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市川市終末処理場産業廃棄物(汚泥)吸引・収集・運搬業務委託の一般競争入札について 市川市終末処理場産業廃棄物(汚泥)吸引・収集・運搬業務委託の一般競争入札について 市川第20240918‐0078号令和6年10月3 日一般競争入札の実施について市川市長 田中 甲下記のとおり入札を実... Public competitive bidding for the outsourcing of industrial waste (sludge) suction, collection and transportation services at Ichikawa City's final treatment plant Public competitive bidding for the outsourcing of industrial waste (sludge) suction, collection and transportation services at Ichikawa City's final treatment plant Ichikawa No. 20240918-0078 October 3, 2024 Public competitive bidding Ichikawa Mayor Tanaka A Bidding will be carried out as follows...

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市川市終末処理場産業廃棄物(汚泥)吸引・収集・運搬業務委託の一般競争入札について 市川市終末処理場産業廃棄物(汚泥)吸引・収集・運搬業務委託の一般競争入札について 市川第20240918‐0078号令和6年10月3 日一般競争入札の実施について市川市長 田中 甲下記のとおり入札を実... 千葉県市川市   入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 市川市終末処理場産業廃棄物(汚泥)吸引・収集・運搬業務委託の一般競争入札について 種別 役務 入札区分 一般競争入札 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 3 日 組織 千葉県市川市 取得日 2024 年 10 月 3 日 19:17:54 仕様書 公告内容 市川第20240918‐0078号令和6年10月3 日一般競争入札の実施について市川市長 田中 甲下記のとおり入札を実施しますので公告します。参加を希望する場合には、「市川市一般競争入札参加申請書」に関係書類を添付のうえ提出してください。記1.件 名 市川市終末処理場産業廃棄物(汚泥)吸引・収集・運搬業務委託2.施行場所 市川市東菅野2丁目23番1号3.施行期間 令和6年10月25日から令和7年3月21日まで4.概 要 下水処理施設の運用に伴う汚泥の適正な処理を行うため、濃縮槽等の堆積汚泥の吸引・収集・運搬を委託するもの。5.入札に参加する者に必要な資格に関する事項入札参加申請日(以下「申請日」という。)現在において、 以下の要件を満たすものとする。(1)市川市入札参加業者適格者名簿(委託)の大分類「施設等運転管理他」又は大分類「廃棄物処理」の中分類「産業廃棄物処理(収集・運搬)」に登録している者(2)市川市内に本店を有する者(3)排出元の千葉県及び処分先の埼玉県から、「産業廃棄物収集運搬業許可証(汚泥)」の交付を受けている者(排出先の詳細は個別仕様書に記載)(4)地方自治法施行令第167条の4の規定に該当する者のほか、次の各号のいずれかに該当する者は、入札に参加できないものとするア 手形交換所による取引停止処分を受けてから2年間を経過しない者又は本件の入札執行日前6か月以内に手形、小切手を不渡りした者イ 会社更生法の適用を申請した者で、同法に基づく裁判所からの更生手続き開始決定がなされていない者ウ 民事再生法の適用を申請した者で、同法に基づく裁判所からの再生手続き開始決定がなされていない者エ この公告日から入札執行日までの間において、市川市から競争参加資格停止又は競争参加資格除外の措置を受けている者オ 警察当局から、暴力団員が実質的に経営を支配する者又はこれに準ずる者として、国の調達事案に関し排除要請があり、当該状態が継続している者カ 中小企業等協同組合法(昭和24年法律第181号)第3条各号に規定する中小企業等協同組合にあたる者(以下「組合」という。)が入札参加申請をした場合における当該組合の理事が所属する他の法人若しくは個人キ 入札に参加しようとする者との間に「特定関係にある会社同士の入札参加制限基準」に規定する資本関係又は人的関係がある者ク 市川市建設工事等請負業者等競争参加資格停止基準(昭和50年12月13日施行)別表第1及び別表第2に掲げる措置要件のいずれかに該当する事実の発生が判明し、当該事実により適正な契約履行の確保が困難となるおそれがあると認められる者6.入札参加申請及び資格の確認入札に参加を希望する者は、次のとおり申請をし、入札参加資格の確認を受けなければならない。(1)申請期間 令和6年10月3日(木)から令和6年10月11日(金)まで(土曜日、日曜日及び祝日を除く。)(2)申請時間 午前9時から午後5時まで(ただし、最終日のみ正午まで)(3)担 当 課 市川市 下水道部 河川・下水道管理課 終末処理場(所在地) 市川市東菅野2丁目23番1号(電 話) 047-325-0144(4)提出方法 上記(3)の担当課に持参による提出のみとする。(5)提出書類ア 「市川市一般競争入札参加申請書」(指定用紙。以下「申請書」という。)イ 誓約書(指定用紙)ウ 千葉県及び埼玉県から交付された「産業廃棄物収集運搬業許可証(汚泥)」の写しエ 協同組合が申請するときは、当該協同組合の定款(写し)及び組合員・組合役員が記載された「事業協同組合・役員・組合員名簿」(指定用紙)を提出すること(中小企業等協同組合法に定める協同組合でない法人は、提出不要。)。また、協同組合が申請した場合において、申請日から入札の執行の日までの間に、新たに当該協同組合の理事会の構成員となった者がいる場合は、当該協同組合の理事会の構成員の入札参加資格は無効となるので、申請日以降に定款又は「事業協同組合・役員・組合員名簿」に変更がある場合は、直ちに上記(3)の担当課に申し出をし、指示された書類を提出すること。オ 有限責任事業組合(LLP)が申請するときは、当該有限責任事業組合契約の契約書(写し)を提出すること。また、有限責任事業組合(LLP)が申請した場合において、申請日から入札の執行の日までの間に、当該有限責任事業組合の契約に変更がある場合は、直ちに上記(3)の担当課に申し出をし、指示された書類を提出すること。カ 市川市入札参加業者適格者名簿(委託)において、「特定関係にある会社同士の入札参加制限基準」に規定する資本関係又は人的関係がある者に該当する他の名簿登載者がいる場合は、特定関係調書(指定用紙)※ 申請書等には申請日現在における申請者の現況(住所・商号又は名称・代表者等)を記載すること。※ 申請書等の記載事項(現況)が市川市入札参加業者適格者名簿と異なる場合、又は申請日から入札日までの間に住所・商号又は名称・代表者等が変更した場合は、その旨を直ちに上記(3)の担当課に連絡した上で、ちば電子調達システムで作成した入札参加資格審査申請書記載事項変更届の写し及び使用印鑑届兼委任状の写しを入札開始時刻までに提出すること。※ 指定用紙は市川市ホームページからダウンロードすること。(6)入札参加資格の有無ア 入札参加資格が「無し」と確認された者には、令和6年10月16日(水)午後5時までに電話連絡し、後日その理由書を送付する。イ 入札参加資格が「有り」と確認された者には、令和6年10月16日(水)午後5時までに「一般競争入札参加資格者証」(以下、「参加資格者証」という。)を電子メールで送信する。なお電子メール受信後は、受信確認メールを送信元へ返信すること。ウ 協同組合が申請する場合において、当該協同組合の理事会の構成員である者が交付を受けた上記イの参加資格者証は無効となり、資格は無かったものとする。7.質疑について(1)入札に関して質疑がある場合は、市指定の質疑書に質疑内容を記入のうえ、6.(3)の担当課宛てに電子メールにて提出すること。提出が確認された場合は提出に対しての受領メールを送信する。受領メールがない場合は、質疑が提出されていないものとして取り扱うものとする。なお、質疑がない場合は提出しないものとする。(質疑書は市川市ホームページからダウンロードすること。)ア 質疑提出期間 6.(1)の申請期間と同期間(ただし、最終日は正午まで)イ 質疑提出電子メールアドレス shumatsushori2@city.ichikawa.lg.jpウ 質疑回答日 6.(6)イに規定する参加資格者証の送信期限と同日時(2)質疑に対する回答は電子メールで行う。 なお、質疑及び回答の全部を、参加資格者証の交付を受けた者全員に対し電子メールで行う。8.入札日時及び場所(1)日時 令和6年10月18日(金)午前10時00分から(2) 場所 市川市東菅野2丁目23番1号 市川市終末処理場 管理棟3階 会議室9.入札保証金 免除10.支払条件(1)前金払 無(2)部分払 無(3)概算払 無(4)その他 本件は単価契約とする。支払時期は、すべての業務が完了し、検査合格後、受託者から適切な支払請求を受けた日から30日以内に、検査により確定した実績数量に契約単価を乗じた金額(当該金額に1円未満の端数が生じた場合は、これを切り捨てた額)を支払うものとする。11.地方自治法施行令第167条の10第2項の規定を適用する最低制限価格の設定 無12.内訳書の提出 無13.入札金額の記載方法(1)入札書には単価を記載すること。(2)落札決定に当たっては、入札書に記載された単価に当該金額の100分の10に相当する額を加算した金額(当該金額に1円未満の端数があるときは、その端数金額を切り捨てしない金額)とするので、入札者は、消費税及び地方消費税に係る課税事業者であるか免税事業者であるかを問わず、見積もった契約希望単価の110分の100に相当する金額を入札書に記載すること。