Tender Details

Germany – Security services – Sicherheitsdienst in einer Gemeischaftsunterkunft Place of performance: Germany,Wesel Main nature of the contract: Services Official name: Stadt Moers Type of procedure: Open Germany – Security services – Security service in a shared accommodation Place of performance: Germany,Wesel Main nature of the contract: Services Official name: Stadt Moers Type of procedure: Open

Published Date
Deadline Date
647168-2024 - Competition Competition Germany: Security services Sicherheitsdienst in einer Gemeischaftsunterkunft Germany, Wesel (DEA1F) Moers Type of procedure: Open Buyer Buyer: Stadt Moers Email: ausschreibungen@moers.de Germany, Wesel (DEA1F), Moers LOT-0000: Sicherheitsdienst in einer Gemeischaftsunterkunft Security services Germany, Wesel (DEA1F) Moers Start date: 02/01/2025 Duration end date: 01/01/2028 Deadline for receipt of tenders: 21/11/2024 - 23:59:00 (UTC+1) 647168-2024 - Competition Germany – Security services – Sicherheitsdienst in einer Gemeischaftsunterkunft OJ S 208/2024 24/10/2024 Contract or concession notice – standard regime Services 1. Buyer 1.1. Buyer Official name: Stadt Moers Email: ausschreibungen@moers.de Legal type of the buyer: Local authority Activity of the contracting authority: General public services 2. Procedure 2.1. Procedure Title: Sicherheitsdienst in einer Gemeischaftsunterkunft Description: Sicherheitsdienst Procedure identifier: b9abb3b5-e1fb-43a6-a3c6-51953086a968 Internal identifier: S-MOERS-2024-0051 Type of procedure: Open The procedure is accelerated: no 2.1.1. Purpose Main nature of the contract: Services Main classification (cpv): 79710000 Security services 2.1.2. Place of performance Postal address: Carl-Zeiss-Str. 13 Town: Moers Postcode: 47445 Country subdivision (NUTS): Wesel (DEA1F) Country: Germany 2.1.4. General information Additional information: 1.Der AG weist darauf hin, dass allein der Inhalt der vorliegenden europaweiten Veröffentlichung imSupplement zum Amtsblatt der EU maßgeblich ist, wenn die Bekanntmachung zusätzlich in weiteren Bekanntmachungsmedien veröffentlicht wird und der Bekanntmachungstext in diesen zusätzlichen Bekanntmachungen nicht vollständig, unrichtig, verändert oder mit weiteren Angaben wiedergegeben wird; 2.Die Vergabeunterlagen werden ausschließlich elektronisch auf dem o. g. Vergabeportal zur Verfügunggestellt. Die Beantwortung von Fragen zum Verfahren sowie sämtliche Kommunikation zwischen den Beteiligten und der Vergabestelle erfolgt ausschließlich über das o. g. Vergabeportal. Beteiligte sind daher im eigenen Interesse gehalten, die dort für diese eingerichteten Postfächer regelmäßig auf neue Informationen der Vergabestelle zu kontrollieren. Legal basis: Directive 2014/24/EU vgv - 2.1.6. Grounds for exclusion Analogous situation like bankruptcy under national law: keine Angabe Bankruptcy: keine Angabe Corruption: keine Angabe Arrangement with creditors: keine Angabe Participation in a criminal organisation: keine Angabe Agreements with other economic operators aimed at distorting competition: keine Angabe Breaching of obligations in the fields of environmental law: keine Angabe Money laundering or terrorist financing: keine Angabe Fraud: keine Angabe Child labour and other forms of trafficking in human beings: keine Angabe Insolvency: keine Angabe Breaching of obligations in the fields of labour law: keine Angabe Assets being administered by liquidator: keine Angabe Guilty of misrepresentation, withheld information, unable to provide required documents and obtained confidential information of this procedure: keine Angabe Purely national exclusion grounds: keine Angabe Conflict of interest due to its participation in the procurement procedure: keine Angabe Direct or indirect involvement in the preparation of this procurement procedure: keine Angabe Guilty of grave professional misconduct: keine Angabe Early termination, damages or other comparable sanctions: keine Angabe Breaching of obligations in the fields of social law: keine Angabe Payment of social security contributions: keine Angabe Business activities are suspended: keine Angabe Payment of taxes: keine Angabe Terrorist offences or offences linked to terrorist activities: keine Angabe 5. Lot 5.1. Lot: LOT-0000 Title: Sicherheitsdienst in einer Gemeischaftsunterkunft Description: Die Stadt Moers ist nach dem Flüchtlingsaufnahmegesetz NRW verpflichtet, ausländischen Flüchtlingen ohne eigenes Obdach eine Unterkunft zur Verfügung zu stellen. Aufgabe des Sicherheitsdienstes (SD) ist die Aufrechterhaltung und Herstellung von Sicherheit und Ordnung sowie das Erkennen und Abwenden von Gefahren und Schäden in und am Gebäude und auf dem Grundstück einschließlich Überwachung und Regelung des Personenverkehrs in der Unterkunft. Leib, Leben, Gesundheit und Eigentum der in den Unterkünften lebenden Personen sind zu schützen. Den Zuschlag erhält der Bieter mit dem niedrigsten Angebotspreis (Stundenverrechnungssatz). Internal identifier: LOT-0000 5.1.1. Purpose Main nature of the contract: Services Main classification (cpv): 79710000 Security services Options: Description of the options: Die Laufzeit des aufgrund dieser Ausschreibung zu schließenden Vertrages beginnt am 02.01.2025 und endet am 01.01.2026. Sie verlängert sich jeweils um ein Jahr, sofern keine der beiden Vertragsparteien bis spätestens drei Monate vor Ablauf der Vertragslaufzeit erklärt, von der Verlängerungsoption keinen Gebrauch machen zu wollen. Die Vertragslaufzeit endet spätestens am 01.01.2028, ohne dass es einer Kündigung bedarf. 