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船技工053:測量船いせしお定期修理 船技工053:測量船いせしお定期修理 公 告下記のとおり一般競争入札に付します。 令 和 6 年 10 月 16 日1 競争入札に付する事項(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)2 競争に参加する者に必要な資... Shipbuilding 053: Survey ship Iseshio regular repair Shipbuilding 053: Survey ship Iseshio regular repair Announcement The following will be put up for public competitive bidding. October 16, 2024 1 Items to be put up for competitive bidding (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 2 Required qualifications for those who participate in the competition...

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船技工053:測量船いせしお定期修理 船技工053:測量船いせしお定期修理 公 告下記のとおり一般競争入札に付します。 令 和 6 年 10 月 16 日1 競争入札に付する事項(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)2 競争に参加する者に必要な資... 海上保安庁第四管区海上保安本部  愛知県名古屋市 入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 船技工053:測量船いせしお定期修理 種別 役務 入札資格 C D 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 16 日 組織 海上保安庁 取得日 2024 年 10 月 16 日 19:25:24 説明書仕様書 公告内容 公 告下記のとおり一般競争入札に付します。 令 和 6 年 10 月 16 日1 競争入札に付する事項(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)2 競争に参加する者に必要な資格 (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)3 証明書等の提出期限、提出方法 (証明書等提出期限) 令 和 6 年 10 月 29 日 17 時 00 分(1) 電子入札・ 確認書(電子入札用)・ 有効な、『資格審査結果通知書(全省庁統一資格)』の写し(2) 紙入札・・・4 契約条項等を示す場所、契約 〒455-8528 名古屋市港区入船二丁目3番12号及び入札に関する問い合わせ先 名古屋港湾合同庁舎別館8階 第四管区海上保安本部 総務部経理課 入札審査係電話:052-661-1611(内線 2223 又は 2224) メール:jcg-4keiyaku@gxb.mlit.go.jp5 入札説明書の交付期間、交付方法 (入札説明書(仕様書含む)の交付期間)令 和 6 年 10 月 16 日 から 令 和 6 年 10 月 29 日 まで6 入札書等の提出期限 令 和 6 年 11 月 6 日 17 時 00 分7 開札の日時場所 令 和 6 年 11 月 7 日 10 時 00 分場所は第四管区海上保安本部 入札室8 入札保証金および契約保証金9 入札の無効10 落札者の決定方法 (1)(2)11 契約書作成の要否12 仕様に関する問い合わせ先内線2341,2342以上公告する。 令和6年度契第船技工053号仕様書のとおり令和4・5・6年度国土交通省一般競争参加資格(全省庁統一資格)において、下記「契約の種類」に応じた何れかの等級に格付けされ、東海・北陸地域の競争参加資格を有する者。また、当該部局において指名停止の措置を受け、指名停止の期間中でない者。 仕様書のとおり支出負担行為担当官第四管区海上保安本部長 澤井 幸保履行場所契約内容令和7年1月8日(船体引き渡し期限:令和6年12月11日、図書及び検査記録等:令和7年1月8日) 予算決算及び会計令第70条に該当しない者に限る。ただし、未成年者、被保佐人又は被補助人であって、契約に必要な同意を得ている者についてはこの限りではない。 入札方法海上保安庁において実施する技術審査に合格していること。なお、技術審査に関する問い合わせ先は、第四管区海上保安本部警備救難部船舶技術課とする。 落札者の決定に当たっては、入札書に記載された金額に当該金額の10パーセントに相当する額を加算した額(当該金額に1円未満の端数があるときは、その端数を切り捨てた金額)をもって落札価格とするので、入札者は、消費税及び地方消費税に係る課税事業者であるか免税事業者であるかを問わず、見積もった契約希望金額の110分の100に相当する額を入札書に記載すること。 紙入札業者入力表有効な、『資格審査結果通知書(全省庁統一資格)』の写し紙入札方式参加願記(提出方法)電子調達システム又は紙にて提出の場合は、入札説明書記載の提出先に直接提出又は郵送にて提出可(配達証明が確認できるもの)証明書等は下記のとおり。 (交付方法)仕様書等(入札説明書含む)の交付は、第四管区海上保安本部ホームページ、入札情報からダウンロードすること(http://www.kaiho.mlit.go.jp/04kanku/nyusatsu/announcement/)。 また、郵送で交付を希望する者は、A4判用紙が入る返信用封筒(宛先を明記する)並びに重量200gに見合う郵便料金に相当する郵便切手又は国際返信切手券を添付して上記4の係に申し込むこと。 052ー661ー1611要(ただし、契約金額が150万円に満たない場合は省略することがある)第四管区海上保安本部警備救難部 船舶技術課第四管区海上保安本部入札・見積者心得書による。 又は D等級【証明書等提出書類】契約件名 測量船いせしお定期修理警察当局から、暴力団員が実質的に経営を支配する者又はこれに準ずるものとして、国土交通省発注の公共事業等からの排除要請があり、当該状態が継続している者でないこと。 免除本公告に示した競争に参加する者に必要な資格のない者のした入札及び第四管区海上保安本部入札・見積者心得(第四管区海上保安部ホームページ掲載)その他に関する条件に違反した入札は無効とする。 予算決算及び会計令第71条に該当しない者に限る。 本件は、電子入札対象案件である。原則として、当該入札の執行において入札執行回数は2回を限度とする。なお、当該入札回数までに落札者が決定しない場合は、原則として予算決算及び会計令第99条の7の規定に基づく随意契約には移行しない。また、電子入札システムにより難い者は、紙入札参加願の提出をもって紙入札方式に代えるものとする。その他詳細については、入札説明書による。 「役務の提供等(船舶整備)」 の C等級履行期限 入 札 説 明 書(最低価格落札方式)契約番号:令和6年度 契第船技工053号契約件名:測量船いせしお定期修理<項目及び構成>1 契約担当官等2 調達内容3 競争参加資格4 入札参加申込5 入札書の提出方法6 入札書の受領期限7 問い合わせ先8 入札の無効9 入札の延期等10 提出書類にかかる委任状について11 開札の日時及び場所12 開札13 談合等不正行為があった場合の違約金等14 その他様式1 確認書(電子入札用)様式2 紙入札方式参加願様式2-2 紙入札業者入力表第四管区海上保安本部の調達契約に係わる入札公告(令和6年10月16日付)に基づく入札については、会計法(昭和22年法律第35号)、予算決算及び会計令(昭和22年勅令第165号)、契約事務取扱規則(昭和37年大蔵省令第52号)に基づく政令などに定めるもののほか、この入札説明書によるものとする。1 契約担当官等支出負担行為担当官 第四管区海上保安本部長 澤井 幸保2 調達内容(1)契約件名 測量船いせしお定期修理(2)契約内容 仕様書のとおり(3)履行期限 令和7年1月8日(船体引き渡し期限 :令和6年12月11日)(図書及び検査記録等:令和7年1月8日)(4)履行場所 仕様書のとおり(5)参加方法本件は入札及び書類の提出を電子調達システムで行う対象案件である。ただし、電子調達システムにより難い者は、紙入札方式参加願を提出することで参加可能とする。(6)入札方法ア 落札者の決定は、最低価格落札方式をもって行う。イ 入札者は、本修理にかかる一切の諸経費を含め契約金額を見積もるものとする。ウ 落札者の決定に当たっては、入札書に記載された金額に当該金額の10%に相当する額を加算した金額(当該金額に1円未満の端数があるときは、その端数金額を切り捨てるものとする。)をもって落札価格とするので、入札者は、消費税に係わる課税事業者であるか免税事業者であるかを問わず、見積もった契約希望金額の110分の100に相当する金額を記載した入札書を提出しなければならない。エ 入札者は、仕様書、契約書(案)などを熟覧のうえ入札しなければならない。この場合において仕様書、契約書(案)などについて疑義があるときは、関係職員の説明を求めることができる。(7)入札保証金及び契約保証金免除3 競争参加資格(1)次の者は、競争に参加する資格を有さない。ア 予算決算及び会計令第70条の規定に該当する者。なお、未成年者、被保佐人又は被補助人であって、契約締結のために必要な同意を得ている者は、同条中、特別の理由がある場合に該当する。イ 予算決算及び会計令第71条の規定に該当する者。ウ 以下の各号のいずれかに該当し、かつその事実があった後3年を経過していない者。(これを代理人、支配人その他の使用人として使用する者についてもまた同じ。)(ア)契約の履行に当たり故意に工事若しくは製造を粗雑にし、又は物件の品質若しくは数量に関しての不正の行為をした者。(イ)公正な競争の執行を妨げた者又は公正な価格を害し若しくは不正の利益を得るために連合した者。(ウ)落札者が契約を結ぶこと又は契約者が契約を履行することを妨げた者。(エ)監督又は検査の実施に当たり職員の執行を妨げた者。(オ)正当な理由がなくて契約を履行しなかった者。(カ)前各号のいずれかに該当する事実があった後3年を経過しない者を、契約の履行に当たり、代理人、支配人その他の使用人として使用した者。(2)令和4・5・6年度国土交通省一般競争参加資格(全省庁統一資格)において、「役務の提供等(船舶整備)」のC等級またはD等級に格付けされ、東海・北陸地域の競争参加資格を有する者であること。(ただし指名停止期間中にあるものは除く。)(3)海上保安庁において実施する技術審査に合格していること。なお、技術審査に関する問い合わせ先は、第四管区海上保安本部警備救難部船舶技術課とする。(4)電子調達システムによる場合電子認証(ICカード)を取得していること。4 入札参加申込(1)この一般競争に参加を希望する者は、令和6年10月29日 17時00分までに電子調達システムにより、「確認書(電子入札用)」及び、令和4・5・6年度国土交通省一般競争参加資格(全省庁統一資格)における「資格審査結果通知書の写し」を送信すること。(2)紙入札による参加を希望する者は、上記期限までに「紙入札方式参加願」、「紙入札業者入力表」及び、令和4・5・6年度国土交通省一般競争参加資格(全省庁統一資格)における「資格審査結果通知書の写し」を下記5(3)に提出する。また、開札日までの間において、契約担当官等から当該書類に関し説明を求められた場合には、それに応じなければならない。(3)資格審査結果通知送信又は提出された書類の審査結果は、原則令和6年10月30日 17時00分までに電子調達システム若しくはメール等により通知するので、合格通知を受けたのち入札に参加すること。ただし、仕様確認申請書を提出した場合、仕様確認の合格通知と共に通知するため、仕様確認申請の判定結果が判明次第通知する。5 入札書の提出方法(1)電子調達システム利用者は、同システムにより入札すること。(2)紙入札方式参加願提出者は、入札書を封筒に入れ、法人名等(代理人を含む。)及び「契約件名、開札年月日」をそれぞれ朱書し封印し提出すること。(3)入札書の提出先〒455-8528 愛知県名古屋市港区入船2-3-12第四管区海上保安本部 総務部経理課 入札審査係TEL:052-661-1611(内線2223、2224)(4)電報、ファクシミリ、電話その他の方法による入札は認めない。(5)郵送により提出する場合支出負担行為担当官等あて郵送(書留郵便又は民間事業者による信書の伝達に関する法律(平成14年法律第99号)第2条第6項に規定する一般信書便事業者若しくは同条第9項に規定する特定信書便事業者(以下「一般信書便事業者等」という。)の提供する同条第2項に規定する信書便(以下「信書便」という。)の役務のうち、書留郵便に準ずるものとして一般信書便事業者等おいて当該信書物(同法第2条第3項に規定する信書便物をいう。)の引き受け及び配達記録をした信書便。)にすることができる。郵送する場合においては、二重封筒とし、表封筒に「入札書在中」の旨を、中封筒に法人名等(代理人を含む。)及び「契約件名、開札年月日」をそれぞれ朱書するものとし、入札書の受領期限までに到達するように提出しなければならない。(6)入札者は、その提出した入札書の引換え、変更又は取り消しをすることができない。 6 入札書の受領期限令和6年11月6日 17時00分まで7 問い合わせ先(1)電子調達システムのURL及び問い合わせ先電子調達システム:https://www.p-portal.go.jp/pps-web-biz電子調達システムヘルプデスク:TEL 0570-000-683(2)契約条項を示す場所及び問い合わせ先〒455-8528 愛知県名古屋市港区入船2-3-12第四管区海上保安本部 総務部経理課 入札審査係TEL 052-661-1611(内線2223、2224)jcg-4keiyaku@gxb.mlit.go.jp(3)仕様に関する問い合わせ先第四管区海上保安本部警備救難部 船舶技術課TEL 052-661-1611 内線2341,23428 入札の無効本入札説明書に示した競争参加資格のない者、入札条件に違反した者又は入札者に求められる義務履行しなかった者のした入札書及び次の各号の1に該当する入札は無効とする。(1)委任状が提出されていない代理人のした入札。(2)所定の入札保証金又は入札保証金に代わる担保を納付し又は提供しない者のした入札。(3)記名押印(外国人又は外国法人にあっては、本人又は代表者の署名をもって代えることができる。)を欠く入札。(4)金額を訂正した入札。(5)誤字、脱字などにより意志表示が不明瞭である入札。(6)公正な競争の執行を妨げた者又は公正な価格を乱し、若しくは不正の利益を得るために連合した者の入札。(7)同一事項の入札について他人の代理人を兼ね、又は2人以上の代理をした者の入札。(8)競争参加資格の確認のための書類などを添付することとされた入札にあっては、提出された書類が審査の結果採用されなかった入札。(9)特定商品と同等のものであることを証明する必要のある入札にあっては、同等のものであることを証明できなかった入札。(10)電子入札者にあっては、ICカードを不正に使用して行った入札。(11)競争参加資格のあるものであっても、入札時点において、第四管区海上保安本部長から指名停止措置を受け、指名停止期間中にある者のした入札。9 入札の延期等入札者が相連合し又は不穏の挙動をする等の場合であって、競争入札を公正に執行することができない状態にあると認められるときは、当該入札参加者を入札に参加させず、若しくは入札の執行を延期し、又はこれを取り止めることがある。10 提出書類にかかる委任状について(1)期間委任期間を定めて代理人の委任を行う場合は、「期間委任状」を提出すること。但し、委任期間は、競争参加資格の有効期限を限度とする。(既提出者を除く)(2)都度委任入札案件ごとに代理人の委任をする場合は、「都度委任状」を提出すること。(3)復代理人は認めないものとする。(4)代理人による入札入札者又はその代理人は、本件調達に係わる入札について他の入札者の代理人を兼ねることができない。11 開札の日時及び場所日時:令和6年11月7日 10時00分場所:第四管区海上保安本部 入札室12 開札(1)開札は、原則、紙入札方式による入札者(代理人が入札した場合にあっては代理人。)を立ち会わせて行う。ただし、立ち会わない場合は、入札事務に関係のない職員を立ち会わせて行う。(2)入札者又はその代理人は、開札時刻後においては、開札場に入場することができない。(3)入札者又はその代理人は、開札場に入場しようとするときは、入札関係職員の求めに応じ競争参加資格を証明する書類、身分証明又は入札権限に関する委任状を提示しなければならない。(4)入札者又はその代理人、開札時刻後においては、契約担当官等が特にやむを得ない事情があると認めた場合のほか、開札場を退場することができない。