Tender Details

Voiska-talo: KVR-urakoitsijan hankinta Voiska-talo: KVR-urakoitsijan hankinta Hankkeessa Lappeenrannan kaupunki rakennuttaa Voisalmen kaupunginosaan alueen julkiset palvelut yhteen kokoavan monitoimitalon, Voiska-talon. Voiska-taloon sijoittuu päiväkoti, koulu ja kirjasto. Päiväkoti käsittää viisi varhaiskasvatusryhmää ja kaksi esiopetusryhmää. Koulu käsittää 10 vuosiluokkien 1-6 perusopetusryhmää sekä kaksi erityisen tuen pienryhmää. Lisäksi koulussa toimii kuusi kehitysvammaisten lasten ja kehitysvammaisten autisminkirjon lasten ryhmää vuosiluokilla 1-9. Rakennukseen sijoittuu myös Voisalmen kirjasto. Lisäksi rakennukseen sijoittuu muut tarjouspyynnön liitteenä olevassa tilaohjelmassa mainitut tilat kuten liikuntasali ja ruokahuollon tilat tarvittavine aputiloineen. Hankkeen arvioitu laajuus on noin 5 700 brm2. Rakennuspaikalla sijaitseva nykyinen Voisalmen koulu- ja kirjastorakennus puretaan tilaajan erillisurakkana ennen uudisrakennuksen töiden aloitusta. Hankkeen alustava toteutusmuoto on yhteistoiminnallinen KVR-urakka, joka sisältää uudisrakennuksen sekä tarvittavien liikennejärjestelyjen suunnittelun ja toteuttamisen. Vaihtoehtoisena toteutusmuotona on perinteinen KVR-urakka. Lopullinen toteutusmuoto tarkentuu neuvottelujen lopuksi lopulliseen tarjouspyyntöaineistoon. Valittava KVR-urakoitsija vastaa hankkeen suunnittelusta, lupien hakemisesta ja rakentamisesta sekä takuuajasta. Suunnitelmia kehitetään tilaajan ja tarjoajien kesken jo tarjouskilpailun aikana ja sen jälkeen tarjouskilpailun voittaneen tarjoajan kanssa suunnitteluvaiheessa. Osallistumishakemuksen voi jättää ja hankkeen toteuttajaksi voidaan valita ryhmittymä eli työyhteenliittymä. Ryhmittymään kuuluvia jäseniä ei voi vähentää tai muuttaa. Ryhmittymään kuuluvia jäseniä voidaan lisätä edellyttäen, että uudet jäsenet täyttävät tässä hankintailmoituksessa esitetyt vaatimukset ja toimittavat vaaditut selvitykset. Näiden vaatimusten tulee täyttyä jo sillä ryhmittymän kokoonpanolla, jolla osallistumishakemus tehdään. Jos ehdokas on ryhmittymä, kaikista ryhmittymän jäsenistä toimitetaan oma ESPD-lomake. Jos ehdokas vetoaa alihankkijansa tai muun tahon voimavaroihin neuvotteluvaiheeseen pääsyn edellytyksenä olevien vähimmäisvaatimusten (esim. referenssivaatimukset) täyttymiseksi, myös kyseisestä alihankkijasta tai muusta tahosta on toimitettava ESPD-lomake. Tämä koskee myös omia konserniyhtiöitä. Lisätietoja hankinnan suunnitellusta sisällöstä ja kohteesta on saatavissa hankintailmoituksen liitteistä. Liiteaineiston tiedot muodostavat lähtökohdan hankkeen toteutukselle, mutta aineisto on alustavaa ja sen yksityiskohtia voidaan täsmentää ja muokata lopulliseen tarjouspyyntöaineistoon. Tässä hankintailmoituksessa ehdottomina esitettyjä tietoja ei muuteta. Projektikieli on suomi., 2024-014670 Hankkeessa Lappeenrannan kaupunki rakennuttaa Voisalmen kaupunginosaan alueen julkiset palvelut yhteen kokoavan monitoimitalon, Voiska-talon. Voiska-taloon sijoittuu päiväkoti, koulu ja kirjasto. Päiväkoti käsittää viisi varhaiskasvatusryhmää ja kaksi esiopetusryhmää. Koulu käsittää 10 vuosiluokkien 1-6 perusopetusryhmää sekä kaksi erityisen tuen pienryhmää. Lisäksi koulussa toimii kuusi kehitysvammaisten lasten ja kehitysvammaisten autisminkirjon lasten ryhmää vuosiluokilla 1-9. Rakennukseen sijoittuu myös Voisalmen kirjasto. Lisäksi rakennukseen sijoittuu muut tarjouspyynnön liitteenä olevassa tilaohjelmassa mainitut tilat kuten liikuntasali ja ruokahuollon tilat tarvittavine aputiloineen. Hankkeen arvioitu laajuus on noin 5 700 brm2. Rakennuspaikalla sijaitseva nykyinen Voisalmen koulu- ja kirjastorakennus puretaan tilaajan erillisurakkana ennen uudisrakennuksen töiden aloitusta. Hankkeen alustava toteutusmuoto on yhteistoiminnallinen KVR-urakka, joka sisältää uudisrakennuksen sekä tarvittavien liikennejärjestelyjen suunnittelun ja toteuttamisen. Vaihtoehtoisena toteutusmuotona on perinteinen KVR-urakka. Lopullinen toteutusmuoto tarkentuu neuvottelujen lopuksi lopulliseen tarjouspyyntöaineistoon. Valittava KVR-urakoitsija vastaa hankkeen suunnittelusta, lupien hakemisesta ja rakentamisesta sekä takuuajasta. Suunnitelmia kehitetään tilaajan ja tarjoajien kesken jo tarjouskilpailun aikana ja sen jälkeen tarjouskilpailun voittaneen tarjoajan kanssa suunnitteluvaiheessa. Osallistumishakemuksen voi jättää ja hankkeen toteuttajaksi voidaan valita ryhmittymä eli työyhteenliittymä. Ryhmittymään kuuluvia jäseniä ei voi vähentää tai muuttaa. Ryhmittymään kuuluvia jäseniä voidaan lisätä edellyttäen, että uudet jäsenet täyttävät tässä hankintailmoituksessa esitetyt vaatimukset ja toimittavat vaaditut selvitykset. Näiden vaatimusten tulee täyttyä jo sillä ryhmittymän kokoonpanolla, jolla osallistumishakemus tehdään. Jos ehdokas on ryhmittymä, kaikista ryhmittymän jäsenistä toimitetaan oma ESPD-lomake. Jos ehdokas vetoaa alihankkijansa tai muun tahon voimavaroihin neuvotteluvaiheeseen pääsyn edellytyksenä olevien vähimmäisvaatimusten (esim. referenssivaatimukset) täyttymiseksi, myös kyseisestä alihankkijasta tai muusta tahosta on toimitettava ESPD-lomake. Tämä koskee myös omia konserniyhtiöitä. Lisätietoja hankinnan suunnitellusta sisällöstä ja kohteesta on saatavissa hankintailmoituksen liitteistä. Liiteaineiston tiedot muodostavat lähtökohdan hankkeen toteutukselle, mutta aineisto on alustavaa ja sen yksityiskohtia voidaan täsmentää ja muokata lopulliseen tarjouspyyntöaineistoon. Tässä hankintailmoituksessa ehdottomina esitettyjä tietoja ei muuteta. Projektikieli on suomi. cpv 45000000 CFTDR_1 https://bem.buildercom.net/html/rfq2registration/index?rfqId=12418&guid=a7e7c172-5352-4913-9df7-548372627200 PL 38 53101 Lappeenranta FIN Lappeenrannan kaupunki/ elinvoima ja kaupunkikehitys toimiala +358 400668760 pekka.talonpoika@lappeenranta.fi Pekka Talonpoika http://www.lappeenranta.fi Voiska-talo: procurement of a KVR contractor Voiska-talo: procurement of a KVR contractor In the project, the city of Lappeenranta will build a multi-purpose building, Voiska-talo, that brings together the area's public services in the Voisalmi district. A kindergarten, a school and a library are located in the Voiska house. The daycare includes five early childhood education groups and two preschool education groups. The school comprises 10 basic education groups of grades 1-6 and two special support small groups. In addition, the school has six groups of children with developmental disabilities and children with developmental disabilities on the autism spectrum in grades 1-9. The Voisalmi library is also located in the building. In addition, the building will house the other facilities mentioned in the facility program attached to the request for tender, such as the gymnasium and food service facilities with the necessary auxiliary facilities. The estimated scope of the project is approximately 5,700 brm2. The current Voisalmi school and library building located on the construction site will be demolished as a separate contractor for the client before the start of work on the new building. The initial implementation form of the project is a cooperative KVR contract, which includes the planning and implementation of a new building and the necessary traffic arrangements. An alternative form of implementation is a traditional KVR contract. At the end of the negotiations, the final form of implementation will be specified in the final request for tender material. The selected KVR contractor is responsible for project planning, applying for permits and construction, as well as the warranty period. Plans are developed between the customer and the bidders already during the bidding process and afterwards with the bidder who won the bidding process in the planning phase. You can submit an application for participation, and a group, i.e. a labor association, can be chosen as the project implementer. Members belonging to a group cannot be reduced or changed. Members belonging to the group can be added, provided that the new members meet the requirements set out in this procurement announcement and submit the required reports. These requirements must already be met by the composition of the group with which the application for participation is made. If the candidate is a conglomerate, a separate ESPD form is submitted for all members of