5.1.2. Place of performance Postal address: Carl-Zeiss-Str. 13 Town: Moers Postcode: 47445 Country subdivision (NUTS): Wesel (DEA1F) Country: Germany 5.1.3. Estimated duration Start date: 02/01/2025 Duration end date: 01/01/2028 5.1.6. General information Reserved participation: Participation is not reserved. The names and professional qualifications of the staff assigned to perform the contract must be given: Not required Procurement Project not financed with EU Funds. The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): yes Additional information: Weitere Angaben enthält die Leistungsbeschreibung, die über das Vergabeportal heruntergeladen werden kann. Fragen zu diesem Ausschreibungsverfahren sind ausschließlich in Textform über die Vergabeplattform zu stellen. 5.1.7. Strategic procurement Aim of strategic procurement: No strategic procurement 5.1.9. Selection criteria Criterion: Type: Suitability to pursue the professional activity Description: im Vergabeverfahren •Jeder Bieter hat mit dem Angebot eine Erklärung vorzulegen, dass keine Ausschlussgründe nach §§ 123 und 124 Abs. 1 des Gesetzes gegen Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen vorliegen. •eine gültige Gewerbegenehmigung nach § 34a Gewerbeordnung besitzen (eine Kopie der Gewerbegenehmigung ist dem Angebot beizufügen •in das Handels- bzw. Berufsgenossenschaftsregister eingetragen sein •eine Zertifizierung nach DIN EN ISO 9001 haben (ein Nachweis ist dem Angebot beizufügen) •eine Zertifizierung nach DIN 77200 (ein Nachweis ist dem Angebot beizufügen) •die Einverständniserklärung der Geschäftsführung vorlegen, dass betreffend ihrer Person/en eine Sicherheitsüberprüfung analog zu den Vorgaben des Sicherheitsüberprüfungsgesetzes NRW durch die Sicherheitsorgane (Polizei und Verfassungsschutz) durchgeführt wird. In diesem Zusammenhang ist ein aktueller Handelsregisterauszug beizufügen sowie die vollständige Geschäftsführung namentlich mit Geburtsdatum und Geburtsort zu benennen. vor dem Auftragsbeginn •einen aktuellen Auszug aus dem Bewacherregister für jede/n eingesetzten Beschäftigten vor Beginn des Beschäftigungsverhältnisses vorlegen. Es dürfen nur Personen mit dem Status "Freigegeben" eingesetzt werden. •ein aktuelles, zum Stichtag der Angebotsfrist nicht älter als drei Monate altes, erweitertes polizeiliches Führungszeugnis für jede/n eigesetzten Beschäftigten vor Beginn des Beschäftigungsverhältnisses vorlegen. Beschäftigte mit Eintragungen dürfen nicht beschäftigt werden. •gewährleisten, dass er sein in der Unterkunft eingesetztes Personal unverzüglich austauscht, sofern er dazu aufgrund besonderer Vorkommnisse vom AG aufgefordert wird. Er weist dem AG den Personaltausch in geeigneter Form nach. Criterion: Type: Economic and financial standing Description: Der AN muss für die gesamte Vertragslaufzeit eine Betriebshaftpflichtversicherung zu den nachfolgenden Risiken je Einzelschaden, d. h. je Schadensfall vorweisen können: Schadensart: Personenschäden (für einzelne Personen)mindestens 1.500.000,00 € Sachschäden mindestens 1.000.000,00 € Verlust von Schlüsseln mindestens 250.000,00 € Vermögensschäden mindestens 250.000,00 € Verlust bewachter Sachen mindestens 250.000,00 € Der Nachweis eines entsprechenden Versicherungsvertrages ist vom AN vor Vertragsabschluss durch Vorlage einer entsprechenden Bestätigung des Versicherungsunternehmens zu führen. Der Nachweis ist jährlich erneut vorzulegen. Criterion: Type: Technical and professional ability Description: Der AN legt eine Kurzbeschreibung seines Unternehmens vor. Diese enthält insbesondere Angaben zum Tätigkeitsbereich, zur Anzahl und Qualifikation der Mitarbeitenden und deren Zugehörigkeits-dauer zum Unternehmen. Des Weiteren muss der AN in Form einer Liste drei Referenzen von drei verschiedenen Auftraggebern für Aufträge vorlegen, die einen Sicherheitsdienst in Unterkünften mit Präsenzzeiten beinhalten. Alle Referenzen dürfen zum Stichtag Angebotsöffnungstermin nicht älter als fünf Jahre sein. Die Referenzen müssen weiterhin Aufträge betreffen, die eine Mindestlaufzeit von sechs Monaten haben. Zudem darf keiner dieser Aufträge vorzeitig aufgrund eines Umstandes, den der AN zu vertreten hatte, durch den Referenzgeber gekündigt worden sein. 5.1.10. Award criteria Criterion: Type: Price Name: Preis Weight (percentage, exact): 100 5.1.11. Procurement documents Languages in which the procurement documents are officially available: German Address of the procurement documents: https://www.deutsches-ausschreibungsblatt.de/VN/S-MOERS-2024-0051 5.1.12. Terms of procurement Terms of submission: Electronic submission: Allowed Address for submission: https://www.deutsches-ausschreibungsblatt.de/VN/S-MOERS-2024-0051 Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: German Electronic catalogue: Not allowed Variants: Not allowed Tenderers may submit more than one tender: Allowed Deadline for receipt of tenders: 21/11/2024 23:59:00 (UTC+1) Information that can be supplemented after the submission deadline: At the discretion of the buyer, all missing tenderer-related documents may be submitted later. Additional information: Der Auftraggeber behält sich die Nachforderung von nicht eingereichten Unterlagen vor. Information about public opening: Opening date: 22/11/2024 10:00:00 (UTC+1) Terms of contract: The execution of the contract must be performed within the framework of sheltered employment programmes: No Electronic invoicing: Required Electronic ordering will be used: yes Electronic payment will be used: yes Information about review deadlines: Innerhalb von 15 Kalendertagen nach Eingang der Mitteilung des Auftraggebers, einer Rüge nicht abhelfen zu wollen, kann ein Nachprüfverfahren bei der Vergabekammer beantragt werden (§ 160 Abs. 3 Nr. 4 GWB). 