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入札公告 入札公告 一般競争入札に関する公告次のとおり一般競争入札に付します。令和6年10月16日支出負担行為担当官岐阜労働局総務部長 小宮山 彰浩1 競争入札に付する事項(1)件名大垣公共職業安定所揖斐出張所... Tender Announcement Tender Announcement Announcement regarding public competitive bidding The following will be put up for public competitive bidding. October 16, 2024 Expenditure and Burdening Officer Gifu Labor Bureau General Affairs Department Director Akihiro Komiyama 1. Items to be put up for competitive bidding (1) Subject Ogaki Public Employment Security Office Ibi Branch Office...

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入札公告 入札公告 一般競争入札に関する公告次のとおり一般競争入札に付します。令和6年10月16日支出負担行為担当官岐阜労働局総務部長 小宮山 彰浩1 競争入札に付する事項(1)件名大垣公共職業安定所揖斐出張所... 厚生労働省岐阜労働局  岐阜県岐阜市 入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 入札公告 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 16 日 組織 厚生労働省 取得日 2024 年 10 月 16 日 19:06:25 公告内容 一般競争入札に関する公告次のとおり一般競争入札に付します。令和6年10月16日支出負担行為担当官岐阜労働局総務部長 小宮山 彰浩1 競争入札に付する事項(1)件名大垣公共職業安定所揖斐出張所における窓口番号案内システムの購入契約(再度公告入札)(2)調達内容入札説明書及び仕様書のとおり(3)履行期限令和7年2月28日(4)入札方法入札金額は総価を記載すること。なお、落札決定に当たっては、入札書に記載された金額に当該金額の10パーセントに相当する額を加算した額(円未満の端数切り捨て)をもって落札価格とするので、入札者は、消費税等に係る課税事業者であるか免税事業者であるかを問わず、見積もった契約金額の 110 分の 100 に相当する金額を入札書に記載すること。(5)政府電子調達システム(GEPS)(以下「電子調達システム」という。)の利用本案件は、電子調達システムで行うことを原則とするが、電子調達システムにより難い者は、支出負担行為担当官に書面により申し出た場合に限り、紙入札方式によることができる。2 競争参加資格(1)予算決算及び会計令第70条の規定に該当しない者であること。なお、未成年者、被保佐人又は被補助人であって、契約締結のために必要な同意を得ている者は、同条中、特別の理由がある場合に該当する。(2)予算決算及び会計令第71条の規定に該当しない者であること。(3)令和04・05・06年度厚生労働省競争参加資格(全省統一資格)が、東海・北陸地域において、「物品の販売」で、B、C又はD等級に格付けされている者であること。(4)次の各号に掲げる制度が適用される者にあっては、この入札の入札書提出期限の直近2年間(オ及びカについては2保険年度)の保険料について滞納がないこと。ア 厚生年金保険 イ 健康保険(全国健康保険協会が管掌するもの) ウ 船員保険エ 国民年金 オ 労働者災害補償保険 カ 雇用保険(5)資格審査申請書又は添付書類に虚偽の事実を記載していないと認められる者であること。(6)経営の状況又は信用度が極度に悪化していないと認められる者であること。(7)厚生労働省から指名停止の措置を受けている期間中の者でないこと。(8)過去1年以内に厚生労働省所管法令違反により行政処分を受けていないこと。ただし、労働基準関係法令違反により労働基準監督機関から使用停止等命令を受けたが、是正措置を行い「使用停止等命令解除通知書」を受理している場合には、この限りではない。(9)過去1年以内に厚生労働省所管法令違反により送検され、この事実を公表されていないこと。(10)その他予算決算及び会計令第73条の規定に基づき、支出負担行為担当官が定める資格を有する者であること。3 契約条項を示す場所等(1)入札説明書の交付場所、契約条項を示す場所及び問い合わせ先等〒500-8723岐阜県岐阜市金竜町5丁目13番地 岐阜合同庁舎3階岐阜労働局 総務部 総務課 会計第一係電話:058-245-8101 内線123(2)入札説明書の交付方法上記(1)の交付場所又は岐阜労働局ホームページにおいてダウンロードが可能である。(3)入札説明書の交付期間令和6年10月16日(水)から令和6年10月23日(水) 17時00分まで(4)入札説明会本入札に係る説明会は随時実施する。(5)入札参加申込書等の受領期限及び提出場所令和6年10月25日(金) 正午まで (1)の場所(6)入札書等の受領期限及び提出場所令和6年10月28日(月) 正午まで (1)の場所(7)開札の日時及び場所令和6年10月28日(月) 14時00分 (1)の場所4 その他(1)契約手続において使用する言語及び通貨日本語及び日本国通貨(2)入札保証金及び契約保証金免除(3)入札者に要求される事項この入札に参加を希望する者は、本公告に示した業務が履行できることを証明する書類及び暴力団等に該当しない旨の誓約書を、指定する期日までに提出しなければならない。入札者は、支出負担行為担当官から当該書類に関し説明を求められた場合は、これに応じなければならない。(4)入札の無効本公告に示した競争参加資格のない者の提出した入札書等、入札者に求められる義務を履行しなかった者の提出した入札書等、その他入札の条件に違反した者の提出した入札書等は無効とする。また、(3)の誓約書を提出せず、又は虚偽の誓約をし、若しくは誓約書に反することとなったときは、当該者の入札を無効とする。(5)契約書作成の要否要なお、契約書の締結は、電子契約によることを原則とするが、格別の事情がある者は、支出負担行為担当官に書面による申請のうえ、紙による契約書を締結することができる。(6)落札者の決定方法本公告に示した業務を履行できると支出負担行為担当官が判断した入札者であって、予算決算及び会計令第79条の規定に基づいて作成された予定価格の制限の範囲内で、最低価格をもって有効な入札を行った者を落札者とする。(7)契約関係書類担当者等から提出される見積書や入札書、請求書等の契約手続きに必要となる書類(以下「契約関係書類」という。)については、事業者としての決定であること。押印が省略された契約関係書類に虚偽記載等の不正が発覚した場合は、契約解除や違約金を徴取する場合があり得ること。(8)その他詳細は入札説明書による。以上公告する。入 札 説 明 書大垣公共職業安定所揖斐出張所における窓口番号案内システムの購入契約(再度公告入札)厚 生 労 働 省岐 阜 労 働 局入 札 説 明 書 等 受 領 書入札関係の書類をホームページからダウンロードした場合には、本票の下記太枠にご記入のうえ、メール又は郵送にてご提出ください。ご提出がない場合、仕様の変更や他の参加予定業者様からの質問への回答等、各種のご連絡ができないおそれがあります。漏れの無いよう、必ずご送付いただきますよう、よろしくお願いします。入札案件名大垣公共職業安定所揖斐出張所における窓口番号案内システムの購入契約(再度公告入札)入札説明書受領日(ダウンロード日)令和 年 月 日事業所名事業所所在地担当者名電話番号メールアドレス入札参加方式 □ 電子調達システム □ 紙入札備考※ 本受領書は、仕様の変更や質疑等に関する回答を行う場合等、連絡先の確認のために使用します。※ 本票を提出した後、入札参加を辞退する場合は、特に手続きは必要ありませんが、後日辞退の理由をお伺いする場合があります。 岐阜労働局 総務部 総務課 会計第一係 浅野 あてgifukyoku-kaikei123@mhlw.go.jp〒500-8723 岐阜県岐阜市金竜町5丁目13番地 岐阜合同庁舎3階(Tel:058-245-8101)岐阜労働局の一般競争入札に係る入札公告(令和6年 10 月 16 日付け)に基づく入札等については、会計法(昭和22年法律第35号)、予算決算及び会計令(昭和22年勅令第165号。以下「予決令」という。)、契約事務取扱規則(昭和37年大蔵省令第52号)に定めるもののほか、この入札説明書によるものとする。1 契約担当官等支出負担行為担当官 岐阜労働局 総務部長 小宮山 彰浩2 調達内容(1)件 名「大垣公共職業安定所揖斐出張所における窓口番号案内システムの購入契約(再度公告入札)」(2)仕 様仕様書による。(3)履行期日令和7年2月28日(4)履行場所支出負担行為担当官が指定する場所(5)入札方法落札者の決定は、一般競争入札(最低価格落札方式)をもって行う。ア 入札者は、仕様書に定める業務の履行に要する一切の諸経費を含め、契約金額を見積もるものとする。イ 落札決定に当たっては、入札書に記載された金額に当該金額の10パーセントに相当する額を加算した金額(円未満の端数切捨て)をもって落札価格とするので、入札者は、消費税にかかる課税事業者であるか免税事業者であるかを問わず、見積もった契約金額の 110 分の 100 に相当する金額を記載した入札書を提出しなければならない。(6)入札方式本件は、政府電子調達システム(GEPS)(以下、「電子調達システム」という。)にて執行することを原則とするが、特段の事情がある者は、「電子入札案件の紙入札方式による参加について」【様式5】による申請のうえ、紙入札方式により参加することができる。(7)入札保証金及び契約保証金免除3 競争参加資格(1)予決令第70条の規定に該当しない者であること。なお、未成年者、被保佐人又は被補助人であって、契約締結のために必要な同意を得ている者は、同条中、特別の理由がある場合に該当する。(2)予決令第71条の規定に該当しない者であること。(3)令和 04・05・06 年度厚生労働省競争参加資格(全省統一資格)が、東海・北陸地域において、「物品の販売」で、B、C又はD等級に格付けされている者であること。(4)次の各号に掲げる制度が適用される者にあっては、この入札の入札書提出期限の直近2年間(オ及びカについては2保険年度)の保険料について滞納がないこと。ア 厚生年金保険イ 健康保険(全国健康保険協会が管掌するもの)ウ 船員保険エ 国民年金オ 労働者災害補償保険カ 雇用保険※ 各保険料のうち、オ及びカについては、当該年度における年度更新手続を完了すべき日が未到来の場合であっては前年度及び前々年度、年度更新手続を完了すべき日以降の場合にあっては当該年度及び前年度の保険料について滞納がない(分納が認められているものについては納付期限が到来しているものに限る。)こと。(5)資格審査申請書又は添付書類に虚偽の事実を記載していないと認められる者であること。(6)経営の状況又は信用度が極度に悪化していないと認められる者であること。(7)厚生労働省から指名停止の措置を受けている期間中の者でないこと。(8)過去1年以内に厚生労働省所管法令違反により、行政処分を受けていないこと。ただし、労働基準関係法令違反(※)により労働基準監督機関から使用停止等命令を受けたが、是正措置を行い「使用停止等命令解除通知書」を受理している場合には、この限りではない。※ 労働基準関係法令については以下のとおり。労働基準法、労働安全衛生法、最低賃金法、賃金の支払の確保等に関する法律、家内労働法、作業環境測定法、じん肺法、炭鉱災害による一酸化炭素中毒症に関する特別措置法(9)過去1年以内に厚生労働省所管法令違反により送検され、この事実を公表されていないこと。(10)その他予決令第73条の規定に基づき、支出負担行為担当官が定める資格を有する者であること。4 入札参加申込書等の提出等この入札に参加する者は、次に従い、提出期限までに書類を提出すること。(1)提出書類ア 入札参加申込書【様式1】イ 3(3)の競争参加資格審査結果通知書(写)ウ 競争参加資格等に係る申告書【様式2】エ 電子入札案件の紙入札方式による参加について【様式5】(紙入札による入札参加者のみ)オ 会社履歴書又はこれに類する書類(例:会社概要、パンフレット)カ 誓約書【様式7】(2)提出期限令和6年10月25日(金) 正午(3)提出場所〒500-8723岐阜市金竜町5丁目13番地 岐阜合同庁舎3階岐阜労働局 総務部 総務課 会計第一係電 話:058-245-8101(4)提出方法持参、郵送(書留郵便等の配達の記録が残るものに限る。)又は電子調達システムにより提出すること。(5)提出するに当たっての注意事項ア 開札日の前日までの間において、支出負担行為担当官から当該書類に関し説明を求められた場合には、これに応じなければならない。イ 提出された書類は、その事由の如何にかかわらず、変更または取消しを行うことはできない。 以下同じ。)又は暴力団員(同法第2条第6号に規定する暴力団員をいう。以下同じ。)であるとき(2)役員等が、自己、自社若しくは第三者の不正の利益を図る目的又は第三者に損害を加える目的をもって、暴力団又は暴力団員を利用するなどしているとき(3)役員等が、暴力団又は暴力団員に対して、資金等を供給し、又は便宜を供与するなど直接的あるいは積極的に暴力団の維持、運営に協力し、若しくは関与しているとき(4)役員等が、暴力団又は暴力団員であることを知りながらこれを不当に利用するなどしているとき(5)役員等が、暴力団又は暴力団員と社会的に非難されるべき関係を有しているとき2 契約の相手方として不適当な行為をする者(1)暴力的な要求行為を行う者(2)法的な責任を超えた不当な要求行為を行う者(3)取引に関して脅迫的な言動をし、又は暴力を用いる行為を行う者(4)偽計又は威力を用いて契約担当官等の業務を妨害する行為を行う者(5)その他前各号に準ずる行為を行う者令和 年 月 日住 所商号又は名称代表者氏名※ 個人の場合は生年月日を記載すること。※ 法人の場合は役員の氏名及び生年月日を裏面に記載又は任意の様式により添付すること。様式7裏面役 員 等 名 簿令和 年 月 日現在役 職 名(フ リ ガ ナ)氏 名生 年 月 日※ 必要事項が記載されていれば、任意様式でも可様式8紙による契約書を締結することについて令和 年 月 日支出負担行為担当官岐阜労働局総務部長 殿住 所商号又は名称代表者職氏名貴局発注の下記入札案件について、政府電子調達システム(GEPS)を利用して契約書の締結を電子契約によることができないことから、 紙による契約書を締結します。記1 入札案件名大垣公共職業安定所揖斐出張所における窓口番号案内システムの購入契約(再度公告入札)2 政府電子調達システム(GEPS)による電子契約を締結できない理由( ) (具体的に記入)3 電子契約への対応予定時期( )令和 年 月頃( )その他 (具体的に記入)※ 本様式については、入札を電子により応札し、かつ、落札した者が、紙による契約書の締結を申請する場合に提出してください。契 約 書(案)1 件 名 大垣公共職業安定所揖斐出張所における窓口番号案内システムの購入契約2 履行場所 支出負担行為担当官が指定する場所3 履行期限 令和7年2月28日4 契約金額 金〇〇〇〇〇〇〇円(うち消費税及び地方消費税額 金〇〇〇〇〇〇円)取引に係る消費税額及び地方消費税額は、消費税法第28条第1項及び第29条並びに地方税法第72条の82及び第72条の83の規定に基づき算出した額とする。5 契約保証金 免除上記契約(以下「業務」という。)について、支出負担行為担当官 岐阜労働局総務部長 小宮山 彰浩(以下「甲」という。) と ○○○○○○○○○○(以下「乙」という。)は、別記条項により契約を締結する。本契約の証として本書二通を作成し、甲乙記名押印の上、各自一通を保有する。令和 年 月 日甲 岐阜市金竜町5丁目13番地支出負担行為担当官岐阜労働局総務部長 小宮山 彰浩 ㊞乙㊞記(信義誠実の原則)第1条 甲及び乙は、信義に従って誠実に本契約を履行しなければならない。(契約の目的)第2条 乙は、別添仕様書に基づき業務を行い、甲は乙にその対価を支払うものとする。(費用負担)第3条 本契約書に別に定めるものを除き、乙が本契約を履行する上で要する一切の費用は、乙の負担とする。(監督)第4条 甲は、本契約の履行に関し、甲の指定する監督職員に乙の業務を監督させ、必要な指示をさせることができる。(検査)第5条 乙は業務完了後、甲の指定する検査職員に報告し、検査を受けなければならない。2 甲の指定する検査職員は、契約履行状況について、報告を受けた日から10日以内に検査を行うものとする。3 乙は、業務終了時の検査に合格したときをもって、業務を完了するものとする。4 乙は、検査の結果不合格となったものについては、検査職員の指示に従い、遅滞なく手直しをし、再検査を受け、これに合格しなければならない。5 検査に必要な費用は、乙の負担とする。(危険負担)第6条 天災その他不可抗力又は甲乙双方の責に帰し得ない事由により、契約の履行ができなくなった場合は、乙は当該契約を履行する義務を免れ、甲は契約金額の支払いの義務を免れるものとする。(遅滞料)第7条 甲は、乙が履行期限までに業務を完了しないときは、その翌日から起算した遅滞日数に応じ、未履行分に相当する金額に対し、年3.0パーセントの割合で計算した額を遅滞料として徴収するものとする。2 前項の規定は、甲に生じた実際の損害の額が遅滞料の額を超過する場合において、甲がその超過分の損害につき乙に賠償請求することを妨げるものでない。(納期の無償延期)第8条 乙は、天災地変その他自己の責に帰し難い事由によって、履行期限内に業務を完了できないときは、その事由を詳記して、期限内に延期を請求することができる。2 甲は、前項の場合において、その請求が正当と認めたときは、遅滞料を免除して履行期限の延期を許すことができる。(契約金額の支払)第9条 乙は、第5条に規定する検査終了後、支払請求書を作成し、対価の支払いを、「官署支出官 岐阜労働局長」に請求するものとする。なお、消費税相当額を算出する際に生じた1円未満の端数については、切り捨てとする。2 甲は、乙より適法な支払請求書を受理した日から 30 日以内にその対価を支払わなければならない。(支払遅延利息)第10条 甲は、自己の責めに帰すべき事由により、前条第2項の期限までに対価を支払わないときは、その翌日から起算して支払う日までの日数に応じ、当該未払金額に対し、昭和24年12月大蔵省告示第991号「政府契約の支払遅延に対する遅延利息の率を定める件」に定める率により計算して得られた額(円未満切捨)を遅延利息として乙に支払うものとする。(権利義務の譲渡等)第11条 乙は、甲の承認を得た場合を除き、本契約によって生ずる権利又は義務の全部若しくは一部を第三者に譲渡又は委任してはならない。