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第64号 警防課 磐田市消防団消防用ホース 第64号 警防課 磐田市消防団消防用ホース R6 公告文R6 様式第1号申請書'R6 公告文'!Print_Area'R6 様式第1号申請書'!Print_Area 下記の物品購入について、一般競争入... No. 64 Fire Prevention Division Iwata City Fire Brigade Fire Hose No. 64 Fire Prevention Division Iwata City Fire Brigade Fire Hose R6 Announcement R6 Application Form No. 1'R6 Announcement'!Print_Area'R6 Application Form No. 1'!Print_Area We are accepting competitive bids for the purchase of the following items...

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第64号 警防課 磐田市消防団消防用ホース 第64号 警防課 磐田市消防団消防用ホース R6 公告文R6 様式第1号申請書'R6 公告文'!Print_Area'R6 様式第1号申請書'!Print_Area 下記の物品購入について、一般競争入... 静岡県磐田市   入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 第64号 警防課 磐田市消防団消防用ホース 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 16 日 組織 静岡県磐田市 取得日 2024 年 10 月 16 日 19:09:03 警防課 磐田市消防団消防用ホース 仕様書 (PDF 95.2KB) 公告内容 R6 公告文R6 様式第1号申請書'R6 公告文'!Print_Area'R6 様式第1号申請書'!Print_Area 下記の物品購入について、一般競争入札を行いますので、磐田市契約規則(平成17年磐田市規則第32号),第8条の規定に基づき公告します。,2024/10/16, 磐田市長 草 地 博 昭,(公印省略), 記,1 入 札 執 行 者,磐田市長 草 地 博 昭,2 入札に付する事項, (1) 入 札 番 号,64, (2) 件 名,令和6年度 ,警防課 磐田市消防団消防用ホース, (3) 納 入 場 所,詳細は別添仕様書のとおり, (4) 物件 概 要 等,仕様書等記載のとおり, (5) 納 入 期 限,2025/03/28, ,3 予定価格(税抜き),当該入札において落札者が決定された後、速やかに公表するものとする。,4 入札に参加する者に必要な資格に関する事項, 磐田市における物品製造等競争入札参加資格の認定を受けている者のうち、次に掲げる条件をすべて, 満たしている者であること。,1, 地方自治法施行令(昭和22年政令第16号)第167条の4の規定に該当しない者であること。,2,磐田市物品製造等に係る入札参加停止等措置要綱(平成23年告示55号)に基づく入札参加停止, を受けている期間中でないこと。,3,磐田市発注公共工事等に係る暴力団排除措置要綱(平成25年磐田市告示第72号)に基づく入札, 排除措置を受けている期間中でないこと。,4,静岡県西部地域内に主たる営業所または営業所を有する者であること。,5,(4)の営業所が、磐田市の物品製造等入札参加資格者名簿に契約営業所として登録されている, 者であること。,6,令和6年度の磐田市物品製造等入札参加資格者名簿にある,29 消防・防災機器類,に登録されている者であること。,7,会社更生法(平成14年法律第154号)に基づき更生手続開始の申立てが成されている者(更生手続, 開始の決定を受けている者を除く。)または民事再生法(平成11年法律第225号)に基づき再生手続, 開始の申立てが成されている者(再生手続開始の決定を受けている者を除く。)でないこと。,5 仕様書等の閲覧および貸出, (1) 閲覧および貸出期間(データ取得),2024/10/16,から,2024/10/23, (2) 閲覧および貸出場所, 以下の箇所にて閲覧および貸出しを行う。, ・市ホームページ(指定箇所よりダウンロードすること),6 入札参加資格の確認等,(1),本入札の参加希望者は、次により入札参加資格確認申請書(様式第1号。以下「申請書」という。)を提出 し、入札参加資格の確認を受けなければならない。,本入札の参加希望者は、次により入札参加資格確認申請書(様式第1号。以下「申請書」という。)を提出 し、入札参加資格の確認を受けなければならない。,,本入札の参加希望者は、次により入札参加資格確認申請書(様式第1号。以下「申請書」という。)に加え、4(8)に掲げる施工実績を確認できる資料(以下「資料」という。)を作成のうえ提出し入札参加資格の確認を受けなければならない。,申請書はこちら →,入札参加資格確認申請書(様式第1号), この場合において、参加資格の確認基準日は申請書の提出期限とする。, ただし、提出期限までに申請書を提出しない者、または入札参加資格がないと認められた者は、本入札, に参加することができない。, ①提出期間,2024/10/16,から,2024/10/23,(土曜日、日曜日、祝日を除く。),の午前8時30分 から午後5時00分まで, (提出期間初日は午後1時30分から、提出期間最終日は午後3時00分まで提出できるものとする。), ②提出場所, 磐田市 総務部 契約検査課 契約審査グループ, ③提出方法, 本入札の参加希望者は、市ホームページからダウンロードした申請書(同エクセルファイルのシート, 「様式第1号」を使用)を使用し、必要事項を記載の上、申請書を①の提出期間内に、②の提出場所へ, 持参すること。, (電子メール、ファクシミリ、郵送等による提出は、認めない。),(2) 資料の作成(必須),資料は、次により作成すること。,① 同種物品の納入実績(4(8)に係る資料を作成する場合、①及び②により資料作成する。),ア 同種物品の納入実績は、様式4号により作成すること。,イ 引渡しの済んでいるものに限り記載すること。,ウ 同種物品の納入実績は、複数記載することができる。,② 契約書の写し,① 同種物品の納入実績として記載した物品に係る契約書の写し(契約書の写しにより、納入実績が不明なものについては、その内容が確認できる資料を添付。),(2), 入札参加資格の有無に関しては、入札参加資格確認結果通知書(様式第2号)を、,2024/10/24,午後5時までにファクシミリにて送付する。, 本入札の参加希望者は、通知を受信した旨を、,2024/10/25,午後5時までに,←不要,(1)②の提出場所へ 電話連絡を必ずすること。,(3), (2)において入札参加資格無しと通知された者は、その資格無しの理由について,2024/10/25,午後5時までに文書にて説明を求めることができるものとする。, ただし、説明請求の文書を(1)②の提出場所へ持参すること。,(4), (3)により説明を求められた場合、説明を求めてきた者に対し、,2024/10/28, 正午までに文書にて回答をする。, ただし、説明を求められた後、入札参加資格有りと判断された者については、,2024/10/28,正午までにファクシミリで入札参加資格確認結果通知書を改めて送付する。, この際、入札参加資格有りと判断された者は、通知を受信した旨を、,2024/10/28,午後5時までに(1)②の提出場所へ電話連絡を必ずすること。(連絡先:契約検査課 0538-37-4802),(5), その他,①申請書の作成および申込みに係る費用は、提出者の負担とする。,②申請書に用いる言語は、日本語とする。,③入札執行者は、提出された申請書を入札参加資格の確認以外に提出者に無断で使用しない。,④提出期限後における申請書の差し替えおよび再提出は認めない。,⑤提出された申請書は、返却しない。,⑥提出された申請書は、公表しない。,7 仕様書等に対する質問, (1) 本公告文および仕様書等に対する質問がある場合においては、次に従い質問(回答)書により説明要求す, ること。,①提出方法, 7(1)③の受付場所へ持参にて提出すること。, (電子メール、ファクシミリ、郵送等による提出は、認めない。),なお、質問(回答)書は、市ホームページに掲載される指定の様式を使用すること。,②受付期間,2024/10/16,から,2024/10/23,まで, (土曜日、日曜日、祝日を除く。)の午前8時30分から午後5時00分まで, (受付期間初日は午後1時30分から、受付期間最終日は午後3時00分まで受付できるものとする。),③受付場所, 磐田市 総務部 契約検査課 契約審査グループ, (2) (1)の質問に対する回答書は、当該入札参加資格を有する者全員へ次によりファクシミリで送信する。 ,①回答期日,2024/10/25,午前8時30分から正午までの時間帯,②送信元, 磐田市 総務部 契約検査課 契約審査グループ, (3) 仕様書に記載のある物品については、同等品以上を可とする。,ただし、参考製品以外の製品を選択する場合は、上記質問受付期間内に質問書にその同等品を記載し、,併せて製品の詳細及び定価がわかる資料(カタログ等)を提出し事前に発注者の承認を受けること。,なお、同等品承認申請があった場合は、上記(2)により、当該入札参加資格を有する者全員に,ファクシミリで送信する。,8 入札方法、入札執行の日時および場所等, (1) 入札日および入札執行開始時間,2024/10/29,10:40:00,ただし、入札者全員が上記時間前に入札会場に集合し、かつ、全員が了解した場合、上記の入札執行,開始時間前に入札執行ができるものとする。, (2) 入札および開札の場所, 磐田市国府台3-1 ,西庁舎3階304、305会議室, (3) 最低制限価格の有無, 無, (4) 入札方法に係る事項,①落札決定に当たっては、入札書に記載された金額に当該金額の100分の10に相当する,額を加算した金額(当該金額に1円未満の端数があるときは、その端数金額を切り捨てた金額)をもって, 額を加算した金額(当該金額に1円未満の端数があるときは、その端数金額を切り捨てた金額)をもって,落札価格とする。, 額を加算した金額(当該金額に1銭未満の端数があるときは、その端数金額を切り捨てた金額)をもって, 入札者は、消費税に係る課税事業者であるか免税事業者であるかを問わず、見積もった契約希望金額,の110分の100に相当する金額を入札書に記載すること。, ②入札執行回数は、2回を限度とする。, (再入札の場合がありますので、入札書は余分に用意願います。),③入札に参加しようとする者が1人の場合においても、入札を執行する。,④電子メール、ファクシミリ、郵送等による入札は認めない。,⑤代理人が入札する場合には、入札前に委任状を提出しなければならない。,⑥入札執行開始時間までに入札会場に入場しない場合は、失格とする。