Tender Details

[réf. 2024T0029] Aménagement des aires de jeux de la Ville [Marché alloti : 3 lot(s)] [ref. 2024T0029] Development of the City’s playgrounds [Allotted contract: 3 lot(s)]

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AVIS D'APPEL PUBLIC A LA CONCURRENCE VILLE DE MONTELIMAR M. le Maire Hôtel de Ville Place Emile Loubet BP 279 - 26216 MONTELIMAR - Cedex Tél : 04 75 53 10 74 - Fax : 04 75 00 25 39 SIRET 21260198300019 Correspondre avec l'Acheteur L'avis implique un marché public. Groupement de commandes : Non Objet Aménagement des aires de jeux de la Ville Référence 2024T0029 Type de marché Travaux Mode Procédure adaptée ouverte Technique d'achat Sans objet Lieu d'exécution principal Hôtel de Ville - Place Emile Loubet - BP 279 26216 MONTELIMAR Durée 1 mois Description Les travaux consistent en la réalisation d‘un programme d'aménagement d'aires de jeux et/ou de Street Workout sur la place de Provence (tranche ferme) l'école du Bouquet (tranche optionnelle N°1) les écoles de Pracomtal (tranche optionnelle N°2) et le quartier de Maubec (tranche optionnelle N°3). Ils se décomposent en trois (3) lots. Code CPV principal 45112723 - Travaux d'aménagement paysager de terrains de jeux Code CPV complémentaire 45261400 - Travaux de revêtement   45340000 - Travaux d'installation de clôtures, de garde-corps et de dispositifs de sécurité Forme Prestation divisée en lots : Oui Les variantes sont exigées : Non Lots Libellé Estimé € HT CPV N° 1 Lot n°1 :Terrassement - - revêtements Lieu d'exécution : MONTELIMAR   45112500 N° 2 Lot n°2 : Jeux - Street Workout -Clôture - Mobilier Lieu d'exécution : MONTELIMAR   45212200 N° 3 Lot n°3 : Fontaine Lieu d'exécution : MONTELIMAR   45232150 Conditions de participation   Justifications à produire quant aux qualités et capacités du candidat :   Aptitude à exercer l'activité professionnelle Liste et description succincte des conditions : - Formulaire DC2, Déclaration du candidat individuel ou du membre du groupement. (disponible à l'adresse suivante : http://www.economie.gouv.fr/daj/formulaires-declaration-du-candidat) - Formulaire DC1, Lettre de candidature _ Habilitation du mandataire par ses co-traitants. (disponible à l'adresse suivante : http://www.economie.gouv.fr/daj/formulaires-declaration-du-candidat) - Si l'attributaire est établi en France, les attestations et certificats délivrés par les administrations et organismes compétents prouvant qu'il a satisfait à ses obligations fiscales et sociales ou un état annuel des certificats reçus Une lettre de candidature permettant l'identification du candidat (en la personne de chacune de ses composantes en cas de groupement). L'identification et le justificatif d'habilitation de la (des) personne(s) ayant le pouvoir d'engager le candidat. Les déclarations suivantes : - Ne pas entrer dans aucun des cas d'interdiction de soumissionner obligatoires prévus aux articles L.2141-1 à L.2141-5 et L2141-7 à L.2141-11 du code de la commande publique - être en règle au regard des articles L. 5212-1 à L. 5212-11 du code du travail concernant l'emploi des travailleurs handicapés. Éventuellement, Extrait K bis et/ou attestation d'inscription au Répertoire des Métier ou autre immatriculation ou agrément (ou règles d'effet équivalent pour les candidats non établis en France) et attestation d'assurance. Capacité économique et financière : Liste et description succincte des critères de sélection, indication des informations et documents requis : - Déclaration appropriée de banques ou preuve d'une assurance pour les risques professionnels. - Déclaration concernant le chiffre d'affaires global et le chiffre d'affaires concernant les fournitures, services ou travaux objet du marché, réalisés au cours des trois derniers exercices disponibles. Attestation d'assurance pour les risques professionnels (Responsabilité Civile Professionnelle) ; Référence professionnelle et capacité technique : Liste et description succincte des critères de sélection, indication des informations et documents requis : - Certificats de qualifications professionnelles. La preuve de la capacité du candidat peut être apportée par tout moyen, notamment par des certificats d'identité professionnelle ou des références de travaux attestant de la compétence de l'opérateur économique à réaliser la prestation pour laquelle il se porte candidat - Présentation d'une liste des principales fournitures ou des principaux services effectués au cours des trois dernières années, indiquant le montant, la date et le destinataire public ou privé. Références et/ou expériences détaillées et vérifiables d'opération exécutées au cours des trois (3) dernières années ou en cours de réalisation ou tout autres justificatifs permettant de prouver la capacité du candidat à exécuter le(s) marché(s) au(x)quel(s) il postule. Eventuellement, Qualifications et / ou certification du candidat.   Marché réservé : Non   Réduction du nombre de candidats : Non La consultation comporte des tranches : Oui Possibilité d'attribution sans négociation : Oui Visite obligatoire : Non Critères d'attribution Offre économiquement la plus avantageuse appréciée en fonction des critères énoncés ci-dessous avec leur pondération 2 : Prix 3 : Valeur technique Renseignements Correspondre avec l'Acheteur administratifs dcpaj@montelimar-agglo.fr Tél : 04 75 53 10 74 Documents Règlement de consultation Dossier de Consultation des Entreprises   L'intégralité des documents de la consultation se trouve sur le profil d'acheteur : Oui Offres Remise des offres le 20/11/24 à 17h00 au plus tard. Dépôt Déposer un Pli dématérialisé Présentation des offres par catalogue électronique : Interdite Renseignements complémentaires   Les dépôts de plis doivent être impérativement remis par voie dématérialisée.   