Tender Details

【入札公告】深入山セラピーロード改修工事 【入札公告】深入山セラピーロード改修工事 安芸太田町公告第60号次のとおり条件付一般競争入札を実施するにあたり、安芸太田町財務規則第86条の規定により公告する。令和 6年10月 3日安芸太田町長 橋 ... [Tender Announcement] Renovation of Fukairiyama Therapy Road [Tender Announcement] Renovation of Fukairiyama Therapy Road Akiota Town Announcement No. 60 In order to conduct a conditional public competitive bid as follows, this is announced in accordance with Article 86 of the Akiota Town Financial Regulations. October 3, 2024 Akiota Town Mayor Hashi ...

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【入札公告】深入山セラピーロード改修工事 【入札公告】深入山セラピーロード改修工事 安芸太田町公告第60号次のとおり条件付一般競争入札を実施するにあたり、安芸太田町財務規則第86条の規定により公告する。令和 6年10月 3日安芸太田町長 橋 ... 広島県安芸太田町   入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 【入札公告】深入山セラピーロード改修工事 種別 工事 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 3 日 組織 広島県安芸太田町 取得日 2024 年 10 月 3 日 19:05:15 仕様書 [PDFファイル/621KB]条件付一般競争入札公告共通事項 [PDFファイル/147KB] 公告内容 安芸太田町公告第60号次のとおり条件付一般競争入札を実施するにあたり、安芸太田町財務規則第86条の規定により公告する。令和 6年10月 3日安芸太田町長 橋 本 博 明1 工事名深入山セラピーロード改修工事2 工事場所安芸太田町大字松原 地内3 工期契約締結日の翌日から令和 6年12月27日4 予定価格事後公表5 発注担当課等産業観光課6 本件工事の入札に参加する者に必要な資格次に掲げる要件をすべて満たしていること。(1)令和5・6年度安芸太田町建設工事等入札参加資格において、土木一式の認定を受けていること。(2)土木一式の年間平均工事高が500万円(税込)以上であること又は過去10年度間において、当該工事と同種・同規模工事の実績を有していること。(3)安芸太田町内に建設業法第3条第1項の主たる営業所を遡って1年以上有していること。7 設計図書閲覧(1)閲覧期間総務課において公告日から入札日の前日までとする。ただし、休日及び午後4時から午前9時までを除く。(2)質問書提出期限令和 6年10月 9日午後4時までに総務課に提出すること。ただし、休日及び午後4時から午前9時までを除く。(3)回答書閲覧期間総務課において令和 6年10月11日から入札日の前日まで。ただし、休日及び午後4時から午前9時までを除く。8入札参加希望書の提出(1)提出期限等令和 6年10月15日午後4時までに総務課に提出すること。(休日及び午後4時から午前9時までを除く。)〔1-5-6-33〕(2)提出書類ア 入札参加希望書(様式第1号)イ 経営事項審査結果通知書の写し9 入札参加資格確認結果の通知令和 6年10月16日午後4時までに郵送又はFAXで通知する。10 入札の日時及び場所(1)日時令和 6年10月18日 時間は別途確認通知書で通知(2)場所安芸太田町役場 詳細は別途確認通知書で通知11 一括下請負の禁止次の各号に該当したときは、一括下請負とみなし、建設業法に基づく監督処分等により厳正に対処する。(元請負人がその下請工事の施工に実質的に関与していると認められる場合を除く。)(1)請け負った建設工事の全部又はその主たる部分を一括して他者に請け負わせる場合。(2)請け負った建設工事の一部分であって、他の部分から独立してその機能を発揮する工作物の工事を一括して他者に請け負わせる場合。※ 「実質的に関与」とは、元請負人が自ら総合的に企画、調整及び指導(施工計画の総合的な企画、工事全体の的確な施工を確保するための工程管理及び安全管理、工事目的物、工事仮設物、工事用資材等の品質管理、下請負人間の施工の調整、下請負人に対する技術指導、監督等)を行うことをいい、単に現場に技術者を配置しているだけの場合又は現場に元請負人との間に直接的かつ恒常的な雇用関係を有する適格な技術者が置かれない場合はこれに該当しない。12 その他(1)条件付一般競争入札公告共通事項による。ア.内訳書は不要とするイ.入札回数は3回までとする13 問い合わせ先安芸太田町役場総務課 電話0826-28-2111 施工箇所 安芸太田町大字松原地内深入山セラピーロード改修工事仕様書令和6年度深入山セラピーロード改修工事本 工 事 費 内 訳 書費 目 ・ 工 種 ・ 種 別 ・ 細 目 数 量 単位 単 価 金 額 明細単価番号 基 準改良工事1 式不陸整正540 m2 P 1 号下層路盤(歩道部)全仕上り厚100mm 1層施工クラッシャラン C-30 540 m2 P 2 号木材ウッドチップ舗装工t=4.0cm540 m2直接工事費計共通仮設費計1 式共通仮設費(率化)1 式共通仮設費率分1 式現場環境改善費率分1 式 大都市・市街地以外純工事費1 式現場管理費1 式工事原価1 式安芸太田町1深入山セラピーロード改修工事本 工 事 費 内 訳 書費 目 ・ 工 種 ・ 種 別 ・ 細 目 数 量 単位 単 価 金 額 明細単価番号 基 準一般管理費等1 式 金銭的保証を必要とする工事価格1 式消費税等相当額1 式合計安芸太田町2深入山セラピーロード改修工事【 第 1 号 施工パッケージ 】不陸整正 1 m2 当り名 称 ・ 規 格 金額構成比(%) 金 額 構成比(%) 基準地区単価 積算地区単価 明細単価番号 基 準【機械】モータグレーダ[土工用・排対型2次基準]ブレード幅3.1mロードローラ[マカダム・排対型:2次基準]運転質量10t 締固め幅2.1mタイヤローラ質量8~20t排対型1,2次基準 低騒音【労務】運転手(特殊)特殊作業員普通作業員土木一般世話役【材料】軽油パトロール給油,2~4KL積載車給油【端数調整】安芸太田町3深入山セラピーロード改修工事【 第 1 号 施工パッケージ 】 (続 き)不陸整正 1 m2 当り名 称 ・ 規 格 金額構成比(%) 金 額 構成比(%) 基準地区単価 積算地区単価 明細単価番号 基 準[条件][J1] = 1 補足材料の有無 無し [J4] = 1 費用の内訳 全ての費用安芸太田町4深入山セラピーロード改修工事【 第 2 号 施工パッケージ 】下層路盤(歩道部) 全仕上り厚100mm 1層施工 1 m2 当り(クラッシャラン C-30 , )名 称 ・ 規 格 金額構成比(%) 金 額 構成比(%) 基準地区単価 積算地区単価 明細単価番号 基 準【機械】小型バックホウ(クローラ型)山積0.11m3(平積0.08)排対型1,2,3次 低騒音振動ローラ(搭乗・コンバインド式)質量3~4t排対型1,2次基準 低騒音その他(機械)【労務】普通作業員運転手(特殊)特殊作業員その他(労務)【材料】クラッシャラン30~0mm軽油パトロール給油,2~4KL積載車給油安芸太田町5深入山セラピーロード改修工事【 第 2 号 施工パッケージ 】 (続 き)下層路盤(歩道部) 全仕上り厚100mm 1層施工 1 m2 当り(クラッシャラン C-30 , )名 称 ・ 規 格 金額構成比(%) 金 額 構成比(%) 基準地区単価 積算地区単価 明細単価番号 基 準その他(材料)【端数調整】[条件][J1] = 100.000 mm 全仕上り厚 [J2] = 1 施工区分 1層施工[J3] = 2 材料 クラッシャラン C-30 [J4] = 1 費用の内訳 全ての費用安芸太田町650 m1:1,000施工場所W=1.5m L=360m 条件付一般競争入札公告共通事項1 入札に参加する者に必要な資格に関する事項次の要件をすべて満たしていなければならない。(1)当該工事の公告日から入札日までの間のいずれの日においても、安芸太田町の指名除外措置又は下請制限措置の対象となっていないこと。(2)当該工事の公告日から入札日までの間のいずれの日においても、建設業法第28条第3項又は第5項の規定による営業停止処分を受けていないこと。