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公務員宿舎内窓等補修工事 公務員宿舎内窓等補修工事 令和6年10月15日入札公告(建設工事)分任契約担当官陸上自衛隊旭川駐屯地第343会計隊長 福島 将臣次のとおり一般競争入札を行う。(政府調達協定対象外)1 工事概要(1) ... Repair work on windows in a government employee housing facility Repair work on windows in a government employee housing facility October 15, 2024 Tender announcement (construction work) Subcontracting officer, Ground Self-Defense Force Asahikawa Garrison, 343rd Accounting Unit, Masaomi Fukushima Public competitive bidding will be held as follows. (Not subject to the Government Procurement Agreement) 1. Construction overview (1) ...

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公務員宿舎内窓等補修工事 公務員宿舎内窓等補修工事 令和6年10月15日入札公告(建設工事)分任契約担当官陸上自衛隊旭川駐屯地第343会計隊長 福島 将臣次のとおり一般競争入札を行う。(政府調達協定対象外)1 工事概要(1) ... 防衛省陸上自衛隊北部方面会計隊本部  北海道札幌市 入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 公務員宿舎内窓等補修工事 種別 工事 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 15 日 組織 北海道札幌市 取得日 2024 年 10 月 15 日 20:12:11 公告内容 令和6年10月15日入札公告(建設工事)分任契約担当官陸上自衛隊旭川駐屯地第343会計隊長 福島 将臣次のとおり一般競争入札を行う。(政府調達協定対象外)1 工事概要(1) 工 事 名 公務員宿舎内窓等補修工事(2) 工事場所 陸上自衛隊旭川駐屯地 末広東宿舎1・2号棟(3) 工事内容 仕様書のとおり(4) 工 期 令和7年3月31日(月)(5) 本工事は、工事費内訳明細書の提出を義務付ける工事である。2 競争に参加する者に必要な資格に関する事項(1) 予算決算及び会計令(昭和22年勅令第165号。以下「予決令」という。)第70条及び第71の規定に該当しない者であること。(2) 防衛省における令和5・6年度一般競争参加資格(以下「防衛省競争参加資格」という。)のうち、「建築一式」及び「建具工事」で級別の格付を受け、北海道防衛局に競争参加を希望していること。(会社更生法(平成14年法律第154号)に基づき更生手続開始の申立てがなされている者又は民事再生法(平成 11 年法律第 225 号)に基づき更生手続開始の申立てがなされている者については、手続開始の決定後、再度級別の格付を受けていること。)(3) 会社更生法に基づき更生手続開始の申立てがなされている者又は民事再生法に基づき再生手続開始の申立てがなされている者((2)の再度級別の格付を受けた者を除く。)でないこと。(4) 防衛省競争参加資格の「建築一式」D等級以上及び「建具工事」C等級以上であること。(5) 平成20年度以降入札公告日までに、元請けとして完成・引渡しを完了した工事のうち、建築一式又は建具工事、と同様の実績を有すること。(建設共同企業体の構成員としての実績は、出費比率が20%以上のものに限る。)なお、当該経験が平成13年12月25日以降に完成した防衛省発注機関(旧防衛施設局及び旧防衛施設支局を含む。)の発注した工事に係るものにあっては、評定点合計が 65 点未満のものを除く。また、経験が工事成績相互利用登録機関が発注した工事で工事成績評定相互利用対象工事に該当するものである場合は、工事成績の評定点が65点未満のものを除く。(6) (5)の施工実績が防衛省発注機関(旧防衛施設局及び旧防衛施設支局を含む。)の発注した工事(平成13年12月25日以降に完成した工事で65点以上)の者又は提出する工程表の工程管理に対する技術的所見が適切である者(7) 次の基準を全て満たす監理技術者又は主任技術者(以下「監理技術者等」という。)を当該工事に専任で配置できること 。ア 建築一式又は建具工事に係る主任技術者となりうる資格を有する者である。イ 平成20年度以降入札公告日までに、(5)に掲げる工事の経験を有するものである。(原則、着工から完成まで従事している。)ウ 監理技術者にあっては、監理技術者資格証及び監理技術者講習終了証を有するものである。(8) 一般競争参加資格確認申請書(以下「申請書」という。)及び競争参加資格確認資料(以下「資料」という。)の提出期限の日から開札の時点までの期間に、北海道防衛局長から、「工事請負契約等に係る指名停止等の措置要領について」(防整施(事)第150号(28.3.31))に基づく指名停止を受けていないこと。(9) 上記1に示した工事に係る設計業務等の受注者(受注者が共同体である場合においては、当該共同体の各構成員をいう。以下同じ。)又は当該受注者と資本若しくは人事面において関連がある建業者でないこと。(10)入札に参加しようとする者の間に資本関係又は人的関係がないこと。(資本関係又は人的関係があるもののすべてが共同企業体の代表者以外の構成員である場合を除く。)(11)北海道内に建設業法等の許可(当該工事に対応する建設業種)に基づく本店、支店又は営業所が所在すること。(12)都道府県警察から暴力団関係者として防衛省が発注する工事等から排除するよう要請があり、当該状態が継続している有資格者でないこと。3 入札手続等(1) 担当部署ア 入札に関する事項〒070-8630 北海道旭川春光町国有無番地陸上自衛隊旭川駐屯地 第343会計隊(担当:宮田)TEL 0166-51-6111 (内線3348)FAX 0166-51-6040イ 仕様書等に関する事項陸上自衛隊旭川駐屯地(担当:藤田)TEL 0166-51-6111(内線2334)(2) 入札説明書の交付期間等ア 交付期間令和6年10月15日~令和6年11月6日 17時までイ 交付要領 本公告に添付(3) 申請書及び資料の提出期限等ア 提出期限 令和6年11月6日 17時までイ 提出方法 (1)の担当部署に持参又は郵送(書留郵便に限る。)もしくは託送(書留郵便と同等のものに限る。)する。(4) 入札書の提出期限等ア 提出期限 令和6年11月27日 17時までイ 提出方法 (1)の担当部署に持参又は郵送等する。(5) 開札の日時及び場所ア 日 時 令和6年11月28日 9時イ 場 所 陸上自衛隊旭川駐屯地 第343会計隊入札室(1号庁舎1F)4 その他(1) 手続きにおいて使用する言語及び通貨は日本語及び日本国通貨に限る。(2) 入札保証金免除(但し、落札者が「入札及び契約心得」に従って契約の締結手続きをしない場合には、落札金額の100分の5に相当する金額を違約金として徴収する。)(3) 契約保証金は免除(但し、契約者が契約を履行しない場合は、契約金額の100分の10以上の金額を違約金として徴収する。)また、契約者は金融機関もしくは保証事業会社の保証又は公共工事履行保証証券を提出すること。なお、契約保証金の額、保証金額又は保険金額は、請負代金の10分の1(予決令第86条の調査を受けた者との契約については請負代金額の10分の3)以上とする。(4) 入札の無効ア 本公告に示した競争参加資格のない者のした入札イ 申請書又は資料に虚偽の記載をした者の入札ウ 入札に関する条件に違反した入札エ 入札金額、入札者(委任された者も含む)の氏名及び押印された印影が判別し難い入札オ 入札書の提出期限に遅れた者による入札カ 入札書に暴力団排除に関する誓約事項に誓約する旨の記載が無い入札書キ 誓約した暴力団排除に関する誓約事項に虚偽があった場合又は誓約に反する事態が生じた場合ク 入札書の内訳書の内容に著しい不備があって当該入札書の内訳であると認められない場合本公告で示した競争に参加する者に必要な資格のない者のした入札(5) 落札者の決定方法予決令第 79 条の規定に基づいて作成された予定価格の制限の範囲内で最低の価格をもって有効な入札を行った者を落札者とする。 ただし、落札者となるべき者の入札価格によっては、その者により当該契約の内容に適合した履行がなされないおそれがあると認められるとき、又はその者と契約を締結することが公正な取引の秩序を乱すこととなるおそれがあって著しく不適当であると認められるときは、予定価格の制限の範囲内の価格をもって入札した他の者のうち最低の価格をもって入札した者を落札者とすることがある。なお、落札者となるべき最低入札者が2人以上ある場合は、くじ引きにより落札者を決定する。この際、当該入札者のうち、くじを引かない者があるときは、これに代わって入札事務に関係のない職員にくじを引かせて決定する。落札決定に当たっては、入札書に記載された金額に当該金額の100分の10に相当する額を加算した金額(当該金額に1円未満の端数があるときは、その端数金額を切捨てた金額)をもって落札価格とするので、入札者は消費税及び地方消費税に係る課税事業者であるか免税事業者であるかを問わず、見積もった契約希望金額の110分の10に相当する金額を入札書に記載すること。(6) 配置予定監理技術者の確認落札者決定後、発注者支援データベース・システム等により配置予定の監理技術者の専任制違反の事実が確認された場合、契約を結ばないことがある。なお、種々の状況からやむを得ないものとして承認された場合の外は、配置予定技術者の変更を認めない。(7) 落札者となるべき者の入札価格が予決令第 85 条の規定に基づいて作成された基準(以下「調査基準価格」という。)を下回っている場合は、予決令第86条の調査(以下「低入札価格調査」という。)を行うので、協力しなければならない。(8) 入札後、契約を締結するまでの間に、都道府県警察から暴力団関係者として防衛省が発注する工事等から排除するよう要請があり、当該状態が継続している有資格者とは契約を行わない。(9) 契約書の要否要(10) 関連情報を入手するための照会窓口現地確認等を希望する者は、上記3(1)に申し出る。(11) 競争参加資格の級別の格付を受けていない者の参加上記2(2)に掲げる競争参加資格の級別の格付を受けていない者も上記3(3)により申請書及び資料を提出することができるが、競争に参加するためには、開札の時点において当該資格の格付を受け、かつ、競争参加資格の確認を受けていなければならない。(12) 詳細は、入札説明書による。規格 単位 数量 単位1 建築工事(1) 建具工事ア 引違窓新設(樹脂サッシ) 1530*1803 組 1 組イ 引違窓新設(樹脂サッシ) 1530*1306 組 1 組ウ 引違窓新設(樹脂サッシ) 930*606 組 1 組エ 引違窓新設(樹脂サッシ) 1530*1804 組 1 組オ 引違窓新設(樹脂サッシ) 1530*1305 組 1 組カ 引違窓新設(樹脂サッシ) 930*605 組 1 組キ 腰パネル 544*755 組 1 組ク 腰パネル 539*759 組 1 組ケ 戸車 11(A)28型 個 1 個(2) 撤去工事ア 木製引違内窓撤去 組 1 組イ 腰パネル撤去 組 1 組2 産業廃棄物運搬・処理ア 産業廃棄物運搬・処理費 式 1 式項目数量計算書公務員宿舎内窓等補修工事入 札 説 明 書第343会計隊の公務員宿舎内窓等補修工事に係る入札公告(建設工事)に基づく入札等については、関係法令に定めるもののほか、この入札説明書によるものとする。1 入札公告日令和6年10月15日2 契約担当官等分任契約担当官 陸上自衛隊旭川駐屯地 第343会計隊長 福島 将臣〒070-8630 北海道旭川市春光町国有無番地3 工事概要(1) 工事名公務員宿舎内窓等補修工事(2) 工事場所陸上自衛隊旭川駐屯地 末広東宿舎1棟・2棟(3) 工事内容及び工事範囲仕様書のとおり(4) 工 期令和7年3月31日(月)(5) その他ア 本工事は、工事内訳明細書の提出を義務付ける工事である。イ 本工事は、数量公開の対象工事であり、設計数量を参考数量として公開することとしており、手続きの詳細は、別添「数量公開の説明書」を参照するものとする。4 競争参加資格(1) 予算決算及び会計令(昭和22年勅令第165 号。以下「予決令」という。)第70条及び第71条の規定に該当しない者であること。(2) 防衛省における令和5・6年度一般競争(指名競争)参加資格(以下「防衛省競争参加資格」という。)のうち、「建築一式」で「D以上」又は「建具工事」で「C以上」級別の格付を受け、北海道防衛局に競争参加を希望していること。(会社更生法(平成14年法律第154号)に基づき更生手続開始の申立てがなされている者又は民事再生法(平成11年法律第225号)に基づき再生手続開始の申立てがなされている者については、手続開始の決定後、再度級別の格付を受けていること。)(3) 会社更生法に基づき更生手続開始の申立てがなされている者又は民事再生法に基づき再生手続開始の申立てがなされている者((2)の再度級別の格付を受けた者を除く。)でないこと。(4) 防衛省関係機関資格審査結果において「建築一式」に係る等級が「D以上」又は「建具工事」に係る等級が「C以上」であること。(5) 平成20年度以降入札公告日までに、元請けとして完成・引渡しを完了した工事のうち、本工事と同様の実績を有すること。(建設共同企業体の構成員としての実績は、出費比率が20%以上のものに限る。)(6) (5)の施行実績が防衛省発注機関(旧防衛施設局及び旧防衛施設支局を含む。)の発注した工事(平成13年12月25日以降に完成した工事で評定点合計が65点以上)の者又は提出する工程表の工程管理に対する技術的所見が適切である者(個別の工事に応じて、後期別に明示すること。)(7) 次の基準を全て満たす主任技術者又は監理技術者(以下「監理技術者等」という。)を当該工事に専任で配置できること。ア 建築一式又は建具工事に係る主任技術者となりうる資格を有する者である。イ 平成20年度以降入札公告日までに、(5)に掲げる工事の経験を有する者である。(原則、着工から完成まで従事している。)なお、当該経験が平成 13 年 12月 25 日以降に完成した防衛省発注機関(旧防衛施設局及び旧防衛施設支局を含む。)の発注した工事に係るものにあっては、評定点合計が65点未満のものを除く。また、経験が工事成績相互利用登録機関が発注した工事で工事成績評定相互利用対象工事に該当するものである場合は、工事成績の評定点が65点未満のものを除く。ウ 監理技術者にあっては、監理技術者資格者証及び監理技術者講習修了証を有する者である。エ 配置予定の監理技術者等にあっては直接的かつ恒常的な雇用関係が必要であるので、その旨を明示することができる資料を求めることがあり、その明示がなされない場合は入札に参加できないことがある。(8) 一般競争参加資格確認申請書(以下「申請書」という。 )及び競争参加資格確認資料(以下「資料」という。)の提出期限の日から開札の時点までの期間に、北海道防衛局長から、「工事 請負契約等に係る指名停止等の措置要領について」(防整施(事)第150号 (28.3.31))(以下「指名停止措置要領」という。)に基づく指名停止を受けていないこと。(9) 上記1に示した工事に係る設計業務等の受注者(受注者が共同体である場合においては、当該共同体の各構成員をいう。以下同じ。)又は当該受注者と資本若しくは人事面において関連がある建設業者でないこと。(10) 入札に参加しようとする者との間に資本関係又は人的関係がないこと。(資本関係又は人的関係があるもののすべてが共同企業体の代表者以外の構成品である場合を除く。)(11) 北海道内に建設業法の許可(当該工事に対応する建設業種)に基づく本店、支店及び営業所が所在すること。(12) 都道府県警察から暴力団関係業者として防衛省が発注する工事等から排除するよう要請があり、当該状態が継続している者でないこと。5 担当部署(1) 入札に関する事項〒077-0015 北海道旭川市春光町国有無番地陸上自衛隊旭川駐屯地 第343会計隊(担当:宮田)TEL 0166-51-6111(内線3348)FAX 0166-51-6040(2) 仕様書等に関する事項陸上自衛隊旭川駐屯地業務隊管理科(担当:藤田)TEL 0166-51-6111(内線2334)6 競争参加資格の確認等(1) 本競争の参加希望者は、上記4に掲げる競争参加資格を有することを証明するため、次に従い、申請書及び資料(以下「申請書等」という。)を提出し、契約担当官等から競争参加資格の有無について確認を受けなければならない。また、4(2)の格付を受けていない者も次に従い申請書等を提出することができる。この場合において、4(1)、(3)及び(5)から(10)までに掲げる事項を満たしているときは、開札の時において4(2)及び(4)に掲げる事項を満たしていることを条件として競争参加資格があることを確認するものとする。当該確認を受けた者が競争に参加するためには、開札の時点において上記4(2)及び(4)に掲げる事項を満たしていなければならない。なお、期限までに申請書等を提出しない者及び競争参加資格がないと認められた者は、本競争に参加することができない。申請書等の提出は、次に示すとおりとする。ア 提出期間 令和6年10月15日から令和6年11月6日まで(行政機関の休日を除く。)の午前8時15分から午後5時まで。(正午から午後1時までの間を除く。)イ 提出方法 持参又は郵送等で提出すること。ウ 提出場所 5に同じ。(2) 申請書は、別紙第1により作成すること。(3) 資料は、次に従い作成する。なお、アの実績及びイの経験については、平成20年度以降札公告日までに工事が完成し、引き渡しが済んでいるものに限り記載することとし、「同種の工事の施工実績(別紙第2)」に記載する工事が、平成13年12月25日以降に完成した防衛省発注機関(旧防衛施設局及び旧防衛施設支局を含む。)の発注した工事の場合は、当該工事に係る施工成績評定通知書又は工事成績評定通知書の写しを添付する。ア 同種の工事の施工実績上記4(5)に掲げる資格があることを判断できる同種の工事の施工実績を、別紙第2に記載すること。記載する同種の工事の施工実績の件数は1件でよい。イ 配置予定の技術者上記4(7)に掲げる資格があることを判断できる配置予定の技術者の資格、同種の工事の経験及び申請時における他工事の従事状況等を、別紙第3に記載すること。記載する同種の工事の経験の件数は1件でよい。なお、配置予定の技術者として複数の候補技術者の資格及び同種の工事の経験を記載することもできる。また、同一の技術者を重複して複数工事の配置予定の技術者とすることは差し支えないものとするが、他の工事を落札したことにより配置予定の技術者を配置することができなくなったときは、入札してはならず、申請書を提出した者は、直ちに当該申請書の取下げを行うこと。また、他の工事を落札したことにより配置予定の技術者を配置することができないにもかかわらず入札した場合においては、不正又は不誠実な行為として、指名停止措置要領に基づく指名停止を行うことがある。