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たつの警察署単車置場設置その他工事 たつの警察署単車置場設置その他工事 入札公告下記の工事について制限付き一般競争入札に付すので、地方自治法施行令(昭和22年政令第16号)第167条の6の規定により、次のとおり公告する。令和6年10月3... Tatsuno Police Station Motorcycle Parking Lot Installation and Other Construction Tatsuno Police Station Motorcycle Parking Lot Installation and Other Construction Bidding Notice The following construction work will be open to public competitive bidding with restrictions. In accordance with Article 167-6 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Law (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947), the following notice is hereby issued. October 3, 2024...

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たつの警察署単車置場設置その他工事 たつの警察署単車置場設置その他工事 入札公告下記の工事について制限付き一般競争入札に付すので、地方自治法施行令(昭和22年政令第16号)第167条の6の規定により、次のとおり公告する。令和6年10月3... 国家公安委員会(警察庁)兵庫県警察  兵庫県神戸市 入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 たつの警察署単車置場設置その他工事 種別 工事 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 3 日 組織 兵庫県神戸市 取得日 2024 年 10 月 3 日 19:23:37 公告内容 入札公告下記の工事について制限付き一般競争入札に付すので、地方自治法施行令(昭和22年政令第16号)第167条の6の規定により、次のとおり公告する。令和6年10月3日兵庫県契約担当者兵庫県たつの警察署長 峯﨑 徳孝記1 入札に付する事項⑴ 工事名称 たつの警察署単車置場設置その他工事⑵ 工事場所 たつの市龍野町富永1005-75⑶ 工事概要 ・既存自転車置場2棟撤去・単車置場設置・上記に伴う外構改修⑷ 施工期間 着工の日より90日間⑸ 最低制限価格 有・無⑹ 入札方式 制限付き一般競争入札(事後審査型)(価格競争)⑺ 契約締結予定日 令和6年11月13日⑻ 支払条件① 年割支払 有・無② 前払金 有・無③ 中間前払金 有・無④ 部分払 有・無(履行期間中1回以内とする。)⑤ 中間前払金と部分払の選択該当工事の別 有・無2 応募方法単独企業による。3 入札参加資格財務規則(昭和 39 年兵庫県規則第 31 号)第 81 条の3に定める兵庫県(以下「県」という。)の建設工事入札参加資格者名簿に登載されている者で、次の要件を満たしていること。⑴入札参加資格工種 建築一式工事⑵営業所の所在地等に関する要件龍野土木事務所、姫路土木事務所、光都土木事務所及び養父土木事務所管内に建設業の許可を受けた主たる営業所を有していること。⑶入札参加資格格付等級又は総合評定値確認基準日に有効な県の建設工事入札参加資格者名簿(以下「入札参加資格者名簿」という。)の建築一式工事における格付等級がE等級以上の者であること。⑷技術・社会貢献評価数値に関する要件 無⑸同種工事の施工実績又は専門性の有無に関する要件 無⑹特定建設業の許可に関する要件 無⑺配置技術者に関する要件営業所において、建設業法の規定による建築一式工事に係る主任技術者又は監理技術者を有し、当該工事に有資格者を適切に配置できること。また、配置予定技術者は直接的かつ恒常的な雇用関係(入札参加申込み日以前に3カ月以上の雇用関係)があるもので、かつ建設業法に規定する営業所における専任の技術者でないこと。⑻現場代理人の要件請負者と直接的かつ恒常的な雇用関係(入札参加申し込み日以前に3カ月以上の雇用関係)がある者を適正に配置できること。⑼入札保証金 不要⑽その他別紙「制限付き一般競争入札(事後審査型)公告共通事項」に掲げる入札参加資格に示すとおり。4 入札手続等手 続 等 期 間 ・ 期 日 場所・方法⑴建設工事請負契約書等の閲覧令和6年10月3日(木)から令和6年10月25日(金)まで(注1~3)たつの市龍野町富永 1005-75兵庫県たつの警察署会計課⑵提出資料の様式等の交付令和6年10月3日(木)から令和6年10月25日(金)まで(注1~3)兵庫県神戸たつの警察署会計課兵庫県警察ホームページ入札情報(注 4)⑶入札参加受付令和6年10月3日(木)から令和6年10月25日(金)まで(注1~3)たつの市龍野町富永 1005-75兵庫県たつの警察署会計課⑷設計図書の閲覧及び貸与受付令和6年10月3日(木)から令和6年10月25日(金)まで(注1~3)⑸質問書(様式任意)の受付令和6年10月4日(金)から令和6年10月18日(金)まで(注1~3)⑹回答書の閲覧令和6年10月23日(水)から令和6年10月29日(火)まで(注1~3)⑺入札(開札)日時令和6年10月30日(水)午後1時00分から たつの市龍野町富永 1005-75兵庫県たつの警察署3階第1会議室 ⑻工事費内訳書の提出同 上⑼入札結果の公表 落札決定後速やかに(注5)兵庫県たつの警察署会計課兵庫県警察ホームページ入札情報(注 4)(注1)土曜、日曜及び祝日等、兵庫県の休日を定める条例(平成元年兵庫県条例第 15 条)に定める県の休日を除く。(注2)毎日午前9時30分から午後5時まで(注3)正午から午後1時までを除く(注4)アドレスは(http://www.police.pref.hyogo.lg.jp)(注5)閲覧の方法により公表する5 入札参加資格確認資料の提出開札後、入札執行者から下記の入札参加資格確認書類の提出を求められた入札参加者は、提出を指示された日の翌日から起算して2日以内(土曜、日曜及び祝日等、兵庫県の休日を定める条例に定める県の休日を除く。)に、兵庫県たつの警察署会計課まで各1部提出すること。なお、様式等は、別紙「建設工事の制限付き一般競争入札(事後審査型)公告共通事項」4(1)のとおり、入札担当課で受け取るか兵庫県警察ホームページの「入札情報」からダウンロードすることにより取得すること。⑴ 配置予定技術者の資格 (様式6号の2)⑵ 現場代理人の資格 (様式6号の3)⑶ 建設業の許可及び経営事項審査結果並びに設計業務受託者関係(様式7号)(注) 様式6号の2については、直接的かつ恒常的な雇用関係(入札参加申込日以前に3ヶ月以上の雇用関係)がある者で、かつ、建設業法に規定する営業所における専任技術者でない者を記載すること。6 その他⑴ 別紙「建設工事の制限付き一般競争入札(事後審査型)公告共通事項」のとおりとする。⑵ 現場説明会は実施しない。7 入札担当課(問い合わせ先)たつの市龍野町富永1005-75兵庫県たつの警察署会計課 電話 (0791)63-0110 内線 230建設工事の制限付き一般競争入札(事後審査型)公告共通事項1 入札の実施本件入札においては、入札参加申込書及び入札書は契約担当課に持参すること。2 入札参加資格本工事の入札に参加することができる資格を有する者は、財務規則(昭和 39 年兵庫県規則第 31号)第 81 条の3に定める兵庫県の建設工事入札参加資格者名簿(以下「入札参加資格者名簿」という。)に登載されている者であって、かつ次に掲げるいずれの要件も満たすものとする。なお、入札参加資格の確認は、入札参加申込書資料の提出期間の最終日(以下「申込期限日」という。)を基準日とする。ただし、事後審査型の配置予定技術者の専任性の確認は、申込期限日によらず、下記7(2)に定める入札参加資格確認資料の提出期間の最終日(以下「提出期限日」という。)を基準日とする。(1) 資格要件① 地方自治法施行令(昭和22年政令第16号)第167条の4の規定に基づく兵庫県の入札参加資格制限基準による入札参加の資格制限(以下「入札参加資格制限」という。)に該当しないこと。② 建設業法(昭和 24 年法律第 100 号)の規定による総合評定値通知書の有効期間が契約締結予定日まであること。なお、申込期限日においては有効な総合評定値通知書を有するが、その総合評定値通知書の有効期間が契約締結予定日までに失効する場合は、提出期限日において契約締結予定日まで有効な総合評定値通知書を有していること。③ 入札公告において格付等級を定めている場合にあっては、入札参加資格者名簿の該当工事の種別の格別等級が、入札公告に示すものであること。 また、入札公告において総合評定値を定めている場合にあっては、入札参加資格者名簿の該当工事の種別の総合評定値が、入札公告に示すものであること。なお、総合評定値に、兵庫県の建設工事入札参加者に係る資格格付要領(以下、「資格格付要領」という。)第4条の規定に基づく一般土木、建築一式、アスファルト舗装、造園、電気及び管の各工事に係る技術・社会貢献評価数値に準じて算定した数値を合算した数値を総合評定値とみなす。④ 兵庫県の指名停止基準に基づく指名停止(以下「指名停止」という。)を受けていないこと。⑤ 会社更生法(平成 14 年法律第 154 号)に基づく更生手続開始の申立て(旧会社更生法(昭和27年法律第172号)に基づくものを含む。)又は民事再生法(平成11年法律第225号)に基づく再生手続開始の申立てがなされていないこと(ただし、それぞれの申立てに係る開始の決定がなされている者については、契約担当者が経営状況等を勘案して入札参加資格を認めることができる。)。⑥ 入札公告に本件工事の設計業務等の受託者が示されている場合は、当該受託者でなく、かつ、次に掲げる者に該当しないこと。ア 当該受託者の発行済株式総数の 100 分の 50 を超える株式を有し、又はその出資総額の100分の50を超える出資をしている者イ 代表権を有する役員が、当該受託者の代表権を有する役員を兼ねている者⑦ 兵庫県発注の入札公告に示す工種に係る低入札価格調査対象工事を入札公告に示す入札参加資格の申込期限日までに完了しない者にあっては、入札公告に示す工種における資格格付要領第4条の規定による平均工事成績点が65点以上であること。⑧ 暴力団排除条例(平成22年兵庫県条例第35号)第2条第1号に規定する暴力団、第3号に規定する暴力団員又は暴力団排除条例施行規則(平成 23 年兵庫県公安委員会規則第2号)第2条各号に規定する暴力団及び暴力団員と密接な関係を有する者でないこと。⑨ 資本関係又は人的関係がある者同士の同一入札への参加を制限する運用基準に該当しない者であること。(2) 配置技術者の要件① 入札公告に示す技術者を、建設業法第26条の規定により適正に配置できること。また、配置予定技術者は、直接的かつ恒常的な雇用関係(入札参加申込日以前に3ヶ月以上の雇用関係)がある者で、かつ、建設業法に規定する営業所における専任技術者でないこと。 police.pref.hyogo.jp/)に公表する。様式3号の5制限付き一般競争(事後審査型)入札参加申込書工事名称: たつの警察署単車置場設置その他工事入 札 日: 令和6年10月30日 午後1時入札場所: たつの市龍野町富永1005-75兵庫県たつの警察署 3階第1会議室上記工事に係る競争入札への参加を申し込みます。なお、契約を締結する能力を有しない者及び破産者で復権を得ない者でないこと並びに現在有効な兵庫県入札参加資格者名簿(7)に記載した「関係する会社」※が事実と相違ないことを誓約します。違反した場合は、いかなる措置を受けても異議ありません。※「関係する会社」双方が、同一の一般競争入札に参加することを制限しています。令和 年 月 日兵庫県契約担当者兵庫県たつの警察署長 様住 所商号又は名称代表者氏名建設業許可番号大臣・知事 般・特 第 号建設業許可年月日 年 月 日課税業者免税業者制限付き一般競争入札(事後審査型)参加申込代表者届令和 年 月 日現在業者名許可番号所在地代表者氏名(ふりがな)住所生年月日 年 月 日生入札委任の有無 有 ・ 無代理人氏名、年齢 氏名(ふりがな) 歳代理人住所※下欄に代表者の運転免許証等身分の確認できるものの写しを貼付してください。なお、警察の担当者に身分を確認できるものを提示して確認を受けた場合は、写しの貼付を省略することができます。様式7号建設業の許可及び経営事項審査結果並びに設計業務受託者関係商号又は名称※【特別共同企業体の場合】○○特別共同企業体構成員商号又は名称(対象工事名:たつの警察署単車置場設置その他工事)項 目内 訳建設業法の規定による特定建設業の許可状況(発注業種の許可状況 業種・許可年月日・許可番号)業種: 工事 許可年月日:平成・令和 年 月 日 許可番号: 般・特 号建設業法の規定による経営事項審査の状況(発注業種の総合評定値 業種・審査基準日・総合評定値)業種: 工事 審査基準日:平成・令和 年 月 日 総合評定値: 点本工事に係る設計業務等の受託者との関係当該受託者の発行済株式の保有状況及び当該受託者への出資状況(いずれかを○で囲み、有の場合は総額に対する割合を記載する。)無有(株式 %)(出資 %)当該受託者の役員となっている当社の役員の有無(いずれかを○で囲み、有の場合は兼務している役員の役職名及び氏名を記載する。)無有(役職名: )(役員氏名: )(注)1 特別共同企業体にあっては、各構成員単位で作成してください。2 特定建設業の許可の通知書の写し(契約締結予定日において法定有効期間内にあるもの)を添付してください。3 総合評定値通知書の写し(契約締結予定日において法定有効期間内にあるもの)を添付してください。4 本工事に係る設計業務等の受託者と関係があるとした場合は、株式の保有状況、出資状況及び役員の就任状況が確認できる登記簿謄本等の写しを添付してください。5 制限付き一般競争入札の公告において、特定建設業の許可を受けていることを入札参加要件としていない場合は、特定建設業関連の記載及び上記2は不要です。6 制限付き一般競争入札の公告にお いて、本工事に係る設計業務等の受 託者が示されていない場合は、本工事に係る設計業務等の受託者関連の記載及び上記4は不要です。 