Tender Details

Germany – Horticultural services – Rahmenvereinbarung über Pflegearbeiten auf dem Betriebsgelände Place of performance: Germany,Cloppenburg Main nature of the contract: Services Official name: Oldenburger Fleischmehlfabrik GmbH Type of procedure: Open Germany – Horticultural services – Framework agreement on maintenance work on the company premises Place of performance: Germany,Cloppenburg Main nature of the contract: Services Official name: Oldenburger Fleischmehlfabrik GmbH Type of procedure: Open

Published Date
Deadline Date
635197-2024 - Competition Competition Germany: Horticultural services Rahmenvereinbarung über Pflegearbeiten auf dem Betriebsgelände Germany, Cloppenburg (DE948) Friesoythe-Kampe Type of procedure: Open Buyer Buyer: Oldenburger Fleischmehlfabrik GmbH Email: ausschreibung@ptgconsulting.de Germany, Cloppenburg (DE948), Friesoythe-Kampe LOT-0000: Rahmenvereinbarung über Pflegearbeiten auf dem Betriebsgelände Horticultural services Germany, Cloppenburg (DE948) Friesoythe-Kampe Start date: 02/01/2025 Duration end date: 31/12/2026 Deadline for receipt of tenders: 18/11/2024 - 14:00:00 (UTC+1) 635197-2024 - Competition Germany – Horticultural services – Rahmenvereinbarung über Pflegearbeiten auf dem Betriebsgelände OJ S 205/2024 21/10/2024 Contract or concession notice – standard regime Services 1. Buyer 1.1. Buyer Official name: Oldenburger Fleischmehlfabrik GmbH Email: ausschreibung@ptgconsulting.de Legal type of the buyer: Public undertaking Activity of the contracting authority: Health 2. Procedure 2.1. Procedure Title: Rahmenvereinbarung über Pflegearbeiten auf dem Betriebsgelände Description: Rahmenvereinbarung über Pflegearbeiten auf dem Betriebsgelände Procedure identifier: f1f36610-8448-43cc-9070-0fd7e4765559 Internal identifier: OFK-2024-0010 Type of procedure: Open The procedure is accelerated: no 2.1.1. Purpose Main nature of the contract: Services Main classification (cpv): 77300000 Horticultural services 2.1.2. Place of performance Postal address: Zur Fleischmehlfabrik 1 Town: Friesoythe-Kampe Postcode: 26169 Country subdivision (NUTS): Cloppenburg (DE948) Country: Germany 2.1.4. General information Legal basis: Directive 2014/24/EU vgv - 2.1.6. Grounds for exclusion Analogous situation like bankruptcy under national law: siehe Fragebogen zur Eignungprüfung. Bankruptcy: siehe Fragebogen zur Eignungprüfung. Corruption: siehe Fragebogen zur Eignungprüfung. Arrangement with creditors: siehe Fragebogen zur Eignungprüfung. Participation in a criminal organisation: siehe Fragebogen zur Eignungprüfung. Agreements with other economic operators aimed at distorting competition: siehe Fragebogen zur Eignungprüfung. Breaching of obligations in the fields of environmental law: siehe Fragebogen zur Eignungprüfung. Money laundering or terrorist financing: siehe Fragebogen zur Eignungprüfung. Fraud: siehe Fragebogen zur Eignungprüfung. Child labour and other forms of trafficking in human beings: siehe Fragebogen zur Eignungprüfung. Insolvency: siehe Fragebogen zur Eignungprüfung. Breaching of obligations in the fields of labour law: siehe Fragebogen zur Eignungprüfung. Assets being administered by liquidator: siehe Fragebogen zur Eignungprüfung. Guilty of misrepresentation, withheld information, unable to provide required documents and obtained confidential information of this procedure: siehe Fragebogen zur Eignungprüfung. Conflict of interest due to its participation in the procurement procedure: siehe Fragebogen zur Eignungprüfung. Direct or indirect involvement in the preparation of this procurement procedure: siehe Fragebogen zur Eignungprüfung. Guilty of grave professional misconduct: siehe Fragebogen zur Eignungprüfung. Early termination, damages or other comparable sanctions: siehe Fragebogen zur Eignungprüfung. Breaching of obligations in the fields of social law: siehe Fragebogen zur Eignungprüfung. Payment of social security contributions: siehe Fragebogen zur Eignungprüfung. Business activities are suspended: siehe Fragebogen zur Eignungprüfung. Payment of taxes: siehe Fragebogen zur Eignungprüfung. Terrorist offences or offences linked to terrorist activities: siehe Fragebogen zur Eignungprüfung. 