Tender Details

移動型デジタル式汎用X線透視診断装置 一式 移動型デジタル式汎用X線透視診断装置 一式 入 札 公 告 次のとおり一般競争入札に付します。 令和6年10月16日国立大学法人山口大学長 谷澤 幸生◎調達機関番号 415 ◎所在地番号 35○第19... Mobile digital general-purpose X-ray fluoroscopy diagnostic equipment, set Mobile digital general-purpose X-ray fluoroscopy diagnostic equipment, set Bidding announcement The following is open to public competitive bidding. October 16, 2024 President of Yamaguchi University, National University Corporation Yukio Tanizawa ◎ Procurement agency number 415 ◎ Location number 35 ○ 19th...

Published Date
Deadline Date
移動型デジタル式汎用X線透視診断装置 一式 移動型デジタル式汎用X線透視診断装置 一式 入 札 公 告 次のとおり一般競争入札に付します。 令和6年10月16日国立大学法人山口大学長 谷澤 幸生◎調達機関番号 415 ◎所在地番号 35○第19... 国立大学法人山口大学  山口県 入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 移動型デジタル式汎用X線透視診断装置 一式 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 16 日 組織 国立大学法人 取得日 2024 年 10 月 16 日 ACS Onlineの利用 一式 公告内容 入 札 公 告 次のとおり一般競争入札に付します。 令和6年10月16日国立大学法人山口大学長 谷澤 幸生◎調達機関番号 415 ◎所在地番号 35○第19号1 調達内容(1) 品目分類番号 22、31(2) 購入等件名及び数量移動型デジタル式汎用X線透視診断装置 一式(3) 調達件名の特質等 入札説明書による。 (4) 納入期限 令和7年3月31日(5) 納入場所 国立大学法人山口大学医学部附属病院(6) 入札方法 落札決定に当たっては、入札書に記載された金額に当該金額の10パーセントに相当する額を加算した金額(当該金額に1円未満の端数があるときは、その端数金額を切り捨てるものとする。 )をもって落札価格とするので、入札者は、消費税及び地方消費税に係る課税事業者であるか免税事業者であるかを問わず、見積もった契約金額の110分の100に相当する金額を入札書に記載すること。 2 競争参加資格(1) 国立大学法人山口大学の契約事務取扱要項第5条及び第6条の規定に該当しない者であること。なお、未成年者、被保佐人又は被補助人であって、契約締結のために必要な同意を得ている者は、同条中、特別の理由がある場合に該当する。 (2) 国の競争参加資格(全省庁統一資格)又は国立大学法人山口大学の競争参加資格のいずれかにおいて令和6年度に中国地域の「物品の販売」のA、B又はC等級に格付けされている者であること。なお、国の競争参加資格(全省庁統一資格)については、令和5年3月31日付け号外政府調達第60号の官報の競争参加者の資格に関する公示の別表に掲げる申請受付窓口において随時受け付けており、山口大学の競争参加資格については、山口大学財務部財務課財務企画係にて随時受け付けている。 (3) 購入物品に係る迅速なアフターサービス・メンテナンスの体制が整備されていることを証明した者であること。 (4) 医薬品、医療機器等の品質、有効性及び安全性の確保等に関する法律に基づいて医療機器の販売業の許可を得ていることを証明した者であること。 (5) 国立大学法人山口大学の契約事務取扱要項第7条の規定に基づき、学長が定める資格を有する者であること。 (6) 学長から取引停止の措置を受けている期間中の者でないこと。 3 入札書の提出場所等(1) 入札書の提出場所、契約条項を示す場所、入札説明書の交付場所及び問合せ先〒755-8505 山口県宇部市南小串1-1-1 国立大学法人山口大学医学部管理運営課契約管理係 竹原 芳維 電話0836-22-2031 E-mail me215@yamaguchi-u.ac.jp(2) 入札説明書の交付方法 本公告の日から上記3(1)の交付場所にて交付する。 (3) 入札書の受領期限 令和6年12月5日17時00分(4) 開札の日時及び場所 令和6年12月26日15時00分 山口大学医学部本館6階第3会議室4 その他(1) 契約手続において使用する言語及び通貨 日本語及び日本国通貨。 (2) 入札保証金及び契約保証金 免除。 (3) 入札者に要求される事項 この一般競争に参加を希望する者は、封印した入札書に本公告に示した物品を納入できることを証明する書類を添付して入札書の受領期限までに提出しなければならない。入札者は、開札日の前日までの間において、学長から当該書類に関し説明を求められた場合は、それに応じなければならない。 (4) 入札の無効 本公告に示した競争参加資格のない者の提出した入札書、入札者に求められる義務を履行しなかった者の提出した入札書、その他入札説明書による。 (5) 契約書作成の要否 要。 (6) 落札者の決定方法 本公告に示した物品を納入できると学長が判断した入札者であって、国立大学法人山口大学の財務会計規則第33条の規定に基づいて作成された予定価格の制限の範囲内で最低価格をもって有効な入札を行った入札者を落札者とする。 (7) 手続における交渉の有無 無。 (8) その他 詳細は、入札説明書による。なお、入札説明書等で当該調達に関する環境上の条件を定めた調達であると示されている場合は、十分理解した上で応札すること。 5 Summary(1) Official in charge of disbursement of the procuring entity: Yukio Tanizawa, PresidentYamaguchi University(2) Classification of the products to be procured : 22,31(3) Nature and quantity of the products to be purchased : Digital Mobile Intraoperative X-rayImaging System 1 Set(4) Delivery period : By 31 March, 2025(5) Delivery place : Yamaguchi University Hospital(6) Qualifications for participating in the tendering procedures : Suppliers eligible forparticipating in the proposed tender are those who shall :A not come under Article 5 and 6 of the Regulation concerning the Contract for YamaguchiUniversity Furthermore, minors, Person under Conservatorship or Person under Assistance thatobtained the consent necessary for concluding a contract may be applicable under cases ofspecial reasons within the said clause,B have the Grade A, Grade B or Grade C qualification during fiscal 2024 in the Chugokuページ(1)area in sales of product for participating in tenders by Single qualification for everyministry and agency, or in tenders by Yamaguchi University,C prove to