(5)開札をした場合において、入札者又はその代理人の入札のうち、予定価格の制限に達した価格の入札がないときは、直ちに、再度の入札を行うので、開札に引き続き立会うこと。ただし、契約担当官等がやむを得ないと認めた場合には、契約担当官等が別途指定する日時に再度入札を行う。(6)電子調達システム参加者の障害により電子入札ができない旨の申告があり、すぐに復旧できないと判断され、かつ、天災、広域・地域的停電、プロバイダ、通信事業者に起因する通信障害又はその他、時間延長が妥当であると認められた場合(ただし、ICカードの紛失・破損、端末の不具合等、入札参加者の責による障害であると認められる場合を除く。)等の理由により、複数の電子入札参加者が参加できない場合には、入札書受付締切予定時間及び開札予定時間の変更(延長)を行う。(7)発注者側に障害が発生した場合は、電子調達システム運用主管組織(総務省)と協議し、障害復旧の見込みがある場合には、電子入札書受付締切予定時間及び開札予定時間の変更(延長)を行い、復旧 障害の見込みがない場合には、紙入札に変更するものとする。(8)入札締切予定時間になっても入札書が電子調達システムサーバーに未到達であり、かつ電子入札参加者からの連絡がない場合は、当該入札参加者が入札を辞退したものと見なす。(9)開札をした場合において、入札者又はその代理人の入札のうち、予定価格の制限に達した価格の入札がないときは、直ちに、再度の入札を行う。 なお、開札手続きに時間を要するなど予定時間を大幅に超えるようなことがあれば、当本部担当官から連絡を行う。紙入札業者は、入札会場で待機することとし、原則として退室は認めない。13 談合等不正行為があった場合の違約金等(1)受注者が、次に掲げる場合のいずれかに該当したときは、受注者は、発注者の請求に基づき、契約額(この契約締結後、契約額の変更があった場合には、変更後の契約額)の10分の1に相当する額を違約金として受注者の指定する期間内に支払わなければならない。(2)この契約に関し、受注者が私的独占の禁止及び公正取引の確保に関する法律(昭和22年法律第54 号。以下「独占禁止法」という。)第3条の規定に違反し、又は受注者が構成事業者である事業者団体が独占禁止法第8条第1号の規定に違反したことにより、公正取引委員会が受注者に対し、独占禁止法第7条の2第1項(独占禁止法第8条の3において準用する場合を含む。)の規定に基づく課徴金の納付命令(以下「納付命令」という。)を行い、当該納付命令が確定したとき(確定した当該納付命令が独占禁止法第63条第2項の規定により取り消された場合を含む。)(3)納付命令又は独占禁止法第7条若しくは第8条の2の規定に基づく排除措置命令(これらの命令が受注者又は受注者が構成事業者である事業者団体(以下「受注者等」という。)に対して行われたときは、受注者等に対する命令で確定したものをいい、受注者等に対して行われていないときは、各名宛人に対する命令すべてが確定した場合における当該命令をいう。次号において同じ。)において、この契約に関し、独占禁止法第3条又は第8条第1号の規定に違反する行為の実行としての事業活動があったとされたとき。(4)前号に規定する納付命令又は排除措置命令により、受注者等に独占禁止法第3条又は第8条第1号の規定に違反する行為があったとされた期間及び当該違反する行為の対象となった取引分野が示された場合において、この契約が当該期間(これらの命令に係る事件について、公正取引委員会が受注者に対して納付命令を行い、これが確定したときは、当該納付命令における課徴金の計算の基礎である当該違反する行為の実行期間を除く。)に入札(見積書の提出を含む。)が行われたものであり、かつ、当該取引分野に該当するものであるとき。(5)この契約に関し、受注者(法人にあっては、その役員又は使用人を含む。)の刑法(明治40年法律第45号)第96条の3又は独占禁止法第89条第1項若しくは第95条第1項第1号に規定する刑が確定したとき。(6)受注者が前項の違約金を発注者の指定する期間内に支払わないときは、受注者は、当該期間を経過した日から支払いをする日までの日数に応じ、年3パーセントの割合で計算した額の遅延利息を発注者に支払わなければならない。14 その他(1)契約手続きに使用される言語及び通貨日本語及び日本国通貨(2)落札者の決定方法ア 本入札説明書記載の競争参加資格及び仕様書の要求要件をすべて満たし、本入札説明書に従い書類、入札書を提出した入札者であって、当該入札者の入札価格が予算決算及び会計令第79条の規定に基づいて作成された予定価格の制限の範囲内であり、かつ、最低価格をもって有効な入札を行った者をもって落札者とする。イ 落札となるべき同価格の入札をした者が2人以上あり、くじにより落札者の決定を行うこととなった場合は、以下のとおり行うものとする。(ア)同価格の入札をした者が電子入札事業者のみの場合、電子入札事業者が入力した電子くじ番号を元に電子くじを実施のうえ、落札者を決定するものとする。(イ)同価格の入札をした者が電子入札事業者と紙入札事業者が混在する場合、電子入札事業者が入力した電子くじ番号及び紙入札事業者が紙入札方式参加願に記載した電子くじ番号を元に電子くじを実施のうえ落札者を決定するものとする。(ウ)同価格の入者をした者が紙入札事業者のみの場合、その場で紙くじ(又は電子くじ)を実施のうえ落札者を決定するものとする。電子調達システムでは、入札参加者の利便性向上のため、電子くじ機能を実装している。電子くじを行うには、入札者が任意で設定した000~999 の数字が必要になるので、電子入札事業者は、入札書提出時に電子くじ番号を入力し、紙入札事業者は「紙入札方式参加願(様式2)」に記載するものとする。ウ 契約担当官等は、落札者を決定したときは、その翌日から7日以内に、入札者に電子入札システム又は書面により通知する。(3)予定価格が1千万円を超える場合は、低入札価格調査制度を採用し、調査基準価格(当該契約の内容に適合した履行がなされないおそれがあると認められる場合の基準となる価格をいう。)を下回る価格の入札者については、調査を行ったうえで落札するか否かを決定する。(4)契約書の作成ア 競争入札を執行し、契約の相手方を決定したときは、遅滞なく契約書を取り交わすものとする。ただし、契約金額が150万円に満たない場合は、省略することがある。イ 契約書を作成する場合において、契約の相手方が遠隔地にあるときは、まず、その者が契約書の案に記名押印し、契約担当官等が当該契約書の案の送付を受けてこれに記名押印するものとする。ウ 上記イの場合において、契約担当官等が記名押印したときは、当該契約書の1通を契約の相手方に送付するものとする。エ 電子契約による場合は、上記に限らず、別途調整の上で作成する。(5)支払条件仕様書に記載された支払い方法による。(6)その他詳細規程上記によるもののほか、この一般競争入札に参加する場合において了知し、かつ、遵守すべき事項は、「第四管区海上保安本部入札・見積者心得書」によるものとする。(6)異議の申立入札者は、入札後、この入札説明書、仕様書、契約書案等についての不明を理由として異議を申し立てることはできない。(7)確認書・入札書・紙入札方式参加願等の書式について本入札書の添付の書式を用いるか、第四管区海上保本部のホームページから適宜ダウンロードし作成すること。 http://www.kaiho.mlit.go.jp/04kanku/nyusatsu/announcement/(8)「責任あるサプライチェーン等における人権尊重のためのガイドライン」(令和4年9月13日ビジネスと人権に関する行動計画の実施に係る関係府省庁施策推進・連絡会議決定)を踏まえて人権尊重に取り組むよう努めること。様式1○宛 先: 第四管区海上保安本部 総務部 入札審査係確認書(電子入札用)件名:測量船いせしお定期修理(電子入札対象案件)本案件については、「電子入札方式」により参加します。令和 年 月 日会社名等部署名確認者紙入札方式での参加を希望する方は、速やかに「紙入札方式参加願」を提出してください。責任者所属・氏名担当者所属・氏名連絡先 TEL FAXメールアドレス様式2紙入札方式参加願件名:測量船いせしお定期修理上記の案件は、電子調達システムを利用しての参加ができないため紙入札方式での参加をいたします。令和 年 月 日資格審査登録番号企業名称企業郵便番号企業住所代表者氏名代表者役職電子くじ番号責任者所属・氏名担当者所属・氏名電話番号FAX番号メールアドレス【入札者】住所 〒企業名称役職・氏名支出負担行為担当官 第四区海上保安本部長 殿※ 1.入札者住所、企業名称及び氏名欄は、代表者若しくは委任を受けている場合はその者が記載、押印する。2.電子くじ番号は、電子くじを実施する場合に必要となるので、000~999 の任意の3桁の数字を記載する。様式2-2紙入札業者入力表件名:測量船いせしお定期修理業者名称郵便番号住所 部署名代表者氏名代表者電話番号代表者等FAX番号連絡先名称連絡先氏名連絡先住所連絡先電話番号連絡先FAX番号連絡先メールアドレス 仕 様 書1 総則本仕様書は、第四管区海上保安本部(以下「当本部」という。)が発注する船舶修繕について、適用する。2 契約件名測量船いせしお定期修理3 修理(履行)場所請負造船所4 修理仕様等別紙「測量船いせしお定期修理」のとおりとする。別紙令和6年度測量船いせしお定期修理仕 様 書第四管区海上保安本部第一章 一 般1 本修理は、第四管区海上保安本部(以下「本部」という。)が発注する測量船いせしお(以下「本船」という。)の請負契約について、船舶安全法その他関係法令に基づいて施工し、所要の検査に合格しなければならない。また、検査に関する手続きは請負者が行い、その検査申請に当たっては、監督職員の確認を受けてから行うものとする。なお、管海官庁に受理された船舶検査申請書の写しを検査職員に提出するものとする。2 本修理の施工に当っては、支出負担行為担当官第四管区海上保安本部長(以下「官」という。)が任命した監督職員の監督を受け、検査職員の検査に合格しなければならない。3 本修理に使用する材料は、この仕様書で指示する場合を除き、現在使用している材料と同等の品質又はそれ以上のものを使用するものとする。また、国等による環境物品等の調達の推進等に関する法律(グリーン購入法)に基づく環境物品等の調達の推進に関する基本方針において、特定調達品目として定められているものにあっては、同基本方針の「判断の基準」及び「配慮事項」に適合する材料を使用する。なお、船舶安全法等の規定により、本基準に従うことが困難な場合にあっては、監督職員の指示により処理するものとする。4 別途指示する場合は、請負者は工程表を監督職員(本船及び本部)に提出し、その確認を受けなければならない。5 本修理の施工に当り、撤去品等発生した場合は、監督職員の指示により処理するものとする。6 本修理期間中、機関等の保安及び災害防止並びに安全管理については、直接本船乗組員の責めに帰すべき場合を除き、請負者がその責めに任ずるものとする。7 本修理期間中請負者は、本船の自活用の電力及び飲料水を供給するものとする。なお、その使用料については、協議のうえ別途契約するものとする。8 本修理期間中、請負者は、修理のために必要な、ほう炊及び居住の代替施設を供給するものとする。9 本修理に際し、知り得た情報(仕様内容を含む)は、担当者以外の職員及び第三者に漏らしてはならない。10 引渡し期限 令和6年12月11日但し、修理開始日は、令和6年12月2日以降とする。基地出港は、令和6年11月30日以降とする。11 図書及び検査記録等の提出期限は令和7年1月8日とする。納入場所は、第四管区海上保安本部警備救難部船舶技術課とする。第 二 章 船体部1 船体上下架(1)主要目総トン数 30.00トン全長 21.00m幅 4.50m深さ 2.40m(2)滞架日数本修理にかかる滞架日数は、4日とする。(3)要領等入渠要領図を参照し、安全確実に上下架を行う。2 居住区等の防汚処置操舵室、乗員室、階段、暴露甲板の防汚処置(延約 29 ㎡)を本修理開始前に施工し、本修理完了後、同処置の撤去及び拭き掃除を行う。なお、防汚処置は、ビニールシート(0.1t)を使用して行う。(1)次の室内床及び階段をビニールシートでカバーする。操舵室床(操縦台、海図台を含む。) 約11㎡乗員室床(調理室を含む。) 約13㎡操舵室~乗員室の階段 約 2㎡(2)次の椅子等をビニールシートでカバーする。操舵室椅子 4脚乗員室長椅子 2個乗員室テーブル 1個乗員室寝台 4個(3)暴露甲板(出入口付近約2㎡)をビニールシートでカバーする。3 船底外板船底外板について、次の要領により清掃及び塗装等を行う。(1)清掃、清水洗い塗分線下の外板の清掃及び清水洗い 約132㎡(2)塗膜不良部手入れディスクグラインダーによる手入れ 約 13㎡(3)塗装ア 下地(ジンクリッチプライマー有機)T/U×1回 約 14㎡イ A/C(変性エポキシ樹脂) T/U×2回 約 28㎡ウ A/F(加水分解型) T/U×1回 約 14㎡エ A/F(加水分解型) A/O×1回 約132㎡オ 喫水マークの表示 2回 1式カ 舵:防汚塗料(プロペラ用) A/O×2回 約 8㎡(4)その他ア シーチェスト(5個)同付格子、吸入ダクト内面、デフレクタ内外面の清掃、塗膜不良部手入れ及び塗装を行い復旧する。イ 排水パイプの木栓等による閉鎖等、排水による外板の水漏れ防止を行う。ウ 監督職員の指導を受け次の作業を行う。・マルチビーム測深装置の整流板(前面部と後面部のみ、ネジ留め)及び送受波器台の底面(ネジ留め、一部溶接)の取り外しと復旧・流速計送受波器(ネジ留め)の取り外しと復旧・表面音速度計スタンド及びマルチビーム測深装置の官給するフェアリング(ネジ留め)の交換。エ A/F(加水分解型)塗料について、13ヶ月維持する膜厚とし、使用塗料(船舶安全法施行規則第 65 条に適合するもの)の製造所、製品名、製造年月を記録のうえ、2部提出(1部本船渡し)とする。オ 足場の架設及び撤去は付帯とする。カ 整備により生じたかき殻類について、適法に処理を行う4 船底保護亜鉛及び保護アルミ次の船底保護亜鉛について目視調査及び交換する。なお、調査結果について、第四管区海上保安本部船舶技術課あて報告するとともに、指示する船底保護亜鉛3個の導通確認を行う。(1)トランサム 300×150×20 9個(調査)(2)舵板 150× 70×25 4個(交換)(3)海水吸入口(冷暖房) 150× 70×25 1個(交換)(4)海水吸入口(発電機) 150× 70×25 1個(交換)(5)海水吸入口(主機) 150× 70×25 2個(交換)(6)海水吸入口(便所) 150× 70×25 1個(交換)(7)ナローマルチビーム 150× 70×25 2個(交換)75× 70×25 1 個(交換)(8)シャフトトンネル 150× 70×25 2個(交換)(9)流速計送受話器用 75× 70×25 1個(交換)5 清水タンク清水タンク(Fr.3~8 2.3m)のマンホール1個を開放し、点検、内部清掃、パッキン1枚(ネオプレーン 5t)を取替え、復旧する。照明装置の架設、及び撤去を付帯とする。6 汚物管電動便器(ITT、JABSCO 製)2台、及び汚物管並びに逆止弁を取外し、開放、清掃、摺合せ、パッキン取替え、復旧する。・汚物管 40A × 約8m・逆止弁 40A × 2個【付帯】汚物管内の排水処理1㎥未満を含む7 受検記録等本船体部各項における整備記録、計測記録等はとりまとめのうえ製本し2部(本部1部、本船1部)提出する。 第三章 機関部1 軸系【プロペラ要目】型 式:3翼FPP製造所:かもめプロペラ㈱直径×ピッチ:710φ×735㎜材 質:CAC703重 量:70.0㎏/個※重量には,プロペラキャップ(AL陽極含)の重量を含む。【プロペラ軸要目】直径:80φ長さ:6060㎜材質:SP-1重量:298.0㎏/軸(1)プロペラ及びプロペラ軸の清掃を行う。(2)プロペラボス及びプロペラ軸に防汚塗料(スクリューAFセット内航又は同等品)を塗装する。(3)プロペラ用アルミ陽極(φ128×90×148L)2個(官給品)を取替える。(4)計測、記録ア 張出軸受、中間軸受の間隙計測を行う。イ プロペラ軸のトルク計測(上架前、下架後)を行う。ウ プロペラキャビテーション孔の計測及び写真撮影(全翼前後進面共)を行う。エ 計測記録表2部を本部に提出する(本部1部、本船1部)。2 空調装置コンデンシングユニット(WFAH-36T)の冷却水系について、洗浄剤(クリダインB114又は同等品)5kgを使用し、約1時間の薬品逆循環洗浄を行う。洗浄後、中和剤(クリダインN又は同等品)2㎏を投入し中和を確認後、洗浄剤を回収し水洗い処理を行い、各部点検、試運転を行い、良態確認を行う。なお、配管の取り外し復旧は付帯とする。 