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海外インフラ展開支援「案件具体化事業」業務委託費の精算資料等確認業務 海外インフラ展開支援「案件具体化事業」業務委託費の精算資料等確認業務 1入 札 公 告(一般競争入札・最低価格落札方式)次のとおり一般競争入札に付します。独立行政法人日本貿易振興機構副 理 事 長1.... Confirmation of settlement documents for the business outsourcing fee for the overseas infrastructure development support "Project implementation project" Confirmation of settlement documents for the business outsourcing fee for the overseas infrastructure development support "Project implementation project" 1. Bidding announcement (open competitive bidding, lowest price bidding method) The following will be open competitive bidding. Vice President of the Japan External Trade Organization 1. ...

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海外インフラ展開支援「案件具体化事業」業務委託費の精算資料等確認業務 海外インフラ展開支援「案件具体化事業」業務委託費の精算資料等確認業務 1入 札 公 告(一般競争入札・最低価格落札方式)次のとおり一般競争入札に付します。独立行政法人日本貿易振興機構副 理 事 長1.... 独立行政法人日本貿易振興機構  東京都港区 入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 海外インフラ展開支援「案件具体化事業」業務委託費の精算資料等確認業務 種別 役務 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 3 日 落札日 2024 年 10 月 31 日 組織 独立行政法人日本貿易振興機構 取得日 2024 年 10 月 3 日 19:10:28 公告内容 1入 札 公 告(一般競争入札・最低価格落札方式)次のとおり一般競争入札に付します。独立行政法人日本貿易振興機構副 理 事 長1. 調達内容(1)公示日 2024年10月3日(2)案件名及び数量 海外インフラ展開支援「案件具体化事業」業務委託費の精算資料等確認業務 一式(3)調達案件の内容等 入札説明書のとおり。(4)履行期間 契約締結日から2025年10月31日まで。(5)履行場所 入札説明書のとおり。(6)入札保証金及び契約保証金 免除。2. 入札参加資格(1)日本貿易振興機構の契約に関する内規第12条に該当しない者であること。(2)令和4・5・6年度の全省庁統一資格における資格の種類「役務の提供等」のA等級、B等級、C等級又はD等級に格付けされている者であること。なお、全省庁統一資格がない場合は、日本貿易振興機構発行の等級確認結果通知書(※)を有している者であること。(※)本案件のみに限定。等級確認の申請方法や問い合わせ先等は、入札説明書別添を参照。<等級確認の申請期限> 2024年10月21日(月) 17時00分<等級確認結果の通知期限> 2024年10月22日(火) 17時00分(3)公告の日から開札の日までの期間、契約に関し日本貿易振興機構から指名停止措置を受けていないこと。(4)以下のいずれかの要件を満たすこと。①プライバシーマークの使用許諾を保有していること。(更新手続き中の場合も保有しているものとみなす。)②情報セキュリティマネジメントシステム(ISMS)認証を取得していること。③独立行政法人情報処理推進機構(IPA)の情報セキュリティ対策ベンチマークによる自己診断の結果、「設問における平均値」が4.0点以上に達していること。④日本貿易振興機構が提示する評価基準、個人情報委託先調査確認シート(入札説明書別冊添付)に基づき「貴社評価結果」で「A」判定を取得していること。3. 入札者に求められる義務等(1)提出物入札者は、次の<提出物一覧>にて定める書類を、入札書等の受領期限までに提出しなければならない。<提出物一覧>①〔様式1〕入札書(封緘すること)②入札参加資格を有することを証明する書類の写し(以下(ア)(イ)のいずれかを、封緘せず、入札書に添えて提出)2(ア) 全省庁統一資格を有する場合 資格審査結果通知書の写し(イ) 上記(ア)が無い場合 日本貿易振興機構発行の等級確認結果通知書の写し③〔様式2〕委任状(封緘せず、入札書に添えて提出。ただし代表者による入札で、かつ開札会に代表者が出席する場合は提出不要)④〔様式3〕適合証明書(封緘せず、入札書に添えて提出)⑤上記2.(4)の条件を満たしていることを証明する書類の写し又は個人情報委託先調査確認シートの原本。プライバシーマーク更新手続き中の場合はプライバシーマーク付与事業者更新審査中証明書の写し。(封緘せず、入札書に添えて提出)⑥情報セキュリティに関する調査票、情報管理体制図及び情報取扱者名簿(入札説明書別冊に指定様式あり。封緘せず、入札書に添えて提出)(2)提出方法①入札者は、次に掲げる事項を記載した入札書を直接又は郵便等で提出しなければならない。電話、E-mail その他の方法による入札は認めない。(ア) 案件名(イ)入札金額(ウ)入札者本人の住所、氏名(法人の場合は、その名称又は商号及び代表者の氏名)及び押印(法人の場合は代表者印(※)とする。外国人の署名を含む。以下同じ)(※)法務局への届出印。法務局への届出印が存在しない場合は下記4.(1)宛に問い合わせること(エ)代理人が入札する場合は、入札者本人の住所及び氏名(法人の場合は、その名称又は商号及び代表者の氏名)、代理人であることの表示並びに当該代理人の氏名及び押印<提出形態>封筒には「10月31日開札(海外インフラ展開支援「案件具体化事業」業務委託費の精算資料等確認業務)の入札書在中」と朱書をし、上記3.(1)で定める提出物全てを提出すること。②直接入札直接提出する場合は入札書を封筒に入れ封緘のうえ、入札者の氏名(法人の場合は、その名称又は商号)を明記し、上記<提出形態>のとおり封筒に朱書のうえ、上記3.(1)②以降で定める提出物と同時に提出しなければならない。③郵便等入札(信書便)信書便(書留郵便等配達の記録が残るものに限る。)により提出する場合は二重封筒とする。表封筒に上記<提出形態>のとおり朱書し、中封筒には直接提出する場合と同様に氏名等を明記し入札書を入れ封緘のうえ、入札書等の受領期限までに、上記3.(1)②以降で定める提出物と同時に下記4.(1)宛に送付しなければならない。(3)その他①入札者は、提出した入札書等の引換、変更又は取消をすることができない。日本貿易振興機構は、一旦受領した書類は返却しない。②開札日の前日までにおいて、入札書等に関し日本貿易振興機構より説明を求められた場合は、それに応じなければならない。4.入札書等の提出場所等(1)入札書等の提出場所、契約条項を示す場所及び問い合わせ先〒107-6006 東京都港区赤坂1丁目12番32号 アーク森ビル6階3日本貿易振興機構 海外ビジネスサポートセンター ビジネス展開課 担当 小林、塚本、岡本TEL: 03-3582-5542 E-mail: infrakikin@jetro.go.jp(2)入札説明会の日時及び場所①開催日時:2024年10月18日(金)13時30分②実施方式: Microsoft Teamsによるオンライン形式。③受付方法:参加希望者は2024年10月16日(水)12時00分までに上記4.(1)宛にE-mailにて申し込むこと。E-mail の件名は「【入札説明会参加希望】海外インフラ展開支援「案件具体化事業」業務委託費の精算資料等確認業務」とする。※1者あたりの参加人数は2名までとする。※Microsoft Teamsは必ず事前にバージョンを確認し、最新版に保った状態で使用すること。