Tender Details

ヘリコプター運航請負業務(令和6年度下期) ヘリコプター運航請負業務(令和6年度下期) 令和6年10月16日支出負担行為担当官中部森林管理局長 森谷 克彦 次のとおり一般競争入札(政府調達対象外)に付します。 1.入札公告 (1)入札公告(PD... Helicopter operation contract work (2nd half of FY2024) Helicopter operation contract work (2nd half of FY2024) October 16, 2024 Expenditure and Burdening Officer Director of Chubu Forest Management Office Katsuhiko Moriya The following is open to public competitive bidding (not subject to government procurement). 1. Bidding Announcement (1) Bidding Announcement (PD...

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Deadline Date
ヘリコプター運航請負業務(令和6年度下期) ヘリコプター運航請負業務(令和6年度下期) 令和6年10月16日支出負担行為担当官中部森林管理局長 森谷 克彦 次のとおり一般競争入札(政府調達対象外)に付します。 1.入札公告 (1)入札公告(PD... 林野庁   入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 ヘリコプター運航請負業務(令和6年度下期) 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 16 日 組織 林野庁 取得日 2024 年 10 月 16 日 20:09:21 入札公告(PDF : 121KB) 公告内容 令和6年10月16日支出負担行為担当官中部森林管理局長 森谷 克彦 次のとおり一般競争入札(政府調達対象外)に付します。 1.入札公告 (1)入札公告(PDF : 121KB) お知らせ 1 農林水産省の発注事務に関する綱紀保持を目的として、農林水産省発注者綱紀保持規程(平成19年農林水産省訓令第22号)が制定されました。この規程に基づき、第三者から不当な働き掛けを受けた場合は、その事実をホームページで公表するなどの綱紀保持対策を実施しています。詳しくは、当ホームページの「発注者綱紀保持に関するお知らせ」をご覧ください。2 農林水産省は、経済財政運営と改革の基本方針2020について(令和2年7月17日閣議決定)に基づき、書面・押印・対面の見直しの一環として、押印省略などに取り組んでいます。 次のとおり一般競争入札(政府調達対象外)に付します。 1 業務概要(1)業 務 名 ヘリコプター運航請負業務(令和6年度下期)(2)業務場所 中部森林管理局管内で運航作業指示書により指示する区域(3)業務内容 単価契約によるヘリコプター運航業務(詳細は特記仕様書等による)(4)履行期間 契約締結日から令和7年3月31日まで 調達ポータル :2 競争参加資格3 競争参加資格確認申請書の提出に関する事項中部森林管理局長 森谷 克彦 支出負担行為担当官 ただし、行政機関の休日に関する法律(昭和63年法律第91条)第1条第1項に規定する行政機関の休日 (以下「休日」という。)は除く。(電子調達システムによる場合はメンテナンス期間を除く。) 「申請書」(別紙様式-1)に次の資格確認資料を添付して提出すること。 ア 令和4・5・6年度農林水産省競争参加資格(全省庁統一資格)の資格審査結果通知書の写し イ 自社保有機(回転翼航空機)一覧表及び主たる保管場所が確認できる資料 ウ 本店、支店又は営業所の所在地、連絡先が確認できる資料 エ 航空機使用事業免許写しhttps://www.p-portal.go.jp/pps-web-biz/UZA01/OZA0101(5)本業務の入札等は、電子調達システムにより行う。詳細は入札説明書による。 なお、電子調達システムにより難い者は、紙入札により参加することができる。 (3)中部森林管理局管内に本店、支店又は営業所を有する者及び当局の運航指示に対して速やかな運航が可能な者であること。 (4)会社更生法に基づき更生手続開始の申立てがなされている者又は民事再生法に基づき再生手続き開始の申立てがなされている者でないこと。 令和6年10月17日9時00分から令和6年10月30日16時00分まで(1)申請書等の提出期間(5)申請書等の提出期限の日から開札の時までの期間に、中部森林管理局長から「物品の製造契約、物品の購入契約及び役務等契約指名停止等措置要領について」(平成26年12月4日付け26林政政第338号)に基づく指名停止を受けていないこと。 本競争入札の参加希望者は、上記2に掲げる競争参加資格を有することを証明するため、入札説明書5「競争参加資格の確認等」に従って、支出負担行為担当官から競争参加資格の有無について確認を受けなけ ればならない。 (2)提出書類入札公告(1)予決令第70条及び第71条の規定に該当しない者であること。 なお、未成年者、被保佐人又は被補助人であって、契約締結のために必要な同意を得ている者は、 第70条に規定する特別の理由がある場合に該当する。 令和6年10月16日(2)令和4・5・6年度農林水産省競争参加資格(全省庁統一資格)において「役務の提供等」のうち「運送」(営業品目コード:310)又は「その他」(営業品目コード:315)に登録され、標準機種AS350B3(5人乗り、パイロットを含む)同等以上の自社保有機での運航が可能な者であること。 ・Microsoft Word・Microsoft Excel・その他のアプリケーションPDFファイル 画像ファイルJPEG形式又はGIF形式 圧縮ファイルZIP形式(4)紙入札方式による提出の場合 ア 提出方法持参又は郵送によること。郵送の場合は書留郵便又は配達証明郵便に限る。 イ 提出場所中部森林管理局 経理課 専門官(契約適正化)〒380-8575 長野県長野市大字栗田715-5電話 050-3160-6533メールアドレス(c_keiri@maff.go.jp)4 入札説明書等の交付期間、場所及び方法(3)調達ポータルによる交付https://www.rinya.maff.go.jp/chubu/apply/publicsale/keiyaku_info/kokoroe.htmlhttps://www.p-portal.go.jp/pps-web-biz/UAA01/OAA0101(調達ポータルから資料をダウンロードする方法)https://www.rinya.maff.go.jp/chubu/apply/publicsale/attach/pdf/densityoutatu-sisutemuriyou-9.pdf ただし、最新の中部森林管理局競争契約入札心得については、中部森林管理局ホー ムページで交付す る。 (6)競争参加資格の確認は、申請書等の提出期限の日をもって行うものとし、申請者に参加資格の有無 を通知する。競争参加資格「無」とした者に対しては、その理由を付して通知する。 ・ヘリコプター運航請負業務(令和6年度下期)契約書(案)(1)交付期間 令和6年10月17日9時00分から令和6年11月17日17時00まで(休日を除く)。 (2)交付資料 ・ヘリコプター運航請負業務(令和6年度下期)入札説明書等資料電子調達システムで送信すること。ファイル形式については以下のいずれかの形式にて作成すること。 (5)上記(1)に規定する期限までに申請書等を提出しない者又は競争参加資格が無いと認めた者は本業務に参加できない。 資料は、調達ポータルで交付する。 ア 提出期間:令和6年10月17日9時00分から令和6年11月13日17時00まで イ 提出場所:上記3(4)イに同じ ※なお、提出した書類に関して支出負担行為担当官から説明を求められた場合は、開札日の前日までの間において、それに応じなければならない。 (3) 電子調達システムによる提出の場合 ア 提出方法 ウ 提出方法:原則として電子メールによる。(提出期限必着) 入札公告及び入札説明書等に対する質問がある場合においては、次に従い、書面(様式は自由)により提出 すること。 (4)入札公告、入札説明書等に対する質問の受付5 入札執行の場所及び日時等に関する事項(1)入札の日時 ア 電子調達システムにより入札する場合(2)開札の場所及び日時ア 開札は、令和6年11月18日10時30分に中部森林管理局入札室(1階)にて行う。 ウ 開札日時を変更する場合は、電子調達システム又は競争参加資格確認通知書により変更日時を通知する。 (1)電子調達システムによる手続き開始後の紙入札方式への途中変更は、原則として行わないものとするが、入札参加者側にやむを得ない事情が生じた場合には、発注者の承諾を得て紙入札方式に変更することができるものとする。 (2)電子調達システムに障害等のやむを得ない事情が生じた場合には、紙入札方式に変更する場合がある。 (3)手続において使用する言語及び通貨は、日本語及び日本国通貨に限る。 (5)本公告に記載なき事項及び詳細は、中部森林管理局競争契約入札心得による。 (6)詳細は入札説明書等による。 8 落札者の決定方法 令和6年11月13日9時00分から令和6年11月15日17時00分までに入札金額の送信 イ 紙入札方式により入札する場合中部森林管理局入札室(1階)に令和6年11月18日10時30分までに持参すること(5)上記(4)の質問に対する回答は、中部森林管理局のホームページに公表する。 https://www.rinya.maff.go.jp/chubu/apply/publicsale/situmonkaitou/sonota.html を行うこと。 は配達証明郵便にて差し出すこと。ただし、開札を行い、予定価格の制限の範囲内の入札がない場合 札書が中部森林管理局 総務企画部 経理課 専門官(契約適正化)に到着するように、書留郵便又 、再度の入札を引き続き行うことがあるが、郵便により入札に参加した者にあっては、再度の入札に 参加できない。) (郵便入札を認める。なお、郵便入札を行うときは、令和6年11月15日17時00分までに入 なお、場合によっては書面の持参又は郵送も認める。(提出期限必着)ただし、電子メール及び郵送の場合は、上記3(4)イに提出した旨を電話で通知すること。 (4)契約書作成の要否 要イ 紙入札方式による競争入札の執行に当たっては、支出負担行為担当官により競争資格があると確認された旨の通知書の写し及び委任状がある場合は委任状を持参すること。 6 入札保証金及び契約保証金 免除する。 7 入札の無効 本公告に示した競争参加資格のない者の入札、申請書又は資料等に虚偽の記載をした者の入札、入札に関する条件に違反した者の入札及び中部森林管理局競争契約入札心得第7条の規定に違反した者の入札は無効とする。 9 その他 予決令第79条の規定に基づいて作成された予定価格の制限の範囲内で最低価格をもって有効な入札を行った者を落札者とする。 お知らせ2 農林水産省は、経済財政運営と改革の基本方針2020について(令和2年7月17日閣議決定)に基づき、書面・押印・対面の見直しの一環として、押印省略などに取り組んでいます。 1 農林水産省の発注事務に関する綱紀保持を目的として、農林水産省発注者綱紀保持規程(平成19年農林水産省訓令第22号)が制定されました。この規程に基づき、第三者から不当な働き掛けを受けた場合は、その事実をホームページで公表するなどの綱紀保持対策を実施しています。 詳しくは、当森林管理局のホームページ(7)本業務については、受注者が追加で費用を要する新型コロナウイルス感染症の感染防止対策を実施する場合に設計変更等の協議の対象となる。受注者からの申し出により、受注者による業務計画書への反映と確実な履行を前提として設計変更等を行い、必要に応じて請負代金の変更や履行期間の延長を行う。 https://www.rinya.maff.go.jp/chubu/apply/publicsale/keiyaku_info/koukihoji/index.html の発注者綱紀保持をご覧下さい。 (8)入札参加希望者は、「責任あるサプライチェーン等における人権尊重のためのガイドライン」(令和 4年9月13日ビジネスと人権に関する行動計画の実施に係る関係府省庁施策推進・連絡会議決定)を 踏まえて人権尊重に取り組むよう努めること。 Helicopter operation contract work (second half of fiscal year 2024) Helicopter operation contract work (second half of fiscal year 2024) October 16, 2024 Expenditure and Burdening Officer Director of the Chubu Forest Management Bureau Katsuhiko Moriya The following will be put up for public competitive bidding (not subject to government procurement). 1. Tender announcement (1) Tender announcement (PDF: 121KB) Notice of announcement October 16, 2024 Expenditure and liability officer Director-General of the Central Forest Management Bureau Moriya Katsuhiko The following tender information is available for public competitive bidding (not subject to government procurement). 1. Tender announcement (1) Tender announcement (PDF: 121KB) Notice 1 The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Order Discipline Maintenance Regulations (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ordinance No. 22 of 2007) was enacted for the purpose of maintaining discipline regarding the procurement affairs of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. Based on these regulations, if a third party makes an inappropriate request, measures to maintain discipline are implemented, such as publishing the fact on the website. For details, please refer to the "Notice regarding the maintenance of discipline among purchasers" on our website. 2 Based on the Basic Policy on Economic and Fiscal Management and Reform 2020 (Cabinet decision on July 17, 2020), the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is working on omitting seals as part of a review of written documents, seals and face-to-face meetings. The following will be put up for public competitive bidding (not subject to government procurement). 