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(仮称)北谷津町入口交差点(国道126号)予備設計業務委託(6-1) (仮称)北谷津町入口交差点(国道126号)予備設計業務委託(6-1) ここから本文です。 (仮称)北谷津町入口交差点(国道126号)予備設計業務委託(6−1)標記の案件情報について、掲載しています。案... (Tentative name) Chatayatsu Town Entrance Intersection (National Route 126) Preliminary Design Contract (6-1) (Tentative name) Chatayatsu Town Entrance Intersection (National Route 126) Preliminary Design Contract (6-1) The main text begins here. (Tentative name) Chatayatsu Town Entrance Intersection (National Route 126) Preliminary Design Contract (6-1) Project information is posted. Proposal...

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(仮称)北谷津町入口交差点(国道126号)予備設計業務委託(6-1) (仮称)北谷津町入口交差点(国道126号)予備設計業務委託(6-1) ここから本文です。 (仮称)北谷津町入口交差点(国道126号)予備設計業務委託(6−1)標記の案件情報について、掲載しています。案... 千葉県千葉市   入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 (仮称)北谷津町入口交差点(国道126号)予備設計業務委託(6-1) 種別 役務 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 2 日 組織 千葉県千葉市 取得日 2024 年 10 月 2 日 19:06:43 委託発注表(PDF:101KB)特記仕様書(PDF:139KB)参考資料(PDF:28KB)数量総括表(PDF:6KB)設計単価等一覧表(PDF:44KB)歩掛一覧表(PDF:46KB)位置図(PDF:812KB) 公告内容 ここから本文です。 (仮称)北谷津町入口交差点(国道126号)予備設計業務委託(6−1)標記の案件情報について、掲載しています。案件概要案件名(仮称)北谷津町入口交差点(国道126号)予備設計業務委託(6-1)履行場所千葉市若葉区北谷津町地内履行期間契約締結日の翌日~令和7年3月21日使用する名簿令和6・7年度千葉市測量・コンサルタント入札参加資格者名簿業種・種目業種:土木関係建設コンサルタント地区区分:市内入札参加申請期間(募集期間)令和6年10月2日~令和6年10月9日入札契約方式希望型指名競争入札案件概要本業務は、(仮称)北谷津町入口交差点(国道126号)の交差点予備設計を行う。平面交差点予備設計 N=1箇所入札担当課・係等環境局資源循環部廃棄物施設整備課 事業調整推進班電話:043-245-5399案件詳細案件の詳細情報を掲載しています。 委託発注表(PDF:101KB) 特記仕様書(PDF:139KB) 現場説明書(PDF:107KB) 質問回答書(ワード:31KB) 参考資料(PDF:28KB) 数量総括表(PDF:6KB) 設計単価等一覧表(PDF:44KB) 歩掛一覧表(PDF:46KB) 位置図(PDF:812KB) 入札参加申請 入札参加申請にあたっては、希望型指名競争入札制度のてびき(環境局)(PDF:210KB)を確認してください。また、申請用紙は、希望型指名競争入札参加申請書(様式第1号)(ワード:26KB)を使用してください。 様式第1号委託発注表(希望型指名競争入札)所管課(事業所)名 :環境局資源循環部廃棄物施設整備課業 種 委 託 名 委 託 場 所土木関係建設コンサルタント業務(仮称)北谷津町入口交差点(国道126号)予備設計業務委託(6-1)千葉市若葉区北谷津町地内委 託 概 要 委 託 期 間本業務は、(仮称)北谷津町入口交差点(国道126号)の交差点予備設計を行う。平面交差点予備設計 N=1箇所契約締結日の翌日から令和7年3月21日まで資 格 要 件1 令和6・7年度千葉市測量・コンサルタント入札参加資格者名簿に、「業種:土木関係建設コンサルタント業務」に登録されている者2 千葉市内に本店を有する者3 地方自治法施行令第167条の4の規定に該当しない者であること。4 「環境局業務委託希望型指名競争入札実施要綱」第3条第1項各号の規定に該当しない者であること。1 受付期間 令和6年10月2日(水)~ 令和6年10月9日(水)午前9時~午後5時(土曜・日曜・祝日を除く)2 受付場所 千葉市中央区千葉港1番1号7F 廃棄物施設整備課問合せ先:環境局 資源循環部 廃棄物施設整備課 事業調整推進班電 話:043-245-53993 申込用紙 希望型指名競争入札参加申請書(要綱様式第1号)を使用すること。4 その他 「希望型指名競争入札制度のてびき」を事前に確認すること。 特 記 仕 様 書第1章 総則第1条 適用1 本特記仕様書は、(仮称)北谷津町入口交差点(国道126号)予備設計業務委託(6-1)(以下「本業務」という。)に適用する。2 本特記仕様書に、記載されていない事項については、「土木設計業務共通仕様書」(令和5年10月版)(以下、「共通仕様書」という。)によるものとする。3 本特記仕様書は、契約書第1条に規定する設計図書である。第2条 目的本業務は、(仮称)北谷津町入口交差点(国道126号)の交差点予備設計を行うことを目的とする。第3条 履行期間本業務の履行期間は、契約締結日の翌日から令和7年3月21日迄とする。なお、期間内であっても作業の完成したものについては、成果品の提出を求める場合がある。第4条 照査技術者本業務においては、共通仕様書第1108条第2項に規定する照査技術者を定めるものとする。第2章 設計業務第5条 業務内容業務内容は、「委託数量総括表」によるものとするが、詳細については、監督職員の指示に従うものとする。第6条 土地の立ち入り現地踏査における土地の立ち入りは、地元民と協調を保ち、いたずらに摩擦を起こさないよう十分心掛けること。第7条 適用する基準等本業務に適用する基準、計算式等は、その適用過程を明らかにするとともに、その出典について明記するものとする。第8条 設計協議本業務の設計実施にあたっては、監督職員と入念な打ち合わせを原則とする。 なお、協議回数については、業務着手時、中間打合時3回、成果品納入時の5回を予定する。また、必要に応じて関係機関の協議に同席するものとする。第3章 その他第9条 成果品及び電子納品1 成果品は、原則として下記のものと下記について提出するものとする。1)業務報告書(A4版製本、図面を含む) 1部2)各成果品の電子媒体(CD-ROMなど) 2部2 本業務は電子納品対象業務とする。電子納品とは、調査、設計、工事などの各業務段階の最終成果品を電子データで納品することをいう。ここでいう電子データとは「土木設計業務等の電子納品要領(以下、「要領」という。)」に示されたファイルフォーマットに基づいて作成されたものを指す。3 成果品は、「要領」に基づいて作成した電子データを電子媒体(CD-ROM)で2部提出する。「要領」で特に記載がない項目については、監督職員と協議のうえ、決定するものとする。なお、電子納品に対応するための措置については、「電子納品運用ガイドライン」を参考にするものとする。4 成果品の提出の際には、電子納品チェックシステムによるチェックを行い、エラーがないことを確認した後、ウィルス対策を実施したうえで提出すること。第10条 成果品の管理及び帰属成果品の管理及び帰属は、すべて発注者にあるものとする。本業務の遂行課程及び完了後において受注者がこれを利用若しくは公表することは、一切これを認めない。第11条 成果品に対する責任の範囲受注者は、本業務完了後といえども、誤測、または設計の失策、不備等が発見された場合及び工事の施工上困難な場合、若しくは支障が生じた場合は速やかに図書の訂正をしなければならない。これに要する経費は受注者の負担とする。第12条 疑義受注者は、本業務の履行中に疑義が生じた場合は、速やかに監督職員と協議を行うものとする。 鏡の責任において定めるものとする。 参 考 資 料- 1 -R 6.  9.  1基準適用月 R 5. 