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制限付き一般競争入札 非常通報装置設置工事 制限付き一般競争入札 非常通報装置設置工事 様式第1号(第5条関係)入 札 公 告次のとおり制限付き一般競争入札を行うので、地方自治法施行令(昭和22年政令第16号)第167条の6第1項の規定により公... Limited public competitive bidding for emergency call device installation work Limited public competitive bidding for emergency call device installation work Form No. 1 (related to Article 5) Bidding announcement We will be conducting a limited public competitive bidding as follows, and will be announcing this in accordance with Article 167-6, Paragraph 1 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Law (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947)...

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制限付き一般競争入札 非常通報装置設置工事 制限付き一般競争入札 非常通報装置設置工事 様式第1号(第5条関係)入 札 公 告次のとおり制限付き一般競争入札を行うので、地方自治法施行令(昭和22年政令第16号)第167条の6第1項の規定により公... 福井県越前市   入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 制限付き一般競争入札 非常通報装置設置工事 種別 工事 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 2 日 組織 福井県越前市 取得日 2024 年 10 月 2 日 19:06:24 (PDF形式) 公告内容 様式第1号(第5条関係)入 札 公 告次のとおり制限付き一般競争入札を行うので、地方自治法施行令(昭和22年政令第16号)第167条の6第1項の規定により公告する。令和6年10月2日越前市長 山 田 賢 一1 入札に付する事項(1)工事名 非常通報装置設置工事その1(2)工事場所 武生東小学校外(3)工事概要 学校に突発的に不審者等の重大な危害が発生、あるいは発生するおそれがある時に、迅速に福井県警察本部に通報できるよう、非常通報装置を設置するもの。(4)設計額 8,738,000円(税抜き)(5)工事期限 令和7年1月31日まで2 入札参加資格要件入札に参加できる者は、市長が行う資格審査により競争入札参加資格を有すると決定された者で、次に掲げる条件を全て満たし、かつ、市長による当該案件に係る入札参加資格の確認を受けた者とする。(1)令和6年度越前市入札参加資格者名簿の「電気通信工事」に登録がされている者。(2)地方自治法施行令第167条の4の規定に該当しない者。(3)福井県及び越前市において指名停止を受けている期間中でない者。(4)過去5年以内において、地方公共団体と本工事と同等の規模の工事を2件以上元請けとして契約を締結した実績のある者。契約実績について、非常通報装置保守業務の中に工事内容が含まれる場合も対象とする。またその場合、工事部分が完了している場合は、契約期間が満了していないものでもよいこととする。3 入札参加資格の確認申請(1)提出書類入札参加を希望する者は、次に掲げる書類を提出し、入札参加資格の確認を受けなければならない。ア 入札参加資格確認申請書(様式第2号)イ 2(5)の契約履行実績調書(様式第3号)※契約の内容を判断できる契約書及び仕様書の写し等を添付すること。(2)申請書等の配布方法越前市ホームページ【入札情報】にて配布する。(3)申請書等の受付申請書等は持参又は郵送(必着)により提出するものとする。ア 受付期間令和6年10月2日(水)から令和6年10月18日(金)まで(土曜日、日曜日、祝日を除く。)の8時30分から17時まで。イ 受付場所越前市 教育委員会 教育振興課〒915-8530 越前市府中一丁目13-7 越前市役所5階電話 0778-22-7452ウ 提出部数2部4 入札参加資格の確認(1)入札参加資格確認通知書令和6年10月23日(水)付けで通知するものとする。(2)入札参加資格がない旨の通知を受けた者に対する理由の説明ア 入札参加資格がない旨の通知を受けた者は、市に対してその理由について説明を求めることができる。イ アの説明を求める場合は、令和6年10月28日(月)17時までに書面を持参又は郵送(必着)により、越前市教育委員会教育振興課に提出するものとする。ウ イの書面の提出があった場合は、市は令和6年10月31日(木)までに、説明を求めた者に対して書面により回答する。5 設計図書等の閲覧設計書、仕様書等(以下「設計図書等」という。)は、次のとおり閲覧に供するものとする。(1)閲覧期間令和6年10月2日(水)から令和6年10月28日(月)10時まで(2)閲覧場所越前市ホームページ【入札情報】に掲載6 質問書の受付入札参加資格及び設計図書等に対する質問がある場合は、次のとおり書面により提出すること。(1)受付期間令和6年10月2日(水)から令和6年10月15日(火)まで(土曜日、日曜日及び祝日を除く。) 8時30時から17時まで(2)受付場所越前市 教育委員会 教育振興課〒915-8530 越前市府中一丁目13-7 越前市役所5階FAX 0778-22-7497 MAIL kyouiku@city.echizen.lg.jp(3)回答方法質問があったときは、その回答書を次のとおり閲覧に供するものとする。ア 閲覧期間令和6年10月2日(水)から令和6年10月28日(月)10時までイ 閲覧場所越前市ホームページ【入札情報】に掲載7 入札書の提出及び開札(1)入札書提出日時令和6年10月28日(月)午前10時00分(2)提出場所越前市役所 4階 会議室4-1(越前市府中一丁目13-7)(3)開札日時入札書受付後、直ちに行う。(4)その他入札書の提出にあたっては、入札参加資格確認通知書を持参すること。8 入札の方法及び落札者の決定等(1)入札回数は2回を限度とする。(2)落札決定に当たっては、入札書に記載された金額(以下「入札金額」という。)に、消費税及び地方消費税に相当する金額を加算した金額(当該金額に1円未満の端数があるときは、その端数金額を切り捨てた金額)をもって落札価格とするので、入札者は消費税及び地方消費税に係る課税事業者であるか免税事業者であるかを問わず、見積もった契約金額から消費税及び地方消費税に相当する金額を控除した金額を入札書に記載すること。(3)契約金額は、入札金額に消費税及び地方消費税に相当する金額を加算した金額とする。9 工事内訳書の提出入札参加者は、入札の際に、工事に係る費用の内訳書を提出すること。10 入札保証金入札保証金(入札者が見積もった契約金額の100分の5以上の金額)は、越前市契約規則(平成17年越前市規則第54号)第6条から第7条の3までの規定に基づき、入札書提出までに納付又は担保を提供するものとする。ただし、同規則第8条に該当する場合は、入札保証金の全部又は一部を免除する。11 契約保証金契約保証金(契約金額の100分の10以上の金額)は、越前市契約規則第25条及び第25条の2の規定に基づき、契約締結までに納付又は担保等を提供するものとする。ただし、同規則第26条に該当する場合は、契約保証金の全部又は一部を免除する。12 参加資格の取消4(1)の確認通知の後において、入札参加資格があると認められた者(共同企業体の場合は、構成員のいずれかの者)が次の各号のいずれかに該当することとなったときは、当該入札参加資格を取り消すものとする。(1)地方自治法施行令第167条の4に該当するに至ったとき。(2)3(1)に掲げる書類に虚偽の事項を記載したことが明らかになったとき。(3)越前市建設工事等請負業者の指名停止等に関する要領(平成17年10月1日施行)の規定による指名停止又は指名除外措置を受けたとき。13 契約書作成の要否必要14 支払条件(1)支払い方法検査において合格と認められたときは、受注者から請求書が提出された後、請負代金として30日以内に支払うこととする。 (2)前払金受注者は、契約書記載の工事完成の時期を保証期限とする公共工事の前払金保障事業に関する法律第条第5項に規定する保証契約を保証事業会社と締結し、その保証証書を発注者に寄託して、請負代金額の100分の40以内の前払金の支払を発注者に請求することができる。15 入札の無効越前市契約規則第15条に掲げるもののほか、次のいずれかに該当する者のした入札は、無効とする。(1)入札参加資格の確認を受けていない者。(2)入札参加資格の有無に係る確認の申請において虚偽の申請を行った者。(3)開札時点で入札参加資格を欠くに至った者。(4)入札公告、現場説明書及び入札心得において示した条件に違反した者。(5)公表された設計額を超える価格で入札をした者。16 入札の延期等下記のいずれかに該当するときは、当該入札を延期、中止又は内容を変更するものとする。(1)入札参加資格があると認められるものがいなかったとき。(2)入札参加資格があると認められた者全員が辞退したとき。(3)事故が発生したとき。(4)不正な行為等の疑いにより公正な入札の執行を阻害されるおそれのあるとき又は阻害されたと認めるとき。17 その他問い合わせ先不明な点については、下記まで問い合わせること。入札担当課 総務部 財産管理課 電話 0778-22-3062契約担当課 教育委員会 教育振興課 電話 0778-22-7452 様式第1号(第5条関係)入 札 公 告次のとおり制限付き一般競争入札を行うので、地方自治法施行令(昭和22年政令第16号)第167条の6第1項の規定により公告する。令和6年10月2日越前市長 山 田 賢 一1 入札に付する事項(1)工事名 非常通報装置設置工事その2(2)工事場所 国高小学校外(3)工事概要 学校に突発的に不審者等の重大な危害が発生、あるいは発生するおそれがある時に、迅速に福井県警察本部に通報できるよう、非常通報装置を設置するもの。(4)設計額 7,002,000円(税抜き)(5)工事期限 令和7年1月31日まで2 入札参加資格要件入札に参加できる者は、市長が行う資格審査により競争入札参加資格を有すると決定された者で、次に掲げる条件を全て満たし、かつ、市長による当該案件に係る入札参加資格の確認を受けた者とする。(1)令和6年度越前市入札参加資格者名簿の「電気通信工事」に登録されている者。(2)地方自治法施行令第167条の4の規定に該当しない者。(3)福井県及び越前市において指名停止を受けている期間中でない者。(4)過去5年以内において、地方公共団体と本工事と同等の規模の工事を2件以上元請けとして契約を締結した実績のある者。契約実績について、非常通報装置保守業務の中に工事内容が含まれる場合も対象とする。またその場合、工事部分が完了している場合は、契約期間が満了していないものでもよいこととする。3 入札参加資格の確認申請(1)提出書類入札参加を希望する者は、次に掲げる書類を提出し、入札参加資格の確認を受けなければならない。ア 入札参加資格確認申請書(様式第2号)イ 2(5)の契約履行実績調書(様式第3号)※契約の内容を判断できる契約書及び仕様書の写し等を添付すること。