ただし、売掛債権担保融資保証制度に基づく融資を受けるに当たり信用保証協会、中小企業信用保険法施行令(昭和25年政令第350号)第1条の3に規定する金融機関、資産の流動化に関する法律(平成10年法律第105号)第2条第3項に規定する特定目的会社及び信託業法(平成16年法律第154号)第2条第2項に規定する信託会社に対し債権を譲渡する場合は、この限りでない。2 乙は、前項ただし書きの規定による債権譲渡をすることとなったときは、速やかにその旨を書面により甲に届け出なければならない。 (事情変更)第12条 甲及び乙は、本契約の締結後、経済情勢の変動、天災地変、法令の制定又は改廃、その他著しい事情の変更により、本契約に定める条件が不適当となったと認められる場合には、協議して本契約の全部又は一部を変更することができる。2 前項の場合において、本契約に定める条項を変更する必要があるときは、甲及び乙で協議して書面により定めるものとする。(契約の解除)第13条 甲は、いつでも自己の都合によって、本契約の全部又は一部を解除することができる。2 甲は、次の各号に該当するときは、本契約を解除することができる。この場合に乙は、契約金額(本契約締結後、契約金額の変更があった場合には、変更後の契約金額)の100分の10に相当する金額を、違約金として甲の指定する期間内に国庫に納付しなければならない。なお、第3号から第5号に該当すると認められるときは、何らの催告を要しない。(1) 第8条の規定により延期が認められた場合を除き、履行期限に合格品の受渡を終了しないとき。(2) 乙の都合により、乙が甲に対して本契約の解除を請求し、甲がそれを承認したとき。(3) 乙の責に帰する事由により、完全に契約を履行する見込みがないと明らかに認められるとき。(4) 甲が行う現品の検査又は納入に際し、乙又はその代理人若しくは使用人等が職務執行を妨げ、又は詐欺その他不正行為があると認められるとき。(5) 第26条の規定に違反したとき。3 甲は、乙について民法第 542 条各項各号に定める事由が発生したときは、何らの催告を要せず、本契約の全部又は一部を解除することができる。4 甲による本契約又は民法の各規定に基づく解除は、当該解除の理由に係る甲又は乙の責めに帰すべき事由の有無にかかわらず、これを行うことができるものとする。5 乙が第2項に規定する違約金を甲の指定する期日までに支払わないときは、乙は、当該期日を経過した日から支払をする日までの日数に応じ、年3.0パーセントの割合で計算した額の遅延利息を甲に支払わなければならない。6 第2項の規定は、甲に生じた実際の損害の額が違約金の額を超過する場合において、甲がその超過分について賠償請求することを妨げるものでない。(損害賠償)第14条 乙は、本契約の履行又は不履行に関連又は付随して甲に損害を与えたときは、甲に対し、その損害を賠償するものとする。2 乙は、本契約の履行に着手後、前条第1項による契約解除により損害を生じたときは、甲の意思表示があった日から10日以内に、甲にその損害の賠償を請求することができる。3 甲は、前項の請求を受けたときは、甲が適当と認めた金額に限り、損害を賠償するものとする。(談合等の不正行為に係る解除)第15条 甲は、本契約に関して、次の各号の一に該当するときは、何らの催告を要せず、本契約の全部又は一部を解除することができる。(1) 公正取引委員会が、乙又は乙の代理人(乙又は乙の代理人が法人の場合にあっては、その役員又は使用人。以下同じ。)に対し、私的独占の禁止及び公正取引の確保に関する法律(昭和 22 年法律第54号。以下「独占禁止法」という。)第7条又は同法第8条の2(同法第8条第1号若しくは第2号に該当する行為の場合に限る。)の規定による排除措置命令を行ったとき、同法第7条の2第1項(同法第8条の3において読み替えて準用する場合を含む。)の規定による課徴金の納付命令を行ったとき、又は同法第7条の4第7項若しくは第7条の7第3項の規定による課徴金の納付を命じない旨の通知を行ったとき。(2) 乙又は乙の代理人が刑法(明治40年法律第 45号)第96条の6若しくは同法第198条又は独占禁止法第 89 条第1項の規定による刑の容疑により公訴を提起されたとき(乙の役員又はその使用人が当該公訴を提起されたときを含む。)。(3) 競争参加資格を有していなかったこと、又は競争参加資格等に係る申告書に虚偽があったことが判明したとき。(4) 第3項の規定による報告を行わなかったとき。2 乙は、本契約に関して、乙又は乙の代理人が独占禁止法第7条の4第7項若しくは第 7 条の7第3項の規定による通知を受けた場合には、速やかに、当該通知文書の写しを甲に提出しなければならない。3 乙は、第1項第3号の事実(再委託先に係るものを含む。)を知った場合には、速やかに甲に報告しなければならない。(談合等の不正行為に係る違約金)第16条 乙は、本契約に関し、次の各号の一に該当するときは、甲が本契約の全部又は一部を解除するか否かにかかわらず、違約金(損害賠償金の予定)として、甲の請求に基づき、契約金額(本契約締結後、契約金額の変更があった場合には、変更後の契約金額)の100分の10に相当する額を甲が指定する期日までに支払わなければならない。(1) 公正取引委員会が、乙又は乙の代理人に対し、独占禁止法第7条又は同法第8条の2(同法第8条第1号若しくは第2号に該当する行為の場合に限る。)の規定による排除措置命令を行い、当該排除措置命令が確定したとき。(2) 公正取引委員会が、乙又は乙の代理人に対し、独占禁止法第7条の2第1項(同法第8条の3において読み替えて準用する場合を含む。)の規定による課徴金の納付命令を行い、当該納付命令が確定したとき。(3) 公正取引委員会が、乙又は乙の代理人に対し、独占禁止法第7条の4第7項若しくは第7条の7第3項の規定による課徴金の納付を命じない旨の通知を行ったとき。(4) 乙又は乙の代理人が刑法第96条の6若しくは同法第198条又は独占禁止法第89条第1項の規定による刑が確定したとき。(5) 前条第1項第3号又は第4号のいずれかに該当したとき。2 乙は、契約の履行を理由として、前項の違約金を免れることができない。3 乙が第1項に規定する違約金を甲の指定する期日までに支払わないときは、乙は、当該期日を経過した日から支払をする日までの日数に応じ、年3.0パーセントの割合で計算した額の遅延利息を甲に支払わなければならない。4 第1項の規定は、甲に生じた実際の損害の額が違約金の額を超過する場合において、甲がその超過分について賠償請求することを妨げるものでない。(属性要件に基づく契約解除)第17条 甲は、乙が次の各号の一に該当すると認められるときは、何らの催告を要せず、本契約を解除することができる。(1) 法人等(個人、法人又は団体をいう。)の役員等(個人である場合はその者、法人である場合は役員又は支店若しくは営業所(常時契約を締結する事務所をいう。)の代表者、団体である場合は代表者、理事等、その他経営に実質的に関与している者をいう。 )が、暴力団(暴力団員による不当な行為の防止等に関する法律(平成3年法律第 77 号)第2条第2号に規定する暴力団をいう。 仕 様 書(大垣公共職業安定所 揖斐出張所)1 件名大垣公共職業安定所 揖斐出張所 窓口番号案内システムの購入(再度公告入札)2 履行場所大垣公共職業安定所 揖斐出張所〒501-0605 揖斐郡揖斐川町極楽寺字村前95-1現地担当者: 古田℡:0585-22-01493 履行期限令和7年2月28日(金)4 システム構成概要及び現地調査について(1)概要各窓口へのスムーズな誘導のため、以下のシステム機器構成により、来所者の利用目的別に発券、呼び出しを行う。それぞれのブロックより業務に対応する番号札を発券機から発券し、各ブロック内の窓口からの番号呼び出し操作に連動して、窓口案内音声および表示機への表示により各窓口に案内を行うシステムであること。また、既存システムの撤去を行うこと。(2)現地調査について入札への参加を希望する業者は必ず事前に履行場所の現地調査を行い、電源の確保や配線処理及び各機器の設置方法等の確認を行うこと。なお、現地調査の際は、事前に2の現地担当者へ連絡し、日程調整を行うこと。5 調達数量一覧種類 単位 数量システム制御端末 兼 発券機 台 1発券用プリンター 台 1案内用ディスプレイ 台 6窓口操作機(呼出端末) 台 9その他システム構成に必要な機器類 式 1※設置場所の詳細は、「別添図面」のとおり。6 機器仕様基準となるシステム:リプライス株式会社 ネコの目待ち楽flex発券機システム(1) システム制御端末 兼 発券機:1台① 10業務以上に対応しており、無制限に階層分けできる機能があること。② 11インチ程度のタッチパネルによる操作が可能であること。③ ディスプレイ部分は各業務別に番号札発券時点での待ち人数や待ち時間を表示できるものであること。④ 文字内容・表示色・背景色等の設定ができること。また、設定を入力するキーボードを備え付けていること。⑤ 専用の発券用プリンターと連動し、発券できること。⑥ 発券した番号札には、発券番号(4 桁)のほか、表題・日付・任意の文章・シンボルマーク等のロゴやキャラクターを取り入れた画面等が印字できるものであること。⑦ 発券番号は業務ごとに開始番号を設定し、一定の番号に到達した時点でループするものであること。⑧ 他の業務への番号の持ち回り(渡り)機能があること。⑨ 発券画面、番号札の表示を当方職員で容易に変更できること。⑩ 待ち人数、待ち時間などの傾向や分析などデータ集計機能を有し、CSV形式での出力が可能であること。⑪ 盗難防止装置(ワイヤー等)が施されていること。⑫ 有線方式での設置も可能とするが、床面、天井及び壁面への配線は来客者の妨げにならないこと。⑬ 国際エネルギースタープログラム、RoHS又はJ-Mossグリーンマーク、グリーン購入法のいずれかに適合すること。(2)発券用プリンター:1台① 印刷方式は、感熱式とすること。② 58mm幅程度のロール紙使用で、自動、もしくは容易に用紙の切り離しができること。③ 用紙以外に消耗品を要しないこと。(3)案内用ディスプレイ:6台① 窓口操作機から呼び出した番号や待ち人数、番号表示画面や、業務ごとの待ち人数や待ち時間、待ち状況画面が表示可能であること。② 表示画面のローテーションが可能なこと。③ 呼び出し時には、ポップアップ画面が表示でき、呼び出し番号のほかに、窓口番号、静止画等が表示可能であること。④ 窓口番号の設定は、数字のほか、任意の言葉(「受付」「窓口」等)の設定ができること。⑤ 写真や静止画像データ等をスライドショー方式で表示できること。なお、表示できる画像ファイル形式はJPEGなど一般的な形式であること。⑥ 音声による呼び出し案内が可能であること。また、業務ごとで、待ち人数や時間に合わせ複数設定できるものであること。⑦ システム制御端末等により音声の変更が可能であること。⑧ これらの設定が当方職員で容易に変更できること。⑨ ディスプレイのサイズは次のとおりとする。・ 24インチ程度 6台⑩ ディスプレイは、内臓スピーカーによる音声出力で、十分呼び出し案内が可能であるものを使用すること。ディスプレイの規格等により音量が不十分な場合は、別途スピーカーを設置すること。⑪ 設置については2の現地担当者との打ち合わせの上、壁掛け又は天吊りとし、必要に応じて適切な取付金具等を使用し、落下等が無いように強度を十分に考慮して設置すること。⑫ 国際エネルギースタープログラム、RoHS又はJ-Mossグリーンマーク、グリーン購入法のいずれかに適合すること。(4)窓口操作機(呼出端末):9台(内1台予備機)① サイズは8インチ程度とすること。② 無線方式により発券機などの諸機器と連動させること。③ それぞれの端末機器が相互干渉し不具合が生じるものではないこと。④ ハローワーク、来所者が使用する携帯電話、モバイル機器及び近隣の無線通信設備等に障害を与えるものでないこと。⑤ 片手で持てる大きさの軽量なPDAで、タッチパネル方式のものとする。⑥ 充電器を付属すること。⑦ 特定の窓口番号のみに使用を限定するものでなく汎用性があること。⑧ 業務ごとの待ち人数、待ち時間が表示可能であること。⑨ 表示されている待ち人数等はリアルタイム更新を含め更新時間の設定ができること。⑩ 次の番号を呼び出すほかに、再度呼び出す機能、一覧から選択して呼び出す機能、任意の番号を呼び出す機能があること。⑪ 発券時チャイムを鳴らす機能があり、チャイム音は業務ごとに変更できること。⑫ 文字やマーク等を入力するメモ機能があり、システム制御端末及びすべての窓口操作機にて内容を共有する機能があること。(5) その他① 呼び出し案内については、ディスプレイ内臓スピーカーによる音声出力を想定しているが、ディスプレイの規格等により音量が不十分な場合は、別途スピーカーを設置すること。7 搬入設置及び撤去作業(1)2の現地担当者との打ち合わせの上、搬入設置及び撤去作業を行うものとする。(2)現在使用中の窓口番号案内システム(株式会社事務クリエイト 受付順番待ちシステム)一式の撤去を行い、新たな窓口番号案内システム一式を設置する。撤去予定の機器は下記のとおり。発券機:1台|発券用プリンター:1台|表示器:6台窓口操作機:8台|管理PC:1台|その他システム構成機器:一式上記のとおり予定しているが、数量が変更になる可能性があるため考慮すること。(3)搬入設置及び撤去作業にあたり、建物、工作物、備品等を損傷、汚損した場合、直ちに担当職員に報告するとともに、受注者の責任において完全に修復すること。 8 その他(1)サーバーを要する場合には、国際エネルギースタープログラム、RoHS又はJ-Mossグリーンマーク、グリーン購入法のいずれかに適合すること。また、設置場所については、2の現地担当者と打合せのうえ決定すること。(2)設置に関して必要となるケーブル、無線ルーター、スピーカー、ハブ、ルーター等付属機器についてはすべて契約業者において準備することとし、すべての機器について据付、接続、配線、現地調整、ソフトウェアのインストール、導入時の設定作業等の付帯作業まで行い、発券機、大型ディスプレイ及び操作機が連動し、自動窓口案内システムとして正常に即使用可能な状態で納入すること。また、可能な限りの耐震、盗難防止などの対策を講じること。(3)システムの導入にあたり、一部無線通信による方式を採用することとするが、外部からの不正アクセス、通信内容を傍受されることがないよう、無線アクセスポイントと通信を行う機器間とのセキュリティ対策を十分に講じること。また、通信速度が低下したり、接続が不安定になったりしないよう適切な通信規格及びストリーム数を使用しているものであること。さらに、来所者が使用する携帯端末や近隣施設等の無線設備に障害を与えないよう最適な周波数帯を使用しているものであること。(4)調達する物品は新品であること。また、番号札等に必要な消耗品(58mm 感熱ロール紙 約10,000枚分)も合わせて納品すること。(5)導入時の各種設定内容(業務数、表示・印字内容等)については、2の現地担当者と打合せのうえ決定すること。(6)導入後は、自動窓口案内システム各機器の基本操作、設定変更方法、故障時の対応などの操作手順を記載したマニュアルを2部作成・提供し、操作説明を十分に行うこと。 (担当者の要望に応じて、関係職員に対する操作説明会等を行うこと。説明会は時間をずらし複数回実施する。)(7)システム稼働初日において、技術員を1日、納入場所に常駐させ不具合等に備えること。また必要に応じて操作者に対し、機器操作指導を行うこと。(8)有線方式採用にあたり、床面、天井及び壁面などへの配線は、来所者や職員等の妨げとならないよう、配慮すること。(9)上記機器の設置場所は、「別添図面」のとおり予定しているが、実際の設置場所については、変更になる可能性があることを了承すること。(10)故障時に、連絡から概ね1時間以内に初期対応できる体制が確保されていること(電話もしくはリモート対応可)。電話もしくはリモート対応が不可能な場合は当日中(遅くとも翌日まで)に現地に赴き対応できる体制が確保されていること。また、緊急時に対応できるよう代替え(予備)端末を数台確保すること。(11)設置中は、適正な養生を施し、施設及び既設機器等の保全に努めるとともに、危険、火災、盗難等の事故防止には万全の注意を払い、事故回避のため十分な安全対策を講じること。(12)本契約で知り得た事項は、守秘義務を厳守し、情報漏えい防止対策に万全を期すこと。(13)設置後、1年以内に使用者の責めに帰すべき理由がある場合を除き、機器等に不具合が生じた場合は、原因を調査するとともに無償で修理を行うこと。また、故障時において、メーカーが直接対応できる体制(コールセンター等)を整えていること(外部委託業者不可)。1年経過後でも機器等に不具合が生じた場合は、誠意を持って早急に対応ができる体制を確保すること。9 契約担当部署岐阜労働局総務課〒500-8723 岐阜市金竜町5丁目13番地 岐阜合同庁舎3階会計第1係 浅野 ℡:058-245-8101窓口操作機 発券機 発券用プリンター 案内用ディスプレイ① ⑦書庫書 棚FAX書 棚ダクト印刷室書棚相 談 室汎用端末プリンタ書棚記載台求 人 検 索 シ ス テ ムプリンタ記載台HWシスコピー記載台書 棚HWシス プリンタ記載台 ~ 待 合週刊求人情報プリンタ書 棚【総合受付】大垣公共職業安定所 揖斐出張所 配置図玄関ホール収納庫 Tender announcement Tender announcement Announcement regarding public competitive bidding The following items will be open to public competitive bidding. October 16, 2024 Expenditure and Burdening Officer Director, General Affairs Department, Gifu Labor Bureau Akihiro Komiyama 1. Items open to competitive bidding (1) Subject Ogaki Public Employment Security Office Ibi Branch Office... Gifu Labor Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture Bidding information is as follows. Subject Tender announcement Announcement date or update date October 16, 2024 Organization Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Date of acquisition October 16, 2024 19:06:25 Announcement content Announcement regarding public competitive bidding The following items will be open to public competitive bidding. October 16, 2024Expense and Burden OfficerGifu Labor BureauGeneral Affairs Division DirectorKomiya Akihiro1. Items to be put up for competitive bidding(1) TitlePurchase contract for counter number information system at Ogaki Public Employment Security Office Ibi Branch (re-announced bidding)(2) Procurement detailsAs per bidding instructions and specifications(3) Performance deadlineFebruary 28, 2025(4) Bidding methodThe bid amount should be stated as the total price.In addition, when determining the successful bid, the amount stated in the bid document plus 10% of the said amount (rounded down to the nearest yen) will be the successful bid price.Therefore, bidders, regardless of whether they are taxable businesses or tax-exempt businesses with respect to consumption tax, etc., should state in the bid document an amount equivalent to 110/100 of the estimated contract amount. (5) Use of the Government Electronic Procurement System (GEPS) (hereinafter referred to as the "Electronic Procurement System"). In principle, this project will be conducted through the Electronic Procurement System. However, if an applicant has difficulty using the Electronic Procurement System, he/she may use the paper bidding method only if he/she makes a written request to the Expenditure and Burdening Act Officer. 