total value in euros, are tendered in accordance with the anticipated total value of the contract package in accordance with the Procurement Act and taking into account the procedures for procurement procedures. This call for tenders is related to a set of contracts, the anticipated total value of which exceeds the national threshold value for construction contracts (€150,000 VAT 0%), but falls below the EU threshold value (€5,538,000 VAT 0%). The procurement has not been split into parts or its expected value has not been calculated using exceptional methods as intended by Section 31 of the Procurement Act. 2024-150090 Äänekoski kaupunki Hallintokatu 4 44100 ÄÄNEKOSKI FI +358 401564070 procurement@aanekoski.fi Procurement http://www.aanekoski.fi Tenders are selected on the basis of overall economic affordability. https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/aanekoski?id=529081&tpk=2f068d44-db5d-4195-92de-17690112d2d8 sakkurta@aanekoski.fi The city of Äänekoski is requesting bids for the water treatment contract for the renovation of the Suolahti swimming hall. 2024-10-15T12:42:52.8755201 Procurement complies with the Act on Public Procurement and License Agreements (1397/2016). The offers will be opened at the earliest announced time, but they can be opened later. The opening of bids is not a public event.However, in the tendering of all tenders, the anticipated total value of the contract package is taken into account, and all contracts, regardless of the anticipated total value in euros, are tendered in accordance with the anticipated total value of the contract package in accordance with the Procurement Act and taking into account the procedures for procurement procedures. This call for tenders is related to a set of contracts, the anticipated total value of which exceeds the national threshold value for construction contracts (€150,000 VAT 0%), but falls below the EU threshold value (€5,538,000 VAT 0%). The procurement has not been split into parts or its expected value has not been calculated using exceptional methods as intended by Section 31 of the Procurement Act. 2024-150090 Äänekoski kaupunki Hallintokatu 4 44100 ÄÄNEKOSKI FI +358 401564070 procurement@aanekoski.fi Procurement http://www.aanekoski.fi Tenders are selected on the basis of economic affordability. https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/aanekoski?id=529081&tpk=2f068d44-db5d-4195-92de-17690112d2d8 sakkurta@aanekoski.fi The city of Äänekoski is requesting bids for the water treatment contract for the renovation of the Suolahti swimming hall. 2024-10-15T12:42:52.8755201 Procurement complies with the Act on Public Procurement and License Agreements (1397/2016). The offers will be opened at the earliest announced time, but they can be opened later. The opening of bids is not a public event.However, in the tendering of all tenders, the anticipated total value of the contract package is taken into account, and all contracts, regardless of the anticipated total value in euros, are tendered in accordance with the anticipated total value of the contract package in accordance with the Procurement Act and taking into account the procedures for procurement procedures. This call for tenders is related to a set of contracts, the anticipated total value of which exceeds the national threshold value for construction contracts (€150,000 VAT 0%), but falls below the EU threshold value (€5,538,000 VAT 0%). The procurement has not been split into parts or its expected value has not been calculated using exceptional methods as intended by Section 31 of the Procurement Act. 2024-150090 Äänekoski kaupunki Hallintokatu 4 44100 ÄÄNEKOSKI FI +358 401564070 procurement@aanekoski.fi Procurement http://www.aanekoski.fi Tenders are selected on the basis of economic affordability. https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/aanekoski?id=529081&tpk=2f068d44-db5d-4195-92de-17690112d2d8 sakkurta@aanekoski.fi The city of Äänekoski is requesting bids for the water treatment contract for the renovation of the Suolahti swimming hall. 2024-10-15T12:42:52.8755201 The procurement complies with the Act on Public Procurement and License Agreements (1397/2016). The offers will be opened at the earliest announced time, but they can be opened later. The opening of bids is not a public event.

Published Date
Deadline Date