(2)申請書等の配布方法越前市ホームページ【入札情報】にて配布する。(3)申請書等の受付申請書等は持参又は郵送(必着)により提出するものとする。ア 受付期間令和6年10月2日(水)から令和6年10月18日(金)まで(土曜日、日曜日、祝日を除く。)の8時30分から17時まで。イ 受付場所越前市 教育委員会 教育振興課〒915-8530 越前市府中一丁目13-7 越前市役所5階電話 0778-22-7452ウ 提出部数2部4 入札参加資格の確認(1)入札参加資格確認通知書令和6年10月23日(水)付けで通知するものとする。(2)入札参加資格がない旨の通知を受けた者に対する理由の説明ア 入札参加資格がない旨の通知を受けた者は、市に対してその理由について説明を求めることができる。イ アの説明を求める場合は、令和6年10月28日(月)17時までに書面を持参又は郵送(必着)により、越前市教育委員会教育振興課に提出するものとする。ウ イの書面の提出があった場合は、市は令和6年10月31日(木)までに、説明を求めた者に対して書面により回答する。5 設計図書等の閲覧設計書、仕様書等(以下「設計図書等」という。)は、次のとおり閲覧に供するものとする。(1)閲覧期間令和6年10月2日(水)から令和6年10月28日(月)10時まで(2)閲覧場所越前市ホームページ【入札情報】に掲載6 質問書の受付入札参加資格及び設計図書等に対する質問がある場合は、次のとおり書面により提出すること。(1)受付期間令和6年10月2日(水)から令和6年10月15日(火)まで(土曜日、日曜日及び祝日を除く。) 8時30時から17時まで(2)受付場所越前市 教育委員会 教育振興課〒915-8530 越前市府中一丁目13-7 越前市役所5階FAX 0778-22-7497 MAIL kyouiku@city.echizen.lg.jp(3)回答方法質問があったときは、その回答書を次のとおり閲覧に供するものとする。ア 閲覧期間令和6年10月2日(水)から令和6年10月28日(月)10時までイ 閲覧場所越前市ホームページ【入札情報】に掲載7 入札書の提出及び開札(1)入札書提出日時令和6年10月28日(月)午前10時10分(2)提出場所越前市役所 4階 会議室4-1(越前市府中一丁目13-7)(3)開札日時入札書受付後、直ちに行う。(4)その他入札書の提出にあたっては、入札参加資格確認通知書を持参すること。8 入札の方法及び落札者の決定等(1)入札回数は2回を限度とする。(2)落札決定に当たっては、入札書に記載された金額(以下「入札金額」という。)に、消費税及び地方消費税に相当する金額を加算した金額(当該金額に1円未満の端数があるときは、その端数金額を切り捨てた金額)をもって落札価格とするので、入札者は消費税及び地方消費税に係る課税事業者であるか免税事業者であるかを問わず、見積もった契約金額から消費税及び地方消費税に相当する金額を控除した金額を入札書に記載すること。(3)契約金額は、入札金額に消費税及び地方消費税に相当する金額を加算した金額とする。9 工事内訳書の提出入札参加者は、入札の際に、工事に係る費用の内訳書を提出すること。10 入札保証金入札保証金(入札者が見積もった契約金額の100分の5以上の金額)は、越前市契約規則(平成17年越前市規則第54号)第6条から第7条の3までの規定に基づき、入札書提出までに納付又は担保を提供するものとする。ただし、同規則第8条に該当する場合は、入札保証金の全部又は一部を免除する。11 契約保証金契約保証金(契約金額の100分の10以上の金額)は、越前市契約規則第25条及び第25条の2の規定に基づき、契約締結までに納付又は担保等を提供するものとする。ただし、同規則第26条に該当する場合は、契約保証金の全部又は一部を免除する。12 参加資格の取消4(1)の確認通知の後において、入札参加資格があると認められた者(共同企業体の場合は、構成員のいずれかの者)が次の各号のいずれかに該当することとなったときは、当該入札参加資格を取り消すものとする。(1)地方自治法施行令第167条の4に該当するに至ったとき。(2)3(1)に掲げる書類に虚偽の事項を記載したことが明らかになったとき。(3)越前市建設工事等請負業者の指名停止等に関する要領(平成17年10月1日施行)の規定による指名停止又は指名除外措置を受けたとき。13 契約書作成の要否必要14 支払条件(1)支払い方法検査において合格と認められたときは、受注者から請求書が提出された後、請負代金として30日以内に支払うこととする。 (2)前払金受注者は、契約書記載の工事完成の時期を保証期限とする公共工事の前払金保障事業に関する法律第条第5項に規定する保証契約を保証事業会社と締結し、その保証証書を発注者に寄託して、請負代金額の100分の40以内の前払金の支払を発注者に請求することができる。15 入札の無効越前市契約規則第15条に掲げるもののほか、次のいずれかに該当する者のした入札は、無効とする。(1)入札参加資格の確認を受けていない者。(2)入札参加資格の有無に係る確認の申請において虚偽の申請を行った者。(3)開札時点で入札参加資格を欠くに至った者。(4)入札公告、現場説明書及び入札心得において示した条件に違反した者。(5)公表された設計額を超える価格で入札をした者。16 入札の延期等下記のいずれかに該当するときは、当該入札を延期、中止又は内容を変更するものとする。(1)入札参加資格があると認められるものがいなかったとき。(2)入札参加資格があると認められた者全員が辞退したとき。(3)事故が発生したとき。(4)不正な行為等の疑いにより公正な入札の執行を阻害されるおそれのあるとき又は阻害されたと認めるとき。17 その他問い合わせ先不明な点については、下記まで問い合わせること。入札担当課 総務部 財産管理課 電話 0778-22-3062契約担当課 教育委員会 教育振興課 電話 0778-22-7452 Limited public competitive bidding for emergency notification device installation work Limited public competitive bidding for emergency notification device installation work Form No. 1 (related to Article 5) Bidding announcement We will conduct a limited public competitive bidding as follows, and therefore, pursuant to the provisions of Article 167-6, Paragraph 1 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947), we hereby announce... Echizen City, Fukui Prefecture Bidding information is as follows. Subject Limited public competitive bidding for emergency notification device installation work Type Construction Date of announcement or update October 2, 2024 Organization Echizen City, Fukui Prefecture Date of acquisition October 2, 2024 19:06:24 (PDF format) Announcement content Form No. 1 (related to Article 5) Bidding announcement We will conduct a limited public competitive bidding as follows, and therefore, pursuant to the provisions of Article 167-6, Paragraph 1 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947), we hereby announce. October 2, 2024 Mayor of Echizen City Kenichi Yamada 1. Items to be put up for bid (1) Name of work: Installation of emergency notification device, part 1 (2) Location of work: Outside Takefu Higashi Elementary School (3) Overview of work: To install an emergency notification device so that the Fukui Prefectural Police Headquarters can be notified promptly in the event of a sudden or serious incident, such as a suspicious person, occurring or likely to occur at the school. (4) Design cost: 8,738,000 yen (excluding tax) (5) Construction deadline: Until January 31, 2025 2. Requirements for bidder eligibility Those who can participate in the bid are those who have been determined to be eligible to participate in competitive bidding through a qualification examination conducted by the mayor, who meet all of the following conditions, and who have been confirmed by the mayor as eligible to participate in the bid for the project in question. (1) Those who are registered in the "Telecommunications Works" section of the Echizen City bidder eligibility list for fiscal year 2024. (2) Those who do not fall under the provisions of Article 167-4 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act. (3) Those who are not currently under a suspension of bidding in Fukui Prefecture or Echizen City. (4) Those who have a track record of concluding contracts as the prime contractor for two or more construction works of the same scale as this construction work with local governments within the past five years. Contract track record also includes cases where the construction work is included in the emergency notification device maintenance work. In such cases, if the construction part has been completed, it is acceptable for the contract period not to have expired. 