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令和6年度 重要給水施設配水管布設替実施設計業務委託 令和6年度 重要給水施設配水管布設替実施設計業務委託 【注意事項】【注意事項】そ の 他 技術者は長野県内の本店・支店及び営業所の所属者とする。 業務か所名 箕輪町内業 務 概 要入 札 公 告 次の... FY2024: Outsourcing of detailed design work for replacing distribution pipes at important water supply facilities FY2024: Outsourcing of detailed design work for replacing distribution pipes at important water supply facilities [Notes] [Notes] Others Engineers must be employees of the head office, branch office, or sales office in Nagano Prefecture. Name of business location Minowa Town Business overview Bidding announcement Next...

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令和6年度 重要給水施設配水管布設替実施設計業務委託 令和6年度 重要給水施設配水管布設替実施設計業務委託 【注意事項】【注意事項】そ の 他 技術者は長野県内の本店・支店及び営業所の所属者とする。 業務か所名 箕輪町内業 務 概 要入 札 公 告 次の... 長野県箕輪町   入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 令和6年度 重要給水施設配水管布設替実施設計業務委託 種別 役務 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 16 日 組織 長野県箕輪町 取得日 2024 年 10 月 16 日 19:24:42 閲覧設計書特記仕様書 公告内容 【注意事項】【注意事項】そ の 他 技術者は長野県内の本店・支店及び営業所の所属者とする。 業務か所名 箕輪町内業 務 概 要入 札 公 告 次のとおり条件付一般競争入札を行いますので、地方自治法施行令(昭和22年政令第16号)第167条の6の規定により公告します。 令和6年4月22日上水道管布設替詳細設計 5工区 φ300 L=600m φ150 L=210m φ 75 L= 50m うち小口径推進 1箇所(L=10m) 仮配管 L= 660m箕輪町長 白鳥 政徳1 入札に付する事項業 務 名 令和6年度 重要給水施設配水管布設替実施設計業務委託履 行 期 間 契約締結日から 令和7年3月21日 (予定)予 定 価 格 事後公表とする最 低 制 限価 格設けない2 入札に参加する者に必要な資格・地方自治法施行令第167条の4の規定及び箕輪町建設工事等入札参加の資格及び業者の選定に関 する規程第6条第1項及び第2項の規定に該当しない者であること。 ・入札公告日から落札決定日までの間において、箕輪町の指名停止措置を受けていないこと。 業 者 登 録建設コンサルタント登録規程(昭和52年建設省告示第717号)(以下「登録規程」という。)第2条による建設コンサルタント登録の「上水道及び工業用水道」を有していること。 共通事項・箕輪町入札参加資格者名簿に登載された者であること。 配置技術者管理技術者、照査技術者として、次の資格を有する技術者(恒常的雇用関係にある者)をそれぞれ配置できること。(兼務不可)技術士(上下水道部門 上水道及び工業用水道)又は登録規程第3号第1号ロに規定する認定技術管理者、又はRCCM(上水道及び工業用水道)同 種 業 務実 績過去2年度(本年度を含まない)以内に、設計業務が完了し引渡済みである地方公共団体が発注した次の上水道工事設計業務の元請実績を有すること。 上水道管布設替(仮設配管含む)工事設計である業務委託の実績地 域 要 件 県内に住所を有する本店、支店及び営業所であって登録規定に基づくものであること。 午前9時00分 箕輪町役場2F 大会議室 開 札 日 時及 び 入 札結 果 公 表令和6年5月16日(木)3 入札又は開札の場所及び日時等入 札 書提 出 期 限令和6年5月14日(火) 午後5時15分一般書留・簡易書留・配達記録郵便による郵送、または箕輪町役場企画振興課まで直接提出設計図書等の閲覧及び入手箕輪町役場 水道課 水道工事係開札経過、入札結果の公表は箕輪町公式ホームページに随時掲載入札書提出については、箕輪町の休日を定める条例(平成元年条例第33号)第1条の規定する箕輪町の休日(以下「休日」という。)を除く午前8時30分から午後5時15分まで(正午から午後1時までを除く。)とします。 4 契約条項、設計図書等を示す場所及び日時質問書の受付受付期間 令和6年4月22日(月) 別紙質問書様式により直接提出、FAX、メールにて受付~ 令和6年4月29日(月)受付場所 箕輪町役場 水道課 水道工事係質問の回答 令和6年4月26日(金) から箕輪町公式ホームページに掲載(随時更新)設計図書等の閲覧及び入手、質問書の受付については、休日を除く午前8時30分から午後5時15分まで(正午から午後1時までを除く。)とします。 5 入札保証金に関する事項受注希望型競争入札(事後審査)入札条件注意書の7に示すとおり。 6 入札の無効等受注希望型競争入札(事後審査)入札条件注意書の11に示すとおり。 7 その他一般競争に関し必要な事項(3) 配置する技術者の資格を証明する書類の写し(4) 配置する技術者の恒常的雇用関係を証明する書類の写し(5) 配置する技術者が本店、支店及び営業所に常駐していることを確認できる書類、もしくは常駐させるという誓約書(6) 同種業務実績を確認できる請負契約書及びその内訳書・図面等で業務実績が分かるものの写し 支 払 条 件箕輪町財務規則第75条の規定に基づき契約金額の3割の範囲内で前金払の適用あり。 箕輪町財務規則第135条に基づき部分払の適用あり。 中間前金払の適用あり。 落 札 者 の決 定本件入札は、開札後に最低価格入札者の入札参加者に必要な資格を審査し、資格を満たしていることが確認できた場合に、当該入札者を落札者と決定しますので、指示のあった者は、指示があった日から起算して2日以内(休日を除く)に、次に掲げる書類を入札担当まで持参提出してください。 (1) 様式「入札参加資格審査書類の提出について」(2) 建設コンサルタント登録又は更新通知(上水道及び工業用水道が記載されたもの)の写しそ の 他・その他「受注希望型競争入札(事後審査)入札条件注意書」に示すとおりです。 この入札公告に関する担当係等発 注 担 当FAX 0265-79-0230 E-mail suido@town.minowa.lg.jp箕輪町役場 水道課 水道工事係入 札 担 当住所 〒399-4695 長野県上伊那郡箕輪町大字中箕輪10298番地箕輪町公式ホームページ http://www.town.minowa.lg.jp/箕輪町役場 企画振興課 まちづくり政策係 電話 0265-79-3152 FAX 0265-79-0230 E-mail kizai@town.minowa.lg.jp◆外封筒及び中封筒貼り付け用紙(キリトリ線に添って切り取り、外封筒及び中封筒に糊で貼り付けてください)【外封筒用】キ リ ト リ提出締切日 5月14日〒399-4695長野県上伊那郡箕輪町大字中箕輪10298番地入 札 書 在 中 ( 開札日 令和6年5月16日 )箕輪町役場 企画振興課 まちづくり政策係 行工事(業務)名 令和6年度 重要給水施設配水管布設替実施設計業務委託工事(業務)箇所名 箕輪町内商号又は名称 住 所 キ リ ト リ【内封筒用】キ リ ト リ開 札 日 令和6年5月16日工事(業務)名 令和6年度 重要給水施設配水管布設替実施設計業務委託工事(業務)箇所名 箕輪町内商号又は名称 住 所 担当者名担当者連絡先(電話) ( )担当者連絡先(FAX番号) ( )キ リ ト リ◆入札書受領書(入札書を持参により提出する場合で、受領した書類が必要な方は、必要事項を記入し切り取って持参してください。)キリトリ入 札 書 受 領 書開 札 日 令和6年5月16日受領印工事(業務)名 令和6年度 重要給水施設配水管布設替実施設計業務委託工事(業務)箇所名 箕輪町内応 札 者箕輪町役場 企画振興課 まちづくり政策係 課 係 設 審計 査長 長 者 者工 事番 号統括係長担当係長令和6年度 重要給水施設配水管布設替実施設計業務委託閲覧設計書所 在: 箕輪町内 設 計 大 要施行方法 請 負 直 営施行期間 日間 布設替 φ300 L= 600.0m 5工区φ150 L= 210.0m φ 75 L= 50.0m うち小口径推進 1箇所(L=10.0m)本工事費 変更委託料算出 通水試験費 断水補償費 用地費及び補償費 ( ) 事務費 x 1.10=工事雑費 消費税相当額円合 計変 更 理 由 及 び 内 容x =円(内消費税相当額) 増 減 額単 位 単価表数 量 番 号補助事業円 円円 円1.00 業務(= )業務価格消費税 10.00 %業務委託料摘 要総括表当 初 変 更費 目 項 目 数 量 単位 金 額 金 額 単 価設計業務摘 要 数 量 単位 単 価単 位 単価表数 量 番 号直接人件費円 円設計協議 1.00 業務 第1号上水道管布設替現地調査 1.00 業務 第2号各種計算 1.00 業務 第3号図面作成 1.00 業務 第4号数量計算 1.00 業務 第5号審査 1.00 業務 第6号小口径推進設計計画 1.00 業務 第7号図面作成 1.00 業務 第8号数量計算 1.00 業務 第9号直接人件費 計金 額 摘 要 数 量 単位 単 価 金 額明細表費 目 項 目当 初 変 更摘 要 数 量 単位 単 価単 位 単価表数 量 番 号円 円電子成果品作成費1.0 式その他原価 1.0 式業務原価 計一般管理費等 1.0 式(= )業務価格業務委託料明細表費 目 項 目 数 量 単位 単 価 金 額 数 量 単位 単 価 金 額当 初 変 更摘 要 摘 要長 厚巾・径主任技師 人 2.00 設計業務委託積算基準技師A 人 4.00技師B 人 2.00小 計計 設計協議 1業務当単価表 (第1号表) (中間打合せ2回)名 称形状寸法品 目 員 数 単位数量 単 位 摘 要 数 量 単 価 金 額長 厚巾・径上水道管布設替 主任技師 人 0.80 設計業務委託積算基準技師A 人 1.80技師B 人 3.40技師C 人 3.30技術員 人 3.20小 計補正係数 1.40補正後計 現地調査 1業務当単価表 (第2号表)名 称 品 目形状寸法員 数 金 額 単 位 単 価 単位数量 数 量 摘 要長 厚巾・径上水道管布設替 主任技師 人 0.80 設計業務委託積算基準技師A 人 1.40技師B 人 2.70技師C 人 2.70技術員 人 2.40小 計補正係数 1.40補正後計 各種計算 1業務当単価表 (第3号表)名 称 品 目形状寸法員 数 単位数量 単 位 数 量 単 価 金 額 摘 要長 厚巾・径上水道管布設替 主任技師 人 0.70 設計業務委託積算基準技師A 人 1.50技師B 人 3.30技師C 人 3.30技術員 人 2.70小 計補正係数 1.40補正後計金 額 単位数量 単 位 員 数 摘 要 名 称 図面作成 1業務当単価表 (第4号表)品 目形状寸法数 量 単 価長 厚巾・径上水道管布設替 主任技師 人 0.70 設計業務委託積算基準技師A 人 1.90技師B 人 3.60技師C 人 3.60技術員 人 3.40小 計補正係数 1.40補正後計品 目 単 位 数 量 金 額 摘 要 数量計算 1業務当単価表 (第5号表)単 価 単位数量 名 称形状寸法員 数長 厚巾・径上水道管布設替 主任技師 人 0.50 設計業務委託積算基準技師A 人 1.10技師B 人 1.50技師C 人 1.40小 計補正係数 1.40補正後計品 目 数 量 員 数 摘 要 審 査 1業務当単価表 (第6号表)名 称 単 価 金 額 単位数量 単 位形状寸法長 厚巾・径小口径推進 主任技師 人 1.00 設計業務委託積算基準主任技師 人 1.50技師A 人 2.60技師B 人 4.10技師C 人 4.10小 計補正係数 0.60補正後計 設計計画 1業務当単価表 (第7号表)名 称 品 目形状寸法員 数 単位数量 単 位 数 量 単 価 金 額 摘 要長 厚巾・径小口径推進 主任技師 人 1.80 設計業務委託積算基準技師A 人 3.30技師B 人 4.80技師C 人 4.80技術員 人 3.80小 計補正係数 0.60補正後計 図面作成 1業務当単価表 (第8号表)名 称 品 目形状寸法員 数 単位数量 単 位 数 量 単 価 金 額 摘 要長 厚巾・径小口径推進 主任技師 人 1.10 設計業務委託積算基準技師A 人 3.20技師B 人 4.20技師C 人 3.70技術員 人 3.10小 計補正係数 0.60補正後計 数量計算 1業務当単価表 (第9号表)名 称 品 目形状寸法員 数 単位数量 単 位 数 量 単 価 金 額 摘 要項目設計内訳工期場所本設 φ 75 mm 50.0 mφ 100 mm 0.0 mφ 150 mm 210.0 mφ 200 mm 0.0 mφ 300 mm 600.0 m計 860.0 m工区数給水調査設計協議 2 回管径による補正 有り ( 0.944 ) ①延長による補正 有り ( 0.900 ) ②設計条件による補正 有り ( 0.850 ) ③工事案件による補正 有り ( 1.400 ) ④仮設配管による補正 有り ( 1.384 ) ⑤その他補正 無し ( 1.000 ) ⑥補正係数 1.3990 ≒ 1.40設 計 条 件上水道管布設替実施設計及び精算設計5中間打ち合わせ設計条件項目表 (上水道管) 実施箕輪町内管径及び延長①*②*③*④*⑤*⑥=工区項目設計内訳工期場所本設 φ 75 mm 0.0 mφ 100 mm 0.0 mφ 150 mm 0.0 mφ 200 mm 0.0 mφ 300 mm 10.0 m計 10.0 m工区数立杭数設計協議管径による補正延長による補正 有り ( 0.700 ) ①設計条件による補正 有り ( 0.850 ) ②工事案件による補正 無し ( 1.000 ) ③立杭数による補正 無し ( 1.000 ) ④その他補正 無し ( 1.000 ) ⑤補正係数 0.5950 ≒ 0.60設計条件項目表 (上水道管) 実施設 計 条 件小口径推進実施設計及び精算設計箕輪町内管径及び延長1 工区①*②*③*④*⑤=2 本 令和6年度重要給水施設配水管布設替実施設計業務委託特 記 仕 様 書箕 輪町水 道課重要給水施設配水管布設替実施設計業務委託特 記 仕 様 書[Ⅰ] 総 則1. 業務の目的本業務は、平成 30 年度箕輪町水道事業アセットマネジメントにおいて重要給水施設に位置づけられた施設への管路更新計画に基づき、上水道管布設替工事に必要な調査・測量・設計を行う事を目的とする。なお、実施設計にあたっては、施工上及び維持管理上、支障のない範囲内で経済的に設計すると共に、国庫補助事業が円滑に進捗する内容にしなければならない。2. 業務内容設計業務上水道管布設替詳細設計 5工区 φ300 L=600mφ150 L=210mφ 75 L= 50mうち小口径推進 1箇所(L=10m)仮配管 L= 660m3. 法令等の遵守受託者は、業務の実施にあたり、関連する法令等を遵守しなければならない。4. 中立性の保持受託者は、常にコンサルタントとしての中立性を保持するよう努めなければならない。4. 秘密の保持受託者は、業務上知り得た秘密を他人に漏らしてはならない。5. 提出書類受託者は、業務の着手及び完了にあたり、委託者の契約約款に定めるものの他、次の書類を提出しなければならない。(1)着手届(2)工程表(3)技術者届(4)資格者証(5)完了届(6)請求書なお、承認された事項を変更しようとする時は、その都度協議しなければならない。6. 成果品の審査(1) 受託者は、業務完了時に委託者の成果品審査を受けなければならない。(2) 審査において訂正を指示された箇所は、直ちに訂正しなければならない。7. 引渡し成果品の審査合格後、仕様書に指定された提出図書一式を納品し、委託者の検査員の検査をもって業務の完了となる。8. 疑義の解釈仕様書に定める事項について、疑義を生じた場合、又仕様書に定めの無い場合は、委託者、受託者協議の上これを定めること。[Ⅱ] 設計一般1. 一般的事項(1)業務の実施に当たり、受託者は監督員と常に連絡を取り、連絡事項をその都度記録し、打合せの際相互に確認しなければならない。(2)業務着手時及び主要な区切りの時は、受託者と委託者は打合せを行うものとし、その結果を記録し相互に確認しなければならない。2. 関連法規及び基準本業務は、水道法・同施行令・同施行規則・河川法など関係法規に基づいて行うほか、次に示す設計基準によるものとする。(1)水道施設設計指針・解説 (日本水道協会)(2)水道施設維持管理指針 (日本水道協会)(3)水道施設耐震工法指針・解説 (日本水道協会)(4)水道工事標準仕様書 (日本水道協会)(5)水道事業実務必携 (全国簡易水道協議会)(6)土質工学ハンドブック (土質工学会)(7)道路土工 仮設構造物工指針 (日本道路協会)(8)その他監督員が適当と認めたもの3. 