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生成AI適用性等検証装置の製造 生成AI適用性等検証装置の製造 公告第68号 分任支出負担行為担当官令和6 年 9 月 9 日 防衛装備庁次世代装備研究所総務課長 木 場 正 一公 告下記により入札を実施するので、入札及び契約心得(... Manufacturing of a verification device for the applicability of generated AI Manufacturing of a verification device for the applicability of generated AI Announcement No. 68 Official in charge of delegating expenditure and burden September 9, 2024 Director of General Affairs Division, Next Generation Equipment Research Institute, Defense Acquisition Agency Masakazu Kiba Announcement We will be bidding as follows, so please read the bidding and contract guidelines (...

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生成AI適用性等検証装置の製造 生成AI適用性等検証装置の製造 公告第68号 分任支出負担行為担当官令和6 年 9 月 9 日 防衛装備庁次世代装備研究所総務課長 木 場 正 一公 告下記により入札を実施するので、入札及び契約心得(... 防衛装備庁新世代装備研究所   入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 生成AI適用性等検証装置の製造 入札区分 一般競争入札 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 2 日 組織 防衛装備庁新世代装備研究所 取得日 2024 年 10 月 2 日 19:48:42 公告内容 公告第68号 分任支出負担行為担当官令和6 年 9 月 9 日 防衛装備庁次世代装備研究所総務課長 木 場 正 一公 告下記により入札を実施するので、入札及び契約心得(地方調達)(平成31年4月1日)を熟知の上、参加されたい。1 入札方式 一般競争入札2 入札に付する事項件名 規格 数量 納地 納期 摘要生成AI適用性等検証装置の製造仕様書のとおり 1式 防衛装備庁次世代装備研究所令和7年1月17日説明会 な し3 入 札(1) 日 時 令和6年10月17日(木)14時30分(2) 場 所 次世代装備研究所 入札室(ただし、郵送による入札を希望する場合は、事前に官の了承を得るものとし、細部は別紙を参照のこと。(初度入札のみ有効))4 参加資格 (1) 予算決算及び会計令第70条の規定に該当しない者であること。なお、未成年者、被保佐人又は被補助人であって、契約締結のために必要な同意を得ている者は、同条中、特別の理由がある場合に該当する。(2) 予算決算及び会計令第71条の規定に該当しない者であること。(3) 令和4・5・6年度防衛省競争参加資格(全省庁統一資格)「物品の製造」「A」、「B」、「C」又は「D」の等級のいずれかに格付けされ、関東・甲信越地域の競争参加資格を有する者。(4) 大臣官房衛生監、防衛政策局長、防衛装備庁長官から又は防衛装備庁長官官房会計官から「装備品等及び役務の調達に係る指名停止等の要領」に基づく指名停止の措置を受けている期間中の者(以下「指名停止期間中の者」という。)でないこと。(5) 前号により、現に指名停止を受けている者と資本関係又は人的関係のある者であって、当該者と同種の物品の売買又は製造若しくは役務請負について防衛省と契約を行おうとする者でないこと。(6) 都道府県警察から、暴力団関係業者として排除するよう要請があり、当該状態が継続している有資格業者でないこと。5 入札方法 落札に当たっては、入札書に記載された金額に当該金額の10パーセントに相当する額を加算した金額をもって落札価格とするので、入札者は、消費税及び地方消費税に係る課税事業者であるか免税事業者であるかを問わず、見積もった契約金額の100/110に相当する金額を入札書に記載すること。6 保証金 (1) 入札保証金 免除(2) 契約保証金 免除7 入札の無効 4の参加資格のない者のした入札、入札に関する条件に反した入札又は入札後契約を締結するまでの間に、都道府県警察から暴力団関係業者として防衛省が発注する工事等から排除するよう要請があり、当該状態が継続している有資格業者のした入札は無効とする。8 契約書作成の必要の有無 有9 契約をしようとする基本契約条項等物品製造請負契約条項談合等の不正行為に関する特約条項暴力団排除に関する特約条項情報システムの調達に係るサプライチェーン・リスク対応に関する特約条項10 落札者が正当な理由なく契約を結ばない場合には、落札金額の100分の5以上の金額を違約金として徴収する。11 その他(1) 電子調達システムの利用本件は、政府電子調達(GEPS)を利用する案件である。なお、電子調達システムの障害により、入札を取りやめ、本公告が変更となる場合がある。《電子入札による入札書受領期間》公告日から入札日の前日17時15分(行政機関の休日を除く)まで。また、電子調達システムにより難い者は、担当官の承諾を受けて、紙方式に代えるものとする。この場合、令和6年10月10日(木)17時15分まで(行政機関の休日を除く)に下記問い合わせ先に「紙入札方式参加承諾願」を提出すること。(2) 端数処理 入札書に記載された金額の110/100に相当する金額に1円未満の端数があるときは、その端数金額を切り捨てるものとし、当該端数金額を切り捨てた後に得られる金額をもって、申し込みがあったものとする。(3) 原則、現に指名停止を受けている者の下請負については認めないものとする。ただし、真にやむを得ない事由を大臣官房衛生監、防衛政策局長及び防衛装備庁長官が認めた場合には、この限りではない。(4) 提出資料 (1) 各書類は、下記問い合わせ先に提出すること。(2) 防衛省競争参加資格の資格審査結果通知書の写しを入札日の前日17時15分(行政機関の休日を除く)、参考見積書を令和6年10月3日(木)17時15分(行政機関の休日を除く)までに提出するものとする。(3) 指名停止期間中の者にこの契約の全部又は一部を請け負わせる場合は、下請負確認申請書を令和6年10月10日(木)までに提出するものとする。(5) 指名停止期間中の者にこの契約の全部又は一部を請け負わせる者と、指名停止期間中の者にこの契約の全部又は一部を請け負わせない者との入札になる場合には、指名停止期間中の者にこの契約の一部を請け負わせる者の入札は認めない。(6) 契約締結後、指名停止期間中の者にこの契約の全部又は一部を請け負わせることとなった場合は、この契約の全部又は一部を解除することがある。(7) 契約後、指名停止期間中の者に下請負をさせる場合は、「入札及び契約心得(地方調達)」に定める下請負承認を得るものとし、変更契約を行い特定費目の代金の確定に関する特約条項を付すものとする。なお、特定費目の代金の確定にあたっては、下請負者が履行に要した製造原価等が確認できる書類を提出するものとする。(8) 落札者が中小企業信用保険法第2条第1項に規定する中小企業者である場合は、別に定める「中小企業者に関する質問及び回答」を提出し、「債権譲渡制限特約の部分的解除のための特殊条項」を別途適用する。(9) 問い合わせ先 本書記載事項については防衛装備庁次世代装備研究所総務課調達係に照会のこと。〒154-8511 東京都世田谷区池尻1-2-24℡ 03-3411-0151 (内線)5250E-mail:ms-keiyaku-tantou@cs.atla.mod.go.jp郵便による入札について(1) 郵便による入札方法一般書留郵便、簡易書留郵便又は配達証明のいずれかの方法により入札日の前日(行政機関の休日を除く)までに必着のこと。