様式6号の2配置予定技術者の資格商号又は名称(対象工事名:たつの警察署単車置場設置その他工事)※【特別共同企業体の場合】○○特別共同企業体構成員商号又は名称項目 氏名 「記載例」 ○ ○ ○ ○最終学歴 ○○大学工学部土木学科○○年卒業法令による免許等(例)一級土木施工管理技士・一級建設機械施工技士・ 技術士(建設部門、農業土木、林業部門の森林部門)・ 監理技術者資格等(取得年及び登録番号)監理技術者講習(修了年月日及び修了証番号対象工事における現場代理人との兼務(予定)の有無現在従事している工事名等当該技術者が兵庫県の他の一般競争入札、公募型一般競争入札又は制限付き一般競争入札の配置予定技術者となっている工事名(注)1 法令による免許等については、免許等を証する書面の写しを添付してください。また、直接的かつ恒常的な雇用関係(入札参加申込日以前に3ヶ月以上の雇用関係)があることがわかる書類(健康保険被保険者証等)を併せて提出してください。 2 配置予定技術者は3名以内で記載し、契約締結後は、記載した技術者の中から専任で配置してください。また、現場代理人を兼務させる場合は、兼務(予定)の有無を記載してください。兼務(予定)が無い場合は、様式第6号の3を提出してください。 3 同一の技術者を重複して複数の工事の配置予定技術者とする場合において、他の工事を落札したことにより配置予定の技術者を配置することができなくなった場合は入札してはならず、入札参加申込みをした者は、直ちに当該申込みの取下げ又は入札の辞退を行ってください。 また、本件が落札候補者となった最初の工事である場合は、その他の工事については本件工事の落札候補者となったことを理由に落札の辞退を行ってください。なお、本件工事より先に他の工事の落札候補者となったときは、本件工事については他の工事の落札候補者となったことを理由に落札の辞退を行ってください。4 対象工事における配置予定技術者と現場代理人の兼務(予定)の有無欄に有の場合は、現場代理人の資格(直接的かつ恒常的な雇用関係(入札参加申込日以前に3か月以上の雇用関係))のみ審査します。他の工事との現場代理人を兼務させようとする場合は、契約締結後に「現場代理人の兼務に関する事務取扱要領」に基づき、発注者と協議してください。 様式6号の3現 場 代 理 人 の 資 格商号又は名称※【特別共同企業体の場合】○○特別共同企業体構成員商号又は名称(対象工事名:たつの警察署単車置場設置その他工事)項目 氏名 「記載例」 ○ ○ ○ ○最終学歴 ○○大学工学部土木学科○○年卒業雇用期間 平成○年○月○日から現在従事している工事名等当該現場代理人が兵庫県の他の一般競争入札、公募型一般競争入札又は制限付き一般競争入札の現場代理人となっている工事名(注)1 直接的かつ恒常的な雇用関係(入札参加申込日以前に3か月以上の雇用関係)があることがわかる書類(健康保険被保険者証等)を併せて提出してください。2 現場代理人は3名以内で記載し、契約締結後は、記載した現場代理人の中から常駐で配置してください。ただし、現場代理人の常駐義務が緩和されている場合は、この限りではありません。3 対象工事において配置予定技術者に現場代理人を兼務させる場合(様式6号又は6号の2に記載)は、本様式の提出は不要です。4 対象工事における配置予定技術者と現場代理の兼務(予定)の有無欄に有の場合は、現場代理人の資格(直接的かつ恒常的な雇用関係(入札参加申込日以前に3か月以上の雇用関係))のみ審査します。他の工事との現場代理人を兼務させようとする場合は、契約締結後に「現場代理人の兼務に関する事務取扱要領」に基づき、発注者と協議してください。様式9号の2 設計図書貸与申込書たつの警察署単車置場設置その他工事に係る設計図書を下記により貸与を希望します。記1 金抜設計書 1冊(特記仕様書含む)2 図 面 1式 (6枚)令和 年 月 日兵庫県契約担当者兵庫県たつの警察署長 様住 所商号又は名称代表者氏名切り取り商号又は名称設計図書引換書たつの警察署単車置場設置その他工事に係る設計図書について、下記により無償貸与します。なお、貸与した設計図書は、入札参加資格がないとされたとき、入札を辞退したとき、その他入札に参加しなかったときにあっても返却してください。記1 貸与した設計図書は、入札後速やかに返却してください。2 設計図書の部数に限りがありますので、貸与した設計図書は各自で複写したうえ、令和 年 月 日までに必ず返却してください。(建設工事 受注者用)誓 約 書下記1の県発注工事請負契約(以下「本工事契約」という。)の締結に当たり、暴力団排除条例(平成22年兵庫県条例第35号。以下「条例」という。)を遵守し、暴力団を利することにならないよう措置を講じて暴力団排除に協力するため、下記2のとおり誓約する。記1 県発注工事請負契約名たつの警察署単車置場設置その他工事2 誓約事項(1) 受注者は、次のアからウまでに該当しないこと。ア 条例第2条第1号で規定する暴力団イ 条例第2条第3号で規定する暴力団員ウ 条例第7条に基づき暴力団排除条例施行規則(平成23年兵庫県公安委員会規則第2号。)第2条各号で規定する暴力団及び暴力団員と密接な関係を有する者(2) この建設工事の一部について締結する請負契約及び資材又は原材料の購入契約その他のこの契約の履行に伴い締結する契約を締結するに当たり、前号のアからウまでに該当する者を契約の受注者としないこと。(3) 受注者は、暴力団又は暴力団員が経営に実質的に関与していると認められる者に請負代金債権を譲渡しないこと。(4) 受注者が前3号のほか本工事契約に係る「暴力団排除に関する特約」の各条項に違反したときには、同特約の条項に基づく契約の解除、違約金の請求その他の発注者が行う一切の措置について異議を述べないこと。令和 年 月 日兵庫県契約担当者兵庫県たつの警察署長 様住 所氏 名法 人 名代表者名電 話 ( ) -電子メール(建設工事 下請負人用)誓 約 書下記1の元請工事契約の履行に伴い、下請契約(以下「本工事契約」という。)を締結するに当たり、暴力団排除条例(平成 22 年兵庫県条例第 35 号。以下「条例」という。)を遵守し、暴力団を利することにならないよう措置を講じて暴力団排除に協力するため、下記2のとおり誓約する。記1 元請工事契約(1) 契約名たつの警察署単車置場設置その他工事(2) 発注者兵庫県たつの警察署長(3) 元請負人ア 住所(所在地)イ 氏名(氏名・代表者名)2 誓約事項(1) 受注者は、次のアからウまでに該当しないこと。ア 条例第2条第1号で規定する暴力団イ 条例第2条第3号で規定する暴力団員ウ 条例第7条に基づき暴力団排除条例施行規則(平成23年兵庫県公安委員会規則第2号。)第2条各号で規定する暴力団及び暴力団員と密接な関係を有する者(2) この建設工事の一部について締結する請負契約及び資材又は原材料の購入契約その他のこの契約の履行に伴い締結する契約を締結するに当たり、前号のアからウまでに該当する者を契約の受注者としないこと。(3) 受注者は、暴力団又は暴力団員が経営に実質的に関与していると認められる者に請負代金債権を譲渡しないこと。(4) 受注者が前3号のほか本工事契約の約定に違反したときには、契約の解除、違約金の請求その他の発注者が行う一切の措置について異議を述べないこと。令和 年 月 日下請工事契約の発注者 様住 所氏 名法 人 名代表者名電 話 ( ) -電子メール(受注者用)誓 約 書下記1の契約(以下「本契約」という。)に基づく業務に従事する労働者の適正な労働条件を確保するため、下記2の事項を誓約する。記1 工事請負契約名たつの警察署単車置場設置その他工事2 誓約事項(1) 本契約に基づく業務に関わっている労働者に対し最低賃金額以上の賃金の支払を行うこと、及び別表に掲げる労働関係法令を遵守すること。(2) 本契約に基づく業務に関わっている労働者に対する賃金の支払について次に該当するときは、速やかに県へ報告を行うこと。ア 県から最低賃金額以上の賃金の支払を行うよう指導を受けその報告を求められたとき。イ 労働基準監督署から最低賃金法の違反について行政指導を受けたとき。ウ 労働基準監督署に上記イの是正の報告を行ったとき。(3) 本契約に基づく業務の一部を他の者に行わせようとする場合及び派遣労働者を関わらせようとする場合にあっては、最低賃金額以上の賃金の支払及び労働関係法令の遵守を誓約した者を受託者とし、その契約金額(同一の者と複数の契約を締結した場合には、その合計金額。)が 200 万円を超えるときは、この誓約書に準ずるものとして別に県が定める誓約書を提出させ、その写しを県に提出すること。(4) 受託者が労働関係法令を遵守していないと認めるときは、当該受託者に対し、指導その他の労働者の適正な労働条件を確保するために必要な措置を講ずること。 (5) 本契約に基づく業務において、次のいずれかに該当するときに県が行う本契約の解除、違約金の請求その他県が行う一切の措置について異議を唱えないこと。ア 県に対し、上記(2)の報告をせず、又は虚偽の報告をしたとき。イ 最低賃金法第4条第1項の規定に違反したとして、検察官に送致されたとき。令和 年 月 日兵庫県契約担当者兵庫県たつの警察署長 様住 所氏 名法人名代表者名電 話 ( ) -電子メール別表(誓約事項(1)関係)労働関係法令(1) 労働基準法(昭和22年法律第49号)(2) 労働組合法(昭和24年法律第174号)(3) 最低賃金法(昭和34年法律第137号)(4) 労働安全衛生法(昭和47年法律第57号)(5) 雇用の分野における男女の均等な機会及び待遇の確保等に関する法律(昭和47年法律第113号)(6) 労働者派遣事業の適正な運営の確保及び派遣労働者の保護等に関する法律(昭和60年法律第88号)(7) 短時間労働者及び有期雇用労働者の雇用管理の改善等に関する法律(平成5年法律第76号)(8) 労働契約法(平成19年法律第128号)(9) 健康保険法(大正11年法律第70号)(10) 厚生年金保険法(昭和29年法律第115 号)(11) 雇用保険法(昭和49年法律第116号)(12) 労働保険の保険料の徴収等に関する法律(昭和44年法律第84号)(下請契約用)誓 約 書下記1の元請契約の履行に伴い、下請契約(以下「本契約」という。)に基づく業務に従事する労働者の適正な労働条件を確保するため、下記2の事項を誓約する。記1 元請工事契約(1) 契約名たつの警察署単車置場設置その他工事(2) 元請発注者兵庫県たつの警察署長(3) 元請負人ア 住所 (所在地)イ 氏名 (名称・代表者名)2 誓約事項(1) 本契約に基づく業務に関わっている労働者に対し最低賃金額以上の賃金の支払を行うこと、及び別表に掲げる労働関係法令を遵守すること。(2) 本契約に基づく業務に関わっている労働者に対する賃金の支払について次に該当するときは、速やかに発注者へ報告を行うこと。ア 発注者から最低賃金額以上の賃金の支払を行うよう指導を受けその報告を求められたとき。イ 労働基準監督署から最低賃金法の違反について行政指導を受けたとき。ウ 労働基準監督署に上記イの是正の報告を行ったとき。(3) 本契約に基づく業務の一部を他の者に行わせようとする場合及び派遣労働者を関わらせようとする場合にあっては、最低賃金額以上の賃金の支払及び労働関係法令の遵守を誓約した者を受託者とし、その契約金額(同一の者と複数の契約を締結した場合には、その合計金額。)が 200 万円を超えるときは、この誓約書と同じ内容を守るよう誓約書を提出させ、その写しを発注者に提出すること。(4) 本契約に基づく業務において、次のいずれかに該当するときには、発注者が行う本契約の解除その他発注者が行う一切の措置について異議を唱えないこと。ア 上記(2)の報告をせず、又は虚偽の報告をしたとき。イ 最低賃金法第4条第1項の規定に違反したとして、検察官に送致されたとき。令和 年 月 日下請工事契約の発注者 様住 所氏 名法人名代表者名電 話 ( ) -電子 メール別表(誓約事項(1)関係)労働関係法令(1) 労働基準法(昭和22年法律第49号)(2) 労働組合法(昭和24年法律第174号)(3) 最低賃金法(昭和34年法律第137号)(4) 労働安全衛生法(昭和47年法律第57号)(5) 雇用の分野における男女の均等な機会及び待遇の確保等に関する法律(昭和47年法律第113号)(6) 労働者派遣事業の適正な運営の確保及び派遣労働者の保護等に関する法律(昭和60年法律第88号)(7) 短時間労働者及び有期雇用労働者の雇用管理の改善等に関する法律(平成5年法律第76号)(8) 労働契約法(平成19年法律第128号)(9) 健康保険法(大正11年法律第70号)(10) 厚生年金保険法(昭和29年法律第115 号)(11) 雇用保険法(昭和49年法律第116号)(12) 労働保険の保険料の徴収等に関する法律(昭和44年法律第84号)社会保険等加入対策に関する誓約書下記1の建設工事請負契約(以下「本工事契約」という。)の締結に当たり、社会保険関係法令の遵守を徹底するため、下記2のとおり誓約する。記1 工事名たつの警察署単車置場設置その他工事2 誓約事項(1)次に掲げる届出の義務を履行していない建設業者(建設業法(昭和 24 年法律第 100 号)第2条第3項に定める建設業者をいい、当該届出の義務がない者を除く。)を下請負人(二次以下の下請負人を含む。以下同じ。)としないこと。① 健康保険法(大正11年法律第70号)第48条の規定による届出の義務② 厚生年金保険法(昭和29年法律第115号)第27条の規定による届出の義務③ 雇用保険法(昭和49年法律第116号)第7条の規定による届出の義務(2)前号の誓約事項に違反したとき(当該保険未加入業者を下請負人としなければ工事の施工が困難となる場合その他の特別な事情があると発注者に認められたときを除く。)に発注者が行う本工事契約の解除、違約金の請求、違約罰の請求その他の発注者が行う一切の措置について異議を述べないこと。