14.その他の入札必要事項(1)入札前に必ず所定の参加資格者証を提示すること。(2)代理人又は復代理人(以下「代理人等」という。)により入札する場合は、入札前に委任状を提出すること。なお、委任状及び入札書には、本人及び代理人等が記名、押印すること。(3)一旦提出した入札書の書換え、引換え又は撤回をすることはできない。(4)予定価格以内の入札をした者(最低制限価格が設定されているときは、予定価格の制限の範囲内で最低制限価格以上の入札をした者)がないときは、直ちに、再度の入札を1回だけ行う。参加資格者証の交付を受けた者が1人である場合又は再度の入札者が1人となった場合においても同様とする。(5)予定価格以内の最低価格の入札をした者を落札者とする。ただし、最低制限価格が設定されているときは、予定価格の制限の範囲内で最低制限価格以上の価格をもって申込みをした者のうち、最低の価格をもって申込みをした者を落札者とする。また、最低制限価格を下回った申込みをした者は落札者とせず失格とし、前号に定める再度の入札に参加できない。(6)落札者となるべき同価の入札をした者が2人以上あるときは、直ちに、くじにより落札者を決定する。15.入札の取りやめ等入札参加者が連合し又は不穏の行動をなす等の場合において入札を公正に執行することができないと認められるとき又は本市の都合により、入札を延期し若しくは取りやめる場合がある。この場合において、入札参加者は異議を申し立てることができない。16.入札の無効次の各号のいずれかに該当する入札は無効とする。また、無効の入札をした者は、入札後直ちに行う再度の入札には参加できない。ア 虚偽又は現況と異なる記載による入札参加申請を行い、入札参加資格を得た者による入札イ 入札に参加する資格を有しない者のした入札ウ 委任状を持参しない代理人のした入札エ 明らかに連合によると認められる入札オ 同一事項の入札について他人の代理人を兼ね、又は2人以上の代理をした者の入札カ 郵便、信書便、電報、電話、電子メール又はファックスその他の電気通信(電気通信事業法第2条第1号に規定する電気通信をいう。)による入札キ 内訳書の提出を条件とされている入札において内訳書の提出がない者のした入札ク 以下のいずれかに該当する入札書による入札・記名押印のない入札書・入札金額を訂正した入札書・入札金額が0円、マイナスの金額又は一定の金額をもって価格を表示しない入札書・要領を知得することができない入札書・鉛筆や消せるボールペン等の訂正可能な筆記具で記載された入札書・代表者印又は代理人印がスタンプ式の印鑑による押印である入札書ケ その他入札に関する条件に違反した入札17.契約保証金契約単価に予定数量を乗じた額の100分の10以上の額(現金又は市が定めた有価証券とする。)を納付する。ただし、市川市財務規則第117条第3項各号のいずれかに該当するときは、これを免除する。18.業務の履行について業務の履行にあたっては、別紙「業務委託契約の適正な履行について」を遵守しなければならない。19.契約条件等(1)落札者は落札決定後、速やかに契約締結すること。(2)落札者は、落札によって得た権利義務を、第三者に譲渡してはならない。(3)契約単価は、入札書に記載された単価(税抜)に消費税及び地方消費税相当額を加えた額(1円未満は切り捨てしない)とする。(4)落札決定後契約締結までの間に、落札者が5.に規定する競争入札参加資格を満たさなくなった場合又は落札者の入札が16.に規定する入札の無効に該当することが判明した場合は、契約を締結しないことができるものとする。(5)協同組合及び当該協同組合の理事会の構成員が入札で競合し、当該入札の結果、協同組合又は当該協同組合の理事会の構成員が契約を締結したときは、当該契約は解除となり、損害賠償等の対象となる。20.その他提出された入札参加資格確認資料は返却しない。21.問い合わせ先市川市 下水道部 河川・下水道管理課 終末処理場 電話047-325-0144 ಶู௙ᵝ᭩㻞㻜㻞㻠㻚㻜㻠㻚㻜㻝䚷䠍 ᕷᕝᕷ⤊ᮎฎ⌮ሙ⏘ᴗᗫᲠ≀䠄ởἾ䠅྾ᘬ䞉཰㞟䞉㐠ᦙᴗົጤク䠎 ᕷᕝᕷᮾⳢ㔝䠎୎┠䠎䠏␒䠍ྕ㻨ὀ䠖䠆᪋⾜ሙᡤ䛜䠎⟠ᡤ௨ୖ䛻䛺䜛ሙྜ䛿ୗグḍ䛻᫂♧䛾䛣䛸㻛䜎䛯䛿䛂ู⣬㻙ᑐ㇟᪋タ୍ぴ⾲䛃䛻䜘䜛㻪䠏 䠐 䠑 ᴗົ᮲௳௚ಶู஦㡯 ヱᙜ⟠ᡤ䜢䕕䊻䕔䛻䝬䞊䜻䞁䜾䛾䛣䛸䠍䠅 䕕䠖 䕔䠖䕕䠖㻝䕕䠖䕕䠖㻞䕕䠖䕕䠖㻟䕕䠖䕕䠖㻠䕕䠖䕕䠖㻡䕕䠖䕕䠖㻢䕕䠖䕕䠖㻣䕕䠖䕕䠖㻤䕕䠖䕕䠖㻥䕕䠖䕕䠖㻝㻜 䕕䠖 䕕䠖㻝㻝 䕕䠖 䕕䠖㻝㻞 䕕䠖 䕕䠖㻝䕕䠖䕕䠖㻞䕕䠖䕕䠖㻟䕕䠖䕕䠖㻠䕕䠖䕕䠖㻡䕕䠖㻢䕕䠖㻣䕕䠖䕕䠖㻤䕕䠖㻥䕕䠖㻝㻜 䕕䠖 䕔䠖㻝䕕䠖䕕䠖㻞䕕䠖⯟✵㞀ᐖⅉᘓ⠏ᶵᲔタഛ䛭䛾௚䠄⃰⦰ᵴ➼Ύᤲ䠅୰ኸ┘どไᚚ⿦⨨⮬ືไᚚ⿦⨨┘どไᚚ⿦⨨䝎䜽䝖ཬ䜃㓄⟶Ỉ㉁⟶⌮ί໬ᵴ஭ᡞ㞵Ỉ฼⏝タഛ㞾ಖㆤタഛᵓෆ㓄㟁⥺㊰䞉㏻ಙ⥺㊰ ⇕※ᶵჾ෭⇕※ᶵჾ✵Ẽㄪ࿴➼㛵㐃ᶵჾ⤥᤼Ỉ⾨⏕ᶵჾ┤ὶ㟁※タഛ஺ὶ↓೵㟁㟁※タഛኴ㝧ගⓎ㟁タഛ㢼ຊⓎ㟁タഛ㏻ಙ䞉᝟ሗタഛእⅉእ㒊ཬ䜃ෆ㒊⏝⮬ື䝗䜰㟁ⅉ䞉ືຊタഛཷኚ㟁タഛ⮬ᐙⓎ㟁タഛ㟁Ẽタഛ㻔㻝㻕ᮏ௙ᵝ᭩䛻グ㍕䛥䜜䛶䛔䛺䛔஦㡯䛿䚸䛄ᕷᕝᕷ䚷ᘓ⠏ಖ඲ᴗົጤクඹ㏻௙ᵝ᭩䛅䠄௨ୗ䛄ඹ㏻௙ᵝ᭩䛅䛸䛔䛖䚹䠅䛻䜘䜛䚹㻔㻞㻕㟁Ẽᕤస≀䛾ಖᏳᴗົ䛻ಀ䜛஦㡯䛿䛂ಖᏳつ⛬䛃䛻䜘䜛䚹㻔㻟㻕ᮏ௙ᵝ䛿䕔༳䛾௜䛔䛯䜒䛾䜢㐺⏝䛩䜛䚹ᑐ㇟ᴗົ༊ศ㻛タഛྡ 㐠㌿䞉┘どཬ䜃᪥ᖖⅬ᳨䞉ಖᏲ ᐃᮇⅬ᳨➼ཬ䜃ಖᏲᐃᮇⅬ᳨➼ཬ䜃ಖᏲᴗົጤク䚷ಶู௙ᵝ᭩௳䚷䚷䚷ྡ䠖ጤクሙᡤ䠖ጤクᮇ㛫䠖 ௧࿴䠒ᖺ䠍䠌᭶䠎䠑᪥䡚௧࿴䠓ᖺ䠏᭶䠎䠍᪥ᴗົ௙ᵝ䠖㻝㻛㻠ಶู௙ᵝ᭩㻞㻜㻞㻠㻚㻜㻠㻚㻜㻝ヱᙜ⟠ᡤ䜢䕕䊻䕔䛻䝬䞊䜻䞁䜾䛾䛣䛸䠍䠅 ᦙ㏦タഛ䕕䠖 䕕䠖䕕䠖㜵⅏タഛ㻝䕕䠖㻞䕕䠖ᇳົ⎔ቃ ᐃ㻝䕕䠖㻞䕕䠖㻟䕕䠖䠎䠅䕔䠖᭷䜚 ヲ⣽䛿䚸䠍䠐䠅ῧ௜᭩㢮䛻䜘䜛䕕䠖↓䛧䠏䠅䕔䠖䕕䠖䕕䠖࿘ᮇ㻙䊠 ᶆ‽ⓗ䛺Ⅼ᳨࿘ᮇ䕕䠖࿘ᮇ㻙䊡䕕䠖䕕䠖䠐䠅䕕䠖᭷䜚䕔䠖↓䛧䠑䠅 䕕䠖᭷䜚䠄䜎䛯䛿㜀ぴ䠅 䠄䠆༳䛻䛴䛔䛶䛿ಶู௙ᵝ᭩䛻ῧ௜ᚲ㡲ᅗ㠃㢮䚷ῧ௜䛧䛺䛔ሙྜ䛿䚸㜀ぴཪ䛿㈚୚㈨ᩱḍ䛻グ㍕䛾䛣䛸䠅䕕䠖 䕕䠖 䕕䠖䕕䠖 䕕䠖 䕕䠖䕕䠖 䠆 䕕䠖 䕕䠖䠄䛂タഛ䠄ᶵჾ䠅䝸䝇䝖䛃䠅䕕䠖 䕕䠖 䕕䠖䕕䠖 䕕䠖 䕕䠖䕕䠖 䕕䠖 䕕䠖䕕䠖 䕕䠖 䕕䠖䕕䠖 䠆 䞉䛂ᑐ㇟᪋タ఩⨨ᅗ䛃 䕕䠖 䠆 䞉䛂タഛ䝣䝻䞊䚾⣔⤫䚿ᅗ䛃 䕕䠖 䠆 䞉䛂ᶵჾ㓄⨨ᅗ䛃䕕䠖 䕕䠖 䕕䠖䕕䠖 䠆 䕕䠖 䕕䠖䕕䠖 䕕䠖 䕕䠖䕕䠖 䕕䠖 䕕䠖䕕䠖 䕕䠖 䕕䠖䕕䠖 䕕䠖 䕕䠖䕔䠖↓䛧㻝䚷᪼㝆ᶵ㻞䚷ᶵᲔᘧ㥔㌴タഛ䞉䛭䛾௚ 䞉ྎᖒ㢮 䞉ィ⏬䞉ሗ࿌᭩㢮 䞉సᴗ᪥ㄅ㢮䞉Ⅼ᳨グ㘓㢮 䞉᪋タ⟶⌮ᢸᙜ⪅䛸䛾ᡴྜ䛫グ㘓㢮䞉⟶⌮㈨ᩱ 䞉䜹䝍䝻䜾 䞉ᘓ≀⥔ᣢ⟶⌮䛾䛧䛚䜚 䞉ಖド᭩䞉タィពᅗఏ㐩᭩ 䞉ಖᏲዎ⣙䝸䝇䝖䞉ᅗ㠃㢮䞉❹ᕤᅗ 䞉❹ᕤᅗ䛾➨஧ཎᅗ 䞉ྛ✀᪋ᕤᅗ䞉ᶵჾᅗ䠄᏶ᡂᅗ䠅 䞉ヨ㦂ᡂ⦼᭩ 䞉ྲྀᢅㄝ᫂᭩䞉≉Ṧᘓ⠏≀ㄪᰝグ㘓 䞉ᘓ⠏タഛᐃᮇ᳨ᰝグ㘓 䞉ᾘ㜵タഛⅬ᳨⤖ᯝሗ࿌᭩䞉䜶䝺䝧䞊䝍䞊ᐃᮇ᳨ᰝグ㘓 䞉↴ሻ⃰ᗘ ᐃグ㘓 䞉ᙜヱタഛⅬ᳨⤖ᯝሗ࿌᭩䞉ொჾഛရ୍ぴ⾲䞉Ⅼ᳨䞉᳨ᰝ㛵㐃⡙ 䞉䜶䝛䝹䜼䞊ᾘ㈝グ㘓 䞉᳨㔪䠄ㄢ㔠䠅グ㘓 䞉஦ᨾ䞉ಟ⧋䞉᭦᪂グ㘓䞉✵Ẽ⎔ቃ ᐃグ㘓 䞉ཷኚ㟁タഛ⮬୺᳨ᰝグ㘓 䞉ᐃᮇ⮬୺᳨ᰝグ㘓䞉ᕤ஦ᴗ⪅㛵㐃⡙ 䞉⥭ᛴ㐃⤡ඛ୍ぴ⾲ 䞉ᕤ஦㛵ಀ⪅୍ぴ⾲䞉タഛ㛵㐃 䞉タഛᶵჾྎᖒ 䞉ഛရ䚸ணഛရ୍ぴ⾲ᨭ⤥ᮦᩱ➼ῧ௜䚷䛂ᨭ⤥ᮦᩱ䚷䝸䝇䝖䛃䛻䜘䜛㈚୚㈨ᩱ ୗグ䛻䜘䜛䞉ㅖᐁᗇᥦฟ᭩㢮᥍ 䞉ᐁබ⨫㛵ಀᒆฟ᭩ 䞉チㄆྍ᭩㢮 䞉⮬ᐙ⏝㟁Ẽᕤస≀ಖᏳつ⛬䠄䠏䠅Ⅼ᳨ᅇᩘ䠄䠐䠅Ⅼ᳨㡯┠䞉ෆᐜ ඹ㏻௙ᵝ ྛ㛵㐃ඹ㏻௙ᵝ᭩䛾Ⅼ᳨࿘ᮇ䛜஧✀㢮䛒䜛ሙྜ䛾㐺⏝䛿ୗグ䜢㑅ᢥ䛾䛣䛸䚹䜎䛯Ⅼ᳨㡯┠ཬ䜃Ⅼ᳨ෆᐜ䜢♧䛩ྛ⾲༢఩䛷⾜䛖䚹ᑐ㇟㒊ศ䛤䛸䛻㔜኱䛺ᨭ㞀䛜⏕䛨䛺䛔䛸᝿ᐃ䛥䜜䜛⠊ᅖ䛻䛚䛔䛶䚸୙ලྜ➼䛾Ⓨ⏕⋡䛜㧗䜎䜛䛣䛸䜢チᐜ䛷䛝䜛ሙྜ䛾㢖ᗘ䜢㍍ῶ䛧䛯Ⅼ᳨࿘ᮇ〇㐀⪅ᶆ‽௙ᵝ ู⣬䚷ᶵჾྲྀᢅ䛔ㄝ᫂᭩䛻䜘䜛ู㏵ᣦᐃ᭷䜚 ῧ௜䚷䛂タഛ䠄ᶵჾ䠅䝸䝇䝖䛃䛾≉グ䛻䜘䜛↷ᗘ ᐃ྿௜䛡䜰䝇䝧䝇䝖➼䛾Ⅼ᳨᪋タ䠄タഛ䠅㛵ಀᅗ㠃䚸㈨Ⅼ᳨䛾⠊ᅖ䠄䠍䠅ᑐ㇟㒊ศ䠄䠎䠅ᩘ㔞 ῧ௜䚷䛂タഛ䠄ᶵჾ䠅䚷䝸䝇䝖䛃䛻䜘䜛ᾘ㜵⏝タഛ➼ᘓ⠏ᇶ‽ἲ㛵ಀ㜵⅏タഛ✵Ẽ⎔ቃ ᐃ」ᩘ㑅ᢥྍ䠄ඹ㏻௨እ䛾ሙྜ䛿䚸䛂タഛ䠄ᶵჾ䠅䝸䝇䝖䛃䛾ᙜヱᶵჾḍ䛻≉グ䛾䛣䛸䠅㻞㻛㻠ಶู௙ᵝ᭩㻞㻜㻞㻠㻚㻜㻠㻚㻜㻝ヱᙜ⟠ᡤ䜢䕕䊻䕔䛻䝬䞊䜻䞁䜾䛾䛣䛸䠒䠅 䕔䠖᭷䜚䕔䠖ᐃᮇⅬ᳨➼ཬ䜃ಖᏲ䕕䠖ᐇ᪋᪥䛿䊻䕕䠖ῧ௜䛂ᕤ⛬⾲䛃䛻䜘䜛 ᫨㛫 ኪ㛫䕕䠖ῧ௜䛂タഛ䠄ᶵჾ䠅䝸䝇䝖䛃䛻䜘䜛 䠖䚷䚷䡚䚷䚷㻌䠖 䠖䚷䚷䡚䚷䚷㻌䠖䕔䠖ᐇ᪋᪥䛿ู㏵༠㆟䕕䠖㐠㌿䞉┘どཬ䜃᪥ᖖⅬ᳨䞉ಖᏲ᫨㛫 ኪ㛫ᖹ᪥ 䠖䚷䚷䡚䚷䚷㻌䠖 䠖䚷䚷䡚䚷䚷㻌䠖ఇ᪥ 䠄㛢ᗇ᪥䠖ᅵ䞉᪥ཬ䜃⚃⚍᪥䚸ᖺᮎᖺጞ䠄㻝㻞᭶㻛䚷䚷᪥䡚㻝᭶㻛䚷䚷᪥䠅ᴗົ䜢せ䛩䜛᪥ ᫨㛫 ኪ㛫䕕䠖ᅵ᭙᪥ 䠖䚷䚷䡚䚷䚷㻌䠖 䠖䚷䚷䡚䚷䚷㻌䠖䕕䠖᪥᭙᪥ 䠖䚷䚷䡚䚷䚷㻌䠖 䠖䚷䚷䡚䚷䚷㻌䠖䕕䠖⚃⚍᪥ 䠖䚷䚷䡚䚷䚷㻌䠖 䠖䚷䚷䡚䚷䚷㻌䠖䕕䠖ᖺᮎᖺጞ䠄㻝㻞᭶㻛䚷䚷᪥䡚㻝᭶㻛䚷䚷᪥䠅 䠖䚷䚷䡚䚷䚷㻌䠖 䠖䚷䚷䡚䚷䚷㻌䠖䕕䠖↓䛧䠓䠅 䕔䠖᭷䜚䕕䠖 䕕䠖 䕕䠖䕕䠖 䕕䠖 䕕䠖䕕䠖 䕕䠖 䕕䠖䕕䠖 䕕䠖 䕕䠖䕔䠖 䕕䠖 䕕䠖䕕䠖↓䛧䠔䠅 ⅆẼ౑⏝ 䕕䠖᮲௳௜ྍ 䠄ణ䛧䚸஦๓䛻ⅆẼ౑⏝ᒆ䛡䛷ᢎㅙせ䠅䕔䠖୙ྍ䠕䠅 䕔䠖᭷䜚䕕䠖↓䛧䠍䠌䠅 䕔䠖᭷䜚䕕䠖↓䛧䠍䠍䠅 䕕䠖ྍ䕔䠖ྰ䠍䠎䠅 䕔䠖ྍ䕕䠖ྰ䠍䠏䠅 ௜ᒓ᭩㢮䕔䠖䕕䠖䕕䠖㥔㌴ሙ䛾䚷䚷䚷䚷฼⏝ᗫᲠ≀䛾ฎ⌮➼䠄Ⓨ⏕ᮦ䛾ಖ⟶ሙᡤ䚸㞟✚ሙᡤ䠅ᮾṊၟ஦ᰴᘧ఍♫䚷ᯇఅ䝇䝬䞊䝖䞉䝸䝃䜲䜽䝹䞉䝅䝇䝔䝮䝈ᒃᐊ➼䛾䚷䚷䚷䚷฼⏝䞉ḟ䛾ᒃᐊ➼䛿䚸฼⏝ྍ䠄䚷䚷䚷䚷䚷䚷䚷䚷䚷䚷䚷䚷䚷䚷䚷䚷䚷䚷䚷䚷䚷䚷䚷䚷䚷䚷䚷䚷䚷䚷䚷䚷䚷䚷䚷䚷䠅ᕷᕝᕷ䚷ᘓ⠏ಖ඲ᴗົጤクඹ㏻௙ᵝ᭩ᇸ⋢┴໭ⴱ㣭㒆ᯇఅ⏫⏣ᓥᮾ䠍␒䠐㓟⣲Ḟஈ䞉◲໬Ỉ⣲༴㝤 ෭፹䝣䝻䞁ྲྀᢅᢏ⾡⪅䠄༑ศ ᙜヱᴗົ䛾ᐇົ⤒㦂䚷䚷ᖺ௨ୖᮏᴗົ䛻ᐦ᥋䛻㛵㐃䛩䜛ูዎ⣙ᴗົ᭷↓䠄᭷䜚㻌䛾ሙྜ䛿䚸䛣䛾ḍ䛻ᣦᐃ᮲௳䜢グ㍕䛩䜛䛣䛸䠅ᕷᕝᕷ⤊ᮎฎ⌮ሙ⏘ᴗᗫᲠ≀ฎศᴗົጤク䠄䛭䛾䠎䠅సᴗ୺௵⪅┬䜶䝛䝹䜼䞊⟶⌮ဨ ➨䚷✀㟁Ẽᕤ஦ኈ ➨䚷✀ᅽຊᐜჾྲྀᢅసᴗ୺௵⪅㟁Ẽ㏻ಙ୺௵ᢏ⾡⪅ ᾘ㜵タഛኈ ㈓ỈᵴΎᤲసᴗ┘╩⪅➨䚷✀㟁Ẽ୺௵ᢏ⾡⪅ ➨䚷✀෭෾ಖᏳ㈐௵⪅ 䚷⣭䝪䜲䝷ᢏᖌ➨䚷✀䚷㢮䚷༴㝤≀ྲྀᢅ⪅ ᘓ⠏≀⎔ቃ⾨⏕⟶⌮ᢏ⾡⪅ ┬䜶䝛䝹䜼䞊⟶⌮ኈ䠄䚷䠅ᴗົ᮲௳䠖ᴗົᐇ᪋᪥᫬䛾ᣦᐃ䞉䠄᭷䜚㻌䛾ሙྜ䛿䚸ୗḍ䛻ᣦᐃ᮲௳䜢グ㍕䛩䜛䛣䛸䠅䠄㛤ᗇ᪥䠖᭶䡚㔠䠄⚃⚍᪥䛿㝖䛟䠅ἲᐃ㈨᱁⪅௚䛺▱ぢ䜢᭷䛩䜛䜒䛾䠅㻟㻛㻠ಶู௙ᵝ᭩㻞㻜㻞㻠㻚㻜㻠㻚㻜㻝ヱᙜ⟠ᡤ䜢䕕䊻䕔䛻䝬䞊䜻䞁䜾䛾䛣䛸䠍䠐䠅 