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(消第06005号)夜須分団屯所新築工事設計委託業務【10月2日公告】 (消第06005号)夜須分団屯所新築工事設計委託業務【10月2日公告】 ればならない。 (1) 提出書類 競争入札参加資格確認申請書(様式1)(4) 香南市の事務及び事業における暴力団の排除に関する規... (Fire No. 06005) Yasu Branch Barracks New Construction Design Commissioned Work [Announced on October 2nd] (Fire No. 06005) Yasu Branch Barracks New Construction Design Commissioned Work [Announced on October 2nd] (1) Documents to be submitted Application for confirmation of eligibility to participate in competitive bidding (Form 1) (4) Regulations on the exclusion of organized crime from Konan City's affairs and businesses...

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(消第06005号)夜須分団屯所新築工事設計委託業務【10月2日公告】 (消第06005号)夜須分団屯所新築工事設計委託業務【10月2日公告】 ればならない。 (1) 提出書類 競争入札参加資格確認申請書(様式1)(4) 香南市の事務及び事業における暴力団の排除に関する規... 高知県香南市   入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 (消第06005号)夜須分団屯所新築工事設計委託業務【10月2日公告】 種別 役務 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 2 日 組織 高知県香南市 取得日 2024 年 10 月 2 日 19:06:39 金抜き設計書 (PDFファイル: 60.4KB)特記仕様書 (PDFファイル: 223.9KB)位置図 (PDFファイル: 539.0KB) 公告内容 ればならない。 (1) 提出書類 競争入札参加資格確認申請書(様式1)(4) 香南市の事務及び事業における暴力団の排除に関する規則(平成25年香南市規則第2号)第2条第2項第5号に掲げる排除措置対象者に該当しない者であること。 (5) 会社更生法(平成14年法律第154号)に基づく会社更生手続開始の申立て又は民事再生法(平成11年法律第225号)に基づく再生手続開始の申立てがなされていない者であること。 3 入札参加資格確認申請の方法等当該業務の入札に参加しようとする者は、次の受付期間内に入札参加資格確認申請を行わなけ(7) 建築士法第23条の規定に基づく一級建築士事務所の登録を受けている者で、建築士法によ(6) この入札に参加しようとする他の入札参加者との間に資本関係又は人的関係がないこと。 高知県内に主たる営業所を置く者。(8)書類の提出を求め、当該落札候補者についてのみ行う事後審査方式とする。 2 入札参加資格 この業務の入札に参加できる者は、次の要件を満たす者であること。 (1) この公告の日現在、令和6年度香南市測量・建設コンサルタント等業務競争入札参加資格(2) 地方自治法施行令(昭和22年政令第16号)第167条の4の規定に該当しない者。 (9) 入 札 種 別 電子入札(10) 契 約 種 別(7) 最低制限価格 予定価格の10分の6から10分の8.5の額の範囲で設定する。(事後公表)(8) 審 査 方 式 入札参加資格の審査は、開札後、入札保留を行い、落札候補者に必要な追加電子契約(5) 予 定 期 間 令和6年10月25日 ~ 令和7年3月13日(140日)(6) 予 定 価 格 事後公表(3) 履 行 場 所 香南市赤岡町2032-2(4) 業 務 概 要 設計業務 一式(1) 業 務 番 号 消第06005号(2) 業 務 名 夜須分団屯所新築工事設計委託業務公告 制限付一般競争入札を実施するので、事後審査方式制限付一般競争入札実施要綱第6条及び 香南市財務規則(平成18年規則第43号)第87条の規定に基づき次のとおり公告する。 令和6年10月2日香南市長 濱田 豪太1 入札に付する事項有資格者名簿の「建築一般」、「意匠」、「構造」のいずれにも登載されている者。 る一級建築士の資格を有する者を管理技術者として配置することができる者。 ただし、会社更生法の規定に基づく更正開始の申立て又は民事再生法の規定に基づく再生手続開始の申立てがなされた者であっても、手続開始の決定後に入札参加資格の再審査を受けた者については、この限りではない。 (3) 公告の日から開札の日までの間に、香南市指名停止措置要綱(令和6年5月1日告示第86号)に基づく指名停止等の措置を受けていない者。 供する。 6 質疑書の受付及び回答5 設計図書の閲覧設計図書は、この公告の日から開札の日まで香南市ウェブサイトに掲載する方法により閲覧に(3) 受付期間 この公告の日から17時00分まで 令和6年10月9日(水)様式は任意とし、メール本文に記載する方法でも可とする。 8 開札の日時及び場所(1) 開札日時録する方法で行う。 00分まで)とする。 (2) 受付方法 契約管財課で電子メールにより受け付ける。 (1) 受付期間 この公告の日から(4) 提出方法 電子入札システムの「競争参加資格確認申請書提出」画面から、作成済みの様式1の電子ファイルを添付して提出すること。なお、様式1の提出がない者は、(2) 開札場所 香南市役所本庁舎4階契約管財課メールアドレス bid@city.kochi-konan.lg.jp(3) 回答方法 香南市ウェブサイトに掲載する。 (4) 回答期限 令和6年10月10日(木)17時00分令和6年10月9日(水)までただし、電子入札システム運用時間内(閉庁日を除く日の8時30分から20時00分まで)とする。 (2) 受付場所 高知県香南市野市町西野2706番地香南市役所 契約管財課 入札契約係9 再度入札の日時及び方法落札候補者となった時点で失格とする。 7 入札の期間及び方法(1) 入札期間 令和6年10月11日(金)から令和6年10月16日(水)まで(2) 入札方法 入札期間内に電子入札システムにより、入札金額及び3桁のくじ入力番号を登(1) 開札後、電子入札システムにより、全ての入札参加者に保留通知書(事後審査のため、入札結果を保留した旨の通知)を送信する。 各受付期限後、直ちに開札を行う。 令和6年10月17日(木)9時45分(2) 予定価格と最低制限価格の範囲内で、最低価格で入札をした者を落札候補者として決定する。 (3) 落札候補となるべき同価の入札をした者が2者以上あるときは、電子入札システムによる10 落札候補者の決定方法 初度入札で、落札となるべき入札がない場合であって、再度入札に参加できる者がある時は、 再度入札を2回まで行う。 再度入札の受付期限は、開札日当日の15時00分(1回目)及び17時00分(2回目)とし、4 入札参加資格の喪失ただし、電子入札システム運用時間内(閉庁日を除く日の8時30分から20時申請書受付後、次の各号のいずれかに該当するに至ったときは、当該工事の入札に参加することができない。 (1) 2の入札参加資格要件を満たさなくなったとき。 (2) 申請書に虚偽の記載をしたことが判明したとき。 3の入札参加資格確認申請書を提出した者が1者の場合でも入札を行う。 ない。ただし、香南市建設工事電子競争入札心得(以下「電子入札心得」という。)第23条第1項ただし書以下に該当する場合は、この限りではない。 14 契約保証金(3) 提出期限(2) 提出場所 香南市役所 契約管財課 入札契約係令和6年10月18日(金)16時00分まで(8) この公告に示した資格要件を満たさない者が行った入札及び香南市財務規則第97条の規定に該当する入札又は電子入札心得第11条各号に該当する入札は、無効とする。 (9) 電子入札心得第12条各号に該当する入札は、失格とする。 して、指名停止措置を行うことがある。 (7) 落札者は、配置予定技術者名簿に記載した配置予定技術者を当該業務に配置すること。原則として配置予定技術者の変更は認めない。 この入札において提出された申請書等及び追加書類は返却しない。また、提出期限後の差(6) 提出書類に虚偽の記載があった場合は、契約を解除するとともに虚偽の記載をした者に対し替え、訂正等は認めない。 (4)資格審査の結果、資格があると認めたときは、その者を落札者として決定するものとする。 13 入札保証金免除する。 (1)落札者は、契約締結にあたり、契約金額の10分の1以上の契約保証金を納付しなければなら(3) やむを得ない事由により、紙の入札書による入札を認められた場合の取扱いについては、入札参加者は、あらかじめ「電子入札心得」及び「香南市建設工事電子競争入札心得の取 扱いについて」を承知すること。 12 落札者の決定(5) 申請書等及び追加書類の作成及び提出に係る費用は申請者の負担とする。 別に定めるところによる。 15 その他(2)落札者の決定後、電子入札システムにより、全ての入札参加者に落札者決定通知書を送信する。 この場合の提出期日等については、契約管財課から別途連絡するものとする。 (1) 提出書類 配置予定技術者名簿(様式3)(4) 提出方法すること。なお、書面による場合には押印が必要となるので注意すること。 落札候補者は、資格審査に必要な追加書類を次のとおり提出しなければならない。提出がない 内で入札をした他の者のうち最低価格で入札した者が提出しなければならない。 場合、また、審査の結果、入札参加資格がないと認めたときは、予定価格と最低制限価格の範囲11 資格審査電子メールに様式3の電子ファイルを添付する方法又は書面の持参により提出電子くじで落札候補者を決定する。 履行期限 令和 年 月 日令和6年9月17日 作成令和 年 月 日 決済高知県 香南市 赤岡町2032-2 夜須分団屯所新築工事設計委託業務 設計書施工方法 (請負) 直営業務日数 140 日(金抜き)令和 6年度 消第06005号P. 1香南市業務概要夜須分団屯所新築工事に伴う設計委託業務を行う。 鉄骨平屋建て起工(又は変更)理由請負対象金額 設計金額消費税抜き金額 消費税込み金額 消費税抜き金額 消費税込み金額事業費 円 円 円 円円 円 設計金額P. 2その他 円 円 その他円 円円 円小計人 2.0 (6)建築確認作成 (5)積算人 7.0人 4.5 (4)機械 (3)電気人 3.5人 8.0 (2)構造 (1)総合人 18.0 設計積算 A 直接人件費P. 3内 訳 表費目・工種・細別等 単 位 数 量 単 価 金 額 摘 要合計 消費税等(10%) 改め計計 C 技術料等経費 {(A+B)×≒0.15 } D 平板載荷試験式 1式 1A+B B 諸経費(A×1.1)式 1P. 4明 細 表費目・工種・細別等 単 位 数 量 単 価 金 額 摘 要 1建築設計業務委託特記仕様書第1章 業務概要1. 業務名称及び業務番号夜須分団屯所新築工事設計委託業務(消第06005号)2. 業務の目的夜須分団屯所の移転新築工事に伴う設計業務を行うもの。3. 履行期間(予定)令和6年10月25日~令和7年3月13日4. 履行場所香南市赤岡町2032-25. 予定工期令和7年度中6. 設計与条件(1) 車庫(72.9㎡)ポンプ車(長さ:5680 幅:2450 高さ:2450)指令車 (長さ:4670 幅:1760 高さ:1660)オーバースライダー 高さ:3500両サイドに収納棚(奥行900程度)上部に排煙窓(2) 待機室(30㎡)会議用机、椅子(3) 倉庫(20㎡)収納棚(4) 日本間(50名収容程度)床の間,押入れ,座卓,表彰状を掛ける構造を設置(5) 女性用部屋(6畳程度)トイレ,押入れ付(6) 台所(20㎡)流し台:2組,ガスコンロ:2組,収納棚(7) トイレ(1か所)洋便器:2組,小便器:3組(8) 外構その他建物角に水栓柱:4か所各面に人感式外灯を設置(車庫前は作業灯及び赤色灯を設置)日本間,待機室にはテレビを設置ホース干し(電柱加工)長さ11.5m程度水防倉庫(間口:5810 奥行:2620 高さ:2110)アスファルト舗装2第2章 業務仕様1. 共通仕様書の適用本業務の実施にあたっては、「公共建築設計業務委託共通仕様書(令和6年改定)」(以下「共通仕様書」という)を適用する。2. 特記仕様書の適用本仕様書に記載された事項を適用する。なお、本仕様書の中で、□印の付いたものについては、■印の付いたものを適用する。3. 管理技術者の資格要件管理技術者については、下記の要件を満たす者とする。また、工事監理についての高度な技術能力及び経験を有する者とする。■ 建築士法(昭和25年法律第202号)による一級建築士であること□ 建築士法(昭和25年法律第202号)による一級又は二級建築士であること4. 担当技術者の資格要件担当技術者は、下記のいずれかの要件を満たす者とする。なお、下記の要件において、「実務経験」とは、各分野における工事監理、設計、施工管理(構造担当は除く)のいずれかにおけるものとする。■ 建築担当 (管理技術者との兼任(■可 □不可))■ 建築士法(昭和25年法律第202号)による一級建築士であること□ 建築士法(昭和25年法律第202号)による二級建築士であること□ 13年以上の実務経験を有すること□ 8年以上の実務経験を有すること□ 5年以上の実務経験を有すること■ 電気設備担当 (管理技術者との兼任(■可 □不可))■ 建築士法(昭和25年法律第202号)による設備設計一級建築士であること■ 建築士法(昭和25年法律第202号)による建築設備士であること■ 13年以上の実務経験を有すること■ 8年以上の実務経験を有すること■ 5年以上の実務経験を有すること■ 機械設備担当 (管理技術者との兼任(■可 □不可))■ 建築士法(昭和25年法律第202号)による設備設計一級建築士であること■ 建築士法(昭和25年法律第202号)による建築設備士であること■ 13年以上の実務経験を有すること■ 8年以上の実務経験を有すること■ 5年以上の実務経験を有すること■ 構造担当 (管理技術者との兼任(■可 □不可))■ 建築士法(昭和25年法律第202号)による構造設計一級建築士であること□ 8年以上の実務経験を有すること□ 5年以上の実務経験を有すること3第3章 設計業務の内容設計業務は、一般業務及び追加業務の他、特別経費に示す業務とし、それらの業務内容は次による。1. 一般業務■ 打合せ及び現地確認 ( )■ 基本設計■ 総合 ( )■ 構造 ( )■ 設備 ( )■ 実施設計■ 総合 ( プレハブ倉庫2~3社比較 )■ 構造 ( )■ 設備 ( )■ その他一般業務□ 設計内容の説明等に用いる資料等の作成 ( )■ 建築確認申請図書の作成□ 建築物エネルギー消費性能確保計画書等の作成□ 法令上必要となる、各種申請に用いる図書の作成 ( )■ 工事費概算書の作成□ 設計意図の伝達に関する業務2. 追加業務■ 積算業務■ 数量積算 ( 積算数量算出書の作成 )□ 工事費積算 ( 内訳明細書及び単価作成資料の作成 )□ 見積収集 ( 見積比較表の作成、見積者への単価等開示に対する同意確認及び報告 )■ その他追加業務■ 建築確認申請に係る手続き業務□ 構造計算適合性判定に係る手続き業務□ 建築物エネルギー消費性能判定に係る手続き業務□ 概略工事工程表の作成□ 完成予想図の作成□ 単価更生に係る業務 ( 工事の入札時期において単価変動がある場合 )4第4章 特別経費の内容特別経費は、特許使用料その他の発注者の特別の依頼に基づいて必要となる費用及び設計等の業務に附随して行う検査等を第三者に委託する場合における当該検査等に係る費用の合計とし、それらの内容は次による。□ 出張旅費■ 地盤調査に要する費用( 平板載荷試験 )□ 石綿含有事前調査に要する費用□ 公共建築設計者情報システム『PUBDIS』への業務カルテ登録料□ 営繕積算システム『 RIBC2 』利用料(1か月,1ライセンス)的観点から検討し、工事の受注者等に対し助言すべき事項を調査職員に報告する。5第5章 業務の実施1. 業務の着手受注者は、各種仕様書に定めがある場合を除き、契約締結後 14 日以内に本業務に着手しなければならない。この場合において、着手とは、管理技術者が本業務の実施のため、調査職員との打合せを開始することをいう。2. 適用基準等(1) 特記なき場合は、国土交通省大臣官房官庁営繕部が制定又は監修したものとする。また、下記に示す年版等について、最終改定年版等に相違のある場合は、最新版を適用するものとする。ただし、業務途中で改定された場合はこの限りでない。 ■ 公共建築工事標準仕様書(建築工事編) ( 令和 4 年版 )■ 公共建築工事標準仕様書(電気設備工事編) ( 令和 4 年版 )■ 公共建築工事標準仕様書(機械設備工事編) ( 令和 4 年版 )■ 公共建築改修工事標準仕様書(建築工事編) ( 令和 4 年版 )■ 公共建築改修工事標準仕様書(電気設備工事編) ( 令和 4 年版 )■ 公共建築改修工事標準仕様書(機械設備工事編) ( 令和 4 年版 )■ 公共建築木造工事標準仕様書 ( 令和 4 年版 )■ 建築物解体工事共通仕様書 ( 令和 4 年版 )■ 建築設計基準 ( 令和6年改定 )■ 建築構造設計基準 ( 令和3年改定 )■ 建築設備設計基準 ( 令和6年改定 )■ 建築設備耐震設計・施工指針 ( 2014 年版 )■ 建築工事設計図書作成基準 ( 令和 2 年改定 )■ 建築設備工事設計図書作成基準 ( 令和 6 年改定 )■ 構内舗装・排水設計基準 ( 平成27年制定 )■ 公共建築工事積算基準 ( 平成28年改定 )■ 公共建築工事共通費積算基準 ( 令和 6 年改定 )■ 公共建築工事積算基準等資料 ( 令和 6 年改定 )■ 公共建築工事標準単価積算基準 ( 令和 6 年改定 )■ 公共建築数量積算基準 ( 令和 5 年改定 )■ 公共建築設備数量積算基準 ( 令和 5 年改定 )■ 公共建築工事積算基準の解説(建築工事編) ( 令和 5 年基準 )■ 公共建築工事積算基準の解説(設備工事編) ( 令和 5 年基準 )■ 建築数量積算基準・同解説 ( 令和 5 年版 )■ 公共建築設備数量積算基準・同解説 ( 平成29年版 )(2) 適用基準等で市販されているものについては、受注者の負担において備えるものとする。