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・令和6年度脱臭用特殊活性炭購入単価契約(再度公告入札) ・令和6年度脱臭用特殊活性炭購入単価契約(再度公告入札) 条件付一般競争入札(郵便入札)の実施について(公告)生駒市において発注する下記の業務については、条件付一般競争入札に付することとしたので、地方... ・FY2024 Special Activated Carbon for Deodorization Purchasing Price Contract (Re-announced Bidding) ・FY2024 Special Activated Carbon for Deodorization Purchasing Price Contract (Re-announced Bidding) Regarding the implementation of conditional public competitive bidding (postal bidding) (Announcement) The following work to be ordered by Ikoma City will be subject to conditional public competitive bidding, so local...

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・令和6年度脱臭用特殊活性炭購入単価契約(再度公告入札) ・令和6年度脱臭用特殊活性炭購入単価契約(再度公告入札) 条件付一般競争入札(郵便入札)の実施について(公告)生駒市において発注する下記の業務については、条件付一般競争入札に付することとしたので、地方... 奈良県生駒市   入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 ・令和6年度脱臭用特殊活性炭購入単価契約(再度公告入札) 種別 物品 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 15 日 組織 奈良県生駒市 取得日 2024 年 10 月 15 日 19:25:27 契約主要事項説明書(再度公告入札) (PDF形式、129.39KB)設計図書 (PDF形式、2.35MB) 公告内容 条件付一般競争入札(郵便入札)の実施について(公告)生駒市において発注する下記の業務については、条件付一般競争入札に付することとしたので、地方自治法施行令第167条の6の規定により公告する。令和6年10月15日生駒市長 小紫 雅史記入札公告第 下浄06-14号第1 入札に付する事項(1) 契約件名 令和6年度脱臭用特殊活性炭購入単価契約(再度公告入札)(2) 納品場 所 生駒市東山町201番地21 生駒市上下水道部竜田川浄化センター他(3) 契約期間 契約締結日から令和7年3月31日まで(4) 業 種 I(薬品薬材類)イ(工業薬品)(5) 業務概要 別紙仕様書による(6) 予定価格 公表しません(7) 最低制限価格 設定しません(8) 入札保証金 免除第2 入札に参加するための必要な資格生駒市に令和6年度有効な一般競争(指名競争)参加資格審査申請書(物品・委託業務)を提出している者で、公告日現在から入札(開札)日まで生駒市物品・委託業務入札等心得書に示す入札参加資格を満たすとともに、生駒市から入札参加停止を受けていないことのほか次に示す条件をすべて満たすものとします。(1)本市の令和6年度物品・委託業務業者登録一覧表で、取扱希望品目分類表のI(薬品薬材類) イ(工業薬品)に登録のある者第3 設計図書等の閲覧契約の条件を示す設計図書等を、公告の日から次のとおり生駒市上下水道部竜田川浄化センター(管理棟2階事務室)で閲覧に供します。※ 設計図書等は生駒市公式ホームページからもダウンロードできます。閲覧日時 令和6年10月15日(火)~ 入札(開札)日の翌日(本市の休日は除く。)午前8時30分~午後5時15分閲覧場所 生駒市上下水道部竜田川浄化センター(管理棟2階事務室)(生駒市東山町201番地21 ℡:0743-76-7701)第4 質問回答に関する事項質問の日時・方法 契約主要事項説明書をご覧ください。※注意事項 『質問書』を使用してください。(生駒市上下水道部竜田川浄化センター管理棟2階事務室で入手するか、生駒市公式ホームページからダウンロードしてください。)※指定する日時、方法以外の質問書には回答を行いません。回答の日時・方法 契約主要事項説明書をご覧ください。生駒市上下水道部竜田川浄化センター管理棟2階事務室及び生駒市公式ホームページにて質問内容とともに閲覧に供します。第5 入札書の郵送方法入札者は、次の各号に掲げる書類を入札(開札)日の前日までに到着するように、封筒に入れ(別紙入札書郵送用封筒記載例のとおり)、一般書留郵便又は簡易書留郵便のいずれかの方法により、生駒郵便局へ局留扱いで郵送してください。郵送にかかる費用は入札者の負担とします。※特定記録郵便での郵送は、無効となります。〇 入札書(指定様式)・各種様式は生駒市上下水道部竜田川浄化センター管理棟2階事務室で入手するか、生駒市公式ホームページからダウンロードしてください。※ 指定した郵送方法以外の提出や必要な書類が添付されていない入札書は無効となります。(その他無効となる入札書は、生駒市物品・委託業務等事後審査型条件付一般競争入札実施要領及び生駒市物品・委託業務入札等心得書をご覧ください。)入札書の生駒郵便局への到達期限 令和6年10月28日(月)なお、局留の期間は、郵便局に到着した日の翌日から起算して10日間となっておりますので、下記入札(開札)日の10日前に到達することがないようご注意ください。入札担当職員は入札(開札)日に生駒郵便局に封筒を受領しに行くため、入札(開札)日の10日前に生駒郵便局に到達し、差出人に返送された場合は、入札に参加することができません。第6 入札(開札)の日時、場所、傍聴方法及び落札者の決定入札(開札)日時 令和6年10月29日(火)午後2時00分入札(開札)場所 生駒市上下水道部竜田川浄化センター(管理棟2階会議室)(生駒市東山町201番地21 ℡:0743-76-7701)(1) 開札の傍聴を希望される方は、「生駒市建設工事等入札傍聴実施要領」の規定に基づき、開札日の午前9時から正午までの間に生駒市上下水道部竜田川浄化センター管理棟2階事務室で申し込みをしてください。なお、傍聴は申込み先着順とし、入札(開札)日につき定員(10名)になり次第締め切ります。また、入札者(代表者)が傍聴の申込みをした場合、開札立会人を依頼する場合があります。(2) 予定価格の制限の範囲内で最低の価格をもって入札を行った者を落札者とします。第7 その他契約締結後、契約の相手方が次のいずれかに該当するときは、契約を解除することがあります。また、契約を解除した場合は、損害賠償義務が生じます。(1)役員等(法人にあっては役員(非常勤の者を含む。)、支配人及び支店又は営業所(市との契約に関する業務を行う事務所をいう。以下同じ。)の代表者を、法人格を持たない団体にあっては法人の役員と同等の責任を有する者を、個人にあってはその者、支配人及び支店又は営業所を代表する者をいう。以下同じ。)が暴力団員(暴力団員による不当な行為の防止等に関する法律(平成3年法律第77号。以下「暴対法」という。以下同じ。)第2条第6号に規定する暴力団員をいう。以下同じ。)であると認められるとき。(2)暴力団(暴対法第2条第2号に規定する暴力団をいう。以下同じ。)又は暴力団員が経営に実質的に関与していると認められるとき。(3)役員等が、その属する法人若しくは法人格を持たない団体、自己若しくは第三者の不正な利益を図る目的で、又は第三者に損害を加える目的で、暴力団又は暴力団員を利用していると認められるとき。(4)役員等が、暴力団又は暴力団員に対して資金等を提供し、又は便宜を供与する等直接的もしくは積極的に暴力団の維持及び運営に協力し、又は関与していると認められるとき。(5)上記(3)及び(4)に掲げる場合のほか、役員等が、暴力団又は暴力団員と社会的に非難されるべき関係を有していると認められるとき。(6)本契約に係る下請契約又は資材、原材料の購入契約等の契約(以下「下請契約等」という。)に当たって、その相手方が上記(1)から(5)のいずれかに該当することを知りながら、当該者と契約を締結したと認められるとき。(7)この契約に係る下請契約等に当たって、上記(1)から(5)までのいずれかに該当する者をその相手方としていた場合(上記(6)に該当する場合を除く。)において、生駒市が当該下請契約等の解除を求めたにもかかわらず、それに従わなかったとき。(8)この契約の履行に当たって、暴力団又は暴力団員から不当に介入を受けたにもかかわらず、遅滞なくその旨を生駒市に報告せず、又は警察に届け出なかったとき。 この公告に定めのない事項は、『生駒市物品・委託業務等事後審査型条件付一般競争入札実施要領』及び『生駒市物品・委託業務入札等心得書』に従います。問合せ先:生駒市上下水道部竜田川浄化センター(生駒市東山町201番地21) ℡:0743-76-7701生駒市公式ホームページアドレスhttps://www.city.ikoma.lg.jp/ 該当事項は■件 名質問番号契約担当業務担当契約期間 契約日から までとします。 □ (1)生駒市契約規則の規定により免除とします。 ■ (2)□ (3)①契約保証金を現金で納めること。 ②履行保証保険契約による契約保証を付すこと。 ■無□有 (年度の予算の範囲内で契約にのっとり行います。)■無□有 (年度の予算の範囲内で契約にのっとり行います。)提出方法(提出課:業務担当課 必ず上記の質問番号を記載してください)※直接持参や指定する方法以外による提出は認めません。 ■ 番号 0743-76-0277□電子メール提出日 15:00 まで回答方法上下水道部竜田川浄化センター(管理棟2階事務室)で閲覧に供します。 ※生駒市HP(https://www.city.ikoma.lg.jp/)からも閲覧できます。 回答日 15:00 から令和7年3月31日契約保証金令和6年10月18日(金)令和6年10月22日(火)生駒市契約規則の規定により過去2ヶ年間に本市又は他の官公庁と同種同規模の業務の契約履行実績の提示がある場合、又はその他契約保証金免除措置に該当した場合においては、契約保証金を免除としますが、その他の業者の方は、契約金額の10%の契約保証金の納付又はそれに代わる担保の提供を求めます。 生駒市契約規則の規定により次の①・②に掲げる契約保証のうち、いずれか一つを選択することとします。 その他前払い金部分払い金質問回答※質問書はFAXの場合、所定の書式を送信してください。 電子メールの場合は、添付ファイルに記入の上、送信してください。 F A X契 約 主 要 事 項 説 明 書令和6年度脱臭用特殊活性炭購入単価契約(再度公告入札)下浄06-14竜田川浄化センター竜田川浄化センター 令和6年度脱臭用特殊活性炭購入単価契約閲覧用図書この表紙を除く(22ページ)令和6年度脱臭用特殊活性炭購入単価契約に係る仕様書1 目的令和6年度脱臭用特殊活性炭購入について、受注者は、公共的使命の重大さを念頭におき、上下水道部竜田川浄化センターが管理する各施設の運転管理に支障をきたさないよう、脱臭装置において使用する活性炭の充填及び劣化活性炭の取り出し(以下「入替」という。)を行うことを目的とする。2 購入予定数量 (単位:㎏)アルデヒドガス用(大阪ガスケミカル製)悪臭物質同時除去用(大阪ガスケミカル製)小計粒状白鷺GAAX4/6 粒状白鷺GM2X4/6-1 粒状白鷺GM2X4/6-3 粒状白鷺GM2X4/6-4新炭 250 690 604102,3701,410再生炭 1,640 4,050 370 2,370 8,430小計 1,890 4,740 430 2,780 9,8403 納品場所(1) 生駒市東山町201番地21 竜田川浄化センター 沈砂池棟及び水処理棟脱臭装置吸着塔(2) 生駒市鹿ノ台東一丁目11番地13 山田川浄化センター 第一及び第二脱臭装置吸着塔(3) 生駒市高山町8916番地37 高山中継ポンプ場 脱臭装置吸着塔(4) 生駒市北大和四丁目21番地3 北大和第一中継ポンプ場 脱臭装置吸着塔(5) 生駒市北大和五丁目13番地1 北大和第二中継ポンプ場 脱臭装置吸着塔(6) 生駒市西白庭台二丁目3番地3 南北田原中継ポンプ場 脱臭装置吸着塔4 契約期間 契約締結日から令和7年3月31日まで5 納品日 本市がその都度指定する。(予定:令和7年1月から3月)6 入替に要する費用 受注者の負担とする。7 活性炭の種類、品名及び施設毎の予定数量 (単位:㎏)施設竜田川浄化センター<沈砂池棟>竜田川浄化センター<水処理棟>山田川浄化センター<第一>山田川浄化センター<第二>品名粒状白鷺GAAX4/6粒状白鷺GM2X4/6-1粒状白鷺GAAX4/6粒状白鷺GM2X4/6-1粒状白鷺GAAX4/6粒状白鷺GM2X4/6-4粒状白鷺GAAX4/6粒状白鷺GM2X4/6-4数量新炭 80 380 40 220 50 320 30 90再生炭 500 2,180 290 1,280 320 1,830 170 540施設 高山中継ポンプ場北大和第一中継ポンプ場北大和第二中継ポンプ場南北田原中継ポンプ場品名粒状白鷺GAAX4/6粒状白鷺GM2X4/6-1粒状白鷺GAAX4/6粒状白鷺GM2X4/6-3粒状白鷺GAAX4/6粒状白鷺GM2X4/6-3粒状白鷺GAAX4/6粒状白鷺GM2X4/6-1数量新炭 30 70 10 30 10 30 0 20再生炭 170 440 70 190 70 180 50 150※アルデヒドガス用 粒状白鷺GAAx4/6及び悪臭物質同時除去用 粒状白鷺GM2X4/6-1、-3、-4は大阪ガスケミカル製とする。