Tender Details

Prestation de service de commissariat aux comptes 83000 Toulon Service - Procédure Adaptée Provision of statutory audit services 83000 Toulon Service - Adapted Procedure

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Prestation de service de commissariat aux comptes 83000 Toulon Service - Procédure Adaptée Crédit Municipal de Toulon Appel d'offres: Crédit Municipal de Toulon Appels d'offres Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Var toulon Avis précédent Retour à la liste des avis Avis suivant Prestation de service de commissariat aux comptes AVIS REGLEMENT DOSSIER QUESTIONS DEPOT Prestation de service de commissariat aux comptes Crédit Municipal de Toulon 83000 Toulon Service - Procédure Adaptée Date limite de l'offre : 22/11/2024 à 16h00 Avis initial Partager Imprimer Aperçu de l'annonce FNS SIMPLIFIÉ AVIS DE MARCHÉ Annonce No : cdd959be-8c19-44c3-80ae-ba562a277b1f I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Section 1 : Identification de l'acheteur Nom complet de l'acheteur : Caisse de Crédit Municipal de Toulon Type de Numéro national d'identification : SIRET N° National d'identification : 26830080300197 Code Postal : 83000 Ville : Toulon Groupement de commandes : Non Section 2 : Communication Moyen d'accès aux documents de la consultation : Lien vers le profil d'acheteur :https://www.e-marchespublics.com/appel-offre/1046183 Identifiant interne de la consultation : 2024-1 L'intégralité des documents de la consultation se trouve sur le profil d'acheteur : Oui Utilisation de moyens de communication non communément disponibles : Non Contact : ROLLAND Hélène email :helene.rolland@credit-municipal-toulon.fr Tél : +33 494189620 Section 3 : Procedure Type de procédure : Procédure adaptée ouverte Condition de participation : Aptitude à exercer l'activité professionnelle - conditions / moyens de preuve : Pour les personnes morales, le candidat devra joindre les justificatifs de la constitution (statuts). Il devra préciser s'il est en redressement judiciaire et produire une copie du jugement prononcé. Il attestera sur l'honneur qu'il n'entre dans aucun des cas mentionnés. Pour les CAC qui auraient un contrat en cours avec l'établissement arrivant à échéance, ces candidats ne pourront postuler qu'à condition d'être en mesure de respecter les obligations relatives à la durée des mandats par société et par associé pendant le nouveau marché. Capacité économique et financière - conditions / moyens de preuve : Elles seront appréciées au regard des chiffres d'affaires et des résultats du candidat sur les trois dernières années. Aucune exigence de CA minimal n'est imposée. Ceux-ci seront appréciés au cas par cas Capacités techniques et professionnelles - conditions / moyens de preuve : Devront être fournies : - les attestations d'inscription de la société et des associés concernés sur la liste des Commissaires aux comptes de la CRCC et de l'ordre des experts comptables. - la déclaration auprès de l'ACPR - une attestation d'assurance responsabilité civile. Le Crédit Municipal pourra, s'il le juge nécessaire, demander aux candidats de compléter ou corriger leur dossier de candidature. Technique d'achat : Sans objet Date et heure limites de réception des plis : 22 Novembre 2024 à 16:00 Présentation des offres par catalogue électronique : Interdite Réduction du nombre de candidats : Non Possibilité d'attribution sans négociation (Attribution sur la base de l'offre initiale) : Oui L'acheteur exige la présentation de variantes : Non Critères d'attribution : 1) Le prix : 59%. Les notes de chaque entreprise sont ramenées à une note globale de 59 sur 100 de la manière suivante : ((100*prix de l'offre la moins chère)/prix de l'offre)*59%. Devront être indiqués sur l'imprimé DPGF fourni : - Le coût annuel TTC des honoraires d'une part, - En parallèle, le nombre annuel d'heures-homme consacrées aux contrôles, aux réunions du Comité d'Orientation et de Surveillance, comités spécialisés et aux entretiens avec la direction, - Le coût maximal forfaitaire TTC des frais de déplacement et hébergement, - Le total TTC annuel global. En aucun cas l'intervention du suppléant ne pourra donner lieu à rémunération. 