※IDやリンクをSNS等で流用することを禁止する。 (3)質問の受付①質問の受付方法:E-mail(アドレスは上記4.(1)参照)②質問の受付期間:2024年10月18日(金)15時00分から2024年10月22日(火)17時00分まで③質問の回答方法:E-mail(入札説明書を交付した者全員に回答する)④質問の回答期限:2024年10月25日(金)17時00分(4)入札書等の受領期限2024年10月31日(木) 10時00分(5)開札の日時及び場所2024年10月31日(木) 10時00分日本貿易振興機構 本部(東京) 5階入札室5. 本入札に係る資料(1)入札公告(本資料)(2)入札説明書(別途交付)①入札説明書(本文)②別冊・様式1 入札書 様式2 委任状・様式3 適合証明書・仕様書・契約書(案)・個人情報委託先調査確認シート・情報管理体制の確認について6.入札説明書の交付場所等上記5.の資料一式を本公告の日から上記4.(1)及び電子送付にて交付。電子送付による交付を希望する場合には、上記4.(1)宛に E-mail にて申し込むこと。E-mail の件名は、「【入札説明書交付希望】(海外インフラ展開支援「案件具体化事業」業務委託費の精算資料等確認業務)」とする。以上 Confirmation of settlement documents for the business outsourcing fee for the "Project Implementation Project" to support overseas infrastructure development Confirmation of settlement documents for the business outsourcing fee for the "Project Implementation Project" to support overseas infrastructure development 1. Bidding announcement (open competitive bidding, lowest price bidding method) The following is an open competitive bidding. Vice President of the Japan External Trade Organization 1. ... Japan External Trade Organization Minato-ku, Tokyo Bidding information is as follows. Subject: Confirmation of settlement documents, etc. for the outsourcing fee for the "Project Implementation Project" to support overseas infrastructure development Type: Service Date of announcement or update: October 3, 2024 Date of successful bid: October 31, 2024 Organization: Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) Date of acquisition: October 3, 2024 19:10:28 Announcement details 1. Bidding announcement (open competitive bidding, lowest price bidding method) The following will be subject to open competitive bidding. Vice President, JETRO 1. Procurement details (1) Date of announcement: October 3, 2024 (2) Project name and quantity: Confirmation of settlement documents, etc. for the outsourcing fee for the "Project Implementation Project" to support overseas infrastructure development: One set (3) Details of procurement project, etc.: As per the bidding instructions. (4) Performance period: From the date of contract conclusion to October 31, 2025. (5) Place of performance: As per the bidding instructions. (6) Bid bond and contract bond: Exempt. 2. Eligibility to participate in the bid (1) Bidders must not fall under Article 12 of the Japan External Trade Organization's internal regulations regarding contracts. (2) Bidders must be rated as Class A, Class B, Class C or Class D in the "provision of services, etc." category of the all-ministry and agency unified qualification for fiscal years 2022, 2023 and 2024. If they do not have the all-ministry and agency unified qualification, they must have a grade confirmation result notice (?) issued by the Japan External Trade Organization. (?) Limited to this project only. Please refer to the attached bidding instructions for the method of applying for grade confirmation and contact information. <Deadline for application for grade confirmation> Monday, October 21, 2024, 17:00 <Deadline for notification of grade confirmation results> Tuesday, October 22, 2024, 17:00 (3) You have not been subject to a suspension of bids from the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) for the contract during the period from the date of announcement to the date of opening of bids. (4) You must meet one of the following requirements. 1. You have a license to use the Privacy Mark. (This will be considered true even if you are in the process of renewing your bid.) 2. You have obtained Information Security Management System (ISMS) certification. 