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三宇田浜海水浴場四阿整備工事 三宇田浜海水浴場四阿整備工事 ・その他建設業法等の法令、規則等に違反していない者・公告日から契約日(本市議会の議決に付すべき案件は議決日)までの間に、本市の指 名停止措置を受けていない者 令和6年度建... Construction of gazebo at Miudahama Beach Construction of gazebo at Miudahama Beach ?Anyone who has not violated any other laws, regulations, etc., such as the Construction Business Act ?Anyone who has not been subject to the city's suspension of designation between the date of announcement and the date of contract (or the date of resolution for cases that should be submitted to the city council for a resolution) Fiscal 2024 Construction...

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三宇田浜海水浴場四阿整備工事 三宇田浜海水浴場四阿整備工事 ・その他建設業法等の法令、規則等に違反していない者・公告日から契約日(本市議会の議決に付すべき案件は議決日)までの間に、本市の指 名停止措置を受けていない者 令和6年度建... 長崎県対馬市   入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 三宇田浜海水浴場四阿整備工事 種別 工事 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 3 日 組織 長崎県対馬市 取得日 2024 年 10 月 3 日 19:10:40 公告内容 ・その他建設業法等の法令、規則等に違反していない者・公告日から契約日(本市議会の議決に付すべき案件は議決日)までの間に、本市の指 名停止措置を受けていない者 令和6年度建設工事入札参加資格格付決定通知書の建築一式工事の格付等級がCランクであること。 本市域内に建設業法第3条第1項の本店又は支店等(委任を受けている者に限る。)を有していること。ただし支店等については、令和6年1月1日において支店等開設後、継続して10年以上経過し、次の①②の条件をいずれも満たす従業員を10人以上雇用し、令和6年度において支店等に係る準市内業者の認定を受けていること。 ①審査対象特定日において6か月以上市内に住所を有し、実際に居住している者。 ②審査対象特定日において6か月以上常用雇用されている者。 ただし、土木工事業については、上記①②の従業員のうち建設業法第15条第2号イ及び第26条第4項の両方を満たす技術者(土木工事業)が5名以上常勤していること。 議 会 の 議 決 不要建設業の許可資 格設定しない入札参加条件低入札価格調査基準価格・判断価格最低制限価格入札参加資格審査の結果の格付等級又は総合数値・不渡手形又は不渡小切手を発行し銀行当座取引停止を受ける等、経営状況が著しく不 健全でない者建築工事業に係る特定建設業又は一般建設業の許可を有していること。 営業所等対馬市上対馬町西泊地内入 札 公 告令和6年10月3日 ※詳細は、設計図及び仕様書等(以下「設計図等」という。)90日間建築工事 一式 四阿 一式 き次のとおり公告する。 制限付き一般競争入札を実施するので対馬市契約規則(平成16年規則第108号)第3条の規定に基づ対馬市長 比田勝 尚 喜 三宇田浜海水浴場四阿整備工事工 事 場 所工 期工 事 概 要 工 事 名・会社更生法又は民事再生法に基づき、更正手続き又は再生手続きの開始の申し立てがなさ れていない者(競争入札参加資格再認定又は再生計画の認可決定を受けた者を除く。)設定する(※本市議会の議決に付すべき案件で、仮契約の締結後、議決日までの間に本市の指名 停止を受けた場合は、仮契約を解除し、本契約は締結しません。) 次に掲げる条件を、いずれも満たしている者・地方自治法施行令(昭和22年政令第16号)第167条の4の規定に該当しない者・令和6年度対馬市競争入札参加資格者名簿に登載されている者① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥入札に参加する場合は必ず縦覧CDを購入すること。 ①②0920-84-23160920-53-6111対馬市総務部 財政課設計図等の閲覧対馬市厳原町国分1441番地対馬市上県町佐須奈甲567番地3建設部 建設課【 期 間 】 建設業法(昭和24年法律第100号)の定めるところにより、当該入札参加業者と直接的かつ恒常的な雇用関係のある主任技術者又は監理技術者をこの工事現場に配置できること。 公告日から令和6年10月25日(金)まで(閉庁日を除く。)対馬市上県町佐須奈甲567番地3対馬市役所別館 2階 大会議室 本件工事の配置予定技術者が他の一般競争入札の申請に係る配置予定技術者となることを認めるが、本件工事を落札した場合には、直ちに他の工事について入札辞退をすること。ただし、建設業法第26条第3項で専任を義務づけていない案件についてはこの限りでない。 技術者は、申請書提出期限日において、入札参加者と直接的かつ恒常的な雇用関係にある者であること。 ただし、事業主の都合(業者の倒産等)により退職された技術者の再雇用における技術者については、恒常的雇用関係免除申立書を提出すること。 配置予定技術者は1工事につき3人以内とする。 建設部 北部建設事務所【 入 札 日 時 】・入札参加者の行為等により入札の公正性に疑義が生じたときは、入札を中止する。 令和6年11月12日(火) 午前10時00分 入札説明書を必ず参照し申請及び入札を行うこと。 対馬市契約規則第11条各号に該当する入札、対馬市工事費内訳書取扱要綱第6条に該当する入札、この入札公告に示した入札参加条件を満たさない者の入札、申請書等に虚偽をした者の入札及び入札に関する条件に違反した入札は無効とする。 建設工事に係る資材の再資源化等に関する法律(平成12年法律第104号)を遵守すること。 対馬市厳原町国分1441番地対馬市建設部 北部建設事務所 0920-84-2316持参もしくは郵送で提出すること。 要 免 除【 入 札 場 所 】令和6年10月18日(金)までに通知する。 【 提 出 方 法 】0920-53-6111(市役所代表)【 提 出 期 間 】質問毎に回答し、入札日まで下記の工事担当課及び対馬市ホームページにて閲覧。 下記の工事担当課及び閲覧場所(原則CDによる。)不要 対馬市のホームページ(http://www.city.tsushima.nagasaki.jp)から入手できる。 契 約 担 当 課入札参加資格確認結果の通知日入 札 の 中 止入 札 日 等契 約 保 証 金そ の 他注 意 事 項閲 覧 場 所工 事 担 当 課入 札 の 無 効入 札 保 証 金入札参加資格確認申請書の提出公告日から令和6年10月25日(金)まで(閉庁日を除く。)令和6年10月11日(金)まで(閉庁日を除く。)【質問書の提出期間】【 提 出 先 】下記の工事担当課対馬市役所 総務部 財政課【質問書の提出先】 設 計 図 等 に対する質問等 【 回 答 書 の 閲 覧 】入札説明書の交付なし 監理技術者は、監理技術者資格者証及び監理技術者講習修了証を取得している者。 【 場 所 】会 社 の施工実績 入札日において、他の工事に監理(主任)技術者、現場代理人等として専任で配置されていないこと。 