Tender Details

市営松山通自転車等駐車場精算機及びロック機更新業務委託契約に係る制限付き一般競争入札(公告) 市営松山通自転車等駐車場精算機及びロック機更新業務委託契約に係る制限付き一般競争入札(公告) 告 示 第1299号令和6年10月11日鹿児島市長 下 鶴 隆 央市営松山通自転車等駐車場精算機及びロック... Public tender with restrictions (public notice) for the contract to renew the payment and locking machines at the Matsuyama-dori bicycle parking lot, etc. Public tender with restrictions (public notice) for the contract to renew the payment and locking machines at the Matsuyama-dori bicycle parking lot, etc. Notice No. 1299 October 11, 2024 Mayor of Kagoshima City Shimotsuru Takao Public tender with restrictions (public notice) for the contract to renew the payment and locking machines at the Matsuyama-dori bicycle parking lot, etc.

Published Date
Deadline Date
市営松山通自転車等駐車場精算機及びロック機更新業務委託契約に係る制限付き一般競争入札(公告) 市営松山通自転車等駐車場精算機及びロック機更新業務委託契約に係る制限付き一般競争入札(公告) 告 示 第1299号令和6年10月11日鹿児島市長 下 鶴 隆 央市営松山通自転車等駐車場精算機及びロック... 鹿児島県鹿児島市   入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 市営松山通自転車等駐車場精算機及びロック機更新業務委託契約に係る制限付き一般競争入札(公告) 種別 役務 入札区分 制限付き一般競争入札 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 15 日 組織 鹿児島県鹿児島市 取得日 2024 年 10 月 15 日 19:06:36 仕様書(PDF:222KB)入札参加資格審査等確認書(PDF:120KB) 公告内容 告 示 第1299号令和6年10月11日鹿児島市長 下 鶴 隆 央市営松山通自転車等駐車場精算機及びロック機更新業務委託契約に係る制限付き一般競争入札について(公告)市営松山通自転車等駐車場精算機及びロック機更新業務委託契約に係る制限付き一般競争入札を実施するについて、この入札に参加する者に必要な資格を地方自治法施行令(昭和22年政令第16号)第167条の5第1項及び第167条の5の2の規定に基づき次のとおり定めたので、同令第167条の5第2項及び第167条の6第1項並びに鹿児島市契約規則(昭和60年規則第25号)第3条の規定により公告します。記1 入札に付する事項(1) 業務名市営松山通自転車等駐車場精算機及びロック機更新業務(2) 履行場所鹿児島市呉服町2番6号(3) 契約期間契約締結の日から令和7年3月14日(金)(4) 業務概要市営松山通自転車等駐車場精算機及びロック機の更新業務2 入札に参加する者に必要な資格この入札に参加することができる者は、次に掲げる要件を全て満たす者とする。(1) 地方自治法施行令第167条の4の規定に該当しない者であること。(2) この公告の日(以下「公告日」という。)において、納期の到来している市税を完納していること。ただし、鹿児島市内に営業所等がないため本市への納税義務がない場合は、本市内の営業を担当する事務所が所在する市区町村において市区町村税を完納していること。(3) 公告日から入札参加資格審査申請の受付期限の日までにおいて、鹿児島市業務委託等有資格業者の指名停止に関する要綱(平成11年4月16日制定)その他の本市で定める指名停止に関する規程に基づく指名停止を受けていない者であること。(4) 公告日以後において、鹿児島市が行う契約からの暴力団排除対策要綱(平成26年3月27日制定)に基づく入札参加除外措置を受けていない者であること。入札参加除外措置を受けていないこと。(5) 暴力団員による不当な行為の防止等に関する法律(平成3年法律第77号)第2条第2号に規定する暴力団又は同条第6号に規定する暴力団員の統制下にある団体に該当しない者であること。(6) 公告日以後において、会社更生法(平成14年法律第154号)に基づき更生手続開始の申立てがなされている者又は民事再生法(平成11年法律第225号)に基づき再生手続開始の申立てがなされている者でないこと。(7) 入札に参加しようとする者の間に資本関係又は人的関係がないこと。(8) 平成26年度以降に、自転車等駐車場管理システム、自動車等駐車場管理システム等、今回の管理システム更新業務と同規模以上の機器の設置又は保守管理業務の実績を有すること。(9) 常時自転車等駐車場管理システムを監視し、故障等の不具合が生じた際に、遠隔操作又は現地作業により直ちに適切な処置を施し、機能の復旧が可能な体制があること。3 入札参加希望の申請方法等(1) この入札に参加を希望する者は、次に掲げる書類(以下「申請書等」という。)を所定の期日までに持参又は郵送のうえ市長に提出し、入札参加資格の審査を受けなければならない。なお、所定の期日までに申請書等を提出したもので、入札参加資格があると認められた者でなければ、この入札に参加することができない。ア 市営松山通自転車等駐車場精算機及びロック機更新業務委託契約に係る制限付き一般競争入札参加資格審査申請書(様式あり)イ 市営松山通自転車等駐車場精算機及びロック機更新業務委託契約に係る制限付き一般競争入札参加資格審査等確認書(様式あり)ウ 商業登録簿謄本エ 印鑑証明書(原本に限る。)オ 市税納付証明書又は滞納がないことの証明書(ただし、鹿児島市内に営業所等がないために本市への納税義務がない場合は、本市内の営業を担当する事務所が所在する市区町村に滞納がないことの証明)カ 直前1年の営業年度分の財務諸表キ 会社経歴書(様式あり)ク 課税事業者届出書(様式あり)ケ 平成26年度以降の受託業務等実績調書(様式あり)コ 代理(特約)店証明書(様式あり。申請者が駐車場管理システム機器の製造業者でない場合に限り、当該製造業者が発行する当該機器に関する本証明書を提出すること。)(2) 申請書等の作成に係る費用は、申請者の負担とする。(3) 提出された申請書等は、返却しない。(4) 証明書類は、証明年月日が提出日前3か月以内のもの(ただし、市税納税証明書は1か月以内のもの。)とし原本又は複写機による写し(印鑑証明書を除く。)を提出すること。4 申請書の交付及び受付期間等(1) 受付期間公告日から令和6年10月23日(水)まで(土曜日、日曜日及び休日を除く。)(2) 交付及び受付時間午前8時30分から午後5時15分まで(正午から午後1時までの時間を除く。)(3) 交付及び受付場所鹿児島市山下町11番1号鹿児島市建設局道路部道路管理課管理係(東別館5階)電話 099-216-1372(直通)ホームページ http://www.city.kagoshima.lg.jp/(4) 提出部数各1部5 入札参加資格の審査及び通知等(1) 入札参加資格は、提出された書類により審査し、その結果は令和6年10月30日(水)までに書面により通知する。(2) 入札参加資格がないと認められた者は、通知を受けた日から7日以内に市長に対して、入札参加資格がないと認めた理由についての説明を求めることができる。なお、説明を求める場合には、4(2)の受付時間内に受付場所に書面を持参して行わなければならない。(3) (2)の説明を求められたときは、説明を求められた日から7日以内に書面により回答する。6 仕様書の閲覧及び質疑応答(1) この契約の仕様書(以下「仕様書」という。)は、公告日から令和6年10月23日(水)まで(土曜日、日曜日及び休日を除く。)の間、鹿児島市建設局道路部道路管理課及び本市ホームページにおいて閲覧に供する。(2) 仕様書に関して質問がある場合には、質問書様式に質問事項を記載し、電子メールで送付して行わなければならない。ア 受付期間及び受付時間公告日から令和6年10月15日(火)午後5時15分までイ 電子メールアドレスdkan-kanri@city.kagoshima.lg.jpウ 質問書様式交付場所本市ホームページにおいて入手することができる。(3) (2)に対する回答は質問を受け付けた日から3日(休日、土曜日、日曜日及び休日を除く。)以内に本市ホームページ上に掲載し、その期間は掲載の日から令和6年10月23日(水)までとする。7 入札説明会実施しない。 8 入札の日時及び場所等(1) 日時 令和6年11月5日(火)午後3時30分から(2) 場所 鹿児島市山下町11番1号鹿児島市役所東別館5階501会議室9 入札方法(1) 郵便及びファックスによる入札は認めない。(2) 落札決定に当たっては入札書に記載された金額に当該金額の100分の10に相当する額を加算した金額(当該金額に1円未満の端数があるときは、その端数金額を切り捨てた金額)をもって落札金額とするので、入札者は、消費税及び地方消費税に係る課税事業者であるか免除事業者であるかを問わず、見積もった契約希望金額の110分の100に相当する金額を入札書に記載すること。(3) 入札試行回数は、3回までとする。10 入札保証金(1) 入札保証金は、鹿児島市契約規則第5条第3号の規定により免除する。(2) 契約保証金は、鹿児島市契約規則第26条第9号の規定により免除する。11 最低制限価格設定する。12 開札の方法即時改札13 落札者の決定予定価格の範囲内において最低の価格をもって入札した者を落札者とする。ただし、最低制限価格未満で入札をした者は失格とする。14 入札の無効等(1) 次のいずれかに該当する入札は、無効とする。ア 入札に参加する資格の無い者及び申請書等に虚偽の記載をした者の入札イ 委任状を持参しない代理人のした入札ウ 記名のない入札書又は記載事項を判読しがたい入札書による入札エ 入札金額が加除訂正されている入札書による入札オ 2以上の入札書(他の入札参加者の代理人として提出する入札書を含む。)による入札カ 記載した文字を容易に消字することのできる筆記用具を用いて記入した入札書による入札キ 再度入札において前回の入札の最低金額以上の金額による入札ク 明らかに連合によると認められる入札ケ 入札に参加しようとする者の間に資本関係又は人的関係があると認められる者のした入札コ その他入札に関する条件に違反した入札(3) その他ア 代理人による入札をしようとするときは、入札前に委任状を提出すること。イ 初度の入札に参加しなかった者、入札に関する無効事項に該当する者及び失格した者は、再度の入札に参加することができないものとする。ウ 同価入札をした者は、くじによる落札決定においてくじを辞退することはできない。 エ 提出した入札書は、書換え、引換え又は撤回することはできない。オ 入札は辞退できるが、辞退するときは、入札執行前にあっては入札執行前までに入札辞退届を提出し、入札執行中にあっては入札辞退届又はその旨を明記した入札書を提出すること。15 問い合せ先〒892-8677鹿児島市建設局道路部道路管理課管理係(東別館5階)電話 099-216-1372(直通)ホームページ http://www.city.kagoshima.lg.jp/電子メール dkan-kanri@city.kagoshima.lg.jp 市営松山通自転車等駐車場精算機及びロック機更新業務委託仕様書1. 業務名 市営松山通自転車等駐車場精算機及びロック機更新業務2. 概 要市営松山自転車等駐車場においては、平成15年の供用開始から20年が経過したことにより、駐輪機器全般に経年劣化が見受けられる。また、保守点検業者による劣化部位の調整や部品交換等により長寿命化に努めてきたが、故障発生率も高くなっており、故障箇所によっては部品の調達ができないという状況もあり、機器の更新を行う。また、更新するために必要な設置工事費及び機器調整費、導入教育、諸経費を含むものとし、既存機器の撤去廃棄処分については、環境に配慮した適正な処分方法を実施すること。3. 設置場所概要名称 市営松山通自転車等駐車場位置 鹿児島市呉服町2番6収容台数自転車:58台原 付:12台合 計:70台延床面積 70.68㎡利用時間 全日4. 機器構成更新機器 料金精算機 1台自転車駐輪ラック 58台原付バイクラック 12台既設継続使用品 埋設配管 1式撤去廃棄 既設料金精算機 1台既設自転車駐輪ラック 58台既設原付バイクラック 12台既設電線、通信線 1式(1) 料金精算機① 既設箇所に設置すること。② 料金精算機は自立型とすること。③ 係員の操作により、締め処理を実行することで集金データを締め、結果を印字出力できること。④ インボイス対応の領収書発行が可能であること。⑤ 使用可能な貨幣は千円札、500円、100円、50円、10円とし、新500円硬貨(令和3年11月発行)、新千円札(令和6年7月発行)に対応可能であること。また、つり銭として用いられる10円、50円、100円、500円硬貨は投入されたものが自動的に還流してつり銭となること。⑥ 500円、100円、50円、10円硬貨それぞれの収納状態が満杯になった場合、自動的に収納先が回収箱へ切り替わり、運用が継続できること。⑦ 緊急時に備え、係員の操作により指定したラック番号の開錠、施錠が可能であること。⑧ 係員の操作により、現在入庫又は出庫中のラック番号を印字出力できること。⑨ 係員の操作により、現在の長期駐輪情報を印字出力できること。⑩ 係員の操作により、現在の日付時刻の補正ができること。⑪ 利用者対応のため、係員操作により指定したラック番号の利用履歴が印字出力できること。⑫ ピッキング、扉こじ開け等盗難防止措置を施すこと。⑬ 精算時に利用者に対して音声案内ができること。⑭ 内部データを保護するため、停電、瞬停対策としてデータバックアップ機能を有すること。⑮ 料金改定に容易に対応できるものとし、改定があった場合は速やかに対応可能であること。(2) 自転車駐輪ラック① 各ラックは個別ロック式であること。② 既設箇所に設置すること。③ ワイヤー型で容易に施錠操作できること。④ ラックごとにLEDランプで満空状態が表示できること。(3) 原付バイクラック① 各ラックは個別ロック式であること。② 既設箇所に設置すること。③ ワイヤー型で容易に施錠操作できること。④ ラックごとにLEDランプで満空状態が表示できること。(4) 既設撤去、設置配線工事① 既設機器の撤去に際しては、安全に関する諸法令に従い、仕様書に基づいた施工手順、施工方法を採用し安全第一で施工すること。② 既設営造物その他に損傷を与えるおそれのあるときは、あらかじめその養生、補強をしておくこと。③ 発生材については、廃棄物処理法等関連法令に基づき適切に処分し、産業廃棄物管理票を提出すること。(5) 機器調整機器設置後は、各機器の動作確認を実施すること。(6) 保守サポート時の故障に際し、施設管理者より連絡があった場合は、速やかに技術員を派遣し対応可能であること。5. 履行期限 令和7年3月14日まで6. その他(1) 一般的事項① この仕様書は、市営松山自転車等駐車場精算機及びロック機購入及びその設置にかかることに適用する。② 落札者は、作業にあたり、労働安全衛生法等諸法令及び諸法規を遵守すること。③ 落札者は、人身事故、災害又は、第三者に損害を与える事故が発生した場合は、応急処置を講ずるとともに、事故発生原因、経過及び事故による被害の内容等について遅滞なく発注者に報告すること。もし、第三者及び従事者に損害が生じたときは、受託者の負担によってこれを保障すること。④ 落札者は、作業現場に安全巡視員(または安全管理者)を配置し、作業箇所に関する巡視、点検を行い、安全確保に努めなればならない。⑤ 作業現場における交通安全については十分留意し、交通に与える影響を最小限にするように作業及び処理計画を作成して、発注者の承諾を得て、作業箇所内のトラブル、交通事故の絶無を期さなければならない。⑥ 落札者は、仕様書に疑義が生じた場合は全て発注者と協議し、その指示に従わなければならない。また、仕様書に明記してなくとも、設置施行上必要な事項は、発注者の指示に従うこと。⑦ 落札者は設置完了後、検査員の検査を受けること。この際、検査員により手直し等の指示を受けた場合は、速やかに手直しを行い、発注者に報告すること。(2)見積金額見積もる金額は、精算機・ロック機及びその設置並びに既設機器撤去費等に係るすべての費用を含んだ金額とする。(3)設置関係事項① 設置前の必要作業事項として、機器現地調査、機器製作を実施すること。② 設置内容は、機器据付、ループコイル埋設、機器結線、機器調整等を実施すること。③ 設置は、上記5に示す履行期限までにすべての事項を終了すること。④ 施工時は、松山自転車等駐輪場の使用者及び使用車両が施工場所付近を通過することが予想されることから、駐車場使用者等への安全対策を万全に行うこと。万が一、事故等が発生した場合は速やかに発注者へ連絡し、必要な対応をとること。⑤ 駐車場管理システム機器設置に伴う電気配線については、「国土交通省電気通信設備工事共通仕様書」及び「鹿児島市電気設備工事一般仕様書」に基づき、施行することとし、アースを確実にとること。なお、設置完了後は電気系統図面・取扱説明書等を納品すること。⑥ 精算機及びロック機は、同施設の稼働状況等を常時監視し、故障時や緊急時の対応等に関するゲートの開閉等遠隔操作可能な機器とすること。⑦ 精算機及びロック機使用方法及び注意事項等を駐車場使用者へ周知するための看板を駐車場入口付近に設置すること。なお、表示内容は発注者と協議し決定する。 ⑧ 施工関し、関係機関等への必要な申請等がある場合は、落札者が行うこととし、その際の費用については落札者の負担とする。(4) その他① 駐車場管理システムの初期稼働時は、機器の稼働状況を把握し、故障・不具合等が生じた場合は、直ちに適正な対応をとること。また、非常(停電)時の稼働状況についても同様に確認すること。なお、同時期に発注者の担当者及び関係職員等に対し、精算機及びロック機等に関する取扱説明を行うこと。その際には、必要な機器取扱説明書及び取扱器具、機器の鍵等を納入すること。また、設置した機器等に対し、1年間の無償補償期間を設けること。② 落札者は、落札後、精算機及びロック機の設置までの工程表を速やかに提出し、詳細について発注者と協議すること。③ 精算機及びロック機の設置完了時には、完成図書(機器の仕様明細、取扱説明書等)緊急時の対応及び連絡先等を記した書面等を納入すること。④ その他、施工時に関し疑義が生じた場合は、事前に発注者と協議すること。5. 成果品の提出落札者は、本委託業務を完了した時は、市営松山自転車等駐車場精算機及びロック機更新業務委託完了通知書に次に定める成果品を添えて、発注者に提出しなければならない。