Tender Details

(仮称)石岡・かすみがうら広域幹線道路流末設計業務委託 (仮称)石岡・かすみがうら広域幹線道路流末設計業務委託 かすみがうら市公告第62号一般競争入札(以下「入札」という。)を行うので,地方自治法施行令(昭和22年政令第16号)第167条の6第1項の規定に... (Provisional name) Ishioka-Kasumigaura Regional Trunk Road Stream Design Service Outsourcing (Provisional name) Ishioka-Kasumigaura Regional Trunk Road Stream Design Service Outsourcing Kasumigaura City will be holding a public tender (hereinafter referred to as "the tender") as per the provisions of Article 167-6, Paragraph 1 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Law (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947).

Published Date
Deadline Date
(仮称)石岡・かすみがうら広域幹線道路流末設計業務委託 (仮称)石岡・かすみがうら広域幹線道路流末設計業務委託 かすみがうら市公告第62号一般競争入札(以下「入札」という。)を行うので,地方自治法施行令(昭和22年政令第16号)第167条の6第1項の規定に... 茨城県かすみがうら市   入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 (仮称)石岡・かすみがうら広域幹線道路流末設計業務委託 種別 役務 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 2 日 組織 茨城県かすみがうら市 取得日 2024 年 10 月 2 日 19:11:49 公告内容 かすみがうら市公告第62号一般競争入札(以下「入札」という。)を行うので,地方自治法施行令(昭和22年政令第16号)第167条の6第1項の規定により,次のとおり公告する。令和6年10月2日かすみがうら市長 宮 嶋 謙1 入札対象工事(1)工事件名: (仮称)石岡・かすみがうら広域幹線道路流末設計業務委託(2)工事場所: かすみがうら市 新治 地内(3)工事概要: 測量業務:L=0.58km設計業務:L=0.58km(4)工事期間: 契約日の翌日から令和7年3月14日まで(5)予定価格: 6,900,000円(消費税及び地方消費税を含まない)2 最低制限価格設定しない。3 入札に参加できる者の参加資格条件(1)令和5・6年度のかすみがうら市における建設コンサルタント業務に係る競争入札参加資格の認定を受けていること。(2)公告日時点で,茨城県内に本店・支店等(営業所)として営業していること。※支店等(営業所)は,入札・契約・代金の請求等を委任されていること。(3)建設コンサルタントの道路部門の登録を受けていること。(4)3ヶ月以上継続して雇用している管理技術者及び照査技術者を配置すること。(4)管理技術者は,技術士(「建設部門及び上下水道部門」又は「RCCM(道路及び下水道)」)の資格を有する技術者であること。(5)過去に国又は地方公共団体等が発注した業務(本業務と同種である業務)の受注実績を有すること。受注実績については,業務が完了しているものに限る。(6)地方自治法施行令第167条の4第1項の規定に該当しない者及び同条第2項の規定に基づくかすみがうら市の入札参加の制限を受けていない者であること。(7)入札に参加する者が入札公告の日から入札開札日までの間において,かすみがうら市工事請負業者指名停止等措置要綱(平成17年3月28日告示第148号)に基づく指名停止措置を受けていないこと。(8)会社更生法(平成14年法律第154号)に基づき更生手続開始の申立てがなされている者又は民事再生法(平成11年法律第225号)に基づき再生手続開始の申立てがなされている者でないこと。(更生計画の認可決定又は再生計画の認可決定が確定した後に入札参加資格の再認定を受けた者を除く。)(9)かすみがうら市暴力団排除条例第7条に定める暴力団員又は暴力団若しくは暴力団員と社会的に非難されるべき関係を有する者でないこと。(10)かすみがうら市議会議員の政治倫理条例第4条第1項に該当する者ではないこと。(11)入札参加有資格者が入札までに入札参加資格条件を満たさなくなったときは,入札に参加できないものとする。4 設計図書(図面を含む)の閲覧及び質問等電子入札対象案件の見積作成に必要となる資料については「入札情報公開サービス」によりインターネット上に掲載する。(入札情報サービス http://ppi.cals-ibaraki.lg.jp/ppi.html )電子入札非対象案件の見積作成に必要となる資料についてはかすみがうら市ホームページ内「入札・契約」に掲載する。※ホームページから設計図書資料の閲覧ができないときは,申し出により設計図書資料の閲覧を行う。(1)設計図書の閲覧受付期限:令和6年10月2日から令和6年10月22日の午後4時まで(閉庁日を除く)閲覧先 :かすみがうら市役所千代田庁舎 総務部検査管財課(2)設計図書に対する質問受付期限:令和6年10月4日の午前9時から令和6年10月8日の午後4時まで(閉庁日を除く)申請方法:電子申請(いばらき電子申請・届出サービス)によるものとする。申請後,確認のため必ず総務部検査管財課へ電話連絡すること。※電子入札システムからの質問は受付けない。(3)(2)に対する回答令和6年10月11日から,かすみがうら市ホームページ内「入札・契約」に掲載する。5 入札方法等(1)入札方法:電子入札システムによる入札。参加資格確認申請は,令和6年10月2日の午前9時から令和6年10月8日の午後4時までに,電子入札システムによりを行うこと。また,申請の際にはダミーファイルを添付すること。※ダミーファイルはテキストファイル(CSV,TXT)または画像ファイル(BMP,JPG,TIF等)を添付すること。入札書は,令和6年10月11日の午前9時から令和6年10月18日の午後5時までに,電子入札システムにより提出すること。※電子入札システムの故障等やむを得ない事情がある場合には,市長の指示によるものとする。(2)積算内訳書の提出:積算内訳書は,電子入札システムによりファイルを添付すること。なお,添付が困難な場合は,市と協議を行うこととする。※積算内訳書は,ホームページより提供する内訳書に対応し作成すること。※本工事の積算内訳書については,内訳書「3ページ~6ページ」で作成すること。※添付するファイルはテキストファイル(CSV,TXT)または画像ファイル(BMP,JPG,TIF等)とし,その制限サイズは2MBまでとする。※内訳書の提出用ファイル(CSV)は内訳書変換ツール「提出用ファイル復元ツール」を使用し(CSVファイル)を(Excelファイル)に復元し正常に作成されているかを確認すること。(3)やむを得ない事態が発生したときは,入札の執行を中止し,又は延期するものとする。(4)入札書には,入札参加者が消費税及び地方消費税に係る課税事業者であるか免税事業者であるかを問わず,見積もった契約希望金額の110分の100に相当する金額を記載すること。6 入札(開札)(1)入札(開札)日時:令和6年10月23日 午後2時40分(2)入札(開札)場所:かすみがうら市役所 千代田庁舎 第8会議室(3)入札(開札)の立会い:立会いを希望する場合には,開札立会い届出書(様式第6号)を開札日の前日の午後3時までにFAXにより検査管財課へ提出すること。7 落札候補者の決定方法(1)予定価格の範囲内の価格で,最低の価格の申込みをした者を落札候補者とする。(2)落札候補者となるべき同価の入札をした者が2人以上あるときは,地方自冶法施行令167条の9の規定によるくじ(電子入札システムによる)により落札候補者及びその次の順位以降の者(以下「次順位者」という。)を決定する。※郵便入札による入札書のくじ番号は全て「000」とする。8 入札参加資格を証明する書類の提出落札候補者は,次に従い,入札参加資格を証明する書類を提出しなければならない。(1)提出期限:令和6年10月24日の午後3時までとする。ただし,次順位者だった者の提出期限は,市指定期日までとする。(2)提出場所:かすみがうら市役所総務部検査管財課(3)提出方法:FAXによるものとする。 (送信後,確認のため必ず総務部検査管財課へ電話連絡すること。)(4)提出書類:・管理技術者及び照査技術者等の届け・3ヶ月以上の雇用関係があることを証する書類・建設コンサルタントの道路部門の登録を受けていることを証する書類・技術士(「建設部門及び上下水道部門」又は「RCCM(道路及び下水道)」)の資格を有する者を管理技術者として配置することを証する書類・過去に国又は地方公共団体等が発注した業務(本業務と同種である業務)の受注実績を有することを証する書類(ただし,業務が完了しているものに限る。)・電子契約利用申出書(電子契約による契約締結を希望する場合のみ)・その他必要と認める書類9 落札者の決定方法(1)入札参加資格を証明する書類により,落札候補者について入札参加資格の審査を行う。(2)入札参加資格審査の結果,入札参加資格があると認められたものを落札者とする。(3)入札参加資格審査の結果,入札参加資格がないと認められた場合には,次順位者を落札候補者とし,この者につき改めて入札参加資格の審査を行う。この審査は落札者が決定するまで行う。10 入札保証金及び契約保証金(1)入札保証金:免除する。(2)契約保証金:免除する。11 支払条件(1)前 金 払:当該契約金額の40%以内。(2)中間前金払:無し。(3)部 分 払:協議による。12 入札の無効以下に該当する入札は無効とし,無効の入札を行った者を落札者としていた場合には落札決定を取り消す。ただし,押印を省略する場合は「本件責任者及び担当者」の氏名及び連絡先を余白に記載してあれば有効。(1)入札参加資格審査において,入札参加資格がないと認められた者の入札(2)提出書類に虚偽の記載をした者の入札(3)談合等不正行為による入札(4)2通以上の入札をした者の入札(電子入札,郵便入札の双方を提出した者を含む)(5)石岡郵便局にて受領時点で保管されていない入札書を提出した者の入札(6)入札価格を訂正した入札書を提出した者の入札(7)入札書に記載された入札者名及び押印,入札価格又は重要な文字が誤脱し,若しくは不明瞭で確認できない入札(8)予定価格を超える金額を記載した者の入札(9)最低制限価格を下回る金額を記載した者の入札(10)積算内訳書の提出が無い者の入札(11)入札書の金額と異なる積算内訳書を提出した者の入札(12)参加者の間に以下の基準のいずれかに該当する関係が存在する場合の入札ア 資本関係において,親会社と子会社の関係にある場合イ 資本関係において,親会社を同じくする子会社同士の関係にある場合ウ 人的関係において,一方の会社の役員が,他方の会社の役員を現に兼ねている場合エ 人的関係において,一方の会社の役員が,他方の会社の管財人を現に兼ねている場合オ その他上記アないしエと同視しうる資本関係又は人的関係があると認められる場合13 その他(1)契約に当たっては,契約書の作成を要する。 (Tentative name) Ishioka-Kasumigaura Regional Trunk Road Stream Design Service Outsourcing (Tentative name) Ishioka-Kasumigaura Regional Trunk Road Stream Design Service Outsourcing Kasumigaura City Announcement No. 62 will involve public competitive bidding (hereinafter referred to as "the Bidding"), and in accordance with the provisions of Article 167-6, Paragraph 1 of the Enforcement Order for the Local Autonomy Act (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947)... Kasumigaura City, Ibaraki Prefecture Bidding information is as follows. Subject: (Tentative name) Ishioka-Kasumigaura Regional Trunk Road Stream Design Service Contract Type: Services Date of Announcement or Update: October 2, 2024 Organization: Kasumigaura City, Ibaraki Prefecture Date of Acquisition: October 2, 2024 19:11:49 Contents of Announcement: Kasumigaura City Announcement No. 62 will be held as a public competitive bid (hereinafter referred to as the "Bidding"), and therefore, pursuant to Article 167-6, Paragraph 1 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947), the following announcement is made. October 2, 2024 Mayor of Kasumigaura City Miyajima Ken1. Construction works to be bid on (1) Name of construction project: (tentative name) Ishioka-Kasumigaura Regional Trunk Road Stream Design Service Contract (2) Construction location: Niiharu, Kasumigaura City (3) Construction overview: Survey work: L = 0.58 km Design work: L = 0.58 km (4) Construction period: From the day after the contract date to March 14, 2025 (5) Estimated price: 6,900,000 yen (excluding consumption tax and local consumption tax) 2. No minimum price limit will be set. 3. Eligibility conditions for those who can participate in the bid (1) The company must be certified as eligible to participate in competitive bidding for construction consulting work in Kasumigaura City for fiscal years 2023 and 2024. (2) The company must be operating as a head office or branch office (sales office) in Ibaraki Prefecture as of the date of announcement. * Branch offices (sales offices) are delegated the duties of bidding, contracting, and billing. (3) The contractor is registered as a construction consultant in the road division. (4) The contractor has a supervising engineer and a reviewing engineer who have been employed continuously for three months or more. (4) The supervising engineer is a qualified engineer ("Construction Division and Water Supply and Sewerage Division" or "RCCM (Roads and