3. As a result of self-diagnosis using the Information-Technology Promotion Agency, Japan (IPA)'s information security measures benchmark, the "average score for each question" must be 4.0 points or higher. 4. You have received an "A" rating in the "Your Company Evaluation Results" based on the evaluation criteria presented by the JETRO and the Personal Information Trustee Investigation Confirmation Sheet (attached to the Bidding Instructions Separately). 3. Obligations of Bidders (1) Items to be submitted Bidders must submit the documents specified in the following <List of items to be submitted> by the deadline for receipt of the bid documents, etc. <List of items to be submitted> ? [Form 1] Bidding document (must be sealed) ? Copy of document certifying eligibility to participate in the bid (either (a) or (b) below should be submitted unsealed and attached to the bid documents) 2 (a) If you have a uniform qualification for all ministries and agencies Copy of the notification of the qualification review result (b) If you do not have the above (a) Copy of the grade confirmation result notification issued by the Japan External Trade Organization ? [Form 2] Power of attorney (must be submitted unsealed and attached to the bid documents. However, if the bid is made by a representative and the representative will attend the bid opening meeting, this does not need to be submitted) ? [Form 3] Certificate of conformity (must be submitted unsealed and attached to the bid documents) ? Copy of document certifying that you meet the conditions in 2. (4) above or the original of the personal information trustee investigation confirmation sheet. If you are in the process of renewing your privacy mark, a copy of the Privacy Mark Granted Business Renewal Review In Progress Certificate. (Submit unsealed together with the bid documents) ? Questionnaire on information security, information management organization diagram and list of information handlers (designated format is included in the supplementary booklet of the bidding instructions. Submit unsealed together with the bid documents) (2) Method of submission ? Bidders must submit a bid document stating the items listed below in person or by mail, etc. Bidding by telephone, e-mail or other method will not be accepted. (a) Name of the project (b) Bid amount (c) Bidder's address, name (in the case of a corporation, its name or trade name and the name of its representative) and seal (in the case of a corporation, the representative's seal (?) is used. Signatures of foreigners are included. Same below) (?) Seal registered with the Legal Affairs Bureau. If there is no seal registered with the Legal Affairs Bureau, see 4 below. (1) (E) If an agent is bidding, the bidder's address and name (in the case of a corporation, the name or trade name and the name of the representative), an indication that the bidder is an agent, and the name and seal of the agent are required. <Form of submission> The bidder must write "Bidding documents for October 31st Bid Opening (Confirmation of settlement documents, etc. for the contract fee for the overseas infrastructure development support "Project Implementation Project")" in red ink on the envelope, and submit all of the documents specified in 3. (1) above. ? Direct bidding If submitting directly, the bidder must place the bid in an envelope, seal it, clearly state the bidder's name (in the case of a corporation, the name or trade name), write it in red ink on the envelope as specified in <Form of submission> above, and submit it together with the documents specified in 3. (1) ? and onwards. ? Bidding by mail, etc. (registered mail) If submitting by registered