(3)地方自治法施行令(昭和22年政令第16号)第167条の4に該当するものでないこと。(4)当該工事に係る設計業務等の受託者以外の者であって、かつ、当該受託者と資本及び人事面において関連がない者であること。(5)他の入札参加希望者と資本及び人事面において関連がないこと。2 入札方法等(1)落札決定にあたっては、入札書に記載された金額に当該金額の100分の10に該当する額を加算した金額(当該金額に1,000円未満の端数がある場合はその端数金額を切り捨てた金額)をもって落札価格とするので、入札者は消費税に係る課税事業者であるか免税事業者であるかを問わず、見積もった契約希望金額の110分の100に相当する金額を入札金額とすること。(2)電子入札案件においては、電子入札システムの利用登録者は、原則として、電子入札システムを利用して入札書を提出する。(入札期間中の午後5時から午前9時までは入札書を提出できないものとする。)それ以外の者は、入札書を入札場所に設置した入札箱に投入する。(3)電報又は郵送による入札は、認めない。(4)次のいずれかに該当する場合は、その入札又はその者の入札を無効とする。① 入札に参加する者に必要な資格のない者が入札したとき。② 契約担当職員において定めた入札に関する条件に違反したとき。③ 入札者が2以上の入札をしたとき。④ 他人の代理を兼ね、又は2以上を代理して入札したとき。⑤ 入札者が連合して入札をしたときその他入札に際して不正の行為があったとき⑥ 必要な記載事項を確認できない入札をしたとき。3 入札執行上の注意事項(1)入札執行中は、入札執行者が特に必要と認めた場合を除くほか、入札室の出入りを禁止する。(2)入札執行中は、入札者の私語、放言等は禁止する。(3)入札室には、入札に必要な者以外は入室してはならない。(4)入札書の記載事項について訂正し、押印し、又は削除したときは、その箇所に印を押さなければならない。(5)入札者は、一旦提出した入札書の書換、引換又は撤回をすることができない。(6)入札書は、代理者が入札する場合においても代表者印(本店でない場合には委任を受けた者の印)が押印されているものとし、委任状は不要とする。4 落札者の決定方法総合評価方式による入札を除き、安芸太田町財務規則第89条の規定に基づいて決定された予定価格の制限の範囲内の額で最低制限価格以上の価格をもって入札をした者のうち最低の価格をもって入札した者を落札者とする。同札の場合は、同価の入札者のくじにより決定する。5 入札保証金免除する。6 契約の保証(路線委託等の維持工事を除く。)落札者は契約予定金額が250万円以上の場合は、契約時に契約予定金額の10分の1以上の契約保証金を納付しなければならない。ただし、利付国債の提供又は金融機関若しくは保証事業会社の保証をもって契約保証金の納付に代えることができる。また、公共工事履行保証証券による保証を付し又は履行保証保険契約の締結を行った場合は、契約保証金を免除する。7 前払金(路線委託等の維持工事を除く。)請負金額の10分の4以内とする。ただし、請負代金額が250万円以上の場合に限る。8 中間前払金保証事業会社と中間前払金に関し、安芸太田町長を被保険者とする契約書記載の工事完成の時期を保証期限とする保証契約を締結し、その保証証書を寄託した場合に限る。9 部分払出来高部分に対する請負代金相当額の10分の9以内で、出来高部分に対する前払金額を控除した額とし、月1回を超えない請求とする。ただし、希望する場合には、入札前に発注担当課に確認すること。10 建設リサイクル法関係書面の提出建設工事に係る資材の再資源化に関する法律第9条第1項に規定する対象建設工事の落札者は、5日以内に関係書面を提出すること。11その他(1)当該工事の落札者は別に定める特約事項を遵守すること。(2)当該入札に係る各事項に違反した場合は、後日指名除外措置を行うことがある。12 問合せ先安芸太田町総務課(広島県山県郡安芸太田町大字戸河内784-1 電話0826-28-2111) [Tender announcement] Fukairiyama Therapy Road Renovation Works [Tender announcement] Fukairiyama Therapy Road Renovation Works Akiota Town Announcement No. 60 In order to conduct a conditional public competitive bidding as follows, this is announced in accordance with the provisions of Article 86 of the Akiota Town Financial Regulations. October 3, 2024 Akiota Town Mayor Hashi ... Akiota Town, Hiroshima Prefecture Bidding information is as follows. Subject [Bidding announcement] Fukairiyama Therapy Road Renovation Works Type Construction Date of announcement or update October 3, 2024 Organization Akiota Town, Hiroshima Prefecture Date of acquisition October 3, 2024 19:05:15 Specifications [PDF file / 621KB] Common matters for conditional public competitive bidding announcements [PDF file / 147KB] Announcement contents Akiota Town Announcement No. 60 In order to conduct a conditional public competitive bidding as follows, this is announced pursuant to Article 86 of the Akiota Town Financial Regulations. October 3, 2024 Mayor of Akiota Town Hiroaki Hashimoto1 Project name: Fukairiyama Therapy Road Renovation Project2 Project location: Within Matsubara, Akiota Town3 Construction period: From the day after the contract is concluded to December 27, 20244 Estimated price: Post-publication5 Ordering department: Industry and Tourism Division6 Qualifications required for those participating in the bid for this projectMeet all of the following requirements. (1) Have been certified as a civil engineering contractor in the qualifications for participating in bids for construction works, etc. in Akiota Town for fiscal years 2023 and 2024. (2) Have an average annual construction value of 5 million yen (tax included) or more for civil engineering contractors, or have experience in the same type and scale of construction work as the said project in the past 10 fiscal years. (3) Have had a principal place of business in Akiota Town under Article 3, Paragraph 1 of the Construction Business Act for at least one year going back. 7 Inspection of design documents(1) Inspection period: From the date of announcement in the General Affairs Division to the day before the bid date. (excluding holidays and the hours from 4:00 PM to 9:00 AM). (2) Deadline for submission of questions: Submit to the General Affairs Division by 4:00 PM on October 9, 2024. (excluding holidays and the hours from 4:00 PM to 9:00 AM). (3) Period for viewing responses: At the General Affairs Division from October 11, 2024 to the day before the bid date. (excluding holidays and the hours from 4:00 PM to 9:00 AM). 