入札書の提出後、落札者決定までの期間(予決令第86 条の調査(以下「低入札価格調査」という。)期間を含む。)において、他の工事を落札したことにより配置予定の技術者を配置することができなくなった場合は、直ちにその旨の申し出を行うこと。この場合において、その事実が認められた場合には、当該入札を無効とする。落札後、配置予定の技術者が配置できないことが明らかになった場合は、不正又は不誠実な行為として、指名停止措置要領に基づく指名停止を行うことがある。ウ 工程表アの実績が防衛省の発注した工事以外の者又は平成 13 年 12 月 25 日以前に完成した旧防衛施設局等の施行実績を有する者については、工程管理が適切であることを判断できる工程管理の技術的事項に対する所見を別紙第4に記載すること。エ 契約書の写し等施工実績又は経験として記載した工事に係る契約書の写し又は当該同種工事を証明する資料を提出すること。ただし、当該工事が、財団法人日本建設情報総合センタ-の「工事実績情報サ-ビス(CORINS)」に登録されている場合は、契約書の写しを提出する必要はない。(4) 競争参加資格の確認は、申請書等の提出期限日をもって行うものとし、申請時に提出された返信用封筒により、令和6年11月15日までに通知する。(5) その他ア 申請書等の作成及び提出に係る費用は、申請者の負担とする。イ 契約担当官等は、提出された申請書等を競争参加資格の確認以外に申請者に無断で使用しない。ウ 提出された申請書等は、返却しない。エ 提出期限以降における申請書等の差し替え及び再提出は認めない。オ 申請書等に関する問い合わせ先 上記5に同じ。7 競争参加資格がないと認めた者に対する理由の説明(1) 競争参加資格がないと認められた者は、契約担当官等に対して競争参加資格がないと認めた理由について、次に従い説明を求めることができる。ア 提出期限 令和6年11月20日 午後5時イ 提出場所 上記5に同じ。ウ 提出方法 書面(様式は自由)を持参するものとし、郵送等又は電送によるものは受け付けない。(2) 契約担当官等は、説明を求められたときは、令和6年11月22日までに説明を求めた者に対し書面により回答する。8 入札説明書に対する質問(1) 入札説明書に対して質問がある場合には、次に従い提出すること。ア 提出期間 令和6年10月15日から令和6年11月6日まで(行政機関の休日を除く。 )の毎日、午前8時15分から午後5時まで。ただし、持参する場合は正午から午後1時までの間を除く。イ 提出場所 上記5に同じ。ウ 提出方法 書面(様式は自由)により持参又は郵送等することとし、電送によるものは受け付けない。(2) (1)の質問に対する回答書は、次のとおり閲覧にも供する。ア 期 間令和6年11月22日まで(行政機関の休日を除く。)の毎日、午前8時15分から午後5時まで。イ 場 所 上記5に同じ。9 入札方法等(1) 入札書は、持参又は郵送等で提出する。(2) 入札書の提出期間、提出場所等ア 提出期間令和6年11月27日 午後5時までイ 提出場所上記5に同じ。ウ 提出方法入札書及び工事費内訳明細書を別々の封筒に入れて封かんし、入札書を入れた封筒の表に入札件名、開札日時及び商号又は名称を表記し、「入札書在中」と朱書きする。さらにこれらを1つの封筒に入れて封かんし、持参又は郵送等により提出する。また、一般競争参加資格確認通知書又はその写しを提示又は同封する。郵送等により提出する場合は、提出期限までに到達するよう発送し、発送後速やかに担当部署に必ず電話連絡する。なお、入札書及び工事費内訳明細書が提出期限までに持参又は到達しない場合には、当該入札者は入札を辞退したものとみなす。(3) 落札決定に当たっては、入札書に記載された金額に当該金額の100 分の10 に相当する額を加算した金額(当該金額に1円未満の端数があるときは、その端数金額を切り捨てた金額)をもって落札価格とするので、入札者は、消費税及び地方消費税に係る課税事業者であるか免税事業者であるかを問わず、見積った契約希望金額の 110 分の 100 に相当する金額を入札書に記載する。(4) 入札回数は、原則として2回を限度とする。ただし、2回目の入札において落札者がいない場合は、3回目の入札を執行する場合もある。なお、予算決算及び会計令第99条の2の規定による随意契約は、特別な場合を除き適用しない。10 入札保証金及び契約保証金(1) 入札保証金:免除(但し、落札者が「入札及び契約心得」に従って契約の締結手続きをしない場合には、落札金額の100分の5に相当する金額を違約金として徴収する。)(2) 契約保証金:免除(但し、契約者が契約を履行しない場合は、契約金額の100分の10以上の金額を違約金として徴収する。)また、契約者は金融機関若しくは保証事業会社の保証又は公共工事履行保証証券を提出すること。なお、契約保証金の額、保証金額又は保険金額は、請負代金の10分の1(予決令第86条の調査を受けた者との契約については請負代金の10 分の3以上)とする。11 工事費内訳明細書の提出(1) 第1回の入札に際し、第1回の入札書に記載される入札金額に対応した工事費内訳明細書の書面を提出しなければならない。(2) 工事費内訳明細書の作成方法ア 交付した数量書にある総括表の構成に対応した経費項目(直接工事費、共通仮設費、現場経費、一般管理費等)を記載することとする。また、直接工事費の明細書については、交付した数量書に対応する摘要、単位、単価、金額等を記載したものとする。イ 交付する数量書記載の数量については、参考数量であることから変更してもよいものとする。ウ 工事費内訳明細書には、必ず表紙を付けるものとし、表紙には商号又は名称、住所及び代表者氏名(紙入札方式による場合は、必ず押印する。)並びに発注者名及び工事名を記載し、表紙以外には商号又は名称、住所及び代表者氏名を記載しない。(3) 工事費内訳明細書の提出方法等ア 提出期間 上記9(2)アに同じ。イ 提出方法 上記9(2)ウを参照ウ 提出場所 上記5に同じ。(4) 提出された工事費内訳明細書は返却しないものとする。(5) 工事費内訳明細書を提出しない者は、入札に参加することができない。(6) 工事費内訳明細書の確認の結果、別表第5の各項に該当する場合は、入札心得書に規定する「その他入札に関する条件に違反した入札」として、当該入札参加者の入札を無効とする場合がある。(7) 提出された工事費内訳明細書について説明を求める場合がある。(8) 提出された工事費内訳明細書については、必要に応じ公正取引委員会へ提出する場合がある。この場合、指名停止措置要領に基づき、指名停止措置を行うことがある。(9) 工事費内訳明細書は参考図書として提出を求めるものであり、契約上の権利義務を生じるものではない。12 開 札(1) 開札の日時及び場所ア 開札日時 令和6年11月28日 9時イ 開札場所 陸上自衛隊旭川駐屯地 入札室(2) 開札は、(1)に掲げる日時及び場所において、入札者又はその代理人を立ち会わせて行う。ただし、郵便等などの入札者又はその代理人が立ち会わない場合は、入札事務に関係のない職員を立ち会わせて行う。(3) 開札に立ち会わない場合でも、その者から提出された入札書は有効なものとして取り扱う。(4) (3)の場合において、再度の入札を行うこととなったときは、再度の入札への参加の意思の有無を電話により確認するものとする。(5) 第1回目の入札において落札者が決定しなかった場合、再度入札に移行する。再度入札の日については、発注者から連絡する。13 入札の無効(1) 次に掲げる入札は無効とする。ア 本公告において示した競争参加資格のない者のした入札イ 申請書又は資料に虚偽の記載をした者の入札ウ 現場説明書及び入札心得書において示した条件等入札に関する条件に違反した入札エ 契約担当官等により競争参加資格のある旨確認された者であっても、落札決定の時において上記4に掲げる資格のない者のした入札(2) (1)の無効の入札を行った者を落札者としていた場合には、落札決定を取り消す。14 落札者の決定方法(1) 予決令第79 条の規定に基づいて作成された予定価格の制限の範囲内で最低の価格をもって有効な入札を行った者を落札者とする。ただし、落札者となるべき者の入札価格によっては、その者により当該契約の内容に適合した履行がなされないおそれがあると認められるとき、又はその者と契約を締結することが公正な取引の秩序を乱すこととなるおそれがあって著しく不適当であると認められるときは、予定価格の制限の範囲内の価格をもって入札した他の者のうち最低の価格をもって入札した者を落札者とすることがある。(2) (1)の場合において、落札者となるべき同価格の入札をした者が2人以上あるときは、くじ引きにより落札者を決定する。この際、当該入札者のうち、くじを引かない者があるときは、これに代わって入札事務に関係のない職員にくじを引かせて決定する。 (3) 落札者となるべき者の入札価格が予決令第85 条の規定に基づいて作成された基準(以下「調査基準価格」という。)を下回る場合は、低入札価格調査を行うので、調査に協力しなければならない。15 配置予定監理技術者の確認落札者決定後、発注者支援デ-タべ-ス・システム等により配置予定の監理技術者の専任制違反の事実が確認された場合、契約を結ばないことがある。なお、病休・死亡・退職等極めて特別な場合でやむを得ないとして承認された場合の外は、配置予定技術者の変更を認めない。病気等特別な理由により、やむを得ず配置技術者を変更する場合は、4(7)に掲げる基準を満たし、かつ当初の配置予定技術者と同等以上の者を配置しなければならない。16 別に配置を求める技術者専任の監理技術者の配置が義務付けられている工事において、調査基準価格を下回った価格をもって契約する場合においては、契約の相手方が第343会計隊で入札日から過去2年以内に完成した工事、あるいは入札時点で施工中の工事に関して、次のいずれかに該当する場合、監理技術者とは別に、4(7)に定める要件と同一の要件(4(7)イに掲げる工事経験を除く。)を満たす技術者を、専任で1名現場に配置することとする。(1) 65 点未満の工事成績評定を通知された者(2) 契約担当官等から施工中又は施工後において工事請負契約書に基づいて修補又は損害賠償を請求された者ただし、軽微な手直し等は除く。(3) 品質管理、安全管理に関し、指名停止又は契約担当官等から書面により警告若しくは注意の喚起を受けた者(4) 自らに起因して工期を大幅に遅延させた者なお、当該技術者は施工中、監理技術者を補助し、監理技術者と同様の職務を行うものとする。また、上記の技術者を求めることとなった場合には、その指名その他必要な事項を監理技術者の通知と同様に契約担当官等に通知することとする。17 契約書作成の要否等別紙第6「契約書案」により、契約書を作成するものとする。18 火災保険付保の要否要19 再苦情申立て契約担当官等からの競争参加資格がないと認めた理由の説明に不服がある者は7(2)の回答を受けた日の翌日から起算して7日(行政機関の休日を除く。)以内に、書面により、契約担当官等に対して、再苦情の申立てを行うことができる。当該再苦情申立てについては、入札監視委員会が審議を行う。 以下同じ)により申し出ること。ウ 受注者は、イの申し出を行った場合又は請負代金額の増額変更があった場合等において、ポイント又は証紙を追加購入したときは、当該購入に係る収納書を工事完成時までに提出すること。なお、イの申し出を行った場合又は請負代金額の増額変更があった場合において、ポイント又は証紙を追加購入しなかったときは、その理由を書面により申し出ること。エ 建退共制度に加入していない受注者、ポイント若しくは証紙の購入又は機構への報告若しくは証紙の貼付が不十分な受注者は、指名等について考慮することがある。オ ポイント又は証紙の購入状況を把握するため必要があると認めるときは、証紙の受払簿その他関係資料の提出を求めることがある。カ 受注者は、下請契約を締結する際は、下請負人に対して建退共制度の趣旨を説明し、下請負人が雇用する建退共制度の対象となる労働者に係るポイント又は証紙をあわせて購入すること、又は建退共制度の掛金相当額を下請代金中に算入することにより、下請負人の建退共制度への加入及び掛金納付を促進すること。キ 下請負人の規模が小さく、建退共制度に関する事務処理能力が十分でない場合には、元請負人に建退共制度への加入手続及び掛金納付に係る事務等の処理を委託する方法もあるので、元請負人においてできる限り下請負人の事務の受託に務めること。ク 受注者は、機構から工事現場に建設業退職金共済制度適用事業主の工事現場である旨を明示する標識の掲示について要請があった場合には、特別の事情がある場合を除き、これに協力すること。ケ 受注者は、建退共制度について、建設キャリアアップシステムの活用等により技能労働者等の就労状況を適切に把握し、これに基づく履行状況について、工事完成後、速やかに掛金充当実績総括表を工事監督官へ提出し、工事検査官に提示すること。(5) ダンプトラック等による過積載等の防止についてア 工事用資機材等の積載超過のないようにすること。イ 過積載を行っている資材納入業者から、資材を購入しないこと。ウ 資材等の過積載を防止するため、資材の購入等に当たっては、資材納入業者等の利益を不当に害することのないようにすること。エ さし枠の装着又は物品積載装置の不正改造をしたダンプカーが、工事現場に出入りすることのないようにすること。オ ダンプカー協会の設立状況を踏まえ、同協会への加入を促進すること。カ ダンプカー協会の設立、加入等の状況に応じて、ダンプカー協会加入車を優先的に使用すること。キ 工事の現場に出入りする一人一車等零細なダンプカー事業者に対し、協業化による運送免許の取得を促進するよう指導すること。ク 工事の施工に当たっては、土砂等の運搬が運送契約によって行われるときは、正規の運送免許を受けた者の車に限って使用すること。ケ 下請契約の相手方又は資材納入業者を選定するに当たっては、交通交全に関する配慮に欠ける者又は業務に関しダンプトラック等によって悪質かつ重大な事故を発生させた者を排除すること。コ アからケまでのことにつき、下請契約における受注者を指導すること。(6) 分別解体等実施義務について受注者は、建設工事に係る資材の再資源化等に関する法律(平成12年法律第104号)第9条第1項の規定による分別解体等をしなければならない。(7) 防衛省が発注する工事等からの暴力団排除の推進について(防経施第6993号。20.6.5)に基づく暴力団排除を行うための措置は以下のとおりとする。ア 下請等から暴力団を排除するための措置について都道府県警察から、暴力団関係業者として、防衛省が発注する工事(以下「発注工事」という。)から排除するよう要請があり、当該状態が継続している有資格業者については、下請等として使用しないこと。イ 暴力団員等による不当介入を受けた場合の措置について(ア) 発注工事において、暴力団員等による不当要求又は工事妨害(以下「不当介入」という。)を受けた場合は、断固としてこれを拒否するとともに、不当介入があった時点で速やかに警察に通報を行うとともに、捜査上必要な協力を行うこと。(イ) (ア)により警察に通報を行うとともに、捜査上必要な協力を行った場合には、速やかにその内容を記載した書面により発注者に報告すること。(ウ) 発注工事において、暴力団員等による不当介入を受けたことにより工程に遅れが生じる等の被害が生じた場合は、発注者と協議を行うこと。ウ 通報等義務を怠った場合の措置について(ア) 暴力団員等による不当介入を受けた受注者等が都道府県警察への通報等を怠った場合には、当該受注者等に対して指名停止又は書面による注意の喚起を行うものとする。(イ) (ア)による指名停止を受けた者については、工事の施工成績の評定に反映させるものとする。(ウ) (ア)による指名停止を受けた者については、その旨を公表するものとする。(エ) (ア)による指名停止を受けた者については、下請等の承認をしてはならないものとする。6 入門手続について(1) 一般競争入札において競争参加資格の確認を受けた者、指名競争入札において指名通知を受けた者又は見積依頼を受けた者が、入札見積のために現地の確認が必要として自衛隊施設又は米軍施設に立ち入る場合は、事前に、立入月日及び立入りしようとする人数等についての契約担当部署と調整を行うものとする。(2) 工事の施工に際し、自衛隊施設又は米軍施設に立ち入る場合は、事前に、工事監督官と調整を行い、当該施設を管理する部隊等の規則等に基づき関係書類を提出のうえ、出入許可を受けた後に当該施設に立ち入るものとする。また、当該関係書類を提出の際は受注者の代表者(現場代理人等)が記載漏れや本人確認資料等を確認するとともに、申請が許可されて入門許可証等が発行される際は、受注者が一括して受領した場合にあっては、受注者は身分証明書等による申請者本人であることを確認した上で手交することとし、自衛隊施設等の担当部隊等から申請者本人へ手交する場合にあっては、受注者は部隊等が行う本人確認及び手交に立ち会うこととする。第2 特記事項1 工期の厳守について本工事の施工に当たって、関連する工事の工程は次のとおりであるので、業者相互の連絡調整等を密にし、工事が遅延することがないよう努めること。2 本工事の施工期間等は、次のとおりとする。 (1) 施工期間契約締結日から令和7年3月31日まで(2) 施工時間概ね9時から17時までを基準とし、その他の時間帯の施工については、別途工事監督官と調整をするものとする。3 本工事に配置する主任技術者又は監理技術者は、以下の期間において工事現場への専任を要しないものとする。(1) 本工事の契約締結日から現場施工に着手するまでの期間(2) 工事完成後、検査が終了し(発注者の都合により検査が遅延した場合を除く。)、事務手続、後片付け等のみが残っている期間4 本工事で発生する発生材については、工事中は業者の保管とし、工事終了後に発生材調書を作成する。発生材本体は廃棄物処理場へ運搬処分し、マニュフェストを速やかに提出する。ただし、鉄屑及びアルミ屑等が発生した場合は監督官の指示するものについては、指定する場所に運搬し、整理の上、集積する。5 電気・水道は、請負業者の負担において準備する。6 防衛施設への立入り、仮設物の設置等に当たっては、関係機関等の定める諸規則に従うこととする。なお、特別な条件等が付された場合は、別途協議する。7 特記仕様書に記載された事項のほか、関係法令に基づく工事に必要な届出書類の手続きは、受注者が行う。ただし、消防法に基づく危険物の申請及び建築基準法に基づく建物等の評定申請はこの限りではない。 