Tender Details

Germany – Vehicles for refuse – Beschaffung von AWT-Trenncontainern Place of performance: Germany,Düsseldorf, Kreisfreie Stadt Main nature of the contract: Supplies Official name: Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf Type of procedure: Competitive dialogue Germany – Vehicles for refuse – Procurement of AWT separation containers Place of performance: Germany,Düsseldorf, Kreisfreie Stadt Main nature of the contract: Supplies Official name: Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf Type of procedure: Competitive dialogue

Published Date
Deadline Date
643758-2024 - Competition Competition Germany: Vehicles for refuse Beschaffung von AWT-Trenncontainern Germany, Düsseldorf, Kreisfreie Stadt (DEA11) Type of procedure: Competitive dialogue Buyer Buyer: Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf Email: submission@med.uni-duesseldorf.de Germany, Düsseldorf, Kreisfreie Stadt (DEA11), Düsseldorf LOT-0001: Beschaffung von AWT-Trenncontainern Vehicles for refuse Germany, Düsseldorf, Kreisfreie Stadt (DEA11) Start date: 01/08/2025 Duration end date: 30/09/2026 Deadline for receipt of requests to participate: 22/11/2024 - 10:00:00 (UTC+1) 643758-2024 - Competition Germany – Vehicles for refuse – Beschaffung von AWT-Trenncontainern OJ S 207/2024 23/10/2024 Contract or concession notice – standard regime Supplies 1. Buyer 1.1. Buyer Official name: Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf Email: submission@med.uni-duesseldorf.de Legal type of the buyer: Body governed by public law, controlled by a regional authority Activity of the contracting authority: Health 2. Procedure 2.1. Procedure Title: Beschaffung von AWT-Trenncontainern Description: siehe auch Anlage - Verfahrensbedingungen Das Verfahren ist in folgende drei Stufen gegliedert: Stufe 1: öffentlicher Teilnahmewettbewerb Stufe 2: Dialogphase mit den Unterphasen Konzepterarbeitungsphase, Konkretisierungs-/Musterphase und ggf. Überarbeitungsphase (optional) Stufe 3: Angebotsphase Die Aufforderung zur Teilnahme an der Dialogphase sowie zu den jeweiligen Unterphasen erfolgt durch den Auftraggeber jeweils mit gesondertem Schreiben über die Vergabeplattform. Zum Abschluss jeder Unterphase ist ein Präsentationstermin geplant, in dessen Ergebnis Hinweise des Gremiums zur Berücksichtigung in der Folgephase stehen. Der Auftraggeber behält sich vor, alle Erkenntnisse aus dem Verfahren in das Lastenheft einfließen zu lassen, welches der Auftraggeber im laufenden wettbewerblichen Dialog fortschreiben kann. Im Zuge des Vergabeverfahrens soll aus Gründen der Verhältnismäßigkeit hinsichtlich des Aufwands und der Kosten auf die Produktion und Testung von seriengefertigten Werkzeugen und Trenncontainern verzichtet werden. Stattdessen sollen durch die Bieter im Rahmen der Konkretisierungs-/Musterphase auf Basis der ausgewählten Lösungsvorschläge und Hinweise des Auftraggebers aus der ersten Dialogphase Mustercontainer hergestellt werden. Jeder Bieter, der ein letztverbindliches, wertbares Angebot abgibt, erhält eine pauschale Aufwandsentschädigung in Höhe eines Betrages von 20.000 EUR brutto. Mit diesem Betrag ist insbesondere auch die Einräumung der Nutzungsrechte etc. sowie die Herstellung und zur Verfügung Stellung des Mustercontainers sowie Übereignung an das UKD abgegolten. Die Aufwandsentschädigung wird für den Bieter, der den Zuschlag erhält, nicht gesondert vergütet. Im Auftragsfall ist die Leistung der Teilnahme am Verfahren mit dem Auftragswert abgegolten. Procedure identifier: 012aa4d2-cc3a-4925-a609-671a8184d93c Internal identifier: ZAS-011 Type of procedure: Competitive dialogue 2.1.1. Purpose Main nature of the contract: Supplies Main classification (cpv): 34144510 Vehicles for refuse Additional classification (cpv): 42417300 Conveyor equipment, 44613700 Refuse skips, 51511400 Installation services of special conveying systems 2.1.2. Place of performance Country subdivision (NUTS): Düsseldorf, Kreisfreie Stadt (DEA11) Country: Germany 2.1.4. General information Additional information: Bekanntmachungs-ID: CXPNYBBDGSA Ziel des Teilnahmewettbewerbs ist es, drei Bewerber für die Dialogphase auszuwählen. Die objektiven Kriterien für die Auswahl dieser geeigneten Bewerber sind in der Anlage - Matrix Ausschlusskriterien Teilnahmewettbewerb und Matrix Eignungskriterien Teilnahmewettbewerb sowie erläuternd in der Anlage - Bewerbungsformular ausgeführt. Ausschlusskriterien sind als solche gekennzeichnet. Die Eignungsnachweise sind vollständig mit dem Angebot einzureichen. Liegen Nachweise und Erklärungen nicht rechtzeitig vor, kann das Angebot wegen Unvollständigkeit ausgeschlossen werden. Ausländische Bieter haben gleichwertige Bescheinigungen ihres Herkunftslandes vorzulegen. Bei fremdsprachigen Bescheinigungen ist eine Übersetzung in die deutsche Sprache beizufügen. Im Falle einer Bietergemeinschaft sind die geforderten Eignungsnachweise wie in der Anlage - Bewerbungsformular beschrieben für jedes Mitglied der Gemeinschaft vorzulegen. Legal basis: Directive 2014/24/EU vgv - 2.1.6. Grounds for exclusion Purely national exclusion grounds: Analogous situation like bankruptcy under national law: Corruption: Participation in a criminal organisation: Agreements with other economic operators aimed at distorting competition: Breaching of obligations in the fields of environmental law: Money laundering or terrorist financing: Fraud: Child labour and other forms of trafficking in human beings: Insolvency: Breaching of obligations in the fields of labour law: Assets being administered by liquidator: Guilty of misrepresentation, withheld information, unable to provide required documents and obtained confidential information of this procedure: Conflict of interest due to its participation in the procurement procedure: Direct or indirect involvement in the preparation of this procurement procedure: Guilty of grave professional misconduct: Early termination, damages or other comparable sanctions: Breaching of obligations in the fields of social law: Payment of social security contributions: Business activities are suspended: Payment of taxes: Terrorist offences or offences linked to terrorist activities: 5. Lot 5.1. Lot: LOT-0001 Title: Beschaffung von AWT-Trenncontainern Description: Die vorhandenen Müllstationen auf dem Gelände des UKD werden in einer neuen Zentralen Abfallsammelstelle (ZAS) zusammengefasst. Die bisherigen Müllstationen werden zurück gebaut. Die bestehende AWT-Anlage wird für die Anbindung der ZAS erweitert. Für den Transport von Papier, Plastikverpackungen, Glas, Nassmüll sowie weiteren Abfallarten werden 171 AWT-Trenncontainer benötigt. Es handelt sich hierbei um Container, in denen verschiedene Wertstoffe getrennt voneinander vom Abfallentstehungsort bis zur ZAS mittels einer AWT-Anlage transportiert werden. Die ZAS besteht im EG aus einem "manuellen" und einem "automatischen Bereich". Im automatischen Bereich stehen vier stationären Pressen für die Verpressung von Restmüll in angedockte Press-/Transportbehälter. Die Entleerung der mittels AWT angedienten Abfallcontainer erfolgt automatisch mittels Kippvorrichtung in die stationären Pressen; deshalb wird vom "automatischen Bereich" gesprochen. Im "manuellen Bereich" stehen unter anderem die beiden Ballenpressen; je eine für Papier / Pappe und Kunststoff sowie Sammelcontainer für die anderen Abfallfraktionen. Im manuellen Bereich werden die mittels AWT angedienten Trenncontainer manuell entleert; deshalb wird vom "manuellen Bereich" gesprochen. Jeder der beiden Bereiche wird separat an die Bestands-AWT im UG über Etagenheber angebunden. Niveauausgleichs-Heber verbinden zusätzlich die beiden Bereiche im EG. siehe auch Anlage - Lastenheft Trenncontainer. Internal identifier: ZAS-011 5.1.1. Purpose Main nature of the contract: Supplies Main classification (cpv): 34144510 Vehicles for refuse Additional classification (cpv): 42417300 Conveyor equipment, 44613700 Refuse skips, 51511400 Installation services of special conveying systems 5.1.2. Place of performance Country subdivision (NUTS): Düsseldorf, Kreisfreie Stadt (DEA11) Country: Germany 5.1.3. Estimated duration Start date: 01/08/2025 Duration end date: 30/09/2026 5.1.6. General information Procurement Project not financed with EU Funds. The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): yes 5.1.7. Strategic procurement Aim of strategic procurement: No strategic procurement 5.1.9. Selection criteria Criterion: Type: Other Name: Betriebshaftpflichtversicherung Description: Ausschlusskriterium Als Deckungssummen der geforderten Betriebshaftpflichtversicherung sind jeweils 3,0 Mio. EUR für Personenschäden wie auch 3,0 Mio. EUR für sonstige Schäden je Schadensfall gefordert. Die Deckungssummen müssen pro Jahr 3-fach maximiert