2) La qualité technique de l'offre : 40%. Une note sur 40 sur 100 est ainsi attribuée : - Implantation sur place ou facilité d'intervention : noté sur 5 - Références générales, références auprès des banques, références auprès d'un Crédit Municipal : noté sur 15 - Qualité de l'organisation présentée, des équipes mises à disposition, des délais proposés, du service rendu, de la disponibilité du Commissaire aux comptes et de ses équipes : noté sur 15 - Mêmes critères appliqués au suppléant qui devra donc fournir la présentation correspondante : noté sur 5 3) Impact Responsabilité Sociétale et Environnementale (RSE) : 1% Section 4 : Identification du marché Intitulé du marché : Prestation de service de commissariat aux comptes CPV - Objet principal : 79211000. Type de marché : Services Description succincte du marché : La présente consultation a pour objet la prestation de commissariat aux comptes, la désignation et du Commissaire aux comptes titulaire et de son suppléant dans le cadre de l'exécution des missions de contrôle légal et de certification des comptes des exercices 2025 à 2030 inclus, en application des dispositions des articles L225-218 et suivants du code de commerce, L225-40, L820-1 à L823-20 et R225-161 et suivants et R821-1 R823-21 dudit code. Les candidats doivent répondre aux obligations imposées par l'ordonnance 2016-315 du 17 mars 20216 et notamment par le titre II du livre VIII du code de commerce qu'elle a modifié (articles L820-1 à L824-16), ainsi qu'aux préconisations de l'ACPR et directives européennes pour la profession. Lieu principal d'exécution du marché : Caisse de Crédit Municipal de Toulon - Place Besagne - Bat A - 83000 TOULON Durée du marché (en mois) : 72 Valeur estimée hors taxes du besoin comprise entre : 150000 Euros et 214000 Euros La consultation comporte des tranches : Non La consultation prévoit une réservation de tout ou partie du marché : Non Marché alloti : Non Mots descripteurs : Prestations de services. Section 6 : Informations Complementaires Visite obligatoire :Non Date d'envoi du présent avis : 21 Octobre 2024 Dossier de consultation Le téléchargement du dossier de consultation nécessite d'être authentifié pour être alerté des modifications et des précisions susceptibles d'être apportées en cours de consultation. : CA Provence Verte M.2024-52-MARCHE D'ASSURANCES FLOTTE AUTOMOBILE ET RISQUES ANNEXES COMMUNAUTE D'AGGLOMERATION DE LA PROVENCE VERTE Date limite de dépôt : 21/11/2024 à 12h00 Plus d'informations CMAR PACA FOURNITURE ET LIVRAISON DES EQUIPEMENTS DES METIERS DE MAINTENANCE AUTO MOTO ET NAVALE DE LA CMAR PACA Date limite de dépôt : 18/11/2024 à 12h00 Plus d'informations SM DES EAUX DU VERDON TRAVAUX DE RENOUVELLEMENT DE CONDUITES AEP SUR LE TERRITOIRE DU SYNDICAT MIXTE - ARTIGNOSC AEP Tranche 3 Date limite de dépôt : 08/11/2024 à 17h00 Plus d'informations CA Provence Verte M.2024-17 Création de deux aires de covoiturage sur les communes de Rocbaron (83136) et Brignoles (83170) Date limite de dépôt : 08/11/2024 à 12h00 Plus d'informations CA Provence Verte M.2024-18 : Programme de sensibilisation au tri et à la réduction des déchets et d'accompagnement des projets d'éducation à l'environnement et au développement durable des établissements scolaires Date limite de dépôt : 06/11/2024 à 12h00 Plus d'informations Commune de la Celle FOURNITURE DE REPAS POUR LA CANTINE SCOLAIRE ET LE PERISCOLAIRE. Date limite de dépôt : 30/10/2024 à 16h30 Plus d'informations Commune de la Celle Réserve incendie du Quartier de Recabelière Date limite de dépôt : 30/10/2024 à 16h30 Plus d'informations GCS SANTALYS RESTAURATION Fournitures de pains et viennoiseries Date limite de dépôt : 29/10/2024 à 12h00 Plus d'informations Mairie Le Beausset Avis d'appel a candidatures pour les manifestations organisees par la Commune du beausset ouvertes aux stands commerciaux et food Trucks pour l'annee 2024 Date limite de dépôt : 21/11/2024 à 12h00 Plus d'informations SAGEP Travaux de construction d'un DOJO pour la commune du CASTELLET 83330 Date limite de dépôt : 07/11/2024 à 12h00 Plus d'informations Besoin d'aide Voir les questions fréquentes. :Expéditeur :Sujet :Message : Envoyer 916 955  entreprises enregistrées Voir l'audience certifiée ACPM-OJD 47 958 978   . 2003-2024    . Tous droits réservés FAQ |  Rejoignez-nous |  Conditions générales d'utilisation  |  Politique de confidentialité |  Cookies |  Recherche |  Fourni par Dematis Suivez-nous sur les réseaux sociaux : Rejoignez-nousMentions légalesPolitique de confidentialitéCookiesRechercheFourni par Dematis 2003-2024    . Tous droits réservés Provision of statutory audit services 83000 Toulon Service - Adapted Procedure Crédit Municipal de Toulon Call for tenders: Crédit Municipal de Toulon Calls for tenders Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Var toulon Previous notice Back to list of notices Next notice Provision of statutory audit services NOTICE REGULATION FILE QUESTIONS SUBMISSION Provision of statutory audit services Crédit Municipal de Toulon 83000 Toulon Service - Adapted Procedure Deadline for tender: 11/22/2024 at 4:00 p.m. Initial notice Share Print Preview of the announcement SIMPLIFIED FNS NOTICE OF CONTRACT Announcement No.: cdd959be-8c19-44c3-80ae-ba562a277b1f I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Section 