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メール無害化機器構築業務委託 メール無害化機器構築業務委託 一般競争入札の実施(公告)メール無害化機器構築業務委託について一般競争入札に付するので、次のとおり公告する。令和6年10月3日長崎県知事 大石 賢吾1 一般競争入札に付す... E-mail sanitization equipment construction business outsourcing E-mail sanitization equipment construction business outsourcing Public competitive bidding (Announcement) We will open the e-mail sanitization equipment construction business outsourcing to public competitive bidding, so we will announce it as follows. October 3, 2024 Nagasaki Prefecture Governor Kengo Oishi 1 Open competitive bidding...

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メール無害化機器構築業務委託 メール無害化機器構築業務委託 一般競争入札の実施(公告)メール無害化機器構築業務委託について一般競争入札に付するので、次のとおり公告する。令和6年10月3日長崎県知事 大石 賢吾1 一般競争入札に付す... 長崎県   入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 メール無害化機器構築業務委託 種別 役務 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 3 日 組織 長崎県 取得日 2024 年 10 月 3 日 19:10:25 公告内容 一般競争入札の実施(公告)メール無害化機器構築業務委託について一般競争入札に付するので、次のとおり公告する。令和6年10月3日長崎県知事 大石 賢吾1 一般競争入札に付する事項(1) 業務名メール無害化機器構築業務委託(2) 業務の仕様等入札説明書による。(3) 履行期限令和7年3月21日(金)限り(4) 納入場所長崎県教育庁教育政策課(5) 入札の方法ア 落札決定に当たっては、入札書に記載された金額に当該金額の100分の10に相当する額を加算した金額(当該金額に1円未満の端数があるときは、その端数金額を切り捨てるものとする。)をもって落札価格とするので、入札者は、消費税に係る課税事業者であるか免税事業者であるかを問わず、見積もった契約希望金額の110分の100に相当する金額を入札書に記載すること。イ 電送及び郵送による入札は認めない。2 入札参加資格(1) 地方自治法施行令(昭和22年政令第16号。以下「令」という。)第167条の4第1項各号のいずれにも該当しない者であること。なお、被補助人、被保佐人又は未成年者であって、契約締結のために必要な同意を得ている者は、同項第1号の規定に該当しない者である。(2) 令第167条の4第2項各号のいずれかに該当すると認められる者のうち、3年を限度として知事が定める期間を経過しないもの又はその者を代理人、支配人その他の使用人若しくは入札代理人として使用する者でないこと。(3) メール無害化機器構築業務委託に関する令和6年10月3日付けの競争入札の参加者の資格等に示した入札の参加資格審査を受け、入札参加資格を有すると認められた者であること。(4) この公告の日から9の入札日までの間において、指名停止の措置を長崎県から受けている者又は受けることが明らかである者でないこと。(5) この公告の日から9の入札日までの間において、長崎県が行う各種契約等からの暴力団等排除要綱に基づき排除措置を受けている者又は受けることが明らかである者でないこと。3 入札参加条件当該業務を確実に履行できると認められる者であること。4 当該業務契約に関する事務を担当する部局等の名称等(住所)〒850-8570 長崎市尾上町3番1号(名称)長崎県教育庁教育政策課(電話)095-894-3315(直通)(メールアドレス)soumu-joho@pref.nagasaki.lg.jp5 契約条項を示す場所4の部局等とする。6 入札説明書の交付方法(交付期間)この公告の日から令和6年10月10日(木)までの間の午前9時から午後5時までとする。(県の休日及び正午から午後1時を除く。)(交付場所)4の部局等とする。7 入札説明書等に対する質問入札参加希望者は、入札説明書等(仕様書等の入札に関し必要な図書を含む。)の解釈に疑義がある場合は必ず質問し確認すること。また、受付期間以降の質問や意見は受け付けない。(受付期間)この公告の日から令和6年10月10日(木)までの間の午前9時から午後5時までとする。(県の休日及び正午から午後1時を除く。)(提出方法)別添質問書(様式7)に記載し、4の部局等のメールアドレスへ送付のうえ、電話にて着信確認を行うこと。(回答方法)個別事項は当該者に、全参加者に関する事項は全参加者に、4の部局等からメールで回答する。(回答期限)令和6年10月15日(火)8 入札書及び契約の手続きにおいて使用する言語及び通貨日本語及び日本国通貨9 入札の日時及び場所(入札場所)長崎県庁行政棟7階教育委員会室(入札日時)令和6年10月17日(木)10時00分開始入札当日が悪天候(大雨、大雪、台風接近等)等の場合は、入札を延期することもあるので、事前に4の部局等に確認すること。10 入札保証金及び契約保証金(1) 入札保証金見積もった契約希望金額の100分の5以上の金額を納付すること。ただし、次の場合は入札保証金の納付が免除される。ア 県を被保険者とする入札保証保険契約(契約希望金額の100分の5以上)を締結し、その証書を提出する場合イ 入札日の前日から前々年度までの間において、本県若しくは他の地方公共団体、国、独立行政法人通則法(平成11年法律第103号)第2条第1項に規定する独立行政法人、国立大学法人法(平成15年法律第112号)第2条第1項に規定する国立大学法人又は地方独立行政法人法(平成15年法律第118号)第2条第1項に規定する地方独立行政法人との間に、当該契約とその種類及び規模をほぼ同じくする契約を2回以上締結し、その内容を証明するもの(2件以上)を提出する場合(2) 契約保証金契約金額の100分の10以上の金額を納付すること。ただし、次の場合は契約保証金の納付が免除される。ア 県を被保険者とする履行保証保険契約(契約金額の100分の10以上)を締結し、その証書を提出する場合イ 入札日の前日から前々年度までの間において、本県若しくは他の地方公共団体、国、独立行政法人通則法(平成11年法律第103号)第2条第1項に規定する独立行政法人、国立大学法人法(平成15年法律第112号)第2条第1項に規定する国立大学法人又は地方独立行政法人法(平成15年法律第118号)第2条第1項に規定する地方独立行政法人との間に、当該契約とその種類及び規模をほぼ同じくする契約の履行完了の実績が2件以上あり、その履行を証明するもの(2件以上)を提出する場合11 入札者が代理人である場合の委任状の提出入札者が代理人である場合は、委任状の提出が必要である。適正な委任状の提出がない場合、代理人は入札に参加することができない。12 入札の無効次の入札は無効とする。なお、次の(1)から(7)までにより無効となった者は、再度の入札に加わることはできない。(1) 競争入札に参加する者に必要な資格のない者が入札したとき。(2) 入札者が法令の規定に違反したとき。(3) 入札者が連合して入札をしたとき。(4) 入札者が入札に際して不正の行為をしたとき。(5) 入札者が他人の代理人を兼ね、又は2人以上の代理をしたとき。(6) 指名停止の措置を長崎県から受けている者又は受けることが明らかである者が入札したとき。(7) 長崎県が行う各種契約等からの暴力団等排除要綱に基づき排除措置を受けている者又は受けることが明らかである者が入札したとき。(8) 所定の額の入札保証金を納付しない者又は入札保証金に代わる担保を提供しない者のした入札であるとき。(9) 入札者又は代理人が同一事項に対し2以上の入札をしたとき。(10)入札書に入札金額又は入札者の記名押印がないとき(入札者が代表者本人である場合に押印してある印鑑が届出済の印鑑でない場合及び入札者が代理人である場合に押印してある印鑑が委任状に押印してある代理人の印鑑でない場合を含む。)等入札者の意思表示が確認できないとき。 (11)誤字、脱字等により入札者の意思表示が不明瞭であると認められるとき。(12)入札書の首標金額が訂正されているとき。(13)民法(明治29年法律第89号)第95条に基づく錯誤による入札であると入札執行者が認めた場合。(14)その他入札書の記載事項について入札に関する条件を充足していないと認められるとき。13 落札者の決定方法(1) 長崎県財務規則(昭和39年長崎県規則第23号)第97条の規定に基づいて作成された予定価格の制限の範囲内で最低価格をもって申込みをした者を契約の相手方とする。(2) 落札者となるべき同価の入札をした者が2人以上あるときは、直ちに当該入札者にくじを引かせ、落札者を決定するものとする。この場合において、当該入札者のうち開札に立ち会わない者又はくじを引かない者があるときは、これに代えて当該入札執行業務に関係のない職員にくじを引かせるものとする。