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多武ノ木林道改良工事(大内橋) 多武ノ木林道改良工事(大内橋) - 1 -入札公告(森林土木工事)(総合評価落札方式)次のとおり一般競争入札(政府調達対象外)に付します。令和6年9月30日支出負担行為担当官九州森林管理局長 橘 政行... Tanooki Forest Road Improvement Works (Ouchi Bridge) Tanooki Forest Road Improvement Works (Ouchi Bridge) - 1 - Tender Notice (Forest Civil Engineering Works) (Comprehensive Evaluation Bidding Method) The following will be open to public competitive bidding (not subject to government procurement). September 30, 2024 Expenditure and Burdening Officer Director of Kyushu Forest Management Office Masayuki Tachibana...

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多武ノ木林道改良工事(大内橋) 多武ノ木林道改良工事(大内橋) - 1 -入札公告(森林土木工事)(総合評価落札方式)次のとおり一般競争入札(政府調達対象外)に付します。令和6年9月30日支出負担行為担当官九州森林管理局長 橘 政行... 林野庁九州森林管理局  熊本県熊本市 入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 多武ノ木林道改良工事(大内橋) 公示日または更新日 2024 年 9 月 30 日 組織 林野庁 取得日 2024 年 10 月 2 日 19:15:43 公告内容 - 1 -入札公告(森林土木工事)(総合評価落札方式)次のとおり一般競争入札(政府調達対象外)に付します。令和6年9月30日支出負担行為担当官九州森林管理局長 橘 政行1 工事概要(1)工 事 名 多武ノ木林道改良工事(大内橋)(2)工事場所 宮崎県日向市東郷町坪谷地内 (民有地)(3)工事内容 全幅員 4.8m塗膜除去工 85.1m2 排水管取替工 3.2m 足場工 78.7m仮設工 一式 産廃処理 一式(4)工期 契約締結日の翌日から令和7年3月21日まで(工期は、「4週8休」を標準として設定)令和6年11月29日(工事着工期限)までに工事を開始すること。(5)本工事は、総合評価落札方式(簡易型)における提出資料の簡素化(技術提案の施工計画の省略)や技術審査・評価の効率化を図り、価格以外の要素と価格を総合的に評価して落札者を決定する工事である。(6)本工事は、品質確保のための体制その他の施工体制の確保状況を確認し、施工内容を確実に実現できるかどうかについて審査し、評価を行う施工体制確認型総合評価落札方式の工事である。(7)本工事は、入札等を電子入札システムにより行う対象工事である。なお、電子入札システムによりがたいものは、発注者の承諾を得て紙入札方式に代えることができる。(8)本工事は、「建設工事に係る資材の再資源化等に関する法律」(平成 12 年法律第104 号)に基づき、分別解体及び特定建設資材廃棄物の再資源化等の実施が義務づけられた工事である。(9)本工事は、賃上げを実施する企業に対して総合評価における加点を行う工事である。(10)本工事は、週休2日を促進するため、現場閉所による週休2日に取り組むことを前提として直接工事費及び間接工事費の一部を補正して実施する試行工事(発注者指- 2 -定方式)である。契約締結後、週休2日を確保して実施するものとし、その取組状況に応じ林野庁工事成績評定要領(平成 10 年 3 月 31 日付け 10 林野管第 31 号林野庁長官通知)に基づく工事成績評定において評価を行うとともに、週休2日の取組実績証明書を発行する。(11)本工事は、令和6年3月1日以降の労務単価を適用した工事である。詳しくは九州森林管理局ホームページhttps://www.rinya.maff.go.jp/kyusyu/tisan/announce/sekisan_kouhyou.html\ 290327を参照すること。2 競争参加資格(1)「予算決算及び会計令」(昭和22年勅令第165号)第70条及び第71条の規定に該当し ない者であること。なお、未成年者、被保佐人又は被補助人であって、契約締結のために必要な同意を得ている者は、第70条中、特別の理由がある場合に該当する。(2)九州森林管理局における土木一式工事に係るB,C又はD等級の一般競争参加資格の認定を受けていること。ただし、D等級においては資格点数が 1,000 点以上の格付者であること(「会社更生法」(平成 14 年法律第 154 号)に基づき更生手続き開始の申立てがなされている者又は「民事再生法」(平成 11 年法律第 225 号)に基づき再生手続開始の申立てがなされている者については、手続開始の決定後、九州森林管理局長が別に定める手続に基づく一般競争参加資格の再確認を受けていること。)。(3)「会社更生法」に基づき更生手続開始の申立てがなされている者又は「民事再生法」に基づき再生手続開始の申立てがなされている者(上記(2)の再確認を受けた者を除く。)でないこと。(4)平成 21 年度以降公告日の前日までに元請として、次に示す森林土木工事を施工した実績を有すること(共同企業体の構成員としての実績は、出資比率が 20%以上の場合のものに限る。)。なお、当該実績が森林管理局長、森林管理署長、森林管理署支署長、森林管理事務所長、治山センター所長及び総合治山事業所長(以下「森林管理局長等」という。)が発注した工事のうち、入札説明書に示すものに係る実績である場合にあっては、「林野庁工事成績評定要領」(平成10年3月31日付け10林野管第31号林野庁長官通知)第4の3に規定する工事成績評定表の評定点合計(以下「評定点合計」という。)が65点未満のものを除く。経常建設共同企業体にあっては、全ての構成員が上記の基準を満たす施工実績を有すること。- 3 -・森林土木工事:① 治山関係事業(渓間工事、山腹工事、地すべり工事、海岸防災林造成の工事)の工事② 林道の新設工事若しくは改良工事若しくは災害復旧工事又は保安林管理道の新設工事若しくは改良工事若しくは災害復旧工事③ 林道規定に定める自動車道 2 級以上に相当する作業道の新設工事のうち、いずれかの工事(5)「建設業法」(昭和 24 年法律第 100 号)に基づく「主任技術者又は監理技術者」(以下「主任(監理)技術者」という。)の配置については、次に掲げる基準を満たす主任(監理)技術者を配置できること。① 技術士(建設部門又は森林部門(選択科目を「森林土木」とするものに限る。))、2級土木施工管理技士、2級建設機械施工技士又は林業技士(森林土木部門に限る。)以上の資格を有する者であること。② 平成21年度以降公告日の前日までに、森林土木工事において、次の職務の経験を有する者であること。ただし、交代等により全工期(余裕期間は除く)のうち半分未満の経験を有する者は該当しない。なお、当該実績が森林管理局長等が発注した工事のうち、入札説明書に示すものに係る実績である場合にあっては、評定点合計が65点未満のものを除く。ア 主任(監理)技術者イ 主任(監理)技術者の下で行った工程管理、出来形管理、品質管理及び安全管理のうち、いずれか2以上の職務の経験のある者ウ 現場代理人・森林土木工事:① 治山関係事業(渓間工事、山腹工事、地すべり工事、海岸防災林造成の工事)の工事② 林道の新設工事若しくは改良工事若しくは災害復旧工事又は保安林管理道の新設工事若しくは改良工事若しくは災害復旧工事③ 林道規程に定める自動車道 2 級以上に相当する作業道の新設工事のうち、いずれかの工事③ 監理技術者にあっては、監理技術者資格者証及び監理技術者講習修了証を有する者であること。ただし、監理技術者の行うべき職務を補佐する者として、監理技術者資格者証及び監理技術者講習修了証を有する者等を除く基準をすべて満たす者を当該工事現場に専任で配置する場合は、2現場を限度として兼務できることとする。なお、主任技術者の専任に係る取り扱いについては、工作物に一体性若しくは連- 4 -続性のある工事又は施工にあたり相互に調整を必要とする工事で、かつ、工事の施工管理区域間隔が 10km程度又は移動時間 60 分程度の接近した場所において、同一の建設業者が施工する場合には、建設業法施行令第 27 条第2項が適用できるものとする。 この場合において、主任技術者が管理することができる工事の数は、専任が必要な工事について、原則3件程度とする。(監理技術者には適用しない)(6)競争参加資格確認申請書、競争参加資格確認資料及び総合評価資料(以下「申請書等」という。)の提出期限の日から開札の時までの期間に、九州森林管理局長から「工事請負契約指名停止等措置要領の制定について」(昭 59 年 6 月 11 日付け 59 林野経第 156 号林野庁長官通知。以下「工事請負契約指名停止等措置要領」という。)に基づく指名停止を受けていないこと。(7)森林管理局長等が発注した森林土木工事で、過去3年間(令和3年4月1日から令和6年3月 31 日まで)に完成した工事で工事成績評定を受けた工事がある場合においては、当該工事に係る評定点合計の平均が65点以上であること。(8)上記1に示した工事に係る設計業務等の受託者又は当該受託者と資本若しくは人事面において関連がある建設業者でないこと。(9)入札に参加しようとする者の間に資本関係又は人的関係がないこと(資本関係又は人的関係がある者のすべてが共同企業体の代表者以外の構成員である場合を除く。)(入札説明書を参照のこと。)。(10)「建設業法」に基づく本店又は支店若しくは営業所が、九州森林管理局管内の市町村に所在すること。また、経常建設共同企業体として資料を提出する場合は、有資格者名簿に記載されている共同企業体の本店所在地が、九州森林管理局管内の市町村に所在すること。(11)「農林水産省発注工事等からの暴力団排除の推進について」(平成 19 年 12 月7日付け 19 経第 1314 号大臣官房経理課長通知)に基づき、警察当局から部局長に対し、暴力団員が実質的に経営を支配する建設業者又はこれに準ずるものとして、農林水産省発注工事等からの排除要請があり、当該状態が継続している者でないこと。