Tender Details

10月3日公告(水道施設工事B・C・D)格付指定型一般競争入札の公告について 工事名:日和田町地内径100粍配水管移設工事 10月3日公告(水道施設工事B・C・D)格付指定型一般競争入札の公告について 工事名:日和田町地内径100粍配水管移設工事 鶴岡市上下水道事業公告第53 号格付指定型一般競争入札の公告下記のとおり、格... Announcement on October 3 (Waterworks Construction B, C, D) Announcement of public competitive bidding with designated grades Project name: Hiwada-cho 100mm diameter water pipe relocation project Announcement on October 3 (Waterworks Construction B, C, D) Announcement of public competitive bidding with designated grades Project name: Hiwada-cho 100mm diameter water pipe relocation project Tsuruoka City Water and Sewerage Business Announcement No. 53 Announcement of public competitive bidding with designated grades As shown below,...

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Deadline Date
10月3日公告(水道施設工事B・C・D)格付指定型一般競争入札の公告について 工事名:日和田町地内径100粍配水管移設工事 10月3日公告(水道施設工事B・C・D)格付指定型一般競争入札の公告について 工事名:日和田町地内径100粍配水管移設工事 鶴岡市上下水道事業公告第53 号格付指定型一般競争入札の公告下記のとおり、格... 山形県鶴岡市   入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 10月3日公告(水道施設工事B・C・D)格付指定型一般競争入札の公告について 工事名:日和田町地内径100粍配水管移設工事 種別 工事 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 3 日 組織 山形県鶴岡市 取得日 2024 年 10 月 3 日 設計図書一式 (PDF:3,474KB)鶴岡市上下水道部変動型最低制限価格制度実施要綱 (PDF:130KB)鶴岡市上下水道部低入札価格調査制度実施要綱 (PDF:148KB) 公告内容 鶴岡市上下水道事業公告第53 号格付指定型一般競争入札の公告下記のとおり、格付指定型一般競争入札を執行するので、地方自治法施行令(昭和 22年政令第 16号)第 167条の6及び鶴岡市契約に関する規則(平成 17年鶴岡市規則第54号)第 15条の規定に基づき公告する。令和6 年 10月 3 日鶴岡市長 皆 川 治1 入札及び開札の場所及び日時(1)場 所 鶴岡市上下水道部2階大会議室(2)日 時 令和6 年 10月 11日(金)午前9 時 00 分2 競争入札に付する事項(1)工事名 日和田町地内径100粍配水管移設工事(2)工事場所 鶴岡市日和田町地内(3)工事内容 設計図書のとおり(現場説明会は行いません。)設計図書に疑義があるときは、文書で受付します。①質問受付日 令和6 年 10月 8日(火)午前10時まで②回 答 令和6 年 10月 9日(水)午前 10時から(4)工 期 令和6 年 10月 22日(火)から令和7 年 2 月 14日(金)まで(5)予定価格 入札後に公表します落札決定に当たっては、入札書に記載された金額に当該金額の 100 分の10に相当する額を加算した金額(当該金額に1円未満の端数があるときは、その端数金額を切り捨てた金額)をもって落札価格とするので、入札者は、消費税及び地方消費税に係る課税事業者であるか免税事業者であるかを問わず、見積もった契約希望金額の 110分の100 に相当する金額を入札書に記載すること。3 入札参加者の資格(1)鶴岡市建設工事指名競争入札参加者の格付けに関する規定(平成 17 年鶴岡市告示第 19号)に基づき格付けされた者で、次に掲げる要件をすべて満たす者であること。① 工種 水道施設工事② 格付 B・C・D③ 市内本店・営業所要件 市内に本店を有すること。④ 技術者要件等 別添、本工事「仕様書」による。⑤ 工事実績(2)暴力団排除について、鶴岡市建設工事請負契約約款第49条第11号の規定に該当しない者であること。(3)建設業法の適用を受ける公共工事については、工事現場における建設工事の施工の技術上の管理をつかさどる監理技術者又は主任技術者を置かなければならないため、あらかじめ配置予定技術者をご確認ください。また、監理(主任)技術者制度を的確に運用するため国土交通省ホームページ内の「監理技術者制度運用マニュアル」もご確認ください。※「監理技術者制度運用マニュアル」のうち「五 施工体制台帳の整備と施工体系図の作成」について、鶴岡市では「鶴岡市建設工事元請下請関係適正化指導要領」で定めておりますのでご確認ください。(https://www.city.tsuruoka.lg.jp/sangyo/nyusatsu/nyuusatukeiyakuseido/sitaukesidouyouryou.html)(4)現場代理人については、市のホームページ「入札情報」に掲載している「(お知らせ)建設工事における現場代理人の兼務可能要件について」を参照ください。本工事における現場代理人は、監理技術者(特例監理技術者を含む。)の配置を要しない場合において、落札者の申請に基づき発注者が承認するときに限り、別件工事の現場代理人との兼務を認めます。4 契約条項等を示す場所(1)閲覧場所 鶴岡市ホームページ及び鶴岡市上下水道部(2)閲覧期間 入札日の前日まで5 入札、契約保証金に関する事項(1)入札保証金 免除(2)契約保証金 契約金額の 10分の1 相当額6 入札参加者の申請及び確認(1)令和6年 10月 9 日(水)までに格付指定型一般競争入札参加資格確認申請書 2部を、鶴岡市上下水道部総務課契約検査室に持参してください(郵送可(返信用封筒を同封のこと)。ただし、期限まで必着。)。1部受付印を押印し返却します。(2)建設業法の適用を受ける公共工事の元請になるには、有効な「経営規模等評価結果通知書・総合評定値通知書」(以下「結果通知書」という。)が必要です。 経営事項審査の申請を行っただけでは公共工事を請け負うことはできず、審査が終了し、結果の通知を受けていなければ入札参加申請及び入札に参加することが出来ません。入札参加申請受付の際に契約締結日以降まで有効な結果通知書の確認を行いますので、入札参加申請書の裏面にコピーして入札参加申請を行ってください。別紙としての添付も可能です。※申請書受付の最終日から契約締結までの期間中のいずれの日においても指名停止措置を受けていないこと。申請書受付後に指名停止措置を受けた場合は受付を取り消し、入札に参加することができない。落札決定後、契約締結までに指名停止措置を受けた場合は落札決定を取り消す。7 その他入札に関する条件(1)「入札条件」、「鶴岡市入札要綱」、「鶴岡市建設工事格付指定型一般競争入札実施要綱」をご覧ください。鶴岡市建設工事格付指定型一般競争入札実施要綱第 10条により、入札を中止する場合があります。(2)入札の際は第 1 回目の入札書の金額と同額の工事費内訳書に所在地、商号、代表者名を記入し押印のうえ提出すること(金抜き設計書の項目で単価明細は不要です)。提出が無い場合は入札に参加することが出来ません。(3)本工事は、鶴岡市上下水道部変動型最低制限価格制度の対象となります。落札決定に当たっては予定価格の制限の範囲内で入札した者のうち、最低制限価格以上で最低の価格をもって入札した者を落札者といたします。最低制限価格を下回る入札が行われた場合、当該入札参加者は失格となります。詳細は市のホームページ内の「鶴岡市上下水道部変動型最低制限価格制度実施要綱」を参照ください。(https://www.city.tsuruoka.lg.jp/kurashi/suido/suido_nyusatsu/hendo.files/hendo.pdf )(4)本工事は、発注者指定型の週休 2 日確保工事です。特記仕様書又は現場説明書事項をご確認ください。詳細は市のホームページ内の「鶴岡市建設工事週休 2 日(4 週 8 休現場閉所)確保工事実施要領」を参照ください。(https: //www.city.tsuruoka. lg. jp/sangyo/nyusatsu/nyuusatukeiyakuseido/keiyaku0120220401173.html)(5)請負代金額が 130 万円を超える工事については前払金を請求することができます。また、請負代金が 1,000 万円以上で要件を満たした工事については中間前払金を請求することができます。(鶴岡市建設工事請負契約約款第 36条第1 項及び第 3 項)8 問い合わせ先 鶴岡市上下水道部総務課契約検査室 電 話 23-7731997-0819 鶴岡市のぞみ町 2 番 10号 FAX 22-9690 工 事 番 号 施 工 年 度 令和6年度工 事 名 称 日和田町地内径100粍配水管移設工事工 事 場 所 鶴岡市日和田町地内施 工 主設 計 区 分路 線 名工 事 期 間 令和 年 月 日 ~ 令和 年 月 日工 事 日 数 日部 課 名積 算 担 当合 計 額工 事 価 格消費税相当額本 工 事 内 訳 書工事区分 工 種 種 別 細 別 単 位 数 量 単 価 金 額 摘 要本工事費 開削工事及び小口径推進等場所区分:市街地 4週8休 労務費 1.05機械賃料 1.04配水管移設費式 1 第 1号内訳書直接工事費計共通仮設費計運搬費式 1 第 989号内訳書共通仮設費 式 1純工事費現場管理費 式 1工事原価一般管理費 (契約保証費含む)式 1発注者が金銭的保証を必要とする工事価格消費税相当額合計額名 称 規 格 単 位 数 量 単 価 金 額 摘 要第 1号 内訳書配水管移設費1式当たり請負資材費 式 1 第 1号明細書配管工事費 式 1 第 2号明細書土木工事費 式 1 第 3号明細書安全費 式 1 第 4号明細書計名 称 規 格 単 位 数 量 単 価 金 額 摘 要第 989号 内訳書運搬費1式当たり仮設材の積込み、取卸し 基地~現場~基地 t 1.51仮設材の運搬費(鋼矢板・H形鋼・覆工板・敷鉄板等) (A)長12m以内,距離10㎞まで、片道 t 3.02計名 称 規 格 単 位 数 量 単 価 金 額 摘 要第 1号 明細書請負資材費1式当たり配水用ポリエチレン管 100mm×5.0m プレーンエンド 本 2EFソケット 100mm 個 1EFベンド(両受型) 100mm×45° 個 2PEメカベンド 100mm×45° 個 2PEVジョイント 100mm PE×VP 個 2不断水簡易仕切弁 100mm VP用 基 1鶴岡市テーパー型仕切弁筺 土被り1200用 組 1水道管用明示テープ 30mm×20m m 13.4水道管用管明示シート 150mm ダブル m 9.1VP用管栓帽(離脱防止金具付) 100mm 組 2PP金属継手オス(耐震型) 20mm 個 6ディスク入バルブ 20mm 個 2水道用ポリエチレン管 20mm 0.269kg/m m 8名 称 規 格 単 位 数 量 単 価 金 額 摘 要第 1号 明細書請負資材費1式当たりブッシング 白 50×25 個 1計名 称 規 格 単 位 数 量 単 価 金 額 摘 要第 2号 明細書配管工事費1式当たりポリエチレン管(融着接合)据付工 呼び径100 m 9.1ポリエチレン管(融着接合)継手工 呼び径100、2口継手 箇所 1ポリエチレン管(融着接合)継手工 呼び径100、1口継手 口 4ポリエチレン管継手工(メカニカル継手) 呼び径100 口 10ポリエチレン管継手取り外し工(メカニカル継手) 呼び径100 口 2硬質塩化ビニル管切断 呼び径100 口 4ポリエチレン管切断 呼び径100 口 6不断水簡易仕切弁設置工 100mm VP用 基 1ねじ式弁筐設置 A、B形 3号 箇所 1ポリエチレン管据付工 呼び径20 m 8ポリエチレン管継手工 呼び径20 口 6硬質塩化ビニル管 撤去管吊上げ積込み 呼び径100 m 2計名 称 規 格 単 位 数 量 単 価 金 額 摘 要第 3号 明細書土木工事費1式当たり舗装版切断 アスファルト舗装版、15cm以下 m 16舗装版種別:アスファルト舗装版アスファルト舗装版厚:15cm以下舗装版直接掘削・積込、舗装厚10㎝以下 山積0.28 (平積0.2) ㎡ 5発生土処理(As塊、DID区間あり) 4t車、山積0.28 積込、距離9.0㎞以下 0.3アスファルト塊処分費 0.3バックホウ掘削積込 山積0.28 (平積0.20) 8発生土処理(土砂、DID区間あり) 4t車、山積0.28 積込、距離9.0㎞以下 8管路埋戻(機械埋戻・バックホウ) 山積0.28 (平積0.2) 丘砂 6下層路盤工施工幅1.8m未満、施工厚=15㎝、施工層数=1RC-40 ㎡ 5上層路盤工施工幅1.8m未満、施工厚=15㎝、施工層数=1M-40 ㎡ 5アスファルト舗装工(車道及び路肩)1層当り、t≦50㎜(t=50㎜)、再生密粒度アスコン(13F) ㎡ 5土留工(軽量鋼矢板たて込み)掘削深2.0m以下(両側分)、山積0.28m 8.7軽量金属腹起し材設置・撤去 1段、掘削深2.0m以下 m 8.7名 称 規 格 単 位 数 量 単 価 金 額 摘 要第 3号 明細書土木工事費1式当たりねじ式パイプサポート切梁材設置・撤去 1段、掘削深2.0m以下 m 8.7杭打防護工 栓等 箇所 2軽量鋼矢板賃料 共用3日 式 1支保材賃料 共用3日 式 1水替工 口径50粍 日 2舗装版切断 濁水処理費 m3 0.1殻運搬舗装版破砕、機械積込(小規模土工)、有り、24.0km以下 0.1殻発生作業:舗装版破砕積込工法区分:機械積込(小規模土工)DID区間の有無:有り運搬距離:24.0km以下計名 称 規 格 単 位 数 量 単 価 金 額 摘 要第 4号 明細書安全費1式当たり交通誘導警備員B 人 4計位置図「この地図の作成に当たっては、国土地理院長の承認を得て、同院発行の2万5千分の1地形図を使用した。(承認番号 平24情使、第244-30078号)」1:100000 100 200 300 400 500 m施工箇所工事名称図面名称縮尺葉ノ内 葉 鶴岡市上下水道部令和6年度日和田町地内径100粍配水管移設工事平面図 復旧断面図FreeH=14.168R=0.4L=2.02.2R=5.0 5.013.6613.7412.78KBM1車庫Co(駐)落T.1NTT 松ノ木橋 36右4左1E 家中線 34西2北5Co水路150x150Co水路1500x120010.6010.6412.7812.1612.6012.6014.35R2B-2H=13.621500800450新世紀P 引上げゲート(スラU型水路 2000×145K27K29C4R10R9K2T.1R11(種)雑種地鋲鋲鋲木杭木杭プラスチック杭足掛金物N=6個W=400 Φ22φ100HPPE布設L=9.1m平面図S=1:25050150150 850 114~125100~2501000~1270M-40RC-40丘砂再生密粒度アスコン13F復旧断面図S=FREEφ100VP用不断水簡易仕切弁設置 N=1基工事名称図面名称縮尺葉ノ内 葉 鶴岡市上下水道部令和6年度日和田町地内径100粍配水管移設工事配管詳細図Free配管詳細図0.6 1.3 2.0 2.3 1.3 0.60.6 0.62.0平面断面Φ100×45°EFベンド(両受型)Φ100×45°EFベンド(両受型)Φ100PV-JΦ100PV-JΦ100PV-J Φ100×45°EFベンド(両受型)Φ100×45°EFベンド(両受型)Φ100PV-JΦ100×45°PEメカベンドΦ100×45°PEメカベンドΦ100×45°PEメカベンド Φ100×45°PEメカベンドΦ100VP用不断水簡易仕切弁Φ100VP用不断水簡易仕切弁φ20ディスクバルブφ20PPオス N=2φ100VP用管栓帽φ50×20ブッシングφ20PPオスφ100VP用管栓帽φ50×20ブッシングφ20PPオスφ20ディスクバルブφ20PPオス N=2仮設ドレン ドレン令和6年度日和田町地内径100粍配水管移設工事一 般 仕 様 書鶴岡市上下水道部 水道課- - 11.仕様書の適用本工事の施工にあたっては、「日本水道協会制定水道工事標準仕様書-土木工事編-(最新版)」、及び「山形県県土整備部制定共通仕様書(最新版)」に基づき実施しなければならない。なお、工事期間中において、仕様書の一部改訂がなされた場合は改訂内容についても適用するものとする。2.共通仕様書に対する特記事項共通仕様書に対する特記仕様事項は次のとおりとする。第1編 共 通 編第1章 総 則1‐1.工事種別工事種別は水道施設工事とする。1‐2.監理技術者の専任義務の緩和に係る取り扱い1.本工事において、建設業法第26条3項ただし書の規定の適用を受ける監理技術者(以下、「特例監理技術者」という。)の配置を行う場合は、「鶴岡市発注工事における監理技術者及び監理技術者を補佐する者の取扱いについて」によるものとする。 2.特例監理技術者及び監理技術者補佐の配置を行う場合又は配置を要さなくなった場合は、適切にコリンズ(CORINS)への登録を行うこと。1‐3.提出書類受注者は、建設工事請負契約約款第3条に規定する工程表を所定の様式に基づき作成し、監督職員を経由して発注者に提出しなければならない。なお、下請計画(変更)報告書が提出されずに下請負業者が施工している場合は、工事の一時中止を命じる場合もある。1‐4.施工計画事前に現地調査、試験掘削(以下「試掘」という。)(P9、2-4.4参照)等を行い、設計図書と差異があった場合は工事打合簿に計画図(平面図・断面図・配管詳細図)を添付し、監督職員に提出し承諾を得ること。なお、施工中に疑義が生じた場合はすみやかに監督職員に連絡し指示をあおぐこと。- - 21‐5.排出ガス対策型の建設機械当該工事を施工するにあたり、排出ガス対策型の建設機械を使用するものとする。なお、排出ガス対策型建設機械の使用が出来ない場合は、その理由を書面により監督職員に提出し承諾を得ること。なお、対策型を使用しない場合は変更の対象とする。また、工事写真により使用機械を判定するため、現場との整合が図れるように記録すること。1‐6.揚重作業機械揚重作業機械については、クレーン車又はクレーン機能付バックホーを標準とする。やむを得ず、その他の機械を使用する場合は、書面により監督職員の承諾を得ること。1‐7.沿線住民への周知工事着工前に施工箇所を示した住宅地図を添付した「工事のお知らせ」を作成し、監督職員の承諾を得てから地元の町内会長、沿線住民等の関係各所に配布すること。また、交通規制を行う際には、前もって予告看板等を設置し周知を図るとともに、関係機関(幼稚園、保育園等)に通知すること。1‐8.地下埋設物すべての埋設物(下水道、電力、NTT、ガス及び情報管路等その他必要と思われる埋設物)について管理者に埋設状況の確認を行い、必要に応じて管理者との立会いを実施し、確認書の写しを監督職員に提出すること。なお、NTTに関しては必ず管理者の立会いを求めること。また、試掘が必要な場合は事前に監督職員と協議しなければならない。(P9、2-4.4参照)1‐9.建設副産物関係1.本工事により発生する特定建設資材廃棄物(コンクリート塊、アスファルト塊、建設発生木材)は、再資源化施設に搬出するものとする。特に、下記に示す特定建設資材廃棄物の搬出先はそれぞれの条件を満たすものとする。【コンクリート塊】規格品の再生クラッシャーラン(RC-40)として再資源化している再資源化施設【アスファルト塊】再生加熱アスファルト混合物の原材料として再利用している再資源化施設(アスファルトプラントでなくても、そのアスファルト塊が、最終的に再生加熱アスファルト混合物として利用されることが確認できる施設でも可)2.建設リサイクル法第6条に規定する「建設資材廃棄物の再資源化等に要する費用の適正な負担」に基づき、条件明示する特定建設資材廃棄物の搬出先は、下記のとおりである。なお、搬出完了後、マニフェスト(E票)の写しを提出すること。- - 3【コンクリート塊】設計 ①受入場所 ②再資源化施設名 ③受入時間鶴岡市西目字山田森28-1 小野寺建設㈱ 8:00~17:00鶴岡市斎藤川原字石川端77-1 田川砂利工業㈱ 8:00~17:00鶴岡市勝福寺字根木瀞158-1 鶴岡建設㈱ 8:00~17:00鶴岡市馬町宮ノ腰115 ㈱三浦土建 8:00~17:00鶴岡市藤島字西細杖262-2 日本海アスコン共同企業体 8:00~17:00鶴岡市柳久瀬字武良免17-7 ㈱青木建材 8:00~17:00【アスファルト塊】設計 ①受入場所 ②再資源化施設名 ③受入時間〇 鶴岡市勝福寺字根木瀞158-1 鶴岡建設㈱ 8:00~17:00鶴岡市馬町宮ノ腰115 ㈱三浦土建 8:00~17:00鶴岡市藤島字西細杖262-2 日本海アスコン共同企業体 8:00~17:003.受注者は、自らの都合により前項の条件明示事項と別の方法等による場合においては、土木工事共通特記仕様書第1篇共通編1-1-12建設副産物第2項に規定する契約前の説明において説明を行うものとする。なお、この場合において搬出予定の再資源化施設が第 1 項に規定する条件を満たすことを証する書類等の提出を求められた場合は、速やかにこれを提出しなければならない。また、この場合であっても、設計図書の変更は行わないものとする。4.受注者は、建設リサイクル法第18条第1項の規定により、特定建設資材(コンクリート、アスファルト、木材)廃棄物の再資源化等が完了した場合、共通仕様書で定める建設副産物処理結果報告書に特定建設資材廃棄物の再資源化等に要した費用を追記し、監督職員に提出しなければならない。5.