Tender Details

Controles techniques periodiques electriques, gaz, ascenseurs et ssi des batiments communaux annees 2025 - 2027 77000 Melun Service - Procédure Adaptée Periodic technical inspections of electrical, gas, elevators and SSI of municipal buildings years 2025 - 2027 77000 Melun Service - Adapted Procedure

Published Date
Deadline Date
Controles techniques periodiques electriques, gaz, ascenseurs et ssi des batiments communaux annees 2025 - 2027 77000 Melun Service - Procédure Adaptée Ville de Melun Appel d'offres: Ville de Melun Appels d'offres Île-de-France Seine-et-Marne melun Avis précédent Retour à la liste des avis Avis suivant Controles techniques periodiques electriques, gaz, ascenseurs et ssi des batiments communaux annees 2025 - 2027 AVIS REGLEMENT DOSSIER QUESTIONS DEPOT Controles techniques periodiques electriques, gaz, ascenseurs et ssi des batiments communaux annees 2025 - 2027 Ville de Melun 77000 Melun Service - Procédure Adaptée €Marché < 90 000 € Date limite de l'offre : 12/11/2024 à 12h00 Avis initial Partager Imprimer Section 1 : Identification de l'acheteur   Nom complet de l'acheteur : Ville de Melun   Type de Numéro national d'identification : SIRET   N° National d'identification : 21770288500013   Ville : MELUN   Code Postal : 77011   Groupement de commandes : Non   Section 2 : Communication   Lien vers le profil d'acheteur : https://www.ville-melun.fr/la-ville/marches-publics   Identifiant interne de la consultation : M240227   Intégralité des documents sur le profil d'acheteur : Oui   Utilisation de moyens de communication non communément disponibles : Non   Nom du contact : Fatou NDIAYE   Adresse mail du contact : Commande.publique@ville-melun.fr   Numéro de téléphone du contact : +33 164520114   Section 3 : Procédure   Type de procédure : Procédure adaptée ouverte   Conditions de participation :   Aptitude à exercer l'activité professionnelle - conditions / moyens de preuve : Déclaration sur l'honneur pour justifier que le candidat n'entre dans aucun des cas d'interdiction de soumissionner   Capacité économique et financière - conditions / moyens de preuve : Déclaration concernant le chiffre d'affaires global et le chiffre d'affaires concernant les prestations objet du contrat, réalisées au cours des trois derniers exercices disponibles Déclaration appropriée de banques ou preuve d'une assurance pour les risques professionnels. L'entreprise devra justifier d'une assurance RC & DECENNALE, sur laquelle il devra obligatoirement être précisé, que celle-ci est couverte pour des travaux d'alarme anti intrusion et d'alarme incendie   Capacités techniques et professionnelles - conditions / moyens de preuve : Déclaration indiquant l'outillage, le matériel et l'équipement technique dont le candidat dispose pour la réalisation du contrat Déclaration indiquant les effectifs moyens annuels du candidat et l'importance du personnel d'encadrement pour chacune des trois dernières années Liste des principales prestations effectuées au cours des trois dernières années, indiquant le montant, la date et le destinataire. Elles peuvent être prouvées par des attestations du destinataire ou, à défaut, par une déclaration du candidat   Technique d'achat : Sans objet   Date et heure limite de réception des plis : 12 novembre 2024 à 12 h 00   Présentation des offres par catalogue électronique : Interdite   Réduction du nombre de candidats : Non   Possibilité d'attribution sans négociation : Oui   L'acheteur exige la présentation de variantes : Non   Critères d'attribution : Offre économiquement la plus avantageuse appréciée en fonction des critères énoncés à l'article 7.2 du règlement de la consultation   Section 4 : Identification du marché   Intitulé du marché : CONTROLES TECHNIQUES PERIODIQUES ELECTRIQUES, GAZ, ASCENSEURS ET SSI DES BATIMENTS COMMUNAUX ANNEES 2025 - 2027   Code CPV principal   Descripteur principal : 71631300   Type de marché : Services   Description succincte du marché : Le marché a pour objet les prestations suivantes concernant les bâtiments de la Ville de Melun : - Mission de contrôle technique relative aux vérifications périodiques réglementaires des installations électriques - Mission de contrôle technique relative aux vérifications périodiques réglementaires des installations de gaz combustible (chaufferie) ; - Mission de contrôle technique relative aux vérifications périodiques réglementaires des installations d'ascenseur (contrôle technique périodique quinquennale dit Loi De Robien et contrôle technique VRE) - Mission de contrôle technique relative aux vérifications périodiques réglementaires des installations des systèmes de sécurité incendie de catégorie A et B.   