令和 年 月 日(発注者)兵庫県契約担当者兵庫県たつの警察署長 様(受注者)住 所氏 名法 人 名代表者名電 話 ( ) -電子メール Tatsuno Police Station Motorcycle Parking Lot Installation and Other Construction Tatsuno Police Station Motorcycle Parking Lot Installation and Other Construction Bidding Announcement The following construction work will be open to limited public competitive bidding, and therefore, in accordance with Article 167-6 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947), we hereby announce as follows. October 3, 2024... National Public Safety Commission (National Police Agency) Hyogo Prefectural Police Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture Bidding information is as follows. Subject Tatsuno Police Station Motorcycle Parking Lot Installation and Other Construction Type Construction Date of Announcement or Update October 3, 2024 Organization Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture Date of Acquisition October 3, 2024 19:23:37 Announcement Content Bidding Announcement The following construction work will be open to limited public competitive bidding, and therefore, in accordance with Article 167-6 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947), we hereby announce as follows. October 3, 2024 Hyogo Prefecture Contract Officer Hyogo Prefecture Tatsuno Police Station Chief Tokutaka Minezaki 1 Items to be put up for bidding (1) Name of work Installation of motorcycle parking space at Tatsuno Police Station and other work (2) Work location 1005-75 Tominaga, Tatsuno-cho, Tatsuno-shi (3) Work summary ?Removal of two existing bicycle parking spaces ?Installation of motorcycle parking space ?Exterior renovation associated with the above (4) Construction period 90 days from the start of construction (5) Minimum limit price Yes/No (6) Bidding method Restricted public competitive bidding (post-review type) (price competition) (7) Scheduled date of contract conclusion November 13, 2024 (8) Payment terms ? Annual installment payment Yes/No ? Advance payment Yes/No ? Interim advance payment Yes/No ? Partial payment Yes/No (up to once during the performance period) ? Choice of interim advance payment or partial payment Type of work Yes/No 2 Application method: By a single company. 3. Eligibility to participate in bids: Applicants must be listed on the Hyogo Prefecture (hereinafter referred to as the "Prefecture") list of persons eligible to participate in bids for construction work as stipulated in Article 81-3 of the Financial Regulations (Hyogo Prefecture Regulations No. 31 of 1964) and must meet the following requirements: (1) Eligible bidder type: General construction work (2) Requirements regarding the location of business offices, etc.: Applicants must have a principal business office with a construction business license within the jurisdiction of the Tatsuno Civil Engineering Office, Himeji Civil Engineering Office, Kouto Civil Engineering Office, or Yabu Civil Engineering Office. (3) Applicant's rating grade or overall evaluation value confirmation reference date: Applicants must have a rating grade of E or higher for general construction work on the Prefecture's list of persons eligible to participate in bids for construction work (hereinafter referred to as the "List of Persons Eligible to Participate in Bids") that is valid on the reference date. ?Requirements for technical and social contribution evaluation figures: None ?Requirements for experience in similar construction projects or expertise: None ?Requirements for specific construction business licenses: None ?Requirements for assigned engineers: The business office has a chief engineer or supervising engineer for general construction work as stipulated in the Construction Business Law, and can appropriately assign qualified personnel to the said work. In addition, the engineer to be assigned must have a direct and permanent employment relationship (employment relationship of at least three months prior to the date of application for bidding) and must not be a full-time engineer at the business office as stipulated in the Construction Business Law. ?Requirements for site representative: The business office can appropriately assign a person who has a direct and permanent employment relationship with the contractor (employment relationship of at least three months prior to the date of application for bidding). ?Bid security: Not required ?Other: As shown in the bid participation qualifications listed in the attached document "Common matters for the announcement of limited general competitive bidding (post-review type)". 4. Bidding procedures, etc. Period, date, location, and method (1) Viewing of construction contract agreements, etc. From Thursday, October 3, 2024 to Friday, October 25, 2024 (Notes 1-3) 1005-75 Tominaga, Tatsuno-cho, Tatsuno City, Hyogo Prefecture, Tatsuno Police Station, Accounting Division (2) Issuance of forms for submitted documents, etc. From Thursday, October 3, 2024 to Friday, October 25, 2024 (Notes 1-3) Accounting Division, Kobe Tatsuno Police Station, Hyogo Prefecture, Hyogo Prefecture, Hyogo Prefecture, Tender information on the Hyogo Prefectural Police homepage (Note 4) (3) Acceptance of bid participation From Thursday, October 3, 2024 to Friday, October 25, 2024 (Notes 1-3) Tominaga, Tatsuno-cho, Tatsuno City 1005-75 Hyogo Prefecture Tatsuno Police Station Accounting Division?Inspection and loan of design documents Thursday, October 3, 2024 to Friday, October 25, 2024 (Notes 1-3)?Inspection of questions (any format) Friday, October 4, 2024 to Friday, October 18, 2024 (Notes 1-3)?Inspection of answers Wednesday, October 23, 2024 to Tuesday, October 29, 2024 (Notes 1-3)?Bidding (opening of bids) date and time Wednesday, October 30, 2024, from 1:00 p.m. 1st Conference Room, 3rd floor, Tominaga, Tatsuno-cho, Tatsuno City 1005-75 Hyogo Prefecture Tatsuno Police Station?Submission of construction cost breakdown Same as above?Announcement of bidding results Promptly after the successful bidder is selected (Note 5) Hyogo Prefecture Tatsuno Police Station Accounting Division Hyogo Prefectural Police Homepage Bidding Information (Note 4) (Note 1) Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and other prefectural holidays stipulated in the Hyogo Prefectural Holidays Ordinance (Hyogo Prefectural Ordinance Article 15 of 1989) are excluded. (Note 2) Every day from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm (Note 3) Except from noon to 1:00 pm (Note 4) The address is (http://www.police.pref.hyogo.lg.jp) (Note 5) Publicly available for viewing. 