Repair work on windows inside public servant housing Repair work on windows inside public servant housing Bidding announcement on October 15, 2024 (construction work) Subcontracting officer, Ground Self-Defense Force Asahikawa Garrison, 343rd Accounting Unit Commander, Fukushima Masatomi Public competitive bidding will be held as follows. (Not subject to the Government Procurement Agreement) 1 Construction overview (1) ... Ministry of Defense Ground Self-Defense Force Northern Army Accounting Unit Headquarters Sapporo City, Hokkaido Bidding information is as follows. Subject Repair work on windows inside public servant housing Type Construction Date of announcement or update October 15, 2024 Organization Sapporo City, Hokkaido Date of acquisition October 15, 2024 20:12:11 Announcement content Bidding announcement on October 15, 2024 (construction work) Subcontracting officer, Ground Self-Defense Force Asahikawa Garrison, 343rd Accounting Unit Commander, Fukushima Masatomi Public competitive bidding will be held as follows. (Not subject to the Government Procurement Agreement) 1. Overview of the Work (1) Name of Work Repair work for windows inside civil servant accommodation (2) Location of Work Asahikawa Garrison of the Ground Self-Defense Force Suehiro Higashi Accommodation Buildings 1 and 2 (3) Work Content As per specifications (4) Construction Period Monday, March 31, 2025 (5) This work requires the submission of a detailed breakdown of the construction costs. 2. Qualifications required for those participating in the competition (1) Those who do not fall under the provisions of Articles 70 and 71 of the Budget, Settlement and Accounting Ordinance (Imperial Ordinance No. 165 of 1947; hereinafter referred to as the "Budget and Settlement Ordinance"). (2) Those who have received a grade rating for "construction as a whole" and "fittings work" among the qualifications for participation in general competitive bidding for fiscal years 2023 and 2024 at the Ministry of Defense (hereinafter referred to as the "qualifications for participation in competitive bidding for the Ministry of Defense") and wish to participate in the competitive bidding for the Hokkaido Defense Bureau. (In the case of a person against whom a petition for the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings has been filed pursuant to the Corporate Reorganization Act (Act No. 154 of 2002) or a person against whom a petition for the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings has been filed pursuant to the Civil Rehabilitation Act (Act No. 225 of 1999), the person must have been re-rated after the decision to commence the proceedings has been made.) (3) The person is not against whom a petition for the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings has been filed pursuant to the Corporate Reorganization Act or a petition for the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings pursuant to the Civil Rehabilitation Act (excluding a person that has been re-rated as in (2)). (4) The person has a qualification for participation in the Ministry of Defense tender of D grade or higher for "complete building" and C grade or higher for "fittings and fixtures work". (5) The person has a track record similar to that of complete building or fittings work, among the works that have been completed and delivered as a prime contractor in or after FY2008 by the date of announcement of bids. (The track record as a member of a construction joint venture is limited to those with an expenditure ratio of 20% or more.) In addition, if the experience is related to construction work ordered by a Ministry of Defense procurement agency (including the former Defense Facilities Administration Agency and the former Defense Facilities Administration Branch Office) completed on or after December 25, 2001, those with a total rating score of less than 65 points are excluded. In addition, if the experience is related to construction work ordered by a construction performance mutual use registration agency and falls under construction performance evaluation mutual use eligible construction work, those with a construction performance rating score of less than 65 points are excluded. (6) An individual whose construction track record in (5) is related to construction work ordered by a Ministry of Defense procurement agency (including the former Defense Facilities Administration Agency and the former Defense Facilities Administration Branch Office) (construction work completed on or after December 25, 2001 with a rating of 65 points or more) or an individual whose technical opinion on the process management of the schedule to be submitted is appropriate. (7) A supervising engineer or chief engineer (hereinafter referred to as "supervising engineer, etc.") who meets all of the following criteria can be assigned full-time to the construction work. A person who is qualified to be a chief engineer for general building or fittings work. B. A person who has experience in the construction works listed in (5) in or after FY2008 up until the date of the announcement of the tender. (In principle, they are involved from the start of construction to completion.) C. A supervising engineer has a supervising engineer qualification certificate and a certificate of completion of the supervising engineer training course. (8) During the period from the deadline for submission of the general competitive bidding qualification confirmation application form (hereinafter referred to as the "application form") and competitive bidding qualification confirmation documents (hereinafter referred to as the "documents") to the time of opening of the bids, the Director of the Hokkaido Defense Bureau must have issued a notice entitled "Regarding measures such as suspension of nomination for construction contracts, etc." (Defense and Construction Contracts No. 150 (2012.3.(31)). (9) The person is not a contractor for design work etc. related to the construction works specified in 1 above (in the case where the contractor is a consortium, this refers to each member of the consortium; the same applies below), or a construction contractor related in capital or personnel to the contractor. (10) There is no capital or personnel relationship between the persons intending to participate in the bid. (Except for cases where all of those who have a capital or personnel relationship are members other than the representative of the consortium.) (11) The person has a head office, branch office or sales office in Hokkaido based on a license under the Construction Business Act or other laws (for the construction industry corresponding to the construction work in question). (12) The person is not a qualified person who has been requested by the prefectural police to be excluded from construction works etc. ordered by the Ministry of Defense as an affiliate of an organized crime group and who continues to be in this status. 3. Bidding procedure, etc. (1) Department in charge A. Bidding matters: 343rd Accounting Unit, Asahikawa Garrison, Ground Self-Defense Force, Haruko-cho, Asahikawa, Hokkaido, 070-8630, Japan (Public Address: No. 3348) FAX: 0166-51-6040 B. Specifications, etc.: Asahikawa Garrison, Ground Self-Defense Force, (Person in charge: Fujita) TEL: 0166-51-6111 (Extension 2334) (2) Period for delivery of bidding instructions, etc. A. Delivery period: October 15, 2024 to November 6, 2024, 5:00 p.m. B. Delivery guidelines: Attached to this announcement (3) Deadline for submission of application and documents, etc. A. Submission deadline: November 6, 2024, 5:00 p.m. B. Method of submission (1) Bids may be brought to the relevant department in charge, or sent by mail (registered mail only), or entrusted to the relevant department in charge in charge of (1). (4) Deadline for submission of bids, etc. A. Submission deadline: November 27, 2024, 5:00 p.m. B. Method of submission: Bids may be brought to the relevant department in charge of (1), or sent by mail, etc. (5) Date and time of bid opening A. Date and time: November 28, 2024, 9:00 a.m. B. Location: Bidding Room of the 343rd Accounting Squadron, Asahikawa Garrison, Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (1st Building, 1st floor) 4. Other (1) The language and currency used in the procedure shall be limited to Japanese and Japanese currency. (2) Bid security is waived (however, if the successful bidder does not complete the contract procedure in accordance with the "Guidelines for Bidding and Contracting," a penalty equivalent to 5/100 of the successful bid amount will be collected.) (3) Contract security is waived (however, if the contractor does not perform the contract, a penalty of at least 10/100 of the contract amount will be collected.) In addition, the contractor must submit a guarantee from a financial