1. Business overview (1) Business name Helicopter operation contract work (second half of fiscal year 2024) (2) Business location Area specified by operation work instructions within the jurisdiction of the Chubu Forest Management Bureau (3) Business content Helicopter operation work under unit price contract (details are in the special specifications, etc.) (4) Performance period From the date of contract conclusion to March 31, 2025 Procurement Portal: 2. Eligibility to participate in the tender 3. Matters related to the submission of an application for confirmation of eligibility to participate in the tender Katsuhiko Moriya, Director of the Chubu Regional Forest Office, Expenditure and Burdening Officer However, this does not include holidays of government agencies (hereinafter referred to as "holidays") as stipulated in Article 1, Paragraph 1 of the Act on Holidays for Government Agencies (Act Article 91 of 1988). (In the case of using the electronic procurement system, this does not include maintenance periods.) The "Application Form" (Attached Form 1) must be submitted with the following eligibility confirmation documents attached. A. A copy of the notification of the eligibility review results for the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries' eligibility to participate in the tender (unified eligibility for all ministries and agencies) for fiscal years 2022, 2023 and 2024 B. A list of the company's aircraft (rotorcraft) and documents confirming the main storage location C. Documents confirming the location and contact details of the head office, branch office or sales office D. Copy of Aircraft Use License https://www.p-portal.go.jp/pps-web-biz/UZA01/OZA0101 (5) Bidding for this business will be conducted via the electronic procurement system. For details, see the bidding instructions. Applicants who have difficulty using the electronic procurement system may participate via paper bidding. (3) Applicants must have a head office, branch office, or business office within the jurisdiction of the Chubu Forest Management Bureau and be able to operate promptly in response to operational instructions from the authorities. (4) Applicants must not be a party against whom a petition for the commencement of reorganization proceedings has been filed under the Corporate Reorganization Act or a party against whom a petition for the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings has been filed under the Civil Rehabilitation Act. From 9:00 on October 17, 2024 to 16:00 on October 30, 2024 (1) Submission period for application documents, etc. (5) During the period from the deadline for submission of application documents, etc. to the time of opening of bids, the applicant has not been suspended from bidding based on the "Guidelines for measures such as suspension of bidding for contracts for the manufacture of goods, contracts for the purchase of goods, and contracts for services, etc." (No. 338, dated December 4, 2014) issued by the Director of the Chubu Forest Office. In order to prove that the applicant is eligible to participate in this competitive bidding as set forth in 2 above, the applicant must be confirmed by the expenditure and liability officer regarding the existence of the eligibility to participate in the competitive bidding in accordance with Bidding Instructions 5 "Confirmation of eligibility to participate in the competitive bidding, etc." (2) Documents to be submitted Bidding announcement (1) The applicant does not fall under the provisions of Articles 70 and 71 of the Budget and Accounting Order. In addition, a minor, a person under guardianship, or a person under assistance who has obtained the consent necessary for entering into a contract falls under the case where there are special reasons as provided for in Article 70. October 16, 2024 (2) In the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries competitive bidding qualification (unified qualification for all ministries and agencies) for fiscal years 2022, 2023 and 2024, the applicant must be registered as "Transportation" (business item code: 310) or "Other" (business item code: 315) under "Provision of services, etc." and be able to operate a company-owned aircraft equivalent to or larger than the standard model AS350B3 (5-seater, including pilot). ・Microsoft Word・Microsoft Excel・Other applications PDF files Image files JPEG or GIF format Compressed files ZIP format (4) In the case