Tender Details

911号庁舎便所排水管補修工事 911号庁舎便所排水管補修工事 入札公告(建設工事)次のとおり一般競争入札(政府調達協定対象外)に付します。334会公第110号令和6年10月15日分任契約担当官陸上自衛隊宇都宮駐屯地第334会計隊長... Repair work for drainage pipes in the toilets of the No. 911 building Repair work for drainage pipes in the toilets of the No. 911 building Notice of tender (construction work) The following is a public competitive tender (not subject to the Government Procurement Agreement). 334th Council No. 110 October 15, 2024 Subcontract Officer 334th Accounting Squadron Commander, Utsunomiya Garrison, Japan Ground Self-Defense Forces...

Published Date
Deadline Date
911号庁舎便所排水管補修工事 911号庁舎便所排水管補修工事 入札公告(建設工事)次のとおり一般競争入札(政府調達協定対象外)に付します。334会公第110号令和6年10月15日分任契約担当官陸上自衛隊宇都宮駐屯地第334会計隊長... 防衛省陸上自衛隊東部方面会計隊  東京都新宿区 入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 911号庁舎便所排水管補修工事 種別 工事 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 16 日 組織 防衛省 取得日 2024 年 10 月 16 日 20:06:57 公告内容 入札公告(建設工事)次のとおり一般競争入札(政府調達協定対象外)に付します。334会公第110号令和6年10月15日分任契約担当官陸上自衛隊宇都宮駐屯地第334会計隊長 松本 真一1 工事概要(1) 工事名 911号庁舎便所排水管補修工事(2) 工事場所 陸上自衛隊宇都宮駐屯地(3) 工事内容 本工事は、以下の工事を行うものである。便所排水管撤去、新設等 一式(4) 工期 令和7年3月31日まで(5) 本工事は、工事費内訳明細書の提出を義務付ける工事である。2 競争参加資格(1) 予算決算及び会計令(昭和22年勅令第165号。以下「予決令」という。)第70条及び第71条の規定に該当しない者であること。(2) 防衛省における令和5・6年度一般競争(指名競争)参加資格(以下「防衛省競争参加資格」という。)のうち、「建築一式工事」又は「管工事」で級別の格付を受け、北関東防衛局に競争参加を希望していること(会社更生法(平成14年法律第154号)に基づき更生手続開始の申立てがなされている者又は民事再生法(平成11年法律第225号)に基づき再生手続開始の申立てがなされている者については、手続開始の決定後、再度級別の格付を受けていること 。)。ただし、防衛省参加資格については、申請中で、当該通知書を受けていない場合は、更新に係る申請中であることを証明できる書類の写しを提出するとともに、更新手続完了後、防衛省競争参加資格の写しを提出するものとする。(3) 会社更生法に基づき更生手続開始の申立てがなされている者又は民事再生法に基づき再生手続開始の申立てがなされている者 ((2)の再度級別の格付を受けた者を除く。)でないこと。(4) 防衛省競争参加資格の「建築一式工事」に係る等級(資格審査結果通知書の記3の等級)がD等級以上又は「管工事」に係る等級(資格審査結果通知書の記3の等級)がC等級以上であること。(5) 平成20年度以降入札公告日までに、元請けとして完成・引渡しを完了した工事のうち、便所排水管の撤去・新設工事を施工した実績を有すること(建設共同企業体の構成員としての実績は、出資比率が20%以上のものに限る。)。なお、当該実績が平成13年12月25日以降に完成した防衛省発注機関(契約担当官等が属する防衛省本省の内部部局、防衛大学校、防衛医科大 学校、防衛研究所、統合幕僚監部、陸上幕僚監部、海上幕僚監部、航空幕僚監部、情報本部、防衛監察本部、地方防衛局並びに統合幕僚長及び陸上幕僚長 、海上幕僚長又は航空幕僚長の監督を受ける陸上自衛隊、海上自衛隊及び航空自衛隊の部隊及び機関並びに防衛装備庁をいう。以下同じ。)(旧防衛施設局及び旧防衛施設支局を含む。)の発注した工事に係るものにあっては、施工成績評定通知書又は工事成績評定通知書の評定点合計(以下「評定点合計」という。)が65点未満のものを除く。また、実績が工事成績相互利用登録機関が発注した工事で工 事成績評定相互利用対象工事に該当するものである場合は、工事成績の評定点が65点未満のものを除くこと。(6) (5)の施工実績が防衛省発注機関(旧防衛施設局及び旧防衛施設支局を含む 。)の発注した工事(平成13年12月25日以降に完成した工事で65点以上。)の者又は提出する工程表の工程管理に対する技術的所見が適切である者。(7) 次の基準を全て満たす監理技術者又は主任技術者(以下「監理技術者等」という。)を当該工事に専任で配置できること。ア 平成20.年度以降入札公告日までに、(5)に掲げる工事の経験を有する者であること。(原則、着工から完成まで従事している。)。なお、当該経験が平成13年12月25日以降に完成した防衛省発注機関(旧防衛施設局及び旧防衛施設支局を含む。)の発注した工事に係るものにあっては、評定点合計が65点未満のものを除く。また、経験が工事成績相互利用登録機関が発注した工事で工事成績評定相互利用対象工事に該当するものである場合は、工事成績の評定点が65点未満のものを除く。イ 監理技術者にあっては、監理技術者資格者証及び監理技術者講習修了証を有する者であること。(8) 一般競争参加資格確認申請書(以下「申請書」という。)及び競争参加資格確認資料(以下「資料」という。)の提出期限の日から開札の時点までの期間に、北関東防衛局長から、「工事請負契約等に係る指名停止等の措置要領について」(防整施(事)第150号(28.3.31)に基づく指名停止を受けていないこと。(9) 第334会計隊が発注した「建築一式工事」又は「管工事」のうち、平成30年度以降令和5年度までに完成・引渡しが完了した工事の施工実績がある場合においては、当該工事に係る評定点合計の平均が65点以上であること。(10) 上記1に示した工事に係る設計業務等の受注者 (受注者が共同体である場合においては、当該共同体の各構成員をいう。以下同じ。)又は当該受注者と資本若しくは人事面において関連がある建設業者でないこと。(11) 入札に参加しようとする者の間に資本関係又は人的関係がないこと (資本関係又は人的関係がある者のすべてが共同企業体の代表者以外の構成員である場合を除く。)。(12) 関東・甲信越地域に建設業法の許可(当該工事に対応する業種)に基づく本店、支店又は営業所が所在すること。(13) 都道府県警察から暴力団関係業者として防衛省が発注する工事等から排除するよう要請があり、当該状態が継続している有資格業者でないこと。(14) 情報保全に係る履行体制について、適切な体制を有すると確認できる者。業務従事者若しくは親会社等の国籍が、発注者との契約に違反する行為を求められた場合に、これを拒む権利を実効性をもって法的に保障されない国又は地域に該当する者及び国連安保理決議において労働許可を提供しないことが決定されている国又は地域に該当する者は入札参加を認めない。3 入札手続等(1) 担当部局〒321-0145栃木県宇都宮市茂原1丁目5陸上自衛隊宇都宮駐屯地 第334会計隊契約班 担当 松本(まつもと)TEL 028-653-1551 内線345FAX 028-653-1556 直通 メール 334fin-ea@inet.gsdf.mod.go.jp(2) 入札説明書の交付期間等ア 交付期間令和6年10月16日から同年11月1日まで(行政機関の休日に関する法律(昭和63年法律第91号)第1条第1項に規定する行政機関の休日(以下「行政機関の休日」という。)を除く。)の毎日、午前8時15分から午後5時00分まで(正午から午後1時までの間を除く。)。イ 交付場所(1) の担当部局において交付を行うほか東部方面会計隊ウェブサイトに掲載URL:http://www.mod.go.jp/gsdf/eae/kaikei/eafin/index.html(3) 申請書及び資料の提出期限等ア 提出期限 令和6年11月5日 午後5時00分イ 提出方法 (1)の担当部局に持参又は郵送(書留郵便に限る。 )若しくは託送(書留郵便と同等のものに限る。)(以下「郵送等」という。)又は電子メールにより提出する。(4) 入札書の提出期限等ア 受領期限 令和6年11月27日 午後5時00分イ 提出方法 (1)の担当部局に持参又は郵送等する。