(12)以下に定める届出の義務を履行していない建設業者(当該届出の義務がない者を除く。)でないこと。・健康保険法(大正11年法律第70号)第48条の規定による届出の義務・厚生年金保険法(昭和29年法律第115号)第27条の規定による届出の義務・雇用保険法(昭和49年法律第116号)第7条の規定による届出の義務- 5 -(13)下請契約等からの社会保険等未加入建設業者の排除等工事を施工するために締結した全ての下請契約について、受注者は、原則として、社会保険等未加入建設業者を下請契約の相手方にすることはできない。(ただし、適用除外者は除く。)3 競争参加資格の確認等(1)本競争の参加希望者は、上記2に掲げる競争参加資格を有することを証明するため、次に掲げるところに従い、申請書等を提出し、支出負担行為担当官から競争参加資格の有無について確認を受けなければならない。(2)申請書等の提出期間、場所及び方法① 提出期間:令和6年10月1日から令和6年10月15日までの土曜日、日曜日及び祝日等の行政機関の休日を除く毎日、9時から17時までとする。② 提 出 先:〒860-0081 熊本県熊本市西区京町本丁2番7号九州森林管理局 経理課 主計係電話 096-328-3561メールアドレス:E-mail:ky_keiri@maff.go.jp③ そ の 他:電子入札システムを用いて提出すること。詳細は入札説明書によるものとし、郵送又はFAXによるものは受け付けない。ただし、承諾を得て紙入札による場合は②の場所に持参すること。(3)申請書等は入札説明書により作成すること。(4)上記(2)に規定する期限までに申請書等を提出しない者又は競争参加資格がないと認めた者は本競争に参加できない。(5)省略を認める書類過去3年間(令和3年4月1日から令和6年3月 31 日まで)に完成した工事で森林管理局長等発注の森林土木工事に係る工事成績評定通知書(写)の添付については、本公告による競争参加資格申請が今年度の2回目以降の申請であり、既に前回までの申請書に添付している場合には、様式に工事名、工事成績評定点等を記載した上で「○○森林管理(局、(支)署)令和○○年○○月○○日入札の○○工事において提出済み」と記載すれば再度の添付を要しない。(入札説明書を参照のこと)4 施工体制確認型総合評価落札方式に関する事項(1)施工体制確認型総合評価落札方式の仕組み本工事の施工体制確認型総合評価落札方式は次の方法により落札者を決定する方式とする。① 入札説明書に示された競争参加資格を満たしている場合に、標準点 100 点を付与する。- 6 -② 上記3(1)の総合評価資料により示された実績等により最大 30 点の加算点及び最大30点の施工体制評価点を付与する。③ 付与された標準点、加算点及び施工体制評価点の合計を当該入札者の入札価格で除して算出した値(以下「評価値」という。)を用いて落札者を決定する。その評価項目等の概要は、次に示すとおりとするが、具体的な技術的要件及び入札の評価に関する基準等については、入札説明書において明記している。(2)評価項目評価項目は、次に示すとおりである。① 施工能力等に関する事項② 信頼性・社会性に関する事項③ 施工体制(品質確保の実効性、施工体制確保の確実性)に関する事項なお、①及び②の項目で最大 30 点の加算点、③の項目で最大 30 点の施工体制評価点とする。(3)落札者の決定の方法入札参加者は価格をもって入札する。標準点に加算点を加えた点数をその入札価格で除して得られる評価値(評価値={(標準点+加算点+施工体制評価点)/(入札価格)})を算出し、次の条件を満たした者のうち、算出した評価値が最も高い者を落札者とする。ただし、予定価格が1千万円を超える工事について、落札者となるべき者の入札価格によっては、その者により当該契約の内容に適合した履行がなされないおそれがあると認められるとき又はその者と契約を締結することが公正な取引の秩序を乱すこととなるおそれがあって著しく不適当であると認められるときは、入札価格が予定価格の制限の範囲内で、発注者の求める最低限の要求要件をすべて満たして入札した他の者のうち、評価値が最も高い者を落札者とすることがある。① 入札価格が予定価格の制限の範囲内であること。② 評価値が標準点(100 点)を予定価格で除した数値「基準評価値」を下回らないこと。5 入札手続等(1)担当部局〒860-0081 熊本県熊本市西区京町本丁2番7号九州森林管理局 経理課 主計係電話 096-328-3561メールアドレス:E-mail:ky_keiri@maff.go.jp(2)入札説明書等の配布期間、場所及び方法入札説明書等(図面類を含む。)は、本公告の日から入札日の前日までの期間において電子入札システムを用いて入手できる。なお、電子入札システムによりがたい場合は次に掲げるところによる。 - 7 -① 配布期間:令和6年9月 30 日から令和6年 10 月 30 日までの土曜日、日曜日及び祝日等の行政機関の休日を除く毎日、9時から 17 時まで(12 時から 13 時までを除く。)とする。② 場 所:〒860-0081 熊本県熊本市西区京町本丁2番7号九州森林管理局 森林整備課電話 096-328-3682③ 図面類は閲覧によること。④ 配布資料は無料である。(3)入札及び開札の日時、場所及び提出方法入札書は電子入札システムにより提出すること。ただし、やむを得ない事情により発注者の承諾を得た場合は、紙入札方式による入札書を持参すること。なお、郵送等による提出は認めない。① 電子入札システムによる入札の締切りは、令和6年10月31日10時00分。② 紙入札方式により入札の締切りは、令和6年10月31日10時00分とし、九州森林管理局1階会議室において入札。③ 開札は、令和6年 10 月 31 日 10 時 10 分に、九州森林管理局第1会議室において行う。④ 紙入札方式による入札の執行に当たっては、支出負担行為担当官により競争参加資格があると確認された旨の通知書の写し及び委任状がある場合は委任状を持参すること。6 その他(1)手続において使用する言語及び通貨日本語及び日本国通貨に限る。(2)入札保証金及び契約保証金① 入札保証金 免除② 契約保証金 納付(保管金の取扱店 日本銀行熊本支店(代理店))。ただし、金融機関又は保証事業会社(「公共工事の前払金保証事業に関する法律」(昭和27 年法律第 184 号)第2条第4項に規定する保証会社をいう。)の保証(取扱官庁 九州森林管理局)をもって契約保証金の納付に代えることができる。また、公共工事履行保証証券による保証を付した場合又は履行保証保険契約の締結を行った場合には、契約保証金の納付を免除する。(3)工事費内訳書の提出第1回の入札に際し、第1回の入札書に記載される入札金額に対応した工事費内訳書を電子入札システムにより提出すること。紙入札方式による場合は、入札書とともに工事費内訳書を提出すること。なお、当該工事費内訳書の提出のない者のした入札、及び不備等があった者の入札- 8 -は無効とする。(4)入札の無効本公告に示した競争参加資格のない者のした入札、申請書等に虚偽の記載を行った者のした入札及び入札に関する条件に違反した入札は無効とする。この場合には、「工事請負契約指名停止等措置要領」第1第1項の規定に基づく指名停止又は第 10 の規定に基づく書面若しくは口頭での警告若しくは注意の喚起を行うことがある。(5)配置予定主任(監理)技術者の確認落札者決定後、財団法人日本建設情報総合センターの「工事実績情報システム(CORINS )」等により配置予定の主任(監理)技術者の専任制違反の事実が確認された場合には、契約を締結しないことがある。なお、種々の状況からやむを得ないものとして承認された場合のほかは、配置予定主任(監理)技術者の変更は認めない。(6) 低入札価格調査を受けた者と契約する場合は、建設業法の定めにより配置する技術者とは別に2の(5)に定める要件と同一の要件を満たす技術者を専任で1名現場に配置することとする。(7)契約書作成の要否作成を要する。(8)関連情報を入手するための照会窓口上記5(1)に同じ。(9)一般競争参加資格の認定を受けていない者の参加上記2(2)に掲げる一般競争参加資格の認定を受けていない者も上記3(2)により申請書等を提出することができる。ただし、競争に参加するには、開札の時において、当該資格の認定を受け、かつ競争参加資格の確認を受けていなければならない。(10)申請書等の内容のヒアリング原則として行わない。ただし、ヒアリング実施の必要が生じた場合は別途通知する。(11)施工体制確認のためのヒアリング施工体制確認のためのヒアリングを実施するとともに、その際、追加資料の提出を求めることがある。(12)本案件は、入札及び資料の提出等を電子入札システムにより行うものであり、詳- 9 -細については、入札説明書及び電子入札システム運用基準(平成16年7月 林野庁)による。(13)本公告に係る森林土木工事請負契約における契約約款は、こちらからダウンロードされたい。詳しくは当森林管理局のホームページhttp://www.rinya.maff.go.jp/kyusyu/kouhyou/keiyaku_yakkan/index.htmlを参照すること。なお、上記ダウンロードをもって契約約款の交付に代え、契約約款の交付日は本公告日とする。(14)農林水産省の発注事務に関する綱紀保持を目的とした、「農林水産省発注者綱紀保持規程」(平成19年農林水産省訓令第22号)第10条及び第11条にのっとり、第三者から以下の不当な働き掛けを受けた場合は、これを拒否し、その内容(日時、相手方及び働き掛けの内容)を記録し、同規定第9条に基づき設置する発注者綱紀保持委員会(以下、「委員会」という。)に報告し、委員会の調査分析において不当な働き掛けと認められた場合には、当該委員会を設置している機関において閲覧及びホームページにより公表する。(不当な働き掛け)① 自らに有利な競争参加資格の設定に関する依頼② 指名競争入札において自らを指名すること叉は他社を指名しないことの依頼③ 自らが受注すること叉は他社に受注させないことの依頼④ 公表前における設計金額、予定価格、見積金額叉は低入札価格調査制度の調査基準価格に関する情報聴取⑤ 公表前における総合評価落札方式における技術点に関する情報聴取⑥ 公表前における発注予定に関する情報聴取⑦ 公表前における入札参加者に関する情報聴取⑧ その他の特定の者への便宜叉は利益若しくは不利益の誘導につながるおそれのある依頼叉は情報聴取詳しくは当森林管理局のホームページhttp://www.rinya.maff.go.jp/kyusyu/apply/publicsale/koubo/index.htmlを参照すること。 