3 Application for confirmation of eligibility to participate in bidding (1) Documents to be submitted Those who wish to participate in bidding must submit the following documents and have their eligibility to participate in bidding confirmed. A. Application for confirmation of eligibility to participate in bidding (Form No. 2) B. Contract performance record (Form No. 3) in 2 (5) * Copies of the contract and specifications that can determine the content of the contract must be attached. (2) Method of distribution of application forms, etc. They will be distributed on the Echizen City website [Bidding information]. (3) Acceptance of application forms, etc. Application forms, etc. shall be submitted in person or by mail (must arrive by this date). A. Reception period: 8:30 to 17:00 from Wednesday, October 2, 2024 to Friday, October 18, 2024 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays). B. Reception location: Echizen City Board of Education, Education Promotion Division, 5th floor, Echizen City Hall, 13-7 Fuchu 1-chome, Echizen City, 915-8530, Japan. Tel: 0778-22-7452 C. Number of copies to be submitted: 2 copies 4. Confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid (1) Notice of confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid The notice will be sent on Wednesday, October 23, 2024. (2) Explanation of reasons to those who have been notified that they are not eligible to participate in the bid A. Those who have been notified that they are not eligible to participate in the bid may request an explanation of the reasons from the city. If an explanation is requested, the document must be submitted in person or by mail (must arrive by Monday, October 28, 2024) to the Education Promotion Division of the Echizen City Board of Education by 17:00. If the document specified in item (i) is submitted, the city will respond in writing to the person requesting the explanation by Thursday, October 31, 2024. 5. Inspection of design documents, etc. Design documents, specifications, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "design documents, etc.") will be available for inspection as follows. (1) Inspection period: From Wednesday, October 2, 2024 to Monday, October 28, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. (2) Inspection location: Listed on the Echizen City website under [Bidding information] 6. Acceptance of questions If you have any questions about the eligibility to participate in the bid and the design documents, etc., please submit them in writing as follows. (1) Application period: Wednesday, October 2, 2024 to Tuesday, October 15, 2024 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays) from 8:30 to 17:00 (2) Application location: Echizen City Board of Education, Education Promotion Division, 5th floor, Echizen City Hall, 13-7 Fuchu, Echizen City, 915-8530, Japan, FAX: 0778-22-7497, MAIL: kyouiku@city.echizen.lg.(3) Response method If any questions are raised, the response documents will be made available for viewing as follows. A. Viewing period: From Wednesday, October 2, 2024 to Monday, October 28, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. B. Viewing location: Listed on the Echizen City website under [Bidding information] 7. Submission of bid documents and opening of bids (1) Date and time of submission of bid documents: Monday, October 28, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. (2) Place of submission: Echizen City Hall, 4th floor, Conference Room 4-1 (1-13-7 Fuchu, Echizen City) (3) Date and time of opening of bid documents: Immediately after receipt of bid documents. (4) Other: When submitting bid documents, please bring the Notice of Confirmation of Eligibility to Participate in Bidding. 8. Bidding method and determination of successful bidder, etc. (1) The number of bids will be limited to two. (2) In determining the successful bid, the successful bid price shall be the amount stated in the bid documents (hereinafter referred to as the "bid amount") plus the amount equivalent to the consumption tax and local consumption tax (if the amount has a fraction of less than one yen, the fraction shall be rounded down). Therefore, regardless of whether the bidder is a taxable business entity or a tax-exempt business entity with respect to consumption tax and local consumption tax, the bidder must state in the bid documents the amount obtained by deducting the amount equivalent to the consumption tax and local consumption tax from the estimated contract amount. (3) The contract amount shall be the bid amount plus the amount equivalent to the consumption tax and local consumption tax. 9. Submission of construction details Bidders must submit a breakdown of the costs of the construction work at the time of bidding. 