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【文化財保護・活用室】名勝九年庵庭園整備工事測量設計業務委託の条件付一般競争入札を行います。 【文化財保護・活用室】名勝九年庵庭園整備工事測量設計業務委託の条件付一般競争入札を行います。 1公 告次のとおり条件付一般競争入札(事前審査型)を行います。令和6年10月15日収支等命令者佐賀県文化・... [Cultural Property Protection and Utilization Office] We will be holding a conditional public competitive bid for the outsourcing of surveying and design work for the scenic Kunen-an Garden maintenance work. [Cultural Property Protection and Utilization Office] We will be holding a conditional public competitive bid for the outsourcing of surveying and design work for the scenic Kunen-an Garden maintenance work. 1 Announcement We will be holding a conditional public competitive bid (pre-screening type) as follows. October 15, 2024 Revenue and Expenditure Ordered by Saga Prefectural Culture and...

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【文化財保護・活用室】名勝九年庵庭園整備工事測量設計業務委託の条件付一般競争入札を行います。 【文化財保護・活用室】名勝九年庵庭園整備工事測量設計業務委託の条件付一般競争入札を行います。 1公 告次のとおり条件付一般競争入札(事前審査型)を行います。令和6年10月15日収支等命令者佐賀県文化・... 佐賀県   入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 【文化財保護・活用室】名勝九年庵庭園整備工事測量設計業務委託の条件付一般競争入札を行います。 種別 役務 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 15 日 組織 佐賀県 取得日 2024 年 10 月 15 日 19:13:24 02 入札説明書05 設計図等06 業務委託仕様書 公告内容 1公 告次のとおり条件付一般競争入札(事前審査型)を行います。令和6年10月15日収支等命令者佐賀県文化・観光局文化課文化財保護・活用室長 古川 直樹1 競争入札に付する事項(1)委 託業務名 名勝九年庵庭園整備工事測量設計業務委託(2)委託業務の仕様等 委託業務仕様書による(3)履行期間 契約締結の日から令和7年3月14日まで(4)履行場所 神埼市神埼町的(名勝九年庵(旧伊丹氏別邸)庭園)2 入札参加資格に関する事項入札に参加できる者は、次に掲げる要件の全てを満たす者であること。なお、資格要件確認のため、佐賀県警察本部に照会する場合がある。(1) 佐賀県建設工事等入札参加資格の審査等に関する規則(昭和28年佐賀県規則第21号)第2条第2項の規定により、佐賀県入札参加資格の決定を受け、「令和5・6年度佐賀県建設工事施行能力等級表(建設関連業)」(令和6年10月1日現在)における「土木コンサルタント(造園)」または「土木コンサルタント(森林土木)」の登録業者で、かつ「その他の業種(文化財)」に佐賀県及び佐賀県外の本店・支店・営業所が搭載されている者。(2) 地方自治法施行令(昭和22年政令第16号)第167条の4の規定に該当する者でないこと。(3) 「佐賀県建設工事等請負・委託契約に係る指名停止等の措置要領」による指名停止を、本業務の入札参加資格確認申請書提出期限日から開札の日までの間受けていない者であること。(4) 本業務の入札参加資格確認申請書提出期限日の6か月前から開札の日までの間、金融機関等において不渡り手形等を出していない者であること。(5) 本業務の開札の日までに、会社更生法(平成14年法律第154号)又は民事再生法(平成11年法律第225号)に基づき更生手続開始又は民事再生手続開始の申立てがなされている者でないこと。ただし、更生計画の認可が決定された者又は再生計画の認可の決定が確定した者で、審査規則第2条第1項に規定する入札参加資格審査申請書を再度提出し、再度、公告に掲載している審査規則による入札参加資格の決定を受けている者を除く。(6) 過去5年以内に国(公社、公団及び独立行政法人を含む。)、佐賀県又は他の地方公共団体と「造園」または「森林土木」に係る土木コンサルタント業務に関する契約を締結し、かつ、これを誠実に履行した者であること。なお公益財団法人と2の契約実績は含まない。(7) 自己又は自社の役員等が、次の各号のいずれにも該当する者でないこと、及び次のイからキに掲げる者が、その経営に実質的に関与していないこと。ア 暴力団(暴力団員による不当な行為の防止等に関する法律(平成3年法律第77 号)第2条第2号に規定する暴力団をいう。以下同じ。)イ 暴力団員(同法第2条第6号に規定する暴力団員をいう。以下同じ。)ウ 暴力団員でなくなった日から5年を経過しない者エ 自己、自社若しくは第三者の不正な利益を図る目的又は第三者に損害を与える目的をもって暴力団又は暴力団員を利用している者オ 暴力団又は暴力団員に対して資金等を提供し、又は便宜を供与する等直接的又は積極的に暴力団の維持運営に協力し、又は関与している者カ 暴力団又は暴力団員と社会的に非難されるべき関係を有している者キ 暴力団又は暴力団員であることを知りながらこれらを利用している者3 入札者に求められる義務入札に参加しようとする者は、入札参加資格確認申請書に関係資料を添付の上、令和6年10月29日(火)午後5時15分までに(2)の担当課に持参すること。期限までに提出しない者又は競争資格がない者は入札に参加することができない。提出した資料について説明を求められた場合は、これに応じること。また、必要に応じて追加資料の提出を求めることがある。なお、提出された資料については、当該業務に関する目的以外には使用しない。(1)入札参加資格確認申請書及び関係資料①入札参加資格確認申請書(様式1)※両面印刷②営業概要書(様式2)③同種業務の履行実績調書(様式3)④管理技術者調書(様式4)⑤佐賀県建設工事等入札参加資格の審査等に関する規則(昭和28年佐賀県規則第21号)第2条第2項の規定による「佐賀県入札参加資格決定通知書」(写し)(2)担当課郵便番号840-8570 佐賀県佐賀市城内一丁目1番59号佐賀県文化・観光局 文化課 文化財保護・活用室 文化財指導担当電話 0952-25-72324 入札参加資格の確認3で提出された書類を審査の上、入札参加資格の適否を決定する。入札参加資格の確認結果は、令和6年11月1日(金)に「入札参加資格決定通知書」をメールにて送付することで通知する。なお、入札参加資格がないと認めた理由に不服がある場合は、事実を知り得た日から5日(休日を含まない)以内に説明請求書(様式5)により、当該理由について説明を求めるこ3とができる。5 入札書の提出場所等(1)契約条項を示す場所及び問い合わせ先3(2)の担当課に同じ。(2)入札関係書類の交付方法令和6年10月15日 (火)から10月29日(火)までの日(佐賀県の休日に関する条例(平成元年佐賀県条例第29号)第1条に規定する休日を除く。) の午前9時から午後5時15分までの間、上記3(2)において交付する。また、佐賀県のホームページからも入手できる。(3)入札説明会実施しない。なお、事前に業務対象地を下見等する場合は、近隣住民等に十分配慮すること。(4)入札及び開札の日時日 時 令和6年11月12日(火)午前10時佐賀県庁旧自治会館9号会議室6 入札方法等(1)入札の方法入札は、入札者又はその代理人が「入札書」(様式6)を持参することにより行う。ただし、代理人が入札する場合は、入札前に「委任状」(様式7)を提出するものとする。(2)入札の撤回入札者又はその代理人は、提出した入札書の書き換え、差し替え又は撤回をすることはできない。(3)入札書に記載する金額落札決定に当たっては、入札書に記載された金額に当該金額の100分の10に相当する金額を加算した金額をもって落札価格とするので、入札者は、消費税及び地方消費税に係る課税事業者であるか免税事業者であるかは問わず、見積もった契約金額の110分の100に相当する金額を入札書に記載すること。(4)入札の辞退入札参加者は、入札書提出前までいつでも入札を辞退することができるが、辞退する場合は、速やかに「入札辞退届」(様式8)を提出するものとする。7 最低制限価格(1)本業務委託の入札にあたっては最低制限価格を設定している。(2)最低制限価格の設定は「佐賀県建設関連業務委託最低制限価格制度事務処理要領」に基づく。 ①「設計業務」については事務処理要領 4 最低制限価格の設定基準―1―②4(国土交通省基準による積算)により算出する。②「測量業務」については事務処理要領 4 最低制限価格の設定基準―1―①により算出する。③入札書比較最低制限価格は、①と②を合計した額に110分の100を乗じた額とする。8 入札保証金及び契約保証金(1)入札保証金佐賀県財務規則(平成4年佐賀県規則第35号)第103条第3項第2号の規定により免除する。(2)契約保証金佐賀県財務規則(平成4年佐賀県規則台35号)第115条第3項第3号の規定により免除する。9 業務内容等に対する質問等本業務の内容及び入札手続等に関する質問については、「質問書」(様式9)により行うこと。(1)質問書提出期間令和6年10月15日(火)から10月28日(月)までの午前9時から午後5時までとする。ただし、土曜日、日曜日及び祝日を除く。(2)質問書提出方法質問内容を記入し、下記の問い合わせ先に持参又は電子メールにより提出する。(電子メールの場合は電話にて到着の確認を行うこと。)(3)回答期限令和6年11月1日(金)(4)回答方法競争入札参加資格確認申請者すべてに電子メールにて回答を送付する。10 問い合わせ先 郵便番号 840-8570佐賀県佐賀市城内一丁目1番59号佐賀県文化・観光局 文化課 文化財保護・活用室(担当:文化財指導担当)TEL 0952-25-7232電子メール<bunkazaihogo@pref.saga.lg.jp> 入 札 説 明 書この入札説明書は、名勝九年庵庭園整備工事測量設計業務委託(以下「本業務」という。)に関する入札執行及び契約の締結について、入札参加者及び契約締結者が留意すべき事項を記したものであり、入札参加者は、次の事項を熟知の上、入札書等を提出されるようお願いします。1 委託業務名 名勝九年庵庭園整備工事測量設計業務委託2 業務内容 委託業務仕様書のとおり3 入札参加者の資格入札に参加できる者は、次に掲げる要件の全てを満たす者であること。なお、資格要件確認のため、佐賀県警察本部に照会する場合がある。(1) 佐賀県建設工事等入札参加資格の審査等に関する規則(昭和28年佐賀県規則第21号)第2条第2項の規定により、佐賀県入札参加資格の決定を受け、「令和5・6年度佐賀県建設工事施行能力等級表(建設関連業)」(令和6年10月1日現在)における「土木コンサルタント(造園)」または「土木コンサルタント(森林土木)」の登録業者で、かつ「その他の業種(文化財)」に佐賀県及び佐賀県外の本店・支店・営業所が登載されている者。(2) 地方自治法施行令(昭和22年政令第16号)第167条の4の規定に該当する者でないこと。(3) 「佐賀県建設工事等請負・委託契約に係る指名停止等の措置要領」による指名停止を、本業務の入札参加資格確認申請書提出期限日から開札の日までの間受けていない者であること。(4) 本業務の入札参加資格確認申請書提出期限日の6か月前から開札の日までの間、金融機関等において不渡り手形等を出していない者であること。(5) 本業務の開札の日までに、会社更生法(平成14年法律第154号)又は民事再生法(平成11年法律第225号)に基づき更生手続開始又は民事再生手続開始の申立てがなされている者でないこと。ただし、更生計画の認可が決定された者又は再生計画の認可の決定が確定した者で、審査規則第2条第1項に規定する入札参加資格審査申請書を再度提出し、再度、公告に掲載している審査規則による入札参加資格の決定を受けている者を除く。(6) 過去5年以内に国(公社、公団及び独立行政法人を含む。)、佐賀県又は他の地方公共団体と「造園」または「森林土木」に係る土木コンサルタント業務に関する契約を締結し、かつ、これを誠実に履行した者であること。なお公益財団法人との契約実績は含まない。(7) 自己又は自社の役員等が、次の各号のいずれにも該当する者でないこと、及び次のイからキに掲げる者が、その経営に実質的に関与していないこと。ア 暴力団(暴力団員による不当な行為の防止等に関する法律(平成3年法律第77号)第2条第2号に規定する暴力団をいう。以下同じ。)イ 暴力団員(同法第2条第6号に規定する暴力団員をいう。以下同じ。)ウ 暴力団員でなくなった日から5年を経過しない者エ 自己、自社若しくは第三者の不正な利益を図る目的又は第三者に損害を与える目的をもって暴力団又は暴力団員を利用している者オ 暴力団又は暴力団員に対して資金等を提供し、又は便宜を供与する等直接的又は積極的に暴力団の維持運営に協力し、又は関与している者カ 暴力団又は暴力団員と社会的に非難されるべき関係を有している者キ 暴力団又は暴力団員であることを知りながらこれらを利用している者4 入札及び開札日時日 時 令和6年11月12日(火)午前10時場 所 佐賀県庁 旧自治会館9号会議室5 入札の方法(1)入札の方法入札は、入札者又はその代理人が「入札書」(様式6)を持参することにより行う。ただし、代理人が入札する場合は、入札前に「委任状」(様式7)を提出するものとする。(2)入札の撤回入札者又はその代理人は、提出した入札書の書き換え、差し替え又は撤回をすることはできない。(3)入札書に記載する金額落札決定に当たっては、入札書に記載された金額に当該金額の100分の10に相当する金額を加算した金額をもって落札価格とするので、入札者は、消費税及び地方消費税に係る課税事業者であるか免税事業者であるかは問わず、見積もった契約金額の110分の100に相当する金額を入札書に記載すること。6 入札保証金佐賀県財務規則(平成4年佐賀県規則第35号)第103条第3項第2号の規定により免除する。7 最低制限価格(1)本業務委託の入札にあたっては最低制限価格を設定している。(2)最低制限価格の設定は「佐賀県建設関連業務委託最低制限価格制度事務処理要領」に基づく。①「設計業務」については事務処理要領 4 最低制限価格の設定基準―1―②(国土交通省基準による積算)により算出する。②「測量業務」については事務処理要領 4 最低制限価格の設定基準―1―①により算出する。③入札書比較最低制限価格は、①と②を合計した額に110分の100を乗じた額とする。b8 入札の辞退入札辞退の取扱いは、次のとおりとする。(1)入札参加者は、入札書提出前までいつでも入札を辞退することができるが、辞退する場合は、速やかに「入札辞退届」(様式8)を提出すること。(2)参加資格通知を受けた者は、入札を辞退するときは、入札執行前まで「入札辞退届」(様式8)を契約担当者等に直接持参し、又は郵送(入札日の前日までに到達するものに限る。)して行う。