(3) 上記以外の適用基準等を引用した場合は、その出典先を業務報告書等へ明記するものとする。3. 一般事項(1) 関係法令を遵守すること。(2) 現場並びに周囲の状況、当該施設の利用状況等について十分調査し、工事中及び将来にわたり問題となる事項のないよう配慮された設計とすること。6(3) 設計業務は、提示された設計与条件、基本設計図書及び適用基準等によって行うこと。(4) 積算業務は、調査職員の承諾を受けた実施設計図書及び適用基準等によって行うこと。(5) 一部下請けについては、事前に調査職員へ届け出のうえ承諾を得ること。(6) 提出されたCADデータ等については、当該施設に係る設計及び工事の受注者等に貸与し、各種図面の作成及び当該施設の維持管理に使用することがある。4. 業務計画書(1) 受注者は、契約締結後14日以内に業務計画書を作成し、調査職員に提出しなければならない。(2) 業務計画書に対する記載事項については、以下のとおりとする。① 業務一般事項② 業務工程計画③ 業務体制④ 管理技術者等の経歴⑤ 業務方針(3) 受注者は、業務計画書の内容に変更が生じた場合は、理由を明確にしたうえ、その都度、調査職員に変更業務計画書を提出しなければならない。(4) 調査職員が指示した事項については、受注者は更に詳細な業務計画に係る資料を提出しなければならない。5. 関係官公庁への手続き等(1) 受注者は、本業務の実施にあたり、発注者が行う関係機関等への手続き及び立会いの際に協力しなければならない。(2) 受注者は、関係官公庁等に対する諸手続きが必要な場合は、速やかに行うこと。(3) 受注者が、関係機関等から交渉を受けたときは、速やかにその内容を調査職員に報告し、必要な協議を行うものとする。6. 打合せ及び記録本業務を適正かつ円滑に実施するため、管理技術者と調査職員は常に密接な連絡をとり、業務の方針、条件等の疑義を正すものとし、その内容については、その都度、受注者が書面(打合せ記録簿)に記録し、相互に確認しなければならない。(1) 管理技術者と調査職員との打合せについては、次の時期に行うものとする。① 業務着手時② 業務計画書に定める時期③ 管理技術者又は調査職員が必要と認めた時④ その他( )7. 貸与資料等本業務の実施にあたり、以下の資料について貸与する。8. 守秘義務受注者は、本業務の実施過程で知り得た秘密を第三者に漏らしてはならない。また、業務完了後においても同様とする。79.個人情報の保護について受注者は、この契約による業務を処理するための個人情報の取り扱いについては、別記「個人情報取扱特記事項」を守らなければならない。(参考)個人情報保護制度に関するアドレスhttps://www.city.kochi-konan.lg.jp/section/reiki_int/reiki_honbun/r254RG00001849.html10.修補受注者は、本業務が完了した後においても、受注者の責めに帰すべき理由による成果品の不良箇所が発見された場合は、速やかに訂正、補足その他の措置を講ずるものとする。11.その他その他、本仕様書に記載のない事項や疑義等が生じた場合は、発注者及び受注者双方協議のうえ、その取扱いについて定めるものとする。89. 成果物及び提出部数次に掲げる書類等の提出場所 ( 香南市消防本部 )(1) 共通成 果 物 部 数 摘 要① 業務計画書 1 変更業務計画書共② 業務実施工程表 1 計画と対比したもの,電子データ共(PDF)③ 打合せ記録簿 1 電子データ共(PDF)(2) 設計業務成 果 物 部 数 摘 要① 建築確認申請書 2 正副,電子データ共(PDF)② 構造計算書 2 正副,電子データ共(PDF)③ 設計図(総合・構造・設備) 1 A3判,電子データ共(JWW,PDF)④ 積算数量算出書 1 電子データ共(Excel,PDF)⑤ 工事費内訳書 1 電子データ共(Excel,PDF)⑥ 単価作成資料 1 電子データ共(Excel,PDF)⑦ 見積書 1 各種3者以上,電子データ共(PDF)⑧ 見積比較表 1 電子データ共(Excel,PDF)⑨ 単価等の開示に係る確認結果一覧表 1 見積単価等,電子データ共(PDF)⑩ 各種技術資料,積算根拠資料等 1 電子データ共(PDF)別記個人情報取扱特記事項(基本的事項)第1 乙は、個人情報(個人に関する情報であって、特定の個人を識別することができると認められるもの。以下同じ)の保護の重要性を認識し、この契約による業務の実施に当たっては、個人の権利利益を侵害することのないよう、個人情報の取扱いを適正に行わなければならない。(秘密の保持)第2 乙は、この契約による業務に関して知り得た個人情報を他に漏らしてはならない。この契約が終了し、又は解除された後においても同様とする。(収集の制限)第3 乙は、この契約による業務を行うために個人情報を収集するときは、その業務の目的を明確にし、目的を達成するために必要な範囲内で、適正かつ公正な手段を講じなければならない。(適正管理)第4 乙は、この契約による業務に関して知り得た個人情報について、漏えい、滅失及びき損の防止その他の個人情報の適正な管理のために必要な措置を講じなければならない。 (目的外利用及び提供の禁止)第5 乙は、甲の指示又は承諾があるときを除き、この契約による業務に関して知り得た個人情報を、契約の目的以外に利用し、又は第三者に提供してはならない。(複写又は複製の禁止)第6 乙は、甲の指示又は承諾があるときを除き、この契約による業務を行うため甲から提供を受けた個人情報が記録された資料等を複写し、又は複製してはならない。(再委託の禁止)第7 乙は、甲が承諾したときを除き、この契約による個人情報を取り扱う業務については、自ら行い、第三者に委託してはならない。(資料等の返還)第8 乙は、この契約による業務を行うため甲から提供を受け、又は乙自らが収集し、若しくは作成した個人情報が記録された資料等は、この契約の終了後直ちに甲に返還し、又は引き渡すものとする。ただし、甲が別に指示したときはその指示に従うものとする。(従事者への周知)第9 乙は、この契約による業務に従事している者に対して、在職中及び退職後においても当該業務に関して知り得た個人情報をみだりに他人に知らせ、又は目的以外に使用してはならないこと等、個人情報の保護に関し必要な事項を周知させなければならない。(調査)第10 甲は、乙がこの契約による業務を行うに当たり、取り扱っている個人情報の状況について、随時調査することができる。(事故報告)第11 乙は、この契約に違反する事態が生じ、又は生じるおそれのあることを知ったときは、速やかに甲に報告し、甲の指示に従うものとする。注1 「甲」は発注者である香南市(実施機関)を、「乙」は受注者を指す。注2 委託等の内容にあわせて、適宜必要な事項を追加し、また不要な事項を削除することができる。 防第05028号 夜須防災コミュニティセンター用地造成工事 位 置 図開発面積 9,623.46㎡工事箇所 (Fire No. 06005) Construction design commission for new Yasu Branch Barracks [Announced on October 2nd] (Fire No. 06005) Construction design commission for new Yasu Branch Barracks [Announced on October 2nd] (1) Documents to be submitted Application for confirmation of eligibility to participate in competitive bidding (Form 1) (4) Regulations regarding the exclusion of organized crime from Konan City's affairs and businesses... Konan City, Kochi Prefecture Bidding information is as follows. Subject (Fire No. 06005) Construction design commission for new Yasu division barracks [Announced on October 2] Type Service Date of announcement or update October 2, 2024 Organization Konan City, Kochi Prefecture Date of acquisition October 2, 2024 19:06:39 Design document (excluding fees) (PDF file: 60.4KB) Special specifications (PDF file: 223.9KB) Location map (PDF file: 539.0KB) Content of announcement (1) Documents to be submitted Application for confirmation of eligibility to participate in competitive bidding (Form 1) (4) The applicant must not be a person subject to exclusion measures as set forth in Article 2, Paragraph 2, Item 5 of the Ordinance on the Exclusion of Organized Crime Groups from Konan City's Affairs and Business (Konan City Ordinance No. 2 of 2013). (5) A person who has not filed a petition for the commencement of corporate reorganization proceedings under the Corporate Reorganization Act (Act No. 154 of 2002) or a petition for the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings under the Civil Rehabilitation Act (Act No. 225 of 1999). 3. Method of application for confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid, etc. Those who wish to participate in the bid for this work must apply for confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid within the following acceptance period. (7) A person who is registered as a first-class architect's office pursuant to the provisions of Article 23 of the Architects Act and who is (6) Has no capital or personal relationship with other bidders who wish to participate in this bid. A person who has his/her principal place of business within Kochi Prefecture. (8) A post-examination method will be used in which documents will be requested and a post-examination will be conducted only on the successful bidder candidate. 2. Eligibility to participate in the bid Those who can participate in the bid for this work must meet the following requirements. (1) Eligibility to participate in competitive bidding for the fiscal year 2024 Konan City surveying and construction consulting services as of the date of this announcement. (2) Persons who do not fall under the provisions of Article 167-4 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Law (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947). (9) Bidding type: Electronic bidding (10) Contract type (7) Minimum limit price: Set within the range of 6/10 to 8.5/10 of the estimated price. (Post-publication) (8) Screening method After the bids are opened, the bids will be put on hold and any additional electronic contracts required for the successful bidders will be submitted. (5) Scheduled period From October 25, 2024 to March 13, 2025 (140 days) (6) Scheduled price Post-publication (3) Place of execution 2032-2 Akaoka-cho, Konan City (4) Overview of work Design work (1) Work number No. 06005 (2) Name of work Announcement of the contract for the construction of the new Yasu Branch Office Since a restricted public competitive bidding will be conducted, the following announcement is made in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 of the Guidelines for the Implementation of Restricted Public Competitive Bidding Using the Post-public Review Method and Article 87 of the Konan City Financial Regulations (Regulations No. 43 of 2006). October 2, 2024 Mayor of Konan City, Gota Hamada 1. A person who is listed in the "General Architecture", "Design" and "Structure" categories of the list of qualified persons for the items to be submitted for bidding. A person who can assign a first-class architect as a supervising engineer. However, this does not apply to a person who has been subject to a re-examination of his/her qualifications to participate in the bid after the decision to commence the procedure, even if a petition for commencement of rehabilitation proceedings under the provisions of the Corporate Reorganization Act or a petition for commencement of rehabilitation proceedings under the provisions of the Civil Rehabilitation Act has been filed. (3) A person who has not been subject to measures such as suspension of bids based on the Konan City Suspension of Bidding Measures Guidelines (Public Notice No. 86 of May 1, 2024) between the date of announcement and the date of opening of bids. 6. Reception and response of questions 5. Viewing of design documents Design documents will be available for viewing from the date of this announcement to the date of bid opening by posting them on the Konan City website. (3) Reception period From the date of this announcement until 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, October 9, 2024. The format is optional, and it is also acceptable to state it in the body of the email. 