sein. Der Nachweis ist durch Vorlage der Erklärung zur Deckungszusage der Versicherung oder aber als Verpflichtungserklärung des Bewerbers zu erbringen, im Auftragsfall einen entsprechenden Versicherungsnachweis zu erbringen. Criterion: Type: Technical and professional ability Name: Unternehmensumsatz Description: Ausschlusskriterium Eigenerklärung zur Verwendung bestimmter Maschinen / Technologien / Werkzeuge im Produktionsprozess des Bewerbers sowie im Auftragsfall. Anhand der Kriterien werden die Bewerber ausgewählt, die zur zweiten Phase des Verfahrens eingeladen werden sollen. Criterion: Type: Economic and financial standing Name: Unternehmensumsatz Description: Ausschlusskriterium Eigenerklärung zum durchschnittlichen Nettojahresumsatz des Bewerbers für die letzten 3 abgeschlossenen Geschäftsjahren. Als Mindestanforderung wird ein durchschnittlicher Mindestumsatz über die letzten 3 abgeschlossenen Geschäftsjahre von 2,0 Mio. EUR netto gefordert. Anhand der Kriterien werden die Bewerber ausgewählt, die zur zweiten Phase des Verfahrens eingeladen werden sollen. Criterion: Type: Economic and financial standing Name: Produktionsvolumen AWT-Container Description: Eigenerklärung zur durchschnittlich jährlich hergestellten Anzahl AWT-Container (für EHB und FTS) des Bewerbers - bei Bewerbergemeinschaften von allen Mitgliedern zusammengenommen - für die letzten 3 abgeschlossenen Geschäftsjahre. Anhand der Kriterien werden die Bewerber ausgewählt, die zur zweiten Phase des Verfahrens eingeladen werden sollen. The criteria will be used to select the candidates to be invited for the second stage of the procedure Weight (percentage, exact): 10 Criterion: Type: Technical and professional ability Name: Unternehmensreferenz Description: Gefordert wird eine Referenz für die Konzeption, Herstellung und Lieferung von AWT-Rollcontainern in Serie (kein Mustercontainer) für den hängenden Transport innerhalb der letzten 10 Jahre. Für das Referenzprojekt sind die Angaben gemäß Anlage - Bewerbungsformular vollständig auszufüllen und zusätzlich eine Eigendarstellung beizulegen: Anhand der Kriterien werden die Bewerber ausgewählt, die zur zweiten Phase des Verfahrens eingeladen werden sollen. The criteria will be used to select the candidates to be invited for the second stage of the procedure Weight (percentage, exact): 90 Information about the second stage of a two-stage procedure: Minimum number of candidates to be invited for the second stage of the procedure: 3 Maximum number of candidates to be invited for the second stage of the procedure: 3 5.1.10. Award criteria Criterion: Type: Price Name: Angebotspreis Description: Angebotspreis Fixed value (total): 30 Criterion: Type: Quality Name: Qualität der Konstruktion Description: Unterkriterien siehe Anlage - Matrix Zuschlagskriterien Fixed value (total): 70 5.1.11. Procurement documents Languages in which the procurement documents are officially available: German Deadline for requesting additional information: 12/11/2024 00:00:00 (UTC+1) Address of the procurement documents: https://www.evergabe.nrw.de/VMPSatellite/notice/CXPNYBBDGSA/documents Ad hoc communication channel: URL: https://www.evergabe.nrw.de/VMPSatellite/notice/CXPNYBBDGSA 5.1.12. Terms of procurement Terms of submission: Electronic submission: Required Address for submission: https://www.evergabe.nrw.de/VMPSatellite/notice/CXPNYBBDGSA Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: German Electronic catalogue: Not allowed Variants: Not allowed Tenderers may submit more than one tender: Allowed Deadline for receipt of requests to participate: 22/11/2024 10:00:00 (UTC+1) Deadline until which the tender must remain valid: 8 Weeks Information that can be supplemented after the submission deadline: At the discretion of the buyer, some missing tenderer-related documents may be submitted later. Additional information: Wesentliche Preisangaben werden nicht nachgefordert. Terms of contract: The execution of the contract must be performed within the framework of sheltered employment programmes: No Electronic invoicing: Allowed Electronic ordering will be used: yes Electronic payment will be used: yes 5.1.15. Techniques Framework agreement: No framework agreement Information about the dynamic purchasing system: No dynamic purchase system 5.1.16. Further information, mediation and review Review organisation: Vergabekammer Rheinland c/o Bezirksregierung Köln Organisation providing additional information about the procurement procedure: Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf TED eSender: Datenservice Öffentlicher Einkauf (in Verantwortung des Beschaffungsamts des BMI) 8. Organisations 8.1. ORG-0001 Official name: Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf Registration number: DE119432190 Postal address: Moorenstr. 