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NK002 低濃度PCB廃棄物収集運搬・処理業務(君津訓練センター) 一式 (PDF 287 KB) NK002 低濃度PCB廃棄物収集運搬・処理業務(君津訓練センター) 一式 (PDF 287 KB) 【JEED6.0】入 札 公 告次のとおり一般競争入札に付します。令和6年10月15日独立行政法人... NK002 Low-concentration PCB waste collection, transportation and processing work (Kimitsu Training Center) Complete set (PDF 287 KB) NK002 Low-concentration PCB waste collection, transportation and processing work (Kimitsu Training Center) Complete set (PDF 287 KB) [JEED6.0] Bidding announcement The following will be subject to public competitive bidding. October 15, 2024 Independent Administrative Institution...

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NK002 低濃度PCB廃棄物収集運搬・処理業務(君津訓練センター) 一式 (PDF 287 KB) NK002 低濃度PCB廃棄物収集運搬・処理業務(君津訓練センター) 一式 (PDF 287 KB) 【JEED6.0】入 札 公 告次のとおり一般競争入札に付します。令和6年10月15日独立行政法人... 独立行政法人高齢・障害・求職者雇用支援機構千葉支部  千葉県千葉市 入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 NK002 低濃度PCB廃棄物収集運搬・処理業務(君津訓練センター) 一式 (PDF 287 KB) 入札区分 一般競争入札 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 15 日 組織 独立行政法人高齢・障害・求職者雇用支援機構 取得日 2024 年 10 月 15 日 20:02:41 公告内容 【JEED6.0】入 札 公 告次のとおり一般競争入札に付します。令和6年10月15日独立行政法人高齢・障害・求職者雇用支援機構千葉支部契約担当役支部長1 調達内容(1)件名及び数量 低濃度PCB廃棄物収集運搬・処理業務(君津訓練センター) 一式(2)内 容 等 仕様書による(3)履行期間 仕様書による(4)履行場所 仕様書による(5)入札書に記載する金額イ 入札金額は、総価を記載すること。ロ 入札金額については、消費税及び地方消費税に係る課税事業者であるか免税事業者であるか、又は課税取引であるか非課税・不課税取引であるかを問わず、見積もった契約希望金額の110分の100に相当する金額を記載すること。2 競争参加資格(1)予算決算及び会計令第70条の規定に該当しない者であること。なお、未成年者、被保佐人又は被補助人であって、契約締結のために必要な同意を得ている者は、同条中、特別の理由がある場合に該当する。(2)予算決算及び会計令第71条の規定に該当する者は参加させないことがあること。(3)令和6年11月1日現在において、令和4・5・6年度各省各庁における物品の製造・販売等に係る競争契約の参加資格(以下「全省庁統一資格」という。)の「役務の提供等」で営業品目「建物管理等各種保守管理」又は「その他」のいずれかの「A」、「B」又は「C」等級に格付けされている者であること。(4)令和6年11月1日現在において、厚生労働省より指名停止措置又は独立行政法人高齢・障害・求職者雇用支援機構より競争参加資格の停止措置を受けている者でないこと。(5)独立行政法人高齢・障害・求職者雇用支援機構が定める「反社会的勢力への対応に関する規程」第2条に規定する暴力団、暴力団員、暴力団準構成員、暴力団関係企業、総会屋等、社会運動等標ぼうゴロ、特殊知能暴力集団等、その他暴力、威力及び詐欺的手法を用いて経済的利益を得ようとする集団又は個人に該当する者でないこと。(6)令和6年11月1日現在において、労働基準法(昭和22年法律第49号)及び労働安全衛生法(昭和47年法律第57号)その他の労働関係法令に違反したことにより監督官庁から過去3か月以内に処分を受けた者、同法令違反容疑で有罪判決を宣告され刑の執行中(執行猶予の場合は執行猶予期間中)の者、又は同法令違反容疑で逮捕勾留、書類送検若しくは起訴されている者でないこと。(7)廃棄物の処理及び清掃に関する法律(昭和45 年法律第137 号)第14条第1項に規定する産業廃棄物収集運搬業許可及び同第6項に規定する産業廃棄物処分業許可を受けている者、又は同第【JEED6.0】15条の4の4の第1項に基づく無害化処理認定事業者であること。(8)裾切基準表において満点の6割以上の得点を有する者であることを、提出書類にて証明した者であること。3 入札説明書等の交付入札説明書及び仕様書は本公告の日から入札書提出期限の日までの間に、原則として電子メールにより送付依頼のあった者に対し、交付する。(1)宛先は chiba-keiri@jeed.go.jp とすること。(2)件名は『「NK002 PCB廃棄(君津)」入札説明書の送付依頼』とすること。(3)本文には会社名、担当者名及び電話番号を記入すること。4 入札書の提出期限令和6年11月1日 16時5 開札の日時及び場所日時:令和6年11月15日 13時30分場所:千葉県千葉市稲毛区六方町274独立行政法人高齢・障害・求職者雇用支援機構千葉支部 会議室6 落札者の決定方法独立行政法人高齢・障害・求職者雇用支援機構会計規程第56条の規定に基づいて作成された予定価格の制限の範囲内で最低価格をもって有効な入札をした者を落札者とする。また、落札価格については、入札金額に、当該金額の100分の10に相当する額を加算した金額とする。※1円未満の端数があるときは、その端数金額を切り捨てた金額とする。7 その他(1)契約手続で使用する言語及び通貨 日本語及び日本国通貨に限る。(2)入札保証金及び契約保証金 全額免除(3)入札の無効 本公告に示した競争参加資格のない者の行った入札、入札に関する条件に違反した入札は無効とする。(4)契約書の作成 要。また、本入札に関し、落札者との契約にあたり、独占禁止法に定める談合等の不正行為の事実が判明した場合の契約の解除及び違約金に関する条項を締結することとしていること。(5)その他 詳細は入札説明書による。独立行政法人が行う契約については、「独立行政法人の事務・事業の見直しの基本方針」(平成22年12月7日閣議決定)において、独立行政法人と一定の関係を有する法人と契約をする場合には、当該法人への再就職の状況、当該法人との間の取引等の状況について情報を公開するなどの取組を進めるとされているところです。これに基づき、当機構との関係に係る情報を当機構のホームページで公表することとしますので、所要の情報の当方への提供及び情報の公表に同意の上で、応札若しくは応募又は契約の締結を行っていただくよう御理解と御協力をお願いいたします。なお、案件への応札若しくは応募又は契約の締結をもって同意されたものとみなさせていただきますので、ご了知願います。 