5.1.15. Techniques Framework agreement: No framework agreement Information about the dynamic purchasing system: No dynamic purchase system 5.1.16. Further information, mediation and review Review organisation: Vergabekammer Rheinland Organisation providing additional information about the procurement procedure: Stadt Moers Organisation receiving requests to participate: Stadt Moers TED eSender: Datenservice Öffentlicher Einkauf (in Verantwortung des Beschaffungsamts des BMI) 8. Organisations 8.1. ORG-7001 Official name: Stadt Moers Registration number: 051700024024-31001-43 Postal address: Rathausplatz 1 Town: Moers Postcode: 47441 Country subdivision (NUTS): Wesel (DEA1F) Country: Germany Email: ausschreibungen@moers.de Telephone: +49 2841201405 Roles of this organisation: Buyer Group leader Organisation providing additional information about the procurement procedure Organisation receiving requests to participate 8.1. ORG-7004 Official name: Vergabekammer Rheinland Registration number: 05315-03002-81 Postal address: Zeughausstraße 2-10 Town: Köln Postcode: 50667 Country subdivision (NUTS): Wesel (DEA1F) Country: Germany Email: vkrhld-d@bezreg-koeln.nrw.de Telephone: +49 2211473045 Fax: +49 2211472889 Roles of this organisation: Review organisation 8.1. ORG-7005 Official name: Datenservice Öffentlicher Einkauf (in Verantwortung des Beschaffungsamts des BMI) Registration number: 0204:994-DOEVD-83 Town: Bonn Postcode: 53119 Country subdivision (NUTS): Bonn, Kreisfreie Stadt (DEA22) Country: Germany Email: noreply.esender_hub@bescha.bund.de Telephone: +49228996100 Roles of this organisation: TED eSender 11. Notice information 11.1. Notice information Notice identifier/version: 85350c17-bc34-4a75-a677-636845db926f - 01 Form type: Competition Notice type: Contract or concession notice – standard regime Notice subtype: 16 Notice dispatch date: 22/10/2024 16:00:20 (UTC+2) Languages in which this notice is officially available: German 11.2. Publication information Notice publication number: 647168-2024 OJ S issue number: 208/2024 Publication date: 24/10/2024 Czech document download: https://ted.europa.eu/cs/notice/647168-2024/pdf Danish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/da/notice/647168-2024/pdf German document download: https://ted.europa.eu/de/notice/647168-2024/pdf Greek document download: https://ted.europa.eu/el/notice/647168-2024/pdf Spanish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/es/notice/647168-2024/pdf English document download: https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/647168-2024/pdf Estonian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/et/notice/647168-2024/pdf Finnish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/fi/notice/647168-2024/pdf French document download: https://ted.europa.eu/fr/notice/647168-2024/pdf Irish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/ga/notice/647168-2024/pdf Croatian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/hr/notice/647168-2024/pdf Hungarian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/hu/notice/647168-2024/pdf Italian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/it/notice/647168-2024/pdf Lithuanian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/lt/notice/647168-2024/pdf Latvian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/lv/notice/647168-2024/pdf Maltese document download: https://ted.europa.eu/mt/notice/647168-2024/pdf Dutch document download: https://ted.europa.eu/nl/notice/647168-2024/pdf Polska document download: https://ted.europa.eu/pl/notice/647168-2024/pdf Portuguese document download: https://ted.europa.eu/pt/notice/647168-2024/pdf Romanian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/ro/notice/647168-2024/pdf Slovak document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sk/notice/647168-2024/pdf Slovenian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sl/notice/647168-2024/pdf Swedish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sv/notice/647168-2024/pdf Bulgarian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/bg/notice/647168-2024/pdf 647168-2024 - Competition Competition Germany: Security services Sicherheitsdienst in einer Gemeinschaftsunterkunft Germany, Wesel (DEA1F) Moers Type of procedure: Open Buyer Buyer: Stadt Moers Email: ausschreibungen@moers.de Germany, Wesel (DEA1F), Moers LOT-0000: Sicherheitsdienst in einer Gemeinschaftsunterkunft Security services Germany, Wesel (DEA1F) Moers Start date: 02/01/2025 Duration end date: 01/01/2028 Deadline for receipt of tenders: 21/11/2024 - 23:59:00 (UTC+1) 647168-2024 - Competition Germany – Security services – Sicherheitsdienst in einer Gemeinschaftsunterkunft OJ S 208/2024 24/10/2024 Contract or concession notice – standard regime Services 1. Buyer 1.1. Buyer Official name: City of Moers Email: ausweisungen@moers.de Legal type of the buyer: Local authority Activity of the contracting authority: General public services 2. Procedure 2.1. Procedure Title: Security service in shared accommodation Description: Security service Procedure identifier: b9abb3b5-e1fb-43a6-a3c6-51953086a968 Internal identifier: S-MOERS-2024-0051 Type of procedure: Open The procedure is accelerated: no 2.1.1. Purpose Main nature of the contract: Services Main classification (cpv): 79710000 Security services 2.1.2. Place of performance Postal address: Carl-Zeiss-Str. 13 Town: Moers Postcode: 47445 Country subdivision (NUTS): Wesel (DEA1F) Country: Germany 