5 Town: Düsseldorf Postcode: 40225 Country subdivision (NUTS): Düsseldorf, Kreisfreie Stadt (DEA11) Country: Germany Contact point: Submissionsstelle Email: submission@med.uni-duesseldorf.de Telephone: +49 2118119301 Roles of this organisation: Buyer Central purchasing body awarding public contracts or concluding framework agreements for works, supplies or services intended for other buyers Organisation providing additional information about the procurement procedure 8.1. ORG-0002 Official name: Vergabekammer Rheinland c/o Bezirksregierung Köln Registration number: DE 812110859 Postal address: Zeughausstraße 2-10 Town: Köln Postcode: 50667 Country subdivision (NUTS): Köln, Kreisfreie Stadt (DEA23) Country: Germany Email: VKRheinland@bezreg-koeln.nrw.de Telephone: +49 221147-3055 Roles of this organisation: Review organisation 8.1. ORG-0003 Official name: Datenservice Öffentlicher Einkauf (in Verantwortung des Beschaffungsamts des BMI) Registration number: 0204:994-DOEVD-83 Town: Bonn Postcode: 53119 Country subdivision (NUTS): Bonn, Kreisfreie Stadt (DEA22) Country: Germany Email: noreply.esender_hub@bescha.bund.de Telephone: +49228996100 Roles of this organisation: TED eSender 11. Notice information 11.1. Notice information Notice identifier/version: 123d9144-9453-4876-a64b-efbd091dd8bb - 01 Form type: Competition Notice type: Contract or concession notice – standard regime Notice subtype: 16 Notice dispatch date: 22/10/2024 10:48:53 (UTC+2) Languages in which this notice is officially available: German 11.2. Publication information Notice publication number: 643758-2024 OJ S issue number: 207/2024 Publication date: 23/10/2024 Czech document download: https://ted.europa.eu/cs/notice/643758-2024/pdf Danish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/da/notice/643758-2024/pdf German document download: https://ted.europa.eu/de/notice/643758-2024/pdf Greek document download: https://ted.europa.eu/el/notice/643758-2024/pdf Spanish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/es/notice/643758-2024/pdf English document download: https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/643758-2024/pdf Estonian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/et/notice/643758-2024/pdf Finnish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/fi/notice/643758-2024/pdf French document download: https://ted.europa.eu/fr/notice/643758-2024/pdf Irish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/ga/notice/643758-2024/pdf Croatian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/hr/notice/643758-2024/pdf Hungarian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/hu/notice/643758-2024/pdf Italian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/it/notice/643758-2024/pdf Lithuanian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/lt/notice/643758-2024/pdf Latvian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/lv/notice/643758-2024/pdf Maltese document download: https://ted.europa.eu/mt/notice/643758-2024/pdf Dutch document download: https://ted.europa.eu/nl/notice/643758-2024/pdf Polska document download: https://ted.europa.eu/pl/notice/643758-2024/pdf Portuguese document download: https://ted.europa.eu/pt/notice/643758-2024/pdf Romanian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/ro/notice/643758-2024/pdf Slovak document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sk/notice/643758-2024/pdf Slovenian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sl/notice/643758-2024/pdf Swedish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sv/notice/643758-2024/pdf Bulgarian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/bg/notice/643758-2024/pdf 643758-2024 - Competition Competition Germany: Vehicles for refuse Procurement of AWT separation containers Germany, Düsseldorf, Kreisfreie Stadt (DEA11) Type of procedure: Competitive dialogue Buyer Buyer: Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf Email: submission@med.uni-duesseldorf.de