(3)入札を辞退した者は、これを理由として以後の指名等について不利益な取扱いを受けることはない。9 公正な入札の確保入札参加者は、私的独占の禁止及び公正取引の確保に関する法律(昭和22年法律第54号)等に関する行為を行ってはならない。10 入札の無効、中止(1)次の各号のいずれかに該当する者が行った入札は、無効とする。ア 参加する資格のない者イ 当該競争について不正行為を行った者ウ 入札書の金額、氏名及び印影について誤脱又は判読不可能なものを提出した者エ 金額に記載のないもの又は重複記載のあるものを提出した者オ 頭書金額が訂正されているものを提出した者カ 頭書金額以外の文字または記号の訂正の際の訂正印のないものを提出した者キ 入札者またはその代理人の記名押印がなく、入札者が判明できないものを提出した者ク 一人で2以上の入札をした者ケ 代理人でその資格のない者コ 前各号に掲げるものの他、競争の条件に違反した者(2)次の各号のいずれかに該当する場合は、入札を中止する。この場合の損害は、入札者の負担とする。ア 入札参加資格確認の結果又は入札辞退により入札参加者が1者となった場合。イ 入札参加者が連合し、又は不穏の行動をなす等の場合において、入札を公正に執行することができないと認められるとき。ウ 天災その他やむを得ない理由により、入札又は開札を行うことができないとき。 11 落札者の決定方法(1)予定価格の制限の範囲内の価格で、最低制限価格以上の価格をもって有効な入札を行った入札者を落札者とする。(2)予定価格の制限の範囲内の価格で、最低制限価格以上の価格をもって有効な入札を行った入札者が2人以上あるときは、当該入札事務に関係のない職員により直ちにくじ引きを行い、落札者を決定する。(3)第1回目の開札の結果、落札者がいないとき(入札金額のうち予定価格の制限の範囲内の価格の入札がない場合)は、直ちに再度入札を行う。(4)入札は、原則3回を限度とし、落札者がいない場合は、地方自治法施行令第 167条の2第1項第8号の規定により、最終の入札において有効な入札を行った者のうち最低金額を記載した入札者と随意契約の交渉を行う。 1名勝九年庵庭園整備工事測量設計業務委託仕様書第1章 総則第1条 本仕様書は、名勝九年庵庭園整備工事測量設計業務委託(以下「業務」という)に適用する。第2条 業務における事業主体は佐賀県であり、受託者は地域交流部文化・観光局文化課文化財保護・活用室(以下「佐賀県」という)の指示に基づいて業務を実施する。第3条 業務は名勝九年庵庭園内における整備工事の実施設計及びそれに伴う測量を行う業務であり、修理・復旧を要する庭園構成物に対する整備工事設計の検討・立案を目的とする。第4条 受託者は、対象地の全域が国名勝の指定範囲であることに留意するとともに、作業にあたり庭園の構成要素である樹木・飛石・石造物及び建築物等の損傷がないよう十分に配慮すること。第5条 本仕様書に定めていない事項については、佐賀県と協議し定める。第6条 受託者は、契約締結後速やかに佐賀県と協議の上業務に着手するものとし、業務が完了した場合、速やかに所定の報告書及び成果品を提出し、佐賀県の検査を受けること。第7条 業務の実施にあたっては、本仕様書の他、次に列挙する各法令・基準等を遵守し、かつ佐賀県の監督員の指示に基づいて行うこと。ただし、文化財保護法に基づく諸手続きは、佐賀県が行う。(1)文化財保護法(2)労働基準法・労働安全衛生法をはじめとする労働関連法令(3)測量法(4)測量法に基づく作業規程の準則(5)設計・調査・測量業務共通仕様書(令和5年10月 佐賀県県土整備部)(6)「史跡整備のてびき」(文化庁文化財部記念物課監修2004)第8条 受託者は、文化財調査上必要と思われる事項について特に留意し、成果品の向上に努めるものとする。第2章 基本事項第9条 業務を開始するにあたっては、佐賀県と受託者で十分に打合せを行い、業務開始前に着手届・工程表を速やかに提出すること。第10条 測量作業にあたっては、監督員が現地で適宜確認することとし、必要に応じてその場で調整を行うこと。また、計画変更等重要な事項については、業務打合協議簿を作成し提出すること。第11条 業務の遂行に際し、関係官公庁及びその他の関係機関への届出等の法的手続きが必要な場合は、受託者が責任をもって行うこと。また、その手続きに許可承諾条件等がある場合は、これを遵守すること。第12条 受託者は、前条の諸手続きにおいて許可、承諾等を得たときは、その写しを監督員に提出すること。(管理技術者)第13条 受託者は、契約図書に基づき業務における技術上の管理を行う管理技術者を予め定めること。2 管理技術者は、契約図書に基づき、業務の技術上の管理を行うものとする。23 管理技術者は、下記のいずれかに該当する者を配置すること。① 技術士(建設部門)② 国土交通省登録技術者資格(施設分野「地質・土質(上級土木技術者[地盤・基礎]・1級土木技術者[地盤・基礎])」または「都市公園等(RCCM[造園])」部門該当)③ シビルコンサルティングマネージャ(RCCM)④ 土木学会認定土木技術者(特別上級土木技術者、上級土木技術者若しくは1級土木技術者)⑤ 1級ないし2級の土木施工管理技士または造園施工管理技士⑥ ①から⑤と同等の能力と経験を有する技術者4 管理技術者の交代の必要が生じた場合は、速やかに佐賀県に報告し承認を得ること。(監督員)第14条 佐賀県は業務に伴う管理技術者への指示、承諾又は協議を行う監督員を定め、受託者へ通知するものとする。(再委託)第15条 受託者は、業務の全部又は一部を第三者に委託又は請け負わせてはならない。ただし、業務の一部の再委託について予め佐賀県の承諾を得た場合はこの限りではない。2 業務の一部を再委託する際は、佐賀県内の業者の中から選定し委託するよう努めること。(安全管理)第16条 受託者は、業務遂行にあたり安全管理に十分な対策を講じて作業を行うものとする。2 受託者は、業務に従事する作業者等の雇用者及び使用者として、労働基準法、労働安全衛生法その他法令に定めるすべての責任を負わなければならない。3 受託者は、災害防止のため必要があると認めたときは、臨機の措置をとらなければならない。4 業務の遂行中に生じた諸事故、又は受託者が注意義務を怠ったことにより第三者に与えた損害については、受託者の責任において解決するものとし、その経緯は速やかに佐賀県へ報告するものとする。ただし、その損害の発生が佐賀県の責に帰すべき理由により生じたものについては、佐賀県がこれを負担するものとし、その額は双方で協議して定める。第17条 対象地は神社境内の隣接地であり、近隣に民家も所在するため、車両の通行・駐車、公共道路上での作業時等にあたっては安全に十分注意すること。2 対象地のうち、庭園内は常時施錠されているため、入場に際しては佐賀県へ予め通知すること。佐賀県は通知に伴い管理人に連絡を行い、開錠について依頼する。第3章 作業概要第18条 本業務の作業概要は次のとおりである。(1)委託業務名 名勝九年庵庭園保存整備工事測量設計業務委託(2)業務場所 神埼市神埼町的(名勝九年庵(旧伊丹氏別邸)庭園)(3)履行期間 契約締結日~令和7年3月14日(4)業務内容【設計業務】①整備工事実施設計設計対象○ 庭園部・山林部整備工事実施設計 一式3設計内容1)土砂掘削・運搬 設計対象面積 410m2(内訳)ア 法面補修 60m2イ 浚渫土・堆積土撤去 350m22)園路補修 1箇所3)石造物修理 3箇所4)倒木撤去・運搬 7箇所【測量業務】②現況地形断面図作成(1/20) 31m③平面遺構実測図作成(1/20) 6m2④SfM三次元計測・図化 6m2第4章 作業内容第19条 作業内容は次のとおりである。【設計業務】整備工事実施設計①名勝九年庵庭園の庭園部及び山林部について整備工事実施設計図書を作成する。②実施設計にあたっての作業内容は、以下のとおりである。(1)現地調査(2)設計条件の整理(3)整備内容の検討(4)施工計画の検討(5)実施設計図の作成(6)数量計算書作成(7)概算工事費の算出(8)工事仕様書の作成③整備工事の工種区分は公園工事(園路等舗装工・修景施設整備工・法面整形工・敷地造成工・伐採工ほか)とする。④施工計画の検討には、仮設計画の立案を含むこととする。⑤作成する実施設計図は以下のとおりとする。ただし監督員と協議の上変更できるものとする。また、設計図に必要な既存図面(地形測量図等)については佐賀県が提供する。 (1)現状図(対象地平面図・断面図)(2)仮設計画図(平面図等)(3)施工計画図、詳細図(平面図・断面図)(4)施工標準図(標準断面図・標準仕様図等)【測量業務】現況地形断面図作成(1/20)①調査対象範囲のうち、監督員より指示された箇所について、縮尺1/20で断面実測図の作成を行う。②断面図は基本的にエレベーションを単線で図示したものとするが、地表面と地山面の境界など、補足的な線の加筆も含む。③断面図はCAD(DXF形式)データで作成し、方眼紙、紙実測図の作成は行わない。④数量管理にあたっては、断面側線の平面距離(m)を対象とする。4平面遺構実測図作成(1/20)①実測にあたっては、作業を円滑に行うため必要に応じて補助点を設定すること。②実測にあたっては、以下について留意すること。ア 調査区全体にわたって均一な制度を保ち、個々の遺構については、細部にわたって詳細に図化すること。イ 実測図の標高点は、標高値で記載する(m単位で少数第二位(cm単位)まで表記)こと。ウ 実測図の標高点の密度は1m間隔を基準とするが、遺構部分については、遺構の外郭線及び中部・下部についても細かく計測し記載すること。③実測にあたっては、電子平板の使用も可とする。その場合の成果物は縮尺1/20でA2方眼紙へ印刷された図面及びCAD(DXF形式)データとする。石造物SfM三次元計測・図化(1/20)①修理対象石造物(層塔)に対し、デジタルカメラの多視点撮影画像を基にしたSfM三次元計測を行い、3D形状復元モデルを作成する。図化にあたっては、3Dモデルより立面投影のオルソ画像を作成し、さらにオルソ画像をデジタルトレースすることで立面図を作成する。なお、撮影機材は2000万画素以上のデジタル一眼レフカメラを用い、撮影にあたっては、日差しや影など撮影環境を考慮し、明暗など濃淡のムラのない、統一的な画像を取得すること。②画像データについては、現地調査時に写しこんだカラーチャートまたはグレースケールを基に色調補正を行うこと。③図化にあたっては、石の外形・稜線・破損状況、加工痕跡も正確に描写するとともに、石材相互の組み合わせや積み方などについても詳細かつ正確に描写すること。④デジタルトレースにあたっては、③の図化表現に基づき、種類別にレイヤー分けを行うこと。また、図化に要した画像については配置画像としてリンクさせ、適宜修正可能となるようにすること。⑤図化は対象石造物(層塔)について縮尺 1/20 とし、CAD(DXF 形式)データでの納品とする。第5章 検査第20条 受託者は、作業中及び作業終了後に点検・検査を行い、佐賀県の指示により校正するものとする。ただし、本業務終了後といえども成果品に明らかな誤りが判明した場合、受託者の責任において速やかに訂正を行わなければならない。第6章 成果品第21条 納入する成果品は、次のとおりとする。(1)実測図一式(図面ケースに収納・一覧表も添付)(2)実測図PDFデータ一式(紙出力・データはHDに収納)(3)平面遺構実測図デジタルトレースデータ(dxf・dwg・ai形式)(4)(3)の紙打ち出しデータ(A3判)(5)SfM三次元計測・図化成果品一式①図化データ(DXF形式)[③オルソ画像をリンク配置]②3D形状復元モデル③層塔立面オルソ画像(JPEG・TIF)④①の1/20紙図面(各2枚)5(6)整備工事実施設計成果品一式①設計図書一式データ(DXF形式ほか)②数量計算書データ③特記仕様書データ④①~③の紙打ち出し(A3・A4)(7)デジタルデータを収納したSSD 1点(8)事業完了報告書作業実施状況の管理写真、打合せ整理簿、上記項目の紙成果品をA4ファイルにまとめ、綴じたもの 2部(9)その他必要に応じて佐賀県が指示するもの第22条 納品場所は、監督員の指示により定める。第7章 その他第23条 業務により生じた記録類一切の著作権は佐賀県に帰属する。 [Cultural Property Protection and Utilization Office] A conditional public competitive bid will be held for the outsourcing of surveying and design work for the maintenance work of the scenic Kunen-an Garden. [Cultural Property Protection and Utilization Office] A conditional public competitive bid will be held for the outsourcing of surveying and design work for the maintenance work of the scenic Kunen-an Garden. 1 Announcement A conditional public competitive bid (pre-screening type) will be held as follows. October 15, 2024 Income and expenditure orderer Saga Prefectural Culture and... Saga Prefecture Bidding information is as follows. Subject [Cultural Property Protection and Utilization Office] A conditional public competitive bid will be held for the outsourcing of surveying and design work for the maintenance work of the scenic Kunen-an Garden. Type Services Date of announcement or update October 15, 2024 Organization Saga Prefecture Date of acquisition October 15, 2024 19:13:24 02 Bidding instructions 05 Design drawings, etc. 06 Service contract specifications Announcement contents 1 Announcement A conditional open competitive bidding (pre-screening type) will be conducted as follows. October 15, 2024 Income and expenditures, etc. Orderer Naoki Furukawa, Director of the Cultural Property Protection and Utilization Office, Cultural Affairs Division, Saga Prefecture Cultural and Tourism Bureau 1 Matters to be included in the competitive bidding (1) Name of commissioned work: Contract for surveying and design work for the construction of the famous Kunenan Garden (2) Specifications of the