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Open House Discount Contracts 2024-05 Tender Notice International Competitive Bidding
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Open House Discount Contracts 2024-05 The health insurance companies (whether HEK and or hkk participate in the respective lot is determined by the name of the respective lot) pursue the goal of entering into discount agreements with all suitable pharmaceutical companies in accordance with Section 130a Paragraph 8 SGB V for the active ingredients and combinations of active ingredients named in the respective lottions or dosage forms, potencies or finished medicinal products. Unless the contract regulates exceptions, the medicinal products covered by the contract are always all of the contractual partner's interchangeable finished medicinal products in accordance with the framework agreement on the supply of medicinal products in accordance with §129 Para. 2 SGB V. The contract is concluded as part of the open house procedure: Individual negotiations about contract contents are not conducted; uniform conditions apply. The health insurance companies do not guarantee individual contractual partners exclusivity. The contract term is basicIn addition, a maximum of 24 months starting at the earliest on May 1st, 2024 (if applicable, different start times can be found in the information for the corresponding lot). The contract ends on April 30, 2026 at the latest (possible exceptions can be found in the information in the relevant lot), regardless of the date of the contractconclusion. Joining this open house process is possible at any time within the contract period. All further information can be found in the participation and contract documents. Calcium Colecalciferol (ATC: A12AX, 500.54 mg 400 I.U.)_TK, HEK The health insurance companies pursue the goal of... TECHNICIANS' HEALTH INSURANCE Address : Bramfelder Str. 140 Town : Hamburg NUTS-Code : DE300 - Berlin Postal Code : 22305 Contact Point : DZ EM, Ü32.02.10 dzem@tk.de Tender Notice International Competitive Bidding 147948-2024 Germany GT-98586572
Other Direct Insurance (except Life Direct Insurance (except Life Direct Life International Process
Sections Lavatory seats, covers, bowls and cisterns Forms Calcium Postal orders Dates
Europe Western Europe
Healthcare and Medicine Building Supply Banking-Finance-Insurance Postal and Courier Services Roads and Highways-Bridge Infrastructure Printing and Publishing Railways-Rail-Railroad Defence and Security Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Pharmaceuticals Building Material
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