2.1.4. General information Additional information: 1.The client points out that only the content of this Europe-wide publication in the supplement to the Official Journal of the EU is authoritative if the notice is also published in other notice media and the notice text in these additional notices is incomplete, incorrect, changed or reproduced with additional information; 2.The tender documents are made available exclusively electronically on the above-mentioned tender portal. Answers to questions about the procedure and all communication between those involved and the awarding authority takes place exclusively via the above-mentioned tender portal. Those involved are therefore required, in their own interest, to regularly check the mailboxes set up there for new information from the awarding authority. Legal basis: Directive 2014/24/EU vgv - 2.1.6. Grounds for exclusion Analogous situation like bankruptcy under national law: not specified Bankruptcy: not specified Corruption: not specified Arrangement with creditors: not specified Participation in a criminal organisation: not specified Agreements with other economic operators aimed at distorting competition: not specified Breaching of obligations in the fields of environmental law: not specified Money laundering or terrorist financing: not specified Fraud: not specified Child labour and other forms of trafficking in human beings: not specified Insolvency: not specified Breaching of obligations in the fields of labour law: not specified Assets being administered by liquidator:not specified Guilty of misrepresentation, withheld information, unable to provide required documents and obtained confidential information of this procedure: not specified Purely national exclusion grounds: not specified Conflict of interest due to its participation in the procurement procedure: not specified Direct or indirect involvement in the preparation of this procurement procedure: not specified Guilty of grave professional misconduct: not specified Early termination, damages or other comparable sanctions: not specified Breaching of obligations in the fields of social law: not specified Payment of social security contributions: not specified Business activities are suspended: not specified Payment of taxes: not specified Terrorist offenses or offenses linked to terrorist activities: not specified 5. Lot 5.1. Lot: LOT-0000 Title: Security service in a shared accommodation Description: According to the Refugee Reception Act of North Rhine-Westphalia, the City of Moers is obliged to provide accommodation for foreign refugees who do not have their own shelter. The task of the security service (SD) is to maintain and establish security and order and to identify and avert dangers and damage in and to the building and on the property, including monitoring and regulating the movement of people in the accommodation. The life, limb, health and property of the people living in the accommodation must be protected. The contract will be awarded to the bidder with the lowest offer price (hourly rate). Internal identifier: LOT-0000 5.1.1. Purpose Main nature of the contract: Services Main classification (cpv): 79710000 Security services Options: Description of the options: The term of the contract to be concluded on the basis of this tender begins on January 2nd, 2025 and ends on January 1st, 2026. It will be extended by one year at a time unless one of the two contracting parties declares no later than three months before the end of the contract term that they do not wish to make use of the extension option. The contract term ends on January 1st, 2028 at the latest, without the need for termination. 5.1.2. Place of performance Postal address: Carl-Zeiss-Str. 13 Town: Moers Postcode: 47445 Country subdivision (NUTS): Wesel (DEA1F) Country: Germany 5.1.3. Estimated duration Start date: 02/01/2025 Duration end date: 01/01/2028 5.1.6. General information Reserved participation: Participation is not reserved. The names and professional qualifications of the staff assigned to perform the contract must be given: Not required Procurement Project not financed with EU Funds. The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): yes Additional information: Further information can be found in the service description, which can be downloaded from the procurement portal. Questions about this tendering procedure should only be asked in text form via the procurement platform. 5.1.7. Strategic procurement Aim of strategic procurement:No strategic procurement 5.1.9. Selection criteria Criterion: Type: Suitability to pursue the professional activity Description: in the procurement procedure •Every bidder must submit a declaration with the offer that there are no grounds for exclusion according to Sections 123 and 124 Paragraph 1 of the Act against Restraints of Competition. •have a valid business license in accordance with Section 34a of the Trade Regulations (a copy of the business license must be enclosed with the offer) •be registered in the commercial or professional association register •have certification in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001 (proof must be enclosed with the offer) •have certification in accordance with DIN 77200 (proof must be enclosed with the offer) •present a declaration of consent from management that a security check will be carried out on them by the security authorities (police and Office for the Protection of the Constitution) in accordance with the requirements of the North Rhine-Westphalia Security Check Act. In this context, a current extract from the