Shipbuilding Engineering 053: Survey vessel Iseshio regular repair Shipbuilding Engineering 053: Survey vessel Iseshio regular repair Announcement The following will be put up for public competitive bidding. October 16, 2024 1 Items to be put up for competitive bidding (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 2 Required materials for those participating in the competition... Japan Coast Guard 4th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture The bidding information is as follows. Subject Shipbuilding Engineering 053: Survey vessel Iseshio regular repair Type Service Bidding qualification CD Announcement date or update date October 16, 2024 Organization Japan Coast Guard Acquisition date October 16, 2024 19:25:24 Instructions Specifications Announcement Contents Announcement The following will be put up for public competitive bidding. October 16, 20241 Items to be included in the competitive bidding (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)2 Qualifications required for those participating in the bidding (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)3 Deadline for submission of certificates, etc., and submission method (Deadline for submission of certificates, etc.) October 29, 2024 17:00 (1) Electronic bidding・Confirmation (for electronic bidding)・A valid copy of the "Notice of Qualification Review Results (Unified Qualifications for All Ministries and Agencies)" (2) Paper bidding・・・4 Place indicating the contract clauses, etc., contract 〒455-8528 3-3-12 Irifune, Minato-ku, Nagoya-shi, Nagoya 455-8528 For inquiries regarding bidding Nagoya Port Joint Government Building Annex 8th Floor 4th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters General Affairs Department Accounting Division Bid Review Section Telephone: 052-661-1611 (ext. 2223 or 2224) Email: jcg-4keiyaku@gxb.mlit.go.jp5 Period and method of delivery of bidding documents (Period for delivery of bidding documents (including specifications)) From October 16, 2024 to October 29, 20246 Deadline for submission of bid documents, etc. November 6, 2024, 5:00 PM7 Date and time of bid opening November 7, 2024, 10:00 AM Venue: The 4th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters Bidding Room8 Bid bond and contract bond9 Invalidation of bids10 Method of determining successful bidder (1)(2)11 Need to prepare a contract12 Contact for inquiries regarding specifications Extension 2341, 2342 The above will be announced. As per the 2024 Contract No. Ship Engineering No. 053 Specifications Those who are rated in one of the following "contract types" in the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's general competitive bidding qualification (unified qualification for all ministries and agencies) for fiscal years 2022, 2023 and 2024, and who are eligible to participate in the bidding in the Tokai and Hokuriku regions. Also, those who have been subject to a suspension of nomination measures in the relevant department and are not currently in the suspension period. As per the specifications Expenditure and Burdening Officer Sawai Yukiyasu, Chief of the 4th Regional Coast Guard Place of performance Contract details January 8, 2025 (Deadline for delivery of the hull: December 11, 2024, books and inspection records, etc.: January 8, 2025) Limited to those who do not fall under Article 70 of the Budget, Accounting and Auditing Act. However, this does not apply to minors, persons under guardianship or assistance who have obtained the consent required for the contract. Bidding method Pass the technical review conducted by the Japan Coast Guard. For inquiries regarding technical review, please contact the 4th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters, Security and Rescue Department, Ship Technology Division. The successful bidder will be determined by adding 10% of the amount stated in the bid document to the amount stated in the bid document (if the amount has a fraction of less than 1 yen, the fraction will be rounded down). Therefore, regardless of whether the bidder is a taxable or exempt business entity with respect to consumption tax and local consumption tax, the bidder must state in the bid document an amount equivalent to 110/100 of the estimated desired contract amount. Paper bidder input form Valid copy of "Notice of Qualification Review Results (Unified Qualification for All Ministries and Agencies)" Paper bidding application form (Submission method) If submitted through the electronic procurement system or paper, it can be submitted directly to the address stated in the bidding instructions or by mail (proof of delivery can be confirmed). Certificates, etc. are as follows. (Method of delivery) Specifications, etc. (including bidding instructions) can be downloaded from the 4th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters website, Bidding Information (http://www.kaiho.mlit.go.jp/).jp/04kanku/nyusatsu/announcement/). If you wish to receive the certificate by mail, please apply to the section in 4 above, attaching a reply envelope (with the address clearly written) that can fit A4 paper and postage stamps or international reply coupons equivalent to the postage for 200g of weight. 052-661-1611 Required (However, this may be omitted if the contract amount is less than 1.5 million yen) 4th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters Security and Rescue Department, Ship Technology Division 4th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters Bidding and Estimating Guidelines. Or D grade [Documents to be submitted, such as certificates] Contract subject: Survey vessel Ise Shio Periodic repair Not a person who has been requested by the police authorities to be excluded from public works projects ordered by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism as a person substantially controlled by a gangster or a person equivalent to that, and such a situation continues. ExemptionBids made by persons who do not have the necessary qualifications to participate in the competition as stated in this announcement, and bids that violate the Fourth Regional Coast Guard Headquarters Bidding and Estimator Guidelines (published on the Fourth Regional Coast Guard Headquarters website) and other conditions will be invalid. Limited to persons who do not fall under Article 71 of the Budget, Accounting and Auditing Act. This is a project eligible for electronic bidding. In principle, the number of bids executed in the execution of the bid will be limited to two. In addition, if a successful bidder is not determined within the number of bids, in principle, the contract will not be transferred to a discretionary contract based on the provisions of Article 99-7 of the Budget, Accounting and Auditing Act. In addition, persons who have difficulty using the electronic bidding system may use the paper bidding method by submitting a paper bid participation request. For other details, please refer to the bidding instructions. Class C performance deadline for "Provision of services, etc. (ship maintenance)" Bidding instructions (lowest price bidding method) Contract number: FY2024 Contract No. Ship Engineering No. 053 Contract subject: Survey vessel Iseshio regular repairs <Items and structure> 1 Contract officer, etc. 2 Procurement details 3 Eligibility to participate in the competition 4 Application to participate in the bidding 5 How to submit the bid documents 6 Deadline for receipt of the bid documents 7 Contact information 8 Invalidation of bids 9 Postponement of bids, etc. 10 About the power of attorney related to submitted documents 11 Date and time and place of bid opening 12 Opening of bids 13 Penalties, etc. in the event of collusion or other fraudulent conduct 14 Other Form 1 Confirmation (for electronic bidding) Form 2 Application for participation in paper bidding method Form 2-2 Paper Bidding Contractor Input Form Bidding based on the 4th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters Procurement Contract Bidding (dated October 16, 2024) will be conducted in accordance with the Accounting Act (Act No. 35 of 1947), the Budget and Accounting Order (Imperial Ordinance No. 165 of 1947), the Contract Administration Regulations (Ministry of Finance Order No. 52 of 1962), and other government ordinances, as well as this Bidding Explanation. 