(1) 作業工程表(2) 設置作業監督者及び作業員名簿(3) 緊急時の連絡体制表(4) 機器仕様設計書(5) 電気系統設計書(6) ネットワーク配線設計書(7) 機器取扱説明書(8) 機器搬入計画書(9) 委託業務の実施状況等作業報告書(10)その他発注者落札者協議により定めたもの (様式第2)市営松山通自転車等駐車場精算機及びロック機更新業務委託に係る制限付き一般競争入札参加資格審査等確認書(1)会 社 概 要商号又は名称設 立 年 月住所(所在地)資本金代表者職氏名従 業 員 数 人令和6年4月末現在での営業年数 年 箇月(2)資 格 審 査(1)地方自治法施行令第167条の4の規定に該当しない者であること。該当 非該当(2)納期の到来している市税を完納していること。ただし、鹿児島市内に営業所等がないために本市への納税義務がない場合は、本市内の営業を担当する事務所が所在する市区町村において市区町村税を完納していること。該当 非該当(3)公告の日から入札参加資格審査申請の受付期限の日までにおいて、鹿児島市業務委託等有資格業者の指名停止に関する要綱(平成11年4月16日制定)その他の本市で定める指名停止に関する規程に基づく指名停止を受けていない者であること。該当 非該当(4)鹿児島市が行う契約からの暴力団排除対策要綱(平成26年3月27日制定)に基づく入札参加除外措置を受けていない者であること。該当 非該当(5)暴力団員による不当な行為の防止等に関する法律(平成3年法律第77号)第2条第2号に規定する暴力団又は同条第6号に規定する暴力団員の統制下にある団体に該当しない者であること。該当 非該当(6)会社更生法(平成14年法律第154号)に基づき更生手続開始の申立てがなされている者又は民事再生法(平成11年法律第225号)に基づき再生手続開始の申立てがなされている者でないこと。該当 非該当(7)入札に参加しようとする者の間に資本関係又は人的関係がないこと。該当 非該当(8)平成26年度以降に自転車等駐車場管理システム又は、自動車等駐車場管理システムなど今回の管理システム更新と同規模以上の機器の設置又は保守管理業務の実績を有すること。該当 非該当(9)常時自転車等駐車場管理システムを監視し、故障等の不具合が生じた際に、遠隔操作又は現地作業により直ちに適切な処置を施し、機能の復旧が可能な体制があること。該当 非該当※「該当」又は「非該当」のいずれか該当するものを丸印で囲むこと。 Limited public competitive bidding (announcement) for the contract to outsource the renewal of the payment machines and locking machines at the city-owned Matsuyama-dori bicycle parking lot, etc. Limited public competitive bidding (announcement) for the contract to outsource the renewal of the payment machines and locking machines at the city-owned Matsuyama-dori bicycle parking lot, etc. Notice No. 1299 October 11th, 2024 Mayor of Kagoshima City, Shimotsuru Takao Payment machines and locking machines at the city-owned Matsuyama-dori bicycle parking lot, etc. Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Prefecture Bidding information is as follows. Subject: Restricted public competitive bidding (public announcement) for the contract to renew the payment and locking machines at the Matsuyama-dori Municipal Bicycle Parking Lot Type: Services Bidding category: Restricted public competitive bidding Date of announcement or renewal: October 15, 2024 Organization: Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Prefecture Date of acquisition: October 15, 2024 19:06:36 Specifications (PDF: 222KB) Confirmation of bidder eligibility review, etc. (PDF: 120KB) Contents of the announcement: Notice No. 1299 October 11, 2024 Mayor of Kagoshima City Shimotsuru Takashi Restricted public competitive bidding for the contract to outsource the renewal of the payment machines and locking machines at the Kagoshima City-owned Matsuyama-dori bicycle parking lot (Announcement)Restricted public competitive bidding for the contract to outsource the renewal of the payment machines and locking machines at the Kagoshima City-owned Matsuyama-dori bicycle parking lot (Announcement)The qualifications required for those participating in this bid have been determined as follows in accordance with Article 167-5, Paragraph 1 and Article 167-5-2 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947).This is hereby announced in accordance with Article 167-5, Paragraph 2 and Article 167-6, Paragraph 1 of the same Ordinance and Article 3 of the Kagoshima City Contract Regulations (Regulations No. 25 of 1985). 1. Items to be put up for bid (1) Name of business Renewal of payment machines and locking machines at the city-run Matsuyama-dori bicycle parking lot (2) Place of performance 2-6 Gofuku-cho, Kagoshima City (3) Contract period From the date of contract conclusion to Friday, March 14, 2025 (4) Business overview Renewal of payment machines and locking machines at the city-run Matsuyama-dori bicycle parking lot 2. Qualifications required for those participating in the bid Those eligible to participate in this bid must meet all of the following requirements. (1) Those who do not fall under the provisions of Article 167-4 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act. (2) As of the date of this announcement (hereinafter referred to as the "announcement date"), they have paid all city taxes that are due. However, if they do not have a business office, etc. in Kagoshima City and therefore have no obligation to pay taxes to the city, they must have paid all city, ward, town, and village taxes in the city, ward, town, and village in which the office in charge of business in the city is located. (3) The bidder has not been subject to a suspension of bids pursuant to the Guidelines for Suspension of Bids for Qualified Contractors of Kagoshima City for Business Outsourcing, etc. (enacted on April 16, 1999) or other regulations on suspension of bids established by the City from the date of public notice to the deadline for application for bidder qualification examination. (4) The bidder has not been subject to measures to exclude bidders from bidding pursuant to the Guidelines for Measures to Exclude Organized Crime Groups from Contracts Implemented by Kagoshima City (enacted on March 27, 2014) after the date of public notice. The bidder has not been subject to measures to exclude bidders from bidding. (5) The bidder is not a member of an organized crime group as defined in Article 2, paragraph 2 of the Law Concerning Prevention of Unfair Activities by Organized Crime Group Members (Law No. 77 of 1991) or an organization under the control of an organized crime group as defined in Article 2, paragraph 6 of the same Law. (6) There must not be a person against whom a petition for the commencement of reorganization proceedings has been filed under the Corporate Reorganization Act (Act No. 154 of 2002) or a person against whom a petition for the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings has been filed under the Civil Rehabilitation Act (Act No. 225 of 1999) after the date of announcement. (7) There must be no capital or personal relationship between the persons intending to participate in the bid. (8) There must be a track record of installation or maintenance management work for bicycle, etc. parking lot management systems, automobile, etc. parking lot management systems, etc., of a scale equal to or larger than that of this management system renewal work, since fiscal year 2014. (9) There must be a system in place to constantly monitor the bicycle, etc. parking lot management system, and in the event of a malfunction or other problem, immediately take appropriate measures by remote control or on-site work to restore functionality. 3. How to apply to participate in the bid, etc. (1) Those wishing to participate in this bid must submit the following documents (hereinafter referred to as "application forms, etc.") to the Mayor by the specified date in person or by mail and undergo an examination of eligibility to participate in the bid. In addition, only those who have submitted an application form and other documents by the specified deadline and are recognized as eligible to participate in the bid will be able to participate in this bid. A. Application for qualification review for limited public competitive bidding related to the contract for the renewal of the payment machines and locking machines at the city-run Matsuyama-dori bicycle parking lot (Form available) B. Confirmation of qualification review for limited public competitive bidding related to the contract for the renewal of the payment machines and locking machines at the city-run Matsuyama-dori bicycle parking lot (Form available) C. Certified copy of business register D. Seal certificate (original only) E. City tax payment certificate or certificate of no arrears (However, if there is no tax obligation to the city because there is no business office in Kagoshima City, proof that there is no arrears in the city, town, or village where the office in charge of business in Kagoshima City is located) F. Financial statements for the most recent business year G. Company history (Form available) H. Taxable business notification form (Form available) I. Report of contracted business performance from FY2014 onwards (Form available) J. Agency (special agent) certificate (Form available. Only if the applicant is not the manufacturer of the parking management system equipment, submit this certificate for the equipment issued by the manufacturer.) (2) The costs associated with preparing the application form, etc. shall be borne by the applicant. (3) Submitted application forms, etc. shall not be returned. (4) Certificates must be dated within three months prior to the date of submission (except for city tax payment certificates, which must be dated within one month), and originals or photocopies (excluding seal certificates) must be submitted. 