5. Submission of documents to confirm qualifications for participation in bidsAfter the opening of bids, bidders who are requested by the bidder to submit the documents to confirm qualifications for participation in bids listed below must submit one copy of each document to the Accounting Division of the Tatsuno Police Station in Hyogo Prefecture within two days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and prefectural holidays as stipulated in the ordinance prescribing Hyogo Prefecture holidays) from the day following the day on which they are instructed to submit them. The forms, etc., can be obtained from the Bidding Division or downloaded from the "Bidding Information" section of the Hyogo Prefectural Police website, as per 4(1) of the attached "Common Items for the Announcement of Restricted Open Competitive Bidding for Construction Works (Post-Review Type)". ? Qualifications of engineers to be assigned (Form 6-2)? Qualifications of on-site representative (Form 6-3)? Construction business license and business review results, and design work contractor relationship (Form 7) (Note) For Form 6-2, please enter a person who has a direct and permanent employment relationship (employment relationship for more than three months prior to the date of application for bidding) and is not a full-time engineer at a business office as stipulated in the Construction Business Law. 6 Other? Please refer to the attached document "Common items for announcement of limited open competitive bidding (post-review type) for construction work". ? No on-site briefing session will be held. 7. Bidding Division (Contact) Accounting Division, Tatsuno Police Station, Hyogo Prefecture, 1005-75 Tominaga, Tatsuno-cho, Tatsuno City, Hyogo Prefecture Telephone: (0791) 63-0110, ext. 230 Notice of Restricted Open Competitive Bidding (Post-Review Type) for Construction Work Common Items 1. Bidding Implementation For this bidding, the application form and bid documents must be brought to the Contract Division. 2. Eligibility to participate in the bid for this work Those who are eligible to participate in the bid for this work are those who are listed on the Hyogo Prefecture List of Eligible Bidders for Construction Works (hereinafter referred to as the "List of Eligible Bidders") as stipulated in Article 81-3 of the Financial Regulations (Hyogo Prefecture Regulations No. 31 of 1964) and who meet all of the following requirements. The reference date for confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid is the last day of the period for submitting application documents for participation in the bid (hereinafter referred to as the "Application Deadline Date"). However, the reference date for the confirmation of the full-timeness of the engineer to be assigned for the post-review type is the last day of the period for submitting the documents for confirming the qualification to participate in the bid stipulated in 7 (2) below (hereinafter referred to as the "submission deadline"), regardless of the application deadline. (1) Qualification requirements ? The bidder does not fall under the qualification restrictions for participation in the bid stipulated in Hyogo Prefecture's bidder qualification restriction criteria based on Article 167-4 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Law (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947). ? The validity period of the comprehensive evaluation value notice pursuant to the provisions of the Construction Business Law (Law No. 100 of 1949) is until the scheduled contract conclusion date. In addition, if a valid comprehensive evaluation value notice is held on the application deadline date, but the validity period of the comprehensive evaluation value notice expires by the scheduled contract conclusion date, a comprehensive evaluation value notice that is valid until the scheduled contract conclusion date on the submission deadline date is held. ? In the case where a rating grade is specified in the tender announcement, the rating grade for the type of work in the list of qualified bidders must be as specified in the tender announcement. In addition, in the case where a comprehensive evaluation value is specified in the tender announcement, the comprehensive evaluation value for the type of work in the list of qualified bidders must be as specified in the tender announcement. The comprehensive evaluation value is deemed to be the sum of the comprehensive evaluation value and the values ??calculated in accordance with the technical and social contribution evaluation values ??for general civil engineering, general construction, asphalt paving, landscaping, electrical and pipe construction works based on the provisions of Article 4 of the Hyogo Prefecture Construction Works Bidders Qualification Rating Guidelines (hereinafter referred to as the "Qualification Rating Guidelines"). ? The bidder has not been subject to a suspension of bids based on Hyogo Prefecture's suspension of bids (hereinafter referred to as "suspension of bids"). ? No petition for the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings under the Corporate Reorganization Act (Act No. 154 of 2002) (including those under the former Corporate Reorganization Act (Act No. 172 of 1952)) or rehabilitation proceedings under the Civil Rehabilitation Act (Act No. 225 of 1999) has been filed (however, for those for whom a decision has been made to commence proceedings for each petition, the contracting officer may approve their eligibility to participate in the bid taking into consideration their business situation, etc.). ? If the contractor for the design work etc. of this construction is indicated in the bid announcement, the bidder is not that contractor and does not fall under any of the following items. A person who holds more than 50% of the total number of issued shares of the trustee or invests more than 50% of the total investment amount. B. A person whose representative officer also serves as the representative officer of the trustee. ? In the case of a person who does not complete the low bid price investigation target construction work for the construction work shown in the tender notice ordered by Hyogo Prefecture by the deadline for application for bid participation qualifications shown in the tender notice, the average construction performance score for the construction work shown in the tender notice must be 65 points