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(RE-12697)核融合中性子源リチウムターゲットシステムの事故防護に関する検討【掲載期間:2024-10-03~2024-10-23】 (RE-12697)核融合中性子源リチウムターゲットシステムの事故防護に関する検討【掲載期間:2024-10-03~2024-10-23】 公告期間: ~ ( )1.競争入札に付する事項仕様書のとおり... (RE-12697) Study on Accident Protection for a Fusion Neutron Source Lithium Target System [Posting Period: 2024-10-03 to 2024-10-23] (RE-12697) Study on Accident Protection for a Fusion Neutron Source Lithium Target System [Posting Period: 2024-10-03 to 2024-10-23] Announcement Period: ? ( )1. As per the specifications for items to be submitted for competitive bidding...

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(RE-12697)核融合中性子源リチウムターゲットシステムの事故防護に関する検討【掲載期間:2024-10-03~2024-10-23】 (RE-12697)核融合中性子源リチウムターゲットシステムの事故防護に関する検討【掲載期間:2024-10-03~2024-10-23】 公告期間: ~ ( )1.競争入札に付する事項仕様書のとおり... 国立研究開発法人量子科学技術研究開発機構核融合エネルギー研究開発部門六ヶ所核融合研究所  青森県六ヶ所村 入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 (RE-12697)核融合中性子源リチウムターゲットシステムの事故防護に関する検討【掲載期間:2024-10-03~2024-10-23】 入札区分 一般競争入札 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 3 日 組織 国立研究開発法人量子科学技術研究開発機構 取得日 2024 年 10 月 3 日 19:53:12 仕様書 [PDFファイル/642KB] 公告内容 公告期間: ~ ( )1.競争入札に付する事項仕様書のとおり2.入札書等の提出場所等入札説明書等の交付場所及び入札書等の提出場所並びに問い合わせ先(ダイヤルイン)入札説明書等の交付方法上記2.(1)に記載の交付場所または電子メールにより交付する。 ただし、交付は土曜,日曜,祝日及び年末年始(12月29日~1月3日)を除く平日に行う。 電子メールでの交付希望の場合は、「 公告日,入札件名,当機構担当者名,貴社名,住所,担当者所属,氏名,電話,FAX,E-Mail 」を記載し、上記2.(1)のアドレスに送信。 交付の受付期限は の17:00までとする。 入札説明会の日時及び場所入札関係書類及び技術審査資料の提出期限入札書の提出期限(4)令和6年10月24日 (木) 12時00分(5)nyuusatsu_rokkasho@qst.go.jp国立研究開発法人量子科学技術研究開発機構 六ヶ所フュージョンエネルギー研究所青森県上北郡六ヶ所村大字尾駮字表舘2番地166R06RE-12697(1)(水)TEL FAX 0175-71-650112時00分令和6年10月23日E-mail:令和6年11月8日 (金)実 施 し な い六ヶ所フュージョンエネルギー研究所〒039-3212(1)(2)令和6年10月3日六ヶ所フュージョンエネルギー研究所青森県上北郡六ヶ所村大字尾駮字表舘2番地166核融合中性子源リチウムターゲットシステムの事故防護に関する検討令和7年2月28日川端 幸彦件 名内 容記(3)履行期限(2)(4)(3)下記のとおり一般競争入札に付します。 入札公告(郵便入札)請負 R6.10.3管理部経理・契約課管理部長 前田 勝0175-66-6839履行場所国立研究開発法人量子科学技術研究開発機構R6.10.23開札の日時及び場所3.競争に参加する者に必要な資格当機構から指名停止措置を受けている期間中の者でないこと。 全省庁統一競争入札参加資格を有する者であること。 当機構が別に指定する誓約書に暴力団等に該当しない旨の誓約をできること。 4.入札保証金及び契約保証金 免除5.入札の無効入札参加に必要な資格のない者のした入札入札の条件に違反した者の入札6.契約書等作成の要否 要7.落札者の決定方法8.その他 中に当機構ホームページにおいて掲載する。 以上 公告する。 本件以外にも、当機構ホームページの調達情報において、今後の「調達予定情報」を掲載しておりますのでご確認下さい。 (URL : https://www.qst.go.jp/site/procurement/ )(6)14時30分上記問い合わせ先宛てに質問書を提出すること。 なお、質問に対する回答は令和6年10月16日 (水)(2)(1)(2)(3)(4)(1)(1)本入札に関して質問がある場合には(2) 落札決定に当っては、入札書に記載した金額に当該金額の10パーセントに相当する額を加算した金額(当該金額に1円未満の端数があるときは、その端数を切り捨てた金額とする)をもって落札価格とするので、入札者は、消費税に係る課税事業者であるか免税事業者であるかを問わず、見積もった金額の110分の100に相当する金額を入札書に記載すること。 (4) 令和6年10月11日 (金) 11:00までに国立研究開発法人量子科学技術研究開発機構 契約事務取扱細則第11条第1項の規定に該当しない者であること。 (1) この入札に参加を希望する者は、入札書の提出時に、当機構が別に指定する暴力団等に該当しない旨の誓約書を提出しなければならない。 前項の誓約書を提出せず、又は虚偽の誓約をし、若しくは誓約書に反することとなったときは、当該者の入札を無効とするものとする。 (3) その他、詳細については、入札説明書によるため、必ず上記2.(2)により、入札説明書の交付を受けること。 (2)技術審査に合格し、予定価格の制限の範囲内で、最低価格をもって有効な入札を行った入札者を落札者とする。 (最低価格落札方式)令和6年11月8日 (金)開札時の立会いは不要とし、開札結果は別途通知する。開札の結果、落札者がなかった場合には再度の入札書の提出期限及び開札日時について別途通知する。 六ヶ所フュージョンエネルギー研究所 管理研究棟(5)国立研究開発法人量子科学技術研究開発機構 契約事務取扱細則第10条の規定に該当しない者であること。ただし、未成年者、被保佐人又は被補助人であって、契約締結のために必要な同意を得ている者についてはこの限りでない。 核融合中性子源リチウムターゲットシステムの事故防護に関する検討仕様書令和6年10月国立研究開発法人 量子科学技術研究開発機構六ヶ所フュージョンエネルギー研究所核融合炉材料研究開発部核融合中性子源設計グループ11. 一般仕様1.1 件名核融合中性子源リチウムターゲットシステムの事故防護に関する検討1.2 目的及び概要国立研究開発法人量子科学技術研究開発機構(以下「量研」という。)では、日欧協力による幅広いアプローチ(BA)活動における国際核融合材料照射施設(以下「IFMIF」という。)の工学実証・工学設計活動事業の一環として、事故防止のための防護設計の技術検討を進めている。特に核融合中性子源のターゲットシステムである液体リチウムターゲットループに係る防護設計を優先的に進めている。 本件は、核融合中性子源用液体リチウムターゲットループの事故防止のための緊急措置案と検知システムの基本的な技術的検討を実施するものである。1.3 作業範囲受注者は、第2項の技術仕様に基づき、以下の項目に関する作業を行うものとする。(1) ターゲットインターフェース室(TIR)からターゲットアッセンブリー(TA)までの異常真空検出システムの基本検討とその制御・防護案の作成(2) リチウム漏洩に関する検知システムの基本検討とその緊急措置案の作成(3) リチウム火災に係る検知システムの基本検討とその緊急措置案の作成(4) リチウムデバイスの油圧ハンマー問題解消のための検討(5) 作業報告書の作成1.4 提出図書及び電子ファイル受注者は、次表に定める提出図書及び電子データを提出すること。提出図書名 提出時期 部数作業体制表及び工程表 契約後速やかに 1部実施計画書 作業開始2週間前まで 1部打合せ議事録 打合せ後速やかに 1部1.3 作業範囲において作成された作業報告書(電子データ)納入時 電子データ 1部1.5 納入場所量研 六ヶ所フュージョンエネルギー研究所 管理研究棟 226室1.6 納期令和7年2月28日1.7 検査条件第1.4項に定める書類及び電子データの員数確認及び作業報告書が本仕様書に定める技術仕様を満足することの確認をもって検査合格とする。1.8 貸与品2.3項に示す量研における既往の設計検討結果及び量研が入手可能な提示資料を貸与する。21.9 知的財産権の取扱い知的財産権の取扱いについては、別紙1「知的財産権特約条項」に定められたとおりとする。1.10 情報セキュリティの確保情報セキュリティの確保については、別紙2『本契約において遵守すべき「情報セキュリティの確保」に関する事項』のとおりとする。1.11 機密保持、技術情報及び成果の公開(1) 機密保持受注者は、本業務の実施に当たり、知り得た情報を厳重に管理し、本業務遂行の目的で受注者及び下請会社等の作業員に開示する場合を除き、第三者への開示、提供を行ってはならない。