Tanooki Forest Road Improvement Works (Ouchi Bridge) Tanooki Forest Road Improvement Works (Ouchi Bridge) - 1 - Bidding Announcement (Forestry Civil Engineering Works) (Comprehensive Evaluation Bidding Method) The following will be open to public competitive bidding (not subject to government procurement). September 30, 2024 Expenditure and Burdening Officer Director General of Kyushu Regional Forest Office Tachibana Masayuki... Forestry Agency Kyushu Regional Forest Office Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Prefecture Bidding information is as follows. Subject Tanooki Forest Road Improvement Works (Ouchi Bridge) Date of Announcement or Update September 30, 2024 Organization Forestry Agency Date of Acquisition October 2, 2024 19:15:43 Announcement Content - 1 - Bidding Announcement (Forestry Civil Engineering Works) (Comprehensive Evaluation Bidding Method) The following will be open to public competitive bidding (not subject to government procurement). September 30, 2024 Expenditure and Burdening Officer Kyushu Forest Management Office Director Tachibana Masayuki 1. Construction Outline (1) Project Name: Tamunoki Forest Road Improvement Project (Ouchi Bridge) (2) Project Location: Tsuboya, Togo-cho, Hyuga City, Miyazaki Prefecture (Private Land) (3) Project Contents: Overall Width 4.8m, Paint Removal Work 85.1m2, Drainage Pipe Replacement Work 3.2m, Scaffolding Work 78.7m, Temporary Work, Industrial Waste Disposal, (4) Construction Period: From the day after the contract is concluded to March 21, 2025 (The construction period is set as "4 weeks, 8 days off" as standard). Construction must begin by November 29, 2024 (the deadline for construction start). (5) This project is a project in which the successful bidder is determined by comprehensively evaluating factors other than price and price, with the aim of simplifying the documents submitted in the comprehensive evaluation bidding method (simplified type) (omitting the construction plan in the technical proposal) and streamlining the technical review and evaluation. (6) This work is a construction work that uses the construction system confirmation type comprehensive evaluation bidding method, in which the system for ensuring quality and other construction systems are confirmed, and whether the construction contents can be reliably realized is examined and evaluated. (7) This work is a work for which bidding, etc. is conducted through the electronic bidding system. In addition, for works that cannot be conducted through the electronic bidding system, paper bidding may be used instead with the consent of the client. (8) This work is a work for which the implementation of sorting and demolition and recycling of specific construction material waste is mandatory based on the "Law on Recycling of Materials Related to Construction Work" (Law No. 104 of 2000). (9) This work is a work for which points are added in the comprehensive evaluation to companies that implement wage increases. (10) This work is a trial work (client-designated method) in which a part of the direct construction cost and indirect construction cost is adjusted on the premise that the site will be closed to implement two days off per week in order to promote two days off per week. After the contract is concluded, the work will be carried out with two days off per week, and the work will be evaluated in the construction performance evaluation based on the Forestry Agency's Construction Performance Evaluation Guidelines (Notice of the Director-General of the Forestry Agency No. 10 Forestry Management No. 31 dated March 31, 1998) based on the progress of the work, and a certificate of achievement of two days off per week will be issued. (11) This work is subject to the labor unit price after March 1, 2024. For details, please refer to the Kyushu Forest Management Office website https://www.rinya.maff.go.jp/kyusyu/tisan/announce/sekisan_kouhyou.html\ 290327. 