Tender Details

令和6年度 松島保育園長寿命化改修工事実施設計業務委託 令和6年度 松島保育園長寿命化改修工事実施設計業務委託 【注意事項】【注意事項】設計図書等の閲覧及び入手、質問書の受付については、休日を除く午前8時30分から午後5時15分まで(正午から午後1時までを... Fiscal year 2024 Matsushima Nursery School Long Life Renovation Work Execution Design Contract Fiscal year 2024 Matsushima Nursery School Long Life Renovation Work Execution Design Contract [Notes] [Notes] For viewing and obtaining design documents, etc., and for accepting inquiries, please note that the hours of operation are from 8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. (excluding holidays, from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.)

Published Date
Deadline Date
令和6年度 松島保育園長寿命化改修工事実施設計業務委託 令和6年度 松島保育園長寿命化改修工事実施設計業務委託 【注意事項】【注意事項】設計図書等の閲覧及び入手、質問書の受付については、休日を除く午前8時30分から午後5時15分まで(正午から午後1時までを... 長野県箕輪町   入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 令和6年度 松島保育園長寿命化改修工事実施設計業務委託 種別 役務 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 16 日 組織 長野県箕輪町 取得日 2024 年 10 月 16 日 19:23:25 閲覧設計書特記仕様書 公告内容 【注意事項】【注意事項】設計図書等の閲覧及び入手、質問書の受付については、休日を除く午前8時30分から午後5時15分まで(正午から午後1時までを除く。)とします。 ~ 令和6年10月9日(水)受付場所 箕輪町役場 こども未来課 保育園係質問の回答 令和6年10月7日(月) から箕輪町公式ホームページに掲載(随時更新)設計図書等の閲覧及び入手箕輪町役場 こども未来課 保育園係開札経過、入札結果の公表は箕輪町公式ホームページに随時掲載入札書提出については、箕輪町の休日を定める条例(平成元年条例第33号)第1条の規定する箕輪町の休日(以下「休日」という。)を除く午前8時30分から午後5時15分まで(正午から午後1時までを除く。)とします。 4 契約条項、設計図書等を示す場所及び日時質問書の受付受付期間 令和6年10月2日(水) 別紙質問書様式により直接提出、FAX、メールにて受付午前9時00分 箕輪町役場2F 大会議室 開 札 日 時及 び 入 札結 果 公 表令和6年10月17日(木)3 入札又は開札の場所及び日時等入 札 書提 出 期 限令和6年10月15日(火) 午後5時15分一般書留・簡易書留・配達記録郵便による郵送、または箕輪町役場企画振興課まで直接提出配置技術者管理技術者、照査技術者として、次の資格を有する技術者(公告日より3月前からの恒常的雇用関係にある者)をそれぞれ配置できること。(兼務不可)建築士(1級)2名以上同 種 業 務実 績な し地 域 要 件 箕輪町、伊那市、辰野町、南箕輪村に住所を有する本店であって登録規定に基づくものであること。 2 入札に参加する者に必要な資格共 通 事 項・地方自治法施行令第167条の4の規定及び箕輪町建設工事等入札参加の資格及び業者の選定に関 する規程第6条第1項及び第2項の規定に該当しない者であること。 ・入札公告日から落札決定日までの間において、箕輪町の指名停止措置を受けていないこと。 業 者 登 録令和4・5・6年度 長野県建設コンサルタント等の入札参加資格者名簿に登載されており、「建築」の登録をしていること建築士法(昭和25年法律第202号)第23条第1項の規定による一級建築士事務所の登録を受けていること。 予 定 価 格 事後公表とする最 低 制 限価 格設けない業 務 概 要履 行 期 間 契約締結日から 令和7年2月10日 (予定)松島保育園長寿命化改修工事実施設計業務 一式箕輪町長 白鳥 政徳1 入札に付する事項業 務 名 令和6年度 松島保育園長寿命化改修工事実施設計業務委託業務か所名 箕輪町松島保育園入 札 公 告 次のとおり条件付一般競争入札を行いますので、地方自治法施行令(昭和22年政令第16号)第167条の6の規定により公告します。 令和6年10月2日入 札 担 当住所 〒399-4695 長野県上伊那郡箕輪町大字中箕輪10298番地電話 0265-79-3152 内線 1153 FAX 0265-79-0230 E-mail kizai@town.minowa.lg.jp箕輪町公式ホームページ https://www.town.minowa.lg.jp/箕輪町役場 企画振興課 まちづくり政策係そ の 他・その他「受注希望型競争入札(事後審査)入札条件注意書」に示すとおりです。 この入札公告に関する担当係等発 注 担 当FAX 0265-79-0230 E-mail kodomo@town.minowa.lg.jp箕輪町役場 こども未来課 保育園係 【落札候補者がいない場合の措置】「受注希望型競争入札(事後審査)入札条件注意書」の10(3)に示すとおり。 支 払 条 件箕輪町財務規則第75条の2の規定に基づき契約金額の4割の範囲内で前金払の適用あり。 箕輪町財務規則第135条の規定に基づき部分払の適用あり。 中間前金払の適用なし。 落 札 者 の決 定本件入札は、開札後に最低価格入札者の入札参加者に必要な資格を審査し、資格を満たしていることが確認できた場合に、当該入札者を落札者と決定しますので、指示のあった者は、指示があった日から起算して2日以内(休日を除く)に、次に掲げる書類を入札担当まで持参提出してください。 (1) 様式「入札参加資格審査書類の提出について」(2) 建設コンサルタント登録又は更新通知(建築が記載されたもの)の写し(3) 配置する技術者の資格を証明する書類の写し(4) 配置する技術者の恒常的雇用関係を証明する書類の写し 5 入札保証金に関する事項受注希望型競争入札(事後審査)入札条件注意書の7に示すとおり。 6 入札の無効等受注希望型競争入札(事後審査)入札条件注意書の11に示すとおり。 7 その他一般競争に関し必要な事項受領印工事(業務)名 令和6年度 松島保育園長寿命化改修工事実施設計業務委託工事(業務)箇所名 箕輪町松島保育園応 札 者箕輪町役場 企画振興課 まちづくり政策係キ リ ト リ◆入札書受領書(入札書を持参により提出する場合で、受領した書類が必要な方は、必要事項を記入し切り取って持参してください。)キリトリ入 札 書 受 領 書開 札 日 令和6年10月17日担当者名担当者連絡先(電話) ( )担当者連絡先(FAX番号) ( )工事(業務)名 令和6年度 松島保育園長寿命化改修工事実施設計業務委託工事(業務)箇所名 箕輪町松島保育園商号又は名称 住 所 住 所 キ リ ト リ【内封筒用】キ リ ト リ開 札 日 令和6年10月17日工事(業務)名 令和6年度 松島保育園長寿命化改修工事実施設計業務委託工事(業務)箇所名 箕輪町松島保育園商号又は名称 長野県上伊那郡箕輪町大字中箕輪10298番地入 札 書 在 中 ( 開札日 令和6年10月17日 )箕輪町役場 企画振興課 まちづくり政策係 行◆外封筒及び中封筒貼り付け用紙(キリトリ線に添って切り取り、外封筒及び中封筒に糊で貼り付けてください)【外封筒用】キ リ ト リ提出締切日 10月15日〒399-4695 上段:当初数量№1 下段:変更後数量費目・種別 細目・規格 数 量 単位 単価 金額 備考長寿命化改修工事実施設計業務委託直接人件費 1.0 0諸経費 1.0 0技術料等経費 1.0 0特別経費 外壁吹き付け・内部石膏ボード各1箇所 2.00 0アスベスト0小計 0 0 端数切捨て計 0消費税 10.00 0 0合計 0*** 業 務 委 託 ***計 算 式式 式 式検体% 建築実施設計業務委託特記仕様書1 業務概要(1) 業務名称 令和6年度 松島保育園長寿命化改修工事実施設計業務委託(2) 計画施設概要ア 施設名称 : 松島保育園イ 敷地の場所 : 箕輪町大字中箕輪10275-2ウ 施設用途 : 保育園(3) 業務の内容ア 上記施設の改修工事に必要な意匠、設備設計等の実施設計等業務、積算業務イ 石綿含有建材の事前調査(資格者等による)ウ 石綿(試料採取及び定性分析6物質)調査(JIS-A1481)3検体(4) 設計与条件ア 敷地(ア) 敷地面積 :約 5,693.80 ㎡(イ) 用途地域及び地区の指定a 用途地域:第1種中高層住居専用地域・第1種住居地域b 防火地域:指定なしイ 施設の条件(ア) 1棟(既存改修)(イ) 延べ面積 :2,003.30 ㎡(ウ) 主要構造 :鉄筋コンクリート造・鉄骨造ウ 建設の条件(ア) 予定工事費 :110,000,000円(税込)※ 設計は予定工事費を超過しないように行なうこと。超過につながる内容については早期に関係者協議を行い、効率的な工事、仕様設定に努め、手戻りのない進捗に留意すること。(イ) 建設工期 :令和7年6月から令和8年3月まで(予定)(ウ) 設計期間 :着手日から令和7年2月10日エ 耐震安全性(ア) 国土交通省「官庁施設の総合耐震計画基準」(平成19年12月18日)による。(イ) 構造体の耐震安全性確保 Ⅱ類(ウ) 建築費構造部材の耐震安全性確保 B類(エ) 建築設備の耐震安全性確保 乙類 を目標とする。オ その他の条件(ア) 実施設計、積算等業務は本仕様書等及び関係法令に基づき行うこと。(イ) 監督員、箕輪町こども未来課との打ち合わせを蜜に行い設計すること。(ウ) 令和6年11月末位前までに、改修計画を作成し提出し関係者への説明を実施すること。(エ) 工事に必要な手続きが生じる場合は、業務完了日までに行うこと。(オ) 申請等が必要となる場合、手数料は別途とする。(カ) 工事発注直前(令和7年5月を予定)に内訳書の再積算(単価見直し)協力を依頼することがある(監督員協議)(キ) 設計に必要な基礎資料(既存図面等)は、可能な範囲で貸与する。(ク) 設計にあたってコスト縮減に配慮した設計とすること。(ケ) 現地調査等を行うこと。(コ) 構造確認、電気設備設計、機械設備設計等を再委託する場合は事前に監督員の承諾を要する。2 業務仕様本仕様書に記載されていない事項は「長野県建築設計業務委託共通仕様書(最新版)」(長野県建築住宅課)を準用する。(1)管理技術者等の資格要件ア 管理技術者管理技術者の資格要件は次による。なお、受注者が個人である場合にあたってはその者、会社その他の法人で場合にあたっては当該法人に所属する者を配置しなければならない。・建築士法第2条第2項に規定する一級建築士(以下「一級建築士」という。)イ 担当技術者担当技術者の中から、建築(意匠)、建築(構造)、建築(積算)、電気設備、機械設備の各部門ごとの責任者として、主任担当技術者を1名ずつ選定し配置する。なお、主任担当技術者は、担当設計業務の分野について、専門的な知識と経験を有する者とし、資格要件は次による。(ア) 建築(意匠)の主任担当技術者については、次の資格を有するものとする。a 一級建築士の資格を有し、設計業務(主に建築)に5年以上の経験を有する者(イ) 建築(構造)主任担当技術者については、次のいずれかの資格を有する者とする。a 建築法第10条の3第1項に規定する構造設計一級建築士の資格を有する者。(以下「構造設計一級建築士」という)b 一級建築士資格を有し、設計業務(主に構造)に5年以上の経験を有する者(ウ) 建築(積算)主任担当技術者については、次のいずれかの資格を有する者とする。a (社)日本建築積算協会が付与する建築積算士(建築積算資格者)の資格を有し、積算業務に3年以上経験を有する者b (社)日本建築積算協会が付与する建築コスト管理士(建築積算資格者)の資格を有する者(エ) 電気主任担当技術者については、次のいずれかの資格を有する者とする。a 建築設備士の資格を有し、電気設備工事の設計業務に5年以上の経験を有する者b 建築士法第10条の3第2項に規定する設備設計一級建築士(以下「設備設計一級建築士」という)c 電気節設備工事の設計業務に10年以上の経験を有する者(オ)機械設備主任担当技術者については、次のいずれかの資格を有する者とする。a 建築設備士の資格を有し、機械設備工事の設計業務に5年以上の経験を有する者b 設備設計一級建築士の資格を有する者c 機械設備工事の設計業務に10年以上の経験を有する者(2) 設計業務の内容及び範囲【実施設計】実施すべき設計業務は以下の実施設計に関する標準業務及び追加業務とする。ア 標準業務項目 業務内容1 要求等の確認 ① 要求等の確認 実施設計に先立ち又は実施設計期間中、建築主の要求等を再確認し必要に応じ、設計条件の修正を行う。② 設計条件の変更等の場合の協議基本計画以降の状況の変化によって、建築主の要求等に変化がある場合、施設の機能、規模、予算等基本的条件に変更が生じる場合又はすでに設定した設計条件を変更する必要がある場合においては、建築主と協議する。2 法令上の諸条件の調査及び関係機関との打ち合わせ① 法令上の諸条件の調査建築物の建築に関する法令及び条例上の制約条件について、基本計画の内容に即した詳細の調査を行う。② 建築確認申請に係る関係機関との打ち合わせ実施設計に必要な範囲で、建築確認申請を行うために必要な事項について関係機関と事前に打ち合わせを行う。3 実施設計方針の策定① 総合検討 基本設計に基づき、意匠、構造及び設備の各要素について検討し、必要に応じて業務体制、業務工程等を変更する。② 実施設計のための基本事項の確定基本計画の段階移行に検討された事項のうち、建築主と協議して合意に達しておく必要のあるもの及び検討作業の結果、基本設計の内容に修正を加える必要があるものを整理し、実施設計のための基本事項を確定する。③ 実施設計方針の策定及び説明総合検討の結果及び確定された基本事項を踏まえ、実施設計方針を策定し、建築主に説明する。4 実施設計図書の作成④ 実施設計図書の作成 実施設計方針に基づき、建築主と協議のうえ、技術的な検討、予算との整合の検討を行い、実施設計図書を作成する。なお、実施設計図書においては、工事施工者が施工すべき建築物及びその細部の形状、寸法、使用、工事材料、設備機器等の種別、品質及び特に指定する必要のある施工に関する情報(工法、工事監理の方法、施工管理の方法等)を具体的に表現する。⑤ 建築確認申請図書等の作成関係機関との事前打合せ等を踏まえ、実施設計に基づき必要な建築確認宣誓図書等を作成する。 5 概算工事費の検討 実施設計図書の作成が完了した時点において、当該実施設計図書に基づく建築工事に通常要する費用を概算し、工事費概算書を作成する。6 実施設計内容の説明等 実施設計を行っている間、建築主に対して、作業内容や進捗状況を報告し、必要な事項について建築主の意向を確認する。また、実施設計図書の作成が完成した時点において、実施設計図書を建築主に提出し、設計意図及び実施設計内容の総合的な説明を行う。イ 追加業務(ア) 成果図書に基づく積算業務(建築、電気設備、機械設備、外構ほか)。(イ) 積算数量算出書(調書、集計表)の作成、複合単価表(単価作成資料)の作成、金入り工事内訳表の作成、見積徴収、見積比較表等の作成(成果品としてデータ及び紙ベースで提出のこと。)(ウ) 建築確認申請等手続き業務建築基準法、消防法、省エネ法、バリアフリー新法等関係法令に基づく手続き及び検査等受検立会い(副本等は発注者へ提出すること)。(3) 業務の実施ア 一般事項(ア) 実施設計業務は、本設計業務委託仕様書、別途実施設計業務要領、計画設計図及び適用基準等に基づき実施すること。(イ) 積算業務は監督員の承諾を受けた実施設計図書及び適用基準に基づき実施すること。(ウ) 労務費は最新の公共工事設計労務単価及び積算基準を採用すること。(エ) 工事単価等は最新版の刊行物(要:監督員協議)により採用すること。a 公共工事設計労務単価 令和7年発表単価b 建設物価 令和7-2月号c 建築コスト情報 令和7-冬号d 積算資料 令和7-2月号e 建築施工単価 令和7-冬号イ 打ち合わせ及び記録(ア) 業務着手時(イ) 監督員又は管理技術者が必要と認めた時ウ 提出書類(ア) 受託者は、次の書類を提出しなければならない。a 契約前 ・重要事項説明書 (建築士法第24条の7)b 契約時 ・委託業務着手届 (様式1号)・管理技術者通知書 (様式2号)・技術者経歴書 (様式3号)・主任担当技術者の経歴書 (様式4号)・担当技術者の経歴書 (様式5号)・設計計画表 (様式6号)・業務委託承諾願 (様式7号)c 業務中 ・業務計画書 (様式8号)・業務工程表 (様式9号)・管理体制及び連絡体制 (様式10号)・貸与品等借用書 (様式11号)・打合せ記録簿 (様式12号)d 業務完了時 ・業務完了届 (様式13号)・業務工程表(実施) (様式9号)・設計業務日報 (様式14号)・仕様設定報告書 (別途様式)(イ) 様式は「長野県建築設計業務委託仕様書」 (最新版)掲載様式参照エ 適用基準等:特記なき場合は、国土交通省大臣官房官庁営繕部が制定又は監修したものとし、何れも最新版を採用すること。