Tender Details

Bグループ 鉄屑 Bグループ 鉄屑 公 告公 告 第 20 号令和6年10月2日分任契約担当官陸上自衛隊留萌駐屯地第346会計隊長 松 島 聡下記のとおり一般競争入札(売払)を行います。1 競争入札に付する事項(1) ... Group B Scrap Iron Group B Scrap Iron Announcement Announcement No. 20 October 2, 2024 Subcontract Officer Ground Self-Defense Force Rumoi Garrison 346th Accounting Unit Commander Satoshi Matsushima We will hold a public competitive bidding (sale) as follows. 1 Items to be submitted for competitive bidding (1) ...

Published Date
Deadline Date
Bグループ 鉄屑 Bグループ 鉄屑 公 告公 告 第 20 号令和6年10月2日分任契約担当官陸上自衛隊留萌駐屯地第346会計隊長 松 島 聡下記のとおり一般競争入札(売払)を行います。1 競争入札に付する事項(1) ... 防衛省陸上自衛隊北部方面会計隊本部  北海道札幌市 入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 Bグループ 鉄屑 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 2 日 組織 北海道札幌市 取得日 2024 年 10 月 2 日 20:00:49 公告内容 公 告公 告 第 20 号令和6年10月2日分任契約担当官陸上自衛隊留萌駐屯地第346会計隊長 松 島 聡下記のとおり一般競争入札(売払)を行います。1 競争入札に付する事項(1) 件名Aグループ: 廃タイヤ 別紙第2のとおりBグループ: 鉄屑 別紙第3のとおり(2) 搬出場所陸上自衛隊留萌駐屯地(3) 搬出期限令和6年11月15日(金)(代金納付から原則5日以内に搬出を完了させること。)2 競争に参加する者に必要な資格に関する事項(1) 予算決算及び会計令第70条及び第71条の規定に該当しない者であること。(2) 全省庁統一資格申請において「物品の買受け」の「C」以上の格付けを有する者で北海道地域に競争参加資格を有する者(資格審査結果通知書の写しを入札時までに必ず提出すること。)(3) 別紙第1「装備品等及び役務の調達に係わる指名停止等」に該当しない者であること。(4) 「入札及び契約心得」を厳守している者。(5) 契約担当官等から指名停止の措置を受けている期間中の者でないこと。(6) 現場確認をしていること。または、現場確認をしなかった事によって生じる不利益は買受人の負担とすることを了承のうえ参加すること。3 契約条項を示す場所陸上自衛隊留萌駐屯地第346会計隊契約班及び北部方面会計隊ホームページ4 現場説明会等(1) 現場説明会は実施しない。(2) 現場確認を希望する者は、下記の現場担当者に連絡し、調整した上で実施すること。5 競争入札執行の場所及び日時(1) 場 所陸上自衛隊留萌駐屯地談話室(2) 日 時令和6年10月15日(火) 14時00分6 保証金等に関する事項(1) 入札保証金 免 除ただし、落札者が「入札及び契約心得」に従って契約の締結手続きをしない場合には、落札者が契約締結に応じないものとみなし、落札価格の100分の5に相当する金額を違約金として徴収する。(2) 契約保証金 免 除ただし、契約者が契約を履行しない場合は、落札価格の100分の10以上を違約金として徴収する。7 入札の無効(1) 第2項で示した競争に参加する者に必要な資格のない者のした入札(2) 入札に関する条項に違反した入札(3) 入札金額、入札者の氏名が判別し難い入札(4) 電報・FAXによる入札(5) 入札開始時刻に遅れた者による入札(6) 入札者が実施した誓約に虚偽があった場合又は誓約に反する事態が生じた場合(7) 次の文面を記載していない入札書による入札「当社(私(個人の場合)、当団体(団体の場合))は暴力団排除に関する誓約書に定める事項について誓約いたします。」8 落札決定方式グループ毎の総額が、当隊所定の予定価格以上の最高入札者を落札者とする。ただし、落札者となるべき最高入札者が2人以上ある場合は、くじ引きにより落札者を決定する。なお、入札書については、消費税込の価格を記載すること。9 契約書の作成落札者は、契約担当官から交付された契約書案に記名押印し、落札決定の日から起算して7日以内にこれを契約担当官に提出しなければならない。ただし、契約担当官の書面による承諾を得て、この期間を延長することができる。また、落札者がこの契約書案を提出しないときは、落札は、その効力を失う。10 その他(1) 再度入札は直ちに実施する。ただし、郵便入札があった場合は、官側が指定する日時において実施する。(2) 郵便入札の場合は、件名を記入した小封筒に入札書を入れて封印をし、資格審査結果通知書(写)と共に「(入札件名)入札書在中」と記載した封筒に入れて、書留郵便(簡易書留可)にて10月15日(火)午前9時までに第346会計隊契約班に必着させること。この際、下記入札担当者に電話にて到着の確認を行うこと。(3) 売払物品の実質重量及び状態については、現物現況を優先する。(4) 代理人をもって入札に参加する場合は、委任状を提出すること。(5) 契約の成立時期については、契約書に双方が記名押印したときとする。(6) 代金の納付は、歳入徴収官の発行する納入告知書又は契約担当官の口頭告知により、指定された期日及び場所に納付するものとする。(7) 搬出可能日は、代金納付の完了日以降とする。(8) 契約業者は輸送時の保管等に際し、紛失防止に万全を期すること。(9) 契約業者が契約物品を廃棄する場合には、環境保全に関する法律に基づき実施するものとし一切の責任は契約業者の責によるものとする。(10) 売払物品の引取り、保管、整備、使用等に際して発生する一切の費用は、買受人の負担とする。(11) 売払物品の引取りに際しては事故防止に留意するとともに、事故発生の場合は全て買受人の責任において処理すること。(12) 売払物品は現状渡しであり、契約締結後、防衛省は物品に対して一切の責任を負わないこと。また、買受人は当該物品に不具合、隠れたる瑕疵(かし)等を発見しても、契約代金の減免、損害賠償の請求又は契約の解除をすることができない。(13) 売払物品の使用等に際して必要となる法令上の各種手続は、買受人の責任において行うこと。(14) 入札に関する事項の問合わせ先陸上自衛隊留萌駐屯地第346会計隊契約班 ℡0164-42-2655(内線746)担当:小原(15) 現場確認及び物品に関する事項の問い合わせ先陸上自衛隊留萌駐屯地業務隊 ℡0164-42-2655(内線725)担当:吉田11 公告掲示場所及び期間(1) 掲示場所:留萌駐屯地第346会計隊、北部方面会計計隊ホームページ(2) 掲示期間:令和6年10月2日(水)~令和6年10月15日(火)別紙第1装備品等及び役務の調達に係わる指名停止等1 防衛省大臣官房衛生監、運用企画局長、経理装備局長又は陸上幕僚長から「装備品等及び役務の調達に係る指名停止等の要領」に基づく指名停止の措置を受けている期間中の者でないこと。2 前号により現に指名停止を受けている者と資本関係又は人的関係のある者であって、当該者と同種の物品の売買又は製造若しくは役務請負について防衛省と契約を行おうとする者でないこと。3 原則、現に指名停止を受けている者の下請負については認めない。ただし、真にやむを得ない事由を該当する省指名停止権者が認めた場合には、この限りでない。4 第2号の「資本関係又は人的関係にある」場合とは、次に定める基準のいずれかに該当する場合をいう。(1) 資本関係がある場合次のア又はイに該当する二者の場合。ただし、アについては子会社(会社法(平成17年法律第86号)第2条第3号及び会社法施行規則(平成18年法務省令第12号)第3条の規定による子会社をいう。以下同じ。)又は、イについて子会社の一方が会社更正法(昭和27年法律第172号)第2条第7項に規定する更正会社(以下「更正会社」という。 )又は民事再生法(平成11年法律第225号)第2条第4号に規定する再生手続(以下「再生手続」という。)が存続中の会社である場合を除く。ア 親会社(会社法第2条4号及び会社法施行規則第3条の規定による親会社をいう。以下同じ。)と子会社の関係にある場合。イ 親会社を同じくする子会社同士の関係にある場合。(2) 人的関係がある場合次のア又はイに該当する二者の場合。ただし、アについては、更正会社又は再生手続存続中の会社である場合は除く。ア 一方の会社の役員(常勤又は非常勤の取締役、会計参与、監査役、執行役、理事、監事その他これら準ずる者をいい、社外役員を除く。以下の号において同じ。)が、他方の会社の役員を現に兼ねている場合。イ 一方の会社の役員が、他方の会社の会社更正法第67条第1項又は民事再生法第64条第2項の規定により選任された管財人を現に兼ねている場合。ウ (1)及び(2)に掲げる場合のほか、資本構成又は人的構成において関連性のある一方の会社による落札が他方の会社に係る指名停止等の措置の効果を事実上減殺するなど(1)又は(2)に掲げる場合と同視し得る資本関係又は人的関係があると認められる場合。別紙第2廃タイヤ集計表主要な車種 規 格 種類質量(本/㎏)数量合計重量合計数量備考パジェロ 215/85R18夏タイヤ 18 49 882132冬タイヤ 19 83 1,577高機動車、中型 37×12.50R17.5-8LT夏タイヤ 34 34 1,15689冬タイヤ 35 55 1,925大型(H151から) 12R22.5-14PR夏タイヤ 50 25 1,250229冬タイヤ 50 204 10,200重レッカ 1100R20-14PR 夏タイヤ 58 7 406 7重レッカ 12R22.5-16PR夏タイヤ 50 11 55012冬タイヤ 50 1 50重レッカ 1100R20-16PR 冬タイヤ 59 6 354 6軽装甲機動車 275/70R22.5TL夏タイヤ 57 9 51321冬タイヤ 57 12 684120M用タイヤ 7.50-16 12PR 冬タイヤ 50 36 1,800 36人員輸送車2号 205/85R16 夏タイヤ 15 7 105 7オートバイ(前輪) 3.00-21 夏タイヤ 4 4 16 4オートバイ(後輪) 4.60-18 夏タイヤ 5 8 40 810式大雪(転輪) 6.00-9 夏タイヤ 8 10 80 10合 計夏タイヤ16421,588 561冬タイヤ 397別紙第3鉄屑集計表品 名 規 格 単 位 重 量 備 考鉄 屑 級 外 KG 15,095車両用交換部品等、工事に伴う廃材、ロッカー、書庫、戸棚、机・椅子、鋼鉄製運搬車、糧食器材等鉄 屑 アルミ屑 KG 284 車両交換部品等鉄 屑 スチール屑 KG 51 一斗缶、車両用交換部品等鉄 屑 鉛 屑 KG 310 廃弾等合 計 15,740 Group B Scrap Iron Group B Scrap Iron Announcement Announcement No. 20 October 2, 2024 Subcontracting Officer Ground Self-Defense Force Rumoi Garrison 346th Accounting Unit Commander Matsushima Satoshi We will hold a public competitive bidding (sale) as follows. 1 Items to be submitted for competitive bidding (1) ... Ministry of Defense Ground Self-Defense Force Northern Army Accounting Unit Headquarters Sapporo City, Hokkaido The bidding information is as follows. Subject Group B Scrap Iron Announcement date or update date October 2, 2024 Organization Sapporo City, Hokkaido Acquisition date October 2, 2024 20:00:49 Contents of the Announcement Announcement Announcement No. 20 October 2, 2024 Subcontracting Officer, 346th Accounting Unit Commander, Rumoi Garrison, Japan Ground Self-Defense Force Satoshi Matsushima We will hold a public competitive bidding (sale) as follows. 1. Items to be subject to competitive bidding (1) Subject Group A: Waste tires As per Attachment 2 Group B: Scrap iron As per Attachment 3 (2) Location of removal Rumoi Garrison, Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (3) Deadline for removal Friday, November 15, 2024 (In principle, removal must be completed within 5 days of payment.) 2. Items concerning qualifications required for those participating in the competition (1) Those who do not fall under the provisions of Articles 70 and 71 of the Budget, Accounting and Auditing Act. (2) Those who have a rating of "C" or higher for "Purchase of Goods" in the Unified Qualification Application for All Ministries and Agencies and who are qualified to participate in the bidding in the Hokkaido region (a copy of the notification of the qualification examination results must be submitted by the time of bidding). (3) Those who do not fall under Appendix 1 "Suspension of bids, etc. related to the procurement of equipment, etc. and services". (4) Those who strictly adhere to the "Bidding and Contract Guidelines". (5) Those who are not currently subject to suspension of bids by the contracting officer, etc. (6) Those who have conducted an on-site inspection. Or, those who participate after agreeing that any disadvantages arising from not conducting an on-site inspection will be borne by the purchaser. 