Lieu principal d'exécution du marché : Divers bâtiments de la Ville de Melun - 77000 Melun   La consultation comporte des tranches : Non   La consultation prévoit une réservation de tout ou partie du marché : Non   Marché alloti : Non   Section 6 : Informations Complémentaires   Visite obligatoire : Non   Autres informations complémentaires : Les sommes dues au(x) titulaire(s) et au(x) sous-traitant(s) de premier rang éventuel(s) du marché seront payées dans un délai global de 30 jours à compter de la date de réception des factures ou des demandes de paiement équivalentes. Le délai de validité des offres est fixé à 120 jours à compter de la date limite de réception des offres. En cas de négociations et si une nouvelle offre est transmise, le délai de validité de cette dernière sera également de 120 jours à compter de la date limite de la réception des offres spécifique à la négociation. Instance chargée des procédures de recours et aussi le service ou des renseignements peuvent être obtenus: Tribunal Administratif de Melun 43 Rue du Général de Gaulle Case postale 8630 - 77008 Melun tél. : 01-60-56-66-30 Télécopie : 01-60-56-66-10 Adresse internet : http ://melun.tribunal-administratif.fr/ Organe chargé des procédures de médiation : L'organe compétent est: Comité consultatif interrégional de règlement amiable des différends ou litiges relatifs aux marchés publics de Paris, Préfecture de la région Ile de France, Préfecture de Paris,5 rue Leblanc 75911, Paris Cedex 15 Téléphone : (+33) 1 82 52 42 72 Courriel : ccira@paris-idf.gouv.fr   Date d'envoi du présent avis : 17/10/2024   Mots clés: Contrôle technique Dossier de consultation Dossier de consulation indisponible. Questions / réponses L'accès aux questions / réponses n'est pas actif Dépôt de dossier L'accès au dépôt n'est pas actif Avis précédent Retour à la liste des avis Avis suivant Avis à proximité : SEMMY Réalisation des Diagnostics de Performance Energétique sur l'ensemble du patrimoine et Marché à bons de commande pour la réalisation des diagnostics réglementaires à la relocation Date limite de dépôt : 18/11/2024 à 11h00 Plus d'informations Ville de Mormant Entretien des espaces verts de la commune de Mormant Date limite de dépôt : 14/11/2024 à 12h00 Plus d'informations Mairie de Tournan-en-Brie SERVICES D'ASSURANCES POUR LA COMMUNE DE TOURNAN EN BRIE Date limite de dépôt : 18/11/2024 à 12h00 Plus d'informations Ville de Melun DIAGNOSTICS DE VULNERABILITE AU RISQUE INONDATION (HABITATIONS, ACTIVITES) SUR LE TERRITOIRE DE LA COMMUNE DE MELUN Date limite de dépôt : 05/11/2024 à 12h00 Plus d'informations Ville de PROVINS Marché n°2024/18 - assurance "flotte automobile" Date limite de dépôt : 12/11/2024 à 17h00 Plus d'informations Ville de Mormant Prestations de pilotage, d'entretien et de surveillance des installations de chauffage, de production d'eau chaude sanitaire et de ventilation Date limite de dépôt : 12/11/2024 à 17h00 Plus d'informations Mairie de Chaumes-en-Brie Travaux de réfection de voirie Date limite de dépôt : 18/10/2024 à 12h00 Plus d'informations Lumigny Nesles Ormeaux FOURNITURE ET LIVRAISON DE REPAS EN LIAISON FROIDE POUR LES RESTAURANTS SCOLAIRES ET LE CENTRE DE LOISIRS Date limite de dépôt : 08/11/2024 à 12h00 Plus d'informations MC HABITAT - SCIC HLM MARCHE D'ENTRETIEN DES ESPACES VERTS ET DES ESPACES EXTERIEURS SUR LE PATRIMOINE DE MC HABITATLot 1 : Entretien courant des espaces verts et des espaces extérieursLot 2 : Elagage et abattage d'arbres Date limite de dépôt : 18/10/2024 à 12h00 Plus d'informations Mairie de Moret Loing Orvanne ACCORD-CADRE MONO-ATTRIBUTAIRE A BON DE COMMANDE RELATIF AU MARCHE PUBLIC DE SERVICE TELECOMMUNICATION DE LA VILLE DE MORET-LOING-ET-ORVANNE 77250 Date limite de dépôt : 18/10/2024 à 15h00 Plus d'informations Besoin d'aide Voir les questions fréquentes. :Expéditeur :Sujet :Message : Envoyer 916 440  entreprises enregistrées Voir l'audience certifiée ACPM-OJD 47 888 129   . 2003-2024    . Tous droits réservés FAQ |  Rejoignez-nous |  Conditions générales d'utilisation  |  Politique de confidentialité |  Cookies |  Recherche |  Fourni par Dematis Suivez-nous sur les réseaux sociaux : Rejoignez-nousMentions légalesPolitique de confidentialitéCookiesRechercheFourni par Dematis 2003-2024    . Tous droits réservés Periodic technical inspections of electrical, gas, elevators and ssi of municipal buildings years 2025 - 2027 77000 Melun Service - Adapted Procedure City of Melun Call for tenders: City of Melun Calls for tenders Île-de-France Seine-et-Marne melun Previous notice Return to the list of notices Next notice Periodic technical inspections of electrical, gas, elevators and ssi of municipal buildings years 2025 - 2027 NOTICE REGULATIONS FILE QUESTIONS SUBMISSION Periodic technical inspections of electrical, gas, elevators and ssi of municipal buildings years 2025 - 2027 City of Melun 77000 Melun Service - Adapted Procedure €Market < €90,000 Deadline for the offer: 12/11/2024 at 12:00 Initial notice Share Print