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【県立長井高等学校】A重油(令和6年11月8日入札) 【県立長井高等学校】A重油(令和6年11月8日入札) 一般競争入札の公告地方自治法(昭和22年法律第67号)第234条第1項の規定により、A重油の調達について、一般競争入札を次のとおり行う。令和6年1... [Nagai Prefectural High School] Heavy oil A (bid date: November 8, 2024) [Nagai Prefectural High School] Heavy oil A (bid date: November 8, 2024) Announcement of public competitive bidding In accordance with the provisions of Article 234, Paragraph 1 of the Local Autonomy Act (Act No. 67 of 1947), a public competitive bidding will be held for the procurement of heavy oil A as follows. January 8, 2024...

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【県立長井高等学校】A重油(令和6年11月8日入札) 【県立長井高等学校】A重油(令和6年11月8日入札) 一般競争入札の公告地方自治法(昭和22年法律第67号)第234条第1項の規定により、A重油の調達について、一般競争入札を次のとおり行う。令和6年1... 山形県   入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 【県立長井高等学校】A重油(令和6年11月8日入札) 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 15 日 組織 山形県 取得日 2024 年 10 月 15 日 19:09:01 入札説明書(PDF:296KB) 公告内容 一般競争入札の公告地方自治法(昭和22年法律第67号)第234条第1項の規定により、A重油の調達について、一般競争入札を次のとおり行う。令和6年10月15日山形県立長井高等学校 上浦 勤1 入札の場所及び日時(1) 場所 長井市四ツ谷二丁目5番1号 山形県立長井高等学校 鷹桜会館(2) 日時 令和6年11月8日(金) 午前10時2 入札に付する事項(1) 調達をする物品の名称及び予定数量 A重油 36,000リットル(2) 調達をする物品の仕様等 日本産業規格K2205重油に規定するもののうち1種2号に限る。(3) 契約期間及び納入方法 契約締結日から令和7年3月31日までの間において、指定する納入日に指定する数量を納入すること。(4) 納入場所 長井市四ツ谷二丁目5番1号 山形県立長井高等学校内地下タンク(5) 入札方法1リットル当たりの単価により行う。落札決定に当たっては、入札書に記載された金額に当該金額の100分の10に相当する金額を加算した金額をもって落札価格とするので、入札者は、消費税及び地方消費税に係る課税事業者であるか免税事業者であるかを問わず、見積もった契約金額の110分の100に相当する金額を入札書に記載すること。なお、入札書に記載する見積金額は、小数点以下2桁までとする。3 入札参加者の資格次に掲げる要件を全て満たす者であること。(1) 地方自治法施行令(昭和22年政令第16号)第167条の4第1項各号に規定する者に該当しないこと。(2) 山形県税(山形県税に附帯する税外収入を含む。)及び消費税を滞納していないこと。(3) 雇用保険、健康保険、厚生年金保険等の社会保険に加入していること(加入する義務のない者を除く。)。(4) 1年以上引き続き業として当該競争入札に付する契約に係る業務を営んでいること。(5) 山形県競争入札参加資格者指名停止要綱に基づく指名停止措置を受けていないこと。(6) 山形県財務規則(昭和39年3月県規則第9号。以下「規則」という。)第125条第5項の競争入札参加資格者名簿に登載されていること。(7) 次のいずれにも該当しないこと(地方自治法施行令第 167条の4第1項第3号に規定する者に該当する者を除く。)。イ 役員等(入札参加者が個人である場合にはその者を、入札参加者が法人である場合にはその役員又はその支店若しくは契約を締結する事務所の代表者をいう。以下同じ。)が暴力団員による不当な行為の防止等に関する法律(平成3年法律第 77 号)第2条第6号に規定する暴力団員(以下「暴力団員」という。)又は暴力団員でなくなった日から5年を経過しない者(以下「暴力団員等」という。)であること。ロ 暴力団(暴力団員による不当な行為の防止等に関する法律第2条第2号に規定する暴力団をいう。以下同じ。)又は暴力団員等が経営に実質的に関与していること。ハ 役員等が自己、自社若しくは第三者の不正の利益を図る目的又は第三者に損害を加える目的をもって、暴力団又は暴力団員等を利用する等していること。ニ 役員等が、暴力団又は暴力団員等に対して資金等を供給し、又は便宜を供与する等直接的あるいは積極的に暴力団の維持及び運営に協力し、又は関与していること。ホ 役員等が暴力団又は暴力団員等と社会的に非難されるべき関係を有していること。(8) 県内に本店又は営業所等を有すること。(9) 当該競争入札に付する契約に係る営業に関し、法令の規定により必要な許可、認可、登録等を受けていること。4 契約条項を示す場所、入札説明書の交付場所等及び契約に関する事務を担当する部局等(1) 契約条項を示す場所及び契約に関する事務を担当する部局等長井市四ツ谷二丁目5番1号 山形県立長井高等学校 事務室電話番号 0238(84)1660(2) 入札説明書の交付場所等 山形県立長井高等学校事務室で交付するほか、山形県のホームページ(https://www.pref.yamagata.jp/)からもダウンロードできる。5 入札保証金及び契約保証金(1) 入札保証金 免除する。(2) 契約保証金 契約金額に2の(1)の予定数量を乗じて得た金額の100分の10に相当する金額(当該金額に1円未満の端数があるときは、その端数金額を切り上げた金額)以上の額。 ただし、規則第135条各号のいずれかに該当する場合は、契約保証金を免除する。6 入札の無効入札に参加する者に必要な資格のない者のした入札、入札に関する条件に違反した入札その他規則第122条の2の規定に該当する入札は、無効とする。7 その他(1) この公告による入札に参加を希望する者は、一般競争入札参加資格確認申請書を令和6年10月28日(月)午後1時までに山形県立長井高等学校事務室に提出すること(2) この契約においては、契約書の作成を必要とする。この場合において、当該契約書には、談合等に係る契約解除及び賠償に関する定めを設けるものとする。(3) この入札及び契約は、県の都合により調達手続の停止等があり得る。(4) 詳細については入札説明書による。 入札説明書等配布一覧表物品等の名称[ A重油(日本産業規格 K2205 1種2号) ]No 名 称 部数等1入札説明書(添付様式)・一般競争入札参加資格確認申請書・入札書・委任状1部(注)上記内容について、落丁等がないか確認してください。山形県立長井高等学校入 札 説 明 書A重油(日本産業規格 K2205 1種2号)の調達に係る入札公告に基づく一般競争入札については、関係法令及び山形県財務規則(昭和39年3月県規則第9号。以下「規則」という。)に定めるもののほか、この入札説明書によるものとする。1 担当部局等〒993-0015 長井市四ツ谷二丁目5番1号山形県立長井高等学校 事務室 電話番号0238(84)16602 入札参加者の資格(1)「山形県競争入札参加資格者指名停止要綱に基づく指名停止措置を受けていないこと」とは、入札参加資格審査日(一般競争入札参加資格確認申請書(以下「申請書」という。)の提出期限の日)から開札日までの期間中のいずれの日においても指名停止措置を受けていないことをいう。(2)公告で指定された期限までに申請書を提出しない者及び入札参加資格が無いと認められた者は、本件入札に参加することができない。3 入札参加資格の審査等(1)本件入札に参加を希望する者は、入札公告の「入札参加者の資格」を有することを証するため、申請書を公告で指定された提出場所へ提出し、入札参加資格の有無について契約担当者の審査を受けなければならない。