8. Submission of application for bidder (1) Submission deadline, etc.: Submit to the General Affairs Division by 4:00 PM on October 15, 2024. (excluding holidays and the hours from 4:00 PM to 9:00 AM). [1-5-6-33] (2) Documents to be submitted: A. Application for bidder (Form No. 1) B. Copy of notice of results of business review 9. Notification of results of confirmation of bidder eligibility: Will be notified by mail or fax by 4:00 PM on October 16, 2024. 10 Date and Place of Bidding (1) Date and time: October 18, 2021 (Time will be notified in a separate confirmation notice) (2) Place: Akiota Town Hall (Details will be notified in a separate confirmation notice) 11 Prohibition of blanket subcontracting Any of the following cases will be considered blanket subcontracting and will be dealt with strictly through supervisory measures etc. under the Construction Business Act. (Except when it is recognized that the main contractor is substantially involved in the construction of the subcontracted work.) (1) When the whole or a major part of the contracted construction work is subcontracted out to another party as a lump sum. (2) When the construction of a structure that is part of the contracted construction work and functions independently of other parts is subcontracted out to another party as a lump sum. * "Substantial involvement" means that the prime contractor is involved in the overall planning, coordination and guidance (comprehensive planning of the construction plan, process management and safety management to ensure proper construction of the entire work, quality control of the construction object, temporary construction facilities and construction materials, coordination of construction between subcontractors, technical guidance and supervision of subcontractors, etc.), and does not fall under the category of merely stationing engineers on-site or where there are no qualified engineers on-site who have a direct and permanent employment relationship with the prime contractor. 12 Other (1) In accordance with common items in the announcement of conditional open competitive bidding. A. An itemized statement is not required B. The number of bids will be limited to three.13 Contact: General Affairs Division, Akiota Town Hall, Tel: 0826-28-2111 Construction location: Matsubara, Akiota Town Specifications for the renovation of Fukairiyama Therapy Road in 2024 Breakdown of main construction costs Item, type, category, and details Quantity Unit Price Amount Details Unit price number Standard improvement work 1 set Unevenness correction 540 m2 P No. 1 Lower roadbed (sidewalk section) Full finish thickness 100 mm 1 layer construction Crush run C-30 540 m2 P No. 2 Wood chip paving work t=4.0 cm 540 m2 Total direct construction costs Common temporary construction costs Total 1 set Common temporary construction costs (rate-based) 1 formula Common temporary facility cost rate 1 formula Site environment improvement cost rate 1 formula Net construction cost outside large cities and urban areas 1 formula Site management cost 1 formula Construction cost 1 formula Akiota-cho 1 Fukiniriyama Therapy Road Renovation Work Main construction cost breakdown Cost item / work type / category / details Quantity Unit Unit price Amount Detail unit price number Standard General management