4. Issuance and acceptance period of application forms (1) From the date of announcement of acceptance period to Wednesday, October 23, 2024 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays). (2) Issuance and acceptance time 8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. (excluding the hours of noon to 1 p.m.). (3) Issuance and acceptance location 11-1 Yamashita-cho, Kagoshima City Kagoshima City Construction Bureau, Road Management Division, Road Department, Management Section (5th floor, East Annex) Telephone 099-216-1372 (direct) Website http://www.city.kagoshima.lg.jp/ (4) Number of copies to be submitted 1 copy each 5. Examination and notification of bidder eligibility (1) Bidders' eligibility will be examined based on the documents submitted, and the results will be notified in writing by Wednesday, October 30, 2024. (2) Those who are found to be ineligible to bid may request the mayor to explain the reason for their ineligibility within seven days of receiving the notice. If an explanation is requested, it must be made in writing at the reception location during the reception hours in 4(2). (3) When an explanation in (2) is requested, a written response must be made within seven days from the date of the request. 6. Inspection of the Specifications and Question-and-Answer Session (1) The specifications for this contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Specifications") will be available for inspection at the Road Management Division, Road Department, Kagoshima City Construction Bureau and on the City's website from the date of announcement until Wednesday, October 23, 2024 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays). (2) If you have any questions regarding the Specifications, you must fill out the questionnaire form with your questions and send it by email. A. Reception period and reception hours: From the date of announcement until Tuesday, October 15, 2024, 5:15 p.m. B. Email address: dkan-kanri@city.kagoshima.lg.jpc Where to obtain the questionnaire form: It can be obtained on the City's website. (3) Responses to (2) will be posted on the City's website within three days (excluding holidays, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays) from the date of receipt of the question, for a period from the date of posting until Wednesday, October 23, 2024. 7 No bidding briefing will be held. 8 Date, time and location of bidding, etc. (1) Date and time: Tuesday, November 5, 2024, from 3:30 p.m. (2) Location: Conference Room 9, 501, 5th floor, East Annex, Kagoshima City Hall, 11-1 Yamashita-cho, Kagoshima City Bidding method (1) Bids by mail and fax will not be accepted. (2) In determining the successful bid, the successful bid amount shall be the amount stated in the bid document plus 10/100 of said amount (if said amount has a fraction of less than 1 yen, the fraction shall be rounded down). Therefore, regardless of whether the bidder is a taxable entity or an exempt entity with respect to consumption tax and local consumption tax, the bidder must state in the bid document an amount equivalent to 100/110 of the estimated desired contract amount. (3) The number of attempted bids is limited to three. 10 Bid security (1) Bid security is waived in accordance with the provisions of Article 5, paragraph 3 of the Kagoshima City Contract Regulations. (2) Contract security is waived in accordance with the provisions of Article 26, paragraph 9 of the Kagoshima City Contract Regulations. 11 A minimum price limit shall be set. 12 Method of opening bids: Immediate ticket opening 13 Determination of successful bidder The successful bidder shall be the bidder with the lowest bid within the range of the estimated price. However, bidders who bid below the minimum price limit shall be disqualified. 14. Invalid Bids, etc. (1) Bids that fall under any of the following will be invalid. A. Bids made by persons who are not qualified to participate in bidding or who have made false statements on application forms, etc. B. Bids made by agents without a power of attorney C. Bids using unnamed bid documents or bid documents with illegible information D. Bids using bid documents with additions, deletions, or corrections to the bid amount E. Bids using two or more bid documents (including bid documents submitted on behalf of other bidders) F. Bid documents filled in with writing implements that can easily erase written characters K. Bids made in repeat bidding for an amount equal to or higher than the minimum amount of the previous bid K. Bids that are clearly recognized as being made by a consortium K. Bids made by persons recognized to have capital or personal relationships between the persons intending to participate in the bid K. Bids that violate other conditions related to bidding (3) Other A. When making a bid by an agent, a power of attorney must be submitted before bidding. B. Those who did not participate in the first bid, those who fall under invalid matters related to the bid, and those who have been disqualified will not be able to participate in repeat bidding. C) Those who have submitted equal bids cannot decline to participate in the lottery in the event that the successful bidder is decided by lottery. D) Bids submitted cannot be rewritten, exchanged or retracted. E) Bids may be declined, but if declining, a bid decline notice must be submitted before the bid is executed, or a bid document clearly stating this must be submitted if declining during the bid execution. 15. Contact Information: Management Section, Road Management Division, Road Department, Construction Bureau, Kagoshima City 892-8677 (East Annex, 5th floor) Telephone: 099-216-1372 (direct line) Website: http://www.city.kagoshima.lg.jp/ Email: dkan-kanri@city.kagoshima.lg.jp Contract specifications for the replacement of payment machines and locking machines at the city-run Matsuyama-dori bicycle and other parking lot 1. Name of work: Replacement of payment machines and locking machines at the city-run Matsuyama-dori bicycle and other parking lot 2. Summary Twenty years have passed since the city-run Matsuyama Bicycle Parking Lot was opened in 2003, and the bicycle parking equipment is showing signs of aging. Although maintenance and inspection companies have made efforts to extend the lifespan of the equipment by adjusting deteriorated parts and replacing parts, the rate of failure has increased, and in some cases parts cannot be obtained for certain broken parts, so the equipment will be updated. The cost of installation work required for the update, equipment adjustment costs, introduction training, and other expenses will be included, and appropriate disposal methods that are considerate of the environment will be implemented for the removal and disposal of existing equipment. 3. Overview of the installation location Name City-run Matsuyama-dori Bicycle Parking Lot Location 2-6 Gofuku-cho, Kagoshima City Capacity Bicycles: 58 Mopeds: 12 Total: 70 Total floor area 70.68 m2 Usage time All day4. Equipment configuration Updated equipment Toll adjustment machine 1 unit Bicycle parking racks 58 units Moped racks 12 units Existing continuing use items Buried piping 1 set Removed and disposed of Existing toll adjustment machine 1 unit Existing bicycle parking racks 58 units Existing moped racks 12 units Existing electric wires and communication lines 1 set (1) Toll adjustment machine ① Must be installed in the existing location. ② The toll adjustment machine must be freestanding. ③ The staff member must be able to perform the closing process to close the collection data and print out the results. ④ A receipt that corresponds to an invoice must be issued. ⑤ The currency that can be used must be 1,000 yen, 500 yen, 100 yen, 50 yen, and 10 yen, and it must be able to handle the new 500 yen coin (issued in November 2021) and the new 1,000 yen note (issued in July 2024). In addition, 10 yen, 50 yen, 100 yen, and 500 yen coins inserted as change will be automatically returned to provide change. ⑥ When the storage boxes for 500 yen, 100 yen, 50 yen, and 10 yen coins are full, the