2. Eligibility to Participate in the Bidding (1) The applicant must not fall under the provisions of Article 70 of the Budget, Accounting and Auditing Act. In addition, minors, persons under guardianship, or persons under assistance who have obtained the consent necessary for entering into a contract fall under the case of special reasons in the same article. (2) The applicant must not fall under the provisions of Article 71 of the Budget, Accounting and Auditing Act. (3) The applicant must be rated B, C, or D in the "sales of goods" category in the Tokai and Hokuriku regions in terms of the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare's qualification to participate in the bidding (Ministry-wide unified qualification) for fiscal years 2022, 2023, and 2024. (4) The applicant must not have any outstanding insurance premiums for the two years immediately preceding the deadline for submitting the bid documents for this bid (two insurance years for E and F). A. Employees' Pension Insurance B. Health Insurance (administered by the National Health Insurance Association) C. Seamen's Insurance D. National Pension E. Workmen's Accident Compensation Insurance F. Employment Insurance (5) A person who is deemed not to have stated false facts in the qualification examination application form or attached documents. (6) A person whose business situation or creditworthiness is deemed not to have deteriorated significantly. (7) A person who is not currently subject to a suspension of bidding by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. (8) A person who has not received administrative sanctions for violation of laws and regulations under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare within the past year. However, this does not apply if a person has received a suspension order, etc. from a labor standards inspection agency for violation of labor standards-related laws, but has taken corrective measures and received a "Notice of Lifting Suspension Order, etc." (9) A person who has not been referred to prosecutors for violation of laws and regulations under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare within the past year, and this fact has not been made public. (10) A person who has other qualifications as determined by the expenditure and burdening officer pursuant to the provisions of Article 73 of the Budget, Accounting and Auditing Act. 3. Location of contract clauses (1) Place of delivery of tender documents, place of contract clauses and contact information 5-13 Kinryu-cho, Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture 500-8723 Gifu Joint Government Building, 3rd floor Gifu Labor Bureau, General Affairs Department, General Affairs Division, Accounting Section 1 Telephone: 058-245-8101, extension 123 (2) Delivery method of tender documents You can download them from the delivery place in (1) above or from the Gifu Labor Bureau website. (3) Delivery period of tender documents Wednesday, October 16, 2024 to Wednesday, October 23, 2024, 5:00 p.m. (4) Tender information session An information session for this tender will be held at any time. (5) Deadline for receipt of application forms and place of submissionUntil noon on Friday, October 25, 2024Location of (1)(6) Deadline for receipt of application forms and place of submissionUntil noon on Monday, October 28, 2024Location of (1)(7) Date and time of opening of bids and place of opening of bids14:00 on Monday, October 28, 2024Location of (1)4 Others(1) Language and currency used in the contract procedureJapanese and Japanese currency(2) Exemption from bid and contract security(3) Requirements for biddersThose who wish to participate in this bid must submit documents certifying that they can perform the work specified in this announcement and a pledge that they are not affiliated with an organized crime group, etc., by the specified date. If the expenditure and liability officer requests an explanation of the documents, the bidder must comply with the request.(4) Invalidation of bidsBids submitted by persons who are not eligible to participate in the competition as specified in this announcement, bids submitted by persons who have not fulfilled the obligations required of bidders, and bids submitted by persons who have violated the conditions of the bid will be invalid. In addition, if a bidder does not submit the pledge in (3), or makes a false pledge, or violates the pledge, the bidder's bid will be invalid. (5) Necessity of contract preparation Yes. In principle, contracts are to be concluded electronically, but those with special circumstances may conclude a paper contract upon written application to the expenditure and burdening officer. (6) Method of determining successful bidder The successful bidder will be the bidder who the expenditure and burdening officer judges to be able to perform the work specified in this announcement and who submits a valid bid with the lowest price within the range of the estimated price limit prepared based on the provisions of Article 79 of the Budget, Accounting and Auditing Act. (7) Contract-related documents The documents required for the contract procedure, such as estimates, bid documents, and invoices submitted by the person in charge, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "contract-related documents"), are decided by the business operator. If any irregularities such as false statements are discovered in contract-related documents where a seal is omitted, the contract may be terminated or a penalty may be collected. (8) Other details are provided in the bidding instructions. This announcement is hereby announced. Bidding instructionsPurchase contract for the counter number information system at the Ibi Branch Office of the Ogaki Public Employment Security Office (re-announced bidding)Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Gifu Labor BureauReceipt for bidding instructions, etc.If you downloaded the bidding documents from the website, please fill in the bold box below on this form and submit it by email or mail. If you do not submit it, we may not be able to contact you regarding changes to specifications or answers to questions from other potential participants. Please be sure to send it so that there are no omissions. Bidding item namePurchase contract for the counter number information system at the Ibi Branch Office of the Ogaki Public Employment Security Office (re-announced bidding)Date of receipt of bidding instructions (download date)YearMonthDayBusiness nameBusiness addressName of person in chargeTelephone numberEmail addressBidding participation method□ Electronic procurement system□ Paper biddingNotes※ This receipt will be used to confirm contact information when changing specifications or answering questions. ※ If you decline to participate in the bid after submitting this form, no special procedures are required, but we may ask you for the reason for your withdrawal at a later date. Please contact Asano, Accounting Section 1, General Affairs Division, General Affairs Department, Gifu Labor Bureau, at gifukyoku-kaikei123@mhlw.go.jp3rd floor, Gifu Joint Government Building, 5-13 Kinryu-cho, Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture, 500-8723 (Tel: 058-245-8101) Bidding, etc. based on the public competitive bidding announcement (dated October 16, 2024) of the Gifu Labor Bureau shall be conducted in accordance with this bidding explanation document in addition to the provisions of the Accounting Act (Act No. 35 of 1947), the Budget and Accounting Ordinance (Imperial Ordinance No. 165 of 1947, hereinafter referred to as the "Budget and Accounting Ordinance"), and the Rules for Handling Contract Affairs (Ministry of Finance Ordinance No. 52 of 1962). 