expenses, etc. 1 formula Construction price requiring financial guarantee 1 formula Amount equivalent to consumption tax, etc. 1 formula Total Akiota-cho 2 Fukiniriyama Therapy Road Renovation Work [Construction Package No. 1] Unevenness correction per 1 m2 Name / Specification Amount composition ratio (%) Amount Composition ratio (%) Standard district unit price Estimated district unit price Detail unit price number Basic Standard [Machinery] Motor grader [For earthworks, exhaust type, secondary standard] Blade width 3.1m Road roller [Macadam, exhaust type: secondary standard] Operating weight 10t Compaction width 2.1m Tire roller weight 8-20t Exhaust type, primary and secondary standard Low noise [Labor] Driver (special) Special worker Ordinary worker General civil engineering caretaker [Materials] Diesel patrol refueling, 2-4KL loading vehicle refueling [Fractional adjustment] Akiota Town 3 Fukairiyama Therapy Road Renovation Work [No. 1 Construction Package] (continued) Unevenness leveling per 1m2 Name / Standard Amount composition ratio (%) Amount Composition ratio (%) Standard district unit price Estimated district unit price Detail unit price number Standard [Condition] [J1] = 1 Supplementary materials None [J4] = 1 Breakdown of costs All costs Akiota Town 4 Fukairiyama Therapy Road Renovation Works [Construction Package No. 2] Lower roadbed (sidewalk section) Finished thickness 100mm 1 layer construction per 1m2 (Crash Run C-30,) Name / Specification Amount composition ratio (%) Amount Composition ratio (%) Standard district unit price Estimated district unit price Detail unit price number Standard [Machinery] Small backhoe (crawler type) pile 0.11m3 (flat area 0.08) exhaust type 1, 2, 3 Low noise vibration roller (riding / combined type) Mass 3 to 4t exhaust type 1, 2 Standard Low noise Others (machinery) [Labor] Ordinary workers Drivers (special) Special workers Others (labor) [Materials] Crusher run 30-0mm Diesel patrol fueling, 2-4KL loading vehicle fueling Akiota-cho 5 Fukairiyama Therapy Road Renovation Work [No. 2 Construction Package] (continued) Lower roadbed (sidewalk section) Total finished thickness 100mm 1 layer construction per 1m2 (Crusher run C-30, ) Name / Specifications Amount composition ratio (%) Amount Composition ratio (%) Standard district unit price Estimated district unit price Detail unit price number Standard Others (materials) [Fractional adjustment] [Condition] [J1] = 100.000 mm Total finished thickness [J2] = 1 Construction category 1 layer construction [J3] = 2 Materials Crusher run C-30 [J4] = 1 Breakdown of costs All costs Akiota Town 650 m1:1,000 Construction location W=1.5m L=360m Conditional Open Competitive Bidding Announcement Common Items 1. Items concerning qualifications necessary for bidders to participate in bidders All of the following requirements must be met. (1) Bidders must not be subject to Akiota Town's exclusion measures or subcontractor restrictions on any day between the date of announcement of the construction work in question and the date of bidding. (2) Bidders must not have been subject to a business suspension disposition pursuant to Article 28 Paragraphs 3 or 5 of the Construction Business Act on any day between the date of announcement of the construction work in question and the date of bidding. (3) Bidders must not fall under Article 167-4 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947). (4) Bidders must be persons other than those entrusted with design work etc. related to the construction work in question, and must have no relationship in terms of capital or personnel with the entrusted person. (5) Bidders must have no relationship in terms of capital or personnel with other applicants for bidders. 