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公共下水道白水川右岸第三排水区雨水函渠布設工事 公共下水道白水川右岸第三排水区雨水函渠布設工事 一般競争入札の公告地方自治法(昭和22年法律第67号)第234条第1項の規定により、公共下水道白水川右岸第三排水区雨水函渠布設工事の請負について、一般競... Public Sewerage System Shiramizu River Right Bank Third Drainage Area Storm Water Cylinder Installation Work Public Sewerage System Shiramizu River Right Bank Third Drainage Area Storm Water Cylinder Installation Work Notice of Public Competitive Bidding Pursuant to the provisions of Article 234, Paragraph 1 of the Local Autonomy Law (Law No. 67 of 1947), we are inviting public competitive bidding for the contract for the Public Sewerage System Shiramizu River Right Bank Third Drainage Area Storm Water Cylinder Installation Work...

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公共下水道白水川右岸第三排水区雨水函渠布設工事 公共下水道白水川右岸第三排水区雨水函渠布設工事 一般競争入札の公告地方自治法(昭和22年法律第67号)第234条第1項の規定により、公共下水道白水川右岸第三排水区雨水函渠布設工事の請負について、一般競... 山形県東根市   入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 公共下水道白水川右岸第三排水区雨水函渠布設工事 種別 工事 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 3 日 組織 山形県東根市 取得日 2024 年 10 月 3 日 19:05:06 「入札説明書1」 公告内容 一般競争入札の公告地方自治法(昭和22年法律第67号)第234条第1項の規定により、公共下水道白水川右岸第三排水区雨水函渠布設工事の請負について、一般競争入札を次のとおり行う。令和6年9月18日東根市長 土 田 正 剛1 入札の場所及び日時(1)場 所 東根市役所404会議室(4階)(2)日 時 令和6年10月11日(金) 午後1時30分2 入札に付する事項(1) 工 事 名 公共下水道白水川右岸第三排水区雨水函渠布設工事(2)工事の場所 東根市大字長瀞地内(3)工事の概要 施工延長 L=46.8m函渠布設工 1500×1000 L=45mマンホール工 N=2箇所(4)工 期 令和7年1月27日まで(5)予定価格 事後公表3 入札参加者の資格次に掲げる要件をすべて満たす者であること。(1)東根市財務規則(平成17年4月規則第8号)第105条第2項の規定による競争入札参加資格者名簿の土木一式工事に登載されている者であること。(2)土木一式工事においてA等級又はB等級に格付けされていること。(3)東根市内本店業者であること。(4)建設業法第3条第6項による特定建設業(業種:土木一式工事)又は一般建設業(業種:土木一式工事)の許可を受けた者であること。(5)次に掲げる要件を満たす主任技術者を対象工事に専任で配置できるとともに、現場代理人を常駐で配置できること。なお、現場代理人、主任技術者は兼務できる。① 2級土木施工管理技士又はこれと同等以上の資格を有すること。② 自社と直接的かつ恒常的な雇用関係にあること。(6)東根市競争入札参加資格者指名停止要綱(平成21年3月告示第31号)に基づく指名停止措置を受けていないこと。(7) 東根市建設工事請負契約約款第49条第11号の規定(以下「暴力団排除条項」という。)に該当しないこと。(8)会社更生法(平成14年法律第154条)の規定のよる会社更生手続きの申立てをしたもの若しくは申立てをなされた者又は民事再生法(平成11年法律第225号)の規定による再生手続きの申し立てをした者若しくは申立てをなされた者にあっては、当該手続開始決定日を審査基準日とする経営事項審査の結果をもとに、建設工事等の入札参加資格の審査を受けたもの者であること。(9) 入札に参加しようとする者の間に、資本関係又は人的関係がないこと。4 契約条項を示す場所、入札説明書の交付場所及び契約に関する事務を担当する部課等東根市中央一丁目1番1号 東根市役所総務部財政課 電話番号0237‐42‐1111内線31365 入札参加資格の確認等入札の参加を希望する者は、入札参加者の資格を確認できる書類を、次に掲げる日時及び場所に持参する者とする。(1)受付期間 令和6年9月18日(水)から令和6年9月24日(火)まで(東根市の休日を定める条例(平成2年6月条例第10号)に規定する市の休日を除く。)(2)受付時間 午前9時から午後5時まで(正午から午後1時までを除く。)(3)受付場所 東根市役所総務部財政課内6 入札保証金及び契約保証金等(1)入札保証金 免除する。(2)契約保証金 東根市財務規則第 114 条の規定に基づく建設工事請負契約約款第4条による保証(保証金額は、契約金額の10分の1に相当する額とする。)を付すこと。7 その他(1)入札参加者は、積算内訳書を入札時に提出すること。(2)詳細については入札説明書による。 入 札 説 明 書公共下水道白水川右岸第三排水区雨水函渠布設工事に係る入札公告に基づく一般競争入札(条件付)については、関係法令に定めるもののほか、この入札説明書によるものとする。その他必要な事項は特記仕様書に記載する。1 入札参加資格(1) 「東根市建設工事請負業者指名停止要綱(平成21年3月告示第31号)に基づく指名停止措置を受けていないこと」とは、入札参加資格確認日(申請書の提出期限の日)から入札執行日までの期間中のいずれかの日においても指名停止措置を受けていないことをいう。(2) 「東根市建設工事請負契約約款第49条第11号の規定(以下「暴力団排除条項」という。)に該当しないこと」とは、入札参加資格確認申請書の提出の日から当該工事の工期までのいずれの日においても暴力団排除条項に該当しないことをいう。(3) 「入札に参加しようとする者の間に、資本関係又は人的関係がない者」の「資本関係」並びに「人的関係」とは、次のことをいう。イ 資本関係次のいずれかに該当する関係をいう。但し、子会社(会社法(平成17年法律第86号)第2条第3号に規定する子会社をいう。以下同じ)又は子会社の一方が会社更生法第2条第7項に規定する更生会社(以下「更生会社」という。)又は民事再生法第2条第4号に規定する再生手続が存続中の会社である場合は除く。・親会社(会社法第2条第4号に規定する親会社をいう。以下同じ。)と子会社の関係にある場合・親会社を同じくする子会社同士の関係にある場合ロ 人的関係次のいずれかに該当する関係をいう。・一方の会社の役員が他方の会社の役員を現に兼ねている場合。但し、会社の一方が更生会社又は民事再生法第2条第4号に規定する再生手続が存続中の会社である場合は除く。・一方の会社の役員が他方の会社の会社更生法第67条第1項又は民事再生法第64条第2項の規定により選任された管財人を現に兼ねている場合(4) 公告で指定された期限までに申請書及び確認資料を提出できない者並びに入札参加資格がないと認められた者は、本入札に参加することができない。2 入札手続等(1) 申請書及び確認資料の作成及び提出に係る費用は、提出者の負担とする。(2) 提出された申請書及び資料は無断で使用しない。(3) 申請書及び確認資料の提出は、公告で指定された提出場所へ持参することにより行うものとし、郵送又は電送によるものは受け付けない。