1. Contract Officer and Other Expenditure and Burdening Officer Director of General Affairs Department, Gifu Labor Bureau Akihiro Komiyama 2. Procurement Details (1) Subject "Purchase Contract for Window Number Information System at Ogaki Public Employment Security Office Ibi Branch Office (Re-announced Bidding)" (2) Specifications In accordance with the specifications. (3) Performance date February 28, 2025 (4) Place of performance Place designated by the expenditure and burdening officer (5) Bidding method The successful bidder will be determined by open competitive bidding (lowest price bidding method). A Bidders shall estimate the contract amount, including all expenses required for the performance of the work specified in the specifications. B When determining the successful bidder, the amount stated in the bid document plus 10% of the said amount (rounded down to the nearest yen) shall be the successful bid price. Therefore, regardless of whether the bidder is a taxable or exempt business subject to consumption tax, the bidder must submit a bid document stating an amount equivalent to 110/100 of the estimated contract amount. (6) Bidding method In principle, this project will be carried out through the Government Electronic Procurement System (GEPS) (hereinafter referred to as the "Electronic Procurement System"). However, those with special circumstances may participate through paper bidding by submitting an application using the "Participation in electronic bidding projects through paper bidding" [Form 5]. (7) Exemption from bid bond and contract bond 3 Eligibility to participate in the competition (1) A person who does not fall under the provisions of Article 70 of the Budgetary and Accounting Order. In addition, minors, persons under guardianship, or persons under assistance who have obtained the consent necessary for entering into a contract fall under the case of special reasons in the same Article. (2) A person who does not fall under the provisions of Article 71 of the Budgetary and Accounting Order. (3) A person whose qualification to participate in the competitive bidding of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare for fiscal years 2022, 2023, and 2024 (unified qualification for the whole ministry) is rated B, C, or D in the Tokai and Hokuriku regions in the category of "sale of goods." (4) A person to whom the systems listed in the following items apply has no arrears with insurance premiums for the two years immediately preceding the deadline for submitting bid documents for this bid (two insurance years for E and F). A Employee's Pension Insurance B Health Insurance (administered by the National Health Insurance Association) C Seamen's Insurance D National Pension E Workmen's Accident Compensation Insurance F Employment Insurance * For E and F, if the date for completing the annual renewal procedure for the current year has not yet arrived, there must be no arrears for the previous year and the year before, and if the date for completing the annual renewal procedure is after the date for completing the annual renewal procedure, there must be no arrears for the current year and the previous year (only those for which payment in installments are permitted and the payment deadline has arrived). (5) A person who is deemed not to have stated false facts in the qualification examination application form or attached documents. (6) A person whose business situation or creditworthiness is deemed not to have deteriorated significantly. (7) A person who is not currently subject to a suspension of nomination by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. (8) A person who has not received administrative sanctions for violation of laws and regulations under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare within the past year. However, this does not apply if a person has received a suspension order from a labor standards inspection agency for violation of labor standards laws and regulations (※), but has taken corrective measures and received a "Notice of Lifting the Suspension Order". * The labor standards laws are as follows: Labor Standards Act, Industrial Safety and Health Act, Minimum Wage Act, Act on Security of Wage Payment, Homework Act, Working Environment Measurement Act, Pneumoconiosis Act, Special Measures Act on Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Caused by Coal Mine Accidents (9) The person has not been referred to prosecutors for a violation of laws under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare within the past year, and this fact has not been made public. (10) The person has other qualifications as determined by the expenditure and liability officer pursuant to Article 73 of the Budgetary and Accounting Order. 4. Submission of application form for bid, etc. Participants in this bid must submit documents by the deadline in accordance with the following. (1) Documents to be submitted A. Application to participate in bidding [Form 1] B. Notice of results of eligibility review under 3(3) (copy) C. Declaration of eligibility to participate in bidding, etc. [Form 2] D. Participation in electronic bidding via paper bidding [Form 5] (only for bidders using paper bidding) E. Company resume or similar document (e.g. company profile, brochure) F. Written pledge [Form 7] (2) Deadline for submission: Friday, October 25, 2024, noon (3) Place of submission: Gifu Joint Government Building, 3rd Floor, General Affairs Department, General Affairs Division, Gifu Labor Bureau, 5-13 Kinryu-cho, Gifu City, 500-8723 Tel: 058-245-8101 (4) Method of submission: Submit in person, by mail (only those which leave a record of delivery, such as registered mail), or via the electronic procurement system. (5) Points to note when submitting documents A. If an explanation is requested regarding the documents by the expenditure and liability official up until the day before the opening of the bids, the document must be answered. B. Documents submitted cannot be changed or cancelled, regardless of the reason. The same applies below.) or a gang member (meaning a gang member as defined in Article 2, paragraph 6 of the same law. The same applies below.) (2) When an officer, etc. uses a gang or a gang member with the purpose of obtaining wrongful benefits for himself, his company or a third party, or with the purpose of causing damage to a third party (3) When an officer, etc. directly or actively cooperates with or is involved in the maintenance or operation of a gang by providing funds, etc. or convenience to a gang or a gang member (4) When an officer, etc. knowingly uses a gang or a gang member in an inappropriate manner (5) When an officer, etc. has a relationship with a gang or a gang member that can be socially criticized2 (1) A person who behaves inappropriately as a contracting party (2) A person who makes unreasonable demands that exceed legal responsibility (3) A person who uses threatening words or actions or violence in relation to a transaction (4) A person who uses fraud or intimidation to interfere with the work of a contracting officer, etc. (5) A person who behaves in a manner similar to any of the preceding items Date of Reiwa Year Month Address Trade name or company name Representative's name * If an individual, please write your date of birth. * If a corporation, please write the names and dates of birth of its directors on the back or attach them in any format. Form 7 (back) List of officers, etc. As of 2020/0/21 Position (in katakana) Name Date of birth 2020/0/21 * Any format is acceptable as long as the necessary information is included Form 8 Regarding the conclusion of a paper contract 2020/0/21 To: Director of General Affairs, Gifu Labor Bureau, Expenditure and Burdening Officer Address Company name or name Representative Position Name For the following bidding item ordered by your bureau, we will conclude a paper contract as it is not possible to