or more as stipulated in Article 4 of the Qualification Grading Guidelines. ? Not a person who is a gangster as stipulated in Article 2, item 1 of the Ordinance for the Exclusion of Organized Crime Groups (Hyogo Prefecture Ordinance No. 35 of 2010), a gangster member as stipulated in item 3, or a person who has a close relationship with a gangster as stipulated in each item of Article 2 of the Enforcement Regulations for the Ordinance for the Exclusion of Organized Crime Groups (Hyogo Prefecture Public Safety Commission Regulations No. 2 of 2011). ? The applicant must not fall under the operational criteria that restrict the participation of persons with capital or personnel relationships in the same bid. (2) Requirements for the assigned engineers ? The engineers shown in the bid announcement can be assigned appropriately in accordance with the provisions of Article 26 of the Construction Business Law. In addition, the engineers to be assigned must have a direct and permanent employment relationship (an employment relationship lasting three months or more prior to the date of application for participation in the bid) and must not be full-time engineers at a business office as stipulated in the Construction Business Law. police.pref.hyogo.jp/). Application for participation in public competitive bidding with restrictions (post-review type) Form 3-5Name of work: Installation of motorcycle parking lot at Tatsuno Police Station and other worksBid date: October 30, 2024, 1:00 p.m.Bid location: 1005-75 Tominaga, Tatsuno-cho, Tatsuno-shi, Hyogo Prefecture, Tatsuno Police Station, 3rd floor, 1st Meeting RoomI apply to participate in competitive bidding for the above work.I pledge that I am not a person who does not have the capacity to enter into a contract, nor a person who has gone bankrupt and has not been reinstated, and that the "related companies" listed in the currently valid Hyogo Prefecture Bidding Participation Eligibility List (7) are true.I will not object to any measures taken in the event of a violation. *Both "related companies" are restricted from participating in the same public competitive bidding. Date: Year/Month/2020 Hyogo Prefecture Contract Officer To: Hyogo Prefecture Tatsuno Police Chief Address Trade Name or Name Representative Name Construction Business License Number Minister/Governor General/Special No. Construction Business License Date: Year/Month/2020 Taxable Business Exempt Business Restricted Open Competitive Bidding (Post-Review Type) Participation Application Representative Notification As of Year/Month/2020 Business Name License Number Location Representative Name (furigana) Address Date of Birth Year/Month/2020 Bid Delegation Yes/No Agent Name, Age Name (furigana) Ages Agent Address *Please attach a copy of the representative's driver's license or other identification in the lower box. If you present identification to the police officer and receive confirmation, you can omit attaching the copy. Form 7: Construction business license, business review results, and design work contractor Related trade names or names * [In the case of a special joint venture] ?? Special joint venture member trade names or names (Target work name: Installation of motorcycle parking lot at Tatsuno Police Station and other works) Item Details Specific construction business license status under the Construction Business Law (License status of the ordering business type Industry, license date, license number) Industry: Construction License date: Year/Month/Day of Heisei/Reiwa License number: General/Special Status of business review under the Construction Business Law (Overall evaluation value of the ordering business type Industry, review reference date, overall evaluation value) Industry: Construction Review reference date: Year/Month/Day of Heisei/Reiwa Overall evaluation value: Points Relationship with contractor for design work etc. related to this work Status of ownership of issued shares of said contractor and status of investment in said contractor (Circle one and, if yes, enter the percentage of the total amount.) No Yes (Stocks %) (Investment %)Whether or not there are any directors of our company who are directors of the said contractor (Circle one and, if yes, enter the title and name of the director who holds the concurrent position.)NoYes(Title: )(Director name: )(Note)1 In the case of a special joint venture, please prepare for each member. 2 Please attach a copy of the notice of the specific construction business license (within the statutory validity period on the planned contract conclusion date). 3 Please attach a copy of the comprehensive evaluation value notice (within the statutory validity period on the planned contract conclusion date). 4 If there is a relationship with the contractor for design work etc. related to this work, please attach a copy of the registered certificate etc. that can confirm the stock holding status, investment status and the appointment status of directors. 5 If the announcement of limited open competitive bidding does not require the receipt of a specific construction business license as a requirement for participation in the bid, the specific construction business-related description and the above 2 are not required. 6 If the contractor for the design work etc. for this work is not specified in the announcement of the limited public competitive bidding, the description of the contractor for the design work etc. for this work and the above 4 are not required. Form 6-2 Qualifications of the engineer to be assigned Trade name or name (Target work name: Installation of motorcycle parking lot at Tatsuno Police Station and other works) * [In the case of a special joint venture] ?? Special joint venture member Trade name or name Item Name "Example" ? ? ? ? Highest education ?? University Faculty of Engineering Department of Civil Engineering Graduated in ?? year Licenses etc. required by law (example) First-class civil engineering construction management engineer, first-class construction machinery construction engineer, engineer (construction department, agricultural civil engineering, forestry department of forestry department), supervising engineer Qualifications etc. (year of acquisition and registration number) Supervising engineer training (date of completion and certificate number) Whether or not concurrently serving as site agent in the target work (planned) Name of the work currently being engaged in Name of the work for which the engineer is a planned engineer for other public competitive bidding, open public competitive bidding or limited public competitive bidding in Hyogo Prefecture (Note) 1 For licenses required by law, please attach a copy of the document certifying the license. Also, please submit a document (such as a health insurance certificate) that proves that there is a direct and permanent employment relationship (employment relationship for three months or more prior to the date of application for bid participation). 