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一般競争入札のお知らせ(貨物自動車の賃貸借 10台) 一般競争入札のお知らせ(貨物自動車の賃貸借 10台) 一般競争入札のお知らせ(貨物自動車の賃貸借 10台) - 水産林務部森林海洋環境局道有林課 // window.rsConf = { genera... Public competitive bidding notice (rental of 10 freight vehicles) Public competitive bidding notice (rental of 10 freight vehicles) Public competitive bidding notice (rental of 10 freight vehicles) - Fisheries and Forestry Department, Forestry and Marine Environment Bureau, Prefectural Forest Division // window.rsConf = { genera...

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一般競争入札のお知らせ(貨物自動車の賃貸借 10台) 一般競争入札のお知らせ(貨物自動車の賃貸借 10台) 一般競争入札のお知らせ(貨物自動車の賃貸借 10台) - 水産林務部森林海洋環境局道有林課 // window.rsConf = { genera... 北海道   入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 一般競争入札のお知らせ(貨物自動車の賃貸借 10台) 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 15 日 組織 北海道 取得日 2024 年 10 月 15 日 19:59:29 公告文 (PDF 67.6KB)関係書類 (ZIP 414KB) 公告内容 一般競争入札のお知らせ(貨物自動車の賃貸借 10台) - 水産林務部森林海洋環境局道有林課 // window.rsConf = { general: { usePost: true } }; 読み上げる Foreign Language メインコンテンツへ移動 北海道トップ カテゴリから探す 公募・意見募集 申請・手続き 入札・調達・売却 採用・試験・資格 イベント・講習会・お知らせ 総合案内・道政情報・税 防災・くらし・人権・環境 観光・道立施設・文化・スポーツ・国際 健康・医療・福祉 子育て・教育 経済・雇用・産業 まちづくり・地域振興 組織から探す 本庁各部・局・行政委員会 14総合振興局・振興局 北海道議会 北海道教育委員会 出先機関、関係機関など 関連組織 関連リンク 防災情報 検索 メニュー 閉じる HOME › 水産林務部 › 森林海洋環境局道有林課 › 一般競争入札のお知らせ(貨物自動車の賃貸借 10台) 一般競争入札のお知らせ(貨物自動車の賃貸借 10台) 一般競争入札のお知らせ 一般競争入札を以下のとおり行います。 契約の目的の名称及び数量:貨物自動車の賃貸借 10台 参加資格申請期限:令和6年11月1日(金)17:00 入札日時:令和6年11月22日(金)10:00 公告文 (PDF 67.6KB) 関係書類 (ZIP 414KB) カテゴリー 入札情報 買入・借入 道有林 森林海洋環境局道有林課のカテゴリ 注目情報 公告・公募 お問い合わせ 水産林務部森林海洋環境局道有林課 〒060-8588 札幌市中央区北3条西6丁目 電話: 011-204-5519 Fax: 011-232-4142 お問い合わせフォーム 2024年10月15日 Adobe Reader 森林海洋環境局道有林課メニュー 注目情報 公報 報道発表 オープンデータ 入林手続き等 入林手続き エゾシカ狩猟 道有林の概要 道有林とは 主な取組 道有林基本計画 道有林野事業 森林管理 森林整備 立木販売 事業評価 先導的な森林づくり カーボン・オフセット・クレジット ICTによる広葉樹資源の把握 森林認証 保持林業の実証実験 地域への貢献 ほっかいどう企業の森林づくり 二風谷アットゥシ 入札情報 公告・公募 入札結果(立木の売払い以外) 立木販売入札執行計画 競争入札参加資格 page top お問合せ・相談窓口 庁舎のご案内 サイトポリシー 個人情報の取扱いについて サイトマップ 北海道のオープンデータの取組 〒060-8588 札幌市中央区北3条西6丁目 電話番号 011-231-4111 (総合案内) 一般的な業務時間:8時45分から17時30分(土日祝日および12月29日~1月3日はお休み) 法人番号:7000020010006 © 2021 HOKKAIDO GOVERNMENT 北海道告示第11495号次のとおり一般競争入札(以下「入札」という。)を実施する。 令和6年10月15日北海道知事 鈴木 直道1 入札に付す事項⑴ 契約の目的の名称及び数量ア 契約の目的の名称 貨物自動車の賃貸借イ 数 量 10台⑵ 契約の目的の仕様等 仕様書による。 ⑶ 契 約 期 間 仕様書による。 ⑷ 納 入 場 所 仕様書による。 2 入札に参加する者に必要な資格次のいずれにも該当すること。 ⑴ 令和6年度に有効な道の競争入札参加資格のうち、物品の購入(物品の購入の資格のうち、資格の種類別に区分した分類31(賃貸借 自動車)に該当する者に限る。)を有すること。 ⑵ 道が行う指名競争入札に関する指名を停止されていないこと。 ⑶ 暴力団関係事業者等であることにより、道が行う競争入札への参加を除外されていないこと。 ⑷ 北海道内に本社又は支社(支店及び営業所を含む。)を有する者であること。 3 制限付一般競争入札参加資格の審査⑴ この入札は、地方自治法施行令(昭和22年政令第16号)第167条の5の2の規定による制限付一般競争入札であるので、入札に参加しようとする者は、アからウまでに定めるところにより、2の⑷に掲げる資格を有するかどうかの審査を申請しなければならない。 ア 申 請 の 時 期 令和6年10月15日(火)から令和6年11月1日(金)まで(日曜日、土曜日及び国民の祝日に関する法律(昭和23年法律第178号)に規定する休日を除く。)の毎日午前9時から午後5時までイ 申 請 の 方 法 提出先の指示により作成した申請書等を提出しなければならない。 ウ 申請書類の提出先 郵便番号060-8588 札幌市中央区北3条西6丁目北海道水産林務部森林海洋環境局道有林課電話(代表)011-231-4111 内線28-716⑵ 審査を行ったときは、審査結果を申請者に通知する。 4 契約条項を示す場所北海道水産林務部森林海洋環境局道有林課5 入札執行の場所及び日時⑴ 入札場所 札幌市中央区北3条西6丁目北海道庁本庁舎10階水産林務部1号会議室⑵ 入札日時 令和6年11月22日(金) 午前10時00分⑶ 開札場所 ⑴に同じ。 ⑷ 開札日時 ⑵に同じ。 6 入札保証金入札保証金は、免除する。ただし、入札に参加しようとする者が契約を締結しないこととなるおそれがあると認めるときは、入札保証金又はこれに代える担保の納付を求めることがある。 7 契約保証金契約保証金は、免除する。ただし、契約を締結する者が契約を履行しないこととなるおそれがあると認めるときは、契約保証金又はこれに代える担保の納付を求めることがある。 8 送付による入札の可否認めない。 9 落札者の決定方法北海道財務規則(昭和45年北海道規則第30号。以下「財務規則」という。)第151条第1項の規定により定めた予定価格の制限の範囲内で最低の価格をもって入札(有効な入札に限る。)した者を落札者とする。 10 落札者と契約の締結を行わない場合⑴ 落札者が暴力団関係事業者等であることにより道が行う公共事業等から除外する措置を講じることとされた場合は、当該落札者とは契約の締結を行わない。 ⑵ 契約書の作成を要するとした契約について、落札決定から契約を締結するまでの間に落札者が指名停止を受けた場合は、契約の締結を行わないことができるものとする。 この場合において、落札者は、契約を締結できないことにより生じる損害の賠償を請求することができない。 11 契約書の作成の要否⑴ この契約は契約書の作成を要する。 ⑵ 落札者は、落札決定後速やかに契約の締結方法について、書面で行うか契約内容を記録した電磁的記録で行うかを申し出ること。 12 その他⑴ 開札の時において、2に規定する資格のない者のした入札、財務規則第154条各号に掲げる入札及びこの公告の定める入札に関する条件に違反した入札は、無効とする。 ⑵ 入札金額等に係る消費税及び地方消費税(以下「消費税等」という。)の取扱いア 落札決定に当たっては、入札書に記載された金額に当該金額の100分の10に相当する金額を加算した金額(該当金額に1円未満の端数があるときは、その端数を切り捨てた金額)をもって落札価格とするので、入札に参加する者は、消費税等に係る課税業者であるか免税業者であるかを問わず、見積もった契約金額の110分の100に相当する金額を入札書に記載すること。 イ 落札者となった者は、落札決定後速やかに消費税等の課税事業者であるか免税事業者であるかを申し出ること。 ⑶ 契約に関する事務を担当する組織ア 名 称 北海道水産林務部森林海洋環境局道有林課イ 所 在 地 郵便番号060-8588 札幌市中央区北3条西6丁目ウ 電話番号 (代表)011-231-4111 内線28-716⑷ 前金払はしない。 ⑸ 概算払はしない。 ⑹ 部分払はしない。 ⑺ 初度の入札において、入札者が1人の場合であっても、入札を執行する。 ⑻ この入札は、取りやめること又は延期することがある。 ⑼ この入札の執行は、公開する。 ⑽ この公告のほか、競争入札心得その他関係法令の規定を承知すること。 Notice of public competitive bidding (rental of 10 freight vehicles) Notice of public competitive bidding (rental of 10 freight vehicles) Notice of public competitive bidding (rental of 10 freight vehicles) - Fisheries and Forestry Department, Forestry and Marine Environment Bureau, Prefectural Forests Division // window.rsConf = { genera... Hokkaido Bidding information is as follows. Subject Notice of public competitive bidding (rental of 10 freight vehicles) Date of announcement or update October 15, 2024 Organization Hokkaido Date of acquisition October 15, 2024 19:59:29 Announcement text (PDF 67.6KB) Related documents (ZIP 414KB) Announcement content Notice of public competitive bidding (rental of 10 freight vehicles) - Prefectural Forest Division, Forestry and Marine Environment Bureau, Fisheries and Forestry Department // window.rsConf = { general: { usePost: true } }; Read aloud Foreign Language Skip to main content Hokkaido Top Search by category Public offering/request for opinions Application/procedures Bidding/procurement/sales Recruitment/exams/qualifications Events/seminars/announcements General information/prefectural government information/tax Disaster prevention/life/human rights/environment Tourism/prefectural facilities/culture/sports/international Health/medical care/welfare Childcare/education Economy/employment/industry Urban development and regional development Search by organization Headquarters departments, bureaus, and administrative committees 14 General Development Bureaus and Development Bureaus Hokkaido Prefectural Assembly Hokkaido Board of Education Local offices, related organizations, etc. Related organizations Related links Disaster prevention information Search Menu Close HOME › Fisheries and Forestry Department › Prefectural Forest Division, Forestry and Marine Environment Bureau › Notice of public competitive bidding (lease of 10 freight vehicles) Notice of public competitive bidding (lease of 10 freight vehicles) Notice of public competitive bidding A public competitive bidding will be held as follows. Name and quantity of the contract object: Lease of freight vehicles (10 units) Deadline for application for qualification to participate: 17:00, Friday, November 1, 2024 Bidding date and time: 10:00, Friday, November 22, 2024 Announcement (PDF 67.6KB) Related documents (ZIP 414KB) Categories Bidding information Purchase/Lending Hokkaido Forest Categories of the Prefectural Forest Division, Forestry and Marine Environment Bureau Featured information Announcements/Public offerings Inquiries Prefectural Forest Division, Forestry and Marine Environment Bureau, Fisheries and Forestry Department 6-6 Kita 3-jo Nishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo 060-8588 Phone: 011-204-5519 Fax:011-232-4142 Inquiry form October 15, 2024 Adobe Reader Menu of the Prefectural Forestry and Marine Environment Bureau, Prefectural Forest Division Featured information Public notices Press releases Open data Forest entry procedures, etc. Forest