(ア) (共 通)a 官庁施設の総合耐震診断・改修基準b 公共建築工事積算基準c 公共建築工事共通費積算基準d 公共建築工事標準歩掛り(イ) (建 築)a 敷地調査共通仕様書b 公共建築改修工事標準仕様書(建築工事編)(ウ) (建築積算)a 公共建築数量積算基準(エ) (設 備)a 公共建築改修工事標準仕様書(電気設備、機械設備工事編)b 公共建築改修工事標準図(電気設備、機械設備工事編)(オ) (設備積算)a 公共建築設備数量積算基準オ 資格の貸与及び返却 貸与可能図書は次のとおり(ア) 平成11年 松島保育園改修工事 建築工事(CADデータなし)(イ) 平成11年 松島保育園改修工事 電気設備工事(CADデータなし)(ウ) 平成11年 松島保育園改修工事 機械設備工事(CADデータなし)(エ) 令和4年度箕輪町松島保育園劣化度調査及び改修基本計画作成業務カ 成果物の提出場所 箕輪町役場 こども未来課キ 成果物の取り扱いについて(ア) 当該設計に係る著作権は箕輪町に帰属する。(イ) 成果物CADデータについては、当該施設に係る工事の請負業者に貸与し、当該工事における施工図の作成、当該施設の完成図の作成及び完成後の維持管理に使用する。(4) 成果図書、提出部数等 【実施設計】設計の種類 成果図書総合 建築物概要書、特記仕様書、仕様書、仕上げ表、面積表、求積図、敷地案内図、仮設計画図、配置図、平面図、断面図、立面図、矩計図、展開図、天井伏図、平面詳細図、部分詳細図、断面詳細図、外部クラック調査図、建具表、キープラン、簡易な透視図、日影図、外構図、植栽図、工事費概算書、各種計算書、その他確認申請等に必要な図書構造 特記仕様書、仕様書、構造基準図、伏図、軸組図、部材断面表、部分詳細図、配置図、配筋リスト、構造計算表、工事費概要書、その他確認申請等に必要な図面設備 電気設備 特記仕様書、仕様書、配置図、受変電設備図、非常電源設備図、幹線系統図、電灯設備平面図、動力設備平面図、通信情報設備系統図、テレビ共同受信設備図、通信情報設備平面図、火災報知等設備系統図、火災設備等設備平面図、その他設置設備設計図、工事費概要書、各種計算書、その他確認申請等に必要な図書給排水衛生設備特記仕様書、仕様書、配置図、給排水衛生設備配管系統図、給排水衛生設備配管平面図、給油設備図、消火設備系統図、消火設備平面図、給水処理設備図、平面詳細図、部分詳細図、屋外設備図、機器リスト・図、工事費概算書、給排水衛生設備決圭計算書、その他確認申請等に必要な図書空調換気設備特記仕様書、仕様書、配置図、空調設備系統図、空調設備平面図(各階)、換気設備系統図、換気設備平面図、排煙設備図、厨房設備図、ガス設備図、機器リスト・図、その他設置設備設計図、部分詳細図、屋外設備図、工事費概算書、空調設備設計計算書、その他確認申請等に必要な図書昇降機等 特記仕様書、仕様書、配置図、昇降機等平面図、昇降機等断面図、部分詳細図、工事費概算書、各種計算書、その他確認申請等に必要な図書関係資料 各種技術資料、各種申請に必要となる資料ア 「総合」とは建築物の意匠に関する設計並びに意匠、構造及び設備に関する設計をとりまとめる設計を、「構造」とは建築物の構造に関する設計を、「設備」とは建築物の設備に関する設計をいう。イ 建築物の内容に応じ、作成を要しない図書がある場合がある。(監督員との協議によること)。ウ 設計図のタイトル、サイズ等は担当職員の承諾を得ること。エ 特記仕様書は設計図書の所定の欄へ記載すること。(県様式準拠)オ 用紙は受託者の負担とする。図面は工事ごと整理統合して作図し、各々に1連の整理番号をつけること。カ 縮尺は標準的なものとし、寸法の単位はメートル法によりmm単位で記載すること。キ 設計図は関連工事をまとめて製本(3部)すること。ク 図面データはJW-CAD(.jww形式)及びPDF形式(工事ごと1ファイル集約)で提出すること。ケ 電子データ提出はCD-R(委託業務名・受注者名を印刷)とすること。 (5) 留意事項ア 工事費内訳書データは監督員が指定するデータも基にMicrosoft-Excelにより作成すること(要:監督員承諾)イ 設計単価(複合単価)については、積算基準による複合単価と発刊物等記載の複合単価を勘案し、市場動向に対応した単価を設定すること。また、採用する発行物の発行年月等については監督員の承諾を受けること。ウ 積算基準等に記載のないものについては、専門業者から見積書(3社以上、見積比較表添付)を徴収し勘案して設定すること。エ 設計に先立ち、建設コストが大きくなるような項目(下記参考)については担当者との事前に検討及び比較等を行い、仕様及びコスト共、課題設計にならぬよう十分注意すること。(ア) 構造、基礎方式、仕上げグレード、屋根形状・軒の出、設備方式、機器仕様、機器能力など華美、過剰な設計にしないこと。(イ) 面積は、建築物の目的に沿った必要最小限とすること。(ウ) 平面は凹凸の少ない、整形な形状で構成すること。(エ) 日照、通風、断熱効果等を考慮し、省エネルギーに配慮した建築物とすること。また、保守・更新コストが安価で、ランニングコストを抑制できる方式を選定すること。(オ) 建物の仕様、形状は維持管理の容易さ、美観保持の永続性を考慮すること。(カ) 建設資材は汎用品又は普及品を用いること。(キ) 植栽(範囲、樹種)、舗装(範囲・工法)工事は、低コストで耐久性に優れ、維持管理が容易な仕様とすること。(ク) 照明、冷暖房設備は、使用時間を調査の上、照度、容量が過剰とならない設計とすること。実施設計業務に関する要件書1 設計の基本方針(1) 設計理念ア 業務を行う施設は、町民の共有財産であることを十分理解し、親しみやすく、機能的で安全なものとする。イ 省資源・省エネルギーに努め、自然環境の保全に留意し、地域景観の形成を図りつつ合理的な工法の採用・規格化された資材の使用及び適切な耐久性の確保により品質の均一化、省力化を図り建設及び維持管理に要するコストの縮減に努める。(2)一般事項ア 景観:箕輪町景観計画に基づき、地域景観に十分配慮すること。(ア) 機能性、安全性、経済性及び施設の特性を踏まえた意匠向上。(イ) 自然景観との調和、周辺景観との一体性及び地域特性の検討、導入。イ 敷地:施設の配置、平面計画等にあたっては、周辺地域における土地利用を勘案するとともに、次の事項等を考慮し敷地の有効利用を図ること。(ア) 修景緑化と既存樹木の有効利用、落葉対策(イ) 歩車道分離による安全確保(ウ) 豪雨、降雪及び凍結対策ウ 防災:次の事項を考慮し、災害防止を図ること。(ア) 地震等自然災害に対する安全性(イ) 有効な避難経路の確保エ 高齢者、身体障碍者:身体障碍者、高齢者等の特性を踏まえ、「バリアフリー新法」「長野県福祉のまちづくり条例」等に従い機能性、安全性を考慮した設計とすること。特に段差解消、手すり配置、通行巾・勾配、点字ブロック配置について十分検討、確認すること。オ 省エネルギー化:敷地環境、建物用途、規模等の諸条件を事前に調査し、適切に省エネルギー化を図ること。カ 室内環境:目的に支障のない室内環境のために、次の事項について考慮する。(ア) 凍結・結露防止、換気・自然通風確保と西日等遮蔽(イ) VOC対策(ウ) 設備機器による振動・騒音の防止キ 保全:保全業務の利便に考慮するとともに、次の事項にについて考慮する。(ア) 仕上げ材料の耐久性、耐汚染性及び耐衝撃性(イ) 容易な点検、設備機器等の交換、修繕及び保守管理(ウ) 高所、屋根上等、維持の確認、修繕対応方法の検討ク コスト:建物の携帯・仕様は標準的なものとし、特所な形状や華美な仕上げとならぬよう注意すること。(ア) 構造、仕上げ、屋根形状、軒の出、収まりなど、標準的な工法を採用することとし、効率的な施工が可能となるよう検討すること。(イ) 使用材料・部材・機器等についても規格化された部材の活用に努め、建設コストの低減を図ること。(ウ) 竣工後の維持管理が容易で安価な仕様等を検討すること。ケ 既製品使用:品質、性能及び地域の流通状況を考慮し、町内で一般的に取り扱いされている資材・製品での構成に努め、特定の製品名、製造所が推定できるようなものや特注品での設定は行わないこと。コ 建物に使用する木材については箕輪地域産の木材を積極的に活用すること。また、樹種、産地、伐採時期、保管、乾燥、加工期間等について箕輪町と協議し、工事前の冬季間での原木確保等について確認の上、実施設計、見積徴収を進めること。サ 建物内装は積極的に木質化を推進すること、材については伊那地域産とし、在庫確認、価格調査を行うこと。シ 建物工法に木造とする場合、材について地域産の利用を検討すること。樹種、断面寸法等の設定について在庫の確認、価格等調査を行うこと。ス 建物外部、外構等に設置する看板(サイン)は、「三風モデル看板」の採用について監督員と協議すること。セ その他:監督員の指示による事項についてはその都度協議する。2 設計の具体的内容(設計中の工事費検討を行い、予算内の工事とする)(1) 工事内容ア 屋根改修工事:塗装、笠木改修、漏水調査及び対応方法検討、雪止アングル交換、軒天井塗装(一部張替)イ 外壁改修工事:壁下地補修および塗装(一部カバー工法)、鉄部塗装、シーリング打替(壁面、建具廻り)ウ 外部改修工事:建物基礎廻補修、テラス床ゴムチップ塗装、鉄部塗装、下足入更新、外部コンセント更新エ 内部改修工事:木質化(羽目板張り)、天井・壁・床塗装改修、天井クロス張替(遊戯室)、保育室木製建具改修、トイレブース更新、照明LED化、エアコン設置、(遊戯室)排煙窓動作不良修繕オ 外構改修工事:遊具更新、門扉塗装、インターロッキング改修、オイルタンク更新カ 石綿分析(試料採取及び定性分析6物質)調査1検体(3箇所)を予定「建材製品中のアスベスト含有率測定方法(JIS-A1481)」による部位 材 数量外壁 アクリル吹付タイル 1検体天井 プラスターボード 1検体床 ロンリウム 1検体キ その他、経年劣化に伴う修繕等(2) 設計方針ア 工期及び仮設計画等は、保育園が運営する中での工事を想定すること。 Fiscal year 2024: Outsourcing of detailed design work for Matsushima Nursery School's long life renovation works Fiscal year 2024: Outsourcing of detailed design work for Matsushima Nursery School's long life renovation works [Notes] [Notes] Design documents and other documents can be viewed and obtained, and inquiries can be submitted from 8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. (excluding noon to 1 p.m.) excluding holidays. Minowa Town, Nagano Prefecture Bidding information is as follows. Subject: Fiscal year 2024: Outsourcing of detailed design work for Matsushima Nursery School's long life renovation works Type: Services Date of announcement or update: October 16, 2024 Organization: Minowa Town, Nagano Prefecture Date of acquisition: October 16, 2024 19:23:25 Viewing design documents special specifications Announcement content [Notes] [Notes] Design documents and other documents can be viewed and obtained, and inquiries can be submitted from 8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. (excluding noon to 1 p.m.) excluding holidays. ~ Wednesday, October 9th, 2024. Location of reception: Nursery School Section, Children's Future Division, Minowa Town Hall. Answers to questions will be posted on the Minowa Town official website from Monday, October 7th, 2024 (updated regularly). Viewing and obtaining design documents, etc.: Nursery School Section, Children's Future Division, Minowa Town Hall. The bid opening process and announcement of the bid results will be posted on the Minowa Town official website from time to time. Bid submissions will be made between 8:30am and 5:15pm (excluding noon to 1pm), excluding Minowa Town holidays (hereinafter referred to as "holidays") as stipulated in Article 1 of the Minowa Town Holidays Prescribing Ordinance (Ordinance No. 33 of 1989). 4. Place and date for indicating contract terms, design documents, etc. Reception period for questions: Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024. Submit in person using the attached question form, or by fax or email. 9:00am Minowa Town Hall, 2nd floor, Main Conference Room. Bid opening date and time and announcement of bid results: Thursday, October 17th, 2024. 3. Place and date of bidding or bid opening: Deadline for submission of bid documents: Tuesday, October 15th, 2024, 5:15pm. Post by regular registered mail, simple registered mail, delivery record mail, or submit directly to the Planning and Promotion Division of Minowa Town Hall, Engineers to be assigned: Engineers with the following qualifications (who have been in a permanent employment relationship for three months prior to the date of announcement) can be assigned as managing engineers and reviewing engineers. (Concurrent positions not permitted) Two or more architects (1st class) No experience in the same type of work Area requirements: Head office must be located in Minowa Town, Ina City, Tatsuno Town, or Minamiminowa Village and must comply with the registration regulations. 