2. Eligibility to participate in the competition (1) Those who do not fall under the provisions of Articles 70 and 71 of the "Budget, Settlement and Accounting Act" (Imperial Ordinance No. 165 of 1947). In addition, minors, persons under guardianship, or persons under assistance who have obtained the consent necessary for the conclusion of a contract fall under the case of special reasons in Article 70. (2) The applicant must be certified as having the B, C or D grade of qualification for general tendering for civil engineering works by the Kyushu Regional Forest Office. However, for the D grade, the qualification points are 1,1. The applicant must have a rating of 1,000 points or more (in the case of an applicant for which a petition for the commencement of reorganization proceedings has been filed under the "Corporate Reorganization Act" (Act No. 154 of 2002) or an applicant for which a petition for the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings has been filed under the "Civil Rehabilitation Act" (Act No. 225 of 1999), the applicant must have had their eligibility to participate in general competitive bidding reconfirmed pursuant to a procedure separately determined by the Director-General of the Kyushu Regional Forest Office after the decision to commence the proceedings has been made). (3) The applicant must not have had a petition for the commencement of reorganization proceedings filed under the "Corporate Rehabilitation Act" or an applicant for the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings filed under the "Civil Rehabilitation Act" (excluding those who have received reconfirmation under (2) above). (4) The applicant must have a track record of carrying out the following forest civil engineering works as a prime contractor from fiscal year 2009 onwards up until the day before the date of the public announcement (track record as a member of a joint venture is limited to cases where the investment ratio is 20% or more). In addition, in the case where the said track record is related to construction works ordered by the Director-General of a Forest Management Bureau, the Director of a Forest Office, the Director of a Branch Office of a Forest Management Bureau, the Director of a Forest Management Office, the Director of a Forest Conservation Center, or the Director of a Comprehensive Forest Conservation Office (hereinafter referred to as "Director-General of a Forest Management Bureau, etc.") and which are indicated in the bidding instructions, it excludes those with a total rating point (hereinafter referred to as "total rating point") of less than 65 points in the construction performance evaluation sheet stipulated in Article 4-3 of the "Forestry Agency Construction Performance Evaluation Guidelines" (Notice of the Director-General of the Forestry Agency No. 10 Forestry Management No. 31 dated March 31, 1998). In the case of ordinary construction joint ventures, all members must have construction track records that meet the above criteria. - 3 - Forest civil engineering works: ? Works related to erosion control (river valley works, mountainside works, landslide works, coastal disaster prevention forest creation works), ? Construction or improvement works or disaster restoration works for forest roads, or construction or improvement works or disaster restoration works for forest management roads, and ? Construction of work roads equivalent to Class 2 or higher motorways as stipulated in the forest road regulations. (5) Regarding the placement of "chief engineers or supervising engineers" (hereinafter referred to as "chief (supervising) engineers") based on the "Construction Business Law" (Law No. 100 of 1949), it is possible to place chief (supervising) engineers who meet the following criteria. ? Those who hold qualifications of professional engineers (construction or forestry department (limited to those with "forest civil engineering" as an elective subject)), Class 2 civil engineering construction management engineer, Class 2 construction machinery construction engineer, or forestry engineer (limited to forest civil engineering department). ? Those who have the following experience in forest civil engineering works from FY2009 onwards up until the day before the public notice date. However, those who have experience for less than half of the total construction period (excluding leeway periods) due to shifts etc. are not eligible. In addition, if the achievements are achievements related to construction works ordered by the Director of the Forest Management Bureau etc. and are indicated in the bidding instructions, those with a total evaluation point of less than 65 points are excluded. A. Chief (supervising) engineer B. Person with experience in two or more of the following duties: schedule management, completed form management, quality control, and safety management under the supervision of a chief (supervising) engineer C. Site agent/forest civil engineering work: 1. Works related to forest conservation (river valley work, mountainside work, landslide work, coastal disaster prevention forest creation work) 2. Construction or improvement work or disaster recovery work of forest roads, or construction or improvement work or disaster recovery work of forest management