,⑦各入札参加有資格者は、1名のみが入札会場へ入場できるものとする。,9 開札,9 内訳書,開札は、8(2)に掲げる場所において、入札書提出後直ちに、入札者またはその代理人を立ち合わせて行,1, 入札に際し、入札書に記載される入札金額に対応した内訳書の提出を求める。,う。ただし、入札者またはその代理人が立ち会わない場合においては、入札事務に関係のない市職員を立,なお、提出しない者は、当該入札に参加できないものとする。,ち会わせて行う。,また、内訳書は8(1)の入札時に提出すること。,10 入札の無効,2,内訳書は、別添の内訳書により作成する。(内訳書の金額は、入札書と同額とする。),本公告に示した入札に参加する者に必要な資格のない者並びに虚偽の申請を行った者のした入札並び,に入札心得において示した条件等入札に関する条件に違反した入札は、無効とする。,なお、入札参加資格のある旨を確認された者であっても、その資格の確認後から入札時点において、4に,掲げる資格がなくなった者のした入札は無効とする。,11 入札心得を示す場所,磐田市 総務部 契約検査課 契約審査グループ,12 落札者の決定方法,地方自治法(昭和22年法律第67号)第234条第3項および地方自治法施行令(昭和22年政令第16号),第167条の10第1項の規定により予定価格以下で最低の価格をもって有効な入札を行った者を落札者,とする。,13 入札保証金および契約保証金,(1) 入札保証金 免除,(2) 契約保証金 免除,(3) 前払金 無,14 契約書の作成,契約の締結に当たっては、契約書を作成しなければならない。,収入印紙 要否,契約書の作成について、本市からデータを送付するので、2部製本押印の上契約検査課に提出すること。,また、収入印紙の要否を確認し、必要に応じ収入印紙を貼付すること。,15 その他,議決案件の場合契約書作成方法,(1) 入札参加者は、入札心得を熟読し、遵守すること。,契約の締結に当たっては、仮契約書を作成しなければならない。,(2) 契約手続きにおいて使用する言語および通貨は、日本語および日本国通貨に限る。,なお、この契約は、磐田市契約規則(平成17年規則第32号)第30条第2項の規定に基づき、磐田市議会の,(3) 本物品購入における適用仕様書は、別添仕様書とする。,議決があったときに、本契約となるものとする。, (4) 磐田市制限付き一般競争入札要綱第4条第2項に基づき、入札説明書の交付, は行わない。,"入札書、辞退届、契約書等に係る書類に市長名を明記する場合、4月24日以降のものは,新市長名で作成してください。", (5) 都合により入札執行が延期または中止となる場合があります。,(5)本入札は、市議会の議決が得られないときには、入札執行が延期または中止となる場合があります。, (6) 入札に参加する者は、入札日に入札参加資格確認結果通知書(様式第2号)を持参すること。, (7) その他詳細不明の点については、磐田市総務部契約検査課契約審査グループ(〒438-8650 静岡県, 磐田市国府台3-1 電話番号0538‐37‐4802)に照会すること。,様式第1号申請書!A1,'R6 様式第1号申請書'!A1,当申請書を提出する際、①日付②所在地③商号又は名称④代表者氏名の欄のみ記載可能(それ以外の部分はロックされています)※資料の添付の有無にかかわらず、当様式でご提出ください。,提出日の日付を入れること,所在地、商号又は名称、代表者氏名について記載すること ,平成表記される場合もありますので、その際には修正をお願いします。,公告文に戻る →,公告文へ,様式第1号(第5条関係),64,入札参加資格確認申請書,令和,年,月,日,磐田市長 草 地 博 昭,様,所在地,商号又は名称,代表者氏名,下記の物品購入に係る入札に参加する資格について、確認されたく申請します。なお成年被後,見人若しくは被保佐人並びに破産者で復権を得ない者でないことを誓約します。,記,1,公告日,2024/10/16,2,件名,令和6年度,警防課 磐田市消防団消防用ホース,3,納入場所,詳細は別添仕様書のとおり,公告文!A1,'R6 公告文'!A1, 磐田市消防団消防用ホース仕様書本仕様書は、磐田市消防団で購入する消防用ホースについて定めたものである。1 規 格(1)日本製であること。(2)消防用ホースは、消防用ホースの技術上の規格を定める省令(平成25年総務省令第22「ホース規格省令」)、消防用ホースに使用する差込み式の結合金具又はねじ式の結合金具及び消防用吸管に使用するねじ式の結合金具の技術上の規格を定める省令(平成25年総務省令第23号「結合金具規格省令」)の適合品で、磐田市消防団仕様のホースであること。2 数 量 消防用ホース65mm 112本3 納入期限 令和7年3月28日(金)4 納入場所 磐田市消防本部警防課が指定する場所5 種 別(1)内張り 合成樹脂合成樹脂を使用し、産業標準化法(昭和24年法律第186号)第17条の日本産業規格及び平成25年総務省令第22条の引張検査に適合していること。(2)使用圧力 1.6MPa以上(3)長 さ 20m(4)ジャケットの織り組織 交織円織り、綾織りまたは平織りとし、耳部補強が施してあること。6 ホースの仕様(1)結合金具は差込み式(軽合金)とすること。(2)不意離脱防止金具を有しており、かつ従来の通常の差込み式金具との嵌合ができるものとすること。(3)保護布は金具踏み付け時の金具切れを防止するため、ホース両端に20cm以上の保護布を取り付けること。また、保護布は一定幅で肉厚になっている一体構造の物であること。なお、保護布の色及び必要な消防用ホース数は別紙のとおりとし、内訳については、契約後消防本部担当者と協議すること。(4)ホース両端に合成樹脂製ホース保護具を取り付けること。なお、保護具の色は上記に記載されている指定色とし、保護布の指定色と相違がないこと。(5)受口金具の保護タイヤは、蓄光剤配合樹脂製とする。(6)低圧力損失ホースとすること。7 その他(1)納入日から起算し6ヶ月以内に製造したものであること。(2)納入後1年以内に、不慮の事故などによりホースが外傷を受けて使用出来なくなった場合速やかにホースの交換が出来るよう、全ての型式適合評価合格消防用ホースに1年間の動産保険がかけられていること。また、納品されるホースそれぞれには、ジャケット表面に「保険番号」を表記し目視により確認ができること。(3)受注者は、納入時に購入本数と同等の数量のホースを引き取るものとする。また、引き取りに係る費用については受注者が負担すること。(4)納入時に製造会社による「品質保証書(原本)」と「保険特約条項(写し)を担当部署へ提出し、係員立ち合いによる検収を受けること。(5)本仕様書に明記されていない事項で疑義が生じた場合は、消防本部担当者と協議すること。※1文字分の空間※1文字分の空間※各文字等は50㎜角以上のゴシック体で、カラーホースに見えやすい色の油性塗料を使用すること。 受口金具側差口金具側R○ー○R○ー○年度 番号保護布保護布別 紙【カラーホースの指定色】分団 1分団 2分団 3分団 4分団 5分団色 グレー ブルー レッド グリーン オレンジ【保護布の指定色】分団 豊岡 磐田原 豊田 見付 中泉 竜洋 福田色 グリーン バイオレット イエロー オレンジ レッド ブルー ホワイト【数量】分団名方面隊名第1分団 第2分団 第3分団 第4分団 第5分団 計豊岡方面隊 3 3 3 3 12本磐田原方面隊 3 3 3 9本豊田方面隊 3 10 5 3 21本見付方面隊 3 10 3 3 3 22本中泉方面隊 6 4 4 4 18本竜洋方面隊 4 4 3 4 15本福田方面隊 4 4 3 4 15本合計 112本 No. 64 Civil Protection Division Iwata City Fire Brigade Fire Hose No. 64 Civil Protection Division Iwata City Fire Brigade Fire Hose R6 AnnouncementR6 Application Form No. 1'R6 Announcement'!Print_Area'R6 Application Form No. 1'!Print_Area We are calling for public competitive bids for the purchase of the items listed below... Iwata City, Shizuoka Prefecture Bidding information is as follows. Subject No. 64 Civil Protection Division Iwata City Fire Brigade Fire Hose Date of announcement or update October 16, 2024 Organization Iwata City, Shizuoka Prefecture Date of acquisition October 16, 2024 19:09:03 Civil Protection Division Iwata City Fire Brigade Fire Hose Specifications (PDF 95.2KB) Announcement contents R6 Announcement R6 Application Form No. 1'R6 Announcement'!Print_Area'R6 Application Form No. 1'!Print_Area We will be holding a public competitive bidding for the purchase of the items listed below, and this is announced pursuant to Article 8 of the Iwata City Contract Regulations (Iwata City Regulations No. 32 of 2005). ,2024/10/16, Mayor of Iwata City, Hiroaki Kusachi,(Official seal omitted), Note,1 Bidding executor,Mayor of Iwata City, Hiroaki Kusachi,2 Items to be included in the bid, (1) Bidding number,64, (2) Subject,Fiscal year 2024,Fire Prevention Division Iwata City Fire Brigade Fire Hose, (3) Delivery location,Details are as per attached specifications, (4) Property overview, etc.,As per specifications, etc., (5) Delivery deadline,2025/03/28, ,3 Estimated price (excluding tax),Will be announced promptly after the successful bidder is determined in the bid. ,4 Items regarding qualifications required for those participating in the bid,Among those who have been certified as eligible to participate in competitive bidding for the manufacture of goods, etc. in Iwata City, they must meet all of the following conditions. 