(3) 開札の結果、予定価格の制限の範囲内の価格の入札がない場合は、直ちに再度の入札を行う。(4) 入札執行回数は、3回を限度とする。3回までに決定しない場合は最低入札価格を入札した者と見積の協議を行う。14 落札決定の取り消し(1) 落札者が落札決定から契約締結日までの間において、メール無害化機器構築業務委託に関する令和6年10月3日付けの競争入札の参加者の資格等に示した告示の2に掲げる要件(「入札の期日までの間」の字句は、「落札決定から契約締結日までの間」字句に読み替えるものとする。)のいずれかに該当することになった場合は、落札決定を取り消すこととする。この場合、落札決定を取り消された者に損害が生じても、長崎県は一切の損害賠償の責めを負わない。(2) 上記(1)により落札決定を取り消した場合、次順位者を落札者とする。15 その他(1) 契約書の作成を要する。(2) この調達契約は、世界貿易機関(WTO)協定の一部として、附属書四に掲げられている「政府調達に関する協定」の適用を受けるものではない。(3) その他、詳細は入札説明書による。 Outsourcing of email sanitization equipment construction work Outsourcing of email sanitization equipment construction work Public competitive bidding (announcement) The outsourcing of email sanitization equipment construction work will be put to public competitive bidding, and the following announcement is made. October 3, 2024 Nagasaki Prefecture Governor Oishi Kengo 1 Open to public competitive bidding... Nagasaki Prefecture Bidding information is as follows. Subject Outsourcing of email sanitization equipment construction work Type Services Date of announcement or update October 3, 2024 Organization Nagasaki Prefecture Date acquired October 3, 2024 19:10:25 Announcement content Public competitive bidding (announcement) The outsourcing of email sanitization equipment construction work will be put to public competitive bidding, and the following announcement is made. Nagasaki Prefecture Governor Kengo Oishi October 3, 2024 1. Items to be submitted for public competitive bidding (1) Name of business: Contract for the construction of electronic mail sanitization equipment (2) Specifications of business, etc.: See the bidding instructions. (3) Deadline for performance: Friday, March 21, 2025 (4) Delivery location: Nagasaki Prefectural Board of Education, Education Policy Division (5) Bidding method A. The successful bid price will be the amount stated in the bid document plus 10/100 of the said amount (if the amount has a fraction of less than 1 yen, the fraction will be rounded down). Therefore, bidders, regardless of whether they are taxable or exempt from consumption tax, must state in the bid document an amount equivalent to 110/100 of the estimated contract price. B. Bidding by electronic transmission or mail is not permitted. 2. Eligibility to participate in a bid (1) A person who does not fall under any of the items of Article 167-4, paragraph 1 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Law (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947; hereinafter referred to as the "Order"). In addition, a person under assistance, a person under guardianship, or a minor who has obtained the consent necessary for entering into a contract does not fall under the provision of item 1 of the same paragraph. (2) A person who is found to fall under any of the items of Article 167-4, paragraph 2 of the Order, who has not yet passed the period set by the Governor (up to a maximum of three years), or who uses such a person as an agent, manager, other employee, or bidding agent. (3) A person who has undergone the eligibility review for participation in a bid as shown in the eligibility of participants for the competitive bidding dated October 3, 2024 for the outsourcing of the construction of e-mail sanitization equipment, and who has been found to be eligible to participate in a bid. (4) A person who has not been or is clearly subject to a suspension of nomination by Nagasaki Prefecture between the date of this announcement and the date of the bid on the 9th. (5) The person must not have been or is clearly expected to be excluded from various contracts, etc., made by Nagasaki Prefecture based on the Guidelines for the Exclusion of Organized Crime Groups, etc., during the period from the date of this announcement to the date of the tender on the 9th. 3 Conditions for participating in the tender The person must be recognized as being able to perform the relevant business. 4 Name of the department, etc. in charge of affairs related to the contract for the business (Address) 3-1 Onoe-cho, Nagasaki City, 850-8570 (Name) Nagasaki Prefectural Board of Education, Education Policy Division (Telephone) 095-894-3315 (Direct) (Email address) soumu-joho@pref.nagasaki.lg.jp5 Place of contract clauses: The department, etc. in 4. 