ῧ௜᭩㢮᪋タ䠄タ ഛ䠅㛵ಀᅗ㠃䚸㈨ᩱ䠄ಶู௙ᵝ᭩䛻ῧ௜ᚲ㡲ᅗ㠃㢮䚷䠆༳䛻䛴䛔䛶ῧ௜䛧䛺䛔ሙྜ䛿䚸㜀ぴཪ䛿㈚୚㈨ᩱḍ䛻グ㍕䛾䛣䛸䠅ྡ䚷䚷䚷⛠ 㻾㼑㼒㻚㻺㼛㻚㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌䕕䠖 䛂ᑐ㇟᪋タ୍ぴ⾲䛃䠄」ᩘ䛾ሙྜ䠅䕔䠖 䛂ᑐ㇟᪋タ఩⨨ᅗ䛃䠆 㻾㼑㼒㻚㻺㼛㻚䠎䚸䠏䕕䠖 䛂タഛ䝣䝻䞊䚾⣔⤫䚿ᅗ䛃䠆䕔䠖 䛂Ύᤲ⟠ᡤᅗ䛃䠆 㻾㼑㼒㻚㻺㼛㻚䠐䕔䠖 䛂タഛ䠄ᶵჾ䠅䝸䝇䝖䛃 㻾㼑㼒㻚㻺㼛㻚䠍䕕䠖 䛂ᶵჾᅗ䛃䠆䕕䠖 䛂ᕤ⛬⾲䛃䕕䠖 䛂ಖᏳつ⛬䛃䕕䠖 ᇳົ⎔ቃ ᐃᴗົ䝸䝇䝖䕕䠖 䛂ᨭ⤥ᮦᩱ䚷䝸䝇䝖䛃䕕䠖 䛂ᗫᲠ≀ಖ⟶䚸㞟✚ሙᡤ఩⨨ᅗ䛃䛭䛾௚䕔䠖 㻾㼑㼒㻚㻺㼛㻚䠑䚸䠒䠄ฎศඛ᱌ෆ➼䠅㻾㼑㼒㻚㻺㼛㻚䠓䠄ᗫᲠ≀᝟ሗ䠅䠍䠑䠅 䛭䛾௚≉グ 䊠䠊⥲๎䠄䠍䠅 ᮏᴗົ䛿䚸ᕷᕝᕷ䠄௨ୗ䛂ጤク⪅䛃䛸䛔䛖䚹䠅䛜⟶⌮䛩䜛⤊ᮎฎ⌮ሙ䛜ṇᖖ䛛䛴෇⁥䛻㐠㌿䛷䛝䜛䜘䛖䚸⃰⦰ởἾᵴ➼䛻ሁ✚䛧䛯ởἾ䜢Ύᤲ䞉㝖ཤ䛩䜛䜒䛾䛷䛒䜛䚹䠄䠎䠅 ཷク⪅䛿䚸ᴗົᒚ⾜䛾㈐௵⪅䜢䛒䜙䛛䛨䜑ጤク⪅䜎䛷ᒆ䛡ฟ䜛䛣䛸䚹ᴗົᐇ᪋㈐௵⪅䛿䚸⏘ᴗᗫᲠ≀䠄ởἾ䠅ฎ⌮ཬ䜃㢮ఝᴗົ䛾ᐇ⦼䜢」ᩘ᭷䛩䜛⪅䛸䛩䜛䚹䠄䠏䠅 ᴗົᒚ⾜䛻ᙜ䛯䛳䛶䛿䚸㛵ಀἲ௧䛚䜘䜃ᢏ⾡ᇶ‽䜢㑂Ᏺ䛩䜛䛣䛸䚹䠄䠐䠅 ᒚ⾜䛾ᕤ⛬䚸᫬㛫䛻䛴䛔䛶ጤク⪅䛸ᡴྜ䛫䛾䛖䛘Ỵᐃ䛩䜛䛣䛸䚹䠄䠑䠅 ᮏጤク䛻ᚲせ䛺ᶵᮦཬ䜃ᾘ⪖ရ䛿ཎ๎䛸䛧䛶ཷク⪅䛾㈇ᢸ䛸䛩䜛䚹䠄䠒䠅 ཷク⪅䛿䚸ᴗົᒚ⾜䛻䛒䛯䜚䚸సᴗ๓䚸సᴗ୰䚸సᴗᚋ䛾≧ἣ䜢෗┿䛻཰䜑ᴗົ᏶஢᫬䛻᪋ᕤ෗┿ᖒ䛸䛧䛶ሗ࿌᭩䛾୰䛻⥛䜚ᥦฟ䛩䜛䛣䛸䚹䠄䠓䠅 ཷク⪅䛿䚸ᴗົ᏶஢᫬䛻ጤク⪅䛾᳨ᰝ䜢ཷ䛡䜛䛣䛸䚹᳨ᰝ䛷୙༑ศ䛺Ⅼ䛜䛒䜛䛸ᣦ᦬䜢ཷ䛡䛯ሙྜ䛿䚸ᕷᢸᙜ⪅䛾ᣦ♧䛻ᚑ䛔㏿䜔䛛䛻᫝ṇ䛩䜛䛣䛸䚹䠄䠔䠅 ᮏጤク䛻ᚲせ䛺㈨ᮦ⨨ሙ䚸సᴗሙ䚸䝖䜲䝺➼䛿䚸↓ൾ㈚୚䛸䛩䜛䚹䠄䠕䠅 ཷク⪅䛿䚸ୗグ䛾᭩㢮䜢ᥦฟ䛩䜛䛣䛸䚹䚷䠍䠅ዎ⣙ᚋ䠍䠌᪥௨ෆ䐟╔ᡭᒆ䐠 ᴗົᐇ᪋ィ⏬᭩䠄ᴗົᐇ᪋యไ䚸ᴗົ䝇䜿䝆䝳䞊䝹䚸㐃⤡యไ䚸ᴗົᐇ᪋㈐௵⪅⤒Ṕ䚸ᴗົᚑ஦⪅ྡ⡙䚸䛭䛾௚䜢グ㍕䠅䚷䠎䠅ᴗົ᏶஢᫬䐟 ሗ࿌᭩䠄ᴗົᐇ᪋ᴫせ䚸䝬䝙䝣䜵䝇䝖䚸᪋⾜෗┿䚸䛭䛾௚䜢グ㍕䠅䐠᏶஢ᒆ䠄䠍䠌䠅 䛣䛾௙ᵝ᭩䛾ᐃ䜑䛾䛺䛔஦㡯ཬ䜃␲⩏䛾⏕䛨䛯஦㡯䜈䛾ᑐᛂ䛻䛴䛔䛶䛿䚸ጤク⪅䛸ཷク⪅䛜䛭䛾㒔ᗘ༠㆟䛾ୖ䚸Ỵᐃ䛩䜛䜒䛾䛸䛩䜛䚹䊡䠊ヲ⣽䠄䠍䠅Ύᤲ⟠ᡤ䞉᪥ᩘ➼䚷䚷䚽ᕷᕝᕷ⤊ᮎฎ⌮ሙ䚷⃰⦰ᵴ➼䚷䚷䚷㻌䚷䠎ྎ㽢䠑᪥㛫⛬ᗘ䠄ྎᩘ䚸᪥ᩘ䛿≧ἣ䛻䜘䜛䠅䠄䠎䠅ᴗົᡭ㡰䚷䚷䚽⤊ᮎฎ⌮ሙ䚷⃰⦰ᵴ➼Ύᤲ䚷䚷䚷ᙉຊ྾ᘬ㌴䚷䠍䠌䡐㌴䞉ᙉຊ྾ᘬ㌴䚷䚷䚷䚷䊻䚷ởἾ྾ᘬ⃰⦰ᵴ䛾ୖ⃈䜏䜢⃰⦰ᵴഃ⁁䜈ὶ䛧䚸ᗏ䛾᪉䜘䜚྾ᘬ䜢⾜䛖䞉ᕷᢸᙜ⪅☜ㄆ䚷䚷㻌䊻䚷⤊஢䞉ᙉຊ྾ᘬ㌴䚷䚷䚷䚷䊻䚷ởἾ➼䜢ฎศሙ䜈ᦙฟ䚷ணᐃ㔞䠔䠌䡐䠄ᩘ㔞䛿≧ἣ䛻䜘䜛䠅㻠㻛㻠件名:設備区分:(建築物等、電気、 機械設備用) 設備No. 施行場所 清掃日数 実施時期(日) (月) 製造メーカー名メーカー型式1終末処理場市川市東菅野2丁目23番1号5程度10~32槽Ref.No.4参照2 3 4 5設備(機器)リスト委託場所(施設名):市川市終末処理場Ref.No.1清掃箇所名称 数量製造メーカー仕様 備考市川市終末処理場産業廃棄物(汚泥)吸引・収集・運搬業務委託濃縮槽等1/1ጤクሙᡤ䠮䡁䡂䠊䠪䡋䠊䠎᱌ෆᅗᕷᕝᕷᮾⳢ㔝䠎୎┠䠎䠏␒䠍ྕᅗ㠃✀ู ᕷᕝᕷ⤊ᮎฎ⌮ሙ᱌ෆᅗ ᕷᕝᕷ䚷ୗỈ㐨㒊䚷Ἑᕝ䞉ୗỈ㐨⟶⌮ㄢ䚷⤊ᮎฎ⌮ሙᕷᕝᕷ⤊ᮎฎ⌮ሙ⏘ᴗᗫᲠ≀䠄ởἾ䠅྾ᘬ䞉཰㞟䞉㐠ᦙᴗົጤク䛿䚸Ύᤲ⟠ᡤ䜢♧䛩䚹㻾㼑㼒㻚㻺㼛㻚䠏ᅗ㠃✀ู Ⳣ㔝䝫䞁䝥ሙ䞉ᕷᕝᕷ⤊ᮎฎ⌮ሙ㓄⨨ᅗᕷᕝᕷ䚷ୗỈ㐨㒊䚷Ἑᕝ䞉ୗỈ㐨⟶⌮ㄢ䚷䚷⤊ᮎฎ⌮ሙጤ䚷クሙ䚷ᡤᕷᕝᕷᮾⳢ㔝䠎୎┠䠎䠏␒䠍ྕᕷᕝᕷ⤊ᮎฎ⌮ሙ⏘ᴗᗫᲠ≀䠄ởἾ䠅྾ᘬ䞉཰㞟䞉㐠ᦙᴗົጤク⟶⌮ᲷỈฎ⌮Ჷ᭱⤊ỿẊụ⸆ ရ ΰ ࿴ ụ⬺ỈᲷ↝༷Ჷ䠄ఇṆ୰䠅┿㛫ᕝ䝟䞊䝅䝱䝹ᨺὶཱྀ䝬䜲䜽䝻䝇䝖䝺䞊䝘䞊Ⳣ㔝䝫䞁䝥ሙ⃰⦰ᵴ஺㏻බᅬ㧗㏿䜝㐣Ჷྫ࿪6೧ౕࢤઔࢤश຦ॴཀྵ৖ࢊۂഉؼ෼ʤԜడʥٷӀʀफॄʀӣ൘ۂແҗ୙ੜૡ՗ॶਦࢤઔࢤ Ծਭಕ෨ՑઔʀԾਭಕ؇ཀྵ՟ श຦ॴཀྵ৖ͺɼੜૡ՗ॶΝࣖͤ5HI�1R�̒⏘ᴗᗫᲠ≀ฎศ᪋タ᱌ෆᅗ䠄ཧ⪃䠅ཧ⪃ᅗ㻾㼑㼒㻚㻺㼛㻚䠑 ヲ⣽ᆅᅗন෮ηϜʖφϨγ΢έϩʀεητϞθʤMSRSʥ࡝ۆݟ๼ᷦ২܌ন෮ௌీౣ౨̏ʷ̒൘೘ܨ࿑ಕ࿑ड़೘޳ୈؑण೘ϒρφ౦೘޳؇ཀྵࣆແॶీౣ౨ޮԄ౦೘޳౦೘޳ण೘ϒρφण೘ϒρφ㻾㼑㼒㻚㻺㼛㻚䠒NᗫᲠ≀䛾ྡ⛠ྡ⛠ 㟁䚷ヰ 㻜㻠㻣㻙㻟㻞㻡㻙㻜㻝㻠㻠 䠢䠝䠴 㻜㻠㻣㻙㻟㻞㻡㻙㻜㻝㻠㻡ఫᡤ 㒊ㄢྡୗỈ㐨㒊Ἑᕝ䞉ୗỈ㐨⟶⌮ㄢ⤊ᮎฎ⌮ሙసᡂ⪅᤼ฟሙᡤ㛵㐃ἲつᥦฟ㈨ᩱ䢀䢚䢓䢍⨁㔠ᒓ⨁䢈䢛䢓䡹䡽䡫䡴ᐜჾ䜺䝷䝇ᐜჾ⣬ᐜჾᐜჾ䛾≧ែ✵ᐜჾ䛾ฎ⌮཰㞟㐠ᦙ᪉ἲ㌴✀䚷᭱኱✚㍕㔞䝇䝫䝑䝖⥅⥆ᚑ᮶ฎ⌮᪉ἲ཰㞟㐠ᦙ౫㢗ᩘ㔞䠄ูῧ୍ぴ䛻♧䛩䛸䛚䜚䠅ᐜჾ䛾≧ែ䛭䛾௚�����������������������������ࡑųూųཋųऴųإ 㻾㼑㼒㻚㻺㼛㻚䠓Ⲵጼ䞉ᐜ㔞ୗỈởἾ䠄᭷ᶵởἾ䠅䛈䠎䠓䠎䠉䠌䠔䠎䠏ᕷᕝᕷᮾⳢ㔝䠎୎┠䠎䠏␒䠍ྕᗫᲠ≀≉ᛶᗫᲠ≀䛾✀㢮ᗫᲠ≀ᙧ≧᤼ฟ஦ᴗ⪅ୗỈởἾ䠄᭷ᶵᛶởἾ䠅⣬䛟䛪䠄 䠔 䠅䡇䡃䞉䡐䞉䟒䞉ੑ䈜 䢀䢚䢓䢍⨁䛾㐣඘ሸ䛿㜵Ṇ䛧䛶ୗ䛥䛔䚹䠄ୖ㒊㻝㻜㼏㼙䛿✵䛡䛶䛚䛔䛶ୗ䛥䛔䠅ᐜჾ䛿཰㞟䞉㐠ᦙୖᏳ඲䛺≧ែ䛾䜒䛾䛷䛚㢪䛔䛧䜎䛩䚹䠄 䠔 䠅䡐䞉䟒䞉ੑ䠄 䠅䡇䡃䞉䡐䞉䟒䞉ੑ䞉ᮏ䞉⨁䞉⿄䞉ಶ䞉㌴䞉ᘧ䠄 䠔䠌 䠅䡇䡃䞉䡐䞉䟒䞉ੑ䞉ᮏ䞉⨁䞉⿄䞉ಶ䞉㌴䞉ᘧ 䠋ᖺ䞉᭶䞉㐌䞉᪥⇞傮傲僯 ởἾ ᗫἜ ᗫ㓟ᗫ儆兏儏兎傲僲傳㢮ᗫ儻免儝儥儧儓⧄⥔債僀ᮌ債僀ື≀⣔ᅛᙧ୙せ≀ ື᳜≀ᛶṧ傻㔠ᒓ債僀儘兄債僀㖔傻傪 儐免儝兟剌副削剪剂剖兟㝡☢ჾ債僀ᐙ␆僔僛價ᒀ僃僔௚凚 凛ᐙ␆僔ṚయឤᰁᛶᗫᲠ≀ ᗫ▼⥥➼凣凥ྕᗫᲠ≀ 僖傪傾價ᗫ刂凵凴➼ ᭷ᐖ≀㉁⏘ᴗᗫᲠ≀≉ู⟶⌮ᗫᲠ≀༴㝤≀凚 㢮 ▼凛 ᭷ᶵ⁐๣ ≉໬≀ ᝏ⮯≀ ẘ๻≀儙兗儻兏凚 凛 ෗┿ 僃僔௚凚 凛 ศᯒᡂ⦼᭩ᾮ≧凚剜剰剂剗剂ᄇ㟝ྍ凛 ᾮ≧ṧ傻ᅛ╔凚ᅛᾮศ㞳凛 ሢ≧兟ᅛ໬≧ Ἶ≧凚ὶືᛶ↓凛⢓ᾮ≧凚剠剱副剞剱剃剁剞剱ྍ凛 剏剩剪剂≧凚ᅛᾮᠱ⃮凛 Ἶ≧ ᡂᙧရ凚 凛⢏≧ Ỉ儆充≧凚㧗⢓ᗘ凛 僃僔௚凚 凛 Ἶ≧凚ὶືᛶ⇿Ⓨᛶ ᘬⅆᛶ ྍ⇞ᛶឤᰁᛶ⮬↛Ⓨⅆᛶ⚗Ỉᛶ 㓟໬ᛶ ᭷ᶵ㐣㓟໬≀ ᛴᛶẘᛶ⏕ែẘᛶ⭉㣗ᛶ ẘᛶ儐儝Ⓨ⏕ ៏ᛶẘᛶ᭷ᐖ≀㉁⏕ᡂ ΰྜ༴㝤ᛶ 㔜ྜ཯ᛂᛶ⮯Ẽ่⃭ᛶ 僃僔௚凚 凛ᶆ‽儭免兄 儕元儏兏儭免兄 儎兠儻兗儭免兄⵹௜ 儎兠儻兗儭免兄⵹↓儺兎儑⨁凚୍ᩯ⨁凛 儾兠兏⨁ 儎兠儻兗儣儈儻儾兠兏⨁ 僃僔௚凚 凛允兎⨁ 允兎儭免兄 允兎⿄儷兗儾兠儵兠儭免兄儵児儧儬✚僃僔௚凚 凛僃僔௚凚 凛儤兗兀兠兏⟽儹児儗兗⣬⿄ 僃僔௚凚 凛儴免ᑓ⏝ᐜჾ⭉㣗⪏ᅽᐜჾᑓ⏝㌴୧ṇᖖ僃僔௚凚 凛ኚᙧ᤼ฟ஦ᴗ⪅僞僔ᐜჾ㏉༷せ ฎ⌮ᴗ⪅ฎศฎ⌮ᴗ⪅ᑓ⏝ᐜჾ᤼ฟ஦ᴗ⪅ᣢ僇㎸僥 ฎ⌮ᴗ⪅ᘬ傳ྲྀ僰儵兓兠儖兠儬㌴ 儓児兠兗௜儬免儧儓 儵儧儏兠㌴⬺╔⿦⨨௜儗兗優儮㌴ 儤兗儻 儬免儧儓儣兗儓兑兠兎兠 儴儑光兠兄㌴ 僃僔௚凚 凛�- 1 -ᕷᕝᕷᘓ⠏ಖ඲ᴗົጤクඹ㏻௙ᵝ᭩�㸦௧࿴㸳ᖺ∧㸧��㸯� ┠ⓗ➼�㸦㸯㸧ᕷᕝᕷᘓ⠏ಖ඲ᴗົጤクඹ㏻௙ᵝ᭩㸦௨ୗࠕඹ㏻௙ᵝ᭩ࠖ࡜࠸࠺ࠋ㸧ࡣࠊᕷᕝᕷࡀⓎὀࡍࡿᘓ⠏ಖ඲ᴗົጤク࡟ಀࢃࡿጤクዎ⣙᭩ཬࡧዎ⣙ᅗ᭩ࡢෆᐜ࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࠊ⤫୍ⓗ࡞ゎ㔘ཬࡧ㐠⏝ࢆᅗࡿ࡜࡜ࡶ࡟ࠊࡑࡢ௚ᚲせ࡞஦㡯ࢆᐃࡵࠊࡶࡗ࡚ዎ⣙ࡢ㐺ṇ࡞ᒚ⾜ࡢ☜ಖࢆᅗࡿࡇ࡜ࢆ┠ⓗ࡜ࡍࡿࠋ�㸦㸰㸧ᘓ⠏ಖ඲ᴗົጤク࡟㛵ࡍࡿ୍⯡ⓗ஦㡯➼ࡣࠊᅜᅵ஺㏻┬ࡀไᐃࡍࡿᘓ⠏ಖ඲ᴗົጤクඹ㏻௙ᵝ᭩㸦௧࿴㸳ᖺ㸯㸯᭶㸶᪥ᨵᐃ㸧࡟ᐃࡵࡿつᐃࢆ‽⏝ࡍࡿࡇ࡜࡜ࡍࡿࠋࡇࡢሙྜ࡟࠾࠸࡚ࠊḟࡢ⾲ࡢᕥḍ࡟ᥖࡆࡿᏐྃࡣࠊࡑࢀࡒࢀྠ⾲ࡢྑḍ࡟ᥖࡆࡿᏐྃ➼࡟ㄞࡳ᭰࠼ࡿࡶࡢ࡜ࡍࡿࠋ࡞࠾ࠊ๓㡯࡛ㄞࡳ᭰࠼ࡓᏐྃ➼ࡣࠊࡑࡢᚋࡶ㐺⏝ࡍࡿࡶࡢ࡜ࡍࡿࠋ��� ᘓ⠏ಖ඲ᴗົጤクඹ㏻௙ᵝ᭩㸦ᅜᅵ஺㏻┬ไᐃ㸧� ㄞࡳ᥮࠼ࡿᏐྃ➼������� 㐺⏝��㸦E㸧�ཷὀ⪅� ཷク⪅������� 㐺⏝��㸦H㸧��㸧�≉グ� ಶู������� ⏝ㄒࡢᐃ⩏�㸦�㸧�᪋タ⟶⌮ᢸᙜ⪅� ┘╩⫋ဨ������� ⏝ㄒࡢᐃ⩏�㸦�㸧�Ⓨὀ⪅� ጤク⪅������� ⏝ㄒࡢᐃ⩏�㸦��㸧�ᴗົࡢ⤊஢ࡢ☜ㄆ� ᴗົࡢ᏶஢ࡢ☜ㄆ�� � 㸰� ᴗົጤクࡢ᳨ᰝ�ཷク⪅ࡣࠊᕷᕝᕷጤクዎ⣙➼ࡢ᳨ᰝ࡟㛵ࡍࡿせ⥘ࡢᐃࡵࡿ࡜ࡇࢁ࡟ࡼࡾ᳨ᰝࢆཷࡅ࡞ࡅࢀࡤ࡞ࡽ࡞࠸ࠋ�� 㸱� ಶู௙ᵝ᭩�ᘓ⠏ಖ඲ᴗົጤク࡟㛵ࡋ≉࡟ᐃࡵࡿ࡭ࡁ஦㡯ࡣࠊಶู௙ᵝ᭩࡟᫂グࡍࡿࡶࡢ࡜ࡍࡿࠋ� Public competitive bidding for outsourcing the suction, collection, and transportation of industrial waste (sludge) from Ichikawa City's final treatment plant Public competitive bidding for outsourcing the suction, collection, and transportation of industrial waste (sludge) from Ichikawa City's final treatment plant Ichikawa No. 20240918-0078 October 3, 2024 Regarding the implementation of public competitive bidding Mayor of Ichikawa City, Tanaka A The bidding will be carried out as follows... Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture Bidding information is as follows. Subject: Public competitive bidding for contracting out the suction, collection, and transportation of industrial waste (sludge) at Ichikawa City's final treatment plant Type: Service Bidding category: Public competitive bidding Date of announcement or update: October 3, 2024 Organization: Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture Date of acquisition: October 3, 2024 19:17:54 Specifications Announcement contents: Ichikawa No. 20240918-0078 Regarding the implementation of public competitive bidding on October 3, 2024 Mayor Tanaka A We hereby announce that a bidding will be conducted as follows. If you wish to participate, please submit the "Ichikawa City Public Competitive Bidding Participation Application Form" with the relevant documents attached. Details 1. Subject: Contracting out the suction, collection, and transportation of industrial waste (sludge) at Ichikawa City's final treatment plant 2. Place of implementation: 2-23-1 Higashisugino, Ichikawa City 3. Implementing period: From October 25, 2024 to March 21, 2025 4. Summary: In order to properly treat sludge generated during the operation of sewage treatment facilities, the contract outsources the suction, collection, and transportation of accumulated sludge from thickening tanks, etc. 5. Matters related to qualifications required for those participating in the bid: As of the date of application for participation in the bid (hereinafter referred to as the "application date"), the following requirements must be met. (1) A person who is registered in the Ichikawa City List of Eligible Bidders (Consignment) under the major category "Facility Operation Management, etc." or the subcategory "Industrial Waste Treatment (Collection and Transportation)" of the major category "Waste Treatment." (2) A person who has his/her head office in Ichikawa City. (3) A person who has been issued an "Industrial Waste Collection and Transportation Business Permit (Sludge)" by Chiba Prefecture, the source of the waste, and Saitama Prefecture, the destination of the waste (details of the destination are stated in the individual specifications). (4) In addition to those who fall under the provisions of Article 167-4 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Law, those who fall under any of the following items will not be able to participate in the bid. A person who has not yet passed two years since receiving a transaction suspension order from a bill clearing house, or a person who has dishonored a bill or check within six months prior to the execution date of this bid. B. A person who has applied for the application of the Corporate Reorganization Act and has not had a court decision to start rehabilitation proceedings under that Act obtained. C. A person who has applied for the application of the Civil Rehabilitation Act and has not had a court decision to start rehabilitation proceedings under that Act obtained. D. (e) A person who has been suspended or excluded from participating in competitive bidding by Ichikawa City between the date of this announcement and the date of execution of the bid; (f) A person who has been requested by police authorities to be excluded from participating in national procurement cases as a person whose management is effectively controlled by a member of a criminal organization or a person equivalent thereto, and this situation continues; (c) Another corporation or individual to which the director of a small and medium-sized enterprise cooperative (hereinafter referred to as the "Cooperative") as defined in each item of Article 3 of the Small and Medium Enterprise Cooperative Law (Law No. 181 of 1949) belongs, in the case of an application to participate in a bid; (d) A person who has a capital or personal relationship with a person seeking to participate in a bid as defined in the "Criteria for restricting bid participation between companies in a specific relationship"; (e) A person about whom it has been discovered that a fact has occurred that meets any of the measures requirements set out in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 of the Ichikawa City Criteria for Suspension of Eligibility to Participate in Competitive Bidding for Construction Work Contractors, etc. (enforced on December 13, 1975), and who is deemed to be at risk of making it difficult to ensure proper performance of the contract due to such fact.6. Application to participate in the bid and confirmation of eligibility Those who wish to participate in the bid must apply as follows and have their eligibility confirmed. (1) Application period: From Thursday, October 