10. Bid security Bidding security (an amount equal to or more than 5% of the contract amount estimated by the bidder) shall be paid or provided as a guarantee by the time of submission of the bid documents in accordance with the provisions of Articles 6 to 7-3 of the Echizen City Contract Regulations (Echizen City Regulations No. 54 of 2005). However, if the case falls under Article 8 of the said regulations, the whole or part of the bid bond will be waived. 11 Contract bond The contract bond (an amount equal to or more than 10% of the contract amount) shall be paid or provided as security by the time of contract conclusion in accordance with the provisions of Articles 25 and 25-2 of the Echizen City Contract Regulations. However, if the case falls under Article 26 of the said regulations, the whole or part of the contract bond will be waived. 12 Cancellation of eligibility to participate If, ??after the confirmation notice in 4(1), a person who has been recognized as eligible to participate in a bid (in the case of a joint venture, any of its members) falls under any of the following items, the said person's eligibility to participate in a bid will be cancelled. (1) If the person falls under Article 167-4 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Law. (2) If it becomes clear that false information has been stated in the documents listed in 3(1). (3) If the person is subject to suspension or exclusion from bid pursuant to the provisions of the Guidelines on Suspension of Nomination of Echizen City Construction Work Contractors (effective October 1, 2005). 13 Necessity of contract preparation Yes 14 Payment conditions (1) Payment method If the inspection is deemed to be successful, the contract price shall be paid within 30 days after the contractor submits an invoice. (2) Advance payment The contractor may enter into a guarantee contract with a guarantee company as provided for in Article 5 of the Law on Advance Payment Guarantee Business for Public Works, with the guarantee period being the time of completion of the work specified in the contract, and may deposit the guarantee certificate with the client and request the client to pay an advance payment of up to 40% of the contract price. 15 Invalidation of bids In addition to those listed in Article 15 of the Echizen City Contract Regulations, bids made by persons who fall under any of the following shall be invalid. (1) Those who have not received confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid. (2) Those who have made false applications in their applications for confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid. (3) Those who have become ineligible to participate in the bid at the time of opening of the bids. (4) Those who have violated the conditions specified in the bid announcement, site explanation, and bidder guidelines. (5) Those who have submitted bids at prices higher than the published design amount. 16 Postponement of Bidding, etc.A bid may be postponed, cancelled or its contents may be changed if any of the following conditions apply. (1) When there is no one recognized as eligible to participate in the bid. (2) When all persons recognized as eligible to participate in the bid decline. (3) When an accident occurs. (4) When there is a risk that fair bidding will be impeded or it is recognized that it has been impeded due to suspicion of fraudulent activities, etc. 17 Other Contact PointsFor any unclear points, please contact the following.Bidding Division, General Affairs Department, Property Management DivisionTel: 0778-22-3062Contract Division, Board of Education, Education Promotion DivisionTel: 0778-22-7452Form No. 1 (In relation to Article 5)Bidding AnnouncementA limited open competitive bidding will be held as follows and this is announced pursuant to the provisions of Article 167-6, Paragraph 1 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Law (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947). October 2, 2024 Mayor of Echizen City Kenichi Yamada 1. Items to be put up for bid (1) Name of work: Installation of emergency notification device No. 2 (2) Location of work: Outside Kokutaka Elementary School (3) Overview of work: To install an emergency notification device so that the Fukui Prefectural Police Headquarters can be notified promptly in the event of a sudden or serious incident such as a suspicious person occurring or likely to occur at the school. (4) Design cost: 7,002,000 yen (excluding tax) (5) Construction deadline: Until January 31, 2025 2. Requirements for bidder eligibility Those eligible to participate in the bid are those who have been determined to be eligible to participate in competitive bidding through a qualification examination conducted by the mayor, who meet all of the following conditions, and whose eligibility to participate in the bid for the project has been confirmed by the mayor. (1) Those who are registered under "Telecommunications Works" in the Echizen City bidder eligibility list for fiscal year 2024. (2) Those who do not fall under the provisions of Article 167-4 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act. (3) Those who are not currently under a suspension of bids in Fukui Prefecture or Echizen City. (4) A person who has a track record of signing contracts as the prime contractor for two or more construction works of the same scale as this construction work with local governments within the past five years. Contract track record also includes cases where the construction work is included in the emergency notification device maintenance work. In such cases, if the construction part has been completed, it is acceptable for the contract period not to have expired. 