NK002 Low concentration PCB waste collection, transportation and processing work (Kimitsu Training Center) Complete set (PDF 287 KB) NK002 Low concentration PCB waste collection, transportation and processing work (Kimitsu Training Center) Complete set (PDF 287 KB) [JEED6.0] Bidding announcement The following will be subject to public competitive bidding. October 15, 2024 Independent Administrative Institution... Independent Administrative Institution Japan Organization for Employment of the Elderly, Persons with Disabilities and Job Seekers Chiba Branch Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture Bidding information is as follows. Subject NK002 Low concentration PCB waste collection, transportation and processing work (Kimitsu Training Center) Complete set (PDF 287 KB) Bidding category Open competitive bidding Date of announcement or update October 15, 2024 Organization Japan Organization for Employment of the Elderly, Persons with Disabilities and Job Seekers Date of acquisition October 15, 2024 20:02:41 Announcement content [JEED6.0] Bidding announcement The following will be subject to open competitive bidding. October 15, 2024 Branch Chief, Contract Officer, Chiba Branch, Japan Organization for Employment of the Elderly, Persons with Disabilities and Job Seekers1. Procurement Details(1) Title and Quantity: Collection, transportation and processing of low-concentration PCB waste (Kimitsu Training Center), 1 set(2) Details, etc.: According to specifications(3) Performance period: According to specifications(4) Performance location: According to specifications(5) Amount to be stated in the bid documentA. The bid amount should be stated as the total price.B. The bid amount should be stated as an amount equivalent to 1/100 of the estimated desired contract amount, regardless of whether the bidder is a taxable or exempt business entity for consumption tax and local consumption tax, or whether the transaction is taxable, non-taxable or non-taxable.2. Eligibility to participate in the competition(1) The bidder must not fall under the provisions of Article 70 of the Budget, Accounting and Auditing Act. In addition, minors, persons under guardianship or assistance who have obtained the consent necessary for entering into a contract fall under the special circumstances of the same article. (2) Any person who falls under the provisions of Article 71 of the Budget, Accounting and Auditing Act may not be allowed to participate. (3) As of November 1, 2024, a person must be rated as Class A, B, or C for either the business item "Various maintenance management such as building management" or "Other" in the "Provision of services, etc." category of the qualification to participate in competitive contracts for the manufacture and sale of goods, etc., of each ministry and agency for fiscal years 2022, 2023, and 2024 (hereinafter referred to as the "Ministry-Agency Unified Qualification") (4) As of November 1, 2024, a person must not be subject to a suspension of nomination by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare or a suspension of qualification to participate in competitive competition by the Japan Organization for Employment of the Elderly, Persons with Disabilities and Job Seekers. (5) Not being a gangster, gangster member, gangster associate member, gangster-related company, corporate racketeer, etc., social movement fraudster, special intelligence violent group, etc., or other group or individual that seeks to obtain economic benefits by using violence, intimidation, and fraudulent methods as defined in Article 2 of the "Regulations for dealing with anti-social forces" established by the Japan Organization for Employment of the Elderly, Persons with Disabilities, and Job Seekers. (6) Not being a person who, as of November 1, 2024, has received disciplinary action from a supervisory agency within the past three months for violating the Labor Standards Act (Act No. 49 of 1947) and the Industrial Safety and Health Act (Act No. 57 of 1972) or other labor-related laws and regulations, not being a person who has been convicted of violating the same laws and regulations and is currently serving a sentence (or during the suspension of sentence if the sentence is suspended), or being arrested, detained, referred to the