(2) 郵送する書類等 入札書(3) 封筒について(ア) 入札書を入れる封筒(以下「内封筒」という。)については、長3(縦 235㎜×横 120㎜) 程度とし、表面に公告番号、件名、入札年月日及び「入札書在中」と明記のうえ、必ず封印すること。(イ) 封印した内封筒を外封筒に入れ、外封筒にも「入札書在中」と記載のうえ送付すること。(4) 入札の無効郵便入札の執行については、公告 7項に規定されているもののほか、期日までに到着しなかった場合は無効とする。 (5) その他(ア) 郵送による入札を希望する場合は、事前に官の了承を得るものとする。(イ) 郵送先は次のとおりとする。〒154-8511 東京都世田谷区池尻1-2-24防衛装備庁次世代装備研究所分任支出負担行為担当官 宛「入札書在中」封筒の記載例 ※ 貴社名も明記してください。※ 縦横等は任意。内封筒(表)長3程度公告第○○号件名「△△△△」入札日 〇年〇月〇日「入札書在中」貴社名外封筒(表)〒154-8511東京都世田谷区池尻 1-2-24防衛装備庁次世代装備研究所分任支出負担行為担当官 宛「入札書在中」別 紙令和 年 月 日分任支出負担行為担当官防衛装備庁次世代装備研究所総務課長 木 場 正 一 殿住 所会 社 名代表者名担当者名連 絡 先紙入札方式参加承諾願下記の入札に係り、政府電子調達(GEPS)を利用せず、紙入札書による入札を実施することについて、承諾を頂きたく本書を提出いたします。1 件名、公告番号、公告年月日2 入札日時3 政府電子調達(GEPS)を利用しない理由4 今後の導入予定について 防衛装備庁次世代装備研究所殿(注)単価及び金額欄には、見積った契約金額の100/110に相当する金額を記入すること。 入 札 書 分任支出負担行為担当官令和6年10月17日総 務 課 長 木 場 正 一住 所会 社 名代 表 者 名担 当 者 名連 絡 先公告番 号 公 告 第 68 号年月日 令 和 6 年 9 月 9 日 防衛装備庁次世代装備研究所殿(注)単価及び金額欄には、見積った契約金額の100/110に相当する金額を記入すること。 計品件名 規格 数量・単位 単 価 金 額生成AI適用性等検証装置の製造1式金額納 地 防衛装備庁次世代装備研究所¥ 履行期限 令和7年1月17日業者コード貴庁「入札及び契約心得(地方調達)」及び基本契約条項等を承諾のうえ、下記のとおり入札します。 入 札 書 分任支出負担行為担当官令和6年10月17日総 務 課 長 木 場 正 一住 所会 社 名代 表 者 名担 当 者 名連 絡 先公告番 号 公 告 第 68 号年月日 令 和 6 年 9 月 9 日空 白 空 白全省庁統一資格の業者コードを必ず記入各欄に入札金額(税抜)を記入(3カ所とも同じ金額)社印及び代表者印は省略できます。 住所・会社名・役職名・代表者名に加え、担当者名・連絡先を記入してください。 記入要領 Manufacture of verification device for the applicability of generated AI Manufacture of verification device for the applicability of generated AI Announcement No. 68 Delegated expenditure and burdening official September 9, 2024 Next Generation Equipment Research Institute, Defense Acquisition Agency Director of General Affairs Kiba Shoichi Announcement We will be bidding as follows, so please refer to the bidding and contract guidelines (... Defense Acquisition Agency New Generation Equipment Research Institute Bidding information is as follows. Subject Manufacture of verification device for the applicability of generated AI Bidding category Open competitive bidding Date of announcement or update October 2, 2024 Organization Defense Acquisition Agency New Generation Equipment Research Institute Date of acquisition October 2, 2024 19:48:42 Announcement content Announcement No. 68 Delegated expenditure and burdening official September 9, 2024 Next Generation Equipment Research Institute, Defense Acquisition Agency Director of General Affairs Kiba Shoichi The bidding will be conducted as follows, so please be sure to familiarize yourself with the Bidding and Contract Guidelines (Local Procurement) (April 1, 2019) before participating. 1 Bidding method: Open competitive bidding 2 Items to be included in the bid: Item: Specification: Quantity: Delivery location: Delivery date: Summary: 1 set as per the manufacturing specifications for the verification device for AI applicability generation. Briefing session held on January 17, 2025 at the Next Generation Equipment Research Institute, Defense Acquisition Agency. None 3 Bidding (1) Date and time: Thursday, October 17, 2024, 14:30 (2) Location: Next Generation Equipment Research Institute, Bidding Room (However, if you wish to submit your bid by mail, you must obtain prior approval from the government and refer to the attached document for details. (Only valid for initial bids) 4 Eligibility to participate (1) The applicant must not fall under the provisions of Article 70 of the Budget, Accounting and Auditing Order. In addition, minors, persons under guardianship, or persons under assistance who have obtained the consent necessary for entering into a contract fall under the case of special reasons in the same article. (2) The applicant must not fall under the provisions