配置予定技術者の資格等 入札参加条件その他 Construction work for a gazebo at Miudahama beach Construction work for a gazebo at Miudahama beach - Those who have not violated any other laws, regulations, etc., such as the Construction Business Act - Those who have not been subject to the city's suspension of designation between the date of announcement and the date of contract (or the date of resolution for matters that should be submitted to the city council for a resolution) FY2024 Construction... Tsushima City, Nagasaki Prefecture Bidding information is as follows. Subject: Construction work for gazebo at Miudahama beach Type: Construction Date of announcement or update: October 3, 2024 Organization: Tsushima City, Nagasaki Prefecture Date of acquisition: October 3, 2024 19:10:40 Contents of announcement: -A person who has not violated any other laws, regulations, etc., such as the Construction Business Act -A person who has not been subject to the city's suspension of designation between the date of announcement and the date of contract (or the date of resolution for cases that should be submitted to the city council for a resolution) The rating grade for general construction work in the FY2024 Construction Work Bidding Participation Rating Decision Notice is C rank. The person has a head office or branch office, etc. (limited to those who have been delegated) under Article 3, Paragraph 1 of the Construction Business Act within the city limits. However, for branches, etc., as of January 1, 2024, 10 years or more have passed since the branch was established, 10 or more employees who meet both of the following conditions ? and ? are employed, and the branch, etc. is certified as a quasi-city contractor in fiscal year 2024. ? A person who has an address and actually resides in the city for more than six months on the specific day to be reviewed. ? A person who has been regularly employed for more than six months on the specific day to be reviewed. However, for civil engineering businesses, among the employees in ? and ? above, there must be five or more full-time engineers (civil engineering businesses) who meet both Article 15, item 2 (a) and Article 26, paragraph 4 of the Construction Business Law. No assembly resolution required Construction business license qualifications Not set Bidding participation conditions Low bid price investigation base price/judgment price Minimum limit price Rating grade or overall value of the results of the bid participation qualification examination Persons whose business situation is not extremely unsound, such as those who have issued dishonored bills or dishonored checks and have had their current bank transactions suspended Hold a specific construction business or general construction business license for architectural construction work. Office etc. Nishidomari, Kamitsushima-cho, Tsushima City Bidding announcement: October 3, 2024 *For details, please refer to the design drawings and specifications, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "design drawings, etc.") Construction work within 90 days: 1 set Gazebo: 1 set The following is announced. A limited public competitive bidding will be conducted, and based on the provisions of Article 3 of the Tsushima City Contract Regulations (Regulations No. 108 of 2004), the following will be set: Mayor of Tsushima City, Hitakatsu Naoki, Construction site for the construction of gazebo at Udahama Beach Works, construction period, construction outline, construction name, etc. - Those who have not filed for the start of rehabilitation procedures or reorganization procedures under the Corporate Reorganization Law or the Civil Rehabilitation Law (excluding those who have been recertified as eligible to participate in competitive bidding or have had their rehabilitation plan approved). (? In the case of a matter that should be submitted to a resolution by the City Council, if the City's nomination is suspended between the date of the resolution after the provisional contract is concluded, the provisional contract will be terminated and this contract will not be concluded.) - Those who meet all of the following conditions - Those who do not fall under the provisions of Article 167-4 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Law (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947) - Those who are listed on the Tsushima City Competitive Bidding Eligibility List for 2024 ? ? ? ? ? ? If you participate in the bid, you must purchase the CD for viewing. ??0920-84-23160920-53-6111Tsushima City General Affairs Department, Finance DivisionViewing of blueprints, etc.1441 