commissioned work, etc.: According to the commissioned work specifications (3) Performance period: From the date of contract conclusion to March 14, 2025 (4) Place of performance: Kanzaki-cho, Kanzaki City (Garden of the famous Kunenan (former Itami family villa)) 2 Matters regarding eligibility to participate in the bid Those who can participate in the bid must meet all of the following requirements. In addition, inquiries may be made to the Saga Prefectural Police Headquarters to confirm the eligibility requirements. (1) A person who has been approved for Saga Prefecture bidding pursuant to Article 2, Paragraph 2 of the Rules Concerning the Examination of Bidding Eligibility for Saga Prefecture Construction Works, etc. (Saga Prefecture Rules No. 21 of 1953), is a registered "civil engineering consultant (landscape gardening)" or "civil engineering consultant (forest civil engineering)" in the "Saga Prefecture Construction Works Execution Capability Grade Table (Construction-related Industry) for 2023-2024" (as of October 1, 2024), and has a head office, branch office, or sales office in Saga Prefecture or outside Saga Prefecture listed in "Other Industries (Cultural Properties)". (2) A person who does not fall under the provisions of Article 167-4 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947). (3) A person who has not been suspended from bidding pursuant to the "Guidelines for Measures such as Suspension of Bidding for Saga Prefecture Construction Works, etc. Contracts and Entrusted Contracts" from the deadline for submission of the application for confirmation of bidding eligibility for this work until the day of opening of bids. (4) The applicant must not have issued a dishonored check or other document to a financial institution, etc., during the period from six months prior to the deadline for submitting the application for confirmation of bidder eligibility for this business to the day of the opening of bids. (5) The applicant must not have commenced reorganization proceedings or filed a petition for commencement of civil rehabilitation proceedings under the Corporate Reorganization Act (Act No. 154 of 2002) or the Civil Rehabilitation Act (Act No. 225 of 1999) by the day of the opening of bids for this business. However, this does not include those whose reorganization plan has been approved or whose reorganization plan has been approved, who have resubmitted an application for bidder eligibility review as provided for in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Review Rules, and have been re-eligibly reviewed under the Review Rules published in the notice. (6) The applicant must have concluded a contract for civil engineering consulting services related to "landscaping" or "forest civil engineering" with the national government (including public corporations, public agencies, and independent administrative institutions), Saga Prefecture, or other local governments within the past five years, and have faithfully performed the contract. This does not include contracts with public interest incorporated foundations as described in 2. (7) Neither the person nor any of the officers, directors, etc. of the company fall under any of the following items, and none of the persons listed in items (i) to (g) below are substantially involved in the management of the company. a) An organized crime group (meaning an organized crime group as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 2 of the Act on Prevention of Unfair Acts by Organized Crime Members (Act No. 77 of 1991); the same applies below.) b) An organized crime member (meaning an organized crime member as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 6 of the same Act; the same applies below.) c) A person who has not yet passed five years since the day on which he or she ceased to be a member of an organized crime group. d) A person who is using an organized crime group or an organized crime member for the purpose of obtaining wrongful benefits for himself or herself, his or her company or a third party, or for the purpose of causing damage to a third party. e) A person who is directly or actively cooperating with or involved in the maintenance and operation of an organized crime group, such as by providing funds, etc., or convenience to an organized crime group or an organized crime member. f) A person who has a relationship with an organized crime group or an organized crime member that can be socially criticized. g) A person who uses an organized crime group or an organized crime member while knowing that they are an organized crime group or an organized crime member. 3. Obligations Required of Bidders Those who wish to participate in a bid must attach relevant documents to their application for confirmation of bidder eligibility and bring it to the department in charge of (2) by 5:15 p.m. on Tuesday, October 29, 2024. Those who do not submit by the deadline or are not eligible to compete will not be able to participate in the bid. If you are asked to explain the documents you submitted, you must comply. You may also be asked to submit additional documents as necessary. Submitted documents will not be used for purposes other than those related to the business. (1) Application for confirmation of bidder eligibility and related documents①Application for confirmation of bidder eligibility (Form 1) *printed on both sides②Business summary (Form 2)③Same type of work performance report (Form 3)④Management engineer report (Form 4)⑤"Notice of Saga Prefecture bidder eligibility decision" (copy) pursuant to Article 2, Paragraph 2 of the Rules on the Review of Bidding Eligibility for Construction Works, etc., of Saga Prefecture (Saga Prefecture Rules No. 21, 1953) (2) Department in chargePostal code: 1-1-59, Jonai, Saga City, Saga Prefecture, 840-8570Saga Prefecture Culture and Tourism Bureau, Culture Division, Cultural Property Protection and Utilization Office, Cultural Property Guidance DepartmentTel: 0952-25-72324The documents submitted in Confirmation of Bidding Eligibility 3 will be reviewed and the suitability of the bidder's eligibility will be determined.The results of the confirmation of bidder eligibility will be notified by email on Friday, November 1, 2024, by sending a "Notice of Bidding Eligibility Decision". If you are dissatisfied with the reason why you were found ineligible to participate in the bid, you may request an explanation of the reason by submitting a request for explanation (Form 5) within five days (excluding holidays) from the date on which you became aware of the facts. 