(5) 開札の日時及び場所ア 日時 令和6年11月28日 午前11時00分イ 場所 陸上自衛隊宇都宮駐屯地 会計隊入札室 1号隊舎3階(6) 現場説明会実施しない。ただし、現場確認については随時受け付ける。(事前に、現場担当者と日時の調整をすること。)現場担当者連絡先陸上自衛隊宇都宮駐屯地 業務隊 管理科 担当 島袋(しまぶくろ)TEL 028-653-1551(内線371)4 その他(1) 手続きにおいて使用する言語及び通貨は日本語及び日本国通貨に限る。(2) 入札保証金免除(3) 契約保証金金融機関若しくは保証事業会社の保証をもって契約保証金の納付に代えることができる。また、公共工事履行保証証券による保証を付し、又は履行保証保険契約の締結を行った場合は、契約保証金を免除する。なお、契約保証金の額、保証金額又は保険金額は、請負代金の10分の1(予決令第86条の調査を受けた者との契約については請負代金額の10分の3)以上とする。(4) 入札の無効次に掲げる入札は無効とする。ア 本公告に示した競争参加資格のない者のした入札イ 申請書又は資料に虚偽の記載をした者のした入札ウ 入札に関する条件に違反した入札(5) 落札者の決定方法予決令第79条の規定に基づいて作成された予定価格の制限の範囲内で最低の価格をもって有効な入札を行った者を落札者とする。ただし、落札者となるべき者の入札価格によっては、その者により当該契約の内容に適合した履行がなされないおそれがあると認められるとき、又はその者と契約を締結することが公正な取引の秩序を乱すこととなるおそれがあり著しく不適当であると認められるときは、予定価格の制限の範囲内の価格をもって入札した他の者のうち最低の価格をもって入札した者を落札者とすることがある。(6) 配置予定監理技術者の確認落札者決定後、発注者支援データベース・システム等により配置予定の監理技術者の専任制違反の事実が確認された場合、契約を結ばないことがある。なお、種々の状況からやむを得ないものとして承認された場合の 外は、配置予定の予定技術者の変更を認めない。(7) 落札者となるべき者の入札価格が予決令第 85 条の規定に基づいて作成された基準(以下「調査基準価格」という。)を下回っている場合は、予決令第86条の調査(以下「低入札価格調査」という。)を行うので、協力しなければならない。(8) 専任の監理技術者の配置が義務付けられている工事において、調査基準価格を下回った価格をもって契約する場合においては、監理技術者とは別に同等の要件を満たす技術者の配置を求めることがある。(9) 入札後、契約を締結するまでの間に、都道府県警察から暴力団関係者として防衛省が発注する工事等から排除するよう要請があり、当該状態が継続している有資格者とは契約を行わない。(10) 低入札価格調査を受けた者との契約については、 前金払の割合を請負代金額の10分の2以内とする。(11) 契約書作成の要否要。(12) 資料のヒアリングを行う場合がある。(13) 関連情報を入手するための照会窓口上記3(1)に同じ。(14) 競争参加資格の級別の格付を受けていない者の参加上記2(2)に掲げる競争参加資格の級別の格付を受けていない者も上記3 (3)により申請書及び資料を提出することができるが、競争に参加するためには、開札の時点において当該資格の格付を受け、かつ、競争参加資格の確認を受けていなければならない。(15) 詳細は、入札説明書による。 Repair work for drainage pipes in the toilets of the No. 911 building Repair work for drainage pipes in the toilets of the No. 911 building Notice of tender (construction work) The following is for public competitive bidding (not subject to the Government Procurement Agreement). 334th Council No. 110 October 15, 2024 Subcontract Officer Utsunomiya Garrison, Japan Ground Self-Defense Forces, 334th Accounting Squadron Commander... Ministry of Defense, Japan Ground Self-Defense Forces, Eastern Army Accounting Squadron Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo The tender information is as follows. Subject Repair work for drainage pipes in the toilets of the No. 911 building Type Construction Date of announcement or update October 16, 2024 Organization Ministry of Defense Date of acquisition October 16, 2024 20:06:57 Notice content Notice of tender (construction work) The following is for public competitive bidding (not subject to the Government Procurement Agreement). 334th Conference No. 110 October 15, 2024 Assigned Contract Officer Utsunomiya Garrison of the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force 334th Accounting Unit Commander Matsumoto Shinichi 1. Project Overview (1) Project Name: Repair Work for Toilet Drainage Pipe in Building No. 911 (2) Project Location: Utsunomiya Garrison of the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (3) Project Contents: This project involves the following works: Removal and installation of toilet drainage pipes, etc. (4) Construction Period: Until March 31, 2025 (5) This project requires the submission of a detailed breakdown of construction costs. 2. Eligibility to Participate in the Competition (1) Applicants must not fall under the provisions of Articles 70 and 71 of the Budget, Accounting and Auditing Ordinance (Imperial Ordinance No. 165 of 1947; hereinafter referred to as the "Budget and Accounting Ordinance"). (2) The person has been granted a grade rating in the category of "general construction work" or "pipe work" in the Ministry of Defense's qualifications to participate in general competitive bidding (designated competitive bidding) for fiscal years 2023 and 2024 (hereinafter referred to as "Qualification to participate in competitive bidding for the Ministry of Defense") and wishes to participate in the competitive bidding for the North Kanto Defense Bureau (in the case of a person who has filed a petition for the commencement