設計上の疑義設計上疑義の生じた場合は、監督員と協議の上、これらの解決にあたらなければならない。4. 設計資料設計の積算根拠、資料等は全て明確にし、整理して提出しなければならない。5. 参考資料の貸与委託者は、業務に必要な図書等を所定の手続きによって貸与する。但し、損傷のないよう扱い、業務終了後直ちに返還するものとする。6. 参考文献等の明記業務に文献その他資料を引用した場合は、文献名等明記しなければならない。[Ⅲ] 特記事項1. 上水道管布設替(1)本業務には工事発注用の実施設計に加え、工事竣工後の精算設計(変更設計)を含みます。(2)本業務は国庫補助事業となります。そのため、設計書を「補助分」「町単独分」に区分けする必要が生じます。また、補助申請に必要な書類の作成も生じます。 監督員の求める期限に遅れないよう迅速に対応願います。(3)工事発注時期は未定ですが、設計着手から納品まで短期間で迅速に対応していただきます。よって、配置技術者および担当者は、長野県内の本店・支店及び営業所の所属者で、配管設計に十分に精通した者を選定してください。(4)実施設計及び精算設計は工区ごとに監督員が納期を指定します。いかなる理由があっても、納期の延長は認めません。なお、最初の工事発注を令和 5年 6月に予定しています。工程管理を十分に行ってください。1) 各工区の設計書等の納品について① 実施設計においては、現地調査後、金入設計書 1 部、閲覧設計書 2 部、電子データ(設計図(CADデータ及び PDF形式)、閲覧設計書(PDF形式)及び設計書一式(Excel 形式))及び委託者が指定したものを納品するものとする。② 精算設計書並び精算設計図は、工事出来形図を基に精算設計書(設計書一式(Excel 形式))、精算設計図(PDF形式)及び委託者が指定したものを納品するものとする。(5)通常の上水道管布設替設計業務と異なり、国庫補助金の採択による設計箇所の変更や、設計延長の調整、施工方法の見直し等の作業が生じる場合があり、これらも本業務に含みます。平成 30 年度箕輪町水道事業アセットマネジメントを熟知した上で柔軟に対応してください。変更が生じた場合は、協議により変更契約の対象とします。(6)本業務に積算業務を含みます。積算業務は、代価表(歩掛表)の作成と金入設計書の作成です。積算の優先順位は以下の通りとします。【資材費】①県単価 ②刊行物 ③3社見積【労務費・土工費】① 水道事業実務必携② 国土交通省土木工事積算基準書③ 下水道用設計標準歩掛表③ 公共建築工事標準単価積算基準なお、積算に伴う費用については『標準歩掛_図面作成』のうち、縦横断面図および構造図の作成を免除することで流用しています。 FY2024 Outsourcing of detailed design work for replacement of distribution pipes at important water supply facilities FY2024 Outsourcing of detailed design work for replacement of distribution pipes at important water supply facilities [Notes] [Notes] Other Engineers shall be employees of the head office, branch offices, and sales offices in Nagano Prefecture. Name of business or place of business Minowa Town Business summary Bidding announcement Next... Minowa Town, Nagano Prefecture Bidding information is as follows. Subject FY2024 Outsourcing of detailed design work for replacement of distribution pipes at important water supply facilities Type Services Date of announcement or update October 16, 2024 Organization Minowa Town, Nagano Prefecture Date of acquisition October 16, 2024 19:24:42 View design document special specifications Announcement contents [Notes] [Notes] Other Engineers shall be employees of the head office, branch offices, and sales offices in Nagano Prefecture. Name of business location: Business within Minowa Town Summary of bidding Announcement We will be conducting a conditional open competitive bidding as follows, and this announcement is being made pursuant to Article 167-6 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Law (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947). April 22, 2024 Detailed design for replacement of water supply pipes 5 sections φ300 L = 600m φ150 L = 210m φ75 L = 50m 1 location of small diameter pipe (L = 10m) Temporary pipe L = 660m Minowa Town Mayor Shiratori Masanori 1. Items to be put up for bidding Name of work Fiscal year 2024 Detailed design work for replacement of important water supply facility distribution pipes Contract period From the date of contract conclusion to March 21, 2025 (planned) Estimated price To be announced after the fact No minimum price limit will be set 2. Qualifications required for those participating in the bid - Those who do not fall under the provisions of Article 167-4 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act and Article 6, Paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Regulations on Qualifications for Participation in Bidding for Minowa Town Construction Works, etc. and Selection of Contractors.・The bidder must not have been subject to a suspension of bids by Minowa Town from the date of announcement of the bid to the date of the successful bidder. Contractor registration The bidder must be registered as a construction consultant for "waterworks and industrial waterworks" pursuant to Article 2 of the Construction Consultant Registration Regulations (Ministry of Construction Notification No. 717 of 1977) (hereinafter referred to as the "Registration Regulations"). Common matters・The bidder must be listed on the Minowa Town list of bidders eligible to participate. Assigned engineers The bidder must be able to assign engineers (who are in a permanent employment relationship) who have the following qualifications as managing engineers and review engineers. (Concurrent positions not permitted) Engineer (Waterworks and Sewage Division, Waterworks and Industrial Waterworks) or Certified Technical Manager as stipulated in the Registration Regulations, Article 3, Item 1 (b), or RCCM (Waterworks and Industrial Waterworks) Similar business experience The bidder must have experience as a prime contractor for the following waterworks construction design work ordered by local governments for which the design work has been completed and delivered within the past two fiscal years (excluding the current fiscal year). Experience in outsourcing work design for water supply pipe replacement (including temporary piping) Regional requirements Head office, branch office, and sales office must be located within the prefecture and must comply with the registration regulations. 9:00 AM Main Conference Room, 2nd floor, Minowa Town Hall Date and time of bid opening and announcement of bid results Thursday, May 16th, 2024 3. Place, date and time etc. of bidding or bid opening Deadline for submission of bids Tuesday, May 14th, 2024 5:15 PM Postal mail by regular registered mail, simple registered mail, delivery record mail, or submit directly to the Planning and Promotion Division of Minowa Town Hall Inspection and acquisition of design documents etc. Waterworks Section, Waterworks Division, Minowa Town Hall The progress of bid opening and announcement of bid results will be posted on the official Minowa Town website from time to time. Bids may be submitted between 8:30 AM and 5:15 PM (excluding noon to 1 PM), excluding Minowa Town holidays (hereinafter referred to as "holidays") as stipulated in Article 1 of the Minowa Town Holidays Ordinance (Ordinance No. 33 of 1989). 4. Place and date for indicating contract clauses, design documents, etc.Reception period for questions: Monday, April 22nd, 2024. In-person submission, fax or email will be accepted using the attached question form until Monday, April 29th, 2024.Reception location: Minowa Town Hall, Waterworks Division, Waterworks SectionAnswers to questions: Will be posted on the official Minowa Town website from Friday, April 26th, 2024 (updated regularly).Design documents, etc. may be viewed and obtained, and questions may be accepted from 8:30am to 5:15pm (excluding noon to 1pm), excluding holidays.5. Matters related to bid security: See item 7 of the Notes on bidding conditions for competitive bidding (post-mortem review).6. Invalidation of bids, etc.: See item 11 of the Notes on bidding conditions for competitive bidding (post-mortem review). 