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市道御津高津御津宇甘1号線(花村2号橋)橋梁補修設計業務委託 市道御津高津御津宇甘1号線(花村2号橋)橋梁補修設計業務委託 令和6年11月1日1 契約番号3 履行場所4 履行期限5 許容価格6 最低制限価格設定案件等7 支払条件8 支払方法10 契約保証11 契... City road Mitsu-Takatsu-Mitsu-Ukan No. 1 (Hanamura No. 2 Bridge) Bridge repair design work commissioned City road Mitsu-Takatsu-Mitsu-Ukan No. 1 (Hanamura No. 2 Bridge) Bridge repair design work commissioned November 1, 2024 1 Contract number 3 Place of performance 4 Deadline for performance 5 Acceptable price 6 Minimum price setting case etc. 7 Payment terms 8 Payment method 10 Contract guarantee 11 Contract...

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市道御津高津御津宇甘1号線(花村2号橋)橋梁補修設計業務委託 市道御津高津御津宇甘1号線(花村2号橋)橋梁補修設計業務委託 令和6年11月1日1 契約番号3 履行場所4 履行期限5 許容価格6 最低制限価格設定案件等7 支払条件8 支払方法10 契約保証11 契... 岡山県岡山市   入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 市道御津高津御津宇甘1号線(花村2号橋)橋梁補修設計業務委託 種別 役務 公示日または更新日 2024 年 11 月 1 日 組織 岡山県岡山市 取得日 2024 年 11 月 1 日 19:25:21 1 公告内容 令和6年11月1日1 契約番号3 履行場所4 履行期限5 許容価格6 最低制限価格設定案件等7 支払条件8 支払方法10 契約保証11 契約不適合責任期間1 公告期間及び公告方法2設計図書取得期間及び取得場所3 設計図書等質問受付期間 公告日から6 設計図書等回答掲載期間令和6年11月11日(月)一般競争入札(建設コンサルタント業務等)の施行について(公告)午後4時から 開札日まで令和7年2月28日市道御津高津御津宇甘1号線(花村2号橋)橋梁補修設計業務委託9 入札保証金12 委託内容落札決定後に公表最低制限価格設定案件完了後払2年Eメールアドレス mitsusanken@city.okayama.lg.jp公告日から開札日まで入札・契約ホームページに掲載しているので,ダウンロードし,取得すること。 Ⅱ 入札等の手続きに関する事項4大 森 雅 夫委託名①前金払 有り ②部分払 無し岡山市北区御津高津地内7 設計図書等回答掲載場所設計図書等質問提出先入札・契約ホームページ「コンサル(契約課発注)→入札情報[コンサル]→一般競争入札一覧」に掲載する。 令和6年11月13日(水)北区役所御津支所産業建設課地方自治法施行令(昭和22年政令第16号)(以下「令」という。)第167条の6第1項の規定により,次のとおり公告する。 5岡山市長2024041838-50Ⅰ 入札に付する事項 2設計図書等質問方法「建設コンサルタント業務等の一般競争入札公告共通事項」(以下「共通事項」という。)13(1)のとおり橋梁補修設計鋼橋塗装設計 一式①当該入札の参加資格確認対象者となった者が共通事項14(4)又は(5)に該当する場合は,失格とする。 午後4時まで質問は電子メールの方法でのみ受け付ける。 ※メール本文に質問者氏名,連絡先電話番号を明記すること。なお,送信には使用する電子計算機の性能,電気通信回線への接続状況等の良否により所要時間に差が生じることから,時間的な余裕を持って質問すること。また,メールの件名は「入札質問(〇〇〇業務委託)」など,わかりやすい件名にすること。 契約保証金(契約金額の100分の10以上)又は契約保証人(1名)のいずれか公告日から開札日まで入札・契約ホームページに掲載する。 13 その他②本業務は,電子記録債権の利用により,債権譲渡が可能な業務とする。ただし,対象とする電子記録債権はPOファイナンス のみとする。利用を希望する場合,当該入札の落札者は,落札決定日から契約締結日(原則7日以内)の間に「電子記録債権利用申請書」(岡山市ホームページ内入札・契約のページ(以下「入札・契約ホームページ」という。)「コンサル(契約課発注)→入札情報[コンサル]→様式集[コンサル]に掲載)を契約課へ持参する方法により提出し,本市の承認を得ること。なお,本市が利用を承認した場合,当該入札の受注者は,電子記録債権の利用の有無にかかわらず,Ⅰ-7①に係る前払金の請求はできない。 9 入札受付期間10 開札日時及び場所1 入札参加資格共通事項2 主たる業種区分5 市内外業者区分8 その他の条件 なし7 配置予定技術者の資格等8午前9時51分午後4時から入札方法令和6年11月19日(火)※再入札をする場合は,第1回目の開札日の午後3時まで再入札を受け付け,同時刻から開札を行うので,入札者はⅡ-10に定める開札日時後に,電子入札システム「調達機関:岡山市→工事,コンサル等→電子入札システム→入札状況一覧」で再入札の有無を確認すること。書面での入札者にはFAX等で通知する。 共通事項3及び5のとおり※設計図書等に対する質問の回答を確認した後に入札すること。 ※電子入札システムを利用できる時間は午前8時から午後9時までであるため,注意すること。 11参加資格確認申請書類提出方法開札の結果,共通事項4(7)により参加資格の有無の確認を行う対象者となった者は,参加資格確認申請書類及び添付書類(以下「申請書等」という。)を共通事項8(2)の電子入札システムによる方法又は契約課へ持参する方法のどちらか一方により提出し,参加資格の確認を受けなければならない。なお,共通事項8(8)により申請書等の提出を求められた者の提出方法は,契約課へ持参する方法に限るものとする。ただし,確認対象者となった者が,申請書等提出前に,共通事項7もしくは14(4)又は(5)のいずれかに該当することが確認された場合はこの限りではない。 ※上記以外の方法では受け付けない。なお,窓口では申請書等の内容確認は一切行わない。 (1)一般競争入札参加資格確認申請書(様式第1号)(2)指名停止等措置状況調書(様式第2号)12岡山市役所(本庁舎)5階入札室主任技術者として,建設コンサルタント登録規程別表に掲げる鋼構造及びコンクリート部門に係る技術士で,公告に定める開札日時において,3か月以上継続して所属していることが確認できる者を配置すること。 実績について 不要市内業者又は市内扱い業者Ⅲ 入札に参加する者に必要な資格に関する事項「土木関係建設コンサルタント業務」6「鋼構造及びコンクリート」 4 国交省登録が必要な部門岡山市の登録部門(小分類)3 「鋼構造及びコンクリート」共通事項1のとおり13参加資格確認申請書類受付期限 (岡山市の休日を定める条例に定める市の休日(以下「休日」という。)を除く。)(4)配置予定技術者等調書(様式第6-5号)及び添付書類(3)現況報告書(建設コンサルタント登録規程第7条関係様式第16号)の国土 交通省の確認印のある表紙及び登録部門のわかる部分の写し令和6年11月21日(木) の午後5時15分まで参加資格確認申請書類申請書等は,開札後速やかに提出できるよう,あらかじめ作成しておくこと。 令和6年11月14日(木) 令和6年11月18日(月) 午後4時まで1(1)(2)(3)(4)2 3(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) 書面参加に変更した者については,対象業務において電子参加に変更又は復帰することを認めない。 (3)の場合において,入札参加者は書面入札用入札書(入札・契約ホームページ→コンサル(契約課発注)→入札情報[コンサル]→様式集[コンサル]ページに掲載。)に必要事項を記入し,契約の名義人となる者が記名押印(押印は,あらかじめ使用印として岡山市に届け出た印判に限る。)したものを封筒に入れ,密封して入札受付締切日時までに持参すること。 封筒の表には,入札参加者名及び業務件名を記入すること(入札・契約ホームページ→電子入札→ガ参し,市長の承認を得たうえで,対象業務におけるその後の手続きについて,書面により参加することができるものとする。ただし,対象業務の開札日がICカードの有効期限内であり,かつ,ICカードの再発行手続きを行っている場合に限る。 ① 災害,盗難等入札参加者の責によらない事由のため電子入札に必要なICカードが使用できなく なった場合② その他やむを得ない事由があると認められる場合時までの間に,ICカードを使用して電子入札システムにより入札金額の登録を行うことにより入札書を提出すること。 ICカード取得後に電子入札システムに利用者登録を行っている者について,次に掲げる場合(ICカードの紛失,失効,閉塞及び入札参加者の責による破損等により使用できなくなった場合を除く。)には,入札受付締切日時の1時間前までに,電子入札実施要綱に定める様式第1号:書面入札参加承認申請書(入札・契約ホームページ→電子入札→ガイド・様式集→電子入札ガイドページに掲載。)を持の行った他の低入対象業務の入札を無効又は失格とする。 上記において,履行期限がその者の責めに帰すべき事由以外によって延長されたときは,他の低入対象業務の入札へ参加できない期限は当該契約の延長前の履行期限までとする。 入札書の提出に関する事項 入札回数は,2回までとする。 入札参加者は,電子入札システムに案件登録された対象業務の入札受付開始日時から入札受付締切日者が岡山市建設コンサルタント業務等電子入札実施要綱(以下「電子入札実施要綱」という。)第9条第5項又は岡山市建設コンサルタント業務等郵便入札実施要綱(以下「郵便入札実施要綱」という。)第7条第6項の規定により参加資格の有無の確認を行う対象者(以下「確認対象者」という。)となった場合は,当該入札に係る契約の履行が完了するまでの間(当該確認対象者が落札者とならなかったときは,当該入札の落札者を決定するまでの間),他の低入対象業務の入札に参加できないものとする。 この場合において,確認対象者が現に他の低入対象業務の入札に参加しているときは,当該確認対象者入札参加制限に関する事項 岡山市建設コンサルタント業務等低入札価格調査実施要綱(以下「低入札価格調査実施要綱」という。)に定める低入札価格調査対象業務(以下「低入対象業務」という。)において,低入札価格入札に応じた業種,部門とする。ただし,家屋調査は事業損失部門又は物件部門とする。)について,規則第4条の規定に基づく有資格者名簿に登載されていること。 公告に記載された開札日時において岡山市指名停止基準に基づく指名停止又は指名留保(以下「指名停止等」という。)期間中でないこと。 入札受付締切日時までに岡山県電子入札共同利用推進協議会が運営する岡山県電子入札共同利用システム(以下「電子入札システム」という。)で使用することができる電子入札コアシステム対応認証局建設コンサルタント業務等の一般競争入札公告共通事項入札に参加する者に必要な資格に関する事項 令第167条の4及び岡山市契約規則(平成元年市規則第63号。以下「規則」という。)第2条第1項の規定に該当しないこと。 岡山市競争入札参加資格及び審査等に関する事項について(昭和61年市告示第120号)に基づき一般競争入札参加資格が決定され,対象業務(対象業務が複数の業種,部門にわたる場合は主たる業務が発行する電子的な証明書を格納しているカード(以下「ICカード」という。)を取得し,入札書の提出前に電子入札システムにおいて岡山市への利用者登録を完了していること。また,そのICカードの有効期限は開札日時以降であること。 (6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)4(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)① ② ③(9) 談合の疑いが認められる場合は,入札を中止,延期又は落札決定を保留することがある。 なお,3(3)に規定する書面による入札参加者のくじ番号は,入札書に記入されたくじ用数字とし,到着ミリ秒は本市職員が電子入札システムに入札価格を登録した時刻とする。 同一価格入札者の決定くじ番号の合計を同一価格入札者の数で除した余りの数と,①で付された番号の一致した者を第1順位の確認対象者とする。その他の者は①で付された番号が第1順位の確認対象者の番号から数字が大きくなる方向に向かって順位を付し,該当するものがいなくなった後は,小さな数字の者から続きの順位を付すものとする。 という。)が2人以上あるときは,電子くじにより順位を決定するものとする。くじの方法は,次のとおりとする。 同一価格入札者ごとに,入札書が到着した順(電子入札システムサーバー受信時刻順)に0から番号を付す。 同一価格入札者ごとに,登録されているくじ番号と電子入札システムサーバー受信時刻の到着ミリ秒の3桁の数を合計した数の下3桁(以下「決定くじ番号」という。)を算出する。 を行うものとする。 入札執行者は,再入札において,有効入札書を提出した入札参加者が1人以上の場合は直ちに落札者の決定を保留し,有効入札書を提出した者がない場合は入札を不調とするものとする。 (5)又は(6)により落札者の決定を保留した場合は,有効入札書を入札価格の低い順に並び替えて順位を付し,第1順位の入札書を提出した者を確認対象者とする。 (7)に基づき有効入札書に順位を付す場合において,同一価格で入札した者(以下「同一価格入札者」場合は,当該入札参加者の入札を無効とする。 対象業務が最低制限価格設定業務であるときは,最低制限価格を下回る価格の入札書を提出した者を失格とする。 入札執行者は,1回目の入札において,(3)又は(4)により無効又は失格となった入札書を除いた入札書のうち税抜き許容価格以下の価格の入札書(以下「有効入札書」という。)を提出した入札参加者が1人以上の場合は直ちに落札者の決定を保留し,有効入札書を提出した入札参加者がない場合は再入札開札方法等に関する事項 入札の開札は,公告において指定した日時及び場所において執行するものとする。 3(3)に規定する書面による入札参加者がいる場合は,公告において指定した日時及び場所において,書面による入札書を電子入札システムに登録した後に開札を執行する。 入札執行者は,開札の結果,入札参加者の入札が,申請書等に基づき参加資格の有無の確認(以下「参加資格の確認」という。)を行うまでもなく,6(1)から(12)のいずれかに該当することが明らかである 提出した入札書は,訂正,引換え又は撤回することはできない。 特に必要があると認める場合を除き,入札書提出後の入札辞退は認めない。ただし,2回目の入札(以下「再入札」という。)を行う場合において,1回目の入札の開札後,再入札の入札書を提出するまでに入札辞退をする場合を除く。 電子入札実施要綱に規定する入札以外は認めない。 入札に際して,規則の規定を遵守すること。 記載)すること。 (2)の場合において,電子入札システムによる入札参加者は,上記入札金額の登録にあわせて,くじ番号欄に任意の3桁の数字を入力すること。 (3)の場合において,書面による入札参加者は,入札書のくじ用数字欄に任意の3桁の数字を記入すること(「000」は記入できない。)。なお,くじ用数字欄に「001」から「999」までの数字の記入がないときは,6(7)にかかわらず当該数字を「999」と記入されたものとみなす。 イド・様式集→電子入札ガイドページ「電子入札案件における書面入札について」を参照。)。 落札者の決定に当たっては,入札書に登録された金額((3)に規定する書面による入札参加者は,入札書に記載された金額)に当該金額の100分の10に相当する額を加算した金額(当該金額に1円未満の端数があるときは,その端数金額を切り捨てた金額)をもって落札価格とするので,入札者は消費税に係る課税事業者であるか免税事業者であるかを問わず,見積もった契約希望金額の110分の100に相当する金額を電子入札システムに登録((3)に規定する書面による入札参加者は,入札書に(10)(11)(12)(13)5(1)(2)(3)6(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)7下記8に規定する参加資格の確認において,次に掲げる事項のいずれかに該当する者は失格とする。 (1)(2)(3)(4) 明らかに不正によると認められる入札を行った者(5)(6) 入札後落札者を決定するまでの間に,指名停止等を受けた者(当該指名停止等の理由となった事案が当該入札前に発生したものである場合に限る。) その他市長が定める入札条件に違反してなされた入札を行った者⑤ 1通の封筒に複数の入札書を封入して提出した入札⑥ 電子入札による入札書及び書面による入札書のどちらも提出した入札入札の失格に関する事項 競争入札に参加する資格のない者 公告で指定する期限までに申請書等を提出しない者 公告で指定する方法以外の方法で申請書等を提出した者かに該当する入札は無効とする。 ① 入札書に記名押印がない入札② 総金額を訂正している入札又は入札金額その他必要事項を確認しがたい入札③ 封筒記載の業務名又は差出人名と同封された入札書に記載された業務名又は入札者名が相違する 入札④ 封筒に業務名又は差出人名が記載されていない入札 入札書に必要事項が記載されていない入札又は必要事項が確認しがたい入札 明らかに不正によると認められる入札再入札において,1回目の入札で無効となった者がした入札 再入札において,1回目の入札に参加していない者がした入札 その他市長が定める入札条件に違反してなされた入札 3(3)に規定する書面により入札に参加した場合は,(1)から(11)に加えて次に掲げる事項のいずれ ICカードを不正に使用して行われた入札 開札日より前の有効期限であるICカードを使用して行われた入札 岡山市契約規則第17条の2に規定する電磁的方法による入札について(平成21年市告示第290号。以下「電磁的方法による入札について」という。)第3条第1項から第3項まで及び第4条第1項に規定する手続を経ずに入札に参加した者がした入札 入札受付開始日時から入札受付締切日時までの間に入札書を提出しない者がした入札のとみなす。 再入札の開札結果が不調になったときは,設計内容を変更することなく直ちに再公告する場合がある。 入札の無効に関する事項次に掲げる事項のいずれかに該当する入札は無効とする。 明らかに競争入札に参加する資格のない者がした入札 入札方法に違反して行われた入札入札に係る入札書,申請書等及びその他の書類を無効とする。 岡山市は入札の中止等に伴う損害賠償については,その責めを負わないものとする。 再入札に関する事項 再入札に参加することができる者は,1回目の入札に参加した者に限る。ただし,1回目の入札で無効となった者を除く。 1回目の入札に参加した者が,再入札において入札書を提出しなかったときは,再入札を辞退したも 本市の使用に係る電子計算機又は電子入札システムの障害等により,電子入札システムを使用した手続を行えないと判断した場合は,入札の延期若しくは中止又は郵便入札への変更をすることがある。 (9)又は(10)による場合のほか,市長が特に必要があると認めるときは,入札の延期若しくは中止又は入札の取消しをすることがある。 (9),(10)又は(11)に基づき入札の中止又は入札の取消しをした場合は,入札参加者の提出した当該8(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)9 10(1)(2)111213(1) 入札保証金に代わる担保として提供することができるものは,銀行又は市長が確実と認める金融機関の2倍の期間とする。 入札保証金及び契約保証に関する事項入札保証金について【納入金額】 見積もった契約希望金額(入札金額に消費税及び地方消費税相当額を加えた額)の100分の5以上の額を納付すること。(単価契約の場合は契約希望金額を予定総金額と読み替えるものとする。)資格を喪失する。 支払条件について 公告に定めるとおり。ただし,前払金の額について,入札価格が低入札価格調査基準を下回った場合は,契約金額の10分の1以内とする。 契約不適合責任期間について 公告に定めるとおり。ただし,入札価格が低入札価格調査基準を下回った場合は,公告に定める期間ろによるものとする。 参加資格確認結果及び入札結果の通知に関する事項 落札者を決定した場合は,申請書等を提出した者に対して,参加資格確認結果及び入札結果を通知するものとする。この場合において,参加資格がないと認めた者に対しては,その理由も併せて通知するものとする。 参加資格の確認後,落札者が申請書等について虚偽の記載をしたことが明らかになったときは,参加ることができる。 落札者の決定に関する事項 上記8(1)から(8)の参加資格の確認により,参加資格を有すると認めた者(以下「資格確認者」という。)を落札者として決定するものとする。ただし,当該入札において,低入札価格調査実施要綱に規定する低入札価格調査を実施する場合においては,資格確認者を低入札価格調査実施要綱第2条第3号に規定する最低価格入札者とみなし,落札者の決定については,低入札価格調査実施要綱に規定するとこ (4)により確認を行う場合は,(3)を準用する。(この場合の申請書等の受付期間は,上位順位者の参加資格がないと認めた日の2日後(休日を除く。)の午後5時15分までとする。) 確認を行った結果,参加資格を有する者がない場合は,入札を不調とするものとする。 参加資格の確認を行うに当たり,必要があると認めるときは,入札参加者に対し聴取調査を実施することができるものとする。 (3)から(7)にかかわらず,必要があると認めるときは,他の入札参加者に対し申請書等の提出を求め基づき,当該確認対象者の参加資格の確認を行うものとする。この場合において,確認対象者の入札が7もしくは14(4)又は(5)のいずれかに該当するとき又は(1)ただし書に該当するときは,当該確認対象者を失格とする。 (3)により確認対象者の参加資格がないと認めたときは,第2順位の入札書を提出をした者以降について,順次申請書等の提出を求めた上で,参加資格を有する者が確認されるまで,参加資格の確認を行うものとする。 合はこの限りではない。 (1)において,申請書等を電子入札システムを利用して提出する場合は,申請書等を合計10MB以下のPDF形式又はPDFを圧縮したzip形式(自己解凍方式は認めない。)の電子ファイルに取りまとめて提出すること。この場合において,当該申請書等の電子ファイルについては,最新のパターンファイルによるウィルスチェックを行うこと。 確認対象者から申請書等が提出されたときは,公告に記載された開札日時を基準として,申請書等に参加資格の確認に関する事項 確認対象者は,公告において指定する期限までに申請書等を提出すること。ただし,確認対象者となった者が,申請書等提出前に,7もしくは14(4)又は(5)のいずれかに該当することが確認された場(2)14(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)として請負代金額を求めている場合は,共同企業体の請負代金額に出資比率を乗じて得た金額を実績(経験)とする。 事業協同組合及び当該組合の組合員について,組合と当該組合の組合員は同一の入札に参加できない。また,組合員が1者以上重複している事業協同組合は,同一の入札に参加できない。 確認対象者が事業協同組合の場合,配置予定技術者は組合員に所属する技術者でも構わない。 確認対象者が事業協同組合の場合,組合員の実績は認めない。 共同企業体の構成員としての実績(経験)は,構成員数が2社の場合は出資比率が30%以上,3社の場合は20%以上のものに限り,実績(経験)として認める。ただし,公告において,実績(経験)省告示第718号)に,補償コンサルタント業務については,補償コンサルタント登録規程(昭和59年建設省告示第1341号)に基づく登録のことをいう。 技術士とは,技術士法(昭和58年法律第25号)に基づく技術士のことをいい,RCCMとは,一般社団法人建設コンサルタンツ協会(以下「協会」という。)が実施するRCCM資格試験に合格し,協会に備えるRCCM登録簿に登録している者のことをいう。 代表者が同じ法人又は個人は,同一の入札において2者以上参加できない。 外にあり,契約締結先の営業所が岡山市内にある者,市内扱い業者とは,準市内業者のうち直近の本市法人市民税の確定申告における岡山市分の従業者数が10人以上であり,かつ,岡山市の市民税を課税され特別徴収を行っている従業者数が10人以上であることの条件を満たし,その旨の関係書類及び市内営業所実態報告書を登録時に提出して確認を受けている者,市外業者とは,前記以外の者をいう。 国交省登録とは,土木関係建設コンサルタント業務については,建設コンサルタント登録規程(昭和52年建設省告示第717号)に,地質調査業務については,地質調査業者登録規程(昭和52年建設【契約保証金の納入方法】契約課において発行する納入通知書で納付し,落札決定日から7日以内に契約書等とともに領収書を契約課へ提出すること。(契約保証金に代わる担保の場合及び履行保証保険契約を締結した場合も,同様にその保証に係る書類を提出すること。)その他 市内業者とは,岡山市内に本社,本店等主たる事務所を有する者,準市内業者とは,本社は岡山市以の10以上の額を納付すること。契約保証金に代わる担保として提供することができるものは,①金融機関の保証,②公共工事の前払金保証事業に関する法律(昭和27年法律第184号)第2条第4項に規定する保証事業会社の保証,③公共工事履行保証証券による保証とする。また,履行保証保険契約を締結した場合は,契約保証金の納付を免除する。 ただし,入札価格が低入札価格調査基準を下回った場合は,契約保証金の納入に限るものとし,契約保証金の額は契約金額の100分の30以上とする。 契約保証について 契約保証については,契約保証人又は契約保証金のいずれかとする。 契約保証人とした場合は,落札者と同等以上の資力及び資格能力を有する者1名とし,本市の指名停止期間中の有資格者名簿登載者及び指名停止を理由として有資格者名簿から削除された後指名停止期間が満了していない者でないこと。 契約保証金とした場合は,契約金額(単価契約の場合は予定総金額とする。以下同じ。)の100分いる額が2回目の入札金額に消費税及び地方消費税相当額を加えた額の100分の5以上であること。 なお,入札保証金額の変更はできないので,1回目の入札時に注意して納付すること。 【納入方法】 契約課において発行する納入通知書で納付し,開札日の前日(休日を除く。)の午後3時までに領収書を契約課へ提出すること。(金融機関の保証を提供する場合は,開札日の前日(休日を除く。)の午後3時までに契約課へ提出すること。入札保証保険契約を締結した場合も同様とする。)(以下「金融機関」という。)の保証とする。 入札保証金を免除することができる者は,開札日の前日から過去3年の間に,本市との間で締結した契約を履行しないこと,本市から契約の相手方とされたにもかかわらず契約を締結しないこと等がなく,契約を締結しないこととなるおそれがないと認められる者,又は入札保証保険契約を締結した者とする。 再入札が行われる場合の入札保証金は,1回目の入札時に納付している額とする。ただし,納付して(9)(10)(11)(12)る。 《お問い合わせ》○パソコン,電子入札システムに関すること 岡山県電子入札共同利用システムヘルプデスク 電話(0120)432-198(直通)○入札,契約について 岡山市北区大供一丁目1番1号 岡山市財政局財務部契約課 電話(086)803-1157(直通)とし又は確認対象者の決定若しくは落札者の決定を取消す場合がある。 この入札におけるその他の契約条項については,入札・契約ホームページに掲載する。 この入札の執行及び契約の締結については,この公告で定めるもののほか,規則,岡山市建設コンサルタント業務等一般競争入札実施要綱,電子入札実施要綱及び郵便入札実施要綱に定めるところによ この入札の結果は,落札者の決定後,落札者及び落札金額,一般競争入札の参加資格がないと認めた者及びその理由,入札者及び各入札者の入札金額について,入札・契約ホームページにおいて閲覧に供する。 開札後,契約が地方自治法第234条第5項の規定により確定する前に,発注者の入札手続の誤り又は公告・設計図書等の誤りにより,入札の公正性が損なわれていることが判明した場合は,入札を中止建設コンサル諸経費間接調査費×9/10補償関係コンサルタント業務 直接人件費 直接経費解析等調査業務費×8/10その他原価×9/10×5/10測量業務 直接測量費 測量調査費(旧:4.8/10)×5/10諸経費(旧:4.5/10)―×5/10地質調査業務 直接調査費抜き設計金額に10分の6を乗じて得た額,当該合計額等が税抜き設計金額の10分の8.1(旧:し,主たる業種区分が地質調査業務で,当該合計額等が税抜き設計金額の3分の2未満の場合は,税抜業種区分 ① ②は,税抜き設計金額に10分の8.5を乗じて得た額とします。 き設計金額に3分の2を乗じて得た額,当該合計額等が税抜設計金額の10分の8.5を超える場合③ ④表①から④までに掲げる額の合計額とし,対象コンサルタント業務が複数の業種区分からなる場合にお(旧:4.8/10)×5/10建築関係建設コンサルタント業務直接人件費 特別経費技術料等経費×6/10一般管理費等土木関係建設コンサルタント業務直接人件費 直接経費その他原価×9/10(旧:4.8/10)諸経費×6/10う。)が税抜き設計金額の10分の6未満の場合は,税抜き設計金額に10分の6を乗じて得た額,当一般管理費等お 知 ら せじて得た額とし,主たる業種区分が建築関係建設コンサルタント業務,土木関係建設コンサルタント業10分の8)を超える場合は,税抜き設計金額に10分の8.1(旧:10分の8)を乗じて得た額と務及び補償関係コンサルタント業務で,当該合計額等が税抜き設計金額の10分の6未満の場合は,税●最低制限価格及び低入札価格調査基準価格について【令和6年7月1日以降の公告から一部変更】いては,各業種区分における合計額の合算額とします。 ただし,主たる業種区分が測量業務で,当該合計額又は合算額(以下これらの額を「合計額等」とい該合計額等が税抜き設計金額の10分の8.2を超える場合は,税抜き設計金額に10分の8.2を乗 最低制限価格(低入札価格調査基準価格)=①+②+③+④ (小数点以下切捨て) 次の表の業種区分の欄に掲げる業種区分に基づき,対象コンサルタント業務が一の業種区分からなる場合においては,当該業務の種類ごとに,対象コンサルタント業務の許容価格算出の基礎となった同 契約保証について,契約保証人(1名)又は契約保証金(契約金額の100分の10以上)のいずれかを 選択できます。ただし,低入札調査対象案件において,入札価格が低入札価格調査基準を下回った 場合は,以下の「オ 契約保証金の納付」に限ります(契約金額の100分の30以上)。 本業務の請負契約締結において契約保証金を選んだ場合は,請負契約書等の提出とともに,次 に掲げるア~オのいずれかの契約保証を付し,その契約保証に係る書類を提出してください。 ア 債務不履行により生ずる損害金の支払を保証する銀行又は市長が確実と認める金融機関の保証 提出書類:当該保証に係る保証書 イ 債務不履行により生ずる損害金の支払を保証する前払金保証事業会社の保証 提出書類:当該保証に係る保証証書 ウ 債務の履行を保証する公共工事履行保証証券による保証 提出書類:当該公共工事履行保証証券に係る証券 エ 債務不履行により生ずる損害をてん補する履行保証保険契約(定額てん補特約方式に限 る。)の締結 提出書類:当該履行保証保険に係る証券 オ 契約保証金の納付 提出書類:契約保証金に係る領収書 ※銀行又は市長が確実と認める金融機関とは,出資の受入れ,預り金及び金利等の取締りに関 する法律(昭和29年法律第195号)第3条に規定する金融機関とし,銀行,信託会社, 保険会社,信用金庫,信用金庫連合会,労働金庫,労働金庫連合会,農林中央金庫,㈱商工組合中央金庫,㈱日本政策投資銀行,信用協同組合,農業協同組合,水産業協同組合又はその他の貯金の受入れを行う組合をいう。 ※前払金保証事業会社とは,公共工事の前払金保証事業に関する法律(昭和27年法律第184号)第2条第4項に規定する保証事業会社をいう。 ●契約保証について ・契約保証金について●入札参加制限について 低入札価格調査対象業務における入札参加制限は,前頁の低入札価格調査基準価格未満の応札で参加資格の確認対象者となった者を対象とし,他の低入札価格調査対象業務の入札に参加できません。 査基準価格未満の額であった場合の確認対象者の決定について ◎注意 同日開札の複数の低入札価格調査対象コンサルタント業務一般競争入札に入札し,低入札価格調 該確認対象者は同日のそれ以降に開札する案件及び他の低入札価格調査対象コンサルタント業務 低入札価格入札者が確認対象者となった場合,当該入札に係る契約の履行が完了するまでの間 (当該確認対象者が落札者とならなかったときは、当該入札の落札者を決定するまでの間),当 ト業務の入札を無効又は失格とします。 とします。 先に開札した案件で確認対象者となった者が、現に他の低入札価格調査対象コンサルタント業 また、現に他に低入札調査基準価格未満の額で落札者となって履行中の案件がある場合も同様 務の入札に参加しているときは、当該確認対象者の行った他の低入札価格調査対象コンサルタン 同日開札においては、許容価格が高い案件から順次開札していきます。先に開札した案件で, の入札に参加できません。 様式第1号1 入 札 年 月 日2 契 約 番 号3 委託契約等の名称 商号又は名称 代 表 者 氏 名㊞(電子入札システムによる申請の場合は押印不要) なお,当社は,地方自治法施行令(昭和22年政令第16号)第167条の4に規定一般競争入札参加資格確認申請書令和 年 月 日岡山市長 様(申請者)住所令和6年11月19日2024041838-50市道御津高津御津宇甘1号線(花村2号橋)橋梁補修設計業務委託 下記委託契約等に係る一般競争入札の落札候補者となりましたので,関係書類を添えて入札参加資格の確認を申請します。 記する者ではありません。また,この申請書の記載内容と添付書類については事実と相違なく,証明書等の添付書類について交付日以後内容に変更がないことを誓約します。 様式第2号指名停止等措置状況調書申請者 住 所商号又は名称代 表 者 名上記措置を受けている場合は以下に記載してください。 注)この調書は,今回発注委託業務の入札参加資格確認申請時に提出するとともに,その 後本契約締結日までの間に上記措置を受けたときは,速やかに必要事項を記載して再 提出してください。 令和年 月 日措 置 理 由その他岡山市以外の公共機関から指名停止,指名留保等の措置を受けているかどうか措置を受けていない ・ 措置を受けている(該当する方を で囲んでください。)公 共 機 関 名措 置 期 間様式第6-5号契約番号2024041838-50資格の種類<添付書類>(2)雇用の証となる健康保険被保険者証の写し等□ 建設部門(選択科目が鋼構造及びコンクリート)に係る技術士□ 総合技術監理部門(選択科目が建設一般並びに鋼構造及びコンクリート)に 係る技術士(1)本業務で必要とされる技術・資格を証する技術士登録等証明書の写し配置予定主任技術者氏名配 置 予 定 技 術 者 等 調 書(商号又は名称 )業 務 名 市道御津高津御津宇甘1号線(花村2号橋)橋梁補修設計業務委託 Contract for bridge repair design work on city road Mitsu-Takatsu-Mitsu-Ukan Route 1 (Hanamura No. 2 Bridge) Contract for bridge repair design work on city road Mitsu-Takatsu-Mitsu-Ukan Route 1 (Hanamura No. 2 Bridge) November 1, 2024 1 Contract number 3 Place of performance 4 Performance deadline 5 Acceptable price 6 Minimum price setting cases, etc. 7 Payment terms 8 Payment method 10 Contract guarantee 11 Contract... Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture Bidding information is as follows. Subject: Contract for bridge repair design work for Municipal Road Mitsu-Takatsu-Mitsu-Ukan No. 1 (Hanamura No. 2 Bridge) Type: Service Date of announcement or update: November 1, 2024 Organization: Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture Date of acquisition: November 1, 2024 19:25:21 1 Announcement contents: November 1, 2024 1 Contract number 3 Place of performance 4 Deadline for performance 5 Acceptable price 6 Minimum price setting cases, etc. 7 Payment terms 8 Payment method 10 Contract guarantee 11 Liability period for non-compliance with contract 1 Announcement period and announcement method 2 Period and place of acquisition of design documents, etc. 3 Period for accepting questions about design documents, etc. from the date of announcement 6 Period for posting answers to design documents, etc. Regarding the implementation of public competitive bidding (construction consulting work, etc.) on Monday, November 11, 2024 (Announcement) From 4:00 p.m. Bid opening date February 28, 2025 City road Mitsu-Takatsu Mitsu-Ukan Route 1 (Hanamura Bridge No. 2) Bridge repair design work contract 9 Bid deposit 12 Contract details Announced after successful bidder Minimum price setting Payment upon completion of project 2 years Email address mitsusanken@city.okayama.lg.jp From the announcement date to the bid opening date, it will be posted on the bidding and contract website, so please download and obtain it. II. Four points regarding bidding procedures, etc. Masao Mori Contractor name ① Advance payment Yes ② Partial payment No Mitsu-Takatsu area, Kita-ku, Okayama city 7 Place of posting answers to design documents, etc. Where to submit questions about design documents, etc. It will be posted on the bidding and contract website "Consultant (Contract Division Order) → Bidding information [Consultant] → Public competitive bidding list". November 13, 2024 (Wednesday) Kita Ward Office Mitsu Branch Industry and Construction Division Pursuant to the provisions of Article 167-6, Paragraph 1 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947) (hereinafter referred to as the "Order"), the following is announced. 