of reorganization proceedings under the Corporate Reorganization Act (Act No. 154 of 2002) or a person who has filed a petition for the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings under the Civil Rehabilitation Act (Act No. 225 of 1999), the person must be re-graded after the decision to commence the proceedings has been made). However, in the case of a qualification to participate in the Ministry of Defense, if the application is pending and the person has not received the said notice, the person must submit a copy of a document that proves that the application for renewal is pending, and after the completion of the renewal procedure, a copy of the qualification to participate in competitive bidding for the Ministry of Defense. (3) The person is not a person who has filed a petition for the commencement of reorganization proceedings under the Corporate Rehabilitation Act or a person who has filed a petition for the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings under the Civil Rehabilitation Act (excluding a person who has been re-graded under (2)). (4) The qualification for participation in the Ministry of Defense tender for "general construction work" (the grade in Item 3 of the Notice of Qualification Examination Results) must be Grade D or higher, or the qualification for "pipe work" (the grade in Item 3 of the Notice of Qualification Examination Results) must be Grade C or higher. (5) Among the works completed and handed over as the prime contractor from FY2008 until the date of announcement of tender, the contractor must have experience in carrying out the removal and installation of toilet drainage pipes (the qualification for participation as a member of a construction joint venture must be limited to those with an investment ratio of 20% or more). In addition, in the case of works completed on or after December 25, 2001 and ordered by Ministry of Defense procurement agencies (meaning internal bureaus of the Ministry of Defense to which contracting officers belong, the National Defense Academy of Japan, the National Defense Medical College, the National Institute for Defense Studies, the Joint Staff Office, the Ground Staff Office, the Maritime Staff Office, the Air Staff Office, Intelligence Headquarters, Defense Inspection Headquarters, Regional Defense Bureaus, and units and agencies of the Ground Self-Defense Force, Maritime Self-Defense Force and Air Self-Defense Force under the supervision of the Chief of the Joint Staff and the Chief of Staff of the Ground Self-Defense Force, the Chief of Staff of the Maritime Self-Defense Force or the Chief of Staff of the Air Self-Defense Force, as well as the Defense Acquisition, Logistics Agency; the same applies hereinafter) (including the former Defense Facilities Administration Agency and the former Defense Facilities Administration Branch Office), those with a construction performance evaluation notice or construction performance evaluation notice with a total evaluation point value (hereinafter referred to as the "total evaluation point value") of less than 65 points are excluded. In addition, if the track record is construction work ordered by a construction performance mutual use registration organization and falls under the construction work applicable to the mutual use of construction performance evaluation, those with a construction performance evaluation score of less than 65 points will be excluded. (6) An individual whose construction track record in (5) is construction work ordered by a Ministry of Defense ordering organization (including the former Defense Facilities Administration Agency and the former Defense Facilities Administration Branch Office) (construction work completed on or after December 25, 2001 with a score of 65 points or more) or an individual whose technical opinion on the process management of the submitted process schedule is appropriate. (7) Able to assign