of submission by paper bidding method A. Submission method By bringing in or by mail. In the case of mailing, only registered mail or certified mail is allowed. B. Place of submission: Chubu Regional Forest Office, Accounting Division, Specialist (Contract Optimization) 715-5 Kurita, Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture, 380-8575 Phone: 050-3160-6533 Email address: (c_keiri@maff.go.jp) 4. Period, place and method of delivery of bidding instructions, etc. (3) Delivery via the Procurement Portal https://www.rinya.maff.go.jp/chubu/apply/publicsale/keiyaku_info/kokoroe.html https://www.p-portal.go.jp/pps-web-biz/UAA01/OAA0101 (How to download documents from the Procurement Portal) https://www.rinya.maff.go.jp/chubu/apply/publicsale/attach/pdf/densityoutatu-sisutemuriyou-9.pdf However, the latest Chubu Forest Office Competitive Contract Bidding Guidelines will be posted on the Chubu Forest Office homepage. (6) Eligibility to participate in the competition will be confirmed on the deadline for submitting the application form, etc., and the applicant will be notified of whether or not they are eligible to participate. Those who are deemed "ineligible" to participate in the competition will be notified with the reason. - Helicopter operation contract work (2nd half of fiscal year 2024) contract (draft) (1) Delivery period From 9:00 on October 17, 2024 to 17:00 on November 17, 2024 (excluding holidays). (2) Documents to be provided - Helicopter operation contract work (2nd half of fiscal year 2024) bidding instructions and other documents must be submitted via the electronic procurement system. Files must be created in one of the following formats. (5) Those who do not submit applications, etc. by the deadline specified in (1) above or those who are deemed ineligible to participate in the competition will not be able to participate in this work. Documents will be provided on the procurement portal. A Submission period: From 9:00 on October 17, 2024 to 17:00 on November 13, 2024 B Place of submission: Same as 3(4)B above *However, if the expenditure and liability officer requests an explanation regarding the documents submitted, this must be provided by the day before the bid opening date. (3) Submission via the electronic procurement system A Submission method C Submission method: In principle, by email. (Submission must arrive by the deadline) If you have any questions regarding the bid announcement and bid documentation, etc., please submit them in writing (any format) as follows. (4) Acceptance of questions regarding the bid announcement and bid documentation, etc. 5 Matters related to the place, date, etc. of bid execution (1) Date and time of bid execution A If bidding via the electronic procurement system (2) Place and date of bid opening A Bid opening will take place at 10:30 on November 18, 2024 in the bidding room of the Chubu Regional Forest Office (1st floor). C. If the date and time of bid opening is changed, the date and time of the change will be notified via the electronic procurement system or the notice of confirmation of eligibility to participate in the competition. (1) In principle, there will be no midway change to the paper bidding method after the start of the procedure via the electronic procurement system. However, if unavoidable circumstances arise on the part of the bidders, they may change to the paper bidding method with the consent of the purchaser. (2) In the event of unavoidable circumstances such as a malfunction of the electronic procurement system, there is a possibility of changing to the paper bidding method. (3) The language and currency to be used in the procedure will be limited to Japanese and Japanese currency. (5) Matters and details not stated in this announcement will be in accordance with the Chubu Regional Forest Office Competitive Contract Bidding Guidelines. (6) For