Section 1: Identification of the buyer Full name of the buyer: City of Melun Type of National identification number: SIRET National identification number: 21770288500013 City: MELUN Postal code: 77011 Group of orders: No Section 2: Communication Link to the buyer profile: https://www.ville-melun.fr/la-ville/marches-publics Internal identifier of the consultation: M240227 Completeness of documents on the buyer profile: Yes Use of means of communication not commonly available: No Contact name: Fatou NDIAYE Contact email address: Commande.publique@ville-melun.fr Contact telephone number: +33 164520114 Section 3: Procedure Type of procedure: Open adapted procedure Conditions of participation: Ability to exercise the professional activity - conditions / means of proof: Declaration on honor to justify that the candidate does not enter into none of the cases of prohibition to bid Economic and financial capacity - conditions / means of proof: Declaration concerning the overall turnover and the turnover concerning the services subject to the contract, carried out during the last three financial years available Appropriate declaration from banks or proof of insurance for professional risks. The company must provide proof of RC & DECENNALE insurance, on which it must be specified that it is covered for intrusion alarm and fire alarm work Technical and professional capacities - conditions / means of proof: Declaration indicating the tools, materials and technical equipment that the candidate has for the performance of the contract Declaration indicating the candidate's average annual workforce and the number of management staff for each of the last three years List of the main services carried out during the last three years, indicating the amount, date and recipient. They can be proven by certificates from the recipient or, failing that, by a declaration from the candidate Purchasing technique:Not applicable Deadline and time for receipt of tenders: November 12, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. Submission of tenders by electronic catalog: Prohibited Reduction in the number of candidates: No Possibility of award without negotiation: Yes The buyer requires the submission of variants: No Award criteria: Economically most advantageous offer assessed on the basis of the criteria set out in Article 7.2 of the consultation regulations Section 4: Identification of the contract Title of the contract: PERIODIC TECHNICAL INSPECTIONS OF ELECTRICITY, GAS, ELEVATORS AND SSI OF MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS YEARS 2025 - 2027 Main CPV code Main descriptor: 71631300 Type of contract: Services Brief description of the contract: The subject of the contract is the following services concerning the buildings of the City of Melun: - Technical inspection mission relating to the periodic regulatory checks of electrical installations - Technical inspection mission relating to the periodic regulatory checks of combustible gas installations (boiler room); - Technical inspection mission relating to the periodic regulatory checks of elevator installations (five-yearly periodic technical inspection known as the De Robien Law and VRE technical inspection) - Technical inspection mission relating to the periodic regulatory checks of category A and B fire safety system installations. Main place of execution of the contract: Various buildings in the City of Melun - 77000 Melun The consultation includes tranches: No The consultation provides for a reservation of all or part of the contract: No Alloted contract: No Section 6: Additional Information Mandatory visit: No Other additional information: The amounts due to the holder(s) and any first-tier subcontractor(s) of the contract will be paid within a total period of 30 days from the date of receipt of invoices or equivalent payment requests. The validity period of offers is set at 120 days from the deadline for receipt of offers. In the event of negotiations and if a new offer is submitted, the validity period of the latter will also be 120 days from the deadline for receipt of offers specific to the negotiation. Body responsible for appeal procedures and also the service or information can be obtained: Administrative Court of Melun 43 Rue du Général de Gaulle PO Box 8630 - 77008 Melun Tel.: 01-60-56-66-30 Fax: 01-60-56-66-10 Internet address: http://melun.tribunal-administratif.fr/ Body responsible for mediation procedures: The competent body is: Interregional Consultative Committee for the amicable settlement of disputes or litigation relating to public procurement in Paris, Prefecture of the Ile de France region, Prefecture of Paris, 5 rue Leblanc 75911, Paris Cedex 15 Telephone:(+33) 1 82 52 42 72 Email: ccira@paris-idf.gouv.fr Date of dispatch of this notice: 10/17/2024 Keywords: Technical inspection Consultation