Äänekosken kaupunki Suolahden uimahallin peruskorjaus, vedenkäsittelyurakka Äänekosken kaupunki pyytää tarjouksia Suolahden uimahallin peruskorjauksen vedenkäsittelyurakasta. Suolahden uimahalli sijaitsee Suolahden yhtenäiskoulun yhteydessä (Telakkakatu 15, 44200 Suolahti) olevassa neljäkerroksisessa rakennuksen osassa. Uimahallissa on 25 m kuntoallas, lasten allas sekä poreallas. Rakennus on osa kolmeosaista rakennuskompleksia, jotka ovat yhteydessä toisiinsa. Uimahalli sijaitsee maan tasolla kellarikerroksessa. Ensimmäisessä ja toisessa kerroksessa toimii liikuntasali, opetustiloja sekä iltapäiväkerho. Liikuntasali on suoraan uimahallin yläpuolella. Uimahallin peruskorjaushankkeen tarkoituksena on toteuttaa kustannustehokkaasti, laadukkaasti ja kestävästi suunniteltu peruskorjaus, joka ratkaisee havaittuja ongelmia, sekä parantaa yhdenvertaisuutta ja huomioi kestävän kehityksen. Peruskorjauksen tavoitteena on saada aikaan asiakkaille ja henkilökunnalle terveelliset ja turvalliset sekä käyttövarmat tilat seuraavaksi 30 vuodeksi. Peruskorjauksella parannetaan uimahallin asiakkaiden turvallisuutta ja käyttökokemusta sekä tuetaan kaupunkistrategian mukaista asukkaiden hyvinvointia ja monipuolista harrastustoimintaa. Keskeistä hankkeessa on uimahallin energiatehokkuuden parantaminen mm. valaistuksen, hukkalämmön talteenoton ja iv-järjestelmän osalta. Tarjouskilpailun perusteella valitaan urakoitsija Suolahden uimahallin peruskorjauksen vedenkäsittelyurakkaan. Tarjouksen tulee sisältää Suolahden uimahallin peruskorjauksen tarjouspyyntöasiakirjojen mukaiset vedenkäsittelytyöt kokonaisuudessaan. Tarjouspyyntö sisältää option. Suolahden uimahallissa on kolme eri vedenkäsittelyryhmää, joita ovat 25 m kuntoallas, opetusallas (lastenallas) ja poreallas. Suolahden uimahallin peruskorjauksessa uudistetaan nykyinen vedenkäsittelyjärjestelmä ja siihen lisätään tasausaltaat. Nykyisin maan alla olevat allaskemikaalien säilytystilat siirretään uuteen laajennusosaan, joka sijaitsee maanpinnan tasolla. Samaan laajennusosaan asennetaan uudet 25 m kuntoallasta palvelevat vedenkäsittelylaitteet. Uudistamisen lisäksi osa nykyisistä laitteista säilytetään, näistä merkittävimmät ovat vanhat suodattimet ja kemikaalisäätimet. Muu sisältö Vedenkäsittelyurakkaan kuuluu vedenkäsittelytyönjohtajan tehtävien lisäksi urakkarajaliitteeseen kirjatut velvoitteet sekä muut vedenkäsittelyurakan valmiiksi saattamiseen tarvittavat toimenpiteet. Vedenkäsittelyurakoitsija on velvollinen avustamaan tilaajaa koekäyttövaiheessa, joka alkaa 13.1.2026. Vedenkäsittelyurakoitsija on yhdessä automaatiourakoitsijan kanssa velvollinen järjestämään tilaajan huoltohenkilökunnalla yksityiskohtaisen käytön opastuksen, jossa käydään lävitse uimahallin toimintaan liittyvät toimenpiteet kuten esim. altaiden huuhtelu, mahdollinen tyhjentäminen sekä täyttö ja vedenkierron säätäminen. Urakkamuoto Urakkamuotona on projektinjohtorakennuttaminen, jossa tilaaja toimii päätoteuttajana nimeämänsä vastaavan työnjohtajan avulla. Rakennus-, laatoitus-, pukukaappi-, alakatto- ja seinäpintojen verhoilu-, IV-, sähkö-, vedenkäsittely-, putki-, sekä automaatiourakat suoritetaan osaurakoina suoraan tilaajalle. Urakka-aika Urakka-aika on 2/2025–1/2026. Uimahallin vedenkäsittelytöiden toteutus suoritetaan tarjouspyynnössä mukana olevan yleisaikataulun mukaisesti 5.12.2024 ja töiden tulee olla valmiit viimeistään 12.1.2026 mennessä. Tämän jälkeen käynnistyy 13.1.2026 alkaen koekäyttövaihe, jossa vedenkäsittelyjärjestelmien toimintaa testataan koeryhmien avulla. Koekäyttövaihe päättyy 28.2.2026. Päätoteuttaja laatii yleisaikataulun pohjalta työmaan tarkennetun toteutusaikataulun yhdessä tilaajan ja osaurakoitsijoiden kanssa. Aikataulun sovittaminen yhdessä osaurakoitsijoiden kanssa on päätoteuttajan velvollisuus. Tarjouspyyntöihin liittyvä kohteen esittely pidetään maanantaina 14.10.2024 klo 12.00-14.00. Esittelyyn ei tarvitse ennakkoilmoittautua. Tarjousten valintaperusteena on kokonaistaloudellinen edullisuus. Kokonaistaloudellisesti edullisin on vähimmäisvaatimukset täyttävä tarjous, joka on hinnaltaan halvin. Tarjoukset voidaan vertailla pelkän hinnan perusteella, sillä hankinnassa tarpeellinen laatu on huomioitu tarjouspyynnön vähimmäisehdoissa. Tällä tarjouspyynnöllä kilpailutettava urakka kuuluu urakkakokonaisuuteen, joka on jaettu osiin osaurakoiksi. Osaurakat kilpailutetaan erillisinä kilpailutuksina. Kaikkien osaurakoiden kilpailutuksessa huomioidaan kuitenkin urakkakokonaisuuden ennakoitu kokonaisarvo ja kaikki urakat euromääräisestä ennakoidusta arvosta riippumatta kilpailutetaan urakkakokonaisuuden ennakoidun kokonaisarvon edellyttämällä tavalla hankintalain mukaisesti ja hankintamenettelyjä koskevat menettelytavat huomioiden. Tämä tarjouspyyntö liittyy urakkakokonaisuuteen, jonka ennakoitu kokonaisarvo ylittää rakennusurakoiden kansallisen kynnysarvo (150 000 € alv. 0%), mutta alittaa EU-kynnysarvon (5 538 000 € alv. 0%). Hankintaa ei ole pilkottu osiin tai sen ennakoitua arvoa ei ole laskettu poikkeuksellisin menetelmin hankintalain 31§ tarkoittamalla tavalla. 