Germany, Düsseldorf, Kreisfreie Stadt (DEA11), Düsseldorf LOT-0001: Procurement of AWT separation containers Vehicles for refuse Germany, Düsseldorf, Kreisfreie Stadt (DEA11) Start date: 01/08/2025 Duration end date: 30/09/2026 Deadline for receipt of requests to participate: 22/11/2024 - 10:00:00 (UTC+1) 643758-2024 - Competition Germany – Vehicles for refuse – Procurement of AWT separation containers OJ S 207/2024 10/23/2024 Contract or concession notice – standard regime Supplies 1. Buyer 1.1. Buyer Official name: Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf Email: submission@med.uni-duesseldorf.de Legal type of the buyer: Body governed by public law, controlled by a regional authority Activity of the contracting authority: Health 2. Procedure 2.1. Procedure Title: Procurement of AWT separation containers Description: see also appendix - procedural conditions The procedure is divided into the following three stages: Stage 1: public competition Stage 2: dialogue phase with the sub-phases concept development phase, concretization/sample phase and, if necessary, revision phase (optional) Stage 3: tender phase The invitation to participate in the dialogue phase and the respective sub-phases is sent by the client in a separate letter via the procurement platform. At the end of each sub-phase, a presentation date is planned, the result of which will be comments from the committee to be taken into account in the subsequent phase. The client reserves the right to incorporate all findings from the process into the specifications, which the client can update in the ongoing competitive dialogue. In the course of the award procedure, the production and testing of series-produced tools and separation containers should be dispensed with for reasons of proportionality in terms of effort and costs. Instead, the bidders should produce sample containers as part of the specification/sample phase based on the selected solution proposals and information from the client from the first dialogue phase. Every bidder who submits a final, binding, assessable offer will receive a flat-rate expense allowance of EUR 20,000 gross. This amount also covers the granting of usage rights, etc., as well as the production and provision of the sample container and transfer of ownership to the UKD. The expense allowance will not be paid separately to the bidder who is awarded the contract. In the event of an order, the service of participating in the process is compensated for by the contract value. Procedure identifier: 012aa4d2-cc3a-4925-a609-671a8184d93c Internal identifier: ZAS-011 Type of procedure:Competitive dialogue 2.1.1. Purpose Main nature of the contract: Supplies Main classification (cpv): 34144510 Vehicles for refuse Additional classification (cpv): 42417300 Conveyor equipment, 44613700 Refuse skips, 51511400 Installation services of special conveying systems 2.1.2. Place of performance Country subdivision (NUTS): Düsseldorf, Kreisfreie Stadt (DEA11) Country: Germany 2.1.4. General information Additional information: Announcement ID: CXPNYBBDGSA The aim of the competition is to select three candidates for the dialogue phase. The objective criteria for the selection of these suitable candidates are set out in the appendix - matrix of exclusion criteria for the competition and matrix of suitability criteria for the competition and for explanation in the appendix - application form. Exclusion criteria are marked as such. The evidence of suitability must be submitted in full with the tender. If proof and declarations are not submitted in time, the offer may be excluded due to incompleteness. Foreign bidders must submit equivalent certificates from their country of origin. If the certificates are in a foreign language, a translation into German must be enclosed. In the case of a consortium, the required proof of suitability must be submitted for each member of the consortium as described in the appendix - application form. Legal basis: Directive 2014/24/EU vgv - 2.1.6. Grounds for exclusion Purely national exclusion grounds: Analogous situation like bankruptcy under national law: Corruption: Participation in a criminal organization: Agreements with other economic operators aimed at distorting competition: Breaching of obligations in the fields of environmental law: Money laundering or terrorist financing: Fraud: Child labor and other forms