file Consultation file unavailable. Questions / answers Access to questions / answers is not active File submission Access to the submission is not active Previous notice Return to the list of notices Next notice Nearby notice: SEMMY Carrying out Energy Performance Diagnostics on the entire property and Purchase order contract for carrying out regulatory diagnostics upon relocation Deadline for submission: 11/18/2024 at 11:00 a.m. More information City of Mormant Maintenance of green spaces in the municipality of Mormant Deadline for submission: 11/14/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information City of Tournan-en-Brie INSURANCE SERVICES FOR THE MUNICIPALITY OF TOURNAN EN BRIE Deadline for submission: 11/18/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information City of Melun FLOOD RISK VULNERABILITY DIAGNOSTICS (HOUSING, ACTIVITIES) ON THE TERRITORY OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF MELUN Deadline for submission: 05/11/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information City of PROVINS Contract No. 2024/18 - "vehicle fleet" insurance Deadline for submission: 12/11/2024 at 5:00 p.m. More information City of Mormant Services for the management, maintenance and monitoring of heating, domestic hot water production and ventilation installations Deadline for submission: 12/11/2024 at 5:00 p.m. More information Chaumes-en-Brie Town Hall Road resurfacing works Deadline for submission: 18/10/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Lumigny Nesles Ormeaux SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF COLD MEALS FOR SCHOOL RESTAURANTS AND THE RECREATION CENTER Deadline for submission: 08/11/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information MC HABITAT - SCIC HLM MAINTENANCE CONTRACT FOR GREEN SPACES AND OUTDOOR SPACES ON MC HABITAT'S HERITAGE Lot 1: Routine maintenance of green spaces and outdoor spaces Lot 2: Pruning and felling of trees Deadline for submission: 10/18/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Moret Loing Orvanne Town Hall SINGLE-AWARD FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT WITH PURCHASE ORDER RELATING TO THE PUBLIC TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE CONTRACT OF THE CITY OF MORET-LOING-ET-ORVANNE 77250 Deadline for submission: 10/18/2024 at 3:00 p.m. More information Need help? See frequently asked questions. :Sender :Subject :Message : Send 916,440 registered companies View the ACPM-OJD certified audience 47,888,129 . 2003-2024 . All rights reserved FAQ | Join us | Terms of use | Privacy policy | Cookies | Search | Powered by Dematis Follow us on social media: Join usLegal noticesPrivacy policyCookiesSearchPowered by Dematis 2003-2024 . All rights reserved10/17/2024 Keywords: Technical inspection Consultation file Consultation file unavailable. Questions / answers Access to questions / answers is not active File submission Access to the submission is not active Previous notice Return to the list of notices Next notice Nearby notice: SEMMY Carrying out Energy Performance Diagnostics on the entire property and Purchase order contract for carrying out regulatory diagnostics upon relocation Deadline for submission: 11/18/2024 at 11:00 a.m. More information City of Mormant Maintenance of green spaces in the municipality of Mormant Deadline for submission: 11/14/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information City of Tournan-en-Brie INSURANCE SERVICES FOR THE MUNICIPALITY OF TOURNAN EN BRIE Deadline for submission: 11/18/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information City of Melun FLOOD RISK VULNERABILITY DIAGNOSTICS (HOUSING, ACTIVITIES) ON THE TERRITORY OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF MELUN Deadline for submission: 05/11/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information City of PROVINS Contract No. 2024/18 - "vehicle fleet" insurance Deadline for submission: 12/11/2024 at 5:00 p.m. More information City of Mormant Services for the management, maintenance and monitoring of heating, domestic hot water production and ventilation installations Deadline for submission: 12/11/2024 at 5:00 p.m. More information Chaumes-en-Brie Town Hall Road resurfacing works Deadline for submission: 18/10/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Lumigny Nesles Ormeaux SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF COLD MEALS FOR SCHOOL RESTAURANTS AND THE RECREATION CENTER Deadline for submission: 08/11/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information MC HABITAT - SCIC HLM MAINTENANCE CONTRACT FOR GREEN SPACES AND OUTDOOR SPACES ON MC HABITAT'S HERITAGE Lot 1: Routine maintenance of green spaces and outdoor spaces Lot 2: Pruning and felling of trees Deadline for submission: 10/18/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Moret Loing Orvanne Town Hall SINGLE-AWARD FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT WITH PURCHASE ORDER RELATING TO THE PUBLIC TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE CONTRACT OF THE CITY OF MORET-LOING-ET-ORVANNE 77250 Deadline for submission: 10/18/2024 at 3:00 p.m. More information Need help? See frequently asked questions. :Sender :Subject :Message : Send 916,440 registered companies View the ACPM-OJD certified audience 47,888,129 . 