Tender Details

口之津カンキツ研究試験地第3便所建替工事設計業務 口之津カンキツ研究試験地第3便所建替工事設計業務 入 札 公 告次のとおり一般競争入札に付します。令和6年10月11日国立研究開発法人農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構本部管理本部九州沖縄管理部長 工藤 ... Kuchinotsu Citrus Research and Experimental Site No. 3 Toilet Reconstruction Design Work Kuchinotsu Citrus Research and Experimental Site No. 3 Toilet Reconstruction Design Work Bidding Announcement The following will be put up for public competitive bidding. October 11, 2024 National Research and Development Agency National Agriculture and Food Research Organization Headquarters Management Headquarters Kyushu Okinawa Management Director Kudo ...

Published Date
Deadline Date
口之津カンキツ研究試験地第3便所建替工事設計業務 口之津カンキツ研究試験地第3便所建替工事設計業務 入 札 公 告次のとおり一般競争入札に付します。令和6年10月11日国立研究開発法人農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構本部管理本部九州沖縄管理部長 工藤 ... 国立研究開発法人農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構   入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 口之津カンキツ研究試験地第3便所建替工事設計業務 種別 工事 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 11 日 組織 国立研究開発法人農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構 取得日 2024 年 10 月 15 日 19:54:06 公告内容 入 札 公 告次のとおり一般競争入札に付します。令和6年10月11日国立研究開発法人農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構本部管理本部九州沖縄管理部長 工藤 直文(押印省略)1 競争に付す事項(1)件名 口之津カンキツ研究試験地第3便所建替工事設計業務(2)業務内容 詳細は入札説明書による(3)履行期限 令和7年2月28日2 競争参加資格(1) 契約事務実施規則(以下「実施規則」という。)第8条の規定に該当しない者であること。なお、未成年者、被保佐人又は被補助人であって、契約締結のために必要な同意を得ている者は、同条中、特別の事由がある場合に該当する。(2) 実施規則第9条の規定に該当しない者であること。(3) 令和5・6年度の国立研究開発法人農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構(以下「農研機構」という。)の競争参加資格における「測量・建設コンサルタント等契約」の業種区分のうち「建築士事務所」において、いずれかの等級に格付けされている者であること(会社更生法(平成14年法律第154号)に基づき更生手続開始の申立てがされている者及び民事再生法(平成11年法律第225号)に基づき再生手続開始の申立てがされている者については、手続開始の決定後、別に定める手続きに基づく競争参加資格の再申請を行うこと)。ただし、農林水産省大臣官房参事官(経理)が作成の有資格者名簿に登載されている者のうち上記と同じ契約の種類・業種区分に格付されている者を含む。(4) 会社更生法に基づき更生手続開始の申立てをされている者及び民事再生法に基づき再生手続開始の申立てをされている者(上記2(3)の再審査を受けた者を除く。)でないこと。(5) 農林水産省発注工事等からの暴力団排除の推進について(平成19年12月7日付け19経第1314号農林水産省大臣官房経理課長通達)に基づき、警察当局から、暴力団員が実質的に経営を支配する建設業者又はこれに準ずるものとして、農林水産省発注工事等からの排除要請があり、その状態が継続している者でないこと。(6) 管理技術者は、次のいずれかの資格を有する者を当該業務に配置できること。・一級建築士・二級建築士担当技術者は、次のいずれかの資格を有すること。管理技術者は担当技術者を兼務することができる。○建築担当技術者 ・一級建築士・二級建築士○設備担当技術者 ・一級建築士・二級建築士・1級電気工事施工管理技士・2級電気工事施工管理技士・1種電気工事士・1級管工事施工管理技士・2級管工事施工管理技士管理技術者は競争参加資格申請書提出日以前に直接的かつ恒常的な雇用関係が3ヶ月継続してあること。(7) 測量・建設コンサルタント等業務請負契約に係る指名停止等の措置(平成7年6月12日7経第987号農林水産省大臣官房経理課長通知)に基づく指名停止を受けている期間中でないこと。(8) 入札に参加しようとする者の間に資本関係または人的関係がないこと。(入札説明書参照)(9) 公的研究費の不正使用等防止に係る「誓約書」を提出した者であること。3 入札手続等(1) 担当部局〒861-1192 熊本県合志市須屋2421農研機構本部管理本部九州沖縄管理部会計課資産管理チーム(担当:魚﨑)電話 096-242-7716、ファクシミリ 096-242-7770、メール koshi-shisan@naro.affrc.go.jp(2) 入札説明書の交付期間、場所及び方法入札公告日から令和6年11月5日(火)までの土曜日、日曜日及び休日を除く毎日午前9時から午後5時まで、上記3(1)の場所において交付又はメールによる送付を行う。(3) 入札説明会の日時及び場所本件についての入札説明会は開催しない。(4) 競争参加資格確認申請書(以下申請書という。)及び参考見積書等(以下資料という。)の提出期限、場所及び方法令和6年11月6日(水)までの土曜日、日曜日及び休日を除く毎日午前9時から午後5時まで、上記3(1)の担当課に持参又は郵送(書留、簡易郵便又はレターパックプラスに限る)により提出すること。(5) 郵送等による場合の入札書の受領期限及び提出場所令和6年11月14日(木)午後5時00分まで(必着)〒859-2501 長崎県南島原市口之津町乙954農研機構本部管理本部九州沖縄管理部総務課口之津管理チーム長(6) 入札(開札)の日時及び場所及び方法令和6年11月15日(金)午前10時00分〒859-2501 長崎県南島原市口之津町乙954農研機構九州沖縄農業研究センター口之津カンキツ研究試験地共同実験室1階会議室に持参すること。4 その他(1) 入札及び契約手続において使用する言語及び通貨日本語及び日本国通貨に限る。(2) 入札保証金及び契約保証金①入札保証金 免除。②契約保証金 納付。ただし、金融機関若しくは保証事業会社の保証をもって契約保証金の納付とする。また、履行保証保険契約の締結又は公共工事履行保証証券による保証を付すことにより、契約保証金を免除する。(3) 入札の方法落札決定に当たっては、入札書に記載された金額に当該金額の10%に相当する額を加算した金額をもって落札価格とするので、入札者が消費税及び地方消費税に係る課税事業者であるか免税事業者であるかを問わず、見積もった入札金額の110分の100に相当する金額を入札書に記載すること。(4) 入札の無効本公告に示した競争参加資格のない者のした入札、申請書又は資料に虚偽の記載を行った者のした入札、求められる義務を履行しなかった者のした入札、その他入札に関する条件に違反した者のした入札は無効とする。(5) 契約書作成の要否別冊契約書案により、契約書を作成するものとする。(6) 落札者の決定方法実施規則第31条の規定に基づいて作成された予定価格の制限の範囲内で、最低価格をもって有効な入札を行った者を落札者とする。ただし、落札者となるべき者の入札価格によっては、その者により当該契約の内容に適合した履行がなされない恐れがあると認められる時、又はその者と契約を締結することが公正な取引の秩序を乱すこととなる恐れがあって著しく不適当であると認められるときは、予定価格の制限の範囲内の価格をもって入札した他の者のうち最低の価格をもって入札した者を落札者とすることがある。(7) 競争参加資格を有していない者の参加上記2(3)に掲げる競争参加資格を有していない者も上記3(4)により申請書及び資料を提出することが出来るが、競争に参加するためには、開札の時において、当該有資格者であり、なおかつ競争参加資格の確認を受けていなければならない。(8) 手続きにおける交渉の有無無。(9) 詳細は入札説明書による。 お知らせ国立研究開発法人が行う契約については、「独立行政法人改革等に関する基本的な方針」(平成25年12月24日閣議決定)において、国立研究開発法人と一定の関係を有する法人と契約をする場合には、当該法人への再就職の状況、当該法人との間の取引等の状況について情報を公開するなどの取組を進めるとされているところです。これに基づき、以下のとおり、農研機構との関係に係る情報を農研機構のホームページで公表することとしますので、所要の情報の当方への提供及び情報の公表に同意の上で、応札若しくは応募又は契約の締結を行っていただくよう御理解と御協力をお願いいたします。なお、案件への応札若しくは応募又は契約の締結をもって同意されたものとみなさせていただきますので、ご了知願います。応札若しくは応募又は契約の締結を行ったにもかかわらず情報提供等の協力をしていただけない相手方については、その名称等を公表させていただくことがあり得ますので、ご了知願います。