further details, please refer to the bidding instructions, etc. 8. Method of determining successful bidders: Bids submitted between 9:00am on November 13, 2024 and 5:00pm on November 15, 2024. B. Paper bids submitted to the Chubu Regional Forest Office Bidding Room (1st floor) by 10:30am on November 18, 2024. (5) The answers to the questions in (4) above will be published on the Chubu Regional Forest Office website. https://www.rinya.maff.go.jp/chubu/apply/publicsale/situmonkaitou/sonota.html. Submit by certified mail. However, if there are no bids within the estimated price limit after the bids are opened, they may be submitted by registered mail or other means so that the bids arrive at the Specialist (Contract Appropriation) of the Accounting Division, General Affairs and Planning Department, Chubu Regional Forest Office. Bidding may continue, but bidders who have submitted by mail will not be able to participate in the bidding again. ) (Postal bidding is permitted. When submitting a postal bid, submission must be received by 5:00 p.m. on November 15, 2024. In some cases, paper bids may also be submitted in person or by mail. (Submission must arrive by the deadline) However, if submitting by email or by mail, the bidder must notify the bidder of the submission under 3(4)(i) above by telephone. (4) Whether a contract needs to be prepared: Required (i) When conducting competitive bidding using paper bidding, the bidder must bring a copy of the notice by the expenditure and liability officer confirming that the bidder is eligible to compete, and a power of attorney if they have one. 6. Bid security and contract security: Exempt. 7. Invalidated bids: Bids made by persons who are not eligible to participate in the competition as stated in this announcement, bids made by persons who make false statements in the application form or documents, bids made in violation of the conditions of the bid, and bids made in violation of Article 7 of the Central Forest Office Competitive Contract Bidding Guidelines will be invalid. 9. Other: The successful bidder will be the person who submitted the valid bid with the lowest price within the limit of the estimated price prepared pursuant to Article 79 of the Budgetary and Accounting Order. Notice 2 Based on the Basic Policy for Economic and Fiscal Management and Reform 2020 (Cabinet decision on July 17, 2020), the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is working on omitting seals as part of a review of written, sealed and face-to-face consultations. 1. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Orderer Discipline Maintenance Regulations (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ordinance No. 22 of 2007) was established for the purpose of maintaining discipline regarding the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries' ordering affairs. Based on this regulation, if a third party makes an inappropriate request, the Ministry will implement measures to maintain discipline, such as publishing the fact on its website. For details, please see the website of the Forest Management Bureau. (7) This work will be subject to consultations on design changes, etc., if the contractor implements additional COVID-19 infection prevention measures that require additional costs. Upon request from the contractor, design changes, etc. will be made on the premise that the contractor will reflect them in the work plan and ensure their implementation, and the contract price will be changed or the performance period will be extended as necessary. https://www.rinya.maff.go.jp/chubu/apply/publicsale/keiyaku_info/koukihoji/index.html (8) Bidders must endeavor to respect human rights in accordance with the "Guidelines for Respecting Human Rights in Responsible Supply Chains" (Decided by the Council for Promoting and Liaising on Business and Human Rights, September 13, 2022, of relevant government ministries and agencies for the implementation of the Action Plan on Business and Human Rights).