受注者は、工事完了時に「再生資源利用計画書(実施書)」及び、「再生資源利用促進計画書(実施書)」の内容について、監督職員が別途指定する様式、データで提出すること。また、法令等に基づき、再生資源利用計画を工事現場の公衆が見やすい場所に掲げなければならない。6.受注者は、再生資源利用計画書及び、再生資源利用促進計画書の内容について『建設副産物情報交換システム-COBRIS-』((財)日本建設情報総合センターWeb版入力システム)に登録する場合は事前に監督職員と協議すること。7.建設資材廃棄物の搬出時には、過積載を防止し、運搬車輌に「産業廃棄物の処理及び清掃に関する法律施行令」により、産業廃棄物運搬の表示及び書面を備え付けること。1‐10.残土受入地本工事により発生する建設発生土は 9km以内の運搬を想定しており、搬出先については土砂運搬工着手までに発注者が決定する。設計計上した運搬距離と差異が生じた場合や処分費等が発生した場合は、変更協議の対象とする。- - 41‐11.工事名表示板に関する事項(安全確保関係)工事名表示板に記載する、工事の種類及び工事内容の説明は次のとおりとする。なお、工事名看板記載の「工事期間」は現場施工期間とする。また、発注者は「鶴岡市上下水道部 水道課」とする。工事の種類 (例)水道工事工事内容の説明 (例)配水管の移設工事をしています1‐12.交通安全に関する事項現場状況を精査し、歩行者、自転車及び車輌等通行の際の安全確保のために交通誘導員を配置させ、安全管理に十分配慮した施工計画を策定すること。また、通行制限については沿線住民に対しビラを配布する等十分周知し、協力を得るように努力すること。なお、詳細については監督職員と協議しなければならない。 1‐13.事業損失に関する事項1.施工途中において、工事騒音、振動、地下水低下等の影響により、調査及び対策の必要が生じた場合は、設計図書に関して監督職員と協議しなければならない。2.工事の施工に伴い、騒音振動の測定が必要となった場合は、設計図書に関して監督職員と協議しなければならない。1‐14.施工時期、時間、施工方法の制限事項本工事の作業時間帯は8:30~17:00とする。なお、作業時間には準備、後片付け及び重機の移動時間も含むものとする。また、作業時間帯に変更が生じる場合は、速やかに監督職員と協議しなければならない。1‐15.災害時の協力体制1.緊急巡回Ⅰ 緊急巡回とは、台風、豪雨、豪雪、地震等により、工事現場において災害が発生した場合又はそのおそれがある場合にその状況を把握し、適切な措置を講じるもので、監督職員の指示により巡回を行うものである。Ⅱ 緊急巡回担当者は、工事現場の異常等を発見した場合には、速やかにその危険を防止するため、その場でとりうる適切な措置を講ずるとともにその状況について、監督職員に報告するものとする。Ⅲ 緊急巡回にあたっては、写真撮影をし、日時及びその状況を記録しておくものとする。Ⅳ 緊急巡回中に事故が発生したときは、速やかにその状況を監督職員に報告しなければならない。2.災害時の協力体制と緊急時の諸作業工事現場が災害等で被災した場合に備え、協力体制を確立するとともに、指示があった場合は、被害を最小限に抑えるため、緊急時における諸作業を実施する。3.緊急巡回及び緊急時の諸作業に関する詳細については、発注者・受注者双方の協議により- - 5行うものとする。1‐16.事故報告1.受注者は、工事の施工中に事故が発生した場合には、第 1 報を直ちに監督職員へ電話にて通報するとともに、通報後速やかに工事事故報告書(山形県、参考様式 5)を FAX、又はE-Mailにより提出しなければならない。2.報告する事故の分類は、当該建設工事現場に関係する「労働災害」、「もらい事故」、「死傷公衆災害」、「物損公衆災害」とし、事故の規模を問わずすべて報告すること。3.工事事故報告書様式は、以下のホームページに掲載している。山形県のホームページ→組織別ページ→県土整備部→建設企画課→建設工事技術関連情報→土木工事共通仕様書について1‐17.配管技能者等の配置について1.配水管技能者(一般継手または耐震継手登録)を配置すること。2.職業能力開発促進法第44条に規定する配管技能士及び同法24条に規定する都道府県知事の認定を受けた職業訓練校の配管科の課程の修了者、公益財団法人給水工事技術振興財団が実施する配管技能の習得に係る講習の課程を修了した者等、当市で定める技能を有するものを配置すること。1‐18.週休2日確保工事1.本工事は4週8休以上の現場閉所を実施する発注者指定型の週休2日確保工事である。 なお、交通整理員の日当たりの稼働時間は 8 時間(休憩時間含まず。)とし、稼働日数等が確認出来る書類を工事完成までに提出すること。- - 11第4編 明示事項第1章 施工及び管理1‐1.管の布設及び接合1.ダクタイル鋳鉄管の施工は、日本ダクタイル鋳鉄管協会発刊の接合要領によること。2.水道配水用ポリエチレン管の施工は、配水用ポリエチレンパイプシステム協会発刊の施工マニュアルによること。3.接合はすべての箇所においてチェックシートを用いて管理を行うこと。4.ダクタイル鋳鉄管及び水道配水用ポリエチレン管の接合について、管種、継手種類ごとに監督職員の立会を受けること。5.給水管の施工は(財)給水工事技術振興財団発行の給水装置工事の手引き及び使用資材メーカー等で定める施工手順、技術資料により施工すること。また、ポリエチレン管耐震継手については必ずメーカー指定の締付けトルクで接続するとともに、チェックシートを用いて管理を行うこと。1‐2.チェックシートの提出チェックシートについてはすべての接合箇所(給水管用ポリエチレン管耐震継手含む。)を提出すること。【接合状況写真との整合性がとれるようにすること。】1-3.写真撮影及び提出施工状況写真は原則 20mに 1 箇所、接合状況は全箇所の撮影とし、紙及び電子媒体にて提出すること。完成写真は施工前後で施工箇所がわかるようにすること。なお、提出部数については監督職員の指示する部数とすること。1-4.切管管理切管調書による残管延長の管理を行い、資材の無駄が生じないようすること。1‐5.管の切断1.ダクタイル鋳鉄管の切断は、ダイヤモンドブレード若しくはキールカッターを使用し切断すること。2.配水用ポリエチレン管の切断は、所定のパイプカッターを使用し切断すること。1‐6.埋設シート及びテープ1.管明示シートは下層路盤と埋め戻し砂の境界に埋設すること。2.管明示テープの施工は、以下のとおりする。Ⅰ ダクタイル鋳鉄管はポリエチレンスリーブの固定材として使用すること。Ⅱ 配水用ポリエチレン管、硬質塩化ビニル管は管上に貼付し、管長 5mにつき、4 箇所- - 12胴巻き貼付すること。1‐7.断水に関する事項1.断水計画は、現場状況及び断水該当宅等の水利用状況を勘案したうえで作成し、断水日 5日前までに監督職員の承諾を得ること。また、断水該当宅へは断水日3日前までに「断水のお知らせ」を配布すること。2.断水作業は計画的かつ効率的に行い、断水時間の短縮に努めること。3.断水時間には洗管作業時間を含むものとする。1‐8.竣工図書1.工事竣工図作成要領についてⅠ 竣工図は平面図、配管詳細図及び監督職員が指定するものとする。Ⅱ 平面図には配管図を記入し、直管布設部においては官民境界からの離れ及び埋設深を、曲管等の異形管布設部についてはオフセットを表示すること。また、給水管工事を伴った場合は、止水栓または逆止弁付止水栓までを表記し、併せて水栓番号も記入すること。当該施工箇所は赤色にて表示すること。なお、縮尺は1/500または1/1,000とし、図面上に表示すること。Ⅲ 配管詳細図には工事設計図面同様の配管記号により平面的に記入するものとし、各種異形管等についてはト書きにて口径、種別を表記すること。また、切管には寸法をメートル単位(小数点第1位まで)で明示すること。なお、平面的な表記では理解しがたい場合は側面図等で補うこと。Ⅳ 消火栓設置時はメーカー、サイズ、副弁、消火栓バルブ及び丙管の有無を配管詳細図に記載すること。Ⅴ 空気弁設置時はメーカー、補修弁の有無、取り出し口径を配管詳細図に記載すること。Ⅵ 本工事施工に際して確認できた他埋設管(ガス、下水道等)があった場合は、その埋設位置を平面図に記載すること。2.オフセット図について仕切弁及び異形管のオフセットを監督職員の指定する様式にて提出することとし、積雪時にも発見しやすい目標物からの 3 点計測とすること。既設管との接続箇所についても、発見しやすい目標物からの3点計測とすること。なお、仕切弁オフセットについては一つの仕切弁につき一枚作成することとし、当該仕切弁周辺の配管や仕切弁も記載すること。また、オフセット図裏面に該当仕切弁の位置がわかりやすいよう写真を掲載すること。ドレン用仕切弁(止水栓)についてはドレン口径及び放流先(側溝、水路等)が分かるように図示すること。3.給水台帳及び給水管分岐替一覧表について給水管工事を行った場合は給水台帳の修正を行い、給水管分岐替一覧表を作成すること。4.竣工図書の提出についてⅠ 工事竣工図、仕切弁オフセットの提出は紙媒体と電子媒体によるものとし、提出方法は次のとおりとする。・紙媒体・・・・・監督職員の指定する部数。- - 13・電子媒体(PDF)・・・・1式Ⅱ 給水台帳及び給水管分岐替一覧表については紙媒体により1部提出すること。第2章 その他2‐1.環境整備路面及び側溝等に土砂や作業排水を排出した場合は、作業終了後に清掃を行うこと。2‐2.家屋調査等について工事箇所周辺において工事施工により破損の恐れがある家屋、ブロック塀及び石積等がある場合は、工事施工前に当該物件所有者立会いの下に家屋調査を行い現況の確認を行い、工事完成後には所有者より異常の有無を確認していただくこと。なお、現況確認、異常の有無確認ともに、確認状況がわかる写真を添付した調査調書を作成し、所有者からの署名、押印をいただいたうえで提出すること。また、異常があった場合は速やかに監督職員へ報告し、対応を協議すること。2‐3.他工事との同調施工について本工事は鶴岡市雨水事務室発注の冠水対策工事に伴う移設工事であり、工事施工に際してはその受注者と施工時期、施工内容を協議のうえ実施すること。また、施工により第三者へ損害を及ぼす恐れがある場合は、同調先と施工前に協議のうえ、責任の所在を明らかにしておくこと。 鶴岡市上下水道部変動型最低制限価格制度実施要綱(趣旨)第1条 この要綱は、部が発注する建設工事等の入札において、極端な低入札価格での受注による品質低下等を防止するため、地方自治法施行令(昭和22年政令第16号)第167条の10第2項の規定により、予定価格の制限の範囲内で最低の価格をもって申込みをした者を落札者とせず、予定価格の制限の範囲内の価格で最低制限価格以上の価格をもって申込みをした者のうち最低の価格をもって申込みをした者を落札者とする制度(以下「最低制限価格制度」という。)の実施について、必要な事項を定めるものとする。(対象業種)第2条 最低制限価格制度は、次に掲げる業種に適用する。(1) 建設工事の請負(以下「建設工事」という。)(2) 建設工事に係る設計、測量及び調査等の業務委託(以下「業務委託」という。)(対象入札)第3条 最低制限価格制度を適用する競争入札は、設計金額が130万円を超える競争入札とする。ただし、次に掲げる場合は、この限りではない。(1) 総合評価落札方式による場合(2) 最低制限価格を設定することが不適当であると認められる場合(適用除外)第4条 入札が次のいずれかに該当することとなった場合は、最低制限価格制度を適用しないものとする。(1) 法令、規則等及び当該競争入札に係る公告で定める無効入札要件に該当せず、かつ、入札価格が予定価格の110分の100に相当する金額(以下「予定価格」という。)を超えない入札(以下「有効札」という。)が1であった場合(2) 有効札が2又は3であって、かつ、次のいずれかに該当する場合ア 建設工事に係る競争入札であって、全ての有効札に係る入札価格が予定価格の10分の7以上である場合又は全ての有効札に係る入札価格が予定価格の10分の7未満である場合イ 業務委託に係る競争入札であって、全ての有効札に係る入札価格が予定価格の10分の6以上である場合又は全ての有効札に係る入札価格が予定価格の10分の6未満である場合(3) 有効札が4以上であって、かつ、有効札に係る入札価格の中で最低の価格が、建設工事の場合は有効札に係る入札価格の中で最高の価格の10分の9(建設工事が機械設備工事又は電気設備工事である場合は、公告、指名通知等で事前公表した係数)以上である場合、業務委託の場合は有効札に係る入札価格の中で最高の価格の10分の8以上である場合(有効札が2又は3の場合の最低制限価格の算定方法)第5条 有効札が2又は3の場合の最低制限価格は、次の各号に掲げる業種の区分に応じ、当該各号に定める額とする。(1) 建設工事 予定価格に10分の7を乗じて得た額(2) 業務委託 予定価格に10分の6を乗じて得た額(変動型最低制限価格の算定方法)第6条 有効札が4以上の場合の最低制限価格は、次項から第5項までに定めるところにより案件ごとに決定する。2 有効札の数により最低制限価格の算定基礎とする入札数(以下「算定数」という。)を、次により求める。(1) 有効札の数が4の場合は、算定数は4とする。(2) 有効札の数が5以上8以下の場合は、算定数は5とする。(3) 有効札の数が9以上15以下の場合は、有効札の数に10分の6を乗じて得た数(その数に1未満の端数が生じた場合は、これを1に切り上げる。)を算定数とする。(4) 有効札の数が16以上の場合は、算定数は10とする。3 入札価格の低いものから前項で求めた算定数分の入札について、その平均額(その額に1円未満の端数が生じた場合は、その端数を切り捨てた額)を求める。ただし、入札価格の低い順から算定数番目の順位の入札と、その次の順位の入札の入札価格が等しいときは、算定数に1を加え、同額の入札が他にもあれば、繰り返し算定数に1を加えるものとする。4 最低制限価格は、前項で求めた平均額に、次の各号に掲げる業種の区分に応じ、当該各号に定める係数を乗じて得た金額(その額に1円未満の端数が生じた場合は、その端数を切り捨てた額)とする。(1) 建設工事 10分の9(2) 業務委託 10分の85 前項第1号の規定にかかわらず、当該競争入札が建設工事のうち機械設備工事又は電気設備工事である場合は、同号の係数に代えて、10分の9から、機器費率(当該建設工事の直接工事費に対する機器費(当該機器の製作工場等おいて機能や性能の確認がなされて調達されるもので、施工現場等において加工等を必要としないものの調達費用をいう。)の割合(その割合に10分の1未満の端数が生じた場合は、その端数を切り捨てた割合)の数をいう。)に10分の1を乗じて得た数を控除して得た係数を適用する。(最低制限価格決定後に入札の無効があった場合の取扱い)第7条 第5条又は前条の規定により決定した最低制限価格は、その決定後に入札の無効があった場合においても変更しない。ただし、算定に用いた入札の無効の理由が金額の書き間違いその他の最低制限価格の適正な算定上支障があると認められるものである場合は、当該入札がなかったものとして前3条の規定を適用して、最低制限価格を決定し、又は最低制限価格制度を適用しないものとする。(落札者の決定)第8条 第4条の規定により最低制限価格制度を適用しないこととした場合は、有効札の中で最低の価格をもって入札した者を落札者とする。2 最低制限価格を定めた場合は、有効札の中で、最低制限価格以上の入札価格かつ最低の価格をもって入札した者を落札者とする。この場合において、最低制限価格を下回った価格で入札をした者は、当該入札において失格とする。3 前2項の場合において、最低価格者が2者以上いる場合は、くじ等の抽選により落札者を決定する。(入札の執行)第9条 入札執行者は、開札の結果、有効札が4以上であり、かつ、当該入札が第4条第3号に該当しない場合は、当該入札会での最低制限価格の決定は保留して、落札の決定を保留することができるものとする。2 入札執行者は、前項の規定により落札の決定を保留した場合、入札会を閉じた後に第6条の規定により最低制限価格を決定し、落札者を決定するものとする。(公表)第10条 最低制限価格制度を適用しようとする場合は、その案件の入札の公告又は指名通知等適切な方法において、その旨を公表しなければならない。この場合において、当該案件が建設工事のうち機械設備工事又は電気設備工事である場合は、第6条第5項の規定により同条第4項第1号に規定する係数に代えて適用される係数を合わせて公表するものとする。 2 最低制限価格制度を適用した場合は、最低制限価格を落札決定後速やかに公表しなければならない。(その他)第11条 この要綱に定めるもののほか、必要な事項は、別に定める。附 則この要綱は、平成31年4月1日から施行する。附 則この告示は、令和元年10月1日から施行する。 鶴岡市上下水道部低入札価格調査制度実施要綱平成31年4月1日上下水道事業告示第14号改正 令和2年4月1日上下水道事業告示第26号改正 令和5年4月1日上下水道事業告示第31号(趣旨)第1条 この要綱は、部が発注する建設工事及び建設工事関連業務委託の入札において、地方自治法施行令(昭和22年政令第16号)第167条の10第1項及び同令第167条の10の 2 第 2 項(同令第167条の 13 において準用する場合を含む。)の規定に基づき落札者を決定するために行う調査(以下「低入札価格調査」という。)に関し、必要なものを定めるものとする。(対象となる建設工事及び建設工事関連業務委託)第2条 低入札価格調査制度の対象となる建設工事及び建設工事関連業務委託は、最低制限価格制度を適用しない建設工事又は建設工事関連業務委託のうち市長が特に必要と認めるものとする。(調査基準価格)第3条 契約担当者は、低入札価格調査制度を適用する建設工事及び建設工事関連業務委託を入札に付する場合は、あらかじめ発注案件ごとに、低入札価格調査を行う基準となる価格(以下「調査基準価格」という。)を定めるものとする。2 建設工事における調査基準価格は、予定価格算出の基礎となった次に掲げる額の合計額とする。(1) 直接工事費の額に10分の9.7を乗じて得た額(2) 共通仮設費相当額に10分の9を乗じて得た額(3) 現場管理費相当額に10分の9を乗じて得た額(4) 一般管理費の額に10分の6.8を乗じて得た額3 前項の規定にかかわらず、建設工事における調査基準価格は、次の各号に掲げる場合、当該各号に定める額とする。(1) 前項の規定により算出した額が入札書比較価格に10分の9.2を乗じて得た額を超える場合 入札書比較価格に10分の9.2を乗じて得た額(2) 入札書比較価格に10分の7.5を乗じて得た額に満たない場合 入札書比較価格に10分の7.5を乗じて得た額(3) 工事等の性質上前項及び前2号の規定により難い場合 契約ごとに10分の7.5から10分の9.2までの範囲内で適宜の割合を入札書比較価格に乗じて得た額4 建設工事関連業務委託における調査基準価格は、業務の種類ごとに、予定価格算出の基礎となる次に掲げる額の合計額(複数の業務の種類を含むときは、それぞれの業務の種類について算定した額の合計額)とする。ただし、その額が入札書比較価格に10分の8を乗じて得た額を超える場合にあっては、入札書比較価格に10分の8を乗じて得た額とする。(1) 測量業務ア 直接測量費の額イ 諸経費(間接測量費と一般管理費等の合計額をいう。)相当額に5分の1を乗じて得た額ウ 測量調査費が含まれる場合は、当該業務部分について第3号を適用する。(2) 地質調査業務ア 直接調査費の額イ 間接調査費の額ウ 諸経費(業務管理費と一般管理費等の合計額をいう。)相当額に5分の1を乗じて得た額エ 解析等調査業務費が含まれる場合は、当該業務部分について次号を適用する。(3) 土木設計業務(工事監理業務を含む)ア 直接人件費の額に10分の9を乗じて得た額イ 直接経費の額に10分の9を乗じて得た額ウ その他原価の額に10分の8を乗じて得た額エ 一般管理費等の額に5分の1を乗じて得た額(4) 建築設計業務(工事監理業務を含む。)ア 直接人件費の額イ 技術経費の額ウ 諸経費相当額に5分の1を乗じて得た額(5) 補償調査業務(工事損失調査業務を含む。)ア 直接人件費の額に10分の9を乗じて得た額イ 直接経費の額に10分の9を乗じて得た額ウ その他原価の額に10分の8を乗じて得た額エ 一般管理費等の額に5分の1を乗じて得た額5 業務の性質上前項の規定により難いものについては、前項の規定にかかわらず、案件ごとに 10分の 6から 10分の 8 の範囲内で適宜の割合を入札書比較価格に乗じて得た額とする。6 契約担当者は、土木設計業務及び補償調査業務の予定価格の算定に当たって山形県県土整備部制定の「平成24年度以降設計業務等標準積算基準書(平成24年5月1日以降適用)」による基準又はこれに準じた積算基準によらない場合は、本条第4項第3号及び第5号に該当する業務について、次に掲げる予定価格算出の基礎となった額の合計額を調査基準価格とすることができる。(1) 直接業務(人件)費の額(2) 技術経費の額(3) 諸経費相当額に5分の1を乗じて得た額7 契約担当者は、予定価格を記載する書面に調査基準価格を記載するものとする。8 調査基準価格は、入札終了後公表するものとする。(入札の執行)第4条 入札執行者は、開札の結果、最低の価格をもって入札した者(総合評価落札方式による入札にあっては、最も評価値の高い者。以下「最低価格入札者等」という。)の入札価格が調査基準価格を下回る価格であったときは、落札の決定を保留するものとする。(低入札価格調査の実施)第5条 前条の規定により落札の決定を保留した場合は、当該建設工事又は建設工事関連業務委託を所管する課長(以下「所管課長」という。)は、当該入札者について、次の事項について調査を行うものとする。(1) 契約内容の実現性(2) 公正な取引の秩序の維持及び最低価格入札者等の適格性2 当該入札者が前項に規定する調査に協力しない場合は、契約内容を履行できないものとして取り扱うものとする。(低入札価格契約審査委員会への付議)第6条 契約担当者は、前条の調査結果を鶴岡市上下水道部低入札価格契約審査委員会(以下「審査委員会」という。)へ付議するものとする。2 審査委員会は、最低価格入札者等が前条第1項各号の調査結果及び別に定める数値的判定基準に基づき審査するものとする。(落札者の決定)第7条 入札執行者は、前条第2項の審査結果を受け、最低価格入札者等を落札者とするか否かを決定するものとする。