5 Mayor of Okayama 2024041838-50 I Items to be submitted for bidding 2 Design documents, etc. How to ask questions "Common items for the public competitive bidding announcement for construction consulting services, etc." (hereinafter referred to as the "Common items") 13 (1) Bridge repair design Steel bridge painting design Set ① If a person who is the subject of the eligibility confirmation for the bid falls under common item 14 (4) or (5), he/she will be disqualified. Questions will be accepted only by email until 4:00 p.m. *Please clearly state the questioner's name and contact phone number in the body of the email. Please note that the time required for sending the question will vary depending on the performance of the computer used and the quality of the connection to the telecommunications line, so please ask your question with plenty of time. In addition, the subject of the email should be easy to understand, such as "Bidding Questions (Outsourcing of XXX Business)". The contract bond (at least 10% of the contract amount) or contract guarantor (one person) will be posted on the bidding and contracting website from the date of announcement until the date of opening of bids. 13 Others 2) This business is one in which claims can be transferred through the use of electronically recorded claims. However, only PO financing is applicable to electronically recorded claims. If the successful bidder wishes to use this form, he/she must submit an "Application for Use of Electronically Recorded Claims" (published on the Bidding and Contracting page of the Okayama City website (hereinafter referred to as the "Bidding and Contracting website"), "Consulting (Ordered by the Contracting Division) → Bidding Information [Consulting] → Forms [Consulting]) to the Contracting Division between the date of the successful bid and the date of contract conclusion (within 7 days in principle) and obtain the approval of the city. If the city approves the use of this form, the contractor of the bidder, regardless of whether or not electronically recorded claims are used,Ⅰ-7① cannot request an advance payment. 9 Bidding acceptance period 10 Date and time of bid opening and location 1 Common items for bidder qualification 2 Main industry classification 5 Classification of contractors within and outside the city 8 Other conditions None 7 Qualifications of engineers to be deployed 8 9:51 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Bidding method Tuesday, November 19, 2024 *If re-bidding is required, re-bidding will be accepted until 3:00 p.m. on the first bid opening date, and bid opening will be conducted from the same time. Therefore, bidders should check the availability of re-bidding in the electronic bidding system "Procurement agency: Okayama City → Construction, consulting, etc. → Electronic bidding system → Bidding status list" after the bid opening date and time specified in Ⅱ-10. Bidders who submit in writing will be notified by fax, etc. As per common items 3 and 5 *Submit your bid after confirming the answers to your questions regarding the design documents, etc. *Please note that the electronic bidding system can be used from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. 11. Method of submitting application documents for confirmation of eligibility to participate Those who, as a result of the opening of bids, are subject to confirmation of eligibility to participate pursuant to Common Item 4 (7), must submit application documents for confirmation of eligibility to participate and attached documents (hereinafter referred to as "application documents, etc.") either via the electronic bidding system pursuant to Common Item 8 (2) or by bringing them to the Contracts Division and have their eligibility confirmed. In addition, those who are required to submit applications, etc. pursuant to Common Item 8 (8) may only submit them by bringing them to the Contracts Division. However, this does not apply if it is confirmed that a person who has become a subject of confirmation falls under either Common Item 7 or 14 (4) or (5) before submitting the applications, etc. *Applications will not be accepted by any method other than the above. In addition, the contents of applications, etc. will not be confirmed at the counter. (1) Application for confirmation of eligibility to participate in open competitive bidding (Form No. 1) (2) Report on status of suspension of bid etc. (Form No. 2) 12 Okayama City Hall (Main Building), 5th floor Bidding Room The chief engineer to be assigned must be a professional engineer in the steel structure and concrete departments listed in the Appendix to the Construction Consultant Registration Regulations, who can be confirmed as having been continuously affiliated with the company for more than three months at the date and time of opening of bids specified in the announcement. Regarding track record Not required City contractors or contractors dealing with the city III Items concerning qualifications required for those participating in the bid "Civil engineering-related construction consulting work" 6 "Steel structure and concrete" 4 Departments requiring registration by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Okayama City registered departments (subcategories) 3 "Steel structure and concrete" Common items As per 1 13 Deadline for submission of application documents for confirmation of participation eligibility (excluding city holidays (hereinafter referred to as "holidays") specified in the ordinance prescribing Okayama City holidays) (4) Report of engineers to be assigned (Form No. 6-5) and attached documents (3) Copy of the cover page with the confirmation stamp of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of the current status report (Form No. 16 related to Article 7 of the Construction Consultant Registration Regulations) and the part showing the registered department By 5:15 p.m. on Thursday, November 21, 2024 Application documents for confirmation of participation eligibility Application forms, etc. should be prepared in advance so that they can be submitted promptly after the bids are opened. Thursday, November 14, 2024 Monday, November 18, 2024 4:00 p.m. 1 (1) (2) (3) (4) 2 3 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Those who have changed to paper bidding will not be allowed to change or revert to electronic bidding for the target business. In the case of (3), bidders must fill in the necessary information on the paper bidding form (published on the Bidding and Contracting Homepage → Consultants (Contract Division Orders) → Bidding Information [Consultants] → Forms [Consultants] page), have the person who will be the contract holder sign and stamp (only the seal that has been notified to Okayama City in advance as the seal to be used), place it in an envelope, seal it, and bring it by the deadline for accepting bids. Write the name of the bidder and the title of the job on the front of the envelope (Bidding/Contracting Homepage → Electronic Bidding → Participate in the process and, with the approval of the Mayor, you may participate in the subsequent procedures for the target job in writing. However, this only applies if the date of bid opening for the target job is within the expiration date of your IC card and you have completed the procedure for reissuing your IC card. 1. In the event that the IC card required for electronic bidding becomes unusable due to a disaster, theft, or other reason beyond the bidder's control 2. In the event that other unavoidable reasons are recognized Submit your bid by registering the bid amount using your IC card through the electronic bidding