(4) 提出期限以降における申請書又は確認資料の差し替え及び再提出は認めない。(5) 入札参加資格の確認のため、必要な資料の追加提出を求めることがある。3 配置予定技術者(1) 配置予定技術者で「2級土木施工管理技士又はこれと同等以上の資格を有すること」とは、次の者をいう。・ 1級土木施工管理技士・ 1級又は2級の建設機械施工技士の資格を有する者・ 技術士(建設部門又は総合技術監理部門(選択科目を建設部門に係るものに限る。)の資格を有する者・ これらと同等以上の資格を有するもの(2) 配置予定の技術者は、原則として変更できないこと。この工事の契約時において、配置予定の技術者を配置できないときは、真にやむを得ない事由により技術者の変更を認める場合を除き、契約を締結しない。(3) 配置予定の技術者は、複数の候補技術者を記載することができる。(4) 同一の技術者について、重複して複数工事の配置予定の技術者とする場合において、他の工事を落札したことにより、配置予定の技術者を配置することができなくなったときは、直ちに当該工事に係る申請書の取り下げ、又は入札の辞退を行うこと。(5) 確認資料の配置予定の技術者の施工経験における職名は、現場代理人若しくは主任技術者の職名を記載すること。(6) 配置予定の技術者は、入札参加資格の確認申請日において、どの工事にも主任(監理)技術者として配置されていないこと。ただし、この工事の契約時までに、当該技術者が配置されている工事の完成及び引渡しが完了する見込みである場合はこの限りでない。(7) 本工事における現場代理人は、監理技術者(特例監理技術者を含む。)の配置を要しない場合において、落札者の申請に基づき発注者が承認するときに限り、別件工事の現場代理人との兼務を認める。4 入札参加資格確認結果の通知入札参加資格の確認は、申請書及び確認資料の提出期限の日を基準日として行うものとし、その結果は令和6年9月27日(金)までに通知する。5 入札参加資格がないと認められた理由の説明要求等(1) 入札参加資格がないと認められた者は、任意の書面により、入札担当課長にその理由の詳細説明を求めることができる。イ 提出期限 令和6年10月1日(火)午後4時ロ 提出場所 東根市役所総務部財政課電話 0237-42-1111 内線3136ハ 提出方法 書面は持参により提出するものとし、郵送又は電送によるものは受け付けない。(2) 入札担当課長は説明要求があった場合には、令和6年10月3日(木)までに、説明を求めた者に対し、書面により回答する。6 設計図書の閲覧及び貸出し当該工事に係る設計図書について、次により閲覧及び貸出しを行う。なお、閲覧及び貸出しは電子データで行うのでUSBフラッシュメモリを持参すること。(1) 閲覧及び貸出しが可能な設計図書イ 図面ロ 仕様書ハ 設計書(2) 閲覧期間及び貸出し期間入札公告の日から入札の前日まで(東根市の休日を定める条例(平成2年6月条例第10号)に規定する市の休日(以下「市の休日」という。)を除く。)の午前9時から午後4時まで(正午から午後1時までを除く。)。(3) 閲覧の場所及び貸出しの場所5(1)ロに記載の場所7 設計図書等に対する質問(1) 設計図書及び入札説明書に対する質問がある場合は、次に従い書面により提出すること。イ 受付期間令和6年9月27日(金)から令和6年10月3日(木)まで(市の休日を除く。)の午前9時から午後4時まで(正午から午後1時までを除く)。ロ 提出場所5(1)ロに記載の場所ハ 提出方法書面は持参又は郵送(書留郵便に限る。)により提出するものとし、電送によるものは受付ない。(2) (1)の質問に対する回答書は次のとおり閲覧に供する。イ 閲覧の期間令和6年10月7日(月)から令和6年10月10日(木)まで(市の休日を除く。)の午前9時から午後4時まで(正午から午後1時までを除く)。ロ 閲覧場所5(1)ロに記載の場所及び市ホームページ8 入札の延期、中止等(1) 天災、地変等により入札執行が困難なときは、入札を延期、中止又は取りやめることがある。(2) 正常かつ公平な入札執行が困難と認められる場合その他やむを得ない事由が生じたときは、入札を延期、中止、又は取り止めることがある。 (3) 適正な入札の執行を期すため必要があるときは、入札前にくじ等により入札参加者を減じたうえで入札を執行することがある。9 入札及び開札(1) 入札参加申し込み及び資格確認の結果、入札参加資格者が1名でも入札を実施する。(2) 入札は持参によるものとする。(3) 入札に当たっては、競争入札参加資格あることが確認された旨の通知書を持参すること。(4) 入札に際し、入札書に記載される入札金額に対応した積算内訳書を提出すること。なお、提出された積算内訳書は返却しない。(5) 落札決定に当たっては、入札書に記載された金額に100分の10に相当する額を加算した金額(当該金額に1円未満の端数があるときは、その端数金額を切り捨てた金額)をもって落札金額とするので、入札者は、消費税及び地方消費税に係る課税事業者であるか免税事業者であるかを問わず、見積もった契約希望額の110分の100に相当する金額を入札書に記載すること。(6) 次に掲げる入札は無効とし、無効の入札を行ったものを落札者としていた場合には落札決定を取り消す。イ 入札公告に示した競争入札参加資格のない者のした入札ロ 申請書又は確認資料に虚偽の記載をした者の入札ハ 委任状を持参しない代理人のした入札二 記名押印をしていない入札ホ 金額を訂正した入札へ 誤字、脱字等により必要事項が確認できない入札ト 明らかに連合によると認められる入札チ 同一工事の入札について他人の代理人を兼ね、又は2人以上の代理をした者の入札リ 積算内訳書の提出のない入札ヌ 入札書の金額が積算内訳書の金額と異なる入札ル 提出された積算内訳書の記載内容等確認の結果、適正に積算が行われていないことが明らかになった場合におけるその者のした入札ヲ 公正かつ正常な入札の執行を妨げる行為をした者の入札(7) 入札回数は3回までとし、初回の入札に参加しなかった者はそれ以降、初回または2回目の入札で無効、失格とされた者は当該回以降の入札に参加できないものとする。10 落札者の決定方法(1) 低入札価格調査制度を採用し、調査基準価格を下回る価格の入札者については、調査を行ったうえで落札するか否かを決定する。(2) 最低の価格の入札者が提出した積算内訳書に不正又は不正の疑いがあるときは、調査のうえで落札するか否かを決定する。(3) 落札決定の時まで入札参加資格を満たさなくなった者は落札者としない。(4) 落札となるべき同価の入札をした者が二人以上あるときは、直ちに当該入札者にくじを引かせて落札者を決定する。この場合において、当該入札者のうちくじを引かない者があるときは、当該入札に関係のない東根市職員にこれに代ってくじを引かせ、落札者を決定する。11 その他(1) 保証契約に基づいて前払金を支払う。(2) 申請書又は確認資料に虚偽の記載をした場合又は入札に際して積算内訳書の提出がない場合においては、東根市建設工事請負業者指名停止要綱に基づく指名停止措置を行うことがある。(3) 調査基準価格を下回る価格で落札し契約を締結した者に対しては、工事完了後に工事費用等に関する調査を行うことがある。この場合、当該契約締結者はこの調査に協力しなければならない。(4) 契約書を作成する場合においては、落札者は契約担当者から交付された契約書の案に記名捺印し、落札決定の日から概ね7日以内までに、これを契約担当者に提出しなければならない。12 提出書類(1) 申請書(様式第1号)及び確認資料(様式第6号及び様式第7号)様式については、市ホームページに掲載。