of trafficking in human beings: Insolvency: Breaching of obligations in the fields of labor law: Assets being administered by liquidator: Guilty of misrepresentation, withheld information, unable to provide required documents and obtained confidential information of this procedure: Conflict of interest due to its participation in the procurement procedure: Direct or indirect involvement in the preparation of this procurement procedure: Guilty of grave professional misconduct: Early termination, damages or other comparable sanctions: Breaching of obligations in the fields of social law: Payment of social security contributions: Business activities are suspended: Payment of taxes: Terrorist offenses or offenses linked to terrorist activities: 5. Lot 5.1. Lot: LOT-0001 Title: Procurement of AWT separation containers Description: The existing waste stations on the UKD site will be combined in a new central waste collection point (ZAS). The existing waste stations will be dismantled. The existing AWT facility will be expanded to connect to the ZAS. For the transport of paper, plastic packaging, glass,171 AWT separation containers are required for wet waste and other types of waste. These are containers in which different recyclable materials are transported separately from the waste generation site to the ZAS using an AWT system. The ZAS consists of a "manual" and an "automatic area" on the ground floor. In the automatic area there are four stationary presses for pressing residual waste into docked press/transport containers. The waste containers delivered by AWT are emptied automatically using a tipping device into the stationary presses; this is why it is referred to as the "automatic area". In the "manual area" there are, among other things, the two baling presses; one each for paper/cardboard and plastic, as well as collection containers for the other waste fractions. In the manual area, the separation containers delivered by AWT are emptied manually; this is why it is referred to as the "manual area". Each of the two areas is connected separately to the existing AWT in the basement via floor lifts. Level compensation lifts also connect the two areas on the ground floor. See also appendix - specifications for separation containers. Internal identifier: ZAS-011 5.1.1. Purpose Main nature of the contract: Supplies Main classification (cpv): 34144510 Vehicles for refuse Additional classification (cpv): 42417300 Conveyor equipment, 44613700 Refuse skips, 51511400 Installation services of special conveying systems 5.1.2. Place of performance Country subdivision (NUTS): Düsseldorf, Kreisfreie Stadt (DEA11) Country: Germany 5.1.3. Estimated duration Start date: 01/08/2025 Duration end date: 30/09/2026 5.1.6. General information Procurement Project not financed with EU Funds. The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): yes 5.1.7. Strategic procurement Aim of strategic procurement: No strategic procurement 5.1.9. Selection criteria Criterion: Type: Other Name: Business liability insurance Description: Exclusion criterion The required business liability insurance must have a coverage amount of EUR 3.0 million for personal injury and EUR 3.0 million for other damage per claim. The coverage amounts must be three times the maximum per year. Proof must be provided by submitting a declaration of coverage from the insurance company or a declaration of commitment by the applicant to provide appropriate proof of insurance in the event of an order. Criterion: Type: Technical and professional ability Name: Company turnover Description: Exclusion criterion Self-declaration of the use of certain machines / technologies / tools in the applicant's production process and in the event of an order. The applicants who are to be invited to the second phase of the procedure are selected on the basis of the criteria. Criterion: Type: Economic and financial standing Name: Company turnover Description:Exclusion criterion Self-declaration of the applicant's average annual net turnover for the last 3 completed financial years. The minimum requirement is an average minimum turnover of EUR 2.0 million net over the last 3 completed financial years. The applicants who will be invited to the second phase of the procedure will be selected based on the criteria. Criterion: Type: Economic and financial standing Name: AWT container production volume