(2) 技術情報及び成果の公開受注者が、本業務の実施に当たり、知り得た情報・成果のうち、量研が機密情報でないと認めた情報、成果については、あらかじめ書面により量研の確認を得ることで、第三者へ開示できることとする。また、量研が本契約に関し、その目的を達成するため、受注者の保有する機密情報ではない技術情報を無償で量研に提供するものとする。1.12 グリーン購入法の推進(1) 本契約において、グリーン購入法(国等による環境物品等の調達の推進等に関する法律)に該当する環境部品が発生する場合には、調達基準を満足した物品を採用することとする。(2) 本仕様に定める提出図書(納入印刷物)については、グリーン購入法の基本方針に定める「紙類」の基準を満たしたものであること。1.13 特記事項受注者は、液体リチウム流動に係る技術又は同等の実績及び経験を有し、十分な知見をもって、本作業を実施するものとする。受注者は、本作業を円滑に進めるため、量研と打合せの下で作業を進めることとする。また、本仕様書に記載されている事項及び本仕様書に記載のない事項について疑義が生じた場合は、量研と協議の上、その決定に従うものとする。32. 技術仕様2.1 概要量研では、核融合中性子源設計活動として液体リチウムターゲットループ(以下「リチウムサブシステム」という。)の技術開発に基づき核融合中性子源A-FNSの工学設計を進めている。核融合中性子源用リチウムサブシステムは温度が高い液体アルカリ金属を使用するため事故防止には十分な予防システムと措置対策を講ずる必要がある。特にリチウムサブシステムのターゲットアッセンブリー(以下「TA」という。)と加速器とのインターフェースであるターゲットインターフェース室(以下「TIR」という。)領域の機器は緊急措置技術対策を詳細に検討することで高い安全信頼性を担保することが必要である。また、リチウムサブシステムの一部であるバイパスラインに設置が検討されている。、「変換バルブ」については油圧ハンマーの影響が課題となっており、具体的な対策案を構築することが求められている。これらの技術に関する基本的検討の結果から、リチウムサブシステムの高い安全性を確保することが可能となる。2.2 実施範囲本件は、以下の4項目の技術的対策案を具体化することを実施する。(1) TIRからTAまでの異常真空検出システムの基本検討とその制御・防護案(2) リチウム漏洩に関する検知システムの基本検討とその緊急措置案(3) リチウム火災に係る検知システムの基本検討とその緊急措置案(4) リチウムデバイスの油圧ハンマー問題解消のための検討(5) 作業報告書の作成(1) TIR から TA までの異常真空検出システムの基本検討とその制御・防護案① リチウム異常・非流動による TA 破損時の異常事象の検討② 異常時の緊急措置法の検討・提案a. 真空排気システムの異常停止b. ビーム異常輸送に伴う TIR機材の熱応力による異常真空c. TIR真空内アルゴンガス供給異常停止によるリチウムのダクト内蒸発d. リチウム異常・非流動によるTA破損時の異常事象e. 異常時の緊急措置法の検討・提案(2) リチウム漏洩に関する検知システムの基本検討とその緊急措置案① リチウム漏洩の定義の検討② 高温液体金属漏洩検出に関する従来法の調査③ 核融合中性子源用リチウム漏洩検出法の検討(又は提案)④ リチウム漏洩時の緊急措置法の検討(又は提案)⑤ 公衆の健康と安全を確保するための措置の検討(又は提案)4(3) リチウム火災に係る検知システムの基本検討とその緊急措置案① 液体金属火災事象の定義② リチウム火災事象の定義③ リチウム漏洩検出法の検討(又は提案)④ リチウム火災の緊急措置法の検討(又は提案)⑤ 公衆の健康と安全を確保するための措置の検討(又は提案)(4) Liデバイスの油圧ハンマー問題解消のための検討(5) 作業報告書の作成上記(1)~(4)で実施した作業の結果を作業報告書としてまとめ、提出すること。2.3 提示資料(1) 核融合中性子源A-FNS概念設計書(2) 核融合中性子源A-FNS工学設計活動計画書(3) IFMIF中間設計報告書(IFMIF Intermediate Engineering Design Report)(4) IFMIF原型加速器LIPAcの運転に関する資料・情報(5) 核融合中性子源A-FNSのPBS(6) 核融合中性子源に関するRAMI の資料(7) その他、本作業に必要と判断される図面、設計書類等やイベントレポート等の資料知財特約_202306知的財産権特約条項(知的財産権等の定義)第1条 この特約条項において「知的財産権」とは、次の各号に掲げるものをいう。 一 特許法(昭和34年法律第121号)に規定する特許権、実用新案法(昭和34年法律第123号)に規定する実用新案権、意匠法(昭和34年法律第125号)に規定する意匠権、半導体集積回路の回路配置に関する法律(昭和60年法律第43号)に規定する回路配置利用権、種苗法(平成10年法律第83号)に規定する育成者権及び外国における上記各権利に相当する権利(以下総称して「産業財産権等」という。)二 特許法に規定する特許を受ける権利、実用新案法に規定する実用新案登録を受ける権利、意匠法に規定する意匠登録を受ける権利、半導体集積回路の回路配置に関する法律に規定する回路配置利用権の設定の登録を受ける権利、種苗法に規定する品種登録を受ける地位及び外国における上記各権利に相当する権利三 著作権法(昭和45年法律第48号)に規定する著作権(著作権法第21条から第28条までに規定する全ての権利を含む。)及び外国における著作権に相当する権利(以下総称して「著作権」という。)四 前各号に掲げる権利の対象とならない技術情報のうち、秘匿することが可能なものであって、かつ、財産的価値のあるものの中から、甲乙協議の上、特に指定するもの(以下「ノウハウ」という。)を使用する権利2 この特約条項において「発明等」とは、次の各号に掲げるものをいう。一 特許権の対象となるものについてはその発明二 実用新案権の対象となるものについてはその考案三 意匠権、回路配置利用権及び著作権の対象となるものについてはその創作、育成者権の対象となるものについてはその育成並びにノウハウを使用する権利の対象となるものについてはその案出3 この契約書において知的財産権の「実施」とは、特許法第2条第3項に定める行為、実用新案法第2条第3項に定める行為、意匠法第2条第2項に定める行為、半導体集積回路の回路配置に関する法律第2条第3項に定める行為、種苗法第2条第5項に定める行為、著作権法第21条から第28条までに規定する全ての権利に基づき著作物を利用する行為、種苗法第2条第5項に定める行為及びノウハウを使用する行為をいう。(乙が単独で行った発明等の知的財産権の帰属)第2条 甲は、本契約に関して、乙が単独で発明等行ったときは、乙が次の各号のいずれの規定も遵守することを書面にて甲に届け出た場合、当該発明等に係る知的財産権を乙から譲り受けないものとする。 2 受注者は、次の各号に掲げる事項を遵守するほか、量研の情報セキュリティ確保のために、量研が必要な指示を行ったときは、その指示に従わなければならない。(1) 受注者は、契約の業務に携わる者(以下「業務担当者」という。)を特定し、それ以外の者に作業をさせてはならない。 (2) 受注者は、契約に関して知り得た情報(量研に引き渡すべきコンピュータプログラム著作物及び計算結果を含む。以下同じ。)を取り扱う情報システムについて、業務担当者以外が当該情報にアクセス可能とならないよう適切にアクセス制限を行うこと。 (3) 受注者は、契約に関して知り得た情報を取り扱う情報システムについて、ウィルス対策ツール及びファイアウォール機能の導入、セキュリティパッチの適用等適切な情報セキュリティ対策を実施すること。 (4) 受注者は、P2P ファイル交換ソフトウェア(Winny、WinMX、KaZaa、Share 等)及び SoftEther を導入した情報システムにおいて、契約に関して知り得た情報を取り扱ってはならない。 (5) 受注者は、量研の承諾のない限り、契約に関して知り得た情報を量研又は受注者の情報システム以外の情報システム(業務担当者が所有するパソコン等)において取り扱ってはならない。 (6) 受注者は、委任をし又は下請負をさせた場合は、当該委任又は下請負を受けた者の契約に関する行為について、量研に対し全ての責任を負うとともに、当該委任又は下請負を受けた者に対して、情報セキュリティの確保について必要な措置を講ずるように努めなければならない。 (7) 受注者は、量研が求めた場合には、情報セキュリティ対策の実施状況についての監査を受け入れ、これに協力すること。 (8) 受注者は、量研の提供した情報並びに受注者及び委任又は下請負を受けた者が契約業務のために収集した情報について、災害、紛失、破壊、改ざん、き損、漏えい、コンピュータウィルスによる被害、不正な利用、不正アクセスその他の事故が発生、又は生ずるおそれのあることを知った場合は、ただちに量研に報告し、量研の指示に従うものとする。契約の終了後においても、同様とする。 なお、量研の入札に参加する場合、または量研からの見積依頼を受ける場合にも、上記事項を遵守していただきます。