conclude the contract electronically using the Government Electronic Procurement System (GEPS). Details 1 Bidding item name Contract to purchase a counter number information system for the Ibi Branch Office of Ogaki Public Employment Security Office (re-announced bidding) 2 Reason why an electronic contract cannot be concluded using the Government Electronic Procurement System (GEPS) ( ) (Please specify) 3 Planned time to support electronic contracts ( ) Around 2020/0/21 ( ) Other (Please specify) *This form should be submitted if the bidder submits a bid electronically and applies for a paper contract to be concluded after the successful bidder submits a bid. Contract (draft)1. Subject: Contract to purchase a counter number information system for the Ibi Branch Office of Ogaki Public Employment Security Office2. Place of performance: Location designated by the expenditure and liability officer3. Deadline for performance: February 28, 20254. Contract amount: XXXXX yen (including consumption tax and local consumption tax: XXXXX yen)The amount of consumption tax and local consumption tax on the transaction shall be calculated in accordance with the provisions of Articles 28, Paragraph 1 and 29 of the Consumption Tax Act and Articles 72-82 and 72-83 of the Local Tax Act. 5. Contract Deposit ExemptionRegarding the above contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Service"), the Expense and Liability Officer, Director of the General Affairs Department, Gifu Labor Bureau, Akihiro Komiyama (hereinafter referred to as "Party A") and ○○○○○○○○○○ (hereinafter referred to as "Party B") enter into a contract in accordance with the attached provisions. As proof of this contract, two copies of this document will be prepared, and both Parties A and B will sign and seal the document, and each party will retain one copy. Date: 5-13 Kinryu-cho, Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture Expense and Liability Officer Director of the General Affairs Department, Gifu Labor Bureau, Akihiro Komiyama (Principle of Good Faith and Sincerity)Article 1 Party A and Party B must perform this contract in good faith. (Purpose of the Contract)Article 2 Party B will perform the work based on the attached specifications, and Party A will pay Party B the fee for the work. (Cost Burden)Article 3 Party B will bear all costs incurred by Party B in performing this contract, except as otherwise specified in this contract. (Supervision) Article 4 Party A may have a supervisory official designated by Party A supervise Party B's work and give necessary instructions regarding the performance of this contract. (Inspection) Article 5 Party B must report to the inspection official designated by Party A after completing the work and undergo an inspection. 2 Party A's designated inspection official shall inspect the contract performance status within 10 days from the date of receiving the report. 3 Party B shall complete the work when it passes the inspection at the end of the work. 4 Party B must promptly correct any items that fail the inspection in accordance with the instructions of the inspection official, undergo a re-inspection, and pass it. 5 Party B shall bear the costs necessary for the inspection. (Risk Burden) Article 6 In the event that the contract cannot be performed due to a natural disaster or other force majeure, or a reason beyond the control of either Party A or Party B, Party B shall be relieved of the obligation to perform the contract, and Party A shall be relieved of the obligation to pay the contract amount. (Late fees) Article 7 If Party A does not complete the work by the due date, Party A shall collect late fees calculated at a rate of 3.0% per annum on the amount equivalent to the unperformed portion according to the number of days of delay calculated from the day after the failure. 2 The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not prevent Party A from claiming compensation from Party B for the excess damages in the event that the amount of actual damages incurred by Party A exceeds the amount of the late fees. (Free extension of delivery date) Article 8 If Party B is unable to complete the work within the due date due to a natural disaster or other cause beyond its control, it may request an extension within the due date, detailing the cause. 2 In the case of the preceding paragraph, Party A may waive the late fees and allow the extension of the due date if it deems the request justified. (Payment of contract amount) Article 9 After the completion of the inspection prescribed in Article 5, Party B shall prepare a payment invoice and request payment of the consideration from the "Government Office Disbursing Officer, Director of the Gifu Labor Bureau." Any fractions of less than one yen arising when calculating the amount equivalent to the consumption tax shall be rounded down. 2 Party A shall pay the consideration within 30 days from the date of receipt of a legitimate payment invoice from Party B. (Interest on late payment) Article 10 If Party A fails to pay the consideration by the deadline set forth in the preceding Article 2 due to reasons attributable to Party A, Party A shall pay Party B an amount (rounded down to the nearest yen) calculated as late interest on the unpaid amount based on the rate set forth in the Ministry of Finance Notification No. 991 of December 1949, "Matter Determining the Rate of Late Interest for Late Payments on Government Contracts," in proportion to the number of days from the day following the failure to pay. (Transfer of rights and obligations, etc.) Article 11 Party B shall not transfer or delegate to a third party, in whole or in part, any rights or obligations arising from this Agreement, except with the approval of Party A. However, this does not apply when transferring claims to a credit guarantee corporation, a financial institution as defined in Article 1-3 of the Small and Medium Enterprise Credit Insurance Law Enforcement Order (Cabinet Order No. 350 of 1950), a special purpose company as defined in Article 2-3 of the Law on Liquidation of Assets (Law No. 105 of 1998), or a trust company as defined in Article 2-2 of the Trust Business Law (Law No. 154 of 2004) in order to obtain a loan based on the accounts receivable secured loan guarantee system. 2 When Party B transfers claims pursuant to the proviso of the preceding paragraph, it must promptly notify Party A in writing of such transfer. (Change of Circumstances) Article 12 Party A and Party B may, after the conclusion of this Agreement, revise all or part of this Agreement in consultation if it is deemed that the conditions set forth in this Agreement have become inappropriate due to changes in the economic situation, natural disasters, the establishment or amendment of laws and regulations, or other significant changes in circumstances. 2 In the case of the preceding paragraph, when it is necessary to change the provisions set forth in this Agreement, Party A and Party B shall consult with each other and determine the changes in writing. (Termination of Contract) Article 13 Party A may terminate this Contract in whole or in part at any time for its own convenience. 2 Party A may terminate this Contract in any of the following cases. In such cases, Party B must pay to the National Treasury an amount equivalent to 10% of the contract amount (or the revised contract amount if the contract amount has been changed after the conclusion of this Contract) as a penalty within the period designated by Party A. However, no notice is required if Party B falls under any of the cases 3 to 5. (1) When Party B does not complete delivery of the qualified products by the performance deadline, except in cases where an extension is permitted pursuant to the provisions of Article 8. (2) When Party B requests Party A to terminate this Contract for Party B's convenience and Party A approves the request. (3) When it is clearly recognized that Party B is unlikely to fully perform the contract due to reasons attributable to Party B. (4) When Party B or its agents or employees, etc. are found to have obstructed the performance of duties or committed fraud or other wrongdoings during the inspection or delivery of the actual products by Party A. (5) When the provisions of Article 26 are violated. 