2 List up to three engineers to be assigned, and after the contract is concluded, assign one of the engineers listed to the full-time position. Also, if the engineer will serve as a site representative, please indicate whether or not he or she will serve in the same position (planned). If he or she will not serve in the same position (planned), please submit Form No. 6-3. 3 If the same engineer is to be assigned as an engineer for multiple construction projects, and the successful bidder for another construction project makes it impossible to assign the engineer, the bidder must not bid, and the applicant for bid participation must immediately withdraw the application or decline to bid. In addition, if this is the first construction project for which you are a candidate for the successful bid, please decline to bid on the other construction projects on the grounds that you have become a candidate for the successful bid on this construction project. In addition, if you become a candidate for the successful bid on another construction project before this construction project, please decline to bid on this construction project on the grounds that you have become a candidate for the successful bid on the other construction project. 4 If the field for "Whether or not you will serve as both the engineer to be assigned to the construction project and the site representative (planned)" indicates "Yes," only the qualifications of the site representative (direct and permanent employment relationship (employment relationship for at least three months prior to the date of application for bidding)) will be reviewed. If you intend to serve as the site representative for another construction project, please consult with the client after the contract is concluded in accordance with the "Guidelines for the Handling of Affairs Concerning the Concurrent Serving of Site Representatives." Form 6-3 Qualifications of the Site Representative Trade name or name * [In the case of a special joint venture] Trade name or name of the member of the special joint venture ?? (Target construction project: Installation of motorcycle parking lot at Tatsuno Police Station and other construction projects) Item Name "Example" ? ? ? ? Highest education level Graduated from ?? University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Year ?? Employment period Name of the construction work currently being carried out since (year/month/month/year) Name of the construction work for which the site representative is the site representative for other public competitive bidding, open public competitive bidding, or restricted public competitive bidding in Hyogo Prefecture (Note) 1. Please also submit a document (health insurance certificate, etc.) that proves that there is a direct and permanent employment relationship (employment relationship for more than three months prior to the date of application for bidding). 2. Please list up to three site representatives, and after the contract is concluded, please assign one of the listed site representatives to be on-site full-time. However, this does not apply if the requirement for on-site representatives to be on-site full-time has been relaxed. 3. If the engineer to be assigned to the target construction work will also serve as the site representative (listed in Form 6 or 6-2), this form does not need to be submitted. 4. If the column for whether the engineer to be assigned to the target construction work will serve as the site representative (planned) is checked, only the site representative's qualifications (direct and permanent employment relationship (employment relationship for more than three months prior to the date of application for bidding)) will be reviewed. If you intend to serve as a site representative for other construction projects, please discuss this with the client after the contract is concluded in accordance with the "Guidelines for Handling the Duties of Site Representatives"Application for loan of design documentsI would like to borrow the design documents related to the installation of a motorcycle parking lot at Tatsuno Police Station and other construction work as follows.Note1: 1 set of design documents (including special specifications)2: 1 set of drawings (6 sheets)Date: Year/Month/YearHyogo Prefecture Contract OfficerMr. Chief of Tatsuno Police Station, Hyogo PrefectureAddressCompany name or nameRepresentative name: Cut-outCompany name or nameDesign document exchange documentThe design documents related to the installation of a motorcycle parking lot at Tatsuno Police Station and other construction work will be loaned free of charge as follows.Please return the loaned design documents even if you are found ineligible to participate in the bid, decline to bid, or do not participate in the bid.Note1: Please return the loaned design documents promptly after bidding.2: As the number of design documents is limited, please make copies of the loaned design documents yourself and be sure to return them by the date of Year/Month/Year. (For construction work contractors) Pledge Upon entering into the prefecture-ordered construction contract (hereinafter referred to as "this construction contract") set forth in 1 below, we hereby pledge as set forth in 2 below to comply with the Hyogo Prefecture Ordinance for the Exclusion of Organized Crime Groups (Hyogo Prefecture Ordinance No. 35 of 2010; hereinafter referred to as "the Ordinance") and to cooperate in the exclusion of organized crime groups by taking measures not to benefit organized crime groups. Details 1 Name of prefecture-ordered construction contract Installation of motorcycle