1. A person who does not fall under the provisions of Article 167-4 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947). 2. A person who is not currently subject to a suspension of bidding participation based on the Guidelines for Measures to Suspend Bidding Participation in Iwata City's Goods Manufacturing, etc. (Public Notice No. 55 of 2011). 3. A person who is not currently subject to a bidding exclusion measure based on the Guidelines for Measures to Exclude Organized Crime Groups from Public Works, etc. Ordered by Iwata City (Public Notice No. 72 of 2013). 4. A person who has a principal place of business or a place of business in the western part of Shizuoka Prefecture. 5. A person whose place of business in (4) is registered as a contracted place of business in the Iwata City list of persons eligible to participate in bidding for goods manufacturing, etc. 6. A person who is registered as a person listed under 29 Fire and Disaster Prevention Equipment in the Iwata City list of persons eligible to participate in bidding for goods manufacturing, etc. for fiscal year 2024. ,7,Not a person against whom a petition for the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings has been filed under the Corporate Reorganization Act (Act No. 154 of 2002) (excluding a person against whom a decision to commence rehabilitation proceedings has been received) or a person against whom a petition for the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings has been filed under the Civil Rehabilitation Act (Act No. 225 of 1999) (excluding a person against whom a decision to commence rehabilitation proceedings has been received). ,5 Viewing and lending of specifications, etc., (1) Viewing and lending period (data acquisition), from 2024/10/16, to 2024/10/23, (2) Viewing and lending locations, Viewing and lending will be available at the following locations. , ・City website (download from the designated location),6 Confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid, etc., (1),Those who wish to participate in this bid must submit a confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid (Form No. 1, hereinafter referred to as the "application") as follows and have their eligibility to participate in the bid confirmed. ,Those who wish to participate in this bid must submit an application form for confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid (Form No. 1; hereinafter referred to as the "application") as follows, and have their eligibility confirmed. ,,Those who wish to participate in this bid must prepare and submit documents (hereinafter referred to as the "documents") that can verify the construction track record listed in 4(8) in addition to the application form for confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid (Form No. 1; hereinafter referred to as the "application") as follows, and have their eligibility confirmed. ,Click here for the application form →,Application form for confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid (Form No. 1),In this case, the reference date for confirmation of eligibility to participate shall be the deadline for submission of the application form. ,However, those who do not submit an application form by the deadline, or those who are found to be ineligible to participate in the bid, will not be able to participate in this bid. , ①Submission period,2024/10/16,to,2024/10/23,(excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays),from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., (Submissions can be made from 1:30 p.m. on the first day of the submission period and until 3:00 p.m. on the last day of the submission period.), ②Submission location,Iwata City General Affairs Department, Contract Inspection Division, Contract Review Group, ③Submission method,Those who wish to participate in this bid should use the application form downloaded from the city's website (use the same Excel file sheet, "Form No. 1"), fill in the necessary information, and bring the application form to the submission location in ② during the submission period in ①. , (Submissions by email, fax, mail, etc. will not be accepted.),(2) Preparation of documents (required),Documents should be prepared as follows. ,① Delivery record of similar goods (When preparing documents related to 4(8), prepare the documents in accordance with ① and ②.),A Delivery record of similar goods should be prepared using Form 4.,B Only items that have already