(市ホームページ:http://www.city.higashine.yamagata.jp)(2) 技術者の資格等を証明する書類(技術者の国家資格者証等の写し)(3) 雇用関係を証明する書籍(保険証等の写しなど) Public Sewerage System Shiramizu River Right Bank Third Drainage Area Storm Water Culvert Installation Work Public Sewerage System Shiramizu River Right Bank Third Drainage Area Storm Water Culvert Installation Work Notice of public competitive bidding In accordance with the provisions of Article 234 Paragraph 1 of the Local Autonomy Act (Act No. 67 of 1947), public competitive bidding is being held for the contract for the Public Sewerage System Shiramizu River Right Bank Third Drainage Area Storm Water Culvert Installation Work... Higashine City, Yamagata Prefecture Bidding information is as follows. Subject: Construction work to lay storm water box culverts in the third drainage area of ??the right bank of the public sewerage system, Shiramizu River Type: Construction Date of announcement or update: October 3, 2024 Organization: Higashine City, Yamagata Prefecture Date of acquisition: October 3, 2024 19:05:06 "Bidding instructions 1" Contents of announcement: Announcement of public competitive bidding In accordance with the provisions of Article 234, Paragraph 1 of the Local Autonomy Act (Act No. 67 of 1947), a public competitive bidding will be held for the contract for the construction work to lay storm water box culverts in the third drainage area of ??the right bank of the public sewerage system, Shiramizu River, as follows. September 18, 2024 Mayor of Higashine City, Masatake Tsuchida 1. Place and date of bidding (1) Place Higashine City Hall, Conference Room 404 (4th floor) (2) Date and time Friday, October 11, 2024, 1:30 pm 2. Items to be put up for bidding (1) Name of work Public sewerage Shiramizu River right bank third drainage area storm water box conduit installation work (2) Place of work Within Nagatoro, Higashine City (3) Overview of work Construction length L=46.8m box and drain installation work 1500�1000 L=45m manhole work N=2 locations (4) Construction period Until January 27, 2025 (5) Estimated price Post-publication 3 Qualifications of bidders Bidders must meet all of the following requirements. (1) Bidders must be listed in the list of persons qualified to participate in competitive bidding under Article 105, Paragraph 2 of the Higashine City Financial Regulations (April 2005, Regulations No. 8) for civil engineering works. (2) Bidders must be rated Class A or Class B for civil engineering works. (3) Bidders must be a company with its head office in Higashine City. (4) Bidders must be licensed as a specific construction business (industry: civil engineering works) or a general construction business (industry: civil engineering works) under Article 3, Paragraph 6 of the Construction Business Law. (5) Bidders must be able to assign a full-time chief engineer who meets the following requirements to the target work and a full-time on-site agent. In addition, the site representative and chief engineer may hold the positions of site representative and chief engineer concurrently. 1) The candidate must hold a qualification of Class 2 civil engineering construction management engineer or equivalent. 2) The candidate must have a direct and permanent employment relationship with the company. (6) The candidate must not have been subject to the suspension of bids based on the Higashine City Competitive Bidding Participant Suspension Guidelines (Public Notice No. 31, March 2009). (7) The candidate must not fall under the provisions of Article 49, Item 11 of the Higashine City Construction Contract Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as the "Gangster Exclusion Clause"). (8) In the case of a person who has filed for or has been filed against for corporate reorganization