以 上1 (RE-12697) Study on accident protection for a fusion neutron source lithium target system [Posting period: 2024-10-03 - 2024-10-23] (RE-12697) Study on accident protection for a fusion neutron source lithium target system [Posting period: 2024-10-03 - 2024-10-23] Publication period: - ( )1. As per the specifications for items to be submitted for competitive bidding... Rokkasho Fusion Institute, Fusion Energy Research and Development Sector, National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology, Rokkasho Village, Aomori Prefecture Bidding information is as follows. Subject (RE-12697) Study on Accident Protection for a Nuclear Fusion Neutron Source Lithium Target System [Posting Period: 2024-10-03 to 2024-10-23] Bidding Category Public Competitive Bidding Date of Announcement or Update October 3, 2024 Organization National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology Date of Acquisition October 3, 2024 19:53:12 Specifications [PDF file / 642KB] Announcement Contents Announcement Period: to ( )1. Items to be Subject to Competitive Bidding As per the Specifications2. Place of Submission of Bid Documents, etc.Place of Delivery of Bid Documents, etc. and Place of Submission of Bid Documents, etc. and Contact (Dial-in)Method of Delivery of Bid Documents, etc. They will be delivered at the delivery place described in 2. (1) above or by email. However, delivery will be made on weekdays excluding Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and the New Year holidays (December 29 to January 3). If you wish to receive the document by e-mail, please write the following information and send it to the address in 2. (1) above. The deadline for receiving the document is 17:00 on . Date and time of the tender briefing Deadline for submission of tender-related documents and technical review materials Deadline for submission of tender documents (4) Thursday, October 24, 2024 12:00 p.m. (5) nyuusatsu_rokkasho@qst.go.jp National Research and Development Agency National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology Rokkasho Fusion Energy Institute 2-166 Omotedate, Obuchi, Rokkasho-mura, Kamikita-gun, Aomori Prefecture R06RE-12697 (1) (Wed) TEL FAX 0175-71-6501 12:00 p.m. October 23, 2024 E-mail: Friday, November 8, 2024 No implementation Rokkasho Fusion Energy Institute ?039-3212 (1) (2) October 3, 2024 Rokkasho Fusion Energy Institute 2-166 Omotedate, Oaza Obuchi, Rokkasho-mura, Kamikita-gun, Aomori Prefecture Study on Accident Protection of Lithium Target System for Nuclear Fusion Neutron Source February 28, 2025 Yukihiko Kawabata Item Name Details (3) Deadline (2) (4) (3) The following will be open to public competitive bidding. Bidding announcement (mail bidding) Contract 3/3/2004 Masaru Maeda, Manager of the Accounting and Contract Division, Management Department 0175-66-6839 Place of performance National Research and Development Agency National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology 23/10/2004 Date and time of opening of bids 3. Qualifications required for participants in the competition Not a person who is currently under a suspension of nomination by the organization. A person who is qualified to participate in unified competitive bidding for all ministries and agencies. The bidder must be able to sign a pledge separately specified by the Agency to the effect that he/she is not affiliated with an organized crime group. 4. Bid security and contract security: Exempt 5. Invalidated bids Bids made by persons without the necessary qualifications to participate in bids Bids made by persons who violate the conditions of the bid 6. Necessity of contracts, etc.: Required 7. Method of determining successful bidder 8. Other: The bidder will be announced on the Agency's website during the period. That is all. An announcement will be made. In addition to this case, the Agency's website also lists "Procurement Plans" for the future under Procurement Information, so please check them out. (URL: https://www.qst.go.jp/site/procurement/) (6) Submit a questionnaire to the above contact by 2:30 p.m. In addition, answers to questions will be sent on Wednesday, October 16, 2024. (2) (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (1) If you have any questions regarding this bid, (2) The successful bid price will be the amount stated in the bid document plus 10% of the said amount (if the amount has a fraction of less than 1 yen, the fraction will be rounded down), so the bidder, regardless