3, 2024 to Friday, October 11, 2024 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays) (2) Application hours: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (However, application can be made until noon on the final day only) (3) Responsible department: Ichikawa City Sewerage Department, River and Sewerage Management Division, Final Treatment Plant (Address): 2-23-1 Higashisugino, Ichikawa City (Telephone): 047-325-0144 (4) Method of submission: Applications must be submitted in person to the department in charge in (3) above. (5) Documents to be submitted A. "Application for participation in Ichikawa City general competitive bidding" (designated form; hereafter referred to as "Application") B. Pledge (designated form) C. Copy of "Industrial waste collection and transportation business license (sludge)" issued by Chiba Prefecture and Saitama Prefecture D. When a cooperative applies, it must submit a copy of the articles of incorporation of the cooperative and the "Business Cooperative, Officers, and Members List" (designated form) listing the members and officers of the cooperative (corporations that are not cooperatives as defined by the Small and Medium Enterprise Cooperatives Act do not need to submit this). In addition, when a cooperative applies, if a new member of the board of directors of the cooperative becomes a member of the board of directors of the cooperative between the date of application and the date of execution of the bid, the members of the board of directors of the cooperative will lose their eligibility to participate in the bid. Therefore, if there are any changes in the articles of incorporation or the "Business Cooperative, Officers, and Members List" after the date of application, the cooperative must immediately notify the department in charge in (3) above and submit the documents as instructed. E. When a limited liability partnership (LLP) applies, a copy of the limited liability partnership agreement must be submitted. In addition, when a limited liability partnership (LLP) applies, if there are any changes to the limited liability partnership's contract between the date of application and the date of execution of the bid, the LLP must immediately notify the department in charge in (3) above and submit the documents as instructed. F. When there are other persons on the Ichikawa City List of Eligible Bidding Participants (consigned) who have capital or personal relationships as stipulated in the "Criteria for Restricting Bidding Participation between Companies in a Specific Relationship", a specific relationship report (designated form) must be submitted. * The current status of the applicant as of the date of application (address, trade name or name, representative, etc.) must be stated on the application form, etc. * If the information (current status) on the application form, etc. is different from the list of eligible bidders in Ichikawa City, or if the address, trade name, company name, representative, etc. have changed between the date of application and the date of bidding, immediately notify the department in charge in (3) above and submit a copy of the notification of change of information on the application form for bidder eligibility review created in the Chiba Electronic Procurement System and a copy of the notification of seal to be used and power of attorney by the time the bidding begins. * The designated form can be downloaded from the Ichikawa City website. (6) Eligibility to bid A. Those who are confirmed as "ineligible" to bid will be contacted by phone by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, and a statement of the reason will be sent at a later date. B. Those who are confirmed as "eligible" to bid will be sent a "Certificate of Eligibility to Participate in General Competitive Bidding" (hereinafter referred to as "Certificate of Eligibility to Participate") by email by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 16, 2024. After receiving the email, please reply to the sender of the confirmation email. C) In the event that a cooperative applies, any participation qualification certificate issued to a member of the cooperative's board of directors as described above in B) will become invalid and the person will be considered ineligible. 