6 Method of delivery of bidding documents (Delivery period): From 9:00 am to 5:00 pm from the date of this announcement to Thursday, October 10, 2024. (Excluding prefectural holidays and noon to 1:00 pm.) (Place of delivery): The department, etc. in 4. 7 Questions about bidding documents, etc.: If you have any doubts about the interpretation of the bidding documents, etc. (including documents necessary for bidding such as specifications), you must ask questions and clarify them. In addition, questions and opinions will not be accepted after the reception period. (Reception period): From 9:00 am to 5:00 pm from the date of this announcement to Thursday, October 10, 2024. (Excluding prefectural holidays and noon to 1:00 pm.) (Method of submission): Fill out the attached Question Form (Form 7), send it to the email address of the department, etc. in 4, and confirm receipt by phone. (Method of response): Responses will be made by email from the department, etc. in 4 to the relevant person for individual matters, and to all participants for matters related to all participants. (Response deadline) Tuesday, October 15, 2024 8. Language and currency used in the bidding document and contract procedures: Japanese and Japanese currency 9. Date and location of bidding (Bidding location) Board of Education Room, 7th floor, Nagasaki Prefectural Government Office Administrative Building (Bidding date and time) Thursday, October 17, 2024, starting at 10:00 AM In the event of bad weather (heavy rain, heavy snow, approaching typhoon, etc.) on the day of bidding, the bidding may be postponed, so please check with the department in 4 in advance. 10. Bid security and contract security (1) Bid security An amount of at least 5/100 of the estimated desired contract amount must be paid. However, payment of the bid security will be waived in the following cases. (a) When a bidder has concluded a bidder guarantee insurance contract (5/100 or more of the desired contract amount) with the prefecture as the insured party and submitted the certificate. (b) When a bidder has concluded two or more contracts of a similar type and scale to the said contract with the prefecture or other local governments, the national government, an independent administrative institution as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Independent Administrative Institutions General Law (Law No. 103 of 1999), a national university corporation as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the National University Corporation Law (Law No. 112 of 2003), or a local independent administrative institution as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Local Independent Administrative Institution Law (Law No. 118 of 2003), during the period from the day before the bid date to the year before the previous year, and submitted documents verifying the contents of the contracts (two or more). (2) Contract bondPay an amount of 10/100 or more of the contract amount. However, the payment of the contract bond is exempt in the following cases: A) When a performance guarantee insurance contract (10% or more of the contract amount) is concluded with the prefecture as the insured and the certificate is submitted. B) When the bidder has completed two or more contracts of similar type and scale to the contract in question between the day before the bid date and the year before the previous year with the prefecture or other local governments, the national government, an independent administrative institution as defined in Article 2, paragraph 1 of the Independent Administrative Institutions General Law (Law No. 103 of 1999), a national university corporation as defined in Article 2, paragraph 1 of the National University Corporation Law (Law No. 112 of 2003), or a local independent administrative institution as defined in Article 2, paragraph 1 of the Local Independent Administrative Institution Law (Law No. 118 of 2003), and submits evidence of the completion of the contract (two or more). 