1: Identification of the buyer Full name of the buyer: Caisse de Crédit Municipal de Toulon Type of national identification number: SIRET National identification number: 26830080300197 Postal code: 83000 City: Toulon Group of orders: No Section 2: Communication Means of access to consultation documents: Link to the buyer profile: https://www.e-marchespublics.com/appel-offre/1046183 Internal identifier of the consultation: 2024-1 All consultation documents can be found on the buyer profile: Yes Use of means of communication not commonly available: No Contact: ROLLAND Hélène email: helene.rolland@credit-municipal-toulon.fr Tel: +33 494189620 Section 3: Procedure Type of procedure: Open adapted procedure Condition of participation: Ability to exercise the professional activity - conditions / means of proof : For legal entities, the candidate must attach supporting documents for the incorporation (statutes). He must specify whether he is in receivership and produce a copy of the judgment issued. He will certify on his honor that he does not fall into any of the cases mentioned. For CACs who have a current contract with the establishment that is expiring, these candidates will only be able to apply on condition that they are able to comply with the obligations relating to the duration of mandates per company and per partner during the new contract. Economic and financial capacity - conditions / means of proof: These will be assessed in light of the candidate's turnover and results over the last three years. No minimum turnover requirement is imposed. These will be assessed on a case-by-case basis Technical and professional capacities - conditions / means of proof: The following must be provided: - certificates of registration of the company and the partners concerned on the list of Auditors of the CRCC and the order of chartered accountants. - the declaration to the ACPR - a certificate of civil liability insurance. The Municipal Credit may, if it deems it necessary, ask candidates to complete or correct their application file.Purchasing technique: Not applicable Deadline and time for receipt of bids: November 22, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. Submission of offers by electronic catalog: Prohibited Reduction in the number of candidates: No Possibility of award without negotiation (Award on the basis of the initial offer): Yes The buyer requires the submission of variants: No Award criteria: 1) Price: 59%. The scores of each company are reduced to an overall score of 59 out of 100 as follows: ((100*price of the cheapest offer)/price of the offer)*59%. The following must be indicated on the DPGF form provided: - The annual cost including tax of the fees on the one hand, - In parallel, the annual number of man-hours devoted to inspections, meetings of the Steering and Supervisory Committee, specialized committees and interviews with management, - The maximum fixed cost including tax of travel and accommodation expenses, - The overall annual total including tax. Under no circumstances may the intervention of the substitute give rise to remuneration. 2) The technical quality of the offer: 40%. A score out of 40 out of 100 is thus awarded: - On-site establishment or ease of intervention: scored out of 5 - General references, references to banks, references to a Municipal Credit: scored out of 15 - Quality of the organization presented, of the teams made available, of the deadlines proposed, of the service provided, of the availability of the Statutory Auditor and his teams: scored out of 15 - Same criteria applied to the substitute who must therefore provide the corresponding presentation: scored out of 5 3) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Impact: 1% Section 4: Identification of the market Title of the market: Provision of statutory audit services CPV - Main object: 79211000. Type of market: Services Brief description of the market: The purpose of this consultation is the provision of statutory audit services, the appointment of the statutory auditor and his substitute in the context of the execution of statutory audit and account certification missions. of the 2025 to 2030 financial years inclusive, in application of the provisions of Articles L225-218 et seq. of the French Commercial Code, L225-40, L820-1 to L823-20 and R225-161 et seq. and R821-1 R823-21 of said Code. Candidates must meet the obligations imposed by Ordinance 2016-315 of March 17, 20216 and in particular by Title II of Book VIII of the French Commercial Code which it amended (Articles L820-1 to L824-16), as well as the recommendations of the ACPR and European directives for the profession. Main place of execution of the contract: Caisse de Crédit Municipal de Toulon - Place Besagne - Bat A - 83000 TOULON Duration of the contract (in months): 72 Estimated value excluding tax of the requirement between: 150,000 Euros and 214,000 Euros The consultation includes tranches:No The consultation provides for a reservation of all or part of the market: No Allotted market: No Descriptive words: Provision of services. Section 6: Additional information Mandatory visit: No Date of dispatch of this notice: October 21, 2024 Consultation file Downloading the consultation file requires authentication to be alerted of modifications and clarifications likely to be made during the consultation. : CA Provence Verte M.2024-52-AUTOMOBILE FLEET INSURANCE MARKET AND ANNEXED RISKS PROVENCE VERTE AGGLOMERATION COMMUNITY Deadline for submission: 11/21/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information CMAR PACA SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF EQUIPMENT FOR THE AUTO, MOTORCYCLE AND NAVAL MAINTENANCE TRADES OF CMAR PACA Deadline for submission: 11/18/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information SM DES EAUX DU VERDON WORK TO RENEW AEP PIPES ON THE TERRITORY OF THE JOINT SYNDICATE - ARTIGNOSC AEP Tranche 3 Deadline for submission: 11/08/2024 at 5:00 p.m. More information CA Provence Verte M.2024-17 Creation of two carpooling areas in the municipalities of Rocbaron (83136) and Brignoles (83170) Deadline for submission: 08/11/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information CA Provence Verte M.2024-18: Program to raise awareness of sorting and waste reduction and support for environmental education and sustainable development projects in schools Deadline for submission: 06/11/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Municipality of La Celle SUPPLY OF MEALS FOR THE SCHOOL CANTEEN AND PERISCHOOL CARE. Deadline for submission: 10/30/2024 at 4:30 p.m. More information Municipality of La Celle Fire reserve of the Recabelière district Deadline for submission: 10/30/2024 at 4:30 p.m. More information GCS SANTALYS RESTAURATION Supplies of breads and pastries Deadline for submission: 10/29/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Le Beausset Town Hall Notice of call for applications for events organized by the Municipality of Le Beausset open to commercial stands and food trucks for the year 2024 Deadline for submission: 11/21/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information SAGEP Construction work on a DOJO for the municipality of CASTELLET 83330 Deadline for submission: 11/07/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Need help See frequently asked questions. :Sender :Subject :Message : Send 916,955 registered companies View the ACPM-OJD certified audience 47,958,978 . 2003-2024 . All rights reserved FAQ | Join us | Terms of use | Privacy policy | Cookies | Search | Powered by Dematis Follow us on social media: Join usLegal noticesPrivacy policyCookiesSearchPowered by Dematis 2003-2024 . All rights reservedAdditional Information Mandatory visit: No Date of dispatch of this notice: October 21, 2024 Consultation file Downloading the consultation file requires authentication to be alerted of modifications and clarifications that may be made during the consultation. : CA Provence Verte M.2024-52-AUTOMOBILE FLEET INSURANCE MARKET AND ANNEXED RISKS PROVENCE VERTE AGGLOMERATION COMMUNITY Deadline for submission: 11/21/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information CMAR PACA SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF EQUIPMENT FOR THE AUTO, MOTORCYCLE AND NAVAL MAINTENANCE TRADES OF CMAR PACA Deadline for submission: 11/18/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information SM DES EAUX DU VERDON WORK TO RENEW AEP PIPES ON THE TERRITORY OF THE JOINT SYNDICATE - ARTIGNOSC AEP Tranche 3 Deadline for submission: 11/08/2024 at 5:00 p.m. More information CA Provence Verte M.2024-17 Creation of two carpooling areas in the municipalities of Rocbaron (83136) and Brignoles (83170) Deadline for submission: 08/11/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information CA Provence Verte M.2024-18: Program to raise awareness of sorting and waste reduction and support for environmental education and sustainable development projects in schools Deadline for submission: 06/11/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Municipality of La Celle SUPPLY OF MEALS FOR THE SCHOOL CANTEEN AND PERISCHOOL CARE. Deadline for submission: 10/30/2024 at 4:30 p.m. More information Municipality of La Celle Fire reserve of the Recabelière district Deadline for submission: 10/30/2024 at 4:30 p.m. More information GCS SANTALYS RESTAURATION Supplies of breads and pastries Deadline for submission: 10/29/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Le Beausset Town Hall Notice of call for applications for events organized by the Municipality of Le Beausset open to commercial stands and food trucks for the year 2024 Deadline for submission: 11/21/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information SAGEP Construction work on a DOJO for the municipality of CASTELLET 83330 Deadline for submission: 11/07/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Need help See frequently asked questions. :Sender :Subject :Message : Send 916,955 registered companies View the ACPM-OJD certified audience 47,958,978 . 