2. Bidding method, etc. (1) In determining the successful bidder, the successful bid price shall be the amount stated in the bid document plus 10/100 of said amount (if said amount has a fraction less than 1,000 yen, that fraction shall be rounded down). Therefore, regardless of whether the bidder is a taxable entity or a tax-exempt entity, the bidder shall set the bid amount at 100/110 of the estimated desired contract price. (2) In electronic bidding projects, registered users of the electronic bidding system shall, in principle, submit their bid documents using the electronic bidding system. (Bid documents cannot be submitted between 5:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. during the bidding period.) Others shall place their bid documents in the bid box installed at the bidding location. (3) Bidding by telegram or mail is not permitted. (4) In any of the following cases, the bid or the bid of that person shall be invalid. ? When a person who does not have the necessary qualifications to participate in bidding submits a bid. ? When a bidder violates the conditions for bidding established by the contracting officer. ? When a bidder submits two or more bids. ? When a bidder acts as an agent for another person or submits a bid on behalf of two or more persons. ? When bidders submit a joint bid or when other fraudulent acts have occurred during the bidding process. ? When a bid is submitted without confirming the necessary information. 3. Notes on bid execution (1) During bid execution, no one is permitted to enter or leave the bidding room, except when the bidder deems it particularly necessary. (2) During bid execution, bidders are prohibited from talking privately or making careless remarks. (3) No one other than those necessary for the bidding may enter the bidding room. (4) When information on the bid form is corrected, stamped, or deleted, a seal must be affixed to the correct area. (5) A bidder cannot rewrite, exchange, or withdraw a bid form once it has been submitted. (6) Even when a bidder submits a proxy, the bid form must be stamped with the representative's seal (or the seal of the person authorized if this is not the head office), and a power of attorney is not required. 4. Method of determining successful bidder: Except for bids made using the comprehensive evaluation method, the successful bidder will be the one who bids the lowest among those who bid at or above the minimum price within the estimated price limit determined pursuant to Article 89 of the Akiota Town Financial Regulations. In the event of two or more bids, the successful bidder will be determined by drawing lots among the bidders with the same price. 5. Bid security will be waived. 6. Contract guarantee (excluding maintenance work such as route commissioning): If the estimated contract amount is 2.5 million yen or more, the successful bidder must pay a contract security of at least one-tenth of the estimated contract amount at the time of contracting. However, the successful bidder may substitute the payment of the contract security with the provision of interest-bearing government bonds or a guarantee from a financial institution or guarantee company. In addition, if a guarantee is provided in the form of a public works performance guarantee certificate or a performance guarantee insurance contract is concluded, the contract security will be waived. 7. Advance payment (excluding maintenance work such as route commissioning): Up to four-tenths of the contract amount. However, this only applies if the contract amount is 2.5 million yen or more. 8. This is limited to cases where a guarantee contract is concluded with an interim advance payment guarantee company with the insured person being the completion date of the construction work as stated in the contract, and the guarantee certificate is deposited. 