the conglomerate. If the candidate relies on the resources of his subcontractor or other entity to meet the minimum requirements (e.g. reference requirements) necessary for entering the negotiation phase, an ESPD form must also be submitted from that subcontractor or other entity. This also applies to our own group companies. More information about the planned content and target of the procurement can be found in the annexes to the procurement notice. The information in the attached material forms the starting point for the implementation of the project, but the material is preliminary and its details can be specified and modified in the final request for tender material. The information presented as unconditional in this procurement notice will not be changed. The project language is Finnish., 2024-014670 In the project, the city of Lappeenranta is building a multipurpose building, Voiska-talo, that brings together the area's public services in the Voisalmi district. A kindergarten is located in the Voiska house,school and library. The daycare includes five early childhood education groups and two preschool education groups. The school comprises 10 basic education groups of grades 1-6 and two special support small groups. In addition, the school has six groups of children with developmental disabilities and children with developmental disabilities on the autism spectrum in grades 1-9. The Voisalmi library is also located in the building. In addition, the building will house the other facilities mentioned in the facility program attached to the request for tender, such as the gymnasium and food service facilities with the necessary auxiliary facilities. The estimated scope of the project is approximately 5,700 brm2. The current Voisalmi school and library building located on the construction site will be demolished as a separate contractor for the client before the start of work on the new building. The initial implementation form of the project is a cooperative KVR contract, which includes the planning and implementation of a new building and the necessary traffic arrangements. An alternative form of implementation is a traditional KVR contract. At the end of the negotiations, the final form of implementation will be specified in the final request for tender material. The selected KVR contractor is responsible for project planning, applying for permits and construction, as well as the warranty period. Plans are developed between the customer and the bidders already during the bidding process and afterwards with the bidder who won the bidding process in the planning phase. You can submit an application for participation, and a group, i.e. a labor association, can be chosen as the project implementer. Members belonging to a group cannot be reduced or changed. Members belonging to the group can be added, provided that the new members meet the requirements set out in this procurement announcement and submit the required reports. These requirements must already be met by the composition of the group with which the application for participation is made. If the candidate is a conglomerate, a separate ESPD form is submitted for all members of the conglomerate. If the candidate relies on the resources of his subcontractor or other entity to meet the minimum requirements (e.g. reference requirements) necessary for entering the negotiation phase, an ESPD form must also be submitted from that subcontractor or other entity. This also applies to our own group companies. More information about the planned content and target of the procurement can be found in the annexes to the procurement notice. The information in the attached material forms the starting point for the implementation of the project, but the material is preliminary and its details can be specified and modified in the final request for tender material. The information presented as unconditional in this procurement notice will not be changed. The project language is Finnish. cpv 45000000 CFTDR_1 https://bem.buildercom.net/html/rfq2registration/index?rfqId=12418&guid=a7e7c172-5352-4913-9df7-548372627200 PO Box 38 53101 Lappeenranta FIN Lappeenranta city/ vitality and urban development department +358 40066876 0 pekka.peasant @lappeenranta.fi Pekka Farmer http://www.lappeenranta.fiThe school comprises 10 basic education groups of grades 1-6 and two special support small groups. In addition, the school has six groups of children with developmental disabilities and children with developmental disabilities on the autism spectrum in grades 1-9. The Voisalmi library is also located in the building. In addition, the building will house the other facilities mentioned in the facility program attached to the request for tender, such as the gymnasium and food service facilities with the necessary auxiliary facilities. The estimated scope of the project is approximately 5,700 brm2. The current Voisalmi school and library building located on the construction site will be demolished as a separate contractor for the client before the start of work on the new building. The initial implementation form of the project is a cooperative KVR contract, which includes the planning and implementation of a new building and the necessary traffic arrangements. An alternative form of implementation is a traditional KVR contract. At the end of the negotiations, the final form of implementation will be specified in the final request for tender material. The selected KVR contractor is responsible for project planning, applying for permits and construction, as well as the warranty period. Plans are developed between the customer and the bidders already during the bidding process and afterwards with the bidder who won the bidding process in the planning phase. You can submit an application for participation, and a group, i.e. a labor association, can be chosen as the project implementer. Members belonging to a group cannot be reduced or changed. Members belonging to the group can be added, provided that the new members meet the requirements set out in this procurement announcement and submit the required reports. These requirements must already be met by the composition of the group with which the application for participation is made. If the candidate is a conglomerate, a separate ESPD form is submitted for all members of the conglomerate. If the candidate relies on the resources of his subcontractor or other entity to meet the minimum requirements (e.g. reference requirements) necessary for entering the negotiation phase, an ESPD form must also be submitted from that subcontractor or other entity. This also applies to our own group companies. More information about the planned content and target of the procurement can be found in the annexes to the procurement notice. The information in the attached material forms the starting point for the implementation of the project, but the material is preliminary and its details can be specified and modified in the final request for tender material. The information presented as unconditional in this procurement notice will not be changed. The project language is Finnish. cpv 45000000 CFTDR_1 https://bem.buildercom.net/html/rfq2registration/index?rfqId=12418&guid=a7e7c172-5352-4913-9df7-548372627200 PO Box 38 53101 Lappeenranta FIN Lappeenranta city/ vitality and urban development department +358 40066876 0 pekka.peasant @lappeenranta.fi Pekka Farmer http://www.lappeenranta.fiThe school comprises 10 basic education groups of grades 1-6 and two special support small groups. In addition, the school has six groups of children with developmental disabilities and children with developmental disabilities on the autism spectrum in grades 1-9. The Voisalmi library is also located in the building. In addition, the building will house the other facilities mentioned in the facility program attached to the request for tender, such as the gymnasium and food service facilities with the necessary auxiliary facilities. The estimated scope of the project is approximately 5,700 brm2. The current Voisalmi school and library building located on the construction site will be demolished as a separate contractor for the client before the start of work on the new building. The initial implementation form of the project is a