2003-2024 . All rights reserved FAQ | Join us | Terms of use | Privacy policy | Cookies | Search | Powered by Dematis Follow us on social media: Join usLegal noticesPrivacy policyCookiesSearchPowered by Dematis 2003-2024 . All rights reservedAdditional Information Mandatory visit: No Date of dispatch of this notice: October 21, 2024 Consultation file Downloading the consultation file requires authentication to be alerted of modifications and clarifications that may be made during the consultation. : CA Provence Verte M.2024-52-AUTOMOBILE FLEET INSURANCE MARKET AND ANNEXED RISKS PROVENCE VERTE AGGLOMERATION COMMUNITY Deadline for submission: 11/21/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information CMAR PACA SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF EQUIPMENT FOR THE AUTO, MOTORCYCLE AND NAVAL MAINTENANCE TRADES OF CMAR PACA Deadline for submission: 11/18/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information SM DES EAUX DU VERDON WORK TO RENEW AEP PIPES ON THE TERRITORY OF THE JOINT SYNDICATE - ARTIGNOSC AEP Tranche 3 Deadline for submission: 11/08/2024 at 5:00 p.m. More information CA Provence Verte M.2024-17 Creation of two carpooling areas in the municipalities of Rocbaron (83136) and Brignoles (83170) Deadline for submission: 08/11/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information CA Provence Verte M.2024-18: Program to raise awareness of sorting and waste reduction and support for environmental education and sustainable development projects in schools Deadline for submission: 06/11/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Municipality of La Celle SUPPLY OF MEALS FOR THE SCHOOL CANTEEN AND PERISCHOOL CARE. Deadline for submission: 10/30/2024 at 4:30 p.m. More information Municipality of La Celle Fire reserve of the Recabelière district Deadline for submission: 10/30/2024 at 4:30 p.m. More information GCS SANTALYS RESTAURATION Supplies of breads and pastries Deadline for submission: 10/29/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Le Beausset Town Hall Notice of call for applications for events organized by the Municipality of Le Beausset open to commercial stands and food trucks for the year 2024 Deadline for submission: 11/21/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information SAGEP Construction work on a DOJO for the municipality of CASTELLET 83330 Deadline for submission: 11/07/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Need help See frequently asked questions. :Sender :Subject :Message : Send 916,955 registered companies View the ACPM-OJD certified audience 47,958,978 . 2003-2024 . All rights reserved FAQ | Join us | Terms of use | Privacy policy | Cookies | Search | Powered by Dematis Follow us on social media: Join usLegal noticesPrivacy policyCookiesSearchPowered by Dematis 2003-2024 . All rights reservedOctober 21, 2024 Consultation file Downloading the consultation file requires authentication to be alerted of changes and clarifications that may be made during the consultation. : CA Provence Verte M.2024-52-AUTOMOBILE FLEET INSURANCE MARKET AND ANNEXED RISKS PROVENCE VERTE AGGLOMERATION COMMUNITY Deadline for submission: 11/21/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information CMAR PACA SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF EQUIPMENT FOR THE AUTO, MOTORCYCLE AND NAVAL MAINTENANCE TRADES OF CMAR PACA Deadline for submission: 11/18/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information SM DES EAUX DU VERDON WORK TO RENEW AEP PIPES ON THE TERRITORY OF THE JOINT SYNDICATE - ARTIGNOSC AEP Tranche 3 Deadline for submission: 11/08/2024 at 5:00 p.m. More information CA Provence Verte M.2024-17 Creation of two carpooling areas in the municipalities of Rocbaron (83136) and Brignoles (83170) Deadline for submission: 08/11/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information CA Provence Verte M.2024-18: Program to raise awareness of sorting and waste reduction and support for environmental education and sustainable development projects in schools Deadline for submission: 06/11/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Municipality