2. Qualifications required for those participating in the bid: General information・A person who does not fall under the provisions of Article 167-4 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act and Article 6, Paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Regulations on Eligibility to Participate in Bids for Minowa Town Construction Works, etc. and Selection of Contractors. ... Expected price: To be announced after the fact, with no minimum price limit. Outline of work: Period of execution: From the date of contract conclusion until February 10, 2025 (planned) Detailed design work for Matsushima Nursery School's long life renovation work Complete set Minowa Town Mayor Shiratori Masanori 1. Items to be put up for bidding: Name of work: FY 2024 Detailed design work for Matsushima Nursery School's long life renovation work Contracted work name: Minowa Town Matsushima Nursery School Bidding announcement: We will be holding a conditional open competitive bidding as follows, and this is being announced pursuant to Article 167-6 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947). Bidding date: October 2, 2024 Address of bidding agent: 10298 Nakaminowa, Minowa-machi, Kamiina-gun, Nagano 399-4695 Phone: 0265-79-3152, ext. 1153 Fax: 0265-79-0230 Email: kizai@town.minowa.lg.jp Minowa Town Official Website: https://www.town.minowa.lg.jp/ Minowa Town Hall, Planning and Promotion Division, Urban Development Policy Section Other: Please refer to the "Notes on Bidding Conditions for Invitation-Based Competitive Bidding (Post-Review)". Sections in charge of this tender announcement: Ordering section Fax: 0265-79-0230 Email: kodomo@town.minowa.lg.jp Minowa Town Office, Children's Future Division, Nursery School Section [Measures to be taken if there is no successful bidder] As shown in 10(3) of the "Notes on tender conditions for competitive tenders (post-review)". Payment conditions: Advance payment is applicable up to 40% of the contract amount based on the provisions of Article 75-2 of the Minowa Town Financial Regulations. Partial payment is applicable based on the provisions of Article 135 of the Minowa Town Financial Regulations. Interim advance payment is not applicable. Determination of successful bidder: After the bids are opened, the necessary qualifications of the lowest bidder will be examined, and if it is confirmed that the bidder meets the qualifications, the bidder will be determined as the successful bidder. Therefore, those who are instructed to do so should bring the documents listed below to the tendering section within two days (excluding holidays) from the date of the instructions. (1) Form "Submission of documents for bidder qualification screening" (2) Copy of construction consultant registration or renewal notice (including construction) (3) Copy of document certifying the qualifications of the engineer to be assigned (4) Copy of document certifying the permanent employment relationship of the engineer to be assigned 5. Matters related to bid security As specified in 7 of the Notes on bidding conditions for request-for-receive competitive bidding (post-review) 6. Invalidation of bids, etc. As specified in 11 of the Notes on bidding conditions for request-for-receive competitive bidding (post-review) 7. Other matters required for public bidding Receipt stamp Name of work (task) Contracted for detailed design work for the Matsushima Nursery School long life renovation work in fiscal year 2024 Name of work (task) Location Minowa Town Matsushima Nursery School Bidder Minowa Town Office Planning and Promotion Division, Urban Development Policy Section キリトリ ◆ Tender receipt (If you are submitting the bid in person and need the received document, please fill in the necessary information, cut it out and bring it with you.) Cut out Tender receipt Date of bid opening October 17, 2024 Name of person in charge Contact information for person in charge (phone number) ( ) Contact information for person in charge (fax number) ( ) Name of work (task) Contracted for detailed design work for the Matsushima Nursery School long life renovation work in fiscal year 2024 Name of work (task) Location Minowa Town Matsushima Nursery School Trade name or name Address Address キリトリ [For inner envelope] キリトリ Date of bid opening October 17, 2024 Name of work (task) Reiwa 6 Matsushima Nursery School Long-life Renovation Work Outsourcing of Execution Design Work Name of work (task) Minowa Town Matsushima Nursery School Trade name or name 10298 Nakaminowa, Minowa Town, Kamiina District, Nagano Prefecture Bidding documents in progress (Bid opening date October 17, 2024) Minowa Town Hall, Planning and Promotion Division, Urban Development Policy Section ◆Painting paper for outer envelope and inner envelope (cut along the cut line and paste on the outer envelope and inner envelope) [For outer envelope] Kiri Tori Submission deadline October 15 〒399-4695 Top row: Original quantity No. 1 Bottom row: Changed quantity Item/type Details/specifications Quantity Unit Unit price Amount Remarks Outsourcing of execution design work for long-life renovation work Direct labor costs 1.0 0 Miscellaneous expenses 1.0 0 Technical fees and other expenses 1.0 0 Special expenses One exterior wall sprayed and one interior gypsum board 2.00 0 Asbestos 0 Subtotal 0 0 Total rounded down 0 Consumption tax 10.00 0 0Total 0*** Contracted work ***Calculation formula formula formula formula formula Sample % Architectural implementation design work contract special specification 1 Work overview (1) Work name Fiscal year 2024 Matsushima Nursery School Long Life Renovation Work Execution Design Contract (2) Planned facility overview a Facility name: Matsushima Nursery School b Site location: 10275-2 Nakaminowa, Minowa-cho c Facility use: Nursery school (3) Work details a Execution design work such as design and equipment design necessary for the renovation work of the above facility, cost estimation work b Preliminary survey of asbestos-containing building materials (by qualified persons, etc.) c Asbestos (sample collection and qualitative analysis of 6 substances) survey (JIS-A1481) 3 samples (4) Design conditions a Site (a) Site area: Approximately 5,693.80 m2 (b) Designation of use district and district a Zoning: Type 1 medium-high-rise residential district, Type 1 residential district b Fire prevention district: Not designated b Facility conditions (a) 1 building (existing renovation) (b) Total floor area: 2,003.30 m2 (c) Main structure: Reinforced concrete and steel frame construction c Construction conditions (a) Estimated construction cost: 110,000,000 yen (tax included) * Design should be done so as not to exceed the planned construction cost. Regarding any matters that may lead to an excess, early consultations with the relevant parties should be held, and efforts should be made for efficient construction and specification setting, with attention paid to progress without rework. (B) Construction period: June 2025 to March 2026 (planned) (C) Design period: From the start date to February 10, 2025 D Earthquake resistance safety (A) Based on the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's "Comprehensive Earthquake Resistance Planning Standards for Government Facilities" (December 18, 2007). (B) Ensuring earthquake resistance safety of the structure: Class II (C) Ensuring earthquake resistance safety of construction components: Class B (D) Ensuring earthquake resistance safety of building equipment: Class B The goal is to achieve this. E Other conditions (A) The detailed design, cost estimation, and other work should be carried out in accordance with these specifications and related laws and regulations. (B) Design should be carried out in close consultation with the supervisor and the Minowa Town Children's Future Division. (c) Prepare and submit a renovation plan and explain it to the relevant parties by around the end of November 2024. (d) If any procedures are required for the work, they must be completed by the date of completion of the work. (e) If an application is required, a separate fee will be charged. (f) Cooperation in recalculating the breakdown (reviewing the unit price) may be requested immediately before the work is ordered (scheduled for May 2025) (consultation with supervisors). (g) Basic materials (existing drawings, etc.) necessary for the design will be lent to the extent possible. (h) Designs should take into consideration cost reduction. (i) Conduct on-site surveys, etc. (j) If structural confirmation, electrical equipment design, mechanical equipment design, etc. are to be subcontracted, prior consent of the supervisor is required. 