2 入札執行者は、前項により当該最低価格入札者等を落札者と決定しないこととした場合は、予定価格の制限の範囲内の価格をもって申込みをした者のうち、当該最低価格入札者等の次に最低の価格をもって申込みをしたもの又は評価値の高いもの(以下「次順位者」という。)を落札者とするものとする。3 前項の規定にかかわらず、次順位者の入札価格が調査基準価格を下回っている場合は、次順位者について前2条及び第1項を準用する。この場合において、なお落札者が決定しないときは、以下順次、前項及びこの項を適用する。附 則この要綱は、平成31年4月1日から施行する。附 則(令和2年4月1日上下水道事業告示第26号)この告示は、令和2年4月1日から施行する。附 則(令和5年4月1日上下水道事業告示第31号)この告示は、令和5年4月1日から施行する。 Announcement dated October 3rd (Waterworks facility construction works B, C, D) Announcement of graded public competitive bidding Project name: Hiwada-cho area 100mm diameter water distribution pipe relocation project Announcement dated October 3rd (Waterworks facility construction works B, C, D) Announcement of graded public competitive bidding Project name: Hiwada-cho area 100mm diameter water distribution pipe relocation project Tsuruoka City Water Supply and Sewerage Business Announcement No. 53 Announcement of graded public competitive bidding As shown below, the bids have been graded... Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture Bidding information is as follows. Subject Announcement on October 3 (Waterworks Construction B, C, D) Announcement of the Graded Public Competitive Bidding Project Name: Hiwada-cho 100mm Diameter Water Pipe Relocation Project Type Construction Date of Announcement or Update October 3, 2024 Organization Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture Date of Acquisition October 3, 2024 Complete Set of Design Documents (PDF: 3,474KB) Tsuruoka City Waterworks and Sewerage Department Variable Minimum Price Limit System Implementation Guidelines (PDF: 130KB) Tsuruoka City Waterworks and Sewerage Department Low Bid Price Investigation System Implementation Guidelines (PDF: 148KB) Announcement Content Tsuruoka City Waterworks and Sewerage Business Announcement No. 53 Announcement of Graded Public Competitive Bidding As described below, a graded public competitive bidding will be conducted, and in accordance with the Local Autonomy Act Enforcement Order (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947), This notice is made pursuant to the provisions of Article 167-6 and Article 15 of the Tsuruoka City Contract Regulations (Tsuruoka City Regulations No. 54 of 2005). October 3, 2024 Mayor of Tsuruoka City, Osamu Minagawa 1. Date and time and place of bidding and opening of bids (1) Location: Tsuruoka City Waterworks and Sewerage Department, 2nd floor, large conference room (2) Date and time: Friday, October 11, 2024, 9:00 AM 2. Items to be put up for competitive bidding (1) Name of work: Relocation of 100 mm diameter water pipe in Hiwada-cho (2) Location of work: Within Hiwada-cho, Tsuruoka City (3) Details of work: As per the design documents (there will be no on-site briefing session). If there are any doubts regarding the design documents, they will be accepted in writing. (1) Date for accepting questions: Tuesday, October 8, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. (2) Responses: Wednesday, October 9, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. (4) Construction period: Tuesday, October 22, 2024 to Friday, February 14, 2025 (5) Estimated price: Will be announced after bidding. When determining the successful bidder, the amount stated in the bid document plus 10/100 of said amount (if said amount has a fraction of less than 1 yen, that fraction will be rounded down) will be the successful bid price. Therefore, bidders, regardless of whether they are taxable businesses or tax-exempt businesses with respect to consumption tax and local consumption tax, should state in their bid documents an amount equivalent to 1/100 of their estimated desired contract amount. 3. Qualifications of bidders (1) Bidders must be rated based on the regulations on rating of designated competitive bidders for construction works in Tsuruoka City (Tsuruoka City Notice No. 19, 2005) and meet all of the following requirements. ? Type of work: Waterworks facilities work ? Rating: B, C, D ? City head office/sales office requirements: Must have a head office in the city. ? Engineer requirements, etc.: See the attached "Specifications" for this work. ? Construction experience (2) Bidders must not fall under the provisions of Article 49, Item 11 of the Tsuruoka City Construction Work Contract Terms and Conditions regarding the exclusion of organized crime. (3) For public works subject to the Construction Business Law, a supervising engineer or chief engineer must be appointed to oversee the technical management of the construction work at the construction site, so please check the engineers to be assigned in advance. In addition, please check the "Supervising Engineer System Operation Manual" on the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism website to ensure that the supervising (chief) engineer system is properly implemented. *Please refer to the "Guidelines for Proper Management of the Relationship between Prime Contractors and Subcontractors in Tsuruoka City Construction Works" for details on "5. Preparation of the Construction System Register and Creation of the Construction System Diagram" in the "Manual for the Operation of the Supervising Engineer System." (https://www.city.tsuruoka.lg.jp/sangyo/nyusatsu/nyuusatukeiyakuseido/sitaukesidouyouryou.html) (4) For site representatives, please refer to "(Notice) Requirements for Concurrent Serving of Site Representatives in Construction Works" posted on the "Bidding Information" section of the city's website. The site representative for this work will be allowed to serve as the site representative for another work only when the placement of a supervising engineer (including a special supervising engineer) is not required and the client approves based on the successful bidder's application. 4. Locations showing contract clauses, etc. (1) Viewing location: Tsuruoka City website and Tsuruoka City Waterworks and Sewerage Department (2) Viewing period: Until the day before the bid date 5. Matters related to bids and contract security (1) Bid security: Exemption (2) Contract security: Amount equivalent to 1/10 of the contract amount 6. Application and confirmation of bidders (1) Bring two copies of the Graded General Competitive Bidding Participation Eligibility Confirmation Application Form to the Contract Inspection Office, General Affairs Division, Waterworks and Sewerage Department, Tsuruoka City by Wednesday, October 9, 2024 (may be sent by mail (enclose a return envelope). However, it must arrive by the deadline). One copy will be stamped with a receipt stamp and returned. (2) To become a prime contractor for public works subject to the Construction Business Act, a valid "Notice of Business Scale Evaluation Results/Comprehensive Evaluation Value" (hereinafter referred to as the "Result Notice") is required. You cannot undertake public works just by applying for a business review, and you cannot apply for and participate in a bid unless the review is completed and you have been notified of the results. When accepting the application for participation in the bid, we will check the result notice that is valid until the contract conclusion date, so please copy it to the back of the application for participation in the bid and submit it to participate in the bid. It can also be attached as an attachment. *You must not have been subject to a suspension of bids on any day during the period from the last day of application acceptance to the contract conclusion. If you are subject to a suspension of bids after the acceptance of your application, your acceptance will be cancelled and you will not be able to participate in the bid. If you are subject to a suspension of bids after the successful bidder is decided and before the contract is concluded, the successful bid will be cancelled. 7 Other conditions for bidding (1) Please refer to "Bidding conditions", "Tsuruoka City Bidding Guidelines", and "Tsuruoka City Construction Work Graded Designation Type General Competitive Bidding Implementation Guidelines". Bidding may be cancelled according to Article 10 of the Tsuruoka City Construction Work Graded Designation Type General Competitive Bidding Implementation Guidelines. (2) When bidding, you must fill in the location, trade name, and representative name on a construction cost breakdown sheet of the same amount as the amount of the first bid, stamp it, and submit it (unit price details are not required in the item of the design document excluding money). If you do not submit it, you will not be able to participate in the bid. (3) This work is subject to the variable minimum price system of the Tsuruoka City Waterworks and Sewage Department. The successful bidder will be the bidder who bids within the estimated price limit and offers the lowest price above the minimum price. If a bid is made below the minimum price, the bidder will be disqualified. For details, please refer to the "Implementation Guidelines for the Variable Minimum Price System of the Tsuruoka City Waterworks and Sewage Department" on the city's website. (https://www.city.tsuruoka.lg.jp/kurashi/suido/suido_nyusatsu/hendo.files/hendo.pdf) (4) This work is a two-day work week that is designated by the client. Please check the special specifications or site explanation. For details, please refer to the "Implementation Guidelines for the Tsuruoka City Construction Work Two Days Off per Week (8 days off per week with the site closed)" on the city's website. (https://www.city.tsuruoka.lg.jp/sangyo/nyusatsu/nyuusatukeiyakuseido/keiyaku0120220401173.html)(5) Advance payments can be requested for construction work with a contract price of over 1.3 million yen. In addition, interim advance payments can be requested for