parking lot at Tatsuno Police Station and other construction work 2 Pledge items (1) The contractor shall not fall under any of the following items A to C. (a) An organized crime group as defined in Article 2, paragraph 1 of the Ordinance; (b) An organized crime member as defined in Article 2, paragraph 3 of the Ordinance; and (c) A person who has close ties with an organized crime group or an organized crime member as defined in each item of Article 2 of the Enforcement Regulations for the Ordinance for the Exclusion of Organized Crime Groups (Hyogo Prefectural Public Safety Commission Regulations No. 2 of 2011) based on Article 7 of the Ordinance. (2) In concluding the contract for part of this construction work, the contract for the purchase of materials or raw materials, and other contracts concluded in conjunction with the performance of this contract, the contractor shall not be any person who falls under items (a) through (c) of the preceding paragraph. (3) The contractor shall not transfer the contract price claim to any person who is deemed to have a substantial involvement of an organized crime group or an organized crime member in the management of the work. (4) In the event that the contractor violates any of the provisions of the "Special Provisions for the Exclusion of Organized Crime Groups" pertaining to this construction contract in addition to the preceding three paragraphs, the contractor shall not object to the termination of the contract based on the provisions of the special provision, the demand for penalty fees, or any other measures taken by the client. Date: Year/Month/2020 To: Chief of Tatsuno Police Station, Hyogo Prefecture Address: Name: Company Name: Representative: Telephone: ( ) - Email (for construction work subcontractors) Pledge In concluding a subcontract (hereinafter referred to as "this construction contract") in conjunction with the performance of the prime contractor contract under 1 below, we pledge as set forth in 2 below to comply with the Ordinance for the Exclusion of Organized Crime Groups (Hyogo Prefecture Ordinance No. 35 of 2010; hereinafter referred to as "the Ordinance") and to cooperate in the exclusion of organized crime groups by taking measures not to benefit organized crime groups. Details 1 Prime contractor contract (1) Contract name: Installation of motorcycle parking lot at Tatsuno Police Station and other works (2) Client: Chief of Tatsuno Police Station, Hyogo Prefecture (3) Prime contractor A. Address (location) B. Name (name and representative name) 2 Pledge items (1) The contractor shall not fall under any of the following A to C. A. An organized crime group as defined in Article 2, paragraph 1 of the Ordinance. B. An organized crime member as defined in Article 2, paragraph 3 of the Ordinance. C. A person who has close ties with an organized crime group or an organized crime member as defined in each item of Article 2 of the Enforcement Regulations for the Ordinance for the Exclusion of Organized Crime Groups (Hyogo Prefectural Public Safety Commission Regulations No. 2 of 2011) based on Article 7 of the Ordinance. (2) In concluding the contract for part of this construction work, the contract for the purchase of materials or raw materials, and other contracts concluded in conjunction with the performance of this contract, the contractor shall not be any person who falls under A to C of the preceding paragraph. (3) The contractor shall not transfer the contract price claim to any person in whose management it is deemed that an organized crime group or an organized crime member is substantially involved. (4) In the event that the contractor violates any provision of this construction contract other than those in the preceding three paragraphs, the contractor shall not object to the termination of the contract, the demand for penalty fees, or any other measures taken by the client. Date: Year Month Reiwa ContractorAddressName of CompanyNameRepresentativeTelephone ( ) -Email (for contractor)PledgeIn order to ensure fair working conditions for workers engaged in the work based on the contract 1 below (hereinafter referred to as "this contract"), we pledge to fulfill the following two items.1 Name of construction contractInstallation of motorcycle parking lot at Tatsuno Police Station and other work2 Pledge items(1) Pay wages equal to or above the minimum wage to workers engaged in the work based on this contract, and comply with the labor-related laws and regulations listed in the attached table.(2) In the following cases, we will promptly report to the prefecture regarding the payment of wages to workers engaged in the work based on this contract.A When we receive guidance from the prefecture to pay wages equal to or above the minimum wage and are requested to report the same.B When we receive administrative guidance from the Labor Standards Inspection Office regarding a violation of the Minimum Wage Act.C When we report the corrections mentioned in B above to the Labor Standards Inspection Office. (3) In the case of having another person perform part of the work under this contract or involving dispatched workers, the contractor shall be a person who has pledged to pay a wage equal to or higher than the minimum wage and to comply with labor-related laws and regulations, and if the contract amount (if multiple contracts are concluded with the same person, the total amount) exceeds 2 million yen, the contractor shall submit a separate pledge as equivalent to this pledge as specified by the prefecture and submit a copy of the pledge to the prefecture. (4) In the case of finding that the contractor is not complying with labor-related laws and regulations, the contractor shall provide guidance to the contractor and take other measures necessary to ensure fair working conditions for workers. (5) In the case of the work under this contract, the contractor shall not object to the termination of this contract, the request for penalty, or any other measures taken by the prefecture in the following cases: A. When the report in (2) above is not made to the prefecture or a false report is made. B. When the case is referred to a public prosecutor for violating the provisions of Article 4, Paragraph 1 of the Minimum Wage Law. Date: Year Month Reiwa Hyogo Prefecture Contract