7 Other matters necessary for general bidding (3) A copy of the document certifying the qualifications of the engineer to be assigned (4) A copy of the document certifying the permanent employment relationship of the engineer to be assigned (5) A document confirming that the engineer to be assigned is stationed at the head office, branch office, or sales office, or a pledge that the engineer will be stationed there (6) A copy of the contract that confirms the track record of similar work and its breakdown, drawings, etc. that show the track record of work Payment conditions Advance payment is applicable up to 30% of the contract amount based on the provisions of Article 75 of the Minowa Town Financial Regulations. Partial payment is applicable based on Article 135 of the Minowa Town Financial Regulations. Interim advance payment is applicable. Determination of successful bidder After the bids are opened, the qualifications required for the lowest bidder will be reviewed, and if it is confirmed that the bidder meets the qualifications, the bidder will be determined as the successful bidder. Therefore, those who are instructed to do so should bring the documents listed below to the bidding officer within two days (excluding holidays) from the date of the instructions. (1) Form "Submission of documents for bidder qualification review" (2) Copy of construction consultant registration or renewal notice (including information on mains water and industrial water) Others - As specified in the "Notes on bidding conditions for request for contract (post-review)". Contact information for this tender announcement: Ordering section: Fax: 0265-79-0230 Email: suido@town.minowa.lg.jp Minowa Town Office, Waterworks Division, Waterworks Section Bidding section: Address: 10298 Nakaminowa, Minowa Town, Kamiina District, Nagano Prefecture, 399-4695 Minowa Town Official Website: http://www.town.minowa.lg.jp/ Minowa Town Office, Planning and Promotion Division, Town Development Policy Section: Telephone: 0265-79-3152 Fax: 0265-79-0230 Email: kizai@town.minowa.lg.jp◆Painting paper for outer and inner envelopes (cut along the cut lines and paste on the outer and inner envelopes) [For outer envelopes] キリ ト リSubmission deadline May 14th 〒399-4695 Nagano Prefecture Kamiina District Minowa-cho 10298 Nakaminowa Bidding form included (Bid opening date May 16th, 2024) Minowa Town Hall Planning and Promotion Division, Urban Development Policy Section Work (task) name Reiwa 6th year Important water supply facility water pipe replacement detailed design work Commissioned work (task) location name Minowa Town business name or name Address キリ ト リ[For inner envelopes] キリ ト リBid opening date May 16th, 2024 Work (task) name Reiwa 6th year Contracted out of the detailed design work for replacing distribution pipes at important water supply facilities Name of work (task) Within Minowa Town Business name or name Address Name of person in charge Contact information for person in charge (phone) ( ) Contact information for person in charge (fax) ( ) キリ ト リ ◆ Tender receipt (If you are submitting the bid in person and need the received document, please fill in the necessary information, cut it out and bring it with you.) Cut out Tender receipt Date of bid opening May 16, 2024 Stamp of receipt Name of work (task) Contracted out of the detailed design work for replacing distribution pipes at important water supply facilities in 2024 Name of work (task) Within Minowa Town Bidders Minowa Town Hall Planning and Promotion Division, Urban Planning Policy Section Section Section Section Chief of Planning and Planning Section Chief of Planning and Planning Section Number Chief of Planning Section Chief of Planning Section Chief of Planning Section Chief of Planning Section Minowa Town Design outline Implementation method Contract Direct management Implementation period Days Replacement of cable φ300 L = 600.0m 5 sections φ150 L = 210.0m φ75 L = 50.0m Of which, small diameter pipe jacking 1 location (L = 10.0m) Main construction cost Changed commission fee calculation Water flow test cost Water outage compensation cost Land cost and compensation cost ( ) Administrative cost x 1.10 = Miscellaneous construction cost Consumption tax equivalent amount yen Total Reason and content of change x = yen (including consumption tax equivalent amount) Increase/decrease amount Unit Unit price table Quantity Quantity No. Subsidized project yen yen yen yen 1.00 work (= ) Work price Consumption tax 10.00 % Commission fee summary table Initial change cost item Quantity Quantity Unit Amount Amount Unit Price Design Work Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Unit Unit Price Table Quantity No. Direct labor costs Yen Yen Design consultation 1.00 Work No. 1 Site survey for replacement of waterworks pipe 1.00 Work No. 2 Various calculations 1.00 Work No. 3 Drawing preparation 1.00 Work No. 4 Quantity calculation 1.00 Work No. 5 Review 1.00 Work No. 6 Small-diameter jacking design plan 1.00 Work No. 7 Drawing preparation 1.00 Work No. 8 Quantity calculation 1.00 Work No. 9 Direct labor costs Total Amount Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Detail Table Expenses Item Item Initial Change Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Unit Unit Price Table Quantity No. Yen Yen Electronic deliverable creation cost 1.0 formula Other costs 1.0 formula Total cost of work General administrative expenses, etc. 1.0 formula (= ) Work price Detailed list of work commission fees Expense item Item Quantity Unit Unit price Amount Quantity Unit Unit price Amount Initial Change Remarks Remarks Length Thickness Width/diameter Chief engineer Persons 2.00 Design work commission Estimation standard Engineer A Persons 4.00 Engineer B Persons 2.00 Subtotal Total Design consultation 1 Work unit price table (Table 1) (2 interim meetings) Name Shape Dimensions Item Number Unit Quantity Unit Remarks Quantity Unit price Amount Length Thickness Width/diameter Replacement of waterworks pipe Chief engineer Persons 0.80 Design work commission Estimation standard Engineer A Persons 1.80 Engineer B Persons 3.40Engineer C Person 3.30Technician Person 3.20Subtotal Correction Coefficient 1.40Adjusted Total Field Survey Unit Price Table for 1 Business (Table 2) Name Item Shape Dimensions Number Unit Price Unit Quantity Quantity Comments Length Replacement of thick-diameter water pipes Chief Engineer Person 0.80 Design Work Outsourcing Estimation Standards Engineer A Person 1.40Engineer B Person 2.70Engineer C Person 2.70Technician Person 2.40Subtotal Correction Coefficient 1.40Adjusted Total Various Calculations Unit Price Table for 1 Business (Table 3) Name Item Shape Dimensions Number Unit Quantity Unit Quantity Unit Price Amount Comments Length Replacement of thick-diameter water pipes Chief Engineer Person 0.70 Design work contract cost estimation standard Engineer A person 1.50 Engineer B person 3.30 Engineer C person 3.30 Technician person 2.70 Subtotal correction coefficient 1.40 Corrected total Amount Unit Quantity Unit Number of people Remarks Name Drawing creation Unit price table per business (Table 4) Item Shape Dimension Number of people Quantity Unit Price Length Thick width/diameter water supply pipe replacement Chief engineer person 0.70 Design work contract cost estimation standard Engineer A person 1.90 Engineer B person 3.60 Engineer C person 3.60 Technician person 3.40 Subtotal correction coefficient 1.40 Corrected total Item Unit Quantity Amount Remarks Quantity calculation Unit price table per business (Table 5) Unit Price Unit Quantity Name Shape Dimension Number of people Length Thick width/diameter water supply pipe replacement Chief engineer person 0.50 Design work contract cost estimation standard Engineer A person 1.10 Engineer B person 1.50 Engineer C person 1.40 Subtotal correction coefficient 1.40 Corrected total Item Quantity Number of people Comments Review 1 Business unit price table (Table 6) Name Unit price Amount Unit Quantity Unit Shape Dimension Length Thick Width/Diameter Small diameter jacking Chief engineer person 1.00 Design work contract cost estimation standard Chief engineer person 1.50 Engineer A person 2.60 Engineer B person 4.10 Engineer C person 4.10 Subtotal correction coefficient 0.60 Corrected total Design plan 1 Business unit price table (Table 7) Name Item Shape Dimension Number of people Unit Quantity Unit Quantity Unit Price Amount Comments Length Thick width, small diameter jacking