(1)公表の対象となる契約先次のいずれにも該当する契約先① 農研機構において役員を経験した者(役員経験者)が再就職していること又は課長相当職以上の職を経験した者(課長相当職以上経験者)が役員、顧問等として再就職していること② 農研機構との間の取引高が、総売上高又は事業収入の3分の1以上を占めていること※ 予定価格が一定の金額を超えない契約や光熱水費の支出に係る契約等は対象外(2)公表する情報上記に該当する契約先について、契約ごとに、物品役務等の名称及び数量、契約締結日、契約先の名称、契約金額等と併せ、次に掲げる情報を公表します。① 農研機構の役員経験者及び課長相当職以上経験者(農研機構OB)の人数、職名及び農研機構における最終職名② 農研機構との間の取引高③ 総売上高又は事業収入に占める当機構との間の取引高の割合が、次の区分のいずれかに該当する旨3分の1以上2分の1未満、2分の1以上3分の2未満又は3分の2以上④ 一者応札又は一者応募である場合はその旨(3)当方に提供していただく情報① 契約締結日時点で在職している農研機構OBに係る情報(人数、現在の職名及び農研機構における最終職名等)② 直近の事業年度における総売上高又は事業収入及び農研機構との間の取引高(4)公表日契約締結日の翌日から起算して原則として72日以内(4月に締結した契約については原則として93日以内) Kuchinotsu Citrus Research and Experimental Site No. 3 Toilet Reconstruction Design Work Kuchinotsu Citrus Research and Experimental Site No. 3 Toilet Reconstruction Design Work Bidding Announcement The following will be put up for public competitive bidding. October 11, 2024 National Research and Development Agency National Agriculture and Food Research Organization Headquarters Management Headquarters Kyushu Okinawa Management Director Kudo ... National Research and Development Agency National Agriculture and Food Research Organization Bidding information is as follows. Subject Kuchinotsu Citrus Research and Experimental Site No. 3 Toilet Reconstruction Design Work Type Construction Date of announcement or update October 11, 2024 Organization National Agriculture and Food Research Organization Acquisition date October 15, 2024 19:54:06 Announcement content Bidding Announcement The following will be put up for public competitive bidding. October 11, 2024 Naofumi Kudo, Director of the Kyushu Okinawa Management Department, Management Headquarters, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (seal omitted) 1. Items to be put up for competition (1) Subject: Design work for the reconstruction of the third toilet at Kuchinotsu Citrus Research and Experimental Site (2) Work content: See the bidding instructions for details (3) Deadline for performance: February 28, 2025 2. Eligibility to participate in the competition (1) Those who do not fall under the provisions of Article 8 of the Contract Administration Implementation Rules (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Rules"). In addition, minors, persons under guardianship, or persons under assistance who have obtained the consent necessary to enter into a contract fall under the case of having special circumstances in the same article. (2) Those who do not fall under the provisions of Article 9 of the Implementation Rules. (3) The applicant must be rated in any of the categories of "architect's office" in the "surveying and construction consultant contracts, etc." category in the qualification to participate in the competitive bidding of the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (hereinafter referred to as "NARO") for fiscal years 2023 and 2024 (individuals who have filed a petition for the commencement of reorganization proceedings under the Corporate Reorganization Act (Act No. 154 of 2002) and individuals who have filed a petition for the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings under the Civil Rehabilitation Act (Act No. 225 of 1999) must reapply for the qualification to participate in the competitive bidding in accordance with the procedures separately specified after the decision to commence the proceedings has been made). However, this includes individuals listed in the list of qualified individuals prepared by the Counsellor (Accounting) of the Minister's Secretariat of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and who are rated in the same contract type and industry category as above. (4) The applicant must not be an individual who has filed a petition for the commencement of reorganization proceedings under the Corporate Reorganization Act or individuals who have filed a petition for the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings under the Civil Rehabilitation Act (excluding individuals who have undergone the re-examination under 2(3) above). (5) Based on the Promotion of Exclusion of Organized Crime Groups from Construction Works Ordered by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Notice No. 19-1314 from the Director of the Accounting Division, Minister's Secretariat, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, dated December 7, 2007), the contractor must not have been requested by the police authorities