construction work with a contract price of 10 million yen or more that meets certain conditions. (Article 36, Clauses 1 and 3, of the Tsuruoka City Construction Contract Contract Terms and Conditions) 8. Contact: Tsuruoka City Waterworks and Sewage Department, General Affairs Division, Contract Inspection Office, Telephone: 23-7731997-0819, 2-10 Nozomi-cho, Tsuruoka City, Fax: 22-9690 Project Number: Construction Year: FY2024 Project Name: Hiwada-cho Area 100mm Diameter Water Pipe Relocation Project Location: Hiwada-cho Area, Tsuruoka City, Construction Main Design Section: Branch Line Name Project Period: Year/Month/Day/Reiwa Year/Month/Day/Reiwa Year/Month/Day Number of Days: Department/Section/Estimated Cost/Construction Price/Amount Equivalent to Consumption Tax/Details of Project/Construction Section/Type of Work Type Details Unit Quantity Unit Price Amount Comments Main construction cost Cut-and-cover construction and small-diameter tunneling, etc. Location: Urban area 4 weeks, 8 days off Labor cost 1.05 Machinery rental 1.04 Pipe relocation cost formula 1 No. 1 breakdown sheet Direct construction cost total Common temporary construction cost total Transportation cost formula 1 No. 989 breakdown sheet Common temporary construction cost formula 1 Net construction cost Site management cost formula 1 Construction cost General management cost (including contract guarantee cost) formula 1 Construction price for which the client requires financial guarantee Amount equivalent to consumption tax Total amount Name Specification Unit Quantity Unit Price Amount Comments No. 1 breakdown sheet Pipe relocation cost per set Contract material cost formula 1 No. 1 Schedule Piping construction cost formula 1 No. 2 Schedule Civil engineering construction cost formula 1 No. 3 Schedule Safety cost formula 1 No. No. 4 Specification Total Name Specification Unit Quantity Unit Price Amount Remarks No. 989 Breakdown Transportation cost per set Loading and unloading of temporary materials Base - Site - Base t 1.51 Transportation cost of temporary materials (steel sheet piles, H-shaped steel, covering plates, steel sheets, etc.) (A) Length up to 12m, distance up to 10km, one way t 3.02 Total Name Specification Unit Quantity Unit Price Amount Remarks No. 1 Specification Contract material cost per set Polyethylene pipe for water distribution 100mm x 5.0m Plain end 1 piece EF socket 100mm 1 piece EF bend (double support type) 100mm x 45� 2 pieces PE mechanical bend 100mm�45� pcs 2PEV joint 100mm PE�VP pcs 2Simple gate valve without interruption of water supply 100mm for VP pcs 1Tsuruoka City tapered gate valve box for soil covering 1200 set 1Water pipe indication tape 30mm�20mm 13.4Water pipe indication sheet 150mm double 9.1VP pipe plug cap (with anti-detachment fitting) 100mm set 2PP metal joint male (earthquake-resistant type) 20mm pcs 6Disk valve 20mm pcs 2Water polyethylene pipe 20mm 0.269kg/mm ??8Name Standard Unit Quantity Unit price Amount Remarks No. 1 Specification Contract Material Costs Per Set Bushing White 50 x 25 pcs 1 Total Name Specification Unit Quantity Unit Price Amount Remarks No. 2 Specification Piping Work Costs Per Set Polyethylene pipe (fusion joint) installation work Nominal diameter 100 m 9.1 Polyethylene pipe (fusion joint) joint work Nominal diameter 100, 2 joint Location 1 Polyethylene pipe (fusion joint) joint work Nominal diameter 100, 1 joint 4 Polyethylene pipe joint work (mechanical joint) Nominal diameter 100 10 Polyethylene pipe joint removal work (mechanical joint) Nominal diameter 100 2 Hard polyvinyl chloride pipe cutting Nominal diameter 100 4 Polyethylene pipe cutting Nominal diameter 100 6 Installation of simple gate valve without water interruption 100mm VP use Base 1 Installation of screw type valve box A, B type No. 3 Location 1 Polyethylene pipe installation work Nominal diameter 20 m 8 Polyethylene pipe joint work Nominal diameter 20 mouth 6 Rigid polyvinyl chloride pipe Removal pipe lifting and loading Nominal diameter 100 m 2 Total Name Standard Unit Quantity Unit price Amount Remarks No. 3 Details Civil engineering work cost per set Pavement cutting Asphalt pavement slab, 15 cm or less m 16 Pavement type: Asphalt pavement Asphalt pavement slab thickness: 15 cm or less Direct excavation and loading of pavement slab, pavement thickness 10 cm or less Heaping 0.28 (flat area 0.2) ? 5 Disposal of generated soil (As chunks, DID section available) 4 t truck, heaping 0.28 loading, distance 9.0 km or less 0.3 Asphalt chunk disposal cost 0.3 Backhoe excavation and loading 8Pipe backfilling (mechanical backfilling, backhoe) Pile 0.28 (flat volume 0.2) Dune sand 6Lower subgrade work Width less than 1.8m, construction thickness = 15cm, number of construction layers = 1RC-40 m2 5Upper subgrade work Width less than 1.8m, construction thickness = 15cm, number of construction layers = 1M-40 m2 5Asphalt paving work (roadway and shoulders) per layer, t?50mm (t=50mm), recycled dense-grained asphalt concrete (13F) m2 5Earth retaining work (lightweight steel sheet pile construction) Excavation depth less than 2.0m (both sides), pile 0.28m 8.7 Installation and removal of lightweight metal wales 1 stage, excavation depth 2.0m or less m 8.7 Name Standard Unit Quantity Unit price Amount Remarks No. 3 Details Civil engineering cost per set Installation and removal of screw-type pipe support strut material 1 stage, excavation depth 2.0m or less m 8.7 Pile driving protection work Plugs, etc. Location 2 Lightweight steel sheet pile rental Shared 3 days set 1 Support material rental Shared 3 days set 1 Water replacement work Diameter 50mm day 2 Pavement cutting Muddy water treatment cost m3 0.1 Shell transportation Pavement crushing, machine loading (small-scale earthwork), Yes, 24.0km or less 0.1 Shell generation work: Pavement crushing and loading Method classification: Machine loading (small-scale earthwork) DID section: Yes Transport distance: 24.0km or less Total Name Standard Unit Number Quantity Unit Price Amount Summary No. 4 Details Safety Costs per Set Traffic Control Guard B Persons 4 Total Location Map "In creating this map, with the approval of the Director-General of the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan, a 1:25,000 topographical map issued by the same authority was used. (Approval number: Heisei 24 Jyoushi, No. 244-30078) 1:100000 100 200 300 400 500 m Construction location Construction name Drawing name Scale Tsuruoka City Waterworks and Sewerage Department Reiwa 6 Hiwada-cho area 100mm diameter water pipe relocation construction plan Restoration cross section Free H=14.168 R=0.4 L=2.0 2.2 R=5.0 5.0 13.66 13.74 12.78 KBM1 Garage Co (parking) Fall T.1 NTT Matsunoki Bridge 36 Right 4 Left 1 E House line 34 West 2 North 5 Co waterway 150x150 Co waterway 1500x1200 10.60 10.64 12.78 12.16 12.60 12.60 14.35 R2 B-2 H = 13.62 1500 800 450 New Century P Lifting gate (Sla U-shaped waterway 2000 x 145 K27 K29 C4 R10 R9 K2 T.1 R11 (species) Miscellaneous ground stud stud stud wooden pile wooden pile plastic pile footrest hardware N = 6 pieces W = 400 ? 22 ? 100 HPPE laying L = 9.1 m Plan view S = 1:25050150150 850 114?125100?2501000?1270M-40RC-40Dunne sand regenerationDense grain sizeAsphalt concrete13F restorationCross-section diagramS=FREE?100VP useWater supply uninterrupted simple gate valve installationN=1unitProject nameDrawing nameScaleHanouchiHano Tsuruoka City Waterworks and Sewerage Department2024 Hiwada-cho area100mm diameter water pipe relocation projectPipe detailsFreePipe details0.6 1.3 2.0 2.3 1.3 0.60.6 0.62.0 cross section?100�45�EF bend (double support type)?100�45�EF bend (double support type)?100PV-J?100PV-J?100PV-J ?100�45� EF bend (double-sided type)?100�45� EF bend (double-sided type)?100PV-J?100�45� PE mechanical bend?100�45� PE mechanical bend?100�45� PE mechanical bend?100�45� PE mechanical bend?100VP simple gate valve without interruption of water supplySimple gate valve without interruption of water supply for ?100VP?20 disc valve?20 PP male N=2?100VP pipe plug cap?50�20 bushing?20 PP male?100VP pipe plug cap?50�20 bushing?20 PP male?20 disc valve?20 PP male N=2Temporary drain DrainReiwa 6th year Hiwada town inner diameter 100mm water distribution pipe relocation work General specificationsTsuruoka City Waterworks and Sewage Department Waterworks Division - - 11. Application of Specifications The construction of this work must be based on the "Japan Water Works Association's Standard Specifications for Waterworks - Civil Engineering Works - (latest edition)" and the "Yamagata Prefecture Department of Land Development Common Specifications (latest edition)". If any revisions are made to the specifications during the construction period, the revised contents shall also apply. 2. Special notes for the common specifications Special notes for the common specifications are as follows. Part 1, Common Edition, Chapter 1, General Provisions 1-1. Type of Work The type of work shall be waterworks facility work. 1-2. Treatment of relaxation of full-time obligation of supervising engineers 1. In the case of the placement of a supervising engineer subject to the provisions of the proviso of Article 26, Paragraph 3 of the Construction Business Law (hereinafter referred to as "exceptional supervising engineer") in this work, it shall be in accordance with "Treatment of supervising engineers and those assisting supervising engineers in construction works ordered by Tsuruoka City". 2. When a special supervising engineer and assistant supervising engineer are assigned or when their assignment is no longer required, they must be registered in CORINS appropriately. 