Communication : Utilisation de moyens de communication non communément disponibles : non réduction du nombre de candidat : non   Envoi le 18/10/24 à la publication NOTICE OF PUBLIC CALL FOR COMPETITION CITY OF MONTELIMAR Mr. Mayor Town Hall Place Emile Loubet BP 279 - 26216 MONTELIMAR - Cedex Tel: 04 75 53 10 74 - Fax: 04 75 00 25 39 SIRET 21260198300019 Correspond with the Buyer The notice implies a public contract. Grouping of orders: No Subject Development of the City's playgrounds Reference 2024T0029 Type of contract Works Mode Open adapted procedure Purchasing technique Not applicable Main place of execution Hôtel de Ville - Place Emile Loubet - BP 279 26216 MONTELIMAR Duration 1 month Description The works consist of carrying out a program for the development of playgrounds and/or Street Workout on the Place de Provence (firm phase), the Bouquet school (optional phase No. 1), the Pracomtal schools (optional phase No. 2) and the Maubec district (optional phase No. 3). They are divided into three (3) lots. Main CPV code 45112723 - Landscaping work for playgrounds Additional CPV code 45261400 - Surfacing work 45340000 - Installation work for fences, guardrails and safety devices Form Service divided into lots: Yes Variants are required: No Lots Label Estimated € excl. VAT CPV No. 1 Lot No. 1: Earthworks - - surfacing Place of execution: MONTELIMAR 45112500 No. 2 Lot No. 2: Games - Street Workout - Fencing - Furniture Place of execution: MONTELIMAR 45212200 No. 3 Lot No. 3: Fountain Place of execution: MONTELIMAR 45232150 Conditions of participation Supporting documents to be provided regarding the candidate's qualities and abilities: Ability to exercise the professional activity List and brief description of the conditions: - Form DC2, Declaration of the individual candidate or the member of the group. (available at the following address: http://www.economie.gouv.fr/daj/formulaires-declaration-du-candidat) - Form DC1, Letter of application _ Authorization of the agent by its co-contractors. (available at the following address: http://www.economie.gouv.fr/daj/formulaires-declaration-du-candidat) - If the successful bidder is established in France, the certificates and attestations issued by the competent administrations and organizations proving that it has met its tax and social obligations or an annual statement of the certificates received A letter of application allowing the identification of the candidate (in the person of each of its components in the case of a group). The identification and proof of authorization of the person(s) having the power to bind the candidate. The following declarations: - Not to fall into any of the cases of mandatory prohibition on tendering provided for in Articles L.2141-1 to L.2141-5 and L2141-7 to L.2141-11 of the Public Procurement Code - to be in compliance with Articles L. 5212-1 to L. 5212-11 of the Labor Code concerning the employment of disabled workers. Possibly,Extract K bis and/or certificate of registration in the Trade Directory or other registration or approval (or rules of equivalent effect for candidates not established in France) and insurance certificate. Economic and financial capacity: List and brief description of the selection criteria, indication of the information and documents required: - Appropriate declaration from banks or proof of insurance for professional risks. - Declaration concerning the overall turnover and the turnover concerning the supplies, services or works subject to the contract, carried out during the last three financial years available. Insurance certificate for professional risks (Professional Civil Liability); Professional reference and technical capacity: List and brief description of the selection criteria, indication of the information and documents required: - Professional qualification certificates. Proof of the candidate's capacity may be provided by any means, in particular by professional identity certificates or work references attesting to the competence of the economic operator to carry out the service for which he is applying - Presentation of a list of the main supplies or services carried out over the last three years, indicating the amount, date and public or private recipient. Detailed and verifiable references and/or experience of operations carried out over the last three (3) years or in progress or any other supporting documents to prove the candidate's capacity to perform the contract(s) for which he is applying. Possibly, Qualifications and/or certification of the candidate. Reserved market: No Reduction in the number of candidates: No The consultation includes tranches: Yes Possibility of award without negotiation: Yes Mandatory visit: No Award criteria The most economically advantageous offer assessed according to the criteria set out below with their weighting 2: Price 3: Technical value Information Correspond with the Buyer administrative dcpaj@montelimar-agglo.fr Tel: 04 75 53 10 74 Documents Consultation