8 活性炭の荷姿及び数量の確認フレコンバッグ又は10㎏袋詰めとし、フレコンバッグについては計量証明書の提出により数量を確認し、10㎏袋詰め品については袋数により数量を確認する。9 活性炭の入替手順(施設毎の詳細は、別添入替手順による。)(1) 着手前作業ア 受注者は、作業場所について、養生シート等にて床面を覆い、飛散による汚れに留意すること。イ 活性炭取替前に計器類の数値を測定する。ウ 受注者は、作業開始前に、運転を停止し、酸素、硫化水素の濃度測定を行い、これを記録し、安全を確認した上で本市監督職員(以下「監督職員」という。)に報告した後、作業を開始すること。(2) 劣化炭の取り出し作業ア カートリッジを設置している施設(ア) 受注者は、カートリッジの取り出し等について、安全かつ適切な用具を使用し、本体とカートリッジライニング及びパッキング等を損傷しないように注意すること。(イ) 受注者は、劣化炭の取り出しについて、プラントクリーナー等を用い、粉塵の発生を防止すること。(ウ) 受注者は、 劣化炭について、アルデヒドガス用と悪臭物質同時除去用が混合しないように取り出し、袋にはその種類等を明記すること。(エ) 受注者は、脱臭装置吸着塔(以下「吸着塔」という。)内部の点検、清掃及びドレン配管点検清掃を行うこと。(オ) 受注者は、カートリッジのパッキンの取替を行うこと。イ カートリッジを設置していない施設(ア) 受注者は、劣化炭の取り出しについて、プラントクリーナー等を用い、粉塵の発生を防止すること。(イ) 受注者は、 劣化炭について、アルデヒドガス用と悪臭物質同時除去用が混合しないように取り出し、袋にはその種類等を明記すること。(ウ) 受注者は、アルデヒドガス用と悪臭物質同時除去用を仕切るトリカルネット及び金網の損傷を点検すること。(エ) 受注者は、吸着塔の内部の点検、清掃及びドレン配管点検清掃を行うこと。(3) 充填作業受注者は、充填には締め具を用いて、十分詰め込むこと。(4) 作業後ア 受注者は、現場清掃後、吸着塔を点検し、その結果を監督職員に報告すること。イ 受注者は、運転を再開し、活性炭入替後における、計器類の数値を測定する。ウ 測定値に異常がなければ、完了エ 劣化炭は、受注者が適正に処理すること。(5) 活性炭の入替手順の詳細は、別添脱臭用特殊活性炭入替作業手順による。ただし、竜田川浄化センター水処理棟及び山田川浄化センター第二については、ミストセパレータの整備を行うこと。(6) 作業従事者受注者は、活性炭の入替作業について、十分な知識と経験を有する者に作業をさせること。(7) 安全管理等ア 受注者は、労働安全衛生法(昭和47年法律第57号)その他関係法令を厳守し、作業員の安全を図ること。イ 発注者は、作業員等の事故のほか、活性炭の入替作業に当たり、一切の責任を負わない。(8) その他受注者は、作業を遂行するに当たり、常に、監督職員と連絡を密にしなければならない。10 劣化状況調査受注者は、吸着塔内活性炭の劣化状況を調査し、随時、監督職員に報告すること。11 提出書類(1) 契約に関する書類一式(2) 入替報告書類納入活性炭数量内訳書、納入活性炭試験成績書、劣化炭試験成績書及び考察、吸着塔入口・出口の圧力損失、風量等測定結果(入替前・後)、作業環境等測定結果、再生炭数量保証書、現場工程写真(3) 劣化状況調査報告書劣化炭試験成績書及び考察※(2)及び(3)は、一つのパイプファイルに綴じ、表紙に年度、契約件名及び受注者名を記載すること。また、施設毎及び施設内において複数の箇所がある場合はその箇所毎にインデックス等を付し、(2)及び(3)の書類がわかるように整理し、本市に提出すること。 活性炭性能表品目性能アルデヒドガス用(大阪ガスケミカル製)悪臭物質同時除去用(大阪ガスケミカル製)粒状白鷺GAAX4/6 粒状白鷺GM2X4/6-1 粒状白鷺GM2X4/6-3 粒状白鷺GM2X4/6-4形状 円柱状ペレット 円柱状ペレット 円柱状ペレット 円柱状ペレット乾燥減量(質量分率%) 27.0~35.0 30.0~35.0 30.0~35.0 30.0~35.0充填密度(g/mL) 0.480~0.550 0.470~0.540 0.480~0.550 0.420~0.490粒度4~6mesh (質量分率%) 95.0以上 95.0以上 95.0以上 95.0以上硬さ (質量分率%) 95.0以上 95.0以上 95.0以上 95.0以上pH 6.0~9.0 1.0~2.0 1.0~2.0 1.5~2.5悪臭成分吸着性能 ※1 - 2.0~2.4 2.0~2.4 2.0~2.4※2 >10 1.4~1.8 1.4~1.8 1.4~1.8※3 - 2.6~3.0 2.6~3.0 2.6~3.0※4 - 0.6~1.0 0.6~1.0 0.6~1.0悪臭成分吸着性能※1 5ppm H2S(NH3共存)を含む湿り空気(相対湿度80%)を、25℃で活性炭と接触させたときのH2S平衡吸着量[g/100g]※2 5ppm アセトアルデヒドを含む湿り空気(相対湿度80%)を、25℃で活性炭と接触させたときのアセトアルデヒド平衡吸着量[g/100g]※3 3ppm NH3を含む湿り空気(相対湿度80%)を、25℃で活性炭と接触させたときのNH3平衡吸着量[g/100g]※4 3ppm (CH3)2Sを含む湿り空気(相対湿度80%)を、25℃で活性炭と接触させたときの(CH3)2S平衡吸着量[g/100g]1脱臭用特殊活性炭取替作業手順(竜田川浄化センター沈砂池棟)① 活性炭取替前の次の計器類の数値を測定する。(1) 脱臭塔差圧(2) 脱臭ファン電流値(3) 脱臭塔入口風量(4) 脱臭塔出口風量② 運転を停止し、酸欠等の作業環境の安全確認を行う。③ 棟前に、5tクレーン車(以下「クレーン」という。)、4t吸引車及びホッパーを設置する。④ クレーン車で、再生炭及び新炭の荷降ろしを行う。⑤ 地下脱臭塔内のカートリッジを既設天井ホイストにて、棟入口まで運び、クレーンでカートリッジを屋外に並べる。⑥ 4t吸引車でアルデヒドガス用劣化炭及び悪臭物質同時除去用劣化炭を峻別して取り出し、それぞれをフレコンバッグに詰め、搬出車に積み込む。⑦ 劣化炭を搬出する。⑧ 脱臭塔内部の状況を把握し、当該状況に応じた清掃及び点検を行う。⑨ カートリッジのパッキンを取り替える。⑩ アルデヒドガス用及び悪臭物質同時除去用の再生炭の充填は、フレコンバッグ詰の物をクレーンでカートリッジに充填する。また、新炭は、小袋詰の物を手作業にて、カートリッジに充填する。⑪ 充填後のカートリッジは、クレーンにて、棟入口まで運び、既設の天井ホイストで地下に降ろし、据付ける。⑫ 設置完了後、運転を再開し、活性炭取替後における、次の計器類の数値を測定する。(1) 脱臭塔差圧(2) 脱臭ファン電流値(3) 脱臭塔入口風量(4) 脱臭塔出口風量⑬ 測定値に異常がなければ、完了2脱臭用特殊活性炭取替作業手順(竜田川浄化センター水処理棟)① 活性炭取替前の次の計器類の数値を測定する。(1) 脱臭ファン電流値(2) 脱臭塔差圧(3) 脱臭ファン差圧(4) 脱臭塔入口風量(5) 脱臭塔出口風量② 運転を停止し、酸欠等の作業環境の安全確認を行う。③ 棟前に、4t吸引車及びホッパーを設置する。④ 受注者持込の電動チェーンブロックを設置し、カートリッジを取り出し、棟内に並べる。⑤ 4t吸引車でアルデヒドガス用劣化炭及び悪臭物質同時除去用劣化炭を峻別して取り出し、それぞれをフレコンバッグに詰め、搬出車に積み込む。⑥ 劣化炭を搬出する。⑦ 脱臭塔内部の状況を把握し、当該状況に応じた清掃及び点検を行う。⑧ カートリッジのパッキンを取り替える。⑨ フレコンバッグ詰の再生炭及び小袋詰の新炭を荷降ろしする。⑩ カートリッジに、フレコンバッグ詰の再生炭は電動チェーンブロックを使用し充填を行い、小袋詰の新炭は手作業で充填する。⑪ 充填後のカートリッジを電動チェーンブロックにて、据え付ける。⑫ 設置完了後、運転を再開し、活性炭取替後における、次の計器類の数値を測定する。(1) 脱臭ファン電流値(2) 脱臭塔差圧(3) 脱臭ファン差圧(4) 風量⑬ 計測値に異常がなければ、完了※ミストセパレータの整備①ミストセパレータ内部及びエレメントの清掃を行い、変形・破損等の状態を目視で確認すること。②ミストセパレータのドレン管・ドレン弁は、変形・腐食等の状態・排水の通水状態を確認すること。③ミストセパレータの扉のシートパッキンを交換すること。3脱臭用特殊活性炭取替作業手順(山田川浄化センター第一)① 活性炭取替前の次の計器類の数値を測定する。(1) 脱臭塔差圧(2) 脱臭ファン電流値(3) 脱臭塔入口風量(4) 脱臭塔出口風量② 運転を停止し、酸欠等の作業環境の安全確認を行う。③ 4t吸引車、25tクレーン車(以下「クレーン」という。)及びホッパーを設置する。④ クレーン車で、カートリッジを取り出し、屋外に並べる。⑤ 4t吸引車でアルデヒドガス用劣化炭及び悪臭物質同時除去用劣化炭を峻別して取り出し、それぞれをフレコンバッグに詰め、搬出車に積み込む。⑥ 脱臭塔内部の状況を把握し、当該状況に応じた清掃及び点検を行う。⑦ カートリッジのパッキンを取り替える。⑧ フレコンバッグ詰の再生炭及び小袋詰の新炭を荷降ろしする。⑨ カートリッジに、再生炭はフレコンバッグ詰の物をクレーンで充填を行い、小袋詰の新炭は手作業で充填する。⑩ 充填後のカートリッジは、クレーンにて据付ける。⑪ 設置完了後、運転を再開し、活性炭取替後における、次の計器類の数値を測定する。(1) 脱臭塔差圧(2) 脱臭ファン電流値(3) 脱臭塔入口風量(4) 脱臭塔出口風量⑫ 測定値に異常がなければ、完了⑬ 劣化炭を搬出4脱臭用特殊活性炭取替作業手順(山田川浄化センター第二)① 活性炭取替前の次の計器類の数値を測定する。(1) 脱臭ファン電流値(2) 脱臭塔入口風量(3) 脱臭塔出口風量② 運転を停止し、酸欠等の作業環境の安全確認を行う。③ 4t吸引車及びホッパーを設置する。④ 4t吸引車でアルデヒドガス用劣化炭及び悪臭物質同時除去用劣化炭を峻別して取り出し、それぞれをフレコンバッグに詰め、搬出車に積み込む。⑤ 脱臭塔内部の状況を把握し、当該状況に応じた清掃及び点検を行う。⑥ カートリッジのパッキンを取り替える。⑦ 小袋詰の再生炭及び新炭を荷降ろし、手作業で充填する。⑧ 設置完了後、運転を再開し、活性炭取替後における、次の計器類の数値を測定する。(1) 脱臭ファン電流値(2) 脱臭塔入口風量(3) 脱臭塔出口風量⑨ 計測値に異常がなければ、完了⑩ 劣化炭を搬出③ミストセパレータの扉のシートパッキンを交換すること。※ミストセパレータの整備①ミストセパレータ内部及びエレメントの清掃を行い、変形・破損等の状態を目視で確認すること。 ②ミストセパレータの扉のシートパッキンを交換すること。5脱臭用特殊活性炭取替作業手順(高山中継ポンプ場)① 活性炭取替前の次の計器類の数値を測定する。(1) 脱臭塔差圧(2) 脱臭ファン電流値(3) 脱臭塔入口風量(4) 脱臭塔出口風量② 運転を停止し、酸欠等の作業環境の安全確認を行う。③ カートリッジを既設天井ホイストにて、取り出し、屋内に並べる。④ 4t吸引車を設置⑤ 4t吸引車でアルデヒドガス用劣化炭及び悪臭物質同時除去用劣化炭を峻別して取り出し、それぞれをフレコンバッグに詰め、搬出車に積み込む。⑥ 脱臭塔内部の状況を把握し、当該状況に応じた清掃及び点検を行う。⑦ カートリッジのパッキンを取り替える。⑧ 小袋詰の再生炭及び新炭を荷降ろし、手作業でカートリッジに充填する。⑨ カートリッジを、既設天井ホイストを使用し据付ける。⑩ 設置完了後、運転を再開し、活性炭取替後における、次の計器類の数値を測定する。(1) 脱臭塔差圧(2) 脱臭ファン電流値(3) 脱臭塔入口風量(4) 脱臭塔出口風量⑪ 測定値に異常がなければ、完了⑫ 劣化炭を搬出6脱臭用特殊活性炭取替作業手順(北大和第一中継ポンプ場)① 活性炭取替前の次の計器類の数値を測定する。(1) 脱臭塔差圧(2) 脱臭ファン電流値(3) 脱臭塔入口風量(4) 脱臭塔出口風量② 運転を停止し、酸欠等の作業環境の安全確認を行う。③ 4t吸引車設置④ 4t吸引車でアルデヒドガス用劣化炭及び悪臭物質同時除去用劣化炭を峻別して取り出し、それぞれをフレコンバッグに詰め、搬出車に積み込む。⑤ 脱臭塔内部の状況を把握し、当該状況に応じた清掃及び点検を行う。⑥ カートリッジのパッキンを取り替える。⑦ 小袋詰の再生炭及び新炭を荷降ろし、手作業で充填する。⑧ 充填完了後、運転を再開し、活性炭取替後における、次の計器類の数値を測定する。(1) 脱臭塔差圧(2) 脱臭ファン電流値(3) 脱臭塔入口風量(4) 脱臭塔出口風量⑨ 測定値に異常がなければ、完了⑩ 劣化炭搬出7脱臭用特殊活性炭取替作業手順(北大和第二中継ポンプ場)① 活性炭取替前の次の計器類の数値を測定する。(1) 脱臭塔差圧(2) 脱臭ファン電流値(3) 脱臭塔入口風量(4) 脱臭塔出口風量② 運転を停止し、酸欠等の作業環境の安全確認を行う。③ 4t吸引車設置④ 4t吸引車でアルデヒドガス用劣化炭及び悪臭物質同時除去用劣化炭を峻別して取り出し、それぞれをフレコンバッグに詰め、搬出車に積み込む。⑤ 脱臭塔内部の状況を把握し、当該状況に応じた清掃及び点検を行う。⑥ カートリッジのパッキンを取り替える。⑦ 小袋詰の再生炭及び新炭を荷降ろし、手作業で充填する。⑧ 充填完了後、運転を再開し、活性炭取替後における、次の計器類の数値を測定する。(1) 脱臭塔差圧(2) 脱臭ファン電流値(3) 脱臭塔入口風量(4) 脱臭塔出口風量⑨ 測定値に異常がなければ、完了⑩ 劣化炭搬出8脱臭用特殊活性炭取替作業手順(南北田原中継ポンプ場)① 活性炭取替前の次の計器類の数値を測定する。(1) 脱臭塔差圧(2) 脱臭ファン差圧② 運転を停止し、酸欠等の作業環境の安全確認を行う。