storage destination will automatically switch to the collection box, allowing operation to continue. ⑦ In preparation for an emergency, the designated rack number will be able to be unlocked and locked by the attendant's operation. ⑧ The rack number currently being entered or removed will be able to be printed out by the attendant's operation. ⑨ The current long-term parking information will be able to be printed out by the attendant's operation. ⑩ The current date and time will be able to be corrected by the attendant's operation. ⑪ To assist users, the usage history of the designated rack number will be able to be printed out by the attendant's operation. ⑫ Measures will be taken to prevent theft, such as lock picking and prying open the door. ⑬ Voice guidance will be available to users at the time of payment. ⑭ To protect internal data, the equipment must have a data backup function as a countermeasure against power outages and momentary power outages. ⑮ The equipment must be easily adapted to rate revisions, and must be able to respond promptly in the event of any revisions. (2) Bicycle parking racks ① Each rack must be individually lockable. ② Must be installed in an existing location. ③ The racks must be easily locked using a wire. ④ Each rack must be able to display whether it is full or empty using an LED lamp. (3) Moped racks ① Each rack must be individually lockable. ② Must be installed in an existing location. ③ The racks must be easily locked using a wire. ④ Each rack must be able to display whether it is full or empty using an LED lamp. (4) Removal of existing equipment, installation and wiring work ① When removing existing equipment, safety must be the first priority, and installation procedures and methods based on the specifications must be adopted in accordance with safety laws and regulations. ② If there is a risk of damage to existing structures or other objects, protective covering and reinforcement must be provided in advance. ③ Any materials generated must be disposed of appropriately in accordance with the Waste Disposal Act and other related laws and regulations, and an industrial waste management form must be submitted. (5) After the equipment adjustment equipment is installed, the operation of each piece of equipment must be checked. (6) In the event of a breakdown during maintenance support, a technician must be dispatched promptly to deal with the problem when contacted by the facility manager. 5. Fulfillment deadline: March 14, 20256.Other (1) General matters ① This specification applies to the purchase and installation of the payment machine and locking machine at the Matsuyama City Bicycle Parking Lot. ② The successful bidder shall comply with the Industrial Safety and Health Act and other laws and regulations when carrying out the work. ③ In the event of an accident resulting in personal injury, a disaster, or an accident causing damage to a third party, the successful bidder shall take emergency measures and report the cause, progress, and damage caused by the accident to the client without delay. If damage is caused to a third party or workers, the contractor shall compensate for it at its own expense. ④ The successful bidder shall assign a safety patrolman (or safety manager) to the work site, patrol and inspect the work area, and strive to ensure safety. ⑤ The successful bidder shall pay close attention to traffic safety at the work site, prepare a work and processing plan to minimize the impact on traffic, and, with the client's consent, ensure the complete absence of trouble and traffic accidents at the work area. ⑥ In the event of any doubts about the specifications, the successful bidder shall consult with the client and follow their instructions. In addition, even if not specified in the specifications, the successful bidder shall follow the instructions of the client regarding matters necessary for installation and execution. ⑦ After the installation is completed, the successful bidder shall undergo an inspection by an inspector. At this time, if the inspector gives instructions for adjustments, etc., the successful bidder shall promptly make the adjustments and report them to the client. (2) Estimated amount The estimated amount shall include all costs related to the payment machine, locking machine, and their installation, as well as the cost of removing existing equipment. (3) Installation-related matters ① As necessary work before installation, an on-site inspection of the equipment and equipment production shall be carried out. ② The installation shall include equipment installation, loop coil burying, equipment wiring, equipment adjustment, etc. ③ All installation matters shall be completed by the performance deadline shown in 5 above. ④ During construction, it is expected that users and vehicles of the Matsuyama Bicycle Parking Lot will pass near the construction site, so thorough safety measures for users of the parking lot, etc. shall be taken. In the unlikely event of an accident, etc., the successful bidder shall promptly contact the client and take the necessary measures. ⑤ Electrical wiring for the installation of the parking management system equipment shall be carried out in accordance with the "Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Electrical Equipment Construction Common Specifications" and the "Kagoshima City Electrical Equipment Construction General Specifications", and the equipment shall be properly grounded. In addition, after the installation is completed, electrical system drawings and instruction manuals shall be delivered. ⑥ The payment machine and locking machine shall be constantly monitored for the operation status of the facility, and shall be remotely operable to open and close the gate in case of breakdowns or emergencies. ⑦ Signs shall be installed near the entrance to the parking lot to inform parking users of how to use the payment machine and locking machine and precautions to take. The content of the signage shall be decided in consultation with the client. ⑧ If there are any necessary applications to related organizations regarding the construction, the successful bidder shall make them, and the successful bidder shall bear the costs of such applications. (4) Others ① During the initial operation of the parking management system, the operating status of the equipment shall be grasped, and if any breakdowns or malfunctions occur, appropriate measures shall be taken immediately. The operating status during an emergency (power outage) shall also be checked in the same manner. At the same time, the successful bidder shall provide the client's staff and other relevant employees with an explanation of how to use the payment machines and locking machines, etc. At that time, the necessary equipment instruction manuals, operating tools, keys for the equipment, etc. shall be provided. In addition, a one-year free warranty period shall be set for the installed equipment, etc. ② After being successful in the bid, the successful bidder shall promptly submit a schedule for the installation of the payment machines and locking machines, and discuss the details with the client. ③ Upon completion of the installation of the payment machines and locking machines, the successful bidder shall deliver the completion documents (detailed equipment specifications, instruction manuals, etc.) as well as documents outlining emergency response measures and contact information, etc. ④ If any other questions arise regarding the construction, they shall be discussed with the client in advance. 