5. Place of submission of bid documents (1) Place of contract clauses and contact information Same as the department in charge in 3(2). (2) Method of delivery of bid documents They will be delivered at 3(2) above between 9:00 am and 5:15 pm on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 to Tuesday, October 29, 2024 (excluding holidays stipulated in Article 1 of the Saga Prefecture Holiday Ordinance (Saga Prefecture Ordinance No. 29 of 1989)). They are also available on the Saga Prefecture website. (3) There will be no bid briefing session. If you are inspecting the site of the work in advance, please be considerate of neighboring residents. (4) Date and time of bidding and opening of bids Date and time: Tuesday, November 12, 2024, 10:00 a.m., Conference Room 6, Former Community Hall, Saga Prefectural Government Bidding method, etc. (1) Bidding method Bidding will be conducted by the bidder or his/her agent bringing the "bid document" (Form 6). However, if an agent is bidding, he/she must submit a "Power of Attorney" (Form 7) before bidding. (2) Withdrawal of bid Bidders or their agents cannot revise, replace, or withdraw the submitted bid document. (3) Amount stated in the bid document In determining the successful bid, the successful bid price will be the amount stated in the bid document plus an amount equivalent to 10/100 of the said amount. Therefore, bidders, regardless of whether they are taxable entities or tax-exempt entities with respect to consumption tax and local consumption tax, must state in the bid document an amount equivalent to 1/100 of the estimated contract amount. (4) Declining a bid Bidders may decline to bid at any time up until the submission of the bid documents, but in case of declining, they must promptly submit a "Notice of Declining Bid" (Form 8). 7 Minimum Price Limit (1) A minimum price limit has been set for bidding for this business outsourcing. (2) The minimum price limit is set based on the "Saga Prefecture Construction-Related Business Outsourcing Minimum Price Limit System Administrative Procedures." ① For "design work", the calculation shall be made in accordance with Administrative Procedures 4 Minimum Price Limit Setting Criteria-1-②4 (estimate based on Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism standards). ② For "surveying work", the calculation shall be made in accordance with Administrative Procedures 4 Minimum Price Limit Setting Criteria-1-①. ③ The minimum price limit for bid document comparison shall be the sum of ① and ② multiplied by 100/110. 8Bid security and contract security (1) Bid security: Exempted pursuant to Article 103, paragraph 3, item 2 of the Saga Prefectural Financial Regulations (Saga Prefectural Regulations No. 35 of 1992). (2) Contract security: Exempt pursuant to Article 115, paragraph 3, item 3 of the Saga Prefectural Financial Regulations (Saga Prefectural Regulations No. 35 of 1992). 9 Questions on the content of the work, etc. Questions on the content of this work and bidding procedures, etc. should be made using the "Questionnaire" (Form 9). (1) Questionnaire submission period: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. from Tuesday, October 15, 2024 to Monday, October 28, 2024. However, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays are excluded. (2) How to submit a questionnaire: Fill out the details of your questions and submit them to the contact point listed below by hand or by e-mail. (If you submit by e-mail, please confirm that the questionnaire has arrived by phone.) (3) Deadline for response: Friday, November 1, 2024 (4) How to respond: Responses will be sent by e-mail to all applicants for confirmation of eligibility to participate in competitive bidding. 10 Contact Information Postal Code: 840-8570 1-1-59 Jonai, Saga City, Saga Prefecture, Japan Cultural and Tourism Bureau, Cultural Affairs Division, Cultural Property Protection and Utilization Office (Corporate Officer: Cultural Property Guidance Officer) TEL: 0952-25-7232 Email: bunkazaihogo@pref.saga.lg.jp> Bidding InstructionsThis bidding instruction manual describes the points that bidders and contract concluders should take note of regarding the execution of the bid and the conclusion of the contract for the commissioning of surveying and design work for the construction of the scenic Kunen-an Garden (hereinafter referred to as "this work"), and bidders are requested to be fully aware of the following points before submitting their bid documents. 1. Name of commissioned work: Commissioning of surveying and design work for the construction of the scenic Kunen-an Garden 2. Work content: As per the commissioned work specifications 3. Qualifications of bidders: Those who are eligible to participate in the bid must meet all of the following requirements. Please note that inquiries may be made to the Saga Prefectural Police Headquarters to confirm the qualification requirements. (1) A person who has been determined eligible to participate in a Saga Prefecture bid pursuant to Article 2, Paragraph 2 of the Rules Concerning the Examination of Eligibility to Participate in Bids for Construction Works, etc. in Saga Prefecture (Saga Prefecture Rules No. 21 of 1953), is a registered "civil engineering consultant (landscape gardening)" or "civil engineering consultant (forest civil engineering)" in the "Saga Prefecture Construction Works Execution Capability Grade Table (Construction-related Industry) for 2023-2024" (as of October 1, 2024), and whose head office, branch office, or sales office in Saga Prefecture or outside Saga Prefecture is listed in "Other Industries (Cultural Properties)". (2) A person who does not fall under the provisions of Article 167-4 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947). (3) A person who has not been suspended from bidding pursuant to the "Guidelines for Measures such as Suspension of Nomination for Contracts and Entrusted Contracts for Construction Works, etc. in Saga Prefecture" from the deadline for submission of the application for confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid for this work until the day of opening of bids. (4) The applicant must not have issued a dishonored check or other document to a financial institution, etc., during the period from six months prior to the deadline for submitting the application for confirmation of bidder eligibility for this business to the day of the opening of bids. (5) The applicant must not have commenced reorganization proceedings or filed a petition for commencement of civil rehabilitation proceedings under the Corporate Reorganization Act (Act No. 154 of 2002) or the Civil Rehabilitation Act (Act No. 225 of 1999) by the day of the opening of bids for this business. However, this does not include an applicant whose reorganization plan has been approved or whose reorganization plan has been approved, who has resubmitted an application for bidder eligibility review as provided for in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Review Rules, and has been re-eligibly reviewed in accordance with the Review Rules published in the public notice. (6) The applicant