(2)提出書類ア 入札参加者の資格に関する書類一般競争入札参加資格確認申請書(別紙様式第1号)(3)上記(2)の書類を郵送で提出する場合は、書留郵便に限る。(4)申請書の作成及び提出に係る費用は、申請者の負担とする。4 入札参加資格審査結果の通知(1)入札参加資格の審査は、その提出期限の日を基準日として行うものとし、その結果は令和6 年 11月 1日(金)までに通知する。5 入札の辞退等(1)入札参加者は、入札書を提出するまでの間は、いつでも入札を辞退することができる。入札を辞退する場合は、書面により行うものとする。この場合は、辞退する物品等の名称、入札日、辞退する者の氏名又は名称、辞退する理由を記載した書面に代表者印を押印し、入札を執行する日時までに提出するものとする。(2)入札参加者が入札執行時刻に遅れた場合は、本件入札を棄権したものとみなす。6 入札(1)入札書の様式は、入札書(様式第8号)による。(2)入札書は入札公告の「入札の場所及び日時」に持参するものとするが、郵送による提出も認める。(書留郵便に限る。)(3)入札書は封筒に入れて厳封し、表に「氏名又は名称」及び「物品等の名称」を記載すること。(4)入札書を郵送により提出する場合は二重封筒とし、入札書を中封筒に厳封の上、上記(3)の内容を記載し、表封筒に「入札書在中」と朱書きすること。なお、令和6 年 11 月 8 日(金)午前10時までに契約担当部局に必着とし、当該日時までに到達しなかった場合は棄権とみなす。(5)入札者は名刺を提出し、代理人をして入札に関する行為をさせようとする者は、委任状(別紙様式第9号)を作成し提出させること。(6)入札者又は入札者の代理人は、当該入札に関する他の入札者の代理をすることはできない。また、法人の代表者(支店長等の受任者を含む。)が自ら入札する場合は、当該入札に関して他の入札者となることはできない。(7)入札価格には、輸送費、登録及び関税等通常の取引において必要とされる諸経費を含む総額とする。7 開札入札者又はその代理人は開札に立ち会うものとする。入札者又はその代理人が立ち会わない場合においては、入札事務に関係のない山形県職員を立ち合わせて開札を行う。開札に立ち会わない入札者は、開札結果の通知に必要な返信用封筒に、受取人の住所、氏名又は名称等を明記のうえ、所定の料金の切手を貼ったものを入札書とともに提出しなければならない。8 入札の無効次に掲げる入札は無効とする。(1)入札公告に示した入札参加資格のない者(入札参加資格があることを確認された者で開札時において入札公告に示した入札参加資格を満たさなくなった者を含む。)のした入札(2)申請書に虚偽の記載をした者のした入札(3)委任状を持参しない代理人のした入札(4)入札の公正な執行を妨げ、又は公正な価格の成立を害し、若しくは不正の利益を得るため連合したと認められる入札(5)同一の事項につき2通以上の入札書を契約担当者に提出した入札(6)金額、氏名等の入札要件が確認できない入札書、記名押印を欠く入札書又は入札金額を訂正した入札書を契約担当者に提出した入札(7)その他入札に関する条件に違反した入札9 再度入札予定価格の制限の範囲内の価格の入札がないときは、直ちに再度の入札を行う場合がある。再度の入札を辞退するときは、入札書に「辞退」と記載し、提出すること。入札を一度辞退した者は、当該入札案件の再度入札に参加することはできない。10 落札者の決定方法(1)規則第 120条第1項の規定により作成された公告2の(1)の予定価格の範囲内で最低の価格をもって入札(有効な入札に限る。)を行った者を落札者とする。(2)落札となるべき同価の入札をした者が二人以上あるときは、直ちに当該入札者にくじを引かせて落札者を決定する。この場合において、当該入札者のうち立ち会わない者又はくじを引かない者があるときは、当該入札執行事務に関係のない山形県職員がこれに代わって立ち合い、くじを引き落札者を決定する。(3)落札者の決定の時までに入札参加資格を満たさなくなった者は落札者としない。11 その他(1)本校の地下タンクは、7 キロリットル1基、3 キロリットル1基である。3 キロリットルの地下タンクには、建物の関係から小型ローリーでなければ搬入できない。(2)契約後、求めに応じて、燃料の石油製品成分分析表を提出すること。(3)申請書に虚偽の記載をした場合においては、山形県競争入札参加資格者指名停止要綱に基づく指名停止措置を行うことがある。(4)入札参加者の連合、その他の理由により入札を公正に執行することができないと認められるときは、当該入札参加者を入札に参加させず、又は入札の執行を延期し、若しくは取り止めることがある。(5)入札をした者は、入札後、契約条項又は入札条件等の不明を理由として異議を申立てることができない。(6)落札者は予約完結権を他に譲渡することができない。(7)入札者又はその代理人は、即日口頭落札決定通知を受領するための印鑑(入札書に使用する印鑑に限る。ただし、代理人の場合は当該代理人の印鑑とする。)を持参すること。 なお、当該印鑑を持参できない場合は、入札執行時の指示により落札決定を通知する。(8)本件契約の条項は、規則の規定による物件購入契約約款(昭和 39年8月県告示第707 号。)による。(9)物件購入契約約款第6条に規定する契約変更については、次のとおりとする。 なお、「指標価格」は山形県会計局会計課が契約する燃料油類単価(A重油(中型ローリー))とし、消費税を抜いた価格とする。① 前回契約価格決定時の指標価格と現行の指標価格に2円以上の変動があった場合は、受注者又は発注者から協議の申し出を行うことができるものとする。② 変更契約額(増減額)は、前回契約価格決定時の指標価格と現行の指標価格の価格差額とし、変更契約額(増減額)の算定においては指標価格の増減額の小数点第2位を四捨五入するものとする。③ 入札時の指標価格と当初契約額の価格差は、変更時の指標価格と変更後契約額の価格差においても維持することとし、同額(端数処理による誤差を除く)とする。(10)その他必要とする入札に関する条件については、入札執行時の指示による。様式第1号(一般競争入札参加資格確認申請書)令和 年 月 日山形県立長井高等学校長 殿住 所氏名又は名称代表者氏名一般競争入札参加資格確認申請書下記物品の調達等に係る入札参加資格について確認されたく申請します。なお、公告された資格を有することについては事実と相違ないことを誓約します。記1 調達物品等の入札公告日及び名称(1)入札公告日 令和6年10月15日(火)(2)物品等の名称 A重油(日本産業規格 K2205 1種2号)※登録番号 ※確認印※申請者は記入しないでください。様式第8号(入札書)入 札 書令和 年 月 日山形県立長井高等学校長 殿※1入札者 住所又は所在地氏名又は名称及び代表者名㊞※ 2〔代理人氏名 ㊞ 〕山形県財務規則及び山形県契約約款により入札条件を承認し、下記のとおり入札します。記入札金額 ¥ (1リットル当たり)入札保証金額 免 除品名及び規格A重油(日本産業規格 K2205 1種2号)予定数量 36,000リットル納入場所又は引渡場所山形県立長井高等学校内地下タンク納入期間又は引渡期限契約締結日から令和7年3月31日まで摘要代金の支払いは1ヶ月毎の精算払いとする。備考 「摘要」欄には物件売払契約に係る入札の場合にあっては代金納入期限等その他の場合にあっては必要事項を記入すること。※1 入札者の「住所又は所在地」並びに「氏名又は名称及び代表者名」は、必ず記載すること。(代理人が申請する場合であっても、記載すること。その場合、押印は不要。)※2 代理人が入札する場合は、※1の記載に加え、〔 〕欄に記名・押印のうえ入札すること。様式第9号(委任状)委 任 状令和 年 月 日山形県立長井高等学校長 殿住所又は所在地氏名又は名称及び代表者氏名 ㊞私は を代理人と定め、下記の権限を(使用印鑑 )委任します。