prosecutor's office, or indicted for violating the same laws and regulations. (7) The applicant must be a person who has an industrial waste collection and transportation business license as prescribed in Article 14, paragraph 1 of the Waste Disposal and Public Cleansing Law (Law No. 137 of 1970) and an industrial waste disposal business license as prescribed in Article 14, paragraph 6 of the same law, or a certified detoxification processing business operator as prescribed in Article 15, paragraph 4, paragraph 1 of the same law [JEED6.0]. (8) The applicant must be a person who has a score of 60% or more of the full score in the cutoff criteria table and has submitted documents to prove this. 3. Delivery of bidding documents, etc. Bidding documents and specifications will be delivered to those who have requested them by email, in principle, between the date of this announcement and the date of the deadline for submitting bid documents. (1) The address should be chiba-keiri@jeed.go.jp. (2) The subject should be "Request for sending bidding documents for "NK002 PCB disposal (Kimitsu)". (3) The company name, the name of the person in charge, and the telephone number should be written in the body of the email. 4. Deadline for submission of bid documents: November 1, 2024, 16:05 Date and time of bid opening: November 15, 2024, 13:30 Location: Chiba Branch, Meeting Room 6, National Organization for Employment of the Elderly, Persons with Disabilities and Job Seekers, 274 Rokkaku-cho, Inage-ku, Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture Method of determining successful bidder: The successful bidder will be the lowest valid bidder within the range of the estimated price limit created based on Article 56 of the Accounting Regulations of the National Organization for Employment of the Elderly, Persons with Disabilities and Job Seekers. The successful bid price will be the bid amount plus 10/100 of the said amount. *If there is a fraction of less than 1 yen, the fraction will be rounded down. 7. Other (1) Language and currency used in the contract procedure: Japanese and Japanese currency only. (2) Bid security and contract security: Full exemption (3) Invalid bids: Bids made by persons who are not eligible to participate in the competition as stated in this announcement and bids that violate the conditions regarding bidding will be invalid. (4) Preparation of contract Required. In addition, in the case of a contract with the successful bidder, a clause will be entered into regarding the termination of the contract and penalty charges in the event of the discovery of facts of fraudulent acts such as collusion as stipulated in the Antimonopoly Act. (5) Other For details, please refer to the bidding instructions. Regarding contracts made by independent administrative institutions, the "Basic Policy for Reviewing the Affairs and Business of Independent Administrative Institutions" (Cabinet decision of December 7, 2010) states that when making a contract with a corporation that has a certain relationship with an independent administrative institution, efforts will be made to disclose information on the status of reemployment at the corporation and the status of transactions between the corporation and the independent administrative institution. Based on this, information related to the relationship with the Organization will be published on the Organization's website. We ask for your understanding and cooperation in providing the necessary information to us and agreeing to the publication of the information before bidding or applying for the contract or entering into a contract. Please note that bidding or applying for the project or entering into a contract will be deemed to be consent.
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