8. Date and place of bid opening (1) The bid opening will be recorded by recording the date and time of the bid opening. (2) Method of acceptance Applications will be accepted by email at the Contract Management Division. (1) Reception period From the date of this announcement. (4) Method of submission Applications should be submitted by attaching the electronic file of Form 1 that has already been created from the "Submit application for confirmation of eligibility to participate in the competition" screen of the electronic bidding system. Those who have not submitted Form 1 will be able to submit the application by email at the Contract Management Division. (2) Place of bid opening Applications will be accepted at the Contract Management Division, 4th floor, Konan City Hall Main Building, email address bid@city.kochi-konan.lg.jp(3) Method of replying It will be posted on the Konan City website. (4) Deadline for replying From 17:00 on Thursday, October 10, 2024 to Wednesday, October 9, 2024, but only during the operation hours of the electronic bidding system (from 8:30 to 20:00 on days other than closing days). (2) Reception location 2706 Nishino, Noichi-cho, Konan City, Kochi Prefecture Konan City Hall, Contract Management Division, Bidding and Contract Section 9 Date and time of re-bidding If you become a candidate for the successful bid, you will be disqualified. 7 Period and method of bidding (1) Bidding period From Friday, October 11, 2024 to Wednesday, October 16, 2024 (2) Bidding method During the bidding period, submit your bid amount and three-digit lottery entry number via the electronic bidding system. (1) After the bids are opened, the electronic bidding system will send a notice of withholding (notification that the bid results have been withheld for post-examination) to all bidders. The bids will be opened immediately after each deadline. Thursday, October 17, 2024, 9:45 a.m. (2) The bidder who submitted the lowest bid within the range of the estimated price and the minimum price limit will be determined as the successful bidder. (3) If there are two or more bidders with the same price who are eligible to be successful bidders, the bidders will be selected through the electronic bidding system. 10. Method of determining successful bidders In the initial bidding, if there is no successful bid and there are bidders who are eligible to participate in the bidding again, re-bidding will be held up to two times. The deadline for accepting re-bids is 15:00 (first time) and 17:00 (second time) on the day of the bid opening. 4. Loss of eligibility to participate in bidding However, if any of the following items occur after the application is accepted during the operating hours of the electronic bidding system (8:30 to 20:00 on days other than closing days), you will not be able to participate in the bidding for the work in question. (1) If you no longer meet the eligibility requirements for bidding in 2. (2) If it is discovered that a false statement was made in the application. Even if only one person has submitted an application for confirmation of eligibility to participate in 3, bidding will be held. However, this does not apply if the following applies: Article 23, Paragraph 1, proviso of the Konan City Construction Works Electronic Competitive Bidding Guidelines (hereinafter referred to as the "Electronic Bidding Guidelines"). 14. Contract Deposit (3) Deadline for submission (2) Place of submission Konan City Hall, Contract Management Division, Bidding and Contract Section Until 16:00 on Friday, October 18, 2024 (8) Bids submitted by persons who do not meet the qualification requirements set forth in this announcement, bids that fall under the provisions of Article 97 of the Konan City Financial Regulations, or bids that fall under any of the items of Article 11 of the Electronic Bidding Guidelines, will be invalid. (9) Bids that fall under any of the items of Article 12 of the Electronic Bidding Guidelines will be disqualified. In addition, suspension of nomination may be implemented. (7) The successful bidder must assign the engineer scheduled to be assigned to the relevant work as stated in the list of engineers scheduled to be assigned. In principle, changes to the engineers scheduled to be assigned will not be permitted. Application forms, etc. and additional documents submitted in this bid will not be returned. In addition, if there is any difference after the submission deadline, the contract will be terminated and the person who made the false statement will be replaced, and corrections, etc. will not be permitted. (4) If the bidder is found to be qualified as a result of the qualification examination, that person will be determined to be the successful bidder. 13 Bid security will be waived. (1) The successful bidder must pay a contract security of at least one-tenth of the contract amount when concluding the contract. (3) Regarding the handling of the case where, due to unavoidable circumstances, a bidder is permitted to submit a paper bid, the bidder must be aware of the "Electronic Bidding Guidelines" and "Handling of Electronic Competitive Bidding Guidelines for Konan City Construction Works" in advance. 12 Determination of successful bidder (5) The applicant shall be responsible for the costs associated with the preparation and submission of application forms, etc. and additional documents. As specified separately. 15 Other (2) After the successful bidder has been determined, a notice of successful bidder determination will be sent to all bidders via the electronic bidding system. In this case, the deadline for submission, etc. will be notified separately by the Contract Management Division. (1) Documents to be submitted List of engineers to be assigned (Form 3) (4) Submission method Please note that a seal is required when submitting documents in writing. Potential successful bidders must submit the following additional documents required for qualification screening. If no submission is made, the bidder offering the lowest bid among other bidders within the period must submit them. In the event that the bidder is found ineligible as a result of the screening, the successful bidder will be determined by electronic lottery, with the range between the estimated price and the minimum price set.11 Qualification screening Form 3 will be submitted by attaching an electronic file to the email or by bringing the paper document in person. Deadline: Year/Month/Day Created: September 17, 2024 Settlement: Year/Month/Day Kochi Prefecture, Konan City, Akaokamachi 2032-2, Yasu Branch Office New Construction Construction Contract Design Document Construction Method (Contract) Direct Business Days: 140 days (excluding money) Fiscal Year 2024 Fire No. 06005 Page 1 Konan City Business Overview: Carry out the design contract work for the construction of the Yasu Branch Office. Reason for starting construction (or change) for steel-framed single-story building Contract amount Design amount Excluding tax Including tax Excluding tax Including tax Project cost yen yen yen yen yen yen yen yen Design amount P. 2 Other yen yen yen Other yen yen yen yen yen Subtotal Persons 2.0 (6) Preparation of building confirmation (5) Estimater 7.0 Persons 4.5 (4) Machinery (3) Electrical personnel 3.5 Persons 8.0 (2) Structure (1) Overall Persons 18.0 Design estimate A Direct labor costs P. 3 Breakdown Table Expense item, type of work, subdivision, etc. Unit Quantity Unit price Amount Remarks Total Consumption tax, etc. (10%) Revised total C Technical fees, etc. {(A + B) x ? 