5. Submission of Deliverables Upon completion of this commissioned work, the successful bidder shall submit to the client a Notice of Completion of the Commissioning of the Payment Machines and Locking Machines Renewal Work for the Matsuyama Municipal Bicycle Parking Lot, together with the deliverables specified below. (1) Work schedule (2) Installation supervisor and worker list (3) Emergency contact system (4) Equipment specification design document (5) Electrical system design document (6) Network wiring design document (7) Equipment instruction manual (8) Equipment delivery plan (9) Work report on the status of the commissioned work (10) Other documents determined by consultation between the client and the successful bidder (Form 2) Confirmation of qualification review for participation in limited public competitive bidding for the commissioned work of updating the payment machines and locking machines at the Matsuyama-dori bicycle parking lot (1) Company overview Trade name or name Date of establishment Address (location) Capital Representative's position Name Number of employees Number of years in business as of the end of April 2024 Years Months (2) Qualification review (1) The applicant must not fall under the provisions of Article 167-4 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act. Applicable Not applicable (2) The applicant must have paid all city taxes due. However, if the bidder does not have a tax liability to the city because it does not have a business office in Kagoshima City, the bidder must have paid all city, town, and village taxes in the city in which the office in charge of business in Kagoshima City is located. Applicable Not Applicable (3) The bidder must not have been subject to a suspension of bids based on the Guidelines for Suspension of Bids of Qualified Contractors for Business Outsourcing, etc. of Kagoshima City (established on April 16, 1999) or other regulations regarding suspension of bids established by the city from the date of announcement to the deadline for application for bidder qualification review. Applicable Not Applicable (4) The bidder must not have been subject to a measure to exclude Organized Crime Groups from Contracts Implemented by Kagoshima City (established on March 27, 2014). Applicable Not Applicable (5) The bidder must not be a member of an organized crime group as defined in Article 2, paragraph 2 of the Law Concerning Prevention of Unfair Activities by Organized Crime Group Members (Law No. 77 of 1991) or an organization under the control of an organized crime group as defined in Article 2, paragraph 6 of the same law. Applicable Not Applicable (6) Not a party against whom a petition for the commencement of reorganization proceedings has been filed under the Corporate Reorganization Act (Act No. 154 of 2002) or a party against whom a petition for the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings has been filed under the Civil Rehabilitation Act (Act No. 225 of 1999). Applicable Not Applicable (7) There is no capital or personal relationship between the parties intending to participate in the bid. Applicable Not Applicable (8) Having a track record of installation or maintenance management work for bicycle, etc. parking lot management systems or automobile, etc. parking lot management systems, etc., of equipment of the same scale or larger than the current management system update, since fiscal year 2014. Applicable Not Applicable (9) Having a system in place to constantly monitor the bicycle, etc. parking lot management system, and in the event of a malfunction or other problem, taking appropriate measures immediately by remote control or on-site work to restore functionality. Applicable Not Applicable * Circle either "Applicable" or "Not Applicable" that applies.The successful bidder must pay careful attention to traffic safety at the work site, prepare a work and processing plan to minimize the impact on traffic, and, with the consent of the client, ensure that there are absolutely no problems or traffic accidents at the work site. ⑥ If the successful bidder has any doubts about the specifications, they must consult with the client and follow their instructions. In addition, even if they are not specified in the specifications, they must follow the client's instructions for matters necessary for installation and execution. ⑦ After completing the installation, the successful bidder must undergo an inspection by an inspector. At this time, if the inspector gives instructions for adjustments, etc., they must make the adjustments promptly and report them to the client. (2) Estimated amount The estimated amount includes all costs related to the settlement machine, lock machine, and their installation, as well as the cost of removing existing equipment. (3) Installation-related matters ① As necessary work before installation, an on-site inspection of the equipment and equipment manufacturing must be carried out. ② The installation contents must include equipment installation, burying loop coils, equipment wiring, equipment adjustments, etc. ③ All installation matters must be completed by the performance deadline shown in 5 above. ④ During construction, users and vehicles of the Matsuyama Bicycle Parking Lot are expected to pass near the construction site, so safety measures for users of the parking lot, etc. must be taken. In the unlikely event of an accident, etc., the Contractor must be notified immediately and the necessary measures must be taken. ⑤ Electrical wiring for the installation of the parking lot management system equipment must be carried out in accordance with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's Telecommunications Equipment Construction Common Specifications and the Kagoshima City Electrical Equipment Construction General Specifications, and the equipment must be properly grounded. After installation is complete, electrical system drawings and instruction manuals must be delivered. ⑥ The payment machine and locking machine must be constantly monitored for operation status, and must be remotely operated to open and close the gate in the event of a breakdown or emergency. ⑦ A signboard must be installed near the entrance to the parking lot to inform users of how to use the payment machine and locking machine and precautions. The content of the signboard must be decided in consultation with the Contractor. ⑧ If there are any necessary applications to related organizations regarding the construction, the successful bidder must make them, and the successful bidder must bear the costs involved. (4) Others ① During the initial operation of the parking lot management system, the operating status of the equipment must be understood, and appropriate measures must be taken immediately in the event of any breakdowns or malfunctions. The operating status during an emergency (power outage) must also be confirmed in the same manner. At the same time, an explanation of how to use the payment machines and locking machines, etc. must be provided to the client's person in charge and relevant employees. At that time, the necessary equipment instruction manuals, operating tools, keys for the equipment, etc. must be provided. In addition, a one-year free warranty period must be set for the installed equipment, etc. ② After being successful in the bid, the successful bidder must promptly submit a schedule for the installation of the payment machines and locking machines, and discuss the details with the client. ③ Upon completion of the installation of the payment machines and locking machines, the successful bidder must submit documents such as the completion documents (detailed equipment specifications, instruction manuals, etc.) and documents outlining emergency responses and contact information, etc. ④ Any other questions that arise during construction must be discussed with the client in advance. 