記1 A重油(日本産業規格K2205 1種2号)の入札並びに見積に関する一切の件2 委任期間令和 年 月 日 から令和 年 月 日 まで [Prefectural Nagai High School] Heavy oil A (bid on November 8, 2024) [Prefectural Nagai High School] Heavy oil A (bid on November 8, 2024) Announcement of public competitive bidding In accordance with the provisions of Article 234, Paragraph 1 of the Local Autonomy Act (Act No. 67 of 1947), a public competitive bidding will be held for the procurement of heavy oil A as follows. January 2024... Yamagata Prefecture Bidding information is as follows. Subject [Nagai Prefectural High School] Heavy oil A (Bidding on November 8, 2024) Date of announcement or update October 15, 2024 Organization Yamagata Prefecture Date of acquisition October 15, 2024 19:09:01 Bidding instructions (PDF: 296KB) Contents of announcement Announcement of public competitive bidding In accordance with the provisions of Article 234, Paragraph 1 of the Local Autonomy Act (Act No. 67 of 1947), a public competitive bidding will be held for the procurement of heavy oil A as follows. October 15, 2024 Yamagata Prefectural Nagai High School Kamiura Tsutomu 1. Place and date of bid (1) Place Takazakura Hall, Yamagata Prefectural Nagai High School, 2-5-1 Yotsuya, Nagai City (2) Date and time Friday, November 8, 2024, 10:00 a.m. 2. Items to be bid (1) Name and planned quantity of goods to be procured 36,000 liters of heavy oil A (2) Specifications, etc. of goods to be procured Limited to type 1, No. 2 of those specified in the Japanese Industrial Standard K2205 heavy oil. (3) Contract period and delivery method The specified quantity will be delivered on the specified delivery date between the date of contract conclusion and March 31, 2025. (4) Delivery location Underground tank at Yamagata Prefectural Nagai High School, 2-5-1 Yotsuya, Nagai City (5) Bidding method The unit price will be per liter. In determining the successful bid, the successful bid price will be the amount stated in the bid document plus 10% of the amount stated in the bid document. Therefore, regardless of whether the bidder is a taxable business entity or a tax-exempt business entity with respect to consumption tax and local consumption tax, the bidder must state in the bid document an amount equivalent to 110% of the estimated contract amount. The estimated amount stated in the bid document must be rounded to two decimal points. 3 Qualifications of bidders A bidder must meet all of the following requirements. (1) Not be a person specified in any of the items of Article 167-4, Paragraph 1 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Law (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947). (2) Not be in arrears with Yamagata Prefecture taxes (including non-tax revenues incidental to Yamagata Prefecture taxes) and consumption taxes. (3) Be enrolled in social insurance such as employment insurance, health insurance, and employee pension insurance (excluding those who are not required to enroll). (4) Be engaged in the business related to the contract to which the competitive bidding is being conducted as a business for more than one year. (5) Not having been subject to suspension of bids based on the Yamagata Prefecture Competitive Bidding Participant Suspension Guidelines. (6) Being listed in the list of persons eligible to participate in competitive bidding under Article 125, Paragraph 5 of the Yamagata Prefecture Financial Regulations (Prefectural Regulations No. 9 of March 1964; hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations"). (7) Not falling under any of the following (excluding persons falling under the category of persons specified in Article 167-4, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Law): (a) An officer, etc. (meaning the individual bidder if the bidder is an individual, or the officer or the representative of the branch office or the office that will enter into the contract if the bidder is a corporation; the same applies below) is a member of an organized crime group as defined in Article 2, Item 6 of the Law Concerning Prevention of Unfair Activities by Organized Crime Group Members (Law No. 77 of 