system by 2025. For those who have registered as users of the electronic bidding system after obtaining an IC card, in the following cases (excluding cases where the IC card becomes unusable due to loss, expiration, blocking, or damage due to the bidder's fault), bids for other low-price work submitted by a bidder who submits Form No. 1: Written Bid Participation Approval Application Form (published on the Bidding/Contract website -> Electronic Bidding -> Guides/Forms -> Electronic Bidding Guide page) set forth in the Electronic Bidding Implementation Guidelines at least one hour prior to the closing date and time of bid acceptance will be invalid or disqualified. In the above case, if the performance deadline is extended for reasons not attributable to the bidder, the deadline for which the bidder cannot participate in bidding for other low-price work will be the performance deadline for the contract before it was extended. Matters regarding submission of bid documents The number of bids allowed is limited to two. If a bidder becomes a person subject to confirmation of eligibility for participation pursuant to Article 9, Paragraph 5 of the Okayama City Construction Consultant Business, etc. Implementation Guidelines (hereinafter referred to as the "Electronic Bidding Implementation Guidelines") or Article 7, Paragraph 6 of the Okayama City Construction Consultant Business, etc. Implementation Guidelines (hereinafter referred to as the "Postal Bidding Implementation Guidelines"), the bidder shall not be able to participate in bidding for other low-price target services until the performance of the contract related to the bid is completed (or until the successful bidder for the bid is determined if the person subject to confirmation is not the successful bidder). In this case, if the person subject to confirmation is currently participating in bidding for other low-price target services, the items related to the restrictions on bidding participation of the person subject to confirmation shall be the industry and department according to the low-price bidding for the low-price bidding target services (hereinafter referred to as the "low-price target services") set forth in the Okayama City Construction Consultant Business, etc. Implementation Guidelines for Low-Price Bidding Investigation (hereinafter referred to as the "Low-Price Bidding Investigation Implementation Guidelines"). However, house inspections will be in the business loss category or property category.) must be listed on the qualified person list pursuant to the provisions of Article 4 of the Regulations. The person must not be under suspension or withholding of nomination (hereinafter referred to as "suspension of nomination, etc.") based on Okayama City's suspension of nomination criteria at the time of bid opening stated in the advertisement. An electronic bidding core system compatible certification authority that can be used on the Okayama Prefecture Electronic Bidding Shared Use System (hereinafter referred to as the "electronic bidding system") operated by the Okayama Prefecture Electronic Bidding Shared Use Promotion Council by the deadline for accepting bids. General competitive bidding announcements for construction consulting services, etc. Common items Items related to the qualifications required for persons participating in bidding Not falling under the provisions of Article 167-4 of the Ordinance and Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Okayama City Contract Regulations (City Regulations No. 63 of 1989; hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations").2. The bidder must have been qualified to participate in a general competitive bidding based on the Matters Concerning Qualifications and Screening of Okayama City Competitive Bidding (City Notification No. 120 of 1986), and must have obtained a card (hereinafter referred to as the "IC card") containing an electronic certificate issued by the target business (if the target business spans multiple industries or departments, the principal business) and completed user registration with Okayama City in the electronic bidding system prior to submitting the bid documents. The expiration date of the IC card must be after the date and time of opening of the bids. (6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)4(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)① ② ③(9) If suspicion of collusion is found, the bidder may be canceled, postponed, or the successful bidder may be withheld. The lottery number for written bidders as provided for in 3(3) shall be the lottery number entered in the bid documents, and the arrival millisecond shall be the time when the city employee registered the bid price in the electronic bidding system. The person whose number given in ① matches the remainder obtained by dividing the total of the deciding lottery numbers of the bidders with the same price by the number of bidders with the same price shall be the first person to be confirmed. Other people shall be ranked in order of increasing numbers from the number of the first person to be confirmed with the number given in ①, and after there are no more matching bidders, the next number shall be ranked starting from the number with the lowest number. If there are two or more bidders with the same price, the ranking shall be determined by electronic lottery. The lottery method shall be as follows: For each bidder with the same price, a number shall be assigned starting from 0 in the order in which the bid documents arrived (in the order of the time of reception on the electronic bidding system server). For each bidder with the same price, the last three digits of the sum of the registered lottery number and the three-digit number of milliseconds in the time of reception on the electronic bidding system server shall be calculated (hereinafter referred to as the "deciding lottery number"). In the re-bidding, if one or more bidders have submitted valid bid documents, the bidder shall immediately withhold the decision on the successful bidder, and if no bidder has submitted a valid bid document, the bid shall be deemed unsuccessful. If the determination of the successful bidder is withheld pursuant to (5) or (6), the valid bids will be rearranged in order of lowest bid price, and the bidder submitting the first-ranked bid will be the subject of verification. (7) When ranking valid bids pursuant to this paragraph, if there are bidders who have submitted identical bids (hereinafter referred to as "identical bidders"), the bid of such bidder shall be invalid. If the relevant work is a work for which a minimum price is set, any bidder who has submitted a bid below the minimum price shall be disqualified. If, in the first round of bidding, one or more bidders have submitted bids (hereinafter referred to as "valid bids") at or below the permissible price excluding tax, excluding bids that have been invalidated or disqualified pursuant to (3) or (4), the bidder shall immediately reserve the decision on the successful bidder, and if no bidders have submitted valid bids, the bidder shall open the bids again, etc. The bids shall be opened at the date, time and place specified in the public notice. If there are written bidders as provided for in 3(3), the bids shall be opened after the written bids have been registered in the electronic bidding system, at the date, time and place specified in the public notice. The bidder, upon opening the bids, shall determine that the bid of the bidder clearly falls under any of 6 (1) to (12) without even having to confirm the bidder's eligibility based on the application form, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "confirmation of eligibility"). Submitted bids cannot be corrected, exchanged, or retracted. Except when deemed particularly necessary, bidders will not be allowed to withdraw their bid after submission of the bid. However, this does not apply in the case of a second bid (hereinafter referred to as a "re-bid"), where a bidder withdraws their bid after the opening of the first bid and before submitting the re-bid. Bids other than those specified in the Electronic Bidding Implementation Guidelines will not be accepted. When submitting a bid, the bidder must comply with the provisions of the Rules. (describe the lottery number). In the case of (2), bidders submitting via the electronic bidding system must enter a three-digit number of their choice in the lottery number field in conjunction with the registration of the bid amount above. In the case of (3), bidders submitting in writing must enter a three-digit number of their choice