must have concluded a contract for civil engineering consulting services related to "landscaping" or "forest civil engineering" with the national government (including public corporations, public agencies, and independent administrative institutions), Saga Prefecture, or other local governments within the past five years, and have faithfully performed the contract. This does not include contracts with public interest incorporated foundations. (7) Neither the person nor any of the officers, directors, etc. of the company fall under any of the following items, and none of the persons listed in items (i) to (g) below are substantially involved in the management of the company. a) Organized crime group (meaning an organized crime group as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 2 of the Act on Prevention of Unjust Acts by Organized Crime Members (Act No. 77 of 1991); the same applies below). b) Organized crime member (meaning an organized crime member as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 6 of the same Act; the same applies below). c) A person who has not yet passed five years since the day on which he or she ceased to be an organized crime member. d) A person who uses an organized crime group or an organized crime member for the purpose of obtaining wrongful benefits for himself or herself, his or her company or a third party, or for the purpose of causing damage to a third party. e) A person who directly or actively cooperates with or is involved in the maintenance and operation of an organized crime group, such as by providing funds, etc., or convenience to an organized crime group or an organized crime member. f) A person who has a relationship with an organized crime group or an organized crime member that can be socially criticized. g) A person who knowingly uses an organized crime group or an organized crime member. 4. Date and time of bidding and opening of bids Date and time: Tuesday, November 12, 2024, 10:00 a.m. Location: Saga Prefectural Office, Old Community Hall, Conference Room 9, 5 Bidding method (1) Bidding method Bidding shall be conducted by the bidder or his/her agent bringing the "Bidding Document" (Form 6). However, if an agent submits a bid, he/she shall submit a "Power of Attorney" (Form 7) before bidding. (2) Withdrawal of bid Bidders or their agents may not revise, replace or withdraw the submitted bid. (3) Amount stated in the bid document In determining the successful bid, the successful bid price shall be the amount stated in the bid document plus an amount equivalent to 10/100 of the said amount. Therefore, regardless of whether the bidder is a taxable entity or a tax-exempt entity with respect to consumption tax and local consumption tax, the bidder must state an amount equivalent to 1/100 of the estimated contract amount in the bid document. 6 Bidding security This is waived in accordance with the provisions of Article 103, Paragraph 3, Item 2 of the Saga Prefecture Financial Regulations (Saga Prefecture Regulations No. 35 of 1992). 7 Minimum limit price (1) A minimum limit price is set for bidding for this business outsourcing. (2) The minimum price limit is set based on the "Saga Prefecture Construction-related Works Outsourcing Minimum Price Limit System Administrative Procedures." ① For "design work," the calculation is based on Administrative Procedures 4 Minimum Price Limit Setting Standards-1-② (estimate based on the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism standards). ② For "survey work," the calculation is based on Administrative Procedures 4 Minimum Price Limit Setting Standards-1-①. ③ The minimum price limit for bid comparison is the sum of ① and ② multiplied by 100/110. b8. Declining a bid Declining a bid is handled as follows. (1) A bidder may decline to bid at any time up until the submission of the bid documents. If he/she declines, he/she must promptly submit a "Bid Declination Notice" (Form 8). (2) If a person who has received a notice of eligibility to participate declines to bid, he/she must submit a "Bid Declination Notice" (Form 8) to the contracting officer, etc. in person or by mail (limited to those that arrive by the day before the bid date) up until the execution of the bid. (3) Those who decline to bid will not be disadvantaged in future nominations, etc., for that reason. 9 Ensuring fair bidding Bidders must not engage in any acts that are in violation of the Law on Prohibition of Private Monopolies and Maintenance of Fair Trade (Law No. 54 of 1947), etc. 10 Invalidation and cancellation of bids (1) Bids submitted by those who fall under any of the following items will be invalid. A. Those who are not qualified to participate B. Those who have engaged in fraudulent conduct in the competition C. Those who have submitted bid documents with incorrect or illegible amounts, names, and seals D. Those who have submitted bid documents with no amount listed or with duplicated information E. Those who have submitted bid documents with corrected amounts in the headline F. Those who have submitted bid documents without a correction mark when correcting letters or symbols other than the headline amount G. Those who have submitted bid documents without the name and seal of the bidder or his/her agent, making it impossible to identify the bidder H. Those who have submitted two or more bids I. Those who are agents who are not qualified K. Those who have violated the conditions of the competition, in addition to those listed in the previous items (2) Bids will be cancelled if any of the following items apply. In this case, the bidder shall bear the damages. A. When there is only one bidder as a result of confirmation of bidder eligibility or bidders declining to bid. B. When it is deemed that the bid cannot be conducted fairly due to bidders uniting or engaging in disruptive behavior. C. When it is not possible to conduct bidding or open bids due to natural disasters or other unavoidable reasons. 