to be excluded from construction works ordered by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries as a construction company or equivalent whose management is effectively controlled by an organized crime group and for which this situation continues. (6) The supervising engineer may assign to the said work an individual who holds one of the following qualifications. - The engineer in charge of first-class architects and second-class architects must hold one of the following qualifications. The supervising engineer may also serve as the engineer in charge. ○Architectural engineers - First-class architects and second-class architects○Facility engineers - First-class architects and second-class architects, first-class electrical construction management engineers, second-class electrical construction management engineers, first-class electricians, first-class piping construction management engineers, and second-class piping construction management engineers.The managing engineers must have had a direct and permanent employment relationship for three consecutive months prior to the submission of the application for eligibility to participate in the competitive bidding. (7) They must not be in a period of suspension of nomination based on measures such as suspension of nomination for surveying and construction consulting contracts (Notice No. 7, No. 987, issued by the Director of the Accounting Division, Minister's Secretariat, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, dated June 12, 1995). (8) There must be no capital or personal relationship between the parties intending to participate in the bid. (See bidding instructions)(9) They must have submitted a "written pledge" to prevent the misuse of public research funds. 3. Bidding procedures, etc. (1) Responsible department: 2421 Suya, Koshi, Kumamoto Prefecture, 861-1192, Japan, NARO Headquarters, Management Headquarters, Kyushu and Okinawa Management Department, Accounting Division, Asset Management Team (person in charge: Uozaki) Tel: 096-242-7716, Fax: 096-242-7770, Email: koshi-shisan@naro.affrc.go.(2) Period, place, and method of distribution of bidding documents: They will be distributed or sent by email at the location in 3(1) above from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm every day, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, from the date of the bidding announcement until November 5, 2024 (Tuesday). (3) Date, time, and place of the bidding briefing session: No bidding briefing session will be held for this matter. (4) Deadline, place, and method of submission of the application form for confirmation of eligibility to participate in the competitive bidding (hereinafter referred to as the application form) and reference estimates, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the materials) shall be submitted in person or by mail (registered mail, simple mail, or Letter Pack Plus only) to the department in charge in 3(1) above from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm every day, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, until November 6, 2024 (Wednesday). (5) Deadline and place of receipt of bid documents when submitted by mail, etc. Thursday, November 14, 2024, 5:00 p.m. (must arrive by this date) 954 Otsu, Kuchinotsu-cho, Minamishimabara-shi, Nagasaki 859-2501 Headquarters, Management Headquarters, NARO, Headquarters Kuchinotsu Management Team Chief, General Affairs Division, Kyushu Okinawa Management Department, Management Headquarters, NARO (6) Date, time, place and method of bidding (opening of bids) Friday, November 15, 2024, 10:00 a.m. 954 Otsu, Kuchinotsu-cho, Minamishimabara-shi, Nagasaki 859-2501 Kyushu Okinawa Agricultural Research Center, NARO, 1st floor conference room. Kuchinotsu Citrus Research and Experimental Site Joint Laboratory. 