Tender Details

Concessions des services publics de l'eau potable du sie du brionnais et du sae du charollais 71110 VINDECY Service - Autre Concessions of public drinking water services of the sie du brionnais and the sae du charollais 71110 VINDECY Service - Other

Published Date
Deadline Date
Concessions des services publics de l'eau potable du sie du brionnais et du sae du charollais 71110 VINDECY Service - Autre Synd Interco des Eaux du Brionnais Appel d'offres: Synd Interco des Eaux du Brionnais Appels d'offres Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Saône-et-Loire vindecy Avis précédent Retour à la liste des avis Avis suivant Concessions des services publics de l'eau potable du sie du brionnais et du sae du charollais AVIS REGLEMENT DOSSIER QUESTIONS DEPOT Concessions des services publics de l'eau potable du sie du brionnais et du sae du charollais Synd Interco des Eaux du Brionnais 71110 VINDECY Service - Autre Date limite de l'offre : 16/12/2024 à 12h00 Avis initial Partager Imprimer D1 Formulaire Avis de convention de DSP Département(s) de publication : 71 I. II. VI. VII. AVIS DE CONCESSION SECTION I : POUVOIR ADJUDICATEUR/ENTITÉ ADJUDICATRICE I.1) NOM ET ADRESSES Syndicat Intercommunal des Eaux du Brionnais, mairie de vindecy- le bourg , 71110, VINDECY. FRANCE. Téléphone : 07-43-03-03-19. Courriel : secretariat@sie-brionnais.fr . Code NUTS : FRC13. Adresse(s) internet : Adresse principale : https://e-marchespublics.com Adresse du profil d'acheteur : https://www.e-marchespublics.com/appel-offre/1048256 I.3) COMMUNICATION Les documents du marché sont disponibles gratuitement en accès direct non restreint et complet : https://www.e-marchespublics.com/dossier_de_consultation_electronique_10584_1048256.html Adresse à laquelle des informations complémentaires peuvent être obtenues : le ou les point(s) de contact susmentionné(s) Les candidatures ou, le cas échéant, les offres doivent être envoyées : au(x) point(s) de contact susmentionné(s) I.4) TYPE DE POUVOIR ADJUDICATEUR Organisme de droit public I.5) ACTIVITÉ PRINCIPALE Services généraux des administrations publiques I.6) ACTIVITÉ PRINCIPALE SECTION II : OBJET II.1) ÉTENDUE DU MARCHÉ II.1.1) Intitulé : Concessions des services publics de l'eau potable du SIE du Brionnais et du SAE du Charollais Numéro de référence : concessions DSP de l'eau potable II.1.2) Code CPV principal : Mots descripteurs : Alimentation en eau potable. Descripteur principal : 65111000. II.1.3) Type de marché Services II.1.4) Description succincte : La présente consultation a pour objet la passation de contrats de concession sous forme de délégations de service public en vue de la gestion des services publics de l'eau potable du SIE du Brionnais et du SAE du Charollais II.1.5) Valeur totale estimée : Valeur hors TVA : 22 500 000 euros II.1.6) Information sur les lots : Ce marché est divisé en lots : non II.2) DESCRIPTION II.2.2) Code(s) CPV additionnel(s) Code CPV principal : 65111000. II.2.3) Lieu d'exécution Code NUTS : FRC13 Lieu principal d'exécution : territoire du SIE du Brionnais et du SAE du Charollais II.2.4) Description des prestations : La présente consultation a pour objet la passation de contrats de concession sous forme de délégations de service public en vue de la gestion des services publics de l'eau potable du SIE du Brionnais et du SAE du Charollais. II.2.5) Critères d'attribution La concession est attribuée sur la base des critères énoncés dans les documents du marché II.2.6) Valeur estimée Valeur hors TVA : 22 500 000 euros II.2.7) Durée de la concession Durée en mois : 108 I.2.13) Information sur les fonds de l'Union européenne Le contrat s'inscrit dans un projet/programme financé par des fonds de l'Union européenne : non II.2.14) Informations complémentaires : SECTION III : RENSEIGNEMENTS D'ORDRE JURIDIQUE, ÉCONOMIQUE, FINANCIER ET TECHNIQUE III.1) CONDITIONS DE PARTICIPATION I.1.1) Habilitation à exercer l'activité professionnelle, y compris exigences relatives à l'inscription au registre du commerce ou de la profession Liste et description succincte des conditions, indication des informations et documents requis : cf. article 12 du règlement de la consultation III.1.2) Capacité économique et financière Liste et description succincte des critères de sélection, indication des informations et documents requis : cf. article 12 du règlement de la consultation Niveau(x) spécifique(s) minimal/minimaux exigé(s) : cf. article 12 du règlement de la consultation III.1.3) Capacité technique et professionnelle Liste et description succincte des