2003-2024 . All rights reserved FAQ | Join us | Terms of use | Privacy policy | Cookies | Search | Powered by Dematis Follow us on social media: Join usLegal noticesPrivacy policyCookiesSearchPowered by Dematis 2003-2024 . All rights reserved10/17/2024 Keywords: Technical inspection Consultation file Consultation file unavailable. Questions / answers Access to questions / answers is not active File submission Access to the submission is not active Previous notice Return to the list of notices Next notice Nearby notice: SEMMY Carrying out Energy Performance Diagnostics on the entire property and Purchase order contract for carrying out regulatory diagnostics upon relocation Deadline for submission: 11/18/2024 at 11:00 a.m. More information City of Mormant Maintenance of green spaces in the municipality of Mormant Deadline for submission: 11/14/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information City of Tournan-en-Brie INSURANCE SERVICES FOR THE MUNICIPALITY OF TOURNAN EN BRIE Deadline for submission: 11/18/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information City of Melun FLOOD RISK VULNERABILITY DIAGNOSTICS (HOUSING, ACTIVITIES) ON THE TERRITORY OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF MELUN Deadline for submission: 05/11/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information City of PROVINS Contract No. 2024/18 - "vehicle fleet" insurance Deadline for submission: 12/11/2024 at 5:00 p.m. More information City of Mormant Services for the management, maintenance and monitoring of heating, domestic hot water production and ventilation installations Deadline for submission: 12/11/2024 at 5:00 p.m. More information Chaumes-en-Brie Town Hall Road resurfacing works Deadline for submission: 18/10/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Lumigny Nesles Ormeaux SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF COLD MEALS FOR SCHOOL RESTAURANTS AND THE RECREATION CENTER Deadline for submission: 08/11/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information MC HABITAT - SCIC HLM MAINTENANCE CONTRACT FOR GREEN SPACES AND OUTDOOR SPACES ON MC HABITAT'S HERITAGE Lot 1: Routine maintenance of green spaces and outdoor spaces Lot 2: Pruning and felling of trees Deadline for submission: 10/18/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Moret Loing Orvanne Town Hall SINGLE-AWARD FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT WITH PURCHASE ORDER RELATING TO THE PUBLIC TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE CONTRACT OF THE CITY OF MORET-LOING-ET-ORVANNE 77250 Deadline for submission: 10/18/2024 at 3:00 p.m. More information Need help? See frequently asked questions. :Sender :Subject :Message : Send 916,440 registered companies View the ACPM-OJD certified audience 47,888,129 . 2003-2024 . All rights reserved FAQ | Join us | Terms of use | Privacy policy | Cookies | Search | Powered by Dematis Follow us on social media: Join usLegal noticesPrivacy policyCookiesSearchPowered by Dematis 2003-2024 . All rights reservedQuestions / answers Access to questions / answers is not active File submission Access to the submission is not active Previous notice Return to the list of notices Next notice Nearby notice: SEMMY Carrying out Energy Performance Diagnostics on the entire property and Purchase order contract for carrying out regulatory diagnostics upon relocation Deadline for submission: 11/18/2024 at 11:00 a.m. More information City of Mormant Maintenance of green spaces in the municipality of Mormant Deadline for submission: 11/14/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information City of Tournan-en-Brie INSURANCE SERVICES FOR THE MUNICIPALITY OF TOURNAN EN BRIE Deadline for submission: 11/18/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information City of Melun FLOOD RISK VULNERABILITY DIAGNOSTICS (HOUSING, ACTIVITIES) ON THE TERRITORY OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF MELUN Deadline for submission: 05/11/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information City of PROVINS Contract No. 2024/18 - "vehicle fleet" insurance Deadline for submission: 12/11/2024 at 5:00 p.m. More information City of Mormant Services for the management, maintenance and monitoring of heating, domestic hot water production and ventilation installations Deadline for submission: 12/11/2024 