7) Regarding Questions (1) If you have any questions regarding the bid, please fill out the questions in the question form designated by the city and submit it by email to the department in charge in 6. (3). Once the submission has been confirmed, an acknowledgement email will be sent. If there is no acknowledgement email, it will be treated as if the questions have not been submitted. If there are no questions, they should not be submitted. (Question forms can be downloaded from the Ichikawa City website.) A) Period for submitting questions 6.(1) Same period as the application period (however, until noon on the final day) a. Email address for submitting questions: shumatsushori2@city.ichikawa.lg.jp c. Date for answering questions: The same date and time as the deadline for sending the Participant Eligibility Certificate stipulated in 6. (6) (2) Responses to questions will be made by email. All questions and responses will be made by email to all persons who have been issued a Participant Eligibility Certificate. 8. Date and Place of Bid (1) Date and Time: Friday, October 18, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. (2) Place: Conference Room, 3rd Floor, Administration Building, Ichikawa City Wastewater Treatment Plant, 2-23-1 Higashisugino, Ichikawa City 9. Bid Security: Exempt 10. Payment Terms (1) Advance Payment: None (2) Partial Payment: None (3) Estimated Payment: None (4) Other: This is a unit price contract. The payment period shall be within 30 days from the date of receipt of an appropriate payment request from the contractor after all work has been completed and inspection has been passed, and the amount calculated by multiplying the actual quantity determined by inspection by the contract unit price (if the amount has a fraction of less than 1 yen, the amount shall be rounded down). 11. Setting of minimum limit price subject to the provisions of Article 167-10, Paragraph 2 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Law: No 12. Submission of detailed breakdown: No 13. How to state the bid amount (1) State the unit price in the bid document. (2) In determining the successful bid, the amount calculated by adding 10/100 of the unit price stated in the bid document to the amount stated in the bid document (if the amount has a fraction of less than 1 yen, the fraction shall not be rounded down), so bidders, regardless of whether they are taxable entities or tax-exempt entities with respect to consumption tax and local consumption tax, should state in their bid document an amount equivalent to 110/100 of the estimated desired contract unit price. 14. Other requirements for bidding (1) Be sure to present the required Eligibility Certificate before bidding. (2) If bidding through an agent or sub-agent (hereinafter referred to as "agent, etc."), submit a power of attorney before bidding. The agent and agent, etc. must sign and stamp the power of attorney and bid documents. (3) Once submitted, a bid document cannot be rewritten, exchanged, or retracted. (4) If there is no bidder within the estimated price (if a minimum limit price is set, no bidder has bid above the minimum limit price within the estimated price limit), a new bid will be made immediately and only once. The same applies if there is only one person who has been issued an Eligibility Certificate or if there is only one bidder again. (5) The successful bidder will be the person who bids the lowest price within the estimated price. However, if a minimum limit price is set, the successful bidder will be the person who bids the lowest price among those who bid above the minimum limit price within the estimated price limit. In addition, those who bid below the minimum limit price will not be considered successful bidders but will be disqualified and will not be able to participate in the rebid specified in the previous paragraph. (6) In the event that there are two or more bidders with the same value who should be the successful bidder, the successful bidder will be determined immediately by drawing lots. 15. Cancellation of bid, etc. If bidders unite or behave in a disruptive manner, etc., and it is deemed that the bid cannot be conducted fairly, or for the convenience of the City, the bid may be postponed or canceled. In such cases, bidders may not raise objections. 