of whether he/she is a taxable business or a tax-exempt business, must state in the bid document an amount equivalent to 110/100 of the estimated amount. (4) By 11:00 on Friday, October 11, 2024, the bidder must not fall under the provisions of Article 11, Paragraph 1 of the Contract Administration Detailed Rules of the National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology. (1) Those who wish to participate in this bid must submit a pledge to the effect that they are not members of any organized crime group, etc., as separately designated by the Agency, at the time of submitting the bid document. If a bidder does not submit the pledge in the preceding paragraph, or makes a false pledge, or violates the pledge, the bidder's bid will be invalid. (3) For other details, refer to the bidding documents, so be sure to receive the bidding documents as described in 2. (2) above. (2) The successful bidder will be the bidder who passes the technical review and submits a valid bid with the lowest price within the limit of the estimated price. (Lowest price bidding method) Friday, November 8, 2024. Attendance at the bid opening is not required, and the bid opening results will be notified separately. If there is no successful bidder as a result of the bid opening, the deadline for submitting a new bid and the date and time of bid opening will be notified separately. Rokkasho Fusion Energy Institute, Administration and Research Building (5) National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology, A person who does not fall under the provisions of Article 10 of the Contract Administration Detailed Rules. However, this does not apply to minors, persons under guardianship, or persons under assistance who have obtained the consent necessary for entering into a contract. Specification for the study of accident protection for a fusion neutron source lithium target system October 2024 Rokkasho Fusion Energy Institute, National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology Fusion Reactor Materials Research and Development Department Fusion Neutron Source Design Group 11. General Specifications 1.1 Subject Study of Accident Protection for a Fusion Neutron Source Lithium Target System 1.2 Objectives and Overview The National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology (hereinafter referred to as "QST") is conducting technical studies of protection design for accident prevention as part of the engineering demonstration and engineering design activities of the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (hereinafter referred to as "IFMIF") in the Broad Approach (BA) activities by Japan and Europe. In particular, protection design for the liquid lithium target loop, which is the target system of the fusion neutron source, is being prioritized. This project involves the implementation of a basic technical study of emergency measures and detection systems for accident prevention for the liquid lithium target loop for the fusion neutron source. 1.3 Scope of Work The contractor shall carry out the work on the following items based on the technical specifications in Section 2. (1) Basic study of the abnormal vacuum detection system from the target interface room (TIR) ??to the target assembly (TA) and preparation of its control and protection plan (2) Basic study of the detection system for lithium leakage and preparation of its emergency measures (3) Basic study of the detection system for lithium fire and preparation of its emergency measures (4) Study to resolve the hydraulic hammer problem of the lithium device (5) Preparation of a work report 1.4 Documents and electronic filesThe contractor shall submit the documents and electronic data specified in the table below. Documents to be submitted Submission time Number of copiesWork organization chart and schedule Promptly after contract 1 copyImplementation plan At least 2 weeks before work begins 1 copyMeeting minutes Promptly after meeting 1 copy1.3 Work report (electronic data) created within the scope of workAt the time of delivery Electronic data 1 copy1.5 Delivery locationQST Rokkasho Fusion Energy Laboratory, Administration Research Building, Room 2261.6 Delivery dateFebruary 28, 20251.7 Inspection conditionsThe inspection will be passed upon confirmation of the number of documents and electronic data specified in Section 1.4 and confirmation that the work report satisfies the technical specifications specified in this specification.1.8 Loaned itemsThe results of the previous design studies at QST shown in Section 2.3 and the presentation materials available to QST will be loaned. 