critères de sélection, indication des informations et documents requis : cf. article 12 du règlement de la consultation Niveau(x) spécifique(s) minimal/minimaux exigé(s) : cf. article 12 du règlement de la consultation III.1.5) Informations sur les concessions réservées III.2) Conditions liées à la concession III.2.1) Information relative à la profession Références des dispositions législatives, réglementaires ou administratives applicables : III.2.2) Conditions d'exécution de la concession : cf. cahier des charges de la consultation III.2.3) Informations sur le personnel responsable de l'exécution de la concession SECTION IV : PROCÉDURE IV.1) DESCRIPTION IV.1.8) Information concernant l'accord sur les marchés publics (AMP) Le marché est couvert par l'accord sur les marchés publics : oui IV.2) RENSEIGNEMENTS D'ORDRE ADMINISTRATIF IV.2.2) Date limite de remise des candidatures ou de réception des offres 16 Décembre 2024 à 12:00 IV.2.4) Langue(s) pouvant être utilisée(s) dans l'offre ou la demande de participation : français SECTION VI : RENSEIGNEMENTS COMPLÉMENTAIRES VI.1) RENOUVELLEMENT VI.2) INFORMATIONS SUR LES ÉCHANGES ÉLECTRONIQUES VI.3) INFORMATIONS COMPLÉMENTAIRES VI.4) PROCÉDURES DE RECOURS VI.4.1) Instance chargée des procédures de recours : Tribunal administratif de Dijon, 22 rue d'Assas BP 61616, 21000 DIJON , Courriel : greffe.ta-dijon@juradm.fr . VI.4.2) Organe chargé des procédures de médiation : VI.4.3) Introduction de recours : VI.4.4) Service auprès duquel des renseignements peuvent être obtenus sur l'introduction de recours : VI.5) DATE D'ENVOI DU PRÉSENT AVIS 03 Octobre 2024 Dossier de consultation Le téléchargement du dossier de consultation nécessite d'être authentifié pour être alerté des modifications et des précisions susceptibles d'être apportées en cours de consultation. : CC Mâconnais Tournugeois Transport du flux multimatériaux : emballages et journaux magazines Date limite de dépôt : 25/10/2024 à 12h00 Plus d'informations CC Mâconnais Tournugeois Entretien et gestion d'une aire d'accueil des gens du voyage (lieu : commune de tournus) Date limite de dépôt : 25/10/2024 à 12h00 Plus d'informations COMMUNE DE MONTBELLET Restauration des façades du clocher, de la tourelle et de la façade ouest et couvertures des transepts et du clocher de la chapelle de Saint-Oyen 71260 MONTBELLET Date limite de dépôt : 21/10/2024 à 12h00 Plus d'informations Syndicat des Eaux Bourbince Oudrache Délégation Service Public de l'eau potable Date limite de dépôt : 15/11/2024 à 12h00 Plus d'informations CC Saint Cyr Mère Boitier Rénovation d'un bâtiment communautaire situé Zone Industrielle Genève-Océan - Lieu-dit Les Prioles à DOMPIERRE LES ORMES Date limite de dépôt : 18/10/2024 à 12h00 Plus d'informations CC Mâconnais Tournugeois Marché de transport, et/ou de traitement des déchets issus des deux déchèteries situées sur le territoire de la CCMT, ainsi que le transport des ordures ménagères et du verre. Date limite de dépôt : 07/10/2024 à 12h00 Plus d'informations Sivom du Louhannais Réaménagement de la déchèterie de Cuiseaux. Date limite de dépôt : 04/11/2024 à 17h00 Plus d'informations CC Le Grand Charolais Entretien des voiries d'intérêt communautaire de la Communauté de communes Le Grand Charolais Date limite de dépôt : 16/10/2024 à 12h00 Plus d'informations Sivom du Louhannais Fourniture et installation d'un ensemble à compaction mobile de déchets sur translateur au SIVOM du Louhannais. Date limite de dépôt : 22/11/2024 à 16h00 Plus d'informations Le Tout Lyon Commune de baudemont : Projet de construction d&\ 8217;une maison d&\ 8217;assistantes maternelles Date limite de dépôt : 21/12/2024 à 12h00 Plus d'informations Besoin d'aide Voir les questions fréquentes. :Expéditeur :Sujet :Message : Envoyer 914 250  entreprises enregistrées Voir l'audience certifiée ACPM-OJD 47 552 375   . 2003-2024    . Tous droits réservés FAQ |  Rejoignez-nous |  Conditions générales d'utilisation  |  Politique de confidentialité |  Cookies |  Recherche |  Fourni par Dematis Suivez-nous sur les réseaux sociaux : Rejoignez-nousMentions légalesPolitique de confidentialitéCookiesRechercheFourni par Dematis 2003-2024    . Tous droits réservés Concessions for public drinking water services for the Brionnais water company and the Charollais water company 71110 VINDECY Service - Other Synd Interco des Eaux du Brionnais Call for tenders: Synd Interco des Eaux du Brionnais Calls for tenders Bourgogne-Franche-Comt� Sa�ne-et-Loire vindecy Previous notice Back to list of notices Next notice Concessions for public drinking