3 Places where the contract terms are indicated: 346th Accounting Squadron Contracting Team and Northern Army Accounting Squadron Website, Rumoi Garrison, Japan Ground Self-Defense Force 4 On-site briefing, etc. (1) There will be no on-site briefing. (2) Those who wish to conduct an on-site inspection should contact the on-site person in charge below and make arrangements before doing so. 5. Place and date of competitive bidding (1) Place: Rumoi Garrison Lounge, Ground Self-Defense Force (2) Date and time: Tuesday, October 15, 2024, 14:00 6. Matters related to security deposits, etc. (1) Bid security: Exempt However, if the successful bidder does not carry out the contract procedure in accordance with the "Bidding and Contract Guidelines," the successful bidder will be deemed not to have agreed to the contract, and an amount equivalent to 5/100 of the successful bid price will be collected as a penalty. (2) Contract security: Exempt However, if the contractor does not fulfill the contract, a penalty of at least 10/100 of the successful bid price will be collected. 7. Invalid Bids (1) Bids made by persons who do not have the necessary qualifications to participate in the competition as set forth in paragraph 2 (2) Bids that violate the terms and conditions of bidding (3) Bids in which the bid amount or bidder's name is difficult to determine (4) Bids made by telegram or fax (5) Bids made by persons who arrive late for the opening time of bidding (6) When the bidder's pledge is false or a situation occurs that violates the pledge (7) Bids made using a bid document that does not contain the following text: "Our company (I (if an individual), this organization (if an organization)) pledges to the matters set forth in the Pledge Regarding the Exclusion of Organized Crime Groups." 8. Method of Determining Successful Bids The successful bidder will be the highest bidder whose total amount for each group is equal to or exceeds the estimated price set by our organization. However, if there are two or more highest bidders who should be successful, the successful bidder will be determined by drawing lots. Please note that the price including consumption tax must be stated on the bid document. 9. Preparation of Contract The successful bidder shall sign and seal the draft contract provided by the contracting officer and submit it to the contracting officer within seven days from the date of the successful bid decision. However, this period may be extended with the written consent of the contracting officer. Furthermore, if the successful bidder does not submit the draft contract, the successful bid shall become void. 10. Other (1) A new bidding will be held immediately. However, in the case of a postal bid, a new bidding will be held at a date and time designated by the government. (2) In the case of a postal bid, the bid document shall be placed in a small envelope with the subject written on it, sealed, and placed together with the Notice of Qualification Screening Results (copy) in an envelope marked "(Bid subject) Bid document enclosed" by registered mail (simple registered mail is acceptable) to arrive at the 346th Accounting Squadron Contracting Section by 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, October 15th. At this time, the successful bidder shall call the bidding officer listed below to confirm the arrival. (3) The actual weight and condition of the items to be sold shall be determined based on the actual condition of the items. (4) If an agent is participating in the bid, a power of attorney must be submitted. (5) The contract will be concluded when both parties