Sewerage)"). (5) The contractor has a track record of receiving orders for work (work similar to this work) ordered by the national or local government organizations in the past. The track record of receiving orders is limited to work that has been completed. (6) The contractor does not fall under the provisions of Article 167-4, Paragraph 1 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Law and is not subject to restrictions on Kasumigaura City's bid participation pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 2 of the same article. (7) The contractor has not been subject to a suspension of bid pursuant to the Kasumigaura City Construction Contractor Nomination Suspension and Other Measures Guidelines (Public Notice No. 148, March 28, 2005) during the period from the date of the bid announcement to the date of the opening of bids. (8) The bidder is not a person against whom a petition for the commencement of reorganization proceedings has been filed under the Corporate Reorganization Law (Law No. 154 of 2002) or a person against whom a petition for the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings has been filed under the Civil Rehabilitation Law (Law No. 225 of 1999). (Excluding persons who have been re-certified as ineligible to participate in bids after the decision to approve the reorganization plan or the decision to approve the rehabilitation plan has been finalized.) (9) The bidder is not a member of an organized crime group as defined in Article 7 of the Kasumigaura City Ordinance for the Exclusion of Organized Crime Groups, or a person who has a socially reprehensible relationship with an organized crime group or an organized crime member. (10) The bidder is not a person who falls under Article 4, Paragraph 1 of the Ordinance for Political Ethics of Kasumigaura City Council Members. (11) If a bidder who is eligible to participate in bids no longer meets the conditions for eligibility to participate in bids by the time of the bid, he/she will not be able to participate in the bid. 4. Materials necessary for the preparation of estimates for projects subject to electronic bidding, such as viewing and questions on design documents (including drawings), will be posted on the Internet through the "Bidding Information Disclosure Service." (Bidding Information Service http://ppi.cals-ibaraki.lg.jp/ppi.html) Materials required for creating estimates for projects not eligible for electronic bidding will be posted on the Kasumigaura City website under "Bidding and Contracting." *If design documents cannot be viewed on the website, they may be viewed upon request. (1) Deadline for viewing design documents: From October 2, 2024 to 4:00 p.m. on October 22, 2024 (excluding closed days) Where to view: Kasumigaura City Hall Chiyoda Building, General Affairs Department, Inspection and Property Management Division (2) Deadline for questions about design documents: From 9:00 a.m. on October 4, 2024 to 4:00 p.m. on October 8, 2024 (excluding closed days) How to apply: Apply electronically (Ibaraki Electronic Application and Notification Service). After applying, be sure to call the General Affairs Department, Inspection and Property Management Division for confirmation. *Questions will not be accepted via the electronic bidding system. (3) Response to (2) The response will be posted on the Kasumigaura City website under "Bidding and Contracts" from October 11, 2024. 