roads 3. Construction of work roads equivalent to Class 2 or higher motorways as stipulated in the forest road regulations 3. Supervising engineers must hold a supervising engineer qualification certificate and a supervising engineer training completion certificate. However, if a person who meets all the criteria except for those who hold a supervising engineer qualification certificate and a supervising engineer training completion certificate is assigned full-time to the construction site to assist the supervising engineer in performing his/her duties, he/she may serve concurrently at up to two sites. Regarding the handling of the full-time appointment of a chief engineer, Article 27, paragraph 2 of the Construction Business Law Enforcement Order may be applied in cases where the construction is integral or continuous with the structure, or where the construction requires mutual coordination, and the construction is carried out by the same construction contractor in close locations with a construction management area distance of about 10 km or a travel time of about 60 minutes. In this case, the number of constructions that a chief engineer can manage is, in principle, about three for constructions that require full-time appointment. (Does not apply to supervising engineers) (6) During the period from the deadline for submission of the application for confirmation of eligibility to participate in the competition, the confirmation materials for eligibility to participate in the competition, and the comprehensive evaluation materials (hereinafter referred to as "applications, etc.") to the time of opening of bids, the applicant has not been suspended from bidding by the Director of Kyushu Regional Forest Office based on the "Establishment of Measures for Suspension of Nomination for Construction Contracts, etc." (Notice of the Director-General of the Forestry Agency No. 156 dated June 11, 1984; hereinafter referred to as "Measures for Suspension of Nomination for Construction Contracts, etc."). (7) In the case of forest civil engineering works ordered by the Director-General of a Forest Management Bureau, etc., and works completed within the past three years (from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2024) that have been subject to a construction performance evaluation, the average of the total evaluation points for such works must be 65 points or more. (8) The bidder must not be a contractor for design work, etc., for the works listed in 1 above, or a construction company related in capital or personnel to such contractor. (9) There must be no capital or personnel relationship between the parties intending to participate in the bid (except when all parties with capital or personnel relationships are members other than the representative of the joint venture) (see bidding instructions). (10) The head office, branch office, or sales office under the Construction Business Act must be located in a city, town, or village under the jurisdiction of the Kyushu Forest Management Bureau. In addition, if documents are submitted as an ordinary construction joint venture, the head office location of the joint venture listed in the qualified person list must be located in a city, town, or village under the jurisdiction of the Kyushu Forest Management Bureau. (11) Based on the "Promotion of the Exclusion of Organized Crime Groups from Construction Works Ordered by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries" (Notice No. 19-1314 of the Director of the Accounting Division, Minister's Secretariat, dated December 7, 2007), the contractor is not a construction contractor whose management is substantially controlled by an organized crime group or a similar entity, and about whom the police authorities have requested the head of a department to exclude such contractor from construction works ordered by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and who continues to be in this situation. (12) The contractor is not a construction contractor that has not fulfilled the notification obligations set forth below (excluding those that are not required to make such notification).?Obligation to notify under Article 48 of the Health Insurance Act (Act No. 70 of 1922) ?Obligation to notify under Article 27 of the Employee's Pension Insurance Act (Act No. 115 of 1954) ?Obligation to notify under Article 7 of the Employment Insurance Act (Act No. 116 of 1974) - 5 - (13) Exclusion of construction companies that are not covered by social insurance from subcontracting contracts, etc. In principle, for all subcontracting contracts concluded to carry out construction work, the contractor cannot subcontract with construction companies that are not covered by social insurance, etc. (However, this does not include those who are exempted from application.) 