in the lottery number field on their bid documents ("000" cannot be entered). In addition, if a number between "001" and "999" is not entered in the lottery number column, the number will be deemed to have been entered as "999" regardless of 6(7). Please refer to the form and form collection → Electronic Bidding Guide page "Regarding written bidding for electronic bidding projects."). In determining the successful bidder, the successful bid price shall be the amount registered in the bid documents (in the case of written bidders under (3), the amount stated in the bid documents) plus 10/100 of that amount (if that amount has a fraction of less than 1 yen, that fraction shall be rounded down). Therefore, regardless of whether a bidder is a taxable entity or a tax-exempt entity with respect to consumption tax, the bidder must register in the electronic bidding system an amount equivalent to 110/100 of the estimated desired contract price (in the case of written bidders under (3), the amount stated in the bid documents). (10)(11)(12)(13)5(1)(2)(3)6(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)7In the confirmation of eligibility to participate under Article 8 below, any person falling under any of the following items will be disqualified. (1)(2)(3)(4) Any person who has submitted a bid that is clearly deemed to be fraudulent (5)(6) A person who has been suspended from bidding after bidding and before the successful bidder is decided (only if the incident that caused the suspension occurred before the bidding in question) A person who has made a bid in violation of other bidding conditions set by the Mayor ⑤ A bid submitted with multiple bids enclosed in one envelope ⑥ A bid submitted with both electronic and paper bids Matters related to disqualification of bids Bids that fall under the following categories will be invalid: A person who is not eligible to participate in competitive bidding A person who does not submit an application form by the deadline specified in the public notice Bids that fall under the above categories will be invalid. ① Bids without a name and seal on the bid document ② Bids in which the total amount has been revised or where it is difficult to confirm the bid amount and other necessary information ③ Bids in which the business name or sender name stated on the envelope differs from the business name or bidder name stated on the enclosed bid document ④ Bids in which the business name or sender name is not stated on the envelope Bids in which the necessary information is not stated on the bid document or where it is difficult to confirm the necessary information Bids made by a person whose first bid was invalid in a re-bidding process that is clearly deemed to be due to fraud In a re-bidding, bids made by persons who did not participate in the first bid Bids made in violation of other bidding conditions set by the Mayor In the case of participation in a bid using the written document specified in 3(3), in addition to (1) to (11), any of the following items will be deemed to be: Bids made through the fraudulent use of an IC card Bids made using an IC card whose expiration date precedes the bid opening date Bids made by persons who participated in a bid without going through the procedures specified in Article 3, Paragraphs 1 to 3 and Article 4, Paragraph 1 regarding bidding by electromagnetic means as specified in Article 17-2 of the Okayama City Contract Regulations (City Notification No. 290 of 2009; hereinafter referred to as "Regarding bidding by electromagnetic means") Bids made by persons who do not submit a bid document between the date and time when bid acceptance begins and the date and time when bid acceptance closes.If the results of the re-bidding are unsuccessful, the bid may be immediately re-advertised without changing the design content. Matters concerning invalid bidsBids that fall under any of the following items shall be invalid.Bids made by persons who are clearly not qualified to participate in competitive bidding.Bids made in violation of the bidding method.Bid documents, application forms, etc. and other documents related to the bid shall be invalid. Okayama City shall not be liable for damages due to the cancellation of the bid, etc.Matters concerning re-biddingOnly those who participated in the first bid may participate in the re-bidding. However, this does not include those whose first bid was invalid.If a person who participated in the first bid does not submit a bid document for the re-bidding, he/she may decline the re-bidding.If it is determined that the procedure cannot be carried out using the electronic bidding system due to a malfunction of the electronic computer or electronic bidding system used by the city, etc., the bidding may be postponed or canceled, or changed to a postal bidding.In addition to the cases under (9) or (10), the mayor may postpone or cancel the bidding or cancel the bid if he/she deems it particularly necessary. In the event of the cancellation or revocation of a bid based on (9), (10) or (11), the period of the bid submitted by the bidder shall be twice that of a bank or a financial institution that the mayor deems reliable. Matters relating to bid bonds and contract guarantees Regarding bid bonds [Amount of payment] Pay an amount equal to or greater than 5/100 of the estimated desired contract amount (the amount of the bid price plus the amount of the consumption tax and local consumption tax). (In the case of a unit price contract, the desired contract amount shall be deemed to be the estimated total amount.) The bidder shall be disqualified. Payment terms As specified in the public notice. However, if the bid price falls below the low bid price investigation standard, the amount of the advance payment shall be within 1/10 of the contract amount. Liability period for non-compliance with the contract As specified in the public notice. However, if the bid price falls below the low bid price investigation criteria, the period specified in the announcement shall apply. Matters regarding the results of the confirmation of eligibility and the notification of the bid results When a successful bidder is determined, the person who submitted the application form, etc. shall be notified of the results of the confirmation of eligibility and the bid results. In this case, the reason shall also be notified to those who are deemed ineligible to participate. If it becomes clear after confirmation of eligibility that the successful bidder has made false statements in the application form, etc., he/she may participate. Matters regarding the determination of the successful bidder The person who is deemed to be eligible to participate through the confirmation of eligibility in 8 (1) to (8) above (hereinafter referred to as the "qualification confirmation person") shall be determined as the successful bidder. However, in the case of a low bid price investigation as provided for in the low bid price investigation implementation guidelines, the qualification confirmation person shall be deemed to be the lowest bidder as provided for in Article 2, paragraph 3 of the low bid price investigation implementation guidelines, and the determination of the successful bidder shall be as provided for in the low bid price investigation implementation guidelines, and in the case of confirmation as provided for in (4), (3) shall apply mutatis mutandis. (In this case, the period for accepting applications, etc., is until 5:15 p.m. two days (excluding holidays) after the day on which the higher-ranked bidder is found to be ineligible.) If, as a result of the confirmation, there is no one who is eligible to participate, the bidder shall be deemed unsuccessful. When confirming eligibility, the Bidder may conduct interviews with bidders if it is deemed necessary. Notwithstanding (3) to (7), if it is deemed necessary, the Bidder shall request other bidders to submit applications, etc., and confirm the eligibility of the person to be confirmed. In this case, if the bid of the person to be confirmed falls under either 7 or 14 (4) or (5), or if it falls under the proviso to (1), the person to be confirmed shall be disqualified. If it is determined that the person to be confirmed is ineligible pursuant to (3), the Bidder submitting the second-ranked bidder and subsequent bidders shall be requested to submit applications, etc., in order, and confirmation of eligibility shall be conducted until a person who is eligible to participate is confirmed. This does not apply in such cases. In the case of (1), if the application form is submitted using the electronic