institution or guarantee company, or a public works performance guarantee certificate. The amount of the contract security, guarantee amount, or insurance amount must be at least 1/10 of the contract price (3/10 of the contract price for contracts with persons who have been investigated under Article 86 of the Budgetary and Accounting Order). (4) Invalid BidsA Bids made by persons ineligible to participate in the competition as set forth in this announcementB Bids made by persons who made false statements in the application form or documentsC Bids that violate the conditions of the bidD Bids in which the bid amount, the name of the bidder (including a person who has been delegated) and the impression of the seal are difficult to readE Bids made by persons who missed the deadline for submitting the bidF Bids that do not state in the bids that they will commit to the pledges regarding the exclusion of organized crimeGi F Bids in which there is a false statement in the pledges regarding the exclusion of organized crime or a situation has arisen in which the pledges made regarding the exclusion of organized crime are not fulfilledH Bids in which there are significant deficiencies in the details of the bid and they cannot be recognized as the details of the bidH Bids made by persons who do not have the necessary qualifications to participate in the competition as set forth in this announcement(5) Method of determining the successful bidderThe successful bidder will be the person who submitted the valid bid with the lowest price within the limit of the estimated price prepared pursuant to the provisions of Article 79 of the Budgetary and Accounting Order. However, if it is deemed that the bid price of the potential successful bidder may cause the bidder to fail to perform the contract in accordance with its contents, or if it is deemed that entering into a contract with the potential successful bidder would disrupt the order of fair transactions and is extremely inappropriate, the successful bidder may be the bidder who bid the lowest price among the other bidders who bid within the limit of the estimated price. If there are two or more potential successful bidders, the successful bidder shall be determined by drawing lots. In this case, if any of the bidders does not draw lots, an official not involved in the bidding process shall draw lots in their place to determine the successful bidder. In determining the successful bid, the successful bid price shall be the amount stated in the bid document plus 10/100 of the amount stated in the bid document (if the amount has a fraction of less than 1 yen, the fraction shall be rounded down), so the bidder, regardless of whether he/she is a taxable business entity or a tax-exempt business entity with respect to consumption tax and local consumption tax, shall state in the bid document an amount equivalent to 10/110 of the estimated desired contract price. (6) Confirmation of the supervising engineer to be assigned If, after the successful bidder is selected, it is confirmed through the client support database system, etc. that the supervising engineer to be assigned has violated the full-time system, the contract may not be concluded. However, changes to the engineer to be assigned will not be permitted unless it is approved as unavoidable due to various circumstances. (7) If the bid price of the potential successful bidder is below the standard (hereinafter referred to as the "investigation standard price") established based on the provisions of Article 85 of the Budgetary and Accounting Order, an investigation (hereinafter referred to as the "low bid price investigation") will be conducted based on Article 86 of the Budgetary and Accounting Order, and the bidder must cooperate. (8) After the bid is submitted and before the contract is concluded, a contract will not be concluded with a qualified bidder who has been requested by the prefectural police to be excluded from construction work ordered by the Ministry of Defense as a member of an organized crime group and who continues to be in this state. (9) Whether a contract is required or not Yes (10) Contact point for obtaining related information Those who wish to conduct on-site inspections, etc. should apply to 3(1) above. (11) Participation of persons who have not been granted a grade of eligibility to participate in the bidding Those who have not been granted a grade of eligibility to participate in the bidding under 2(2) above may submit an application and documents under 3(3) above, but in order to participate in the bidding, they must be granted a grade of eligibility and have their eligibility confirmed at the time of opening of bids. (12) For details, see the bidding instructions. Standard Unit Quantity Unit 1 Construction work (1) Door and window work A New sliding window (plastic sash) 1530*1803 sets 1 set B New sliding window (plastic sash) 1530*1306 sets 1 set C New sliding window (plastic sash) 930*606 sets 1 set D New sliding window (plastic sash) 1530*1804 sets 1 set E New sliding window (plastic sash) 1530*1305 sets 1 set F New sliding window (plastic sash) 930*605 sets 1 set G Waist panel 544*755 sets 1 set H Waist panel 539*759 sets 1 set K Roller 11(A)28 type pcs 1 pcs (2) Removal work A Removal of wooden sliding inner window set 1 set B Removal of waist panel set 1 set 2 Industrial waste transportation and processing A Industrial waste transportation and processing cost set 1 set Item Quantity calculation sheet Repair work for windows inside public servant housing Tender explanation Bidding, etc. based on the tender announcement (construction work) for the repair work for windows inside public servant housing of the 343rd Accounting Battalion shall be in accordance with this tender explanation in addition to the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations. 1 Date of tender announcement October 15, 2024 2 Contracting officer, etc. Deputy contracting officer 343rd Accounting Battalion Commander, Asahikawa Garrison, Japan Ground Self-Defense Force Fukushima Masaomi 3, Haruko-cho, Asahikawa-shi, Hokkaido 070-8630 Construction overview (1) Work name Repair work for windows inside public servant housing (2)Construction location: Suehiro Higashi Barracks 1 and 2, Asahikawa Garrison, Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (3) Construction details and scope as specified (4) Construction period: Monday, March 31, 2025 (5) Others: A. This construction requires the submission of a detailed construction breakdown. B. This construction is subject to quantity disclosure, and the design quantities will be disclosed as reference quantities. For details of the procedure, please refer to the attached "Quantity Disclosure Explanation". 4. Eligibility to participate in the competition (1) Those who do not fall under the provisions of Articles 70 and 71 of the Budget, Settlement and Accounting Ordinance (Imperial Ordinance No. 165 of 1947; hereinafter referred to as the "Budget and Settlement Ordinance"). (2) Those who have been rated "D or higher" for "building construction" or "C or higher" for "fittings work" in the Ministry of Defense's general competitive bidding (designated competitive bidding) for fiscal years 2023 and 2024 (hereinafter referred to as the "Ministry of Defense competitive bidding qualification") and wish to participate in the competitive bidding for the Hokkaido Defense Bureau. (In the case of a person against whom a petition for the commencement of reorganization proceedings has been filed pursuant to the Corporate Reorganization Act (Act No. 154 of 2002) or a person against whom a petition for the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings has been filed pursuant to the Civil Rehabilitation Act (Act No. 225 of 1999), the person must have been re-rated after the decision to commence the proceedings has been made.) (3) The person is not against whom a petition for the commencement of reorganization proceedings has been filed pursuant to the Corporate Reorganization Act or a petition for the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings pursuant to the Civil Rehabilitation Act (excluding a person against whom a petition for the re-rating under (2) has been filed). (4) In the results of the qualification examination by a Ministry of Defense-related institution, the person has a grade of "D or higher" for "construction as a whole" or a