③ アルデヒドガス用劣化炭及び悪臭物質同時除去用劣化炭を峻別して手作業で取り出し、それぞれをフレコンバッグに詰め、搬出車に積み込む。④ 脱臭塔内部の状況を把握し、当該状況に応じた清掃及び点検を行う。⑤ カートリッジのパッキンを取り替える。⑥ 小袋詰の再生炭及び新炭を荷降ろし、手作業で充填する。⑦ 充填完了後、運転を再開し、活性炭取替後における、次の計器類の数値を測定する。(1) 脱臭塔差圧(2) 脱臭ファン差圧⑧ 測定値に異常がなければ、完了⑨ 劣化炭搬出浄化センター及びポンプ場 位置図N竜田川浄化センター高山中継ポンプ場北大和第一中継ポンプ山田川浄化センター南北田原中継ポンプ場北大和第二中継ポンプ場 ・2024 Special Activated Carbon for Deodorization Unit Price Contract (Re-announced Bidding) ・2024 Special Activated Carbon for Deodorization Unit Price Contract (Re-announced Bidding) Regarding the implementation of conditional public competitive bidding (postal bidding) (Announcement) The following work to be ordered in Ikoma City will be subject to conditional public competitive bidding, so local... Ikoma City, Nara Prefecture Bidding information is as follows. Subject ・2024 Special Activated Carbon for Deodorization Unit Price Contract (Re-announced Bidding) Type Goods Date of announcement or update October 15, 2024 Organization Ikoma City, Nara Prefecture Date of acquisition October 15, 2024 19:25:27 Explanation of main contract items (re-announced bidding) (PDF format, 129.39KB) Design documents (PDF format, 2.(35MB) Contents of the announcement Regarding the implementation of conditional public competitive bidding (postal bidding) (Announcement) The following work to be ordered by Ikoma City has been decided to be subject to conditional public competitive bidding. This announcement is made pursuant to Article 167-6 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act. Written by Ikoma City Mayor Masashi Komurasaki on October 15, 2024 Bidding announcement No. Shimojo 06-14, No. 1 Items to be put up for bidding (1) Contract title: Purchase price contract for special activated carbon for deodorization in fiscal year 2024 (re-announced bidding) (2) Delivery location: 201-21 Higashiyama-cho, Ikoma City, Ikoma City Waterworks and Sewage Department, Tatsuta River Purification Center, etc. (3) Contract period: From the date of contract conclusion to March 31, 2025 (4) Industry: I (Chemicals and pharmaceutical materials) I (Industrial chemicals) (5) Business overview: According to the attached specifications (6) Estimated price: Not disclosed (7) Minimum limit price: Not set (8) Bid security: Exempt No. 2 Qualifications required to participate in the bid: A person who has submitted a valid application form for the public (designated) competition (goods/contracted work) for the fiscal year 2024 to Ikoma City, who meets the qualifications for participating in the bid as set forth in the Ikoma City Goods/Contracted Works Bidding Guidelines from the date of announcement to the date of bidding (opening of bids), who has not been suspended from bidding by Ikoma City, and who meets all of the following conditions: (1) A person who is registered under I (drugs and medical materials) or I (industrial chemicals) in the classification table of items to be handled in the city's list of goods/contracted work vendor registrations for fiscal year 2024. 3. Viewing of design documents, etc. Design documents, etc. showing the conditions of the contract will be available for viewing from the date of announcement at the Ikoma City Waterworks and Sewage Department Tatsuta River Purification Center (2nd floor office of the management building) as follows. * Design documents, etc. can also be downloaded from the Ikoma City official website. Viewing date and time: Tuesday, October 15, 2024 - the day after the bidding (opening) date (excluding holidays in the city). 8:30 am to 5:15 pm Viewing location: Ikoma City Waterworks Department Tatsuta River Purification Center (2nd floor office of the management building) (201-21 Higashiyama-cho, Ikoma City Tel: 0743-76-7701) Section 4 Matters related to questions and answers Date and time of questions and methods Please refer to the Explanation of Main Terms of Contract. *Notes Please use the "Questionnaire". (Available at the Ikoma City Waterworks Department Tatsuta River Purification Center Management Building 2nd floor office or download from the Ikoma City official website.) *Questions other than those specified by the date, time and method will not be answered. Date and time of answering: Please refer to the Explanation of Main Terms of Contract. It will be available for viewing along with the questions at the Ikoma City Waterworks Department Tatsuta River Purification Center Management Building 2nd floor office and on the Ikoma City official website. 5. Method of Posting Bid Documents Bidders should place the documents listed below in an envelope (as per the attached example of an envelope for postal bid documents) so that they arrive by the day before the bidding (opening of bids) date, and post them to Ikoma Post Office by either regular registered mail or simple registered mail. Postage costs will be borne by the bidder. *Posting by registered mail will be invalid. * Bid documents (designated form) and various forms can be obtained from the office on the second floor of the management building of the Tatsuta River Purification Center, Waterworks and Sewerage Department, Ikoma City, or downloaded from the official Ikoma City website. * Bid documents submitted by any method other than the designated method or without the required documents attached will be invalid. (For other invalid bids, please refer to the Ikoma City Post-Review Conditional Open Competitive Bidding Guidelines for Goods, Commissioned Work, etc. and the Ikoma City Guide to Bidding for Goods, Commissioned Work, etc.) Deadline for bids to reach Ikoma Post Office: Monday, October 28th, 2024. Please note that bids will be held at the post office for 10 days from the day after they arrive at the post office, so please make sure they do not arrive 10 days before the bidding (opening of bids) date below. The bidding staff will go to Ikoma Post Office to pick up the envelopes on the bidding (opening of bids) date, so if your envelope arrives at Ikoma Post Office 10 days before the bidding (opening of bids) date and is returned to the sender, you will not be able to participate in the bidding. Article 6 Date, time, place, method of observation, and determination of successful bidder Date and time of bidding (opening of bids) Tuesday, October 29, 2024, 2:00 p.m. Venue of bidding (opening of bids) Ikoma City Water and Sewerage Department Tatsuta River Purification Center (2nd floor conference room of the management building) (201-21 Higashiyama-cho, Ikoma City Tel: 0743-76-7701) (1) Those who wish to observe the opening of bids should apply at the Ikoma City Water and Sewerage Department Tatsuta River Purification Center Management Building 2nd floor office between 9:00 a.m. and noon on the day of the opening of bids, in accordance with the provisions of the "Ikoma City Construction Works Bidding Observation Implementation Guidelines". In addition, applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, and will close as soon as the maximum number of people (10 people) is reached on the day of the bidding (opening of bids). In addition, if a bidder (representative) applies to observe, a bid opening witness may be requested. (2) The successful bidder will be the person who bids with the lowest price within the limit of the estimated price. Article 7 Other After the contract is concluded, the contract may be terminated if the other party falls under any of the following. In addition, if the contract is terminated, an obligation to pay damages will arise. (1) When an officer, etc. (in the case of a corporation, this refers to the officer (including part-time employees), manager, and representative of the branch or sales office (meaning the office that performs business related to the contract with the city; the same applies below) in the case of an organization without legal personality, a person with the same responsibilities as an officer of the corporation, and in the case of an individual, the person, manager, and the person representing the branch or sales office; the same applies below) is deemed to be a member of an organized crime group (meaning a member of an organized crime group as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 6 of the Act on Prevention of Unjust Acts by Organized Crime Group Members (Act No. 77 of 1991; hereinafter referred to as the "Organized Crime Countermeasures Act"; the same applies below). (2) When an organized crime group (meaning a group as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 2 of the Organized Crime Countermeasures Act; the same applies below) or a member of an organized crime group is deemed to be substantially involved in the management of the organization. (3) When it is deemed that an Officer, etc. is using an organized crime group or an organized crime member for the purpose of obtaining wrongful benefits for the corporation or unincorporated organization to which he or she belongs, for himself or herself or a third party, or for the purpose of causing damage to a third party. (4) When it is deemed that an Officer, etc. is directly or actively cooperating with or involved in the maintenance and operation of an organized crime group, such as by providing funds or convenience to an organized crime group or an organized crime member. (5) In addition to the cases listed in (3) and (4) above, when it is deemed that an Officer, etc. has a relationship with an organized crime group or an organized crime member that can be socially criticized. (6) When it is deemed that a contract related to this Agreement, such as a subcontracting contract or a contract for the purchase of materials or raw materials (hereinafter referred to as a "Subcontracting Contract, etc."), was concluded with the other party knowing that the other party falls under any of (1) to (5) above. (7) In the case of a subcontract contract, etc. related to this contract, if the counterparty falls under any of (1) to (5) above (excluding the case falling under (6) above), Ikoma City requests the termination of the subcontract contract, etc., but fails to comply with the request. (8) In the performance of this contract, even if an organized crime group or an organized crime member has improperly interfered, the fact is not reported to Ikoma City without delay or notified the police. Any matters not specified in this announcement shall be in accordance with the "Ikoma City Goods and Commissioned Works Post-Review Conditional General Competitive Bidding Implementation Guidelines" and the "Ikoma City Goods and Commissioned Works Bidding Guidelines". Contact: Ikoma City Waterworks and Sewerage Department Tatsuta River Purification Center (201-21 Higashiyama-cho, Ikoma City) Tel: 0743-76-7701 Ikoma City Official Website Address https://www.city.ikoma.lg.jp/ The relevant items are ■Subject Question number Contract person in charge Business person in charge Contract period From the date of contract to . □ (1) Exempted according to the provisions of Ikoma City Contract Regulations. ■ (2) □ (3) ① Pay the contract guarantee in cash. ② Provide a contract guarantee by performance guarantee insurance contract. ■ No □ Yes (It will be carried out in accordance with the contract within the budget for the fiscal year.) ■ No □ Yes (It will be carried out in accordance with the contract within the budget for the fiscal year.) Submission method (Submitting department: Business department Please be sure to write the above question number) * It will not be accepted to submit directly or by any other method than the specified method. ■ Number 0743-76-0277 □ Email Until 15:00 on the day of submission Reply method It will be available for viewing at the Waterworks and Sewage Department Tatsuta River Purification Center (Administration Building 2nd floor office). * It can also be viewed on the Ikoma City website (https://www.city.ikoma.lg.jp/). Response date 15:00 to March 31, 2025 Contract deposit Friday, October 18, 2024 Tuesday, October 22, 2024 In accordance with