16. Invalid bids Bids that fall under any of the following items will be invalid. Furthermore, persons who have submitted invalid bids will not be able to participate in any re-bids that are held immediately after bidding. a) Bids made by persons who have obtained the qualifications to participate in bidding by applying to participate in a bid with false or different information from the current situation; b) Bids made by persons ineligible to participate in bidding; c) Bids made by agents without a power of attorney; d) Bids that are clearly the result of a consortium; e) Bids made by persons who are also acting as agents for other persons or acting on behalf of two or more people in relation to the bid for the same item; f) Bids made by post, letter mail, telegram, telephone, email, fax or other telecommunications (meaning telecommunications as defined in Article 2, paragraph 1 of the Telecommunications Business Act); k) Bids made by persons who do not submit an itemized list in a bid that requires the submission of an itemized list; k) Bids made using bid documents that fall under any of the following:- Bid documents without a name and seal- Bid documents with corrected bid amounts- Bid documents that do not show a bid amount of 0 yen, a negative amount or a fixed amount- Bid documents from which it is impossible to understand the details- Bid documents written with a correctable writing instrument such as pencil or erasable ballpoint pen- Bid documents where the representative's seal or agent's seal is a stamp-type seal; i) Bids that violate other conditions related to bidding17. Contract deposit A ??deposit of at least 10% of the contract unit price multiplied by the planned quantity (cash or securities designated by the city). However, this will be waived if the case falls under any of the items of Article 117, Paragraph 3 of the Ichikawa City Financial Regulations. 18. Performance of business When performing business, the bidder must comply with the attached document "Regarding Proper Performance of Business Outsourcing Contracts". 19. Contract conditions, etc. (1) The successful bidder must promptly enter into a contract after the successful bid is determined. (2) The successful bidder must not transfer the rights and obligations acquired through the successful bid to a third party. (3) The contract unit price shall be the unit price (excluding tax) stated in the bid document plus the amount equivalent to the consumption tax and local consumption tax (not to be rounded down to the nearest yen). (4) If, between the time of determination of the successful bid and the time of contract determination, the successful bidder no longer meets the qualifications for competitive bidding stipulated in 5. or if the successful bidder's bid is terminated in accordance with 16.(5) If a bid is found to be invalid as provided for in paragraph (1) above, the contract may not be concluded. (5) If a cooperative and a member of the board of directors of said cooperative compete in a bid and, as a result of said bid, the cooperative or the member of the board of directors of said cooperative concludes a contract, said contract shall be terminated and they shall be subject to compensation for damages, etc. 20. Any other documents submitted to confirm eligibility to participate in the bid will not be returned. 21. Contact: Ichikawa City Sewerage Department, River and Sewerage Management Division, Final Treatment Plant Tel: 047-325-0144 ????????????????? ???????????? ?You can use it. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ? ?????????????you are here.?you can do it????? ?? ???????????????????????????????????????? ????? ... ??What is it??????????????????????Ta ????Ta ???????????? ?????????????????????????????Ta????????Ta??????Ta?????Ta? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???The following is a list of the types of 10 ... 100% pure water, 100% pure water, 100% pure water, 100% pure water, 100% pure water????What is the difference between the two? 100% pure water is used for the 100% pure water.???????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????Pi??????????????????? You are here. You are here. You are here. You are here. You are here. You are here.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ???????????????? ? ? ?????????????? ? ?????????? ?? ?? ? ?????? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ?????????????Ta????? ???? ???????? ??????????????????????gu????????????? ???????????????? ????????? 2019-01-13 14:45:54 2019-01-13 14:45:54 English: 2019-01-13 14:45:54 2019-01-13 14:45:54 2019-01-13 ??????????????????????????? ????????? ??????? ?????????? ????? ?? ??????????100% recycled paper is now in stock. 