10なお、この「参考資料」の有効期限は、この委託の入札日までとする単価適用日(仮称)北谷津町入口交差点(国道126号)予備設計業務委託(6-1) この「参考資料」は入札参加者の適正かつ迅速な見積に資するための資料であり、契約書第一条にいう担当課             道路計画課 したがって「参考資料」は請負契約上の拘束力を生じるものではなく、受注者は施工条件、地質条件等を十分考慮して、仮設、施工方法、安全対策、委託目的物を完成するための一切の手段について受注者委託名設計図書ではない計2024-02836備 明 設 説- 2 -考平面交差点予備設計 N=1箇所設計内訳書 箇所道路設計 平面交差点予備設計数量        1摘要        1業務業務名 関係機関打合せ協議式当 初 平面交差点予備設計 平面交差点設計共通         1項 目式 直接経費        1 共通(設計業務)        1 打合せ等式内-1号        1項目・工種・種別・細別 直接経費         1業務番号式        1        1 縮尺1/500(仮称)北谷津町入口交差点(国道126号)予備設計業務委託(式 式土木設計業務単-2号         1規格 単位 単価式 数量増減        1 打合せ - 1 -        1 式単-1号 式6-1)金額 金額増減式 旅費交通費設計内訳書道路設計 業 種                                  千葉市数量        1摘要業務名消費税相当額式当 初直接経費        1 項 目式        1在を伴わない        1 旅費交通費(率計上)(設計)業務費計式        1設計業務価格項目・工種・種別・細別         1業務番号式業務原価式その他原価        1        1- 2 -(仮称)北谷津町入口交差点(国道126号)予備設計業務委託(式土木設計業務         1一般管理費等区分:概略設計、 予備規格 単位 電子成果品作成費(設計) 電子成果品作成費単価式 式 直接原価数量増減        1式設計又は詳細設計式6-1) 金額 金額増減旅費交通費の指定:滞 設計内訳書業 種                                  千葉市内訳書金額20240901数量単価適用年月一式当たり内訳書単位    合 計単価20240913関係機関打合せ協議第1号内訳書摘要単- 15号        1WS505601関係機関打合せ協議機関・回規格歩掛適用年月金額増減 名称- 1 - 数量増減                                  千葉市単価表 設計図WS401403 単位        1箇所箇所箇所       1関係機関との協議資料作成単- 11号        1規格単-1号       1 1次単価表単- 9号箇所照査単位 WS401404 横断設計数量計算単- 3号単- 7号現地踏査数量平面・縦断設計単- 8号単- 12号縮尺1/500WS401409単価WS401408       1        1箇所WS401411単- 10号箇所       1 単- 13号箇所        1WS401406       1設計計画単- 4号単- 6号- 1 -報告書作成単- 5号 WS401405箇所 金額交差点容量・路面表示概算工事費箇所       1箇所平面交差点予備設計名称 摘要WS401402箇所箇所WS401401WS401407単価       1       1                                   千葉市数量WS401410単位 規格単-1号1次単価表単位数量縮尺1/500単価       1- 2 -単価 金額計箇所平面交差点予備設計名称 摘要 単価                                  千葉市数量業務単位打合せ規格- 3 -1次単価表単位業務数量単価計       1打合せ単価 単-2号単- 14号 金額WS505501名称 摘要 単価       1                                  千葉市数量- 4 -単位単価人規格計単位式技師(A)設計計画数量R0402単価       1WS401401主任技師2次単価表電子計算機使用料 ZS7S70600単-3号人  金額箇所名称 摘要R0403単価       1                                  千葉市 数量ZS7S70600単位人規格単位人単-4号技師(A)数量現地踏査電子計算機使用料単価技師(C)       12次単価表 技師(B) R0405計式       1人 R0404 金額WS401402R0403箇所- 5 -単価名称 摘要 単価                                  千葉市 数量ZS7S70600単位人規格平面・縦断設計単位人単-5号技師(A)数量電子計算機使用料単価技師(C)       1- 6 -2次単価表 技師(B) R0405計式       1人 R0404 金額R0403箇所単価名称 摘要 単価WS401403                                  千葉市 数量単位単価人横断設計技術員規格計- 7 -単位式R0406数量単価WS401404       12次単価表電子計算機使用料R0405 ZS7S70600人 単-6号 金額箇所名称 摘要技師(C)単価       1                                  千葉市 数量単位単価WS401405人規格計単位式数量単価       12次単価表電子計算機使用料技師(B)R0405 ZS7S70600人 単-7号 金額箇所名称 摘要技師(C)- 8 -単価       1R0404                                  千葉市 数量交差点容量・路面表示単位単価人技術員規格計WS401406 単-8号単位式R0406数量単価       12次単価表電子計算機使用料R0405- 9 - ZS7S70600人  金額箇所設計図名称 摘要技師(C)単価       1                                  千葉市 数量単位計人単価ZS7S70600規格関係機関との協議資料作成単-9号単位- 10 -数量単価       1WS4014072次単価表電子計算機使用料R0405        1式 金額箇所名称 摘要技師(C)単価                                  千葉市 数量単位単価人技術員WS401408規格計単位式R0406数量単価       12次単価表電子計算機使用料- 11 -R0405 ZS7S70600人  金額箇所名称 摘要技師(C)単価       1                                  千葉市 単-10号数量数量計算R0406ZS7S70600単位人技術員規格単位人数量電子計算機使用料単価       1概算工事費2次単価表単-11号 技師(B)R0405 計式       1WS401409人  金額箇所単価名称- 12 -摘要技師(C)単価R0404                                  千葉市 数量単位単価人WS401410規格- 13 -計単位式単-12号照査技師(A)数量R0402単価       1主任技師2次単価表電子計算機使用料 ZS7S70600人  金額箇所名称 摘要R0403単価       1                                  千葉市 数量単位単価報告書作成人規格計単位式- 14 -技師(A)数量単価       1WS4014112次単価表電子計算機使用料技師(B) ZS7S70600単-13号人 R0404 金額R0403箇所名称 摘要 単価       1                                  千葉市 数量業務単位単価人規格計単位WS505501人技師(A)数量R0402単価       1技師(B)打合せ主任技師2次単価表 - 15 -人  金額J01 中間打合せ回数                          3 回R0404名称 摘要R0403単価                                  千葉市 数量単-14号WS505601単位計人単価規格関係機関打合せ協議単位技師(A)数量R0402単価       1主任技師2次単価表 単-15号- 16 -人  金額機関・回名称 摘要R0403単価                                  千葉市 数量諸経費計算書非対象額諸経費計算書調整額諸経費(計算額)一般管理費等(計算値)非対象額(-)その他原価の割合(α)項目その他原価計上額設計業務一般管理費等の割合(β)一般調査業務諸経費(計算額)( 当 初 )諸経費計上額金額・率(%)調整額直接原価その他原価の割合(α)調整業務計上額純調査費(直接調査費及び間接調査費)2024年度一般管理費等(計算値)業務名項目その他原価計上額項目非対象額直接測量費一般管理費対象額諸経費率直接人件費一般管理費等の割合 (β)諸経費率調整額- 1 -直接人件費対象額一般管理費等計上額建設コンサルタント諸経費計上額一般管理費等計上額対象額調整業務計上額管理費区分9・I(諸経費の非対象)金額・率(%)非対象額(-)                                  千葉市金額・率(%)解析調査業務直接原価管理費区分9・I(一般管理費等の非対象)(仮称)北谷津町入口交差点(国道126号)予備設計業務委調整額金額・率(%)地質調査業務管理費区分9・I(成果検定費等)一般管理費対象額測量業務管理費区分9・I(一般管理費等の非対象)項目地質調査業務 