2024-150090 Äänekosken kaupunki Hallintokatu 4 44100 ÄÄNEKOSKI FI +358 401564070 hankinta@aanekoski.fi Hankintatoimi http://www.aanekoski.fi Tarjousten valintaperusteena on kokonaistaloudellinen edullisuus. https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/aanekoski?id=529081&tpk=2f068d44-db5d-4195-92de-17690112d2d8 hankinta@aanekoski.fi Äänekosken kaupunki pyytää tarjouksia Suolahden uimahallin peruskorjauksen vedenkäsittelyurakasta. 2024-10-15T12:42:52.8755201 Hankinnassa noudatetaan lakia julkisista hankinnoista ja käyttöoikeussopimuksista (1397/2016). Tarjoukset avataan aikaisintaan ilmoitettuna ajankohtana, mutta ne voidaan avata myöhemminkin. Tarjousten avaus ei ole julkinen tilaisuus. City of Äänekoski Suolahti swimming hall renovation, water treatment contract The city of Äänekoski is asking for bids for the water treatment contract for Suolahti swimming hall renovation. The Suolahti swimming hall is located in the four-story part of the building connected to the Suolahti unified school (Telakkakatu 15, 44200 Suolahti). The swimming pool has a 25 m fitness pool, a children's pool and a jacuzzi. The building is part of a three-part building complex that are connected to each other. The swimming pool is located at ground level in the basement. On the first and second floors there is a gym, teaching facilities and an afternoon club. The gym is directly above the swimming hall. The purpose of the renovation project of the swimming pool is to carry out a cost-effective, high-quality and sustainably planned renovation that solves the identified problems, improves equality and takes into account sustainable development. The goal of the renovation is to create healthy, safe and reliable facilities for customers and staff for the next 30 years. The renovation will improve the safety and user experience of the swimming hall's customers and support residents' well-being and versatile recreational activities in accordance with the city strategy. Central to the project is improving the energy efficiency of the swimming hall, e.g. for lighting, waste heat recovery and iv system. Based on the tender, a contractor will be selected for the water treatment contract for the renovation of the Suolahti swimming pool. The tender must include all the water treatment works according to the tender documents for the renovation of the Suolahti swimming hall. The request for quotation includes an option. The Suolahti swimming pool has three different water treatment groups, which are a 25 m fitness pool, a teaching pool (children's pool) and a jacuzzi. In the renovation of the Suolahti swimming hall, the current water treatment system will be renewed and equalization basins will be added to it. The storage facilities for pool chemicals, which are currently underground, will be moved to the new expansion section, which is located at ground level. New water treatment equipment serving the 25 m fitness pool will be installed in the same extension. In addition to the renovation, some of the current equipment will be kept, the most significant of which are the old filters and chemical regulators. Other content The water treatment contract includes, in addition to the tasks of the water treatment foreman, the obligations recorded in the contract boundary appendix and other measures necessary to complete the water treatment contract. The water treatment contractor is obliged to assist the customer in the trial operation phase, which starts on January 13, 2026. The water treatment contractor, together with the automation contractor, is obliged to organize a detailed operation instruction for the customer's maintenance staff, which goes through the procedures related to the operation of the swimming hall, such as e.g. rinsing the pools, possible emptying and filling and adjusting the water circulation. Form of contract The form of contract is project management development,where the customer acts as the main contractor with the help of the responsible foreman he has appointed. Building, tiling, wardrobe, false ceiling and wall surface upholstery, IV, electrical, water treatment, plumbing, and automation works are carried out directly to the customer. Contract period The contract period is February 2025–January 2026. The implementation