procedures under the provisions of the Corporate Reorganization Law (Article 154, 2002), or a person who has filed for or has been filed against for rehabilitation procedures under the provisions of the Civil Rehabilitation Law (Act No. 225, 1999), the candidate must have been examined for eligibility to participate in construction work, etc., based on the results of a management review with the date of decision to commence said procedures as the review base date. (9) There must be no capital or personal relationship between the persons who intend to participate in the bid. 4. Location of contract clauses, place of delivery of tender documents, and departments and divisions in charge of contract-related affairs, etc. 1-1-1 Chuo, Higashine City Higashine City Hall, General Affairs Department, Finance Division Telephone number: 0237-42-1111, extension 3136 5. Confirmation of eligibility to participate in bids, etc. Those who wish to participate in the bid must bring documents that confirm the eligibility of the bidder to the date, time and location listed below. (1) Reception period: Wednesday, September 18, 2024 to Tuesday, September 24, 2024 (excluding city holidays as stipulated in the Higashine City Holidays Ordinance (Ordinance No. 10 of June 1990)) (2) Reception hours: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (excluding noon to 1:00 p.m.) (3) Reception location: Higashine City Hall, General Affairs Department, Finance Division 6. Bid bond and contract bond, etc. (1) Bid bond: Exempt. (2) Contract guarantee: A guarantee in accordance with Article 4 of the Construction Contract Terms and Conditions based on Article 114 of the Higashine City Financial Regulations (guarantee amount shall be 1/10 of the contract amount) must be provided. 7 Other (1) Bidders must submit a cost estimate at the time of bidding. (2) For details, refer to the bidding instructions. Bidding instructions: For the open competitive bidding (conditional) based on the bidding announcement for the construction of storm water boxes and conduits in the third drainage area of ??the right bank of the Shiramizu River Public Sewerage System, in addition to those prescribed by relevant laws and regulations, these bidding instructions must be followed. Other necessary matters will be stated in the special specifications. 1 Eligibility to bid (1) "Not subject to suspension of bids based on Higashine City Construction Contractor Nomination Suspension Guidelines (Public Notice No. 31 of March 2009)" means not subject to suspension of bids on any day during the period from the date of confirmation of bidder eligibility (the date of the deadline for application submission) to the date of bid execution. (2) "Does not fall under the provisions of Article 49, Paragraph 11 of the Higashine City Construction Work Contract Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as the "Exclusion Clause for Organized Crime Groups")" means that the provision does not fall under the exclusion clause for organized crime groups on any day from the date of submission of the application for confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid until the construction period of the work in question. (3) "Capital relationship" and "personal relationship" in "persons with no capital or personal relationship between the parties intending to participate in the bid" means the following: A. Capital relationship means a relationship that falls under any of the following. However, this does not apply if a subsidiary (meaning a