5. Lot 5.1. Lot: LOT-0000 Title: Rahmenvereinbarung über Pflegearbeiten auf dem Betriebsgelände Description: Der Auftraggeber, die Oldenburger Fleischmehlfabrik GmbH, übernimmt als Gebietskörperschaft in der Region zwischen der Nordseeküste und den Landkreisen Cloppenburg und Vechta die Entsorgung von verendeten Tieren und genussuntauglichen, Schlachtnebenprodukten als öffentlich-rechtliche Pflichtaufgabe ebenso wie das Vorhalten eines Seuchenkontingents, damit im Falle eines Falles die menschliche wie die Tiergesundheit und der Umweltschutz aufrechterhalten werden. Im Rahmen dieser Vereinbarung sollen Pflegearbeiten auf dem Betriebsgelände der OFK ausgeschrieben werden. Das maximale Abrufvolumen beträgt 1.900 Personenstunden pro Jahr. Internal identifier: LOT-0000 5.1.1. Purpose Main nature of the contract: Services Main classification (cpv): 77300000 Horticultural services Options: Description of the options: Die Rahmenvereinbarung wird für 24 Monate (Grundlaufzeit: 02.01.2025 bis 31.12.2026) abgeschlossen und verlängert sich anschließend zweimalig automatisch um 12 weitere Monate, wenn sie nicht mit einer Frist von jeweils 6 Wochen zum Laufzeitende vom Auftraggeber gekündigt wird. 5.1.2. Place of performance Postal address: Zur Fleischmehlfabrik 1 Town: Friesoythe-Kampe Postcode: 26169 Country subdivision (NUTS): Cloppenburg (DE948) Country: Germany 5.1.3. Estimated duration Start date: 02/01/2025 Duration end date: 31/12/2026 5.1.6. General information Reserved participation: Participation is not reserved. The names and professional qualifications of the staff assigned to perform the contract must be given: Not required Procurement Project not financed with EU Funds. The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): yes Additional information: Die Angebotsabgabe erfolgt ausschließlich elektronisch über die Vergabeplattform https://www.xvergabe.de. Dort müssen die Vergabeunterlagen mit dem AI Bietercockpit geöffnet, bearbeitet und abgegeben werden, nachdem sich die Bieter kostenlos auf der Plattform registriert haben. Die Angebote sind elektronisch zu übermitteln. Für den rechtzeitigen Zugang der Angebote ist ausschließlich der Zugang beim Auftraggeber maßgeblich. Es ist zu beachten, dass es bei dem Hochladen der Angebote auf der Bieterplattform zu Problemen kommen kann. Die Bieter sind daher gehalten mit dem Hochladevorgang so rechtzeitig zu beginnen, dass gegebenenfalls bestehende Probleme beseitigt werden können. - Informationen und FAQs zur Bedienung des AI Bietercockpit können unter folgendem Link eingesehen werden: https://www.bietercockpit.de/faq.html - Bieterfragen können kontinuierlich, müssen aber bis spätestens 11.11.2024 eingereicht werden. 5.1.7. Strategic procurement Aim of strategic procurement: No strategic procurement 5.1.9. Selection criteria Criterion: Type: Suitability to pursue the professional activity Description: - Ausgefülltes Angebotsschreiben (elektronisch zu bearbeitendes Formular mit der Dateiendung ".aiform") In diesem Formular müssen mind. folgende Angabe eingetragen werden: > Angebotsdatum > der Angebotspreis wird übertragen, sobald das Leistungsverzeichnis ausgefüllt wurde > Angabe des Vor- und Nachnamens des Erklärenden (Unterschrift in Textform nach § 126b BGB); eine digitale Signatur oder eine "Nassunterschrift" sind nicht notwedig. - Ausgefülltes Leistungsverzeichnis (elektronisch zu bearbeitendes Formular mit der Dateiendung ".aidf") - Ausgefüllter Fragebogen zur Eignungsprüfung (elektronisch zu bearbeitendes Formular mit der Dateiendung ".aidf") - Dokument ILO-Anforderungen - Falls einschlägig: > F1_Erklaerung Bietergemeinschaft > F2_Verzeichnis Leistungen und Kapazitaeten anderer Unternehmen und Verpflichtungserklärung Criterion: Type: Economic and financial standing Criterion: Type: Technical and professional ability Criterion: Type: Other Description: Direktlink auf Dokument mit Eignungskriterien (URL): https://xvergabe.de/NetServer/SelectionCriteria/54321-Tender-1914ff58a43-13a23bbef66b611e 5.1.10. Award criteria Criterion: Type: Quality Name: Vor-Ort Reaktionszeit Weight (percentage, exact): 20 Criterion: Type: Price Name: Preis Weight (percentage, exact): 80 5.1.11. Procurement documents Languages in which the procurement documents are officially available: German Address of the procurement documents: https://xvergabe.de/NetServer/TenderingProcedureDetails?function=_Details&TenderOID=54321-Tender-1914ff58a43-13a23bbef66b611e& 5.1.12. Terms of procurement Terms of submission: Electronic submission: Allowed Address for submission: https://xvergabe.de/NetServer/TenderingProcedureDetails?function=_Details&TenderOID=54321-Tender-1914ff58a43-13a23bbef66b611e& Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: German Electronic catalogue: Not allowed Variants: Not allowed Tenderers may submit more than one tender: Not allowed Deadline for receipt of tenders: 18/11/2024 14:00:00 (UTC+1) Information that can be supplemented after the submission deadline: At the discretion of the buyer, all missing tenderer-related documents may be submitted later. Additional information: Eine Nachforderung ist nicht ausgeschlossen. Information about public opening: Opening date: 18/11/2024 14:00:00 (UTC+1) Terms of contract: The execution of the contract must be performed within the framework of sheltered employment programmes: No Electronic invoicing: Required Electronic ordering will be used: yes Electronic payment will be used: yes Information about review deadlines: Gesetz gegen Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen (GWB) - § 160 Einleitung, Antrag (1) Die Vergabekammer leitet ein Nachprüfungsverfahren nur auf Antrag ein. (2) Antragsbefugt ist jedes Unternehmen, das ein Interesse an dem öffentlichen Auftrag oder der Konzession hat und eine Verletzung in seinen Rechten nach § 97 Absatz 6 durch Nichtbeachtung von Vergabevorschriften geltend macht. Dabei ist darzulegen, dass dem Unternehmen durch die behauptete Verletzung der Vergabevorschriften ein Schaden entstanden ist oder zu entstehen droht. (3) Der Antrag ist unzulässig, soweit 1. der Antragsteller den geltend gemachten Verstoß gegen Vergabevorschriften vor Einreichen des Nachprüfungsantrags erkannt und gegenüber dem Auftraggeber nicht innerhalb einer Frist von zehn Kalendertagen gerügt hat; der Ablauf der Frist nach § 134 Absatz 2 bleibt unberührt, 2. Verstöße gegen Vergabevorschriften, die aufgrund der Bekanntmachung erkennbar sind, nicht spätestens bis zum Ablauf der in der Bekanntmachung benannten Frist zur Bewerbung oder zur Angebotsabgabe gegenüber dem Auftraggeber gerügt werden, 3. Verstöße gegen Vergabevorschriften, die erst in den Vergabeunterlagen erkennbar sind, nicht spätestens bis zum Ablauf der Frist zur Bewerbung oder zur Angebotsabgabe gegenüber dem Auftraggeber gerügt werden, 4. mehr als 15 Kalendertage nach Eingang der Mitteilung des Auftraggebers, einer Rüge nicht abhelfen zu wollen, vergangen sind. Satz 1 gilt nicht bei einem Antrag auf Feststellung der Unwirksamkeit des Vertrags nach § 135 Absatz 1 Nummer 2. § 134 Absatz 1 Satz 2 bleibt unberührt. 5.1.15. Techniques Framework agreement: Framework agreement, without reopening of competition Information about the dynamic purchasing system: No dynamic purchase system 5.1.16. Further information, mediation and review Review organisation: Vergabekammer Niedersachsen beim Nds. Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Verkehr, Bauen und Digitalisierung Organisation providing additional information about the procurement procedure: Oldenburger Fleischmehlfabrik GmbH Organisation receiving requests to participate: Oldenburger Fleischmehlfabrik GmbH TED eSender: Datenservice Öffentlicher Einkauf (in Verantwortung des Beschaffungsamts des BMI) 8. Organisations 8.1. ORG-7001 Official name: Oldenburger Fleischmehlfabrik GmbH Registration number: DE117115726 Postal address: Zur Fleischmehlfabrik 1 Town: Friesoythe-Kampe Postcode: 26169 Country subdivision (NUTS): Cloppenburg (DE948) Country: Germany Email: ausschreibung@ptgconsulting.de Telephone: +49 449792660 Internet address: https://www.ofk-kampe.de/ Roles of this organisation: Buyer Group leader Organisation providing additional information about the procurement procedure Organisation receiving requests to participate 8.1. ORG-7004 Official name: Vergabekammer Niedersachsen beim Nds. Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Verkehr, Bauen und Digitalisierung Registration number: t:04131153308 Postal address: Auf der Hude 2 Town: Lüneburg Postcode: 21339 Country subdivision (NUTS): Lüneburg, Landkreis (DE935) Country: Germany Email: vergabekammer@mw.niedersachsen.de Telephone: +49 4131153308 Roles of this organisation: Review organisation 8.1. ORG-7005 Official name: Datenservice Öffentlicher Einkauf (in Verantwortung des Beschaffungsamts des BMI) Registration number: 0204:994-DOEVD-83 Town: Bonn Postcode: 53119 Country subdivision (NUTS): Bonn, Kreisfreie Stadt (DEA22) Country: Germany Email: noreply.esender_hub@bescha.bund.de Telephone: +49228996100 Roles of this organisation: TED eSender 11. Notice information 