of Article 71 of the Budget, Accounting and Auditing Order. (3) The applicant must be rated as "A," "B," "C," or "D" in the Ministry of Defense tendering qualification (unified qualification for all ministries and agencies) for fiscal years 2022, 2023, and 2024, and must be qualified to participate in tenders in the Kanto-Koshinetsu region. (4) The applicant must not be subject to a suspension of nomination measures from the Director-General of the Minister's Secretariat, the Director-General of the Defense Policy Bureau, the Director-General of the Defense Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Agency, or the Accounting Officer of the Defense Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Agency, based on the "Guidelines for Suspension of Nominations for Procurement of Equipment, etc. and Services" (hereinafter referred to as "persons under suspension of nomination period"). (5) (6) A bidder is not a qualified contractor who has been requested by the prefectural police to be excluded as a contractor related to organized crime and who continues to be in this state. 5. Bidding method The successful bid price shall be the amount stated in the bid document plus 10% of the amount stated in the bid document. Therefore, the bidder, whether taxable or exempt with respect to consumption tax and local consumption tax, must state in the bid document an amount equivalent to 100/110 of the estimated contract amount. 6. Security (1) Bid security: Exempt (2) Contract security: Exempt 7. Invalidated bids Bids made by persons who are not eligible to participate under 4, bids that violate the conditions of the bid, or bids made by qualified contractors who have been requested by the prefectural police to be excluded as a contractor related to organized crime and who continue to be in this state after the bid has been made will be invalid. 8. Is it necessary to prepare a contract? Yes 9. Basic contract clauses for the proposed contract, etc. Contract clauses for the manufacture of goods Special clauses regarding collusion and other misconduct Special clauses regarding the exclusion of organized crime Special clauses regarding supply chain risk management related to the procurement of information systems 10. If the successful bidder does not enter into the contract without a valid reason, a penalty of at least 5% of the successful bid amount will be collected. 11. Other (1) Use of electronic procurement system This is a project that uses the Government Electronic Procurement System (GEPS). In addition, due to a malfunction of the electronic procurement system, the bid may be canceled and this announcement may be changed. Period for accepting bid documents via electronic bidding: From the announcement date to 5:15 p.m. on the day before the bid date (excluding holidays of government agencies). In addition, those who have difficulty using the electronic procurement system may use the paper method instead with the consent of the official in charge. In this case, submit a "Request for consent to participate in paper bidding" to the contact information below by 5:15 p.m. on Thursday, October 10, 2024 (excluding holidays of government agencies). (2) Fractional treatment If the amount equivalent to 110/100 of the amount stated in the bid document has a fraction of less than 1 yen, the fractional amount shall be rounded down, and the amount obtained after rounding down the fractional amount shall be considered as the offer. (3) In principle, subcontracting by a party currently under suspension will not be accepted. However, this does not apply if