3 Application for confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid (1) Documents to be submitted Those who wish to participate in the bid must submit the following documents and have their eligibility to participate in the bid confirmed. A. Application for confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid (Form No. 2) B. Contract performance record (Form No. 3) in 2 (5) * Copies of the contract and specifications that can determine the content of the contract must be attached. (2) Method of distribution of application forms, etc. They will be distributed on the Echizen City website [Bidding information]. (3) Acceptance of application forms, etc. Applications, etc. shall be submitted in person or by mail (must arrive by this date). A. Reception period: 8:30 to 17:00 from Wednesday, October 2, 2024 to Friday, October 18, 2024 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays). B. Reception location: Echizen City Board of Education, Education Promotion Division, 5th floor, Echizen City Hall, 13-7 Fuchu 1-chome, Echizen City, 915-8530, Japan. Tel: 0778-22-7452 C. Number of copies to be submitted: 2 copies 4. Confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid (1) Notice of confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid The notice will be sent on Wednesday, October 23, 2024. (2) Explanation of reasons to those who have been notified that they are not eligible to participate in the bid A. Those who have been notified that they are not eligible to participate in the bid may request an explanation of the reasons from the city. If an explanation is requested, the document must be submitted in person or by mail (must arrive by Monday, October 28, 2024) to the Education Promotion Division of the Echizen City Board of Education by 17:00. If the written request under item (i) is submitted, the city will respond in writing to the person requesting the explanation by Thursday, October 31, 2024.Inspection of design documents, etc. Design documents, specifications, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "design documents, etc.") shall be available for inspection as follows. (1) Inspection period From Wednesday, October 2, 2024 to Monday, October 28, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. (2) Inspection location Listed on the Echizen City website [Bidding information] 6. Acceptance of questions If you have any questions about the eligibility to participate in the bid and the design documents, etc., please submit them in writing as follows. (1) Application period: From Wednesday, October 2, 2024 to Tuesday, October 15, 2024 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays) from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (2) Application location: Echizen City Board of Education, Education Promotion Division, Echizen City Hall, 5th floor, 1-13-7 Fuchu, Echizen City, 915-8530, Japan Fax: 0778-22-7497 Email: kyouiku@city.echizen.lg.jp (3) Response method: If you have any questions, the response document will be made available for viewing as follows. A Viewing period: From Wednesday, October 2, 2024 to Monday, October 28, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. B Viewing location: Listed on the Echizen City website under [Bidding information] 7. Submission of bid documents and opening of bids (1) Date and time of submission of bid documents: Monday, October 28, 2024 at 10:10 a.m. (2) Place of submission: Echizen City Hall, 4th floor, Conference Room 4-1 (1-13-7 Fuchu, Echizen City) (3) Date and time of opening of bid documents: Immediately after receipt of bid documents. (4) Other: When submitting bid documents, please bring the Notice of Confirmation of Eligibility to Participate in Bidding. 8. Bidding method and determination of successful bidder, etc. (1) The number of bids will be limited to two. (2) In determining the successful bid, the successful bid price shall be the amount stated in the bid documents (hereinafter referred to as the "bid amount") plus the amount equivalent to the consumption tax and local consumption tax (if the amount has a fraction of less than one yen, the fraction shall be rounded down). Therefore, regardless of whether the bidder is a taxable business entity or a tax-exempt business entity with respect to consumption tax and local consumption tax, the bidder must state in the bid documents the amount obtained by deducting the amount equivalent to the consumption tax and local consumption tax from the estimated contract amount. (3) The contract amount shall be the bid amount plus the amount equivalent to the consumption tax and local consumption tax. 9. Submission of construction details Bidders must submit a breakdown of the costs of the construction work at the time of bidding. 