5. Bidding Method, etc. (1) Bidding Method: Bidding via the electronic bidding system. Applications for confirmation of eligibility to participate must be submitted via the electronic bidding system between 9:00 a.m. on October 2, 2024 and 4:00 p.m. on October 8, 2024. In addition, a dummy file must be attached when submitting the application. *The dummy file must be a text file (CSV, TXT) or an image file (BMP, JPG, TIF, etc.). Bid documents must be submitted via the electronic bidding system between 9:00 a.m. on October 11, 2024 and 5:00 p.m. on October 18, 2024. *In the event of unavoidable circumstances such as a malfunction of the electronic bidding system, the instructions of the mayor will be followed. (2) Submission of cost breakdown: The cost breakdown must be attached via the electronic bidding system. If it is difficult to attach the file, discussions will be held with the city. *The cost breakdown should be created in accordance with the breakdown provided on the website. *The cost breakdown for this work should be created in 3 to 6 pages. *The attached file should be a text file (CSV, TXT) or an image file (BMP, JPG, TIF, etc.), with a size limit of 2MB. *The file (CSV) used to submit the breakdown should be restored to an Excel file using the breakdown conversion tool "File Restoration Tool for Submission" to confirm that the file has been created correctly. (3) In the event of an unavoidable situation, the execution of the bid will be suspended or postponed. (4) The bid document should state an amount equivalent to 1/100 of the estimated desired contract amount, regardless of whether the bidder is a taxable business entity or a tax-exempt business entity with respect to consumption tax and local consumption tax. 6. Bidding (Opening of Bids) (1) Date and time of bidding (opening of bids): October 23, 2024, 2:40 p.m. (2) Place of bidding (opening of bids): Kasumigaura City Hall, Chiyoda Building, Meeting Room 8 (3) Attendance at bidding (opening of bids): If you wish to be present, submit the Bid Opening Attendance Notification Form (Form No. 6) by fax to the Inspection and Management Division by 3:00 p.m. on the day before the bid opening date. 7. Method of determining the successful bidder (1) The bidder who offers the lowest price within the range of the estimated price will be the successful bidder. (2) If there are two or more bidders with the same price that should be the successful bidder, the successful bidder and the bidders after that (hereinafter referred to as the "next-ranked bidders") will be determined by lottery (using the electronic bidding system) pursuant to Article 167-9 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act. * All lottery numbers on bids submitted by mail will be "000". 8. Submission of documents certifying eligibility to participate in the bid Potential successful bidders must submit documents certifying their eligibility to participate in the bid in accordance with the following. (1) Submission deadline: 3:00 p.m. on October 24, 2024. However, the deadline for the next bidder to submit documents will be the deadline designated by the city. (2) Place of submission: Inspection and Management Division, General Affairs Department, Kasumigaura City Hall (3) Method of submission: By fax. (After sending, be sure to call the Inspection and Property Management Division, General Affairs Department, to confirm.) (4) Documents to be submitted: - Notification of supervising engineer and inspecting engineer, etc. - Document proving employment relationship of three months or more - Document proving registration of the road division of the construction consultant - Document proving that an individual qualified as a professional engineer ("Construction Division and Water Supply and Sewerage Division" or "RCCM (Road and Sewerage)") will be assigned as a supervising engineer - Document proving that the bidder has received orders for work (work of the same type as this work) ordered by the national or local government in the past (however, this must be completed) - Application for use of electronic contracts (only if the bidder wishes to conclude a contract through electronic contracts) - Other documents deemed necessary 9. Method of determining successful bidder (1) The bidders will be screened for eligibility to participate in the bid based on documents proving their eligibility. (2) The bidder who is deemed to be eligible to participate in the bid as a result of the eligibility review will be the successful bidder. (3) If the bidder is deemed ineligible as a result of the eligibility review, the next highest ranked bidder will be selected as the successful bidder, and the bidder will be screened again for eligibility to participate in the bid. This review will continue until the successful bidder is decided. 10 Bid bond and contract bond (1) Bid bond: Waived. (2) Contract bond: Waived. 11 Payment terms (1) Advance payment: Up to 40% of the contract amount. (2) Interim advance payment: None. (3) Partial payment: To be determined by negotiation. 12 Invalid bids Bids that fall under the following conditions will be invalid, and if the successful bidder was an invalid bidder, the successful bid decision will be revoked. However, if the seal is omitted, it will be valid if the names and contact information of the "person responsible and person in charge of this matter" are written in the margin. (1) Bids from persons who have been found ineligible to participate in the bidder eligibility review. (2) Bids from persons who have made false statements in the submitted documents. (3) Bids resulting from fraudulent activities such as collusion. (4) Bids from persons who have submitted two or more bids (including persons who have submitted both electronic and postal bids). (5) Bids from persons who have submitted bid documents that were not kept at Ishioka Post Office at the time of receipt. (6) Bids from persons who have submitted bid documents with corrected bid prices. (7) Bids in which the bidder's name and seal, bid price or important characters stated on the bid document are missing or unclear and cannot be identified. (8) Bids from persons who have stated an amount exceeding the planned price. (9) Bids from persons who have stated an amount below the minimum bid price. (10) Bids from persons who have not submitted an estimate. (11) Bids from persons who have submitted an estimate that differs from the amount on the bid document. (12) Bids in which a relationship that meets any of the following criteria exists between the participants. A. When the participants are in a parent-subsidiary relationship in terms of capital relationships. B. When the participants are subsidiaries of the same parent company in terms of capital relationships. C. In a personal relationship, when an officer of one company is currently also an officer of the other company; (d) In a personal relationship, when an officer of one company is currently also a trustee of the other company; (e) In other cases where it is recognized that there is a capital or personal relationship that can be regarded as equivalent to (a) or (d) above. 13. Others (1) A written contract must be prepared when entering into a contract.