1 Contract Officer and Other Expenditure and Burdening Officer Chief of the 4th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters Sawai Yukiyasu 2 Procurement Details (1) Contract Title Survey Vessel Ise Shio Periodic Repair (2) Contract Details As per Specifications (3) Performance Deadline January 8, 2025 (Deadline for Vessel Delivery: December 11, 2024) (Books and Inspection Records, etc.: January 8, 2025) (4) Place of Performance As per Specifications (5) Participation Method This is a project for which bidding and document submission will be conducted via the electronic procurement system. However, those who have difficulty using the electronic procurement system may participate by submitting a paper-based bidding application. (6) Bidding method A. The successful bidder will be determined by the lowest price method. B. Bidders will estimate the contract amount, including all expenses related to the repairs. C. In determining the successful bidder, the successful bid price will be the amount stated in the bid document plus 10% of the amount (if the amount has a fraction of less than 1 yen, the fraction will be rounded down). Therefore, bidders, regardless of whether they are taxable or exempt from consumption tax, must submit a bid document stating an amount equivalent to 110/100 of the estimated desired contract amount. D. Bidders must carefully review the specifications, contract (draft), etc. before bidding. In this case, if they have any doubts about the specifications, contract (draft), etc., they may request explanations from the relevant officials. (7) Exemption from bid bond and contract bond 3. Eligibility to participate in the competition (1) The following persons are not eligible to participate in the competition. A. A person who falls under the provisions of Article 70 of the Budget, Accounting and Auditing Ordinance. In addition, minors, persons under guardianship or assistance who have obtained the consent necessary for entering into a contract fall under the case of special reasons within the same article. B. A person who falls under the provisions of Article 71 of the Budget, Accounting and Auditing Ordinance. C. A person who falls under any of the following items and it has not yet been three years since the occurrence of that fact. (The same applies to those who employ such persons as agents, managers or other employees.) (A) A person who has intentionally performed shoddy construction or manufacturing in the performance of a contract, or committed an unfair act regarding the quality or quantity of the goods. (B) A person who has obstructed the execution of fair competition, or a person who has conspired to impair fair prices or obtain unfair profits. (C) A person who has obstructed a successful bidder from entering into a contract or a contractor from performing a contract. (D) A person who has obstructed the execution of an official's duties in carrying out supervision or inspection. (E) A person who has failed to perform a contract without a legitimate reason. (f) A person who has used an individual who falls under any of the preceding items as an agent, manager or other employee within the past three years since the occurrence of such an individual in the performance of a contract. (2) A person who is rated as Class C or Class D for "provision of services, etc. (ship maintenance)" in the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's general qualification for participation in competitive bidding (unified qualification for all ministries and agencies) for fiscal years 2022, 2023 and 2024, and who is qualified to participate in competitive bidding in the Tokai and Hokuriku regions. (However, this does not include those who are currently under suspension from bidding.) (3) Has passed the technical examination conducted by the Japan Coast Guard. Inquiries regarding the technical examination should be directed to the Ship Technology Division, Security and Rescue Department, Fourth Regional Coast Guard Headquarters. (4) In the case of using the electronic procurement system, has obtained electronic certification (IC card). 4. Application for participation in bidding (1) Those who wish to participate in this general bidding must submit the "Confirmation (for electronic bidding)" and the "Copy of the Notice of Qualification Review Results" for the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism General Bidding Qualification (Unified Qualification for All Ministries and Agencies) for fiscal years 4, 5, and 6 of Reiwa through the electronic procurement system by 17:00 on October 29, 2024. (2) Those who wish to participate through paper bidding must submit the "Application for participation in paper bidding", "Paper bidder input form", and the "Copy of the Notice of Qualification Review Results" for the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism General Bidding Qualification (Unified Qualification for All Ministries and Agencies) for fiscal years 4, 5, and 6 of Reiwa by the above deadline to 5 (3) below. In addition, if the contracting officer or other person requests an explanation of the documents before the opening of the bids, they must respond to such requests. (3) The notification of the qualification review results or the review results of the submitted documents will be notified by 17:00 on October 30, 2024 in principle via the electronic procurement system or email, etc., so participants should participate in the bidding after receiving the notification of acceptance. However, if a specification confirmation application is submitted, the result will be notified together with the notification of successful specification confirmation, so notification will be given as soon as the result of the specification confirmation application is known. 5. How to submit bid documents (1) Users of the electronic procurement system should submit bids using the same system. (2) Applicants applying to participate in paper bidding should place their bid documents in an envelope, write the name of the corporation etc. (including agents) and the "contract subject and date of bid opening" in red ink, seal it, and submit it. (3) Address for submitting bid documents: Accounting Division, General Affairs Department, 4th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters, 2-3-12 Irifune, Minato-ku, Nagoya, Aichi 455-8528Bid Review Section TEL: 052-661-1611 (ext. 2223, 2224) (4) Bids submitted by telegram, facsimile, telephone or any other method will not be accepted. (5) In the case of submission by mail, bids may be submitted by mail to the expenditure and liability officer, etc. (registered mail or mail delivery service as provided for in Article 2, Paragraph 2 of the Law Concerning the Transmission of Letters by Private Business Operators (Law No. 99 of 2002) provided by a general mail delivery service provider as provided for in Article 2, Paragraph 6 of the same Law or a specific mail delivery service provider as provided for in Paragraph 9 of the same Law (hereinafter referred to as "general mail delivery service providers, etc."), which is equivalent to registered mail and which involves the acceptance and delivery record of the said letter (meaning the letter delivery service provided for in Article 2, Paragraph 3 of the same Law). If the bidder sends the bid by mail, the bidder must use two envelopes, with the words "bid enclosed" written in red on the front envelope and the name of the corporation (including its agent) and the "contract subject and date of bid opening" written in red on the inner envelope, and must submit the bid so that it arrives by the deadline for receipt of the bid. (6) A bidder cannot exchange, change, or cancel a bid that he or she has submitted. 