grade of "C or higher" for "fittings work". (5) The person has a track record similar to that of this work, among works that have been completed and delivered as a prime contractor in or after FY2008 by the date of announcement of bids. (The track record as a member of a construction joint venture is limited to those with an expenditure ratio of 20% or more.) (6) An individual whose track record in carrying out (5) has been in works ordered by a procurement agency of the Ministry of Defense (including the former Defense Facilities Administration Agency and the former Defense Facilities Administration Branch Office) (works completed after December 25, 2001 with a total evaluation score of 65 points or more) or an individual whose technical opinion on the process management of the submitted schedule is appropriate (this must be clearly stated by later stage for each individual work). (7) Able to assign full-time chief engineers or supervising engineers (hereinafter referred to as "supervising engineers, etc.") who meet all of the following criteria to the work in question. A. A person who is qualified to become a chief engineer for general architectural or fixture work. B. A person who has experience in the work listed in (5) from FY2008 onwards up to the date of announcement of bids. (In principle, they are involved from the start of construction to completion.) However, if the experience is related to construction works ordered by a Ministry of Defense ordering agency (including the former Defense Facilities Administration Agency and former Defense Facilities Administration Branch Office) completed after December 25, 2001, those with a total rating score of less than 65 points are excluded. In addition, if the experience is related to construction works ordered by a construction performance mutual use registration agency and falls under construction performance rating mutual use, those with a construction performance rating score of less than 65 points are excluded. C. Supervising engineers are those who hold a supervising engineer qualification certificate and a supervising engineer training completion certificate. D. Since a direct and permanent employment relationship is necessary for supervising engineers to be assigned, documents that clearly show this fact may be requested, and if such a statement is not made, they may not be able to participate in the bid. (8) During the period from the deadline for submitting the application for confirmation of eligibility to participate in general competitive bidding (hereinafter referred to as the "application") and the documents for confirmation of eligibility to participate in competitive bidding (hereinafter referred to as the "documents") to the time of opening of bids, the Director-General of the Hokkaido Defense Bureau may issue a notice entitled "Guidelines for measures such as suspension of nomination for construction contracts, etc." (Defense Bureau Defense Bureau Notice No. 150 (28.3.(9) The contractor is not subject to a suspension of design work etc. based on Item 31) (hereinafter referred to as the "Guidelines for Suspension of Designation Measures"). (9) The contractor is not a contractor for design work etc. related to the construction works specified in 1 above (in the case where the contractor is a consortium, this refers to each member of the consortium; the same applies below), or a construction contractor related in capital or personnel to the contractor. (10) The contractor has no capital or personnel relationship with the persons intending to participate in the bid. (Except in the case where all of the contractors with a capital or personnel relationship are members other than the representative of the consortium.) (11) The contractor has its head office, branch office and sales office in Hokkaido based on a license under the Construction Business Act (for the construction industry corresponding to the construction works in question). (12) The contractor is not a contractor that has been requested by the prefectural police to be excluded from construction works etc. ordered by the Ministry of Defense as a contractor related to an organized crime group, and this status continues. 5. Department in charge (1) Matters related to bidding 343rd Accounting Unit, Asahikawa Garrison, Ground Self-Defense Force, No. 1000, Haruko-cho, Asahikawa, Hokkaido, 077-0015 (Person in charge: Miyata) TEL 0166-51-6111 (ext. 3348) FAX 0166-51-6040 (2) Matters related to specifications, etc. Management Department, Operations Unit, Asahikawa Garrison, Ground Self-Defense Force (Person in charge: Fujita) TEL 0166-51-6111 (ext. 2334) 6. Confirmation of eligibility to participate in the competition, etc. (1) Those who wish to participate in this competition must submit an application form and documents (hereinafter referred to as "application form, etc.") in accordance with the following in order to prove that they are eligible to participate in the competition as set forth in 4 above, and must have the contracting officer, etc., confirm whether they are eligible to participate in the competition. In addition, those who have not received the rating in 4(2) may also submit an application form, etc. in accordance with the following. In this case, if the items listed in 4(1), (3), and (5) through (10) are met, it will be confirmed that the applicant is eligible to participate in the competition, provided that the items listed in 4(2) and (4) are met at the time of opening of bids. In order for a person who has received such confirmation to participate in the competition, he/she must meet the items listed in 4(2) and (4) above at the time of opening of bids. In addition, a person who does not submit an application form, etc. by the deadline and a person who is found to be ineligible to participate in the competition will not be able to participate in this competition. The submission of the application form, etc. shall be as follows. A. Submission period: From 8:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. from October 15, 2024 to November 6, 2024 (excluding holidays of government agencies). (Excluding the period from 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m.) B. Submission method: Submit in person or by mail, etc. C. Submission location: Same as 5. (2) The application form shall be prepared in accordance with Appendix 1. (3) The documents shall be prepared in accordance with the following. Regarding the track record in A and the experience in B, only those works that have been completed and handed over by the date of the tender announcement in or after FY2008 should be listed. In the case of works listed in the "Construction track record of similar works (Appendix 2)" that were completed on or after December 25, 2001 and ordered by the Ministry of Defense procurement agency (including the former Defense Facilities Administration Agency and the former Defense Facilities Administration Branch Office), a construction performance evaluation notice or a copy of the construction performance evaluation notice for the said work should be attached. A. Construction track record of similar works: The construction track record of similar works that can be judged to have the qualifications listed in 4(5) above should be listed in Appendix 2. The number of construction track records of similar works to be listed is sufficient to be one. B. Engineers to be assigned: The qualifications of the engineers to be assigned that can be judged to have the qualifications listed in 4(7) above, experience in similar works, and the status of engagement in other works at the time of application should be listed in Appendix 3. The number of experience in similar works to be listed is sufficient to be one. In addition, the qualifications and experience of multiple candidates for the same type of construction may be listed as the engineer to be assigned. In addition, it is acceptable for the same engineer to be assigned to multiple construction projects. However, if the engineer to be assigned cannot be assigned due to winning the bid for another construction project, the bidder must not bid, and the applicant must immediately withdraw the application. In addition, if the bidder submits a bid despite being unable to assign the engineer to be assigned due to winning the bid for another construction project, the bidder may be suspended from bidding based on the Suspension of