1991) (hereinafter referred to as a "Organized Crime Group Member, etc.") or a person who has been a member of an organized crime group for less than five years (hereinafter referred to as a "Organized Crime Group Member, etc."). (b) An organized crime group (meaning an organized crime group as defined in Article 2, paragraph 2 of the Law on Prevention of Unfair Acts by Organized Crime Members; the same applies hereinafter) or an organized crime member, etc. is substantially involved in the management. (c) An officer, etc. uses an organized crime group or an organized crime member, etc. for the purpose of obtaining wrongful benefits for himself, his company or a third party, or for the purpose of causing damage to a third party. (d) An officer, etc. directly or actively cooperates with or is involved in the maintenance and operation of an organized crime group, such as by providing funds, etc. or convenience to an organized crime group or an organized crime member, etc. (e) An officer, etc. has a relationship with an organized crime group or an organized crime member, etc. that can be socially criticized. (8) The company has its head office or business office, etc. within the prefecture. (9) The company has obtained the necessary permits, approvals, registrations, etc., as provided for by laws and regulations, for the business related to the contract to which the competitive bidding is subject. 4. Place where the contract terms are indicated, place where the bidding documents are issued, etc., and departments, etc. responsible for the contract-related affairs (1) Place where the contract terms are indicated and departments, etc. responsible for the contract-related affairs Yamagata Prefectural Nagai High School Office, 5-1 Yotsuya 2-chome, Nagai City Telephone number: 0238 (84) 1660 (2) Place where the bidding documents are issued, etc. They will be issued at the Yamagata Prefectural Nagai High School Office, and will also be available on the Yamagata Prefecture website (https://www.pref.yamagata.The documents can also be downloaded from the website (http://www.yamagata-ken.jp/). 5. Bid security and contract security (1) Bid security: Waived. (2) Contract security: An amount equal to or greater than 10/100 of the amount obtained by multiplying the contract amount by the planned quantity in 2.(1) (if the amount has a fraction of less than 1 yen, the fraction shall be rounded up). However, in cases falling under any of the items of Article 135 of the Regulations, the contract security will be waived. 6. Invalid bids: Bids made by persons who do not have the necessary qualifications to participate in bids, bids that violate the conditions related to bids, and other bids that fall under the provisions of Article 122.2 of the Regulations will be invalid. 7. Other (1) Those who wish to participate in bids based on this announcement must submit an application for confirmation of eligibility to participate in open competitive bidding to the Yamagata Prefectural Nagai High School office by 1:00 p.m. on Monday, October 28, 2024. (2) This contract requires the preparation of a contract. In this case, the contract shall include provisions regarding contract termination and compensation in relation to collusion, etc. (3) This bid and contract may be suspended due to the convenience of the prefecture. (4) For details, please refer to the bid instructions. List of bid instructions, etc. Name of goods, etc. [A-class heavy oil (Japan Industrial Standards K2205, Type 1, No. 2)] No. Name Number of copies, etc. 1 Bidding instructions (attached form), application form for confirmation of eligibility to participate in open competitive bidding, bid document, power of attorney 1 copy (Note) Please confirm that there are no missing pages in the above contents. Yamagata Prefectural Nagai High School Bidding Instructions The open competitive bidding based on the bid announcement for the procurement of A-class heavy oil (Japan Industrial Standards K2205, Type 1, No. 2) shall be governed by these bid instructions in addition to the relevant laws and regulations and the Yamagata Prefectural Financial Regulations (Prefectural Regulations No. 9, March 1964, hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations"). 