(8) Bidders must endeavor to respect human rights in accordance with the "Guidelines for Respecting Human Rights in Responsible Supply Chains" (Decided by the Inter-Ministerial and Agency Policy Promotion and Liaison Meeting for the Implementation of the Action Plan on Business and Human Rights on September 13, 2022).(8) Bidders must endeavor to respect human rights in accordance with the "Guidelines for Respecting Human Rights in Responsible Supply Chains" (Decided by the Inter-Ministerial and Agency Policy Promotion and Liaison Meeting for the Implementation of the Action Plan on Business and Human Rights on September 13, 2022).html. Submit by certified mail. However, if after bid opening there are no bids within the estimated price limit, submit by registered mail or other means so that the bids reach the Specialist (Contract Fairness) of the Accounting Division, General Affairs and Planning Department, Central Forest Office. Bidding may continue, but those who have submitted bids by mail will not be able to participate in the second bid. ) (Postal bidding is permitted. When submitting a postal bid, submission must be received by 5:00 p.m. on November 15, 2024. In some cases, paper bids may also be submitted in person or by mail. (Submission must arrive by the deadline) However, if submitting by email or by mail, the bidder must notify the bidder of the submission under 3(4)(i) above by telephone. (4) Whether a contract needs to be prepared: Required (i) When conducting competitive bidding using paper bidding, the bidder must bring a copy of the notice by the expenditure and liability officer confirming that the bidder is eligible to compete, and a power of attorney if they have one. 6. Bid security and contract security: Exempt. 7. Invalidated bids: Bids made by persons who are not eligible to participate in the competition as stated in this announcement, bids made by persons who make false statements in the application form or documents, bids made in violation of the conditions of the bid, and bids made in violation of Article 7 of the Central Forest Office Competitive Contract Bidding Guidelines will be invalid. 9. Other: The successful bidder will be the person who submitted the valid bid with the lowest price within the limit of the estimated price prepared pursuant to Article 79 of the Budgetary and Accounting Order. Notice 2 Based on the Basic Policy for Economic and Fiscal Management and Reform 2020 (Cabinet decision on July 17, 2020), the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is working on omitting seals as part of a review of written, sealed and face-to-face consultations. 1. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Orderer Discipline Maintenance Regulations (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ordinance No. 22 of 2007) was established for the purpose of maintaining discipline regarding the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries' ordering affairs. Based on this regulation, if a third party makes an inappropriate request, the Ministry will implement measures to maintain discipline, such as publishing the fact on its website. For details, please see the website of the Forest Management Bureau. (7) This work will be subject to consultations on design changes, etc., if the contractor implements additional COVID-19 infection prevention measures that require additional costs. Upon request from the contractor, design changes, etc. will be made on the premise that the contractor will reflect them in the work plan and ensure their implementation, and the contract price will be changed or the performance period will be extended as necessary. https://www.rinya.maff.go.jp/chubu/apply/publicsale/keiyaku_info/koukihoji/index.html (8) Bidders