the Director-General of the Minister's Secretariat, the Director-General of the Bureau of Defense Policy, and the Director-General of the Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Agency recognize truly unavoidable circumstances. (4) Documents to be submitted (1) Each document should be submitted to the contact details listed below. (2) A copy of the notification of the results of the qualification review for the Ministry of Defense bidding qualification should be submitted by 5:15 p.m. on the day before the bid date (excluding holidays for government agencies), and a reference estimate should be submitted by 5:15 p.m. on Thursday, October 3, 2024 (excluding holidays for government agencies). (3) If a person who is under a suspension period is to be contracted for all or part of this contract, a subcontractor confirmation application form must be submitted by Thursday, October 10, 2024. (5) In the case of a bid between a person who will be contracting all or part of this contract to a person who is under a suspension period and a person who will not be contracting all or part of this contract to a person who is under a suspension period, the bid of the person who will be contracting part of this contract to a person who is under a suspension period will not be accepted. (6) If, after the contract is concluded, it is decided that all or part of this contract will be contracted to a person who is under a suspension period, all or part of this contract may be terminated. (7) If, after the contract is concluded, a person who is under a suspension period is to be subcontracted, subcontractor approval as stipulated in the "Bidding and Contract Guidelines (Local Procurement)" must be obtained, and a modified contract must be made with a special clause regarding the determination of the price of specific items. In addition, when determining the price of specific items, documents that can confirm the manufacturing costs, etc. required by the subcontractor for performance must be submitted. (8) If the successful bidder is a small or medium-sized enterprise as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Small and Medium Enterprise Credit Insurance Law, the successful bidder must submit the separately specified "Questions and Answers Concerning Small and Medium-sized Enterprises" and apply the "Special Clause for Partial Release of the Restriction on Transfer of Claims" separately. (9) Contact For any inquiries regarding the matters described in this document, please contact the Procurement Section, General Affairs Division, Next Generation Equipment Research Institute, Acquisition, Technology & Logistics Agency. 1-2-24 Ikejiri, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 154-8511, Japan Tel: 03-3411-0151 (ext.) 5250 E-mail: ms-keiyaku-tantou@cs.atla.mod.go.Regarding bidding by mail (1) Method of bidding by mail: Submit your bid by regular registered mail, simple registered mail, or delivery confirmation, and it must arrive by the day before the bidding date (excluding government holidays). (2) Documents to be sent by mail: Bid form (3) Regarding the envelope (a) The envelope in which the bid form is placed (hereinafter referred to as the "inner envelope") should be approximately 3 mm long (235 mm long x 120 mm wide), and the announcement number, subject, bidding date, and "bid form enclosed" should be clearly written on the front, and the envelope should be sealed. (b) Place the sealed inner envelope in an outer envelope, and write "bid form enclosed" on the outer envelope as well before sending it. (4) Invalid bids: In addition