water services for the Brionnais water company and the Charollais water company NOTICE REGULATIONS FILE QUESTIONS SUBMISSION Concessions for public drinking water services for the Brionnais water company and the Charollais water company Synd Interco des Eaux du Brionnais 71110 VINDECY Service - Other Tender deadline: 12/16/2024 at 12:00 p.m. Initial notice Share Print D1 DSP agreement notice form Publication department(s): 71 I. II. VI. VII. NOTICE OF CONCESSION SECTION I: CONTRACTING AUTHORITY/CONTRACTING ENTITY I.1) NAME AND ADDRESSES Syndicat Intercommunal des Eaux du Brionnais, mairie de vindecy- le bourg, 71110, VINDECY. FRANCE. Telephone: 07-43-03-03-19. Email: secretariat@sie-brionnais.fr. NUTS code: FRC13. Internet address(es): Main address: https://e-marchespublics.com Address of the buyer profile: https://www.e-marchespublics.com/appel-offre/1048256 I.3) COMMUNICATION The procurement documents are available free of charge in direct, unrestricted and complete access: https://www.e-marchespublics.com/dossier_de_consultation_electronique_10584_1048256.html Address at which additional information can be obtained: the abovementioned contact point(s) Applications or, where applicable, offers must be sent to: the abovementioned contact point(s) I.4) TYPE OF CONTRACTING AUTHORITY Body governed by public law I.5) MAIN ACTIVITY General services of public administrations I.6) MAIN ACTIVITY SECTION II: SUBJECT MATTER II.1) SCOPE OF THE CONTRACT II.1.1) TITLE : Concessions for public drinking water services of the SIE du Brionnais and the SAE du Charollais Reference number: DSP concessions for drinking water II.1.2) Main CPV code: Descriptive words: Drinking water supply. Main descriptor: 65111000. II.1.3) Type of contract Services II.1.4) Brief description: The purpose of this consultation is to award concession contracts in the form of public service delegations for the management of the public drinking water services of the SIE du Brionnais and the SAE du Charollais II.1.5) Estimated total value: Value excluding VAT: EUR 22,500,000 II.1.6) Information on lots: This contract is divided into lots: no II.2) DESCRIPTION II.2.2) Additional CPV code(s) Main CPV code: 65111000. II.2.3) Place of performance NUTS code: FRC13 Main place of performance: territory of the SIE du Brionnais and the SAE du Charollais II.2.4) Description of the services:The purpose of this consultation is to award concession contracts in the form of public service delegations for the management of public drinking water services for the Brionnais SIE and the Charollais SAE. II.2.5) Award criteria The concession is awarded on the basis of the criteria set out in the procurement documents II.2.6) Estimated value Value excluding VAT: EUR 22 500 000 II.2.7) Duration of the concession Duration in months: 108 I.2.13) Information about European Union funds The contract relates to a project/programme financed by European Union funds: no II.2.14) Additional information: SECTION III: LEGAL, ECONOMIC, FINANCIAL AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION III.1) CONDITIONS FOR PARTICIPATION I.1.1) Qualification to pursue the professional activity, including requirements relating to registration in the trade or professional register List and brief description of the conditions, indication of the information and documents required: see Article 12 of the consultation rules III.1.2) Economic and financial capacity List and brief description of the selection criteria, indication of the information and documents required: see Article 12 of the consultation rules Minimum specific level(s) required: see Article 12 of the consultation rules III.1.3) Technical and professional capacity List and brief description of the selection criteria, indication of the information and documents required: see Article 12 of the consultation rules Minimum specific level(s) required: see Article 12 of the consultation rules III.1.5) Information on reserved concessions III.2) Conditions relating to the concession III.2.1) Information relating to the profession References to the applicable legislative, regulatory or administrative provisions: III.2.2) Conditions for the performance of the concession: see specifications for the consultation III.2.3) Information on the personnel responsible for carrying out the concession SECTION IV: PROCEDURE IV.1) DESCRIPTION IV.1.8) Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) The contract is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: yes IV.2) ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION IV.2.2) Deadline for submission of applications or receipt of tenders 16 December 2024 at 12:00 IV.2.4) Language(s) that may be used in the tender or request to participate: French SECTION VI: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION VI.1) RENEWAL VI.2) INFORMATION ON ELECTRONIC EXCHANGES VI.3) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION VI.4) APPEAL PROCEDURES VI.4.1) Body responsible for appeal procedures: Tribunal administratif de Dijon, 22 rue d'Assas BP 61616, 21000 DIJON, Email: greffe.ta-dijon@juradm.fr. VI.4.2) Body responsible for mediation procedures: VI.4.3) Introduction of appeals: VI.4.4) Service from which information can be obtained on the introduction of appeals: VI.5) DATE OF DISPATCH OF THIS NOTICE October 3, 2024 Consultation file Downloading the consultation file requires authentication in order to be alerted of modifications and clarifications that may be made during the consultation. : CC M�connais Tournugeois Transport of multi-material flows: packaging and newspapers, magazines Deadline for submission: 10/25/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information CC M�connais Tournugeois Maintenance and management of a reception area for travelers (location: commune of Tournus) Deadline for submission: 10/25/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information COMMUNE DE MONTBELLET Restoration of the facades of the bell tower, the turret and the west facade and roofs of the transepts and the bell tower of the chapel of Saint-Oyen 71260 MONTBELLET Deadline for submission: 10/21/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Syndicat des Eaux Bourbince Oudrache D�l�gation Public Service of drinking water Deadline for submission: 11/15/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information CC Saint Cyr M�re Boitier Renovation of a community building located in the Geneva-Ocean Industrial Zone - Lieu-dit Les Prioles in DOMPIERRE LES ORMES Deadline for submission: 10/18/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information CC M�connais Tournugeois Transport market, and/or treatment of waste from the two recycling centers located in the territory of the CCMT, as well as the transport of household waste and glass. Deadline for submission: 10/07/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Sivom du Louhannais Redevelopment of the Cuiseaux recycling center. Deadline for submission: 04/11/2024 at 5:00 p.m. More information CC Le Grand Charolais Maintenance of roads of community interest of the Communaut� de communes Le Grand Charolais Deadline for submission: 16/10/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Sivom du Louhannais Supply and installation of a mobile waste compaction unit on a translator at the SIVOM du Louhannais. Deadline for submission: 22/11/2024 at 4:00 p.m. More information Le Tout Lyon Municipality of Baudemont: Project to build a childminder's house Deadline for submission: 21/12/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Need help See frequently asked questions. :Sender :Subject :Message : Send 914,250 registered companies View the ACPM-OJD certified audience 47,552,375 . 2003-2024 . All rights reserved FAQ | Join us | Terms of use | Privacy policy | Cookies | Search | Powered by Dematis Follow us on social media: Join usLegal noticesPrivacy policyCookiesSearchPowered by Dematis 2003-2024 . All rights reserved5) DATE OF SENDING OF THIS NOTICE October 3, 2024 Consultation file Downloading the consultation file requires authentication to be alerted of modifications and clarifications that may be made during the consultation. : CC M�connais Tournugeois Transport of multi-material flows: packaging and newspapers, magazines Deadline for submission: 10/25/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information CC M�connais Tournugeois Maintenance and management of a reception area for travelers (location: commune of Tournus) Deadline for submission: 10/25/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information COMMUNE DE MONTBELLET Restoration of the facades of the bell tower, the turret and the west facade and roofs of the transepts and the bell tower of the chapel of Saint-Oyen 71260 MONTBELLET Deadline for submission: 10/21/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Syndicat des Eaux Bourbince Oudrache D�l�gation Public Service of drinking water Deadline for submission: 11/15/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information CC Saint Cyr M�re Boitier Renovation of a community building located in the Geneva-Ocean Industrial Zone - Lieu-dit Les Prioles in DOMPIERRE LES ORMES Deadline for submission: 10/18/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information CC M�connais Tournugeois Transport market, and/or treatment of waste from the two recycling centers located in the territory of the CCMT, as well as the transport of household waste and glass. Deadline for submission: 10/07/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Sivom du Louhannais Redevelopment of the Cuiseaux recycling center. Deadline for submission: 04/11/2024 at 5:00 p.m. More information CC Le Grand Charolais Maintenance of roads of community interest of the Communaut� de communes Le Grand Charolais Deadline for submission: 16/10/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Sivom du Louhannais Supply and installation of a mobile waste compaction unit on a translator at the SIVOM du Louhannais. Deadline for submission: 22/11/2024 at 4:00 p.m. More information Le Tout Lyon Municipality of Baudemont: Project to build a childminder's house Deadline for submission: 21/12/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Need help See frequently asked questions. :Sender :Subject :Message : Send 914,250 registered companies View the ACPM-OJD certified audience 47,552,375 . 2003-2024 . All rights reserved FAQ | Join us | Terms of use | Privacy policy | Cookies | Search | Powered by Dematis Follow us on social media: Join usLegal noticesPrivacy policyCookiesSearchPowered by Dematis 2003-2024 . All rights reserved5) DATE OF SENDING OF THIS NOTICE October 3, 2024 Consultation file Downloading the consultation file requires authentication to be alerted of modifications and clarifications that may be made during the consultation. : CC M�connais Tournugeois Transport of multi-material flows: packaging and newspapers, magazines Deadline for submission: 10/25/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information CC M�connais Tournugeois Maintenance and management of a reception area for travelers (location: commune of Tournus) Deadline for submission: 10/25/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information COMMUNE DE MONTBELLET Restoration of the facades of the bell tower, the turret and the west facade and roofs of the transepts and the bell tower of the chapel of Saint-Oyen 71260 MONTBELLET Deadline for submission: 10/21/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Syndicat des Eaux Bourbince Oudrache D�l�gation Public Service of drinking water Deadline for submission: 11/15/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information CC Saint Cyr M�re Boitier Renovation of a community building located in the Geneva-Ocean Industrial Zone - Lieu-dit Les Prioles in DOMPIERRE LES ORMES Deadline for submission: 10/18/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information CC M�connais Tournugeois Transport market, and/or treatment of waste from the two recycling centers located in the territory of the CCMT, as well as the transport of household waste and glass. Deadline for submission: 10/07/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Sivom du Louhannais Redevelopment of the Cuiseaux recycling center. Deadline for submission: 04/11/2024 at 5:00 p.m. More information CC Le Grand Charolais Maintenance of roads of community interest of the Communaut� de communes Le Grand Charolais Deadline for submission: 16/10/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Sivom du Louhannais Supply and installation of a mobile waste compaction unit on a translator at the SIVOM du Louhannais. Deadline for submission: 22/11/2024 at 4:00 p.m. More information Le Tout Lyon Municipality of Baudemont: Project to build a childminder's house Deadline for submission: 21/12/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Need help See frequently asked questions. :Sender :Subject :Message : Send 914,250 registered companies View the ACPM-OJD certified audience 47,552,375 . 