commercial register must be enclosed and the entire management must be named, including their date and place of birth. before the start of the order •present a current extract from the security guard register for each employee deployed before the start of the employment relationship. Only people with the status "Approved" may be deployed. •Provide a current, extended police clearance certificate, no more than three months old on the offer deadline, for each employee before the start of the employment relationship. Employees with entries may not be employed. •Ensure that he replaces his staff employed in the accommodation immediately if he is asked to do so by the employer due to special incidents. He provides the employer with evidence of the staff exchange in an appropriate form. Criterion: Type: Economic and financial standing Description: The contractor must be able to show that he has business liability insurance for the entire term of the contract for the following risks per individual claim, i.e. per claim: Type of damage: Personal injury (for individual persons) at least €1,500,000.00 Property damage at least €1,000,000.00 Loss of keys at least €250,000.00 Financial loss at least €250,000.00 Loss of guarded property at least €250,000.00 The contractor must provide proof of a corresponding insurance contract before the contract is concluded by submitting a corresponding confirmation from the insurance company. The proof must be submitted again annually. Criterion: Type: Technical and professional ability Description: The contractor must provide a brief description of his company. This contains in particular information on the field of activity, the number and qualifications of the employees and their length of service with the company. In addition, the contractor must provide three references from three different clients for orders in the form of a list.which include security services in accommodation with presence times. All references must not be older than five years on the tender opening date. The references must also relate to contracts that have a minimum term of six months. Furthermore, none of these contracts may have been terminated prematurely by the reference provider due to circumstances for which the contractor was responsible. 5.1.10. Award criteria Criterion: Type: Price Name: Price Weight (percentage, exact): 100 5.1.11. Procurement documents Languages ​​in which the procurement documents are officially available: German Address of the procurement documents: https://www.deutsches-ausschreibungsblatt.de/VN/S-MOERS-2024-0051 5.1.12. Terms of procurement Terms of submission: Electronic submission: Allowed Address for submission: https://www.deutsches-ausschreibsblatt.de/VN/S-MOERS-2024-0051 Languages ​​in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: German Electronic catalog: Not allowed Variants: Not allowed Tenderers may submit more than one tender: Allowed Deadline for receipt of tenders: 21/11/2024 23:59:00 (UTC+1) Information that can be supplemented after the submission deadline: At the discretion of the buyer, all missing tenderer-related documents may be submitted later. Additional information: The client reserves the right to request additional documents that have not been submitted. Information about public opening: Opening date: 22/11/2024 10:00:00 (UTC+1) Terms of contract: The execution of the contract must be performed within the framework of sheltered employment programmes: No Electronic invoicing: Required Electronic ordering will be used: yes Electronic payment will be used: yes Information about review deadlines: Within 15 calendar days of receipt of the client’s notification that they do not wish to remedy a complaint, a review procedure can be requested from the procurement board (Section 160 Paragraph 3 No. 4 GWB). 5.1.15. Techniques Framework agreement: No framework agreement Information about the dynamic purchasing system: No dynamic purchase system 5.1.16. Further information, mediation and review Review organisation: Vergabekammer Rheinland Organisation providing additional information about the procurement procedure: Stadt Moers Organisation receiving requests to participate: Stadt Moers TED eSender: Datenservice Öffentlicher Einkauf (in Verantwortung des Beschaffungsamts des BMI) 8. Organisations 8.1. ORG-7001 Official name: Stadt Moers Registration number: 051700024024-31001-43 Postal address: Rathausplatz 1 Town: Moers Postcode: 47441 Country subdivision (NUTS): Wesel (DEA1F) Country: Germany Email: ausweisungen@moers.de Telephone: +49 2841201405 Roles of this organization: Buyer Group leader Organization providing additional information about the procurement procedure Organization receiving requests to participate 8.1. ORG-7004 Official name: Procurement Chamber Rhineland Registration number: 05315-03002-81 Postal address:Zeughausstraße 2-10 Town: Köln Postcode: 50667 Country subdivision (NUTS): Wesel (DEA1F) Country: Germany Email: vkrhld-d@bezreg-koeln.nrw.de Telephone: +49 2211473045 Fax: +49 2211472889 Roles of this organisation: Review organisation 8.1. ORG-7005 Official name: Datenservice Öffentlicher Einkauf (in Verantwortung des Beschaffungsamts des BMI) Registration number: 0204:994-DOEVD-83 Town: Bonn Postcode: 53119 Country subdivision (NUTS): Bonn, Kreisfreie Stadt (DEA22) Country: Germany Email: noreply.esender_hub@bescha.bund.de Telephone: +49228996100 Roles of this organisation: TED eSender 11. Notice information 11.1. Notice information Notice identifier/version: 85350c17-bc34-4a75-a677-636845db926f - 01 Form type: Competition Notice