subsidiary as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 3 of the Companies Act (Act No. 86 of 2005); the same applies below) or one of the subsidiaries is a reorganized company as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 7 of the Corporate Reorganization Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Reorganized Company") or a company undergoing rehabilitation proceedings as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 4 of the Civil Rehabilitation Act.?When the relationship is between a parent company (meaning a parent company as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 4 of the Companies Act; the same applies below) and a subsidiary ?When the relationship is between subsidiaries of the same parent company B. Personal relationship This refers to any of the following relationships. ?When an officer of one company is currently an officer of the other company. However, this does not include cases where one of the companies is a reorganization company or a company undergoing rehabilitation procedures as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 4 of the Civil Rehabilitation Act. ?When an officer of one company is currently a trustee appointed pursuant to Article 67, Paragraph 1 of the Corporate Reorganization Act or Article 64, Paragraph 2 of the Civil Rehabilitation Act of the other company (4) Those who are unable to submit the application and confirmation materials by the deadline specified in the public notice and those who are deemed ineligible to participate in the bid will not be able to participate in this bid. 2. Bidding procedures, etc. (1) The costs associated with the preparation and submission of the application and confirmation materials shall be borne by the submitter. (2) Submitted applications and materials shall not be used without permission. (3) Application forms and confirmation documents must be submitted in person at the location specified in the public notice; submissions by mail or electronic transmission will not be accepted. (4) Substitution or resubmission of application forms or confirmation documents after the deadline will not be permitted. (5) In order to confirm eligibility to participate in the bid, you may be asked to submit additional necessary documents. 3. Engineers to be Assigned (1) The term "engineers to be assigned who have the qualifications of a Class 2 civil engineering construction management engineer or equivalent" refers to the following:? A first-class civil engineering construction management engineer? A person who has a first- or second-class construction machinery construction engineer license? A person who has a license in the construction sector or general technical supervision sector (selective subjects limited to those related to the construction sector)? A person who has equivalent or higher qualifications.(2) In principle, the engineer to be assigned cannot be changed. If the engineer to be assigned cannot be assigned at the time of contracting for this work, the contract will not be concluded unless a change in the engineer is permitted due to truly unavoidable circumstances.(3) More than one candidate engineer may be listed for the engineer to be assigned.(4) In the case where the same engineer is to be assigned to multiple works, if the engineer to be assigned cannot be assigned due to winning a bid for another work, the application for that work must be immediately withdrawn or the bid must be declined.