a supervising engineer or chief engineer (hereinafter referred to as "supervising engineer, etc.") who meets all of the following criteria full-time to the said construction work: A. An individual who has experience in the construction work listed in (5) from FY2008 onward up to the date of announcement of bids. (In principle, involved in the construction work from start to completion.) However, if the experience is related to construction work ordered by a Ministry of Defense procurement agency (including the former Defense Facilities Administration Agency and former Defense Facilities Administration Branch Office) completed after December 25, 2001, those with a total rating of less than 65 points are excluded. In addition, if the experience is related to construction work ordered by a construction performance mutual use registration organization and falls under construction performance evaluation mutual use, those with a construction performance rating of less than 65 points are excluded. (a) Supervising engineers must hold a supervising engineer qualification certificate and a supervising engineer training completion certificate. (8) During the period from the deadline for submission of the general competitive bidding eligibility confirmation application (hereinafter referred to as the "application") and competitive bidding eligibility confirmation documents (hereinafter referred to as the "documents") to the time of opening of bids, the bidder has not been suspended from bidding by the Director-General of the North Kanto Defense Bureau pursuant to the "Guidelines for Measures such as Suspension of Bidding Relating to Construction Contracts, etc." (Defense Bureau Defense Affairs No. 150 (2018.3.31)). (9) In the case of "general building construction work" or "pipe work" ordered by the 334th Accounting Unit, which has a track record of construction work that was completed and delivered between FY2018 and FY2023, the average of the total evaluation points for such construction work is 65 points or more. (10) The bidder is not a contractor for design work, etc. related to the construction work listed in 1 above (in the case that the contractor is a consortium, this means each member of the consortium; the same applies below), or a construction company that is related in terms of capital or personnel to such contractor. (11) There is no capital or personal relationship between the persons intending to participate in the bid. (Except when all of the persons with capital or personnel ties are members other than the representative of the joint venture.) (12) The head office, branch office, or sales office is located in the Kanto/Koshinetsu region under a license under the Construction Business Act (for the industry corresponding to the relevant work). (13) The person is not a licensed contractor that has been requested by the prefectural police to be excluded from works, etc. ordered by the Ministry of Defense as a contractor related to organized crime and that status continues. (14) The contractor can be confirmed to have an appropriate system for implementing information security. Those whose nationality is that of a country or region in which the right to refuse to engage in acts that violate a contract with a client is not effectively and legally guaranteed, and those whose nationality is that of a country or region in which it has been decided by a United Nations Security Council resolution that work permits will not be provided, will not be allowed to participate in the bid. 3. Bidding Procedures, etc. (1) Responsible Department: 1-5 Mobara, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-0145, Japan Ground Self-Defense Force, Utsunomiya Garrison, 334th Accounting Squadron, Contract Section, Person in Charge: Matsumoto, TEL: 028-653-1551 Extension 345 FAX 028-653-1556 Direct Email 334 fin-ea@inet.gsdf.mod.go.