11Method of determining the successful bidder (1) The successful bidder will be the bidder who submits a valid bid with a price equal to or higher than the minimum price within the estimated price limit. (2) If there are two or more bidders who submit valid bids with a price equal to or higher than the minimum price within the estimated price limit, a lottery will be held immediately by an official who is not involved in the bidding process to determine the successful bidder. (3) If there is no successful bidder after the first bid opening (if there are no bids with a price within the estimated price limit), a second bid will be held immediately. (4) In principle, the number of bids is limited to three. If there is no successful bidder, negotiations for a negotiated contract will be held with the bidder who submitted the lowest price among the valid bidders in the final bid, in accordance with Article 167-2, Paragraph 1, Item 8 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Law. 1 Specifications for the Contract of Surveying and Design for the Construction of the Famous Place of Fame Kunen-an Garden Chapter 1 General Provisions Article 1 These specifications apply to the contract of surveying and design for the construction of the Famous Place of Fame Kunen-an Garden (hereinafter referred to as the "Service"). Article 2 The business entity in the work is Saga Prefecture, and the contractor will carry out the work based on the instructions of the Cultural Property Protection and Utilization Office, Cultural Affairs and Tourism Bureau, Regional Exchange Department (hereinafter referred to as "Saga Prefecture"). Article 3 The work is to carry out the implementation design of the maintenance work in the scenic Kunen-an Garden and the associated surveying, with the purpose of examining and proposing the design of the maintenance work for the garden components that require repair and restoration. Article 4 The contractor will bear in mind that the entire area is within the designated area of ​​the National Place of Scenic Beauty, and will take sufficient care during the work not to damage the trees, stepping stones, stonework, buildings, etc. that are components of the garden. Article 5 Any matters not specified in these specifications will be determined in consultation with Saga Prefecture. Article 6 The contractor will promptly begin the work after consulting with Saga Prefecture after concluding the contract, and when the work is completed, will promptly submit the required report and deliverables and undergo inspection by Saga Prefecture. Article 7 In carrying out the work, in addition to this specification, the following laws, regulations, standards, etc. shall be observed, and the work shall be carried out in accordance with the instructions of the Saga Prefecture supervisor. However, procedures based on the Cultural Properties Protection Act shall be carried out by Saga Prefecture. (1) Cultural Properties Protection Act (2) Labor-related laws and regulations, including the Labor Standards Act and the Industrial Safety and Health Act (3) Survey Act (4) Work Regulations Based on the Survey Act (5) Common Specifications for Design, Investigation, and Survey Work (October 2023, Saga Prefecture Land Development Department) (6) "Historic Site Development Guide" (Supervised by the Monuments Division, Cultural Properties Department, Agency for Cultural Affairs, 2004) Article 8 The contractor shall pay particular attention to matters deemed necessary for cultural property investigation and strive to improve the results. Chapter 2 Basic Matters Article 9 Before starting the work, the contractor and Saga Prefecture shall hold sufficient meetings and promptly submit a start notice and schedule before the start of the work. Article 10 During the survey work, the supervisor shall check on-site as appropriate and make adjustments on the spot as necessary. In addition, for important matters such as changes to the plan, a work meeting record shall be prepared and submitted. Article 11 If legal procedures such as notification to relevant government agencies and other relevant institutions are required in carrying out the work, the contractor shall carry them out responsibly. In addition, if the procedures include conditions for permission and consent, these shall be observed. Article 12 When the contractor obtains permission, consent, etc. in the procedures described in the previous article, the contractor shall submit a copy of the same to the supervisor. (Supervising Engineer)Article 13 The contractor shall designate in advance a managing engineer who will perform the technical management of the work based on the contract documents. 2 The managing engineer shall perform the technical management of the work based on the contract documents. 23 The managing engineer shall be a person who meets any of the following criteria. ① Engineer (Construction Division) ② Qualified engineer registered with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (Facility sector "Geology/Soil (Senior Civil Engineer [Ground/Foundations]/1st Class Civil Engineer [Ground/Foundations])" or "Urban Parks, etc. (RCCM [Landscape Gardening])" Division) ③ Civil Consulting Manager (RCCM) ④ Certified civil engineer by the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (Special Senior Civil Engineer, Senior Civil Engineer or 1st Class Civil Engineer) ⑤ 1st or 2nd Class civil construction management engineer or landscape gardening construction management engineer ⑥ Engineer with the same abilities and experience as ① to ⑤ 4. If it becomes necessary to change the managing engineer, this must be reported to Saga Prefecture immediately and approval must be obtained. (Supervisor) Article 14 Saga Prefecture shall appoint a supervisor who will give instructions, approval or consultation to the managing engineer in relation to the work, and notify the contractor. (Subcontracting) Article 15 The contractor shall not entrust or subcontract all or part of the work to a third party. However, this does not apply if the prior consent of Saga Prefecture is obtained for the subcontracting of part of the work. 2 When subcontracting part of the work, the contractor shall endeavor to select and subcontract from among contractors in Saga Prefecture. (Safety Management) Article 16 The contractor shall take sufficient measures for safety management when carrying out the work. 2 As the employer and employer of the workers engaged in the work, the contractor shall bear all responsibilities set forth in the Labor Standards Act, the Industrial Safety and Health Act and other laws and regulations. 3 When the contractor deems it necessary to prevent accidents, he/she shall take measures as needed. 4 Any accidents that occur during the performance of the work or damages caused to third parties due to the contractor's failure to exercise due care shall be resolved at the contractor's responsibility, and the details of such damages shall be promptly reported to Saga Prefecture. However, if the damages are caused by reasons attributable to Saga Prefecture, they shall be borne by Saga Prefecture, and the amount shall be determined by consultation between the two parties. Article 17 As the subject site is adjacent to the shrine grounds and there are private homes nearby, please be sure to pay close attention to safety when passing and parking vehicles and when working on public roads. 