Chief engineer Person 1.80 Design work contract Estimation standard Engineer A Person 3.30 Engineer B Person 4.80 Engineer C Person 4.80 Technician Person 3.80 Subtotal Correction coefficient 0.60 Corrected total Drawing creation Unit price table for 1 business (Table 8) Name Item Shape Dimensions Number Unit Quantity Unit Quantity Unit Price Amount Remarks Length Thick width, small diameter jacking Chief engineer Person 1.10 Design work contract Estimation standard Engineer A Person 3.20 Engineer B Person 4.20 Engineer C Person 3.70 Technician Person 3.10 Subtotal Correction coefficient 0.60 Corrected total Quantity calculation Unit price table for 1 business (Table 9) Name Item Shape Dimensions Number Unit Quantity Unit Quantity Unit Price Amount Remarks Item Design Details Construction Period Location Permanent φ 75 mm 50.0 mφ 100 mm 0.0 mφ 150 mm 210.0 mφ 200 mm 0.0 mφ 300 mm 600.0 m Total 860.0 m Number of Work Sections Water Supply Survey Design Discussion 2 times Pipe diameter correction Yes (0.944) ① Extension correction Yes (0.900) ② Design conditions correction Yes (0.850) ③ Construction project correction Yes (1.400) ④ Temporary piping correction Yes (1.384) ⑤ Other corrections No (1.000) ⑥ Correction coefficient 1.3990 ≒ 1.40 Design Conditions Water Supply Pipe Replacement Implementation Design and Settlement Design 5 Interim Meeting Design Conditions Item Table (Water Supply Pipe) Implementation Minowa Town Pipe diameter and length ①*②*③*④*⑤*⑥ = Work area Item Design details Work period Location Permanent installation φ 75 mm 0.0 mφ 100 mm 0.0 mφ 150 mm 0.0 mφ 200 mm 0.0 mφ 300 mm 10.0 m Total 10.0 mNumber of work sectionsNumber of pilesDesign consultationCorrection due to pipe diameterCorrection due to lengthYes (0.700) ①Correction due to design conditionsYes (0.850) ②Correction due to construction projectNo (1.000) ③Correction due to number of pilesNo (1.000) ④Other correctionsNo (1.000) ⑤Correction coefficient 0.5950 ≒ 0.60Design condition item table (water supply pipe) Actual facility Total conditionsSmall diameter thrust Implementation design and settlement designMinowa townPipe diameter and length1 work section①*②*③*④*⑤=2 pipesSpecial specifications for the implementation design work for the replacement of distribution pipes for important water supply facilities in fiscal year 2024Minowa Town Waterworks DepartmentSpecial specifications for the implementation design work for the replacement of distribution pipes for important water supply facilities [I] General provisions1. Purpose of the WorkThe purpose of this work is to carry out the necessary investigation, surveying and design for the water supply pipe replacement work based on the pipeline renewal plan for the facility positioned as an important water supply facility in the Minowa Town Waterworks Asset Management in 2018. The detailed design must be economical within the scope of not hindering construction and maintenance, and the national treasury subsidy project must progress smoothly. 2. Work ContentsDesign workDetailed design for water supply pipe replacement5 sectionsφ300 L = 600mφ150 L = 210mφ75 L = 50mSmall diameter pipe 1 location (L = 10m)Temporary pipe L = 660m3. Compliance with Laws and RegulationsThe contractor must comply with relevant laws and regulations when carrying out the work. 4. Maintenance of NeutralityThe contractor must always strive to maintain neutrality as a consultant. 4. Maintenance of ConfidentialityThe contractor must not disclose to others any secrets learned in the course of work. 5. Documents to be submittedWhen commencing and completing the work, the contractor must submit the following documents in addition to those specified in the client's contract terms and conditions. (1) Notice of commencement (2) Schedule (3) Engineer notification (4) Qualification certificate (5) Completion notification (6) InvoiceIf any approved matters are to be changed, consultations must be held each time. 6. Review of the results (1) The contractor must undergo review of the results by the client upon completion of the work. (2) Any areas instructed to be corrected during the review must be corrected immediately. 7. DeliveryAfter the review of the results is passed, the contractor must deliver the set of submitted documents specified in the specifications, and the work will be completed upon inspection by the client's inspector. 8. Interpretation of doubtsIf any doubts arise regarding matters specified in the specifications, or if they are not specified in the specifications, the contractor and the client must consult and determine the matter. [II] Design in general 1. General matters (1) When carrying out the work, the contractor must be in constant contact with the supervisor, record the matters to be communicated each time, and confirm each other during the meeting. (2) When the work begins and at major milestones, the contractor and the client must hold a meeting, record the results, and confirm each other. 2. Related laws and standards This work will be carried out in accordance with relevant laws and regulations such as the Water Supply Act, its Enforcement Order and Enforcement Regulations, and the River Act, as well as the following design standards. (1) Water Supply Facility Design Guidelines and Commentary (Japan Water Works Association) (2) Guidelines for Maintenance and Management of Water Supply Facilities (Japan Water Works Association) (3) Guidelines for Earthquake-Resistant Construction Methods for Water Supply Facilities and Commentary (Japan Water Works Association) (4) Standard Specifications for Waterworks Works (Japan Water Works Association) (5) Handbook for Practical Waterworks Business (National Simplified Water Supply Council) (6) Soil Engineering Handbook (Soil Engineering Society) (7) Guidelines for Road Earthworks Temporary Structures (Japan Road Association) (8) Any other matters deemed appropriate by the supervisor 3. Doubts about designIf any doubts about the design arise, they must be resolved in consultation with the supervisor. 4. Design documentsAll design cost estimates and documents must be clearly stated and submitted in an organized format. 5. Loan of reference materialsThe client will loan the necessary books and other materials for the work in accordance with the prescribed procedures. However, they must be handled carefully to avoid damage and returned immediately after the work is completed. 6. Clarification of references, etc.If literature or other materials are cited in the work, the names of the references must be clearly stated. [III] Special notes1. Replacement of waterworks pipe installation(1)This work includes not only the implementation design for the construction order, but also the settlement design (changed design) after the completion of the work. (2)This work is a national treasury subsidized project. Therefore, it will be necessary to divide the design documents into "subsidized portion" and "town only portion". In addition, documents necessary for the subsidy application will also be prepared. Please respond promptly so as not to be late for the deadline requested by the supervisor. (3)The timing of the construction order has not been decided, but please respond promptly from the start of design to delivery in a short period of time. Therefore, the layout engineers and personnel in charge should be selected from the head office, branch offices, and sales offices in Nagano Prefecture and should be fully familiar with piping design. (4) The supervisor will specify the delivery date for the implementation design and settlement design for each work section. No extension of the delivery date will be permitted for any reason. The first construction order is scheduled for June 2023. Please ensure thorough process management. 