(2) Period for distribution of bidding documents, etc. A. Distribution period: From October 16, 2024 to November 1, 2024 (excluding holidays of administrative agencies as defined in Article 1, Paragraph 1 of the Act on Holidays of Administrative Agencies (Act No. 91 of 1988) (hereinafter referred to as "holidays of administrative agencies")), every day from 8:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (excluding the period from noon to 1:00 p.m.). A. Place of delivery (1) The documents will be delivered at the relevant department, and will also be posted on the Eastern Army Accounting Command website. URL: http://www.mod.go.jp/gsdf/eae/kaikei/eafin/index.html (3) Deadline for submission of application and materials, etc. A. Submission deadline: November 5, 2024, 5:00 p.m. B. Method of submission: Bring the documents to the relevant department in (1), or send them by mail (registered mail only), or by courier (equivalent to registered mail only) (hereinafter referred to as "mail, etc."), or by email. (4) Deadline for submission of bid documents A. Receipt deadline: November 27, 2024, 5:00 p.m. B. Method of submission: Bring the documents to the relevant department in (1), or send them by mail, etc. (5) Date and time of bid opening and placeA Date and time: 11:00 a.m., November 28, 2024B Place: 3rd floor, Building No. 1, Accounting Squadron, Utsunomiya Garrison, Japan Ground Self-Defense Forces (6) There will be no site briefing. However, site inspections are available at any time. (Please coordinate the date and time with the site manager in advance.)Contact information for site managerShimabukuro, Management Department, Operations Squadron, Utsunomiya Garrison, Japan Ground Self-Defense ForcesTEL: 028-653-1551 (ext. 371)4 Others(1) The language and currency used in the procedure shall be Japanese and Japanese currency only. (2) Exemption from bid bond(3) Contract bondA contract bond may be paid in lieu of a guarantee from a financial institution or a guarantee company. In addition, if a guarantee is provided by a public works performance guarantee certificate or a performance guarantee insurance contract is concluded, the contract bond will be waived. The amount of the contract bond, guarantee amount or insurance amount shall be at least one-tenth of the contract price (three-tenths of the contract price for contracts with parties who have been investigated under Article 86 of the Budgetary and Accounting Order). (4) Invalid bidsThe following bids shall be invalid:a. Bids made by persons who are not eligible to participate in the competition as stated in this announcementb. Bids made by persons who have made false statements in their application or documentsc. Bids that violate the conditions of bidding(5) Method of determining successful bidderThe successful bidder shall be the person who submitted a valid bid with the lowest price within the estimated price limit prepared pursuant to the provisions of Article 79 of the Budgetary and Accounting Order. However, if it is deemed that the bid price of the potential successful bidder may cause the bidder to fail to perform the contract in accordance with its contents, or if it is deemed that entering into a contract with the potential successful bidder is likely to disrupt the order of fair transactions and is extremely inappropriate, the successful bidder may be the person who submitted the lowest price within the estimated price limit. (6) Confirmation of the supervising engineer to be assigned If, after the successful bidder is selected, it is confirmed through the client support database system, etc. that the supervising engineer to be assigned violates the full-time system, the contract may not be concluded. However, unless it is approved as unavoidable due to various circumstances, the change of the scheduled engineer to be assigned will not be permitted. (7) If the bid price of the prospective successful bidder is below the standard (hereinafter referred to as the "investigation base price") established based on the provisions of Article 85 of the Budgetary and Accounting Order, an investigation (hereinafter referred to as the "low bid price investigation") will be conducted based on Article 86 of the Budgetary and Accounting Order, and the bidder must cooperate. (8) In the case of a construction project for which the assignment of a full-time supervising engineer is mandatory, if a contract is concluded at a price below the investigation base price, the bidder may be asked to assign an engineer who meets the same requirements as the supervising engineer. (9) After the bidding and before the contract is concluded, a contract will not be concluded with a qualified person who has been requested by the prefectural police to be excluded from construction projects ordered by the Ministry of Defense as a member of a gang and who continues to be in this state. (10) For contracts with bidders who have undergone a low bidder investigation, the proportion of the advance payment shall be within two-tenths of the contract price. (11) Whether or not a contract needs to be prepared. (12) Hearings on documents may be conducted. (13) Contact point for obtaining related information: Same as 3(1) above. (14) Participation of persons who have not been graded for the qualifications to participate in the competition: Persons who have not been graded for the qualifications to participate in the competition as set forth in 2(2) above may submit an application and documents as set forth in 3(3) above, but in order to participate in the competition, they must be graded for the qualifications at the time of opening of bids and have their qualifications to participate in the competition confirmed. (15) For details, see the bidding instructions.html (3) Deadline for submission of application and documents A. Submission deadline: November 5, 2024, 5:00 p.m. B. Submission method: Bring to the relevant department in (1), or send by mail (registered mail only), or send by courier (equivalent to registered mail only) (hereinafter referred to as "mail, etc."), or by e-mail. (4) Deadline for submission of bid documents A. Receipt deadline: November 27, 2024, 5:00 p.m. B. Submission method: Bring to the relevant department in (1), or send by mail, etc. (5) Date and time and place of bid opening A. Date and time: November 28, 2024, 11:00 a.m. B. Place: Utsunomiya Garrison, Japan Ground Self-Defense Force, Accounting Squadron Bidding Room, Barracks No. 1, 3rd floor (6) There will be no on-site briefing. However, on-site inspections will be accepted at any time. (Please arrange a date and time with the person in charge at the site in advance.) Contact details for the person in charge at the site: Shimabukuro, Person in charge, Management Department, Operations Unit, Utsunomiya Garrison, Japan Ground Self-Defense Forces, TEL: 028-653-1551 (ext. 371) 4. Other (1) The language and currency used in the procedure shall be Japanese and Japanese currency only. (2) Exemption from bid deposit (3) Contract deposit A ​​guarantee from a financial institution or a guarantee company may be used in lieu of payment of the contract deposit. In addition, if a guarantee is provided by a public works performance guarantee certificate or a performance guarantee insurance contract is concluded, the contract deposit will be waived. The amount of the contract deposit, the guaranteed amount, or the insurance amount shall be at least one-tenth of the contract price (three-tenths of the contract price for contracts with parties who have been investigated under Article 86 of the Budgetary and Accounting Order). (4) Invalidated bids The following bids shall be invalid. A. Bids made by persons ineligible to participate in the competition as stated in this announcement B. Bids made by persons who made false statements in their application or documents C. Bids that violate the conditions of bidding (5) Method