1. Responsible department, etc. Yamagata Prefectural Nagai High School Office, 5-1 Yotsuya 2-chome, Nagai City, Yamagata Prefecture, 993-0015, Japan Telephone number: 0238 (84) 16602. Qualifications of bidders (1) "Not subject to suspension of bidders based on the Yamagata Prefecture Competitive Bidding Eligibility Suspension Guidelines" means not being subject to suspension of bidders on any day during the period from the date of bidder eligibility review (the deadline for submission of the Application for Confirmation of Eligibility to Participate in General Competitive Bidding (hereinafter referred to as the "Application")) to the date of opening of bids. (2) Those who do not submit an application by the deadline specified in the public notice and those who are found to be ineligible to participate in bids will not be able to participate in this bid. 3. Review of bidder eligibility, etc. (1) Those who wish to participate in this bid must submit an application to the submission location specified in the public notice to prove that they meet the "qualifications of bidders" in the bid public notice, and must be reviewed by the contracting officer to determine whether they are eligible to participate in the bid. (2) Documents to be submitted A Documents related to the qualifications of bidders Application for confirmation of eligibility to participate in general competitive bidding (Appendix Form No. 1) (3) When submitting the documents in (2) above by mail, they must be sent by registered mail only. (4) The costs associated with preparing and submitting the application form shall be borne by the applicant. 4 Notification of the results of the bidder eligibility review (1) The review of bidder eligibility shall be conducted on the basis of the deadline for submission, and the results shall be notified by Friday, November 1, 2024. 5 Resignation of bid, etc. (1) A bidder may decline to bid at any time up until the submission of the bid document. In the event of a bidder declining to bid, the bidder shall do so in writing. In this case, a written statement containing the name of the item, etc. to be declined, the date of the bid, the name or title of the person declining, and the reason for the decline shall be stamped with the representative's seal and submitted by the date and time of the execution of the bid. (2) If a bidder is late for the time of the bid execution, the bidder shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the bid. 6. Bidding (1) The format of the bid document shall be as set forth in the Bidding Document (Form No. 8). (2) The bid document shall be brought to the "Place and Date of Bidding" in the bid announcement, but submission by mail is also permitted. (Registered mail only.) (3) The bid document shall be sealed in an envelope, and the "Name or Company Name" and "Name of Item, etc." shall be written on the front. (4) If submitting the bid document by mail, it shall be in a double envelope, the bid document shall be sealed in the inner envelope, the contents of (3) above shall be written on it, and "Bid Document Enclosed" shall be written in red on the front envelope. The bid document must arrive at the contracting department by 10:00 a.m. on Friday, November 8, 