3 Confirmation of eligibility to participate in the competition, etc. (1) Those who wish to participate in this competition must submit an application form, etc. in accordance with the following in order to prove that they are eligible to participate in the competition as listed in 2 above, and have the expenditure and burdening officer confirm whether they are eligible to participate in the competition. (2) Period, place and method of submitting application forms, etc. ? Submission period: From October 1, 2024 to October 15, 2024, from 9:00 to 17:00 every day except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays of government offices such as national holidays. ? Submission address: Kyushu Regional Forest Office, Accounting Division, Accounting Section, 2-7, Kyomachi Honcho, Nishi-ku, Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Prefecture, 860-0081 Tel.096-328-3561 Email address: ky_keiri@maff.go.jp? Other: Submit using the electronic bidding system. Details shall be in the bidding instructions, and submissions by mail or fax will not be accepted. However, if approval is obtained and paper bids are to be submitted, they must be brought to the location in ?. (3) Application forms etc. shall be prepared in accordance with the bidding instructions. (4) Those who do not submit application forms etc. by the deadline specified in (2) above or those who are deemed ineligible to participate in the competition will not be able to participate in this competition. (5) Documents that may be omitted: Regarding the attachment of a copy of the construction performance evaluation notice for forest civil engineering works ordered by the Director-General of the Forest Management Bureau, etc., for works completed in the past three years (from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2024), if the application for competitive bidding qualification under this announcement is the second or subsequent application for this fiscal year and the copy has already been attached to the previous application, it is not necessary to attach it again if the name of the work, the construction performance evaluation score, etc. are entered in the form and it is written, "Submitted for the XX work for the XX Forest Management (Bureau, (Branch) Office, XX year XX month XX day bidding" (see bidding instructions). 4. Matters related to the comprehensive evaluation method of confirming the construction system (1) Mechanism of the comprehensive evaluation method of confirming the construction system The comprehensive evaluation method of confirming the construction system for this work will determine the successful bidder in the following manner. ? If the competitive bidding qualifications set out in the bidding instructions are met, a standard score of 100 points will be awarded. - 6 -? Based on the track record, etc. shown in the comprehensive evaluation materials in 3(1) above, a maximum of 30 points will be awarded as additional points and a maximum of 30 points as a construction system evaluation point. ? The successful bidder will be determined using the value calculated by dividing the total of the standard points, additional points, and construction system evaluation points awarded by the bid price of the bidder (hereinafter referred to as the "evaluation value"). The outline of the evaluation items, etc. is as follows, but the specific technical requirements and criteria for evaluating bids are clearly stated in the bidding instructions. (2) Evaluation Items The evaluation items are as follows. ? Matters related to construction capabilities, etc. ? Matters related to reliability and sociality ? Matters related to the construction system (effectiveness of quality assurance, certainty of ensuring the construction system) Note that items ? and ? will be awarded a maximum of 30 points as an additional point, and item ? will be awarded a maximum of 30 points as a construction system evaluation point. (3) Method of determining the successful bidder Bidders will bid based on price. The evaluation value (evaluation value = {(standard score + additional score + construction system evaluation score) / (bid price)}) will be calculated by dividing the standard score by the bid price, and the person with the highest calculated evaluation value will be the successful bidder among those who meet the following conditions. However, for construction projects with a planned price exceeding 10 million yen, if it is deemed that the bid price of the potential successful bidder may result in the bidder not performing in accordance with the contents of the contract, or if it is deemed that entering into a contract with that person may disrupt the order of fair transactions and is extremely inappropriate, the successful bidder may be the one with the highest evaluation value among other bidders whose bid price is within the planned price limit and meets all of the minimum requirements set by the client. 