3 Party A may terminate this Agreement in whole or in part without any notice if any of the events specified in each item of Article 542 of the Civil Code occur with respect to Party B. 4 Party A may terminate this Agreement or any of the provisions of the Civil Code regardless of whether there is a reason attributable to Party A or Party B in relation to the cause of said termination. 5 If Party B fails to pay the penalty specified in Paragraph 2 by the due date specified by Party A, Party B shall be entitled to a fine of 300 yen per year in proportion to the number of days from the date of said due date to the date of payment.Party A shall pay Party A interest on delays calculated at a rate of 10.0%. 6 The provisions of paragraph 2 shall not prevent Party A from claiming compensation for the excess amount in the event that the amount of actual damage incurred by Party A exceeds the amount of the penalty. (Compensation for Damages) Article 14 Party B shall compensate Party A for damages incurred in connection with or incidental to the performance or non-performance of this Agreement. 2 Party B may claim compensation for damages from Party A within 10 days from the date of Party A's expression of intention after starting the performance of this Agreement. 3 Party A shall compensate Party A for damages only to the amount that Party A deems appropriate when it receives a claim under the preceding paragraph. (Termination due to fraudulent conduct such as collusion) Article 15 Party A may terminate this Agreement in whole or in part without any notice if any of the following items apply to this Agreement: (1) When the Fair Trade Commission has issued an exclusion order pursuant to Article 7 or Article 8-2 of the Act on Prohibition of Private Monopolization and Maintenance of Fair Trade (Act No. 54 of 1947; hereinafter referred to as the "Antimonopoly Act") (limited to cases of acts falling under Article 8, item 1 or 2 of the same Act), an order to pay a surcharge pursuant to Article 7-2, paragraph 1 of the same Act (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 8-3 of the same Act), or has given a notice to the effect that it will not order the payment of a surcharge pursuant to Article 7-4, paragraph 7 or Article 7-7, paragraph 3 of the same Act. (2) When Party B or its agent is indicted on suspicion of a crime under Article 96-6 or Article 198 of the Penal Code (Law No. 45 of 1907) or Article 89, Paragraph 1 of the Antimonopoly Act (including when Party B's officers or employees are indicted on such charges). (3) When it is discovered that Party B was not qualified to participate in the bidding, or that a false statement was made in the declaration regarding qualification to participate in the bidding, etc. (4) When Party B fails to make a report under Paragraph 3. 2 When Party B or its agent receives a notice under Article 7-4, Paragraph 7 or Article 7-7, Paragraph 3 of the Antimonopoly Act in relation to this Agreement, Party B must promptly submit a copy of the written notice to Party A. 3 When Party B becomes aware of any fact under Paragraph 1, Paragraph 3 (including any related to a subcontractor), Party B must promptly report it to Party A. Article 16 (Penalty for Misconduct Such as Collision) In relation to this Agreement, Party B shall pay, upon Party A's request, an amount equivalent to 10% of the contract amount (or the revised contract amount, if the contract amount has been changed after the conclusion of this Agreement) as a penalty (estimated damages) by the date designated by Party A, regardless of whether Party A terminates this Agreement in whole or in part, if any of the following items apply: (1) When the Fair Trade Commission issues an exclusion order to Party B or its agent pursuant to Article 7 or Article 8-2 of the Antimonopoly Act (limited to cases of acts that fall under Article 8, item 1 or 2 of the Antimonopoly Act) and said exclusion order becomes final. (2) When the Fair Trade Commission issues an order to pay a surcharge pursuant to Article 7-2, paragraph 1 of the Antimonopoly Act (including cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 8-3 of the Antimonopoly Act) to Party B or its agent and said payment order becomes final. (3) When the Fair Trade Commission has notified Party B or its agent that it will not order the payment of the surcharge pursuant to Article 7-4, Paragraph 7 or Article 7-7, Paragraph 3 of the Antimonopoly Act. (4) When Party B or its agent has been sentenced under Article 96-6 or Article 198 of the Penal Code or Article 89, Paragraph 1 of the Antimonopoly Act, the sentence has been finalized. (5) When Party B falls under either item 3 or 4 of Paragraph 1 of the preceding article. 2 Party B cannot avoid the penalty pursuant to the preceding paragraph on the grounds of performance of the contract. 3 If Party B fails to pay the penalty pursuant to Paragraph 1 by the due date specified by Party A, Party B shall be entitled to a surcharge of 3.Party A shall pay Party A late interest calculated at a rate of 1.0%. 4. The provisions of paragraph 1 shall not prevent Party A from claiming compensation for the excess amount in the event that the amount of actual damage suffered by Party A exceeds the amount of the penalty. (Termination of contract based on attribute requirements) Article 17 Party A may terminate this contract without any notice if Party B is found to fall under any of the following items. (1) An officer, etc. (individual, corporation, or organization) of a corporation, etc. (individual, corporation, or organization) ...) of a corporation, etc., is a member of an organized crime group (an organized crime group as defined in Article 2, paragraph 2 of the Law Concerning the Prevention of Unfair Activities by Organized Crime Group Members (Law No. 77 of 1991). Specification (Ogaki Public Employment Security Office, Ibi Branch Office) 1. Subject Purchase of a counter number information system for Ogaki Public Employment Security Office, Ibi Branch Office (re-announced bidding) 2. Place of performance Ogaki Public Employment Security Office, Ibi Branch Office 95-1 Muramae, Gokurakuji, Ibigawa-cho, Ibi-gun, 501-0605 Local person in charge: Furuta Tel: 0585-22-0149 3. Deadline for fulfillment: Friday, February 28, 2025 4. System configuration overview and on-site inspection (1) Overview: To smoothly guide visitors to each counter, the following system equipment configuration will be used to issue tickets and call visitors according to their purpose of use. The system will issue numbered tickets corresponding to the business from the ticket issuing machine in each block, and in conjunction with the number calling operation from the counter in each block, provide guidance to each counter by voice guidance at the counter and display on the display. In addition, the existing system will be removed. (2) On-site inspection: Contractors who wish to participate in the bidding must conduct an on-site inspection of the fulfillment location in advance to check the securing of a power source, wiring processing, and the installation method of each device. In addition, when conducting an on-site inspection, contact the on-site person in 2 in advance to arrange a schedule. 5. List of procurement quantities Type Unit Quantity System control terminal/ticket issuing machine Units 1 Ticket issuing printer Units 1 Information display Units 6 Counter operation device (call terminal) Units 9 Other equipment required for system configuration Sets 1 *Details of the installation location are as follows: "Attached drawing". 