0.15} D Plate load test method 1 set 1A + B B Miscellaneous expenses (A x 1.1) formula 1P. 4 Details Table of expenses, type of work, subdivision, etc. Unit Quantity Unit price Amount Remarks 1 Architectural design work contract special specifications Chapter 1 Work overview 1. Work name and work number Contracted work for design of new construction of Yasu Branch Office (Consumer No. 06005) 2. Work purpose To carry out design work in connection with the relocation and new construction of the Yasu Branch Office. 3. Implementation period (planned) October 25, 2024 to March 13, 2025 4. Implementation location 2032-25 Akaoka-cho, Konan City. Planned construction period During fiscal year 2025 6. Design conditions (1) Garage (72.9 m2) Pump truck (length: 5680 width: 2450 height: 2450) Command vehicle (length: 4670 width: 1760 height: 1660) Overslider height: 3500 Storage shelves on both sides (depth about 900) Smoke exhaust window at the top (2) Waiting room (30 m2) Conference table, chairs (3) Warehouse (20 m2) Storage shelf (4) Japanese room (accommodates about 50 people) Tokonoma, closet, low table, structure to hang certificates installed (5) Women's room (about 6 tatami mats) with toilet and closet (6) Kitchen (20 m2) sink: 2 sets, gas stove: 2 sets, storage shelf (7) Toilet (1 place) Western-style toilet: 2 sets, urinal: 3 sets (8) Exterior Others Faucet pillars at the corners of the building: 4 places Motion sensor type outdoor lights installed on each side (work lights and red lights installed in front of the garage) TVs installed in the Japanese room and waiting room Hose drying rack (electric pole processing) Approximately 11.5 m long Flood control warehouse (frontage: 5810 depth: 2620 height: 2110) Asphalt pavement 2 Chapter 2 Business Specifications 1. Application of common specifications In carrying out this work, the "Public Building Design Business Commission Common Specifications (revised in 2024)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Common Specifications") will be applied. 2. Application of special specifications The matters described in this specification will be applied. In addition, for items marked with a ? in this specification, items marked with a ? will be applied. 3.Qualification requirements for the managing engineer The managing engineer must meet the following requirements. In addition, the person must have high technical ability and experience in construction supervision. ? Must be a first-class architect under the Architects Act (Law No. 202 of 1950) ? Must be a first- or second-class architect under the Architects Act (Law No. 202 of 1950) 4. Qualification requirements for the engineer in charge The engineer in charge must meet one of the following requirements. In the requirements below, "practical experience" refers to experience in either construction supervision, design, or construction management (excluding structural engineering) in each field. ? Architectural staff (holding concurrent positions as a supervising engineer (? allowed ? not allowed))? Must be a first-class architect under the Architects Act (Law No. 202 of 1950)? Must be a second-class architect under the Architects Act (Law No. 202 of 1950)? Must have more than 13 years' practical experience? Must have more than 8 years' practical experience? Must have more than 5 years' practical experience? Electrical equipment staff (holding concurrent positions as a supervising engineer (? allowed ? not allowed))? Must be a first-class architect in facility design under the Architects Act (Law No. 202 of 1950)? Must be an architectural equipment engineer under the Architects Act (Law No. 202 of 1950)? Must have more than 13 years' practical experience? Must have more than 8 years' practical experience? Must have more than 5 years' practical experience? Mechanical equipment staff (holding concurrent positions as a supervising engineer (? allowed ? not allowed))? Must be a first-class architect in facility design under the Architects Act (Law No. 202 of 1950)? Must be a building equipment engineer as defined by the Architects Act (Act No. 202 of 1950).? Must have more than 13 years' practical experience.? Must have more than 8 years' practical experience.? Must have more than 5 years' practical experience.? Structural engineer (holding the position of managing engineer concurrently (? Allowed ? Not allowed)).? Must be a first-class structural design architect as defined by the Architects Act (Act No. 202 of 1950).? Must have more than 8 years' practical experience.? Must have more than 5 years' practical experience.3Chapter 3 Contents of Design WorkDesign work shall consist of general work and additional work, as well as work shown in special expenses, and the content of these work shall be as follows. 1. General duties? Meetings and on-site inspections ( )? Basic design? Overall ( )? Structure ( )? Facilities ( )? Detailed design? Overall (Comparison of 2-3 prefabricated warehouse companies)? Structure ( )? Facilities ( )? Other general duties? Preparation of materials to be used for explaining design contents, etc. ( )? Preparation of documents for building confirmation application? Preparation of building energy consumption performance assurance plans, etc.? Preparation of documents required by law to be used for various applications ( )? Preparation of construction cost estimates? Work related to communicating design intent2. Additional duties? Estimation work? Quantity estimation (Preparation of estimated quantity calculation documents)? Construction cost estimation (Preparation of detailed breakdown and unit price creation materials)? Estimate collection (Preparation of estimate comparison tables, confirmation of consent to disclosure of unit prices, etc. to estimators and reporting)? Other additional duties? Procedural work related to building confirmation application? Procedural work related to structural calculation conformity assessment? Procedural work related to building energy consumption performance assessment? Preparation of an outline construction schedule ? Preparation of a completed drawing ? Work related to unit price revision (if there is a change in the unit price at the time of bidding for the work)4Chapter 4 Details of special expenses Special expenses are the total of patent royalties and other expenses required based on a special request from the client, and the expenses related to inspections, etc., when inspections, etc., performed in conjunction with design work, etc., are entrusted to a third party, and the details are as follows. ? Travel expenses ? Costs required for ground investigations (plate load tests) ? Costs required for preliminary asbestos-containing investigations ? Registration fee for work charts in the Public Building Designer Information System "PUBDIS" ? Fees for using the maintenance cost estimation system "RIBC2" (1 month, 1 license) Consider from a business perspective and report to the survey staff on matters that should be advised to the contractor of the work. 5Chapter 5 Implementation of the work 1. Commencement of the work The contractor must commence the work within 14 days of the conclusion of the contract, unless otherwise specified in the various specifications. In this case, "commencement" means that the supervising engineer starts meeting with the surveying staff to carry out this work. 2. Application Criteria (1) Unless otherwise specified, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's Secretariat, Government Maintenance Department shall be deemed to have established or supervised the standards. In addition, for the year editions shown below, if there is a difference from the last revised year edition, the latest edition shall apply. However, this does not apply if the edition is revised during the work. ? Standard Specifications for Public Building Works (Architectural Works) (2020 Edition)? Standard Specifications for Public Buildings Works (Electrical Facilities Works) (2020 