cooperative KVR contract, which includes the planning and implementation of a new building and the necessary traffic arrangements. An alternative form of implementation is a traditional KVR contract. At the end of the negotiations, the final form of implementation will be specified in the final request for tender material. The selected KVR contractor is responsible for project planning, applying for permits and construction, as well as the warranty period. Plans are developed between the customer and the bidders already during the bidding process and afterwards with the bidder who won the bidding process in the planning phase. You can submit an application for participation, and a group, i.e. a labor association, can be chosen as the project implementer. Members belonging to a group cannot be reduced or changed. Members belonging to the group can be added, provided that the new members meet the requirements set out in this procurement announcement and submit the required reports. These requirements must already be met by the composition of the group with which the application for participation is made. If the candidate is a conglomerate, a separate ESPD form is submitted for all members of the conglomerate. If the candidate relies on the resources of his subcontractor or other entity to meet the minimum requirements (e.g. reference requirements) necessary for entering the negotiation phase, an ESPD form must also be submitted from that subcontractor or other entity. This also applies to our own group companies. More information about the planned content and target of the procurement can be found in the annexes to the procurement notice. The information in the attached material forms the starting point for the implementation of the project, but the material is preliminary and its details can be specified and modified in the final request for tender material. The information presented as unconditional in this procurement notice will not be changed. The project language is Finnish. cpv 45000000 CFTDR_1 https://bem.buildercom.net/html/rfq2registration/index?rfqId=12418&guid=a7e7c172-5352-4913-9df7-548372627200 PO Box 38 53101 Lappeenranta FIN Lappeenranta city/ vitality and urban development department +358 40066876 0 pekka.peasant @lappeenranta.fi Pekka Farmer http://www.lappeenranta.fiIn addition, the building will house the other facilities mentioned in the facility program attached to the request for tender, such as the gymnasium and food service facilities with the necessary auxiliary facilities. The estimated scope of the project is approximately 5,700 brm2. The current Voisalmi school and library building located on the construction site will be demolished as a separate contractor for the client before the start of work on the new building. The initial implementation form of the project is a cooperative KVR contract, which includes the planning and implementation of a new building and the necessary traffic arrangements. An alternative form of implementation is a traditional KVR contract. At the end of the negotiations, the final form of implementation will be specified in the final request for tender material. The selected KVR contractor is responsible for project planning, applying for permits and construction, as well as the warranty period. Plans are developed between the customer and the bidders already during the bidding process and afterwards with the bidder who won the bidding process in the planning phase. You can submit an application for participation, and a group, i.e. a labor association, can be chosen as the project implementer. Members belonging to a group cannot be reduced or changed. Members belonging to the group can be added, provided that the new members meet the requirements set out in this procurement announcement and submit the required reports. These requirements must already be met by the composition of the group with which the application for participation is made. If the candidate is a conglomerate, a separate ESPD form is submitted for all members of the conglomerate. If the candidate relies on the resources of his subcontractor or other entity to meet the minimum requirements (e.g. reference requirements) necessary for entering the negotiation phase, an ESPD form must also be submitted from that subcontractor or other entity. This also applies to our own group companies. More information about the planned content and target of the procurement can be found in the annexes to the procurement notice. The information in the attached material forms the starting point for the implementation of the project, but the material is preliminary and its details can be specified and modified in the final request for tender material. The information presented as unconditional in this procurement notice will not be changed. The project language is Finnish. cpv 45000000 CFTDR_1 https://bem.buildercom.net/html/rfq2registration/index?rfqId=12418&guid=a7e7c172-5352-4913-9df7-548372627200 PO Box 38 53101 Lappeenranta FIN Lappeenranta city/ vitality and urban development department +358 40066876 0 pekka.peasant @lappeenranta.fi Pekka Farmer http://www.lappeenranta.fiIn addition, the building will house the other facilities mentioned in the facility program attached to the request for tender, such as the gymnasium and food service facilities with the necessary auxiliary facilities. The estimated scope of the project is approximately 5,700 brm2. The current Voisalmi school and library building located on the construction site will be demolished as a separate contractor for the client before the start of work on the new building. The initial implementation form of the project is a cooperative KVR contract, which includes the planning and implementation of a new building and the necessary traffic arrangements. An alternative form of implementation is a traditional KVR contract. At the end of the negotiations, the final form of implementation will be specified in the final request for tender material. The selected KVR contractor is responsible for project planning, applying for permits and construction, as well as the warranty period. Plans are developed between the customer and the bidders already during the bidding process and afterwards with the bidder who won the bidding process in the planning phase. You can submit an application for participation, and a group, i.e. a labor association, can be chosen as the project implementer. Members belonging to a group cannot be reduced or changed. Members belonging to the group can be added, provided that the new members meet the requirements set out in this procurement announcement and submit the required reports. These requirements must already be met by the composition of the group with which the application for participation is made. If the candidate is a conglomerate, a separate ESPD form is submitted for all members of the conglomerate. If the candidate relies on the resources of his subcontractor or other entity to meet the minimum requirements (e.g. reference requirements) necessary for entering the negotiation phase, an ESPD form must also be submitted from that subcontractor or other entity. This also applies to our own group companies. More information about the planned content and target of the procurement can be found in the annexes to the procurement notice. The information in the attached material forms the starting point for the implementation of the project, but the material is preliminary and its details can be specified and modified in the final request for tender material. The information presented as unconditional in this procurement notice will not be changed. The project language is Finnish. cpv 45000000 CFTDR_1 https://bem.buildercom.net/html/rfq2registration/index?rfqId=12418&guid=a7e7c172-5352-4913-9df7-548372627200 PO Box 38 53101 Lappeenranta FIN Lappeenranta city/ vitality and urban development department +358 40066876 0 pekka.peasant @lappeenranta.fi Pekka Farmer http://www.lappeenranta.fiAn alternative form of implementation is a traditional KVR contract. At the end of the negotiations, the final form of implementation will be specified in the final request for tender material. The selected KVR contractor is responsible for project planning, applying for permits and construction, as well