at 5:00 p.m. More information Chaumes-en-Brie Town Hall Road resurfacing works Deadline for submission: 18/10/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Lumigny Nesles Ormeaux SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF COLD MEALS FOR SCHOOL RESTAURANTS AND THE RECREATION CENTER Deadline for submission: 08/11/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information MC HABITAT - SCIC HLM MAINTENANCE CONTRACT FOR GREEN SPACES AND OUTDOOR SPACES ON MC HABITAT'S HERITAGE Lot 1: Routine maintenance of green spaces and outdoor spaces Lot 2: Pruning and felling of trees Deadline for submission: 10/18/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Moret Loing Orvanne Town Hall SINGLE-AWARD FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT WITH PURCHASE ORDER RELATING TO THE PUBLIC TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE CONTRACT OF THE CITY OF MORET-LOING-ET-ORVANNE 77250 Deadline for submission: 10/18/2024 at 3:00 p.m. More information Need help? See frequently asked questions. :Sender :Subject :Message : Send 916,440 registered companies View the ACPM-OJD certified audience 47,888,129 . 2003-2024 . All rights reserved FAQ | Join us | Terms of use | Privacy policy | Cookies | Search | Powered by Dematis Follow us on social media: Join usLegal noticesPrivacy policyCookiesSearchPowered by Dematis 2003-2024 . All rights reservedQuestions / answers Access to questions / answers is not active File submission Access to the submission is not active Previous notice Return to the list of notices Next notice Nearby notice: SEMMY Carrying out Energy Performance Diagnostics on the entire property and Purchase order contract for carrying out regulatory diagnostics upon relocation Deadline for submission: 11/18/2024 at 11:00 a.m. More information City of Mormant Maintenance of green spaces in the municipality of Mormant Deadline for submission: 11/14/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information City of Tournan-en-Brie INSURANCE SERVICES FOR THE MUNICIPALITY OF TOURNAN EN BRIE Deadline for submission: 11/18/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information City of Melun FLOOD RISK VULNERABILITY DIAGNOSTICS (HOUSING, ACTIVITIES) ON THE TERRITORY OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF MELUN Deadline for submission: 05/11/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information City of PROVINS Contract No. 2024/18 - "vehicle fleet" insurance Deadline for submission: 12/11/2024 at 5:00 p.m. More information City of Mormant Services for the management, maintenance and monitoring of heating, domestic hot water production and ventilation installations Deadline for submission: 12/11/2024 at 5:00 p.m. More information Chaumes-en-Brie Town Hall Road resurfacing works Deadline for submission: 18/10/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Lumigny Nesles Ormeaux SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF COLD MEALS FOR SCHOOL RESTAURANTS AND THE RECREATION CENTER Deadline for submission: 08/11/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information MC HABITAT - SCIC HLM MAINTENANCE CONTRACT FOR GREEN SPACES AND OUTDOOR SPACES ON MC HABITAT'S HERITAGE Lot 1: Routine maintenance of green spaces and outdoor spaces Lot 2: Pruning and felling of trees Deadline for submission: 10/18/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Moret Loing Orvanne Town Hall SINGLE-AWARD FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT WITH PURCHASE ORDER RELATING TO THE PUBLIC TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE CONTRACT OF THE CITY OF MORET-LOING-ET-ORVANNE 77250 Deadline for submission: 10/18/2024 at 3:00 p.m. More information Need help? See frequently asked questions. :Sender :Subject :Message : Send 916,440 registered companies View the ACPM-OJD certified audience 47,888,129 . 2003-2024 . All rights reserved FAQ | Join us | Terms of use | Privacy policy | Cookies | Search | Powered by Dematis Follow us on social media: Join usLegal noticesPrivacy policyCookiesSearchPowered by Dematis 2003-2024 . All rights reservedSEMMY Carrying out Energy Performance Diagnostics on the entire property portfolio and Purchase Order Contract for carrying out regulatory diagnostics upon relocation Deadline for submission: 11/18/2024 at 11:00 a.m. More information City of Mormant Maintenance of green spaces in the municipality of Mormant Deadline for submission: 11/14/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information City of Tournan-en-Brie INSURANCE SERVICES FOR THE MUNICIPALITY OF TOURNAN EN BRIE Deadline for submission: 11/18/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information City of Melun FLOOD RISK VULNERABILITY DIAGNOSTICS (HOUSING, ACTIVITIES) IN THE TERRITORY OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF MELUN Deadline for submission: 11/05/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information City of PROVINS Market No. 2024/18 - "vehicle fleet" insurance Deadline for submission: 11/12/2024 at 5:00 p.m. More information City of Mormant Services for the management, maintenance and monitoring of heating, domestic hot water production and ventilation installations Deadline for submission: 11/12/2024 at 5:00 p.m. More information Chaumes-en-Brie Town Hall Road resurfacing works Deadline for submission: 10/18/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Lumigny Nesles Ormeaux SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF COLD MEALS FOR SCHOOL RESTAURANTS AND THE RECREATION CENTER Deadline for submission: 11/08/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information MC HABITAT - SCIC HLM GREEN SPACES AND LAND MAINTENANCE MARKET OUTDOOR SPACES ON MC HABITAT HERITAGE Lot 1: Routine maintenance of green spaces and outdoor spaces Lot 2: Pruning and felling of trees Deadline for submission: 10/18/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Moret Loing Orvanne Town Hall SINGLE-AWARD FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT WITH PURCHASE ORDER RELATING TO THE PUBLIC TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE CONTRACT OF THE CITY OF MORET-LOING-ET-ORVANNE 77250 Deadline for submission: 10/18/2024 at 3:00 p.m. More information Need help See frequently asked questions. :Sender:Subject:Message: Send 916,440 registered companies See the certified audience ACPM-OJD 47,888,129 . 2003-2024 . All rights reserved FAQ | Join us | Terms of use | Privacy policy | Cookies | Search | Powered by Dematis Follow us on social media: Join usLegal noticesPrivacy policyCookiesSearchPowered by Dematis 2003-2024 . All rights reservedSEMMY Carrying out Energy Performance Diagnostics on the entire property portfolio and Purchase Order Contract for carrying out regulatory diagnostics upon relocation Deadline for submission: 11/18/2024 at 11:00 a.m. More information City of Mormant Maintenance of green spaces in the municipality of Mormant Deadline for submission: 11/14/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information City of Tournan-en-Brie INSURANCE SERVICES FOR THE MUNICIPALITY OF TOURNAN EN BRIE Deadline for submission: 11/18/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information City of Melun FLOOD RISK VULNERABILITY DIAGNOSTICS (HOUSING, ACTIVITIES) IN THE TERRITORY OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF MELUN Deadline for submission: 11/05/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information City of PROVINS Market No. 2024/18 - "vehicle fleet" insurance Deadline for submission: 11/12/2024 at 5:00 p.m. More information City of Mormant Services for the management, maintenance and monitoring of heating, domestic hot water production and ventilation installations Deadline for submission: 11/12/2024 at 5:00 p.m. More information Chaumes-en-Brie Town Hall Road resurfacing works Deadline for submission: 10/18/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Lumigny Nesles Ormeaux SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF COLD MEALS FOR SCHOOL RESTAURANTS AND THE RECREATION CENTER Deadline for submission: 11/08/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information MC HABITAT - SCIC HLM GREEN SPACES AND LAND MAINTENANCE MARKET OUTDOOR SPACES ON MC HABITAT HERITAGE Lot 1: Routine maintenance of green spaces and outdoor spaces Lot 2: Pruning and felling of trees Deadline for submission: 10/18/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Moret Loing Orvanne Town Hall SINGLE-AWARD FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT WITH PURCHASE ORDER RELATING TO THE PUBLIC TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE CONTRACT OF THE CITY OF MORET-LOING-ET-ORVANNE 77250 Deadline for submission: 10/18/2024 at 3:00 p.m. More information Need help See frequently asked questions. :Sender:Subject:Message: Send 916,440 registered companies See the certified audience ACPM-OJD 47,888,129 . 2003-2024 . All rights reserved FAQ | Join us | Terms of use | Privacy policy | Cookies | Search | Powered by Dematis Follow us on social media: Join usLegal noticesPrivacy policyCookiesSearchPowered by Dematis 2003-2024 . All rights reservedACTIVITIES) IN THE TERRITORY OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF MELUN Deadline for submission: 05/11/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information City of PROVINS Contract No. 2024/18 - "vehicle fleet" insurance Deadline for submission: 12/11/2024 at 5:00 p.m. More information City of Mormant Services for the management, maintenance and monitoring of heating, domestic hot water production and ventilation installations Deadline for submission: 12/11/2024 at 5:00 p.m. More