1-3. Documents to be submitted The contractor must prepare a schedule stipulated in Article 3 of the Construction Contract Contract in the prescribed format and submit it to the client via the supervising officer. If a subcontractor is working without submitting a subcontract plan (change) report, the contractor may be ordered to temporarily suspend work. 1-4. Construction plan Conduct a site survey and test excavation (hereinafter referred to as "trial excavation") (see p. 9, 2-4.4) in advance, and if there are any differences from the design documents, attach the plan drawings (plan, cross-section, piping details) to the construction meeting book and submit them to the supervising officer for approval. If any doubts arise during construction, contact the supervising officer immediately and ask for instructions. - - 21-5. Construction machinery with exhaust gas control measures Construction machinery with exhaust gas control measures will be used for the construction of the work. If it is not possible to use construction machinery with exhaust gas control features, the reason must be submitted in writing to the supervising officer and approval must be obtained. If exhaust gas control features are not used, they will be subject to change. Furthermore, since the machinery to be used will be determined from construction photographs, records must be made to ensure consistency with the actual site. 1-6. Lifting machinery For lifting machinery, a crane truck or a backhoe with a crane function will be the standard. If it is unavoidable to use other machinery, written approval must be obtained from the supervising officer. 1-7. Notification to residents along the railway line Before construction begins, a "construction notice" must be prepared with an attached residential map showing the construction location, and after obtaining approval from the supervising officer, it must be distributed to relevant parties such as local neighborhood association presidents and residents along the railway line. Furthermore, when implementing traffic restrictions, advance notice signs must be set up to notify the public, and relevant institutions (kindergartens, nurseries, etc.) must be notified. 1-8. For all underground buried facilities (sewerage, electricity, NTT, gas and information pipelines, and other buried facilities deemed necessary), confirm the buried status with the manager, meet with the manager as necessary, and submit a copy of the confirmation to the supervising official. For NTT, be sure to request the manager's presence. Also, if exploratory excavation is necessary, consult with the supervising official in advance. (P9, 2-4.4) 1-9. Construction by-products 1. Specific construction waste materials (concrete blocks, asphalt blocks, construction wood) generated by this work shall be transported to a recycling facility. In particular, the destination of the specific construction waste materials shown below shall meet the respective conditions. [Concrete blocks] Recycling facility that recycles them as standard recycled crusher run (RC-40) [Asphalt blocks] Recycling facility that reuses them as raw materials for recycled heated asphalt mixture (it does not have to be an asphalt plant, but a facility that can confirm that the asphalt blocks will ultimately be used as recycled heated asphalt mixture is also acceptable) 2. Based on the "Appropriate burden of costs required for the recycling of construction waste materials" stipulated in Article 6 of the Construction Recycling Law, the destination of the specific construction waste materials that specifies the conditions is as follows. In addition, after the removal is completed, a copy of the manifest (E-ticket) must be submitted. ? ? 3?Concrete chunks?Design ?Receiving location ?Recycling facility name ?Receiving time 28-1 Nishime Yamadamori, Tsuruoka City Onodera Construction Co., Ltd. 8:00-17:00 77-1 Ishikawabata, Saitogawahara, Tsuruoka City Tagawa Gravel Industry Co., Ltd. 8:00-17:00 158-1 Nekitoro, Shofukuji, Tsuruoka City Tsuruoka Construction Co., Ltd. 8:00-17:00 115 Miyanokoshi, Umamachi, Tsuruoka City Miura Construction Co., Ltd. 8:00-17:00 262-2 Nishihosozoe, Fujishima, Tsuruoka City Japan Sea Ascon Joint Venture 8:00-17:00 17-7 Muramen, Yanagisawa, Tsuruoka City Aoki Construction Co., Ltd. 8:00-17:00?Asphalt chunks?Design ?Receiving location ?Recycling facility name ?Receiving time ? 158-1 Nekitoro, Shofukuji, Tsuruoka City Tsuruoka Construction Co., Ltd. 8:00-17:00 115 Miyanokoshi, Umamachi, Tsuruoka City Miura Construction Co., Ltd. 8:00-17:00 262-2 Nishihosozou, Fujishima, Tsuruoka City Nihonkai Ascon Joint Venture 8:00-17:00 3. If the Contractor uses a method other than the conditions specified in the preceding paragraph for its own convenience, it shall provide an explanation in the pre-contract explanation stipulated in Section 2 of the Civil Engineering Works Common Special Specifications, Part 1, Common Section 1-1-12 Construction By-Products. In this case, if the Contractor is requested to submit documents, etc. proving that the recycling facility to be removed meets the conditions stipulated in Section 1, it must submit them promptly. Even in this case, no changes will be made to the design documents. 4. Pursuant to Article 18, Paragraph 1 of the Construction Recycling Law, when the contractor has completed the recycling of specific construction material waste (concrete, asphalt, wood), the contractor must add the costs incurred in recycling the specific construction material waste to the construction by-product processing result report specified in the common specifications and submit it to the supervising official. 5. Upon completion of the work, the contractor must submit the contents of the "Recyclable Resource Utilization Plan (Implementation Document)" and the "Recyclable Resource Utilization Promotion Plan (Implementation Document)" in a format and with data separately specified by the supervising official. In addition, in accordance with laws and regulations, the contractor must post the Recyclable Resource Utilization Plan in a place at the construction site where it is easily visible to the public. 6. If the contractor wishes to register the contents of the Recyclable Resource Utilization Plan and the Recyclable Resource Utilization Promotion Plan in the "Construction By-Product Information Exchange System - COBRIS" (Japan Construction Information Center Web-based input system), the contractor must consult with the supervising official in advance. 7. When transporting construction waste materials, overloading must be prevented, and transportation vehicles must be equipped with signs and documentation indicating that they are transporting industrial waste, in accordance with the Enforcement Order of the Law Concerning the Treatment and Cleaning of Industrial Waste. 1-10. Site for receiving waste soil Construction waste soil generated by this work is expected to be transported within 9 km, and the client will decide on the destination before the start of soil transportation work. If there is a discrepancy with the transport distance estimated in the design, or if disposal costs are incurred, this will be subject to change discussions. - - 41-11. Matters related to the construction name signboard (related to ensuring safety) The type of construction and explanation of the contents of the construction to be written on the construction name signboard shall be as follows. The "construction period" written on the construction name signboard shall be the on-site construction period. The client shall be "Tsuruoka City Waterworks Department, Waterworks Division." Type of construction (Example) Waterworks Explanation of construction contents (Example) Work to relocate water distribution pipes 1-12. Matters related to traffic safety: The site conditions must be thoroughly examined, traffic guides must be deployed to ensure the safety of pedestrians, bicycles, vehicles, etc., and a construction plan must be formulated that takes safety management into full consideration. In addition, efforts must be made to fully inform residents along the route of traffic restrictions, such as by distributing flyers, and to obtain their cooperation. Details must be discussed with the supervising officials. 1-13. Matters related to business losses: 1. If, during construction, it becomes necessary to carry out investigations and take measures due to the effects of construction noise, vibration, or lowering of the groundwater level, etc., the design documents must be discussed with the supervising officials. 2. If it becomes necessary to measure noise and vibration during construction, the design documents must be discussed with the supervising officials. 1-14. Restrictions on construction period, hours, and methods: The working hours for this construction work are from 8:30 to 17:00. Note that the working hours include the time for preparation, cleaning up, and moving heavy machinery. If there are any changes to the working hours, the supervisor must be consulted immediately. 1-15. Cooperation in the event of a disaster 1. Emergency patrols I Emergency patrols are conducted at the direction of the supervisor to grasp the situation and take appropriate measures when a disaster occurs or is likely to occur at the construction site due to a typhoon, heavy rain, heavy snow, earthquake, etc. II If an emergency patrol officer finds an abnormality at the construction site, he/she must immediately take appropriate measures that can be taken on the spot to prevent the danger and report the situation to the supervisor. III When conducting an emergency patrol, photographs must be taken and the date, time, and situation must be recorded. IV If an accident occurs during an emergency patrol, the situation must be reported to the supervisor immediately. 