委  託 数 量 総 括 表令和 6年度                            道路計画課 千葉市若葉区北谷津町地内- 1 -新清掃工場周辺整備担 当 課委 託 名委託期間 令和 7年 3月21日迄事 業 名(仮称)北谷津町入口交差点(国道126号)予備設計業務委託(6-1)                                  千葉市委  託 数 量 総 括 表委託場所業務数量総括表        1式 平面交差点予備設計 打合せ当初業務数量総括表式 共通(設計業務)式 式        1項目・工種・種別・細別        1縮尺1/500 業務番号 平面交差点設計式        1        1 旅費交通費        1直接経費式箇所 打合せ等数量増減 単位 規格 今回数量 直接経費         1 式業務 式 旅費交通費(率計上)(設計) 関係機関打合せ協議式業務名        16-1) 項 目土木設計業務- 1 -        1        1摘要 (仮称)北谷津町入口交差点(国道126号)予備設計業務委託(        1        1道路設計業 種        1前回数量式道路設計                                  千葉市 共通 平面交差点予備設計式一般管理費等        1業務原価当初業務数量総括表設計業務価格式 式 式項目・工種・種別・細別        1業務番号        1        1 電子成果品作成費 電子成果品作成費(設計)数量増減 単位 規格式今回数量業務費計- 2 -        1式 式直接原価消費税相当額式業務名        16-1) 項 目土木設計業務         1 摘要直接経費(仮称)北谷津町入口交差点(国道126号)予備設計業務委託(        1業 種        1前回数量その他原価式                                  千葉市式 別紙1 設計単価等一覧表該当なし※見積り資材が無い場合は表中に「該当なし」と表示して添付します。 ※見積り先から公表について了承が得られない場合は決定単価欄に「-」を表示します。 設計単価等一覧表 (仮称)北谷津町入口交差点(国道126号)予備設計業務委託(6-1) 建設局道路部道路計画課名称 規格 単位 決定単価 備考 別紙2 歩掛一覧表建設局道路部道路計画課① 日当り施工量: 当り名称 規格 単位 数量 摘要該当なし※見積り歩掛が無い場合は表中に「該当なし」と表示して添付します。 ※見積り先から公表について了承が得られない場合は該当欄に「-」を表示します。 歩掛一覧表 (仮称)北谷津町入口交差点(国道126号)予備設計業務委託(6-1) 2020303020404038363839413967.741.238.417.739.339.820.540.738.339.341.440.938.528.319.341.340.921.041.422.441.240.940.840.039.938.840.138.441.439.739.237.838.439.620.339.523.239.840.039.839.238.937.530.520.440.116.740.538.518.438.339.140.338.340.北 谷 津 町主要地ク レ イ ン 千葉乗場ク ラ ブテ ニ ス コ ー ト北谷津清掃工場北谷津温水プール若葉いきいきプラザ402030203030304030403030383617.217.036.537.938.638.232.914.515.918.815.738.941.317.714.213.941.520.323.025.338.215.218.913.217.413.438.617.北谷津町多部一般国道126号多部田橋北谷津橋春日神社都川北谷津ゴルフガーデンÜ0 75 150 225 300 37.51:5,000 (Tentative name) Chatayatsu Town Entrance Intersection (National Route 126) Preliminary Design Contract (6-1) (Tentative name) Chatayatsu Town Entrance Intersection (National Route 126) Preliminary Design Contract (6-1) The main text begins here. (Tentative name) Chatayatsu Town Entrance Intersection (National Route 126) Preliminary Design Contract (6-1) Project information is posted. Proposal... Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture Bidding information is as follows. Subject (Tentative name) Chatayatsu Town Entrance Intersection (National Route 126) Preliminary Design Contract (6-1) Type Services Date of announcement or update October 2, 2024 Organization Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture Date of acquisition October 2, 2024 19:06:43 Order Form (PDF:101KB) Specifications (PDF:139KB) Reference Materials (PDF:28KB) Quantity Summary (PDF:6KB) Design Cost List (PDF:44KB) Work Rate List (PDF:46KB) Location Map (PDF:812KB) Announcement Contents The main text starts here. (Provisional Name) Chatayazu Town Entrance Intersection (National Route 126) Preliminary Design Outsourcing (6-1) Project Information is posted. Project overview Project name (tentative name) Chatayatsucho entrance intersection (National Route 126) preliminary design work contract (6-1) Place of performance Within Chatayatsucho, Wakaba Ward, Chiba City Period of performance From the day after the contract is concluded to March 21, 2025 List of names to be used List of qualified persons to participate in Chiba City surveying and consulting bidding for fiscal years 2024 and 2025 Industry/category Industry: Civil engineering related construction consultant Area classification: City Bidding participation application period (recruitment period) October 2, 2024 to October 9, 2024 Bidding contract method Preferred type designated competitive bidding Project overview This work involves the preliminary design of the intersection at the entrance to Chatayatsucho (National Route 126) (tentative name). At-grade intersection preliminary design N = 1 location Bidding department/section, etc. Environment Bureau Resource Recycling Department Waste Facility Development Division Business Coordination Promotion Team Telephone: 043-245-5399 Project details Detailed information on the