the provisions of Ikoma City Contract Regulations, if there is a performance record of contracts of the same type and scale with the city or other government agencies in the past two years, or if other contract deposit exemption measures apply, the contract deposit will be waived. However, other contractors will be required to pay a contract deposit of 10% of the contract amount or provide a substitute security. In accordance with the provisions of Ikoma City Contract Regulations, one of the contract guarantees listed below in ① or ② must be selected. Other Advance payment Partial payment Question and answer *If you are sending a question by fax, please send the designated form. If you are sending an email, please fill out the attached file and send it. FAX Contract Main Points Explanation Contract for the purchase price of special activated carbon for deodorization in FY2024 (re-announced bidding) Shimojo 06-14 Tatsuta River Purification Center Tatsuta River Purification Center Contract for the purchase price of special activated carbon for deodorization in FY2024 Viewing book Excluding this cover (page 22) Specifications for the contract for the purchase price of special activated carbon for deodorization in FY2024 1 Purpose With regard to the purchase of special activated carbon for deodorization in FY2024, the contractor, keeping in mind the importance of the public mission, aims to refill the activated carbon used in the deodorization equipment and remove deteriorated activated carbon (hereinafter referred to as "replacement") so as not to interfere with the operation and management of each facility managed by the Waterworks and Sewerage Department Tatsuta River Purification Center. 2 Planned purchase quantity (unit: kg) For aldehyde gas (manufactured by Osaka Gas Chemicals) For simultaneous removal of malodorous substances (manufactured by Osaka Gas Chemicals) Subtotal Granular Shirasagi GAAX4/6 Granular Shirasagi GM2X4/6-1 Granular Shirasagi GM2X4/6-3 Granular Shirasagi GM2X4/6-4 New coal 250 690 604102,3701,410 Recycled coal 1,640 4,050 370 2,370 8,430 Subtotal 1,890 4,740 430 2,780 9,8403 Delivery location (1) 201-21 Higashiyama-cho, Ikoma City Tatsuta River Purification Center, grit chamber building and water treatment building deodorizing device adsorption tower (2) 11-13 Shikanodai Higashi-cho, Ikoma City Yamada River Purification Center First and Second Deodorizing Equipment Adsorption Towers (3) 8916-37 Takayama-cho, Ikoma City Takayama Intermediate Pump Station Deodorizing Equipment Adsorption Towers (4) 21-3 Kitayamato 4-chome, Ikoma City Kitayamato First Intermediate Pump Station Deodorizing Equipment Adsorption Towers (5) 13-1 Kitayamato 5-chome, Ikoma City Kitayamato Second Intermediate Pump Station Deodorizing Equipment Adsorption Towers (6) 3-3 Nishishiranai 2-chome, Ikoma City Minamikitahara Intermediate Pump Station Deodorizing Equipment Adsorption Towers 4 Contract Period From the date of contract conclusion to March 31, 2025 5 Delivery Date To be specified by the City on each occasion. (Scheduled: January to March 2025) 6 Replacement Costs To be borne by the Contractor. 7. Type of activated carbon, product name and planned quantity per facility (unit: kg)FacilityTatsuta River Purification Center <Sand trap building>Tatsuta River Purification Center <Water treatment building>Yamada River Purification Center <First>Yamada River Purification Center <Second>Product nameGranular Shirasagi GAAX4/6Granular Shirasagi GM2X4/6-1Granular Shirasagi GAAX4/6Granular Shirasagi GM2X4/6-1Granular Shirasagi GAAX4/6Granular Shirasagi GM2X4/6-4Granular Shirasagi GAAX4/6Granular Shirasagi GM2X4/6-4QuantityNew carbon 80 380 40 220 50 320 30 90Recycled carbon 500 2,180 290 1,280 320 1,830 170 540Facility Takayama relay pump station Kitayamato 1st relay pump station Kitayamato 2nd relay pump station Minamikitahara relay pump stationProduct name Granular Shirasagi GAAX4/6 Granular Shirasagi GM2X4/6-1 Granular Shirasagi GAAX4/6 Granular Shirasagi GM2X4/6-3 Granular Shirasagi GAAX4/6 Granular Shirasagi GM2X4/6-3 Granular Shirasagi GAAX4/6 Granular Shirasagi GM2X4/6-1QuantityNew coal 30 70 10 30 10 30 0 20Recycled coal 170 440 70 190 70 180 50 150*For aldehyde gas Granular Shirasagi GAAx4/6 and for simultaneous removal of odorous substances Granular Shirasagi GM2X4/6-1, -3, -4 will be manufactured by Osaka Gas Chemical. 8 Confirmation of packaging and quantity of activated carbon It will be packed in FIBC bags or 10 kg bags, and for FIBC bags, the quantity will be confirmed by submitting a measurement certificate, and for 10 kg bags, the quantity will be confirmed by the number of bags. 9 Activated carbon replacement procedure (Details for each facility are in accordance with the attached replacement procedure.) (1) Pre-commencement work a. The contractor shall cover the floor of the work area with protective sheeting or the like, taking care to prevent dirt from scattering. b. Measure the readings of the instruments before replacing the activated carbon. c. Before starting work, the contractor shall stop operation, measure the oxygen and hydrogen sulfide concentrations, record the results, and confirm safety before reporting to the city's supervisory staff (hereinafter referred to as "supervisory staff") and then commence work. (2) Work to remove degraded coal A. Facilities where cartridges are installed (A) The contractor shall use safe and appropriate tools when removing cartridges, taking care not to damage the main body, cartridge lining, packing, etc. (B) The contractor shall use a plant cleaner or similar tool to remove degraded coal to prevent the generation of dust. (C) The contractor shall remove degraded coal in a manner that ensures that aldehyde gas and simultaneous odorous substance removal coal are not mixed, and clearly indicate the type, etc. on the bag. (D) The contractor shall inspect and clean the inside of the deodorizing device adsorption tower (hereinafter