6 Deadline for receipt of tender documents: November 6, 2024, 17:00 7 Contact information (1) URL and contact information for the electronic procurement system Electronic procurement system: https://www.p-portal.go.jp/pps-web-biz Electronic procurement system help desk: TEL 0570-000-683 (2) Location of contract clauses and contact information 4th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters, General Affairs Department, Accounting Division, Bidding Review Section, 2-3-12 Irifune, Minato-ku, Nagoya, Aichi 455-8528 TEL 052-661-1611 (ext. 2223, 2224) jcg-4keiyaku@gxb.mlit.go.(3) Contact for inquiries regarding specifications: Ship Technical Division, Security and Rescue Department, Fourth Regional Coast Guard Headquarters, TEL: 052-661-1611, extension 2341, 23428. Invalidated Bids: Bids submitted by persons who are not eligible to participate in the competition as set forth in these bidding instructions, persons who have violated the bidding conditions, or persons who have not fulfilled the obligations required of bidders, as well as bids that fall under any of the following items, will be invalid. (1) Bids submitted by agents for which no power of attorney has been submitted. (2) Bids submitted by persons who have not paid or provided the required bid security or security in lieu of a bid security. (3) Bids that lack a name and seal (in the case of foreign nationals or foreign corporations, this may be substituted with the signature of the person or their representative). (4) Bids with corrected amounts. (5) Bids in which the intention is unclear due to typos, omissions, etc. (6) Bids of persons who have obstructed the execution of fair competition or who have formed an alliance to disrupt fair prices or gain unfair benefits. (7) A bid made by a person who is also an agent for another person or who has acted as an agent for two or more people for the same item. (8) In the case of a bid for which documents, etc., must be attached to confirm the eligibility to participate in the competition, a bid in which the submitted documents were not adopted after review. (9) In the case of a bid that requires proof that the bid is equivalent to a specific product, a bid in which the bidder has failed to prove that the bid is equivalent. (10) In the case of an electronic bidder, a bid made by improperly using an IC card. (11) A bid made by a person who is eligible to participate in the competition but who has been suspended from bidding by the Chief of the Fourth Regional Coast Guard Headquarters at the time of bidding and is in the suspension period for nomination. 9 Postponement of bidding, etc. In the case where bidders are colluding or behaving in a disruptive manner, etc., and it is deemed that the competitive bidding cannot be conducted fairly, the bidder may not be allowed to participate in the bidding, or the execution of the bid may be postponed or canceled. 10 Regarding the power of attorney for the submitted documents (1) When delegating an agent by specifying a period of delegation, a "power of attorney for a period of delegation" must be submitted. However, the period of delegation shall be limited to the validity period of the eligibility to participate in the competition. (Excluding those who have already submitted a bid) (2) When delegating a proxy for each bidding item, a power of attorney must be submitted each time. (3) Sub-agents are not permitted. (4) Bidding by proxy Bidders or their agents cannot act as agents for other bidders in the bids related to this procurement. 11 Date and location of bid opening Date and time: November 7, 2024, 10:00 Location: Bid Room, 4th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters 12 Bid opening (1) In principle, bidders who submit paper bids (or their agents, if they submit their bids by agents) will be present when opening the bids. However, if they are not present, an official not involved in the bidding process will be present when opening the bids. (2) Bidders or their agents cannot enter the bid opening area after the bid opening time. (3) When bidders or their agents wish to enter the bid opening area, they must present documents certifying their eligibility to participate in the competition, identification, or a power of attorney for bid authority when requested by bidding officials. (4) Bidders or their agents may not leave the bid opening area after the bid opening time unless the contracting officer, etc., deems there to be unavoidable circumstances. (5) If the bids are opened and none of the bids submitted by the bidders or their agents reach the limit of the estimated price, the bidders or their agents must remain present at the bid opening as a new bid will be held immediately. However, if the contracting officer, etc., deems it unavoidable, the new bid will be held at a date and time separately designated by the contracting officer, etc. (6) If a report is received that electronic bidding is not possible due to a malfunction of the electronic procurement system participants and it is determined that the system cannot be restored immediately, and an extension of time is deemed appropriate due to natural disasters, widespread or regional power outages, communication malfunctions caused by Internet service providers or telecommunications carriers, or other reasons (excluding cases where the malfunction is deemed to be due to the fault of the bidders, such as loss or damage of IC cards or malfunction of terminals), the scheduled closing time for receipt of bid documents and the scheduled time for bid opening will be changed (extended). (7) In the event of a malfunction on the client's side, the system will consult with the organization responsible for operating the electronic procurement system (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications), and if there is prospect of recovery from the malfunction, the scheduled time for closing receipt of electronic bids and the scheduled time for opening bids will be changed (extended). If there is no prospect of recovery from the malfunction, the system will switch to paper bidding. (8) If the bid documents have not reached the electronic procurement system server by the scheduled closing time for bids and there is no contact from the electronic bidder, the bidder will be deemed to have declined the bid. (9) In the event that bids are opened and none of the bids from the bidder or their agent have a price that reaches the limit of the scheduled price, the bidder will immediately be invited to re-open the bids. If the bid-opening procedure takes a long time and significantly exceeds the scheduled time, a staff member from this headquarters will contact the bidder. Paper bidders will wait at the bidding venue and, in principle, will not be permitted to leave the venue. 