of the water treatment works in the swimming pool will be carried out according to the general schedule included in the request for tenders on December 5, 2024, and the works must be completed by January 12, 2026 at the latest. After this, the test operation phase will start on January 13, 2026, where the operation of the water treatment systems will be tested with the help of test groups. The trial period ends on February 28, 2026. Based on the general schedule, the general contractor prepares a detailed implementation schedule for the site together with the client and contractors. It is the responsibility of the main implementer to agree the schedule together with the contractors. The presentation of the object related to the requests for offers will be held on Monday 14 October 2024 from 12:00 to 14:00. There is no need to pre-register for the presentation. The selection criteria for the offers is overall economic affordability. From an overall economic point of view, the cheapest offer is the offer that meets the minimum requirements and is the cheapest. The offers can be compared based on the price alone, because the quality required in the procurement is taken into account in the minimum terms of the request for tender. The contract to be tendered with this call for tenders belongs to a contract package, which is divided into parts. Subcontracts are tendered as separate tenders. However, in the tendering of all tenders, the anticipated total value of the contract package is taken into account, and all contracts, regardless of the anticipated total value in euros, are tendered in accordance with the anticipated total value of the contract package in accordance with the Procurement Act and taking into account the procedures for procurement procedures. This call for tenders is related to a set of contracts, the anticipated total value of which exceeds the national threshold value for construction contracts (€150,000 VAT 0%), but falls below the EU threshold value (€5,538,000 VAT 0%). The procurement has not been split into parts or its expected value has not been calculated using exceptional methods as intended by Section 31 of the Procurement Act. 2024-150090 Äänekoski kaupunki Hallintokatu 4 44100 ÄÄNEKOSKI FI +358 401564070 procurement@aanekoski.fi Procurement http://www.aanekoski.fi Tenders are selected on the basis of overall economic affordability. https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/aanekoski?id=529081&tpk=2f068d44-db5d-4195-92de-17690112d2d8 saktatu@aanekoski.fi The city of Äänekoski is requesting bids for the water treatment contract for the renovation of the Suolahti swimming hall. 2024-10-15T12:42:52.8755201 Procurement complies with the Act on Public Procurement and License Agreements (1397/2016). The offers will be opened at the earliest announced time, but they can be opened later. The opening of bids is not a public event.as well as automation works are carried out directly to the customer. Contract period The contract period is February 2025–January 2026. The implementation of the water treatment works in the swimming pool will be carried out according to the general schedule included in the request for tenders on December 5, 2024, and the works must be completed by January 12, 2026 at the latest. After this, the test operation phase will start on January 13, 2026, where the operation of the water treatment systems will be tested with the help of test groups. The trial period ends on February 28, 2026. Based on the general schedule, the general contractor prepares a detailed implementation schedule for the site together with the client and contractors. It is the responsibility of the main contractor to agree the schedule together with the contractors. The presentation of the object related to the requests for offers will be held on Monday 14 October 2024 from 12:00 to 14:00. There is no need to pre-register for the presentation. The selection criteria for the offers is overall economic affordability. From an overall economic point of view, the cheapest offer is the offer that meets the minimum requirements and is the cheapest. The offers can be compared based on the price alone, because the quality required in the procurement is taken into account in the minimum terms of the request for tender. The contract to be tendered with this call for tenders belongs to a contract package, which is divided into parts. Subcontracts are tendered as separate tenders. However, in the tendering of all tenders, the anticipated total value of the contract package is taken