bidding system, the application form must be submitted in a PDF format or a compressed PDF zip format (self-extracting format is not permitted) electronic file with a total size of 10 MB or less. In this case, the electronic file of the application form must be checked for viruses using the latest pattern file. When the application form is submitted by a person to be confirmed, the items related to the confirmation of participation eligibility of the application form, etc., based on the date and time of opening of bids stated in the public notice, are confirmed. The person to be confirmed must submit the application form, etc., by the deadline specified in the public notice. However, if the person to be confirmed is confirmed to fall under any of 7 or 14 (4) or (5) before submitting the application form, etc., (2) In the case of requesting the contract price as 14 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8), the amount obtained by multiplying the contract price of the joint venture by the investment ratio shall be regarded as the actual (experience) amount. Regarding a business cooperative and its members, the cooperative and its members cannot participate in the same bid. In addition, a business cooperative association with one or more overlapping members cannot participate in the same bid. If the subject of confirmation is a business cooperative association, the engineer to be assigned may be an engineer belonging to the member. If the subject of confirmation is a business cooperative association, the member's track record will not be recognized. The track record (experience) of a member of a joint venture will be recognized only if the investment ratio is 30% or more if there are two members, and 20% or more if there are three members. However, in the announcement, track record (experience) refers to registration based on Ministry of Construction Notification No. 718, and for compensation consultant work, registration based on the Compensation Consultant Registration Regulations (Ministry of Construction Notification No. 1341 of 1984). A professional engineer refers to a professional engineer based on the Professional Engineers Act (Law No. 25 of 1983), and an RCCM refers to a person who has passed the RCCM qualification examination administered by the Japan Construction Consultants Association (hereinafter referred to as the "Association") and is registered in the RCCM register prepared by the Association. A corporation or individual with the same representative may not participate in the same bid more than once. A corporation or individual who is outside the city and whose contracting office is within Okayama City, a quasi-city business operator who meets the conditions of having 10 or more employees in Okayama City in the most recent city corporation inhabitant tax return, and having 10 or more employees who are subject to special collection of Okayama City inhabitant tax, and who has submitted relevant documents and a city business office status report to that effect at the time of registration and has received confirmation, and a non-city business operator is anyone other than the above. Registration with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism means that for civil engineering-related construction consultant services, you must follow the Construction Consultant Registration Regulations (Notification No. 717 of the Ministry of Construction, 1977), and for geological survey services, you must follow the Geological Survey Contractor Registration Regulations (Notification No. 717 of the Ministry of Construction, 1977). [How to pay the contract deposit] Pay using the payment notice issued by the Contract Division, and submit a receipt together with the contract etc. to the Contract Division within seven days of the date of the successful bid. (In the case of a security in lieu of a contract deposit or if a performance guarantee insurance contract is concluded, documents related to the guarantee must also be submitted.) OtherA local contractor is one whose head office, main office, or other main office is located within Okayama City, and a quasi-local contractor is one whose head office is located within Okayama City and pays at least 10% of the contract amount. The following can be provided as collateral in lieu of a contract bond: 1) a guarantee from a financial institution, 2) a guarantee from a guarantee company as stipulated in Article 2, Paragraph 4 of the Law Concerning Advance Payment Guarantee Business for Public Works (Law No. 184 of 1952), and 3) a guarantee from a public works performance guarantee certificate. In addition, if a performance guarantee insurance contract is concluded, the payment of the contract bond is exempt. However, if the bid price falls below the low bid price investigation standard, the contract bond will be limited to the payment of the contract bond, and the amount of the contract bond must be at least 30% of the contract amount. Regarding contract guarantees, contract guarantees can be provided by either a contract guarantor or a contract bond. If a guarantor is appointed, it must be one person with equal or greater financial and qualification capabilities than the successful bidder, and must not be a person on the city's list of eligible persons during the suspension period, or a person who has been removed from the list of eligible persons due to suspension and whose suspension period has not yet expired. If a contract guarantee is appointed, the amount of the contract (the total planned amount in the case of a unit price contract; the same applies below) must be at least 5/100 of the second bid amount plus the amount equivalent to the consumption tax and local consumption tax. Note that the amount of the bid guarantee cannot be changed, so pay it carefully at the time of the first bid. [Payment method] Pay using the payment notice issued by the Contracts Division, and submit the receipt to the Contracts Division by 3:00 p.m. the day before the bid opening date (excluding holidays). (If a guarantee by a financial institution is provided, submit it to the Contracts Division by 3:00 p.m. the day before the bid opening date (excluding holidays). The same applies if a bid guarantee insurance contract is concluded.) (hereinafter referred to as "financial institution"). Those who may be exempt from the bid bond are those who have not failed to fulfill a contract concluded with the city or failed to conclude a contract despite being selected by the city during the past three years from the day before the opening of the bids, and are deemed to have no risk of not concluding a contract, or those who have concluded a bid bond insurance contract. In the event of a re-bidding, the bid bond shall be the amount paid at the time of the first bid. However, if the amount paid is not less than (9)(10)(11)(12). Inquiries: ○About computers and the electronic bidding system Okayama Prefecture Electronic Bidding Shared System Help Desk Tel: (0120) 432-198 (direct) ○About bidding and contracts Okayama City Finance Bureau, Finance Department, Contract Division 1-1 Okuma, Kita-ku, Okayama City Tel: (086) 803-1157 (direct) or may cancel the decision on the person to be confirmed or the decision on the successful bidder. Other contract terms in this bidding will be posted on the bidding and contract website. The execution of this bid and the conclusion of the contract will be in accordance with the regulations, the Okayama City General Competitive Bidding Guidelines for Construction Consultant Services, etc., the Electronic Bidding Guidelines, and the Postal Bidding Guidelines, in addition to what is set forth in this announcement.The results of this bid, after the successful bidder has been decided, will be made available for viewing on the bidding and contract website, including the successful bidder and winning bid amount, those who are deemed ineligible to participate in the general competitive bidding and the reasons for this, and the bidders and the bid amounts of each bidder.If, after the opening of bids and before the contract is finalized in accordance with the provisions of Article 234, Paragraph 5 of the Local Autonomy Act, it is discovered that the fairness of the bid has been compromised due to an error in the client's bidding procedures or an error in the announcement or design documents, etc., the bid will be cancelled.Construction consulting expensesIndirect investigation costs x 9/10Compensation-related consulting work Direct labor costs Direct expenses Analysis and other investigation work costs x 8/10Other costs x 9/10 x 5/10Surveying work Direct