1) Delivery of design documents, etc. for each work section ① For the implementation design, after the on-site survey, one copy of the gold design document, two copies of the browsing design document, electronic data (design drawings (CAD data and PDF format), browsing design documents (PDF format), and a set of design documents (Excel format)) and other documents specified by the client will be delivered. ② For the settlement design document and settlement design drawings, the settlement design document (set of design documents (Excel format)), settlement design drawings (PDF format), and other documents specified by the client will be delivered based on the construction as-built drawing. (5) Unlike normal waterworks pipe replacement design work, there may be cases where changes to the design location due to the adoption of national subsidies, adjustments to the design extension, and reviews of construction methods, etc., and these are also included in this work. Please be familiar with the 2018 Minowa Town Waterworks Asset Management and respond flexibly. If changes occur, they will be subject to a change contract through discussion. (6) This work includes cost estimation work. The cost estimation work is the creation of a price table (unit rate table) and a design document with money included. The priority of the cost estimation is as follows. [Material costs] ① Prefectural unit price ② Publications ③ 3 company estimates [Labor costs and civil engineering costs] ① Waterworks Business Handbook ② Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Civil Engineering Work Estimation Standards ③ Sewerage Design Standard Unit Rate Table ③ Public Building Construction Standard Unit Price Estimation Standards Note that the costs associated with the cost estimation are diverted by exempting the creation of vertical and horizontal cross-sectional views and structural drawings from the ``Standard Unit Rate_Drawing Creation''.60 Design Conditions Item List (Water Supply Pipe) Actual Facility Plan Conditions Small Diameter Push-through Implementation Design and Settlement Design Minowa Town Pipe Diameter and Length 1 Work Section ①*②*③*④*⑤=2 2024 Important Water Supply Facility Water Supply Pipe Replacement Implementation Design Work Contract Special Specifications Minowa Town Waterworks Department Important Water Supply Facility Water Supply Pipe Replacement Implementation Design Work Contract Special Specifications [I] General Provisions 1. Purpose of the Work The purpose of this work is to carry out the investigation, surveying, and design necessary for the water supply pipe replacement work based on the pipeline renewal plan for facilities positioned as important water supply facilities in the Minowa Town Waterworks Asset Management for 2018. In addition, the implementation design must be designed economically within the scope of not causing any problems in terms of construction and maintenance, and the content must ensure the smooth progress of the national treasury subsidized project. 2. Work contentsDesign workDetailed design for replacement of water supply pipes5 sectionsφ300 L = 600mφ150 L = 210mφ75 L = 50mSmall diameter pipe 1 location (L = 10m)Temporary pipe L = 660m3. Compliance with laws and regulationsThe contractor must comply with relevant laws and regulations when carrying out the work.4. Maintenance of neutralityThe contractor must always strive to maintain neutrality as a consultant.4. Maintenance of confidentialityThe contractor must not disclose to others any secrets learned in the course of work.5. Documents to be submittedThe contractor must submit the following documents when commencing and completing the work, in addition to those specified in the client's contract terms and conditions. (1) Notice of commencement(2) Schedule(3) Engineer notification(4) Qualification certificate(5) Notice of completion(6) InvoiceIf there are any changes to the approved matters, they must be discussed each time.6. Review of the Deliverables (1) The Contractor must undergo a review of the deliverables by the Client upon completion of the work. (2) Any parts instructed to be corrected during the review must be corrected immediately. 7. Delivery After the review of the deliverables has passed, the Contractor must deliver the set of documents specified in the specifications, and the work is completed upon inspection by the Client's inspector. 8. Interpretation of doubts If doubts arise regarding matters specified in the specifications, or if they are not specified in the specifications, the Contractor and the Contractor must discuss and determine the matter. [II] Design General 1. General matters (1) When carrying out the work, the Contractor must be in constant contact with the Supervisor, record the matters to be communicated each time, and confirm each other during meetings. (2) At the start of the work and at major milestones, the Contractor and the Client must hold meetings, record the results, and confirm each other. 2. Related laws and regulations and standards This work will be carried out in accordance with relevant laws and regulations such as the Water Supply Act, its Enforcement Order, its Enforcement Regulations, and the River Act, as well as the following design standards. (1) Guidelines and Commentary on Design of Waterworks Facilities (Japan Water Works Association) (2) Guidelines for Maintenance and Management of Waterworks Facilities (Japan Water Works Association) (3) Guidelines and Commentary on Earthquake-Resistant Construction Methods for Waterworks Facilities (Japan Water Works Association) (4) Standard Specifications for Waterworks Construction (Japan Water Works Association) (5) Handbook for Practical Waterworks Business (Japan Simplified Waterworks Council) (6) Handbook of Soil Mechanics (Soil Mechanics Society) (7) Guidelines for Temporary Structures for Road Earthworks (Japan Road Association) (8) Other documents deemed appropriate by the Supervisor 3. Doubts about Design If doubts about design arise, they must be resolved in consultation with the Supervisor. 4. Design Documents All cost estimates and documents for design must be clearly stated and submitted in an organized format. 5. Loan of Reference Documents The client shall loan books and other materials necessary for the work in accordance with the prescribed procedures. However, they must be handled in a manner that avoids damage and returned immediately after the work is completed. 