entry procedures Ezo deer hunting Overview of prefectural forests What are prefectural forests? Main initiatives Basic plan for prefectural forests Prefectural forest projects Forest management Forest development Sales of standing trees Project evaluation Pioneering forestry development Carbon offset credits Identifying broadleaf resources using ICT Forest certification Demonstration experiment of conservation forestry Contribution to the community Forest development by Hokkaido companies Nibutani Attus Bidding information Announcements and public invitations Bidding results (other than the sale of standing trees) Bidding execution plan for the sale of standing trees Eligibility to participate in competitive bidding Page top Inquiries and consultation desk Office information Site policy Handling of personal information Site map Hokkaido's open data initiatives 6-6-Nishi, Kita 3-jo, Chuo-ku, Sapporo 060-8588 Phone number 011-231-4111 (General information) Normal business hours: 8:45 to 17:30 (Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and December 29th to January 3rd) Corporate number: 7000020010006 © 2021 HOKKAIDO GOVERNMENT Hokkaido Prefectural Notification No. 11495 An open competitive bidding (hereinafter referred to as the "Bidding") will be held as follows. October 15th, 2024 Governor of Hokkaido Suzuki Naomichi 1. Items to be included in the Bidding (1) Name and quantity of the object of the contract A. Name of the object of the contract Lease of freight vehicles B. Quantity 10 units (2) Specifications, etc. of the object of the contract As per specifications. (3) Contract period As per specifications. (4) Delivery location As per specifications. 2. Qualifications required for those participating in the Bidding All of the following must be met. ⑴ The person has the qualifications to participate in competitive bidding with the Hokkaido government that are valid for fiscal year 2024, including the purchase of goods (limited to those who fall under category 31 (rental of automobiles), which is categorized by type of qualification, among the qualifications to purchase goods). ⑵ The person has not been suspended from designated competitive bidding conducted by the Hokkaido government. ⑶ The person has not been excluded from participating in competitive bidding conducted by the Hokkaido government due to being a business operator with ties to organized crime. ⑷ The person has a head office or branch office (including branch offices and sales offices) within Hokkaido. 3. Screening of qualifications to participate in restricted open competitive bidding (1) This bid is a restricted open competitive bidding pursuant to Article 167-5-2 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947). Therefore, those who wish to participate in the bid must apply for screening to determine whether they have the qualifications set forth in 2(4) in accordance with the provisions of A to C. A. Application period: 9:00am to 5:00pm every day from Tuesday, October 15, 2024 to Friday, November 1, 2024 (excluding Sundays, Saturdays, and holidays specified in the National Holidays Act (Act No. 178 of 1948)). B. How to apply: Applications must be submitted following the instructions of the appropriate submission destination. C. Where to submit application documents: Hokkaido Prefectural Forests Division, Forestry and Marine Environment Bureau, Fisheries and Forestry Department, Hokkaido Prefectural Government, 6-6 Kita 3-jo Nishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Postal Code: 060-8588. Telephone (main) 011-231-4111, extension 28-716. (2) When an examination has been conducted, the applicant will be notified of the examination results. 