to the provisions of paragraph 7 of the announcement, mail bids that do not arrive by the deadline will be invalid. (5) Other (a) If you wish to submit your bid by mail, you must obtain prior approval from the government. (b) Please send your bid to the following address: 1-2-24 Ikejiri, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 154-8511 To: Delegated Expenditure and Burdening Officer, Next Generation Equipment Research Institute, Acquisition, Technology & Logistics Agency, Japan Example of the contents of the envelope containing the "bid document enclosed" *Please include your company name. *The size, etc., is optional. Inner envelope (front) Approximately long 3 Announcement No. XX Subject: "????" Bid date: XX/XX/XX "Bid document enclosed" Your company name Outer envelope (front) 1-2-24 Ikejiri, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 154-8511 To: Delegated Expenditure and Burden Act Officer, Next Generation Equipment Research Institute, Acquisition, Technology Agency "Bid document enclosed" Attached document: Year/Month/Reiwa Date: Delegated Expenditure and Burden Act Officer To: Kiba Shoichi, General Affairs Division Chief, Next Generation Equipment Research Institute, Acquisition, Technology Agency Address: Company name: Representative name: Person in charge: Contact: Request for approval to participate in paper bidding I am submitting this document to ask for your approval to conduct the bidding listed below using paper bid documents rather than using Government Electronic Procurement System (GEPS). 1. Subject, Announcement Number, Announcement Date 2. Bidding Date and Time 3. Reason for not using Government Electronic Procurement (GEPS) 4. Future Plans for Implementation To: Next Generation Equipment Research Institute, Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Agency (Note) In the unit price and amount fields, enter an amount equivalent to 100/110 of the estimated contract amount. Bidding Document Delegated Expenditure and Burdening Officer October 17, 2024 Director of General Affairs Division Kiba Shoichi Address Company Name Representative Name Person in Charge Contact Announcement Number Announcement No. 68 Date September 9, 2024 To: Next Generation Equipment Research Institute, Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Agency (Note) In the unit price and amount fields, enter an amount equivalent to 100/110 of the estimated contract amount. Item Item Specifications Quantity/Unit Unit Price Amount Manufacturing of verification equipment for AI applicability, etc. 1 set Amount Delivery Location Defense Acquisition Agency Next Generation Equipment Research Institute Deadline January 17, 2025 Contractor Code I accept your agency's "Bidding and Contract Guidelines (Local Procurement)" and the basic contract clauses, and I am bidding as follows. Bidding Form Delegated Expenditure and Burdening Act Officer October 17, 2024 General Affairs Division Chief Kiba Shoichi Address Company Name Representative Name Person in Charge Contact Announcement Number Announcement No. 68 Date September 9, 2024 Blank White Blank White Please enter the contractor code with unified qualifications for all ministries and agencies. Enter the bid amount (excluding tax) in each field (the same amount in all three places). Company seal and representative seal can be omitted. In addition to the address, company name, job title, and representative name, please enter the person in charge and contact information. Instructions for filling out
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Deadline Date: 12.10.2024