into account, and all contracts, regardless of the anticipated total value in euros, are tendered in accordance with the anticipated total value of the contract package in accordance with the Procurement Act and taking into account the procedures for procurement procedures. This call for tenders is related to a set of contracts, the anticipated total value of which exceeds the national threshold value for construction contracts (€150,000 VAT 0%), but falls below the EU threshold value (€5,538,000 VAT 0%). The procurement has not been split into parts or its expected value has not been calculated using exceptional methods as intended by Section 31 of the Procurement Act. 2024-150090 Äänekoski kaupunki Hallintokatu 4 44100 ÄÄNEKOSKI FI +358 401564070 procurement@aanekoski.fi Procurement http://www.aanekoski.fi Tenders are selected on the basis of economic affordability. https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/aanekoski?id=529081&tpk=2f068d44-db5d-4195-92de-17690112d2d8 saktatu@aanekoski.fi The city of Äänekoski is requesting bids for the water treatment contract for the renovation of the Suolahti swimming hall. 2024-10-15T12:42:52.8755201 Procurement complies with the Act on Public Procurement and License Agreements (1397/2016). The offers will be opened at the earliest announced time, but they can be opened later. The opening of bids is not a public event.as well as automation works are carried out directly to the customer. Contract period The contract period is February 2025–January 2026. The implementation of the water treatment works in the swimming pool will be carried out according to the general schedule included in the request for tenders on December 5, 2024, and the works must be completed by January 12, 2026 at the latest. After this, from 13.1.2026, the test operation phase will start, where the operation of the water treatment systems will be tested with the help of test groups. The trial period ends on February 28, 2026. Based on the general schedule, the general contractor prepares a detailed implementation schedule for the site together with the client and contractors. It is the responsibility of the main contractor to agree the schedule together with the contractors. The presentation of the object related to the requests for offers will be held on Monday 14 October 2024 from 12:00 to 14:00. There is no need to pre-register for the presentation. The selection criteria for the offers is overall economic affordability. From an overall economic point of view, the cheapest offer is the offer that meets the minimum requirements and is the cheapest. The offers can be compared based on the price alone, because the quality required in the procurement is taken into account in the minimum terms of the request for tender. The contract to be tendered with this call for tenders belongs to a contract package, which is divided into parts. Subcontracts are tendered as separate tenders. However, in the tendering of all tenders, the anticipated total value of the contract package is taken into account, and all contracts, regardless of the anticipated total value in euros, are tendered in accordance with the anticipated total value of the contract package in accordance with the Procurement Act and taking into account the procedures for procurement procedures. This call for tenders is related to a set of contracts, the anticipated total value of which exceeds the national threshold value for construction contracts (€150,000 VAT 0%), but falls below the EU threshold value (€5,538,000 VAT 0%). The procurement has not been split into parts or its expected value has not been calculated using exceptional methods as intended by Section 31 of the Procurement Act. 2024-150090 Äänekoski kaupunki Hallintokatu 4 44100 ÄÄNEKOSKI FI +358 401564070 procurement@aanekoski.fi Procurement http://www.aanekoski.fi Tenders are selected on the basis of economic affordability. https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/aanekoski?id=529081&tpk=2f068d44-db5d-4195-92de-17690112d2d8 saktatu@aanekoski.fi The city of Äänekoski is requesting bids for the water treatment contract for the renovation of the Suolahti swimming hall. 2024-10-15T12:42:52.8755201 Procurement complies with the Act on Public Procurement and License Agreements (1397/2016). The offers will be opened at the earliest announced time, but they can be opened later. The opening of bids is not a public event.where the operation of water treatment systems is tested with the help of experimental groups. The trial period ends on February 28, 