referred to as the "adsorption tower") and inspect and clean the drain piping. (E) The contractor shall replace the cartridge gasket. B. Facilities where cartridges are not installed (A) The contractor shall use a plant cleaner or similar tool to remove degraded coal to prevent the generation of dust. (B) The contractor shall remove degraded coal in a manner that ensures that aldehyde gas and simultaneous odorous substance removal coal are not mixed, and clearly indicate the type, etc. on the bag. (c) The contractor shall inspect the tri-calcium net and wire mesh separating the aldehyde gas section from the section for simultaneous removal of malodorous substances for damage. (d) The contractor shall inspect and clean the inside of the adsorption tower, and inspect and clean the drain piping. (3) Filling work The contractor shall use fasteners for filling, and pack it thoroughly. (4) After the work is completed (a) After cleaning the site, the contractor shall inspect the adsorption tower and report the results to the supervising officer. (b) The contractor shall resume operation and measure the values ​​of the instruments after replacing the activated carbon. (c) If the measured values ​​are normal, the work is completed (d) The contractor shall properly dispose of the deteriorated carbon. (5) Details of the activated carbon replacement procedure shall be in accordance with the attached Special Activated Carbon Replacement Procedure for Deodorization. However, for the Tatsuta River Purification Center Water Treatment Building and Yamadagawa River Purification Center No. 2, maintenance of the mist separators shall be performed. (6) Work personnel The contractor shall have personnel with sufficient knowledge and experience in the activated carbon replacement work. (7) Safety Management, etc. A. The contractor shall strictly adhere to the Industrial Safety and Health Act (Act No. 57 of 1972) and other related laws and regulations to ensure the safety of workers. B. The client shall not be held responsible for accidents involving workers, etc., or for the replacement of activated carbon. (8) Other. The contractor shall always be in close contact with the supervising staff when carrying out the work. 10. Investigation of Deterioration Condition The contractor shall investigate the deterioration condition of the activated carbon in the adsorption tower and report to the supervising staff as necessary. 11 Documents to be submitted (1) Set of contract documents (2) Replacement report documents, breakdown of the amount of activated carbon delivered, test report of the deteriorated carbon, and considerations, pressure loss at the inlet and outlet of the adsorption tower, air volume measurement results (before and after replacement), work environment measurement results, recycled carbon quantity guarantee, on-site process photos (3) Deterioration status investigation report, test report of the deteriorated carbon and considerations ※ (2) and (3) should be bound into one pipe file, with the fiscal year, contract title, and contractor name written on the cover. In addition, if there are multiple locations for each facility and within the facility, an index or the like should be attached to each location, and documents (2) and (3) should be organized so that they can be identified, and submitted to the city. Activated carbon performance tableItemPerformanceFor aldehyde gas (manufactured by Osaka Gas Chemicals)For simultaneous removal of malodorous substances (manufactured by Osaka Gas Chemicals)Granular Shirasagi GAAX4/6 Granular Shirasagi GM2X4/6-1 Granular Shirasagi GM2X4/6-3 Granular Shirasagi GM2X4/6-4ShapeCylindrical pelletCylindrical pelletCylindrical pelletDrying loss (mass fraction %) 27.0-35.0 30.0-35.0 30.0-35.0 30.0-35.0Packing density (g/mL) 0.480-0.550 0.470-0.540 0.480-0.550 0.420-0.490Particle size4-6mesh (mass fraction %) 95.0 or more 95.0 or more 95.0 or more 95.0 or moreHardness (mass fraction %) 95.0 or more 95.0 or more 95.0 or more 95.0 or morepH 6.0-9.0 1.0-2.0 1.0-2.0 1.5-2.5Odor component adsorption performance *1 - 2.0-2.4 2.0-2.4 2.0-2.4*2 >10 1.4-1.8 1.4-1.8 1.4-1.8*3 - 2.6-3.0 2.6-3.0 2.6-3.0*4 - 0.6-1.0 0.6-1.0 0.6-1.0Adsorption performance of malodorous components*1 H2S equilibrium adsorption amount [g/100g] when moist air (relative humidity 80%) containing 5 ppm H2S (coexisting with NH3) is brought into contact with activated carbon at 25°C*2 Acetaldehyde equilibrium adsorption amount [g/100g] when moist air (relative humidity 80%) containing 5 ppm acetaldehyde is brought into contact with activated carbon at 25°C*3 NH3 equilibrium adsorption amount [g/100g] when moist air (relative humidity 80%) containing 3 ppm NH3 is brought into contact with activated carbon at 25°C*4 (CH3)2S equilibrium adsorption amount [g/100g] when moist air (relative humidity 80%) containing 3 ppm (CH3)2S is brought into contact with activated carbon at 25°C1Procedure for replacing special activated carbon for deodorization (Tatsuta River Purification Center Grit Tank Building)1Measure the values ​​of the following instruments before replacing the activated carbon. (1) Deodorization tower differential pressure (2) Deodorization fan current value (3) Deodorization tower inlet air volume (4) Deodorization tower outlet air volume ② Stop operation and check the safety of the work environment, such as oxygen deficiency. ③ Install a 5-ton crane truck (hereinafter referred to as "crane"), a 4-ton suction truck, and a hopper in front of the building. ④ Use the crane truck to unload the recycled coal and new coal. ⑤ Use the existing ceiling hoist to transport the cartridges in the underground deodorization tower to the building entrance, and use the crane to line up the cartridges outside. ⑥ Use the 4-ton suction truck to carefully separate and remove the degraded coal for aldehyde gas and the degraded coal for simultaneous odor substance removal, pack them into flexi-con bags, and load