100% recycled paper is now in stock. A new product will be released soon! ???????? ???? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?? ?? ?????? ???? ????????? ?? ? ????????? ???gu ???? ???????Ta-ta ... ??????????????????The number of people who have been diagnosed with pulmonary circulation is estimated to be 100%.????????????????????????Do??????????? ???? ??????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?? ??????? ??????? ???????????? ???????You are here.??????????? ????????? ?????????????? ???????? ???? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ???????? ??? ? You can do this. Fly ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ??Buddha?????? Thank you for your understanding. ??????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????? ???? ????????????? ??? ???????????? ? The Buddha ???????????????????????????????????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? Sorry for the inconvenience. ?You can't go to school. I want to go to school ?????????????ta??????????????????????????????????????pi ???????gu You are a businessman The following is a list of the types of 'Tags':?????????? ?Ta-?????????????????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ???? ???????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????? ??????????????????? ? ? ? ? ????????????? ??? ???????????????????????You are here: ????????????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????? ??? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Please be careful not to overlook the following points. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????1. Introduction of the new function 1. ??Ku, ??, ????? ???? ?, ??, ?, ? ??, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?Ku, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ?????????????????i????i???????????? ????i????????????????? The best way to get your business If you want to go to school The following is a list of the types of EVs that can be used: ????????????? ? ??????????????? ????????????? ?????You can work here. You are here: You are here: ?You can buy it.??????????Subject: Equipment classification: (buildings, etc., electricity, For mechanical equipment) Equipment No. Place of cleaning Number of days of cleaning Period of cleaning (days) (months) Manufacturer name Manufacturer model 1 Wastewater treatment plant 2-23-1 Higashisugino, Ichikawa City 5th 10-32 tanks Ref. No. 4 2 3 4 5 Facility (equipment) list Place of entrustment (facility name): Ichikawa City Sewage Treatment Plant Ref.No.1 Cleaning location Name Quantity Manufacturer Specifications Notes Ichikawa City Final Treatment Plant Industrial waste (sludge) suction, collection and transportation outsourcing Thickening tank, etc. 1/1?K??????????????????????????????? ??????????? ??? ?????????????? ??????????????????????? ? ??????????? ???????????????????????????????????????ku? ???????????? ? ? ? ????????????????????????? ??????????????6?????????????????w??????????????????? ??? 5HI?1R??????????Ta????????????????????????????????????????MSRS???raise???? ?????????? ????????? ?????? ??? ???????????????????????????????????????????tsu????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????You are here??????????????????????? ??You are arrogant ?? ?? ????????????immun??????bond ?bond???????se? ????????bond ??brother????? ????? Vice-cut pruning ? ???? ???????????? ???????????? ?????????? ?? bankruptcy ????? ???????????????????? ? ?? ???? ??? ??? ???????? ? ?? ???? ???????????????? ???????????? ?????? ????? A????? ???? Rin ????????? ??? ?????????????? ??? ?????? ???? ??????? ?????? ?????????? ????? ?????????????? ??? Brother Zhenmen, Brother Zhengmen, Brother Zhengmen??????? ???? ???? ???Men Brother ?????????Men ????????death Rinju ... ???????????????? ??????Men?? ?????????????? ??? ??????????? ???? Brother? ???? ??- 1 - 2019-01-13 06:00:49 07:00:51 08:00:16 09:00:26 10:00:15 11:00:14 12:00:11 100% satisfaction guaranteed! Please note that the above information may be changed without prior notice. ????????????????????????Ku??(????????????(????????? ? ?????? ?????????????????????????????????? ??????? ???????Ku ?????(????????? ??????????????? ????(E)(????? ?Ku ???????? ????(H)(??)??Gu? ????????? ??????(?????Ta?????? ??????????? ??????(???????? ?????????? ??????(?????????????? ?????????? ? ?? 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