project is posted. Order Form (PDF: 101KB) Special Specifications (PDF: 139KB) Site Description (PDF: 107KB) Questions and Answers (Word: 31KB) Reference Materials (PDF: 28KB) Quantity Summary Table (PDF: 6KB) Design Price List (PDF: 44KB) Work Rate List (PDF: 46KB) Location Map (PDF: 812KB) Bidding Application When applying to participate in a bid, please check the Guide to the Preferred Type Designated Competitive Bidding System (Environment Bureau) (PDF: 210KB). In addition, please use the Preferred Type Designated Competitive Bidding Application Form (Form No. 1) (Word: 26KB) as the application form. Form No. 1 Commissioned Order Form (Preferred Designated Competitive Bidding) Department (business establishment) responsible: Waste Facility Development Division, Resource Recycling Department, Environment Bureau Industry Commissioned Name Commissioned Location Civil engineering-related construction consulting work (tentative name) Chatayatsucho Entrance Intersection (National Route 126) Preliminary design work commissioned (6-1) Chatayatsucho, Wakaba Ward, Chiba City Commissioned Overview Commissioned Period This work involves preliminary design of the intersection (tentative name) Chatayatsucho Entrance Intersection (National Route 126). Grade intersection preliminary design N=1 location From the day after the contract conclusion date to March 21, 2025 Qualification Requirements 1. A person who is registered in the Chiba City Surveying and Consulting Bidding Participant Qualification List for 2024 and 2025 under "Industry: Civil engineering-related construction consulting work" 2. A person who has his/her head office in Chiba City 3. A person who does not fall under the provisions of Article 167-4 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act. 4. You do not fall under any of the provisions of Article 3, Paragraph 1 of the "Guidelines for the Implementation of Preferred-Type Designated Competitive Bidding for the Environment Bureau's Business Outsourcing." 1. Application period: Wednesday, October 2, 2024 to Wednesday, October 9, 2024, 9:00AM to 5:00PM (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays) 2. Application location: 7F, Waste Facility Development Division, 1-1 Chiba Port, Chuo-ku, Chiba City For inquiries, please contact: Environment Bureau, Resource Recycling Department, Waste Facility Development Division, Business Coordination Promotion Team Tel: 043-245-5399 3. Application form: Use the Preferred-Type Designated Competitive Bidding Participation Application Form (Guideline Form No. 1). 4. Other: Please check the "Guide to the Preferred-Type Designated Competitive Bidding System" in advance. Special Specifications Chapter 1 General Provisions Article 1 Application 1 This special specification applies to the (tentative name) Chatayatsu Town Entrance Intersection (National Route 126) Preliminary Design Service Outsourcing (6-1) (hereinafter referred to as "this work"). 2 Any matters not specified in this special specification shall be governed by the "Civil Engineering Design Work Common Specifications" (October 2023 edition) (hereinafter referred to as "Common Specifications"). 3 This special specification is the design document stipulated in Article 1 of the contract. Article 2 Purpose The purpose of this work is to carry out the preliminary design of the intersection of (tentative name) Chatayatsu Town Entrance Intersection (National Route 126). Article 3 Performance Period The performance period of this work is from the day after the contract conclusion date to March 21, 2025. However, even if the work is completed within the period, the submission of the deliverables may be requested. Article 4: Inspection Engineer In this work, the inspection engineer stipulated in Article 1108, Paragraph 2 of the Common Specifications shall be appointed. Chapter 2 Design Work Article 5: Work Contents The work contents shall be based on the "Contract Quantity Summary Table", but for details, follow the instructions of the supervising