Bidding Measures Guidelines for fraudulent or dishonest conduct. If the bidder is unable to assign the engineer to be assigned due to winning the bid for another construction project during the period from the submission of the bid document to the determination of the successful bidder (including the investigation period under Article 86 of the Budget and Accounting Order (hereinafter referred to as the "low bid price investigation")), the bidder must immediately report this fact. In such a case, if this fact is confirmed, the bidder will be invalid. If it becomes clear after the bid is won that the engineer to be assigned cannot be assigned, the bidder may be suspended from bidding based on the Suspension of Bidding Measures Guidelines for fraudulent or dishonest conduct. C. For those who have a track record in the schedule A other than construction ordered by the Ministry of Defense or who have a track record of construction by the former Defense Facilities Administration Agency, etc., completed before December 25, 2001, they must state their findings on the technical matters of the schedule management that can be judged to be appropriate in Appendix 4. D. Copies of contracts, etc. Copies of contracts for the construction work listed as construction track record or experience or documents certifying the said similar construction work must be submitted. However, if the said construction work is registered in the "Construction Track Record Information Service (CORINS)" of the Japan Construction Information Center, a foundation, it is not necessary to submit a copy of the contract. (4) The confirmation of the eligibility to participate in the competition shall be made on the deadline for the submission of the application form, etc., and the applicant shall be notified by November 15, 2024 using the return envelope submitted at the time of the application. (5) Other A. The applicant shall bear the costs associated with the preparation and submission of the application form, etc. B. The contracting officer, etc. shall not use the submitted application form, etc., without the applicant's permission, for any purpose other than the confirmation of the eligibility to participate in the competition. C) Applications etc. submitted will not be returned. D) Replacement or resubmission of applications etc. after the submission deadline will not be permitted. E) Contact point for inquiries regarding applications etc. Same as 5 above. 7) Explanation of reasons to those deemed ineligible to participate in the competition (1) Those deemed ineligible to participate in the competition may request an explanation from the contracting officer etc. as to the reasons why they were deemed ineligible, in accordance with the following. A) Submission deadline: 5:00 p.m., November 20, 2024 B) Place of submission: Same as 5 above. C) Method of submission: Written documents (any format) must be submitted in person; submissions by mail or electronic transmission will not be accepted. (2) When an explanation is requested, the contracting officer etc. will respond in writing to the person requesting the explanation by November 22, 2024. 8) Questions regarding the bidding documents (1) If you have any questions regarding the bidding documents, please submit them in accordance with the following. A. Submission period: From 8:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. every day from October 15, 2024 to November 6, 2024 (excluding government holidays). However, if submitting in person, the period from noon to 1:00 p.m. is excluded. B. Place of submission: Same as 5 above. C. Method of submission: Submit in writing (any format) in person or by mail, etc. Electronic submissions will not be accepted. (2) Responses to the questions in (1) will also be available for inspection as follows. A. Period: From 8:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. every day until November 22, 2024 (excluding government holidays). B. Place: Same as 5 above. 9. Bidding method, etc. (1) Bids shall be submitted in person or by mail, etc. (2) Submission period and place of submission, etc. A.Submission period: 5:00 PM on November 27, 2024. Submission location: Same as 5 above. Submission method: Place the bid document and construction cost breakdown statement in separate envelopes and seal them. On the front of the envelope containing the bid document, write the bid subject, bid opening date and time, and trade name or name, and write "bid document enclosed" in red. Then place these in one envelope and seal it, and submit it by hand or by mail, etc. Also, present or enclose the general competitive eligibility confirmation notice or a copy of it. If submitting by mail, etc., send it so that it arrives by the submission deadline, and be sure to contact the relevant department by phone as soon as possible after sending it. If the bid document and construction cost breakdown statement are not brought or received by the submission deadline, the bidder will be deemed to have declined the bid. (3) In determining the successful bid, the successful bid price shall be the amount stated in the bid document plus 10/100 of said amount (if said amount has a fraction of less than 1 yen, the fraction shall be rounded down). Therefore, regardless of whether the bidder is a taxable entity or a tax-exempt entity with respect to consumption tax and local consumption tax, the bidder shall state in the bid document an amount equivalent to 110/100 of the estimated desired contract price. (4) In principle, the number of bids is limited to two. However, if there is no successful bidder in the second bid, a third bid may be made. In addition, discretionary contracts pursuant to Article 99-2 of the Budget, Accounting and Auditing Act shall not apply except in special circumstances. 10. Bid security and contract security (1) Bid security: Exempt (however, if the successful bidder does not carry out the contract procedure in accordance with the "Guidelines for bidding and contracting", a penalty equivalent to 5/100 of the successful bid amount will be collected.) (2) Contract security: Exempt (however, if the contractor does not perform the contract, a penalty equivalent to at least 10/100 of the contract amount will be collected.) In addition, the contractor must submit a guarantee from a financial institution or a guarantee company, or a public works performance guarantee. The amount of the contract security, guarantee amount or insurance amount shall be 1/10 of the contract price (3/10 or more of the contract price for contracts with parties that have been investigated under Article 86 of the Budgetary and Accounting Order). 11. Submission of a breakdown of construction costs (1) At the time of the first bidding, a written breakdown of construction costs corresponding to the bid amount stated in the first bidding document must be submitted. (2) Method of preparing the construction cost breakdown statement A. The expense items (direct construction cost, common temporary facility cost, site cost, general management cost, etc.) corresponding to the composition of the summary table in the submitted quantity sheet shall be described. In addition, the details of direct construction costs shall include the summary, unit, unit price, amount, etc. corresponding to the submitted quantity sheet. B. The quantities in the submitted quantity sheet may be changed since they are reference quantities. C. The construction cost breakdown statement must have a cover page, and the trade name or name, address, and representative name (in the case of paper bidding, a seal must be affixed.) as well as the name of the client and the name of the construction shall be written on the cover page, and the trade name or name, address, and representative name shall not be written anywhere other than the cover page. (3) Method of submitting the construction cost breakdown statement A. Submission period Same as 9(2)A above. B. Submission method See 9(2)C above. C. Submission location Same as 5 above. (4) The construction cost breakdown statement submitted will not be returned. (5) Those who do not submit a construction cost breakdown statement will not be able to participate in the bid. (6) If the result of the review of the construction cost breakdown statement is that it falls under any of the items in Appendix 5, the bidder's bid may be invalidated as a "bid that violates other conditions related to the bid" as stipulated in the Bidding Guide. (7) An explanation of the submitted construction cost breakdown statement may be requested. (8) The submitted construction cost breakdown statement may be submitted to the Fair Trade Commission as necessary. In this case, the bidder may be suspended from bidding based on the Guidelines for Suspension of Bidding. (9) The construction cost breakdown statement is requested to be submitted as a reference document and does not create any contractual rights or obligations. 