2. Cooperation in the event of a disaster and various operations in an emergency A cooperation system must be established in case the construction site is affected by a disaster, etc., and when instructed, various operations in an emergency must be carried out to minimize damage. 3. Details regarding emergency patrols and various work in emergencies shall be determined through consultation between the client and the contractor. 1-16. Accident reporting 1. If an accident occurs during construction work, the contractor must immediately report the incident to the supervising officer by telephone and promptly submit a construction accident report (Yamagata Prefecture, reference form 5) by fax or e-mail after reporting. 2. Accidents to be reported shall be classified as "work-related accidents," "accidents resulting in death or injury to the public," or "public accidents resulting in property damage" related to the construction site, and all accidents must be reported regardless of their scale. 3. The construction accident report form is posted on the following website. Yamagata Prefecture Website ? Organizational Pages ? Prefectural Land Development Department ? Construction Planning Division ? Construction Work Technology Related Information ? Regarding the Common Specifications for Civil Engineering Works 1-17. Regarding the placement of piping technicians, etc. 1. A water distribution pipe technician (registered for general joints or earthquake-resistant joints) must be placed. 2. The city will assign personnel with skills specified by the city, such as plumbing technicians as defined in Article 44 of the Vocational Ability Development Promotion Act, graduates of plumbing courses at vocational training schools certified by the prefectural governor as defined in Article 24 of the same act, and those who have completed courses on acquiring plumbing skills implemented by the Water Supply Construction Technology Promotion Foundation, a public interest incorporated foundation. 1-18. Construction requiring two days off per week 1. This construction is a client-designated construction requiring two days off per week, with the site closed for at least eight days off every four weeks. The traffic control officers' daily working hours will be eight hours (not including breaks), and documents verifying the number of working days, etc., must be submitted by the time the construction is completed. - - 11Part 4: Details Chapter 1: Construction and management 1-1. Pipe laying and joining 1. Ductile iron pipes will be constructed in accordance with the joining guidelines published by the Japan Ductile Iron Pipe Association. 2. Construction of polyethylene pipes for water distribution must be in accordance with the Construction Manual published by the Association of Polyethylene Pipe Systems for Water Distribution. 3. Checklists must be used to manage all joints. 4. Joints between ductile cast iron pipes and polyethylene pipes for water distribution must be witnessed by a supervisor for each type of pipe and joint. 5. Construction of water supply pipes must be in accordance with the Water Supply Equipment Construction Manual published by the Water Supply Engineering Technology Promotion Foundation and the construction procedures and technical documents set by the manufacturers of the materials used. In addition, polyethylene pipe earthquake-resistant joints must be connected with the tightening torque specified by the manufacturer, and must be managed using a checklist. 1-2. Submission of checklists Checklists must be submitted for all joints (including earthquake-resistant joints for polyethylene pipes for water supply pipes). [Make sure that the photos are consistent with the photos of the joints.] 1-3. Taking photographs and submitting photographs of the construction status must be taken at one location every 20m, and all joints must be photographed and submitted on paper and electronic media. Finished photos should show the construction location before and after construction. The number of copies to be submitted should be as instructed by the supervising staff. 1-4. Pipe cutting management Manage remaining pipe length using the pipe cutting report to avoid waste of materials. 1-5. Pipe cutting1. Ductile cast iron pipes should be cut using a diamond blade or keel cutter. 2. Water distribution polyethylene pipes should be cut using the designated pipe cutter. 1-6. Burial sheets and tape1. Pipe identification sheets should be buried at the boundary between the lower roadbed and the backfill sand. 2. Pipe identification tape should be installed as follows. I. Ductile cast iron pipes should be used as a fixing material for polyethylene sleeves. II. Water distribution polyethylene pipes and rigid polyvinyl chloride pipes should be affixed to the pipe, with 12 body wraps affixed in 4 locations per 5m of pipe length. 1-7. Matters related to water outages1. The water outage plan must be prepared after taking into consideration the situation at the site and the water usage status of the affected homes, etc., and approval must be obtained from the supervising officer at least 5 days before the water outage. In addition, a "water outage notice" must be distributed to affected homes at least 3 days before the water outage. 2. Water outage work must be carried out in a planned and efficient manner, and efforts must be made to shorten the duration of the water outage. 3. The duration of the water outage must include the time for pipe cleaning work. 1-8. Completion drawings 1. Guidelines for preparing construction completion drawings I Completion drawings must include floor plans, piping detail drawings, and drawings designated by the supervising officer. II The piping diagram must be entered on the floor plans, and the distance from the public/private boundary and buried depth must be indicated for straight pipes, and the offset must be indicated for curved pipes and other irregular pipes. In addition, if water supply pipe work is involved, the stop valve or stop valve with a check valve must be indicated, and the water valve number must also be entered. The construction area must be indicated in red. The scale must be 1/500 or 1/1,000 and indicate it on the drawing. III Piping detail drawings shall be drawn in a planar manner using the same piping symbols as those in the construction design drawings, and for various types of special pipes, the diameter and type shall be indicated in the stage directions. In addition, dimensions shall be indicated in meters (up to the first decimal place) for cut pipes. If the planar notation is difficult to understand, a side view or other drawing shall be used to supplement it. IV When installing a fire hydrant, the manufacturer, size, sub-valve, fire hydrant valve, and the presence or absence of a Class-C pipe shall be indicated on the piping detail drawing. V When installing an air valve, the manufacturer, the presence or absence of a repair valve, and the outlet diameter shall be indicated on the piping detail drawing. VI If there are other buried pipes (gas, sewer, etc.) that were confirmed during the construction of this work, their buried locations shall be indicated on the plan drawing. 2. Regarding the offset drawing, the offset of the gate valve and special pipe shall be submitted in a format specified by the supervising officer, and shall be measured at three points from a landmark that is easy to find even when snow is accumulated. For connection points with existing pipes, three measurements should be taken from a landmark that is easy to find. For gate valve offsets, one drawing should be created for each gate valve, and the piping and gate valves around the gate valve should also be included. In addition, a photograph should be posted on the back of the offset drawing so that the location of the gate valve can be easily seen. For drain gate valves (stop valves), the drain diameter and discharge destination (gutter, waterway, etc.) should be illustrated. 3. Regarding the water supply ledger and water pipe branch replacement list If water supply pipe construction is carried out, the water supply ledger should be revised and a water supply pipe branch replacement list should be created. 