as the warranty period. Plans are developed between the customer and the bidders already during the bidding process and afterwards with the bidder who won the bidding process in the planning phase. You can submit an application for participation, and a group, i.e. a labor association, can be chosen as the project implementer. Members belonging to a group cannot be reduced or changed. Members belonging to the group can be added, provided that the new members meet the requirements set out in this procurement announcement and submit the required reports. These requirements must already be met by the composition of the group with which the application for participation is made. If the candidate is a conglomerate, a separate ESPD form is submitted for all members of the conglomerate. If the candidate relies on the resources of his subcontractor or other entity to meet the minimum requirements (e.g. reference requirements) necessary for entering the negotiation phase, an ESPD form must also be submitted from that subcontractor or other entity. This also applies to our own group companies. More information about the planned content and target of the procurement can be found in the annexes to the procurement notice. The information in the attached material forms the starting point for the implementation of the project, but the material is preliminary and its details can be specified and modified in the final request for tender material. The information presented as unconditional in this procurement notice will not be changed. The project language is Finnish. cpv 45000000 CFTDR_1 https://bem.buildercom.net/html/rfq2registration/index?rfqId=12418&guid=a7e7c172-5352-4913-9df7-548372627200 PO Box 38 53101 Lappeenranta FIN Lappeenranta city/ vitality and urban development department +358 40066876 0 pekka.peasant @lappeenranta.fi Pekka Farmer http://www.lappeenranta.fiAn alternative form of implementation is a traditional KVR contract. At the end of the negotiations, the final form of implementation will be specified in the final request for tender material. The selected KVR contractor is responsible for project planning, applying for permits and construction, as well as the warranty period. Plans are developed between the customer and the bidders already during the bidding process and afterwards with the bidder who won the bidding process in the planning phase. You can submit an application for participation, and a group, i.e. a labor association, can be chosen as the project implementer. Members belonging to a group cannot be reduced or changed. Members belonging to the group can be added, provided that the new members meet the requirements set out in this procurement announcement and submit the required reports. These requirements must already be met by the composition of the group with which the application for participation is made. If the candidate is a conglomerate, a separate ESPD form is submitted for all members of the conglomerate. If the candidate relies on the resources of his subcontractor or other entity to meet the minimum requirements (e.g. reference requirements) necessary for entering the negotiation phase, an ESPD form must also be submitted from that subcontractor or other entity. This also applies to our own group companies. More information about the planned content and target of the procurement can be found in the annexes to the procurement notice. The information in the attached material forms the starting point for the implementation of the project, but the material is preliminary and its details can be specified and modified in the final request for tender material. The information presented as unconditional in this procurement notice will not be changed. The project language is Finnish. cpv 45000000 CFTDR_1 https://bem.buildercom.net/html/rfq2registration/index?rfqId=12418&guid=a7e7c172-5352-4913-9df7-548372627200 PO Box 38 53101 Lappeenranta FIN Lappeenranta city/ vitality and urban development department +358 40066876 0 pekka.peasant @lappeenranta.fi Pekka Farmer http://www.lappeenranta.fiIf the candidate relies on the resources of his subcontractor or other entity to meet the minimum requirements (e.g. reference requirements) necessary for entering the negotiation phase, an ESPD form must also be submitted from that subcontractor or other entity. This also applies to our own group companies. More information about the planned content and target of the procurement can be found in the annexes to the procurement notice. The information in the attached material forms the starting point for the implementation of the project, but the material is preliminary and its details can be specified and modified in the final request for tender material. The information presented as unconditional in this procurement notice will not be changed. The project language is Finnish. cpv 45000000 CFTDR_1 https://bem.buildercom.net/html/rfq2registration/index?rfqId=12418&guid=a7e7c172-5352-4913-9df7-548372627200 PO Box 38 53101 Lappeenranta FIN Lappeenranta city/ vitality and urban development department +358 40066876 0 pekka.peasant @lappeenranta.fi Pekka Farmer http://www.lappeenranta.fiIf the candidate relies on the resources of his subcontractor or other entity to meet the minimum requirements (e.g. reference requirements) necessary for entering the negotiation phase, an ESPD form must also be submitted from that subcontractor or other entity. This also applies to our own group companies. More information about the planned content and target of the procurement can be found in the annexes to the procurement notice. The information in the attached material forms the starting point for the implementation of the project, but the material is preliminary and its details can be specified and modified in the final request for tender material. The information presented as unconditional in this procurement notice will not be changed. The project language is Finnish. cpv 45000000 CFTDR_1 https://bem.buildercom.net/html/rfq2registration/index?rfqId=12418&guid=a7e7c172-5352-4913-9df7-548372627200 PO Box 38 53101 Lappeenranta FIN Lappeenranta city/ vitality and urban development department +358 40066876 0 pekka.peasant @lappeenranta.fi Pekka Farmer http://www.lappeenranta.fi

Published Date
Deadline Date
Lappeenrannan kaupunki/ elinvoima ja kaupunkikehitys toimiala Voiska-talo: KVR-urakoitsijan hankinta Voiska-talo: KVR-urakoitsijan hankinta Hankkeessa Lappeenrannan kaupunki rakennuttaa Voisalmen kaupunginosaan alueen julkiset palvelut yhteen kokoavan monitoimitalon, Voiska-talon. Voiska-taloon sijoittuu päiväkoti, koulu ja kirjasto. Päiväkoti käsittää viisi varhaiskasvatusryhmää ja kaksi esiopetusryhmää. Koulu käsittää 10 vuosiluokkien 1-6 perusopetusryhmää sekä kaksi erityisen tuen pienryhmää. Lisäksi koulussa toimii kuusi kehitysvammaisten lasten ja kehitysvammaisten autisminkirjon lasten ryhmää vuosiluokilla 1-9. Rakennukseen sijoittuu myös Voisalmen kirjasto. Lisäksi rakennukseen sijoittuu muut tarjouspyynnön liitteenä olevassa tilaohjelmassa mainitut tilat kuten liikuntasali ja ruokahuollon tilat tarvittavine aputiloineen. Hankkeen arvioitu laajuus on noin 5 700 brm2. Rakennuspaikalla sijaitseva nykyinen Voisalmen koulu- ja kirjastorakennus puretaan tilaajan erillisurakkana ennen uudisrakennuksen töiden aloitusta. Hankkeen alustava toteutusmuoto on yhteistoiminnallinen KVR-urakka, joka sisältää uudisrakennuksen sekä tarvittavien liikennejärjestelyjen suunnittelun ja toteuttamisen. Vaihtoehtoisena toteutusmuotona on perinteinen KVR-urakka. Lopullinen toteutusmuoto tarkentuu neuvottelujen lopuksi lopulliseen tarjouspyyntöaineistoon. Valittava KVR-urakoitsija vastaa hankkeen suunnittelusta, lupien hakemisesta ja rakentamisesta sekä takuuajasta. Suunnitelmia kehitetään tilaajan ja tarjoajien kesken jo tarjouskilpailun aikana ja sen jälkeen tarjouskilpailun voittaneen tarjoajan kanssa suunnitteluvaiheessa. Osallistumishakemuksen voi jättää ja hankkeen toteuttajaksi voidaan valita ryhmittymä eli työyhteenliittymä. Ryhmittymään kuuluvia jäseniä ei voi vähentää tai muuttaa. Ryhmittymään kuuluvia jäseniä voidaan lisätä edellyttäen, että uudet jäsenet täyttävät tässä hankintailmoituksessa esitetyt vaatimukset ja toimittavat vaaditut selvitykset. Näiden vaatimusten tulee täyttyä jo