5. Submission of Deliverables: Upon completion of the commissioned work, the successful bidder must submit to the client a Notice of Completion of the Contract for the Replacement of the Matsuyama Municipal Bicycle Parking Lot Payment Machine and Locking Machine, along with the deliverables specified below. (1) Work schedule (2) Installation supervisor and worker list (3) Emergency contact system (4) Equipment specification design document (5) Electrical system design document (6) Network wiring design document (7) Equipment instruction manual (8) Equipment delivery plan (9) Work report on the status of the commissioned work (10) Other documents determined by consultation between the client and the successful bidder (Form 2) Confirmation of qualification review for participation in limited public competitive bidding for the commissioned work of updating the payment machines and locking machines at the Matsuyama-dori bicycle parking lot (1) Company overview Trade name or name Date of establishment Address (location) Capital Representative's position Name Number of employees Number of years in business as of the end of April 2024 Years Months (2) Qualification review (1) The applicant must not fall under the provisions of Article 167-4 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act. Applicable Not applicable (2) The applicant must have paid all city taxes due. However, if the bidder does not have a tax liability to the city because it does not have a business office in Kagoshima City, the bidder must have paid all city, town, and village taxes in the city in which the office in charge of business in Kagoshima City is located. Applicable Not Applicable (3) The bidder must not have been subject to a suspension of bids based on the Guidelines for Suspension of Bids of Qualified Contractors for Business Outsourcing, etc. of Kagoshima City (established on April 16, 1999) or other regulations regarding suspension of bids established by the city from the date of announcement to the deadline for application for bidder qualification review. Applicable Not Applicable (4) The bidder must not have been subject to a measure to exclude Organized Crime Groups from Contracts Implemented by Kagoshima City (established on March 27, 2014). Applicable Not Applicable (5) The bidder must not be a member of an organized crime group as defined in Article 2, paragraph 2 of the Law Concerning Prevention of Unfair Activities by Organized Crime Group Members (Law No. 77 of 1991) or an organization under the control of an organized crime group as defined in Article 2, paragraph 6 of the same law. Applicable Not Applicable (6) Not a party against whom a petition for the commencement of reorganization proceedings has been filed under the Corporate Reorganization Act (Act No. 154 of 2002) or a party against whom a petition for the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings has been filed under the Civil Rehabilitation Act (Act No. 225 of 1999). Applicable Not Applicable (7) There is no capital or personal relationship between the parties intending to participate in the bid. Applicable Not Applicable (8) Having a track record of installation or maintenance management work for bicycle, etc. parking lot management systems or automobile, etc. parking lot management systems, etc., of equipment of the same scale or larger than the current management system update, since fiscal year 2014. Applicable Not Applicable (9) Having a system in place to constantly monitor the bicycle, etc. parking lot management system, and in the event of a malfunction or other problem, taking appropriate measures immediately by remote control or on-site work to restore functionality. Applicable Not Applicable * Circle either "Applicable" or "Not Applicable" that applies.The successful bidder must pay careful attention to traffic safety at the work site, prepare a work and processing plan to minimize the impact on traffic, and, with the consent of the client, ensure that there are absolutely no problems or traffic accidents at the work site. ⑥ If the successful bidder has any doubts about the specifications, they must consult with the client and follow their instructions. In addition, even if they are not specified in the specifications, they must follow the client's instructions for matters necessary for installation and execution. ⑦ After completing the installation, the successful bidder must undergo an inspection by an inspector. At this time, if the inspector gives instructions for adjustments, etc., they must make the adjustments promptly and report them to the client. (2) Estimated amount The estimated amount includes all costs related to the settlement machine, lock machine, and their installation, as well as the cost of removing existing equipment. (3) Installation-related matters ① As necessary work before installation, an on-site inspection of the equipment and equipment manufacturing must be carried out. ② The installation contents must include equipment installation, burying loop coils, equipment wiring, equipment adjustments, etc. ③ All installation matters must be completed by the performance deadline shown in 5 above. ④ During construction, users and vehicles of the Matsuyama Bicycle Parking Lot are expected to pass near the construction site, so safety measures for users of the parking lot, etc. must be taken. In the unlikely event of an accident, etc., the Contractor must be notified immediately and the necessary measures must be taken. ⑤ Electrical wiring for the installation of the parking lot management system equipment must be carried out in accordance with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's Telecommunications Equipment Construction Common Specifications and the Kagoshima City Electrical Equipment Construction General Specifications, and the equipment must be properly grounded. After installation is complete, electrical system drawings and instruction manuals must be delivered. ⑥ The payment machine and locking machine must be constantly monitored for operation status, and must be remotely operated to open and close the gate in the event of a breakdown or emergency. ⑦ A signboard must be installed near the entrance to the parking lot to inform users of how to use the payment machine and locking machine and precautions. The content of the signboard must be decided in consultation with the Contractor. ⑧ If there are any necessary applications to related organizations regarding the construction, the successful bidder must make them, and the successful bidder must bear the costs involved. (4) Others ① During the initial operation of the parking lot management system, the operating status of the equipment must be understood, and appropriate measures must be taken immediately in the event of any breakdowns or malfunctions. The operating status during an emergency (power outage) must also be confirmed in the same manner. At the same time, an explanation of how to use the payment machines and locking machines, etc. must be provided to the client's person in charge and relevant employees. At that time, the necessary equipment instruction manuals, operating tools, keys for the equipment, etc. must be provided. In addition, a one-year free warranty period must be set for the installed equipment, etc. ② After being successful in the bid, the successful bidder must promptly submit a schedule for the installation of the payment machines and locking machines, and discuss the details with the client. ③ Upon completion of the installation of the payment machines and locking machines, the successful bidder must submit documents such as the completion documents (detailed equipment specifications, instruction manuals, etc.) and documents outlining emergency responses and contact information, etc. ④ Any other questions that arise during construction must be discussed with the client in advance. 5. Submission of Deliverables: Upon completion of the commissioned work, the successful bidder must submit to the client a Notice of Completion of the Contract for the Replacement of the Matsuyama Municipal Bicycle Parking Lot Payment Machine and Locking Machine, along with the deliverables specified below. (1) Work schedule (2) Installation supervisor and worker list (3) Emergency contact system (4) Equipment specification design document (5) Electrical system design document (6) Network wiring design document (7) Equipment instruction manual (8) Equipment delivery plan (9) Work report on the status of the commissioned work (10) Other documents determined by consultation between the client and the successful bidder (Form 2) Confirmation of qualification review for participation in limited public competitive bidding for the commissioned work of updating the payment machines and locking machines at the Matsuyama-dori bicycle parking lot (1) Company overview Trade name or name Date of establishment Address (location) Capital Representative's position Name Number of employees Number of years in business as of the end of April 2024 Years Months (2) Qualification review (1) The applicant must not fall under the provisions of Article 167-4 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act. Applicable Not applicable (2) The applicant must have paid all city taxes due. However, if the bidder does not have a tax liability to the city because it does not have a business office in Kagoshima City, the bidder must have paid all city, town, and village taxes in the city in which the