have prepared a system to provide rapid aftersale service and maintenance forthe procured products,D meet the qualification requirements which President Yamaguchi University may specify inaccordance with Article 7 of the Regulation,E not be currently under a suspension of business order as instructed by PresidentYamaguchi University(7) Time limit of tender : 17:00 5 December, 2024(8) Contact point for the notice : Yoshimasa Takehara, Procurement, Accounting Division,School of Medicine, Yamaguchi University, 1-1-1 Minamikogushi Ube-shi 755-8505 Japan, TEL0836-22-2031 E-mail me215@yamaguchi-u.ac.jp(9) Please be noted that if it is indicated that environmental conditions relating to theprocurement are laid down in its tender documentsページ(2) 入 札 公 告次のとおり一般競争入札に付します。令和6年10月16日国立大学法人山口大学長 谷澤 幸生◎調達機関番号 415 ◎所在地番号 35○第18号1 調達内容(1) 品目分類番号 71、27(2) 購入等件名及び数量ACS Onlineの利用 一式(3) 調達案件の仕様等 入札説明書による。(4) 履行期間 令和7年1月1日から令和9年12月31日(5) 履行場所 学長が指定する場所(6) 入札方法 落札決定に当たっては、入札書に記載された金額に当該金額から消費税法第2条第1項第8号の4に規定される「事業者向け電気通信利用役務の提供」にかかる金額を除いた額の10パーセントに相当する額を加算した金額をもって落札金額とするので、入札者は,消費税及び地方消費税に係る課税事業者であるか免税事業者であるかを問わず、見積もった金額から、当該金額に含まれる消費税及び地方消費税を抜いた金額を入札書に記載すること。2 競争参加資格(1) 国立大学法人山口大学の契約事務取扱要項第5条及び第6条の規定に該当しない者であること。なお、未成年者、被保佐人又は被補助人であって、契約締結のために必要な同意を得ている者は、同条中、特別の理由がある場合に該当する。(2) 国の競争参加資格(全省庁統一資格)又は国立大学法人山口大学の競争参加資格のいずれかにおいて令和6年度に中国地域の「役務の提供等」のA、B又はC等級に格付けされている者であること。なお、国の競争参加資格(全省庁統一資格)については、令和5年3月31日付け号外政府調達第60号の官報の競争参加者の資格に関する公示の別表に掲げる申請受付窓口において随時受け付けており、山口大学の競争参加資格については、山口大学財務部財務課財務企画係にて随時受け付けている。(3) 国立大学法人山口大学の契約事務取扱要項第7条の規定に基づき、学長が定める資格を有する者であること。(4) 学長から取引停止の措置を受けている期間中の者でないこと。3 入札書の提出場所等(1) 入札書の提出場所、契約条項を示す場所、入札説明書の交付場所及び問合せ先〒753-8511 山口県山口市吉田1677-1国立大学法人山口大学学術基盤部学術基盤推進課 川上 誠電話 083-933-5176 E-Mail: li312@yamaguchi-u.ac.jp(2) 入札説明書の交付方法 本公告の日から上記3(1)の交付場所にて交付する。(3) 入札書の受領期限 令和6年12月9日17時00分(4) 開札の日時及び場所 令和6年12月16日14時00分 山口大学総合図書館第2TV会議室4 その他(1) 契約手続において使用する言語及び通貨 日本語及び日本国通貨。(2) 入札保証金及び契約保証金 免除。(3) 入札者に要求される事項 この一般競争に参加を希望する者は、封印した入札書に本公告に示した特定役務を履行できることを証明する書類を添付して入札書の受領期限までに提出しなければならない。入札者は、開札日の前日までの間において、学長から当該書類に関し説明を求められた場合は、それに応じなければならない。(4) 入札の無効 本公告に示した競争参加資格のない者の提出した入札書、入札者に求められる義務を履行しなかった者の提出した入札書、その他入札説明書による。(5) 契約書作成の要否 要。(6) 落札者の決定方法 本公告に示した特定役務を履行できると学長が判断した入札者であって、国立大学法人山口大学の財務会計規則第33条の規定に基づいて作成された予定価格の制限の範囲内で最低価格をもって有効な入札を行った入札者を落札者とする。(7) 手続における交渉の有無 無。(8) その他 詳細は、入札説明書による。5 Summary(1) Official in charge of disbursement of the procuring entity: Yukio Tanizawa,President Yamaguchi University(2) Classification of the services to be procured: 71, 27(3) Nature and quantity of the services to be required: Use of ACS Online 1Set(4) Fulfillment period: From 1 January, 2025 through 31 December, 2027(5) Fulfillment place: The place specified by the Obligating Officer(6) Qualifications for participating in the tendering procedures: Supplierseligible for participating in the proposed tender are those who shall:A not come under Article 5 and 6 of the Regulation concerning the Contract for Yamaguchi University Furthermore, minors, Person under Conservatorship or Person under Assistance that obtained the consent necessaryfor concluding a contract may be applicable under cases of special reasons within the said clause,B have the Grade A, Grade B or Grade C qualification during fiscal 2024in the Chugoku area in offer of services for participating in tendersby Single qualification for every ministry and agency, or in tenders byYamaguchi University,C meet the qualification requirements which President Yamaguchi University may specify in accordance with Article 7 of the Regulation,D not be currently under a suspension of business order as instructed by President Yamaguchi University. (7) Time limit of tender: 17:00 9 December, 2024(8) Contact point for the notice: Makoto Kawakami, Department of Academic Infrastructure, Yamaguchi University, 1677-1 Yoshida Yamaguchi-shi 753-8511 Japan, TEL 083-933-5176 E-Mail: li312@yamaguchi-u.ac.jp Mobile digital general-purpose X-ray fluoroscopy diagnostic equipment, set Mobile digital general-purpose X-ray fluoroscopy diagnostic equipment, set Bidding announcement The following will be put up for public competitive bidding. October 16, 2024 President of Yamaguchi University, National University Corporation Yukio Tanizawa ◎ Procurement agency number 415 ◎ Location number 35○ 19th... Yamaguchi University, National University Corporation Yamaguchi Prefecture Bidding information is as follows. Subject Mobile digital general-purpose X-ray fluoroscopy diagnostic equipment, set Announcement date or update date October 16, 2024 Organization National University Corporation Acquisition date October 16, 2024 Use of ACS Online, set Announcement content Bidding announcement The following will be put up for public competitive bidding. October 16, 2024 President of Yamaguchi University, National University Corporation Yukio Tanizawa ◎ Procurement agency number 415 ◎ Location number 35 ○ No. 19 1. Procurement details (1) Item classification number 22, 31 (2) Purchase item and quantity A set of portable digital general-purpose X-ray fluoroscopy diagnostic equipment (3) Characteristics of procurement item, etc. See bidding instructions. (4) Delivery deadline March 31, 2025 (5) Delivery location Yamaguchi University Hospital, National University Corporation (6) Bidding method When determining the successful bid, the successful bid price will be the amount stated in the bid document plus 10% of the said amount (if the amount has a fraction of less than 1 yen, the fraction will be rounded down.), so bidders, regardless of whether they are taxable entities or tax-exempt entities with respect to consumption tax and local consumption tax, must state in the bid document an amount equivalent to 110/100 of the estimated contract amount. 2. Eligibility to participate in the competition (1) The applicant must not fall under the provisions of Articles 5 and 6 of the Contract Handling Guidelines of Yamaguchi University, a National University Corporation. In addition, minors, persons under guardianship, or persons under assistance who have obtained the necessary consent to enter into a contract fall under the case of special reasons in the same article. (2) The applicant must be rated A, B, or C in the "sale of goods" category in the Chugoku region in fiscal year 2024 in either the national qualification to participate in the competition (unified qualification for all ministries and agencies) or the qualification to participate in the competition of Yamaguchi University, a National University Corporation. In addition, applications for the national qualification to participate in the competition (unified qualification for all ministries and agencies) are accepted at any time at the application reception desk listed in the appendix to the public notice on the qualification of participants in the competition in the Official Gazette, Extra Government Procurement No. 60 dated March 31, 2023, and applications for the qualification to participate in the competition of Yamaguchi University are accepted at any time at the Financial Planning Section of the Finance Division, Finance Department, Yamaguchi University. (3) The applicant must prove that a system for prompt after-sales service and maintenance of purchased goods is in place. (4) A person who has proven that he/she has obtained a medical device sales business license based on the Act on Ensuring Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, etc. (5) A person who has the qualifications specified by the President based on the provisions of Article 7 of the Contract Handling Guidelines of the National University Corporation Yamaguchi University. (6) A person who is not currently under a transaction suspension measure by the President. 