11. Submission of a power of attorney when the bidder is an agent If the bidder is an agent, a power of attorney must be submitted. If a proper power of attorney is not submitted, the agent cannot participate in the bid. 12. Invalidated bids The following bids will be invalid. In addition, a person whose bid has been invalidated due to (1) through (7) below will not be able to participate in another bid. (1) When a person without the necessary qualifications to participate in competitive bidding submits a bid. (2) When a bidder violates the provisions of laws and regulations. (3) When bidders submit a joint bid. (4) When a bidder commits fraudulent acts in bidding. (5) When a bidder also acts as an agent for another person, or acts as an agent for two or more people. (6) When a person who has been suspended from bidding by Nagasaki Prefecture or who clearly will be suspended from bidding submits a bid. (7) When a person who has been suspended from bidding or who clearly will be suspended from bidding pursuant to Nagasaki Prefecture's Guidelines for the Exclusion of Organized Crime Groups from Various Contracts, etc. submits a bid. (8) When a bid is submitted by a person who does not pay the required amount of bid security or does not provide security in lieu of a bid security. (9) When a bidder or agent submits two or more bids for the same item. (10) When the bid amount or the bidder's name and seal are not included in the bid document (including when the bidder is the representative himself/herself and the affixed seal is not the registered seal, and when the bidder is an agent and the affixed seal is not the seal of the agent affixed on the power of attorney), etc., the bidder's expression of intent cannot be confirmed. (11) When the bidder's expression of intent is deemed unclear due to typographical errors, omissions, etc. (12) When the head amount of the bid document has been corrected. (13) When the bidder determines that the bid is made based on an error pursuant to Article 95 of the Civil Code (Act No. 89 of 1896). (14) When it is deemed that the items stated in the bid document do not otherwise satisfy the conditions for bidding. 13. Method of determining the successful bidder (1) The person who makes the offer with the lowest price within the limit of the estimated price prepared pursuant to the provisions of Article 97 of the Nagasaki Prefecture Financial Regulations (Nagasaki Prefecture Regulations No. 23 of 1964) shall be the contract party. (2) If there are two or more bidders with the same bids that should be the successful bidder, the successful bidder shall be determined by drawing lots immediately. In this case, if any of the bidders is not present at the bid opening or does not draw lots, an official not involved in the bid execution work shall draw lots instead. (3) If, as a result of the bid opening, there is no bid within the limit of the estimated price, a new bid will be held immediately. (4) The number of bids will be limited to three. If a bid is not determined within three bids, an estimate will be negotiated with the bidder who bid the lowest price. 14 Revocation of the successful bid decision (1) If, during the period from the decision to win the bid to the contract conclusion, the successful bidder falls under any of the requirements set forth in Article 2 of the notice on the qualifications of participants in competitive bidding dated October 3, 2024 for the outsourcing of the work of constructing email sanitization devices (the phrase "during the period until the deadline for bidding" shall be read as "during the period from the decision to win the bid to the contract conclusion"), the successful bid decision shall be revoked. In this case, Nagasaki Prefecture shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the party whose successful bid is cancelled. (2) If the successful bid is cancelled due to (1) above, the next highest bidder shall be deemed to be the successful bidder. 