survey costs Surveying expenses (old: 4.8/10) x 5/10 Miscellaneous expenses (old: 4.5/10) - x 5/10 Geological survey work The amount obtained by multiplying the design amount excluding direct survey expenses by 6/10, and the total amount, etc. is 8.1/10 of the design amount excluding tax (old: 1/10). If the main industry category is geological survey work and the total amount, etc. is less than two-thirds of the design amount excluding tax, industry category ① ② shall be the amount obtained by multiplying the design amount excluding tax by 8.5/10. If the main industry category is geological survey work and the total amount, etc. is less than two-thirds of the design amount excluding tax, industry category ③ ④ shall be the sum of the amounts set out in Tables ① to ④, and if the consulting work in question consists of multiple industry categories, (old: 4.8/10) x 5/10 Architectural-related construction consulting work direct labor costs Special expenses Technical fees etc. x 6/10 General administrative expenses Civil engineering related Construction consulting Direct labor costs Direct expenses Other costs x 9/10 (previously: 4.8/10) Miscellaneous expenses x 6/10. If the total amount of general and administrative expenses is less than 6/10 of the design amount excluding tax, the total amount shall be calculated by multiplying the design amount excluding tax by 6/10, and if the main industry classification is architectural construction consulting business, civil engineering construction consulting business, and compensation-related consulting business, and if the total amount is less than 6/10 of the design amount excluding tax, the total amount shall be calculated by multiplying the design amount excluding tax by 8.1/10 (previously: 8/10). ● Minimum limit price and low bid price investigation standard price [Partially changed from the announcement on or after July 1, 2024] The total amount of the total amount for each industry classification shall be used. However, if the main business category is surveying work and the total amount or combined amount (hereinafter these amounts will be referred to as the "total amount, etc.") exceeds 8.2/10 of the design amount excluding tax, the design amount excluding tax will be multiplied by 8.2/10. Minimum limit price (base price for low bid price investigation) = ① + ② + ③ + ④ (rounded down to nearest whole number) If the subject consultant work consists of a single business category based on the business category listed in the business category column of the following table, the same business category that was the basis for calculating the allowable price of the subject consultant work can be selected for each type of work. Regarding the contract guarantee, either a contract guarantor (one person) or a contract deposit (10/100 or more of the contract amount) can be selected. However, in the case of a project subject to low bid investigation, if the bid price falls below the low bid price investigation standard, only "E. Payment of a contract deposit" below (30/100 or more of the contract amount) can be selected. If a contract deposit is selected when concluding a contract for this work, the following must be submitted along with the submission of the contract agreement, etc. Please provide one of the contract guarantees listed in A to E above, and submit documents related to the contract guarantee. A. A guarantee from a bank or a financial institution deemed reliable by the mayor to guarantee payment of damages arising from default on a debt. Documents to be submitted: Guarantee letter related to said guarantee B. A guarantee from a prepayment guarantee company to guarantee payment of damages arising from default on a debt. Documents to be submitted: Guarantee certificate related to said guarantee C. A guarantee using a public works performance guarantee bond to guarantee performance of a debt. Documents to be submitted: Securities related to said public works performance guarantee bond D. Conclusion of a performance guarantee insurance contract (limited to fixed amount compensation special clause type) to indemnify damages arising from default on a debt. Documents to be submitted: Securities related to said performance guarantee insurance E. Payment of a contract guarantee. Documents to be submitted: Receipt related to the contract guarantee. *A bank or a financial institution deemed reliable by the mayor is a financial institution as defined in Article 3 of the Law Concerning the Supervision of Acceptance of Contributions, Deposits, and Interest Rates, etc. (Law No. 195 of 1954), and includes banks, trust companies, Insurance companies, Shinkin banks, Shinkin Bank Federations, labor banks, The Labor Bank Federation, The Norinchukin Bank, The Shoko Chukin Bank, Development Bank of Japan, Shinkin Banks, Agricultural Cooperatives, Fisheries Cooperatives, or other associations that accept savings. *Advance payment guarantee companies are guarantee companies as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 4 of the Law Concerning Advance Payment Guarantee Business for Public Works (Law No. 184 of 1952). ●About contract guarantees ・About contract guarantees ●About restrictions on bid participation Restrictions on bid participation in work subject to low bid price investigation apply to those who have been subject to confirmation of eligibility by bidding below the low bid price investigation reference price on the previous page, and cannot participate in bids for other work subject to low bid price investigation. Determination of the person to be confirmed when the amount is less than the low bid investigation base price ◎Note If a bidder with a low bid price is selected for multiple open competitive bidding for consultant services subject to low bid price investigation that are opened on the same day, and the bidder with a low bid price becomes the subject of confirmation, the bidder will be invalid or disqualified until the performance of the contract related to the bid is completed (or until the successful bidder is determined if the bidder with a low bid price is not the successful bidder). If a person who became the subject of confirmation for a previously opened project is currently participating in the bidding for other consultant services subject to low bid price investigation that are currently being performed after the successful bidder was selected at a price less than the low bid investigation base price, the bidder will not be able to participate in the bidding for the previously opened projects and other consultant services subject to low bid price investigation made by the person to be confirmed. The same applies if a bidder with a low bid price that became the subject of confirmation for a previously opened project is currently participating in the bidding for other consultant services subject to low bid price investigation that are currently being performed after the successful bidder was selected at a price less than the low bid investigation base price. In the same day bid opening, bids will be opened in order from the project with the highest allowable price. Form No. 11 Date of bidding2 Contract number3 Name of the contract, etc.Trade name or nameName of representative(No seal required if applying through the electronic bidding system)In addition, our company is a candidate for the open competitive bidding for the contract, etc. listed below, as specified in Article 167-4 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947)Application for confirmation of eligibility to participate in public competitive biddingDate of ReiwaMayor of Okayama (Applicant)AddressNovember 19, 2024041838-50Municipal road Mitsu-Takatsu-Mitsu-Ukan No. 1 Line (Hanamura No. 2 Bridge)Bridge repair design work contractWe are the successful bidder for the open competitive bidding for the contract, etc. listed below, and we are applying for confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid by attaching the relevant documents. We are not the person who writes.In addition, we pledge that the contents of this application form and the attached documents are true and correct, and that there have been no changes to the contents of the attached documents such as certificates since the date of issue. Form No. 2: Report on the Status of Suspension of Bid etc.Applicant's addressTrade name or nameRepresentative's nameIf you have received any of the above measures, please fill in the form below. Note: This report must be submitted when applying for confirmation of eligibility to bid for the current commissioned work, and if you receive any of the above measures after