been delivered should be listed.,C Multiple delivery records of similar goods may be listed.,② Copy of contract,① Copy of contract for the goods listed as delivery record of similar goods (For items whose delivery record is unclear due to the copy of the contract, attach documents that can confirm the contents.),(2), Regarding eligibility to participate in the bid, the Notice of Eligibility Confirmation Results (Form No. 2) will be sent by fax by 5:00 p.m. on October 24, 2024., Those who wish to participate in this bid must call the submission location in (1)② to notify them of receipt of the notification by 5:00 p.m. on October 25, 2024.,←Not required, ,(3) Any person who has been notified of ineligibility to participate in the bid under (2) may request a written explanation of the reason for such ineligibility by 5:00 p.m., October 25, 2024. , However, the written request for explanation must be brought to the submission location in (1)②. ,(4) If an explanation is requested under (3), a written response must be given to the person who requested the explanation by noon, October 28, 2024. , However, for any person who is determined to be eligible to participate in the bid after the request for explanation, a notification of the results of confirmation of bidder eligibility will be sent by facsimile by noon, October 28, 2024. , In this case, any person who is determined to be eligible to participate in the bid must call the submission location in (1)② by 5:00 p.m., October 28, 2024 to notify them of receipt of the notification. (Contact: Contract Inspection Division 0538-37-4802),(5), Other,①The costs associated with preparing and submitting the application form shall be borne by the submitter.,②The language used in the application form shall be Japanese.,③The bidder shall not use the submitted application form without the submitter's permission for any purpose other than to confirm the applicant's eligibility to participate in the bid.,④Replacement or resubmission of the application form after the submission deadline is not permitted.,⑤Submitted applications will not be returned.,⑥Submitted applications will not be made public.,7 Questions regarding specifications, etc.,(1) If you have any questions about this announcement and the specifications, etc., please request an explanation by submitting a written question (answer) in accordance with the following. ,①Submission method: 7(1)③ Submit in person at the reception location. , (Submission by email, facsimile, mail, etc. will not be accepted.) ,Please use the designated form posted on the City's website for the written question (answer). ,②Reception period: From 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on October 16, 2024 to October 23, 2024 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays). , (Reception will be open from 1:30 p.m. on the first day of the reception period and until 3:00 p.m. on the last day of the reception period.) ,③Reception location: Contract Review Group, Contract Inspection Division, General Affairs Department, Iwata City , (2) The written answer to the question in (1) will be sent by facsimile to all those who are eligible to participate in the bid. ,①Reply Deadline,2024/10/25,8:30am to 12:00pm,②Sender, Iwata City General Affairs Department Contract Inspection Division Contract Review Group, (3) For items listed in the specifications, equivalent or better items are acceptable. ,However, if a product other than the reference product is selected, the equivalent product must be listed in the questionnaire during the above question acceptance period, and documents (catalogs, etc.) showing the product details and list price must also be submitted to obtain the purchaser's prior approval. ,In addition, if an application for approval of an equivalent product is made, it will be sent by fax to all those who are eligible to participate in the bid as described above in (2). ,8 Bidding method, date and place of bid execution, etc., (1) Bidding date and bid execution start time,2024/10/29,10:40:00,However, if all bidders gather at the bidding venue before the above time and all bidders agree, the bid may be executed before the above bid execution start time. , (2) Location of bidding and opening of bids, 3-1 Kokufudai, Iwata City, West Building, 3rd floor, Conference Rooms 304 and 305, (3) Presence or absence of minimum price limit, No, (4) Matters related to bidding method, ① When determining the successful bid, the successful bid price shall be the amount obtained by adding an amount equivalent to 10/100 of the amount stated in the bid document (if the amount has a fraction of less than 1 yen, the amount shall be rounded down). , The amount obtained by adding an amount equivalent to 10/100 of the amount stated in the bid document (if the amount has a