(After sending, be sure to call the Inspection and Property Management Division, General Affairs Department, to confirm.) (4) Documents to be submitted: - Notification of supervising engineer and inspecting engineer, etc. - Document certifying that an employment relationship of three months or more has been established - Document certifying that the road division of the construction consultant has been registered - Document certifying that an individual qualified as a professional engineer ("Construction Division and Water Supply and Sewerage Division" or "RCCM (Road and Sewerage)") will be assigned as a supervising engineer - Document certifying that the bidder has received orders for work (work of the same type as this work) ordered by the national or local government in the past (however, this must be completed) - Application for use of electronic contracts (only if the bidder wishes to conclude a contract through electronic contracts) - Other documents deemed necessary 9. Method of determining successful bidder (1) The bidders will be screened for eligibility to participate in the bid based on documents proving their eligibility. (2) The bidder who is deemed to be eligible to participate in the bid as a result of the eligibility screening will be the successful bidder. (3) If the bidder is deemed ineligible as a result of the eligibility screening, the next highest ranked bidder will be selected as the successful bidder, and the bidder will be screened again for eligibility to participate in the bid. This review will continue until the successful bidder is decided. 10 Bid security and contract security (1) Bid security: Waived. (2) Contract security: Waived. 11 Payment terms (1) Advance payment: Up to 40% of the contract amount. (2) Interim advance payment: None. (3) Partial payment: By negotiation. 12 Invalid bids Bids that fall under the following conditions will be invalid, and if the successful bidder was an invalid bidder, the successful bid decision will be revoked. However, if the seal is omitted, it will be valid if the names and contact information of the "person responsible and person in charge of this matter" are written in the margin. (1) Bids from persons who have been found ineligible to participate in the bidder eligibility review. (2) Bids from persons who have made false statements in the submitted documents. (3) Bids resulting from fraudulent activities such as collusion. (4) Bids from persons who have submitted two or more bids (including persons who have submitted both electronic and postal bids). (5) Bids from persons who have submitted bid documents that were not kept at Ishioka Post Office at the time of receipt. (6) Bids from persons who have submitted bid documents with corrected bid prices. (7) Bids in which the bidder's name and seal, bid price or important characters stated on the bid document are missing or unclear and cannot be identified. (8) Bids from persons who have stated an amount exceeding the planned price. (9) Bids from persons who have stated an amount below the minimum bid price. (10) Bids from persons who have not submitted an estimate. (11) Bids from persons who have submitted an estimate that differs from the amount on the bid document. (12) Bids in which a relationship that meets any of the following criteria exists between the participants. A. When the participants are in a parent-subsidiary relationship in terms of capital relationships. B. When the participants are subsidiaries of the same parent company in terms of capital relationships. C. In a personal relationship, when an officer of one company is currently also an officer of the other company; (d) In a personal relationship, when an officer of one company is currently also a trustee of the other company; (e) In other cases where it is recognized that there is a capital or personal relationship that can be regarded as equivalent to (a) or (d) above. 13. Others (1) A written contract must be prepared when entering into a contract.