10. Bid security Bidding security (an amount equal to or more than 5% of the contract amount estimated by the bidder) shall be paid or provided as a guarantee by the time of submission of the bid documents in accordance with the provisions of Articles 6 to 7-3 of the Echizen City Contract Regulations (Echizen City Regulations No. 54 of 2005). However, if the case falls under Article 8 of the said regulations, the whole or part of the bid bond will be waived. 11 Contract bond The contract bond (amount equal to or more than 10% of the contract amount) shall be paid or provided as security by the time of contract conclusion in accordance with the provisions of Articles 25 and 25-2 of the Echizen City Contract Regulations. However, if the case falls under Article 26 of the said regulations, the whole or part of the contract bond will be waived. 12 Cancellation of eligibility to participate If, ??after the confirmation notice in 4(1), a person who is recognized as eligible to participate in a bid (in the case of a joint venture, any of its members) falls under any of the following items, the said person's eligibility to participate in a bid will be cancelled. (1) If the person falls under Article 167-4 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Law. (2) If it becomes clear that false information has been stated in the documents listed in 3(1). (3) If the person is subject to suspension or exclusion from bid pursuant to the provisions of the Guidelines on Suspension of Nomination of Echizen City Construction Work Contractors (effective October 1, 2005). 13 Necessity of contract preparation Yes 14 Payment conditions (1) Payment method If the inspection is deemed to be successful, the contract price shall be paid within 30 days after the contractor submits an invoice. (2) Advance payment The contractor may enter into a guarantee contract with a guarantee company as provided for in Article 5 of the Law on Advance Payment Guarantee Business for Public Works, with the guarantee period being the time of completion of the work specified in the contract, and may deposit the guarantee certificate with the client and request the client to pay an advance payment of up to 40% of the contract price. 15 Invalidation of bids In addition to those listed in Article 15 of the Echizen City Contract Regulations, bids made by persons who fall under any of the following shall be invalid. (1) Those who have not received confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid. (2) Those who have made false applications in their applications for confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid. (3) Those who have become ineligible to participate in the bid at the time of opening of the bids. (4) Those who have violated the conditions specified in the bid announcement, site explanation, and bidder guidelines. (5) Those who have submitted bids at prices higher than the published design amount. 16 Postponement of bidding, etc. In any of the following cases, the bidding will be postponed, cancelled or its contents will be changed. (1) When there is no one who is deemed eligible to participate in the bid. (2) When all those who are deemed eligible to participate in the bid decline. (3) When an accident occurs. (4) When there is a risk that fair execution of the bidding will be hindered or when it is deemed that it has been hindered due to suspicion of fraudulent activities, etc. 17 Other Contact Points For any unclear points, please contact the following. Bidding Section General Affairs Department Property Management Section Telephone 0778-22-3062 Contract Section Board of Education Education Promotion Section Telephone 0778-22-7452(3) Response method If any questions are raised, the response document will be made available for viewing as follows. A. Viewing period: From Wednesday, October 2, 2024 to Monday, October 28, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. B. Viewing location: Listed on the Echizen City website under [Bidding information] 7. Submission of bid documents and opening of bids (1) Date and time of submission of bid documents: Monday, October 28, 2024 at 10:10 a.m. (2) Place of submission: Echizen City Hall, 4th floor, Conference Room 4-1 (1-13-7 Fuchu, Echizen City) (3) Date and time of opening of bid documents: Immediately after receipt of bid documents. (4) Other: When submitting bid documents, please bring the Notice of Confirmation of Eligibility to Participate in Bidding. 