12 Opening of Bids (1) Date and Time and Place of Bid Opening A. Date and Time of Bid Opening November 28, 2024, 9:00 a.m. B. Place of Bid Opening Bid Room, Asahikawa Garrison, Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (2) The opening of bids shall be conducted at the date and place specified in (1) in the presence of the bidder or his/her representative. However, in the case of a bidder or his/her representative not being present, such as a bidder who submits a bid by post, an official not related to the bidding process shall be present. (3) Even if a bidder does not attend the bid opening, the bid submitted by that bidder will be treated as valid. (4) In the case of (3), if a new bid is to be held, the bidder's intention to participate in the new bid will be confirmed by telephone. (5) If a successful bidder is not determined in the first bid, the bidder will move to a new bid. The purchaser will contact the bidder regarding the date of the new bid. 13 Invalid Bids (1) The following bids will be invalid: A. Bids made by persons who are not eligible to participate in the competition as stated in this announcement. B. Bids made by persons who make false statements in the application form or documents. C. Bids that violate the conditions related to the bid, such as the conditions stated in the site description and bidding guidelines. D. Bids made by persons who are not eligible to participate in the competition as stated in 4 above, even if they have been confirmed by the contracting officer, etc. as eligible to participate in the competition. If, at the time of the successful bid decision, a person who has made an invalid bid under (2) (1) is the successful bidder, the successful bid decision will be rescinded. 14. Method of determining successful bidder (1) The successful bidder shall be the person who submits the lowest valid bid within the range of the estimated price limit prepared pursuant to Article 79 of the Budgetary and Accounting Order. However, if it is deemed that the bid price of the successful bidder may cause the contract not to be performed in accordance with its contents, or if it is deemed that entering into a contract with the successful bidder would disrupt the order of fair transactions and is extremely inappropriate, the successful bidder may be the person who submitted the lowest bid within the range of the estimated price limit. (2) In the case of (1), if there are two or more successful bidders who submitted bids at the same price, the successful bidder shall be determined by drawing lots. In this case, if any of the bidders does not draw lots, an official not involved in bidding affairs shall draw lots instead to determine the successful bidder. (3) If the bid price of the successful bidder is below the standard prepared pursuant to Article 85 of the Budgetary and Accounting Order (hereinafter referred to as the "investigation standard price"), a low bid price investigation shall be conducted, and the successful bidder shall cooperate with the investigation. 15 Confirmation of the Supervising Engineer to be Assigned If, after the successful bidder has been selected, it is confirmed through the client support database system or other means that the Supervising Engineer to be assigned has violated the full-time system, the contract may not be concluded. Furthermore, except in extremely special cases such as sick leave, death, or retirement, where such a change is approved as unavoidable, changes to the Engineer to be assigned will not be permitted. If it is unavoidable to change the Engineer to be assigned due to special reasons such as illness, the new Engineer must meet the criteria set forth in 4(7) and be of equal or higher quality than the Engineer originally scheduled to be assigned. 16In the case of a construction project that requires the assignment of a full-time supervising engineer and is contracted at a price lower than the survey base price, and the contracting party is the 343rd Accounting Corps and has completed the project within the past two years from the date of bidding, or the project is in progress at the time of bidding, if any of the following applies, a full-time engineer who meets the same requirements as those set forth in 4(7) (excluding the construction experience set forth in 4(7)(i)) will be assigned to the site in addition to the supervising engineer: (1) A person who has been notified of a construction performance evaluation of less than 65 points (2) A person who has been requested by a contracting officer, etc., to make repairs or pay damages under the construction contract during or after construction, except for minor rework, etc. (3) A person who has been suspended from designation or has been warned or warned in writing by a contracting officer, etc., regarding quality control or safety management (4) A person who has caused a significant delay in the construction schedule due to his/her own actions. In addition, the said engineer will assist the supervising engineer during construction and perform the same duties as the supervising engineer. In addition, if the above-mentioned engineer is required, the Contracting Officer, etc. shall be notified of the designation and other necessary matters in the same manner as the notification of the Supervising Engineer. 17 Necessity of Contract Preparation, etc. A contract shall be prepared in accordance with Appendix 6 "Draft Contract". 18 Necessity of Fire Insurance, etc. 19 Subsequent Complaints Any person who is dissatisfied with the explanation given by the Contracting Officer, etc. for the reason that the Contracting Officer, etc., found the Contracting Officer ineligible to participate in the tender may submit a subsequence complaint to the Contracting Officer, etc. in writing within seven days (excluding holidays of government agencies) counting from the day following the day of receipt of the reply in 7 (2). Such subsequence complaints shall be deliberated by the Bidding Monitoring Committee. The same shall apply below). C When the Contractor makes the offer in B or when there is an increase or change in the contract price, etc., and purchases additional points or stamps, the Contractor shall submit the receipt for such purchase by the time of completion of the work. In addition, when the Contractor makes the offer in B or when there is an increase or change in the contract price, and does not purchase additional points or stamps, the Contracting Officer, etc. shall submit the reason in writing. D) Contractors who are not enrolled in the Kentaikyo System, or who have not sufficiently purchased points or stamps, or have not reported to the Agency or affixed stamps, may be considered for nomination. E) When it is deemed necessary to understand the status of point or stamp purchases, the submission of a stamp receipt and payment ledger or other related materials may be requested. F) When a contractor enters into a subcontract agreement, the contractor shall explain the purpose of the Kentaikyo System to the subcontractor and encourage the subcontractor to enroll in the Kentaikyo System and pay premiums by purchasing points or stamps related to the workers employed by the subcontractor who are covered by the Kentaikyo System, or by including the amount equivalent to the Kentaikyo System premiums in the subcontract price. G) If a subcontractor is small and does not have sufficient capacity to process the administrative tasks related to the Kentaikyo System, there is also the option of entrusting the processing of procedures for enrollment in the Kentaikyo System and the administrative tasks related to the payment of premiums to the prime contractor, and the prime contractor shall endeavor to undertake the administrative tasks of the subcontractor as much as possible. H. Contractors shall cooperate with the request from the Corporation to post a sign indicating that the