1. The bid price is within the planned price limit. 2. The evaluation value is not below the "standard evaluation value", which is the standard score (100 points) divided by the planned price. 5. Bidding procedures, etc. (1) Department in charge: Kyushu Forest Management Office, Accounting Division, Accounting Section, 2-7, Kyomachi Honcho, Nishi-ku, Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Prefecture, 860-0081, Japan. Telephone: 096-328-3561. Email address: ky_keiri@maff.go.jp(2) Period, place and method of distribution of bidding documents, etc. Bidding documents, etc. (including drawings) can be obtained using the electronic bidding system during the period from the date of this announcement to the day before the bidding date. However, if it is difficult to obtain them using the electronic bidding system, the following shall apply. - 7 -? Distribution period: From September 30, 2024 to October 30, 2024, every day from 9:00 to 17:00 (excluding 12:00 to 13:00), excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and government holidays such as national holidays. ? Location: Forest Management Division, Kyushu Regional Forest Office, 2-7, Honcho, Kyomachi, Nishi-ku, Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Prefecture, 860-0081, Japan Tel: 096-328-3682? Drawings and other materials are available for viewing. ? Distribution materials are free of charge. (3) Date, time, place and method of submission of bidding and bid opening Bidding documents shall be submitted through the electronic bidding system. However, if the purchaser's consent is obtained due to unavoidable circumstances, a paper bid must be submitted in person. Submission by mail, etc. will not be accepted. ? The deadline for submitting bids via the electronic bidding system is 10:00 AM on October 31, 2024. ? The deadline for submitting bids via paper bidding is 10:00 AM on October 31, 2024, and bids must be submitted in the conference room on the first floor of the Kyushu Regional Forest Office. ? Bids will be opened at 10:10 AM on October 31, 2024, in the first conference room of the Kyushu Regional Forest Office. ? When submitting a paper bid, a copy of the notice by the expenditure and liability officer confirming that you are eligible to participate in the competition and a power of attorney, if any, must be brought with you. 6 Other (1) Language and currency to be used in the procedure Japanese and Japanese currency only. (2) Bid security and contract security ? Bid security exemption ? Contract security payment (Deposit handling agency: Bank of Japan Kumamoto Branch (agency)). However, the contract security may be substituted with a guarantee (handling agency: Kyushu Regional Forest Office) from a financial institution or a guarantee company (a guarantee company as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 4 of the Law Concerning Advance Payment Guarantee Business for Public Works (Law No. 184 of 1952)). In addition, if a guarantee is provided by a public works performance guarantee certificate or a performance guarantee insurance contract is concluded, the contract security will be waived. (3) Submission of construction cost breakdown At the time of the first bid, a construction cost breakdown corresponding to the bid amount stated in the first bid document must be submitted via the electronic bidding system. If paper bidding is used, a construction cost breakdown must be submitted along with the bid document. Bids made by persons who do not submit a construction cost breakdown and bids made by persons with deficiencies, etc. will be invalid. (4) Invalidation of bids Bids made by persons who are not qualified to participate in the competition as stated in this announcement, bids made by persons who have made false statements in their application forms, and bids that violate the conditions of bidding will be invalid. In such cases, the bidder may be suspended from bidding pursuant to the provisions of Article 1, paragraph 1 of the "Guidelines for Measures to Suspend Nominations for Construction