have signed and stamped the contract. (6) The payment of the price shall be made on the date and at the location specified by the payment notice issued by the revenue collector or by oral notice from the contracting officer. (7) The date on which the goods can be removed shall be after the date on which payment of the price is completed. (8) The contractor shall take all possible measures to prevent loss when storing the goods during transportation. (9) If the contractor disposes of the contracted goods, this shall be done in accordance with the Law on Environmental Conservation, and all responsibility shall be borne by the contractor. (10) All expenses incurred in the collection, storage, maintenance, use, etc. of the goods to be sold shall be borne by the purchaser. (11) When collecting the goods to be sold, care shall be taken to prevent accidents, and in the event of an accident, the purchaser shall be solely responsible for dealing with it. (12) The goods to be sold are delivered as is, and the Ministry of Defense shall not assume any responsibility for the goods after the contract is concluded. Furthermore, even if the purchaser discovers any defects or hidden flaws in the goods, he/she cannot request a reduction or exemption from the contract price, claim damages, or cancel the contract. (13) The purchaser shall be responsible for carrying out any legal procedures required for the use, etc. of the goods to be sold. (14) For inquiries regarding bidding, please contact the 346th Accounting Battalion Contracting Section, Rumoi Garrison, Japan Ground Self-Defense Forces, Tel: 0164-42-2655 (ext. 746), Person in Charge: Obara (15). For inquiries regarding on-site inspections and goods, please contact the Rumoi Garrison, Operations Unit, Japan Ground Self-Defense Forces, Tel: 0164-42-2655 (ext. 725), Person in Charge: Yoshida 11. Notice posting location and period (1) Posting location: Rumoi Garrison, 346th Accounting Battalion, Northern Army Accounting Battalion website (2) Posting period: Wednesday, October 2, 2024 to Tuesday, October 15, 2024. Appendix 1 Suspension of bids for procurement of equipment, etc. and services 1 The person must not be currently subject to a suspension of nomination by the Superintendent General of the Minister's Secretariat of the Ministry of Defense, the Director-General of the Operation and Planning Bureau, the Director-General of the Financial and Acquisition Bureau, or the Chief of Staff of the Ground Self-Defense Force pursuant to the "Guidelines for Suspension of Nomination for Procurement of Equipment, etc. and Services." 2. The person must not have a capital or personal relationship with a person currently subject to suspension of nomination pursuant to the preceding paragraph and intend to enter into a contract with the Ministry of Defense for the purchase and sale, manufacture, or contracting of services of the same type as that person. 3. In principle, subcontracting of a person currently subject to suspension of nomination is not permitted. However, this does not apply if the relevant ministry's authority to suspend nomination recognizes truly unavoidable circumstances. 