officer. Article 6: Land Entry When entering the land for on-site reconnaissance, be sure to maintain cooperation with local residents and take great care not to cause unnecessary friction. Article 7: Applicable Standards, etc. The standards and calculation formulas applied to this work shall clarify the application process and clearly state their sources. Article 8: Design Consultation In principle, thorough discussions with the supervising officer shall be held when designing this work. The number of consultations is scheduled to be at the start of work, three times during intermediate meetings, and five times at the time of delivery of the deliverables. In addition, the engineer shall attend discussions with related organizations as necessary. Chapter 3: Other Article 9: Deliverables and Electronic Delivery 1. In principle, the deliverables shall be submitted as follows and as follows. 1) One copy of the work report (A4 size, including drawings) 2) Two copies of electronic media (CD-ROM, etc.) of each deliverable 2 This work is subject to electronic delivery. Electronic delivery means the delivery of the final deliverables of each work stage, such as survey, design, and construction, in electronic data. Electronic data here refers to data created based on the file format specified in the "Electronic Delivery Guidelines for Civil Engineering Design Work, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the "Guidelines")". 3 The deliverables shall be submitted in two copies on electronic media (CD-ROM) of electronic data created based on the "Guidelines". Items not specifically mentioned in the "Guidelines" shall be decided in consultation with the supervising staff. For measures to accommodate electronic delivery, the "Electronic Delivery Operation Guidelines" shall be referred to. 4 When submitting the deliverables, check them using the electronic delivery check system to confirm that there are no errors, and then implement virus protection measures before submitting them. Article 10 Management and ownership of deliverables Management and ownership of deliverables shall be the sole responsibility of the client. The Contractor shall not be permitted to use or publish the documents during or after the execution of this work. Article 11 Scope of responsibility for the final product The Contractor shall promptly correct the documents if any mismeasurement, design error, or deficiency is discovered, or if any difficulties or obstacles arise in the execution of the work, even after the completion of this work. The Contractor shall bear the expenses required for this. Article 12 Doubts If any doubts arise during the execution of this work, the Contractor shall promptly consult with the Supervising Officer. It shall be determined at the Contractor's own responsibility. Reference Materials - 1 -R 6. 9. 1 Month of application of the standards R 5.10The validity period of this "Reference Material" shall be the date of the bid for this commission. Unit price application date (tentative name) Chatayazu Town Entrance Intersection (National Route 126) Preliminary design work commission (6-1) This "Reference Material" is a document to assist the bidder in making a fair and prompt estimate, and the responsible department in Article 1 of the contract, Road Planning Department, shall provide the "Reference Material" for the Contract. Therefore, the "Reference Material" does not have binding force on the contract, and the Contractor shall fully consider the construction conditions, geological conditions, etc., and shall provide the Contractor with regard to the temporary structures, construction methods, safety measures, and all means for completing the commissioned object. Name of Commission Not a design document Total 2024-02836 Remarks Design Explanation - 2 - Consideration Grade Intersection Preliminary Design N=1 Location Design Details Location Road Design Grade Intersection Preliminary Design Quantity 1 Summary 1 Work Name of Work Related Organizations Meeting Discussion