(5) The job title in the construction experience of the engineer to be assigned in the confirmation documents must be the job title of site representative or chief engineer.(6) The engineer to be assigned must not be assigned as the chief (supervising) engineer for any construction work on the date of application for confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid. However, this does not apply if the construction work for which the engineer is assigned is expected to be completed and handed over by the time of the contract for this construction work. (7) The site agent for this construction work may serve as the site agent for another construction work only when the assignment of a supervising engineer (including a special supervising engineer) is not required and only if the client approves based on the successful bidder's application. 4Notification of the results of the confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid The confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid shall be conducted on the deadline for submitting the application form and confirmation documents as the reference date, and the results shall be notified by Friday, September 27, 2024. 5. Request for explanation of reasons for being found ineligible to participate in the bid (1) Those found ineligible to participate in the bid may request a detailed explanation of the reasons in writing from the section chief in charge of bidding. A. Deadline for submission: Tuesday, October 1, 2024, 4:00 p.m. B. Place of submission: Finance Section, General Affairs Department, Higashine City Hall, Telephone: 0237-42-1111, extension 3136 C. Method of submission: Written documents must be submitted in person; submissions by mail or electronic transmission will not be accepted. (2) If an explanation is requested, the section chief in charge of bidding shall respond in writing to the person requesting the explanation by Thursday, October 3, 2024. 6. Inspection and lending of design documents Design documents related to the construction work shall be inspected and lent as follows. Please note that viewing and lending will be done in electronic form, so please bring a USB flash memory. (1) Design documents that can be viewed and loaned: A) Drawings B) Specifications C) Design documents (2) Viewing and loan period: From the date of the announcement of the bid to the day before the bid (excluding city holidays (hereinafter referred to as "city holidays") as stipulated in the Higashine City Holidays Prescribed Ordinance (Ordinance No. 10 of June 1990), from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (excluding noon to 1:00 p.m.). (3) Locations for viewing and loan: Locations listed in 5(1)B 7 Questions about design documents, etc. (1) If you have any questions about the design documents and bidding instructions, please submit them in writing as follows. A) Reception period: From Friday, September 27, 2024 to Thursday, October 3, 2024 (excluding city holidays), from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (excluding noon to 1:00 p.m.). (b) Place of submission: Places listed in 5(1)(b) (c) Method of submission: Written documents shall be submitted in person or by mail (registered mail only); electronic submissions will not be accepted. (2) Written responses to questions in (1) shall be available for inspection as follows. (a) Period of inspection: From 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (excluding noon to 1:00 p.m.) from Monday, October 7, 2024 to Thursday, October 10, 2024 (excluding City holidays). (b) Place of inspection: Places listed in 5(1)(b) and the City website. 