regulations Business Consultation File All consultation documents can be found on the buyer profile: Yes Offers Submission of offers on 20/11/24 at 5:00 p.m. at the latest. Submission Submit a dematerialized envelope Submission of offers by electronic catalog: Prohibited Additional information The submission of envelopes must be imperatively submitted by dematerialized means. Communication: Use of means of communication not commonly available: no reduction in the number of candidates: no Sent on 10/18/24 for publicationno Sent on 10/18/24 for publicationno Sent on 10/18/24 for publicationno Sent on 10/18/24 for publicationno Sent on 10/18/24 for publication- Appropriate declaration from banks or proof of insurance for professional risks. - Declaration concerning the overall turnover and the turnover concerning the supplies, services or works subject to the contract, carried out during the last three available financial years. Certificate of insurance for professional risks (Professional Civil Liability); Professional reference and technical capacity: List and brief description of the selection criteria, indication of the information and documents required: - Certificates of professional qualifications. Proof of the candidate's capacity may be provided by any means, in particular by professional identity certificates or work references attesting to the competence of the economic operator to carry out the service for which he is applying - Presentation of a list of the main supplies or services carried out during the last three years, indicating the amount, the date and the public or private recipient. References and/or detailed and verifiable experience of operations carried out over the last three (3) years or in progress or any other supporting documents to prove the candidate's ability to perform the contract(s) for which he/she is applying. Possibly, Qualifications and/or certification of the candidate. Reserved market: No Reduction in the number of candidates: No The consultation includes tranches: Yes Possibility of award without negotiation: Yes Mandatory visit: No Award criteria The most economically advantageous offer assessed according to the criteria set out below with their weighting 2: Price 3: Technical value Information Correspond with the Buyer administrative dcpaj@montelimar-agglo.fr Tel: 04 75 53 10 74 Documents Consultation regulations Business Consultation File All consultation documents can be found on the buyer profile: Yes Offers Submission of offers on 20/11/24 at 5:00 p.m. at the latest. Submission Submit a dematerialized Folder Presentation of offers by electronic catalog: Prohibited Additional information The submission of folds must imperatively be submitted by dematerialized means. Communication: Use of means of communication not commonly available: no reduction in the number of candidates: no Sending on 10/18/24 for publication- Appropriate declaration from banks or proof of insurance for professional risks. - Declaration concerning the overall turnover and the turnover concerning the supplies, services or works subject to the contract, carried out during the last three available financial years. Certificate of insurance for professional risks (Professional Civil Liability); Professional reference and technical capacity: List and brief description of the selection criteria, indication of the information and documents required: - Certificates of professional qualifications. Proof of the candidate's capacity may be provided by any means, in particular by professional identity certificates or work references attesting to the competence of the economic operator to carry out the service for which he is applying - Presentation of a list of the main supplies or services carried out during the last three years, indicating the amount, the date and the public or private recipient. References and/or detailed and verifiable experience of operations carried out over the last three (3) years or in progress or any other supporting documents to prove the candidate's ability to perform the contract(s) for which he/she is applying. Possibly, Qualifications and/or certification of the candidate. Reserved market: No Reduction in the number of candidates: No The consultation includes tranches: Yes Possibility of award without negotiation: Yes Mandatory visit: No Award criteria The most economically advantageous offer assessed according to the criteria set out below with their weighting 2: Price 3: Technical value Information Correspond with the Buyer administrative dcpaj@montelimar-agglo.fr Tel: 04 75 53 10 74 Documents Consultation regulations Business Consultation File All consultation documents can be found on the buyer profile: Yes Offers Submission of offers on 20/11/24 at 5:00 p.m. at the latest. Submission Submit a dematerialized Folder Presentation of offers by electronic catalog: Prohibited Additional information The submission of folds must imperatively be submitted by dematerialized means. Communication: Use of means of communication not commonly available: no reduction in the number of candidates: no Sending on 10/18/24 for publicationList and brief description of the selection criteria, indication of the information and documents required: - Certificates of professional qualifications. Proof of the candidate's ability may be provided by any means, in particular by professional