3 Place of submission of bid documents, etc. (1) Place of submission of bid documents, place of showing contract terms, place of delivery of bid documents and contact information Yoshikazu Takehara Contract Management Section, Management and Administration Division, Faculty of Medicine, National University Corporation, Yamaguchi University, 1-1-1 Minamikogushi, Ube City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, 755-8505 Telephone: 0836-22-2031 E-mail: me215@yamaguchi-u.ac.jp (2) Method of delivery of bid documents The bid documents will be delivered at the delivery place specified in 3(1) above from the date of this announcement. (3) Deadline for receipt of bid documents: 5:00 p.m., December 5, 2024 (4) Date and time of bid opening: 3:00 p.m., December 26, 2024, Yamaguchi University School of Medicine, Main Building, 6th floor, Conference Room 3, 4 Other (1) Language and currency used in contract procedures: Japanese and Japanese currency. (2) Bid bond and contract bond: Exempt. (3) Requirements for bidders: Those who wish to participate in this general competition must submit a sealed bid document by the deadline for receipt of the bid documents, along with documents verifying that they can deliver the items listed in this announcement. If the bidder is requested by the University President to explain the documents up to the day before the bid opening date, the bidder must respond. (4) Invalidation of bids: Based on bid documents submitted by persons who are not eligible to participate in the competition as listed in this announcement, bid documents submitted by persons who have not fulfilled the obligations required of bidders, and other bid explanations. (5) Necessity of contract preparation: Required. (6) Method for determining the successful bidder The successful bidder will be the bidder whom the President judges to be able to deliver the items specified in this announcement and who has submitted a valid bid with the lowest price within the range of the estimated price limit prepared pursuant to the provisions of Article 33 of the Financial Accounting Regulations of Yamaguchi University, a National University Corporation. (7) Whether or not there will be negotiations in the procedure: No. (8) Other: For details, refer to the bidding instructions. In addition, if the bidding instructions or other documents indicate that the procurement stipulates environmental conditions for the procurement, bidders should fully understand these before submitting their bids. 5 Summary(1) Official in charge of disbursement of the procuring entity: Yukio Tanizawa, PresidentYamaguchi University(2) Classification of the products to be procured : 22,31(3) Nature and quantity of the products to be purchased : Digital Mobile Intraoperative X-rayImaging System 1 Set(4) Delivery period : By 31 March, 2025(5) Delivery place : Yamaguchi University Hospital(6) Qualifications for participating in the tendering procedures : Suppliers eligible forparticipating in the proposed tender are those who shall :A not come under Article 5 and 6 of the Regulation concerning the Contract for YamaguchiUniversity Furthermore, minors, Person under Conservatorship or Person under Assistance thatobtained the consent necessary for concluding a contract may be applicable under cases of special reasons within the said clause,B have the Grade A,Grade B or Grade C qualification during fiscal 2024 in