21.9 Handling of intellectual property rights Handling of intellectual property rights shall be as stipulated in Attachment 1 "Special clause on intellectual property rights". 1.10 Ensuring information security Ensuring information security shall be as stipulated in Attachment 2 "Matters concerning 'Ensuring information security' to be complied with under this contract". 1.11 Confidentiality, disclosure of technical information and results (1) Confidentiality The Contractor shall strictly manage any information acquired during the performance of this work, and shall not disclose or provide such information to third parties, except when it is disclosed to workers of the Contractor and subcontractors for the purpose of carrying out this work. (2) Disclosure of technical information and results The Contractor may disclose to third parties any information or results acquired during the performance of this work that QST recognizes as not confidential information, by obtaining prior written confirmation from QST. In addition, in order for QST to achieve the purpose of this contract, QST shall provide to QST any technical information that is not confidential information held by the Contractor free of charge. 1.12 Promotion of Green Purchasing Law (1) In this contract, if any eco-friendly parts are required under the Green Purchasing Law (Act on Promotion of Procurement of Eco-Friendly Goods, etc. by the State, etc.), the parts that meet the procurement criteria shall be adopted. (2) The documents (printed materials) to be submitted as specified in this specification shall meet the criteria for "paper" as specified in the basic policy of the Green Purchasing Law. 1.13 Special Notes The contractor shall have technology related to liquid lithium flow or equivalent track record and experience, and shall carry out this work with sufficient knowledge. In order to smoothly proceed with this work, the contractor shall proceed with the work in consultation with QST. In addition, if any doubts arise regarding matters described in this specification or matters not described in this specification, the contractor shall consult with QST and follow the decision. 32. Technical Specifications 2.1 Overview QST is proceeding with the engineering design of the fusion neutron source A-FNS based on the technological development of the liquid lithium target loop (hereinafter referred to as the "lithium subsystem") as part of its fusion neutron source design activities. The lithium subsystem for fusion neutron sources uses high-temperature liquid alkali metals, so it is necessary to take sufficient preventive systems and measures to prevent accidents. In particular, it is necessary to ensure high safety and reliability by carefully examining emergency response technical measures for the equipment in the area of ??the target interface room (hereinafter referred to as "TIR"), which is the interface between the target assembly (hereinafter referred to as "TA") of the lithium subsystem and the accelerator. In addition, installation on the bypass line, which is part of the lithium subsystem, is being considered. The impact of hydraulic hammers on the "conversion valve" is an issue, and specific countermeasures are required to be developed. The results of the basic study on these technologies will make it possible to ensure high safety of the lithium subsystem. 