2003-2024 . All rights reserved FAQ | Join us | Terms of use | Privacy policy | Cookies | Search | Powered by Dematis Follow us on social media: Join usLegal noticesPrivacy policyCookiesSearchPowered by Dematis 2003-2024 . All rights reservedpackaging and newspapers magazines Deadline for submission: 10/25/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information CC M�connais Tournugeois Maintenance and management of a reception area for travelers (location: commune of Tournus) Deadline for submission: 10/25/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information COMMUNE DE MONTBELLET Restoration of the facades of the bell tower, the turret and the west facade and roofing of the transepts and the bell tower of the chapel of Saint-Oyen 71260 MONTBELLET Deadline for submission: 10/21/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Syndicat des Eaux Bourbince Oudrache D�l�gation Public Service of drinking water Deadline for submission: 11/15/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information CC Saint Cyr M�re Boitier Renovation of a community building located in Zone Industrielle Gen�ve-Oc�an - Lieu-dit Les Prioles in DOMPIERRE LES ORMES Deadline for submission: 10/18/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information CC M�connais Tournugeois Market for the transport and/or treatment of waste from the two recycling centers located in the territory of the CCMT, as well as the transport of household waste and glass. Deadline for submission: 10/07/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Sivom du Louhannais Redevelopment of the Cuiseaux recycling center. Deadline for submission: 04/11/2024 at 5:00 p.m. More information CC Le Grand Charolais Maintenance of roads of community interest of the Communaut� de communes Le Grand Charolais Deadline for submission: 16/10/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Sivom du Louhannais Supply and installation of a mobile waste compaction unit on a translator at the SIVOM du Louhannais. Deadline for submission: 22/11/2024 at 4:00 p.m. More information Le Tout Lyon Municipality of Baudemont: Project to build a childminder's house Deadline for submission: 21/12/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Need help See frequently asked questions. :Sender :Subject :Message : Send 914,250 registered companies View the ACPM-OJD certified audience 47,552,375 . 2003-2024 . All rights reserved FAQ | Join us | Terms of use | Privacy policy | Cookies | Search | Powered by Dematis Follow us on social media: Join usLegal noticesPrivacy policyCookiesSearchPowered by Dematis 2003-2024 . All rights reservedpackaging and newspapers magazines Deadline for submission: 10/25/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information CC M�connais Tournugeois Maintenance and management of a reception area for travelers (location: commune of Tournus) Deadline for submission: 10/25/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information COMMUNE DE MONTBELLET Restoration of the facades of the bell tower, the turret and the west facade and roofing of the transepts and the bell tower of the chapel of Saint-Oyen 71260 MONTBELLET Deadline for submission: 10/21/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Syndicat des Eaux Bourbince Oudrache D�l�gation Public Service of drinking water Deadline for submission: 11/15/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information CC Saint Cyr M�re Boitier Renovation of a community building located in Zone Industrielle Gen�ve-Oc�an - Lieu-dit Les Prioles in DOMPIERRE LES ORMES Deadline for submission: 10/18/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information CC M�connais Tournugeois Market for the transport and/or treatment of waste from the two recycling centers located in the territory of the CCMT, as well as the transport of household waste and glass. Deadline for submission: 10/07/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Sivom du Louhannais Redevelopment of the Cuiseaux recycling center. Deadline for submission: 04/11/2024 at 5:00 p.m. More information CC Le Grand Charolais Maintenance of roads of community interest of the Communaut� de communes Le Grand Charolais Deadline for submission: 16/10/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Sivom du Louhannais Supply and installation of a mobile waste compaction unit on a translator at the SIVOM du Louhannais. Deadline for submission: 22/11/2024 at 4:00 p.m. More information Le Tout Lyon Municipality of Baudemont: Project to build a childminder's house Deadline for submission: 21/12/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Need help See frequently asked questions. :Sender :Subject :Message : Send 914,250 registered companies View the ACPM-OJD certified audience 47,552,375 . 