2024, and if it does not arrive by that date and time, it will be considered as an abstention. (5) Bidders must submit their business cards, and those who wish to have an agent perform acts related to the bid must prepare and submit a power of attorney (Appendix Form No. 9). (6) Bidders or their agents cannot act on behalf of other bidders in the bid. In addition, if a representative of a corporation (including an agent such as a branch manager) submits a bid himself/herself, no other bidders may submit that bid. (7) The bid price shall be the total amount including all expenses required in normal transactions such as transportation, registration and customs duties. 7 The bidder or his/her agent shall be present at the bid opening. If the bidder or his/her agent is not present, the bid opening shall be conducted in the presence of a Yamagata Prefecture official not involved in the bidding process. Bidders who do not attend the bid opening must submit a return envelope required for notification of the bid opening results, clearly indicating the recipient's address, name or business name, with the required postage affixed, along with the bid document. 8. Invalid Bids The following bids will be invalid. (1) Bids made by persons who are not eligible to participate in bidding as stated in the bidding announcement (including persons who have been confirmed as eligible to participate in bidding but who no longer meet the qualifications to participate in bidding as stated in the bidding announcement at the time of opening of bids). (2) Bids made by persons who have made false statements in their application forms. (3) Bids made by agents without a power of attorney. (4) Bids that are deemed to have been formed in order to prevent the fair execution of bidding, to impair the establishment of a fair price, or to obtain an unfair advantage. (5) Bids in which two or more bid documents for the same item have been submitted to the contracting officer. (6) Bid documents in which the bidding requirements such as the amount and name cannot be confirmed, bid documents lacking a signature and seal, or bid documents with a revised bid amount have been submitted to the contracting officer. (7) Bids that violate other conditions related to bidding. 9 If there is no bid within the limit of the planned rebid price, a rebid may be made immediately. If you decline to bid again, write "decline" on the bid document and submit it. A person who has declined to bid once cannot participate in the rebid for the bidding item in question. 10 Method of determining successful bidder (1) The successful bidder will be the bidder who submitted the lowest bid (valid bids only) within the range of the estimated prices in Announcement 2 (1) prepared pursuant to the provisions of Article 120, Paragraph 1 of the Regulations. (2) If there are two or more bidders with the same bids that should have been successful, the successful bidder will be determined by drawing lots. In this case, if any of the bidders is not present or does not draw lots, a Yamagata Prefecture official not involved in the execution of the bid will be present in their place and draw lots to determine the successful bidder. (3) If any person no longer meets the qualifications to participate in the bid by the time the successful bidder is determined, he/she will not be considered the successful bidder. 