2.2 Scope of Implementation This project will implement the implementation of the following four technical countermeasures. (1) Basic study of abnormal vacuum detection system from TIR to TA and its control and protection plan (2) Basic study of detection system for lithium leak and its emergency measures (3) Basic study of detection system for lithium fire and its emergency measures (4) Study to resolve hydraulic hammer issue of lithium device (5) Preparation of work report (1) Basic study of abnormal vacuum detection system from TIR to TA and its control and protection plan ? Study of abnormal events when TA breaks due to lithium abnormality/non-flow ? Study and proposal of emergency measures in case of abnormality a. Abnormal stop of vacuum exhaust system b. Abnormal vacuum due to thermal stress of TIR equipment caused by abnormal beam transport c. Evaporation of lithium in duct due to abnormal stop of argon gas supply in TIR vacuum d. Abnormal events when TA breaks due to lithium abnormality/non-flow e. Study and proposal of emergency measures in case of abnormality (2) Basic study of detection system for lithium leak and its emergency measures ? Study of definition of lithium leak ? Investigation of conventional methods for high temperature liquid metal leak detection ? Study (or proposal) of lithium leak detection method for fusion neutron source ? Consideration (or proposal) of emergency measures in the event of a lithium leak ? Consideration (or proposal) of measures to ensure public health and safety 4 (3) Basic consideration of detection system for lithium fires and emergency measures ? Definition of liquid metal fire event ? Definition of lithium fire event ? Consideration (or proposal) of lithium leak detection method ? Consideration (or proposal) of emergency measures for lithium fires ? Consideration (or proposal) of measures to ensure public health and safety (4) Consideration to resolve hydraulic hammer issue in Li devices (5) Preparation of work report Compile the results of the work carried out in (1) to (4) above into a work report and submit it. 2.3 Materials to be presented (1) Fusion Neutron Source A-FNS Conceptual Design Document (2) Fusion Neutron Source A-FNS Engineering Design Activity Plan (3) IFMIF Intermediate Engineering Design Report (4) Materials and information related to the operation of the IFMIF Prototype Accelerator LIPAc (5) Fusion Neutron Source A-FNS PBS (6) RAMI materials related to the fusion neutron source (7) Other materials such as drawings, design documents, event reports, etc. that are deemed necessary for this work Intellectual Property Special Clause_202306 Intellectual Property Rights Special Clause (Definition of Intellectual Property Rights, etc.) Article 1 In this Special Clause, "Intellectual Property Rights" means the following items. (i) Patent rights as provided in the Patent Act (Act No. 121 of 1959), utility model rights as provided in the Utility Model Act (Act No. 123 of 1959), design rights as provided in the Design Act (Act No. 125 of 1959), circuit layout exploitation rights as provided in the Act on the Circuit Layout of Semiconductor Integrated Circuits (Act No. 43 of 1985), breeder's rights as provided in the Plant Variety and Seeds Act (Act No. 83 of 1998), and rights equivalent to each of the above rights in foreign countries (hereinafter collectively referred to as "industrial property rights, etc."); (ii) The right to obtain a patent as provided in the Patent Act, the right to obtain a utility model registration as provided in the Utility Model Act, the right to obtain a design registration as provided in the Design Act, the right to obtain a registration of the establishment of a circuit layout exploitation right as provided in the Act on the Circuit Layout of Semiconductor Integrated Circuits, the status of obtaining a variety registration as provided in the Plant Variety and Seeds Act, and rights equivalent to each of the above rights in foreign countries; Copyright as provided for in the Copyright Act (Act No. 48 of 1970) (including all the rights provided for in Articles 21 to 28 of the Copyright Act) and rights equivalent to copyright in foreign countries (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Copyright"). 4. The right to use technical information not subject to the rights listed in the preceding items, which can be kept secret and has proprietary value, and which is specially designated through consultation between the Parties (hereinafter referred to as "Know-how"). 