of La Celle SUPPLY OF MEALS FOR THE SCHOOL CANTEEN AND PERISCHOOL CARE. Deadline for submission: 10/30/2024 at 4:30 p.m. More information Municipality of La Celle Fire reserve of the Recabelière district Deadline for submission: 10/30/2024 at 4:30 p.m. More information GCS SANTALYS RESTAURATION Supplies of breads and pastries Deadline for submission: 10/29/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Le Beausset Town Hall Notice of call for applications for events organized by the Municipality of Le Beausset open to commercial stands and food trucks for the year 2024 Deadline for submission: 11/21/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information SAGEP Construction work on a DOJO for the municipality of CASTELLET 83330 Deadline for submission: 11/07/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Need help See frequently asked questions. :Sender :Subject :Message : Send 916,955 registered companies View the ACPM-OJD certified audience 47,958,978 . 2003-2024 . All rights reserved FAQ | Join us | Terms of use | Privacy policy | Cookies | Search | Powered by Dematis Follow us on social media: Join usLegal noticesPrivacy policyCookiesSearchPowered by Dematis 2003-2024 . All rights reservedOctober 21, 2024 Consultation file Downloading the consultation file requires authentication to be alerted of changes and clarifications that may be made during the consultation. : CA Provence Verte M.2024-52-AUTOMOBILE FLEET INSURANCE MARKET AND ANNEXED RISKS PROVENCE VERTE AGGLOMERATION COMMUNITY Deadline for submission: 11/21/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information CMAR PACA SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF EQUIPMENT FOR THE AUTO, MOTORCYCLE AND NAVAL MAINTENANCE TRADES OF CMAR PACA Deadline for submission: 11/18/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information SM DES EAUX DU VERDON WORK TO RENEW AEP PIPES ON THE TERRITORY OF THE JOINT SYNDICATE - ARTIGNOSC AEP Tranche 3 Deadline for submission: 11/08/2024 at 5:00 p.m. More information CA Provence Verte M.2024-17 Creation of two carpooling areas in the municipalities of Rocbaron (83136) and Brignoles (83170) Deadline for submission: 08/11/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information CA Provence Verte M.2024-18: Program to raise awareness of sorting and waste reduction and support for environmental education and sustainable development projects in schools Deadline for submission: 06/11/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Municipality of La Celle SUPPLY OF MEALS FOR THE SCHOOL CANTEEN AND PERISCHOOL CARE. Deadline for submission: 10/30/2024 at 4:30 p.m. More information Municipality of La Celle Fire reserve of the Recabelière district Deadline for submission: 10/30/2024 at 4:30 p.m. More information GCS SANTALYS RESTAURATION Supplies of breads and pastries Deadline for submission: 10/29/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Le Beausset Town Hall Notice of call for applications for events organized by the Municipality of Le Beausset open to commercial stands and food trucks for the year 2024 Deadline for submission: 11/21/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information SAGEP Construction work on a DOJO for the municipality of CASTELLET 83330 Deadline for submission: 11/07/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Need help See frequently asked questions. :Sender :Subject :Message : Send 916,955 registered companies View the ACPM-OJD certified audience 47,958,978 . 2003-2024 . All rights reserved FAQ | Join us | Terms of use | Privacy policy | Cookies | Search | Powered by Dematis Follow us on social media: Join usLegal noticesPrivacy policyCookiesSearchPowered by Dematis 2003-2024 . All rights reserved11/18/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information SM DES EAUX DU VERDON WORK TO RENEW AEP PIPES ON THE TERRITORY OF THE JOINT SYNDICATE - ARTIGNOSC AEP Tranche 3 Deadline for submission: 11/08/2024 at 5:00 p.m. More information CA Provence Verte M.2024-17 Creation of two carpooling areas in the municipalities of Rocbaron (83136) and Brignoles (83170) Deadline for submission: 11/08/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information CA Provence Verte M.2024-18: Awareness program for sorting and reducing waste and supporting environmental education and sustainable development projects in schools Deadline for submission: 11/06/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Commune of La Celle SUPPLY OF MEALS FOR THE SCHOOL CANTEEN AND PERISCHOOL CARE. Deadline for submission: 10/30/2024 at 4:30 p.m. More information Municipality of La Celle Fire reserve of the Recabelière district Deadline for submission: 10/30/2024 at 4:30 p.m. More