11.1. Notice information Notice identifier/version: d4f3ab02-d969-4352-9596-bfa26d8715d3 - 01 Form type: Competition Notice type: Contract or concession notice – standard regime Notice subtype: 16 Notice dispatch date: 17/10/2024 15:23:59 (UTC+2) Languages in which this notice is officially available: German 11.2. Publication information Notice publication number: 635197-2024 OJ S issue number: 205/2024 Publication date: 21/10/2024 Czech document download: https://ted.europa.eu/cs/notice/635197-2024/pdf Danish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/da/notice/635197-2024/pdf German document download: https://ted.europa.eu/de/notice/635197-2024/pdf Greek document download: https://ted.europa.eu/el/notice/635197-2024/pdf Spanish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/es/notice/635197-2024/pdf English document download: https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/635197-2024/pdf Estonian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/et/notice/635197-2024/pdf Finnish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/fi/notice/635197-2024/pdf French document download: https://ted.europa.eu/fr/notice/635197-2024/pdf Irish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/ga/notice/635197-2024/pdf Croatian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/hr/notice/635197-2024/pdf Hungarian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/hu/notice/635197-2024/pdf Italian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/it/notice/635197-2024/pdf Lithuanian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/lt/notice/635197-2024/pdf Latvian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/lv/notice/635197-2024/pdf Maltese document download: https://ted.europa.eu/mt/notice/635197-2024/pdf Dutch document download: https://ted.europa.eu/nl/notice/635197-2024/pdf Polska document download: https://ted.europa.eu/pl/notice/635197-2024/pdf Portuguese document download: https://ted.europa.eu/pt/notice/635197-2024/pdf Romanian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/ro/notice/635197-2024/pdf Slovak document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sk/notice/635197-2024/pdf Slovenian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sl/notice/635197-2024/pdf Swedish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sv/notice/635197-2024/pdf Bulgarian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/bg/notice/635197-2024/pdf 635197-2024 - Competition Competition Germany: Horticultural services Framework agreement on maintenance work on the company premises Germany, Cloppenburg (DE948) Friesoythe-Kampe Type of procedure: Open Buyer Buyer: Oldenburger Fleischmehlfabrik GmbH Email: ausschreibung@ptgconsulting.de Germany, Cloppenburg (DE948), Friesoythe-Kampe LOT-0000: Framework agreement on maintenance work on the company premises Horticultural services Germany, Cloppenburg (DE948) Friesoythe-Kampe Start date: 02/01/2025 Duration end date: 31/12/2026 Deadline for receipt of tenders: 18/11/2024 - 14:00:00 (UTC+1) 635197-2024 - Competition Germany – Horticultural services – Framework agreement on maintenance work on the company premises OJ S 205/2024 21/10/2024 Contract or concession notice – standard regime Services 1. Buyer 1.1. Buyer Official name: Oldenburger Fleischmehlfabrik GmbH Email: ausschreibung@ptgconsulting.de Legal type of the buyer: Public undertaking Activity of the contracting authority: Health 2. Procedure 2.1. Procedure Title: Framework agreement on maintenance work on the company premises Description: Framework agreement on maintenance work on the company premises Procedure identifier: f1f36610-8448-43cc-9070-0fd7e4765559 Internal identifier: OFK-2024-0010 Type of procedure: Open The procedure is accelerated: no 2.1.1. Purpose Main nature of the contract: Services Main classification (cpv): 77300000 Horticultural services 2.1.2. Place of performance Postal address: Zur Fleischmehlfabrik 1 Town: Friesoythe-Kampe Postcode: 26169 Country subdivision (NUTS): Cloppenburg (DE948) Country: Germany 2.1.4. General information Legal basis: Directive 2014/24/EU vgv - 2.1.6. Grounds for exclusion Analogous situation like bankruptcy under national law: see suitability assessment questionnaire. Bankruptcy: see suitability assessment questionnaire. Corruption: see suitability assessment questionnaire. Arrangement with creditors: see suitability assessment questionnaire. Participation