Ceremony Initial Grade Intersection Preliminary Design Grade Intersection Design Common 1 Item Formula Direct Expenses 1 Common (Design Work) 1 Meeting Etc. Formula - 1 1 Item / Type / Category / Details Direct Expenses 1 Business Number 1 1 Scale 1/500 (tentative name) Chatayatsu Town Entrance Intersection (National Route 126) Preliminary Design Outsourcing (Formula Civil Engineering Design Work Unit-2 1 Standard Unit Unit Price Quantity Increase / Decrease 1 Meeting - 1 - 1 Form Unit-1 Form 6-1) Amount Amount Increase / Decrease Travel Expenses Design Breakdown Road Design Industry Chiba City Quantity 1 Summary Work Name Consumption Tax Equivalent Amount Initial Direct Expenses 1 Item 1 Not with Presence 1 Travel Expenses (Rate Approval) (Design) Work Costs 1 Design Work Price Item / Type / Category / Details 1 Business Number 1 Business Costs 1 1- 2 - (tentative name) Chatayatsu Town Entrance Intersection (National Route 126) Preliminary Design Outsourcing (Formula Civil Engineering Design Work 1 General administrative expenses, etc. Classification: Outline design, preliminary specifications Unit Electronic deliverable creation cost (design) Electronic deliverable creation cost unit price formula Formula Direct cost Quantity increase/decrease 1 set design or detailed design formula 6-1) Amount Amount increase/decrease Travel expenses Designation: Delay Design details Industry Chiba city details Amount 20240901 Quantity unit price application year/month Breakdown per set Unit Total unit price 20240913 Related agency meeting consultation No. 1 Summary of details Unit- 15 1WS505601 Related agency meeting consultation agency/time Standard labor rate application year/month Amount increase/decrease Name- 1- Quantity increase/decrease Chiba city unit price table Design drawing WS401403 Unit 1 Location Location Location 1 Preparation of consultation materials with related agencies Unit- 11 1 Standard Unit- 1 1 First unit price table Unit- 9 Location Verification unit WS401404 Cross-sectional design quantity calculation unit-3 unit-7 site reconnaissance quantity plan and longitudinal design unit-8 unit-12 scale 1/500WS401409 unit priceWS401408 1 1 locationWS401411 unit-10 location 1 unit-13 location 1WS401406 1 design plan unit-4 unit-6-1 - report preparation unit-5 WS401405 location amount intersection capacity and road surface marking estimated construction cost location 1 location grade intersection preliminary design name summaryWS401402 location locationWS401401WS401407 unit price 1 1 Chiba city quantityWS401410 unit standard unit-1 primary unit price table unit quantity scale 1/500 unit price 1- 2 - unit price amount total location grade intersection preliminary design name summary unit price Chiba City Quantity Work Unit Meeting Standard - 3 - 1st Unit Price Table Unit Work Quantity Unit Price Total 1 Meeting Unit Price Unit - 2nd Unit - 14th Amount WS505501 Name Description Unit Price 1 Chiba City Quantity - 4 - Unit Unit Price Person Standard Total Unit Formula Engineer (A) Design Plan Quantity R0402 Unit Price 1 WS401401 Chief Engineer 2nd Unit Price Table Computer Usage Fee ZS7S70600 Unit - 3rd Person Amount Location Name Description R0403 Unit Price 1 Chiba City Quantity ZS7S70600 Unit Person Standard Unit Person Unit - 4th Engineer (A) Quantity On-site Survey Computer Usage Fee Unit Price Engineer (C) 12th Unit Price Table Engineer (B) R0405 Total Formula 1 Person R0404 Amount WS401402 R0403 Location - 5 - Unit Price Name Description Unit price Chiba city Quantity ZS7S70600 Unit person Standard Plan/longitudinal design Unit person Unit-5 Engineer (A) Quantity Computer usage fee Unit price Engineer (C) 1- 6 -2nd unit price table Engineer (B) R0405 Total 1 person R0404 Amount R0403 Location Unit price Name Summary Unit price WS401403 Chiba city Quantity unit price person Transverse design Engineer Standard Total- 7 -Unit formula R0406 Quantity unit price WS401404 12th unit price table Computer usage fee R0405 ZS7S70600 Person Unit-6 Amount Location Name