2026. Based on the general schedule, the general contractor prepares a detailed implementation schedule for the site together with the client and contractors. It is the responsibility of the main implementer to agree the schedule together with the contractors. The presentation of the object related to the requests for offers will be held on Monday 14 October 2024 from 12:00 to 14:00. There is no need to pre-register for the presentation. The selection criteria for the offers is overall economic affordability. From an overall economic point of view, the cheapest offer is the offer that meets the minimum requirements and is the cheapest. The offers can be compared based on the price alone, because the quality required in the procurement is taken into account in the minimum terms of the request for tender. The contract to be tendered with this call for tenders belongs to a contract package, which is divided into parts. Subcontracts are tendered as separate tenders. However, in the tendering of all tenders, the anticipated total value of the contract package is taken into account, and all contracts, regardless of the anticipated total value in euros, are tendered in accordance with the anticipated total value of the contract package in accordance with the Procurement Act and taking into account the procedures for procurement procedures. This call for tenders is related to a set of contracts, the anticipated total value of which exceeds the national threshold value for construction contracts (€150,000 VAT 0%), but falls below the EU threshold value (€5,538,000 VAT 0%). The procurement has not been split into parts or its expected value has not been calculated using exceptional methods as intended by Section 31 of the Procurement Act. 2024-150090 Äänekoski kaupunki Hallintokatu 4 44100 ÄÄNEKOSKI FI +358 401564070 procurement@aanekoski.fi Procurement http://www.aanekoski.fi Tenders are selected on the basis of economic affordability. https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/aanekoski?id=529081&tpk=2f068d44-db5d-4195-92de-17690112d2d8 saktatu@aanekoski.fi The city of Äänekoski is requesting bids for the water treatment contract for the renovation of the Suolahti swimming hall. 2024-10-15T12:42:52.8755201 Procurement complies with the Act on Public Procurement and License Agreements (1397/2016). The offers will be opened at the earliest announced time, but they can be opened later. The opening of bids is not a public event.where the operation of water treatment systems is tested with the help of experimental groups. The trial period ends on February 28, 2026. Based on the general schedule, the general contractor prepares a detailed implementation schedule for the site together with the client and contractors. It is the responsibility of the main contractor to agree the schedule together with the contractors. The presentation of the object related to the requests for offers will be held on Monday 14 October 2024 from 12:00 to 14:00. There is no need to pre-register for the presentation. The selection criteria for the offers is overall economic affordability. From an overall economic point of view, the cheapest offer is the offer that meets the minimum requirements and is the cheapest. The offers can be compared based on the price alone, because the quality required in the procurement is taken into account in the minimum terms of the request for tender. The contract to be tendered with this call for tenders belongs to a contract package, which is divided into parts. Subcontracts are tendered as separate tenders. However, in the tendering of all tenders, the anticipated total value of the contract package is taken into account, and all contracts, regardless of the anticipated total value in euros, are tendered in accordance with the anticipated total value of the contract package in accordance with the Procurement Act and taking into account the procedures for procurement procedures. This call for tenders is related to a set of contracts, the anticipated total value of which exceeds the national threshold value for construction contracts (€150,000 VAT 0%), but falls below the EU threshold value (€5,538,000 VAT 0%). The procurement has not been split into parts or its expected value has not been calculated using exceptional methods as intended by Section 31 of the Procurement Act. 2024-150090 Äänekoski kaupunki Hallintokatu 4 44100 ÄÄNEKOSKI FI +358 401564070 procurement@aanekoski.fi Procurement http://www.aanekoski.fi Tenders are selected on the basis of economic