2. Business Specifications For matters not listed in this specification, the "Nagano Prefecture Architectural Design Business Outsourcing Common Specifications (latest edition)" (Nagano Prefecture Building and Housing Division) shall apply mutatis mutandis. (1) Qualification Requirements for Supervising Engineers, etc. a. The qualification requirements for supervising engineers are as follows. In addition, if the contractor is an individual, that person must be the contractor, and in the case of a company or other legal entity, a person belonging to that legal entity must be assigned. - A first-class architect as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 2 of the Architects and Building Engineers Act (hereinafter referred to as "first-class architect"). B. Engineers in Charge Among the engineers in charge, one chief engineer must be selected and assigned as the person in charge of each department of architecture (design), architecture (structure), architecture (cost estimation), electrical equipment, and mechanical equipment. The chief engineers in charge must have specialized knowledge and experience in the field of design work they are responsible for, and the qualification requirements are as follows. (A) The chief engineer in charge of architecture (design) must have the following qualifications: a. A person who is qualified as a first-class architect and has more than five years of experience in design work (mainly architecture). (B) The chief engineer in charge of architecture (structure) must have one of the following qualifications: a. A person who is qualified as a first-class architect for structural design as defined in Article 10-3, Paragraph 1 of the Building Act. (Hereinafter referred to as "First Class Structural Design Architect")b An individual who holds a first class architect license and has more than five years of experience in design work (mainly structural)(c) The Chief Architectural (Estimation) Engineer shall hold one of the following qualifications:a An individual who holds the qualification of Architectural Cost Estimator (Qualified Architectural Estimator) granted by the Japan Building Cost Estimation Association and has more than three years of experience in estimating workb An individual who holds the qualification of Construction Cost Manager (Qualified Architectural Estimator) granted by the Japan Building Cost Estimation Association(d) The Chief Electrical Engineer shall hold one of the following qualifications:a An individual who holds the qualification of Building Equipment Engineer and has more than five years of experience in design work for electrical equipment constructionb A First Class Facilities Design Architect as defined in Article 10-3 Paragraph 2 of the Architects and Building Engineers Act (Hereinafter referred to as "First Class Facilities Design Architect")c An individual who has more than 10 years of experience in design work for electricity-saving equipment construction(e) The Chief Mechanical Equipment Engineer shall hold one of the following qualifications. a Person who is qualified as an architectural engineer and has more than 5 years of experience in mechanical equipment design workb Person who is qualified as a first-class architect for equipment designc Person who has more than 10 years of experience in mechanical equipment design work(2) Content and scope of design work【Detailed design】The design work to be performed shall be the following standard and additional work related to detailed design. A Standard work item Work content1 Confirmation of requirements, etc. ① Confirmation of requirements, etc. Prior to detailed design or during the detailed design period, reconfirm the client's requirements, etc., and revise the design conditions as necessary. ② Consultation in case of changes in design conditions, etc.Consult with the client if there is a change in the client's requirements, etc., due to a change in the situation after the basic plan, if there is a change in the basic conditions such as the function, size, and budget of the facility, or if it is necessary to change the design conditions that have already been set. 2 Investigation of legal conditions and meetings with related organizations ① Investigation of legal conditions A detailed investigation of the legal and ordinance-based constraints on the construction of the building will be conducted in accordance with the contents of the basic plan. ② Meetings with relevant organizations related to building confirmation applications Meetings will be held in advance with relevant organizations regarding matters necessary for the building confirmation application, to the extent necessary for the detailed design. 3 Formulation of detailed design policy ① Comprehensive review Based on the basic design, each element of the design, structure, and equipment will be reviewed, and changes will be made to the business structure, work schedule, etc. as necessary. ② Determination of basic matters for detailed design Among the matters reviewed in the transition to the basic plan stage, those that require discussion and agreement with the building owner and those that require amendments to the contents of the basic design as a result of the review work will be organized, and the basic matters for detailed design will be determined. ③ Formulation and explanation of detailed design policy Based on the results of the comprehensive review and the determined basic matters, a detailed design policy will be formulated and explained to the building owner. 4 Preparation of detailed design documents ④ Preparation of detailed design documents Based on the detailed design policy, technical considerations and consideration of consistency with the budget will be conducted in consultation with the building owner, and detailed design documents will be prepared. The detailed design documents shall specifically express the shape, dimensions, use, construction materials, type and quality of equipment, etc. of the building to be constructed by the contractor, as well as any construction information that needs to be specified (construction method, construction supervision method, construction management method, etc.). ⑤ Preparation of building confirmation application documents, etc. Based on prior meetings with related organizations, the necessary building confirmation declaration documents, etc. shall be prepared based on the detailed design. 5 Consideration of estimated construction costs Once the detailed design documents have been prepared, the costs normally required for construction work based on the detailed design documents shall be estimated and a construction cost estimate shall be prepared. 