8. Bidding method and determination of successful bidder, etc. (1) The number of bids will be limited to two. (2) In determining the successful bid, the successful bid price shall be the amount stated in the bid documents (hereinafter referred to as the "bid amount") plus the amount equivalent to the consumption tax and local consumption tax (if the amount has a fraction of less than one yen, the fraction shall be rounded down). Therefore, regardless of whether the bidder is a taxable business entity or a tax-exempt business entity with respect to consumption tax and local consumption tax, the bidder must state in the bid documents the amount obtained by deducting the amount equivalent to the consumption tax and local consumption tax from the estimated contract amount. (3) The contract amount shall be the bid amount plus the amount equivalent to the consumption tax and local consumption tax. 9. Submission of construction details Bidders must submit a breakdown of the costs of the construction work at the time of bidding. 10. Bid security Bidding security (an amount equal to or more than 5% of the contract amount estimated by the bidder) shall be paid or provided as a guarantee by the time of submission of the bid documents in accordance with the provisions of Articles 6 to 7-3 of the Echizen City Contract Regulations (Echizen City Regulations No. 54 of 2005). However, if the case falls under Article 8 of the said regulations, the whole or part of the bid bond will be waived. 11 Contract bond The contract bond (amount equal to or more than 10% of the contract amount) shall be paid or provided as security by the time of contract conclusion in accordance with the provisions of Articles 25 and 25-2 of the Echizen City Contract Regulations. However, if the case falls under Article 26 of the said regulations, the whole or part of the contract bond will be waived. 12 Cancellation of eligibility to participate If, ??after the confirmation notice in 4(1), a person who is recognized as eligible to participate in a bid (in the case of a joint venture, any of its members) falls under any of the following items, the said person's eligibility to participate in a bid will be cancelled. (1) If the person falls under Article 167-4 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Law. (2) If it becomes clear that false information has been stated in the documents listed in 3(1). (3) If the person is subject to suspension or exclusion from bid pursuant to the provisions of the Guidelines on Suspension of Nomination of Echizen City Construction Work Contractors (effective October 1, 2005). 13 Necessity of contract preparation Yes 14 Payment conditions (1) Payment method If the inspection is deemed to be successful, the contract price shall be paid within 30 days after the contractor submits an invoice. (2) Advance payment The contractor may enter into a guarantee contract with a guarantee company as provided for in Article 5 of the Law on Advance Payment Guarantee Business for Public Works, with the guarantee period being the time of completion of the work specified in the contract, and may deposit the guarantee certificate with the client and request the client to pay an advance payment of up to 40% of the contract price. 15 Invalidation of bids In addition to those listed in Article 15 of the Echizen City Contract Regulations, bids made by persons who fall under any of the following shall be invalid. (1) Those who have not received confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid. (2) Those who have made false applications in their applications for confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid. (3) Those who have become ineligible to participate in the bid at the time of opening of the bids. (4) Those who have violated the conditions set out in the bid announcement, site explanation, and bidder guidelines. (5) Those who have submitted bids at prices higher than the published design amount. 16 Postponement of bidding, etc. In any of the following cases, the bidding will be postponed, cancelled or its contents will be changed. (1) When there is no one who is deemed eligible to participate in the bid. (2) When all those who are deemed eligible to participate in the bid decline. (3) When an accident occurs. (4) When there is a risk that fair execution of the bidding will be hindered or when it is deemed that it has been hindered due to suspicion of fraudulent activities, etc. 17 Other Contact Points For any unclear points, please contact the following. Bidding Section General Affairs Department Property Management Section Telephone 0778-22-3062 Contract Section Board of Education Education Promotion Section Telephone 0778-22-7452(3) Response method If any questions are raised, the response document will be made available for viewing as follows. A. Viewing period: From Wednesday, October 2, 2024 to Monday, October 28, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. B. Viewing location: Listed on the Echizen City website under [Bidding information] 7. Submission of bid documents and opening of bids (1) Date and time of submission of bid documents: Monday, October 28, 2024 at 10:10 a.m. (2) Place of submission: Echizen City Hall, 4th floor, Conference Room 4-1 (1-13-7 Fuchu, Echizen City) (3) Date and time of opening of bid documents: Immediately after receipt of bid documents. (4) Other: When submitting bid documents, please bring the Notice of Confirmation of Eligibility to Participate in Bidding. 