2003-2024 . All rights reserved FAQ | Join us | Terms of use | Privacy policy | Cookies | Search | Powered by Dematis Follow us on social media: Join usLegal noticesPrivacy policyCookiesSearchPowered by Dematis 2003-2024 . All rights reserved10/21/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Syndicat des Eaux Bourbince Oudrache Public drinking water service delegation Deadline for submission: 11/15/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information CC Saint Cyr M�re Boitier Renovation of a community building located in the Geneva-Ocean Industrial Zone - Lieu-dit Les Prioles in DOMPIERRE LES ORMES Deadline for submission: 10/18/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information CC M�connais Tournugeois Transport and/or treatment market for waste from the two recycling centers located in the CCMT territory, as well as the transport of household waste and glass. Deadline for submission: 10/07/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Sivom du Louhannais Redevelopment of the Cuiseaux recycling center. Deadline for submission: 04/11/2024 at 5:00 p.m. More information CC Le Grand Charolais Maintenance of roads of community interest of the Communaut� de communes Le Grand Charolais Deadline for submission: 16/10/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Sivom du Louhannais Supply and installation of a mobile waste compaction unit on a translator at the SIVOM du Louhannais. Deadline for submission: 22/11/2024 at 4:00 p.m. More information Le Tout Lyon Municipality of Baudemont: Project to build a childminder's house Deadline for submission: 21/12/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Need help See frequently asked questions. :Sender :Subject :Message : Send 914,250 registered companies View the ACPM-OJD certified audience 47,552,375 . 2003-2024 . All rights reserved FAQ | Join us | Terms of use | Privacy policy | Cookies | Search | Powered by Dematis Follow us on social media: Join usLegal noticesPrivacy policyCookiesSearchPowered by Dematis 2003-2024 . All rights reserved10/21/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Syndicat des Eaux Bourbince Oudrache Public drinking water service delegation Deadline for submission: 11/15/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information CC Saint Cyr M�re Boitier Renovation of a community building located in the Geneva-Ocean Industrial Zone - Lieu-dit Les Prioles in DOMPIERRE LES ORMES Deadline for submission: 10/18/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information CC M�connais Tournugeois Transport and/or treatment market for waste from the two recycling centers located in the CCMT territory, as well as the transport of household waste and glass. Deadline for submission: 10/07/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Sivom du Louhannais Redevelopment of the Cuiseaux recycling center. Deadline for submission: 04/11/2024 at 5:00 p.m. More information CC Le Grand Charolais Maintenance of roads of community interest of the Communaut� de communes Le Grand Charolais Deadline for submission: 16/10/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Sivom du Louhannais Supply and installation of a mobile waste compaction unit on a translator at the SIVOM du Louhannais. Deadline for submission: 22/11/2024 at 4:00 p.m. More information Le Tout Lyon Municipality of Baudemont: Project to build a childminder's house Deadline for submission: 21/12/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Need help See frequently asked questions. :Sender :Subject :Message : Send 914,250 registered companies View the ACPM-OJD certified audience 47,552,375 . 2003-2024 . All rights reserved FAQ | Join us | Terms of use | Privacy policy | Cookies | Search | Powered by Dematis Follow us on social media: Join usLegal noticesPrivacy policyCookiesSearchPowered by Dematis 2003-2024 . All rights reservedConstruction project for a childminder's house Deadline for submission: 12/21/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Need help See frequently asked questions. :Sender:Subject:Message: Send 914,250 registered companies See the ACPM-OJD certified audience 47,552,375 . 2003-2024 . All rights reserved FAQ | Join us | Terms of use | Privacy policy | Cookies | Search | Powered by Dematis Follow us on social media: Join usLegal noticesPrivacy policyCookiesSearchPowered by Dematis 2003-2024 . All rights reservedConstruction project for a childminder's house Deadline for submission: 12/21/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Need help See frequently asked questions. :Sender:Subject:Message: Send 914,250 registered companies See the ACPM-OJD certified audience 47,552,375 . 2003-2024 . All rights reserved FAQ | Join us | Terms of use | Privacy policy | Cookies | Search | Powered by Dematis Follow us on social media: Join usLegal noticesPrivacy policyCookiesSearchPowered by Dematis 2003-2024 . All rights reserved
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