6 Explanation of the detailed design contents, etc. While the detailed design is being carried out, the work contents and progress shall be reported to the building owner, and the building owner's intentions regarding necessary matters shall be confirmed. In addition, once the detailed design documents have been prepared, the detailed design documents shall be submitted to the building owner, and a comprehensive explanation of the design intent and the detailed design contents shall be provided. B. Additional work (a) Estimation work based on the outcome documents (architecture, electrical equipment, machinery, exterior, etc.). (a) Preparation of estimated quantity calculations (reports, summary tables), preparation of composite unit price tables (unit price creation materials), preparation of work breakdown tables with funds, collection of estimates, preparation of estimate comparison tables, etc. (Submit these as deliverables in both digital and paper form.) (c) Procedures for building confirmation applications, etc. Procedures based on relevant laws and regulations such as the Building Standards Act, Fire Service Act, Energy Conservation Act, New Barrier-Free Act, etc., and attendance at inspections, etc. (Submit copies, etc. to the client). (3) Implementation of Work A. General Matters (a) The implementation design work shall be carried out in accordance with these design work contract specifications, the separate implementation design work guidelines, planned design drawings, applicable standards, etc. (a) The estimation work shall be carried out in accordance with the implementation design documents and applicable standards approved by the supervisor. (c)The latest public works design labor unit prices and estimation standards must be used for labor costs. (E) Construction unit prices, etc. must be taken from the latest publications (required: supervisor consultation). a Public works design labor unit prices Unit prices announced in 2025b Construction prices February 2025 issuec Construction cost information Winter 2025 issued Estimation materials February 2025 issuee Construction construction unit prices Winter 2025 issueb Meetings and records (A) At the time of commencement of work (B) When deemed necessary by the supervisor or managing engineerc Documents to be submitted (A) The contractor must submit the following documents. a Before the contract: Explanation of important matters (Article 24-7 of the Architects Law)b At the time of the contract: Notification of the commencement of the commissioned work (Form 1), Notification of the managing engineer (Form 2), Engineer resume (Form 3), Resume of the chief engineer (Form 4), Resume of the engineer in charge (Form 5), Design plan (Form 6), Request for commissioned work (Form 7)c During the work: Work plan (Form 8), Work schedule (Form 9), Management system and communication system (Form 10), Loaned items, etc. IOU (Form 11), Meeting record book (Form 12)d At the time of completion of the work: Notification of completion of the work (Form 13), Work schedule (implementation) (Form 9), Design work daily report (Form 14), Specification setting report (separate form)(i) For the format, refer to the format published in the "Nagano Prefecture Architectural Design Work Commissioning Specifications" (latest version)E Applicable standards, etc.: Unless otherwise specified, the standards shall be those established or supervised by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's Minister's Secretariat, Government Maintenance Department, and the latest editions of all standards shall be adopted. (A) (Common) a Comprehensive seismic diagnosis and renovation standard for government facilities b Public building construction cost estimation standard c Public building construction common cost estimation standard d Standard work rate for public building construction (B) (Architecture) a Common specifications for site surveys b Standard specifications for public building renovation work (architectural work) (C) (Architecture cost estimation) a Public building quantity estimation standard (D) (Equipment) a Standard specifications for public building renovation work (electrical equipment, mechanical equipment work) b Standard drawings for public building renovation work (electrical equipment, mechanical equipment work) (E) (Equipment cost estimation) a Public building equipment quantity estimation standard E Loan and return of qualifications The following books can be loaned: (A) 1999 Matsushima Nursery School renovation work, architectural work (no CAD data) (B) 1999 Matsushima Nursery School renovation work, electrical equipment work (no CAD data) (C) 1999 Matsushima Nursery School renovation work, mechanical equipment work (no CAD data) (D) FY2022 Minowa Town Matsushima Nursery School Deterioration Survey and Basic Renovation Plan Creation Work (K) Place of submission of deliverables: Minowa Town Office, Children's Future Division (K) Handling of deliverables (A) The copyright of the design belongs to Minowa Town. (B) The deliverable CAD data will be lent to the contractor of the construction work related to the facility and used for the creation of construction drawings for the construction work, the creation of completion drawings for the facility, and maintenance after completion. (4) Result documents, number of copies to be submitted, etc. [Detailed design] Type of design Result documents General Building outline, special specifications, specifications, finishing schedule, area table, area calculation diagram, site guide, tentative design drawing, layout plan, floor plan, section, elevation, plan view, development plan, ceiling plan, floor plan detail, partial detail, section detail, external crack investigation drawing, fixture and fixture list, key plan, simple perspective drawing, shadow diagram, exterior layout plan, planting diagram, construction cost estimate, various calculations, other documents necessary for confirmation application, etc. Structure Special specifications, specifications, structural standard drawing, floor plan, frame and structure diagram, component section table, partial detail, layout plan, reinforcement list, structural calculation sheet, construction cost outline, other drawings necessary for confirmation application, etc. Equipment Electrical equipment Special specifications, specifications, layout plans, substation equipment diagrams, emergency power supply equipment diagrams, main line system diagrams, lighting equipment floor plans, power equipment floor plans, communication and information equipment diagrams, television shared reception equipment diagrams, communication and information equipment floor plans, fire alarm and other equipment diagrams, fire equipment and other equipment floor plans, other installation equipment design drawings, construction cost overviews, various calculations, other documents necessary for confirmation applications, etc. Special specifications for water supply and drainage sanitary equipment, specifications, layout plans, water supply and drainage sanitary equipment piping diagrams, water supply and drainage sanitary equipment piping floor plans, fuel supply equipment diagrams, fire extinguishing equipment diagrams, fire extinguishing equipment floor plans Drawings, water supply treatment equipment drawings, floor plan details, partial detailed drawings, outdoor equipment drawings, equipment lists and drawings, construction cost estimates, water supply and drainage sanitary equipment calculations, other documents necessary for confirmation applications, etc. Air conditioning and ventilation equipment special specifications, specifications, layout drawings, air conditioning equipment system diagrams, air conditioning equipment floor plans (for each floor), ventilation equipment system diagrams, ventilation equipment floor plans, smoke exhaust equipment diagrams, kitchen equipment diagrams, gas equipment diagrams, equipment lists and drawings, other installation equipment design drawings, partial detailed drawings, outdoor equipment drawings, construction cost estimates, air conditioning equipment design calculations, other documents