11 Other (1) The school has one 7-kiloliter underground tank and one 3-kiloliter underground tank. 3Due to the building structure, only small tank trucks can be used to transport kiloliter underground tanks. (2) After the contract is concluded, upon request, submit a petroleum product composition analysis sheet for the fuel. (3) If false statements are made on the application form, the bidder may be suspended from bidding based on the Yamagata Prefecture Competitive Bidding Participant Suspension Guidelines. (4) If it is deemed that the bid cannot be executed fairly due to a coalition of bidders or other reasons, the bidder may not be allowed to participate in the bid, or the execution of the bid may be postponed or canceled. (5) After the bid, the bidder may not raise an objection on the grounds that the contract terms or bidding conditions are unclear. (6) The successful bidder may not transfer the reservation completion right to another person. (7) The bidder or his/her agent must bring a seal (limited to the seal used on the bid documents. However, in the case of an agent, the seal of the agent must be used) to receive the oral notice of the successful bid on the same day. If the bidder is unable to bring the seal, the successful bidder will be notified according to instructions given at the time of the bid execution. (8) The terms of this contract are based on the Property Purchase Contract Terms and Conditions pursuant to the Rules (Prefectural Notification No. 707, August 1964). (9) Contract changes stipulated in Article 6 of the Property Purchase Contract Terms and Conditions are as follows. The "index price" shall be the unit price of fuel oil (heavy oil A (medium-sized tanker)) contracted by the Accounting Division of the Yamagata Prefecture Accounting Bureau, excluding consumption tax. ① If there is a change of 2 yen or more between the index price at the time of the previous contract price determination and the current index price, the contractor or the purchaser may request negotiations. ② The revised contract amount (increase or decrease) shall be the price difference between the index price at the time of the previous contract price determination and the current index price, and in calculating the revised contract amount (increase or decrease), the increase or decrease in the index price shall be rounded off to one decimal place. ③ The price difference between the index price at the time of bidding and the original contract amount shall be maintained even in the price difference between the index price at the time of change and the revised contract amount, and shall be the same amount (excluding errors due to rounding). (10) Other necessary conditions for bidding shall be in accordance with the instructions at the time of bidding execution. Form No. 1 (Application for confirmation of eligibility to participate in public competitive bidding) Date: Year Month Day To: Principal of Yamagata Prefectural Nagai High School Address Name or title Representative name Application for confirmation of eligibility to participate in public competitive bidding I would like to apply for confirmation of my eligibility to participate in bidding for the procurement of the following items. I also pledge that the fact that I have the announced qualifications is true. Notes 1. Date of bidding announcement and name of procurement items, etc. (1) Date of bidding announcement: Tuesday, October 15, 2024 (2) Name of item, etc.: Heavy oil A (Japan Industrial Standards K2205 Type 1 No. 2) *Registration number *Confirmation stamp *Do not fill in by the applicant. Form No. 8 (Tender) Tender Date: Year Month To: Principal of Yamagata Prefectural Nagai High School *1 Bidder Address or Location Name or Company Name and Representative Name (Seal) *2 [Name of Representative (Seal)] I accept the bidding conditions in accordance with the Yamagata Prefecture Financial Regulations and Yamagata Prefecture Contract Terms and Conditions, and hereby bid as follows: Bidding amount: ¥ (per liter) Bid guarantee amount: Exempt Product name and specifications: Heavy oil A (Japanese