4. Other (1) Language and currency used in bidding and contract procedures Japanese and Japanese currency only. (2) Bid security and contract security ① Bid security: Exempt. ② Contract security: Payment. However, contract security shall be paid with a guarantee from a financial institution or a guarantee company. In addition, the contract security will be waived by concluding a performance guarantee insurance contract or by providing a guarantee by a public works performance guarantee. (3) Method of bidding When deciding on a successful bidder, the successful bid price will be the amount stated in the bid document plus 10% of the amount stated in the bid document. Therefore, regardless of whether the bidder is a taxable entity or a tax-exempt entity with respect to consumption tax and local consumption tax, the bidder must state in the bid document an amount equivalent to 110/100 of the estimated bid amount. (4) Invalidation of bids Bids made by persons who are not eligible to participate in the competition as stated in this announcement, bids made by persons who make false statements in their application forms or documents, bids made by persons who have not fulfilled the required obligations, and bids made by persons who have violated other conditions regarding the bid will be invalid. (5) Necessity of preparation of a contract A contract will be prepared in accordance with the draft contract in the separate volume. (6) Method of determining the successful bidder The successful bidder will be the person who submitted the lowest valid bid within the limit of the estimated price prepared pursuant to the provisions of Article 31 of the Implementation Regulations. However, when it is deemed that the successful bidder's bid price may cause the contract to be unsatisfactory, or when it is deemed extremely inappropriate to enter into a contract with the successful bidder due to the risk of disrupting the order of fair trade, the successful bidder may be the lowest bidder among the other bidders who bid within the range of the estimated price limit. (7) Participation of persons not qualified to participate in the competition Those who are not qualified to participate in the competition as set forth in 2(3) above may submit an application and documents as set forth in 3(4) above, but in order to participate in the competition, they must be qualified and have their qualifications confirmed at the time of opening of bids. (8) Whether or not negotiations will take place during the procedure. (9) For details, see the bidding instructions. Notice Regarding contracts made by national research and development agencies, the "Basic Policy on Reform of Independent Administrative Agencies, etc." (Cabinet decision of December 24, 2013) states that when contracting with an agency that has a certain relationship with a national research and development agency, efforts will be made to disclose information on the status of reemployment at the agency and the status of transactions between the agency and the agency. Based on this, we will be publishing information regarding our relationship with NARO on the NARO website as follows, so we ask for your understanding and cooperation in submitting a bid or applying for a project or entering into a contract only after you have agreed to providing us with the necessary information and to the publication of that information. Please note that we will assume that you have agreed to this by bidding on or applying for a project or entering into a contract. Please note that we may publish the names, etc. of parties who do not provide information or otherwise cooperate despite submitting a bid or applying for a project or entering into a contract. (1) Contracting parties that are subject to disclosure Contracting parties that meet all of the following criteria: ① An individual who has served as an executive officer at NARO (former executive officer) has been re-employed, or an individual who has experience in a position equivalent to or above section chief (person with experience in a position equivalent to or above section chief) has been re-employed as an executive officer, advisor, etc. ② The amount of transactions with NARO accounts for one-third or more of total sales or business income. * Contracts with a planned price that does not exceed a certain amount and contracts related to the expenditure of utility bills are excluded. (2) Information to be disclosed For contracting parties that meet the above criteria, the following information will be disclosed for each contract, along with the name and quantity of the goods and services, the date of contract conclusion, the name of the contracting party, the contract amount, etc. ① The number, job titles, and final job titles at NARO of those with experience as executive officers and those with experience as section chief or higher (former NARO employees) ② Transaction volume with NARO ③ The fact that the ratio of transaction volume with