office in charge of business in Kagoshima City is located. Applicable Not Applicable (3) The bidder must not have been subject to a suspension of bids based on the Guidelines for Suspension of Bids of Qualified Contractors for Business Outsourcing, etc. of Kagoshima City (established on April 16, 1999) or other regulations regarding suspension of bids established by the city from the date of announcement to the deadline for application for bidder qualification review. Applicable Not Applicable (4) The bidder must not have been subject to a measure to exclude Organized Crime Groups from Contracts Implemented by Kagoshima City (established on March 27, 2014). Applicable Not Applicable (5) The bidder must not be a member of an organized crime group as defined in Article 2, paragraph 2 of the Law Concerning Prevention of Unfair Activities by Organized Crime Group Members (Law No. 77 of 1991) or an organization under the control of an organized crime group as defined in Article 2, paragraph 6 of the same law. Applicable Not Applicable (6) Not a party against whom a petition for the commencement of reorganization proceedings has been filed under the Corporate Reorganization Act (Act No. 154 of 2002) or a party against whom a petition for the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings has been filed under the Civil Rehabilitation Act (Act No. 225 of 1999). Applicable Not Applicable (7) There is no capital or personal relationship between the parties intending to participate in the bid. Applicable Not Applicable (8) Having a track record of installation or maintenance management work for bicycle, etc. parking lot management systems or automobile, etc. parking lot management systems, etc., of equipment of the same scale or larger than the current management system update, since fiscal year 2014. Applicable Not Applicable (9) Having a system in place to constantly monitor the bicycle, etc. parking lot management system, and in the event of a malfunction or other problem, taking appropriate measures immediately by remote control or on-site work to restore functionality. Applicable Not Applicable * Circle either "Applicable" or "Not Applicable" that applies.The payment machines and locking machines shall be devices that constantly monitor the facility's operating status, and can be remotely operated to open and close the gate in the event of a breakdown or emergency. ⑦ A signboard shall be installed near the entrance to the parking lot to inform users of how to use the payment machines and locking machines and precautions to take. The content of the signboard shall be decided in consultation with the client. ⑧ If there are any necessary applications to related organizations regarding the construction, the successful bidder shall make them, and the successful bidder shall bear the costs of such applications. (4) Others ① During the initial operation of the parking lot management system, the operating status of the equipment shall be grasped, and if any breakdown or malfunction occurs, appropriate measures shall be taken immediately. The operating status during an emergency (power outage) shall also be confirmed in the same manner. At the same time, the client's person in charge and related employees shall be given an explanation of how to use the payment machines and locking machines. At that time, the necessary equipment instruction manuals, operating tools, keys for the equipment, etc. shall be delivered. In addition, a one-year free warranty period shall be set for the installed equipment. ② After being awarded the bid, the successful bidder must promptly submit a schedule for the installation of the payment machines and locking machines, and discuss the details with the client. ③ Upon completion of installation of the payment machines and locking machines, the successful bidder must deliver the completion documents (detailed specifications of the equipment, instruction manual, etc.) as well as documents outlining emergency procedures and contact information. ④ If any other questions arise regarding the construction, they must be discussed with the client in advance. 5. Submission of Deliverables Upon completing the commissioned work, the successful bidder must submit to the client a Notice of Commission Completion for the Renewal of the Payment Machines and Locking Machines at the Municipal Matsuyama Bicycle Parking Lot, together with the deliverables specified below. (1) Work schedule (2) Installation supervisor and worker list (3) Emergency contact system (4) Equipment specification design document (5) Electrical system design document (6) Network wiring design document (7) Equipment instruction manual (8) Equipment delivery plan (9) Work report on the status of the commissioned work (10) Other documents determined by consultation between the client and the successful bidder (Form 2) Confirmation of qualification review for participation in limited public competitive bidding for the commissioned work of updating the payment machines and locking machines at the Matsuyama-dori bicycle parking lot (1) Company overview Trade name or name Date of establishment Address (location) Capital Representative's position Name Number of employees Number of years in business as of the end of April 2024 Years Months (2) Qualification review (1) The applicant must not fall under the provisions of Article 167-4 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act. Applicable Not applicable (2) The applicant must have paid all city taxes due. However, if the bidder does not have a tax liability to the city because it does not have a business office in Kagoshima City, the bidder must have paid all city, town, and village taxes in the city in which the office in charge of business in Kagoshima City is located. Applicable Not Applicable (3) The bidder must not have been subject to a suspension of bids based on the Guidelines for Suspension of Bids of Qualified Contractors for Business Outsourcing, etc. of Kagoshima City (established on April 16, 1999) or other regulations regarding suspension of bids established by the city from the date of announcement to the deadline for application for bidder qualification review. Applicable Not Applicable (4) The bidder must not have been subject to a measure to exclude Organized Crime Groups from Contracts Implemented by Kagoshima City (established on March 27, 2014). Applicable Not Applicable (5) The bidder must not be a member of an organized crime group as defined in Article 2, paragraph 2 of the Law Concerning Prevention of Unfair Activities by Organized Crime Group Members (Law No. 77 of 1991) or an organization under the control of an organized crime group as defined in Article 2, paragraph 6 of the same law. Applicable Not Applicable (6) Not a party against whom a petition for the commencement of reorganization proceedings has been filed under the Corporate Reorganization Act (Act No. 154 of 2002) or a party against whom a petition for the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings has been filed under the Civil Rehabilitation Act (Act No. 225 of 1999). Applicable Not Applicable (7) There is no capital or personal relationship between the parties intending to participate in the bid. Applicable Not Applicable (8) Having a track record of installation or maintenance management work for bicycle, etc. parking lot management systems or automobile, etc. parking lot management systems, etc., of equipment of the same scale or larger than the current management system update, since fiscal year 2014. Applicable Not Applicable (9) Having a system in place to constantly monitor the bicycle, etc. parking lot management system, and in the event of a malfunction or other problem, taking appropriate measures immediately by remote control or on-site work to restore functionality. Applicable Not Applicable * Circle either "Applicable" or "Not Applicable" that applies.The payment machines and locking machines shall be devices that constantly monitor the facility's operating status, and can be remotely operated to open and close the gate in the event of a breakdown or emergency. ⑦ A signboard shall be installed near the entrance to the parking lot to inform users of how to use the payment machines and locking machines and precautions to take. The content of the signboard