information GCS SANTALYS RESTAURATION Supplies of breads and pastries Deadline for submission: 10/29/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Le Beausset Town Hall Notice of call for applications for events organized by the Municipality of Le Beausset open to commercial stands and food trucks for the year 2024 Deadline for submission: 11/21/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information SAGEP Construction work on a DOJO for the municipality of CASTELLET 83330 Deadline for submission: 11/07/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Need help See frequently asked questions. :Sender :Subject :Message : Send 916,955 registered companies View the ACPM-OJD certified audience 47,958,978 . 2003-2024 . All rights reserved FAQ | Join us | Terms of use | Privacy policy | Cookies | Search | Powered by Dematis Follow us on social media: Join usLegal noticesPrivacy policyCookiesSearchPowered by Dematis 2003-2024 . All rights reserved11/18/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information SM DES EAUX DU VERDON WORK TO RENEW AEP PIPES ON THE TERRITORY OF THE JOINT SYNDICATE - ARTIGNOSC AEP Tranche 3 Deadline for submission: 11/08/2024 at 5:00 p.m. More information CA Provence Verte M.2024-17 Creation of two carpooling areas in the municipalities of Rocbaron (83136) and Brignoles (83170) Deadline for submission: 11/08/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information CA Provence Verte M.2024-18: Awareness program for sorting and reducing waste and supporting environmental education and sustainable development projects in schools Deadline for submission: 11/06/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Commune of La Celle SUPPLY OF MEALS FOR THE SCHOOL CANTEEN AND PERISCHOOL CARE. Deadline for submission: 10/30/2024 at 4:30 p.m. More information Municipality of La Celle Fire reserve of the Recabelière district Deadline for submission: 10/30/2024 at 4:30 p.m. More information GCS SANTALYS RESTAURATION Supplies of breads and pastries Deadline for submission: 10/29/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Le Beausset Town Hall Notice of call for applications for events organized by the Municipality of Le Beausset open to commercial stands and food trucks for the year 2024 Deadline for submission: 11/21/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information SAGEP Construction work on a DOJO for the municipality of CASTELLET 83330 Deadline for submission: 11/07/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Need help See frequently asked questions. :Sender :Subject :Message : Send 916,955 registered companies View the ACPM-OJD certified audience 47,958,978 . 2003-2024 . All rights reserved FAQ | Join us | Terms of use | Privacy policy | Cookies | Search | Powered by Dematis Follow us on social media: Join usLegal noticesPrivacy policyCookiesSearchPowered by Dematis 2003-2024 . All rights reserved10/30/2024 at 4:30 p.m. More information GCS SANTALYS RESTAURATION Supplies of breads and pastries Deadline for submission: 10/29/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Le Beausset Town Hall Notice of call for applications for events organized by the Municipality of Le Beausset open to commercial stands and food trucks for the year 2024 Deadline for submission: 11/21/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information SAGEP Construction work on a DOJO for the municipality of CASTELLET 83330 Deadline for submission: 11/07/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Need help See frequently asked questions. :Sender :Subject :Message : Send 916,955 registered companies View the ACPM-OJD certified audience 47,958,978 . 2003-2024 . All rights reserved FAQ | Join us | Terms of use | Privacy policy | Cookies | Search | Powered by Dematis Follow us on social media: Join usLegal noticesPrivacy policyCookiesSearchPowered by Dematis 2003-2024 . All rights reserved10/30/2024 at 4:30 p.m. More information GCS SANTALYS RESTAURATION Supplies of breads and pastries Deadline for submission: 10/29/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Le Beausset Town Hall Notice of call for applications for events organized by the Municipality of Le Beausset open to commercial stands and food trucks for the year 2024 Deadline for submission: 11/21/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information SAGEP Construction work on a DOJO for the municipality of CASTELLET 83330 Deadline for submission: 11/07/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Need help See frequently asked questions. :Sender :Subject :Message : Send 916,955 registered companies View the ACPM-OJD certified audience 47,958,978 . 2003-2024 . 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