mail (limited to registered mail that leaves a delivery record), the envelope must be double enveloped. The front envelope must be marked in red ink as described above in the <Submission Form>, and the inner envelope must be sealed with the name and other information written in it, as in the case of direct submission, and the bid documents must be placed inside. The bid documents must then be sent to the address in 4. (1) below by the deadline for receipt of the bid documents, together with the other documents specified in 3. (1) ? and onwards. (3) Others ? Bidders cannot exchange, change or cancel the submitted bid documents. JETRO will not return documents once they have been received. ? If JETRO requests an explanation regarding the bid documents up until the day before the bid opening date, the bidder must comply with the request. 4. Place to submit bid documents, etc. (1) Place to submit bid documents, place to indicate contract terms and contact details 6F 3, Ark Mori Building, 1-12-32 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-6006 Japan External Trade Organization Overseas Business Support Center Business Development Division Contacts: Kobayashi, Tsukamoto, Okamoto TEL: 03-3582-5542 E-mail: infrakikin@jetro.go.jp(2) Date and time and location of the bidding briefing? Date and time: Friday, October 18, 2024, 13:30? Implementation method: Online format using Microsoft Teams.? How to apply: Those who wish to participate should apply by email to 4. (1) above by 12:00 on Wednesday, October 16, 2024. The subject of the email should be "?Request to participate in bidding briefing?Confirmation of settlement documents, etc. for the business outsourcing fee for the "Project Implementation Project" for overseas infrastructure deployment support." *The number of participants per party is limited to two people. *Please be sure to check the version of Microsoft Teams in advance and keep it up to date. *It is prohibited to reuse IDs and links on social media, etc. (3) Acceptance of questions? Method of accepting questions: E-mail (see 4. (1) above for the address)? Period for accepting questions: From 15:00 on Friday, October 18, 2024 to 17:00 on Tuesday, October 22, 2024? Method of answering questions: E-mail (answers will be given to all those who have received the bidding documents)? Deadline for answering questions: 17:00 on Friday, October 25, 2024 (4) Deadline for receipt of bid documents, etc.: 10:00 on Thursday, October 31, 2024 (5) Date and place of opening of bids: 10:00 on Thursday, October 31, 2024 Bidding room, 5th floor, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) Headquarters (Tokyo) 5. Documents related to this bid (1) Tender announcement (this document) (2) Bidding documents (to be provided separately)? Bidding documents (main text)? Separate volume, Form 1 Bidding documents, Form 2 Power of Attorney, Form 3, Certificate of Conformity, Specifications, Contract (draft), Personal Information Contractor Survey Confirmation Sheet, Confirmation of Information Management System 6. Place of Delivery of Bidding Documents, etc. The set of documents in 5. above will be delivered as described in 4. (1) above and sent electronically from the date of this announcement. If you wish to receive them electronically, please apply by email to 4. (1) above. The subject of the email should be "Request for Delivery of Bidding Documents (Confirmation of settlement documents, etc. for the business commissioned fee for the overseas infrastructure development support "Project Implementation Project")". End
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