sillä ryhmittymän kokoonpanolla, jolla osallistumishakemus tehdään. Jos ehdokas on ryhmittymä, kaikista ryhmittymän jäsenistä toimitetaan oma ESPD-lomake. Jos ehdokas vetoaa alihankkijansa tai muun tahon voimavaroihin neuvotteluvaiheeseen pääsyn edellytyksenä olevien vähimmäisvaatimusten (esim. referenssivaatimukset) täyttymiseksi, myös kyseisestä alihankkijasta tai muusta tahosta on toimitettava ESPD-lomake. Tämä koskee myös omia konserniyhtiöitä. Lisätietoja hankinnan suunnitellusta sisällöstä ja kohteesta on saatavissa hankintailmoituksen liitteistä. Liiteaineiston tiedot muodostavat lähtökohdan hankkeen toteutukselle, mutta aineisto on alustavaa ja sen yksityiskohtia voidaan täsmentää ja muokata lopulliseen tarjouspyyntöaineistoon. Tässä hankintailmoituksessa ehdottomina esitettyjä tietoja ei muuteta. Projektikieli on suomi., 2024-014670 Hankkeessa Lappeenrannan kaupunki rakennuttaa Voisalmen kaupunginosaan alueen julkiset palvelut yhteen kokoavan monitoimitalon, Voiska-talon. Voiska-taloon sijoittuu päiväkoti, koulu ja kirjasto. Päiväkoti käsittää viisi varhaiskasvatusryhmää ja kaksi esiopetusryhmää. Koulu käsittää 10 vuosiluokkien 1-6 perusopetusryhmää sekä kaksi erityisen tuen pienryhmää. Lisäksi koulussa toimii kuusi kehitysvammaisten lasten ja kehitysvammaisten autisminkirjon lasten ryhmää vuosiluokilla 1-9. Rakennukseen sijoittuu myös Voisalmen kirjasto. Lisäksi rakennukseen sijoittuu muut tarjouspyynnön liitteenä olevassa tilaohjelmassa mainitut tilat kuten liikuntasali ja ruokahuollon tilat tarvittavine aputiloineen. Hankkeen arvioitu laajuus on noin 5 700 brm2. Rakennuspaikalla sijaitseva nykyinen Voisalmen koulu- ja kirjastorakennus puretaan tilaajan erillisurakkana ennen uudisrakennuksen töiden aloitusta. Hankkeen alustava toteutusmuoto on yhteistoiminnallinen KVR-urakka, joka sisältää uudisrakennuksen sekä tarvittavien liikennejärjestelyjen suunnittelun ja toteuttamisen. Vaihtoehtoisena toteutusmuotona on perinteinen KVR-urakka. Lopullinen toteutusmuoto tarkentuu neuvottelujen lopuksi lopulliseen tarjouspyyntöaineistoon. Valittava KVR-urakoitsija vastaa hankkeen suunnittelusta, lupien hakemisesta ja rakentamisesta sekä takuuajasta. Suunnitelmia kehitetään tilaajan ja tarjoajien kesken jo tarjouskilpailun aikana ja sen jälkeen tarjouskilpailun voittaneen tarjoajan kanssa suunnitteluvaiheessa. Osallistumishakemuksen voi jättää ja hankkeen toteuttajaksi voidaan valita ryhmittymä eli työyhteenliittymä. Ryhmittymään kuuluvia jäseniä ei voi vähentää tai muuttaa. Ryhmittymään kuuluvia jäseniä voidaan lisätä edellyttäen, että uudet jäsenet täyttävät tässä hankintailmoituksessa esitetyt vaatimukset ja toimittavat vaaditut selvitykset. Näiden vaatimusten tulee täyttyä jo sillä ryhmittymän kokoonpanolla, jolla osallistumishakemus tehdään. Jos ehdokas on ryhmittymä, kaikista ryhmittymän jäsenistä toimitetaan oma ESPD-lomake. Jos ehdokas vetoaa alihankkijansa tai muun tahon voimavaroihin neuvotteluvaiheeseen pääsyn edellytyksenä olevien vähimmäisvaatimusten (esim. referenssivaatimukset) täyttymiseksi, myös kyseisestä alihankkijasta tai muusta tahosta on toimitettava ESPD-lomake. Tämä koskee myös omia konserniyhtiöitä. Lisätietoja hankinnan suunnitellusta sisällöstä ja kohteesta on saatavissa hankintailmoituksen liitteistä. Liiteaineiston tiedot muodostavat lähtökohdan hankkeen toteutukselle, mutta aineisto on alustavaa ja sen yksityiskohtia voidaan täsmentää ja muokata lopulliseen tarjouspyyntöaineistoon. Tässä hankintailmoituksessa ehdottomina esitettyjä tietoja ei muuteta. Projektikieli on suomi. cpv 45000000 CFTDR_1 https://bem.buildercom.net/html/rfq2registration/index?rfqId=12418&guid=a7e7c172-5352-4913-9df7-548372627200 PL 38 53101 Lappeenranta FIN Lappeenrannan kaupunki/ elinvoima ja kaupunkikehitys toimiala +358 400668760 pekka.talonpoika@lappeenranta.fi Pekka Talonpoika http://www.lappeenranta.fi City of Lappeenranta/ vitality and urban development sector Voiska-talo: procurement of a KVR contractor Voiska-talo: procurement of a KVR contractor In the project, the city of Lappeenranta will build a multi-purpose building, Voiska-talo, that brings together the area's public services in the Voisalmi district. A kindergarten, a school and a library are located in the Voiska house. The daycare includes five early childhood education groups and two preschool education groups. The school comprises 10 basic education groups of grades 1-6 and two special support small groups. In addition, the school has six groups of children with developmental disabilities and children with developmental disabilities on the autism spectrum in grades 1-9. The Voisalmi library is also located in the building. In addition, the building will house the other facilities mentioned in the facility program attached to the request for tender, such as the gymnasium and food service facilities with the necessary auxiliary facilities. The estimated scope of the project is approximately 5,700 brm2. The current Voisalmi school and library building located on the construction site will be demolished as a separate contractor for the client before the start of work on the new building. The initial implementation form of the project is a cooperative KVR contract, which includes the planning and implementation of a new building and the necessary traffic arrangements. An alternative form of implementation is a traditional KVR contract. At the end of the negotiations, the final form of implementation will be specified in the final request for tender material. The selected KVR contractor is responsible for project planning, applying for permits and construction, as well as the warranty period. Plans are developed between the customer and the bidders already during the bidding process and afterwards with the bidder who won the bidding process in the planning phase. You can submit an application for participation, and a group, i.e. a labor association, can be chosen as the project implementer. Members belonging to a group cannot be reduced or changed. Members belonging to the group can be added, provided that the new members meet the requirements set out in this procurement announcement and submit the required reports. These requirements must already be met by the composition of the group with which the application for participation is made. If the candidate is a conglomerate, a separate ESPD form is submitted for all members of the conglomerate. If the candidate relies on the resources of his subcontractor or other entity to meet the minimum requirements (e.g. reference requirements) necessary for entering the negotiation phase, an ESPD form must also be submitted from that subcontractor or other entity. This also applies to our own group companies. More information about the planned content and target of the procurement can be found in the annexes to the procurement notice. The information in the attached material forms the starting point for the implementation of the project, but the material is preliminary and its details can be specified and modified in the final request for tender material. The information presented as unconditional in this procurement notice will not be changed. The project language is Finnish., 2024-014670 In the project, the city of Lappeenranta will build a multipurpose building in the Voisalmi district that brings together the area's public services,Voiska house. A kindergarten, a school and a library are located in the Voiska house. The daycare includes five early childhood education groups and two preschool education groups. The school comprises 10 basic education groups of grades 1-6 and two special support small groups. In addition, the school has six groups of children with developmental disabilities and children with developmental disabilities on the autism spectrum in grades 1-9. The Voisalmi library is also located in the building. In addition, the building will house the other facilities mentioned in the facility program attached to the request for tender, such as the gymnasium and food service facilities with the necessary auxiliary facilities. The estimated scope of the project is approximately 5,700 brm2. The current Voisalmi school and library building located on the construction site will be demolished as a separate contractor for the client before the start