8. Bidding method and determination of successful bidder, etc. (1) The number of bids will be limited to two. (2) In determining the successful bid, the successful bid price shall be the amount stated in the bid documents (hereinafter referred to as the "bid amount") plus the amount equivalent to the consumption tax and local consumption tax (if the amount has a fraction of less than one yen, the fraction shall be rounded down). Therefore, regardless of whether the bidder is a taxable business entity or a tax-exempt business entity with respect to consumption tax and local consumption tax, the bidder must state in the bid documents the amount obtained by deducting the amount equivalent to the consumption tax and local consumption tax from the estimated contract amount. (3) The contract amount shall be the bid amount plus the amount equivalent to the consumption tax and local consumption tax. 9. Submission of construction details Bidders must submit a breakdown of the costs of the construction work at the time of bidding. 10. Bid security Bidding security (an amount equal to or more than 5% of the contract amount estimated by the bidder) shall be paid or provided as a guarantee by the time of submission of the bid documents in accordance with the provisions of Articles 6 to 7-3 of the Echizen City Contract Regulations (Echizen City Regulations No. 54 of 2005). However, if the case falls under Article 8 of the said regulations, the whole or part of the bid bond will be waived. 11 Contract bond The contract bond (amount equal to or more than 10% of the contract amount) shall be paid or provided as security by the time of contract conclusion in accordance with the provisions of Articles 25 and 25-2 of the Echizen City Contract Regulations. However, if the case falls under Article 26 of the said regulations, the whole or part of the contract bond will be waived. 12 Cancellation of eligibility to participate If, ??after the confirmation notice in 4(1), a person who is recognized as eligible to participate in a bid (in the case of a joint venture, any of its members) falls under any of the following items, the said person's eligibility to participate in a bid will be cancelled. (1) If the person falls under Article 167-4 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Law. (2) If it becomes clear that false information has been stated in the documents listed in 3(1). (3) If the person is subject to suspension or exclusion from bid pursuant to the provisions of the Guidelines on Suspension of Nomination of Echizen City Construction Work Contractors (effective October 1, 2005). 13 Necessity of contract preparation Yes 14 Payment conditions (1) Payment method If the inspection is deemed to be successful, the contract price shall be paid within 30 days after the contractor submits an invoice. (2) Advance payment The contractor may enter into a guarantee contract with a guarantee company as provided for in Article 5 of the Law on Advance Payment Guarantee Business for Public Works, with the guarantee period being the time of completion of the work specified in the contract, and may deposit the guarantee certificate with the client and request the client to pay an advance payment of up to 40% of the contract price. 15 Invalidation of bids In addition to those listed in Article 15 of the Echizen City Contract Regulations, bids made by persons who fall under any of the following shall be invalid. (1) Those who have not received confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid. (2) Those who have made false applications in their applications for confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid. (3) Those who have become ineligible to participate in the bid at the time of opening of the bids. (4) Those who have violated the conditions set out in the bid announcement, site explanation, and bidder guidelines. (5) Those who have submitted bids at prices higher than the published design amount. 16 Postponement of bidding, etc. In any of the following cases, the bidding will be postponed, cancelled or its contents will be changed. (1) When there is no one who is deemed eligible to participate in the bid. (2) When all those who are deemed eligible to participate in the bid decline. (3) When an accident occurs. (4) When there is a risk that fair execution of the bidding will be hindered or when it is deemed that it has been hindered due to suspicion of fraudulent activities, etc. 17 Other Contact Points For any unclear points, please contact the following. Bidding Section General Affairs Department Property Management Section Telephone 0778-22-3062 Contract Section Board of Education Education Promotion Section Telephone 0778-22-7452
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