Edition)? Standard Specifications for Public Buildings Renovation Works (Architectural Works) (2020 Edition)? Standard Specifications for Public Buildings Renovations (Electrical Facilities Works) (2020 Edition)? (Reiwa 4th edition) ? Public building wooden construction standard specifications (Reiwa 4th edition) ? Building demolition work common specifications (Reiwa 4th edition) ? Architectural design standards (Revised in 2021) ? Building structural design standards (Reiwa 3rd revision) ? Building equipment design standards (Reiwa 6th edition) ? Building equipment seismic design and construction guidelines ( 2014 edition)? Standards for the preparation of architectural design documents (Reiwa 2)? Standards for the preparation of architectural equipment design documents (Reiwa 6)? Standards for design of premises pavement and drainage (Established in 2015)? Public building construction cost estimation standards (Reiwa 28)? Public building construction common cost estimation standards (Reiwa 6)? Public building construction cost estimation standards and other materials (Reiwa 6)? Standards for the calculation of standard unit prices for public building construction (Reiwa 6)? Standards for the calculation of public building quantities (Reiwa 5)? Standards for the calculation of public building equipment quantities (Reiwa 5)? Explanation of the public building construction cost estimation standards (architectural construction) (Reiwa 5 standards)? Explanation of the public building construction cost estimation standards (equipment construction) (Reiwa 5 standards)? Building Quantity Estimation Standards and Commentary (2023 Edition)? Public Building Equipment Quantity Estimation Standards and Commentary (2017 Edition)(2) The contractor shall prepare any commercially available applicable standards at its own expense. (3) If applicable standards other than those listed above are cited, the source shall be clearly stated in the work report. 3. General matters (1) Comply with relevant laws and regulations. (2) Thoroughly investigate the site and surrounding conditions, the usage status of the facility, etc., and ensure that the design is careful to avoid any issues that may arise during construction or in the future. 6(3) Design work shall be carried out in accordance with the presented design conditions, basic design documents, and applicable standards, etc. (4) Estimation work shall be carried out in accordance with the detailed design documents and applicable standards, etc. approved by the surveying officer. (5) For partial subcontracting, notify the surveying officer in advance and obtain his/her approval. (6) The submitted CAD data, etc. may be lent to the contractors of the design and construction work for the facility and used to create various drawings and for the maintenance and management of the facility. 4.Business Plan (1) The contractor must prepare a business plan and submit it to the surveying officer within 14 days after the contract is concluded. (2) The items to be included in the business plan are as follows: ? General business matters ? Business process plan ? Business organization ? Careers of managing engineers, etc. ? Business policy (3) If the contractor makes any changes to the contents of the business plan, the contractor must clearly state the reason and submit a revised business plan to the surveying officer each time. (4) For matters instructed by the surveying officer, the contractor must submit more detailed materials related to the business plan. 5. Procedures with relevant government agencies, etc. (1) In carrying out this work, the contractor must cooperate with the client in the procedures and attendance of relevant agencies, etc. (2) If any procedures with relevant government agencies, etc. are necessary, the contractor must carry them out promptly. (3) When the contractor receives negotiations from relevant agencies, etc., the contractor must promptly report the details to the surveying officer and hold the necessary consultations. 6. Meetings and records In order to carry out this work properly and smoothly, the supervising engineer and the investigating staff shall keep in close contact at all times and clarify any doubts regarding the work policy, conditions, etc., and the contractor shall record the contents of such meetings in writing (meeting record book) and confirm them with each other. (1) Meetings between the supervising engineer and the investigating staff shall be held at the following times: ? At the start of the work ? At the time specified in the work plan ? When the supervising engineer or the investigating staff deems it necessary ? Other ( ) 7. Loaned materials, etc. The following materials will be loaned to the contractor in carrying out this work. 8. Confidentiality The contractor shall not disclose to a third party any secrets learned in the course of carrying out this work. This also applies after the work is completed. 79. Protection of personal information The contractor shall comply with the separate "Special notes on handling personal information" regarding the handling of personal information required to process the work under this contract. (Reference) Address for personal information protection system https://www.city.kochi-konan.lg.jp/section/reiki_int/reiki_honbun/r254RG00001849.html10. If the repair contractor finds any defects in the deliverables due to reasons attributable to the contractor even after the completion of this work, the repair contractor shall promptly take corrective, supplemental or other measures. 11. Others If any matters or doubts not specified in this specification arise, the orderer and the contractor shall discuss and determine how to handle them. 89. Deliverables and number of copies to be submittedPlace to submit the following documents (Konnan City Fire Department)(1) Common deliverables Number of copies Description? Business plan 1 Changed business plan ? Business implementation schedule 1 Comparison with the plan, electronic data (PDF)? Meeting record book 1 Electronic data (PDF)(2) Design work deliverables Number of copies Description? Building confirmation application 2 Original and copy, electronic data (PDF)? Structural calculation sheet 2 Original and copy, electronic data (PDF)? Design drawing (general, structure, equipment) 1 A3 size, electronic data (JWW, PDF)? Estimated quantity calculation sheet 1 Electronic data (Excel, PDF)? Construction cost breakdown sheet 1 Electronic data (Excel, PDF)? Unit price creation material 1 Electronic data (Excel, PDF)? Estimate 1 Various three or more parties, electronic data included (PDF) ? Estimate comparison table 1 Electronic data included (Excel, PDF) ? List of confirmation results regarding disclosure of unit prices, etc. 1 Estimated unit prices, electronic data included (PDF) ? Various technical documents, calculation basis documents, etc. 1 Electronic data included (PDF) Separate notes on handling of personal information (basic matters) 1 Party B recognizes the importance of protecting personal information (information about an individual that is recognized as being able to identify a specific individual. The same applies below), and must handle personal information appropriately in carrying out the business under this contract so as not to infringe on the rights and interests of individuals. (Confidentiality) 2 Party B must not disclose any personal information that it has learned in relation to the business under this contract to others. The same applies even after this contract has ended or been terminated. (Collection restrictions) 3 Party B must clarify the purpose of the business and take appropriate and fair measures to achieve the purpose. (Proper Management) Article 4 Party B must take necessary measures to prevent leakage, loss, and damage of personal information learned in the course of business under this contract, and to properly manage such information. (Prohibition of Use for Other Purposes