6. Disclosure of Reference Documents, etc. If documents or other materials are cited in the work, the names of the documents, etc. must be clearly stated. [III] Special Notes 1. Water Supply Pipe Replacement (1) This work includes the implementation design for the construction order, as well as the settlement design (change design) after the construction is completed. (2) This work is a national treasury subsidy project. Therefore, it will be necessary to divide the design documents into "subsidized portion" and "town only portion". In addition, documents necessary for the subsidy application will be prepared. Please respond promptly so as not to be late for the deadline requested by the supervisor. (3) Although the construction order date has not been decided, please respond promptly in a short period of time from the start of design to delivery. Therefore, the assigned engineers and personnel should be those belonging to the head office, branch office, and sales office in Nagano Prefecture who are fully familiar with piping design. (4) The supervisor will specify the delivery date for the implementation design and settlement design for each work section. No extension of the delivery date will be allowed for any reason. The first construction order is scheduled for June 2023. Please manage the process well. 1) Delivery of design documents for each work section ① In the implementation design, after the site survey, one copy of the cash design document, two copies of the design document for viewing, electronic data (design drawings (CAD data and PDF format), design documents for viewing (PDF format) and a set of design documents (Excel format)) and other items specified by the client shall be delivered. ② The final cost design document and final cost design drawings shall be delivered based on the completed work drawing, and the final cost design documents (set of design documents (Excel format)), final cost design drawings (PDF format) and other items specified by the client shall be delivered. (5) Unlike normal water supply pipe replacement design work, there may be cases where changes to the design location due to the adoption of national treasury subsidies, adjustments to the design extension, and reviews of construction methods, etc., and these are also included in this work. Please respond flexibly after becoming familiar with the Minowa Town Waterworks Asset Management for 2018. If any changes occur, they will be subject to a change contract through consultation. (6) This work includes cost estimation work. The cost estimation work involves creating a price table (unit rate table) and a design document with money included. The priority order for cost estimation is as follows. [Material costs] 1. Prefectural unit price 2. Publications 3. Estimates from three companies [Labor and civil engineering costs] 1. Practical guide for waterworks 2. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism civil engineering cost estimation standards 3. Sewerage design standard unit rate table 3. Standard unit price estimation standards for public building construction. The costs associated with the estimation are diverted from the "Standard unit rate_Drawings" by exempting the creation of vertical and horizontal cross-sectional views and structural drawings.60 Design Conditions Item List (Water Supply Pipe) Actual Facility Plan Conditions Small Diameter Push-through Implementation Design and Settlement Design Minowa Town Pipe Diameter and Length 1 Work Section ①*②*③*④*⑤=2 2024 Important Water Supply Facility Water Supply Pipe Replacement Implementation Design Work Contract Special Specifications Minowa Town Waterworks Department Important Water Supply Facility Water Supply Pipe Replacement Implementation Design Work Contract Special Specifications [I] General Provisions 1. Purpose of the Work The purpose of this work is to carry out the investigation, surveying, and design necessary for the water supply pipe replacement work based on the pipeline renewal plan for facilities positioned as important water supply facilities in the Minowa Town Waterworks Asset Management for 2018. In addition, the implementation design must be designed economically within the scope of not causing any problems in terms of construction and maintenance, and the content must ensure the smooth progress of the national treasury subsidized project. 2. Work contentsDesign workDetailed design for replacement of water supply pipes5 sectionsφ300 L = 600mφ150 L = 210mφ75 L = 50mSmall diameter pipe 1 location (L = 10m)Temporary pipe L = 660m3. Compliance with laws and regulationsThe contractor must comply with relevant laws and regulations when carrying out the work.4. Maintenance of neutralityThe contractor must always strive to maintain neutrality as a consultant.4. Maintenance of confidentialityThe contractor must not disclose to others any secrets learned in the course of work.5. Documents to be submittedThe contractor must submit the following documents when commencing and completing the work, in addition to those specified in the client's contract terms and conditions. (1) Notice of commencement(2) Schedule(3) Engineer notification(4) Qualification certificate(5) Notice of completion(6) InvoiceIf there are any changes to the approved matters, they must be discussed each time.6. Review of the Deliverables (1) The Contractor must undergo a review of the deliverables by the Client upon completion of the work. (2) Any parts instructed to be corrected during the review must be corrected immediately. 7. Delivery After the review of the deliverables has passed, the Contractor must deliver the set of documents specified in the specifications, and the work is completed upon inspection by the Client's inspector. 8. Interpretation of doubts If doubts arise regarding matters specified in the specifications, or if they are not specified in the specifications, the Contractor and the Contractor must discuss and determine the matter. [II] Design General 1. General matters (1) When carrying out the work, the Contractor must be in constant contact with the Supervisor, record the matters to be communicated each time, and confirm each other during meetings. (2) At the start of the work and at major milestones, the Contractor and the Client must hold meetings, record the results, and confirm each other. 2. Related laws and regulations and standards This work will be carried out in accordance with relevant laws and regulations such as the Water Supply Act, its Enforcement Order, its Enforcement Regulations, and the River Act, as well as the following design standards. (1) Guidelines and Commentary on Design of Waterworks Facilities (Japan Water Works Association) (2) Guidelines for Maintenance and Management of Waterworks Facilities (Japan Water Works Association) (3) Guidelines and Commentary on Earthquake-Resistant Construction Methods for Waterworks Facilities (Japan Water Works Association) (4) Standard Specifications for Waterworks Construction (Japan Water Works Association) (5) Handbook for Practical Waterworks Business (Japan Simplified Waterworks Council) (6) Handbook of Soil Mechanics (Soil Mechanics Society) (7) Guidelines for Temporary Structures for Road Earthworks (Japan Road Association) (8) Other documents deemed appropriate by the Supervisor 3. Doubts about Design If doubts about design arise, they must be resolved in consultation with the Supervisor. 4. Design Documents All cost estimates and documents for design must be clearly stated and submitted in an organized format. 5. Loan of Reference Documents The client shall loan books and other materials necessary for the work in accordance with the prescribed procedures. However, they must be handled in a manner that avoids damage and returned immediately after the work is completed. 