shall be decided in consultation with the client. ⑧ If there are any necessary applications to related organizations regarding the construction, the successful bidder shall make them, and the successful bidder shall bear the costs of such applications. (4) Others ① During the initial operation of the parking lot management system, the operating status of the equipment shall be grasped, and if any breakdown or malfunction occurs, appropriate measures shall be taken immediately. The operating status during an emergency (power outage) shall also be confirmed in the same manner. At the same time, the client's person in charge and related employees shall be given an explanation of how to use the payment machines and locking machines. At that time, the necessary equipment instruction manuals, operating tools, keys for the equipment, etc. shall be delivered. In addition, a one-year free warranty period shall be set for the installed equipment. ② After being awarded the bid, the successful bidder must promptly submit a schedule for the installation of the payment machines and locking machines, and discuss the details with the client. ③ Upon completion of installation of the payment machines and locking machines, the successful bidder must deliver the completion documents (detailed specifications of the equipment, instruction manual, etc.) as well as documents outlining emergency procedures and contact information. ④ If any other questions arise regarding the construction, they must be discussed with the client in advance. 5. Submission of Deliverables Upon completing the commissioned work, the successful bidder must submit to the client a Notice of Commission Completion for the Renewal of the Payment Machines and Locking Machines at the Municipal Matsuyama Bicycle Parking Lot, together with the deliverables specified below. (1) Work schedule (2) Installation supervisor and worker list (3) Emergency contact system (4) Equipment specification design document (5) Electrical system design document (6) Network wiring design document (7) Equipment instruction manual (8) Equipment delivery plan (9) Work report on the status of the commissioned work (10) Other documents determined by consultation between the client and the successful bidder (Form 2) Confirmation of qualification review for participation in limited public competitive bidding for the commissioned work of updating the payment machines and locking machines at the Matsuyama-dori bicycle parking lot (1) Company overview Trade name or name Date of establishment Address (location) Capital Representative's position Name Number of employees Number of years in business as of the end of April 2024 Years Months (2) Qualification review (1) The applicant must not fall under the provisions of Article 167-4 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act. Applicable Not applicable (2) The applicant must have paid all city taxes due. However, if the bidder does not have a tax liability to the city because it does not have a business office in Kagoshima City, the bidder must have paid all city, town, and village taxes in the city in which the office in charge of business in Kagoshima City is located. Applicable Not Applicable (3) The bidder must not have been subject to a suspension of bids based on the Guidelines for Suspension of Bids of Qualified Contractors for Business Outsourcing, etc. of Kagoshima City (established on April 16, 1999) or other regulations regarding suspension of bids established by the city from the date of announcement to the deadline for application for bidder qualification review. Applicable Not Applicable (4) The bidder must not have been subject to a measure to exclude Organized Crime Groups from Contracts Implemented by Kagoshima City (established on March 27, 2014). Applicable Not Applicable (5) The bidder must not be a member of an organized crime group as defined in Article 2, paragraph 2 of the Law Concerning Prevention of Unfair Activities by Organized Crime Group Members (Law No. 77 of 1991) or an organization under the control of an organized crime group as defined in Article 2, paragraph 6 of the same law. Applicable Not Applicable (6) Not a party against whom a petition for the commencement of reorganization proceedings has been filed under the Corporate Reorganization Act (Act No. 154 of 2002) or a party against whom a petition for the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings has been filed under the Civil Rehabilitation Act (Act No. 225 of 1999). Applicable Not Applicable (7) There is no capital or personal relationship between the parties intending to participate in the bid. Applicable Not Applicable (8) Having a track record of installation or maintenance management work for bicycle, etc. parking lot management systems or automobile, etc. parking lot management systems, etc., of equipment of the same scale or larger than the current management system update, since fiscal year 2014. Applicable Not Applicable (9) Having a system in place to constantly monitor the bicycle, etc. parking lot management system, and in the event of a malfunction or other problem, taking appropriate measures immediately by remote control or on-site work to restore functionality. Applicable Not Applicable * Circle either "Applicable" or "Not Applicable" that applies.Not applicable (5) The person is not a member of an organized crime group as defined in Article 2, paragraph 2 of the Act on Prevention of Unfair Acts by Organized Crime Group Members (Act No. 77 of 1991) or an organization under the control of an organized crime group as defined in Article 2, paragraph 6 of the same Act. Applicable Not applicable (6) The person is not a party against whom a petition for the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings has been filed under the Corporate Reorganization Act (Act No. 154 of 2002) or a party against whom a petition for the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings has been filed under the Civil Rehabilitation Act (Act No. 225 of 1999). Applicable Not applicable (7) There is no capital or personal relationship between the parties intending to participate in the bid. Applicable Not applicable (8) The person has a track record of installing or maintaining equipment of the same or larger scale as the management system renewal, such as bicycle parking management systems or automobile parking management systems, since fiscal year 2014. Applicable Not applicable (9) There is a system in place that constantly monitors the bicycle parking management system, and in the event of a malfunction or other problem, can immediately take appropriate measures by remote control or on-site work to restore functionality. Applicable Not applicable * Circle either "Applicable" or "Not applicable" that applies.Not applicable (5) The person is not a member of an organized crime group as defined in Article 2, paragraph 2 of the Act on Prevention of Unfair Acts by Organized Crime Group Members (Act No. 77 of 1991) or an organization under the control of an organized crime group as defined in Article 2, paragraph 6 of the same Act. Applicable Not applicable (6) The person is not a party against whom a petition for the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings has been filed under the Corporate Reorganization Act (Act No. 154 of 2002) or a party against whom a petition for the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings has been filed under the Civil Rehabilitation Act (Act No. 225 of 1999). Applicable Not applicable (7) There is no capital or personal relationship between the parties intending to participate in the bid. Applicable Not applicable (8) The person has a track record of installing or maintaining equipment of the same or larger scale as the management system renewal, such as bicycle parking management systems or automobile parking management systems, since fiscal year 2014. Applicable Not applicable (9) There is a system in place that constantly monitors the bicycle parking management system, and in the event of a malfunction or other problem, can immediately take appropriate measures by remote control or on-site work to restore functionality. Applicable Not applicable * Circle either "Applicable" or "Not applicable" that applies.
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