and Provision) Article 5 Party B must not use personal information learned in the course of business under this contract for purposes other than those of the contract, or provide it to a third party, except when instructed or approved by Party A. (Prohibition of Copying or Reproduction) Article 6 Party B must not copy or reproduce any materials, etc. containing personal information provided by Party A in order to carry out business under this contract, except when instructed or approved by Party A. (Prohibition of Subcontracting) Article 7 Party B must carry out business that involves handling personal information under this contract by itself, and must not entrust such business to a third party, except when approved by Party A. (Return of Materials, etc.) Article 8 Party B must return or hand over to Party A any materials, etc. containing personal information received from Party A or collected or created by Party B in order to carry out business under this contract, immediately after the termination of this contract. However, if Party A gives separate instructions, Party B shall follow those instructions. (Notification to Employees) Article 9 Party B shall inform those engaged in the work under this contract of the necessary matters regarding the protection of personal information, such as not to disclose to others or use for purposes other than those intended, any personal information learned in the course of said work, both during their employment and after retirement. (Investigation) Article 10 Party A may investigate at any time the status of personal information handled by Party B in carrying out the work under this contract. (Accident Report) Article 11 Party B shall promptly report to Party A and follow Party A's instructions if it becomes aware of any situation that violates this contract or is likely to occur. Note 1 "Party A" refers to the client, Konan City (implementing agency), and "Party B" refers to the contractor. Note 2 Necessary matters may be added and unnecessary matters may be deleted as appropriate, depending on the contents of the contract, etc. No. 05028 Site Development Work for Yasu Disaster Prevention Community Center Location map Development area 9,623.46 m2 Construction siteMeetings and records In order to carry out this work properly and smoothly, the supervising engineer and the investigating staff shall keep in close contact at all times and clarify any doubts regarding the work policy, conditions, etc., and the contractor shall record the contents of such meetings in writing (meeting record book) and confirm them with each other. (1) Meetings between the supervising engineer and the investigating staff shall be held at the following times: ? At the start of the work ? At the time specified in the work plan ? When the supervising engineer or the investigating staff deems it necessary ? Other ( ) 7. Loaned materials, etc. The following materials will be loaned to the contractor in carrying out this work. 8. Confidentiality The contractor shall not disclose any secrets learned in the course of carrying out this work to a third party. This also applies after the work is completed. 79. Protection of personal information The contractor shall comply with the separate "Special notes on handling personal information" regarding the handling of personal information required to process the work under this contract. (Reference) Address for personal information protection system https://www.city.kochi-konan.lg.jp/section/reiki_int/reiki_honbun/r254RG00001849.html10. If the repair contractor finds any defects in the deliverables due to reasons attributable to the contractor even after the completion of this work, the repair contractor shall promptly take corrective, supplemental or other measures. 11. Others If any matters or doubts not specified in this specification arise, the handling shall be determined through consultation between the client and the contractor. 89. Deliverables and number of copies to be submittedPlace to submit the following documents (Konnan City Fire Department)(1) Common deliverables Number of copies Description? Business plan 1 Changed business plan ? Business implementation schedule 1 Comparison with the plan, electronic data (PDF)? Meeting record book 1 Electronic data (PDF)(2) Design work deliverables Number of copies Description? Building confirmation application 2 Original and copy, electronic data (PDF)? Structural calculations 2 Original and copy, electronic data (PDF)? Design drawings (general, structural, and equipment) 1 A3 size, electronic data (JWW, PDF)? Estimated quantity calculation sheet 1 Electronic data (Excel, PDF)? Construction cost breakdown sheet 1 Electronic data (Excel, PDF)? Unit price creation materials 1 Electronic data (Excel, PDF)? Estimate 1 Various three or more parties, electronic data included (PDF) ? Estimate comparison table 1 Electronic data included (Excel, PDF) ? List of confirmation results regarding disclosure of unit prices, etc. 1 Estimated unit prices, electronic data included (PDF) ? Various technical documents, calculation basis documents, etc. 1 Electronic data included (PDF) Separate notes on handling of personal information (basic matters) 1 Party B recognizes the importance of protecting personal information (information about an individual that is recognized as being able to identify a specific individual. The same applies below), and must handle personal information appropriately in carrying out the business under this contract so as not to infringe on the rights and interests of individuals. (Confidentiality) 2 Party B must not disclose any personal information that it has learned in relation to the business under this contract to others. The same applies even after this contract has ended or been terminated. (Collection restrictions) 3 Party B must clarify the purpose of the business and take appropriate and fair measures to achieve the purpose. (Proper Management) Article 4 Party B must take necessary measures to prevent leakage, loss, and damage of personal information learned in the course of business under this contract, and to properly manage such information. (Prohibition of Use for Other Purposes and Provision) Article 5 Party B must not use personal information learned in the course of business under this contract for purposes other than those of the contract, or provide it to a third party, except when instructed or approved by Party A. (Prohibition of Copying or Reproduction) Article 6 Party B must not copy or reproduce any materials, etc. containing personal information provided by Party A in order to carry out business under this contract, except when instructed or approved by Party A. (Prohibition of Subcontracting) Article 7 Party B must carry out business that involves handling personal information under this contract by itself, and must not entrust such business to a third party, except when approved by Party A. (Return of Materials, etc.) Article 8 Party B must return or hand over to Party A any materials, etc. containing personal information received from Party A or collected or created by Party B in order to carry out business under this contract, immediately after the termination of this contract. However, if Party A gives separate instructions, Party B shall follow those instructions. (Notification to Employees) Article 9 Party B shall inform those engaged in the work under this contract of the necessary matters regarding the protection of personal information, such as the prohibition of informing others of personal information learned in the course of said work or using it for purposes other than those intended, both during their employment and after retirement. (Investigation) Article 10 Party A may investigate at any time the status of personal information handled by Party B in carrying out the work under this contract. (Accident Report) Article 11 Party B shall promptly report to Party A and follow Party A's instructions if it