type: Contract or concession notice – standard regime Notice subtype: 16 Notice dispatch date: 22/10/2024 16:00:20 (UTC+2) Languages ​​in which this notice is officially available: German 11.2. Publication information Notice publication number: 647168-2024 OJ S issue number: 208/2024 Publication date: 24/10/2024 Czech document download: https://ted.europa.eu/cs/notice/647168-2024/pdf Danish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/da/notice/647168-2024/pdf German document download: https://ted.europa.eu/de /notice/647168-2024/pdf Greek document download: https://ted.europa.eu/el/notice/647168-2024/pdf Spanish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/es/notice/647168-2024/pdf English document download: https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/647168-2024/pdf Estonian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/et/notice/647168-2024/pdf Finnish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/fi/notice/647168-2024/pdf French document download: https://ted.europa.eu/fr/notice/647168-2024/pdf Irish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/ga/notice/647168-2024/pdf Croatian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/hr/notice/647168-2024/pdf Hungarian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/hu/notice/647168-2024/pdf Italian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/it/notice/647168-2024/pdf Lithuanian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/lt/notice/647168-2024/pdf Latvian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/lv/notice/647168-2024/pdf Maltese document download: https://ted.europa.eu/mt/notice/647168-2024/pdf Dutch document download: https://ted.europa.eu/nl/notice/647168-2024/pdf Polish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/pl/notice/647168-2024/pdf Portuguese document download: https://ted.europa.eu/pt/notice/647168-2024/pdf Romanian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/ro/notice/647168-2024/pdf Slovak document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sk/notice/647168-2024/pdf Slovenian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sl/notice/647168-20 24/pdf Swedish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sv/notice/647168-2024/pdf Bulgarian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/bg/notice/647168-2024/pdfde Telephone: +49 2211473045 Fax: +49 2211472889 Roles of this organisation: Review organisation 8.1. ORG-7005 Official name: Datenservice Öffentlicher Einkauf (in Verantwortung des Beschaffungsamts des BMI) Registration number: 0204:994-DOEVD-83 Town: Bonn Postcode: 53119 Country subdivision (NUTS): Bonn, Kreisfreie Stadt (DEA22) Country: Germany Email: noreply.esender_hub@bescha.bund.de Telephone: +49228996100 Roles of this organisation: TED eSender 11. Notice information 11.1. Notice information Notice identifier/version: 85350c17-bc34-4a75-a677-636845db926f - 01 Form type: Competition Notice type: Contract or concession notice – standard regime Notice subtype: 16 Notice dispatch date: 22/10/2024 16:00:20 (UTC+2) Languages ​​in which this notice is officially available: German 11.2. Publication information Notice publication number: 647168-2024 OJ S issue number: 208/2024 Publication date: 24/10/2024 Czech document download: https://ted.europa.eu/cs/notice/647168-2024/pdf Danish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/da/notice/647168-2024/pdf German document download: https://ted.europa.eu/de /notice/647168-2024/pdf Greek document download: https://ted.europa.eu/el/notice/647168-2024/pdf Spanish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/es/notice/647168-2024/pdf English document download: https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/647168-2024/pdf Estonian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/et/notice/647168-2024/pdf Finnish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/fi/notice/647168-2024/pdf French document download: https://ted.europa.eu/fr/notice/647168-2024/pdf Irish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/ga/notice/647168-2024/pdf Croatian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/hr/notice/647168-2024/pdf Hungarian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/hu/notice/647168-2024/pdf Italian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/it/notice/647168-2024/pdf Lithuanian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/lt/notice/647168-2024/pdf Latvian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/lv/notice/647168-2024/pdf Maltese document download: https://ted.europa.eu/mt/notice/647168-2024/pdf Dutch document download: https://ted.europa.eu/nl/notice/647168-2024/pdf Polish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/pl/notice/647168-2024/pdf Portuguese document download: https://ted.europa.eu/pt/notice/647168-2024/pdf Romanian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/ro/notice/647168-2024/pdf Slovak document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sk/notice/647168-2024/pdf Slovenian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sl/notice/647168-20 24/pdf Swedish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sv/notice/647168-2024/pdf Bulgarian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/bg/notice/647168-2024/pdfde Telephone: +49 2211473045 Fax: +49 2211472889 Roles of this organisation: Review organisation 8.1. ORG-7005 Official name: Datenservice Öffentlicher Einkauf (in Verantwortung des Beschaffungsamts des BMI) Registration number: 0204:994-DOEVD-83 Town: Bonn Postcode: 53119 Country subdivision (NUTS): Bonn, Kreisfreie