6. System that serves as the standard for equipment specifications: Reprice Co., Ltd. Neko no Memachi Raku Flex Ticket Vending Machine System (1) System control terminal and ticket issuing machine: 1 unit ① Capable of handling 10 or more tasks, with the ability to divide the system into unlimited hierarchical levels. ② Capable of operation with an approximately 11-inch touch panel. ③ The display section must be able to display the number of people waiting and the waiting time at the time of issuing numbered tickets for each task. ④ The text content, display color, background color, etc. must be configurable. Also, a keyboard must be provided for entering settings. ⑤ Able to issue tickets in conjunction with a dedicated ticket printer. ⑥ In addition to the four-digit ticket number, the issued numbered ticket must be able to print a title, date, any text, a symbol mark or other logo or character-incorporated screen, etc. ⑦ The starting number for the ticket issuing number must be set for each task, and the number must loop when a certain number is reached. ⑧ A function to pass the number to other tasks must be available. ⑨ Our staff must be able to easily change the ticket issuing screen and numbered ticket display. ⑩ It must have a function to collect data such as the number of people waiting and trends and analysis of waiting times, and be capable of outputting in CSV format. ⑪ It must be equipped with an anti-theft device (wires, etc.). ⑫ It is also possible to install it using a wired system, but wiring to the floor, ceiling, and walls must not disturb visitors. ⑬ It must conform to the International Energy Star Program, RoHS or J-Moss Green Mark, or the Green Purchasing Law. (2) Ticket printer: 1 unit① The printing method must be thermal. ② It must use roll paper of approximately 58 mm width, and the paper must be able to be separated automatically or easily. ③ It must not require any consumables other than paper. (3) Information display: 6 units① It must be capable of displaying the number called from the counter operation device, the number of people waiting, the number display screen, the number of people waiting for each task, the waiting time, and the waiting situation screen. ② The display screen must be able to be rotated. ③ It must be possible to display a pop-up screen when a call is made, and in addition to the call number, it must be possible to display the counter number, still images, etc. ④ The counter number can be set to any word (such as "reception" or "counter"). ⑤ Photographs and still image data can be displayed in a slideshow format. The image file format that can be displayed must be a common format such as JPEG. ⑥ Call guidance by voice must be possible. In addition, multiple settings must be possible for each task according to the number of people waiting and the time. ⑦ The voice must be changeable using a system control terminal, etc. ⑧ These settings must be easily changeable by our staff. ⑨ The display size must be as follows: - Approximately 24 inches, 6 units ⑩ Displays must be capable of outputting voice from built-in speakers to provide sufficient call guidance. If the volume is insufficient due to the display specifications, etc., a separate speaker must be installed. ⑪ Installation must be discussed with the local person in charge in 2, and the display must be wall-mounted or ceiling-mounted, and appropriate mounting brackets must be used as necessary, with sufficient strength to prevent it from falling. ⑫ Compliant with either the International Energy Star Program, RoHS or J-Moss Green Mark, or the Green Purchasing Act. (4) Counter operation machines (page terminals): 9 units (including 1 spare unit) ① The size must be approximately 8 inches. ② The devices must be linked to ticket issuing machines and other devices via a wireless system. ③ The individual terminal devices must not interfere with each other and cause malfunctions. ④ The devices must not cause disruption to mobile phones, mobile devices, or nearby wireless communication facilities used by Hello Work offices and visitors. ⑤ The devices must be lightweight PDAs that can be held in one hand and have a touch panel. ⑥ A charger must be included. ⑦ The devices must be versatile and not limited to use with specific counter numbers. ⑧ The devices must be capable of displaying the number of people waiting and the waiting time for each service. ⑨ The displayed number of people waiting, etc. must be updated in real time and the update time must be able to be set. ⑩ In addition to calling the next number, the devices must have the function of calling again, calling a number selected from a list, and calling any number. ⑪ The devices must have the function of ringing a chime when issuing a ticket, and the chime sound must be able to be changed for each service. ⑫ There is a memo function for inputting characters, marks, etc., and a function for sharing the contents on the system control terminal and all counter operation devices. (5) Other ① It is assumed that call guidance will be output by voice from the display's built-in speaker, but if the volume is insufficient due to the display specifications, etc., a separate speaker will be installed. 7 Delivery, Installation and Removal Work Delivery, installation and removal work will be carried out after consultation with the local person in charge in (1) 2. (2) The currently used counter number guidance system (Jimu Create Co., Ltd.)The entire reception queue system will be removed and a new counter number information system will be installed. The equipment to be removed is as follows: Ticket machine: 1 unit | Ticket printer: 1 unit | Display: 6 units | Counter operation unit: 8 units | Management PC: 1 unit | Other system components: 1 set Although the above is planned, please note that the quantities may change. (3) If any buildings, structures, equipment, etc. are damaged or soiled during the delivery, installation, and removal work, they will be reported to the staff in charge immediately and will be completely repaired under the responsibility of the contractor. 8 Other (1) If a server is required, it must comply with the International Energy Star Program, RoHS or J-Moss Green Mark, or the Green Purchasing Act. The installation location will be decided in consultation with the local person in charge in 2. (2) The contractor shall prepare all the accessories required for installation, such as cables, wireless routers, speakers, hubs, and routers. All the equipment shall be installed, connected, wired, adjusted on-site, and software installed, and any additional work such as setup at the time of installation shall be performed. The ticket issuing machine, large display, and operating device shall be linked, and the system shall be delivered in a state where it is ready for use as an automated information system. In addition, measures such as earthquake resistance and theft prevention shall be taken as much as possible. (3) When introducing the system, a wireless communication method shall be adopted in part, but sufficient security measures shall be taken between the wireless access point and the communicating device to prevent unauthorized access from outside and interception of the communication contents. In addition, the system shall use an appropriate communication standard and number of streams to prevent a decrease in communication speed or an unstable connection. In addition, the system shall use the optimal frequency band so as not to cause any interference with mobile devices used by visitors or wireless equipment of neighboring facilities. (4) The items to be procured shall be new. In addition, consumables required for number tags, etc. (58 mm thermal roll paper, approximately 10,000 sheets) shall also be delivered. (5) Various settings at the time of installation (number of operations, display and printing contents, etc.) shall be decided in consultation with the local person in charge of 2. (6) After installation, two copies of a manual describing the basic operation of each device of the automated information system, how to change settings, and how to respond in the event of a malfunction shall be prepared and provided, and operation shall be fully explained. (Operation briefings, etc. shall be held for relevant staff at the request of the person in charge. Briefings shall be held multiple times at different times.) (7) On the first day of operation of the system, a technician shall be stationed at the delivery site for one day in preparation for malfunctions, etc. In addition, equipment operation guidance shall be given to operators as necessary. (8) When adopting a wired system, care shall be taken to ensure that wiring to floors, ceilings, walls, etc. does not interfere with visitors or staff. (9) The locations of the above equipment are planned to be as shown in the "Attached Drawings," but please acknowledge that the actual locations may be subject to change. (10) In the event of a malfunction, a system shall be secured to allow initial response within approximately one hour of notification (telephone or remote response is possible). If telephone or remote support is not possible, a system must be in place to respond on the same day (or by the next day at the latest). In addition, several replacement (backup) terminals must be secured to respond in an emergency. (11) During installation, proper care must be taken, and efforts must be made to maintain the facilities and existing equipment, etc., while taking every precaution to prevent accidents such as danger, fire, and theft, and taking sufficient safety measures to avoid accidents. (12) The confidentiality obligation must be strictly observed for matters learned under this contract, and all possible measures must be taken to prevent information leaks. (13) If a malfunction occurs in the equipment, etc. within one year after installation, except for cases attributable to the user, the cause must be investigated and repairs must be made free of charge. In addition, a system (call center, etc.) must be in place for the manufacturer to respond directly in the event of a malfunction (outside contractors are not allowed). If a malfunction occurs in the equipment, etc. even after one year has passed, a system must be in place to respond promptly and in good faith. 