Officer To: Chief of Hyogo Prefecture Tatsuno Police Station Address Name Name of Company Representative Telephone ( ) - Email Appendix (Pledge (1)) Labor-related laws and regulations (1) Labor Standards Act (Act No. 49 of 1947) (2) Labor Union Act (Act No. 174 of 1949) (3) Minimum Wage Act (Act No. 137 of 1959) (4) Industrial Safety and Health Act (Act No. 57 of 1972) (5) Act on Ensuring Equal Opportunities and Treatment between Men and Women in the Employment Field (Act No. 113 of 1972) (6) Act on Ensuring Proper Operation of Worker Dispatching Undertakings and Protection of Dispatched Workers (Act No. 88 of 1985) (7) Act on Improvement of Employment Management of Part-time Workers and Fixed-term Workers (Act No. 76 of 1993) (8) Labor Contract Act (Act No. 128 of 2007) (9) Health Insurance Act (Act No. 70 of 1922) (10) Employee's Pension Insurance Act (Act No. 115 of 1954) (11) Employment Insurance Act (Act No. 116 of 1974) (12) Act on Collection of Labor Insurance Premiums (Act No. 84 of 1969) (For subcontractors) Pledge In accordance with the performance of the prime contract under 1 below, in order to ensure fair working conditions for workers engaged in work based on the subcontract (hereinafter referred to as "this contract"), we pledge to the following two items. Details 1 Prime Contractor Construction Contract (1) Contract Name Installation of motorcycle parking lot at Tatsuno Police Station and other construction work (2) Prime Contractor Chief of Tatsuno Police Station, Hyogo Prefecture (3) Prime Contractor A. Address (Location) B. Name (Name and Representative) 2 Pledge Items (1)Pay workers involved in the work under this contract a wage equal to or above the minimum wage, and comply with the labor-related laws and regulations set forth in the attached table. (2) In the following cases regarding the payment of wages to workers involved in the work under this contract, promptly report to the Client. A. When the Client has received guidance from the Client to pay wages equal to or above the minimum wage and requested to report said guidance. B. When the Client has received administrative guidance from the Labor Standards Inspection Office regarding a violation of the Minimum Wage Act. C. When the Client has reported the correction of B above to the Labor Standards Inspection Office. (3) In the case where the Client intends to have another person perform part of the work under this contract or to involve dispatched workers, the Contractor shall be a person who has pledged to pay wages equal to or above the minimum wage and to comply with labor-related laws and regulations, and if the contract amount (if multiple contracts are concluded with the same person, the total amount) exceeds 2 million yen, the Contractor shall have the other party submit a pledge to abide by the same contents as this pledge and submit a copy of the pledge to the Client. (4) In the event that any of the following occurs in the course of work based on this Contract, the Customer will not raise any objection to the termination of this Contract or any other measures taken by the Customer: (a) When the report in (2) above is not made or a false report is made; (b) When the case is referred to a public prosecutor for violating the provisions of Article 4, Paragraph 1 of the Minimum Wage Act; Date: Year Month Reiwa Contract Client Address Name Company Name Representative Telephone ( ) - Email Attachment (Pledge (1)) Labor-related laws and regulations (1) Labor Standards Act (Act No. 49 of 1947) (2) Labor Union Act (Act No. 174 of 1949) (3) Minimum Wage Act (Act No. 137 of 1959) (4) Industrial Safety and Health Act (Act No. 57 of 1972) (5) Act on Ensuring Equal Opportunities and Treatment between Men and Women in the Employment Field (Act No. 113 of 1972) (6) Act on Ensuring Proper Operation of the Worker Dispatching Undertaking and Protection of Dispatched Workers (Act No. 88 of 1985) (7) Act on Improvement of Employment Management for Part-time Workers and Fixed-term Workers (Act No. 76 of 1993) (8) Labor Contract Act (Act No. 128 of 2007) (9) Health Insurance Act (Act No. 70 of 1922) (10) Employees' Pension Insurance Act (Act No. 115 of 1954) (11) Employment Insurance Act (Act No. 116 of 1974) (12) Act on Collection of Labor Insurance Premiums (Act No. 84 of 1969) Pledge Regarding Social Insurance Enrollment MeasuresIn concluding the construction work contract (hereinafter referred to as "this construction contract") set forth in 1 below, in order to thoroughly comply with social insurance-related laws and regulations, we make the following pledge in 2 below. 1. Name of Work Installation of motorcycle parking lot at Tatsuno Police Station and other works 2. Pledge Items (1) We will not use as a subcontractor (including subcontractors at secondary level and below; the same applies below) any construction company (meaning construction companies as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 3 of the Construction Business Act (Act No. 100 of 1949), excluding those who are not obligated to make such notifications) that has not fulfilled the following notification obligations. ? Obligation to notify pursuant to the provisions of Article 48 of the Health Insurance Act (Act No. 70 of 1922) ? Obligation to notify pursuant to the provisions of Article 27 of the Employee's Pension Insurance Act (Act No. 115 of 1954) ? Obligation to notify pursuant to the provisions of Article 7 of the Employment Insurance Act (Act No. 116 of 1974) (2) In the event of a violation of the covenants in the previous item (excluding cases where the Client recognizes that it would be difficult to carry out the work without subcontracting the uninsured company in question, or other special circumstances exist), you will not raise any objections to the Client's cancellation of this construction contract, the request for penalty, the request for penalty, or any other measures taken by the Client. Date: Year Month Day (Client) Contract Officer of Hyogo Prefecture Mr./Mr. Chief of Hyogo Prefecture Tatsuno Police Station (Contractor) Address Name of Company Name Representative Telephone ( ) - E-mailName of company Name of representative Telephone ( ) - E-mailName of company Name of representative Telephone ( ) - E-mail
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