in a criminal organisation: see suitability assessment questionnaire. Agreements with other economic operators aimed at distorting competition: see suitability assessment questionnaire. Breaching of obligations in the fields of environmental law: see suitability assessment questionnaire. Money laundering or terrorist financing: see suitability assessment questionnaire. Fraud: see suitability assessment questionnaire. Child labour and other forms of trafficking in human beings: see suitability assessment questionnaire. Insolvency: see suitability assessment questionnaire. Breaching of obligations in the fields of labour law: see suitability assessment questionnaire. Assets being administered by liquidator: see suitability assessment questionnaire. Guilty of misrepresentation, withheld information, unable to provide required documents and obtained confidential information of this procedure: see suitability assessment questionnaire. Conflict of interest due to its participation in the procurement procedure: see suitability assessment questionnaire.Direct or indirect involvement in the preparation of this procurement procedure: see suitability assessment questionnaire. Guilty of grave professional misconduct: see suitability assessment questionnaire. Early termination, damages or other comparable sanctions: see suitability assessment questionnaire. Breaching of obligations in the fields of social law: see suitability assessment questionnaire. Payment of social security contributions: see suitability assessment questionnaire. Business activities are suspended: see suitability assessment questionnaire. Payment of taxes: see suitability assessment questionnaire. Terrorist offences or offences linked to terrorist activities: see suitability assessment questionnaire. 5. Lot 5.1. Lot: LOT-0000 Title: Framework agreement on maintenance work on the company premises Description: The client, Oldenburger Fleischmehlfabrik GmbH, as a local authority in the region between the North Sea coast and the districts of Cloppenburg and Vechta, is responsible for the disposal of dead animals and slaughter by-products that are not fit for consumption as a mandatory public task, as well as maintaining an epidemic quota so that human and animal health and environmental protection are maintained in the event of an emergency. As part of this agreement, maintenance work on the OFK company premises is to be put out to tender. The maximum call-off volume is 1,900 person-hours per year. Internal identifier: LOT-0000 5.1.1. Purpose Main nature of the contract: Services Main classification (cpv): 77300000 Horticultural services Options: Description of the options: The framework agreement is concluded for 24 months (basic term: January 2, 2025 to December 31, 2026) and is then automatically extended twice for a further 12 months unless the client terminates it with 6 weeks’ notice each time before the end of the term. 5.1.2. Place of performance Postal address: Zur Fleischmehlfabrik 1 Town: Friesoythe-Kampe Postcode: 26169 Country subdivision (NUTS): Cloppenburg (DE948) Country: Germany 5.1.3. Estimated duration Start date: January 2, 2025 Duration end date: December 31, 2026 5.1.6. General information Reserved participation: Participation is not reserved. The names and professional qualifications of the staff assigned to perform the contract must be given: Not required Procurement Project not financed with EU Funds. The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): yes Additional information: Tenders must be submitted exclusively electronically via the procurement platform https://www.xvergabe.de. There, the procurement documents must be opened, processed and submitted using the AI ​​bidder cockpit after the bidders have registered free of charge on the platform. Tenders must be submitted electronically. Timely receipt of the tenders is solely dependent on receipt by the client. It should be noted thatthat there may be problems when uploading offers to the bidding platform. Bidders are therefore required to start the upload process in good time so that any existing problems can be resolved. - Information and FAQs on how to use the AI ​​bidding cockpit can be viewed at the following link: https://www.bietercockpit.de/faq.html - Bidder questions can be submitted continuously, but must be submitted by November 11, 2024 at the latest. 