(After sending, be sure to call the Inspection and Property Management Division, General Affairs Department, to confirm.) (4) Documents to be submitted: - Notification of supervising engineer and inspecting engineer, etc. - Document proving employment relationship of three months or more - Document proving registration of the road division of the construction consultant - Document proving that an individual qualified as a professional engineer ("Construction Division and Water Supply and Sewerage Division" or "RCCM (Road and Sewerage)") will be assigned as a supervising engineer - Document proving that the bidder has received orders for work (work of the same type as this work) ordered by the national or local government in the past (however, this must be completed) - Application for use of electronic contracts (only if the bidder wishes to conclude a contract through electronic contracts) - Other documents deemed necessary 9. Method of determining successful bidder (1) The bidders will be screened for eligibility to participate in the bid based on documents proving their eligibility. (2) The bidder who is deemed to be eligible to participate in the bid as a result of the eligibility review will be the successful bidder. (3) If the bidder is deemed ineligible as a result of the eligibility review, the next highest ranked bidder will be selected as the successful bidder, and the bidder will be screened again for eligibility to participate in the bid. This review will continue until the successful bidder is decided. 10 Bid bond and contract bond (1) Bid bond: Waived. (2) Contract bond: Waived. 11 Payment terms (1) Advance payment: Up to 40% of the contract amount. (2) Interim advance payment: None. (3) Partial payment: To be determined by negotiation. 12 Invalid bids Bids that fall under the following conditions will be invalid, and if the successful bidder was an invalid bidder, the successful bid decision will be revoked. However, if the seal is omitted, it will be valid if the names and contact information of the "person responsible and person in charge of this matter" are written in the margin. (1) Bids from persons who have been found ineligible to participate in the bidder eligibility review. (2) Bids from persons who have made false statements in the submitted documents. (3) Bids resulting from fraudulent activities such as collusion. (4) Bids from persons who have submitted two or more bids (including persons who have submitted both electronic and postal bids). (5) Bids from persons who have submitted bid documents that were not kept at Ishioka Post Office at the time of receipt. (6) Bids from persons who have submitted bid documents with corrected bid prices. (7) Bids in which the bidder's name and seal, bid price or important characters stated on the bid document are missing or unclear and cannot be identified. (8) Bids from persons who have stated an amount exceeding the planned price. (9) Bids from persons who have stated an amount below the minimum bid price. (10) Bids from persons who have not submitted an estimate. (11) Bids from persons who have submitted an estimate that differs from the amount on the bid document. (12) Bids in which a relationship that meets any of the following criteria exists between the participants. A. When the participants are in a parent-subsidiary relationship in terms of capital relationships. B. When the participants are subsidiaries of the same parent company in terms of capital relationships. C. In a personal relationship, when an officer of one company is currently also an officer of the other company; (d) In a personal relationship, when an officer of one company is currently also a trustee of the other company; (e) In other cases where it is recognized that there is a capital or personal relationship that can be regarded as equivalent to (a) or (d) above. 13. Others (1) A written contract must be prepared when entering into a contract.
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