becomes aware of any situation that violates this contract or is likely to occur. Note 1 "Party A" refers to the client, Konan City (implementing agency), and "Party B" refers to the contractor. Note 2 Necessary matters may be added and unnecessary matters may be deleted according to the contents of the contract, etc. No. 05028 Site Development Work for Yasu Disaster Prevention Community Center Location map Development area 9,623.46 m2 Construction siteMeetings and records In order to carry out this work properly and smoothly, the Supervising Engineer and the Investigating Staff shall keep in close contact at all times and clarify any doubts regarding the work policy, conditions, etc., and the Contractor shall record the contents of such meetings in writing (meeting record book) and confirm them with each other. (1) Meetings between the Supervising Engineer and the Investigating Staff shall be held at the following times: ? At the start of the work ? At the time specified in the work plan ? When the Supervising Engineer or the Investigating Staff deems it necessary ? Other ( ) 7. Loaned materials, etc. The following materials will be loaned to the Contractor in carrying out this work. 8. Confidentiality The Contractor shall not disclose to a third party any secrets learned in the course of carrying out this work. This also applies after the work is completed. 79. Protection of personal information The Contractor shall comply with the separate "Special notes on handling personal information" regarding the handling of personal information required to process the work under this contract. (Reference) Address for personal information protection system https://www.city.kochi-konan.lg.jp/section/reiki_int/reiki_honbun/r254RG00001849.html10. If the repair contractor finds any defects in the deliverables due to reasons attributable to the contractor even after the completion of this work, the repair contractor shall promptly take corrective, supplemental or other measures. 11. Others If any matters or doubts not specified in this specification arise, the handling shall be determined through consultation between the client and the contractor. 89. Deliverables and number of copies to be submittedPlace to submit the following documents (Konnan City Fire Department)(1) Common deliverables Number of copies Description? Business plan 1 Changed business plan ? Business implementation schedule 1 Comparison with the plan, electronic data (PDF)? Meeting record book 1 Electronic data (PDF)(2) Design work deliverables Number of copies Description? Building confirmation application 2 Original and copy, electronic data (PDF)? Structural calculations 2 Original and copy, electronic data (PDF)? Design drawings (general, structural, and equipment) 1 A3 size, electronic data (JWW, PDF)? Estimated quantity calculation sheet 1 Electronic data (Excel, PDF)? Construction cost breakdown sheet 1 Electronic data (Excel, PDF)? Unit price creation materials 1 Electronic data (Excel, PDF)? Estimate 1 Various three or more parties, electronic data included (PDF) ? Estimate comparison table 1 Electronic data included (Excel, PDF) ? List of confirmation results regarding disclosure of unit prices, etc. 1 Estimated unit prices, electronic data included (PDF) ? Various technical documents, calculation basis documents, etc. 1 Electronic data included (PDF) Separate notes on handling of personal information (basic matters) 1 Party B recognizes the importance of protecting personal information (information about an individual that is recognized as being able to identify a specific individual. The same applies below), and must handle personal information appropriately in carrying out the business under this contract so as not to infringe on the rights and interests of individuals. (Confidentiality) 2 Party B must not disclose any personal information that it has learned in relation to the business under this contract to others. The same applies even after this contract has ended or been terminated. (Collection restrictions) 3 Party B must clarify the purpose of the business and take appropriate and fair measures to achieve the purpose. (Proper Management) Article 4 Party B must take necessary measures to prevent leakage, loss, and damage of personal information learned in the course of business under this contract, and to properly manage such information. (Prohibition of Use for Other Purposes and Provision) Article 5 Party B must not use personal information learned in the course of business under this contract for purposes other than those of the contract, or provide it to a third party, except when instructed or approved by Party A. (Prohibition of Copying or Reproduction) Article 6 Party B must not copy or reproduce any materials, etc. containing personal information provided by Party A in order to carry out business under this contract, except when instructed or approved by Party A. (Prohibition of Subcontracting) Article 7 Party B must carry out business that involves handling personal information under this contract by itself, and must not entrust such business to a third party, except when approved by Party A. (Return of Materials, etc.) Article 8 Party B must return or hand over to Party A any materials, etc. containing personal information received from Party A or collected or created by Party B in order to carry out business under this contract, immediately after the termination of this contract. However, if Party A gives separate instructions, Party B shall follow those instructions. (Notification to Employees) Article 9 Party B shall inform those engaged in the work under this contract of the necessary matters regarding the protection of personal information, such as not to disclose to others or use for purposes other than those intended, any personal information learned in the course of said work, both during their employment and after retirement. (Investigation) Article 10 Party A may investigate at any time the status of personal information handled by Party B in carrying out the work under this contract. (Accident Report) Article 11 Party B shall promptly report to Party A and follow Party A's instructions if it becomes aware of any situation that violates this contract or is likely to occur. Note 1 "Party A" refers to the client, Konan City (implementing agency), and "Party B" refers to the contractor. Note 2 Necessary matters may be added and unnecessary matters may be deleted as appropriate, depending on the contents of the contract, etc. No. 05028 Site Development Work for Yasu Disaster Prevention Community Center Location map Development area 9,623.46 m2 Construction siteDeliverables and number of copies to be submittedPlace to submit the following documents (Konnan City Fire Department)(1) Common deliverables Number of copies Description? Business plan 1 with revised business plan? Business implementation schedule 1 compared to the plan, with electronic data (PDF)? Meeting record book 1 with electronic data (PDF)(2) Design work deliverables Number of copies Description? Building confirmation application 2 with original and copy, with electronic data (PDF)? Structural calculations 2 with original and copy, with electronic data (PDF)? Design drawings (general, structural, and equipment) 1 A3 size, with electronic data (JWW, PDF)? Estimated quantity calculation sheet 1 with electronic data (Excel, PDF)? Construction cost breakdown sheet 1 with electronic data (Excel, PDF)? Unit price creation materials 1 with electronic data (Excel, PDF)? Estimates 1 with three or more parties, with electronic data (PDF)? Comparison of estimates 1 (including electronic data) (Excel, PDF)? List of confirmation results related to disclosure of unit prices, etc. 1 Estimated unit prices, etc., electronic data (PDF)? Various technical documents, cost basis documents, etc. 1 (including electronic data)Appendix Special notes on handling of personal information (basic matters)No. 1 Party B recognizes