affordability. https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/aanekoski?id=529081&tpk=2f068d44-db5d-4195-92de-17690112d2d8 saktatu@aanekoski.fi The city of Äänekoski is requesting bids for the water treatment contract for the renovation of the Suolahti swimming hall. 2024-10-15T12:42:52.8755201 Procurement complies with the Act on Public Procurement and License Agreements (1397/2016). The offers will be opened at the earliest announced time, but they can be opened later. The opening of bids is not a public event.because the quality required in procurement is taken into account in the minimum terms of the request for tender. The contract to be tendered with this call for tenders belongs to a contract package, which is divided into parts. Subcontracts are tendered as separate tenders. However, in the tendering of all tenders, the anticipated total value of the contract package is taken into account, and all contracts, regardless of the anticipated total value in euros, are tendered in accordance with the anticipated total value of the contract package in accordance with the Procurement Act and taking into account the procedures for procurement procedures. This call for tenders is related to a set of contracts, the anticipated total value of which exceeds the national threshold value for construction contracts (€150,000 VAT 0%), but falls below the EU threshold value (€5,538,000 VAT 0%). The procurement has not been split into parts or its expected value has not been calculated using exceptional methods as intended by Section 31 of the Procurement Act. 2024-150090 Äänekoski kaupunki Hallintokatu 4 44100 ÄÄNEKOSKI FI +358 401564070 procurement@aanekoski.fi Procurement http://www.aanekoski.fi Tenders are selected on the basis of overall economic affordability. https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/aanekoski?id=529081&tpk=2f068d44-db5d-4195-92de-17690112d2d8 saktatu@aanekoski.fi The city of Äänekoski is requesting bids for the water treatment contract for the renovation of the Suolahti swimming hall. 2024-10-15T12:42:52.8755201 Procurement complies with the Act on Public Procurement and License Agreements (1397/2016). The offers will be opened at the earliest announced time, but they can be opened later. The opening of bids is not a public event.because the quality required in procurement is taken into account in the minimum terms of the request for tender. The contract to be tendered with this call for tenders belongs to a contract package, which is divided into parts. Subcontracts are tendered as separate tenders. However, in the tendering of all tenders, the anticipated total value of the contract package is taken into account, and all contracts, regardless of the anticipated total value in euros, are tendered in accordance with the anticipated total value of the contract package in accordance with the Procurement Act and taking into account the procedures for procurement procedures. This call for tenders is related to a set of contracts, the anticipated total value of which exceeds the national threshold value for construction contracts (€150,000 VAT 0%), but falls below the EU threshold value (€5,538,000 VAT 0%). The procurement has not been split into parts or its expected value has not been calculated using exceptional methods as intended by Section 31 of the Procurement Act. 2024-150090 Äänekoski kaupunki Hallintokatu 4 44100 ÄÄNEKOSKI FI +358 401564070 procurement@aanekoski.fi Procurement http://www.aanekoski.fi Tenders are selected on the basis of economic affordability. https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/aanekoski?id=529081&tpk=2f068d44-db5d-4195-92de-17690112d2d8 saktatu@aanekoski.fi The city of Äänekoski is requesting bids for the water treatment contract for the renovation of the Suolahti swimming hall. 2024-10-15T12:42:52.8755201 Procurement complies with the Act on Public Procurement and License Agreements (1397/2016). The offers will be opened at the earliest announced time, but they can be opened later. The opening of bids is not a public event.8755201 In procurement, the law on public procurement and right-of-use agreements (1397/2016) is followed. The offers will be opened at the earliest announced time, but they can be opened later. The opening of bids is not a public event.8755201 In procurement, the law on public procurement and right-of-use agreements (1397/2016) is followed. The offers will be opened at the earliest announced time, but they can be opened later. The opening of bids is not a public event.
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