2 As the garden area of ​​the subject site is kept locked at all times, you must notify Saga Prefecture in advance when entering. Upon receiving the notification, Saga Prefecture will contact the manager and request that he or she unlock the area. Chapter 3 Work Overview Article 18 The work overview for this job is as follows: (1) Name of commissioned work: Commissioned surveying and design work for the preservation and maintenance work of the scenic Kunen-an Garden (2) Location of work: Kanzaki-cho, Kanzaki City (Scenic Kunen-an (former Itami family villa) Garden) (3) Performance period: From the date of contract conclusion to March 14, 2025 (4) Work content [Design work] ① Design for the implementation of the maintenance work Design target ○ Design for the implementation of the maintenance work for the garden and forest areas, set of 3 Design content 1) Excavation and transportation of soil Design target area 410 m2 (Breakdown) A Slope repair 60 m2 B Dredged soil and sediment removal 350 m2 2) Garden path repair 1 location 3) Stone structure repair 3 locations 4) Fallen tree removal and transportation 7 locations [Surveying work] ② Creation of a cross-sectional map of the current topography (1/20) 31 m ③ Creation of a measured map of the planar remains (1/20) 6 m2 ④ SfM 3D measurement and drawing 6 m2 Chapter 4 Work Details Article 19The work is as follows. [Design work] Implementation design for maintenance work① Preparation of implementation design documents for the garden and forest areas of the scenic Kunen-an Garden.② The work involved in the implementation design is as follows. (1) On-site survey (2) Organizing design conditions (3) Consideration of maintenance content (4) Consideration of construction plans (5) Preparation of implementation design drawings (6) Preparation of quantity statements (7) Estimation of estimated construction costs (8) Preparation of construction specifications③ The type of work for maintenance work will be park construction (paving work for garden paths, etc., landscaping facility construction work, slope shaping work, site development work, tree felling work, etc.).④ The consideration of the construction plan will include the creation of a tentative plan.⑤ The implementation design drawings to be prepared will be as follows. However, they may be changed in consultation with the supervisor. In addition, existing drawings (topographical survey maps, etc.) necessary for the design drawings will be provided by Saga Prefecture. (1) Current status map (subject land plan and cross section) (2) Tentative design drawings (plan, etc.) (3) Construction plan, detailed drawings (plan, cross section) (4) Standard construction drawings (standard cross section, standard specification, etc.) [Survey work] Creation of current topographical cross section (1/20) ① Create cross section measurements at a scale of 1/20 for the areas of the survey subject area specified by the supervisor. ② Cross sections are basically single-line drawings of elevations, but also include the addition of supplementary lines such as the boundary between the ground surface and the ground surface. ③ Cross sections are created using CAD (DXF format) data, and graph paper or paper measurement drawings are not created. ④ Quantity management is based on the plan distance (m) of the cross section side line. 4 Creation of planar remains measurement map (1/20) ① When taking measurements, set auxiliary points as necessary to ensure smooth work. ② When taking measurements, pay attention to the following. A) A uniform system should be maintained throughout the entire survey area, and each ruin should be mapped in detail. B) Elevation points on the measured map should be recorded as elevation values ​​(in meters, to the second decimal place (cm)). C) The density of elevation points on the measured map should be at 1m intervals, but for ruins, the outline and middle and lower parts should also be measured and recorded in detail. ③ An electronic flat panel display may be used for the actual measurements. In this case, the deliverables should be drawings printed on A2 graph paper at a scale of 1/20 and CAD (DXF format) data. SfM 3D Measurement and Plotting of Stone Structures (1/20) ① For the stone structure (story tower) to be repaired, SfM 3D measurements are performed based on images taken from multiple viewpoints by a digital camera, and a 3D shape restoration model is created. For plotting, an ortho-image of the elevation projection is created from the 3D model, and then an elevation drawing is created by digitally tracing the ortho-image. The photographing equipment shall be a digital single-lens reflex camera with 20 million pixels or more, and the photographing environment, such as sunlight and shadows, shall be taken into consideration to obtain uniform images without unevenness in light and dark. ② The image data shall be color-corrected based on a color chart or grayscale photographed during the on-site survey. ③ When drawing, the outline, ridges, damage, and processing traces of the stones shall be accurately depicted, and the combination and stacking method of the stones shall be described in detail and accurately. ④ When digitally tracing, layers shall be divided by type based on the drawing expression in ③. In addition, the images required for drawing shall be linked as layout images so that they can be modified as necessary. ⑤ Drawings shall be made at a scale of 1/20 for the target stone structure (story tower), and the data shall be delivered as CAD (DXF format) data. Chapter 5 Inspection Article 20 The contractor shall inspect and inspect during and after the work, and proofread as instructed by Saga Prefecture. However, if any obvious errors are found in the deliverables even after the completion of this work, the contractor must promptly correct them at its own responsibility. Chapter 6 Deliverables Article 21 The deliverables to be delivered shall be as follows. (1) Complete set of measured drawings (stored in a drawing case; list also attached) (2) Complete set of PDF data of measured drawings (printed on paper; data stored on HDD) (3) Digital trace data of measured drawings of planar remains (dxf, dwg, ai formats) (4) Paper printout data of (3) (A3 size) (5) Complete set of SfM 3D measurement and plotting results ① Plotting data (DXF format) [③ Ortho image linked] ② 3D shape restoration model ③ Pagoda elevation ortho image (JPEG, TIF) ④ 1/20 paper drawing of ① (2 sheets each) 5 (6) Complete set of maintenance work implementation design results ① Complete set of design document data (DXF format, etc.) ② Quantity calculation data ③ Special specification data ④ Paper printouts of ① to ③ (A3, A4) (7) 1 SSD containing digital data (8) Project completion report: Management photos of the work implementation status, meeting log, and the paper results of the above items compiled and bound in A4 files Part 2 (9) Any other matters as instructed by Saga Prefecture as necessary Article 22 The place of delivery shall be determined by the instructions of the Supervisor. Chapter 7 Other Article 23 The copyright of all records generated in the course of business shall belong to Saga