Kokubu, Izuhara-cho, Tsushima City567-3 Sasuna-ko, Kamiagata-cho, Tsushima CityConstruction Department, Construction Division[Period] In accordance with the Construction Business Act (Law No. 100 of 1949), a chief engineer or supervising engineer who has a direct and permanent employment relationship with the bidder may be assigned to this construction site.From the date of announcement to Friday, October 25, 2024 (excluding closed days)567-3 Sasuna-ko, Kamiagata-cho, Tsushima CityTsushima City Hall Annex, 2nd floor, Large Conference RoomWe acknowledge that the engineer scheduled to be assigned for this construction work will be the engineer scheduled to be assigned for other open competitive bidding applications, but if we win this construction work, we will immediately decline to bid on other construction works. However, this does not apply to cases where full-time employment is not required under Article 26, Paragraph 3 of the Construction Business Law. The engineer must be in a direct and permanent employment relationship with the bidder on the deadline for submitting the application. However, for engineers who re-employ due to the employer's circumstances (bankruptcy, etc.), a permanent employment relationship exemption application must be submitted. The number of engineers to be assigned to each project is limited to three. Construction Department, Northern Construction Office [Bidding Date and Time] ?If the fairness of the bid is questioned due to the actions of the bidder, the bid will be canceled. Tuesday, November 12, 2024, 10:00 a.m. Be sure to refer to the bidding instructions when applying and bidding. Bids that fall under any of the items of Article 11 of the Tsushima City Contract Regulations, bids that fall under Article 6 of the Tsushima City Construction Cost Breakdown Handling Guidelines, bids that do not meet the bidding participation conditions set forth in this bidding announcement, bids that make false statements in the application, etc., and bids that violate the conditions regarding the bid will be invalid. Comply with the Law on Recycling of Materials Used in Construction Work (Law No. 104 of 2000). 1441 Kokubu, Izuhara-cho, Tsushima City Tsushima City Construction Department, Northern Construction Office 0920-84-2316 Submit in person or by mail. Exemption required [Bidding location] Notification will be made by Friday, October 18, 2024. [Submission method] 0920-53-6111 (City Hall representative) [Submission period] Answer each question and make available for viewing at the construction department listed below and on the Tsushima City website until the bidding date. Construction department and viewing location listed below (CD in principle) Not required Can be obtained from the Tsushima City website (http://www.city.tsushima.nagasaki.jp). Contracting Department Date of notification of bidder eligibility confirmation results Date of bid submission, etc. Contract bond Other points to note Viewing location Construction Department Bid invalidation Bid bond From the date of announcement of submission of bidder eligibility confirmation application to Friday, October 25th, 2024 (excluding closed days) to Friday, October 11th, 2024 (excluding closed days) [Submission period for questionnaire] [Where to submit] Construction department listed below Finance Division, General Affairs Department, Tsushima City Hall [Where to submit questionnaire] Questions regarding design drawings, etc. [Viewing of response document] No bidding instructions will be provided. The supervising engineer must hold a supervising engineer qualification certificate and a supervising engineer training completion certificate. [Location] Company's construction track record On the day of the bid, the engineer must not be assigned full-time as a supervising (chief) engineer, on-site agent, etc. to other construction projects. Qualifications, etc. of the engineer to be assigned Conditions for participating in the bid, etc.
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