Industrial Standard K2205 Type 1, No. 2) Expected quantity: 36,000 liters Delivery or handover location: Underground tank at Yamagata Prefectural Nagai High School Delivery period or handover deadline: From the date of contract conclusion to March 31, 2025 Summary: Payment will be made in monthly installments. Notes: In the "Summary" column, if the bid is for a property sales contract, please enter the payment deadline, etc. In other cases, please enter the necessary information. *1 The bidder's "Address or location" and "Name or business name and representative name" must be filled in. (This must be filled in even if an application is made by an agent. In this case, a seal is not required.) *2 If an agent is bidding, in addition to filling in *1, the agent must write their name and seal in the [ ] column before bidding. Form No. 9 (Power of Attorney) Power of Attorney Date: Year/Month/Day To: Principal of Yamagata Prefectural Nagai High School Address or location Name or business name and representative name (seal) I have appointed as my agent and delegate the following authority to him/her (seal to be used): Details 1. All matters related to bidding and quotations for Heavy Oil A (Japan Industrial Standard K2205 Type 1 No. 2) 2. Period of Attorney From Year/Month/Day to Year/Month/Day000 liters Delivery or handover location Underground tank at Yamagata Prefectural Nagai High School Delivery or handover deadline From the date of contract conclusion to March 31, 2025 Summary Payment will be made in monthly installments. Notes In the "Summary" column, if the bid is for a property sales contract, fill in the payment deadline, etc. In other cases, fill in the necessary information. *1 The bidder's "address or location" and "name or company name and representative name" must be filled in. (This must be filled in even if an agent is applying. In that case, a seal is not required.) *2 If an agent is bidding, in addition to filling in *1, the agent must write and seal in the [ ] column before bidding. Form No. 9 (Power of Attorney) Power of Attorney Date: Year Month Month To: Principal of Yamagata Prefectural Nagai High School Address or location Name or company name and representative name (seal) I appoint as my agent and delegate the following authority to (seal to be used). 1. All matters related to bidding and quotation for A-class heavy oil (Japanese Industrial Standard K2205 Type 1, No. 2) 2. Commission period: From (Year)/(Month)/(Day) to (Year)/(Month)/(Day)000 liters Delivery or handover location Underground tank at Yamagata Prefectural Nagai High School Delivery or handover deadline From the date of contract conclusion to March 31, 2025 Summary Payment will be made in monthly installments. Notes In the "Summary" column, if the bid is for a property sales contract, fill in the payment deadline, etc. In other cases, fill in the necessary information. *1 The bidder's "address or location" and "name or company name and representative name" must be filled in. (This must be filled in even if an agent is applying. In that case, a seal is not required.) *2 If an agent is bidding, in addition to filling in *1, the agent must write and seal in the [ ] column before bidding. Form No. 9 (Power of Attorney) Power of Attorney Date: Year Month Month To: Principal of Yamagata Prefectural Nagai High School Address or location Name or company name and representative name (seal) I appoint as my agent and delegate the following authority to (seal to be used). 1. All matters related to bidding and quotation for A-class heavy oil (Japanese Industrial Standard K2205 Type 1, No. 2) 2. Commission period: From (Year)/(Month)/(Day) to (Year)/(Month)/(Day)
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