Summary Engineer (C) Unit price 1 Chiba city Quantity unit price WS401405 Person Standard Total Unit formula Quantity unit price 12th unit price table Computer usage fee Engineer (B) R0405 ZS7S70600 people Unit-7 Amount Location Name Summary Engineer (C) - 8 - Unit price 1R0404 Chiba City Quantity Intersection capacity/road surface display Unit price Person Engineer Standard Total WS401406 Unit-8 Unit formula R0406 Quantity Unit price 12th Unit price table Computer usage fee R0405- 9 - ZS7S70600 people Amount Location Design drawing Name Summary Engineer (C) Unit price 1 Chiba City Quantity Unit Total Person Unit price ZS7S70600 Standard Preparation of consultation materials with related organizations Unit-9 Unit - 10 - Quantity Unit price 1WS401407 2nd Unit price table Computer usage fee R0405 1 Set Amount Location Name Summary Engineer (C) Unit price Chiba City Quantity Unit Unit price Person Engineer WS401408 Standard Total Unit formula R0406 Quantity Unit price 12th Unit Price Table Computer Usage Fee - 11 -R0405 ZS7S70600 Person Amount Location NameSummary Engineer (C) Unit price 1 Chiba City Unit-10 Quantity Quantity calculation R0406 ZS7S70600 Unit person Engineer Standard Unit person Quantity Computer usage fee Unit price 1 Estimated construction cost Secondary unit price table Unit-11 Engineer (B) R0405 Calculation formula 1 WS401409 person Amount Location Unit price Name- 12 - Summary Engineer (C) Unit price R0404 Chiba City Quantity unit price person WS401410 Standard- 13 - Total unit formula Unit-12 Checking engineer (A) Quantity R0402 Unit price 1 Chief engineer Secondary unit price table Computer usage fee ZS7S70600 person Amount Location Name Summary R0403 Unit price 1 Chiba City Quantity unit price Report creator Standard Total unit formula- 14 - Engineer (A) Quantity unit price 1WS4014112nd Unit Price Table Computer Usage Fee Engineer (B) ZS7S70600 Unit-13 Person R0404 Amount R0403 Location Name Description Unit Price 1 Chiba City Quantity Work Unit Unit Price Person Standard Total Unit WS505501 Person Engineer (A) Quantity R0402 Unit Price 1 Engineer (B) Meeting Chief Engineer 2nd Unit Price Table - 15 - Person Amount J01 Interim Meeting Number of Times 3 R0404 Name Description R0403 Unit Price Chiba City Quantity Unit-14 WS505601 Unit Total Person Unit Price Standard Related Organization Meeting Discussion Unit Engineer (A) Quantity R0402 Unit Price 1 Chief Engineer 2nd Unit Price Table Unit-15 - 16 - Person Amount Organization/Time Name Description R0403 Unit Price Chiba City Quantity Amount not applicable to overhead statement Adjustment amount for overhead statement Overhead (calculated amount) General administrative expenses, etc. (calculated value) Amount not applicable (-) Proportion of other costs (?) Item Other cost amount Design work General administrative expenses, etc. (?) General survey work overhead (calculated value) (initial) Amount of overhead amount/rate (%) Adjustment amount Direct cost Proportion of other costs (?) Amount of adjustment work Net survey cost (direct survey cost and indirect survey cost) General administrative expenses, etc. for FY2024 (calculated value) Business name Item Other cost amount Item Non-applicable amount Direct survey cost Amount applicable to general administrative expenses Overhead rate Direct personnel expenses Proportion of general administrative expenses, etc. (?) Overhead rate Adjustment amount - 1 - Amount applicable to direct personnel expenses Amount applicable to general administrative expenses, etc. Amount applicable to construction consultants Amount applicable to general administrative expenses, etc. Amount applicable to adjustment work Management expenses category 9/I (non-applicable to overhead) Amount/rate (%) Non-applicable amount (-) Chiba City Amount/Rate (%) Analysis survey work Direct cost Management cost category 9/I (not subject to general management costs, etc.) (tentative name) Chatanzu Town Entrance Intersection (National Route 126) Preliminary design work Committee adjustment