13. Penalties in the event of collusion or other misconduct (1) If the Contractor falls under any of the following cases, the Contractor shall, upon request from the Ordering Party, pay a penalty of one-tenth of the contract amount (or the revised contract amount, if the contract amount has been changed after the conclusion of this contract) within the period designated by the Contractor. (2) If the Contractor violates the Law Concerning Prohibition of Private Monopolization and Maintenance of Fair Trade (Law No. 54 of 1947) in relation to this contract,(3) When the Fair Trade Commission issues a payment order for a surcharge (hereinafter referred to as a "payment order") pursuant to the provisions of Article 7-2, Paragraph 1 of the Antimonopoly Act (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 8-3 of the Antimonopoly Act) against a Contractor due to a violation of the provisions of Article 3 of the Antimonopoly Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Antimonopoly Act"), or a trade association of which the Contractor is a member violates the provisions of Article 8, Paragraph 1 of the Antimonopoly Act, and the payment order becomes final (including the cases where the final payment order is revoked pursuant to the provisions of Article 63, Paragraph 2 of the Antimonopoly Act). or an exclusion order pursuant to the provisions of Article 8-2 (when such orders are issued against a contractor or a trade association of which the contractor is a constituent business (hereinafter referred to as "Contractors, etc."), it refers to the order against the Contractors, etc. that has become final; when such orders are not issued against Contractors, etc., it refers to the order in question when all orders against each addressee have become final; the same applies in the following paragraph), when it is found that business activities have been carried out in relation to this contract as the execution of acts that violate the provisions of Article 3 or Article 8-1 of the Antimonopoly Act. (4) When the period during which the contractor, etc. is alleged to have violated the provisions of Article 3 or Article 8, item 1 of the Antimonopoly Act and the field of trade in which the violation was the subject are specified by the payment order or exclusion order prescribed in the preceding paragraph, and this contract was bid for (including the submission of an estimate) during that period (excluding the period during which the violation was committed, which is the basis for the calculation of the surcharge in the payment order, in cases related to these orders, when the Fair Trade Commission has issued a payment order to the contractor and the order has been finalized), and the contract falls within that field of trade. (5) When the sentence prescribed in Article 96-3 of the Penal Code (Law No. 45 of 1907) or Article 89, paragraph 1 or Article 95, paragraph 1, item 1 of the Antimonopoly Act for the contractor (in the case of a corporation, this includes its officers or employees) in relation to this contract has been finalized. (6) If the Contractor fails to pay the penalty in the preceding paragraph within the period designated by the Purchaser, the Contractor shall pay to the Purchaser late interest calculated at a rate of 3% per annum for the number of days from the date of the expiration of the period to the date of payment. 14 Other (1) Language and currency used in the contract procedure Japanese and Japanese currency (2) Method of determining the successful bidder A The successful bidder shall be the bidder who satisfies all the requirements of the qualifications to participate in the competition and the specifications described in these bidding instructions, submits documents and bid documents in accordance with these bidding instructions, and whose bid price is within the range of the estimated price limit created based on the provisions of Article 79 of the Budget Accounting and Auditing Act, and who has submitted a valid bid with the lowest price. B If there are two or more bidders with the same price that should be the successful bidder and it is decided to determine the successful bidder by lottery, the following shall be done. (A) If the only bidders with the same price are electronic bidding operators, an electronic lottery shall be held based on the electronic lottery number entered by the electronic bidding operator to determine the successful bidder. (a) If bidders submitting the same price are both electronic and paper bidding businesses, an electronic lottery will be conducted based on the electronic lottery number entered by the electronic bidding business and the electronic lottery number entered by the paper bidding business in the paper bidding application form to determine the successful bidder. (c) If bidders submitting the same price are only paper bidding businesses, a paper lottery (or electronic lottery) will be conducted on the spot to determine the successful bidder. The electronic procurement system has an electronic lottery function to improve the convenience of bidders. To conduct an electronic lottery, a number between 000 and 999 set by the bidder is required, so electronic bidding businesses will enter the electronic lottery number when submitting their bid documents, and paper bidding businesses will enter it in the "Paper Bidding Application Form (Form 2)". (c) When the contracting officer, etc., has determined the successful bidder, he/she will notify the bidder via the electronic bidding system or in writing within seven days from the day after the decision. (3) If the estimated price exceeds 10 million yen, a low bid price investigation system will be adopted, and bidders who offer a price below the investigation base price (meaning the base price when it is deemed likely that the contract will not be performed in accordance with its contents) will be investigated before deciding whether to award the contract. (4) Preparation of contract A. When competitive bidding is conducted and the contracting party is decided, a contract will be exchanged without delay. However, this may be omitted if the contract amount is less than 1.5 million yen. B. When preparing a contract, if the contracting party is in a remote location, that person will first sign and seal the draft of the contract, and the contracting officer, etc. will sign and seal the draft of the contract upon receiving it. C. In the case of B above, when the contracting officer, etc. has signed and sealed the contract, one copy of the contract will be sent to the contracting party. D. In the case of electronic contracting, the contract will be prepared after separate arrangements, not limited to the above. (5) Payment method specified in the payment terms specification. (6) Other detailed regulations In addition to the above, matters to be understood and observed when participating in this open competitive bidding shall be those in the "4th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters Bidding and Estimator Guidelines". (6) Filing of Objections Bidders may not file objections after bidding on the grounds of ambiguity regarding this bidding explanation document, specifications, draft contract, etc. (7) Use the attached forms for confirmation, bidding documents, paper bidding participation application, etc., or download and prepare them from the appropriate