fraction of less than 1 yen, the amount shall be rounded down). , Regardless of whether the bidder is a taxable business entity or a tax-exempt business entity with respect to consumption tax, the bidder must state in the bid document an amount equivalent to 110/100 of the estimated desired contract amount. , ② The number of times the bid is executed is limited to two times. , (Please prepare extra bid documents as there may be cases of re-bidding.),③ The bid will be opened even if only one person wishes to participate in the bid. ,④ Bidding by email, facsimile, mail, etc. is not permitted. ,⑤ If an agent submits a bid, a power of attorney must be submitted before bidding. ,⑥ If the agent does not enter the bidding venue by the start of the bid execution time, the bidder will be disqualified. ,⑦ Only one person from each eligible bidder may enter the bidding venue. ,9 Opening of bids,9 Detailed breakdown of bids,The opening of bids will be conducted at the location specified in 8(2) immediately after the submission of the bid documents, in the presence of the bidder or his/her agent.,1, When bidding, a detailed breakdown of bids corresponding to the bid amount stated on the bid documents will be requested. ,However, if the bidder or his/her agent is not present, a city employee not involved in bidding affairs will be present.,In addition, a detailed breakdown of bids must be submitted at the time of bidding in 8(1). ,10 Invalidation of bids,2,The breakdown shall be prepared according to the attached breakdown. (The amount of the breakdown shall be the same as that of the bid document.),Bids made by persons who do not have the necessary qualifications to participate in the bids as stated in this announcement and by persons who have made false applications, as well as bids that violate the conditions related to the bids, such as the conditions stated in the bidding guidelines, shall be invalid. ,In addition, bids made by persons who have been confirmed as eligible to participate in the bids but who no longer have the qualifications listed in 4 after the confirmation of their qualifications at the time of bidding, shall be invalid. ,11 Location of bidding guidelines,Iwata City General Affairs Department, Contract Inspection Division, Contract Review Group, 12 Method of determining successful bidder,In accordance with the provisions of Article 234, Paragraph 3 of the Local Autonomy Law (Law No. 67 of 1947) and Article 167-10, Paragraph 1 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Law (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947), the successful bidder shall be the person who has submitted a valid bid with the lowest price below the estimated price. ,13 Bid bond and contract bond,(1) Bid bond: Exempt,(2) Contract bond: Exempt,(3) Advance payment: None,14 Preparation of contract,A contract must be prepared when concluding a contract. ,Whether revenue stamps are required,The city will send you the data for the preparation of the contract, so please submit two copies, stamp them, and submit them to the Contract Inspection Division. ,Also, please check whether revenue stamps are required and affix revenue stamps as necessary. ,15 Other,How to prepare a contract in the case of a resolution item,(1) Bidders must carefully read and comply with the bidding guidelines. ,A provisional contract must be prepared when concluding a contract. ,(2) The language and currency used in the contract procedure must be Japanese and Japanese currency only. ,In addition, this contract will become this contract when the Iwata City Council passes a resolution based on the provisions of Article 30, Paragraph 2 of the Iwata City Contract Regulations (Regulations No. 32 of 2005). ,(3) The applicable specifications for the purchase of this item shall be the attached specifications. ,(4) In accordance with Article 4, Paragraph 2 of the Iwata City Restricted Open Competitive Bidding Guidelines, a bid explanation document will not be issued. , "If the name of the mayor is specified on documents related to the bid, withdrawal notice, contract, etc., those after April 24th, should be created in the name of the new mayor.", (5) The execution of the bid may be postponed or canceled due to circumstances. ,(5) This bid may be postponed or canceled if the City Council does not pass a resolution. , (6) Those who participate in the bid should bring the Notice of Bidding Eligibility Confirmation Results (Form No. 2) on the day of the bid. , (7) For any other unclear details, please inquire with the Contract Review Group, Contract Inspection Division, General Affairs Department, Iwata City (3-1, Kokufudai, Iwata City, Shizuoka Prefecture, 438-8650, Tel. 0538-37-4802). ,Application Form No. 1!A1,'R6 Application Form No. 1'!A1,When submitting this application, only the