necessary for confirmation applications, etc. Lifts, etc. Special specifications, specifications, layout plans, elevator plans, elevator cross-sections, detailed drawings, construction cost estimates, various calculations, and other documents and related materials required for confirmation applications, etc. Various technical documents and materials required for various applications A. "General" refers to the design of the building and the design that compiles the design, structure, and equipment, "Structure" refers to the design of the building's structure, and "Equipment" refers to the design of the building's equipment. B. Depending on the contents of the building, there may be documents that do not need to be created. (This will be done in consultation with the supervisor). C. The title and size of the design drawings must be approved by the responsible staff. D. Special specifications must be written in the designated column of the design documents. (Based on the prefectural format) E. The contractor will be responsible for the paper. Drawings should be organized and consolidated by construction, and each drawing should be given a serial number. F. The scale should be standard, and the dimensions should be written in millimeters according to the metric system. G. The design drawings for related construction should be bound together (3 copies). Q: Drawing data is JW-CAD(..jww format) and PDF format (one file for each construction project). I Electronic data submission should be on CD-R (with the name of the contracted work and the name of the contractor printed on it). (5) Points to note A Construction cost breakdown data should be created using Microsoft Excel based on the data specified by the supervisor (supervisor's consent required). B Design unit prices (composite unit prices) should be set according to market trends, taking into consideration the composite unit prices based on the estimation standards and the composite unit prices listed in publications, etc. In addition, the supervisor's consent should be obtained for the publication dates, etc. of the publications to be adopted. C For items not listed in the estimation standards, etc., estimates should be collected from specialist companies (three or more companies, with an estimate comparison table attached) and set after consideration. D Prior to design, items that will increase construction costs (see below) should be reviewed and compared in advance with the person in charge, and care should be taken to avoid designing with problems in terms of specifications and costs. (a) The design should not be gaudy or excessive in terms of structure, foundation type, finishing grade, roof shape/eaves overhang, facility type, equipment specifications, and equipment capacity. (b) The area should be the minimum necessary in line with the purpose of the building. (c) The floor plan should be constructed in a regular shape with few irregularities. (d) The building should be energy-efficient, taking into consideration sunlight, ventilation, insulation, etc. In addition, a method should be selected that has low maintenance and renewal costs and can keep running costs down. (e) The specifications and shape of the building should take into consideration ease of maintenance and the permanence of maintaining the aesthetic appearance. (f) General-purpose or commonly used construction materials should be used. (g) Planting (area, tree species) and paving (area, construction method) work should be of low cost, durable, and easy to maintain specifications. (h) Lighting, heating and cooling equipment should be designed so that the illuminance and capacity are not excessive after investigating the hours of use. Requirements for detailed design work 1 Basic design policy (1) Design philosophy A The facilities in which work will be carried out will be made familiar, functional and safe, with full understanding that they are the shared property of the townspeople. B Strive to conserve resources and energy, pay attention to the preservation of the natural environment, and strive to reduce the costs of construction and maintenance by adopting rational construction methods, using standardized materials and ensuring appropriate durability while aiming to form a regional landscape, thereby standardizing quality and reducing labor. (2) General matters A Landscape: Based on the Minowa Town Landscape Plan, give sufficient consideration to the regional landscape. (A) Improve the design based on functionality, safety, economy and the characteristics of the facility. (B) Consider and introduce harmony with the natural landscape, integration with the surrounding landscape and regional characteristics. B Site: When laying out the facility and planning the floor plan, take into account land use in the surrounding area, and aim to make effective use of the site by considering the following items, etc. (a) Landscape greening, effective use of existing trees, and measures against fallen leaves; (b) Ensuring safety by separating pedestrian and road lanes; (c) Measures against heavy rain, snowfall, and freezing; (c) Disaster prevention: The following items should be considered to prevent disasters. (a) Safety against natural disasters such as earthquakes; (b) Ensuring effective evacuation routes; (d) Elderly and physically disabled: Taking into account the characteristics of physically disabled and elderly people, the design should take functionality and safety into consideration in accordance with the New Barrier-Free Act, the Nagano Prefecture Welfare Town Planning Ordinance, etc. In particular, the elimination of steps, placement of handrails, width and slope of passageways, and placement of braille blocks should be thoroughly considered and confirmed. (e) Energy conservation: The site environment, building use, size, and other conditions should be investigated in advance, and appropriate energy conservation measures should be implemented. (f) Indoor environment: The following items should be considered to ensure an indoor environment that does not interfere with the purpose. (a) Prevention of freezing and condensation, ensuring ventilation and natural air circulation, and blocking western sun, etc. (b) VOC countermeasures (c) Prevention of vibration and noise caused by equipment and machinery G Maintenance: Consider the convenience of maintenance work, and also the following items. (a) Durability, contamination resistance, and impact resistance of finishing materials (b) Easy inspection, replacement, repair, and maintenance management of equipment and machinery, etc. (c) Confirmation of maintenance at high places, on roofs, etc., and consideration of repair response methods G Cost: The construction and specifications of the building should be standard, and care should be taken to avoid unusual shapes and gaudy finishes. (a) Standard construction methods should be adopted for structure, finish, roof shape, eaves overhang, fit, etc., and consideration should be given to making efficient construction possible. (b) Strive to utilize standardized materials for materials, parts, equipment, etc., in order to reduce construction costs. (c) Consider specifications that are easy to maintain and inexpensive after completion. Ke Use of ready-made products: Taking into consideration quality, performance and the local distribution situation, we will strive to use materials and products that are generally available in the town, and will not use products that can be identified by a specific product name or manufacturer, or custom-made products. Ko Actively use wood from the Minowa region for the building. In addition, we will consult with Minowa Town regarding the tree species, production area, felling time, storage, drying, processing period, etc., and will confirm the securing of raw wood during the winter before construction, before proceeding with the detailed design and collection of estimates. Sa Actively promote the use of wood for the building interior, and use materials from the Ina region, and will conduct inventory checks and price surveys. Shi If the building construction method is wood, we will consider using locally produced materials. We will conduct inventory checks and price surveys regarding the setting of tree species, cross-sectional dimensions, etc. Su Consult with the supervisor regarding the adoption of the "Sanpu model sign" for signs (signs) to be installed on the exterior of the building and exterior structure, etc. C Other: We will discuss matters instructed by the supervisor on each occasion. 