the importance of protecting personal information (information about an individual that is recognized as being able to identify a specific individual. The same applies below), and must handle personal information appropriately in carrying out the business under this contract so as not to infringe on the rights and interests of individuals. (Confidentiality)No. 2 Party B must not disclose any personal information that it has learned in relation to the business under this contract to others. The same applies even after this contract has ended or been terminated. (Collection restrictions)No. 3 Party B must clarify the purpose of the business and take appropriate and fair measures to achieve the purpose. (Proper Management) Article 4 Party B must take necessary measures to prevent leakage, loss, and damage of personal information learned in the course of business under this contract, and to properly manage such information. (Prohibition of Use for Other Purposes and Provision) Article 5 Party B must not use personal information learned in the course of business under this contract for purposes other than those of the contract, or provide it to a third party, except when instructed or approved by Party A. (Prohibition of Copying or Reproduction) Article 6 Party B must not copy or reproduce any materials, etc. containing personal information provided by Party A in order to carry out business under this contract, except when instructed or approved by Party A. (Prohibition of Subcontracting) Article 7 Party B must carry out business that involves handling personal information under this contract by itself, and must not entrust such business to a third party, except when approved by Party A. (Return of Materials, etc.) Article 8 Party B must return or hand over to Party A any materials, etc. containing personal information received from Party A or collected or created by Party B in order to carry out business under this contract, immediately after the termination of this contract. However, if Party A gives separate instructions, Party B shall follow those instructions. (Notification to Employees) Article 9 Party B shall inform those engaged in the work under this contract of the necessary matters regarding the protection of personal information, such as not to disclose to others or use for purposes other than those intended, any personal information learned in the course of said work, both during their employment and after retirement. (Investigation) Article 10 Party A may investigate at any time the status of personal information handled by Party B in carrying out the work under this contract. (Accident Report) Article 11 Party B shall promptly report to Party A and follow Party A's instructions if it becomes aware of any situation that violates this contract or is likely to occur. Note 1 "Party A" refers to the client, Konan City (implementing agency), and "Party B" refers to the contractor. Note 2 Necessary matters may be added and unnecessary matters may be deleted as appropriate, depending on the contents of the contract, etc. No. 05028 Site Development Work for Yasu Disaster Prevention Community Center Location map Development area 9,623.46 m2 Construction siteDeliverables and number of copies to be submittedPlace to submit the following documents (Konnan City Fire Department)(1) Common deliverables Number of copies Description? Business plan 1 with revised business plan? Business implementation schedule 1 compared to the plan, with electronic data (PDF)? Meeting record book 1 with electronic data (PDF)(2) Design work deliverables Number of copies Description? Building confirmation application 2 with original and copy, with electronic data (PDF)? Structural calculations 2 with original and copy, with electronic data (PDF)? Design drawings (general, structural, and equipment) 1 A3 size, with electronic data (JWW, PDF)? Estimated quantity calculation sheet 1 with electronic data (Excel, PDF)? Construction cost breakdown sheet 1 with electronic data (Excel, PDF)? Unit price creation materials 1 with electronic data (Excel, PDF)? Estimates 1 with three or more parties, with electronic data (PDF)? Comparison of estimates 1 (including electronic data) (Excel, PDF)? List of confirmation results regarding disclosure of unit prices, etc. 1 Estimated unit prices, etc., electronic data (PDF)? Various technical documents, cost basis documents, etc. 1 (including electronic data)Appendix Special notes on handling of personal information (basic matters)No. 1 Party B recognizes the importance of protecting personal information (information about an individual that is recognized as being able to identify a specific individual. The same applies below), and must handle personal information appropriately in carrying out the business under this contract so as not to infringe on the rights and interests of individuals. (Confidentiality)No. 2 Party B must not disclose any personal information that it has learned in relation to the business under this contract to others. The same applies even after this contract has ended or been terminated. (Collection restrictions)No. 3 Party B must clarify the purpose of the business and take appropriate and fair measures to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose when collecting personal information to carry out the business under this contract. (Proper Management) Article 4 Party B must take necessary measures to prevent leakage, loss, and damage of personal information learned in the course of business under this contract, and to properly manage such information. (Prohibition of Use for Other Purposes and Provision) Article 5 Party B must not use personal information learned in the course of business under this contract for purposes other than those of the contract, or provide it to a third party, except when instructed or approved by Party A. (Prohibition of Copying or Reproduction) Article 6 Party B must not copy or reproduce any materials, etc. containing personal information provided by Party A in order to carry out business under this contract, except when instructed or approved by Party A. (Prohibition of Subcontracting) Article 7 Party B must carry out business that involves handling personal information under this contract by itself, and must not entrust such business to a third party, except when approved by Party A. (Return of Materials, etc.) Article 8 Party B must return or hand over to Party A any materials, etc. containing personal information received from Party A or collected or created by Party B in order to carry out business under this contract, immediately after the termination of this contract. However, if Party A gives separate instructions, Party B shall follow those instructions. (Notification to Employees) Article 9 Party B shall inform those engaged in the work under this contract of the necessary matters regarding the protection of personal information, such as the prohibition of informing others of personal information learned in the course of said work or using it for purposes other than those intended, both during their employment and after retirement. (Investigation) Article 10 Party A may investigate at any time the status of personal information handled by Party B in carrying out the work under this contract. (Accident Report) Article 11 Party B shall promptly report to Party A and follow Party A's instructions if it becomes aware of any situation that violates this contract or is likely to occur. Note 1 "Party A" refers to the client, Konan City (implementing agency), and "Party B" refers to the contractor. Note 2 Necessary matters may be added and unnecessary matters may be deleted according to the contents of the contract, etc. No. 05028 Site Development Work for Yasu Disaster Prevention Community Center Location map Development area 9,623.46 m2 Construction site46? construction area46? construction area
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Deadline Date: 28.12.2024