4 Location of contract terms: Prefectural Forestry Division, Forestry and Marine Environment Bureau, Fisheries and Forestry Department, Hokkaido Prefectural Government 5 Location and date of bid execution (1) Bidding location: Meeting Room No. 1, Fisheries and Forestry Department, 10th floor, Hokkaido Prefectural Government Office Building, 6-6 Kita 3-jo Nishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo 2 Date and time of bid: Friday, November 22, 2024, 10:00 a.m. 3 Place of bid opening: Same as 1. 4 Date and time of bid opening: Same as 2. 6 Bid security: Bid security is waived. However, if it is deemed that there is a risk that a person who intends to participate in the bid will not conclude the contract, the payment of a bid security or a security in lieu of this may be required. 7 Contract security: Contract security is waived. However, if it is deemed that there is a risk that a person who will conclude the contract will not perform the contract, the payment of a contract security or a security in lieu of this may be required. 8 Approval of bid by mail: Not permitted. 9. Method of determining successful bidder The successful bidder shall be the bidder who submits the lowest bid (valid bids only) within the range of the estimated price limit set by the provisions of Article 151, Paragraph 1 of the Hokkaido Prefectural Finance Regulations (Hokkaido Regulations No. 30 of 1970; hereafter referred to as the "Financial Regulations"). 10. Cases in which a contract is not concluded with a successful bidder (1) If a measure is taken to exclude a successful bidder from public works projects undertaken by the prefecture because the successful bidder is an entity related to organized crime, etc., a contract will not be concluded with the successful bidder. (2) For contracts that require the preparation of a contract, if the successful bidder is suspended from selection between the time of the award and the time of the contract being concluded, the contract may not be concluded. In such cases, the successful bidder cannot claim compensation for damages arising from the inability to conclude the contract. 11. Whether a contract must be prepared (1) This contract requires the preparation of a contract. (2) The successful bidder shall promptly after the award of the contract is decided as to the method of the contract, either in writing or by an electronic record containing the contents of the contract. 12 Others (1) At the time of opening of bids, bids made by persons who do not qualify as specified in 2, bids listed in each item of Article 154 of the Financial Regulations, and bids that violate the conditions for bidding set forth in this announcement will be invalid. (2) Handling of consumption tax and local consumption tax (hereinafter referred to as "consumption tax, etc.") related to the bid amount, etc. A. When deciding on the successful bid, the successful bid price will be the amount stated in the bid document plus 10/100 of that amount (if the amount has a fraction of less than 1 yen, the fraction will be rounded down). Therefore, those who participate in the bid, regardless of whether they are taxable or exempt with respect to consumption tax, etc., must state in the bid document an amount equivalent to 110/100 of the estimated contract amount. B. The successful bidder must state whether they are a taxable or exempt business operator with respect to consumption tax, etc., promptly after the successful bid is decided. (3) Organization in charge of contract-related affairs: A) Name: Prefectural Forest Division, Forestry and Marine