Description: Self-declaration of the average annual number of AWT containers (for EHB and FTS) produced by the applicant - in the case of applicant groups, by all members combined - for the last 3 completed financial years. The applicants who will be invited to the second phase of the procedure will be selected based on the criteria. The criteria will be used to select the candidates to be invited for the second stage of the procedure Weight (percentage, exact): 10 Criterion: Type: Technical and professional ability Name: Company reference Description: A reference is required for the design, manufacture and delivery of AWT roll containers in series (not a sample container) for hanging transport within the last 10 years. For the reference project, the information in the appendix - application form must be completed in full and a self-description must also be enclosed: The applicants who will be invited to the second stage of the procedure will be selected based on the criteria. The criteria will be used to select the candidates to be invited for the second stage of the procedure Weight (percentage, exact): 90 Information about the second stage of a two-stage procedure: Minimum number of candidates to be invited for the second stage of the procedure: 3 Maximum number of candidates to be invited for the second stage of the procedure: 3 5.1.10. Award criteria Criterion: Type: Price Name: Offer price Description: Offer price Fixed value (total): 30 Criterion: Type: Quality Name: Quality of construction Description: Sub-criteria see appendix - matrix of award criteria Fixed value (total): 70 5.1.11. Procurement documents Languages ​​in which the procurement documents are officially available: German Deadline for requesting additional information: 12/11/2024 00:00:00 (UTC+1) Address of the procurement documents: https://www.evergabe.nrw.de/VMPSatellite/notice/CXPNYBBDGSA/documents Ad hoc communication channel: URL: https://www.evergabe.nrw.de/VMPSatellite/notice/CXPNYBBDGSA 5.1.12. Terms of procurement Terms of submission: Electronic submission: Required Address for submission: https://www.evergabe.nrw.de/VMPSatellite/notice/CXPNYBBDGSA Languages ​​in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: German Electronic catalog: Not allowed Variants: Not allowed Tenderers may submit more than one tender: Allowed Deadline for receipt of requests to participate: 22/11/2024 10:00:00 (UTC+1) Deadline until which the tender must remain valid: 8 Weeks Information that can be supplemented after the submission deadline: At the discretion of the buyer, some missing tenderer-related documents may be submitted later. Additional information: Essential price information will not be requested. Terms of contract: The execution of the contract must be performed within the framework of sheltered employment programs: No Electronic invoicing: Allowed Electronic ordering will be used: yes Electronic payment will be used: yes 5.1.15. Techniques Framework agreement: No framework agreement Information about the dynamic purchasing system: No dynamic purchasing system 5.1.16. Further information, mediation and review Review organization: Procurement Chamber Rhineland c/o District Government Cologne Organization providing additional information about the procurement procedure: University Hospital Düsseldorf TED eSender: Data service for public purchasing (under the responsibility of the BMI Procurement Office) 8. Organization 8.1. ORG-0001 Official name: University Hospital Düsseldorf Registration number: DE119432190 Postal address: Moorenstr. 5 Town: Düsseldorf Postcode: 40225 Country subdivision (NUTS): Düsseldorf, Kreisfrei Stadt (DEA11) Country: Germany Contact point: Submission office Email: submission@med.uni-duesseldorf.de Telephone: +49 2118119301 Roles of this organization: Buyer Central purchasing body awarding public contracts or concluding framework agreements for works, supplies or services intended for other buyers Organization providing additional information about the procurement procedure 8.1. ORG-0002 Official name: Vergabekammer Rheinland c/o Bezirksregierung Köln Registration number: DE 812110859 Postal address: Zeughausstraße 2-10 Town: Köln Postcode: 50667 Country subdivision (NUTS): Köln, Kreisfreie Stadt (DEA23) Country: Germany Email: VKRheinland @bezreg-koeln.nrw.de Telephone: +49 221147-3055 Roles of this organisation: Review organisation 8.1. ORG-0003 Official name: Public Procurement Data Service (under the responsibility of the Procurement Office of the BMI) Registration number: 0204:994-DOEVD-83 Town: Bonn Postcode: 53119 Country subdivision (NUTS): Bonn, Kreisfreie Stadt (DEA22) Country: Germany Email : noreply.esender_hub@bescha.bund.de Telephone: +49228996100 Roles of this organisation: TED eSender 11. Notice information 11.1. Notice information Notice identifier/version: 123d9144-9453-4876-a64b-efbd091dd8bb - 01 Form type: Competition Notice type: Contract or concession notice – standard regime Notice subtype: 16 Notice dispatch date: 22/10/2024 10:48:53 (UTC+2) Languages ​​in which this notice is officially available: German 11.2. Publication information Notice publication number: 643758-2024 OJ S issue number: 207/2024 Publication date: 23/10/2024 Czech document download: https://ted.europa.eu/cs/notice/643758-2024/pdf Danish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/da/notice/643758-2024/pdf German document download: https://ted.europa.eu/de/notice/643758-2024/pdf Greek document download: https://ted.europa.eu/el/notice/643758-2024/pdf Spanish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/es/ notice/643758-2024/pdf English document download: https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/643758-2024/pdf Estonian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/et/notice/643758- 2024/pdf Finnish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/fi/notice/643758-2024/pdf French document download: https://ted.europa.eu/fr/notice/643758-2024/pdf Irish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/ga/notice/643758-2024/pdf Croatian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/hr/notice/643758-2024/pdf Hungarian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/hu/notice/643758-2024/pdf Italian document download: https:// ted.europa.eu/it/notice/643758-2024/pdf Lithuanian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/lt/notice/643758-2024/pdf Latvian document download: https://ted.europa. eu/lv/notice/643758-2024/pdf Maltese document download: https://ted.europa.eu/mt/notice/643758-2024/pdf Dutch document download: https://ted.europa.eu/nl/ notice/643758-2024/pdf Polska document download: https://ted.europa.eu/pl/notice/643758-2024/pdf Portuguese document download: https://ted.europa.eu/pt/notice/643758-2024/pdf Romanian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/ro/notice/643758-2024/pdf Slovak document download: https: //ted.europa.eu/sk/notice/643758-2024/pdf Slovenian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sl/notice/643758-2024/pdf Swedish document download: https://ted. europa.eu/sv/notice/643758-2024/pdf Bulgarian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/bg/notice/643758-2024/pdfeu/sk/notice/643758-2024/pdf Slovenian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sl/notice/643758-2024/pdf Swedish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sv/ notice/643758-2024/pdf Bulgarian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/bg/notice/643758-2024/pdfeu/sk/notice/643758-2024/pdf Slovenian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sl/notice/643758-2024/pdf Swedish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sv/ notice/643758-2024/pdf Bulgarian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/bg/notice/643758-2024/pdf
ConstructionT InformationT ManufacturingT
Tools Glass Machinery used in the manufacture of alcoholic or fruit beverages System, storage and content management software package Presses Frames Paper, printing and bookbinding machinery and parts System, storage and content management software development services Tools, locks, keys, hinges, fasteners, chain and springs
Industrial process machinery and equipment and supplies Rubber and plastic processing machinery and equipment and supplies Cement and ceramics and glass industry machinery and equipment and supplies Optical industry machinery and equipment and supplies Pharmaceutical industry machinery and equipment and supplies Paper making and paper processing machinery and equipment and supplies Pointers Service Industry Machinery and Equipment and Supplies Agents affecting water and electrolytes Web handling and control machinery and equipment and supplies Suction pump, manual
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