5.1.7. Strategic procurement Aim of strategic procurement: No strategic procurement 5.1.9. Selection criteria Criterion: Type: Suitability to pursue the professional activity Description: - Completed letter of offer (electronically processed form with the file extension ".aiform") At least the following information must be entered in this form: > Date of offer > the offer price will be transferred as soon as the list of services has been completed > First and last name of the person making the declaration (signature in text form in accordance with Section 126b of the German Civil Code); a digital signature or a "wet signature" are not necessary. - Completed list of services (electronically processed form with the file extension ".aidf") - Completed suitability assessment questionnaire (electronically processed form with the file extension ".aidf") - ILO requirements document - If applicable: > F1_Declaration of bidding consortium > F2_List of services and capacities of other companies and declaration of commitment Criterion: Type: Economic and financial standing Criterion: Type: Technical and professional ability Criterion: Type: Other Description: Direct link to document with suitability criteria (URL): https://xvergabe.de/NetServer/SelectionCriteria/54321-Tender-1914ff58a43-13a23bbef66b611e 5.1.10. Award criteria Criterion: Type: Quality Name: On-site response time Weight (percentage, exact): 20 Criterion: Type: Price Name: Price Weight (percentage, exact): 80 5.1.11. Procurement documents Languages ​​in which the procurement documents are officially available: German Address of the procurement documents: https://xvergabe.de/NetServer/TenderingProcedureDetails?function=_Details&TenderOID=54321-Tender-1914ff58a43-13a23bbef66b611e& 5.1.12. Terms of procurement Terms of submission: Electronic submission: Allowed Address for submission: https://xvergabe.de/NetServer/TenderingProcedureDetails?function=_Details&TenderOID=54321-Tender-1914ff58a43-13a23bbef66b611e& Languages ​​in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: German Electronic catalog: Not allowed Variants: Not allowed Tenderers may submit more than one tender: Not Deadline for receipt of tenders: 18/11/2024 14:00:00 (UTC+1) Information that can be supplemented after the submission deadline: At the discretion of the buyer, all missing tenderer-related documents may be submitted later. Additional information:A subsequent demand is not excluded. Information about public opening: Opening date: 11/18/2024 2:00:00 p.m. (UTC+1) Terms of contract: The execution of the contract must be performed within the framework of sheltered employment programmes: No Electronic invoicing: Required Electronic ordering will be used: yes Electronic payment will be used: yes Information about review deadlines: Act against Restraints of Competition (GWB) - Section 160 Initiation, application (1) The procurement tribunal shall only initiate review proceedings upon application. (2) Any company that has an interest in the public contract or concession and claims that its rights under Section 97(6) have been violated through non-compliance with procurement regulations is entitled to file an application. It must be demonstrated that the company has suffered or is at risk of suffering damage as a result of the alleged violation of the procurement regulations. (3) The application is inadmissible if 1. the applicant recognised the alleged breach of procurement regulations before submitting the application for review and did not complain to the contracting authority within ten calendar days; the expiry of the period under Section 134(2) remains unaffected, 2. breaches of procurement regulations which are apparent from the announcement are not complained to the contracting authority by the expiry of the deadline for application or submission of a tender specified in the announcement, 3. breaches of procurement regulations which are only apparent in the procurement documents are not complained to the contracting authority by the expiry of the deadline for application or submission of a tender, 4. more than 15 calendar days have passed since receipt of the contracting authority’s notification that it does not wish to remedy a complaint. Sentence 1 does not apply to an application for a declaration that the contract is invalid under Section 135(1) number 2. Section 134(1) sentence 2 remains unaffected. 