following fields can be filled in: ① Date ② Location ③ Trade name or name ④ Representative name (other fields are locked) * Please submit using this form regardless of whether or not documents are attached. ,Enter the date of submission,Enter the location, trade name or name, and representative name, ,It may be written in the Heisei era, so please correct it in that case. ,Back to the announcement →,Go to the announcement,Form No. 1 (Article 5),64,Application for confirmation of eligibility to participate in bidding,Reiwa,year,month,day,Mr. Hiroaki Kusachi,Mayor of Iwata City,Address,Trade name or name,Representative name,I hereby apply to confirm my eligibility to participate in the bidding for the purchase of the following items. I hereby pledge that I am not an adult under guardianship or curatorship, nor a bankrupt person who has not been reinstated. ,Notes,1,Announcement date,2024/10/16,2,Subject,2024,Fire Prevention Division Iwata City Fire Brigade Fire Hose,3,Delivery Location,Details are as attached in the specifications,Announcement!A1,'R6 Announcement'!A1, Iwata City Fire Brigade Fire Hose SpecificationsThis specification stipulates the fire hose purchased by the Iwata City Fire Brigade. 1. Specifications(1)Made in Japan. (2)The fire hose is a product that complies with the Ministerial Ordinance Prescribing Technical Standards for Fire Hoses (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Ordinance No. 22 of 2013, "Hose Standards Ministerial Ordinance") and the Ministerial Ordinance Prescribing Technical Standards for Plug-in Type Joint Fittings or Screw-in Type Joint Fittings Used for Fire Hoses and Screw-in Type Joint Fittings Used for Fire Suction Pipes (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Ordinance No. 23 of 2013, "Joint Fittings Standards Ministerial Ordinance") and is a hose of Iwata City Fire Brigade specifications. 2 Quantity 112 hoses, 65 mm long for firefighting 3 Delivery deadline Friday, March 28, 2025 4 Delivery location Location designated by the Fire Prevention Division of Iwata City Fire Department 5 Type (1) Lining Synthetic resin Synthetic resin is used, and it conforms to the Japanese Industrial Standards in Article 17 of the Industrial Standardization Act (Act No. 186 of 1949) and the tensile test in Article 22 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Ordinance of 2013. (2) Operating pressure 1.6 MPa or more (3) Length 20 m (4) Jacket weave Cross weave circular weave, twill weave or plain weave, with reinforced ears. 6 Hose specifications (1) The connecting fittings are of the plug-in type (light alloy). (2) It has a fitting to prevent unexpected separation, and can be fitted with conventional plug-in fittings. (3) Protective cloth is attached to both ends of the hose in a length of 20 cm or more to prevent the fittings from breaking when the fittings are stepped on. In addition, the protective cloth shall be of a one-piece structure with a constant width and thickness. The color of the protective cloth and the number of fire hoses required shall be as shown in the attached sheet, and the details shall be discussed with the person in charge of the fire department headquarters after the contract is signed. (4) Synthetic resin hose protectors shall be attached to both ends of the hose. The color of the protective equipment shall be the specified color described above and shall not differ from the specified color of the protective cloth. (5) The protective tire of the receiving metal fitting shall be made of resin containing a phosphorescent agent. (6) The hose shall be a low pressure loss hose. 7 Other (1) The hose shall be manufactured within six months from the date of delivery. (2) All fire hoses that have passed the type conformity evaluation shall be insured for one year so that they can be replaced promptly if the hose is damaged due to an accident or other reason within one year after delivery and cannot be used. In addition, the "insurance number" shall be written on the surface of the jacket of each delivered hose, and it can be confirmed visually. (3) The Contractor shall take over the number of hoses equivalent to the number purchased at the time of delivery. The Contractor shall bear the cost of taking over the hoses. (4) At the time of delivery, the manufacturer's "Quality Assurance Certificate (original)" and "Insurance Special Clauses (copy)" must be submitted to the relevant department and inspected in the presence of a staff member. (5) If any questions arise regarding any matters not specified in this specification, consult with the Fire Department staff. *Space for one character *Space for one character *Each character must be in Gothic font with a size of 50mm or more, and oil-based paint in a color that is easily visible on the color hose must be used. Receiver