2. Specific design details (construction costs are reviewed during the design process to ensure that construction is within budget) (1) Construction details A. Roof repair work: painting, fascia repair, leak inspection and consideration of countermeasures, snow stop angle replacement, eaves ceiling painting (partial replacement) B. Exterior wall repair work: wall base repair and painting (partial cover method), iron part painting, ceiling replacement (walls, fittings) C. Exterior repair work: building foundation repair, terrace floor rubber chip painting, iron part painting, shoe rack replacement, exterior outlet replacement D. Interior repair work: wood paneling (paneling), ceiling, wall and floor painting repair, ceiling wallpaper replacement (playroom), nursery room wooden fittings repair, toilet booth replacement, lighting LED, air conditioner installation, (playroom) smoke exhaust window malfunction repair E. Exterior structure repair work: playground equipment replacement, gate painting, interlocking repair, oil tank replacement C. Asbestos analysis (sample collection and qualitative analysis of 6 substances) is planned for one sample (3 locations), according to the "Method for measuring asbestos content in building material products (JIS-A1481)." Part Material Quantity Exterior wall Acrylic spray tile 1 sample Ceiling Plasterboard 1 sample Floor Lonreum 1 sample Other repairs due to deterioration over time, etc. (2) Design policy A Construction period and tentative plans, etc. should be determined assuming construction will be carried out while the nursery school is in operation.Site: In the layout and floor plan of the facility, the land use in the surrounding area should be taken into consideration, and the following points should be considered to make effective use of the site: (a) Landscape greening, effective use of existing trees, and measures against fallen leaves (b) Ensuring safety by separating pedestrian and road lanes (c) Measures against heavy rain, snowfall, and freezing (c) Disaster prevention: The following points should be considered to prevent disasters: (a) Safety against natural disasters such as earthquakes (b) Ensuring effective evacuation routes (d) Elderly and physically disabled: Taking into consideration the characteristics of physically disabled and elderly people, the design should take functionality and safety into consideration in accordance with the New Barrier-Free Law, the Nagano Prefecture Welfare Town Planning Ordinance, etc. In particular, the elimination of steps, placement of handrails, width and slope of passage, and placement of braille blocks should be thoroughly considered and confirmed. E) Energy conservation: Various conditions such as the site environment, building use, and size should be investigated in advance, and appropriate energy conservation measures should be implemented. F) Indoor environment: The following points should be considered to ensure an indoor environment that does not impede the purpose. (a) Prevention of freezing and condensation, ensuring ventilation and natural air circulation, and blocking western sun, etc. (b) VOC countermeasures (c) Prevention of vibration and noise caused by equipment and machinery G Maintenance: Consider the convenience of maintenance work, and also the following items. (a) Durability, contamination resistance, and impact resistance of finishing materials (b) Easy inspection, replacement, repair, and maintenance management of equipment and machinery, etc. (c) Confirmation of maintenance at high places, on roofs, etc., and consideration of repair response methods G Cost: The construction and specifications of the building should be standard, and care should be taken to avoid unusual shapes and gaudy finishes. (a) Standard construction methods should be adopted for structure, finish, roof shape, eaves overhang, fit, etc., and consideration should be given to making efficient construction possible. (b) Strive to utilize standardized materials for materials, parts, equipment, etc., in order to reduce construction costs. (c) Consider specifications that are easy to maintain and inexpensive after completion. Ke Use of ready-made products: Taking into consideration quality, performance and the local distribution situation, we will strive to use materials and products that are generally available in the town, and will not use products that can be identified by a specific product name or manufacturer, or custom-made products. Ko Actively use wood from the Minowa region for the building. In addition, we will consult with Minowa Town regarding the tree species, production area, felling time, storage, drying, processing period, etc., and will confirm the securing of raw wood during the winter before construction, before proceeding with the detailed design and collection of estimates. Sa Actively promote the use of wood for the building interior, and use materials from the Ina region, and will conduct inventory checks and price surveys. Shi If the building construction method is wood, we will consider using locally produced materials. We will conduct inventory checks and price surveys regarding the setting of tree species, cross-sectional dimensions, etc. Su Consult with the supervisor regarding the adoption of the "Sanpu model sign" for signs (signs) to be installed on the exterior of the building and exterior structure, etc. C Other: We will discuss matters instructed by the supervisor on each occasion. 2. Specific design details (construction costs are reviewed during the design process to ensure that construction is within budget) (1) Construction details A. Roof repair work: painting, fascia repair, leak inspection and consideration of countermeasures, snow stop angle replacement, eaves ceiling painting (partial replacement) B. Exterior wall repair work: wall base repair and painting (partial cover method), iron part painting, ceiling replacement (walls, fittings) C. Exterior repair work: building foundation repair, terrace floor rubber chip painting, iron part painting, shoe rack replacement, exterior outlet replacement D. Interior repair work: wood paneling (paneling), ceiling, wall and floor painting repair, ceiling wallpaper replacement (playroom), nursery room wooden fittings repair, toilet booth replacement, lighting LED, air conditioner installation, (playroom) smoke exhaust window malfunction repair E. Exterior structure repair work: playground equipment replacement, gate painting, interlocking repair, oil tank replacement C. Asbestos analysis (sample collection and qualitative analysis of 6 substances) is planned for one sample (3 locations), according to the "Method for measuring asbestos content in building material products (JIS-A1481)." Part Material Quantity Exterior wall Acrylic spray tile 1 sample Ceiling Plasterboard 1 sample Floor Lonreum 