of determining successful bidder The successful bidder shall be the person who submitted the lowest valid bid within the range of the estimated price limit prepared pursuant to the provisions of Article 79 of the Budget and Accounting Order. However, if it is deemed that the successful bidder's bid price may cause the contract to be inappropriately fulfilled or may disrupt the order of fair trade, the successful bidder may be the person who submitted the lowest bid within the estimated price limit. (6) Confirmation of the supervising engineer to be assigned If, after the successful bidder has been determined, it is confirmed through the client support database system, etc. that the supervising engineer to be assigned violates the full-time system, the contract may not be concluded. However, changes to the scheduled engineer to be assigned will not be permitted unless approved as unavoidable due to various circumstances. (7) If the bid price of the potential successful bidder is below the standard (hereinafter referred to as the "investigation standard price") established pursuant to Article 85 of the Budgetary and Accounting Order, an investigation (hereinafter referred to as the "low bid price investigation") will be conducted pursuant to Article 86 of the Budgetary and Accounting Order, and the successful bidder must cooperate with this investigation. (8) In the case of a construction project for which the assignment of a full-time supervising engineer is required, if a contract is made at a price below the investigation standard price, the bidder may be asked to assign an engineer who meets the same requirements as the supervising engineer. (9) After the bid is submitted and before the contract is concluded, a contract will not be made with a qualified bidder who has been requested by the prefectural police to be excluded from construction projects ordered by the Ministry of Defense as a member of an organized crime group and who continues to be in this state. (10) For contracts with those who have been subject to a low bid price investigation, the proportion of the advance payment will be within two-tenths of the contract price. (11) Whether or not a contract needs to be prepared. (12) Hearings on documents may be conducted. (13) Contact point for obtaining related information Same as 3(1) above. (14) Participation of persons who have not been granted a grade of eligibility to participate in the bidding Those who have not been granted a grade of eligibility to participate in the bidding as set forth in 2(2) above may submit an application and documents as set forth in 3(3) above, but in order to participate in the bidding, they must be granted a grade of eligibility and have their eligibility confirmed at the time of opening of bids. (15) For details, see the bidding instructions.html (3) Deadline for submission of application and documents A. Submission deadline: November 5, 2024, 5:00 p.m. B. Submission method: Bring to the relevant department in (1), or send by mail (registered mail only), or send by courier (equivalent to registered mail only) (hereinafter referred to as "mail, etc."), or by e-mail. (4) Deadline for submission of bid documents A. Receipt deadline: November 27, 2024, 5:00 p.m. B. Submission method: Bring to the relevant department in (1), or send by mail, etc. (5) Date and time and place of bid opening A. Date and time: November 28, 2024, 11:00 a.m. B. Place: Utsunomiya Garrison, Japan Ground Self-Defense Force, Accounting Squadron Bidding Room, Barracks No. 1, 3rd floor (6) There will be no on-site briefing. However, on-site inspections will be accepted at any time. (Please arrange a date and time with the person in charge at the site in advance.) Contact details for the person in charge at the site: Shimabukuro, Person in charge, Management Department, Operations Unit, Utsunomiya Garrison, Japan Ground Self-Defense Forces, TEL: 028-653-1551 (ext. 