5.1.15. Techniques Framework agreement: Framework agreement, without reopening of competition Information about the dynamic purchasing system: No dynamic purchase system 5.1.16. Further information, mediation and review Review organisation: Vergabekammer Niedersachsen at the Nds. Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport, Construction and Digitisation Organisation providing additional information about the procurement procedure: Oldenburger Fleischmehlfabrik GmbH Organisation receiving requests to participate: Oldenburger Fleischmehlfabrik GmbH TED eSender: Datenservice Öffentlicher Einkauf (under the responsibility of the Procurement Office of the BMI) 8. Organisations 8.1. ORG-7001 Official name: Oldenburger Fleischmehlfabrik GmbH Registration number: DE117115726 Postal address: Zur Fleischmehlfabrik 1 Town: Friesoythe-Kampe Postcode: 26169 Country subdivision (NUTS): Cloppenburg (DE948) Country: Germany Email: ausschreibung@ptgconsulting.de Telephone: +49 449792660 Internet address: https://www.ofk-kampe.de/ Roles of this organisation:Buyer Group leader Organisation providing additional information about the procurement procedure Organisation receiving requests to participate 8.1. ORG-7004 Official name: Vergabekammer Niedersachsen beim Nds.ministerium für Wirtschaft, Verkehr, Bauen und Digitalisierung Registration number: t:04131153308 Postal address: Auf der Hude 2 Town: Lüneburg Postcode: 21339 Country subdivision (NUTS): Lüneburg, Landkreis (DE935) Country: Germany Email: vergabekammer@mw.niedersachsen.de Telephone: +49 4131153308 Roles of this organisation: Review organisation 8.1. ORG-7005 Official name: Data Service Public Purchasing (in responsibility of the Procurement Office of the BMI) Registration number: 0204:994-DOEVD-83 Town: Bonn Postcode: 53119 Country subdivision (NUTS): Bonn, Kreisfreie Stadt (DEA22) Country: Germany Email: noreply.esender_hub@bescha.bund.de Telephone: +49228996100 Roles of this organisation: TED eSender 11. Notice information 11.1. Notice information Notice identifier/version: d4f3ab02-d969-4352-9596-bfa26d8715d3 - 01 Form type: Competition Notice type: Contract or concession notice – standard regime Notice subtype: 16 Notice dispatch date: 17/10/2024 15:23:59 (UTC+2) Languages ​​in which this notice is officially available: German 11.2. Publication information Notice publication number: 635197-2024 OJ S issue number: 205/2024 Publication date: 21/10/2024 Czech document download: https://ted.europa.eu/cs/notice/635197-2024/pdf Danish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/da/notice/635197-2024/pdf German document download: https://ted.europa.eu/de /notice/635197-2024/pdf Greek document download: https://ted.europa.eu/el/notice/635197-2024/pdf Spanish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/es/notice/635197-2024/pdf English document download: https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/635197-2024/pdf Estonian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/et/notice/635197-2024/pdf Finnish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/fi/notice/635197-2024/pdf French document download: https://ted.europa.eu/fr/notice/635197-2024/pdf Irish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/ga/notice/635197-2024/pdf Croatian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/hr/notice/635197-2024/pdf Hungarian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/hu/notice/635197-2024/pdf Italian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/it/notice/635197-2024/pdf Lithuanian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/lt/notice/635197-2024/pdf Latvian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/lv/notice/635197-2024/pdf Maltese document download: https://ted.europa.eu/mt/notice/635197-2024/pdf Dutch document download: https://ted.europa.eu/nl/notice/635197-2024/pdf Polish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/pl/notice/635197-2024/pdf Portuguese document download: https://ted.europa.eu/pt/notice/635197-2024/pdf Romanian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/ro/notice/635197-2024/pdf Slovak document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sk/notice/635197-2024/pdf Slovenian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sl/notice/635197-2024/pdf Swedish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sv/notice/635197-2024/pdf Bulgarian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/bg/ notice/635197-2024/pdf
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