information Chaumes-en-Brie Town Hall Road resurfacing works Deadline for submission: 18/10/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Lumigny Nesles Ormeaux SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF COLD MEALS FOR SCHOOL RESTAURANTS AND THE RECREATION CENTER Date submission deadline: 08/11/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information MC HABITAT - SCIC HLM MAINTENANCE CONTRACT FOR GREEN SPACES AND OUTDOOR SPACES ON MC HABITAT'S HERITAGE Lot 1: Routine maintenance of green spaces and outdoor spaces Lot 2: Pruning and felling of trees Submission deadline: 18/10/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Moret Loing Orvanne Town Hall SINGLE-AWARD FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT WITH PURCHASE ORDER RELATING TO THE PUBLIC TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE CONTRACT OF THE CITY OF MORET-LOING-ET-ORVANNE 77250 Submission deadline: 18/10/2024 at 3:00 p.m. More information Need help? See the frequently asked questions. :Sender :Subject :Message : Send 916,440 registered companies View the ACPM-OJD certified audience 47,888,129 . 2003-2024 . All rights reserved FAQ | Join us | Terms of use | Privacy policy | Cookies | Search | Powered by Dematis Follow us on social media: Join usLegal noticesPrivacy policyCookiesSearchPowered by Dematis 2003-2024 . All rights reservedACTIVITIES) IN THE TERRITORY OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF MELUN Deadline for submission: 05/11/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information City of PROVINS Contract No. 2024/18 - "vehicle fleet" insurance Deadline for submission: 12/11/2024 at 5:00 p.m. More information City of Mormant Services for the management, maintenance and monitoring of heating, domestic hot water production and ventilation installations Deadline for submission: 12/11/2024 at 5:00 p.m. More information Chaumes-en-Brie Town Hall Road resurfacing works Deadline for submission: 18/10/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Lumigny Nesles Ormeaux SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF COLD MEALS FOR SCHOOL RESTAURANTS AND THE RECREATION CENTER Date submission deadline: 08/11/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information MC HABITAT - SCIC HLM MAINTENANCE CONTRACT FOR GREEN SPACES AND OUTDOOR SPACES ON MC HABITAT'S HERITAGE Lot 1: Routine maintenance of green spaces and outdoor spaces Lot 2: Pruning and felling of trees Submission deadline: 18/10/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Moret Loing Orvanne Town Hall SINGLE-AWARD FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT WITH PURCHASE ORDER RELATING TO THE PUBLIC TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE CONTRACT OF THE CITY OF MORET-LOING-ET-ORVANNE 77250 Submission deadline: 18/10/2024 at 3:00 p.m. More information Need help? See the frequently asked questions. :Sender :Subject :Message : Send 916,440 registered companies View the ACPM-OJD certified audience 47,888,129 . 2003-2024 . All rights reserved FAQ | Join us | Terms of use | Privacy policy | Cookies | Search | Powered by Dematis Follow us on social media: Join usLegal noticesPrivacy policyCookiesSearchPowered by Dematis 2003-2024 . All rights reserved10/18/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Moret Loing Orvanne Town Hall SINGLE-AWARD FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT WITH PURCHASE ORDER RELATING TO THE PUBLIC TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE CONTRACT OF THE CITY OF MORET-LOING-ET-ORVANNE 77250 Deadline for submission: 10/18/2024 at 3:00 p.m. More information Need help See frequently asked questions. :Sender:Subject:Message: Send 916,440 registered companies See the ACPM-OJD certified audience 47,888,129 . 2003-2024 . All rights reserved FAQ | Join us | Terms of use | Privacy policy | Cookies | Search | Powered by Dematis Follow us on social media: Join usLegal noticesPrivacy policyCookiesSearchPowered by Dematis 2003-2024 . All rights reserved10/18/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Moret Loing Orvanne Town Hall SINGLE-AWARD FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT WITH PURCHASE ORDER RELATING TO THE PUBLIC TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE CONTRACT OF THE CITY OF MORET-LOING-ET-ORVANNE 77250 Deadline for submission: 10/18/2024 at 3:00 p.m. More information Need help See frequently asked questions. :Sender:Subject:Message: Send 916,440 registered companies See the ACPM-OJD certified audience 47,888,129 . 2003-2024 . All rights reserved FAQ | Join us | Terms of use | Privacy policy | Cookies | Search | Powered by Dematis Follow us on social media: Join usLegal noticesPrivacy policyCookiesSearchPowered by Dematis 2003-2024 . All rights reserved
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