2. In this special clause, "inventions, etc." means the following items: 1. In the case of any subject matter of a patent right, the invention; 2. In the case of any subject matter of a utility model right, the design; 3. In the case of any subject matter of a design right, a layout-design exploitation right and a copyright, the creation, in the case of any subject matter of a breeder's right, the breeding, and in the case of any subject matter of a right to use know-how, the invention. 3. In this agreement, "implementation" of intellectual property rights means the acts specified in Article 2, paragraph 3 of the Patent Act, the acts specified in Article 2, paragraph 3 of the Utility Model Act, the acts specified in Article 2, paragraph 2 of the Design Act, the acts specified in Article 2, paragraph 3 of the Act on the Circuit Layout of Semiconductor Integrated Circuits, the acts specified in Article 2, paragraph 5 of the Plant Variety and Seed Act, the acts of utilizing works based on all the rights specified in Articles 21 to 28 of the Copyright Act, the acts specified in Article 2, paragraph 5 of the Plant Variety and Seed Act, and the acts of using know-how. (Attribution of intellectual property rights to inventions, etc. made solely by Party B) Article 2 Party A shall not acquire from Party B the intellectual property rights to inventions, etc. made solely by Party B in relation to this contract, if Party B notifies Party A in writing that it will comply with all of the following provisions. 2 In addition to complying with the items listed in the following items, the Contractor shall follow any instructions given by QST in order to ensure information security at QST. (1) The Contractor shall identify the persons involved in the work under the contract (hereinafter referred to as "work personnel") and shall not allow any other person to perform the work. (2) The Contractor shall appropriately restrict access to information systems that handle information acquired in relation to the contract (including computer program works and calculation results to be delivered to QST; the same applies below) so that no one other than the work personnel can access the information. (3) The Contractor shall implement appropriate information security measures, such as the introduction of antivirus tools and firewall functions, and the application of security patches, for information systems that handle information acquired in relation to the contract. (4) The contractor shall not handle any information learned in connection with the contract in any information system that has P2P file-sharing software (Winny, WinMX, KaZaa, Share, etc.) and SoftEther installed. (5) The contractor shall not handle any information learned in connection with the contract in any information system (such as a personal computer owned by a person in charge of work) other than that of QST or the contractor, unless consented to by QST. (6) If the contractor delegates or subcontracts work, the contractor shall bear full responsibility to QST for the actions of the delegated or subcontracted party in connection with the contract, and shall endeavor to have the delegated or subcontracted party take the necessary measures to ensure information security. (7) If requested by QST, the contractor shall accept and cooperate with an audit of the implementation status of information security measures. (8) If the Contractor becomes aware of any occurrence or risk of occurrence of disaster, loss, destruction, falsification, damage, leakage, damage from computer viruses, unauthorized use, unauthorized access, or any other accident with respect to the information provided by QST or the information collected by the Contractor or its delegated or subcontracted parties for the contracted work, the Contractor shall immediately report this to QST and follow QST's instructions. This shall also apply after the termination of the contract. Furthermore, the Contractor shall also comply with the above items when participating in QST's bid or receiving a request for quotation from QST. End of 1The Contractor shall appropriately restrict access to the information systems that handle the information acquired in connection with the contract (including computer program works and calculation results to be delivered to QST; the same applies below) so that the information is not accessible to anyone other than the person