identity certificates or work references attesting to the competence of the economic operator to carry out the service for which he is applying - Presentation of a list of the main supplies or services carried out over the last three years, indicating the amount, date and public or private recipient. Detailed and verifiable references and/or experience of operations carried out over the last three (3) years or in progress or any other supporting documents to prove the candidate's ability to perform the contract(s) for which he is applying. Possibly, Qualifications and/or certification of the candidate. Reserved market: No Reduction in the number of candidates: No The consultation includes tranches: Yes Possibility of award without negotiation: Yes Mandatory visit: No Award criteria The most economically advantageous offer assessed according to the criteria set out below with their weighting 2: Price 3: Technical value Information Correspond with the Buyer administrative dcpaj@montelimar-agglo.fr Tel: 04 75 53 10 74 Documents Consultation regulations Business Consultation File All consultation documents can be found on the buyer profile: Yes Offers Submission of offers on 20/11/24 at 5:00 p.m. at the latest. Submission Submit a dematerialized envelope Submission of offers by electronic catalog: Prohibited Additional information The submission of envelopes must be imperatively submitted by dematerialized means. Communication: Use of means of communication not commonly available: no reduction in the number of candidates: no Sent on 10/18/24 for publicationList and brief description of the selection criteria, indication of the information and documents required: - Certificates of professional qualifications. Proof of the candidate's ability may be provided by any means, in particular by professional identity certificates or work references attesting to the competence of the economic operator to carry out the service for which he is applying - Presentation of a list of the main supplies or services carried out over the last three years, indicating the amount, date and public or private recipient. Detailed and verifiable references and/or experience of operations carried out over the last three (3) years or in progress or any other supporting documents to prove the candidate's ability to perform the contract(s) for which he is applying. Possibly, Qualifications and/or certification of the candidate. Reserved market: No Reduction in the number of candidates: No The consultation includes tranches: Yes Possibility of award without negotiation: Yes Mandatory visit: No Award criteria The most economically advantageous offer assessed according to the criteria set out below with their weighting 2: Price 3: Technical value Information Correspond with the Buyer administrative dcpaj@montelimar-agglo.fr Tel: 04 75 53 10 74 Documents Consultation regulations Business Consultation File All consultation documents can be found on the buyer profile: Yes Offers Submission of offers on 20/11/24 at 5:00 p.m. at the latest. Submission Submit a dematerialized envelope Submission of offers by electronic catalog: Prohibited Additional information The submission of envelopes must be imperatively submitted by dematerialized means. Communication: Use of means of communication not commonly available: no reduction in the number of candidates: no Sent on 10/18/24 for publicationReserved market: No Reduction in the number of candidates: No The consultation includes tranches: Yes Possibility of award without negotiation: Yes Mandatory visit: No Award criteria The most economically advantageous offer assessed according to the criteria set out below with their weighting 2: Price 3: Technical value Information Correspond with the Buyer administrative dcpaj@montelimar-agglo.fr Tel: 04 75 53 10 74 Documents Consultation regulations Business Consultation File All consultation documents can be found on the buyer profile: Yes Offers Submission of offers on 20/11/24 at 5:00 p.m. at the latest. Submission Submit a dematerialized envelope Submission of offers by electronic catalog: Prohibited Additional information The submission of envelopes must be imperatively submitted by dematerialized means. Communication: Use of means of communication not commonly available: no reduction in the number of candidates: no Sent on 10/18/24 for publicationReserved market: No Reduction in the number of candidates: No The consultation includes tranches: Yes Possibility of award without negotiation: Yes Mandatory visit: No Award criteria The most economically advantageous offer assessed according to the criteria set out below with their weighting 2: Price 3: Technical value Information Correspond with the Buyer administrative dcpaj@montelimar-agglo.fr Tel: 04 75 53 10 74 Documents Consultation regulations Business Consultation File All consultation documents can be found on the buyer profile: Yes Offers Submission of offers on 20/11/24 at 5:00 p.m. at the latest. Submission Submit a dematerialized envelope Submission of offers by electronic catalog: Prohibited Additional information The submission of envelopes must be imperatively submitted by dematerialized means. Communication: Use of means of communication not commonly available: no reduction in the number of candidates: no Sent on 10/18/24 for publication
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