of work on the new building. The initial implementation form of the project is a cooperative KVR contract, which includes the planning and implementation of a new building and the necessary traffic arrangements. An alternative form of implementation is a traditional KVR contract. At the end of the negotiations, the final form of implementation will be specified in the final request for tender material. The selected KVR contractor is responsible for project planning, applying for permits and construction, as well as the warranty period. Plans are developed between the customer and the bidders already during the bidding process and afterwards with the bidder who won the bidding process in the planning phase. You can submit an application for participation, and a group, i.e. a labor association, can be chosen as the project implementer. Members belonging to a group cannot be reduced or changed. Members belonging to the group can be added, provided that the new members meet the requirements set out in this procurement announcement and submit the required reports. These requirements must already be met by the composition of the group with which the application for participation is made. If the candidate is a conglomerate, a separate ESPD form is submitted for all members of the conglomerate. If the candidate relies on the resources of his subcontractor or other entity to meet the minimum requirements (e.g. reference requirements) necessary for entering the negotiation phase, an ESPD form must also be submitted from that subcontractor or other entity. This also applies to our own group companies. More information about the planned content and target of the procurement can be found in the annexes to the procurement notice. The information in the attached material forms the starting point for the implementation of the project, but the material is preliminary and its details can be specified and modified in the final request for tender material. The information presented as unconditional in this procurement notice will not be changed. The project language is Finnish. cpv 45000000 CFTDR_1 https://bem.buildercom.net/html/rfq2registration/index?rfqId=12418&guid=a7e7c172-5352-4913-9df7-548372627200 PO Box 38 53101 Lappeenranta FIN Lappeenranta city/ vitality and urban development department +358 40066876 0 pekka.peasant @lappeenranta.fi Pekka Farmer http://www.lappeenranta.fiThe daycare includes five early childhood education groups and two preschool education groups. The school comprises 10 basic education groups of grades 1-6 and two special support small groups. In addition, the school has six groups of children with developmental disabilities and children with developmental disabilities on the autism spectrum in grades 1-9. The Voisalmi library is also located in the building. In addition, the building will house the other facilities mentioned in the facility program attached to the request for tender, such as the gymnasium and food service facilities with the necessary auxiliary facilities. The estimated scope of the project is approximately 5,700 brm2. The current Voisalmi school and library building located on the construction site will be demolished as a separate contractor for the client before the start of work on the new building. The initial implementation form of the project is a cooperative KVR contract, which includes the planning and implementation of a new building and the necessary traffic arrangements. An alternative form of implementation is a traditional KVR contract. At the end of the negotiations, the final form of implementation will be specified in the final request for tender material. The selected KVR contractor is responsible for project planning, applying for permits and construction, as well as the warranty period. Plans are developed between the customer and the bidders already during the bidding process and afterwards with the bidder who won the bidding process in the planning phase. You can submit an application for participation, and a group, i.e. a labor association, can be chosen as the project implementer. Members belonging to a group cannot be reduced or changed. Members belonging to the group can be added, provided that the new members meet the requirements set out in this procurement announcement and submit the required reports. These requirements must already be met by the composition of the group with which the application for participation is made. If the candidate is a conglomerate, a separate ESPD form is submitted for all members of the conglomerate. If the candidate relies on the resources of his subcontractor or other entity to meet the minimum requirements (e.g. reference requirements) necessary for entering the negotiation phase, an ESPD form must also be submitted from that subcontractor or other entity. This also applies to our own group companies. More information about the planned content and target of the procurement can be found in the annexes to the procurement notice. The information in the attached material forms the starting point for the implementation of the project, but the material is preliminary and its details can be specified and modified in the final request for tender material. The information presented as unconditional in this procurement notice will not be changed. The project language is Finnish. cpv 45000000 CFTDR_1 https://bem.buildercom.net/html/rfq2registration/index?rfqId=12418&guid=a7e7c172-5352-4913-9df7-548372627200 PO Box 38 53101 Lappeenranta FIN Lappeenranta city/ vitality and urban development department +358 40066876 0 pekka.peasant @lappeenranta.fi Pekka Farmer http://www.lappeenranta.fiThe daycare includes five early childhood education groups and two pre-school education groups. The school comprises 10 basic education groups of grades 1-6 and two special support small groups. In addition, the school operates six groups of children with developmental disabilities and children with developmental disabilities on the autism spectrum in grades 1-9. The Voisalmi library is also located in the building. In addition, the building will house the other facilities mentioned in the space program attached to the request for tender, such as the gymnasium and food service facilities with the necessary auxiliary facilities. The estimated scope of the project is approximately 5,700 brm2. The current Voisalmi school and library building located on the construction site will be demolished as a separate contractor for the client before work on the new building begins. The initial implementation form of the project is a cooperative KVR contract, which includes the planning and implementation of a new building and the necessary traffic arrangements. An alternative form of implementation is a traditional KVR contract. At the end of the negotiations, the final form of implementation will be specified in the final request for tender material. The selected KVR contractor is responsible for project planning, applying for permits and construction, as well as the warranty period. Plans are developed between the customer and the bidders already during the bidding process and afterwards with the bidder who won the bidding process in the planning phase. An application for participation can be submitted and a group, i.e. a labor association, can be chosen as the project implementer. Members belonging to a group cannot be reduced or changed. Members belonging to the group can be added, provided that the new members meet the requirements set out in this procurement announcement and submit the required reports. These requirements must already be met by the composition of the group with which the application for participation is made. If the candidate is a conglomerate, a separate ESPD form is submitted for all members of the conglomerate. If the candidate relies on the resources of his subcontractor or other entity to meet the minimum requirements (e.g. reference requirements) necessary for entering the negotiation phase, an ESPD form must also be submitted from that subcontractor or other entity. This also applies to our own group companies. More information about the planned content and target of the procurement can be found in the annexes to the procurement notice. The information in the attached material forms the starting