Contracts," or a written or verbal warning or caution may be issued pursuant to the provisions of Article 10. (5) Confirmation of the Chief (Supervising) Engineer to be Assigned If, after the successful bidder is determined, it is confirmed by the "Construction Performance Information System (CORINS)" of the Japan Construction Information Center Foundation or other such system that the chief (supervising) engineer to be assigned violates the full-time system, the contract may not be concluded. However, except in cases where it is approved as unavoidable due to various circumstances, the chief (supervising) engineer to be assigned may not be changed. (6) When entering into a contract with a person who has undergone a low bid price investigation, one full-time engineer who meets the same requirements as those set forth in 2(5) shall be assigned to the site in addition to the engineer to be assigned pursuant to the provisions of the Construction Business Law. (7) Necessity of contract preparation A contract is required. (8) Contact point for obtaining related information: Same as 5(1) above. (9) Participation of persons who have not been certified as qualified to participate in general competitive bidding: Persons who have not been certified as qualified to participate in general competitive bidding as set forth in 2(2) above may submit applications, etc. as set forth in 3(2) above. However, in order to participate in the competition, they must be certified as such and have their qualifications confirmed at the time of opening of bids. (10) Hearings on the contents of applications, etc.: In principle, no hearings will be held. However, if a hearing becomes necessary, a separate notice will be given. (11) Hearings to confirm the construction system: Hearings will be held to confirm the construction system, and additional materials may be requested at that time. (12) This project will be bid and submitted materials, etc. through the electronic bidding system. For details, please refer to the bidding instructions and the electronic bidding system operation standards (July 2004, Forestry Agency). (13) The contract terms and conditions for the forest civil engineering work contract related to this announcement can be downloaded here. For details, please refer to the website of the Forest Management Office http://www.rinya.maff.go.jp/kyusyu/kouhyou/keiyaku_yakkan/index.html. The download above will replace the delivery of the contract terms and conditions, and the delivery date of the contract terms and conditions will be the date of this announcement. (14) In accordance with Articles 10 and 11 of the "Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ordering Party Discipline Maintenance Regulations" (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ordinance No. 22 of 2007), which aims to maintain discipline regarding the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries' ordering affairs, if you receive any of the following unjust approaches from a third party, you will refuse them, record the details (date, time, other party, and details of the approach), and report them to the Ordering Party Discipline Maintenance Committee (hereinafter referred to as the "Committee") established based on Article 9 of the same regulations. If the Committee's investigation and analysis reveals that the approach is unjust, the institution that established the committee will make the details available for viewing and public on its website. (Unfair influence) 1) Requests to set qualifications for competition that are advantageous to oneself; 2) Requests to nominate oneself or not to nominate other companies in designated competitive bidding; 3) Requests to receive the order oneself or not to allow other companies to receive the order; 4) Seeking information regarding the design amount, planned price, estimated amount, or investigation base price in the low bid investigation system before public announcement; 5) Seeking information regarding technical points in the comprehensive evaluation bidding method before public announcement; 6) Seeking information regarding planned orders before public announcement; 7) Seeking information regarding bidders before public announcement; 8) Requests or seeing information that may lead to convenience or the induction of benefit or disadvantage to any other specific person. For more information, please refer to the Forest Management Bureau's website at http://www.rinya.maff.go.jp/kyusyu/apply/publicsale/koubo/index.html.Please refer to html.Please refer to html.
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