8 Postponement, cancellation, etc. of bidding (1) If it is difficult to execute a bid due to natural disasters, geological changes, etc., the bid may be postponed, canceled, or cancelled. (2) If it is deemed difficult to execute a bid normally and fairly, or if other unavoidable circumstances arise, the bid may be postponed, canceled, or cancelled. (3) If necessary to ensure fair execution of the bid, the number of bidders may be reduced by lottery or other means before the bid is opened and then the bid may be executed. 9. Bidding and Opening of Bids (1) A bid will be made even if only one bidder is qualified as a bidder after application and qualification confirmation. (2) Bids must be submitted in person. (3) When bidding, a notice of confirmation that one is qualified to participate in competitive bidding must be brought with oneself. (4) When bidding, an estimate statement corresponding to the bid amount stated in the bid documents must be submitted. The estimate statement submitted will not be returned. (5) When deciding the successful bid, the successful bid amount will be the amount stated in the bid documents plus 10/100 (if the amount has a fraction of less than 1 yen, the fractional amount will be rounded down). Therefore, the bidder, whether a taxable entity or a tax-exempt entity with respect to consumption tax and local consumption tax, must state in the bid documents an amount equivalent to 110/100 of the estimated desired contract amount. (6) The following bids will be invalid, and if an invalid bidder is found to be the successful bidder, the decision to win the bid will be revoked. (a) Bids made by persons who are not eligible to participate in competitive bidding as stated in the bid announcement; (b) Bids made by persons who have made false statements in their application forms or confirmation documents; (c) Bids made by agents without bringing a power of attorney; (d) Bids that are not signed and sealed; (e) Bids with corrected amounts; (g) Bids in which necessary information cannot be confirmed due to typos, omissions, etc.; (i) Bids that are clearly made by a consortium; (iii) Bids made by persons who have acted as agents for other persons or who have acted as agents for two or more persons in relation to the bidding for the same work; (j) Bids without submitting a cost estimate; (k) Bids in which the amount in the bid document differs from the amount in the cost estimate; (l) Bids made by persons who, after reviewing the contents of the submitted cost estimate, it becomes clear that the cost estimate has not been carried out properly; (l) Bids made by persons who have engaged in conduct that impedes the fair and normal execution of bidding. (7) The number of bids allowed is limited to three. Those who do not participate in the first bid will be invalid thereafter, and those who have been disqualified from their first or second bid will not be able to participate in subsequent bids. 10. Method of determining successful bidder (1) A low bid price investigation system will be adopted, and bidders who submit prices below the investigation base price will be investigated before deciding whether to award the bid. (2) If the cost estimate submitted by the lowest bidder is found to be fraudulent or suspected to be fraudulent, an investigation will be conducted before deciding whether to award the bid. (3) A person who no longer meets the qualifications to participate in bidding at the time of deciding the successful bid will not be the successful bidder. (4) If there are two or more bidders who submit bids of the same price that should have been the successful bid, the successful bidder will be determined by drawing lots immediately among the bidders. In this case, if any of the bidders do not draw lots, a Higashine City employee not involved in the bid will draw lots in their place to determine the successful bidder. 