point for the implementation of the project, but the material is preliminary and its details can be specified and modified in the final request for tender material. The information presented as unconditional in this procurement notice will not be changed. The project language is Finnish. cpv 45000000 CFTDR_1 https://bem.buildercom.net/html/rfq2registration/index?rfqId=12418&guid=a7e7c172-5352-4913-9df7-548372627200 PO Box 38 53101 Lappeenranta FIN Lappeenranta city/ vitality and urban development department +358 40066876 0 pekka.peasant @lappeenranta.fi Pekka Farmer http://www.lappeenranta.fiIn addition, the school has six groups of children with developmental disabilities and children with developmental disabilities on the autism spectrum in grades 1-9. The Voisalmi library is also located in the building. In addition, the building will house the other facilities mentioned in the facility program attached to the request for tender, such as the gymnasium and food service facilities with the necessary auxiliary facilities. The estimated scope of the project is approximately 5,700 brm2. The current Voisalmi school and library building located on the construction site will be demolished as a separate contractor for the client before the start of work on the new building. The initial implementation form of the project is a cooperative KVR contract, which includes the planning and implementation of a new building and the necessary traffic arrangements. An alternative form of implementation is a traditional KVR contract. At the end of the negotiations, the final form of implementation will be specified in the final request for tender material. The selected KVR contractor is responsible for project planning, applying for permits and construction, as well as the warranty period. Plans are developed between the customer and the bidders already during the bidding process and afterwards with the bidder who won the bidding process in the planning phase. You can submit an application for participation, and a group, i.e. a labor association, can be chosen as the project implementer. Members belonging to a group cannot be reduced or changed. Members belonging to the group can be added, provided that the new members meet the requirements set out in this procurement announcement and submit the required reports. These requirements must already be met by the composition of the group with which the application for participation is made. If the candidate is a conglomerate, a separate ESPD form is submitted for all members of the conglomerate. If the candidate relies on the resources of his subcontractor or other entity to meet the minimum requirements (e.g. reference requirements) necessary for entering the negotiation phase, an ESPD form must also be submitted from that subcontractor or other entity. This also applies to our own group companies. More information about the planned content and target of the procurement can be found in the annexes to the procurement notice. The information in the attached material forms the starting point for the implementation of the project, but the material is preliminary and its details can be specified and modified in the final request for tender material. The information presented as unconditional in this procurement notice will not be changed. The project language is Finnish. cpv 45000000 CFTDR_1 https://bem.buildercom.net/html/rfq2registration/index?rfqId=12418&guid=a7e7c172-5352-4913-9df7-548372627200 PO Box 38 53101 Lappeenranta FIN Lappeenranta city/ vitality and urban development department +358 40066876 0 pekka.peasant @lappeenranta.fi Pekka Farmer http://www.lappeenranta.fiIn addition, the school has six groups of children with developmental disabilities and children with developmental disabilities on the autism spectrum in grades 1-9. The Voisalmi library is also located in the building. In addition, the building will house the other facilities mentioned in the facility program attached to the request for tender, such as the gymnasium and food service facilities with the necessary auxiliary facilities. The estimated scope of the project is approximately 5,700 brm2. The current Voisalmi school and library building located on the construction site will be demolished as a separate contractor for the client before the start of work on the new building. The initial implementation form of the project is a cooperative KVR contract, which includes the planning and implementation of a new building and the necessary traffic arrangements. An alternative form of implementation is a traditional KVR contract. At the end of the negotiations, the final form of implementation will be specified in the final request for tender material. The selected KVR contractor is responsible for project planning, applying for permits and construction, as well as the warranty period. Plans are developed between the customer and the bidders already during the bidding process and afterwards with the bidder who won the bidding process in the planning phase. You can submit an application for participation, and a group, i.e. a labor association, can be chosen as the project implementer. Members belonging to a group cannot be reduced or changed. Members belonging to the group can be added, provided that the new members meet the requirements set out in this procurement announcement and submit the required reports. These requirements must already be met by the composition of the group with which the application for participation is made. If the candidate is a conglomerate, a separate ESPD form is submitted for all members of the conglomerate. If the candidate relies on the resources of his subcontractor or other entity to meet the minimum requirements (e.g. reference requirements) necessary for entering the negotiation phase, an ESPD form must also be submitted from that subcontractor or other entity. This also applies to our own group companies. More information about the planned content and target of the procurement can be found in the annexes to the procurement notice. The information in the attached material forms the starting point for the implementation of the project, but the material is preliminary and its details can be specified and modified in the final request for tender material. The information presented as unconditional in this procurement notice will not be changed. The project language is Finnish. cpv 45000000 CFTDR_1 https://bem.buildercom.net/html/rfq2registration/index?rfqId=12418&guid=a7e7c172-5352-4913-9df7-548372627200 PO Box 38 53101 Lappeenranta FIN Lappeenranta city/ vitality and urban development department +358 40066876 0 pekka.peasant @lappeenranta.fi Pekka Farmer http://www.lappeenranta.fiThe estimated scope of the project is approximately 5,700 brm2. The current Voisalmi school and library building located on the construction site will be demolished as a separate contractor for the client before the start of work on the new building. The initial implementation form of the project is a cooperative KVR contract, which includes the planning and implementation of a new building and the necessary traffic arrangements. An alternative form of implementation is a traditional KVR contract. At the end of the negotiations, the final form of implementation will be specified in the final request for tender material. The selected KVR contractor is responsible for project planning, applying for permits and construction, as well as the warranty period. Plans are developed between the customer and the bidders already during the bidding process and afterwards with the bidder who won the bidding process in the planning phase. You can submit an application for participation, and a group, i.e. a labor association, can be chosen as the project implementer. Members belonging to a group cannot be reduced or changed. Members belonging to the group can be added, provided that the new members meet the requirements set out in this procurement announcement and submit the required reports. These requirements must already be met by the composition of the group with which the application for participation is made. If the candidate is a conglomerate, a separate ESPD form is submitted for all members of the conglomerate. If the candidate relies on the resources of his