side Inserter side R○ー○ R○ー○ Year Number Protective cloth Protective cloth Appendix [Designated color for color hose] Division 1 Division 2 Division 3 Division 4 Division 5 Division Color Gray Blue Red Green Orange [Designated color for protective cloth] Division Toyooka Iwatahara Toyoda Mitsuke Nakaizumi Tatsuyo Fukuda Color Green Violet Yellow Orange Red Blue White [Quantity] Division Name Area Name 1st Division 2nd Division 3rd Division 4th Division 5th Division TotalToyooka Area Unit 3 3 3 3 12Iwatahara Area Unit 3 3 3 9Toyota Area Unit 3 10 5 3 21Mito Area Unit 3 10 3 3 3 22Nakaizumi Area Unit 6 4 4 4 18Tatsuyo Area Unit 4 4 3 4 15Fukuda Area Unit 4 4 3 4 15Total 112Iwata City Fire Brigade Fire Hose Specifications These specifications stipulate the fire hoses purchased by the Iwata City Fire Brigade. 1. Standards (1) Made in Japan. (2) The fire hose must conform to the Ministerial Ordinance Prescribing Technical Standards for Fire Hoses (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Ordinance No. 22 of 2013, "Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Standards for Hose Standards") and the Ministerial Ordinance Prescribing Technical Standards for Plug-in or Screw-in Connectors Used for Fire Hoses and Screw-in Connectors Used for Fire Suction Pipes (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Ordinance No. 23 of 2013, "Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Standards for Connectors Standards") and must be of Iwata City Fire Brigade specifications. 2 Quantity 112 hoses, 65 mm long for firefighting 3 Delivery deadline Friday, March 28, 2025 4 Delivery location Location designated by the Fire Prevention Division of Iwata City Fire Department 5 Type (1) Lining Synthetic resin Synthetic resin is used, and it conforms to the Japanese Industrial Standards in Article 17 of the Industrial Standardization Act (Act No. 186 of 1949) and the tensile test in Article 22 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Ordinance of 2013. (2) Operating pressure 1.6 MPa or more (3) Length 20 m (4) Jacket weave Cross weave circular weave, twill weave or plain weave, with reinforced ears. 6 Hose specifications (1) The connecting fittings are of the plug-in type (light alloy). (2) It has a fitting to prevent unexpected separation, and can be fitted with conventional plug-in fittings. (3) Protective cloth is attached to both ends of the hose in a length of 20 cm or more to prevent the fittings from breaking when the fittings are stepped on. In addition, the protective cloth shall be of a one-piece structure with a constant width and thickness. The color of the protective cloth and the number of fire hoses required shall be as shown in the attached sheet, and the details shall be discussed with the person in charge of the fire department headquarters after the contract is signed. (4) Synthetic resin hose protectors shall be attached to both ends of the hose. The color of the protective equipment shall be the specified color described above and shall not differ from the specified color of the protective cloth. (5) The protective tire of the receiving metal fitting shall be made of resin containing a phosphorescent agent. (6) The hose shall be a low pressure loss hose. 7 Other (1) The hose shall be manufactured within six months from the date of delivery. (2) All fire hoses that have passed the type conformity evaluation shall be insured for one year so that they can be replaced promptly if the hose is damaged due to an accident or other reason within one year after delivery and cannot be used. In addition, the "insurance number" shall be written on the surface of the jacket of each delivered hose, and it can be confirmed visually. (3) The Contractor shall take over the number of hoses equivalent to the number purchased at the time of delivery. The Contractor shall bear the cost of taking over the hoses. (4) At the time of delivery, the manufacturer's "Quality Assurance Certificate (original)" and "Insurance Special Clauses (copy)" must be submitted to the relevant department and inspected in the presence of a staff member. (5) If any questions arise regarding any matters not specified in this specification, consult with the Fire Department staff. *Space for one character *Space for one character *Each character must be in Gothic font with a size of 50mm or more, and oil-based paint in a color that is easily visible on the color hose must be used. Receiver side Inserter side R○ー○ R○ー○ Year Number Protective cloth Protective cloth Appendix [Designated color for color hose] Division 1 Division 2 Division 3 Division 4 Division 5 Division Color Gray Blue Red Green Orange [Designated color for protective cloth] Division Toyooka Iwatahara Toyoda Mitsuke Nakaizumi Tatsuyo Fukuda Color Green Violet Yellow Orange Red Blue White [Quantity] Division Name Area Name 1st Division 2nd Division 3rd Division 4th Division 5th Division TotalToyooka Area Unit 3 3 3 3 12Iwatahara Area Unit 3 3 3 9Toyota Area Unit 3 10 5 3 21Mito Area Unit 3 10 3 3 3 22Nakaizumi Area Unit 6 4 4 4 18Tatsuyo Area Unit 4 4 3 4 15Fukuda Area Unit 4 4 3 4 15Total 112Iwata City Fire Brigade Fire Hose Specifications These specifications stipulate the fire hoses purchased by the Iwata City Fire Brigade. 