form on the 4th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters website. http://www.kaiho.mlit.go.jp/04kanku/nyusatsu/announcement/(8) Strive to respect human rights in accordance with the "Guidelines for Respecting Human Rights in Responsible Supply Chains, etc." (Decided by the Inter-Ministerial and Agency Policy Promotion and Liaison Conference for the Implementation of the Action Plan on Business and Human Rights on September 13, 2022). Form 1 ○ To: 4th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters General Affairs Department Bidding Review Section Confirmation (for electronic bidding) Subject: Regular repair of survey vessel Ise Shio (Project eligible for electronic bidding) We will participate in this project through the "electronic bidding method". Reiwa year month date Company name, etc. Department name Confirmator If you wish to participate through paper bidding, please submit a "Paper bidding participation application" as soon as possible. Person in charge Department and name Person in charge Department and name Contact information TEL FAX Email address Form 2 Application for participation through paper bidding Subject: Regular repair of survey vessel Ise Shio We will participate through paper bidding because we cannot participate in the above project using the electronic procurement system. Date of Reiwa Year Month Qualification examination registration number Company name Company postal code Company address Representative name Representative's position Electronic lottery number Person in charge Affiliation and name Person in charge Affiliation and name Telephone number Fax number Email address [Bidder] Address Postal code Company name Position and name Expenditure and burdening act officer To: Chief of the 4th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters * 1. The bidder's address, company name and name fields should be filled in and stamped by the representative or, if delegated, the person. 2. The electronic lottery number is required when implementing an electronic lottery, so enter any three-digit number between 000 and 999. Form 2-2 Paper Bidding contractor input form Subject: Survey vessel Ise Shio Regular repair contractor name Postal code Address Department name Representative name Representative's telephone number Representative, etc. Fax number Contact name Contact name Contact address Contact telephone number Contact fax number Contact email address Specifications 1 General Provisions These specifications apply to ship repairs ordered by the 4th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters (hereinafter referred to as "this headquarters"). 2 Contract subject: Survey ship Iseshio regular repair 3 Repair (performance) location: Contract shipyard 4 Repair specifications, etc.: See the attached "Survey ship Iseshio regular repair". Attached: Specifications for the Survey Ship Iseshio Regular Repair in 2024 4th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters Chapter 1 General 1. This repair is to be carried out in accordance with the Ship Safety Act and other relevant laws and regulations for the contract for the Survey Ship Iseshio (hereinafter referred to as the "Vessel") ordered by the 4th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters (hereinafter referred to as the "Headquarters"), and must pass the required inspection. In addition, the contractor will carry out the procedures for inspection, and the inspection application will be confirmed by the supervising officer beforehand. A copy of the ship inspection application form accepted by the competent authority will be submitted to the inspection officer. 2. The contractor shall be supervised by a supervising official appointed by the Chief of the 4th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters, the expenditure and burdening officer (hereinafter referred to as the "officer"), and shall pass the inspection by the inspecting official. 3. Materials used for the repair work shall be of the same quality or better than the materials currently used, except as specified in this specification. In addition, for items specified as specific procurement items in the basic policy on the promotion of procurement of environmentally friendly goods and services based on the Law on the Promotion of Procurement of Environmentally Friendly Goods and Services by the State and Other Entities (Green Purchasing Law), materials that meet the "criteria for judgment" and "items to be considered" in the basic policy shall be used. In addition, in cases where it is difficult to comply with these standards due to the provisions of the Ship Safety Law, etc., the contractor shall follow the instructions of the supervising official. 4. In cases where separate instructions are given, the contractor shall submit a schedule of work to the supervising official (of the ship and headquarters) and receive confirmation. 5. In the event that items to be removed or the like arise during the repair work, the contractor shall follow the instructions of the supervising official. 6 During the repair period, the Contractor shall be responsible for the security of the machinery, etc., disaster prevention, and safety management, except in cases directly attributable to the crew of the vessel. 7 During the repair period, the Contractor shall supply electricity and drinking water for the vessel's own use. The fees for use shall be separately contracted after consultation. 8 During the repair period, the Contractor shall supply alternative facilities for cooking and living space necessary for the repair. 9 Information obtained during the repair (including specifications) must not be leaked to staff other than the person in charge or to third parties. 10 Delivery deadline December 11, 2024. However, the start date of repairs shall be December 2, 2024 or later. Departure from the base shall be November 30, 2024 or later. 11 The deadline for submission of documents, inspection records, etc. shall be January 8, 2025. The place of delivery shall be the Ship Technology Division, Security and Rescue Department, 4th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters. Chapter 2 Hull 1 Hull Mounting (1) Principal Specifications Gross tonnage 30.00 tons Overall length 21.00 m Width 4.50 m Depth 2.40 m (2) Duration of mounting The duration of mounting for this repair is 4 days. (3) Procedures, etc. Mounting and mounting will be carried out safely and securely, referring to the docking procedure drawing. 2 Antifouling treatment for accommodation areas Antifouling treatment (total area of ​​approximately 29 m2) for the wheelhouse, crew room, stairs, and exposed deck will be carried out before the start of this repair, and the treatment will be removed and wiped clean after the repair is completed. The antifouling treatment will be carried out using vinyl sheets (0.This will be done using a vinyl sheet of approximately 1.1 ton. (1) Cover the following interior floors and stairs with vinyl sheeting: Wheelhouse floor (including the pilot's platform and chart table): Approximately 11 m2 Crew compartment floor (including the galley): Approximately 13 m2 Stairs from the wheelhouse to the crew compartment: Approximately 2 m2 (2) Cover the following chairs, etc. with vinyl sheeting: Wheelhouse chairs: 4 Crew compartment settees: 2 Crew compartment table: 1 Crew compartment berths: 4 (3) Cover the exposed deck (approximately 2 m2 near the entrance and exit) with vinyl sheeting. 