Environment Bureau, Fisheries and Forestry Department, Hokkaido Prefectural Government B) Address: Kita 3-jo Nishi 6-chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Postal Code: 060-8588 C) Telephone number: (Main) 011-231-4111, ext. 28-716 (4) No advance payments will be accepted. (5) No estimate payments will be accepted. (6) No partial payments will be accepted. (7) For the initial bidding, the bid will be carried out even if there is only one bidder. (8) This bid may be cancelled or postponed. (9) The execution of this bid will be made public. (10) In addition to this announcement, be aware of the competitive bidding guidelines and other provisions of relevant laws and regulations.In deciding the successful bid, the successful bid price will be the amount stated in the bid document plus 10% of said amount (if the amount has a fraction of less than 1 yen, the fraction will be rounded down), so those who participate in the bid, regardless of whether they are a taxable business or a tax-exempt business with respect to consumption tax, etc., must state in their bid document an amount equivalent to 110% of the estimated contract amount. B. The successful bidder must state whether they are a taxable business or a tax-exempt business with respect to consumption tax, etc., promptly after the successful bid is decided. 3. Organization in charge of contract affairs A. Name: Prefectural Forest Division, Forestry and Marine Environment Bureau, Fisheries and Forestry Department, Hokkaido Prefectural Government B. Address: Kita 3-jo Nishi 6-chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Postal Code: 060-8588 C. Telephone number (main) 011-231-4111, extension 28-716 4. No advance payment will be made. 5. No estimated payment will be made. 6. No partial payment will be made. (7) In the case of an initial bid, the bid will be carried out even if there is only one bidder. (8) This bid may be canceled or postponed. (9) The execution of this bid will be made public. (10) In addition to this announcement, bidders must be aware of the provisions of the Competitive Bidding Guidelines and other relevant laws and regulations.In deciding the successful bid, the successful bid price will be the amount stated in the bid document plus 10% of said amount (if the amount has a fraction of less than 1 yen, the fraction will be rounded down), so those who participate in the bid, regardless of whether they are a taxable business or a tax-exempt business with respect to consumption tax, etc., must state in their bid document an amount equivalent to 110% of the estimated contract amount. B. The successful bidder must state whether they are a taxable business or a tax-exempt business with respect to consumption tax, etc., promptly after the successful bid is decided. 3. Organization in charge of contract affairs A. Name: Prefectural Forest Division, Forestry and Marine Environment Bureau, Fisheries and Forestry Department, Hokkaido Prefectural Government B. Address: Kita 3-jo Nishi 6-chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Postal Code: 060-8588 C. Telephone number (main) 011-231-4111, extension 28-716 4. No advance payment will be made. 5. No estimated payment will be made. 6. No partial payment will be made. (7) In the case of an initial bid, the bid will be carried out even if there is only one bidder. (8) This bid may be canceled or postponed. (9) The execution of this bid will be made public. (10) In addition to this announcement, bidders must be aware of the provisions of the Competitive Bidding Guidelines and other relevant laws and regulations.
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