the Chugoku page (1) area in sales of product for participating in tenders by Single qualification for every ministry and agency, or in tenders by Yamaguchi University,C prove to have prepared a system to provide rapid aftersale service and maintenance for the procured products,D meet the qualification requirements which President Yamaguchi University may specify inaccordance with Article 7 of the Regulation,E not be currently under a suspension of business order as instructed by President Yamaguchi University(7) Time limit of tender: 17:00 5 December, 2024(8) Contact point for the notice : Yoshimasa Takehara, Procurement, Accounting Division, School of Medicine, Yamaguchi University, 1-1-1 Minamikogushi Ube-shi 755-8505 Japan, TEL0836-22-2031 E-mail me215@yamaguchi-u.ac.jp(9) Please be noted that if it is indicated that environmental conditions Relating to the procurement are laid down in its tender documents Page (2) Bidding announcement The following is a public competitive bidding. October 16, 2024 President of Yamaguchi University, National University Corporation Yukio Tanizawa Procurement agency number 415 ◎Location number 35○No.18 1 Procurement details (1) Item classification number 71, 27 (2) Purchase item and quantity Use of ACS Online Complete set (3) Procurement project specifications, etc. To be determined by bidding instructions. (4) Performance period: January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2027 (5) Place of performance: A place designated by the President (6) Bidding method: The winning bidder will be selected based on the amount stated in the bid document. The amount calculated by adding 10% of the amount excluding the amount for "provision of telecommunications services for businesses" as stipulated in Article 2, Paragraph 1, Item 8-4 of the Consumption Tax Act from the said amount. The winning bid amount will be the amount quoted, so regardless of whether the bidder is a taxable business entity or a tax-exempt business entity, the bidder will subtract the consumption tax and local consumption tax included in the estimated amount from the estimated amount. The amount excluding the above shall be stated in the bid document. 2. Eligibility to participate in the competition (1) Those who do not fall under the provisions of Articles 5 and 6 of the Yamaguchi University Contract Handling Guidelines of the National University Corporation. A person who is a trustee, a ward, or an assisted person who has obtained the consent necessary to enter into a contract falls under the case where there are special reasons in the same article. (2) In either the national competitive bidding qualification (uniform qualification for all ministries and agencies) or the competitive bidding qualification of Yamaguchi University, a national university corporation, the university has been awarded Grade A, B, or C for "provision of services, etc." in the Chugoku region in fiscal year 2024. The qualifications for participating in national competitive bidding (unified qualifications for all ministries and agencies) are listed in the Official Gazette on the qualifications of participants in competitive bidding (Extra Government Procurement No. 60 dated March 31, 2023). Applications for Yamaguchi University's eligibility to participate in the competition are accepted at the Financial Planning Section of the Finance Department, Finance Division, Yamaguchi University. (3) Contract Administration for the National University Corporation Yamaguchi University (4) A person who is not currently subject to a transaction suspension order from the President of the University. 