construction site is a construction site of an employer subject to the Construction Industry Pension Mutual Aid System, unless there are special circumstances. I. Contractors shall properly grasp the employment status of skilled workers, etc., regarding the Kentaikyo System, by utilizing the Construction Career Up System, etc., and promptly submit a summary table of the contribution allocation performance to the construction supervisor and present it to the construction inspector after the completion of the work, regarding the status of performance based on this. (5) Regarding the prevention of overloading, etc. by dump trucks, etc. A. Ensure that construction materials, etc. are not overloaded. B. Ensure that materials are not purchased from material suppliers that are overloading. C. Ensure that the purchase of materials, etc., does not unduly impair the interests of material suppliers, etc., in order to prevent overloading of materials, etc. D. Ensure that dump trucks with the installation of a support frame or illegal modifications to the loading device are not allowed to enter or leave the construction site. E. Considering the establishment status of the Dump Truck Association, promote membership in the said Association. F Depending on the situation of the establishment and membership of the Dump Truck Association, priority should be given to the use of vehicles that are members of the Dump Truck Association. G Instruct small dump truck operators who enter and leave the construction site with one vehicle per person, etc., to promote the acquisition of transportation licenses through collaboration. H When carrying out construction work, if the transportation of soil and sand is performed under a transportation contract, only vehicles of those who have obtained a proper transportation license should be used. I When selecting a subcontractor or a material supplier, eliminate those who lack consideration for traffic safety or those who have caused serious and malicious accidents with dump trucks, etc. in the course of their work. Instruct the contractor in the subcontract on matters A to I. (6) Regarding the obligation to carry out separate dismantling, etc., the contractor must carry out separate dismantling, etc. in accordance with the provisions of Article 9, Paragraph 1 of the Law on Recycling, etc. of Materials Used in Construction Work (Law No. 104 of 2000). (7) Regarding the promotion of the exclusion of organized crime groups from construction projects ordered by the Ministry of Defense (Defense and Economic Affairs No. 6993, June 20, 2013)Measures to exclude organized crime groups based on 5) are as follows. A. Regarding measures to exclude organized crime groups from subcontracting, etc.: Qualified contractors who have been requested by prefectural police to be excluded from construction work ordered by the Ministry of Defense as a contractor with ties to organized crime groups (hereinafter referred to as "ordered construction work") and who continue to be in this position will not be used as subcontractors, etc. B. Regarding measures to be taken in the event of undue interference by organized crime groups, etc.: (A) If an organized crime group member, etc. makes an undue demand or obstructs construction work (hereinafter referred to as "undue interference") in the commissioned construction work, the contractor will firmly refuse the request, promptly report the matter to the police at the time of the undue interference, and provide any cooperation required for the investigation. (B) If the contractor has reported the matter to the police as described in (A) and provided any cooperation required for the investigation, the contractor will promptly report the details of the cooperation to the client in writing. (C) If the contractor has suffered damage such as delays in the construction process due to undue interference by an organized crime group, etc., in the commissioned construction work, the contractor will consult with the client. C. Measures to be taken in the event of failure to comply with reporting obligations, etc. (A) If a contractor, etc. that has been subjected to undue interference by a member of a criminal organization, etc. fails to report to the prefectural police, etc., the contractor, etc. shall be suspended from bidding or given a written warning. (B) For those whose bidding has been suspended due to (A), this shall be reflected in the evaluation of the construction performance of the work. (C) For those whose bidding has been suspended due to (A), this fact shall be made public. (D) For those whose bidding has been suspended due to (A), approval of subcontractors, etc. shall not be granted. 6. Entry procedures (1) If a person whose eligibility to participate in a general competitive bidding has been confirmed, a person who has been notified of nomination in a designated competitive bidding, or a person who has received a request for quotation enters an SDF facility or a U.S. military facility because on-site inspection is necessary for the purpose of bidding and quotation, he/she shall make prior arrangements with the contracting department regarding the date of entry and the number of people who intend to enter, etc. (2) When entering a facility of the Self-Defense Forces or a U.S. military facility during construction work, the contractor must make arrangements with the construction supervisor in advance, submit the relevant documents based on the rules of the unit that manages the facility, and enter the facility after receiving permission to enter. In addition, when submitting the relevant documents, the contractor's representative (site agent, etc.) must check for missing information and identity verification documents, and when the application is approved and an entrance permit is issued, if the contractor receives them all at once, the contractor must confirm that the applicant is the applicant by using an identification card, etc., before handing them over. If the unit in charge of the Self-Defense Forces facility handes them over to the applicant, the contractor must be present at the unit's identity verification and handover. Article 2 Special Notes 1 Strict Adherence to Construction Periods In the construction of this work, the related construction processes are as follows, so the contractors must communicate closely with each other to ensure that the construction is not delayed. 2 The construction period of this work is as follows: (1) Construction period: From the date of contract conclusion to March 31, 2025 (2) Construction hours: Generally, from 9:00 to 17:00 as a standard, and construction during other hours will be arranged separately with the construction supervisor. 3 The chief engineer or supervising engineer assigned to this work will not be required to be full-time at the construction site during the following periods. (1) From the date of contract conclusion to the start of on-site construction (2) After the completion of the work, the inspection is completed (excluding cases where the inspection is delayed due to the client's convenience), and only administrative procedures, cleanup, etc. remain. 4 The materials generated during this work will be kept by the contractor during construction, and a material report will be prepared after the work is completed. The generated materials themselves will be transported to a waste disposal site and a manifest will be submitted promptly. However, if scrap iron and aluminum scraps are generated, those instructed by the supervisor will be transported to a designated location, organized, and accumulated. 5 Electricity and water will be provided at the contractor's expense. 6. Entry into defense facilities and installation of temporary structures shall be in accordance with the various rules established by relevant agencies. If special conditions are attached, these will be discussed separately. 7. In addition to the matters specified in the special specifications, the contractor shall handle the procedures for submitting notification documents required for construction in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. However, this does not apply to applications for hazardous materials in accordance with the Fire Service Act and applications for evaluation of buildings, etc. in accordance with the Building Standards Act.
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Deadline Date: 24.11.2024