4. Regarding the submission of completion documents I Construction completion drawings and gate valve offsets should be submitted in paper and electronic media, and the submission methods are as follows. ?Paper media: number of copies specified by the supervising officer. - - 13 ?Electronic media (PDF): 1 set II Submit one copy of the water supply ledger and water supply pipe branch replacement list in paper format. Chapter 2 Other2-1. Environmental ImprovementIf soil and wastewater from work are discharged onto roads and gutters, clean them up after the work is completed.2-2. House Inspection, etc.If there are houses, block walls, stone masonry, etc. around the construction site that may be damaged by the construction work, a house inspection must be conducted in the presence of the property owner before construction begins to confirm the current state, and the owner must confirm the presence of any abnormalities after the construction is completed.In addition, for both the current state and abnormality inspections, an inspection report must be prepared with photos showing the confirmed state, and submitted after the owner's signature and seal.In addition, if any abnormalities are found, report them immediately to the supervising staff and discuss how to deal with them.2-3. Coordination of construction with other construction workThis construction work is a relocation work associated with flood prevention work ordered by the Tsuruoka City Storm Water Office, and the construction work must be carried out after consulting with the contractor regarding the construction time and content.In addition, if there is a risk of damage to a third party due to the construction work, consult with the contractor before construction and clarify the responsibility. Tsuruoka City Waterworks and Sewage Department Variable Minimum Price System Implementation Guidelines (Purpose) Article 1 These guidelines stipulate the necessary matters regarding the implementation of a system (hereinafter referred to as the "minimum price system") that, in order to prevent a decline in quality due to receiving orders at extremely low bid prices in bidding for construction work etc. ordered by the department, does not award the successful bidder to the person who offers the lowest price within the estimated price limit, but to the person who offers the lowest price among those who offer a price equal to or higher than the minimum price within the estimated price limit, in accordance with the provisions of Article 167-10, Paragraph 2 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Law (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947). (Target Industries) Article 2 The minimum price system applies to the following industries. (1) Contracting for construction work (hereinafter referred to as "construction work"). (2) Outsourcing of work such as design, surveying and investigation related to construction work (hereinafter referred to as "outsourcing"). (Target Bids) Article 3 Competitive bids to which the minimum bid system applies shall be those with a design amount exceeding 1.3 million yen. However, this does not apply in the following cases: (1) When the comprehensive evaluation bidding method is used (2) When it is deemed inappropriate to set a minimum bid price (Exceptions to application) Article 4 If a bid falls under any of the following, the minimum bid system shall not be applied. (1) If the bids (hereinafter referred to as "valid bids") that do not fall under the invalid bid requirements set forth in the laws, regulations, etc., and the public notice for the competitive bidding in question and whose bid prices do not exceed an amount equivalent to 100/110 of the estimated price (hereinafter referred to as the "estimated price") are classified as 1. (2) If the valid bids are classified as 2 or 3 and any of the following applies: a. In the case of competitive bidding for construction work, the bid prices of all valid bids are equal to or greater than seven-tenths of the estimated price, or the bid prices of all valid bids are less than seven-tenths of the estimated price; b. In the case of competitive bidding for business outsourcing, the bid prices of all valid bids are equal to or greater than six-tenths of the estimated price, or the bid prices of all valid bids are less than six-tenths of the estimated price. (3) Article 5: When there are four or more valid bids and the lowest bid price among the valid bids is nine-tenths or more of the highest bid price among the valid bids in the case of construction work (the coefficient announced in advance in the public notice, notice of nomination, etc., in the case of mechanical equipment work or electrical equipment work), or eight-tenths or more of the highest bid price among the valid bids in the case of business outsourcing (Method of calculating the minimum limit price when there are two or three valid bids) Article 5: When there are two or three valid bids, the minimum limit price shall be the amount specified in each of the following items according to the business type classification set forth below. (1) Construction work: The amount obtained by multiplying the estimated price by seven-tenths (2) Business outsourcing: The amount obtained by multiplying the estimated price by six-tenths (Method of calculating the variable minimum limit price) Article 6: When there are four or more valid bids, the minimum limit price shall be determined for each project in accordance with the provisions of the following paragraphs through paragraph 5. 2. The number of bids (hereinafter referred to as the "calculation constant") used as the basis for calculating the minimum limit price shall be determined based on the number of valid bids as follows: (1) If the number of valid bids is four, the calculation constant shall be four. (2) If the number of valid bids is between five and eight, the calculation constant shall be five. (3) If the number of valid bids is between nine and fifteen, the calculation constant shall be the number obtained by multiplying the number of valid bids by six-tenths (if this number has a fraction less than one, round it up to one). (4) If the number of valid bids is sixteen or more, the calculation constant shall be ten. 3. For the calculation constant determined in the preceding paragraph, starting with the lowest bid price, the average price shall be determined (if this amount has a fraction less than one yen, round it down). However, if the bid price of the bid that is the calculation constant number from the lowest bid price and the bid price next to it are the same, one shall be added to the calculation constant, and if there are other bids of the same price, one shall be added to the calculation constant. 4. The minimum price limit shall be the amount obtained by multiplying the average amount calculated in the preceding paragraph by the coefficient set forth in each of the following items according to the classification of the business type (if the amount has a fraction less than one yen, the fraction shall be rounded down): (1) Construction work: 9/10 (2) Business outsourcing: 85/10Notwithstanding the provisions of item 1 of the preceding paragraph, in cases where the competitive bidding in question is for mechanical equipment or electrical equipment construction work among construction works, in place of the coefficient in the same item, a coefficient obtained by subtracting the number obtained by multiplying the equipment cost rate (the ratio of equipment cost (meaning the procurement cost of equipment that is procured after its function and performance are confirmed at the manufacturing factory, etc. and does not require processing at the construction site, etc.) to the direct construction cost of the construction work (if a fraction less than one-tenth of that ratio occurs, that fraction is rounded down)) by one-tenth shall be applied from nine-tenths. (Handling in the event that a bid is invalidated after the minimum limit price is determined) Article 7 The minimum limit price determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 5 or the preceding article shall not be changed even if a bid is invalidated after its determination. However, if the reason for the invalidation of a bid used in the calculation is a typo in the amount or any other reason that is deemed to be an impediment to the proper calculation of the minimum limit price, the provisions of the preceding three articles shall be applied as if there was no bid, and the minimum limit price shall be determined, or the minimum limit price system shall not be applied. (Determination of successful bidder) Article 8 If the minimum price system is not applied pursuant to the provisions of Article 4, the successful bidder shall be the person who bids with the lowest price among the valid bids. 2 If a minimum price is set, the successful bidder shall be the person who bids with the lowest price that is equal to or higher than the minimum price among the valid bids. In this case, a bidder who bids below the minimum price shall be disqualified for that bid. 3 In the cases of the preceding two paragraphs, if there are two or more bidders with the lowest price, the successful bidder shall be determined by lottery or other method of selection. (Execution of bid) Article 9 If, after opening the bids, there are four or more valid bids and the bid does not fall under Article 4, item 3, the bidder may withhold the determination of the minimum price at the bidding session and withhold the decision on the successful bid. 2 If the bidder withholds the decision on the successful bid pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, he/she shall determine the minimum price in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 after the bidding session is closed and determine the successful bidder. (Publication) Article 10 When applying the minimum price system, this must be publicly announced in an appropriate manner, such as by announcing the bid for the project or by notifying the selection of the bidder. In this case, if the project in question is mechanical equipment work or electrical equipment work in the context of construction work, the coefficient to be applied in place of the coefficient prescribed in Article 6, Paragraph 4, Item 1, pursuant to the provisions of Article 6, Paragraph 5, shall also be publicly announced. 