Stadt (DEA22) Country: Germany Email: noreply.esender_hub@bescha.bund.de Telephone: +49228996100 Roles of this organisation: TED eSender 11. Notice information 11.1. Notice information Notice identifier/version: 85350c17-bc34-4a75-a677-636845db926f - 01 Form type: Competition Notice type: Contract or concession notice – standard regime Notice subtype: 16 Notice dispatch date: 22/10/2024 16:00:20 (UTC+2) Languages ​​in which this notice is officially available: German 11.2. Publication information Notice publication number: 647168-2024 OJ S issue number: 208/2024 Publication date: 24/10/2024 Czech document download: https://ted.europa.eu/cs/notice/647168-2024/pdf Danish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/da/notice/647168-2024/pdf German document download: https://ted.europa.eu/de /notice/647168-2024/pdf Greek document download: https://ted.europa.eu/el/notice/647168-2024/pdf Spanish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/es/notice/647168-2024/pdf English document download: https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/647168-2024/pdf Estonian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/et/notice/647168-2024/pdf Finnish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/fi/notice/647168-2024/pdf French document download: https://ted.europa.eu/fr/notice/647168-2024/pdf Irish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/ga/notice/647168-2024/pdf Croatian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/hr/notice/647168-2024/pdf Hungarian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/hu/notice/647168-2024/pdf Italian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/it/notice/647168-2024/pdf Lithuanian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/lt/notice/647168-2024/pdf Latvian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/lv/notice/647168-2024/pdf Maltese document download: https://ted.europa.eu/mt/notice/647168-2024/pdf Dutch document download: https://ted.europa.eu/nl/notice/647168-2024/pdf Polish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/pl/notice/647168-2024/pdf Portuguese document download: https://ted.europa.eu/pt/notice/647168-2024/pdf Romanian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/ro/notice/647168-2024/pdf Slovak document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sk/notice/647168-2024/pdf Slovenian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sl/notice/647168-20 24/pdf Swedish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sv/notice/647168-2024/pdf Bulgarian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/bg/notice/647168-2024/pdf53119 Country subdivision (NUTS): Bonn, Kreisfrei Stadt (DEA22) Country: Germany Email: noreply.esender_hub@bescha.bund.de Telephone: +49228996100 Roles of this organization: TED eSender 11. Notice information 11.1. Notice information Notice identifier/version: 85350c17-bc34-4a75-a677-636845db926f - 01 Form type: Competition Notice type: Contract or concession notice – standard regime Notice subtype: 16 Notice dispatch date: 22/10/2024 16:00:20 (UTC+2) Languages ​​in which this notice is officially available: German 11.2. Publication information Notice publication number: 647168-2024 OJ S issue number: 208/2024 Publication date: 24/10/2024 Czech document download: https://ted.europa.eu/cs/notice/647168-2024/pdf Danish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/da/notice/647168-2024/pdf German document download: https://ted.europa.eu/de/notice/647168-2024/pdf Greek document download: https: //ted.europa.eu/el/notice/647168-2024/pdf Spanish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/es/notice/647168-2024/pdf English document download: https://ted. europa.eu/en/notice/647168-2024/pdf Estonian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/et/notice/647168-2024/pdf Finnish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/fi/notice/647168-2024/pdf French document download: https:// ted.europa.eu/fr/notice/647168-2024/pdf Irish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/ga/notice/647168-2024/pdf Croatian document download: https://ted.europa. eu/hr/notice/647168-2024/pdf Hungarian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/hu/notice/647168-2024/pdf Italian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/it/ notice/647168-2024/pdf Lithuanian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/lt/notice/647168-2024/pdf Latvian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/lv/notice/647168-2024/pdf Maltese document download: https://ted.europa.eu/mt/notice/647168-2024/pdf Dutch document download: https:// ted.europa.eu/nl/notice/647168-2024/pdf Polska document download: https://ted.europa.eu/pl/notice/647168-2024/pdf Portuguese document download: https://ted.europa. eu/pt/notice/647168-2024/pdf Romanian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/ro/notice/647168-2024/pdf Slovak document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sk/ notice/647168-2024/pdf Slovenian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sl/notice/647168-2024/pdf Swedish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sv/notice/647168-2024/pdf Bulgarian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/bg/notice/647168-2024/pdf53119 Country subdivision (NUTS): Bonn, Kreisfrei Stadt (DEA22) Country: Germany Email: noreply.esender_hub@bescha.bund.de Telephone: +49228996100 Roles of this organization: TED eSender 11. Notice information 11.1. Notice information Notice identifier/version: 85350c17-bc34-4a75-a677-636845db926f - 01 Form type: Competition Notice type: Contract or