subcontractor or other entity to meet the minimum requirements (e.g. reference requirements) necessary for entering the negotiation phase, an ESPD form must also be submitted from that subcontractor or other entity. This also applies to our own group companies. More information about the planned content and target of the procurement can be found in the annexes to the procurement notice. The information in the attached material forms the starting point for the implementation of the project, but the material is preliminary and its details can be specified and modified in the final request for tender material. The information presented as unconditional in this procurement notice will not be changed. The project language is Finnish. cpv 45000000 CFTDR_1 https://bem.buildercom.net/html/rfq2registration/index?rfqId=12418&guid=a7e7c172-5352-4913-9df7-548372627200 PO Box 38 53101 Lappeenranta FIN Lappeenranta city/ vitality and urban development department +358 40066876 0 pekka.peasant @lappeenranta.fi Pekka Farmer http://www.lappeenranta.fiThe estimated scope of the project is approximately 5,700 brm2. The current Voisalmi school and library building located on the construction site will be demolished as a separate contractor for the client before the start of work on the new building. The initial implementation form of the project is a cooperative KVR contract, which includes the planning and implementation of a new building and the necessary traffic arrangements. An alternative form of implementation is a traditional KVR contract. At the end of the negotiations, the final form of implementation will be specified in the final request for tender material. The selected KVR contractor is responsible for project planning, applying for permits and construction, as well as the warranty period. Plans are developed between the customer and the bidders already during the bidding process and afterwards with the bidder who won the bidding process in the planning phase. You can submit an application for participation, and a group, i.e. a labor association, can be chosen as the project implementer. Members belonging to a group cannot be reduced or changed. Members belonging to the group can be added, provided that the new members meet the requirements set out in this procurement announcement and submit the required reports. These requirements must already be met by the composition of the group with which the application for participation is made. If the candidate is a conglomerate, a separate ESPD form is submitted for all members of the conglomerate. If the candidate relies on the resources of his subcontractor or other entity to meet the minimum requirements (e.g. reference requirements) necessary for entering the negotiation phase, an ESPD form must also be submitted from that subcontractor or other entity. This also applies to our own group companies. More information about the planned content and target of the procurement can be found in the annexes to the procurement notice. The information in the attached material forms the starting point for the implementation of the project, but the material is preliminary and its details can be specified and modified in the final request for tender material. The information presented as unconditional in this procurement notice will not be changed. The project language is Finnish. cpv 45000000 CFTDR_1 https://bem.buildercom.net/html/rfq2registration/index?rfqId=12418&guid=a7e7c172-5352-4913-9df7-548372627200 PO Box 38 53101 Lappeenranta FIN Lappeenranta city/ vitality and urban development department +358 40066876 0 pekka.peasant @lappeenranta.fi Pekka Farmer http://www.lappeenranta.fiPlans are developed between the customer and the bidders already during the bidding process and afterwards with the bidder who won the bidding process in the planning phase. You can submit an application for participation, and a group, i.e. a labor association, can be chosen as the project implementer. Members belonging to a group cannot be reduced or changed. Members belonging to the group can be added, provided that the new members meet the requirements set out in this procurement announcement and submit the required reports. These requirements must already be met by the composition of the group with which the application for participation is made. If the candidate is a conglomerate, a separate ESPD form is submitted for all members of the conglomerate. If the candidate relies on the resources of his subcontractor or other entity to meet the minimum requirements (e.g. reference requirements) necessary for entering the negotiation phase, an ESPD form must also be submitted from that subcontractor or other entity. This also applies to our own group companies. More information about the planned content and target of the procurement can be found in the annexes to the procurement notice. The information in the attached material forms the starting point for the implementation of the project, but the material is preliminary and its details can be specified and modified in the final request for tender material. The information presented as unconditional in this procurement notice will not be changed. The project language is Finnish. cpv 45000000 CFTDR_1 https://bem.buildercom.net/html/rfq2registration/index?rfqId=12418&guid=a7e7c172-5352-4913-9df7-548372627200 PO Box 38 53101 Lappeenranta FIN Lappeenranta city/ vitality and urban development department +358 40066876 0 pekka.peasant @lappeenranta.fi Pekka Farmer http://www.lappeenranta.fiPlans are developed between the customer and the bidders already during the bidding process and afterwards with the bidder who won the bidding process in the planning phase. You can submit an application for participation, and a group, i.e. a labor association, can be chosen as the project implementer. Members belonging to a group cannot be reduced or changed. Members belonging to the group can be added, provided that the new members meet the requirements set out in this procurement announcement and submit the required reports. These requirements must already be met by the composition of the group with which the application for participation is made. If the candidate is a conglomerate, a separate ESPD form is submitted for all members of the conglomerate. If the candidate relies on the resources of his subcontractor or other entity to meet the minimum requirements (e.g. reference requirements) necessary for entering the negotiation phase, an ESPD form must also be submitted from that subcontractor or other entity. This also applies to our own group companies. More information about the planned content and target of the procurement can be found in the annexes to the procurement notice. The information in the attached material forms the starting point for the implementation of the project, but the material is preliminary and its details can be specified and modified in the final request for tender material. The information presented as unconditional in this procurement notice will not be changed. The project language is Finnish. cpv 45000000 CFTDR_1 https://bem.buildercom.net/html/rfq2registration/index?rfqId=12418&guid=a7e7c172-5352-4913-9df7-548372627200 PO Box 38 53101 Lappeenranta FIN Lappeenranta city/ vitality and urban development department +358 40066876 0 pekka.peasant @lappeenranta.fi Pekka Farmer http://www.lappeenranta.fiThe information presented as unconditional in this procurement notice will not be changed. The project language is Finnish. cpv 45000000 CFTDR_1 https://bem.buildercom.net/html/rfq2registration/index?rfqId=12418&guid=a7e7c172-5352-4913-9df7-548372627200 PO Box 38 53101 Lappeenranta FIN Lappeenranta city/ vitality and urban development department +358 40066876 0 pekka.peasant @lappeenranta.fi Pekka Farmer http://www.lappeenranta.fiThe information presented as unconditional in this procurement notice will not be changed. The project language is Finnish. cpv 45000000 CFTDR_1 https://bem.buildercom.net/html/rfq2registration/index?rfqId=12418&guid=a7e7c172-5352-4913-9df7-548372627200 PO Box 38 53101 Lappeenranta FIN Lappeenranta city/ vitality and urban development department +358 40066876 0 pekka.peasant @lappeenranta.fi Pekka Farmer http://www.lappeenranta.fi
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