in charge of the work. (3) The Contractor shall implement appropriate information security measures, such as the introduction of antivirus tools and firewall functions and the application of security patches, for the information systems that handle the information acquired in connection with the contract. (4) The Contractor shall not handle the information acquired in connection with the contract in information systems that have P2P file-sharing software (Winny, WinMX, KaZaa, Share, etc.) and SoftEther installed. (5) The Contractor shall not handle the information acquired in connection with the contract in information systems (such as personal computers owned by the person in charge of the work) other than those of QST or the Contractor, unless consented to by QST. (6) If the Contractor delegates or subcontracts work, the Contractor shall bear all responsibility to QST for the actions of the person delegated or subcontracted in connection with the contract, and shall endeavor to take the necessary measures to ensure information security for the person delegated or subcontracted. (7) If requested by QST, the Contractor shall accept and cooperate with audits of the implementation status of information security measures. (8) If the Contractor becomes aware of any occurrence or risk of occurrence of disaster, loss, destruction, falsification, damage, leakage, damage from computer viruses, unauthorized use, unauthorized access, or any other accident with respect to the information provided by QST or the information collected by the Contractor and its delegated or subcontracted parties for the contracted work, the Contractor shall immediately report this to QST and follow QST's instructions. The same shall apply even after the termination of the contract. Furthermore, the Contractor shall also comply with the above items when participating in QST's bids or receiving a request for quotation from QST. End of 1The Contractor shall appropriately restrict access to the information systems that handle the information acquired in connection with the contract (including computer program works and calculation results to be delivered to QST; the same applies below) so that the information is not accessible to anyone other than the person in charge of the work. (3) The Contractor shall implement appropriate information security measures, such as the introduction of antivirus tools and firewall functions and the application of security patches, for the information systems that handle the information acquired in connection with the contract. (4) The Contractor shall not handle the information acquired in connection with the contract in information systems that have introduced P2P file-sharing software (Winny, WinMX, KaZaa, Share, etc.) and SoftEther. (5) The Contractor shall not handle the information acquired in connection with the contract in information systems (such as personal computers owned by the person in charge of the work) other than those of QST or the Contractor, unless consented to by QST. (6) If the Contractor delegates or subcontracts work, the Contractor shall bear all responsibility to QST for the actions of the person delegated or subcontracted in connection with the contract, and shall endeavor to take the necessary measures to ensure information security for the person delegated or subcontracted. (7) If requested by QST, the Contractor shall accept and cooperate with audits of the implementation status of information security measures. (8) If the Contractor becomes aware of any occurrence or risk of occurrence of disaster, loss, destruction, falsification, damage, leakage, damage from computer viruses, unauthorized use, unauthorized access, or any other accident with respect to the information provided by QST or the information collected by the Contractor and its delegated or subcontracted parties for the contracted work, the Contractor shall immediately report this to QST and follow QST's instructions. The same shall apply even after the termination of the contract. Furthermore, the Contractor shall also comply with the above items when participating in QST's bids or receiving a request for quotation from QST. End of 1
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