4. The case of "having a capital or personal relationship" in paragraph 2 refers to a case that meets any of the following criteria. (1) In the case of a capital relationship, the case of two persons who meet the following criteria (a) or (b). However, this does not apply to the case of (a) where the subsidiary is a subsidiary as defined in Article 2, paragraph 3 of the Companies Act (Act No. 86 of 2005) and Article 3 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Companies Act (Ministry of Justice Ordinance No. 12 of 2006); the same applies below. Also, this does not apply to the case of (b) where one of the subsidiaries is a reorganized company as defined in Article 2, paragraph 7 of the Companies Reorganization Act (Act No. 172 of 1952) (hereinafter referred to as the "reorganized company") or a company undergoing rehabilitation proceedings as defined in Article 2, paragraph 4 of the Civil Rehabilitation Act (Act No. 225 of 1999) (hereinafter referred to as the "rehabilitation proceedings"). (a) Where the subsidiary is in a relationship with a parent company (as defined in Article 2, paragraph 4 of the Companies Act and Article 3 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Companies Act; the same applies below). (b) Where the subsidiary is a subsidiary of a parent company. (2)When there is a personal relationship: When two parties fall under the following A or B. However, A does not apply to the case of a company undergoing rehabilitation or a company undergoing rehabilitation proceedings. A When an officer (meaning a full-time or part-time director, accounting advisor, auditor, executive officer, managing director, auditor or other person of a similar position, excluding outside officers; the same applies in the following items) of one company is also currently an officer of the other company. B When an officer of one company is also currently a trustee appointed pursuant to Article 67 Paragraph 1 of the Corporate Reorganization Act or Article 64 Paragraph 2 of the Civil Rehabilitation Act of the other company. C In addition to the cases listed in (1) and (2), when it is found that there is a capital or personal relationship that can be considered equivalent to the case listed in (1) or (2), such as when a successful bid by one company that is related in terms of capital or personnel composition effectively reduces the effect of measures such as suspension of nomination for the other company. Appendix 2 Waste Tire Count Table Main vehicle type Specification Type Mass (pieces/kg) Quantity Total weight Total quantity Remarks Pajero 215/85R18 Summer tires 18 49 882132 Winter tires 19 83 1,577 High mobility vehicles, medium-sized vehicles 37�12.50R17.5-8LT Summer tires 34 34 1,15689 Winter tires 35 55 1,925 Large vehicles (from 2003) 12R22.5-14PR Summer tires 50 25 1,250229 Winter tires 50 204 10,200 Heavy trucks 1100R20-14PR Summer tires 58 7 406 7 Heavy trucks 12R22.5-16PR Summer tires 50 11 55012 Winter tires 50 1 50 Heavy truck 1100R20-16PR Winter tires 59 6 354 6 Light armored vehicle 275/70R2 2.5TL Summer tires 57 9 51321 Winter tires 57 12 684 120M tires 7.50-16 12PR Winter tires 50 36 1,800 36 Personnel transport vehicle No. 2 205/85R16 Summer tires 15 7 105 7 Motorcycle (front wheel) 3.00-21 Summer tires 4 4 16 4 Motorcycle (rear wheel) 4.60-18 Summer tires 5 8 40 8 Type 10 heavy snow (roller wheels) 6.00-9 Summer tires 8 10 80 10 Total Summer tires 16421,588 561 Winter tires 397 Attachment 3 Iron scrap summary table Item Specifications Unit Weight Remarks Iron scrap Class Other KG 15,095 Vehicle replacement parts, etc., construction waste, lockers, bookcases, cupboards, desks and chairs, steel transport vehicles, food and tableware materials, etc. Iron scrap Aluminum scrap KG 284 Vehicle replacement parts, etc. Iron scrap Steel scrap KG 51 One-gallon cans, vehicle replacement parts, etc. Iron scrap Lead scrap KG 310 Waste ammunition, etc. Total 15,740
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