11. Other (1) Advance payments will be paid based on a guarantee contract. (2) If false statements are made in the application or confirmation documents, or if a cost estimate is not submitted at the time of bidding, measures may be taken to suspend bidders based on the Higashine City Construction Contractor Nomination Suspension Guidelines. (3) For those who have made a successful bid at a price below the survey base price and concluded a contract, an investigation into the construction costs, etc. may be conducted after the completion of the work. In this case, the contracting party must cooperate with this investigation. (4) When preparing a contract, the successful bidder must sign and seal the draft contract provided by the contracting officer and submit it to the contracting officer within approximately seven days from the date of the successful bid decision. 12. Documents to be submitted (1) Application form (Form No. 1) and confirmation documents (Forms No. 6 and No. 7) The forms are available on the City's website. (City website: http://www.city.higashine.yamagata.jp) (2) Documents verifying the qualifications of the engineer (a copy of the engineer's national qualification certificate, etc.) (3) Documents verifying the employment relationship (a copy of an insurance card, etc.)(2) Documents verifying the qualifications of the engineer (such as a copy of the engineer's national qualification certificate) (3) Documents verifying the employment relationship (such as a copy of the insurance card)(2) Documents verifying the qualifications of the engineer (such as a copy of the engineer's national qualification certificate) (3) Documents verifying the employment relationship (such as a copy of the insurance card)(2) Documents verifying the qualifications of the engineer (such as a copy of the engineer's national qualification certificate) (3) Documents verifying the employment relationship (such as a copy of the insurance card)(2) Documents verifying the qualifications of the engineer (such as a copy of the engineer's national qualification certificate) (3) Documents verifying the employment relationship (such as a copy of the insurance card)(2) Documents verifying the qualifications of the engineer (such as a copy of the engineer's national qualification certificate) (3) Documents verifying the employment relationship (such as a copy of the insurance card)(2) Documents verifying the qualifications of the engineer (such as a copy of the engineer's national qualification certificate) (3) Documents verifying the employment relationship (such as a copy of the insurance card)(2) Documents verifying the qualifications of the engineer (such as a copy of the engineer's national qualification certificate) (3) Documents verifying the employment relationship (such as a copy of the insurance card)(2) Documents verifying the qualifications of the engineer (such as a copy of the engineer's national qualification certificate) (3) Documents verifying the employment relationship (such as a copy of the insurance card)
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