2 When the minimum price system is applied, the minimum price must be publicly announced promptly after the successful bidder is decided. (Other) Article 11 In addition to what is set forth in these guidelines, any necessary matters will be determined separately. Supplementary Provision These guidelines shall come into effect on April 1, 2019. Supplementary Provision This public notice shall come into effect on October 1, 2019. Guidelines for the Implementation of the Low Bid Price Investigation System for the Water Supply and Sewerage Department of Tsuruoka City Amended by Water Supply and Sewerage Business Notification No. 14 of April 1, 2019 Amended by Water Supply and Sewerage Business Notification No. 26 of April 1, 2020 Amended by Water Supply and Sewerage Business Notification No. 31 of April 1, 2023 (Purpose) Article 1 These guidelines are intended to stipulate the necessary matters regarding investigations (hereinafter referred to as "low bid price investigations") conducted to determine successful bidders in bidding for construction work and construction-related business contracts ordered by the department pursuant to the provisions of Article 167-10, paragraph 1 and Article 167-10-2, paragraph 2 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 167-13 of the same Order). (Construction works and construction-related business contracts subject to the low bid price investigation system) Article 2 Construction works and construction-related business contracts subject to the low bid price investigation system shall be those that the Mayor deems particularly necessary among construction works and construction-related business contracts to which the minimum price system does not apply. (Investigation base price) Article 3 When construction works and construction-related business contracts subject to the low bid price investigation system are put out for bidding, the contracting officer shall determine in advance for each order the base price for the low bid price investigation (hereinafter referred to as the "investigation base price"). 2 The investigation base price for construction works shall be the total amount of the following amounts that are the basis for calculating the estimated price. (1) The amount obtained by multiplying the amount of direct construction costs by 9.7/10(2) The amount obtained by multiplying the amount equivalent to common temporary facilities costs by 9/10(3) The amount obtained by multiplying the amount equivalent to site management costs by 9/10(4) The amount obtained by multiplying the amount of general management costs by 6.8/103Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the survey standard price for construction work shall be the amount specified in each of the following items in the cases listed in the following items.(1) If the amount calculated in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph exceeds the amount obtained by multiplying the bid document comparison price by 9.2/10: The amount obtained by multiplying the bid document comparison price by 9.2/10(2) If the amount calculated in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph is less than the amount obtained by multiplying the bid document comparison price by 7.5/10: The amount obtained by multiplying the bid document comparison price by 7.5/10(3) If it is difficult to comply with the provisions of the preceding paragraph and the two preceding items due to the nature of the work, etc.: Between 7.5/10 and 9.1/10 for each contract.The amount obtained by multiplying the bid comparison price by an appropriate percentage within the range of 2. 4. The survey standard price for construction-related business outsourcing shall be the total of the amounts listed below, which are the basis for calculating the estimated price, for each type of business (if multiple types of business are included, the total of the amounts calculated for each type of business). However, if that amount exceeds the amount obtained by multiplying the bid comparison price by 8/10, the amount obtained by multiplying the bid comparison price by 8/10 shall be used. (1) Survey work A. Amount of direct survey costs B. Amount obtained by multiplying the amount equivalent to various expenses (meaning the total amount of indirect survey costs and general administrative expenses, etc.) by 1/5 C. If survey investigation expenses are included, the third item shall apply to that part of the business. (2) Geological survey work A. Amount of direct investigation costs B. Amount of indirect investigation costs C. Amount obtained by multiplying the amount equivalent to various expenses (meaning the total amount of business administrative expenses and general administrative expenses, etc.) by 1/5 D. If investigation work expenses such as analysis are included, the following item shall apply to that part of the business. (3) Civil engineering design work (including construction supervision work) A. The amount obtained by multiplying the amount of direct labor costs by 9/10 B. The amount obtained by multiplying the amount of direct expenses by 9/10 C. The amount obtained by multiplying the amount of other costs by 8/10 D. The amount obtained by multiplying the amount of general administrative expenses, etc. by 1/5 (4) Architectural design work (including construction supervision work) A. The amount of direct labor costs B. The amount of technical expenses C. The amount obtained by multiplying the amount equivalent to various expenses by 1/5 (5) Compensation investigation work (including construction loss investigation work) A. The amount obtained by multiplying the amount of direct labor costs by 9/10 B. The amount obtained by multiplying the amount of direct expenses by 9/10 C. The amount obtained by multiplying the amount of other costs by 8/10 D. The amount obtained by multiplying the amount of general administrative expenses, etc. by 1/5 5. In the case of work for which it is difficult to apply the provisions of the preceding paragraph due to the nature of the work, notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, a rate ranging from 6/10 to 1/5 may be applied for each case. The amount shall be the amount obtained by multiplying the bid comparison price by an appropriate ratio within the range of 8/10. 6. In the case where the contracting officer does not use the standard "Standard Estimation Standards for Design Work, etc., from FY2012 onwards (applicable from May 1, 2012)" established by the Yamagata Prefecture Department of Land Development or an equivalent estimation standard in calculating the estimated price for civil engineering design work and compensation survey work, the contracting officer may use the total amount of the following amounts used as the basis for calculating the estimated price for work falling under items 3 and 5 of paragraph 4 of this article as the survey base price: (1) The amount of direct work (personnel) expenses (2) The amount of technical expenses (3) The amount obtained by multiplying the amount equivalent to miscellaneous expenses by 1/5. 7. The contracting officer shall enter the survey base price in the document stating the estimated price. 8. The survey base price shall be made public after the end of the bidding. (Execution of bid) Article 4 If, as a result of opening the bids, the bidder who submitted the lowest bid (in the case of a bid using the comprehensive evaluation method, the bidder with the highest evaluation value; hereinafter referred to as the "lowest bidder, etc.") bids below the investigation base price, the bidder shall withhold the decision on the successful bid. (Implementation of low bid price investigation) Article 5 If the decision on the successful bid is withheld pursuant to the provisions of the previous article, the section chief in charge of the construction work or construction-related work outsourcing (hereinafter referred to as the "competent section chief") shall investigate the following matters regarding the bidder. (1) Feasibility of the contract contents (2) Maintenance of fair trade order and eligibility of the lowest bidder, etc. 2 If the bidder does not cooperate with the investigation prescribed in the previous paragraph, the contract contents shall be treated as being unable to be fulfilled. (Submission to the low bid price contract review committee) Article 6 The contracting officer shall submit the results of the investigation under the previous article to the Tsuruoka City Waterworks and Sewage Department Low Bid Price Contract Review Committee (hereinafter referred to as the "review committee"). 2. The screening committee shall screen the lowest bidder, etc. based on the results of the investigation under each item of the preceding Article, Paragraph 1 and the numerical evaluation criteria separately determined. (Decision on the successful bidder) Article 7. The bidder shall decide whether or not to award the lowest bidder, etc. as the successful bidder based on the results of the investigation under the preceding Article, Paragraph 2. 2. If the bidder decides not to award the lowest bidder, etc. as the successful bidder under the preceding Paragraph, the bidder shall award as the successful bidder the bidder with the next lowest price or the highest evaluation value (hereinafter referred to as the "next highest bidder") among those who applied with a price within the limit of the estimated price. 3. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, if the bid price of the next highest bidder is below the investigation base price, the preceding two Articles and Paragraph 1 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the next highest bidder. In this case, if the successful bidder is still not determined, the preceding Paragraph and this Paragraph shall apply in the order listed below. Supplementary Provision: These guidelines shall come into effect on April 1, 2019. Supplementary Provisions (Notification No. 26 of Water Supply and Sewerage Business, April 1, 2020) This notification shall come into effect on April 1, 2020. Supplementary Provisions (Notification No. 31 of Water Supply and Sewerage Business, April 1, 2023) This notification shall come into effect on April 1, 2023.
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