concession notice – standard regime Notice subtype: 16 Notice dispatch date: 22/10/2024 16:00:20 (UTC+2) Languages ​​in which this notice is officially available: German 11.2. Publication information Notice publication number: 647168-2024 OJ S issue number: 208/2024 Publication date: 24/10/2024 Czech document download: https://ted.europa.eu/cs/notice/647168-2024/pdf Danish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/da/notice/647168-2024/pdf German document download: https://ted.europa.eu/de/notice/647168-2024/pdf Greek document download: https: //ted.europa.eu/el/notice/647168-2024/pdf Spanish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/es/notice/647168-2024/pdf English document download: https://ted. europa.eu/en/notice/647168-2024/pdf Estonian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/et/notice/647168-2024/pdf Finnish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/fi/notice/647168-2024/pdf French document download: https:// ted.europa.eu/fr/notice/647168-2024/pdf Irish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/ga/notice/647168-2024/pdf Croatian document download: https://ted.europa. eu/hr/notice/647168-2024/pdf Hungarian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/hu/notice/647168-2024/pdf Italian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/it/ notice/647168-2024/pdf Lithuanian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/lt/notice/647168-2024/pdf Latvian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/lv/notice/647168-2024/pdf Maltese document download: https://ted.europa.eu/mt/notice/647168-2024/pdf Dutch document download: https:// ted.europa.eu/nl/notice/647168-2024/pdf Polska document download: https://ted.europa.eu/pl/notice/647168-2024/pdf Portuguese document download: https://ted.europa. eu/pt/notice/647168-2024/pdf Romanian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/ro/notice/647168-2024/pdf Slovak document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sk/ notice/647168-2024/pdf Slovenian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sl/notice/647168-2024/pdf Swedish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sv/notice/647168-2024/pdf Bulgarian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/bg/notice/647168-2024/pdfPublication information Notice publication number: 647168-2024 OJ S issue number: 208/2024 Publication date: 24/10/2024 Czech document download: https://ted.europa.eu/cs/notice/647168-2024/pdf Danish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/da/notice/647168-2024/pdf German document download: https://ted.europa.eu/de/notice/647168-2024/pdf Greek document download: https: //ted.europa.eu/el/notice/647168-2024/pdf Spanish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/es/notice/647168-2024/pdf English document download: https://ted. europa.eu/en/notice/647168-2024/pdf Estonian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/et/notice/647168-2024/pdf Finnish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/fi/notice/647168-2024/pdf French document download: https:// ted.europa.eu/fr/notice/647168-2024/pdf Irish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/ga/notice/647168-2024/pdf Croatian document download: https://ted.europa. eu/hr/notice/647168-2024/pdf Hungarian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/hu/notice/647168-2024/pdf Italian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/it/ notice/647168-2024/pdf Lithuanian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/lt/notice/647168-2024/pdf Latvian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/lv/notice/647168-2024/pdf Maltese document download: https://ted.europa.eu/mt/notice/647168-2024/pdf Dutch document download: https:// ted.europa.eu/nl/notice/647168-2024/pdf Polska document download: https://ted.europa.eu/pl/notice/647168-2024/pdf Portuguese document download: https://ted.europa. eu/pt/notice/647168-2024/pdf Romanian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/ro/notice/647168-2024/pdf Slovak document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sk/ notice/647168-2024/pdf Slovenian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sl/notice/647168-2024/pdf Swedish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sv/notice/647168-2024/pdf Bulgarian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/bg/notice/647168-2024/pdfPublication information Notice publication number: 647168-2024 OJ S issue number: 208/2024 Publication date: 24/10/2024 Czech document download: https://ted.europa.eu/cs/notice/647168-2024/pdf Danish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/da/notice/647168-2024/pdf German document download: https://ted.europa.eu/de/notice/647168-2024/pdf Greek document download: https: //ted.europa.eu/el/notice/647168-2024/pdf Spanish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/es/notice/647168-2024/pdf English document download: https://ted. europa.eu/en/notice/647168-2024/pdf Estonian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/et/notice/647168-2024/pdf Finnish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/fi/notice/647168-2024/pdf French document download: https:// ted.europa.eu/fr/notice/647168-2024/pdf Irish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/ga/notice/647168-2024/pdf Croatian document download: https://ted.europa. eu/hr/notice/647168-2024/pdf Hungarian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/hu/notice/647168-2024/pdf Italian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/it/ notice/647168-2024/pdf 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