9. Partial payments shall be within 9/10 of the contract price for the completed portion, minus the amount of the advance payment for the completed portion, and shall be billed not more than once a month. However, if desired, check with the ordering department before bidding. 10. Submission of documents related to the Construction Recycling Law Successful bidders for construction work subject to the provisions of Article 9, Paragraph 1 of the Law Concerning Recycling of Materials Used in Construction Work shall submit the relevant documents within five days. 11. Other (1) Successful bidders for the construction work shall comply with the special terms and conditions separately stipulated. (2) In the event of a violation of any of the terms and conditions related to the bid, measures may be taken to exclude the bidder from the nomination list at a later date. 12 Contact information: Akiota Town General Affairs Division (784-1 Togouchi, Akiota Town, Yamagata County, Hiroshima Prefecture, Tel: 0826-28-2111)Notes on bid execution (1) During bid execution, bidders are prohibited from entering or leaving the bidding room, except when the bidder deems it necessary. (2) During bid execution, bidders are prohibited from private conversations or making careless remarks. (3) No one other than those necessary for the bid may enter the bidding room. (4) When any information on the bid document is corrected, stamped, or deleted, a seal must be affixed to the relevant area. (5) Bidders cannot revise, exchange, or withdraw their bid documents once they have been submitted. (6) Even when a representative bids, the bid document must be stamped with the representative's seal (or the seal of the person authorized if not the head office), and a letter of authorization is not required. 4. Method of determining the successful bidder Except for bids made using the comprehensive evaluation method, the successful bidder will be the lowest bidder among those who bid at or above the minimum limit price within the estimated price limit determined pursuant to Article 89 of the Akiota Town Financial Regulations. In the event of two bids, the successful bidder will be determined by drawing lots among the bidders with the same price. 5. Bid security will be waived. 6 Contract guarantee (excluding maintenance work such as route consignment) If the estimated contract amount is 2.5 million yen or more, the successful bidder must pay a contract guarantee of at least one-tenth of the estimated contract amount at the time of signing the contract. However, the contract guarantee may be substituted by the provision of interest-bearing government bonds or a guarantee from a financial institution or guarantee company. In addition, if a guarantee is provided with a public works performance guarantee certificate or a performance guarantee insurance contract is concluded, the contract guarantee will be waived. 7 Advance payment (excluding maintenance work such as route consignment) Up to four-tenths of the contract amount. However, this only applies if the contract amount is 2.5 million yen or more. 8 Interim advance payment Only applies if a guarantee contract is concluded with a guarantee company with the insured person being the completion date of the work stated in the contract for interim advance payments, and the guarantee certificate is deposited. 9 Partial payment Up to nine-tenths of the contract price for the completed portion, minus the advance payment amount for the completed portion, and will be billed not more than once a month. However, if desired, check with the ordering department before bidding. 