6. Disclosure of Reference Documents, etc. If documents or other materials are cited in the work, the names of the documents, etc. must be clearly stated. [III] Special Notes 1. Water Supply Pipe Replacement (1) This work includes the implementation design for the construction order, as well as the settlement design (change design) after the construction is completed. (2) This work is a national treasury subsidy project. Therefore, it will be necessary to divide the design documents into "subsidized portion" and "town only portion". In addition, documents necessary for the subsidy application will be prepared. Please respond promptly so as not to be late for the deadline requested by the supervisor. (3) Although the construction order date has not been decided, please respond promptly in a short period of time from the start of design to delivery. Therefore, the assigned engineers and personnel should be those belonging to the head office, branch office, and sales office in Nagano Prefecture who are fully familiar with piping design. (4) The supervisor will specify the delivery date for the implementation design and settlement design for each work section. No extension of the delivery date will be allowed for any reason. The first construction order is scheduled for June 2023. Please manage the process well. 1) Delivery of design documents for each work section ① In the implementation design, after the site survey, one copy of the cash design document, two copies of the design document for viewing, electronic data (design drawings (CAD data and PDF format), design documents for viewing (PDF format) and a set of design documents (Excel format)) and other items specified by the client shall be delivered. ② The final cost design document and final cost design drawings shall be delivered based on the completed work drawing, and the final cost design documents (set of design documents (Excel format)), final cost design drawings (PDF format) and other items specified by the client shall be delivered. (5) Unlike normal water supply pipe replacement design work, there may be cases where changes to the design location due to the adoption of national treasury subsidies, adjustments to the design extension, and reviews of construction methods, etc., and these are also included in this work. Please respond flexibly after becoming familiar with the Minowa Town Waterworks Asset Management for 2018. If any changes occur, they will be subject to a change contract through consultation. (6) This work includes cost estimation work. The cost estimation work involves creating a price table (unit rate table) and a design document with money included. The priority order for cost estimation is as follows. [Material costs] 1. Prefectural unit price 2. Publications 3. Estimates from three companies [Labor and civil engineering costs] 1. Practical guide for waterworks 2. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism civil engineering cost estimation standards 3. Sewerage design standard unit rate table 3. Standard unit price estimation standards for public building construction. The costs associated with the estimation are diverted from the "Standard unit rate_Drawings" by exempting the creation of vertical and horizontal cross-sectional views and structural drawings.Interpretation of DoubtsIf any doubts arise regarding matters stipulated in the specifications, or if they are not stipulated in the specifications, the client and contractor shall consult and determine the matter. [II] Design in General1. General matters(1) When carrying out the work, the contractor shall be in constant contact with the supervisor, recording any matters communicated on each occasion, and mutually confirming them during meetings.(2)At the start of the work and at major turning points, the contractor and the client shall hold meetings, recording the results and mutually confirming them.2. Related laws and standardsThis work shall be carried out in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, such as the Water Supply Act, its Enforcement Order, its Enforcement Regulations, and the River Act, as well as the following design standards. (1) Guidelines and Commentary on Design of Waterworks Facilities (Japan Water Works Association) (2) Guidelines for Maintenance and Management of Waterworks Facilities (Japan Water Works Association) (3) Guidelines and Commentary on Earthquake-Resistant Construction Methods for Waterworks Facilities (Japan Water Works Association) (4) Standard Specifications for Waterworks Construction (Japan Water Works Association) (5) Handbook for Practical Waterworks Business (Japan Simplified Waterworks Council) (6) Handbook of Soil Mechanics (Soil Mechanics Society) (7) Guidelines for Temporary Structures for Road Earthworks (Japan Road Association) (8) Other documents deemed appropriate by the Supervisor 3. Doubts about Design If doubts about design arise, they must be resolved in consultation with the Supervisor. 4. Design Documents All cost estimates and documents for design must be clearly stated and submitted in an organized format. 5. Loan of Reference Documents The client shall loan books and other materials necessary for the work in accordance with the prescribed procedures. However, they must be handled in a manner that avoids damage and returned immediately after the work is completed. 6. Disclosure of Reference Documents, etc. If documents or other materials are cited in the work, the names of the documents, etc. must be clearly stated. [III] Special Notes 1. Water Supply Pipe Replacement (1) This work includes the implementation design for the construction order, as well as the settlement design (change design) after the construction is completed. (2) This work is a national treasury subsidy project. Therefore, it will be necessary to divide the design documents into "subsidized portion" and "town only portion". In addition, documents necessary for the subsidy application will be prepared. Please respond promptly so as not to be late for the deadline requested by the supervisor. (3) Although the construction order date has not been decided, please respond promptly in a short period of time from the start of design to delivery. Therefore, the assigned engineers and personnel should be those belonging to the head office, branch office, and sales office in Nagano Prefecture who are fully familiar with piping design. (4) The supervisor will specify the delivery date for the implementation design and settlement design for each work section. No extension of the delivery date will be allowed for any reason. The first construction order is scheduled for June 2023. Please manage the process well. 1) Delivery of design documents for each work section ① In the implementation design, after the site survey, one copy of the cash design document, two copies of the design document for viewing, electronic data (design drawings (CAD data and PDF format), design documents for viewing (PDF format) and a set of design documents (Excel format)) and other items specified by the client shall be delivered. ② The final cost design document and final cost design drawings shall be delivered based on the completed work drawing, and the final cost design documents (set of design documents (Excel format)), final cost design drawings (PDF format) and other items specified by the client shall be delivered. (5) Unlike normal water supply pipe replacement design work, there may be cases where changes to the design location due to the adoption of national treasury subsidies, adjustments to the design extension, and reviews of construction methods, etc., and these are also included in this work. Please respond flexibly after becoming familiar with the Minowa Town Waterworks Asset Management for 2018. If any changes occur, they will be subject to a change contract through consultation. (6) This work includes cost estimation work. The cost estimation work involves creating a price table (unit rate table) and a design document with money included. The priority order for cost estimation is as follows. [Material costs] 1. Prefectural unit price 2. Publications 3. Estimates from three companies [Labor and civil engineering costs] 1. Practical guide for waterworks 2. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism civil engineering cost estimation standards 3. Sewerage design standard unit rate table 3. Standard unit price estimation standards for public building construction. The costs associated with the estimation are diverted from the "Standard unit rate_Drawings" by exempting the creation of vertical and horizontal cross-sectional views and structural drawings.Interpretation of DoubtsIf any doubts arise regarding matters stipulated in the specifications, or if they are not stipulated in the specifications, the client and contractor shall consult and determine the matter. [II] Design in General1. General matters(1) When carrying out the work, the contractor shall be in constant contact with the supervisor, recording any matters communicated on each occasion, and mutually confirming them during meetings.(2)At the start of the work and at major turning points, the contractor and the client shall hold meetings, recording the results and mutually confirming them.2. Related laws and standardsThis work shall be carried out in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, such as the Water Supply Act, its Enforcement Order, its Enforcement Regulations, and the River Act, as well as the following design standards. (1) Guidelines and Commentary on Design of Waterworks Facilities (Japan Water Works Association) (2) Guidelines for Maintenance and Management of Waterworks Facilities (Japan Water Works Association) (3) Guidelines and Commentary on Earthquake-Resistant Construction Methods for Waterworks Facilities (Japan Water Works Association) (4) Standard Specifications for Waterworks Construction (Japan Water Works Association) (5) Handbook for Practical Waterworks Business (Japan Simplified Waterworks Council) (6) Handbook of Soil Mechanics (Soil Mechanics Society) (7) Guidelines for Temporary Structures for Road Earthworks (Japan Road Association) (8) Other documents deemed appropriate by the Supervisor 3. Doubts about Design If doubts about design arise, they must be resolved in consultation with the Supervisor. 4. Design Documents All cost estimates and documents for design must be clearly stated and submitted in an organized format. 5. Loan of Reference Documents The client shall loan books and other materials necessary for the work in accordance with the prescribed procedures. However, they must be handled in a manner that avoids damage and returned immediately after the work is completed. 6. Disclosure of Reference Documents, etc. If documents or other materials are cited in the work, the names of the documents, etc. must be clearly stated. [III] Special Notes 1. Water Supply Pipe Replacement (1) This work includes the implementation design for the construction order, as well as the settlement design (change design) after the construction is completed. (2) This work is a national treasury subsidy project. Therefore, it will be necessary to divide the design documents into "subsidized portion" and "town only portion". In addition, documents necessary for the subsidy application will be prepared. Please respond promptly so as not to be late for the deadline requested by the supervisor. (3) Although the construction order date has not been decided, please respond promptly in a short period of time from the start of design to delivery. Therefore, the assigned engineers and personnel should be those belonging to the head office, branch office, and sales office in Nagano Prefecture who are fully familiar with piping design. (4) The supervisor will specify the delivery date for the implementation design and settlement design for each work section. No extension of the delivery date will be allowed for any reason. The first construction order is scheduled for June 2023. Please manage the process well. 1) Delivery of design documents for each work section ① In the implementation design, after the site survey, one copy of the cash design document, two copies of the design document for viewing, electronic data (design drawings (CAD data and PDF format), design documents for viewing (PDF format) and a set of design documents (Excel format)) and other items specified by the client shall be delivered. ② The final cost design document and final cost design drawings shall be delivered based on the completed work drawing, and the final cost design documents (set of design documents (Excel format)), final cost design drawings (PDF format) and other items specified by the client shall be delivered. (5) Unlike normal water supply pipe replacement design work, there may be cases where changes to the design location due to the adoption of national treasury subsidies, adjustments to the design extension, and reviews of construction methods, etc., and these are also included in this work. Please respond flexibly after becoming familiar with the Minowa Town Waterworks Asset Management for 2018. If any changes occur, they will be subject to a change contract through consultation. (6) This work includes cost estimation work. The cost estimation work involves creating a price table (unit rate table) and a design document with money included. The priority order for cost estimation is as follows. [Material costs] 1. Prefectural unit price 2. Publications 3. Estimates from three companies [Labor and civil engineering costs] 1. Practical guide for waterworks 2. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism civil engineering cost estimation standards 3. Sewerage design standard unit rate table 3. Standard unit price estimation standards for public building construction. The costs associated with the estimation are diverted from the "Standard unit rate_Drawings" by exempting the creation of vertical and horizontal cross-sectional views and structural drawings.Please be flexible and become familiar with the Minowa Town Waterworks Asset Management for the fiscal year. If any changes occur, they will be subject to a revised contract through consultation. (6) This work includes cost estimation. Cost estimation consists of creating a price table (unit rate table) and a design document with money included. The priority order for cost estimation is as follows. [Materials cost] 1. Prefectural unit price 2. Publications 3. Estimates from three companies [Labor cost/Civil work cost] 1. Waterworks Business Handbook 2. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Civil Engineering Cost Estimation Standards 3. Sewerage Design Standard Unit Rate Table 3. Standard Unit Rate Estimation Standards for Public Building Construction Note that the costs associated with cost estimation are diverted by exempting the creation of vertical and horizontal cross-sectional views and structural drawings from the "Standard Unit Rate Drawing Creation" section.Please be flexible and become familiar with the Minowa Town Waterworks Asset Management for the fiscal year. If any changes occur, they will be subject to a revised contract through consultation. (6) This work includes cost estimation. Cost estimation consists of creating a price table (unit rate table) and a design document with money included. The priority order for cost estimation is as follows. [Materials cost] 1. Prefectural unit price 2. Publications 3. Estimates from three companies [Labor cost/Civil work cost] 1. Waterworks Business Handbook 2. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Civil Engineering Cost Estimation Standards 3. Sewerage Design Standard Unit Rate Table 3. Standard Unit Rate Estimation Standards for Public Building Construction Note that the costs associated with cost estimation are diverted by exempting the creation of vertical and horizontal cross-sectional views and structural drawings from the "Standard Unit Rate Drawing Creation" section.
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