1. Standards (1) Made in Japan. (2) The fire hose must conform to the Ministerial Ordinance Prescribing Technical Standards for Fire Hoses (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Ordinance No. 22 of 2013, "Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Standards for Hose Standards") and the Ministerial Ordinance Prescribing Technical Standards for Plug-in or Screw-in Connectors Used for Fire Hoses and Screw-in Connectors Used for Fire Suction Pipes (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Ordinance No. 23 of 2013, "Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Standards for Connectors Standards") and must be of Iwata City Fire Brigade specifications. 2 Quantity 112 hoses, 65 mm long for firefighting 3 Delivery deadline Friday, March 28, 2025 4 Delivery location Location designated by the Fire Prevention Division of Iwata City Fire Department 5 Type (1) Lining Synthetic resin Synthetic resin is used, and it conforms to the Japanese Industrial Standards in Article 17 of the Industrial Standardization Act (Act No. 186 of 1949) and the tensile test in Article 22 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Ordinance of 2013. (2) Operating pressure 1.6 MPa or more (3) Length 20 m (4) Jacket weave Cross weave circular weave, twill weave or plain weave, with reinforced ears. 6 Hose specifications (1) The connecting fittings are of the plug-in type (light alloy). (2) It has a fitting to prevent unexpected separation, and can be fitted with conventional plug-in fittings. (3) Protective cloth is attached to both ends of the hose in a length of 20 cm or more to prevent the fittings from breaking when the fittings are stepped on. In addition, the protective cloth shall be of a one-piece structure with a constant width and thickness. The color of the protective cloth and the number of fire hoses required shall be as shown in the attached sheet, and the details shall be discussed with the person in charge of the fire department headquarters after the contract is signed. (4) Synthetic resin hose protectors shall be attached to both ends of the hose. The color of the protective equipment shall be the specified color described above and shall not differ from the specified color of the protective cloth. (5) The protective tire of the receiving metal fitting shall be made of resin containing a phosphorescent agent. (6) The hose shall be a low pressure loss hose. 7 Other (1) The hose shall be manufactured within six months from the date of delivery. (2) All fire hoses that have passed the type conformity evaluation shall be insured for one year so that they can be replaced promptly if the hose is damaged due to an accident or other reason within one year after delivery and cannot be used. In addition, the "insurance number" shall be written on the surface of the jacket of each delivered hose, and it can be confirmed visually. (3) The Contractor shall take over the number of hoses equivalent to the number purchased at the time of delivery. The Contractor shall bear the cost of taking over the hoses. (4) At the time of delivery, the manufacturer's "Quality Assurance Certificate (original)" and "Insurance Special Clauses (copy)" must be submitted to the relevant department and inspected in the presence of a staff member. (5) If any questions arise regarding any matters not specified in this specification, consult with the Fire Department staff. *Space for one character *Space for one character *Each character must be in Gothic font with a size of 50mm or more, and oil-based paint in a color that is easily visible on the color hose must be used. Receiver side Inserter side R○ー○ R○ー○ Year Number Protective cloth Protective cloth Appendix [Designated color for color hose] Division 1 Division 2 Division 3 Division 4 Division 5 Division Color Gray Blue Red Green Orange [Designated color for protective cloth] Division Toyooka Iwatahara Toyoda Mitsuke Nakaizumi Tatsuyo Fukuda Color Green Violet Yellow Orange Red Blue White [Quantity] Division Name Area Name 1st Division 2nd Division 3rd Division 4th Division 5th Division TotalToyooka Area Unit 3 3 3 3 12Iwatahara Area Unit 3 3 3 9Toyota Area Unit 3 10 5 3 21Mito Area Unit 3 10 3 3 3 22Nakaizumi Area Unit 6 4 4 4 18Tatsuyo Area Unit 4 4 3 4 15Fukuda Area Unit 4 4 3 4 15Total 112
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