10 Submission of documents related to the Construction Recycling Law Successful bidders for construction work subject to the provisions of Article 9, Paragraph 1 of the Law Concerning Recycling of Materials Used in Construction Work must submit the relevant documents within five days. 11 Other (1) Successful bidders for said work must comply with special terms and conditions stipulated separately. (2) In the event of a violation of any of the items related to said bid, measures may be taken to exclude them from the bidding at a later date. 12 Contact Akiota Town General Affairs Department (784-1 Togochi, Akiota Town, Yamagata County, Hiroshima Prefecture, Tel: 0826-28-2111)Notes on bid execution (1) During bid execution, bidders are prohibited from entering or leaving the bidding room, except when the bidder deems it necessary. (2) During bid execution, bidders are prohibited from private conversations or making careless remarks. (3) No one other than those necessary for the bid may enter the bidding room. (4) When any information on the bid document is corrected, stamped, or deleted, a seal must be affixed to the relevant area. (5) Bidders cannot revise, exchange, or withdraw their bid documents once they have been submitted. (6) Even when a representative bids, the bid document must be stamped with the representative's seal (or the seal of the person authorized if not the head office), and a letter of authorization is not required. 4. Method of determining the successful bidder Except for bids made using the comprehensive evaluation method, the successful bidder will be the lowest bidder among those who bid at or above the minimum limit price within the estimated price limit determined pursuant to Article 89 of the Akiota Town Financial Regulations. In the event of two bids, the successful bidder will be determined by drawing lots among the bidders with the same price. 5. Bid security will be waived. 6 Contract guarantee (excluding maintenance work such as route consignment) If the estimated contract amount is 2.5 million yen or more, the successful bidder must pay a contract guarantee of at least one-tenth of the estimated contract amount at the time of signing the contract. However, the contract guarantee may be substituted by the provision of interest-bearing government bonds or a guarantee from a financial institution or guarantee company. In addition, if a guarantee is provided with a public works performance guarantee certificate or a performance guarantee insurance contract is concluded, the contract guarantee will be waived. 7 Advance payment (excluding maintenance work such as route consignment) Up to four-tenths of the contract amount. However, this only applies if the contract amount is 2.5 million yen or more. 8 Interim advance payment Only applies if a guarantee contract is concluded with a guarantee company with the insured person being the completion date of the work stated in the contract for interim advance payments, and the guarantee certificate is deposited. 9 Partial payment Up to nine-tenths of the contract price for the completed portion, minus the advance payment amount for the completed portion, and will be billed not more than once a month. However, if desired, check with the ordering department before bidding. 10 Submission of documents related to the Construction Recycling Law Successful bidders for construction work subject to the provisions of Article 9, Paragraph 1 of the Law Concerning Recycling of Materials Used in Construction Work must submit the relevant documents within five days. 11 Other (1) Successful bidders for said work must comply with special terms and conditions stipulated separately. (2) In the event of a violation of any of the items related to said bid, measures may be taken to exclude them from the bidding at a later date. 12 Contact Akiota Town General Affairs Department (784-1 Togochi, Akiota Town, Yamagata County, Hiroshima Prefecture, Tel: 0826-28-2111)
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