them onto the removal truck. ⑦ Remove the degraded coal. ⑧ Understand the situation inside the deodorization tower, and clean and inspect according to the situation. ⑨ Replace the cartridge packing. ⑩ Recycled carbon for aldehyde gas and simultaneous removal of malodorous substances is loaded from flexi-con bags into cartridges using a crane. New carbon is loaded manually from small bags into cartridges. ⑪ After loading, the cartridges are transported to the building entrance using a crane and lowered to the basement using an existing ceiling hoist and installed. ⑫ After installation is complete, operation is resumed and the following instruments are measured after the activated carbon has been replaced. (1) Deodorization tower differential pressure (2) Deodorization fan current value (3) Deodorization tower inlet air volume (4) Deodorization tower outlet air volume ⑬ If there are no abnormalities in the measured values, the process is complete. 2 Procedure for replacing special activated carbon for deodorization (Tatsuta River Purification Center Water Treatment Building) ① Measure the following instruments before replacing the activated carbon. (1) Deodorizing fan current value (2) Deodorizing tower differential pressure (3) Deodorizing fan differential pressure (4) Deodorizing tower inlet air volume (5) Deodorizing tower outlet air volume ② Stop operation and check the safety of the work environment for oxygen deficiency, etc. ③ Install a 4-ton suction truck and hopper in front of the building. ④ Install an electric chain block brought in by the contractor, remove the cartridges, and line them up inside the building. ⑤ Use the 4-ton suction truck to carefully separate and remove the degraded coal for aldehyde gas and the degraded coal for simultaneous odorous substance removal, pack them into flexi-con bags, and load them onto the removal vehicle. ⑥ Remove the degraded coal. ⑦ Understand the situation inside the deodorizing tower, and perform cleaning and inspection according to the situation. ⑧ Replace the cartridge gasket. ⑨ Unload the recycled coal packed in flexi-con bags and new coal packed in small bags. ⑩ Recycled carbon packed in flexi-con bags is filled into the cartridges using an electric chain block, while new carbon packed in small bags is filled in manually. ⑪ The filled cartridges are installed using an electric chain block. ⑫ After installation is complete, restart operation and measure the following gauges after replacing the activated carbon. (1) Deodorizing fan current value (2) Deodorizing tower differential pressure (3) Deodorizing fan differential pressure (4) Air volume ⑬ If there are no abnormalities in the measured values, the process is complete. *Maintenance of the mist separator ①Clean the inside of the mist separator and the element, and visually check for deformation, damage, etc. ②Check the mist separator drain pipe and drain valve for deformation, corrosion, etc., and the flow of wastewater. ③Replace the sheet packing of the mist separator door. 3 Procedure for replacing special activated carbon for deodorization (Yamada River Purification Center No. 1) ①Measure the following gauges before replacing the activated carbon. (1) Deodorization tower differential pressure (2) Deodorization fan current value (3) Deodorization tower inlet air volume (4) Deodorization tower outlet air volume ② Stop operation and check the safety of the work environment for oxygen deficiency, etc. ③ Set up a 4-ton suction truck, a 25-ton crane truck (hereinafter referred to as "crane"), and a hopper. ④ Use the crane truck to remove the cartridges and line them up outside. ⑤ Use the 4-ton suction truck to carefully separate and remove the degraded coal for aldehyde gas and the degraded coal for simultaneous odor substance removal, pack them into flexi-con bags, and load them onto the removal vehicle. ⑥ Understand the situation inside the deodorization tower, and perform cleaning and inspection according to the situation. ⑦ Replace the cartridge gasket. ⑧ Unload the recycled coal packed in flexi-con bags and new coal packed in small bags. ⑨ The recycled coal packed in flexi-con bags is loaded into the cartridges using a crane, and new coal packed in small bags is loaded by hand. ⑩ The filled cartridge is installed with a crane. ⑪ After installation is complete, resume operation and measure the following gauges after replacing the activated carbon. (1) Deodorization tower differential pressure (2) Deodorization fan current value (3) Deodorization tower inlet air volume (4) Deodorization tower outlet air volume ⑫ If there are no abnormalities in the measurements, the process is complete. ⑬ Remove the degraded carbon 4 Procedure for replacing special activated carbon for deodorization (Yamada River Purification Center No. 2) ① Measure the following gauges before replacing the activated carbon. (1) Deodorization fan current value (2) Deodorization tower inlet air volume (3) Deodorization tower outlet air volume ② Stop operation and check the safety of the work environment for oxygen deficiency, etc. ③ Install a 4-ton suction truck and hopper. ④ Use the 4-ton suction truck to carefully separate and remove the degraded carbon for aldehyde gas and the degraded carbon for simultaneous removal of malodorous substances, and pack them into flexi-con bags and load them onto the removal truck. ⑤ Understand the condition inside the deodorization tower, and perform cleaning and inspection according to the condition. ⑥ Replace the cartridge packing. ⑦ Unload the recycled and new charcoal in small bags and refill by hand. ⑧ After installation is complete, resume operation and measure the values ​​of the following instruments after replacing the activated carbon. (1) Deodorization fan current value (2) Deodorization tower inlet air volume (3) Deodorization tower outlet air volume ⑨ If there are no abnormalities in the measured values, it is complete ⑩ Remove the deteriorated carbon ③ Replace the sheet packing of the mist separator door. * Mist separator maintenance ① Clean the inside of the mist separator and the element, and visually check for deformation, damage, etc. ② Replace the sheet packing of the mist separator door. 5 Procedure for replacing special activated carbon for deodorization (Takayama relay pump station) ① Measure the values ​​of the following instruments before replacing the activated carbon. (1) Deodorization tower differential pressure (2) Deodorization fan current value (3) Deodorization tower inlet air volume (4) Deodorization tower outlet air volume ② Stop operation and check the safety of the work environment for oxygen deficiency, etc. ③ Remove the cartridges using the existing ceiling hoist and line them up indoors. ④ Install a 4-ton suction truck ⑤ Use the 4-ton suction truck to carefully separate and remove the degraded charcoal for aldehyde gas and the degraded charcoal for simultaneous odor substance removal, pack them into flexi-con bags, and load them onto the removal truck. ⑥ Ascertain the condition inside the deodorization tower and perform cleaning and inspection according to the condition. ⑦ Replace the cartridge gasket. ⑧ Unload the recycled charcoal and new charcoal in small bags and manually fill them into the cartridges. ⑨ Install the cartridges using the existing ceiling hoist. ⑩ After installation is complete, resume operation and measure the values ​​of the following instruments after replacing the activated charcoal. (1) Deodorization tower differential pressure (2) Deodorization fan current value (3)Air volume at the entrance of the deodorizing tower (4) Air volume at the exit of the deodorizing tower ⑪ If there are no abnormalities in the measured values, the process is complete ⑫. Remove the deteriorated coal 6 Procedure for replacing the special activated carbon for deodorization (Kitayamato No. 1 relay pump station) ① Measure the values ​​of the following instruments before replacing the activated carbon. (1) Deodorizing tower differential pressure (2) Deodorizing fan current value (3) Air volume at the entrance of the deodorizing tower (4) Air volume at the exit of the deodorizing tower ② Stop operation and check the safety of the work environment for oxygen deficiency, etc. ③ Install a 4-ton suction truck ④ Use the 4-ton suction truck to carefully separate and remove the deteriorated carbon for aldehyde gas and the deteriorated carbon for simultaneous removal of malodorous substances, pack each into a flexi-con bag, and load it onto the removal truck. ⑤ Understand the condition inside the deodorizing tower, and perform cleaning and inspection according to the condition. ⑥ Replace the cartridge packing. ⑦ Unload the recycled carbon and new carbon in small bags and fill them up manually. ⑧ After filling is complete, resume operation and measure the following gauges after replacing the activated carbon. (1) Deodorization tower differential pressure (2) Deodorization fan current value (3) Deodorization tower inlet air volume (4) Deodorization tower outlet air volume ⑨ If there are no abnormalities in the measured values, the process is complete ⑩ Deodorization tower removal 7 Procedure for replacing special activated carbon for deodorization (Kitayamato No. 2 relay pump station) ① Measure the following gauges before replacing the activated carbon. (1) Deodorization tower differential pressure (2) Deodorization fan current value (3) Deodorization tower inlet air volume (4) Deodorization tower outlet air volume ② Stop operation and check the safety of the work environment for oxygen deficiency, etc. ③ Install a 4-ton suction truck ④ Use the 4-ton suction truck to carefully separate and remove the degraded carbon for aldehyde gas and the degraded carbon for simultaneous removal of malodorous substances, pack them into flexi-con bags, and load them onto the removal truck. ⑤ Understand the condition inside the deodorization tower and perform cleaning and inspection according to the condition. ⑥ Replace the cartridge packing. ⑦ Unload the recycled and new charcoal in small bags and refill by hand. ⑧ After refilling is complete, resume operation and measure the following gauges after replacing the activated charcoal. (1) Deodorization tower differential pressure (2) Deodorization fan current value (3) Deodorization tower inlet air volume (4) Deodorization tower outlet air volume ⑨ If there are no abnormalities in the measured values, the process is complete ⑩ Removal of degraded charcoal 8 Procedure for replacing special activated charcoal for deodorization (North and South Tahara Relay Pump Station) ① Measure the following gauges before replacing the activated charcoal. (1) Deodorization tower differential pressure (2) Deodorization fan differential pressure ② Stop operation and check the safety of the work environment for oxygen deficiency, etc. ③ Separate the degraded charcoal for aldehyde gas and the degraded charcoal for simultaneous removal of malodorous substances, remove them manually, and pack each into a flexi-con bag and load it onto the removal vehicle. ④ Understand the condition inside the deodorization tower, and carry out cleaning and inspection according to the situation. ⑤ Replace the cartridge gasket. ⑥ Unload the recycled and new coal in small bags and refill by hand. ⑦ After refilling is complete, resume operation and measure the values ​​of the following instruments after replacing the activated carbon. (1) Deodorization tower differential pressure (2) Deodorization fan differential pressure ⑧ If there are no abnormalities in the measured values, the process is complete ⑨ Deteriorated coal removal Purification center and pump station Location map N Tatsuta River Purification Center Takayama relay pump station Kita Yamato No. 1 relay pump Yamadagawa Purification Center Minami Kita Tahara relay pump station Kita Yamato No. 2 relay pump station
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