9 Contract DepartmentGifu Labor Bureau General Affairs DivisionAddress: 5-13 Kinryu-cho, Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture 500-8723 Gifu Joint Government Building, 3rd Floor Accounting Section 1 Asano TEL: 058-245-8101CounterOperating machineTicket issuing machineTicket printerInformation display①⑦BookshelfFaxBookshelfDuctPrinting roomBookshelfConsultation roomGeneral-purpose terminalPrinterBookshelfWriting deskJob search systemPrinterWriting deskHW system copyWriting deskBookshelfHW systemPrinterWriting desk~Waiting roomWeekly job informationPrinterBookshelf【General reception】Ogaki Public Employment Security Office Ibi Branch OfficeLayout mapEntrance hallStorage room000 sheets). (5) Various settings at the time of installation (number of tasks, display/printing contents, etc.) shall be decided in consultation with the local person in charge of 2. (6) After installation, two copies of a manual describing the operation procedures, such as the basic operation of each device in the automated information system, how to change settings, and what to do in the event of a malfunction, shall be prepared and provided, and operation shall be fully explained. (Operation briefings, etc. shall be held for relevant staff at the request of the person in charge. Briefings shall be held multiple times at staggered times.) (7) On the first day of operation of the system, a technician shall be stationed at the delivery site for one day in preparation for malfunctions, etc. In addition, equipment operation guidance shall be given to operators as necessary. (8) When adopting a wired system, care shall be taken to ensure that wiring to floors, ceilings, walls, etc. does not interfere with visitors or staff, etc. (9) It is proposed that the installation locations of the above equipment are as shown in the "Attached Drawings," but it is acknowledged that the actual installation locations may be subject to change. (10) In the event of a breakdown, a system must be in place to provide initial support within approximately one hour of contact (telephone or remote support is acceptable). If telephone or remote support is not possible, a system must be in place to provide support on the same day (or at the latest by the next day). In addition, several replacement (backup) terminals must be secured to enable support in the event of an emergency. (11) During installation, proper care must be taken to maintain the facilities and existing equipment, and all possible precautions must be taken to prevent accidents such as danger, fire, and theft, and sufficient safety measures must be taken to avoid accidents. (12) All matters learned under this contract must be kept strictly confidential, and all possible measures must be taken to prevent information leaks. (13) If a malfunction occurs in the equipment, etc. within one year after installation, except for cases attributable to the user, the cause must be investigated and repairs must be made free of charge. In addition, a system must be in place (such as a call center) that allows the manufacturer to respond directly in the event of a breakdown (outside contractors are not acceptable). If a malfunction occurs in the equipment, etc. even after one year has passed, a system must be in place to respond promptly and in good faith. 9 Contract DepartmentGifu Labor Bureau General Affairs DivisionAddress: 5-13 Kinryu-cho, Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture 500-8723 Gifu Joint Government Building, 3rd Floor Accounting Section 1 Asano TEL: 058-245-8101CounterOperating machineTicket issuing machineTicket printerInformation display①⑦BookshelfFaxBookshelfDuctPrinting roomBookshelfConsultation roomGeneral-purpose terminalPrinterBookshelfWriting deskJob search systemPrinterWriting deskHW system copyWriting deskBookshelfHW systemPrinterWriting desk~Waiting roomWeekly job informationPrinterBookshelf【General reception】Ogaki Public Employment Security Office Ibi Branch OfficeLayout mapEntrance hallStorage room000 sheets). (5) Various settings at the time of installation (number of tasks, display/printing contents, etc.) shall be decided in consultation with the local person in charge of 2. (6) After installation, two copies of a manual describing the operation procedures, such as the basic operation of each device in the automated information system, how to change settings, and what to do in the event of a malfunction, shall be prepared and provided, and operation shall be fully explained. (Operation briefings, etc. shall be held for relevant staff at the request of the person in charge. Briefings shall be held multiple times at staggered times.) (7) On the first day of operation of the system, a technician shall be stationed at the delivery site for one day in preparation for malfunctions, etc. In addition, equipment operation guidance shall be given to operators as necessary. (8) When adopting a wired system, care shall be taken to ensure that wiring to floors, ceilings, walls, etc. does not interfere with visitors or staff, etc. (9) It is proposed that the installation locations of the above equipment are as shown in the "Attached Drawings," but it is acknowledged that the actual installation locations may be subject to change. (10) In the event of a breakdown, a system must be in place to provide initial support within approximately one hour of contact (telephone or remote support is acceptable). If telephone or remote support is not possible, a system must be in place to provide support on the same day (or at the latest by the next day). In addition, several replacement (backup) terminals must be secured to enable support in the event of an emergency. (11) During installation, proper care must be taken to maintain the facilities and existing equipment, and all possible precautions must be taken to prevent accidents such as danger, fire, and theft, and sufficient safety measures must be taken to avoid accidents. (12) All matters learned under this contract must be kept strictly confidential, and all possible measures must be taken to prevent information leaks. (13) If a malfunction occurs in the equipment, etc. within one year after installation, except for cases attributable to the user, the cause must be investigated and repairs must be made free of charge. In addition, a system must be in place (such as a call center) that allows the manufacturer to respond directly in the event of a breakdown (outside contractors are not acceptable). If a malfunction occurs in the equipment, etc. even after one year has passed, a system must be in place to respond promptly and in good faith. 9 Contract DepartmentGifu Labor Bureau General Affairs DivisionAddress: 5-13 Kinryu-cho, Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture 500-8723 Gifu Joint Government Building, 3rd Floor Accounting Section 1 Asano TEL: 058-245-8101CounterOperating machineTicket issuing machineTicket printerInformation display①⑦BookshelfFaxBookshelfDuctPrinting roomBookshelfConsultation roomGeneral-purpose terminalPrinterBookshelfWriting deskJob search systemPrinterWriting deskHW system copyWriting deskBookshelfHW systemPrinterWriting desk~Waiting roomWeekly job informationPrinterBookshelf【General reception】Ogaki Public Employment Security Office Ibi Branch OfficeLayout mapEntrance hallStorage room
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Deadline Date: 12.01.2025