NARO to total sales or business income falls into one of the following categories: one-third or more but less than one-half, one-half or more but less than two-thirds, or two-thirds or more ④ In the case of a single bidder or single application, please state this (3) Information to be provided to us ① Information on former NARO employees who are employed as of the contract conclusion date (number of employees, current job titles, and final job titles at NARO, etc.) ② Total sales or business income for the most recent fiscal year, and transaction volume with NARO (4) Date of announcement In principle, within 72 days from the day following the contract conclusion date (in principle, within 93 days for contracts concluded in April)1. An individual who has served as an officer of NARO (former officer) has re-employed, or an individual who has served in a position equivalent to or above (person with experience in a position equivalent to or above) has re-employed as an officer, advisor, etc. 2. The volume of transactions with NARO accounts for one-third or more of total sales or business income. * Contracts with a planned price that does not exceed a certain amount and contracts related to the expenditure of utility bills are excluded. (2) Information to be disclosed For contracting parties that meet the above criteria, the following information will be disclosed for each contract, along with the name and quantity of the goods and services, the date of contract conclusion, the name of the contracting party, the contract amount, etc. ① The number, job titles, and final job titles at NARO of those with experience as executive officers and those with experience as section chief or higher (former NARO employees) ② Transaction volume with NARO ③ The fact that the ratio of transaction volume with NARO to total sales or business income falls into one of the following categories: one-third or more but less than one-half, one-half or more but less than two-thirds, or two-thirds or more ④ In the case of a single bidder or single application, please state this (3) Information to be provided to us ① Information on former NARO employees who are employed as of the contract conclusion date (number of employees, current job titles, and final job titles at NARO, etc.) ② Total sales or business income for the most recent fiscal year, and transaction volume with NARO (4) Date of announcement In principle, within 72 days from the day following the contract conclusion date (in principle, within 93 days for contracts concluded in April)1. An individual who has served as an officer of NARO (former officer) has re-employed, or an individual who has served in a position equivalent to or above (person with experience in a position equivalent to or above) has re-employed as an officer, advisor, etc. 2. The volume of transactions with NARO accounts for one-third or more of total sales or business income. * Contracts with a planned price that does not exceed a certain amount and contracts related to the expenditure of utility bills are excluded. (2) Information to be disclosed For contracting parties that meet the above criteria, the following information will be disclosed for each contract, along with the name and quantity of the goods and services, the date of contract conclusion, the name of the contracting party, the contract amount, etc. ① The number, job titles, and final job titles at NARO of those with experience as executive officers and those with experience as section chief or higher (former NARO employees) ② Transaction volume with NARO ③ The fact that the ratio of transaction volume with NARO to total sales or business income falls into one of the following categories: one-third or more but less than one-half, one-half or more but less than two-thirds, or two-thirds or more ④ In the case of a single bidder or single application, please state this (3) Information to be provided to us ① Information on former NARO employees who are employed as of the contract conclusion date (number of employees, current job titles, and final job titles at NARO, etc.) ② Total sales or business income for the most recent fiscal year, and transaction volume with NARO (4) Date of announcement In principle, within 72 days from the day following the contract conclusion date (in principle, within 93 days for contracts concluded in April)
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