15 Other (1) A contract must be prepared. (2) This procurement contract is not subject to the Agreement on Government Procurement, as set forth in Annex 4 of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement. (3) For other details, please refer to the bidding instructions.The party to the contract shall be the person who submits the lowest bid within the estimated price limit established pursuant to Article 97 of the Nagasaki Prefecture Financial Regulations (Nagasaki Prefecture Regulations No. 23 of 1964). (2) If there are two or more bidders with the same bids that should be the successful bidder, the successful bidder shall be determined by drawing lots immediately among the bidders. In this case, if any of the bidders is not present at the bid opening or does not draw lots, an official not involved in the bid execution business shall draw lots instead. (3) If, as a result of the bid opening, no bid is made within the estimated price limit, another bid shall be held immediately. (4) The number of bids shall be limited to three. If no decision is made within three bids, estimates shall be negotiated with the bidder who submitted the lowest bid. 14 Revocation of the award of the bid (1) If the successful bidder falls under any of the requirements set forth in Item 2 of the notice on the qualifications of participants for the competitive bidding for the contract for the construction of e-mail sanitization equipment dated October 3, 2024 for the period from the award of the bid to the date of contract conclusion (the phrase "during the period until the deadline for bidding" shall be read as "from the award of the bid to the date of contract conclusion"), the award of the bid will be revoked. In this case, even if the person whose award of the bid is revoked suffers damages, Nagasaki Prefecture shall not be liable for any damages. (2) If the award of the bid is revoked due to (1) above, the next highest bidder shall be deemed to be the successful bidder. 15 Other (1) A contract must be prepared. (2) This procurement contract is not subject to the "Agreement on Government Procurement" set forth in Annex 4 of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement as part of the Agreement. (3) For other details, please refer to the bidding instructions.The party to the contract shall be the person who submits the lowest bid within the estimated price limit established pursuant to Article 97 of the Nagasaki Prefecture Financial Regulations (Nagasaki Prefecture Regulations No. 23 of 1964). (2) If there are two or more bidders with the same bids that should be the successful bidder, the successful bidder shall be determined by drawing lots immediately among the bidders. In this case, if any of the bidders is not present at the bid opening or does not draw lots, an official not involved in the bid execution business shall draw lots instead. (3) If, as a result of the bid opening, no bid is made within the estimated price limit, another bid shall be held immediately. (4) The number of bids shall be limited to three. If no decision is made within three bids, estimates shall be negotiated with the bidder who submitted the lowest bid. 14 Revocation of the award of the bid (1) If the successful bidder falls under any of the requirements set forth in Item 2 of the notice on the qualifications of participants for the competitive bidding for the contract for the construction of e-mail sanitization equipment dated October 3, 2024 for the period from the award of the bid to the date of contract conclusion (the phrase "during the period until the deadline for bidding" shall be read as "from the award of the bid to the date of contract conclusion"), the award of the bid will be revoked. In this case, even if the person whose award of the bid is revoked suffers damages, Nagasaki Prefecture shall not be liable for any damages. (2) If the award of the bid is revoked due to (1) above, the next highest bidder shall be deemed to be the successful bidder. 15 Other (1) A contract must be prepared. (2) This procurement contract is not subject to the "Agreement on Government Procurement" set forth in Annex 4 of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement as part of the Agreement. (3) For other details, please refer to the bidding instructions.
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