Prefecture.The density of elevation points on the survey map shall be at 1m intervals, but for the remains, the outline and the middle and lower parts of the remains shall be measured and recorded in detail. ③ An electronic flat panel may be used for the survey. In this case, the deliverables shall be drawings printed on A2 graph paper at a scale of 1/20 and CAD (DXF format) data. Stonework SfM 3D Measurement and Plotting (1/20) ① For the stonework (storied tower) to be repaired, SfM 3D measurement shall be performed based on multi-viewpoint images taken with a digital camera, and a 3D shape restoration model shall be created. For plotting, an elevation projection orthoimage shall be created from the 3D model, and an elevation shall be created by digitally tracing the orthoimage. The photographing equipment shall be a digital single-lens reflex camera with 20 million pixels or more, and the photographing environment, such as sunlight and shadows, shall be taken into consideration, and uniform images without unevenness in light and dark, etc. shall be obtained. ② Color correction shall be performed on the image data based on a color chart or grayscale taken during the on-site survey. ③ When drawing, the outline, ridges, damage, and processing traces of the stones shall be accurately depicted, and the combination of the stones and the stacking method shall be described in detail and accurately. ④ When digitally tracing, layers shall be divided by type based on the drawing expression in ③. In addition, the images required for drawing shall be linked as layout images so that they can be modified as necessary. ⑤ Drawing shall be at a scale of 1/20 for the target stone structure (pagoda), and the data shall be delivered as CAD (DXF format). Chapter 5 Inspection Article 20 The contractor shall inspect and inspect during and after the work is completed, and proofread as instructed by Saga Prefecture. However, even after the completion of this work, if obvious errors are found in the deliverables, the contractor shall promptly correct them at its own responsibility. Chapter 6 Deliverables Article 21 The deliverables to be delivered shall be as follows. (1) Complete set of measured drawings (stored in a drawing case; list also attached) (2) Complete set of PDF data of measured drawings (printed on paper; data stored on HDD) (3) Digital trace data of measured drawings of planar remains (dxf, dwg, ai formats) (4) Paper printout data of (3) (A3 size) (5) Complete set of SfM 3D measurement and plotting results ① Plotting data (DXF format) [③ Ortho image linked] ② 3D shape restoration model ③ Pagoda elevation ortho image (JPEG, TIF) ④ 1/20 paper drawing of ① (2 sheets each) 5 (6) Complete set of maintenance work implementation design results ① Complete set of design document data (DXF format, etc.) ② Quantity calculation data ③ Special specification data ④ Paper printouts of ① to ③ (A3, A4) (7) 1 SSD containing digital data (8) Project completion report: Management photos of the work implementation status, meeting log, and the paper results of the above items compiled and bound in A4 files Part 2 (9) Any other matters as instructed by Saga Prefecture as necessary Article 22 The place of delivery shall be determined by the instructions of the Supervisor. Chapter 7 Other Article 23 The copyright of all records generated in the course of business shall belong to Saga Prefecture.The density of elevation points on the survey map shall be at 1m intervals, but for the remains, the outline and the middle and lower parts of the remains shall be measured and recorded in detail. ③ An electronic flat panel may be used for the survey. In this case, the deliverables shall be drawings printed on A2 graph paper at a scale of 1/20 and CAD (DXF format) data. Stonework SfM 3D Measurement and Plotting (1/20) ① For the stonework (storied tower) to be repaired, SfM 3D measurement shall be performed based on multi-viewpoint images taken with a digital camera, and a 3D shape restoration model shall be created. For plotting, an elevation projection orthoimage shall be created from the 3D model, and an elevation shall be created by digitally tracing the orthoimage. The photographing equipment shall be a digital single-lens reflex camera with 20 million pixels or more, and the photographing environment, such as sunlight and shadows, shall be taken into consideration, and uniform images without unevenness in light and dark, etc. shall be obtained. ② Color correction shall be performed on the image data based on a color chart or grayscale taken during the on-site survey. ③ When drawing, the outline, ridges, damage, and processing traces of the stones shall be accurately depicted, and the combination of the stones and the stacking method shall be described in detail and accurately. ④ When digitally tracing, layers shall be divided by type based on the drawing expression in ③. In addition, the images required for drawing shall be linked as layout images so that they can be modified as necessary. ⑤ Drawing shall be at a scale of 1/20 for the target stone structure (pagoda), and the data shall be delivered as CAD (DXF format). Chapter 5 Inspection Article 20 The contractor shall inspect and inspect during and after the work is completed, and proofread as instructed by Saga Prefecture. However, even after the completion of this work, if obvious errors are found in the deliverables, the contractor shall promptly correct them at its own responsibility. Chapter 6 Deliverables Article 21 The deliverables to be delivered shall be as follows. (1) Complete set of measured drawings (stored in a drawing case; list also attached) (2) Complete set of PDF data of measured drawings (printed on paper; data stored on HDD) (3) Digital trace data of measured drawings of planar remains (dxf, dwg, ai formats) (4) Paper printout data of (3) (A3 size) (5) Complete set of SfM 3D measurement and plotting results ① Plotting data (DXF format) [③ Ortho image linked] ② 3D shape restoration model ③ Pagoda elevation ortho image (JPEG, TIF) ④ 1/20 paper drawing of ① (2 sheets each) 5 (6) Complete set of maintenance work implementation design results ① Complete set of design document data (DXF format, etc.) ② Quantity calculation data ③ Special specification data ④ Paper printouts of ① to ③ (A3, A4) (7) 1 SSD containing digital data (8) Project completion report: Management photos of the work implementation status, meeting log, and the paper results of the above items compiled and bound in A4 files Part 2 (9) Any other matters as instructed by Saga Prefecture as necessary Article 22 The place of delivery shall be determined by the instructions of the Supervisor. Chapter 7 Other Article 23 The copyright of all records generated in the course of business shall belong to Saga Prefecture.
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