amount Amount/Rate (%) Geological survey work Management cost category 9/I (Results inspection cost, etc.) Amount subject to general management costs Survey work Management cost category 9/I (not subject to general management costs, etc.) Item Geological survey work Commissioned quantity summary table FY2024 Road Planning Division Chatanzu Town, Wakaba Ward, Chiba City - 1 - New Incineration Plant Surrounding Development Division Commissioned name Commissioned period Until March 21, 2025 Project name (tentative name) Chatanzu Town Entrance Intersection (National Route 126) Preliminary design work Commissioned (6-1) Chiba City Commissioned quantity summary table Commissioned location Work quantity summary table 1 set At-grade intersection Preliminary design Meeting Initial work quantity summary table Formula Common (design work) formula formula 1 Item, type of work, category, subdivision 1 Scale 1/500 Business number At-grade intersection design formula 1 1 Travel expenses 1 Direct expense formula Location Meetings, etc. Quantity increase/decrease Unit Standard This time Quantity Direct expenses 1 formula Work formula Travel expenses (rate recording) (design) Related agency meeting consultation formula Business name 16-1) Item Civil engineering design work - 1 - 1 1 Summary (tentative name) Chatayatsu Town entrance intersection (National Route 126) preliminary design work outsourcing ( 1 1 Road design Industry 1 Previous quantity formula Road design Chiba City Common At-grade intersection preliminary design formula General administrative expenses, etc. 1 Business cost Initial business quantity summary table Design work price formula formula formula Item, type of work, category, subdivision 1 Business number 1 1 Electronic deliverable creation cost Electronic deliverable creation cost (design) Quantity increase/decrease Unit Standard formula This time Quantity Total business cost - 2 - 1 formula formula Direct cost equivalent to consumption tax formula Name of work 16-1) Item Civil engineering design work 1 Summary Direct expenses (tentative name) Chatanzu town entrance intersection (National Route 126) Preliminary design work commissioned ( 1 Industry 1 Previous quantity Other costs formula Chiba city formula Appendix 1 List of design unit prices, etc. Not applicable * If there are no estimated materials, indicate "Not applicable" in the table and attach it. * If the estimater does not agree to the disclosure, indicate "-" in the determined unit price column. List of design unit prices, etc. (tentative name) Chatanzu town entrance intersection (National Route 126) Preliminary design work commissioned (6-1) Construction Bureau Road Department Road Planning Division Name Standard Unit Determined unit price Remarks Appendix 2 List of labor rates Construction Bureau Road Department Road Planning Division ? Daily construction volume: Per Name Standard Unit Quantity Summary Not applicable * If there is no estimated labor rate, indicate "Not applicable" in the table and attach it. *If the estimate recipient does not consent to disclosure, a "-" will be displayed in the relevant field. Work-rate list (tentative name) Chatanzu Town Entrance Intersection (National Route 126) Preliminary design work contract (6-1) 2020303020404038363839413967.741.238.417.739.339.820.540.738.339.341.440.938.528.319.341.340.921.041.422.441.240.940.840.039.938.840.138.441. 439.739.237.838.439.620.339.523.239.840.039.839.238.937.530.520.440.116.740.538.518.438.339.140.338.340. 39.739.139.739.041.8 North Yazu Town Main Area Crane Chiba Boarding Area Club Tennis Court Chatanzu Waste Disposal Plant Chatanzu Heated Pool Wakaba Ikiiki Plaza 40 20 30 20 30 30 30 40 30 40 30 30 38 36 17.2 17.0 36.5 37.9 38.6 38.2 32.9 14.5 15.9 18.8 15.7 38.9 41.3 17.7 14.2 13.9 41.5 20.3 23.0 25.3 38.2 15.2 18.913.217.413.438.617. TownTabeNational Route 126Tabeta BridgeKitayazu BridgeKasuga ShrineMiyako RiverKitayazu Golf Garden�0 75 150 225 300 37.51:5,000
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