371) 4. Other (1) The language and currency used in the procedure shall be Japanese and Japanese currency only. (2) Exemption from bid deposit (3) Contract deposit A ​​guarantee from a financial institution or a guarantee company may be used in lieu of payment of the contract deposit. In addition, if a guarantee is provided by a public works performance guarantee certificate or a performance guarantee insurance contract is concluded, the contract deposit will be waived. The amount of the contract deposit, the guaranteed amount, or the insurance amount shall be at least one-tenth of the contract price (three-tenths of the contract price for contracts with parties who have been investigated under Article 86 of the Budgetary and Accounting Order). (4) Invalidated bids The following bids shall be invalid. A. Bids made by persons ineligible to participate in the competition as stated in this announcement B. Bids made by persons who made false statements in their application or documents C. Bids that violate the conditions of bidding (5) Method of determining successful bidder The successful bidder shall be the person who submitted the lowest valid bid within the range of the estimated price limit prepared pursuant to the provisions of Article 79 of the Budget and Accounting Order. However, if it is deemed that the successful bidder's bid price may cause the contract to be inappropriately fulfilled or may disrupt the order of fair trade, the successful bidder may be the person who submitted the lowest bid within the estimated price limit. (6) Confirmation of the supervising engineer to be assigned If, after the successful bidder has been determined, it is confirmed through the client support database system, etc. that the supervising engineer to be assigned violates the full-time system, the contract may not be concluded. However, changes to the scheduled engineer to be assigned will not be permitted unless approved as unavoidable due to various circumstances. (7) If the bid price of the potential successful bidder is below the standard (hereinafter referred to as the "investigation standard price") established pursuant to Article 85 of the Budgetary and Accounting Order, an investigation (hereinafter referred to as the "low bid price investigation") will be conducted pursuant to Article 86 of the Budgetary and Accounting Order, and the successful bidder must cooperate with this investigation. (8) In the case of a construction project for which the assignment of a full-time supervising engineer is required, if a contract is made at a price below the investigation standard price, the bidder may be asked to assign an engineer who meets the same requirements as the supervising engineer. (9) After the bid is submitted and before the contract is concluded, a contract will not be made with a qualified bidder who has been requested by the prefectural police to be excluded from construction projects ordered by the Ministry of Defense as a member of an organized crime group and who continues to be in this state. (10) For contracts with those who have been subject to a low bid price investigation, the proportion of the advance payment will be within two-tenths of the contract price. (11) Whether or not a contract needs to be prepared. (12) Hearings on documents may be conducted. (13) Contact point for obtaining related information Same as 3(1) above. (14) Participation of persons who have not been granted a grade of eligibility to participate in the bidding Those who have not been granted a grade of eligibility to participate in the bidding as set forth in 2(2) above may submit an application and documents as set forth in 3(3) above, but in order to participate in the bidding, they must be granted a grade of eligibility and have their eligibility confirmed at the time of opening of bids. (15) For details, see the bidding instructions.
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