3. Place of submission of bid documents, etc. (1) Place of submission of bid documents, place of showing contract terms, place of delivery of bid documents and contact information 1677-1 Yoshida, Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, 753-8511 National University Corporation Yamaguchi University Academic Foundation Makoto Kawakami, Academic Infrastructure Promotion Division, Department of Engineering, Telephone: 083-933-5176 E-Mail: li312@yamaguchi-u.ac.jp (2) Method of delivery of bidding documents From the date of this announcement, at the delivery place mentioned in 3(1) above. (3) Deadline for receipt of bid documents: December 9, 2024, 17:00 (4) Date and place of bid opening: December 16, 2024, 14:00 Yamaguchi University Library 2nd TV Conference Room 4 Other (1) Language and currency used in contract procedures: Japanese and Japanese currency. (2) Bid bond and contract bond: Exempt. (3) Requirements for Bidders Those who wish to participate in this public tender must submit sealed bids by the deadline for receipt of bids, attaching documents certifying that they are capable of performing the specific services specified in this announcement. If the President of the University requests an explanation regarding the documents before the day of the opening of the bids, the bidder must comply with the request. (4) Invalidation of Bids The bidder may submit a bid for a bid that is not eligible to participate in the competition, a bid that has not fulfilled the obligations required of a bidder, or other bid documents. (5) Whether or not a contract must be prepared: Yes. (6) The successful bidder will be the bidder whom the President judges to be able to perform the specific services specified in this announcement, and who has set a limit on the estimated price prepared in accordance with Article 33 of the Financial Accounting Regulations of the National University Corporation of Yamaguchi University. The successful bidder will be the bidder who submits the lowest valid bid within the above range. (7) Whether or not there will be negotiations during the procedure: No. (8) Other: For details, see the bidding instructions. 5 Summary(1) Official in charge of disbursement of the procuring entity: Yukio Tanizawa,President Yamaguchi University(2) Classification of the services to be procured: 71, 27(3) Nature and quantity of the services to be required: Use of ACS Online 1Set(4) Fulfillment period: From 1 January, 2025 through 31 December, 2027(5) Fulfillment place: The place specified by the Obligating Officer(6) Qualifications for participating in the tendering procedures:Supplierseligible for participating in the proposed tender are those who shall:A not come under Article 5 and 6 of the Regulation concerning the Contract for Yamaguchi University Furthermore, minors, Person under Conservatorship or Person under Assistance that obtained the consent necessaryfor concluding a contract may be applicable under cases of special reasons within the said clause,B have the Grade A, Grade B or Grade C qualification during fiscal 2024in the Chugoku area in offer of services for participating in tendersby Single qualification for every ministry and agency, or in tenders byYamaguchi University ,C meet the qualification requirements which President Yamaguchi University may specify in accordance with Article 7 of the Regulation,D not be currently under a suspension of business order as instructed by President Yamaguchi University. (7) Time limit of tender: 17:00 9 December, 2024(8) Contact point for the notice: Makoto Kawakami, Department of Academic Infrastructure, Yamaguchi University, 1677-1 Yoshida Yamaguchi-shi 753-8511 Japan, TEL 083-933-5176 E-mail: li312@yamaguchi-u.ac.jp
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