3 Bottom shell plate Clean and paint the bottom shell plate as follows: (1) Cleaning, washing with fresh water Cleaning and washing with fresh water of the outer plate below the paint dividing line Approximately 132 m2 (2) Repairing defective parts of the paint Repairing with a disc grinder Approximately 13 m2 (3) Painting A Undercoat (organic zinc-rich primer) T/U once Approximately 14 m2 B A/C (modified epoxy resin) T/U twice Approximately 28 m2 C A/F (hydrolysis type) T/U once Approximately 14 m2 D A/F (hydrolysis type) A/O once Approximately 132 m2 E Draft marking 2 times 1 set F Rudder: Antifouling paint (for propeller) A/O twice Approximately 8 m2 (4) Other A Sea chest (5 units) Cleaning the attached grating, inner surface of the intake duct, inner and outer surfaces of the deflector, repairing and painting defective parts of the paint, and restoring the ship. B Prevent water leakage from the outer plate due to drainage by closing the drain pipe with a wooden plug, etc. C Perform the following tasks under the guidance of the supervising staff. ・Remove and restore the multi-beam echo sounder's air straightening plate (front and rear only, screwed) and the bottom of the transducer stand (screwed, partially welded). ・Remove and restore the current meter transducer (screwed). ・Replace the surface sound velocity meter stand and the publicly supplied fairing (screwed) for the multi-beam echo sounder. D For A/F (hydrolysis type) paint, the thickness must be maintained for 13 months. The manufacturer, product name, and date of manufacture of the paint used (complying with Article 65 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Ship Safety Act) must be recorded and two copies must be submitted (one copy delivered to the ship). E The erection and removal of scaffolding is included. F Oyster shells generated during maintenance must be disposed of legally. 4 Visually inspect and replace the following zinc and aluminum protection for the bottom of the ship. The results of the inspection must be reported to the Ship Technology Division of the 4th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters, and the continuity of the three zinc protection for the bottom of the ship must be confirmed as instructed. (1) Transom 300 x 150 x 20 9 units (inspection) (2) Rudder 150 x 70 x 25 4 units (replaced) (3) Seawater intake (air conditioning) 150 x 70 x 25 1 unit (replaced) (4) Seawater intake (generator) 150 x 70 x 25 1 unit (replaced) (5) Seawater intake (main engine) 150 x 70 x 25 2 units (replaced) (6) Seawater intake (toilet) 150 x 70 x 25 1 unit (replaced) (7) Narrow multi-beam 150 x 70 x 25 2 units (replaced) 75 x 70 x 25 1 unit (replaced) (8) Shaft tunnel 150 x 70 x 25 2 units (replaced) (9) Current meter for handset 75 x 70 x 25 1 unit (replaced) 5 Fresh water tankOpen one manhole in the fresh water tank (Fr.3-8 2.3m), inspect, clean the inside, replace one packing (Neoplane 5t), and restore.Installation and removal of lighting equipment will be included.6Remove two sewage pipe electric toilets (ITT, JABSCO), sewage pipes and check valves, open, clean, adjust, replace packing, and restore.・Sewage pipe 40A x approx. 8m・Check valve 40A x 2【Included】Wastewater treatment in sewage pipes of less than 1m37Inspection records, etc.Maintenance records, measurement records, etc. for each section of the hull will be compiled and bound into two copies (one for headquarters, one for the ship) and submitted. Chapter 3 Engine 1 Shaft system [Propeller specifications] Type: 3-blade FPP Manufacturer: Kamome Propeller Co., Ltd. Diameter x pitch: 710φ x 735mm Material: CAC703 Weight: 70.0kg/piece * Weight includes the weight of the propeller cap (including aluminum anode). [Propeller shaft specifications] Diameter: 80φ Length: 6060mm Material: SP-1 Weight: 298.0kg/shaft (1) Clean the propeller and propeller shaft. (2) Paint the propeller boss and propeller shaft with antifouling paint (Screw AF Set for domestic use or equivalent). (3) Replace two aluminum anodes (φ128×90×148L) for propellers (government-supplied). (4) Measurement and recording a. Measure the clearances of the extended bearings and intermediate bearings. a) Measure the torque of the propeller shaft (before lifting and after lowering). c) Measure and photograph the propeller cavitation holes (for both forward and backward movement of all wings). d) Submit two copies of the measurement record sheet to Headquarters (one to Headquarters, one to the ship). 2) For the cooling water system of the air conditioning condensing unit (WFAH-36T), perform a chemical reverse circulation cleaning for approximately 1 hour using 5 kg of cleaning agent (Cridin B114 or equivalent). After cleaning, add 2 kg of neutralizing agent (Cridin N or equivalent) and confirm neutralization. Then, recover the cleaning agent and rinse with water. Inspect each part, conduct a trial run, and confirm that it is in good condition. Removal and restoration of piping will be included.0 kg/shaft (1) Clean the propeller and propeller shaft. (2) Apply antifouling paint (Screw AF Set domestic or equivalent) to the propeller boss and propeller shaft. (3) Replace two aluminum anodes for the propeller (φ128×90×148L) (government-supplied). (4) Measurements and records a) Measure the clearances of the extended bearings and intermediate bearings. b) Measure the torque of the propeller shaft (before lifting and after lowering). c) Measure and photograph the propeller cavitation holes (for both forward and backward travel surfaces of all wings). d) Submit two copies of the measurement record sheet to Headquarters (one copy to Headquarters, one copy to the ship). 2 For the cooling water system of the air conditioning condensing unit (WFAH-36T), perform a chemical reverse circulation cleaning using 5 kg of cleaning agent (Cridine B114 or equivalent) for approximately one hour. After cleaning, 2 kg of neutralizing agent (Cridine N or equivalent) is poured in and neutralization is confirmed. The cleaning agent is then collected and washed with water. Each part is inspected, a test run is performed, and the equipment is confirmed to be in good condition. The removal and restoration of the piping is included as an add-on.0 kg/shaft (1) Clean the propeller and propeller shaft. (2) Apply antifouling paint (Screw AF Set domestic or equivalent) to the propeller boss and propeller shaft. (3) Replace two aluminum anodes for the propeller (φ128×90×148L) (government-supplied). (4) Measurements and records a) Measure the clearances of the extended bearings and intermediate bearings. b) Measure the torque of the propeller shaft (before lifting and after lowering). c) Measure and photograph the propeller cavitation holes (for both forward and backward travel surfaces of all wings). d) Submit two copies of the measurement record sheet to Headquarters (one copy to Headquarters, one copy to the ship). 2 For the cooling water system of the air conditioning condensing unit (WFAH-36T), perform a chemical reverse circulation cleaning using 5 kg of cleaning agent (Cridine B114 or equivalent) for approximately one hour. After cleaning, 2 kg of neutralizing agent (Cridine N or equivalent) is poured in and neutralization is confirmed. The cleaning agent is then collected and washed with water. Each part is inspected, a test run is performed, and the equipment is confirmed to be in good condition. The removal and restoration of the piping is included as an add-on.
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