must endeavor to respect human rights in accordance with the "Guidelines for Respecting Human Rights in Responsible Supply Chains" (Decided by the Council for Promoting and Liaising on Business and Human Rights, September 13, 2022, of relevant government ministries and agencies for the implementation of the Action Plan on Business and Human Rights).html. Submit by certified mail. However, if after bid opening there are no bids within the estimated price limit, submit by registered mail or other means so that the bids reach the Specialist (Contract Fairness) of the Accounting Division, General Affairs and Planning Department, Central Forest Office. Bidding may continue, but those who have submitted bids by mail will not be able to participate in the second bid. ) (Postal bidding is permitted. When submitting a postal bid, submission must be received by 5:00 p.m. on November 15, 2024. In some cases, paper bids may also be submitted in person or by mail. (Submission must arrive by the deadline) However, if submitting by email or by mail, the bidder must notify the bidder of the submission under 3(4)(i) above by telephone. (4) Whether a contract needs to be prepared: Required (i) When conducting competitive bidding using paper bidding, the bidder must bring a copy of the notice by the expenditure and liability officer confirming that the bidder is eligible to compete, and a power of attorney if they have one. 6. Bid security and contract security: Exempt. 7. Invalidated bids: Bids made by persons who are not eligible to participate in the competition as stated in this announcement, bids made by persons who make false statements in the application form or documents, bids made in violation of the conditions of the bid, and bids made in violation of Article 7 of the Central Forest Office Competitive Contract Bidding Guidelines will be invalid. 9. Other: The successful bidder will be the person who submitted the valid bid with the lowest price within the limit of the estimated price prepared pursuant to Article 79 of the Budgetary and Accounting Order. Notice 2 Based on the Basic Policy for Economic and Fiscal Management and Reform 2020 (Cabinet decision on July 17, 2020), the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is working on omitting seals as part of a review of written, sealed and face-to-face consultations. 1. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Orderer Discipline Maintenance Regulations (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ordinance No. 22 of 2007) was established for the purpose of maintaining discipline regarding the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries' ordering affairs. Based on this regulation, if a third party makes an inappropriate request, the Ministry will implement measures to maintain discipline, such as publishing the fact on its website. For details, please see the website of the Forest Management Bureau. (7) This work will be subject to consultations on design changes, etc., if the contractor implements additional COVID-19 infection prevention measures that require additional costs. Upon request from the contractor, design changes, etc. will be made on the premise that the contractor will reflect them in the work plan and ensure their implementation, and the contract price will be changed or the performance period will be extended as necessary. https://www.rinya.maff.go.jp/chubu/apply/publicsale/keiyaku_info/koukihoji/index.html (8) Bidders must endeavor to respect human rights in accordance with the "Guidelines for Respecting Human Rights in Responsible Supply Chains" (Decided by the Council for Promoting and Liaising on Business and Human Rights, September 13, 2022, of relevant government ministries and agencies for the implementation of the Action Plan on Business and Human Rights).
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