1 sample Other repairs due to deterioration over time, etc. (2) Design policy A Construction period and tentative plans, etc. should be determined assuming construction will be carried out while the nursery school is in operation.Site: In the layout and floor plan of the facility, the land use in the surrounding area should be taken into consideration, and the following points should be considered to make effective use of the site: (a) Landscape greening, effective use of existing trees, and measures against fallen leaves (b) Ensuring safety by separating pedestrian and road lanes (c) Measures against heavy rain, snowfall, and freezing (c) Disaster prevention: The following points should be considered to prevent disasters: (a) Safety against natural disasters such as earthquakes (b) Ensuring effective evacuation routes (d) Elderly and physically disabled: Taking into consideration the characteristics of physically disabled and elderly people, the design should take functionality and safety into consideration in accordance with the New Barrier-Free Law, the Nagano Prefecture Welfare Town Planning Ordinance, etc. In particular, the elimination of steps, placement of handrails, width and slope of passage, and placement of braille blocks should be thoroughly considered and confirmed. E) Energy conservation: Various conditions such as the site environment, building use, and size should be investigated in advance, and appropriate energy conservation measures should be implemented. F) Indoor environment: The following points should be considered to ensure an indoor environment that does not impede the purpose. (a) Prevention of freezing and condensation, ensuring ventilation and natural air circulation, and blocking western sun, etc. (b) VOC countermeasures (c) Prevention of vibration and noise caused by equipment and machinery G Maintenance: Consider the convenience of maintenance work, and also the following items. (a) Durability, contamination resistance, and impact resistance of finishing materials (b) Easy inspection, replacement, repair, and maintenance management of equipment and machinery, etc. (c) Confirmation of maintenance at high places, on roofs, etc., and consideration of repair response methods G Cost: The construction and specifications of the building should be standard, and care should be taken to avoid unusual shapes and gaudy finishes. (a) Standard construction methods should be adopted for structure, finish, roof shape, eaves overhang, fit, etc., and consideration should be given to making efficient construction possible. (b) Strive to utilize standardized materials for materials, parts, equipment, etc., in order to reduce construction costs. (c) Consider specifications that are easy to maintain and inexpensive after completion. Ke Use of ready-made products: Taking into consideration quality, performance and the local distribution situation, we will strive to use materials and products that are generally available in the town, and will not use products that can be identified by a specific product name or manufacturer, or custom-made products. Ko Actively use wood from the Minowa region for the building. In addition, we will consult with Minowa Town regarding the tree species, production area, felling time, storage, drying, processing period, etc., and will confirm the securing of raw wood during the winter before construction, before proceeding with the detailed design and collection of estimates. Sa Actively promote the use of wood for the building interior, and use materials from the Ina region, and will conduct inventory checks and price surveys. Shi If the building construction method is wood, we will consider using locally produced materials. We will conduct inventory checks and price surveys regarding the setting of tree species, cross-sectional dimensions, etc. Su Consult with the supervisor regarding the adoption of the "Sanpu model sign" for signs (signs) to be installed on the exterior of the building and exterior structure, etc. C Other: We will discuss matters instructed by the supervisor on each occasion. 2. Specific design details (construction costs are reviewed during the design process to ensure that construction is within budget) (1) Construction details A. Roof repair work: painting, fascia repair, leak inspection and consideration of countermeasures, snow stop angle replacement, eaves ceiling painting (partial replacement) B. Exterior wall repair work: wall base repair and painting (partial cover method), iron part painting, ceiling replacement (walls, fittings) C. Exterior repair work: building foundation repair, terrace floor rubber chip painting, iron part painting, shoe rack replacement, exterior outlet replacement D. Interior repair work: wood paneling (paneling), ceiling, wall and floor painting repair, ceiling wallpaper replacement (playroom), nursery room wooden fittings repair, toilet booth replacement, lighting LED, air conditioner installation, (playroom) smoke exhaust window malfunction repair E. Exterior structure repair work: playground equipment replacement, gate painting, interlocking repair, oil tank replacement C. Asbestos analysis (sample collection and qualitative analysis of 6 substances) is planned for one sample (3 locations), according to the "Method for measuring asbestos content in building material products (JIS-A1481)." Part Material Quantity Exterior wall Acrylic spray tile 1 sample Ceiling Plasterboard 1 sample Floor Lonreum 1 sample Other repairs due to deterioration over time, etc. (2) Design policy A Construction period and tentative plans, etc. should be determined assuming construction will be carried out while the nursery school is in operation.Interior renovation work: Woodworking (paneling), ceiling, wall and floor painting renovation, ceiling wallpaper replacement (playroom), nursery room wooden fixtures renovation, toilet booth renewal, LED lighting, air conditioner installation, (playroom) repair of malfunctioning smoke exhaust window (e) Exterior renovation work: Playground equipment renewal, gate painting, interlocking renovation, oil tank renewal (f) Asbestos analysis (sample collection and qualitative analysis of 6 substances) One sample (3 locations) is planned according to the "Method for measuring asbestos content in building material products (JIS-A1481)" Part Material Quantity Exterior wall Acrylic spray tile 1 sample Ceiling Plasterboard 1 sample Floor Lonreum 1 sample (g) Other repairs due to deterioration over time, etc. (2) Design policy (a) The construction period and tentative plans should be determined assuming that construction will be carried out while the nursery is in operation.Interior renovation work: Woodworking (paneling), ceiling, wall and floor painting renovation, ceiling wallpaper replacement (playroom), nursery room wooden fixtures renovation, toilet booth renewal, LED lighting, air conditioner installation, (playroom) repair of malfunctioning smoke exhaust window (e) Exterior renovation work: Playground equipment renewal, gate painting, interlocking renovation, oil tank renewal (f) Asbestos analysis (sample collection and qualitative analysis of 6 substances) One sample (3 locations) is planned according to the "Method for measuring asbestos content in building material products (JIS-A1481)" Part Material Quantity Exterior wall Acrylic spray tile 1 sample Ceiling Plasterboard 1 sample Floor Lonreum 1 sample (g) Other repairs due to deterioration over time, etc. (2) Design policy (a) The construction period and tentative plans should be determined assuming that construction will be carried out while the nursery is in operation.
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