that up until the date of this contract, please promptly fill in the necessary information and resubmit it. Date of month/year Reason for measures Other Whether or not you have been subject to measures such as suspension or withholding of nomination from a public institution other than Okayama City Not subject to measures ・ Subject to measures (Please circle the applicable one.) Name of public institution Period of measures Form No. 6-5 Contract number 2024041838-50 Type of qualification <Attached documents> (2) Copy of health insurance certificate as proof of employment □ Engineer in the construction sector (selected subjects are steel structure and concrete) □ Engineer in the general technical supervision sector (selected subjects are general construction and steel structure and concrete) (1) Copy of engineer registration certificate etc. certifying the skills and qualifications required for this work Name of chief engineer to be assigned Report of engineer, etc. to be assigned (trade name or company name) Name of work City road Mitsu-Takatsu-Mitsu-Ukan No. 1 line (Hanamura No. 2 bridge) Bridge repair design work contractIn the same-day bid opening, bids will be opened in order starting with the bid with the highest allowable price. If a person who was subject to confirmation in a previously opened project is currently participating in the bids for other consulting businesses subject to low bid price investigation, the bids for that project will be invalid or disqualified (until the successful bidder for that bid is determined, if the person subject to confirmation is not the successful bidder). The same applies if there is another project currently being performed in which the person subject to confirmation won the bid at a price below the low bid investigation base price. In the same-day bid opening, bids will be opened in order starting with the project with the highest allowable price. If a person who was subject to confirmation in a previously opened project is currently participating in the bids for other consulting businesses subject to low bid price investigation, the person subject to confirmation will not be able to participate in the bids for the previously opened project. Form No. 11 Date of bidding2 Contract number3 Name of the contract, etc.Trade name or nameName of representative(No seal required if applying through the electronic bidding system)In addition, our company is a candidate for the open competitive bidding for the contract, etc. listed below, as specified in Article 167-4 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947)Application for confirmation of eligibility to participate in public competitive biddingDate of ReiwaMayor of Okayama (Applicant)AddressNovember 19, 2024041838-50Municipal road Mitsu-Takatsu-Mitsu-Ukan No. 1 Line (Hanamura No. 2 Bridge)Bridge repair design work contractWe are the successful bidder for the open competitive bidding for the contract, etc. listed below, and we are applying for confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid by attaching the relevant documents. We are not the person who writes.In addition, we pledge that the contents of this application form and the attached documents are true and correct, and that there have been no changes to the contents of the attached documents such as certificates since the date of issue. Form No. 2: Report on the Status of Suspension of Bid etc.Applicant's addressTrade name or nameRepresentative's nameIf you have received any of the above measures, please fill in the form below. Note: This report must be submitted when applying for confirmation of eligibility to bid for the current commissioned work, and if you receive any of the above measures after that up until the date of this contract, please promptly fill in the necessary information and resubmit it. Date of month/year Reason for measures Other Whether or not you have been subject to measures such as suspension or withholding of nomination from a public institution other than Okayama City Not subject to measures ・ Subject to measures (Please circle the applicable one.) Name of public institution Period of measures Form No. 6-5 Contract number 2024041838-50 Type of qualification <Attached documents> (2) Copy of health insurance certificate as proof of employment □ Engineer in the construction sector (selected subjects are steel structure and concrete) □ Engineer in the general technical supervision sector (selected subjects are general construction and steel structure and concrete) (1) Copy of engineer registration certificate etc. certifying the skills and qualifications required for this work Name of chief engineer to be assigned Report of engineer, etc. to be assigned (trade name or company name) Name of work City road Mitsu-Takatsu-Mitsu-Ukan No. 1 line (Hanamura No. 2 bridge) Bridge repair design work contractIn the same-day bid opening, bids will be opened in order starting with the bid with the highest allowable price. If a person who was subject to confirmation in a previously opened project is currently participating in the bids for other consulting businesses subject to low bid price investigation, the bids for that project will be invalid or disqualified (until the successful bidder for that bid is determined, if the person subject to confirmation is not the successful bidder). The same applies if there is another project currently being performed in which the person subject to confirmation won the bid at a price below the low bid investigation base price. In the same-day bid opening, bids will be opened in order starting with the project with the highest allowable price. If a person who was subject to confirmation in a previously opened project is currently participating in the bids for other consulting businesses subject to low bid price investigation, the person subject to confirmation will not be able to participate in the bids for the previously opened project. Form No. 11 Date of bidding2 Contract number3 Name of the contract, etc.Trade name or nameName of representative(No seal required if applying through the electronic bidding system)In addition, our company is a candidate for the open competitive bidding for the contract, etc. listed below, as specified in Article 167-4 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947)Application for confirmation of eligibility to participate in public competitive biddingDate of ReiwaMayor of Okayama (Applicant)AddressNovember 19, 2024041838-50Municipal road Mitsu-Takatsu-Mitsu-Ukan No. 1 Line (Hanamura No. 2 Bridge)Bridge repair design work contractWe are the successful bidder for the open competitive bidding for the contract, etc. listed below, and we are applying for confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid by attaching the relevant documents. We are not the person who writes.In addition, we pledge that the contents of this application form and the attached documents are true and correct, and that there have been no changes to the contents of the attached documents such as certificates since the date of issue. Form No. 2: Report on the Status of Suspension of Bid etc.Applicant's addressTrade name or nameRepresentative's nameIf you have received any of the above measures, please fill in the form below. Note: This report must be submitted when applying for confirmation of eligibility to bid for the current commissioned work, and if you receive any of the above measures after that up until the date of this contract, please promptly fill in the necessary information and resubmit it. Date of month/year Reason for measures Other Whether or not you have been subject to measures such as suspension or withholding of nomination from a public institution other than Okayama City Not subject to measures ・ Subject to measures (Please circle the applicable one.) Name of public institution Period of measures Form No. 6-5 Contract number 2024041838-50 Type of qualification <Attached documents> (2) Copy of health insurance certificate as proof of employment □ Engineer in the construction sector (selected subjects are steel structure and concrete) □ Engineer in the general technical supervision sector (selected subjects are general construction and steel structure and concrete) (1) Copy of engineer registration certificate etc. certifying the skills and qualifications required for this work Name of chief engineer to be assigned Report of engineer, etc. to be assigned (trade name or company name) Name of work City road Mitsu-Takatsu-Mitsu-Ukan No. 1 line (Hanamura No. 2 bridge) Bridge repair design work contract
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